itlivesproject · 1 year
If the four LIs each were to play video games, which genres would they prefer to their taste?
Amalia loves adventure games, puzzles, RPGs, and visual novels. Something that stimulates her brain. Her most recent obsession is Disco Elysium, but she also loves classic Sierra and LucasArts games. And, of course, Ace Attorney and The Sims. And fighting games, basically anything she can kick Rowan's ass at. Out of the four LIs, she's probably the most enthusiastic about video games!
Lincoln just can't get into most games. He's an old grouch. He can maybe play something casual like Candy Crush or Angry Birds on his phone to pass the time.
Jocelyn is into FPS, hack-and-slash, fighting and action games where you get to kick a lot of ass. Mortal Combat champion Joss!
Abel likes chill games he can play with family and friends, like Animal Crossing. Maybe Minecraft. For single player, he can enjoy a good exploration game or an open world RPG like Skyrim. And, of course, Uncharted and Tomb Raider.
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korgbelmont · 1 year
Ok, I got a request. This isn't for me though, it is a small joke gift for @harleybeaumont. Mainly because I cracked up at one if their fics.
Can you do a Transparent of Maxwell in his usual getup, smiling, but his hair, if possible, turned blonde?
@harleybeaumont, a gift for you here, from @averageslacker.
I hope this is okay, you can find him below.
Also can I have a link to this fic as I am really curious to find out what this is all about.
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kristinamae093 · 10 months
ever consider pinning your Masterlist of Stories? Everytime you post something or repost the list is becomes hard to find
Hey @averageslacker !
It was pinned but I decided to hide it so I could give it a little makeover. I'm very indecisive, so it's been a hot mess for a while now, lol. And this is like the 11 millionth time I've changed it 🥲
But it's finished for now and pinned again for now! And here's the link.
Sorry, it took me so long to get back to you! I've had a lot going on and this app has been giving me a hard time lol (it hates me).
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itlivesproject · 3 years
I have seen the first 3 LIs. Nice designs and backgrounds. When will the 4th and final one be revealed?
Glad you like them!
As for the last LI, she’s coming sooner than you may think… as in, like, this weekend 🥳
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