#avoid eye contact with every third person k?
feliix · 4 years
Perfect Score ↠ Han Jisung
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↠ Jisung x Reader (feat. Felix)
↠ Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Fake Dating!AU, Childhood Friends to Lovers
↠ Rating: M (18+)
↠ Word Count: 14.9k
↠ Summary: As you return home to work at your local coffee shop, you’re swarmed with couples coming in on lovey-dovey on dates. You’ve always hated the idea of love, but it’s Jisung’s mission to make you change your mind in just two weeks time.
↠ Warnings: idiots 2 lovers, mutual pining, unprotected sex, fingering, soft sex, language, light mentions of marking, mentions of bad past relationships
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“That's disgusting.”
You grimace in the most subtle way as you watch the man across the shop press a gentle kiss on the cheek of the woman next to him. For some reason your shop is packed with couples this evening. Not that you’ve been counting, but they’re probably the 50th overly lovey-dovey pair that you’ve seen this just this shift alone. 
To say ‘love’ isn’t really your thing isn’t too far from the truth. Every time you’ve been burned by someone in the past has only made your hope about love deteriorate. Relationships suck. Already been there, done that, and you don’t plan on doing it again.
You’ve always stuck by the same theory; relationships either lead to heartbreak or marriage. And even still, marriage may still end in heartbreak, so what’s the point?
“Stop being so dramatic,” Jisung laughs, pulling you out of your thoughts as he rounds the corner. He’s just in time to catch your snide remark, surely it won’t be the last one you’ll make tonight though. He had just run to the back to get you a fresh package of cups after using up all the stock in the front.
Tonight is busy to say the least. The sun has already set, and it’s the afternoon rush when everyone comes in for their second daily dose of caffeine. And it’s definitely necessary – especially on a day as hot and exhausting as this one. It’s the third day that its been over 100º in a row and the humidity is doing a real number to your hair.
“It’s not dramatic,” you sigh, leaning on the counter behind you as Jisung maneuvers around you, placing the cups on the shelf underneath. In your mind it absolutely isnt. Its a mystery why all these people need to publicly display their affection in a coffee shop anyway...
It’s just the two of you on the schedule tonight. Your boss has always been kind of an asshole, just leaving 2 kids in their early twenties to run the shop by themselves while he went off to do god knows what. There's always been an aching suspicion that he just goes to the bar across the street, since his car is still parked behind the shop but he’s always nowhere to be found. That’s okay though, it's better than him looming over your shoulder and criticizing your technique the whole shift.
“Yeah, whatever you say,” Jisung shakes his head.
In stark contrast to yourself, Han Jisung is quite the hopeless romantic. So much so that he tends to search for love in all the wrong places. Maybe a better way to describe it is that Jisung has a series of flings. He’s not shy to test the waters of any girl he comes across – and there are many, many waters that he’s tested. Lucky you gets to hear all about each one, being his friend and all.
But to your good friend’s demise, his ‘relationships’ never end up working out for very long. Theres always some kind of fatal flaw that’s a means to an end. Whether it was Jisung’s fault or the girls,  it’s always confused you why he could never hold onto something longer than a couple months. Jisung is a great guy, it didn’t make sense.
So great that you have been best friends with him for as long as you could remember. It all started that time in pre-k, where you poured a shovel of sand on his head in the sandbox. Initially, it did make him cry, but he got over it eventually. Ever since, he’s been right by your side, sandy hair and all.
“How much longer,” your eyes roll back in your head, neglecting to look at the watch on your wrist in fear that your shift has a significant amount of time left. The night has been dragging on since you stepped foot in the door and heard the little jingle as it opened. You wouldn’t be surprised if you’d only made it through half your shift thus far.
“Just under an hour. Want to start the closing checklist so we can get outta here?” Jisung offers, reaching for the rag and sanitation bucket at the end of the counter.
Nodding your head, you follow his plan – beginning your mission to clean like a speed demon so you can leave no later than at 8 o’clock on the dot. 
Luckily, closing tonight goes as smoothly as it possibly can. You and Jisung are ready to get out of there at 8 on the dot, thanks to your determination to mop like a mad woman and stock the front as fast as humanly possible. 
The air outside feels crisper than usual. Maybe its because you’ve been locked up in a small room that smells like coffee beans for 10 hours, but you’ll never get enough of the night air. 
“So what are we doing tonight?”Jisung asks, his fingers adjusting the headband that sits just above his forehead.
“I was planning on going home and getting some rest…” you trail off, avoiding eye contact with him. Jisung always goes out after your weekend shifts and never lets up on convincing you to tag along. So you can’t look at him, his eyes are much too convincing make contact with, and you are beyond exhausted from working a double today.
“Gah you’re so boring,” he teases, stopping in his tracks in the center of the parking lot to ruffle the hair on top of your head, “it was an early night we should do something.”
With a deep sigh, you stop as well, smoothing down your hair as a pout forms on your lips. The suggestive smirk settling across Jisung’s face is telling; he knows he’s about to get his way before you have the chance to turn him down or fish for another excuse. So you tilt your head, subtly rolling your eyes as you wait for him to explain what his big plans for tonight are.
“I’ll be at your house by 9.”
Accepting defeat, you shoot him a thumbs up before turning to get into your car. Asking any more questions would take away any time you had to wash up – and smelling like coffee beans any longer is going to drive you up a wall since it hasn't already.
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It doesn’t take much time for you to rush home and get ready, and before you know it Jisung is there to pick you up. Only a few minutes late, but that’s just par for the course and right on time in Jisung terms. 
The car ride to your destination feels like a blur with how exhausted you are. So when you end up at your favorite boba spot, you immediately perk up. Those tapioca pearls always manage to give you a second wind.
But when Jisung decides to take a seat at one of the round tables just outside the shop instead of getting back in the car you know somethings up. You were expecting to hop back in the passenger seat of his car, maybe listen to some music for a while and drive around to kill time. 
Initially he doesn’t say much. His legs just bounce hyperactively while he fidgits with the straw of his drink. It’s almost like he’s waiting for you to speak up; his eyes staring down at the cup in front of him instead of sipping from it, lip caught between his teeth.
The energy is off. Not only did you expect to hang out and do something adventurous like Jisung normally would, but now you’re watching his cheeks grow red while avoiding conversation.
Awkward silence becoming too much to bear, you take matters into your own hands. “So how are things going with that girl?”
“Oh yeah,” he sighs, his fingertips drumming along the surface of the table, “she didn’t really work out.”
Unsurprised by his response, you just nod along. Its always to expect since he’s the pickiest person you’ve ever met. His last relationship ended because he thought the girl breathed too loudly. The girl before that had an annoying laugh, and then the one before that didn’t like cheesecake. There always seems to be a laundry list of deal-breakers tied along to each one of Jisung’s relationships, and that is something you’ll always expect.
“You’re probably better off.”
You don’t think much of the words before they leave your lips. Relationships are a ton of work, and you’ve never understood the point of to putting all your effort into something like that. There is a way to just be happy on your own, you know.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” his eyebrows furrowing in response, hands gripping his thighs in anticipation
“You know what I think,” you tilt your heat matter-of-factly, “relationships are kind of just a waste of time.”
“What is with you and all this ‘anti-love’ stuff anyway, Y/N?”
Now thats a response that you are not prepared for. The question catches you off guard, a boba bubble almost catching in your throat leaving you a coughing mess. Jisung chuckles at your discomfort, waiting patiently for you to get it all out and just answer his question, as uncomfortable as it is. 
“I’ve wasted too much time with too many dead-beat guys to even think about love,” you sigh again, your coughing fit subsiding as you reach for your cup once again.
“Not every guy is a dead-beat.”
His words carry a harsh bite to them, almost as if he finds you’ve said offensive. It burns his ego a bit, assuming that you’re grouping him in with all the guys you’ve been with in the past. Which is strange, Jisung should know that he’s different. For one, you’ve never dated him before and two, if he was such a dead-beat you wouldn’t have kept him around for so long.
You aren’t able to talk to guys, or most people for that matter, in the same way that you talk to Jisung. He’s the one you rant about all the assholes to. He knows all the shit that you don’t tell anyone else, he’s like your own personal human diary. Secrets are always safe with him, it's not like he has anyone who would listen to the gossip even if he wanted to tell.
After a minute of silence his expression changes, Jisung’s eyes squinting at you in that ‘I have a crazy idea’ type of way. It’s a look that you haven’t seen very often, and you can’t say that you’ll ever get used to it. 
“Okay then I’ll make you a deal,” he proposes, a glimmering look in his eye that made you somewhat nervous. You never know what you are getting with Jisung, but most of the time his ‘deals’ are on the crazier side.
“What is it?” You still ask although you’re a bit nervous to hear his answer. If his plan is to set you up with one of his delinquent friends or something–
“Be my girlfriend.”
Your eyes widen as the words fall from his tongue, confusion taking over your expression as a small chuckle slips past his lips. Instinctively your stomach tightens, the air around you now feeling a bit heaver each second time ticks on. He can't be serious…
“Your what?”
“Two weeks is all I’m asking for. Be my girlfriend for just two weeks, and I’ll show you that love isn’t as shitty as you think it is.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me” you shake your head, a disbelieving smile stretching wide across your face.
“C’mon Y/N,” he challenges, “it’s two weeks of your life, what else do you have to do? I think it could be fun.”
The quirk of his eyebrow and quick squint of his eyes grabs your attention. He’s serious about this, scarily serious, and you aren’t quite sure how to react to that.
“What’s in it for you?” Your chin falls into your palm as you stare at him, waiting for his response.
“Well for one,” he starts, a sigh leaving his lips, “if it works then I won’t have to listen to you complain about how much relationships suck anymore.”
Just when you don't think you can roll your eyes any further into the back of your head, your own actions surprise you. If looks could kill, the one you’re giving him right now would surely take him out. He doesn’t pay much mind to it though, he’s used to your sass and just shrugs it off.
“This is an awful idea,” you glare at him as if it will change his mind. You’re certain this experiment of his would not change your own. Love sucked, and that was that.
“Two weeks,” his voice carries a taunting tone, his eyebrows wiggling to entice you into his plan. He isn’t going to give up on this easily, you know Jisung. And Jisung always gets his way.
“Fine,” you huff, “two weeks and that’s it. And if my mind isn’t changed you owe me 3 more of these,” you say, picking up your boba from the table and shaking it at eye-level for emphasis.
His bottom lip catches between his teeth, satisfied with your response. He isn’t exactly sure how he’ll manage to pull this off, but he’s definitely up for the challenge.
“We start tomorrow at 8, I’ll pick you up after work.”
Crossing your arms over the table, you bury your head in your arms. This is going to be the most interesting two weeks of your entire life.
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“Wait, you're like dating dating the Han Jisung?” Felix’s jaw drops, excitement prevalent on his face as you spill about your night with Jisung.
Felix is the only person in your life that understood your hatred for relationships, other than Jisung of course. Not that he shares the hatred himself, he’s just heard enough about how much you despise being in one to know just how you felt. He’s only heard about it every day for the past several summers.
Felix is your best friend, other than Jisung of course. He’s also the only person in this world that you could bear to work with on a Saturday morning. 
“That's the plan,” you sigh fiddling with the containers on the counter. It’s pretty slow for a Saturday morning, only a handful of customers have come in so far and it's already 11 am.
That’s the thing about working at a coffee shop – and it sucks when it's busy, and it sucks even more when it's slow. At least it isn't a terrible job, you at least have Jisung and Felix to keep you company and that's always worthwhile.
“And for the record,” you turn to look at Felix, a grin still evident on his face, “I don’t think this is gonna change my mind about the love stuff.”
“You know how Jisung is,” his eyebrow lifts, “so you never know. Maybe something could happen.” 
If anyone was surprised that you were dating someone, fake relationship or not, it would be Felix. On top of that, you’re dating Han Jisung. As in, the same Jisung that ended a 3-month relationship last year because the girl ‘smelled too much like peaches’ and it was ‘too good to be true.’ And now that you’re the one stuck with him for the next 14 days, it is only a matter of time until he finds the deal-breaking trait that turns him away from you.
“Okay no, that's exactly why this is only two weeks. If I know Jisung, he’ll be over it before the 2 weeks even ends.”
“Whatever you say,” the pitch of his voice is raised teasingly. You can tell he doesn’t believe this will be just a ‘two-week thing’ by the funny little look on his face. You hate that look, and you hate how Felix always seems to be right.
Subsequently Felix sees a lot of things that you aren’t able to see for yourself. You’ve grown up with Jisung, grown accustomed to his unique mannerisms and behaviors without even noticing. Felix, on the other hand, has a different point of view. 
He’s not in it like you are, so gets to see the way Jisung looks at you; the way he hangs on each and every word that leaves your mouth with a sparkle in his eye. He notices that Jisung longs to make you laugh. And he watches the toothy grin each that grows on your face each time a chuckle breaks through your lips. Felix notices every behavior that you see as nothing more than ‘friendly.’ But who is he to say? So, for now, the information remains tucked away and stored in his mind for a later date.
Your fingers drum on the clean marble countertop beside you, leaning against it as you wait for a customer to come in. All this time with nothing to do is really doing wonders for your imagination; thinking about what Jisung has planned for the two of you to do tonight. Nothing special, you hope, he really doesn’t need to go all out for this. 
The lack of customers and silence that's fallen among the shop is just making it easier for your mind to wander off. It was beginning to make you sick how much you were thinking about Jisung and nothing has even happened yet. It's not like you have any reason to be nervous, but keeping all these thoughts trapped in your thick skull is starting to give you a headache
“He’s picking me up after work.” You blurt it out without thinking much about it. No one is here, you might as well lay it all out there for Felix to know since there's nothing better to do.
“He’s picking you up? Like you’re going on a date?”
“Shut upppp,” your eyes roll at his teasing nature, growing slightly embarrassed by how giddy the thought of this ‘date’ is making him, and you for that matter. It’s just Jisung. And you are just hanging out like you do every other night. There's nothing different about tonight and you’ll be able to prove that to yourself and Felix by the next time you see him.
The rest of you shift flies by – it always does when you work with Felix. Before you know it, the closing checklist is coming to an end, only a few steps left before you can finally get out of here. The clock had just turned to 7:55 pm, but Jisung still isn’t here. Not that you’re expecting him to be on time or anything, this is still the same Jisung you have always known.
What you aren’t familiar with is the nervous butterflies fluttering around in your tummy as the clock approaches 8 pm.  What are you even nervous about? It isn’t a blind date, other than the fact that you have no idea what you’re doing. And it isn’t even a date. It’s Jisung for crying out loud.
Speaking of the devil, the chimes in the front of the shop ring as Jisung passes through the doorway. You don’t see who it is at first, your back turns to the door as you sweep behind the counter. The chimes ringing at this time of night do trigger your fight or flight instincts though, ready to turn to whoever is approaching and give them a dirty look for coming in this close to closing time.
But once you turn around and see Jisung standing in the doorway with a bouquet of sunflowers, your tension quickly subsides. You swear that you can feel your heart skip a beat, heat rising to your cheeks as you try your hardest to form a coherent sentence. It's okay that you aren’t able to, though, the surprised look on your face is enough for his smile to light up the room.
“I’m here to pick up the pretty girl with the espresso stain on her shirt,” he chuckles, his bottom lip catching between his teeth nervously.
Tonight he’s dressed a lot nicer than usual comfy attire; a nice shirt with a pair of dark jeans that hug his slim figure. His hair is a lot lighter too – a vast change from the midnight black strands that normally frame his face. He’s really going all out for this thing – and right now all that you’re wearing a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt with coffee stains down the front.
When you look to your right, Felix is just as stunned as you are. Frozen in his spot as his jaw practically sweeps the floor, he looks at you with wide eyes, his eyebrows raised as a smug expression crosses his face. For a second you contemplate asking him if he’s all set to finish the closing checklist on his own, but before you’re able to speak up he’s already shooing the two of you out the door.
With a goofy grin displayed across his face, Jisung hands you the bundle of flowers, tied together with a delicate white ribbon. You mumble a thank you, still stunned that he showed up here looking like that to take you out tonight. So he is the romantic type, note taken.
“You like nice,” you gulp nervously. It already feels like a date and you haven’t even left the parking lot yet. If this is how things are going to start you had an exciting 13 more days ahead of you...
“So do you,” he smirks, his eyes wandering down to the small brown stains littering your shirt. Eyes narrowing, you read the expression crossing his face – of course, he’s joking. “I brought you some fresh clothes to change into don’t worry.”
Relief rushes through your body as the words leave his lips, followed by a slight pull on your heart strings. Knowing he took the time to think about bringing you something else to wear so you didn’t have to sit in your coffee scented clothes all night made you feel warm in the strangest way. He’s thoughtful, and it's weirding you out – but in a good way.
“So, where are we even going?”
“You’ll see.”
A vague yet interesting, and very on-brand response from Jisung. He’s always been a fan of surprises – as long as he’s not on the receiving end.
The drive to your destination drags on forever. You aren’t quite sure how long you’ve been on your way; between your agile back seat changing of clothes, which you are surprisingly skilled at, and the anticipation coursing through your veins, you’ve lost track of time. All you know is that you’ve been driving along the backroads of your area for at least 15 minutes, and there is nothing around you to indicate that your destination is near.
“This is it.” The car pulls into a small dirt parking lot, dimly lit by some dingy street lights that aren’t doing a very good job at their primary function. It's pretty hard to see what’s around you, no matter how hard you squint and press your forehead to the window to get a better look.
“Where are we?” The question leaves your lips in a worried fashion. Trees surround the parking lot on all three-sides, while the road you've pulled in from occupies the fourth-side. You’re hesitant to get out of the car, but as Jisung rounds the front and opens the door for you, you’re on your way out. He motions for you to hold on as he pops the trunk – returning with a blanket and a reusable shopping bag filled with god knows what.
He still hasn’t given an answer to your question though, and you still aren’t quite sure where you are. If It was lighter out you assume it would be beautiful here, all the greenery dark and shadows hovering over you from the trees.
The bright light from his cell phone flashlight lights up the way, a path on your right
“Hell no,” your arms cross over your chest as you stand still in your place. He’s out of his mind if he thinks you’re going into the woods this late at night. You’ve seen enough horror films, stuff like this never ends well.
