#ava primrose*
heartmeadows · 1 year
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fatestouch · 1 year
Alli: ^ ^;; *readies the icepacks*
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“You understand, Alli. With children like these, sometimes they just need to get the energy out. They haven’t changed since they were children in the slightest.”
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inkbutterflyuniverse · 3 months
So, I finished season 2 of Unicorn Academy. Like the first season, it was very predictable (but it's a kid show, so that's normal), and I have some thoughts.
Primrose was the thief all along? I'm so shocked, who would have thought???
Nah yeah I'm just kidding. It was obvious. The thief could use illusions. She knew that Sophia was searching for the stars before Valentina told her. She said that it was because the other teacher told her, but it was obvious that she knew it wasn't just some questions about it. So yeah, I knew it all along. But as I said, it's a kid show so for adults it's easy to deduce what will happen.
What I really wanted to talk about was Sophia and Valentina.
Since season 1, Sophia annoyed me a lot. Every stupid decision she takes is rewarded after, and honestly, I'm mad.
I can understand that they want to tell the kids that if you believe in something, it will happen if you do everything for it, but personally, I think the message doesn't work well.
Why? Because Sophia is so obsessed by her father that everyone is in danger because of her. I don't like that every time she has a crazy stupid plan and someone calls her out (Ava in season 1, when telling her what friendship really is, and Valentina this season when she said that Grimoria could come back), then that very same person ends up helping her.
Yes in the end everything is good because it's a kid show and the protagonists will succeed, but how much I wished they fail.
This season, I was Team Valentina. This girl was right about EVERYTHING. And everyone took Sophia's side: "if Grimoria comes back we will fight it and win! We're with you Sophia!". Like, even Layla was okay with it.
There was a moment where Layla was like "we should talk about what to do if it happens", and Sophia was like "later", but it was never talked again. They made NO PLAN and Layla was okay with that.
By wanting to put Valentina in an antagonist position while making Sophia the hero, they make everyone validate her actions and words, and I'm tired of it.
Valentina deserved better. Yes she is annoying, yes she is arrogant, yes she wanted to succeed the exam that she tried to be the leader and she caused some problems in the Ruins. But honestly, that's normal. She isn't perfect, and she will also make mistakes and put people in danger.
But it's because of her pride, and she proved that she was ready to sacrifice herself rather than put the other in danger with her aunt un the Ruins. She told them to go, she knew the consequences of staying.
While Sophia ignores the potential consequences. "A villain could come back and put the whole island in danger if I save my dad? Pfff, we can beat it!".
Now, her father is safe and Lazul was beaten, but the bad magic is still here. And it will cause problems to the all island.
I had a little faith in Sophia's father when he was angry at her at first, but after they saved him, he was like "congratulations!" like she never did anything wrong in the beginning.
Conclusion: I'm mad at this show for the way Sophia is written.
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anythinguca · 2 months
Valbel Headcanons
They first got closer after they got stranded at that bridge
But didn’t really spend time together till after the Fairy Moon party, Valentina comforted Isabel after the whole fiasco as believe it or not, she did almost lose River.
When Mona Furi comes to UA Isabel notices that something is bothering her, she makes Valentina confide in her
The two are a bit close, at least enough that when Layla is off on sleepovers (third wheeling) with Ava and Sophia she sneaks in while she’s working out and they just… hang?
The only one who knows what’s going on between them is Rory (Val’s bff, let’s be honest, her friendship with the Legacy Ladies is not healthy) who despite the constant teasing, doesn’t tell anyone.
Keep in mind that although she and Isabel hang out all night and she feels happy when she’s around and constantly challenges her to competitions to speak to her longer she does not like her
Fast forward to when she and Sophia start fighting about the whole thing and she starts to feel like Isabel might be siding against her and that week, she misses their nightly hang out.
At first, Isabel doesn’t think much of it, which Valentina thinks means that she doesn’t care about her and then starts to ignore her, then Isabel confronts her.
When lessons are done and everyone was leaving the room, Isabel holds Valentina;s hand to prevents her from leaving, Rory sends Val looks but she says nothing to him as he exits, letting the two talk.
