#avatar frank
mysyerious · 10 months
the worms the worms they're back! thus, as spawned by this old post, courtesy of @raelwrites, a new avatar frank post :D slightly suggestive; enjoy!
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He wakes. It is mid-morning and the air is still permeated with a coppery tang of blood and something else. The sheets are still as artfully stained as the aches in Frank's body suggest they should be. It is a relief to wake up to.
He stares at the off-white popcorn ceiling, water stained at the corners, and stretches, languishing in the slight pull of his skin where it is coated with dried bodily fluids—most of which not his own.
Frank takes note of all his healing cuts and scrapes and all the gashes Khonshu already healed last night, after. The scars remain, reminders.
The floor is cold against his bare feet and his exposed skin pebbles in the morning air on his path to the bathroom.
The water pressure is nothing to write home about but Frank still exhales at the relief of hot water against his overworked back.
His hair comes first, scrubbed through under the water with his hands then with shampoo and conditioner. His body next, washed following a path for maximum efficiency—from his neck to his sternum, arms, stomach, pelvis, legs, feet. The washcloth comes back stained ruddy red. The water trickling down the drain not much clearer.
He reminds himself, staring into the above-sink mirror, that the mission was a success. He killed those good-for-nothing gangbangers that were terrorising the streets at night and even Daredevil hadn't chided his methods.
Khonshu, for all his penchant for silent voyeuristic enjoyment of Frank doling out violence, deigned to provide a steady commentary on his success all night.
Frankly, it was indecent how creative the God could be.
Frankly, neither gave a shit when it meant Khonshu could demonstrate his devotion to his avatar, verbally and otherwise.
Frank's coffee cup is filled and waiting on the end table when he walks into the shabby living room of their latest safe house. His laptop is opened to the flood of media outlets documenting on an unforseen blood moon occuring last night. Why the phenomenon wasn't predicted by any meteorologists.
Khonshu is never far from him these days and Frank spies him in the kitchen, perched on the table, his bloody handprint dried on Khonshu's beak. He is speckled all over, hands almost as dark as Frank's before the shower, but that handprint his handprint remains center focus.
The Punisher does not prowl that night but the moon, back to its milky complexion, shines brighter than usual, full for a night longer than normal.
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moviesycho · 8 months
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Rick Hearst as Brian
BRAIN DAMAGE (1988) directed by Frank Henenlotter
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yendts · 4 days
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third and last part of my pjo x atla au character info sheets! the actual comic/story will be coming soon.
part one, part two.
*grover’s is supposed to say spirit bending as his sub form not energy bending i just dont have the file anymore so i cant fix it oops
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coolgirlisonline · 9 months
~vintage~ mgs avatars from a russian metal gear fansite (c. 2006) (part1)
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source: https://web.archive.org/web/20060221014952/http://metalgear.ru/menu/avatars.html
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low-budget-korra · 1 year
I will sacrifice myself to save everyone// I will sacrifice anyone to save you
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I wouldn't marry me either // i would marry you with paper rings
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I would kill everyone for you // I would die for you
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In the end we will all be judged by the courage of our hearts // I am brave enought to be with you
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Together? // Always
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i'd die for you // You did
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cafenelsonsilva · 27 days
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fan art Aang x Frank Ocean
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source 1-3 / 4-6 / 7-8 / 9
requested by @cutepinkloves
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memorycardviii · 5 months
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Frank Grillo ( cr. MEMORY CARD VIII ou MCVIII )
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leam1983 · 1 month
Lisan al-Ghaib
The Hellsite has a thing against White Savior narratives, and for good reason. The idea that general-purpose Natives have some elixir for mindfulness, mental health or even sociopolitical stability is nothing new. It's as tokenistic as you think if you take it at face value, but I think the more classic examples in the genre like Dances With Wolves or, God forbid, Avatar (a revised copy of the previous title, in many ways) tend to focus on something that's a smidge more positive - namely in that the Other - not the Noble Savage, so much as someone with an entirely external perspective - has the power to help us progress. A very debatable posture.
In effect, the classic examples in the genre contend that it's not really about "saving the Natives" or even becoming their saviour, but rather about the unformed or troubled protagonist finding themselves thanks to the Natives' input. I've always thought that Wolves' Sioux never needed Dunbar, Dunbar needed them. The Na'vi never needed Jake Sully, some other member of the People would've eventually filled in the blanks and become Toruk Makto. Instead, Jake Sully needed the Na'vi to fix himself. There's nothing magical there, despite the First Nations spiritualism that mostly coats the genre, ripped out of its context and sort of propped up the same way mindfulness is now pulled out of its own context and served up to the masses, as if living with a little anxiety or stress were somehow a symptom for something more insidious. The world forgot Herbert's object lesson, and suggested that for some people, especially damaged goods, the only way to find purpose is to subsume yourself in another culture. You emerge as the saviour, kill the monster, and fulfill your role in the story.
