#avatar hunk
aintgonnatellyouwhy · 7 months
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Prince Zuko vs Fire Lord Ozai
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moviesycho · 1 year
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Bruce Campbell as Ash Williams in THE EVIL DEAD (1981)
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keepofkandrakar · 6 months
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yes they are zukka, however please consider…
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have a good day.
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wilcze-kudly · 11 months
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No braincells, big muscles, tosses rocks. What more do you need?
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my-cabbages-gorl · 5 months
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matching set
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mandomaterial · 1 year
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Forgotten pt.6
Pairing: Tonowari x Metkayina!reader
Wordcount: 3.4K
Warnings: slightly feral mc, needles, humans, and i think that’s it. Maybe a little angst?
Notes: sorry that this took so long- i had a little bitta writers block… but i think this is a nice chapter btw the new guy is an oc so he isn’t in the avatar franchise :3 please leave some suggestions about what should happen to the reader.and ill try to update every week or so! Pics not mine, credit to the owners!
Masterlist /// Previous /// Next
Over the next few days the young human boy, Spider visited you every day. The two of you talked about anything and everything, it was very comforting to have someone around that spoke your language.
You were curious about him, so you asked lots of intricate questions. Why was he here? What’s his connection to the forest Na’vi? How did he speak your language so well, he even had a forest accent.
He answered most of them with enthusiasm. Telling you the story of him spending a lot of time with the sully kids and growing up in the Omatikaya clan, being there for all the events and learning their ways.
Spider explained that his father had been killed by Jake Sully's mate, Neytiri, in the first sky people war, but scientists had made an avatar for him a few years ago and inserted a chip that had a copy of his father's mind on it. You truly struggled to grasp the concept so he tried to explain it like he was reborn into the new avatar body after his death, when he died, but he was already twenty years old; you understood better but it still confused you at times.
Spider also tried asking you simple questions first and when you answered all of them he started coming out of his shell; starting to ask bolder questions. He asked about your family and your life as tsakìk of the Metkayina. How was your life different from the forest people’s? What were the animals like? What did you eat?
You happily started telling him stories of the metkayina traditions and the Iknimaya, where you had to bond with a tsurak and complete several trials with your spirit sibling to earn your place amongst the people. Even telling him that you struggled immensely when you had to bond with the wild beast and that you preferred the tasks with your spirit sister a lot more.
You told him many stories about you and your sister, Ronal, when you were training to become tsahìk; how much trouble you’d get yourself in with her, doing whatever teenagers did. Your favorite ones though were the ones where she’d cover for you when you snuck away with the handsome, brave, and charming young man you’d had a crush on; once you’d gotten caught with him past your curfew and your father threatened him for at least half an hour and scared him half to death. You giggled as you remembered. You continued that that boy was now your mate and father of your children.
He in return asked about your children, being curious about them. Starting with your eldest, your son A'onung, you described him as a brave troublemaker; he always hung out with his friends and was very caring toward his sister, even if he didn’t like showing it. A'onung loved his spirit brother as well and they’d spend a lot of time together once the tulkun returned.
Spider continued asking about your daughter; Tsireya. You started by telling him that she was a truly good-hearted and beautiful young lady who loved dancing and performing. She’s always be a performer when the tribe held celebrations or spiritual rituals. From time to time, you would teach her how to prepare medical remedies or how to lead sacred rituals. She was growing up so quickly and from what you’d seen, she had her eye on the youngest sully boy; Lo'ak.
Once you said that spider instantly asked how the sully's were doing. It didn’t surprise you, after all, they were kind of his family. You thought about it for a few seconds and then decided to tell him about how Lo'ak and A'onung went outside the reef. You’d never been so angry at A'onung in your life! Leading the poor boy out and stranding him there; who knows what could have happened? But after that little stunt, the boys seemed to get along better- even going as far as to say that they had become friends.
Next was the story about how Jake learned to ride a tsurak. It took a while because he didn’t want to start with an ilu; it would have hurt his pride too much. You both giggled. Jake had tried to tie his hand to the saddle grip but even that failed and he was left with some nasty leather burns. Spider confirmed that to Jake, like all men, his pride was one of the most important things.
Neytiri was a skilled warrior; so she decided to join the hunters. At first, she was just tasked with catching fish, but she wanted to hunt something bigger. So she forcefully made her place known amongst the others when she came back with a quite large deep-sea creature.
Spider and you talked for hours upon hours almost every day until you sent him off to bed. Then you were let alone in the dark room, having no items of comfort to keep you company. You thought about asking Spider for a few things, but you didn’t want to get him in trouble so you kept your lips sealed.