“What’s your deal?” Valentina shakes her head “Nothing that you’d care about” Isabel gets a bit angry “Why wouldn’t I? I care about you?” Val rolls her eyes “If you did, you wouldn’t be ignoring me like you have been” confusion trinkled her eyes “But you’ve been avoiding me, so I decided to give you space”
“Well only cause you’ve been parading around with Sophia and the ‘how to die young’ brigade!” Isabel’s face softens “Are you worried about me?” she shakes her head “I just want to ensure the safety of everyone in Sapphire dorm” Isabel smiles “I’m strong enough to take care of myself, no matter what happens, I’ll be okay”
Someone (Rory) asks for details about everything that happened that day and reluctantly Val gives them to him, his live reaction being all “SHE’S SO INTO YOU, YOU BETTER ASK HER OUT”
Of course she doesn't believe him though, so the term goes by and everyone’s getting ready to go home for the holidays (Sophia being the most annoying as she kept on singing the words “I get to see both my parents together again”)
Everyone else is packing to go home while Valentina isn’t, Ava asks her about it and she responds with “To get extra practice” and immediately changes the subject before leaving the room.
Skip to their last night before holidays and Isabel and Val are in silence before she asks “No offense, and you don;t have to respond but, why aren’t you going home?” the room stays in silence before she’s all like “Cause there’s no home to go back to, my parents aren’t here right now”
She tells her about how her parents, ever since leaving the academy, have done nothing but fly from country to country and are still on some island for all the holidays.
Isabel looks up at her “Do you want to stay here with Miss Furi and Primrose?” she shakes her head “Not really, but what choice do I have” Isabel stops what she’s doing and turns to her “This one, you are coming to my house for the holiday and I’m not taking no for an answer” Val chuckles “I wasn’t going to say no” then Isabel smiles “Go get packing, then! I'll help”
Fast forward and Val meets Isabel’s parents, brothers, coach and dog. The first thing she hears when she meets her oldest brother is “Never knew Isabel could pull a girl this pretty” she takes it as a compliment but Isabel punches him in the arm.
Rory goes CRAZY when he hears the news via text, he’s all like “Is this where I get the wedding invite?” 
The two ride on their horses (Val got one of her family’s live-in butlers to bring one of their horses to Isabel’s) all the time, one time when they were particularly far out and were tired they lay on the ground.
“Isabel?” she hums “Why are you letting me stay here?” Isabel shrugs “Why not?” Val sits up “In your house, in your dorm, why did you let me stay? I was horrible to you!” Isabel grins “To be fair, I think we were equally horrible to each other”
Val frowns “Sometimes I wonder why I ran after you that day when every fibre in my body said I hated you” Isabel smiled “Me too, I thought you were just some stuck up entitled princess, but now it seems like there’s a lot more to you”
Then they kiss and it seems like everything is okay, but then they both get a text that ruins the mood. (Activity in the group chat)
They laugh, and agree that there might be something between them, and may try to explore that, but within their schedules
And they just have fun, bake cookies (none of them can bake) and ride horses till the next semester
Then? Haha, Danny comes back and problems come around. (Part 2 later)
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the sweetest taboo chapter [7/9]
Avatrice 1930s AU
Fandom: Warrior Nun
Ship: Ava Silva x Sister Beatrice
Rating: M
Word Count: 15k
Chapter summary: departing Canterbury, a fraught drive through the downs, confessions on a log, Lilith the chauffeur, London (!!!), an argument, and conversations on Primrose Hill.
This one was tricky to write, but also a lot of fun. Enjoy !
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nobleclover · 2 months
OK so because I have a head like a sieve and I really want more asks about my OCs in my inbox, here is a comprehensive list of ALL the OCs I have! (I had to remember the names of some OCs, qwq) Plus, this list will be subject to change since I can't stop coming up with OCs, lmao. XP
They are divided into OCs for my original projects, as well as fan OCs for my interests. Plus, I'll be sharing a link to this post in my pinned.