“C’mon, it’s not as bad as it looks,” Jisung laughs at your pouting manner, amusement filling his system as you glue your feet to the ground of the parking lot. His puppy dog eyes plead for you to follow him, a hand outreaching in your direction for the taking. You contemplate it for a moment, your eyes narrowing as you ponder the possible outcomes of the situation before you.
“Fine,” you huff as you take his hand in yours.
His hand feels different in yours this time. His long fingers lacing between your smaller ones in the perfect fit that you’ve neglected to notice before. You’ve held his hand before, platonically though. This time it’s platonic too though, right? It’s just a date. A platonic date between two friends. Two friends who are dating on a two week trial period. So yes, it is strictly platonic. Right?
The dirt path doesn’t drag on for too long, but the sounds of bugs ticking and twigs breaking beneath your feet is enough to startle you. Every scared and breathy gasp that  leaves your mouth is followed by a small fit of laughter from Jisung. At least one of you is amused.
But the dirt path soon turns rocky, a clearing becoming more and more noticeable as Jisung’s flashlight brightens the way ahead of you. The rows of trees come to an end as the ground flattens, a giant slab of rock lying beneath your feet. Out ahead of you is completely dark, and until you approach the darkness you don’t notice that you’re just a few yards away from the edge of a cliff. A river lies below the edge, the sound of water rushing fills your ears and calms your nerves. It is quiet out here, peaceful and without distraction.
Jisung stands back as you admire the scenery around you – your own phone flashlight now out and panning around to look at the view. It’s beautiful out here, nothing to worry about but the sounds of the water and whatever Jisung is doing behind you…
You couldn’t have zoned out for more than 2 minutes, but once you turn back around to face him a picnic blanket lies on the ground before you. Snacks scatter the extent of the fabric, a few candles placed in the center
“You really went all out for this, huh?” A nervous laugh leaves your lips before you swallow harshly. Never in your life has a guy ever gone all out like this for you. A late-night picnic at a secret location, fixed with all of your favorite snacks and some candles for ambiance.
“Had to,” he smiles, “it’s our first date.”
You join him on the blanket, grabbing for a bag of popcorn as you sit down. Maybe relationships wouldn’t suck so much if all men treated you like this…
But it’s just Jisung. Jisung who already knows all your favorite things to eat. He’s just trying to be convincing – to prove to you that men take you on dates, do nice things. But stuff like this never lasts. Two weeks from now you’ll be going back to the same old Jisung and Y/N friendship that you’ve always had.
The conversation goes on as normal tonight, he doesn’t make any moves (as expected, it’s Jisung) and you enjoy the view and calm atmosphere with your fake but not so fake boyfriend. You stay out on the cliff for a few more hours before he takes you home. Jisung put a lot of effort into making tonight special, and you appreciate him for that. But even after all his effort, you know that real relationships aren’t like this.
Every guy you’ve dated would try to woo you over in the beginning too. They call it the honeymoon stage for a reason. Things are always great in the beginning, lavish gifts and dates, loving gestures. That kind of thing never lasts. Soon the effort runs out, the guy gets bored of putting the work in, and they end up sleeping with your freshman year roommate. Well, at least that's how it is for you.
The bundle of sunflowers Jisung gave to you earlier on in the night sits on the end table next to your bed. Each time you look at them all you can picture is the goofy grin he sported as he stood at the entrance of the coffee shop. It replays in your mind like a movie. How he dressed up all spiffy just to take you out. How he took you to a spot only he knew about, somewhere so off-site and serene that he knew you’d remain uninterrupted. You can’t help but wonder if he’s using the same old tricks on you that he does to other girls though. If he only knew about that place because he’s taken someone there before.
Not that it matters though, you aren’t his real girlfriend. You’re just on a trial period. But for some reason the thought that he might have brought another girl to the same spot before doesn’t sit well with you.
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“Sooooo,” Felix teases, letting his chin fall into his palm as he leans on the counter before him, “how was your date with Y/N?”
Jisung chuckles at his nosiness, he’s sure you’ve already told Felix all about it. There are no secrets left between you two. Even sometimes Jisung felt like the odd man out when you’re all together.
“It was good.”
Jisung keeps his answer short, leaving the rest up to his imagination. He isn’t one to kiss and tell – or to not kiss and tell. Keeping his private life all to himself is something he takes pride in, things are just better that way.
“Just good?” Felix challenges, knowing there is much more that he’s leaving out. His eyes narrow as he waits for his response. You haven’t told him anything about last night, not even where you went after he picked you up. Things are radio silent on your end, which left Felix dying to know what actually happened on your ‘date that wasn't a real date.’
Jisung glances back at him, contemplating whether or not he should spill the beans. It would be kind of nice to have someone else to confide in. Especially since it's always you on the receiving end of his secrets; however, this may be the one secret that you don’t know of.
He chews on his bottom lip pensively, if anyone knows what’s on your mind, it would be Felix. Not that Jisung would ever want to pry, there's just no indication of how you feel about last night, or about him. Before Jisung can even open his mouth to speak, a knowing smirk is spread wide across Felix’s face. It’s that kind of look that makes him nervous – he knows something.
“You like her don’t you,” he muses, rubbing his hands together smooths as the words catch in the air. It’s out there now – and it’s obvious. Well, maybe not obvious, but it's clear as day to Felix – and that is more than enough to make Jisung worry.
“I don’t,” Jisung denies the other boy’s claim, his willpower too strong to give in.
“Oh yeah? So why do you self sabotage every one of your relationships then?”
The words catch Jisung off guard; his jaw clenching harshly as an annoyed breath is forced out of his nostrils. He wants to deny the claim once again, but he can’t bring himself to keep brushing off these feelings that have had a grip on him ever since he was young.
Felix is right too. He does sabotage each relationship that comes his way. Jisung goes out of his way to find something wrong with each girl he dates. He can never admit it to himself, but in the back of his mind, he knows that it's the fact that none of those girls are you. None of the girls he’s ever met could ever match up to all that you are. In his mind, you held the perfect score, and no one else had ever come close.
“It’s written all over your face every time you look at her you know.”
There's no way he’s that obvious... Did his feelings show that much whenever he was around you?
“What do you mean?” Jisung clarifies, the small once of hope bearing weight in his chest that Felix will follow up with a ‘just kidding’ or change the subject. Only the silence that falls on the room is enough of a response for Jisung to get the clue. 
“Just please don’t tell her,” he avoids eye contact with the other boy, hand gripping harshly on the countertop as he stares down at the black and white checkered tile. “I just wanted to see if I could change her mind – about the love stuff, you know?”
The second you find out about Jisung’s feelings all bets would be off. There’s no way you’d let your little arrangement continue, not if either of you could end up hurt. And he knows you only agreed to this because there is nothing between you romantically, it was a deal between two friends. The second feelings get involved, everything gets all mushy and confusing, and Jisung can’t lose you.
Felix bears his weight on the counter behind him, leaning comfortably on the cool glass. “Believe me, I want her to be done with that ‘I hate love thing’ just as much as you do,” he sighs, looking around momentarily before he clears his throat. “Want me to be honest?”
“I think you might be the only one who can change her mind.”
Jisung’s heart skips a beat once the words leave Felix’s mouth. Blood rushes to his ears, pumping like a snare drum as he considers his thoughts. His stomach begins to twist as he considers it, almost confused about what Felix means, but not willing to accept it. You only agreed to fake-date him, you still hate love.
A comfortable silence fills the air, Felix watching him as his lips roll between his teeth, deep in thought. Change your mind. The words repeat in Jisungs head like a broken record. That’s what he’s trying to do, all for the right reasons of course. So that you don’t  have to be so miserable about it anymore. 
But behind those selfless reasons are several smaller, selfish ones. He gets to be with you as more than a friend now, and although it’s nothing more than some kind of test run, he can’t help but feel like this can be something more too. It’d be crazy to ignore the feeling he has deep in his chest, and maybe it's a sign not to.
“Like you think…” Jisung gulps, clearing his throat as the words stutter out of his mouth, “I could get her to fall for me?”
The lack of response that Felix gives is ominous, but the raise of his eyebrows and toothy grin forming on his face needs no words to tell. 
If anyone is to change your mind, it’ll be Jisung.
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That night Jisung took you to the drive-in movies. To be quite honest, you couldn’t really recall what was playing, some Pixar film with bugs as the main character if you could remember it correctly. You were far too distracted laughing with Jisung, watching as young kids played around on a grassy patch near his car. The giggles that left his lips each time the little girl waved to him were music to your ears. You never noticed how much he loved kids, how good he was with them.
The image of his hands clasped together as he fawned over the little girl, picking dandelions in the grass and racing to place them by your feet was burned into your memory. The boxy grin that graced his face all night long. The way his eyes squinted from his cheeks, pushing up as he smiled so big. The whispers of the word ‘cute’ each time her pigtails bounced while she toddled away.
Missing the movie doesn't disappoint you. If anything, the memories you've saved from tonight are more than enough.
The next night you were unable to go out, the shop was so busy that you were not able to leave until an hour and a half after your shift was supposed to end. Some punk kid dropped a cup of iced coffee on the floor on his way out and decided it would be best to leave it there without cleaning anything up or letting you know. Maybe if it hadn’t been so busy then you would have noticed the spill before it dried up and there were coffee stains stuck to the tile floors.
Naturally, you spent a good 15 minutes trying to mop up all the stickiness on the floor. But to your luck, Jisung is working with you that night. Once all the customers left the shop he hooked his phone up to the speakers, grabbed your hands, and danced you around the shop. Well, it was supposed to be dancing but it probably looked more like Jisung swinging your arms as you attempted to not trip over your own feet.
It makes up for not getting to go out though, and you’d take a night like that over a fancy dinner any chance you got. 
It’s been 12 days since you became Jisung‘s girlfriend, and as the remaining days decreased, so did your hatred for love. Each night he planned something special. The real kicker was the texts that you get once he makes it home from dropping you off every night. A simple ‘I had a great time tonight’ was enough to make your heart swell and heat rise to your cheeks.
And as you notice your hatred for love and relationships leaving you, you notice another feeling enter your system. Or several feelings…
Things are getting just as sticky as the night when two frappuccinos splattered all over the shop floor, whipped cream and all. Spending time with Jisung like this is bringing some things to the surface you didn’t know were buried in the first place.
Every night that you spent with Jisung over the past 12 days allowed you to see him in a new light. You got to see him on a different level than just friends. You got to see what every girl that fawns over Jisung experiences.
Something about your friendship never let you jump past that barrier. You only see him as a dear friend of yours. Nothing more and nothing less. And now the issue is that...you aren’t sure how you’ll ever go back to see him as such.
You like Jisung as more than a friend, that's for sure. And you know because of that things will never be able to go back to the way they once were.
Maybe you're reading too much into it, but your gut is telling you that you aren't the only one feeling this way.
The feeling of butterflies that pound in your stomach each time you meet eyes with him has to be reciprocated. There is just no way you can be feeling this way and he isn’t.
This isn’t like the feelings you’ve caught for any guy before, this is something else. Every night when you go home you lay in bed, staring at your ceiling with a dumb grin on your face as you think about your time together, about him. About the way his black curly hair falls in front of his eyes each time he looks down and how his smile lights up every room he was in.
These things that you were so blind to before can’t escape your thoughts, and it makes you wonder how many times or things you’ve looked over that make you melt, just like you are right now.
But in just 2 days, this trial-boyfriend period will be over, and you’ll have to go back to being just friends. Each day, each hour, each minute that approaches feels heavier and heavier. Anxiety floods your system each time you think about things being over, or that this arrangement you have isn’t even real.
When you think about the growing feelings you have for him, you honestly can't imagine what your life will be like any other way. What it would be like going back to just hanging out here and there. And what it would be like
You can’t even fathom thinking about what it would be like hearing him talk about another girl again. It makes you sick thinking that there's going to be someone after you, because in just 5 days this will be all over, and you’ll go back to being the girl best friend, nothing more.
Maybe it’s just wishful thinking that Jisung has more feelings for you too. But the glimmer in his eyes as his bangs brush out of his eyes and they land on you tells a different story. When he looks at you it feels like you are the only two people on earth. He sees nothing else but you, and the way your eyes sparkle back at him.
Each day you spend with Jisung after that feels like a wrench tightening the screws of your heart. 14 days is just not enough.
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“Earth to Y/N,” Felix says waving a hand in your face.
You must have zoned out, for god knows how long.
“Thinking about Jisung?”
“What?” you immediately straighten your posture and brush yourself off before responding, “N-no…I’m just thinking.”
“Right,” the sarcasm drips from his lips, not sparing you any time to save yourself as he turns away, beginning to wipe off the tables in the front.
For personal reasons, you’ve kept Felix out of the loop during this whole “fake-boyfriend Jisung” thing. It’s better if you keep your feelings to yourself until you figure them out. And although it feels really really strange not giving Felix the intel on what’s going on in your life, you know it’s for your own good.
Once you put what is in your head out into the world, you can’t take it back. And what if all these things that you’re feeling is just a part of the honeymoon-phase. If that even existed anyway… But if all these feelings for Jisung are due to him trying to woo you and change your mind, everything will just fade away as things return back to normal. And then you’ll be left loving him in silence while you watch him blow through relationships like a leaf blows through the wind.
Something in you tells you that this isn't the case, but the small shadow of doubt in the back of your mind keeps you from talking to your best friend about it anyway.
The thing is, you don't have to tell Felix for him to know. Every time Jisung picks you up from work to take you out you shine. Your smile spreads so wide he’s afraid your cheeks will tear. The nervous shake of your fingers as you grab for your belongings as you head out the door doesn’t go unnoticed in Felix’s eyes. He knows you too well to look over things like this, he just wanted to wait for you to say something first.
But now that you aren’t, Felix has decided to take matters into his own hands, asking you about it himself.
“Felix,” you start, waiting for his attention before you pull out a stool, sitting down and motioning for him to follow suit. Quickly he does, a questioning but knowing look evident on his face as the stool squeaks under him. “You know how this thing between Jisung and I is just an experiment or whatever?”
He nods in response, his hand quickly falling into his palm as he listens intently to your words.
“I think I messed up.” Your head is buried in your arms, laid over the tabletop in embarrassment.
“What do you mean?”
His question is more for clarification, he wants to hear you say it yourself. Felix knows that you’re gonna tell him that you’ve already caught feelings. He sees it coming from a mile away, you confirming it is just the icing on the cake.
“Don’t make me say it,” you whine, neglecting to pick your head up and look at him. You can feel the grin on his face. You know he's smirking at you right now, doing his best to hold back a laugh. Finally, you over the ‘I hate love and relationships suck’ thing.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about,” he sings, quite obviously teasing you while another deep sigh echoes from your chest. You manage to pick your head up, leaning onto your elbows with your chin caught between your palms as you face him.
“I like him.”
It comes out as a whisper, but Felix hears it loud and clear. If you didn’t know better, you’d assume that the smile on his face can't grow any larger, but it does. He jumps up from his chair in victory, doing a funny dance with his arms whooping in the air to celebrate. You’re confused as to why, but you’re too far in your own thoughts to pay it any mind; your head just sinks back into your arms as your forehead presses against the cold metal table beneath you.
“I knew it,” Felix smiles, his happy dance subsiding as he positions himself back down across from you. “I knew this fake dating thing was gonna work.
“Yeah well it really worked, because now I have feelings for a guy that’s never gonna reciprocate them for me.” Your tone is laced with sarcasm, a disappointing ring sounding off on each of your words. You’re too embarrassed to look at the boy sitting before you, worried that if you do all the emotions you’ve been holding onto for so long will spill over and stain your stone-cold image; one you’ve maintained for far too long.
But Felix is your best friend. The only one that you should be comfortable being vulnerable about your feelings for Jisung with; for some reason all you can’t bring yourself to be. Before you can get a grip on your emotions tears are streaming down your face and falling onto the cold metal surface under you in small puddles. 
A sympathetic sigh leaves Felix’s lips as he tries to gain your attention, “Hey.”
Inhaling deeply, you face him – mascara strewn across your face in black streaks and eyes nearly bloodshot. You’ve held this in for far too long. Only a double would tire you out and exhaust you enough to cry on the clock. Thank god it’s a rainy day, no customers ever come in on rainy days.
Or at least, no customers usually come in on rainy days. It's not until you hear the bells on the front door ring that you’re wiping your eyes, whipping around to greet whoever was entering.
And then you see him, standing there as he shakes out his umbrella, a bouquet of sunflowers in his hand.
And he sees you; mascara running down your face and tears staining your cheeks. He’s early. Your stomach turns at the sight of him, emotions not stable enough to handle carry a normal conversation like  
“Y/N,” his voice is quiet, worry dripping in his tone as your name leaves his lips. But you can’t face him right now, not like this.
Your feet move faster than you mind, standing up and rushing to the back to avoid him. Jisung doesn’t follow you, just stands there and watches you walk away, solemn and worried that he’s done something. 
It’s not until Felix is rising from his seat and pacing over to him that he’s brought back to reality.
“Jisung...” he starts, hands coming up slowly to console him, “I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to be here right now.”
“Wh-what’s wrong?” His lip worries between his teeth, eyes glossy as he stares at the door you just closed behind you. He’s looking at it intently, mind flooding with worry, wishing so badly that the door will just fly open, and you’ll tell him what was going on. In the back of his mind, he knows that you won’t, at least not for now. Talking about emotions has never been your strong suit, and chances of that changing at this moment are at an all-time low.
Felix is unsure how to answer him, caught in between not wanting to lie and keeping your feelings private. He can’t speak for you; but he’s scared that saying nothing could just make this whole situation worse.
His mouth gapes as he searches for a response to his question, lips opening and closing while he hums to himself.
The umbrella hanging from Jisung’s hand drops with a crash, starling Felix as he jumps at the sudden sound. But before he is even able to speak, the bell to the front door is ringing again, and Jisung is walking away into the pouring rain.
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The next day you wake up feeling numb. You’ve received several texts from Jisung the night before, none of which you have the energy to reply to or even look at for that matter.
The guilt riddling your body has become too much for you to handle. You left work last night without even saying goodbye to Felix. He’s a good enough friend and coworker to know that what you’re going through is more important than working the counter at an coffee shop. 
After Jisung left, Felix came back and let you know; he almost had to break down the door to the backroom in order for you to let him in. He told you to go home, get some rest and that you’d talk tomorrow.