In the dark, the only thing that plagued your mind was your old life. The life you had just a little while ago. Oh how you wished you could return; not even getting the chance to tell your mate that you were with child again. What would happen if you didn’t return? How would you return? Your heart clenched and you placed your hand on your lower abdomen gently, hoping to comfort yourself and your baby as you tried to sleep.
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After you had sent Spider away, he decided to go talk to his father again. He’d seen how miserable you were in that tiny cell; you’d always curl up in a corner, trying to keep warm in the night. His mind was troubled with thoughts and just as he turned the corner to his father’s quarters, he bumped into someone. He looked up, wanting to apologize, and saw the familiar figure.
“Whatcha' doin' here kid?” Quaritch questioned while placing his hands on his hips, cocking his head to the side, and giving his son a questioning look.
“Uh- well… I wanted to talk to you,” he answered, “about the different room…”
Spider awkwardly moved his arms from side to side, looking away, not knowing what to do.
“Heh- I was just about to tell you the news,” he chuckled “I talked to some people and uuuh- told them to move her closer so that I can ‘keep an eye on her’” his fingers did little air quotes as he said it with a light mocking tone in his voice.
Spider's eyes lit up just a bit and he gave his father a genuine smile “Thanks Dad”
“No problem, kiddo” Quaritch sighed, a good feeling bubbling inside him at the thought of making his son happy; truly a strange feeling. He watched as Spider shuffled away, looking over his shoulder back at him, once or twice, cracking a smile as he turned the corner.
Spider had a little spring in his step; he couldn’t wait to tell you tomorrow! He continued thinking about what else he could do to bring you comfort. Maybe he’d ask what your favorite food was and get it when he joined his father on a mission again or he could ask if you’d like to do something like weaving or seeing, he could easily find the materials for that.
He finally wanted to see you smile; he wanted to see you happy for a change.
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The morning came and you were blinded by the bright light flickering on in the cell; same as ever. You tried to shield your eyes by covering them with your arm, trying to get a little more rest. Just then a wave of despair washed over you. You wanted to go home; you wanted to return to your family; to your children.
Tears welled up in your eyes, spilling over the edge and rolling down your cheeks. You tried rubbing them away but that only man’s it worse; all your locked-up feelings spilled over. Sitting up you curled up against the wall, not knowing what to do. Would they ever let you go? Would you have to stay in this horrible room forever? These thoughts made your heart crack and crumble. You tried so hard to stay strong; for yourself and the little life growing within your body, but it was all for nothing. Nothing had changed and you don’t even know for how long you’d been kept here. Too long. Something needed to change.
Suddenly your anguish turned to anger; it was like a feral beast woke inside you. Pushing yourself up to your feet you, took a few steps around the room, observing it once more like the thousands of times you’d done before, your tails swishing dangerously behind you. The room had one wall that looked different, similar to the water, you could see your reflection. It was so clear and you’d never seen something like it before. There had to be a reason why it was there. Could something be behind it? You couldn’t know for sure but as you walked closer and closer, you’d started bearing your fangs and claws. Just like that, you charged against the wall, banging your fists on it.
Little sounds came from behind the wall. Hah- so there was something there and you’d given it quite a scare. You continued, trying to get more reactions from the thing that hid behind the wall. This went on for quite a while until you heard the mechanical door open. Thinking it was the human boy, you lowered your guard. Big mistake. Six human soldiers came in and you started hissing again, taking a defensive stance. They walked over with hurried steps, taking your personal space. As one tried to touch you you pushed him away, sending him flying across the room. The others made quick pace and tried binding your wrists. You were busy shoving off two humans as a third grabbed your arm and fastened the orange cuff. Knowing what would come next you tried to get them all off you, never holding your hands close in fear of them being bound again.
It was no use, soon someone grabbed your second arm and pulled it behind your back, forcing the second cuff around your wrist, locking them together. You yelled and screamed as you tried to escape their clutches only to feel a sharp sting on the side of your neck. Suddenly you felt ever so drowsy, your eyes closing as if you had no control over them. Sinking to the floor, calming down you saw that the humans circled around you, talking. Then your eyelids fell shut and you lost consciousness.
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As soon as you had lost consciousness the soldiers calmed down. “So uh- what are we supposed to do with her now?” one asked. “They told us to just knock her out before something happens- wait a sec il call someone.” another answered. While he talked the others observed you. You looked different from the recoms; you were a lighter color and had a different body. They all looked at you weirdly, one even nudging you with their foot until they heard their colleague hang up the phone.
“I asked around and the lab rats said that they wanna have her, so I guess we’ll bring her there,” he claimed while shrugging his shoulders. “You two, go get a cart to load her up. I ain’t carrying that thing.”