Original works (most project names pending):
🦭: Jake, Úna, Deirdre, Orla, Ronan, Audrey, Aodh, Diarmuid, Fiaidh
The Missing Ghost 👻: Milo, Kayla, Samuel, Yvonne, Mrs. Fisher, Liam, Jolene, Rory, Cora, Toby, Elsie, Rosie, Simon, Mrs. Braddock
😈: Rea, Cayden, Jess, Uriel, Ebony, Ha-neul, Elijah, Nathara, Zoe, Christian, Quinn, Nick
🐺: Maureen, Ross
🎃: Layla, Patrick, Zak, Laurie, Ava, Lorraine, Randy, Trisha, Hugh
🐝🕷: Primrose and Horatio
Fan works:
Cuphead: Robbie, CJ, Saffron, Earl, Juniper, Coral, Elmar, Aidan, Earl Grey, Juniper Tea, Sorrel, Dahlia, Nathaniel Kahl, Ronan, Candy, Sugarelle
BATIM: Ivy, Barry, Dorothy
Rayman: Aria, Genette, King
Coraline: Rachel Lovat-Jones
Undertale: Sanselle, Aldyne
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megalizardon4736 · 13 days
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Maaike Haas Makeover 💚
Defaults -
Beetle Eyes 2 by squeamishsims
No EA Lashes by Kijiko
Skin Details -
Fleur Skinblend by lunamoth
Cleavage Mask n4 Overlay by northern siberia winds
Body Mask Overlay #15 by sims3melancholic
Primrose Freckles by peachyfaerie
JowlsMergedSD by faaeish
Hair -
Dune Hairstyle by simstrouble
Eyes -
Oasis Eyes N155 by Pralinesims
Eyelash v5 by MMSIMS
Makeup -
Margot Eyeliner by Pralinesims
Kendell Blush by crypticsim
Toulouse Eyeshadow by crypticsim
Prism Lipstick by TwistedCat
Pinus Lipstick by RemusSirion (TSR)
Sundown Syndrome Mousey Lips by Pyxis
Clothes -
Snuggly Sweater by aharris00britney
Crème Knit Skirt by Rusty's
Classic Wedges by Renorasims
Pearl Earrings by Rusty's
Gold Necklace by Enriques4
Dorothy Rings by arethabee
Rachel Dress by Renorasims
Ornament Bracelet by Joliebean
Shoes For Kate by Rusty's
Sora Top by Trillyke
Ava Leggings by serenity
Street Boots by serenity
Pajama Shirt and Shorts by Caio
Su Socks by Madlen
Passion Necklace by aharris00britney
Ayelet Watch by Madlen
Ashley Earrings by arethabee
Wildcat Heels by Regina Raven
@sims3melancholic @faaeish @flowermilksims @thepeachyfaerie
@twisted-cat @pyxiidis @remussirion @pralinesims @simstrouble
@mmsims @trillyke @serenity-cc @rustys-cc @renorasims
@regina-raven @madlensims @caio-cc @aharris00britney
@joliebean @arethabee
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amethystunicorn2727 · 2 months
Unicorn Academy - Honorary Siblings
Chapter 3
September 30, 2023
Talulah woke up, and immediately checked to see if she had dreamt the whole scenario. But as she looked around and saw that her new room was real, Talulah couldn't help but let out a quiet laugh. Even though it was right in front of her, she still couldn't believe it. Talulah didn't have time to believe it though, because Rory, Ava, and Valentina had suddenly opened the door, all of them feeling eager to show her around the academy. Talulah jumped at the sudden slam of the doors opening, but recovered before any of her dorm mates noticed. Valentina talked endlessly about how Talulah was going to be one of the most popular kids at school before the day was over, Ava kept squealing and getting excited over how much Talulah was going to love finding her unicorn, and Rory ate a banana at an alarming pace while mentioning the best secret rooms in the academy that he could show her. Politely asking the trio to leave so she could get dressed, Talulah brushed her hair in front of the mirror, but stopped when she saw the box that held her tiara. Talulah wore that tiara everyday, no matter what. But now that she was starting over, especially since she was trying to leave her royal life behind, Talulah just shoved the box in the top left drawer. The sight of her old headpiece left Talulah feeling down, but a knock on the door from Rory interrupted her spiral. Talulah went off to breakfast with the rest of Sapphire Dorm, and managed to forget the tiara, listening to the gang talking and messing around without a care in the world. But as much as she wanted to relax and join them, she couldn't. It felt like an instinct to hold her posture and act sophisticated, despite hating every second of it.
Right off the bat, Rory started noticing things about Talulah that he hadn't seen the day before. During breakfast, while the rest of them ate their food and messed around with each other, Talulah kept her posture and ate with delicacy. She'd hold her breath when an adult addressed her, always worried that she came off rude to the teachers, even when she had responded with dignity and respect. Rory didn't necessarily believe the life of a royal was easy, but he didn't think Talulah's routine and life would be so demanding. Even when everyone told her that she could relax, she kept her head held up and had the same regal, fake smile on her face. Everybody knew the fake smiles weren't directed at them in a mocking manner, but the students couldn't figure out why Talulah wasn't letting her guard down. The rest of the students rode off to Wonder Wood Forest, ready to meet Talulah's unicorn. But Rory stayed next to Talulah the whole time, trying to figure out a way he could help her relax.
Rory - "You alright, Talulah?"
Talulah - "Huh? Oh, yeah! I'm just nervous, I guess."
Ava - "Don't worry! I'm sure your unicorn is gonna be just around the corner! He or she is probably already waiting for you!"
Talulah - "I hope so. This is the best I've felt in...forever."
Ms. Primrose - "Talulah Fairchild, it is with great honor that I introduce you to Wonder Wood Forest, where the unicorns of this island live before they find their riders!"
Talulah - "Woah!"
Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of her, Talulah mentally checked, again, to make sure she wasn't dreaming. The forest was absolutely gorgeous, and the entire place gave off a sense of peace and harmony. The purple fate fair from the day before flew in front of Talulah, causing her to jump back in surprise. As Ms. Primrose explained how she'd find her unicorn, Talulah kept her back straight and her face as neutral as possible. Internally, she was panicking because she knew that her calm demeanor was fading.
Ms. Primrose - "The Wonder Wood Forest is the home to the unicorns of this island, and within those mystical trees, you'll find the unicorn you're meant to be with. If you and the unicorn are a match, the fate fairy will glow, signifying your special bond. When you've found your unicorn, return to us, and we'll get on with the naming ceremony."
Valentina - "You've got this, Talulah!"
Isabel - "You go, Dudette!"
Ava - "Good luck, Talulah!"
Layla - "We believe in you!"
Sophia - "Don't worry, Talulah! You'll find them!"
Rory - "Go find your unicorn!"
Talulah - "...I will. Thanks guys."
Once she was out of view from the rest of the students, Talulah let herself breathe against a tree, holding her chest as she tried comprehending the fact that everyone was cheering her on. She'd been cheered on before, if you count crowds of people who haven't seen the real Talulah. It felt weird having this many people be genuinely interested and excited for her, and not fake support done for attention and a chance to be in the spotlight. Making her way through the forest, Talulah found herself in absolute wonder by the endless wonders within the woods. Colorful bunnies with wings, flowers with tiger faces on them, floating flowers. What didn't this island have?
And with that, her curiosity was replaced with fear. Talulah looked around for the fate fairy that'd followed her into the woods, but the fairy was nowhere to be seen. Holding her posture straight and in place, Talulah looked at her surroundings. Talulah gripped at the loose strands in her hair, formally placed in a neat, french twist.
Talulah - "Hello?! Is someone there?!"
??? - "..."
Talulah - "Who's there?! Who are you?!"
Talulah, feeling a strange mix between bravery and fear, walked towards a pair bushes that were slightly covered by the trees around them. Anything could hide in those bushes, so why was she walking towards them? Stretching her left hand towards the plant covered bushes, Talulah jumped back when something walked and parted the leaves and petals. A strong unicorn walked towards her, with calm and tranquil emerald eyes. Talulah jumped back and felt herself leaning against a tree, at first trying to make herself look small against the tall unicorn. Realizing that he wasn't making an effort to attack or threaten her, Talulah let herself take in the unicorn's appearance. He was majestic, and his eyes sparkled with the light that peaked through the leaves.
Talulah - "...Hello. I'm Talulah."
??? - "..."
The unicorn walked up and placed his head against Talulah's hand, and the princess took this as a sign to pet the rather large unicorn as though he was a small, loving puppy. His bright green eyes locked with her blue ones, and for once, Talulah felt at peace. That peace was slightly disturbed though when the purple fate fairy following her had reappeared and started glowing. The unicorn stepped back and squealed, but calmed down once he felt Talulah's hand go through his mane.
Talulah - "Its okay! It's okay, the fairy won't hurt you. Heh, if I'm being honest, the fairies kinda freaked me out at first as well."
??? - "..."
Talulah - "...So I think you and I might be a match. If what Ms. Primrose said was right, of course. But if you don't wanna match, that's totally fine! I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I'm just gonna get going now."
Walking away from the unicorn, Talulah ignored the sinking feeling when she removed her hand from his long and healthy mane. Sensing her distress, the large beast let out a neigh and walked up to the princess, letting his head nuzzle against her back. Talulah took this as a sign that he trusted and wanted to match with her, so she carefully placed a hand on his shoulder, guiding him to the end of the forest where she knew the rest of the students and teachers were waiting.
Talulah - "So...you wanna be matched? If you are, so am I. This is the best I've felt in a long time!"
The unicorn neighed in response, ignoring the fate fairy that flew ahead of him and Talulah, guiding the duo to campus. Like she figured, the students were waiting with their own unicorns for her return, some more patient than others, and started cheering once they say her. The teachers smiled at her return, but before Talulah could blink, all of them were shouting at her in terror.
Sophia - "Talulah, you made it—Talulah, watch out!"
Talulah - "Huh?!"
Rory - "I'll save you, Talulah!"
Talulah - "What's going on?!"
Ava - "That unicorn, he's dangerous!"
As Talulah tried processing the situation, she felt her unicorn who voiced his displeasure against the other unicorns and students push her gently behind him, as if protecting her. Rory tried grabbing her to safety, but one aggressive snap from her new unicorn friend sent him stumbling back. The teachers stood trying to figure out how they could get Talulah to safety without setting off the rather violent unicorn. Still not realizing that everyone was scared of the unicorn she matched with, Talulah stepped in front of him and managed to grab his attention, calming him down almost immediately. Everyone stood in shock, trying to process what they were looking at. This unicorn tried to jump them the day before, and now he was a calm, serene beast who stood at the command of Talulah.
