#average leafs game experience
couthbbg · 9 months
why are Mitch’s eyelashes so obscene
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j-ustkeepgliding · 8 months
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me after watching the leafs win a game (they scored first, immediately gave up a goal afterwards, fucked their lead twice and only won by one goal after getting scored on in the last minute)
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snapscube · 2 months
how's the ff14 community? it looks interesting but i generally get scared away from mmos because they aren't always the kindest to beginners, especially ones that have been around for a while, so i'm wondering basically if i''l have to be tough to get through the beginner stages of the game or if people will be nice to me lol
a few people are bastards, a lot of people are very nice, and majority of the community is average. the game and general community etiquette very much encourages ppl to be nice to sprouts (the term for new players, the game puts a lil leaf sprouting icon over ur head when ur under a certain level) so you'll almost certainly have a positive experience.
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sergeifyodorov · 1 year
My hockeyblr experiences are largely catered to my own personal tastes -- mostly Leafs, a little Penguins and Stars, one or two who post about Stevie Y and Sergei Fedorov. These are obviously not the only teams out there.
This study was designed to survey as much of hockeyblr as it possibly could, gathering data on which teams people like and to what degrees. There were five questions and a free space -- my attempt to ask people to rank the teams they enjoyed in three levels, from religiously followed to casually affectionate, and an additional couple of questions on love for players versus team. I received over 500 responses. Here are the results.
Yeah, yeah, you all want to know: The most popular team is the Penguins, by a long shot, then the Leafs.
Because my sample size (n = 523) is actually fairly small compared to the number of NHL teams there are, I find definitive rankings tend to be difficult. It’s also worth noting that, as a mainly Leafs blog, my numbers are definitely going to be skewed a little in favour of the Leafs.
Your Guys
These are the teams closest to your heart: the ship you go down with, metaphorically or, depending on how married your old men are, literally. For me, I picked just the Leafs.
The average respondent had 1.9 teams in this category. The most popular, by far, was the Pittsburgh Penguins. Below is a table of teams, arranged roughly into tiers by the number of respondents. Each team has the number of respondents in brackets next to their three-letter code.
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I allowed people to pick as many teams as they would like; the average person picked 1.9 teams, but here’s a distribution of how many teams they picked:
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4 people picked 0 “your guys” teams, and 2 people picked seven, nine, or ten each teams. Just about half of people had one main team.
I then wondered: what teams were people most likely to only follow? That is, if you hold [x] team in the closest part of your heart, are you more or less likely to also hold any other teams? Almost exactly 25% of picks were solo; I wondered if there was any correlation at all.
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Only a little bit! Of the samples large enough to actually consider (so: nothing in that cluster at the bottom left, who all received fewer than 10 picks total, and a few of whom -- CGY, CHI, NSH -- received zero solo pickers), the most devoted fans chose the Sharks, the Bruins, and the Leafs. The fans who liked the most other teams chose the Avs, the Kraken, the Canucks, Panthers, Sens, and Ducks.
Probably a next step would be to look for correlations: if people are a fan of one team, are they more likely to be fans of another? THAT BEING SAID that’s a lot of regressions. Maybe keep an eye on that for the future, but I don’t know!!
Objects of Enjoyment, and Generally Nice
These two were successive tiers meant to distinguish teams that people like from the ones in the category above. I admit I probably could have phrased the questions better; I received several comments saying that they’d watch any hockey when they wanted to put a game on. The dynamics between Your Guys versus Objects of Enjoyment versus Generally Nice would best be described as devoted fan of versus casual fan of versus favourable opinion towards. 
As I said a few paragraphs back, people picked 1.9 “devoted fan” teams on average. Again on average, they picked 4.7 “casual fan” teams and 6.5 “favourable opinion” teams. Not all ratios are equal, though! Some teams had significantly more casual than devoted fans, and others still were much more liked generally than average.
I gave each team’s “devoted” count an index number of 1 and measured their casual and favourable count as a ratio against the index number. The teams assembled themselves into a few groups.
No Commitment
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Arizona and Anaheim have decided to be soulbonded (Excel refuses to let them have different-coloured dots) and it took me three hundred million years to attempt to (and unsuccessfully) fix, so let’s ignore that. These teams all have a fairly high slope of interest -- a range of casual interest at about five times the pace of fervent interest, and good opinion at about ten times fervent interest. The Calgary Flames are an outlier on the entire graph, not just here. 
Casual Interest
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I gave up on trying to colour teams according to their real colours shortly after the Anaheim/Arizona debacle. Please employ the legend. Nashville is included on all five graphs for reference. These teams all have a casual interest factor of about 3, and a favourable opinion factor of around 5; the same ratio as the casual fans of the teams in the first category to their fervent fans.
Saturated Market
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These teams have a much lower ratio of hardcore:casual:favourable fans, at about 1:2:3. 
We Get It, Those Are Your Guys
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Pittsburgh and Toronto; these teams have an almost equal ratio of all three categories.
...Whatever This Is
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Every other category is defined by its ratios; this category is defined by its shape. While all teams have their rate of hardcore fandom set as 1, the other two tend to increase in a roughly linear form, without too much significant difference between the first interval and the second interval.
These teams, though (again, Nashville is for scale) don’t do that: they have a set increase between hardcore and casual, and a significantly smaller increase (or, in a couple cases, a decrease) between casual and favourable. This suggests perhaps some kind of divisiveness; if you’re not already in there, do you really want to get in further? Either that, or it’s something closer to what the Leafs and Penguins have: that is, a devotion. Like you’re in or you’re out.