Just as told, two left and came back a few minutes later with some sort of transportation device. They parked it next to you and awkwardly tried to lift you onto it. Finally, they managed by holding you under your arms and dragging you over the rough surface, scratching your back as they did so. When you were finally on the cart the first man turned around and motioned for the others to follow him. It wasn’t long until the group reached the large metal door that closed off the science lab from the outside.
One of the soldiers went up to the touchpad, silently punching in the code to make the door open. The cart wasn’t pushed in first, being followed by the other men. They’d not been here often and this place always put them on edge, for they didn’t know what would happen. Your turquoise skin glistened under the fluorescent lights of the lab, pulling all the attention towards you.
Just then a tall scientist in a pristine long white lab coat came into view.
The head scientist rubbed his hands together with glee as he looked at the unconscious Na'vi. "This is it," he said, his voice filled with excitement. "This is what we've been waiting for.” he looked around the little crowd of soldiers “Thanks for bringing her here, dismissed.”
They all gave him a little salute, turning to walk out again, but the last one of the group gave the scientists a dirty look. They shouldn’t be taking orders from a nerdy lab rat, he scoffed silently.
The man was still standing over you, inspecting your physical form. You’d been the first Na’vi of a different species to enter his workspace and he was definitely looking forward to running some tests, so he told his team to help him put you on one of the large examination tables. It took quite a few people but once up there they began checking your vitals.
As the head scientist listened for your heartbeat, he heard his name being called out.
“Dr. Matthew! A call just came in and General Ardmore is on her way to the lab to discuss something.” The younger scientist shouted as she ran over to the table. Dr. Matthew rose to his full height, placing the stethoscope to the side, and smoothing out his lab coat. “Did the general say what she wanted to discuss?” He asked with a bitter tone in his voice. He didn’t like when people messed with his work or gave him instructions on how and what to research. He didn’t become a top scientist only to be given orders by someone who doesn’t even understand his work.
“N-no… she didn’t specify…” the young woman said. Matthew noticed that she wasn’t on his usual team and she had a short lab coat, which meant that she was still studying. Could she be an intern? He thought to himself. So he skied “I haven’t seen you here a lot, are you an intern?”
“Oh- y-yea I just transferred from communications… seems they put me in the wrong unit when I came here.” She stuttered, avoiding eye contact with the experienced lab leader.
He hummed in response, walking past her to greet the general at the door. Just as he unlocked it he could see the frightening woman turn the corner. Putting his hands on his hips and slapping a smile on his face, he called out to her.
“General Ardmore! How nice of you to visit my lab. Can I help you with anything?” He asked with a smirk glued to his face, a slightly annoyed tone in his voice.
“I just got the news that the new specimen was delivered to you. What’s that about, I thought I told them to keep her in her cell,” she replied sternly.
The doctor sighed “Look, she went feral for a sec there and they asked me if I wanted her. Of course, I said yes! Do you know what we could do with her? We can sample her DNA and grow new avatars that are adaptable to water? And- there’s such a difference in species. You should see her- she, she looks completely different! Different body structure and everything!” he started rambling, clearly excited about the new discoveries he was going to make.
“Listen, I don’t care about all your sciency stuff alright? I need to make sure that we meet our clients' demands and that you don’t spend all your time and resources on your silly little avatar program. That feral beast belongs dead- six feet under! What are you going to do when she wakes up and goes wild again huh?” She prodded. To be honest, Dr. Matthew hadn’t thought about that, so he quickly tried to come up with something.
“Uhhh- uh well give her sedatives! Make sure she stays calm. But then again…” he started thinking.
“But then she won't be able to cooperate.” She finished for him.
“Yea… that…” he raised his hand to his chin and thought for a bit “Don’t worry, I’ll figure it out”
The general sighed and looked around the lab, seeming just the tiniest bit of you, laying on the table, motionless.
“You better, and don’t spend all your time on that thing. You hear me, doctor?”
“Yes ma’am. Will do.”
“Good. I'll leave you to it. I'll check in now and then to keep an eye on you understand?”
“All clear.” He followed up with a little two-finger salute as she turned on her heels and walked off, not looking back even once. Matthew let out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding, relieved that he managed to get her off his back. Even this was one of the more gentle encounters he had with her. Tough woman.
He walked past the open lab doors once more, closer to you. Someone handed him a checkboard that had all your vitals on it. What an efficient team he had. He looked over it with care, checking for anything abnormal but everything seemed fine. His eyes slowly shifted from the paper to your unconscious form. You were so mysterious and he had never wanted to examine something this much before. He had grown up, learning about the Pandora project and the Avatar program. He read all the books and studied hard just to be here, and now he was the first to see a new species of the indigenous people of the foreign planet. He was just itching to start running tests.