Talulah - "You're okay! You're okay, boy. It's alright, they're good people! You don't have to be scared."
Layla - "...Are my glasses foggy or is that unicorn from yesterday being pet by Talulah? Willingly, at that?"
Ms. Furi - "I don't believe it..."
Isabel - "Dude, you have no idea who that unicorn is, do you?!"
Rory - "She's got the magic touch!"
Talulah - "What are you talking about? This unicorn has been nothing but friendly to me!"
Sophia - "Eh, friendly isn't the term we'd use for our interaction from yesterday."
Ms. Primrose - "...It seems that the wild unicorn has managed to find a match, even after all our...concerns."
Talulah - "Concerns? What do you mean?"
Ms. Primrose - "...It doesn't matter. Come! It's time for the naming ceremony!"
Talulah kept her hand on the unicorn, ignoring the questions she had about this...entire situation, and followed closer to Rory, who kept a careful eye on both her and the unicorn following her. Talulah made her way to the front of the group, trying to keep her attention off the crowd that stared at her in awe and curiosity, and looked at the structure in front of her. Ms. Primrose walked to the front, and the teachers stood at the sides, giving looks of encouragement to Talulah, while trying to hide their fear of the unicorn beside her. The purple fate fairy that went with her through the forest flew to the top of the structure, ready to announce Talulah and her unicorn's name.
Ms. Primrose - "Now that you've met your unicorn, Talulah, the fate fairy shall name him and give you your official riding uniform!"
Talulah - "...You ready, boy?"
Fate Fairy - "Talulah and..."
All - "..."
Fate Fairy - "Feather!"
Talulah looked at Feather in wonder, before both of them walked through the new portal that would change their appearance. The pair made it through the other side, and looked at their new outfits in amazement. The two looked at each other and gawked at their new looks, before Talulah was tugged into a hug from Rory and Ava. The students all cheered excitedly at her new look, and Talulah tried calming her racing heartbeat from the sudden affection, but covered it with the smile she'd practiced time and time before.
Sophia - "Woohoo!"
Valentina - "You look amazing, Talulah!"
Isabel - "Dude, you and Feather look awesome!"
Rory - "Hahaha! Now that's what you call good looks!"
Layla - "You did it!"
Ava - "Aww! You guys look so adorable!"
Talulah - "Heh! Thanks, guys!"
Feather stood on guard, watching Talulah as she stood surrounded by the rest of the students, making a mental note of her fidget at the sudden contact. Looking away as he felt someone's eyes on him, Feather locked eyes with Leaf, who looked at him with a heart that was both hopeful and fearful. Not wanting the confrontation he knew would occur, Feather gave his sister a small nod before focusing his attention on Talulah, nuzzling her shoulder as she talked to the rest of the students.
Rory - "So, Lulah, now that you've got your unicorn, you ready to ride?!"
Talulah - "Yeah, I think so...Wait...Lulah?"
Rory - "Yeah, my new nickname for you!"
Sophia - "Come with us, Talulah! You're gonna love riding class!"
Talulah climbed onto Feather's back, and followed the eager riders who lead her to the track, where Ms. Primrose and Ms. Wildwood stood patiently. Everyone already knew she could ride, but the teachers wanted to let Talulah show off what she could do to determine how she'd fit in with the rest of the class. And to say they were shocked would be an understatement. As if they've been riding together for years, Talulah and Feather went around the track and did dressage moves effortlessly. Feather, as if in tune with Talulah's mind, made every jump and trick before she could instruct him on what to do. Making their way back to the group, Talulah gripped the reins a little tighter as she listened to the other students praising her.
Rory - "Lulah, that was awesome!"
Sophia - "That was incredible!"
Ava - "You and Feather were so in sync!"
Layla - "It's like Feather was able to read your mind, Talulah!"
Isabel - "You've got competition, Val!"
Valentina - "I'd expect no less from someone as talented as Talulah!"
Rory - "Now that you're a rider, we gotta show you the best trails!"
Ms. Primrose - "That's an excellent idea, Mr. Carmichael! Why don't you all take Talulah and Feather on one of the trails and get to know each other? It might be a chance for you to bond with your unicorn, Ms. Fairchild!"
Talulah - "Bond? I thought Feather and I'd already connected."
Sophia - "Yeah, but bonding with a unicorn is a little different."
Ava - "It's when your unicorn gets their magical powers, and your hair gets all colorful!"
Layla - "Ooh! I wonder what Feather's powers will be!"