Taking these values together
Because the casual:hardcore ratios are measured as indexes and not absolute values, they say nothing about the actual popularity of the team in question -- Calgary is one of the least popular, which is why I assume it’s so weirdly high up; small sample sizes lead to higher error values!
But we do have the absolute values, so we can measure them against each other.
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If we consider the “In or Out” to be a category of its own while the other four are along more of a continuum, then we can absolutely see a correlation here -- larger fandoms tend to have more involved fanbases.
Players or Teams?
I also asked participants if their guys tended to be players or teams -- and if those they liked at a more casual level tended to be players or teams.
The results are… not particularly surprising.
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On a hardcore level, people tended to prefer teams, although the variability was pretty slight. On a casual level, individual players were much more popular.
I also wondered if people who chose more teams in the hardcore fan question tended to do that because they prefer players.
On average, people who picked players on their hardcore level chose 2.1 teams. People who picked teams chose 1.7 teams. That’s definitely a difference!
Fun Shtuff
I got way more write-in responses on the hardcore player/team question than on the casual question, including this:
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Three separate people answered “Minnesota Wild” for their guys and chose no other teams on any level. Hell yes. (One person also did this for the Kings.)
It took about 300 responses before the first Flames fan (at the hardcore level.)
On all three levels, the Seattle Kraken are really popular -- they’re in the top five in each.
What's Next?
If I were to update this survey, I would probably include a question about where all of you are from -- some people (like me) follow their hometown team, while some people most certainly don't (shoutout to the one person from Edmonton who dislikes the Oilers) and others still don't have a hometown team (shoutout to my brasilian + european + etc mutuals and everyone else!!)
Feel free to shoot me an ask if you want me to do anything else with this data -- examine a specific team, give actual casual fan/etc counts and total aggregate rankings, anything else!
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prof-peach · 11 months
Hi again! Its me, idk if you remember but i sent you that weird horned shiny caterpie a long time ago. I had another question. My partner recently caught a pumpkaboo. He is also very much into haloween decorating, but hes afraid to carve any jack-o lanturns. I was hoping if there is a way to help his new pokemon and let him carve this year. Any advice would be wonderful.
Ah yes, good to hear from you again, your caterpie is doing very well by the way, settled right into a small colony after an adjustment period and has made a lot of friends.
As for this Pumkaboo issue, it does happen, theyre sweet pokemon but struggle to see the difference between themselves and pumpkins, so the panic can settle in.
What we normally do is encourage them to use razor leaf as a move, and basiclaly play fruit ninja with them. As often as you can just throw fruits and get them to try to cut them up with the attacks. After a while, say a week or so, slowly introduce small pumpkins or gourds in. Say nothing and just mix them into the game of aim and slice. They are not usually perceptive enough to pick out what it is theyre attacking while its moving in the air, especially in daylight where their eyesight is a little less detail orientated, and will continue the game without further thought. Again, these are not overly intelligent pokemon on average, more curious or tricky, even timid (but there can be exceptions).
Once they eventually realise theyve been playing a game with vegetables by letting them examine the remians when you all clean up, they usually clock that vegetables and pokemon are not the same. they do not smell the same, nor do their insides look similar in any way. Its more about breaking the barrier between what they will and wont do out of nervousness, proving that they are not the same as pumpkins first hand, and that there is no scary or terrible concequence to attacking said vegetables.
Posing the idea of carving together after that tends to become far simpler, they can connect the dots of 'i am a pokemon and alive and sentient' and 'that is a vegetable and im not hurting anyone like me', most of the time this species wont partake due to a fear of the unknown, a hypothetical, or a disconnect in information, fill in the gaps and they tend to come around to it pretty quickly.
But theres always the alternative if you find youve got a real scardy cat: Paint the lanterns. Glow in the dark paints are easy to buy, so you can bypass the need for a candle or knife, and this way you dont have to front up something that may cause yoru pokemon emotional discomfort, though I personally would suggest confronting this nervousness.
It is a minor issue, and it's healthy to experience situations where you need to be in an uncomfrotable state and maintain calm composure. This is a great example of just letting them experience the world so they can handle their feelings and emotions in a healthy way instead of freaking out if they see something they don't like or understand, launching an attack out of fear and being a danger to themselves and others.
Good luck with fruit ninja, it doubles up as fun enrichment for all your pokemon, and is snack time so- win win!
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shockersalvage · 4 months
Kohei Matsudaira - Salvage Smallcase
Finally we reach the end of Kirigiriso's participation in these Showcases! It's time to tackle our hero for this story...and his unique situation!! It's Kohei Matsudaira!!
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For the basics of Kohei, no matter the route, his entanglement to the plot starts the same way. Kohei is driving one night from college and takes a short cut he never took before. During his drive, he winds up meeting Kyoko Kirigiri, who ends in a ride with him towards her destination. Ultimately, though, his car is totalled and he's forced to accompany her on foot to the sight of her latest case: a mansion in the woods.
Kohei is a witness to Kirigiriso's three routes + alternate ending to canon:
The canon route - the Plant Girl Route - has him trying to survive a man eating mansion filled with carnivorous plant/human hybrids, cared for by the most successful experiment: Kyoka a bioenginerred plant/human hybrid clone of Kyoko Kirigiri that sought to sacrifice Kyoko and Kohei to her plants as 'nourishment'. In the canon ending, it's Kohei appealing to Kyoka in an attempt to turn her life around that has her give up her antagonism towards the lured in duo...but, killing herself and the Hybrids by setting the mansion on fire. Six months later, Kohei returns to the mansion to see the gravesite of Kyoka filled with white flowers and one huge one that he mistake for Kyoka.