But after waking up the last thing you want to do is talk about Jisung, it hurts enough just thinking about him.
Every time you thought about how your arrangement was supposed to end in just a few days you felt sick. You have worked so hard to open up just to build your walls back up again. And now you’re back at square one.
When you agreed to be Jisung’s girlfriend you did not expect to fall for him like this. He’s Jisung for god’s sake. He’s your personal diary, he’s the one who knows all the shit that nobody else does. And he’s the only one that listens to all the dumb shit you have to say that no one else cares about.
Feelings ruin everything. Love sucks, and you knew this before you agreed. You agreed under the circumstances that Jisung could show you that relationships could be fun; not under the circumstances that he would make you fall in love with him,
And the more that you think about it, maybe you were always in love with him. Maybe you always had these feelings for him, but they were trapped in the tight bonds of friendship that your subconscious never let you out.
But none of that even mattered now. The deal had to be off, and you need to distance yourself from Jisung before you are hurt any worse. The longer this goes on the worse that you are going to feel when it's all over.
How are you supposed to go back to normal after this? Like is Jisung thinking that showing you how amazing relationships are, you won't fall for him or something? Or does his true plan consist of making you fall in love with him, just to string you along like every other girl he's dated?
You’re trapped in the never-ending spiraling thoughts, soiling your image of Jisung with each new theory that crosses your mind. None of them are good. All of them paint him as a player, as someone who just used you.
But the little thump in your heart when you notice the sunflowers placed on your bedside table wants your mind to change. Your heart wants you to believe that Jisung feels something too, that throughout this arrangement he has seen a different side to you too – that he’s fallen for you just like you have for him.
It's a knock at your door that guides you out of your thoughts. The repetitive tapping at your front door that drags you out of bed. And when you check your peephole and it's no one else, but your small blonde best friend standing on your doorstep that has relief rushing through your system.
The door cracks open, Felix standing there with an umbrella in his hand – even though it was nearly 100º with clear skies.
“Why are you still in your pajamas? It's noon.”
Suddenly, he pushes past you and invites himself into to your living room. Plopping down on your couch, Felix makes himself comfortable as he waits for you to join. You spin on your heels, an exhausted breath leaving your mouth as you pace over to him, plopping down on the next cushion over.
“Why the umbrella?” Your brow furrows as he hands it over. You take it though, still confused behind the meaning of the object that you're holding and where it came from.
“It’s Jisung’s.”
You nearly drop it as his name leaves his lips. The name causes your stomach to tighten, mouth-drying instantly as emotions well behind your eyes.
“Why?” Is all you can mutter out. Why was he giving it to you, why is he here, and why did he have it?
“You need to bring it back to him.” He says sternly, his eyes locked on you as he waits for you to look back at him. But you’re too focused on the umbrella placed gently in your hands, tracing your finger over every wire and the soft rubber handle.
“I can’t.” Your words come out in a whisper, breath light and airy as you sigh, sinking your body back into the couch cushions. Giving the umbrella back to Jisung will mean that you have to go see him. And if you see him, he’s going to want to talk to you about last night, then question you about why you haven’t been returning his texts. No. You will not be giving Jisung his umbrella back.
“Y/N,” your name leaves his mouth gently, a sigh following it before he reaches for you, rubbing your arm comfortingly before continuing, “I think you need to talk to him.”
“Felix you know I can’t do that.”
You’re serious in your words. Not that you don’t want to talk to Jisung. You most definitely want to – and if you could, you would. But you can’t. There are too many emotions involved. The wound is fresh and seeing him would be rubbing salt right into it.
“Y/N,” he sighs, this time more forceful, like he’s trying to get something across to you but it's going right over your head. “Talk to him. Please.”
“You know I’m going to end up hurt if I do.” Tears well in your eyes as the words croak from your throat. It's dry and scratchy, full of fear and anxiety.
“I think you’d be surprised,” he mumbles, his eyes instantly widening on realizing the words that just escaped. Eyes wide with confusion, you’re begging him to go on, but if he does then Jisung won’t be the only one in deep shit right now. It's not up to Felix to tell you what he knows this time. 
“What do you mean I’ll be surprised?”
“I have to go,” he stands instantly, motioning to the umbrella, “and you need to bring this back.”
With a slight ruffle to your hair, Felix is giving you a supporting smile and waving goodbye. And you’re left alone once again – just you and Jisung’s blue umbrella.
It takes a lot of courage to get ready today. You make sure to take your sweet time rummaging through your closet, flipping through articles of clothing for the better half of an hour. At the end, you opt to go with a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt. There isn't enough energy in your body to put on anything else, and you know you’ll just want to curl back up in bed once you get home. Sweatpants are safe, and safe is just what you need.
No makeup today either. If things are anything like you’re expecting, your makeup will just end up ruined anyway. It's your better judgment to shower though, you’ve neglected to take one after work last night; opting to just bury yourself under your covers as soon as you got back. But today is a new day. And with a fresh shower and your comfiest pair of sweatpants, you are about as ready as you’ll ever be to get your heart broken into a billion pieces. 
Umbrella in hand, you step out onto your front steps, relishing in your last few moments of ignorant bliss before making your way to Jisung’s. You immediately regret your wardrobe decision as the sun beats down on your frame, the humidity making you feel sticky and gross – your favorite pants are  no match for this heat.
But you’re on your way to your destination anyway, the drive feeling longer and more drawn out than normal. Jisung didn’t live that far away from you, but the ride there still felt like an eternity with each theoretical scenario passing your mind. 
Dragging your feet, you make your way to the front steps of his house. You’ve been here a million times, but today is different. From now on, every time you drive past this place all you’ll know is heartache.
You brush yourself off, taking a deep breath before bringing your hand up and pushing the doorbell. The sudden ringing sound startles you, even though you have every indication that it’s coming – you’re just too nervous and jumpy for your own good.
Footsteps approach the door, your stomach tightening more and more with the muffled pitter-patter of footsteps. You’re praying to God that it’s his mom, hoping that Jisung just so happens to be out – even though his car is in plain sight parked just a few meters away from you. Wishful thinking, you suppose.
When the door to his house opens, you struggle to maintain your composure. He’s dressed similarly to you; a pair of sweats and an old sports t-shirt that has definitely seen better days.
His eyes are sunken in, dark circles dragging underneath his eyes and his lips pulled downwards. He looks like a sad puppy, his dark hair all scruffy and sticking up in each direction – probably from him running his hands through it so many times. 
“I came to give you this,” you extend the umbrella out before you. He nods before taking hold of it, his hand far at the opposite end making sure not to keep his distance. The more you look at him, the more sorry you feel for dodging his texts. He looks like he hasn’t slept a wink, and you’re afraid it’s all because of you.
“Oh...uh, thanks,” he struggles to make eye contact with you, looking down at the object in his hand. 
It’s awkward, uncomfortable, and you can’t seem to find the words to say to break this strange tension between the two of you. He’s acting weird, shifting his weight back and forth but not moving away to close the door. His mind is racing once again – contemplating whether or not to just invite you in or leave it at that.
But with every aching bone in his body, he musters up the courage to lift his head, looking you directly in the eyes. Their dark like his, definitely from the lack of sleep you had the night before. Your mouth is turned downward too; hands fiddling together to try and distract yourself.
“D-Do you wanna come in?” He stutters, stepping aside slowly as he gestures towards his house. He suddenly worries when you don’t respond right away, taking a second to contemplate if this is a good idea or not. Ripping off the band-aid is never easy, but it needs to be done.
“Sure,” is the word that you decide on – hoping that it doesn’t make you seem disinterested or too desperate to talk. Maybe he’s just being kind though. Maybe it’s an empty offer, something that you say when you’re trying to be nice, but subconsciously hope that they won’t take you up on it. Like when you offer to share your food with someone, but you’re really hungry. You do it to be nice, not because you actually want to split the delicious looking burger and fries on your plate.
He leads you inside and to his bedroom. It looks the same as always, but it feels different. It still smells like him though, the comforting woodsy scent of pine and mahogany that he always reaches for. But that comforting scent is anything but comfortable. You’re frozen in place, unsure if you should sit on his bed and make yourself at home, much like every other time in the past. For now you just stand in the doorframe, waiting for him to tell you to take a seat, just like any polite guest would. A guest. You have never felt like a guest in his home before, or around Jisung in general. But that imaginary wall between the two of you is standing tall and sturdy, and suddenly the two of you are reverted back to being strangers.
You watch as he toys with something on his desk, his fingers dancing from object to object and sifting through papers to look busy. The point of it – unknown to you but to him, he’s buying time. Trying to think of the first thing to say, what to ask, or if you even wanted to talk. Maybe you only agreed to come inside to be nice. Maybe you were too worried about hurting his feelings if you said no. But alas, here you are, standing awkwardly in his doorway as he shuffles around his room, his brain flooding with thoughts – but his mouth can not form them into audible words.
“I’m sorry for ignoring your texts.”
Your voice catches his attention, dropping whatever paper he’s looking at now and turning his gaze to you. You’re sunken into yourself, your chest thumping with anxiety as his eyes begin to wander your frame. Not in a ‘I’m checking you out’ manner though; more of a ‘you look so sad and I don’t know what to say to you right now’ kind of way. 
It’s true though, he doesn’t know what to say – which is why he’s staring at you, hoping the right words would just pop up and he didn’t have to use any brain-power at all. He doesn’t want to say ‘it's okay,’ because it's not. You never ignore his texts, and that alone tells him enough about what's going on. You are upset at him.
“What did I do wrong, Y/N?”
His words sound accusatory but his tone is soft, gentle and full of worry. Eyes swollen and looking like they are about to fill to the brim with tears, his sight is focused on you; now not able to look away.
“I-I don’t know…”
Your answer is honest. You don’t know if his intentions are dirty. Yeah, that’s what you thought initially, but looking at him with such hurt written all over his face tells a different story. 
Jisung is silent, unsure of what more he can do or say to make you talk to him. He can’t force you to open up, he never has and he never will – that’s always been his rule. Everything you’ve shared with him has been on your own terms and conditions. Jisung has always been here to be your listening ear, but he never prys.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
His voice is soft, eyes full of sympathy as he holds himself together. Those were the words he has been looking for. Now the ball is in your court and you’ll have to be the one leading the conversation. It’s just what he needed to figure this shit out.
“I-I don’t know.”
“Y/N,” he sighs as he drops himself down onto the mattress, “I shouldn’t have to say this for you to know it, but you know you can talk to me about anything, right?”
You do know that. You really, really do. But this time things are different. Is he expecting you to just come out and speak your truth like there won’t be consequences? No, he won’t push you to tell him anything you don’t want to. But the worry in his eyes and clammy hands are begging for you to just let it out so he can stop being in the dark.
You sigh out an ‘okay’ before sitting down beside him. 
Rip the band-aid off Y/N. Quick and painless.
His eyes narrow, almost to a squint, staring right through you in hopes of reading your thoughts. Your expression is nothing but blank as you try your best to gain some sort of composure. Do you just speak up and spill your guts? The words replay in your mind over and over until your thoughts are beat down and misshapen. 
You can picture his face when you say it; disgusted with a trace of disappointment and some confusion spread into the mix. Or maybe he’ll laugh at how pathetic you were, catching feelings for your fake boyfriend.
That’s it. There’s no way you can tell him. It would be much easier to just get up and leave. Tell him to pretend like none of this ever happened and that you needed some time to cool off. A few months maybe, or maybe you could just ghost him entirely. 
The sound of his voice breaks you out of your toxic thoughts, and his chocolate brown eyes bring you back down to earth. You can’t just leave him in the dust. He’s looking at you like you’re the only thing that exists. Things will be okay, right?
“Sorry, sorry,” you exhale deeply as you calm your thoughts; shifting the nasty scenarios out and accepting that whatever happens after this conversation is your fate. 
“Jisung, I-I guess I wasn’t expecting this boyfriend-girlfriend thing we’re doing to go like this.”
His brow quirks at your words, confusion riddling his expression as his eyes narrow. With a tilt of his head, he’s pushing you to continue, visibly riddled with your choice of words.
“Swear you’ll be honest when I ask you this?” You question him, your hand moving closer to his as you lean in slightly. He’s like a magnet, you can’t help yourself from moving closer; even though the proximity of the two of you is clouding your thoughts and you can feel your heart beginning to swell.
He nods in response to your question, his eyes full of concern as he waits for you to continue, “Why did you ask me to do this thing?”
He knows that a question like this was coming, only if he could have prepared for it. But he didn’t, so his throat is left dry and scratchy as his mouth opens, only to stutter a bit before closing it back up. No coherent thoughts or words are able to escape his lips, just nonsense mumbling that caught himself off guard.
With a deep breath, he closes his eyes, regaining his composure before he can face you again. He agreed to be honest, and if honesty is what you want, honesty is that you’ll get.
“I’m sorry.” That’s all that he can say. 
Oh no. This is exactly what you were expecting before you came here. He’s gonna tell you that he didn’t mean to mess with your emotions, that he felt you catching feelings and got carried away. That he’s sorry that he ruined your friendship and played you like a violin all at once.
“Me too.”
You don’t know why you’re apologizing, but you are. It feels wrong. Absolutely utterly, and undoubtedly wrong. Apologizing for your own feelings is not something that you are okay with. Especially when he made you fall for him like this. Okay so maybe thinking that is giving him too much power, but who the hell takes you out on dates for nearly 2 weeks straight just to laugh about it later. How can he expect you to not catch feelings for him? With his deep voice and fluffy hair that always hangs in front of his eyes, that little giggle he has when he finds something amusing. Everything about him was attractive. And you’ve fallen for it all. Hard.
“Wait, why are you sorry?”
A scoff escapes your mouth unintentionally, but it’s well deserved. “For being the idiot to fall for a guy that was playing her, I guess.”
You can’t look at him any longer, so your eyes fall to your lap, staring at your chipped nail polish and dirty fingernails instead of reading whatever dumb expression he has now. But if you just took a second to look up, you’d notice the widening of his eyes, how his fingers are beginning to shake and his mouth gape. 
“Don’t make me say it again Jisung, I don’t feel like sounding stupid one more time.”
“No no I heard you, it's just,” his eyes slam shut, angry at himself that he let things get this far without keeping you in the loop. 
You’ve been telling him that you hate love for years now. After hearing it so many times, he’d just given up on the thought of you. Maybe if he said something before you went through all those shitty guys things could have been different. But he’s let this go on for far too long, and now you’re the one that was paying the price. 
“Y/N I have feelings for you.”
Your neck nearly breaks with how fast your head snaps up. He’s the one looking away now, his cheeks a bit rosy as he tries to hide himself. He isn’t doing a very good job though, his hair is only shadowing his eyes and you can clearly see the way he’s nervously chewing on his lip; a cute habit you have grown fond of these past couple of weeks.
If he didn’t look like he does right now, you’d assume he was messing around. But you know Jisung. You know his small little gestures and what they mean by now. You know when he’s being serious and when he’s telling a lie. He can look someone dead in the eye and lie to them, but when he tells the truth, he becomes shy and worried that he’s said the wrong thing. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You ask softly, gently reaching for his hand. The subtle contact makes him flinch, reacting by pulling your hand away. But his eyes meet your sympathetic ones, sparkling just like they always do, and he knows what he wants.
Jisung’s hand reaches back for yours, lacing his fingers through yours before giving your hand a light squeeze. “You hate relationships,” he chuckles lightly, the mood of the room instantly shifting as the laughter leaves his lips. 
“I hated the ones that weren’t with you,” you correct him, but your voice comes across as just a whisper. He’s close enough to hear though, a blushing grin forming on his face as you shyly look away. His heart flutters when he hears it, a million butterflies erupting in his tummy all at once.
“I hated the ones that weren’t with you too,” he coos, his eyes wide and sparkling as he looks at you with such adoration. 
Time moves in slow motion as his hand meets your cheek, your eyes look deeply into his chocolate ones as he moves in closer. As your eyelids flutter shut his tongue runs across his bottom lip, wetting the surface before closing the distance between you. Finally.
And in that moment you’re at peace. Everything you thought you’ve ever hated, love, relationships, and maybe Jisung for a hot second, are the only things that you long for. The 14 days don’t have to be over, and your days no longer have to be counted. When you’re with Jisung you’re happy, you’re comfortable, and you're confident that he can give you what you have always deserved – but have never gotten. 
His lips move against yours in slow, languid motions, his large hands holding you close like he’s holding on for dear life. But you won’t leave even if you want to, not now, not after all this. 
Slowly, Jisung shifts his weight and you move in succession. He’s laying you down on his bed, gently climbing over you without breaking the kiss. Things are becoming more heated now, you can feel it as his hungry lips devour your own. Your chest heaves up to meet his, your back arching off the mattress as his hands begin to scour your body. The heat pooling in between your legs is growing, an aching sensation overwhelming your core as your own hands reach up to rake through his long, fluffy hair. And you can tell he wants you too, the thin fabric of his sweatpants doing little to conceal the growing erection pressing against your thigh. 
You can’t help but let out a steep moan as his hips begin to grind into yours. Needy groans fall past his lips and onto yours as you roll your hips upwards to meet his small ruts. 
In a leisurely motion, Jisung’s body is moving upwards, his knee finding a place between your legs as he brings himself up to a kneeling position. You chase his lips the entire way there, sitting up straight to be sure the contact doesn’t vanish, too consumed by your need for him to leave his lips.
And then his needy hands are running along the waistband of your sweats, fiddling with the tie before breaking your heated kiss. “Is this okay?” His words come out in a whisper, his eyes searching yours for any signs of doubt, but all he sees is lust.
“Yes,” you confirm, out of breath from making-out for so long without coming up for air. The lightheaded feeling taking over you goes unnoticed though, and quite frankly you’re too caught up in Jisung to care.
Quickly, he rids you of your pants, looking back up at you for confirmation about your underwear. With an affirmative nod he’s removing those too, leaving you completely bare from the waist down as he stands over you fully clothed.
But soon he’s ridding himself of his own clothing, his shirt being pulled at the nape of his neck as he discards it across the room. He’s leaning back down to you, hungry for the feeling of your lips. He misses it, even though it's been less than a minute since he’s last felt your smooth lips on his. 
You won’t open your eyes to see, but with the shuffling movements and shaky connection between your mouths you can tell Jisung is stripping himself of any remaining clothing he has on. He’s needy, unable to wait any longer to get down to business, he’s already waited long enough.