But he didn’t know where to start. What should he do first? He ran a hand through his hair, hoping t come up with a plan. In the end, he decided it was best to start fresh tomorrow. He made sure that the sedative was dosed correctly so that you wouldn’t wake up for at least another day. Then he told his team to hit the hay and get some rest. After all, tomorrow he needed them to be sharp as a knife, as they would start their examinations.
He himself was the last to leave, taking one last look and finally locking up the lab. He couldn’t wait for tomorrow, but first, he had all night to organize his plans for you. Oh, how exciting!
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seypia · 6 months
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chat i used a reference today
atla au with avatar keith bc why the fuck not
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discordiansamba · 9 months
spitballing some more ATLA AU facts:
Keith's grandfather deserted from the Fire Nation early on in the 100 year war and married an Earth Kingdom woman, so Keith's dad grew up in the Earth Kingdom and has only ever been to the Fire Nation once. He met Keith's mother there.
Keith voice: On all levels except physical, I am a dragon.
Hunk tries to resolve things without resorting to violence as much as possible, but sometimes he knows he doesn't have any other option.
This makes for a very funny dynamic when it's just him and Keith traveling together.
Hunk WILL baby talk to every animal he can, Keith's komodo-lion and Kosmo included. Did I mention he takes in a baby sabertooth moose-lion? Because he absolutely does. Animals also love Hunk. They DO want his scratchies.
Lance and Hunk hit it off right away when they finally meet. Keith feels strangely jealous, only he doesn't know what jealousy is because he's never experienced it before. Shiro literally has to point it out to him.
Keith and Lance still get along like oil and water... or in this case, like fire and water. Lance is against the idea of traveling with a firebender at first, but he relents because Hunk vouches for him. Allura comes from a time before the 100 year war so she's fine with this actually.
Keith becomes Hunk's firebending master, which is... an interesting experience because all of Keith's actual training comes from a man who had no formal firebending training either. At first this causes a bit of a struggle, since Keith's bending is all instinct, but it's ultimately for the best since in many ways, Keith's firebending is the closest to true firebending there is.
Hunk struggles to learn airbending, even though Shiro is a much better teacher. Thankfully Shiro is also a very patient teacher, willing to carefully take his time to make sure Hunk gets the best teachings possible.
(Unfortunately, they also don't have that kind of time.)
Allura is Hunk's waterbending teacher, and he has the easiest time with this element. Lance isn't technically his teacher, but he does teach Hunk some cool tricks, and having a study buddy actually helps him out a lot.
Hunk does not like going into the Avatar State very much.
Hunk does manage to reunite with his family in Ba Sing Se... only to quickly realize there's something awfully fishy about this city. They should definitely leave, like ASAP, but Allura and Keith want to stay and investigate.
Hunk: okay, but if this goes south, remember- I was the guy who wanted to leave.
Allura & Keith: Noted.
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pidges-lost-robot · 1 year
Season 1 Lance explaining to Coran that Voltron is kinda like the Avatar of the Universe cause all the lions control the elements and they all come together in one being and Coran being like "so the avatar can control all the elements like helium and phosphorus" and Lance having to get into the whole four elements then the five elements when Coran is like "but there's 5 lions"
And Lance comparing the Galra to the fire nation and Coran being like "but I thought fire was Keith's element" and Lance being like "well I suppose that gives us a lot to think about"
The others finding out and being appalled while Hunk is like "Oh so I guess you're katara in this? I would've thought you were more the Sokka type" and Lance just responding "Shut up Bolin" and Hunk gasping in horror
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aintgonnatellyouwhy · 7 months
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Dallas Liu
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kukos-satellite · 7 months
Not me over here trying to be active and reset my X (Twitter) account to be based off this blog, and I’ll make sure to link it on my linktr.ee soon but that’s all I can think of to update you guys.
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There’s not much thought of Klance or Zukka at the moment but you’ll know when I am posting them because 1: it makes zero sense, 2: it might be angsty/weird/cute, and 3: I will tell you guys at the start of the post that it’s about either one of them.
* Edit: The X (Twitter) is now up on the linktr.ee! ;)
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seconddavid · 8 months
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seizethenightagain2 · 2 years
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Henry Cavill 💙💙💙
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Looking as handsome as ever at the London premiere of “Avatar: The Way of Water” 12th December 2022 💙
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chibi-pix · 2 years
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I had come across this post with The Boulder and Toph and I had to do it, but with Pidge and Sendak. And, yes, utilizing Pidge being blind in an AU, but with a different outfit than I gave her in my MitD au series.  But. This felt perfect. Another option was using Haxus instead of Sendak, but I liked Sendak more since, in blind AU/s, Haxus is a good guy. 
Anyway, I hope y’all enjoyed this one! Until next time!
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mensuited · 2 years
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Francisco Lachowski for Maisons Simons / Simons Homme November 2022
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