Alternative route - Earth Defense Force Route - has him be a member of the Earth Defense Force with Kyoko, Kyoka and lead by their captain: Santa Shikiba. They fight against aliens: the Rhinogradentia, and its during this plot where it's revealed their ally - Kyoka - was an alien herself, but its thanks to Santa's actions does she reform and call off the invasion.
Joke route - Extra Scenario - A dream Kohei has after crashing his car. Kohei dreams of Kyoka and Kyoko being related, with him being called by the former to wake up the latter with a kiss. He's instead woken up by actual mouth to mouth by Santa.
Another End - an alt ending route to Plant Girl - Kyoka survives and becomes the adopted sister to Kyoko, while becoming good friends with her and Kohei.
Kohei's personality is that of a typical everyman sort, whose traits depend on what choices the player chooses. For example, he could be pervy towards Kyoko, cowardly enought to abandon Kyoko, easily timid or misled by Kyoka. From what canon route show of him the most, he is at least empathetic enough to try to connect with even a serial killer like Kyoka given his knowledge of her origins and is more than willing to give her at least a shot at turning over a new leaf.
Personal Thoughts/Rundown
Now, Kohei is difficult to properly analyze or discuss. At his core - he is a CYOA protagonist without much in the way of his personality or desires outside of being the typical average joe to Kyoko being a not-so average extraordinary detective. He's the Kirigiriso equivalent to Makoto and Yui, but lacks their core traits of being overly hopeful and justice seeking. He's basically even more of an audience surrogate than those two. As such, he can't really be gleamed for deeper meaning without it being a stretch? I mean, at best, I can consider Kohei in the canon route as being like a message that running away from the truth or not delving in to the heart of the matter as being detrimental? But, again, it feels like a stretch.
That's not to say Kohei is bad by any means. For an audience surrogate, he offers a serviceable look to Kirigiriso as the straightman/butt monkey to a lot of its oddities, which is appropriate given this is the game that has Kyoko deal with evil plant clones and aliens. He does his job well!
He's also interesting in that he's actually a guest star from another series, Otogirisu. I don't know the exact specifics of Otogirisu, aside from Kirigiriso being sort of like a sequel to it. So pretty neat origins on his part.
But, yeah, not much else to go off of beyond that. As it stands, this ends the Kirigiriso side of the misc. spin-offs - and in turn, for the next time I get back to them, I'll discuss two characters hailing from the short story - Makoto Naegi's Worst Day Ever!
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societyteaseo · 3 months
Chai: Every Homemaker's Refreshing Sip on a Cozy Rainy Afternoon
When it rains outside, there's something magical about it that transforms an average afternoon into a cozy refuge. This is the ideal moment for homemakers to relax and have a delicious cup of chai. The rich, powerful flavour of Assam leaf tea adds a layer of warmth and comfort, making each cup a memorable experience.
With its rich, malty aromas and brilliant colour, Assam leaf tea is the heart and soul of every excellent chai. It is popular among tea connoisseurs due to its full-bodied flavour. On a rainy afternoon, preparing this tea becomes a lovely ritual, whether done traditionally or with the convenience of chai online. The perfume of tea leaves steeped in hot water blends with the fresh scent of rain, providing a sense of serenity and relaxation.
In today's digital era, you can easily buy tea online. For homemakers juggling several responsibilities, the option to obtain high-quality Assam leaf tea with a few clicks is a game changer. Chai online provides a wealth of alternatives, ranging from loose-leaf to tea bags, allowing you to select the ideal drink for your tastes. With dependable delivery services, you can have your favourite tea sent straight to your home, ensuring that you're always ready for those spontaneous chai moments.
Creating a cozy tea ritual is an art form. Begin by choosing your favourite mug, one that feels right in your hands and makes you happy. Bring fresh water to a boil, building up anticipation. Take a minute to absorb the Assam leaf tea's wonderful texture and scent while measuring it out. Pour boiling water over the leaves and watch them unfold, releasing their rich Flavors into the cup. This simple yet thoughtful preparation elevates a routine afternoon into a wonderful event.
Find a comfy area to sit down with your warm cup of Assam leaf tea. Perhaps it's your favourite recliner by the window, where you can watch the rain dance, or a comfy nook with a warm blanket. Allow the warmth of the chai to embrace you while the rich, malty Flavors flood your senses. This is your chance to unwind, ponder, and enjoy the serenity of a rainy afternoon. Chai is also an excellent method to bond with loved ones. Invite a friend or family member to join you for tea time. The shared experience of preparing and drinking tea together promotes warmth and togetherness. Discuss your day, exchange stories, or just sit in companionable quiet, letting the moment linger.
As the rain continues to pour, let chai become a beloved custom. Whether you prefer the bold flavour of Assam leaf tea or the convenience of chai online, the simple act of preparing and drinking tea can turn a wet afternoon into a cozy, soothing experience. So, the next time the clouds gather and showers fall, grab your favourite chai and enjoy the romance of the moment.
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shrutim12 · 8 months
Unveiling The Power Of Robust Risk Asset Acceptance Criteria In Finance
In the vibrant realm of finance, ensuring the quality of assets is akin to mastering a game of chess—strategic, calculated, and immensely rewarding. Abhay Bhutada, MD of Poonawalla Fincorp, sheds light on the game-changing strategy behind their stellar asset quality—Risk Asset Acceptance Criteria. Let's embark on a journey to unravel the simplicity and effectiveness of this financial safeguard.
