#aviva’s fic recs
iovejolie · 2 years
sneak peek at my upcoming fanfic 🫶🏽
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strangefable · 3 years
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The full collections of moodboards I’ve made (so far) for the delightful @thisisrigged4′s amazing Aviva Kirk. <3 Two for Avi, plus one each for both of her ships: Felix and Ellie. I suggest you go read about them on AO3!
I take requests for moodboards. Just DM me. (More info here.)
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voxofthevoid · 2 years
hi! first of all, i absolutely adore your writing and i can't even form proper sentences about how i love it, it's just so good. second of all, i remember that once you answered an ask about your fic titles and we have a very similar music taste!
so i was wondering if you have any song recs?
Thanks so much 🥺💙
Ah, I love finding people with similar music tastes! Especially because mine is kinda random.
I'm currently very into these:
Fallout: Masked Wolf, BMTH
The Trauma and the Pleasure: Cameron Sanderson
Algorithm: Boston Manor
Jalebi Baby: Tesher, Jason Derulo
Nightmares in Paradise: Palaye Royale
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morkofday · 3 years
DMBJ Playlists
i am very late with this but! am here now to share a couple of my playlists related to this fandom :’D the original idea and post for this was made by @xcziel here and it’s been so nice to see everyone’s playlists in the replies ^^ also i just adore how ppl name their playlists, it’s Amazing ✨
like @jockvillagersonly mentioned in their own reply to the og post, i do have a random playlist on youtube which is basically just my song recs, so not only songs i relate with dmbj. i haven’t updated it in a long while bc recently i created this playlist on spotify which yall are welcome to follow if you feel like knowing what are the 20 songs i currently listen to on repeat ^^ it’s one of those shared playlists so i hope that no one who looks into it actually does anything with it even if they could (don’t add anything or change the order etc.). i try to update it once i discover new songs to obsess over and fall out of others. 
other than that, i own three different playlists i connect with dmbj and my writing projects for it. they’re on spotify but i won’t be sharing any links bc i don’t like having those playlists appear public. instead, i made two of them into visual form so you are welcome to search for the songs yourselves if you’re curious!
placing them under the cut~
bloodplay  - for my upcoming pingxie fic inspired by tlt2 and xiaoge’s memory loss + red eyes + wish to hunt and kill animals as well as some bilibili fmvs (i started this bc of some smut ideas i have but am not even sure if i can make it there) - basically dark and sexy. a lot of animalistic themes. my personal fave is aviva’s psycho which you can also find from my “current obsessions” playlist
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rain person - my playlist for liu sang. it’s still a bit vague as am trying to figure out what type of music would suit him. my personal favorite is sleeping wolf’s blindfold.  - angsty songs as well as angry rap and rock music (nf and epik high peaked my interest when it comes to liu sang’s theme songs). - this playlist also includes all of liu chang’s own songs which i haven’t included here bc those are not on spotify. i downloaded them on my laptop once some amazing person shared the files on the dmbj discord ♥
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tragic pining gaysTM - my playlist for binding. very angsty and emotional but also has some brighter songs. personal favorite is chris coleman’s don’t go which is an amazing instrumental song. another one could be alone made of ice by maldito which also appears on my liu sang playlist.  - i didn’t make a visual for this bc it’s a MessTM and i’ve been trying to move on from it now that am done with binding. most of the songs i’ve mentioned in the ending notes for binding’s different chapters. i think they’re fit to be there instead of here.
thanks for allowing me to share :’D i hope to get into everyone else’s lists in the future ^^ and thank you @xcziel for coming up with this idea, it’s so nice and very sweet of you :’) ♥
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