You’re the one who breaks the kiss this time, too curious to see what he’s sporting down below for your own good. But you are not disappointed once you see it – he’s long and girthy; the pigment a shade or two darker from his skin tone than the rest of his body.  Your thoughts are wandering, wondering what it's like to have him inside of you; dreaming about what he feels like. Arousal pools at your core, mouth salivating as your daydreams linger.
“Like what you see?” Jisung chuckles. You barely notice that you’ve been staring, eyes wide and focused on the hardened dick before you, which is probably a bit uncomfortable for him. 
“Sorry!” You cringe at yourself lightly, covering your eyes in embarrassment in fear that you just ruined the mood you’ve worked too hard to create.
“Don’t apologise,” he smiles as he grabs your wrists, moving them away from your round eyes. Scrunching your nose in displeasure, you catch your lip in between your teeth, mentally face palming at how weird you’re being.
He couldn’t blame you though, it was taking everything in him not to gawk at you. It was the first time you’ve seen eachother naked. Bathing suits did little for your imagination, not that you had even thought about Jisung this way before.
But he eases your nerves by coming down face level with you, reaching for your shirt and pulling it up over your head. You look at him with wide eyes, taking in each part of him as he caresses your body gently. He’s in awe of you like this. So relieved that you’re finally his, that he has you like this.
Nimble fingers dance down your body, landing at your core as he runs one up your slit, collecting your arousal on his fingertip. An impressed smirk grows slowly on his face, “I can’t believe you’re this wet already,” he hums. “All for me.” 
His eyes remain focused on your center, devouring it with his eyes as his hands hold steady on your thighs. You can’t help but grow slightly embarrassed, dripping with arousal so early on though he’s barely touched you. A lump forms in your throat causing you to swallow thickly – this doesn’t go unnoticed by Jisung.
A concerned expression crosses his face, brow furrowing as he moves his hands upward to settle on your waist. “Hey,” his voice is soft, gentle and full of worry, “everything okay?” 
“Just nervous,” you answer, a fake smile showing on your face to try and combat your own emotions.
It is no secret that Jisung is a bit more experienced than you are in bed. He knows that, you know that, and that is enough to turn you into a nervous wreck. Leave it to your own thoughts to ruin the moment.
“We don’t have to…”
“No!” Your voice comes out a little too eager, a bit loud, shocking Jisung. His eyes widen in response, body jolting from the impact of your tone. “No,” you say more gently this time, “I want to.”
You did want to – you just have to get over your own nerves first. Lucily, Jisung didn’t mind and was willing to guide you through it.
With a reassuring smile plastered across his face, he laces his fingers through yours. As you lock eyes, you nod him onward, giving him the go-ahead to continue. He moves languidly, his fingers moving back down to trace your slit once more. The sensation makes you tense, the nerves tingling through your body making it difficult for you to calm down. 
But with a reassuring squeeze of his hand to yours, you’re taking a deep breath. Closing your eyes as you lie your head backwards onto his pillowcase. The smell of him consumes you, relaxing you effectively as his fingers meet the entrance of your core.
Shivers run through your body as he dips one finger inside. Your arousal acts as a natural lube, letting his finger glide gracefully into you. You gasp at the sensation, eyes rolling back into your head as he begins caressing your walls. His finger moves swiftly in and out of your core, his other hand still locked with yours to guide you through.
With your body finally relaxing, Jisung is able to add another finger into the mix. The extra pressure makes you shudder for a moment, taking a little to adjust to the greater size inside of you. Thankfully the mild discomfort subsides, and he’s able to pump his fingers in and out once more. 
He’s making sure to watch each of your expressions, growing harder and harder just from watching your face contort in bliss. With each of his movements you bite down harder onto your lip, focusing on him and him only. 
“You’re doing so well,” he praises as his thumb rubs circles over your hand soothing you. You can feel your heart swell at his words, heat beginning to rise to your cheeks. 
In one swift motion, Jisung begins to separate his fingers, stretching your walls as his digits move in scissor-like motions inside you. “Fuck,” you mumble, hips jutting forward in reaction. 
A steep moan leaving your lips as he brings his fingers back together, just to extend them once more. Your body is quickly getting used to the pressure, begging for more as you roll your hips.
He can sense that you’re eager from your movements alone. With one final squeeze, his hand is leaving yours. The empty feeling in your palm is unpleasant. But once you open your eyes and notice he’s using it to palm himself, his fingers groping around his length and beginning to pump slowly, that empty feeling is replaced with something else. 
Your mouth salivates with desire, hungry for the feeling of him inside of you. He’s aroused you enough, and you’re too eager to feel him for your own good.
“Jisung,” you moan, “fuck me please.”
His cock jumps in reaction to your words, his chest heaving as his breath catches in his throat. Never in his life did he expect to hear those words come out of your mouth – but he wouldn't mind hearing it again.
“Hmm?” He hums, knowing damn well what you said but being greedy enough to pretend that he didn’t. You whine in response, your legs shaking on the bed in a mini temper-tantrum.
“Please,” you drag out, “please fuck me.”
Your words are music to his ears. He removes his fingers from your dripping cunt, grabbing the backs of your knees to pull you closer to him and hike your legs up over his hips.
“Anything for you.”
Complying to your wish, he lines the tip of his cock up with your entrance. The feeling of his smooth head against your core is enough to make you moan, your head thrown back to expose the soft skin of your neck.
Jisung takes this as an opportunity to leave his own mark behind, leaning down to attach his lips to your skin. You gasp as his teeth graze your skin, his plump lips sucking harshly before his tongue is swiping over the area to soothe it. 
But your eyes open once he’s beginning to pull away to look at you. His eyes are dark, full of lust mixed with adoration, a sigh of relief leaving his chest as he gazes down at you under him. There’s a lot going on in his head right now. Of all the emotions swirling around, the thing he’s most focused on is how lucky he is to have you.
And before you know it, he’s leaning down. Pressing a chaste kiss to your lips, making you smile. One more kiss is left on your forehead before he's pulling back, securing the position of your legs on his hips. 
And then he’s realigning himself with your core, pushing past your entrance and slowly descending into the depths of your pussy. He’s moving slowly, taking his time as he thrusts into you. The delicious stretch is unfamiliar, but it's not uncomfortable – like you were made just for him. A simultaneous groan leaves your lips as he bottoms out, the tip of his cock pressing deep into you on a spot that’s gone untouched. 
He hums a sigh of contempt before pulling back, only to rock his hips into you once again. Your velvety walls welcome him delightedly, soft whimpers leaving your lips once he bottoms out again.
“Y/N,” your name leaves his lips in a low grunt, the bones of his pelvis driving into your skin as he begins to pick up his pace. In reaction you clench down on him, orgasm beginning to loom overhead with each movement of his hips.
Desire fills your senses as you roll your hips over to meet his thrusts. His movements are slow and intentional, making sure to bottom out each time to watch you squirm over his dick. He loves how your jaw drops each time his tip presses against your g-spot, knowing just when he hits it each time.
Jisung’s teeth are barred, sweat gathering at his brow as his dark fluffy hair sticks to his face. He’s trying to hold himself back, the overwhelming urge to finish just in reach, but he doesn’t want to stop. So his hands roam your body to try and distract him, his palms caressing up the sides of your torso as your back bridges into him. The feeling of hot breath fans over your face with each sigh he lets out. 
But the tightening knot in your stomach is threatening to snap with every movement of his hips. It's getting harder and harder to hold on with the power of his thrusts growing stronger.
“Jisung,” you whine, “so close” your hands find his back, fingernails dragging down his spine in attempts to ground yourself. Jisung’s face contorts as your nails pierce his skin, leaving lines of red scratches down the length of his posterior.
The stretch from his length and his rhythmic motions sends your senses into overdrive. Squeezing your eyes shut and grasping onto the sheets underneath you, you can taste the brink of your orgasm. Jisung is focused; his grip on your thighs strong and his face contorted with bliss. But all you can think about is how stupid you could have been if you had decided to just cut him out. What matters is that you’re here with him now, and the thought of that is enough to push you over the edge. 
Your breath hitches in your throat, stomach twisting and turning as your pussy throbs repeatedly around his member. Emotions running high, three words almost slip past your lips, but with the small amount of strength you can muster up, you hold them back. Another time, some time that isn't so lust filled like this one.
Jisung’s thrusts are growing sloppy. His grip on your legs tightening as his lip is caught between his teeth. And with just a few quick thrusts, he’s coming undone inside of you. White, hot spurts of cum paint your walls, filling you up and making you feel so unbelievably full. 
You’ve always felt close to Jisung – he knew everything about you and vice versa; but this time was different. The way his hands settled on your legs, bringing them down gently after finishing. How his eyes are becoming so soft as he looks at you, a lazy grin pulling at his lips. You’ve never felt closer to Jisung as you do in the moment. As his body collapses next to yours, pulling you in and holding you close as you recover from your highs, you’re completely at peace.
“Sorry I got carried away, I guess I should have asked if you’re on birth control still,” he laughs, burying his face into the crook of your neck. 
“Don’t worry, I am,” you chuckle alongside him.
Your naked bodies tangle together, his leg weaving its way through yours to be as close to you as possible. He’s intoxicated by you, closing his eyes as he rests against your body in complete bliss. Now that he has you this close he never wants to let go; and neither do you.
“Can I tell you something?” His voice is soft, whisper like but still holding confidence; his tone never falters.
“I love you, Y/N.”
Butterflies erupt in your tummy, your heart thudding in your chest as heat rises to your cheeks. He loves you. It's not that friendship kind of love anymore; it's the relationship kind. The same kind that makes your heart skip a beat and body riddle with every emotion in the book. The kind that keeps you up all night thinking about – but also helps you fall asleep, knowing he’ll be there in the morning.
And all of a sudden it seems so stupid that you were fighting those words back in the heat of the moment just a few minutes ago. He felt it too, you always knew that.
“I love you, Jisung.”
Being in love is a dumb concept. All guys suck, relationships are stupid and love is a social construct that you didn’t feel like conforming to. There was absolutely no one that you would waste your time on, until Jisung came around. What you had been looking for your entire life has always been right infront of your eyes – you were just too dumb to see it.
Maybe love is alright, after all.
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‘Perfect Score’ is copyright 2020-2021 @chaangbin, all rights reserved. Please do not repost on any platform or translate without permission.
↠ A/N this fic has been rewritten/reconcepted from my previous BTS fic Crush Culture.
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916 notes · View notes
honeyhuun · 4 years
astro’s reaction to you calling them late at night
~  type  .  reaction
~ requested . no
~  pairing  .  astro x gender-neutral!reader
~  genre  .  comfort fluff with some slight angst 
~  tw  .  mentions of insomnia
~  song recommendation  .  all night by astro
~  a/n  .  ahh it feels so good to be writing on this platform again ~ hopefully i can stay more active on this blog hehe, i hope you enjoy my first reaction !! it’s like 12am when i’m writing this so it might be shit lol. i just miss ot6 astro a lot mm’kay, someone tell eunwoo to come home ;-;
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you check the time on your phone and it’s only three am when it feels like you have tried to fall asleep for what felt like hours. you sit up in bed and rub your tired red eyes, fearing for when your alarm would start going off alerting you to start your day when you hadn’t even finished the last. in your sluggish haste you dialled your boyfriend’s number with empty hope that’ll he will pick up... 
| p a r k  j i n w o o 
it took him a while to answer, as expected he was fast asleep. but when he was dragged finally dragged so far outside of his sleep cycle to notice that his phone was ringing, he shot up so fast and answered immediately. when jinwoo heard your voice on the other end he became even more concerned than he already was. why were you awake at this time? was something troubling you? were you in danger? this worried leader bear would not stop worried leadering, he can’t help it, it’s in his nature to be concerned about you. however when you said you just found it a bit hard to sleep and wanted to hear his voice, he softened (a just a bit though he’s still nag you a bit but it was all out of love). jinwoo would then spend the rest of the call’s duration talking softly about his day and things he’s been interested in lately. and maybe MAYBE sing a short lullaby for you really really quietly (so quiet you’d think he’s whispering). in between all his sweet actions he never fails to tell you he loves you and that he’s so extremely proud of you no matter what you do. he wouldn’t end the call until you’ve been silent for 20 minutes and hears your heavy breathing from the other side of the line.
“you want me to sing for you? really bubs, is there anything else- okay, okay, but only because i love you so much my beautiful amazing y/n. if you ever feel like this again please call me, i don’t care what time, your wellbeing is my number one priority” 
(i’m blushing oml i love jinwoo so much ;-;)
| k i m  m y u n g j u n
when it comes to you he would be all bright n’ smiley, no matter how tired he actually was. you knew he had musical promotions coming up which is why you wanted to avoid calling him during the later hours of the day as much as possible. but you should know myungjun is always up to talk to you no matter the time place or day: you’re his love why wouldn’t he? when he answered your call he tried to mask the tiredness in his voice by speaking in a chirpier tone than usual, you laughed at his attempt and said you were going to end the call to let him rest. myungjun of course would never let you have the final say so he started to whine until you gave in and continued to talk to him. then he insisted you guys face timed his excuse being “if i don’t see your face i am physically unable to go to sleep” complete bullshit, but that’s what you love about him. when you answered his face time request he had the biggest shit eating grin on his face. you’d guys would be on call for about an hour telling shitty jokes, blowing raspberries at the screen and talking about places you’d like to visit when you’re both less busy. myungjun only agreed to end the call when both of you struggled intensely to keep your eyes open. 
“oooo, look at you my perfect baby!! you’re so good looking you know that? you take my breathe away every single day, i can’t believe you’ve deprived me from seeing your face for this long”
“it’s too late for this myungjun...”
“no matter the time i will shower you with the compliments you deserve jagi!”
| c h a  e u n w o o
good chances are he’s awake and can’t seem to sleep, not being able to clear his head to the point of exhaustion. eunwoo was fully prepared to spend the rest of the night awake. maybe he could do something more useful with his time and catch a nap on set later in the day. kicking off his covers, he was planning to get out of bed but then he got your call. out of all the members i feel eunwoo would be the happiest to get a call from you at this time of night (all of the members wouldn’t really mind but eunwoo would love getting calls like this, it made him feel liked you needed him). when he picked up and there was no hint of sleepiness in his tone you got worried. for the first few minutes all the call was you two sweetly bickering. “why are you still awake-” “well why are you?” “you called me first” “well if you were fast asleep you wouldn’t pick up” and more cute shit like that. talking to you at times like this would bring him so much strength and he really treasures it. something about your silly sleep deprived conversations feels so intimate to him and it sets his heart alight. when he can tell you’re drifting off, he makes sure to tell you he loves you once more before trying to get some sleep himself. the sounds of you soft half-awake sighs would lull him into a deep sleep and you would only notice he never ended the call when you wake up to your phone’s battery being on 3% and the sound of a snoring eunwoo.
“i’ve noticed i don’t sleep as well without you in my arms. i miss your sleepy voice, it’s like a lullaby to me. when i see next you i’m never letting you leave my sight again.”
| m o o n  b i n
is it just me or does anyone else think our binnie has a slight temper when he’s woken up from sleep. it wouldn’t last for long but he’ll be very cranky and frustratedly pouty if his alarm had gone off or one of the members started shouting in the dorm when he’s trying to have a lie in. he’d wouldn’t be any different when he heard his phone ringing from the bedside table. he was so tempted to fling that thing out the window. when it went off for the third time he answered the call clumsily almost missing the answer button. in a pissed sleepy voice he answered “what do you want?” you taken aback by your normally sweet boyfriend’s bluntness, whispered a quick apology before ending the call. moonbin felt so awful when he was realised it was you. the last thing this boy wants to do is hurt your feelings and he was angry at himself for denying you in a time of need (now we have a really frustrated pouty bin). he immediately called you back and apologised a lot (even after you said it was fine, his every other sentence was filled with sweet sorry’s and kissy noises just to make sure you don’t hate him) moonbin would calmly ask why you called and got a bit worried when you said you couldn’t sleep. bin would scold you lightly for maybe staring at your screen for too long or not taking as many breaks as he thought you needed. but then again he would comfort you and ask if there’s anything you’d like to get off your chest. after letting you rant he gave his best advice and the most loving and encouraging words he could. you fell asleep to the sounds of his praise and bin couldn’t have felt better.
“baby i’m so so sorry, you know i would never deny you like that on purpose, please don’t be hurt. you’re worth so much to me, i couldn’t bare for you to be upset with me. you know how much i care about you love, right?” *ensue more pouty and whiny bin waffle*
(why this so long and i’m not even binnie biased -_-)
| p a r k  m i n h y u k
minhyuk would be wide awake when you call him. he feels like one of those people who finds it really relaxing to go on runs in the early morning, watching the sunrise by the river; seeing streets around him get busier as the city starts waking up. he would be in his kitchen filling up his water bottle, hearing his phone ring from the island behind him. his eyes glanced at the contact name and he smiled. minhyuk answered your call like he would answer any other, failing to realise that it was going on 4am and you had things to do in the next few hours. after hearing that you couldn’t sleep he would chuckle and joke around “what’s the thing keeping my y/n from sleeping? tell me and i’ll beat the shit out of the thing ” (not lying he would punch the air around you if you said it was bothering you, he really is that whipped). i don’t think the conversation would hold anything in particular. it would just be mindless small talk and random thoughts as rocky is getting himself ready for his run. it would be so light hearted and sweet, this is what most of your relationship is like and why you love minhyuk so much. everything is so chill and thoughtless with him, you match each other so well. you could say something and nine times out of ten he is thinking the same thing. after sometime he would say he had to end the call because if not he’d miss the sunrise. you complained playfully that he was choosing the sun over you and minhyuk found it funny; promising to make it up to you in one way or another. but you didn’t expect to be woken up by the clattering of pans and cups caused by your clumsy boyfriend, in your kitchen trying to make you breakfast.