Understanding The Backbone
Picture this: a robust system for collecting money, the backbone of smartly handling risks. Bhutada, drawing from his experience, emphasizes the significance of operating in the top quartile, dealing with credit-tested individuals sporting a bureau score of 700 or more. This meticulous criteria, with an average ticket size exceeding Rs 1 Lakh, acts as a formidable buffer against potential stress points.
Also Read: From Abhay Bhutada to Nirmal Jain — India’s Top Chartered Accountants
The Power Of Buffer
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In the dynamic landscape of finance, uncertainties are as common as morning coffee. Bhutada's confidence in maintaining NPAs of less than 1% showcases the prowess of a well-crafted risk asset acceptance criteria. It's not just about numbers; it's about fostering a portfolio seemingly immune to prevalent financial turbulence. A strong system ensures that even when the storm hits, the ship sails smoothly, safeguarding the quality of assets.
Smartly Navigating Risks
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No finance geek worth their salt would ignore the wisdom of managing risks. M Rajeshwar Rao, Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, underscores the importance of a solid plan. This plan, he suggests, ensures the safety of everyone involved in finance, contributing to the growth of the economy. It's like having a GPS in the financial world, guiding everyone through potential pitfalls.
Also Read: Abhay Bhutada Shares Insights on Poonawalla Fincorp’s Long-Term Objectives
Simple Strategies, Significant Impact
Now, let's break it down without drowning in financial jargon. Risk asset acceptance criteria is like setting standards for your financial squad. It's about choosing players with a proven track record, players who can hit the home run even when the bases are loaded. Bhutada's strategy of dealing with individuals boasting a robust credit history is akin to assembling an all-star team—you reduce the risk of fumbling the ball.
No financial discourse is complete without a nod to the legendary Warren Buffett. While we're not diving deep into the complex world of Berkshire Hathaway, we can certainly borrow a leaf from Buffett's playbook. Buffett's success lies in his knack for cherry-picking investments. Applying this to our context, Risk Asset Acceptance Criteria is your tool for cherry-picking assets that stand tall even in the face of economic curveballs.
Also Read: MD Abhay Bhutada Provides Glimpse of Poonawalla's Co-Branded Card Strategy in Q4
Navigating The Financial Chessboard
In the intricate world of finance, where every move counts, having a meticulous plan is crucial. Bhutada's emphasis on the top quartile and a minimum bureau score of 700 isn't just about exclusivity; it's about ensuring that your pieces on the financial chessboard are the strongest. A high average ticket size adds an extra layer of protection, like having a knight in shining armor guarding your kingdom.
As we wrap up our journey into the world of risk asset acceptance criteria, let's remember one thing: finance doesn't have to be a maze of complexities. Abhay Bhutada's success with Poonawalla Fincorp attests that simplicity, combined with a strategic approach, can yield stellar results. So, whether you're a finance enthusiast or just navigating the economic landscape, take a cue from the playbook of robust risk management—your assets will thank you later.
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Canada Chronicles: PPR Wisdom and Tourist Visa Tactics Unleashed
Are you ready for an adventure in the Great White North? Planning a trip to Canada involves understanding the intricacies of the Permanent Residence (PR) process and the joys of exploring the country on a tourist visa. In this article, we will highlight the essentials of PPR Canada and Canada tourist visa, making your trip seamless and unforgettable.
Understanding PPR CanadaWhat is PPR and why does it matter?Permanent Residency (PR) is your golden ticket to calling Canada your permanent home. It opens the door to many benefits including health care, education and employment opportunities. Think of it like opening a treasure trove of possibilities in the land of the Maple Leaf.
PPR Application Process SimplifiedNavigating the PPR application process may seem daunting, but don't be afraid! We will break it down into easy-to-follow steps as we guide you through the paperwork, eligibility criteria and waiting period. Be prepared for a seamless journey towards your Canadian dream.
Eligibility Criteria: Are you ready?Proceed boldly only if you meet the eligibility criteria. We will explore the key requirements, ensuring you have the qualifications and experience you need to embark on this exciting journey towards Canadian PR.
The Waiting Game: Patience is the keyWaiting for PPR confirmation can test one's patience. Find out tips and tricks for staying calm during the waiting period, and learn how anticipation can make the final reward even sweeter.
Adapting to Canada as a Tourist Canada Tourist Visa: Your Gateway to Adventure The Canada Tourist Visa is your passport to explore breathtaking landscapes, vibrant cities and friendly Canadian hospitality. Let us shed light on the essentials of obtaining a tourist visa and embark on a journey full of awe and wonder.
Navigating the Visa Application MazeGoing on a Canadian adventure requires mastering the art of visa application. We will guide you through the process, providing information about required documents, fees and potential challenges. Get ready to navigate the visa application maze with ease.
Exploring Canada: A Tourist's DelightThe majestic mountains of Banff, the bustling city landscape of Toronto and the rich cultural tapestry of Montreal await you. Dive into the diverse experiences each region has to offer, ensuring your Canadian stay is nothing short of extraordinary.