Taking up someone else's problems to fix yourself isn't an actual solution; I think any two-bit psychologist could tell you that. Even if Dunbar and Sully emerge whole and healed from their own tales, they're behavioural abnormalities. Power doesn't allow you to stay humble. Power corrupts.
Ask Shaddad. Ask the Bene Gesserit. Ask the Harkonnens, who never saw their end coming.
Back when Frank Herbert first wrote Dune, Eastern mysticism was taking off much in the same way we're seeing meditation and yoga. He pulled an interesting bait-and-switch in showing us a protagonist who seemed set to go from a mostly nameless aristocrat to your typical conquering hero - but he realized that some faiths can be noxious. Some currents can twist the mind. After all, Paul Atreides' own story addresses the fact that he comes to align with fundamentalists, and does so willingly.
In many ways, George Lucas tried to play the same melody with Anakin Skywalker being set up as the Force's hero, only for the will of the Galaxy to be made manifest through his son, instead. The problem is, unlike Herbert, Lucas lacks subtlety. The danger of messianic thinking more or less deserves a dream-state vignette on Dagobah, where Luke beheads Vader and sees his own face in the depths of his father's mask. Herbert, in comparison, makes those fears concrete. Paul was on shaky ground the moment he embraced the moniker of Muad'Dib, and slipped into something I might as well call psychosis, after drinking the Waters of Life.
Chani lost the man she fell in love with. Paul Atreides lost himself.
White Savior narratives aren't meant to be seen as the Civilized Man saving the day. They're meant to be seen as an outsider protagonist needing an external point of view to face the abyss, more or less.
If you're an optimist, the protagonist is thankful for the wisdom he's received and plays his part, not for prophecy or for Ego - but for basic care and consideration. Consider Shogun's Blackthorne, by the end of the series. He wasn't one to calculate his next move - he's clearly a man of passion. Japan gave him something to hold onto - and then squeezed around him like a vice made up of niceties and political manoeuvring. Yoshii Toranaga, on the other hand, is the chess player. Blackthorne's fate is the grimmest of the brighter ends of the White Savior genre. He didn't save anyone or anything; he merely proved useful.
If you're a pessimist, you turn to Dune or to any of your local Fire-and-Brimstone preachers.
Considering, when I hear the Hellsite dismiss Dune as just another story written by a White guy about some other White guy saving some vaguely Middle-Eastern-coded people; that tells me a lot of armchair critics haven't picked up the books or watched the movies.
If anything, Dune's very premise gives reason to those of you who decry Colonialist rhetoric. Dune isn't just a seminal science-fiction classic; it's also a warning about what happens when faith goes haywire, and of what happens when the balance of power tips in the worst direction possible.
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the-genius-az · 1 month
What does Azula, her wife Mai and loyal concubine Ty Lee do for stress relief?
Thanks for the question, Amor!
Soft and cute moment.
The three of them snuggle together while drinking alcohol and relaxing listening to music, while having a kissing and affection session.
They ignore everyone just for that moment, it happens three times every month.
Passionate and horny moment.
Mai and Ty Lee are filled with Azula's thick, hot cum, it's the only way they are truly relaxed and satisfied.
While Azula finally relieves her stress by filling her lovers, she doesn't even feel that pressure from his balls anymore.
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martyrgraph · 7 months
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frank grillo (400x640).
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internetburial · 2 years
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Leo: tells a joke
Everyone: laughs
Jason: I've got one.
Leo: Yeah? Go for it man.
Jason: pause well... I don't remember the beginning but the punchline is "leaf me alone, I am bushed."
Jason: looks down Lupa tells it better.
Leo: Doesn't want him to feel bad The Wolf Goddess tells jokes?
Jason: nods Yeah, she was in a dream I had in Camp Half-blood. Said I would the Camps "saving grace"
Leo: snorts okay no one is allowed to say my jokes are bad when THAT exists.
Frank: Debatable.
Jason: Right! huffs she thinks it hilarious, used to say it all the time.
Percy: Man I wish she told bad jokes with me.
Jason: What just Lupa Impression Perseus you will sea-ce this right now.
Leo: Wow, Jase I'm impressed.
Percy: amused That's gonna be in my nightmares tonight.
Jason: Oh... Sorry.
Percy: Nah your good.
Jason: Okay, if your sure.
Frank: Lupa being a jokester is not the take I expected today.
Jason: I mean I prefer the jokes to her threathing to rip my throat out cos I slept in and missed training shakes his head.
Everyone:....stares at him
Jason: What? Do I have something on my face?
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apollo-lovesyou · 21 days
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frank grillo.
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nicothedingus · 4 months
repost cause last one got marked as mature?? for some reason??
frank cosplay :) face is different on fourth photo because it was just a placeholder lol
also yes. i gave him brown hair.. i like it that way
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greybiscuit · 9 months
Avatar the last Airbender Welcome Home Au! First batch of people together!
Wally (Katara)
Barnaby (Sokka)
Sally (Toph)
Frank (Zuko)
Julie (Azula)
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