Talulah dropped down from the saddle and leaned against Feather, trying to make her appearance look as normal as possible. Despite being surrounded by the Sapphire dorm kids, she could see the other students looking and whispering about her, which set her anxiety through the roof. As if he could tell what was bothering her, Rory wrapped an arm around Talulah's shoulder, giving her a side hug while taking the attention away from her and Feather.
Rory - "How about we get onto riding that trail, huh? There's a lot to see on Unicorn Island!"
Sophia - "Rory's right, we need to show you around!"
Valentina - "Trust me, Talulah, you're going to love it here!"
The trail was beautiful, and Talulah found herself stopping every few seconds to look at and examine all the different features of the forest. The group stopped at an open part of the trail, watching Talulah admire and play with the floating flowers. Rory, seeing that she was distracted by the flowers, pulled Sophia to the side to make sure he wasn't the only one who noticed Talulah's consistent pattern of holding her posture.
Talulah - "Hahaha! Woohoo! Haha! This place is amazing!"
Rory - "Hey, Soph? Can I talk to you about something?"
Sophia - "Uh, sure. We'll be right back!"
Talulah - "Okay! Hahaha!"
Rory - "...Have you noticed that Talulah acts a little...cautious all the time?"
Sophia - "Yep, I don't know why though. Ava tried talking to her this morning about it, but she said Talulah just kept changing the subject."
Rory - "You think it might have something to do with her being a princess?"
Sophia - "Maybe. I sort of get the feeling she was forced to keep a certain appearance all the time, maybe she's having trouble letting go of that instinct?"
Rory - "Maybe...either way, I'm gonna try and help her learn to have fun!"
Talulah - "Hahaha!"
Sophia - "That's great, but...do you think she'll let you?"
Rory - "Only one way to find out. Hey, Talulah!"
Rory wasn't sure why Talulah felt the need to hold her guard all the time, but he was about to change that. Talulah deserves to feel at peace, and he was gonna make sure she learned how to relax and have fun. Whether she wanted it or not!
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mw characters?
You can take a look at our M.W. tag HERE, but here is a more recent list :
Our members of this RPG would love to see Ava Banji, Rory Carmichael, Ravenzella, Fernakus, Ash, Crimsette, Lazul, Mrs. Marta Mendoza, Mr. Miles Mendoza, and Ms. Evelyn Primrose from Unicorn Academy™ ; Nicolas 'Nic' Wells, Ms. Griselle Grande, Gwen Grande, Mrs. Penelope Pocket, Mrs. Pamela Pocket, Mr. Peter Pocket, Pierce Pocket, Gabby Morningside, Chip, Queen Coco Chantal, Prince Alistair, Gilda, Rahim, Lou, and Jake from Polly Pocket™ ; Raspberry Torte, Plum Pudding, Cherry Jam, Huckleberry Pie, Sweet Grapes, Lime Chiffon, Bread Pudding, Aunt Praline, Kiki KeyLime, and Ginger Snap from Strawberry Shortcake™ / Strawberry Shortcake’s Berry Bitty Adventures™ / Strawberry Shortcake™: Berry In The Big City ; Imogen Adams, Faran Bryant, Minnie 'Mouse' Honrada, Kelly Beasley, Ash Romero, Christian, and Jen from Pretty Little Liars / Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin / Pretty Little Liars: Summer School ; Avatar Aang, Sokka, Prince Zuko, Princess Azula, Mai, Avatar Roku, King Bumi, Princess Yue, Jet, Avatar Korra, Mako, and Bolin from Avatar: The Last Airbender™ / The Legend Of Korra™ ; Janis ʻImiʻike, Regina George, Damian Hubbard, Karen Shetty, and Aaron Samuels from Mean Girls !! If you have any specific fandoms that you would like to see a list of our member's most wanted characters from that fandom, then please send us an ask with the FULL name of the fandom !! Thank you !!
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wizmer · 10 months
okay why no one told me Primrose Everdeen kissed Ava Capri
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heartmeadows · 1 year
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fatestouch · 1 year
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made a quick family tree, just so everyone is aware of how their family looks! (any children not included i.e. Cari and Merry)
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Marcus and Hearst are brothers, Marcus being the elder by 3 years. Hearst married Evangelina Saint-Yves, and Marcus married Elena Grimsbane, and both ladies took on the name Lancaster.
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Hearst and Eva then had Azrael, then Morgan, Ava, and lastly and most recently Primrose (who is about 10 months old now!).
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Marcus and Elena had Cecil 4 years after Azrael was born, and then had Dylan, who is about to turn 7.