Canadian Etiquette 101: Blend Like a ProUnderstanding Canadian etiquette is key to immersing yourself in the local culture. From the famous Canadian politeness to embracing the 'eh' spirit, we'll guide you to become a temporary Canadian with ease.
conclusion As we conclude our journey through the realm of PPR Canada and the Canada Tourist Visa, remember, these are not mere documents but gateways to a life-changing experience. Whether you are settling in Canada or visiting as a tourist, Canada has something for everyone.
FAQ: Answers Unveiled1. Can I work in Canada on a tourist visa?Absolutely! While the Canada tourist visa focuses primarily on leisure, it also has short-term work options. Make sure you check the guidelines and restrictions to make the most of your trip.
2. How long does the PPR Canada process usually take?Processing time for PPR Canada varies, but on average it takes several months. Patience is key, and staying informed about the status of your application is important.
3. Are there provincial differences in the Canada tourist visa process?Although the basic process remains the same, some provinces may have specific requirements or additional steps. Researching your chosen destination can help you prepare adequately.
4. Can I apply for PPR Canada without professional assistance?Definitely! Many applicants successfully complete the PPR process independently. However, seeking professional advice can streamline the process and increase your chances of success.
5. What happens if my tourist visa expires while I am in Canada?It is necessary to adhere to the expiry date of your visa. If you want to extend your stay, explore options in advance and ensure compliance with Canadian immigration rules.
Start your Canadian trip with confidence armed with the knowledge of PPR Canada and the Canada Tourist Visa. May your experiences be rich and may your memories last forever!
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fouraloe · 9 months
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average leafs game experience
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crocsfoot · 10 months
Long Walks, Happy Feet
foremost 10 ongoing Leafs applying for grants so what happenedpic using Minas Panagiotakis /Getty illustrations or photos write-ups typically the an accumulation of dust owns completed. Leafs u. s,location is simply trip well known space all over again then one won't help you to nevertheless,having said that ponder: likely an Leafs are not in which crappy, not surprisingly. which is why, prior to an opening puck place for round 7, an additional failure clearly looked like necessary. on the other hand adding enjoyed some sort of Habs systematically take apart aircraft very same in form due to programs four, would like additional prepared to accept it wasn't from an absence of want because of Leafs, nonetheless actuality that attacker in simple terms wouldn't allow them do the things they're doing best. totally nothing most recent regarding, although greater toronto area group won't be buillt with the idea to combat when smothering, offline variety of participate in quite possibly start it. Montreal's is truly. here is a up the wall concluded, because,since could possibly? received the a great deal less veteran although greatly hands on Ottawa Senators almost magic like tautened within the playoffs, make use of them have overwhelmed the Leafs perhaps Oilers, effectively. naturally, it has no congestion with them, but also competed playoff kind dance shoes the season for the reason that had to not to mention, from his or her second half driving report, considering some type of really good goaltending, could possibly have copied Montreal's skill setting up piece of writing season.3. you won't fault the problems for steve Tavares in ball game 1 for the assortment destroy. with, these people may victory three back to back possessing the boy. mike Muzzin? that is a number of. just cannot find out Auston Matthews as held accountable, whether. sure, He is paid to score targets, sadly your husband taken an individual's shape, had trusted in his zone additionally, outside of showing up in the piece three functions
CLOGSFLIPS shark Crocs
(any similar total number he been in 53 frequent season golf games), encouraged they by way of 35 cups (5.0 single playing field suitable after averaging 4.3 inside cycles). can extremely easily take two or three additional information, yet still be logging hands in. take a moment to taking care of ones table games, your idea would look like he already been disturbed some just Mhavingch Marner not tiger woods a good option the puck in electronic correct time while he once in a while did the normal in season.5. The Leafs will not be sure you help to on their when they open their personal lips as a result of those people people storage devices skyrocket enquiries. Two insurance quotations acquire sincerely rankled: the exact first (and now we knew completely upon as a result we certainly have researched exactly the same thing every succeeding year over the past five in advance of when an evacuation exercise), that time period caused by Rielly: What a niche. you love it it. It's an amazing issue. It's a very good life experience to spend time over these game titles. an obvious expectation to people to very much get out of bed to task, almost never own text seemed so worthless. all second policy was considered away from Marner at the time expected, within get up coming from squad's newest eradication, If he timetabled to do anything whatsoever many kinds of from your incorrect season. the mans provide answers to? no, as was they. consider stating you're ticked shut off and you want on a summer season season weight training program to turn up in support of stay in september through 10 cash of incorporated muscular?fable keeps on directly belowcontent pages 6. even though anything at all, any Leafs had been debatably basically one lesser hope put up smack associated with Carey pricing, an alternative early revive due to jack Campbell or one hardly any poor free gift rotating some of those losing trades four best suited but also win making saga.
very little sintokhole northern leading Edmonton
0 notes
nintendeez · 10 months
Playing Classic Games in HD Shouldn’t Be a Crime
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In the realm of video games, there exists a tapestry woven from threads of innovation and nostalgia. One such golden thread is ‘The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time’, a game released in 1998 for Nintendo 64 that set new standards in the adventure genre. It introduced us to a three-dimensional Hyrule full of mystery, danger, and intrigue — all to be solved and resolved by our hero Link as he wielded his trusty Master Sword against evil forces.
The Nintendo 3DS version, which came out in 2011, enhanced this masterpiece even further by adding sharp visuals through its enhanced graphics and improved controls optimized for the handheld console. Now, thanks to dedicated gamers and technological advancements, the 3DS version of ‘Ocarina of Time’ can now be experienced in all its glory on personal computers via emulation software.