“ahh don’t worry y/n, i would never need the sun when i have you with me. you make me so happy you’re like my own personal sunshine. try and get some rest and you’ll wake up to pictures of the sunrise that reminds me so much of you.”
| y o o n  s a n a h
out of all six members, he would be the only one not to pick up. sanah obviously wouldn’t do it on purpose, he loves you way too much to ignore you like that. he probably left his phone to charge in another room or in a more likely scenario poor bubs was just so tired he couldn’t wake up. even if you threw water on him our maknae wouldn’t budge. so when you called, his phone was just vibrating on the table untouched. after the fifth go you just stopped trying to reach him and started up at your celling hoping tiredness would reach you soon. in the morning when sanah checked his phone and saw all your missed calls, colour drained from his face and he’d get so panicky that he’d almost drop his it. he called back immediately, flooding your exhausted state with so many questions it would make anyone lightheaded. when telling him you just wanted to hear his voice hoping it would help you sleep, he replied with “did you end up getting any sleep then?” and when all he was met with was silence from your end, his heart dropped. he was so angry at himself and would never let it go that he was the reason you didn’t sleep (he wasn’t but trust me for the next week he’d go to bed with his phone right behind his ear). sanah would tell you to get your laptop ready with a show you’d been meaning to watch because he was coming over for a nap n’ movie date. when you tried to object because you had things to do that day he told you no but’s and he’d cancel work/school/your meet up with friends for you. in no time he showed up at your door in his pyjamas with two plastic bags, filled with extra blankets and your favourite sweet and savoury snacks.
“what do you mean you didn’t get any sleep and did some work instead? sweetcheeks you know that’s horrible for your health, i can’t have you being sick, it would break me knowing i was the reason. you know what? get your netflix account up i’m coming over- no excuses, i’ll handle everything else, now go get ready to be attack with my love.”
(the sweetest >:( i cry)
if you reached the end thank you so so much for reading. if this comforted you even just a bit i’m so glad <3 ily u all ~~
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246 notes · View notes
caermis · 4 years
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❖Karasuno 1st years X Black!Reader
❖Reader: Female ❖Characters: ↠Hinata S. ↠Kageyama T. ↠Tsukishima K. ↠Yamaguchi T.
❖Word Count: 2.2k
❖Warnings: ↠None ❖Prompt/Summary: I tried to ignore these feelings. I really did. ❖Notes: ↠Team Captains are next-  
❝Haikyuu!! M.List❞ ❝Taglist Request❞
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❖To Kageyama and Hinata, that’s all that mattered. Volleyball. That’s all that made their hearts flutter and feel immense joy. So what made you different? A foreigner from a different country, that seemed to always be writing or reading in a language they didn't understand. Hair that stood out, E/C eyes, a wider nose, and bigger lips.
You were in Kageyama’s eyes, weird and strange. In Hinata’s, you were different and new. 
❖A third-year student, that seemed to know not a single thing about Volleyball, so why were you in the gym where they practiced. They watched you glanced around the room before landing on Asahi and racing over to him. You both talked silently, a smile spreading across your lips as he passed over a notebook. A notebook Hinata and Kageyama had seen you writing in.
Why did Asahi have it?
❖They watched you leave, happier than you came, and before they knew it, they were surrounding Asahi and why you were here. “She let me read one of her stories.” He stumbled over his words, inching away from them. 
Stories. So you wrote stories. 
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❖You were kind, even if neither of them talked to you, you seemed sweet. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi had met kind people before, so another one didn't impact their life. You looked different and spoke with an accent and at times spoke in broken Japanese. Yet you what made you stand out besides being a foreigner?
In Tsukishima’s eyes, nothing. In Yamaguchi’s, everything.
❖Another day walking through the same halls, and they had passed a certain classroom. Your classroom. Peeking through the windows, you seemed upset. Not the usual smile, or the resting bitch face you had, you looked sad. 
Why were you sad?
❖You repeatedly tapped your pencil against the blank page, you had writer's block. Or maybe you didn't want to write, but maybe you had to. “Hey L/N!” The two watch Sugawara walk into the room sitting across from you, still not noticing the two 1st years, your smile had returned as you spoke with your friend?
Did he make you happy?
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❖A volleyball game and everyone was on edge. They would surely lose, but what was different? You appeared with a smile before the game and wished them the best. Hinata and Yamaguchi believed they could do anything, especially with you on the sidelines with Coach Ukai. Kageyama and Tsukishima both refused to lose in front of a 3rd year, especially if this was your first Volleyball game for their team. 
They won.
❖“Congratulations on winning.” A small smile across your lips, you stared at them with pride. “Thank you for believing in us L/N!” Hinata was the first to speak to you, he couldn't hold in his excitement. “You did amazing Shōyō.” You had known their names. 
❖“Do you know mine!?” Kageyama went next. He refused to let Hinata of all people have your attention. But why? “Kageyama Tobio. I know all your names.” Did it matter to you? They wanted to know why.
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❖Every game, they invited you too. Hinata coming to you jumping up and down about a new move he learned and how you just had to see it in action. Kageyama would leave a note on your desk, or just expect you to come to the game. Yamaguchi would shyly mention that he had practiced, and he did better if you were there. Tsukishima would just say the date and time of the game and walk off. 
To you. It was very obvious they liked you.
❖Your graduation came sooner than they hoped. Not once ever confessing until that night you were to head back to America. They all showed up on your doorstep and confessed in the dead of the night. They expected to be shot down, to be rejected, but all you did was let out a soft sigh.
“Find me again once you graduate. I’ll tell you if I like you or not.”
❖The next day, they watched your plane leave. 
❖Kageyama and Tsukishima wanted to move on. They wanted to forget about you, to ignore you and devote all their time to volleyball, but how could they. That night Tsukishima gave you a pair of his headphones, demanding that when you both met again, you’d give them back. Kageyama gave you his volleyball, saying it was good luck, and he’d need it back.
❖Two years passed like a breeze at their last High school Volleyball game. Sugawara, Asahi, and Daichi all sat in the stands cheering them on, and there you stood, near the back with a smile.
“Good luck!”
❖How’d they hear you over the loud cheers of the crowd, no one was sure, but they did. Tsukishima’s headphones around your neck and Kageyama’s volleyball tucked beneath into your arm. Hinata’s scarf wrapped loosely around your neck, along with a headband that kept your hair in a puff, that Yamaguchi bought as your graduation gift. 
❖They won that game. Play harder than before, but before they could greet you. You had disappeared. 
You were in Japan, that’s all that mattered. 
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❖“You're going to keep hiding from them?” Settling into the guest bedroom, Sugawara stared at me with a questionable look as he placed my bags to the side. “I'm not hiding.” 
“Then why won't you go see them?”
“I'm just waiting.”
“They have feelings for you. I hope you see them at graduation.” Turning to Suga and slipping the headphones off and plopping down on the edge of my bed. “I will.”
“Oh, my goddess Y/N. You actually like them back!” Suga grabbed my face and stared into my eyes. His smile spread across his lips. Slapping his face away, I turned my head to the side. “I don't...”
“I gotta tell Daichi!”
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❖Most things I've accomplished within my life I had been hesitant on. Coming to Japan, I wanted to, but I was hesitant. I would be on my own. Writing, something that I believed myself in most times, to where I published a book, and it did well. Yet I was hesitant to share it to Asahi, but I did. My first volleyball game I went to, seeing Karasuno play, I was hesitant to go. Like I was a bad omen, and I would mess them up somehow. 
My feelings. 
❖I tried, I really did. An 18-year-old being in love with a few 16 years old, that’s depressing. When I went back to America, I tried to go on different dates, move on, but it didn't work. With Tsukishima’s headphones tucked neatly on my desk and Kageyama’s ball in the corner of my old apartment. With Hinata’s scarf hanging on the wall and Yamaguchi’s headband on my dresser. Every day, I saw these items, every day I wanted to contact them, but I didn't. I didn't want these feelings to be true.
❖So why did I come back to Japan if I wanted to forget them so badly? It was their last volleyball game, and I wanted to see it in person. So before I knew it, I was on the next plane to Japan and stayed at a hotel before contacting my old classmates. In a place that felt so foreign two years ago, became my home. I cried when I saw them. 
The volleyball game
❖I didn't them to know I was here, so when all their eyes whipped up to me, I broke and quickly ran once the game ended. I couldn't face my feelings. I regretted it, too far to turn back. Too late to run and apologize. I hesitated again. 
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❖Graduation came sooner than I expected. The next thing I knew I was sitting with Sugawara and Daichi waiting for the once baby flightless crows to walk across the stage. Every fiber in my being wanted to run and leave, while the other half of me refused to listen to my panicking brain and im 100% sure that if I attempted, Daichi would drag me right on back. Letting out a soft breath before my ears picked up Hinata’s name and he proudly strutting across the stage. He had grown taller. He looked out into the crowd, scanning his eyes across before landing on me. 
❖Feeling my heart stop, I watched his smile widened before he left the stage. 
❖Kageyama was next, walking across the stage seeming to know exactly where I was. Averting my eyes quickly, I could still feel his intense glare. Daichi and Koushi making fun of me, which earned them a painful pinch on the shoulder. Tsukishima went next, then Yamaguchi. Their stares less intense but determined. All mentally vowing to find me, I made a promise after all.
❖Soon the ceremony was over, letting me dart outside before the crowd came and get some fresh air. Mentally psyching myself up for this encounter. “Found you.” Stiffening in my position, I slowly turned around. It was Kageyama. And he is tall, staring down at me before glancing down at the old volleyball in my hands. “You kept it... Why?” Looking at the volleyball before passing it to him. “You said it was good luck and to give it back to you.”
❖“They got yo’ ass surrounded!”
❖Hearing Koushi yell, before I realized it, the four volleyball players surrounded me. “We graduated Y/N.” Hearing Tsukishima mutter, just as warm arms hugged me from behind, careful to avoid my hair. “I've missed you Y/N...”
❖“Shōyō,” Muttering quietly, my hand moving up to his head, softly patting it before remembering where we were. Pulling away, I turned and faced all of them. “Congrats.” Smiling, I looked towards Koushi and Daichi for help, but they only waved happily, before mouthing that they'll text me where to meet for dinner. “You owe us an answer.”
❖“Right now?” Tsukishima rolled his eyes and before I knew it, I was being pushed through the crowd and towards the empty gym. An answer… I didn't want to admit it, I didn't want to say that whatever i felt, love, was true. That i felt what I did for them. Yet at the same time I was ready, ready to tell them.  Tsukishima was the one to slide the gym doors open, letting Yamaguchi and Hinata push me inside, Kageyama close behind. Hearing the gym doors shut, I turned around, facing them. Standing on the court, I pulled off Tsukishima’s headphones and passed them to him. 
❖“Keep them.”
❖“You told me to give them back--”
❖“I lied. I don't need them.”
❖Dropping my hand to my side, I felt like I was in high school again. “I still like you a lot, L/N.” Yamaguchi spoke confidently, his hands in his pockets. “I know.” Muttering, avoiding their gazes. “Do you like us?” Turning to Hinata, I took a hesitant step back, clutching the headphones tightly.
❖“It’s fine if you say no.” Kageyama shoved his hands in his pockets, letting his old volleyball drop and roll to my feet. If I say no, I’ll be running away. Regretting this decision. Covering my eyes with one hand, a shaky breath left my lips as tears spilled from my eyes. “I tried to ignore these feelings. I really did, but i missed y’all a lot while i was away...it scared me to be honest. That I fell in love with four different people. That I... I couldn't decide--” I explained everything, while crying my eyes out. It felt like a heavy burden was off of my shoulders, that I could finally be honest. 
❖Once I stopped crying, I looked up. Both Hinata and Yamaguchi in tears, Tsukishima with a smirk, and Kageyama with a rare smile.
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❖To Kageyama and Hinata, that’s all that mattered. Volleyball. That’s all that made their hearts flutter and feel immense joy. So what made you different? Maybe it was the way your lips curled up in embarrassment when you became flustered or when you looked fully entranced by something you read. Or when you always held their hand as they walked or you cheering loudly in the crowd, always making time for them to appear. Or when you introduced them to western ideas and food. 
You were in Kageyama’s eyes, different and strange. To make his heart flitter like volleyball did to place a gentle hand on his shoulder and comfort him.
In Hinata’s, you were understanding and loving, to indulge him on his late night walks, and even after he’d lose you’d be proud of him.
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❖You were kind, even after knowing you for years, you were sweet. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi had met kind people before, so why did another one impact their life so differently? You being their biggest cheerleader and helping them every step of the way, or never you choosing between them and choosing to compromise. Or after a long day passing out in their arms only to wake up at three am with 15 different story ideas. 
In Tsukishima’s eyes, nothing. You were nothing like the other kind of people he had met. None made his heart so full or raise his body temperature.
In Yamaguchi’s, everything, like the kind people he had met, but yours was 10x, you believed in his capabilities and that alone was more than you could ask.
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allthingsfangirl101 · 3 years
Getting The Girl Back Part 2–Dave Stangle
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Part 1
Dave's POV
The closer we got to Jeanie's wedding, the more anxious I was to see Y/N. I kept rehearsing what I was going to say to her once I finally got her to sit down and talk to me, but it never seemed like enough.
Mike and I spent the few weeks leading up to the wedding, planning and replanning how I was gonna get Y/N to talk to me. Any plan he thought up was extreme. Any plan I came up with wouldn't be enough. Finally, we narrowed it down to a plan and a few backups. They weren't fully formed. The plans were of where and when I could talk to her.
Plan A was to catch her before the ceremony. Plan B was stopping her after Eric and Jeanie walked back down the aisle after the ceremony. Plan C was to find her during the cocktail party. Plan D was to talk to her during the reception. Plan E. . . There was no plan E.
The second I saw Y/N in a beautiful maroon dress, I completely forgot about our plans. My breath got caught in my throat and I could feel my heart skipping a beat every time I looked at her. The first time I saw her, she looked up and we made eye contact. We were both frozen as the room buzzed around us. Y/N was the first to look away.
The rest of the night, I could tell she was avoiding me. Not like it would matter. Whenever I saw her, my feet were frozen and I couldn't make myself move. Even if I did move, I know I wouldn't be able to find the right words.
Plan A didn't work because I never got the chance to find her before the wedding. Plan B didn't work because I was too much of a wimp to stop walking. Plan C didn't work because I hid in the corner and watched her talk to all her old college friends instead of going up and talking to her. Plan D was all I had left.
"Dude," Mike sighed when he saw me watching Y/N from across the room while I downed my third beer of the night. "Just go talk to her."
"I don't think I can," I said under my breath.
"Dave," he sighed, his tone changing. "Let's go over this. You've been in love with Y/N since she moved here in high school. It took you until college to get the courage to ask her out. And you had her for three years until you screwed it up."
"Is there a point to this?"
"Go get her back."
I quickly drank the rest of my beer and jumped up, heading towards Y/N before I could talk myself out of it.
"Hey, Y/N." I internally groaned when my greeting made her jump. She slowly turned around, already nervously chewing on her bottom lip.
"Sorry," I stuttered. "I didn't mean to scare you. I just. . ."
"Are you drunk?" She asked, her voice soft.
"No," I said a little too quickly. "I mean. . . Sorta. A little."
Y/N sighed and started to walk away. "Wait," I stopped her. "Y/N, please. . . Just. . . I'm sorry."
"You're drunk," she said softly as she looked away from me.
"Okay," I said, clearing my throat. "I'm a little buzzed. It's just. . . Seeing you again. . ."
"You had to be drunk?"
"No!" I said quickly. "I thought. . . Can we sit down?"
Y/N looked at me, debating. Finally, she sighed as she walked over to a table and sat down. I sat next to her, shifting my chair. I wanted to be close to her, but not too close to her.
"I know that I don't deserve. . . We were. . . Over the last year. . . Y/N. . . This isn't. . ."
I angrily grunted as I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. My heart sank, my anger evaporating when I saw her take a shaky breath. I opened my mouth to say something but she spoke up first.
"I can't do this," she stuttered. "It seems like everywhere I go today, I run into you and your brother. It's a reminder of everything that happened with us."
"Y/N," I said, my voice breaking.
"I'm gonna go," she said as she stood up and straightened her dress. "Tell Jeanie I said congratulations."
Before she could walk away, I stood up and quickly grabbed her hand. She looked at my hand holding hers and back up at me with wide eyes.
"Y/N, please. . . I know that I don't deserve another chance but. . . I need to. . . Can I. . ." I continued to stutter as I struggled to word what I was thinking.
"Screw it," I mumbled, finally letting go of her hand.
I angrily ran my fingers through my hair, looking up at a confused Y/N. I sighed as I shook my head.
"No more plans, no more tricks," I sighed. Before she could ask what I meant, I asked, "Can we go somewhere quiet and talk?"
"Dave," she stuttered.
"Please," I begged. "I have some things I need to say to you."
                          * * * * *
We walked down the beach, neither one of us saying anything. I forced myself to resist reaching over and grabbing her hand. I took a shaky, relieved breath before following Y/N down the beach to a table. I waited for her to sit down before sitting a respectful distance away from her.
She wrapped her arms around herself, not looking up from me. I stood up, took off my jacket, and draped it over Y/N's shoulders. I smiled when she accepted it with a small smile of her own on her face.
I cleared my throat as I gathered the courage I needed to get this out. The truth is, I thought about our break-up and our relationship a lot. And the longer I thought about it, the more I realized that all of this was my fault. She put a lot of time and energy into our relationship. I didn't.
"For starters," I finally started talking, "you were right."
"What?" She asked under her breath.
"You were right," I repeated. "About everything. I may not have known or done it intentionally, but I did put Mike ahead of you. I spent way too much time with my brother and not enough time with you. I made you think you weren't the most important person in my life, but you were. You are."
"Dave," she whispered.
"I like you."
Y/N opened and closed her mouth, clearly shocked. I sighed as I turned so I was facing her.
"I still do," I continued. "In fact, I never stopped. Mike tried to tell me that I would move on, but I never did. I knew I never would. You were everything to me, Y/N."
"Dave," she said, my name getting stuck in her throat. "I think we need to. . ."
"I miss you," I cut her off. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you, wishing I could go back and fix everything I did. But I know I can't change what I did. Hopefully, you give me the chance to make up for all of it."
"What do you. . ."
Before she could finish her question, I leaned over and pressed my lips to hers. I felt her hesitate before sighing and starting to kiss me back. I smiled as the kiss quickly got heated. Before we could go too far, I broke the kiss and leaned my forehead against hers.
"I'm still in love with you," I confessed as we struggled to catch our breaths. "I never stopped loving you, Y/N. And if you give me a chance, I promise I will be better. I promise I will put you first."