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jessicaaatje · 2 years
People I'll write for
Some will be platonic, but sometimes I can make them not platonic. You can make couples, then I will maybe write a poly fic, or one where the couple are the parents of the reader.
Alex Morgan
Christen Press
Ashlyn Harris
Ali Krieger
Tobin Heath
Lindsey Horan
Emily Sonnett
Kelley O'Hara
Hope Solo
Leah Williamson
Jill Roord
Jackie Groenen
Vivianne Miedema
Alexia Putellas
Jenni Hermoso
And more...
Max Mayfield
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Erica Sinclair
Will Byers
Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Bob Newby
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Belova
Daisy Johnson
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Kate Bishop
Elena Rodriguez
Bobbi Morse
Darcy Lewis
And more...
Leo Fitz
Deke Shaw
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
And more...
Santana Lopez
Quinn Fabray
Marley Rose
Mercedes Jones
Kurt Hummel
Noah Puckerman
Blaine Anderson
Sara Lance
Zari Tarazi
Zari Tomaz
Astra Logue
Amaya Jiwe
Ava Sharpe
Kara Danvers
Alex Danvers
Maggie Sawyer
Lena Luthor
Laurel Lance
Thea Queen
Mia Queen
Dinah Drake
Felicity Smoak
Killer Frost
Caitlin Snow
Nora West-Allen
Allegra Garcia
Jesse Quick
Lois Lane
Sarah Dawes
Nyssa al Ghul
Most of the boys in the arrowverse
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Alex Blake
Kate Cahallan
Elle Greenaway
Penelope Garcia
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
David Rossi
Jason Gideon
Becca Mitchell
Chloe Beale
Aubrey Posen
Emily Junk
Fat Amy
Alex Parrish
Shelby Wyatt
Nimah and her Sister
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Lizzie Saltzman
Hope Mikealson
Josie Saltzman
Penelope Park
Rebekah Mikealson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
Freya Mikealson
Lost In Space
Penny Robinson
Judy Robinson
Will Robinson
Katniss Everdeen
Primrose Everdeen
Johanna Mason
And mkre from the 74th hunger games women
Alice Cullen
Leah Clearwater
Reneesmee Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Daphne Greengrass
Lily Evans
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus x Sirius
James x Lily
Ava Hammerstrom
Arya Stark
Sansa Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Daenerys Targaryen
Mary Stuart
THE 100
Clarke Griffin
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
Madi Griffin
Cobra Kai
Sam LaRusso
Top Gun
Penny Benjamin
Amelia Benjamin
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell
More To Come!
74 notes · View notes
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Update number two for more hairs, this time by @feralpoodles, @georgiaglm, @candysims4, and @adeafsimmer.
These are NOT mine - if creators want them they can claim them back without even asking me.
Known issue: if the hair had been applied to a sim before updating, it's likely it'll disappear... you will need to go back in CAS and reapply it.
Tagged for genetics (if you downloaded Round 1 before I updated, please redownload, 'cause I had to fix them).
Download below.
By Feral Poodles:
- Adelaide hair
- Anjela hair
- Anna Hair
- Annie Hair
- Ava hair
- Avery hair
- Callie hair
- Charlotte hair
- Cora hair
- Daisy hair
- Diana hair
- Hazel hair
- Heidi hair
- Kalani hair
- Katie hair
- Kayla hair
- Lila hair
- Lucy hair
- Lola hair v2
- Mayor hair
- Mickey hair
- Nia hair
- Olive hair
- Primrose hair
- Ramona hair
- Rosie hair
- Seraphina hair
-Sloane hair
- Sukihair
- Wren hair
By CandySims4:
- Jasper hair
By ADeafSimmer:
- AllyJean hair
- Amy hair
- Chloe hair
By Georgiaglm:
- Olivia hair V1 (Child)
- Olivia hair V2 (Child)
- Poppy Hair V1 (Toddler)
- Laila & Leah hairs (Toddler)
More hairs to come.
153 notes · View notes
jardaddy-a · 2 years
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what is your inner stuffed toy ?
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you're a firm believer that "love is all you need" and you know how to show it! genuinely the sweetest person in the world, you feel things very deeply and make incredibly complex connections with everyone you meet. you're incredibly romantic. people feel soothed by your presence.
tagged by: @earthssprout ( tysm ! )
tagging: @serpentsexile (lenore-jk! hydrangea), @etoilexdechue (specs), @terraeferae (lapwing), @kunsttgalleriie (ava), @sangdelune​
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6 notes · View notes
its-all-ineffable · 3 years
Multifemale Appreciation 2 - THE END OF THE LINE!