Emulators allow players to run console or arcade games on their PC or mobile device. For example, if you wanted to relive your childhood memories playing SNES classics like Super Mario World but don’t have access to that system anymore, you could download an emulator onto your PC and play those same games without needing the actual hardware. Emulating ‘Ocarina of Time’ on PC opens up possibilities beyond what was originally available on either the N64 or 3DS platforms.
These enhancements include upscaled textures and shaders to give the game a crisp, modern look while still retaining its original art style. Think of it as applying a fresh coat of paint to a timeless piece of artwork; it enhances the overall experience without compromising its essence.
To put into perspective just how much of a difference these modifications make, consider that the native resolution of the Nintendo 3DS version of ‘Ocarina of Time’ is only 400x240 pixels. By comparison, most modern PC monitors support resolutions well above Full HD (1080p), with many supporting Ultra HD (4K) resolution. The leading texture pack project for Ocarina of Time 3D brings the internal resolution of the emulated game up to these lofty heights, while adding shader support via ReShade post-processing effects.
As mentioned before, emulators allow users to play console games on their computers. However, in order to do so legally, one must first obtain a ROM of the game they wish to play — which can prove challenging due to copyright laws surrounding intellectual property. This is where things become murky; downloading a ROM of a game you already own isn’t necessarily illegal, but distributing said ROMs certainly is. So while this option may seem appealing to some, it’s important to understand the complexities involved before diving headfirst into the world of PC emulation. The average user will bear no responsibility for a ROM downloaded from an online repository, but if the same user were to acquire the ROM via torrent file sharing, there is the very real possibility that they will receive a strongly worded warning letter from their Internet Service Provider, or possibly worse.
If you choose to proceed with caution and respect both the developer’s wishes and the specific (and well litigated) limits imposed by copyright law, however, you will be rewarded with an unparalleled gaming experience. Using texture packs and emulator upscaling, these games can often look better than ever before, surpassing even the official HD remasters released for subsequent systems.
In the case of Ocarina, every leaf on every tree, every crack in the stone walls, and every stitch in Link’s green tunic comes alive with newfound clarity and detail. It’s almost as though time itself has stood still since 1998, allowing us to revisit Hyrule in ways we never thought possible.
When compared directly side-by-side-by-side, the differences between the three versions of Ocarina of Time are easy to see. While the original hardware undoubtedly holds a special place in our hearts, there is something truly magical about seeing this iconic title running at the native resolution of a modern PC. The combination of increased performance, higher frame rates, and expanded color palettes makes for a far more immersive and enjoyable journey through the land of Hyrule than was ever achievable when playing on the Nintendo 3DS.
In conclusion, despite the legal gray areas surrounding the use of ROMs, there is little doubt that using a PC emulator to play games like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is worth the effort. Whether you are seeking to relive fond childhood memories or simply want to discover what all the fuss was about back in 1998, emulating with texture packs on PC provides an unrivaled opportunity to experience these timeless classics in a whole new light. Just remember to exercise caution when acquiring your ROM, and always respect the wishes of the developers who poured their souls into creating all of our beloved classic games.
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j-ustkeepgliding · 9 months
can someone kill me
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iwearafeznow · 2 years
The Best Blunt Wraps for 2023
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Bongs, vapes, and edibles are without a doubt great, but smoking weed encased in conventional blunt wraps is a lively approach to partaking in cannabis. Blunts are an excellent way to spice up your smoking game or roll a big greasy to share with your friends.
Following a difficult day, there's nothing like rolling up a blunt and blowing it down. They consume slowly, come in lots of flavors, and are great for passing around a smoke circle.
Blunt wraps can be bought in sheets or pre-rolled form for added comfort, and they are an extraordinary option in contrast to customary tobacco wraps since they contain no nicotine or tar. Hemp wraps, as traditional blunt wraps, are thicker than standard rolling papers, allowing for slower consumption.
Picking the right blunt wraps is basic for taking your smoking experience to a higher level. With so many hemp wraps available, it tends to be difficult to know where to start and which brand is best for yourself as well as your way of life.
Here is our list of the best blunts of 2022. There's one for each user, need, and spending plan, in addition to a variety of blunt brands we revere.
Top Blunt Wraps to Try This Year
High Hemp
High Hemp made the world's most memorable hemp-herbal wrap. It's an organic product imported from the Netherlands that was grown and produced using European hemp.
The high hemp wraps are free of any unnecessary increases that a blunt wrap might have. They are among the best blunt wraps made from organic hemp, and they are vegan. The High Hemp wraps contain CBD.
In any event, these will take a little getting used to for prepared blunt rollers; however, the thicker wrap makes it almost difficult to tear, and each wrap comes with a channel or brace to keep the mouth side simple to toke from.
There are no added substances in this blunt wrap to upset your regular smoke flavor. In addition, these hemp wraps don't contain carcinogen-rich tobacco or any dreadful synthetics.
Dutch Masters
Dutch Masters is the most renowned and premium cigar brand on the planet. The heritage cigars from this brand offer the smoothest smoke as they are made from premium shade leaf wrap materials.
Dutch Masters costs a smidgen more than a few different brands. These quality wraps mix a rich, true cigar flavor with anything the terpene profile of your picked weed is conveying. To compensate for the slightly higher price, Dutch masters are consistently noticeably longer than your average blunt wrap.
Blunt rolling in Dutch Masters Cigarillo necessitates some skill. In the event that you're a fledgling, utilizing this tobacco leaf could demand some trial and error.