I leaned back so I could try and read the expression on her face. She was nervously biting her bottom lip, her eyes studying me.
"Please, Y/N," I whispered. "Please, give me another chance."
I gasped as Y/N grabbed my face and pressed her lips to mine. I smiled as I instantly started kissing her back. Without breaking the kiss, I pulled her over so she was straddling my lap.
Y/N broke the kiss, gently rubbing her nose against mine. "You still love me?"
"I'm still madly in love with you, Y/N."
She giggled as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "I'm still madly in love with you, Dave."
We both chuckled as we pressed our lips back together and instantly started moving them eagerly in sync. Things were just starting to get too heated when we heard someone excitedly yell and run over. We broke the kiss and looked over to see Mike running towards us.
"I knew it!" He was yelling. "What did I tell you? I told you we could fix this! You're back together! Dave and Y/N sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
"Mike," I interrupted his singing. "Get lost."
"You got it."
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
* K - The First Story (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Sunlight reflected off the surface of the sea and shone. The winter morning breeze was cold, but today, the cold was pleasant for the boy.
Gakuenjima can be seen across the sea from the boy's line of sight. A monorail passed under the connecting bridge that connected the continental side where the boy and the island were located. It seems that the students going to school in Gakuenjima were on board.
Until yesterday, it was a place full of everyday life. But now it seems terribly far away. Every day until yesterday felt like a happy dream that disappeared as soon as he woke up.
Looking back, Kuro with Neko asleep, looks at the boy with a complicated face. Neko, who escaped from "Scepter 4" during the night and used her full potential, began to feel drowsy on the way, and Kuro, who couldn't see her, turned his back on her.
Neko, who put her cheeks on his shoulders and fell asleep with a small sigh, her face was unprotected.
On the other hand, Kuro looks at the boy with a worried expression. He may be worried about the boy that he lost everything he believed in overnight. He would never admit that he was worried.
(What does it look like?)
The boy gave Kuro a warm smile.
It's probably due to Kuro's innate goodness piggybacking Neko swinging back on himself and that he's worried about the boy who may have to be cut off. The boy no longer thinks of Kuro as a scary person. He doesn't believe that even that person named "Ichigen-sama" gave him a terrible order to kill the evil "King".
"Hmm...", Neko leaked a difficult voice behind her and widened her almond-shaped eyes.
When the surrounding landscape was reflected in hers eyes, Neko's facial expression filled with joy, she jumped off Kuro's back and she ran off. It seems Neko has no problem not saying a single thank you, and she just rolled her shoulders.
"It's our house!"
Neko ran to the beach and spread her arms as if she was trying to hug the school island.
"I am back!"
Neko sat on the grass near the pier and looked at the school island with a feeling of security. The boy smiled and knelt next to Neko.
"I am back..."
It was the boy who wanted to come here. However, the boy was not as obedient as Neko.
"What is this to me?"
He just whispered to him. Kuro made a calm voice as he looked at Gakuenjima.
"I must say I came again because it was all fake. Was it okay to come here with the Blue Clan chasing us?"
The boy is aware that this is risky behavior. Still, he came here again to take a look at the Gakuenjima scenery.
He's not going back there now. The boy who has already been freed from Neko's power, is no longer Isana Yashiro. He must know himself since he is not that person. No matter what kind of person he is, he has to regain his true self and make it up to him if he is guilty of it.
"It's okay!"
Neko made a loud voice to interrupt the boy's thoughts.
"Because this is our house!"
Neko's words rang out without hesitation, and the boy blinked and inadvertently put the word "house" in his mouth.
Home. A place to return.
The word created a slight temperature in the boy's empty chest. He slowly spread throughout his body and permeated him. The temperature was soaking in the back of his eyes and he realized that he was about to cry.
The boy raised his hand and gently stroked Neko's head.
"Yes. Before that, there was nothing. And although it was all fake, the last few days I spent with everyone were real. That's why it's okay to say that I have returned home."
Kukuri called him Shiro-kun. She used to tell him: Welcome Shiro-kun. Come early!
Shiro! Mishina was casually slapping his shoulder. Shiro! Do not deviate. I am waiting for fries. Let's eat together when we get back!
Now that he is not under Neko's power, they will no longer remember the boy. Even so, it certainly was Yashiro Isana at the time when they called him that. Certainly that was the place he called his home.
"Now I understand. I came back here to etch this place on my heart."
The boy closed his eyes.
He had nothing for sure now. The beloved everyday life he believed in was false, and all that remains in the boy is the mysterious memory of being shot down by a long silver-haired man from the top of an airship.
"I can't remember anything more than that, that's why I'm scared."
The boy looked back at Gakuenjima. His heart was already calm. The confusion and sadness have passed, and the boy's heart is determined.
"Let's get rid of everything. To start the real days here again."
"Shiro!" Neko jumped up and brought the boy warm body temperature.
"Shiro.", He looks at the boy with a strong gaze that Kuro hasn't given up on.
Now Kuro and Neko are close to the boy, whose existence has turned into Shiro, and they call him Shiro.
He is still Yashiro Isana.
In the office tea room, Munakata was making tea while he listened to Awashima's report. He made a slight noise and produced fine tea bubbles.
"As mentioned above, due to the rainy weather, each unit could not track. Until now, there is no relevant person in the transport monitoring network."
"I see. Not only did he escape my eyes, but he also evaded Fushimi-kun, who took command of the chase, and it seems like it was no accident that he was able to hide until now."
Awashima bowed slightly, put her tablet aside, and began to brew tea.
"Currently, we are reducing the siege on Ashinaka High School while following the expected escape route..."
Awashima puts anko from a tin on top of delicate Japanese sweets that seem to go well with tea, which is a beautiful flower-shaped Japanese sweet that is placed on a plate.
Munakata gently averted his eyes from the brutal sight.
"It will be difficult to capture. Apparently he is elusive. Besides, those two... what a disgusting opponent."
Awashima seriously listened to Munakata's words and placed a mountain of thick stalks on top of Japanese sweets using about three cans of red bean paste in front of Munakata. Munakata raised his glasses silently.
"I am Fushimi."
He banged on the office door and a voice was heard from outside. Fushimi rushed into the office when they replied "Please come in." Awashima looked back at Fushimi and asked energetically.
"What happen?"
"It has been reported that a member of the follow-up investigation has just been attacked and transported."
"What is the exact time of the attack and what unit was he in?"
"Chikushi, third division officer in the Eastern District, about 15 minutes ago."
"What is the degree of damage?"
"Only minor bruises, but his PDA was stolen."
Munakata, who was listening to the exchange between Awashima and Fushimi, raised his eyebrows slightly at the words.
"His PDA?"
"I am monitoring your assigned area."
Fushimi handled the tablet in his hand and projected the hologram on the screen into the air. He projected a map of the area around the stadium, which was the site of last night.
"Is the assailant known?"
“It's about the Black Dog. Chikushi said that he didn't see the other two."
Awashima frowned suspiciously. As Awashima thought about it, Munakata casually avoided the mountain of red bean paste placed in front of him.
"That night, Kuroh Yatogami continued to haunt that neighborhood."
Munakata watched.
"This was not an attack, he was just looking to make contact. Fushimi-kun, was there anything left at the scene that could be a message from them?"
"Just an object."
Fushimi also handled the tablet. Another photo appeared on the map showing the hologram screen. It was a note scrawled like "1400."
The time now is 13:45.
"I see."
Munakata exchanged glances with Awashima. Without waiting for Munakata's instructions, Awashima took her PDA and began preparing to start the reverse detection system.
Everyone in the office didn't need any more words.
Until 2:00 p.m. 15 minutes until the time indicated by "1400". There is almost nothing to do now but wait.
"Fushimi-kun, why don't you sit here and wait?"
Awashima relaxed her tone like a nimble boss and said with a voice close to private.
Fushimi showed a momentary movement, but found a terrifying mountain of red bean paste next to Munakata, and pulled his cheeks away.
"Here is ok."
"Well then, let's notify the reserve team at headquarters to prepare for the emergency dispatch."
Fushimi seemed relieved to be given a job instead of anko, and responded immediately.
The fifteen-minute wait felt as long as it was. Fushimi quickly contacted the reserve team, Munakata served Awashima the tea, and Awashima drank it beautifully. Munakata laid the monstrous bean paste aside without touching it, closing his eyes with his arms crossed as if he were next to a monster. The incoming call came in exactly at 2:00 p.m.
As the digital clock shows 14:00, Munakata's PDA rings an incoming call.
Munakata slowly took out the PDA. As expected, it was an incoming call from the PDA possessed by the attacked Tsukushi.
"I am Munakata Reisi. Who are you?"
"Isana Yashiro, or so they tell me."
He hears the same sweet voice from the boy who was at the stadium last night. Awashima operated her own PDA and began reverse detection.
"I suspected it could be you. You took a very aggressive method."
"I'm sorry. I couldn't think of another way to speak without getting caught."
"Hm. First, I'll hear what you have to say."
"It's a long story, and I will say briefly that the man in the airship is deeply involved in the murder. They treat me like a criminal, but I don't remember anything about it."
"Do you know what you're saying?"
The reverse detection result came out. Munakata raises a hand towards Fushimi as he continues the conversation, and Fushimi bows his head slightly and immediately exits. Apparently, the suspect is moving down the Metropolitan Freeway while he calls. Awashima begins contacting him to order an inspection of the Metropolitan Highway.
What do you know about the man in the airship?"
"Just enough of a small talk."
"So you can understand that it's too important to be dragged into this, just because you claim to be innocent? I think you could at least show your goodwill by giving yourself up right now."
"When you watch a detective drama, you may realize that there is no point in shouting that you are innocent in prison. That is why I decided to turn myself in for the right price."
"I see, you are a difficult man to handle."
In fact, it was unexpected that he came out so bold. He met him at the stadium last night, and although he felt the rotation of his head and the force of the game, he seemed quite hungry overnight, even though he had a remarkably unreliable side.
"That's it. So, in that transaction, if they promise to bring the blimp guy ashore so I can ask him some questions, I'll turn myself in. How about that?"
"I'd like to agree since you're willing to go so far, but the suspect's allegations in the case aren't enough to interfere with him. Even if you end up turning yourself in, if you're at a disadvantage, are your two remaining friends supposed to come to rescue you?"
"Haha, you're right. After all, was it too good?"
"No, let's accept your terms."
"Huh?" I hear a voice of real surprise from the other side of the PDA.
"I am saying that I, Reisi Munakata, the Fourth and Blue King, will stop the man from the airship, also known as the First and Silver King, Adolf K. Weismann."
Awashima is also surprised. Munakata turned his palm toward her and held it.
"If you feel like it, come visit us. Let's arrange a meeting to clear up the case. However, in that case, all three people will show up."
There was no answer. The other side of the PDA was silent and the call was cut off.
Did the matter end or did you notice the signs from Fushimi and others running towards the fountain?
"I hope Fushimi and the rest of him can hold back."
"If he can do that, it will probably be difficult. Isana seems to be an intelligent person, and Kuroh Yatogami has both cognitive and manipulative tendencies."
Frankly speaking, Awashima sighed deeply. She looked at Munakata with a thoughtful look.
"Captain… you accept that person's request and will you seriously try to stop a king?"
"Not well?"
"It's unreasonable. It would be nice if the 'Silver King' accepted the talks in a relaxed way, but when it comes to hard-line measures, it could be a battle between kings. You know how dangerous it is!"
Awashima stared at Munakata and appealed by leaning forward.
The danger is justified. However, Munakata thought that this was an inescapable path.
"Awashima-kun. I would like to meet the 'Silver King', who is a 'King' but he is roaming the sky without knowing anything about earth."
Munakata has never seen how he is the "Silver King". The "Silver King" does not meet anyone. He climbed into his airship alone and continues to float in the sky. Only the "Golden King" Kokujoji Daikaku knows him.
"The "Silver King", who has invariable attributes, seems to still be young, but he is the oldest surviving "King". In years he is like the "Golden King", who is an old man. He who keeps flying in the sky for almost 70 years, he thinks that being a spectator is his role as "King". If he resigns his duty as "King" and fled to heaven, I think he is an irresponsible man, but it does not matter. The problem is that it can be a malicious person for this world."
Tension runs in Awashima's expression. Munakata dared to smile at her.
"The "Silver King" Adolf K. Weismann, was an ally of the "Golden King" Kokujoji Daikaku during World War II. In fact, even now, Daikaku Kokujoji offers great comfort to the "Silver King". The personality and the bases Daikaku Kokujoji's are true. If Daikaku Kokujoji believes in him, I think he's a decent person."
Munakata got to his feet, left the tea room, and stood in front of the office desk, his back to Awashima.
"Awashima-kun. Is it possible for a person to remain alone for decades in an isolated place without altering his mind? Do you think that the unchanging 'King' has an unchanging heart?"
"If the first 'King' may have fallen into evil, we must confirm it as soon as possible, even if it is dangerous."
Awashima still had an uneasy look on her face.
It is a natural history. The more serious the battle between kings, the greater the danger that the Sword of Damocles will fall. A dozen years ago, as a result of the collision between the predecessor "Red King" and "Blue King", the sword of Damocles of the "Red King" fell and created a huge crater in the southern region of Kanto, changing the shape of the Japanese archipelago.
At that time, the "Blue King" also started a chain of outbursts that caused his vassals to die, but there is a past in which he avoided more disasters.
Already holding a large fire called "Red King" Suoh, who is endangering Weismann's deviation, now that he is chasing a person who calls himself "Colorless King", he fully understands the feeling of reluctance.
"But... as an action to be taken in accordance with the words of the suspect who seems to intend to use this... also..."
Munakata laughed.
"No. Aside from his words, I also have reason to doubt 'King Silver'."
"A reason...?"
When Awashima tried to lean forward, the PDA rang. Awashima shifted her posture and responded immediately. The other party appeared to be Fushimi, who ran to the source of Isana Yashiro's communication, but informed her that they were unable to capture him and only found an elaborate PDA.
Munakata approached the window as he listened to Awashima's voice, who gave the following instructions appropriately.
In the distant sky, he saw the "Silver King" airship, which was as small as a bean.
The black cat meowed.
In the reference room of the "Scepter 4 General Affairs Division", Zenjo looked out the window, holding a pile of old files that were about to fade in his arm. He could see many members rushing back and forth.
During the last ten days, the murder of the red clan member by the new "Colorless King" and the capture of the "Red King" have not rushed into the headquarters, but today the air is even more urgent and there is tension.
But that was also irrelevant to this library, which almost only served as a warehouse for ancient materials. The storm didn't get that far either.
There was a knock on the door of the data room and a woman named Yoshino, an employee of the "General Affairs Section", showed her face.
"It's going to be amazing today."
Yoshino said, she opened the can of cat food that she brought and put it on the plate on the floor. A black cat looking out the window happily walked in and sniffed.
This black cat somehow lives in this library. It was not his intention to keep him like a good cat, but the members treated him like a good cat. Apparently, this cat has a talent for catching mice, and Yoshino, who was concerned about the damage caused by mice in the "General Affairs Section Office", came to donate the cat's food every day.
"What happened again?"
When Yoshino asked while she cleaned up the materials, she rolled her eyes behind her large glasses.
"Don't you hear? It seems that the operation will take place from now on, surrounding the Himmelreich with a helicopter and trying to catch the 'Silver King'."
"That is incredible."
"Zenjo-san, aren't you surprised?"
"I'm surprised."
It's probably because his facial expression didn't move much. Yoshino looked at Zenjo suspiciously.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. The 'Silver King' didn't come down even when Kagutsu Genji was there, but is he going to come down to the ground now?"
There was an indescribable emotion and Yoshino muttered with a downcast gaze. Yoshino bowed her head and looked mysteriously at the depressed Zenjo.
Zenjo was an assistant to the predecessor "Blue King", Habari Jin, and was part of the case involving the downfall of Damocles from the predecessor "Red King", Kagutsu Genji.
However, to Yoshino, Zenjo is just a man who organizes materials all day in this dimly lit room.
"The 'Silver King' is the 'King' who has been in heaven the entire time."
"Yes, it's correct."
As he looked at the black cat eating the food that Yoshino gave him, Zenjo suddenly remembered the words of his predecessor, the "Blue King", who was not Reisi Munakata.
(Because that is the "King of Immutability." The flow of time may be different from ours. Just as insects and people do not live with the same experience, the speed of time that flows differ according to the moment of life. The "Silver King" can spend fifty years thinking that Kagutsu will come to a conclusion in five seconds.)
Will man finally change his way of life? Can they change him? Or has he changed?
He thought about it, but soon his thoughts were cut off. He is not apt to think.
"If that's the case, you may be too busy."
"Usually I am supposed to be very busy with various procedures, but this time I am moving forward with the Captain's power, so the floor clerk's job is not so much now. Maybe it will be difficult after this. I'm sure."
"Is that so."
"That's right."
The black cat that finished eating the food began to wash its face with satisfaction.
"Emergency dispatch, emergency dispatch. Divisions 1-5 will intercept Himmelreich and take into custody the First and 'Silver King', Adolf K, Weissmann."
The broadcast in the room is played from the headquarters loudspeakers.
The black cat howled again.
The interior of the "Scepter 4" command vehicle was spacious, and simple desks and chairs were set up for meetings to take place. The desk was now surrounded by Munakata and various members of the mission. The command vehicle circulated on the road at night towards the Suzugaya heliport where a large number of helicopters mobilized by the police await.
Awashima was at Munakata's side and gave a report.
"Still no response from the First 'King', the third request for communication was sent at 17:00."
"We have completed the necessary paperwork. Now we are going to take him into custody."
Munakata's statement creates an atmosphere of tension and anxiety among the members.
Awashima was still not convinced of this operation. Although Munakata was fully confident, abnormal situations occur in quick succession. In particular, there was the case of the "Red King", and she felt that Munakata might be impatient.
Awashima turns to Munakata to discuss the members' anxieties.
"But under Agreement 120, we do not have the authority to investigate the Himmelreich airship, which belongs to the First 'King'. I think we should obtain permission from the Second and 'Golden King' before proceeding."
"For whatever reason, he will not allow me to get near the First 'King'. That is why I will move as much as I can until he stops me."
At Munakata's words, Awashima was a bit embarrassed to be like a child who was afraid of being scolded by her words, and she cleared her throat in a hurry.