I have officially finished my second multifemale appreciation fanfiction!!🥳
It's been tough this time - I've received a lot of hate on how I've formatted my fic, and even been told to 'get cancer' by one lovely individual. It has badly affected my mental health and self-confidence, and honestly made me feel like giving up on this fic at points. But I have had some wonderful comments too, and so many hits on my fic, and all you wonderful people on here and my friends to keep me going. So thank you, to you guys.
Thank you to all my friends, especially @fanboy-sloth, @ikiryoikigai & @your-opinion-is-melancholy, as well as all my other Creative Bastards, for supporting me through the tough times and encouraging me to keep going. Thank you to all you wonderful people on here who've reblogged or liked my chapter posts, who've inspired me and given me suggestions. Thank you to all the kind commenters who've kept me writing and posting daily, and all the people who've left kudos or even just read one chapter. Bless you all.💖
Thank you especially to: @ramblingsofachristiannerd for suggesting Jaylah from Star Trek AOS, Bridget Pike from Gotham & Sharon Carter from the MCU.
@emeraldskulblaka for suggesting Triss Merigold from The Witcher & Ellie from Ice Age.
@chessinparis for suggesting Raven Darkholme from the X-Men films.
@toboldlynerd for suggesting Primrose Everdeen from The Hunger Games & Arwen Undomiel from LOTR.
@miss-alice-evelynn for suggesting Camicazi from How To Train Your Dragon.
@night-academy for suggesting Hazel from The Fault In Our Stars, Peggy Carter from the MCU and Marisa Coulter & Ma Costa from His Dark Materials.
@thespringsoldier for suggesting Maria Hill & Ava Starr from the MCU.
@lifeinanotherdimension for suggesting Gwen from Merlin.
anon 1 for suggesting Allison Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy.
@mistythegenderqueermess for suggesting Carol Danvers from the MCU.
@hcarshipper for suggesting Wanda Maximoff from the MCU.
@detective-dr-curious for suggesting Marta Cabrera from Knives Out.
@julieandthefandoms for suggesting Gwen from Merlin.
@dabiqwq-moved for suggesting Wanda Maximoff from the MCU.
@surrounded-by-exquisite-clutter for suggesting Peggy Carter from the MCU.
@the-scorch-cure for suggesting Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon.
@sunflowerspecter for suggesting Irene Adler from Sherlock.
@blackopallpastawarrior for suggesting Enola Holmes & Eudoria Holmes from Enola Holmes.
My mum for suggesting Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff & Peggy Carter from the MCU; Jody Mills from Supernatural; Eleven from Stranger Things; Eurus Holmes from Sherlock and River Song from Doctor Who.
@catlover0924021152 for suggesting Maeve Wiley from Sex Education, Joyce Byers from Stranger Things & Poison Ivy from Gotham.
@tonylau1123 for suggesting Anne Weying from Venom.
@lunarmultishine for suggesting Alana Bloom & Abigail Hobbs from Hannibal, Astrid from How To Train Your Dragon, Mia from Humans, Kelly Bailey from Misfits and Rosalie Hale & Angela Weber from Twilight.
@simplyclockwork for suggesting Rogue from X-Men & Joyce Byers from Stranger Things.
@esperata for suggesting Tia Dalma from Pirates Of The Caribbean & Christine Chapel from Star Trek TOS.
@castiel-saved-me-from-myself for suggesting Barbara Kean & Lee Thompkins from Gotham; Meg Masters from Supernatural; Amy Pond, River Song & Rose Tyler from Doctor Who; Robin Buckley from Stranger Things; Carol Danvers, Hope Van Dyne, Natasha Romanoff & Nebula from the MCU.
@miraworos for suggesting Erica Sinclair from Stranger Things & Marisa Coulter from His Dark Materials.
@mishaandjen-tellmehow for suggesting Tracy from Good Omens, Eileen Leahy from Supernatural, Eleven from Stranger Things, Wednesday Addams from The Addams Family & Rogue from X-Men.
@holisticfansstuff for suggesting Lucille Sharpe from Crimson Peak, Elizabeth Swann from Pirates Of The Caribbean & Gwen from Merlin.
@claire-drinks-lovely-lemonade for suggesting Gwen from Merlin.
and @the-songs-we-knew for suggesting Allison Hargreeves from The Umbrella Academy and Yaz & 13th Doctor from Doctor Who.
Thank you to ALL the wonderful people above, I couldn't have done this without your help and suggestions! You have been so amazing and I really cannot thank you enough! Also, thank you to all the wonderful people who gave me suggestions for titles as well, as I have some truly amazing ones for this fic, that I wouldn't have discovered without you. Bless you, and all the wonderful readers. Your support has meant the world to me. Thank you.
Love @its-all-ineffable. xxxx
(P.S Here’s the link to the full fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32475967)
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