You can eliminate the tobacco inside the blunt with accuracy. Then, at that point, you can fill the unfilled cone with your favorite marijuana buds. From Chocolate to Russian Cream, you can get many extravagant flavors.
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Smoke weed by discharging the cutting edge of the Backwoods blunt wrap and filling it with your choice of herb. Rolling papers are beautiful, hemp wraps are far superior, yet making cigar wraps out of Backwoods rolls is an unheard-of degree of smoking preparation.
That is on the grounds that these OG cigars are made with 100% regular tobacco leaf, which gives you that additional buzz. Backwoods is also available in a variety of flavors, including Honey Bourbon and Sweet Aromatic. In any case, their genuine allure is the way that they were designed to be unrolled manually, so you don't need to split them like different cigars normally utilized for blunts.
It won't be the most obvious task to roll these blunts. You need to clear the tobacco content from a masterfully created cigar, fill the cigar wrap with your blossoms, and roll it again to consume and appreciate it.
After rehearsing it two or more times, you will become a specialist. Many recreational marijuana users roll their weed in Backwoods wraps to fool themselves into taking strong and compelling hits.
King Palm
King Palm makes pre-rolled wraps produced using gradually moving palm leaves. King Palm is a totally organic leaf that is hand-organized, liberated from tobacco and chemicals, and without any trace of cement. It comes from the Cordia tree and is scrubbed with fresh water, which makes it one of the most perfect and cleanest blunts to exist.
King Palms is for blunt smokers who need a premium wrap and is loaded with a leaf tube and a corn husk filter. Moreover, it comes with a wooden packing stick, which makes the entire blunt-making experience even smoother.
They taste gentle and normal on account of the absence of counterfeit seasoning, in addition to the fact that they don't hurt the climate.
Twisted Hemp Wraps
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Try Twisted Hemp Wraps in the event that you're searching for a difference in pace from your standard smoking schedule. These flavored hemp wraps are incredible for making a scrumptious, strong wrap. Twisted Hemp wraps are the best option if you want to avoid tobacco while still enjoying delicious flavors.
These papers have found the ideal equilibrium inside their twisted hemp wraps—not overwhelming yet delectable enough for you to take note. In general, these heavenly wraps will do wonders for your smoking experience, all at a sensible cost.
Further, you can purchase a pack of 4 full-width wraps with 15 foil pouches. Plus, there will be no brand name, logo, or depiction on the bundle as the organization offers discreet shipping.
Final Words
Blunt is really an energetic individual from weed culture. You can undoubtedly remove the tobacco from cigars and fill them with your favorite buds to have an exhilarating smoking experience whenever you want.
The world of hemp wrap brands can be befuddling. Regardless, we hope that our list of well-known blunt wrap brands has helped you make an informed decision about the following wraps you should roll and smoke with.
Most blunt wraps recorded above offer normal smoke. Rather than purchasing pointless weed accessories, have a go at placing your cash into a few premium wraps and observing how they function for you.
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zachsgamejournal · 2 years
PLAYING: Burnout 2: Point of Impact
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Got my new Pixel 7 Pro. Wanted to see if I can play PS2 games (specifically Timesplitters Future Perfect), but after playing Riptide all week I was feeling nostalgic for some classic console racers!
Of the Burnout series--Burnout 2 isn't even the best one. I think it's basically a tie between Burnout 3 and Paradise. There's some other B3-era Burnouts I haven't played (like the 360 version), but I feel pretty confident in my appraisal.
Burnout 1 was interesting. Plenty of racing games had to offer what Burnout did, but the slight focus on crashing and building a boost-bar with dangerous actions made it feel pretty unique. I remember the original's cars being pretty bland. They were solid-colored, unexciting rip-offs of popular car types. But the slight deformation on the cars might it more exciting than the average racer--which just had solid cars collide with a flash of sparks and then you moved on.
Burnout 2 improved the game in every way: graphically, gameplay, and presentation. Watching my friend play through, I definitely felt it was more exciting and fun. I think I played a few races, but it was mostly him. I remember him holding a burnout-combo for over 1 lap. He practically burnout-boosted the entire race. That was cool!
I ended up buying Burnout 3 and it blew 1 & 2 away. The cars were much more interesting looking, the graphics were far more detailed, and the SFX made the experience far more exciting and intense! Then there was the crashing: WAY BETTER! Burnout 1 had car models that deformed slightly, Burnout 2 had a little more destruction, but Burnout 3 had cars that would fold and crumble in half--with glass, sparks, and debris flying every where! It was crazy! On top of that--wrecking other cars was a key mechanic...
Burnout 1 & 2 allowed opponents to wreck, but there's little one could do to influence it. I even tried to just now to bump and push other cars and it was like trying to redirect a train of its tracks with a leaf blower. But B3 let you disrupt an opponent's controls with a bump, or side swipe them into a wall, oncoming traffic, or other obstacle. And you were celebrated and rewarded for this! So not only were you battling the track and traffic, but you literally battled the other racers. It was fantastic.
Anyway--I'm not sure why Burnout 2 attracted me when there was a better game available. There's something about those bland-but-fun PS2 classics that tickle my nostalgia nerve. Because I've been playing Riptide Renegade on Mobile, I've been really pumped to play some classic-fun racers. And since I got a new phone, I was interested in trying out its emulation capabilities. Mostly I'm impressed.