"So at least, can you tell us why we're going so far on this?"
Due to her statement, the members' questionable eyes met on Munakata.
"It's fine."
Munakata replied.
"In the first place, this is not a sudden action inspired by Yashiro Isana. It is true that his request has made me decide to act, but I have always been aware of the First 'King's suspicious behavior."
"Is the suspicious behavior related to the series of incidents?"
Awashima asked. Before Munakata answered, Fushimi, who had been silent until then, made a frustrated voice.
"The 'Silver King' is simply floating in the sky in an airship, and the average person thinks he is an urban legend, right? How could it be related to the current case?"
Munakata projected a map of Tokyo in the air for everyone to see.
"Let's explain step by step. For decades, the Himmelreich airship has been navigating various patterns. Except for mistakes in stormy weather, the following 15 patterns."
According to the Munakata operation, 15 types of ordered routes appear on the map projected in the air.
"Originally, it looks like they were flying the optimal route compared to the weather conditions, but now they are."
Fifteen routes on the map disappeared and random lines like children's graffiti appeared on the map.
The members sensed it. There were no rules, and they stared at the random route, which seemed to vary on a whim.
"I became aware of this change only a few days ago. At first, I thought I was doing nothing more than flying along an unusual trajectory. But due to what was happening, I contacted the Air Traffic Control of the Ukita Airport, just in case. As a result, it became clear that the route began to meander as shown in the figure immediately after an incident, the routes that it had maintained for decades had abruptly changed from that point on. What is natural to suspect?"
Having said that, Munakata echoed Fushimi.
"Last night, he also approached the stadium."
Fushimi stopped and made a little surprised face. He clenched his fist in frustration at his carelessness. Awashima opened her mouth.
"No way... that incident..."
Munakata sharpens his gaze. The random route on the map disappears like a rewind and stops at a certain point.
It showed a point in the Shizume construction district. The address and "December 7, 11:45 PM, Totsuka Tatara murder case on the rooftop of the Hirasaka building, Shizume." are displayed next to the one that is lit.
The air in the limbs tightened rapidly.
Munakata stood up and looked at the members with determined eyes.
"From now on, we "Scepter 4" will begin the operation to apprehend Adolf K. Weismann, the First "King" and "Silver King". A person of interest in the Totsuka Tatara assassination case. We will advise you to Himmelreich to land at a designated airport. If he doesn't obey, hurry up and take control of the interior!"
The members stretched their backs and stood up to Munakata's loud voice, which was heard like this only in case of an emergency, and saluted in response with a "Yes!"
Ignoring the radio of "Scepter 4", which was heard many times, many helicopters flew and began to surround the airship.
He sat on the couch and gazed out the large window at the view.
The Himmelreich airship is sometimes called an empty whale by observing humans on the ground. The surrounding "Scepter 4" helicopters were like a school of small fish swimming around a whale.
But it wasn't bad. It is said that, if there are small scales, it will be a masterpiece.
It got fun and the laughter leaked out naturally.
"Nice... Unexpected visitors must be as lively as this!"
He began to play on the spacious floor.
He took steps while singing a hummed song.
"Come on, more! More! More... I'll sneak away!"
The party had just started.
"No, I can't be careful if I want to do it.", The boy laughed, and Kuro frowned and said, "You've been sick since I met you." Perhaps Neko misinterpreted it as a compliment, happily raised her hands and said, "Shiro, Kokatsu!"
The boy was in a "Scepter 4" helicopter trying to reach the Himmelreich, where the First "King" is located. Since his determination in the morning, he was able to get to this point in a whole day, so it would be quite a feat.
However, what the boy did was that Kuro called Munakata with the PDA that he had stolen from a member of "Scepter 4." After that, Munakata installed everything, and at night he settled in and put into practice the capture operation of the Himmelreich. The boy and the others just lurked on the helipad and waited. Then when all the members of "Scepter 4" tried to get on the helicopter, they put them to sleep with the illusion of Neko and Kuro's physique, went into the warehouse and borrowed the helicopter that they were supposed to ride. Currently, they approach the airship among the helicopters flying the members of "Scepter 4".
"By the way, Kuro, why can you control a helicopter?"
"Because I'm Ichigen-sama's disciple. It's natural to be able to do so much."
Kuro was proud. The boy complained like saying "That guy again."
Kuro's maneuver was not dangerous. He followed the instructions on the radio and flew into the formation placed by "Scepter 4."
As the majesty of the Himmelreich, like a whale swimming in the air, approached, the boy's heart began to scream.
Wondering if he was nervous, the boy puts his hand on his chest.
When the helicopters from "Scepter 4" completely surrounded the Himmelreich, the radio instructions came hoarsely.
"Wait just three minutes from the Captain's final recommendation! If the airship does not lower its altitude or does not respond to the light-emitting signal, as soon as you confirm one of them, connect the cable of each machine and hurry!"
At that time, the "Blue King" is about to send the final recommendation to the Himmelreich. The group of helicopters that surround the Himmelreich and stand in an orderly formation in the air is more like soldiers protecting the King of Heaven.
In the hovering helicopter, the boy watched the blimp go by.
"Hey, Kuro."
"Can you tell me more about the 'Silver King'?"
"I have not met him in person. I only have fragmentary information that I heard from Ichigen-sama..."
"That's fine. Tell me."
The buzzing in his chest hadn't subsided in a while. Kuro, who is concentrating on maneuvering, replied without looking at the boy.
"Among the seven kings, he is special just like the 'Golden King'. But the most mysterious thing is his nature. The 'Golden King' is called the Second King, just because there is the 'Silver King'."
"In other words, is he the First King?"
"He is the first of all kings, and he rules over heaven. The only being who can compete with the 'Golden King' who is the ruler of earth."
When he was seriously listening to Kuro's story, suddenly a limb light shone from the side and he accidentally closed his eyes.
"Hey, who's the one hitting the reflector on the side of him! It stabilizes your flight more!"
He heard a frustrating scream on the radio.
Neko in the back seat, completely tired of the difficult story, leaned between Kuro and the boy's seat with bright eyes and played with the reflector. Believing that the many switches in the cabin were interesting, Neko began to play with the curiosity of an animal cat.
"Do not behave suspiciously! We will be discovered before boarding!"
Even if she was scolded, Neko just turned around and didn't care.
"Even if we are able to tackle successfully, there is no way we can stop being bothered by these meddlers."
The boy dared to laugh optimistically at Kuro, who was aware of a large number of helicopter units and had a difficult face. Although he has managed to get transportation so far, he is well aware that he is a mouthful and a great plan. But no matter which route he choose, it's still a tightrope walk. He felt that he could do something if he was with Kuro and Neko.
"Okay, then we'll take it and escape again."
"You don't even have to worry about the bespectacled boss! You see, you can't go up first unless you hurry up more!"
Neko was much more optimistic about what the boy said with such joy, and he suddenly jumped on the control board that Kuro was holding. The helicopter rocked enormously and plunged into the belly of the Himmelreich as it moved like a drunk and staggered.
"Ah, idiot!"
"Who's the idiot? The Captain hasn't made any orders yet!"
Kuro changes his complexion and the most frustrating reprimand comes off the radio.
The boy also drew his face and stared at the suddenly approaching blimp; at that moment, he felt like someone was watching him from the airship.
At the same time, he heard a roar. The dark night sky had turned bright red.
An explosion.
In front of them, the Himmelreich suddenly exploded and was surrounded by flames.
Only a slight sound escaped the boy's throat.
Suddenly on fire, the whale in the sky lost its ability to fly and died, and fell on the helicopter in which the boy and the others were traveling.
At that moment, Daikaku Kokujoji was alone in front of the Slate.
A huge block of stone called the "Dresden Slate" was under the tempered glass on the floor.
A mysterious relic that was once studied by Kokujoji in a foreign country with friends and dreams, and has now chosen and empowered seven "kings" in Japan.
On the board, Kokujoji was looking at the Himmelreich airship, in which his friend was traveling, engulfed in flames and falling.
"Weismann. You are..."
Behind the window, he looks at the distant sky turning red and mutter under his breath.
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anime-corner · 4 years
One or The Other
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A/N: When I first saw this, I was like: "Gah! Can't choose! They're too precious!" So, I made two endings!! Hope you like it! And like the previous one, sorry for taking too long.
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The streets were dark, only illuminated by the lampposts that scattered. You were walking home alongside your fellow managers when a thought popped into your head, a question that lingered in your mind ever since you returned from Tokyo.
"Kiyoko, Hitoka?" You stated, eyes locked on the pavement in front of you.
"Hmm?" The third year manager beside you answered while the blonde first year looked at you curiously.
"H-hypothetically speaking… What do you do if someone confesses that they like you while there's this person who keeps telling you to avoid the other and you're not quite sure what to think or who to side with?"
"Well, not to you since there's Noya and Tanaka who're pretty much open with their feelings towards you." You pointed out, earning a nod from your junior.
"Oh! Is this about Nekoma's captain and Sugawara-san?" Hitoka asks as you slumped forward, a sigh escaping your lips.
"Was it that obvious?" They both nod, straightening up and fixing your hold on your bag, you repeated your question, "So, what do I do?"
"Well, what do you think (y/n), about the two of them individually?" Kiyoko answered with a question.
"Ah see, I've known Suga since that time he asked me to help you out and the team. I guess you could say that we've been close after that. He's really protective and caring so, I kinda get why he'd tell me to avoid the guy. And about the rooster…" You hummed, thinking of anything about the captain of the cats.
"R-rooster?" Hitoka tilted her head to the side, confused at the nickname.
"That bed hair of his, it sort of makes him look like one. It's funny and sort of… cute, in a way? No wait, that laugh of his was hilarious though! Also, he seems pretty laid-back too despite being captain. Daichi should learn a thing or two from him!" You chuckle, wiping off an imaginary tear in your eye as you remember the tokyo tower event, "But, like I said, I'm not sure who to side with."
"Well, it's still the first day. We're still going back for the training camp and more time for you to think. Just be careful, words are dangerous enough as it is, even more when feelings are involved," Kiyoko orated, both your and Hitoka's eyes shining in awe.
"K-Kiyoko… That was the most wisest advice I've ever heard in my entire life. And I'm in the same class as you!" You could feel your eyes begin to water, the words your friend had said already sunk within the depths of your heart, forever to be remembered.
"(y/n), please calm yourself down. We can't afford calling one of the guys at this hour to help you." You took offense and playfully hit her arm before the three of you erupted in laughter.
• • •
At Shinzen High, you noticed the captain of Nekoma glancing your way every now and then, talking to you whenever the both of you were available or during the times Sugawara was out of sight. The grey haired setter was glaring the life out of Kuroo every time, and you were confused. Did they do something to each other behind your back?
"Oi, Karasuno's manager-chan! Kitten hey!!" You heard the black haired captain call out, ushering you inside the gym. You took note that he was not alone, with him were two from Fukurodani, a teammate of his and Tsukishima Kei.
"Kuroo-san, you should already know my name at this point besides the fact that I keep telling you not to call me that nickname." You stated, greeting the others present.
"What? It's a cute nickname befitting a really cute manager!"
"At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if Sugawara-san heard this." Tsukishima commented, the rest turning towards the door, waiting for a certain setter to appear, except for you.
"Well, what do you need Kuroo-san?" You asked, bringing everyone's attention away from the gym entrance.
"Would you believe me if I say it's you?" Raising an eyebrow, you earned an awkward laugh from the captain before clearing his throat, "Right. Uh, could you help us with practice? That is if you're not busy preparing with the other managers."
"I guess I could lend a hand, I'm on wash duty today anyways," You picked up a ball, bouncing it lightly, "So, what do I do?"
"We're working on blocks, Lev over there has to work on it while Four Eyes just needs a few pointers." You nodded and took a stance, preparing to toss.
"Yeah. Oh wait! Lev!! Get your ass over here!!" Kuroo called for the first year lying on his back on the floor, who sprung to his feet at the mention of his name, running to Tsukishima's side of the court, "Okay, now we're ready.
It has been five days since you've agreed to help the little group with their practice and you took the opportunity to learn more about the captain. Despite being so casual, he was actually observant, noting everything his opponent does. Kuroo was also a provocative guy, something you only took note of when you asked the blonde first-year blocker what made him join their practice, having Daichi answer your question with a tale of the incident.
Honestly, your interactions with Kuroo were nice. He'd make a few compliments and small talk here and there and sometimes would act shy whenever he asks you for something. And during those times, a pair of eyes would linger in your direction, turning around, your grey haired friend would always be within your vision. It confused you, the feeling inside of you confused you and you hated it. So, instead of letting it be, you dragged Sugawara away from his group during their individual practices.
"Hey (n/n), something wrong?" He tilted his head slightly, his eyes scanning your expression.
"You tell me."
"What? What are you--"
"It's about Nekoma's captain, right? I'm aware that you don't want me hanging around him. Although, I just want to ask why?" You asked, noticing the way his gaze avoided you in an instant. Sugawara was silent for a minute or two, trying to find a better wording for his explanation, "Well..?"
"I just… didn't want you to.. I mean, he's here in Tokyo and you're in Miyagi. You don't even know him that well. I don't want to see you cry afterwards, when the two of you get together and break up! Can't I just worry for you?" You hadn't expected the third year to react the way he did. Yes, he was dubbed as the mother figure of the team but, that's just the way he cares for his juniors so why does hearing him say these words to you make you feel like there's more to it than just care, "I'm sorry if I'm acting like this. I really care about you, (y/n) so please understand, whatever you choose, I'll respect your decision."
He left you there, surprise etched on your face. You were conflicted, you knew he was right because that's what your mind kept telling you but then there's your heart, who genuinely wanted to know more before you decide.
• • •
That night, while everyone was asleep, you confided once again with your co-managers inside the darkened room, phones on, providing a bit of light.
"I'm really… I don't even know how to describe what I'm feeling right now after I pulled Suga aside to talk. And I'm desperate for an answer." You whisper yelled, making sure none of the others were to wake up.
"M-maybe you could describe it for us? The f-feeling I mean, it's okay if you don't want to!" After all the times you spent with the blonde first year, she was still nervous around you.
"No, no. I think it's best if I talk about it if I'm asking you guys for advice. So, um, where to start…" You thought of the past few days and your interactions with them, "Okay, I guess it started when Kuroo asked me to join them for practice, tossing when needed and handling the scoreboard during their two-on-two matches. In the morning, he'd come up to me from time to time and Suga would be glaring at our way. I thought that it was only because he was worried about me being around the captain. I mean, who knows what he's thinking inside that head of his! I'm kind of  not surprised he's getting along with Tsukishima, not that he'd admit it."
"And then..?"
"And then the talk with Suga just a few minutes ago… Somehow, there's this lingering feeling that I should trust his words a-and limit my contact with the guy. I've known Sugawara for three years ever since that day, so it makes sense that he kind of gets what'll play out. Plus, he's also a guy. I mean, he's just looking out for me right?" You ramble a bit, a crease on your forehead, "I really want to get to know Kuroo, he's really cool and funny, surprisingly on my part. But, I trust Suga's suspicion, he's still technically a stranger. Besides…"
"Besides you're much more comfortable with Sugawara, right?" You nodded at Kiyoko's words, shifting on your futon, "I could take a guess and say you like him but you want to give Kuroo-san a chance."
"(y/n)-san like likes Sugawara-san?" The black haired girl hummed in response, adjusting the position of her glasses, "Is this true?"
"That… I don't know. Maybe I just like him 'cause we're close?" Perhaps you were just trying to make yourself believe that it is only because of that or maybe it's the truth. Kiyoko glanced down the first year before turning towards your figure.
"Well, this training camp will end soon and until then, you've still got a chance to sort things out. Giving someone false hope is a feeling that makes you feel an intense amount of guilt, because you played with their feelings the same way you thought they were playing with yours."
So, in a few more days, the choice to make is in your hands. On the last day, you were going to talk to him and tell him what you think. And you just hope it was the right choice to take the risk with.
[ Kuroo Tetsurou ] • [ Sugawara Koushi ]
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hyuckssunchip · 4 years
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Pairings: Lucas x reader, ft. Kun
Words: 1.7K
Warnings: angst, a little fluff
Upon reuniting with your ex-boyfriend you discover that not everything was as it seemed. Through obstacles and answers to can finally come to the conclusion that maybe people aren’t as bad as you thought.
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You were sitting in the coffee shop close to campus, not something out of the ordinary. You came here almost everyday after class to get your work done. With your drink just out of your reach you sat typing furiously on your laptop. Your philosophy teacher was slightly insane, and had doled out a write up assignment on whether or not humans are innately evil or not, worth a third of your grade and was due Monday.
You frowned to yourself, not knowing where to start. This prompt was so overused and you wrote the same thing every time, but certain recent events kept coming to you and oddly enough you were conflicted on your decision. 
A few months ago your boyfriend of 8 months broke things off with you. He gave no explanation or any indication to cause such a change. You were devastated and all you remember was the cold look in his eyes as he told you right to your face, “You’re not the person I want anymore. In fact, I don’t love you, I never did.” And before you could reply he up and left you sitting in the very cafe you were at now.
Maybe subconsciously you were brought here to remember. The one thing that was out of the ordinary was that you actually sat in the same spot as you did a few months back when your heart was broken. Prior to this you couldn’t even bear to look at the seat, but here you are. Obviously you didn’t think Lucas was evil, the bad memories of him just kept flooding back, yet you couldn’t let yourself move.
You sighed, shaking your head trying to focus back on the assignment. It had been almost four hours since you started but you didn’t feel even close to being complete with the assignment, or maybe you just couldn’t get yourself to leave.
“Still a creature of habit aren’t you?” A voice you could never forget asked from behind you. You whipped your head around, afraid what you thought was true.
He looked so different, so sad and tired. He looked as if he hadn’t slept or eaten in days. While there was a slight hint of humor in his voice, you could tell that it was forced, and the smile may have brightened his features, but it never reached his eyes.
You coughed looking away,  feeling the prickly sensation threaten to sting your eyes, and the feeling of your throat tightening around the lump that refused to go down.
“I guess,” you muttered, trying to keep all emotion out of your voice. You didn’t want him to see how much he still affected you. You had to be strong.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” he asked quietly, almost begging. Your eyes flitted across the almost empty room, and turned back with a  frown on your face, “I really can’t talk right now, I've got stuff to do.” You said as coldly as you could muster.