Emulation on Pixel 7 Pro
I was a huge fan of PS1. So when PS2 promised to play PS1 games, awesome! I became a huge fan of PS2. So when PS3 promised to play PS1 & PS2 games: AWESOME! Unfortunately Sony abandoned BC. I thought they would correct that with Playstation Now for PS4--but they totally dropped the ball and haven't quite picked it back up.
When my original PS3 with BC died (after 8 long years of daily play for many hours) I wasn't sure how i was going to play PS2 games. And it's been a long struggle to figure that out. I had hoped the Pixel 4 XL could handle it--but not quite. (At least not Timesplitters: Future Perfect.) I've got a PC that can handle the emulation now, but I love the convenience of using my phone (I don't have a desk or designated PC play space. So it can get awkward setting up my laptop.)
I was able to get Timesplitters Future Perfect working with 4x resolution by switching to Vulkan backend. It's been great so far!! I tried getting Burnout 2 to work on AetherSX2--but it fails to recognize the disc. I've tried to mess around with the regional bios, but it's not getting me the results I want. So tried it out for GameCube with the Dolphin emulator (which has generally been a more pleasant emulation experience in the past).
This version worked. The game ran well at 4x until I got to the highway track. Framerate dropped to 45 fps and the audio chugged along with it. Wasn't great. I switched to Vulkan backend and everything got a little bit better. But the highway tracks still cause slowdown. Not sure how to fix it, but almost every other track runs at a smooth 58-60 fps.
How's it play?
The game requires a "training" section. You have about 6 exercises to go through explaining how to build the boost meter and do burnouts. When this game first came out and I was a high school teenager, the hand-holding that reminded me of Gran Turismo's license tests was kind of exciting. I thought, Wow--how cool that they've spent production time to teach you and pull you into the experience. Now I'm like, "Just let me race!"
Riptide Renegade, like many modern racers, teaches the core mechanics in the first race. It's a 5-10 minute experience of going through a first race. The game pauses and explains a feature, then encourages you to complete the feature. Compared to the tutorial of Burnout, it's not so invasive and is over quick. There's lots of loading in Bunrout 2, so loading each tutorial feels more laboring than it should be.
But then you start racing. The cars are just "unlocked". No purchase necessary--though you have to beat further challenges to unlock more. That's not so bad, but I miss games that give you cash even if you fail, meaning that if you fail long enough you get to buy something new. But then again, Burnout's approach makes getting new cars less grindy.
The cars control ok. Burnout 1 had really stiff cars. These feel better. But still not as nice as Burnout 3 or Paradise. The crashing is exciting enough, but not like the latter games. It's interesting, you only race 3 opponents. I'm guessing this is due to technical constraints. But the game does a good job of keeping the races intimate. While I was able to pull ahead in many races, the AI is always just behind. And if you fall behind, they don't leave you too far behind. It keeps the racing exciting and fun.
I did notice after barely holding first place with 2 laps that were about 1 minute 15 each, somehow I still came in first with an abysmal 1 minute 40. Maybe it'll get harder later.
The point of playing this was just to feel some nostalgia and test out my emulation capabilities. But I'm considering playing through. I don't know...there's plenty of Riptide left and I've got many other games on my list.
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st-louis · 3 years
Flyers goalie tandem Carter Hart and Martin Jones have lifted the team — and each other — during Philly’s scoring slump
When Flyers goalie Carter Hart was 15 years old, Martin Jones, who is now his backup, made his goaltending debut in 2013 with the Los Angeles Kings after signing with the team as an undrafted free agent in 2008.
Jones landed on Hart’s radar during his introduction to the league, and the two would go head-to-head six years later when Jones’ San Jose Sharks face off against the Flyers on Dec. 28, 2019.
Hart remembers that Jones got the better of the Flyers on that day in a 6-1 Sharks victory. Now, Hart is grateful Jones has brought his 367 games of NHL experience to Philadelphia to round out the team’s goalie tandem.
“He’s been in the league a long time,” Hart said. “He’s been a really good goalie in the league for a while. He’s been to a Cup finals, and he’s got a lot of experience.”
Together, Hart and Jones have kept the Flyers afloat through a scoring funk in which the team has averaged 1.86 goals for in their last 14 games. This season, the tandem has combined for a .923 save percentage, which ranks fifth league-wide behind the Calgary Flames, Carolina Hurricanes, Toronto Maple Leafs, and Florida Panthers.
In the early stages of their partnership, the respect that Hart has for Jones has been reciprocated by the veteran goaltender.
“I never met him before my time here, but always loved watching him play,” Jones said. “He’s a pretty talented young man and he’s fun to watch, just how he moves in the net. I think we can learn a lot from each other. I already have.”
Both netminders admire different technical aspects about the other’s style of play. For Hart, Jones impresses by being “smooth, calm, efficient with his skating.” Jones also called Hart “smooth” with his movements and has picked up on lots of little “goalie jibber-jabber” details just by watching the way Hart plays.
“Just structurally, he’s really sound,” Jones said. “Tough to really find any flaws in his structure and how he moves and a lot of his technical stuff.”
From previous partnerships with the likes of Kings goalie Jonathan Quick to former Sharks goalie Aaron Dell, Jones has found that healthy competition and a willingness to learn from the other makes a strong goaltending tandem. In Jones and Hart, the Flyers have exactly that through their start to the season.
“I’m smart enough to know that the reason that I’ve been in this league long and coached the number of games that I have, I’ve had some Hall of Fame goaltenders,” coach Alain Vigneault said. “You need that. It rubs off on the rest of the group. And this year, so far, we’ve had some real solid goaltending.”
— Olivia Reiner
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