“It’ll only take a minute.” he pleaded. As hard as you tried to not look at him, you failed. Your eyes locked and you caved nodding your head as an indication for him to sit.
However, you refused to look up from your laptop and continued working. After 10 minutes he broke the silence with “I miss you.”
You stopped typing mid-word. Frozen, you closed your eyes for a second taking in a deep breath.
You felt a hand graze over your own and you instinctively flinched. At this, you heard him choke on his breath and pull away but not before giving you one last glance of hope.
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“I’m telling you Kun, it was really weird, We just sat there in silence, then he said I miss you. Everything got weird and he bolted.” You whined to your best friend Kun over the phone. Unfortunately the bad thing with having your best friend set you up with his bandmate, things  tend to get awkward when you break up.
“That is weird. He told us he couldn’t go to lunch with us because he was meeting up with an old friend. I wonder why he lied to us.” [K]
“I don’t know anymore. I’m just so upset that he had the nerve to tell me he missed me after what he said before. It’s not fair!” [Y/N]
“I still don’t really know what happened before. You wouldn’t tell me why he did that.” [K]
“Because I don’t know! He never told me either. To be honest, I hate to say this, but I’m worried about him. He looked awful. Has he been eating, or sleeping?” [Y/N]
“Y/N… I don’t think you--” [K]
“Wait, no. Don’t tell me. I’m supposed to be over him and that whole situation. Forget it. Just… keep an eye on him will you? I mean, not because I asked… because you’re his friend.” [Y/N]
“Okay Y/N. Hey, don’t let this get to you okay?” [K]
“Yeah. Alright. Are we still on for Saturday?” [Y/N]
“Yep! I can’t wait to see you! Gosh, it’s been so long.” [K]
“I know! Alright I guess I should go, I have a ridiculous paper calling my name.” [Y/N]
“M’kay see you soon!” [K]
You let out a sigh throwing your phone on the bed and flopping down next to it. Your eyes closed, ready to drift to a nap when the doorbell interrupted your peace.
Hmmm… that’s odd. It’s 7:00 PM, I didn’t order food did I? On second thought, I probably did didn’t I?
You made your way to the door reaching for your purse as it opened. “How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing. Nothing at all. In fact, I think I owe you an explanation, and an apology.”
Your head snapped up to meet with none other than Lucas, not looking much better than he had hours before. Although the offer was enticing as he stood in the doorway holding a tub of your favorite ice cream.
You quietly left, running to the kitchen and grabbing two spoons, wagging them in his face before making your way to the couch.
“Open up, bud. You got a lot of explaining to do.” You said as he popped the lid off the tub. 
He gave you a sad smile at the term ‘bud’ and opened his mouth to talk, but not before shoveling a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.
“I know what I said was harsh and uncalled for and I understand if you can't forgive me, but there was a reason.” You nodded, continuing with your ice cream escapade.
“I want to start off by saying I love you. Ah- before you say anything, let me finish. I lied back then, I loved you then, and I love you now. And no matter what happens from here on out, a part of me will always love you.” The spoon had made it halfway into your mouth before you froze.
“I know I can’t blame what I did on someone else, but I never wanted to leave you, it really broke my heart to do that. To see you in shock and pain, it hurt me more than it hurt you. Whatever you felt, I felt ten times worse, believe me. I haven’t been well lately, I can’t seem to sleep because I always dream of you, and I can’t stand reliving what I did. I can’t keep food down and everything I do gets sloppy. That’s the only reason they're letting me do this right now.”
“Wait a minute... who’s they? Why can’t you do stuff? What are they doing to you? Lucas, if something is wrong, you can tell me, you know that right? If you’re in trouble or need help, I’m here. Okay?”
This earned a smile from him, but you were still worried, the frown never leaving your face. 
“Oh calm down,” he chuckled, “everything’s alright. Just eat your ice cream for now.” he said as he pushed the spoon towards your open mouth.
“I’m not in trouble, don’t worry about me. In fact that’s the last thing you should do for me. I don’t even deserve that.” He said with a sad smile. 
“It was my manager, they never liked our relationship. They said we had to break it off or the band would suffer. I should have never done what I did to you, but I couldn’t let the boys down after all they worked for. That's no excuse for how I told you though. I thought if I was harsh and mean, you would hate me and it would be easier for you, but I was wrong. I only ended up hating myself. I’m not asking for forgiveness or a second chance, only that you know why I did what I did. Although a boy can hope.” He chuckled sadly to himself at the last part, avoiding eye contact with you and grabbing the tub to shut himself up while he still could.
A minute of silence passed before either of you dared to move or say anything.
“You idiot! You could have told me, I would’ve understood!” You shouted smacking his chest repeatedly. It was a sight to see, a grown man getting smacked to death with a spoon hanging out of his mouth and eyes as wide as saucers.
After a bit more playful banter and some reconciliation you and Lucas sat on the couch content in each other's arms, for the first time in months. “Are you sure you’re not mad?” he asked, still timid.
“No, do you want me to be?” you giggled back. “Oh!” you gasped. “My paper! I know exactly what to write about now!” You looked over at Lucas who was staring at you with a hint of a smile sketched on his face and you gave him a peck.
“I’ll be right back!” yelling as you ran to your room, grabbing your laptop and making your way back to your spot against Lucas.
“Everything good?” He asked, digging his face into the crook of your neck.
“Yeah, everything’s good.” You whispered, smiling to yourself, knowing that Lucas’ explanation and decision may have been the factor in changing your answer. Maybe the world is made up of good people after all, it just may not be that obvious. 
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© Copyright 2021. hyuckssunchip. All rights reserved.
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slashnatic · 5 years
NSFW ALPHABET [Thomas Hewitt]
A = Aftercare (what they‘re like after sex)
First of all, Thomas needs a bit of guiding when it comes to romance. He isn‘t stupid, he isn‘t a retard, but he has not only never experienced this, but he also never had an actual interest in all of this.
The first time you’re having sex he‘s either going to lie around awkwardly afterwards or he‘s just going to leave and work on whatever has to be worked on. That is, unless you just cuddle up to him or tell him straight forward what you want. Whatever it is he‘ll do it for you. You need to clean up? No, he‘s not going to get something to wipe you clean. He‘s going to get you a blanket or really anything to cover your body, so he can carry you downstairs and give you a “shower“. Oh, just wiping it away would have been fine too? Well, he‘s definitely going to help you dry off anyway.
He also gets the hang of it pretty quickly. You wanted to cuddle afterwards with him the first time you had sex? You‘re going to cuddle after sex every time now! The next time you have sex you decide to go for round two? Well, looks like you‘re going to have two rounds all the time now, except you decide a third round would be nice one day. He basically just adapts whatever you do.
B = Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner‘s)
Thomas doesn’t actually have a favourite body part of himself, but he does like being tall and strong. In his mind it‘s really the only thing he was gifted with, the only thing that makes him useful. If there‘s one specific body part of his which you love he‘ll be proud or at least accepting of said body part though. He won’t start liking things about himself if he disliked them before just because there is someone who likes it now, but it helps him cope with it.
His favourite body part of yours are your thighs. If you‘re wearing pants, shorts, a dress, a skirt...they look good in everything in his opinion. He loves to grab your thighs to hold you in place when he takes you missionary-style too. He also loves how they look when you’re riding him. Watching you like that makes him go absolutely crazy.
He also likes your boobs a lot, for various reasons. The most important reason is probably that there‘s never been a girl who willingly showed him her breasts. He has a soft spot for when he‘s sitting down and you’re standing between his legs (you have to due to his height) and him kissing and squeezing your boobs, pinching, licking and sucking on your nipples. Bonus if you‘re pregnant. He may or may not has had a taste of your milk too.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum basically)
He likes to cum inside of you. It feels the best and while it scares him at first, knowing you might get pregnant makes it even better. When he‘s pulling out afterwards he also always watches his cum dripping out of you. It makes him proud. You let him do that. You let him fill you up with his semen. This means you‘re his. To him it‘s a way of claiming you.
The first time you suck him off and let him cum in your mouth he absolutely loses his mind. He doesn’t even understand what‘s so great about this, in fact he doesn‘t understand anything at all in that moment.
D = Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
He‘d never admit it, but he‘s regularly stealing glances under your skirt if he gets the chance to. He also examined your underwear. He did both of it long before you two got together. There were (and still are) even days where he‘d actually plan this, as in he made it a part of his daily structure. To him it felt like you were way out of his reach and the moment he started to have those kind of feelings towards you he made a little plan how to cope with them. He longed for you, felt like he couldn‘t have you and therefore found some satisfaction in that. You’re helping Luda Mae in the kitchen today? He definitely walks by a few times and stands somewhere in the distance where he can watch you without getting caught. When you reach over the kitchen counter he observes the soft skin of yours, which only seconds ago was hidden by your clothes. If he sees you‘re reaching for something at the top of the shelf he‘ll come up behind you and gets it for you. He enjoys the feeling of your body so close to his, but won‘t go to far in fear of you noticing. He does get off to the thought of you too, but for the love of god won‘t admit it. He‘s ashamed of his actions, but he doesn‘t want to stop either.
E = Experience (how experienced they are)
Thomas is a virgin. He hasn‘t had any sexual experience. He has seen naked female bodies before, but they were dead. He also unintentionally witnessed the act of love before a few times. In conclusion: He knows were to put it. Other than that you‘ll have to teach him but don‘t worry, this boy is more than eager to learn and he learns fast. Whatever you explain to him he will listen, remember and try it out. He’s definitely unsure at first, almost shy, but as soon as he hears you making those sweet sounds he forgets about his insecurities and gets lost in whatever new skill you‘re teaching him. It‘s almost impossible to stop him from there on. Overall, he‘ll have a tough start, but will quickly get over that and whatever he‘ll do it‘ll be good and will only get better.
F = Favourite Position (their favourite position, could possibly include a visual)
His preferred position depends on how he‘s feeling at the moment, how his day has been and so on. Thomas likes missionary a lot. He can see your face and watch the expressions you make, that show him just how good you‘re feeling, all because of him. He can grab onto those thighs he loves so much too. Most importantly though he feels close to you. He‘s feeling your soft skin on his, he can even feel your breath if he leans in close enough, he can see every little facial expressions, he sees this look in your eyes...it‘s almost too much to handle. If you wrap your hands around his neck or grab onto his hair he‘s also going to faint. It‘ll take him a while to feel comfortable without the mask but knowing you look at him just the same, mask or not, means the world to him.
Missionary is his favourite position on normal days. If it‘s been a particular rough day for him though he likes for you to be on top. He can both relax and enjoy himself. Watching you like this is also a big turn on for him. Thomas is a big, strong man and is used to being rough and in charge. It happens naturally and unintentionally most of the time. Having soft, lazy sex with you on top is just everything. It‘s so relaxing and calming and loving. He’ll be happy and balanced all the time during and afterwards too.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Thomas takes sex very seriously. The first time he is scared too, but he won‘t let you know in fear of ruining everything. If you‘re having sex there will be nothing else on his mind. He is very focused on you and your pleasure. If you mess with him a bit and he‘s having a good day he‘ll smile about it but no more. He‘s being vulnerable with and he want‘s you to be vulnerable with him too.
The more used he gets to having a relationship, the more relaxed he will be. You’ve been together long enough now, he knows you love him and he knows you take it seriously, so why not be a tease now too once in a while?
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He doesn’t actually ever shave. He knows some people do it, but he doesn’t care enough to do it himself. His hair isn‘t all too thick down there and it isn‘t too much either.
He doesn‘t shower a lot, twice a week at the most, sometimes he even goes a week or longer without showering. He‘s working a lot, the water isn‘t too clean either, so he doesn‘t see the point. He sweats quite a bit while working too, so it would probably be more enjoyable if you ask him to take a shower beforehand, but don‘t worry he‘ll happily comply if that‘s what you want.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? romantic aspect, etc.)
Besides his serious demeanor he‘s a big romantic too, but like with everything else he needs time to figure that out. Once he did though there‘ll be lots of kisses to wherever he can reach right now, he‘ll caress your skin, squeeze lightly whatever he can grab and he won‘t break eye contact. He observes every reaction you give him because to him it feels like he‘s even closer to you then. Of course he also wants to make sure you‘re alright.
He needs you to be romantic too. Just give him all the love you‘ve got, he craves it. He is giving you his all and he‘ll understand if you’re not a romantic person but it will hurt him and it will make him insecure. He might even distance himself, because he thinks that’s either how you want it to be or that it’s better for you. If you shower him with affection though he‘s on his knees for you, in whatever way you want him too be.
Jack/Jill Off (masturbation headcanon)
Jerking off is more of a special event in Thomas‘ life. He‘s working most of the time and doesn‘t have time for it. So he jerks off once a month at the most. As mentioned before he jerked off to the thought of you too, but it took him ages to give in to the desire and afterwards he‘s so ashamed it’ll probably take double the time for him to do it again. He probably avoided you at least a solid week afterwards too.
If he‘s giving in to said desire he is (unintentionally) filthy. He won‘t hold back anything. He‘ll moan, grunt, groan and even say your name while masturbating. He‘s most likely doing this in the basement so he‘ll cum all over the work bench, if he‘s in his room though he‘ll lay down on his bed and cum all over himself. He is ashamed afterwards, but during there‘s nothing that can stop him from finally getting lost in his imagination and pretending it was your hand instead of his.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Honestly Thomas just wants to be loved. He wants that affection. He has a praise kink, but is completely unaware of it. He loves when you tell him just how good he makes you feel, what a good job he‘s doing and if you call him a good boy he will nut in his pants right away. He‘s super confused about it too. Why does it feel so good to hear you say that? He loves it the most when you compliment him, not only his actions. Normally he doesn‘t actually believe you or at least doesn’t react to you telling him that he‘s handsome, but when you‘re so close to each other, when you’re being one, he doesn‘t care about how he feels about himself, what anyone else has said about him before or how unrealistic it is, that you find him physically appealing, at least in his eyes. He believes whatever you say and hearing you telling him that he‘s enough in whatever way just gets him going.
He does have a breeding kink too, but is unaware of that as well. He knows he likes cuming inside of you. He knows he likes what it portrays: That you‘re his, that you completely give yourself to him. He knows he wants a family with you, although he‘s scared (What if he can’t take care of his family properly? What if his child is scared of him? Or even worse, what if his child gets the same skin disease?). He doesn‘t understand why it turns him on but he knows it does and that‘s enough.
Other than that Thomas is actually more of a vanilla-type. Don‘t let that fool you though, sex with him is never boring.
L = Location (favourite places to have sex)
His favourite place to have sex with you is in his bed. This is his home and yours too, you are living here with him and he wants to make beautiful memories with you here too. There‘s also less of a chance of being disturbed than anywhere else. While Hoyt comes down to the basement sometimes, he never goes to Thomas‘ room and the other family members won‘t either. If they do they‘ll definitely make sure he (or you) knows that they‘re coming in. He also loves how domestic it is.
You definitely had sex in the basement anyway and he enjoyed that as well, but sex in the basement is always rougher than usual and also more rushed. Having sex in his bedroom is still his favourite.
He also likes having sex with you outdoors. Somewhere in nature. You‘re alone but free and this feeling of freedom makes it all so much better.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Love, affection, admiration, your attention alone...bending over in front of him... When you’re being so nice and lovely to him he just wants to make babies. Period. But sexual gestures and teasing never go unnoticed either and he enjoys that too.
N = NO (something they wouldn‘t do, turn offs)
Anything that makes him feel unappreciated. No name-calling, harassment or humiliation of any form. This is traumatic for him and he‘ll panic, be sad and angry. He wouldn‘t do any of that to you either, even if you want him too. He wants you to be satisfied, but this is a no-go.
If he sees you getting along with another man a bit too well for his liking he‘s probably also going to be pissed and won‘t touch you for a while. He‘s quite jealous, but doesn‘t know what to do about this feeling. He knows it‘s not you‘re fault, but he is scared that you‘ll go for a better looking or smarter man than him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This is a tricky subject. In his mind he‘s all about eating you out. He thinks about your taste, your smell and the sounds you make when he goes down on you while jacking off too. Getting him to the point where he actually does it is hard work though. It isn‘t even that he‘s scared you won‘t like it and he definitely isn‘t disgusted by it either, but he is disgusted by himself. He‘s disgusted by what‘s hidden under his mask and letting you see him like that is scary to him. Pressing that between your beautiful thighs is even scarier. He‘s afraid of your reaction and just wants to hide and angry-cry, so take your time. Once you get him to the point that he believes you that you’re not disgusted by him it becomes a must. He takes literal hours to eat you out and he enjoys every second of it. He‘s very eager the whole time, enjoying that he can make you make those sounds, enjoying your taste...really everything. He also always grabs your thighs while eating you out.
If you go down on him be prepared for a lot of enthusiasm coming from him. He doesn‘t mean to be that rough, he doesn’t mean to fuck your pretty mouth, but god it feels so good. He‘s also probably going to thank you after. He doesn‘t take it for granted, it‘s actually a very special thing to him. You’re willing to do things like that just because you want him to feel good. He is ecstatic.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He is rather slow and definitely very caring and loving but also unintentionally rough. He is very strong and doesn‘t always know how to handle his strength. He doesn‘t want to be that rough but he gets lost in the moment pretty quickly and once he does he forgets about everything. He just does what feels right and not being rough is more of an effort to him. He never hurts you though, he is still very careful.
He likes slow sex, fast sex, gentle sex, a bit rougher sex, but his favourite is lazy sex. Hours of gentle loving you say? You bet your ass he‘s more than down for it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Thomas isn‘t the biggest fan of quickies. He‘s a very committed and passionate lover and quickies are neither, at least in his opinion. Changing his mind isn‘t too hard though. Coming down to the basement and telling him directly what you want or giving subtle hints, either way he‘ll give in at some point. If you decide to drop hints rather than being clear about it you don’t have to worry. At the beginning of your relationship he probably won‘t get it, but once he gets to know this side of you too, he‘ll catch on to it quickly. He is very observant and basically studies you to learn what you‘re behavior means. Maybe one day you’re lucky and have him inviting you for some quick fun too, but if so you shouldn’t get used to it.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Thomas doesn‘t like to risk anything with you. He doesn‘t want to hurt you. If you‘re able to assure him that you really want him to do whatever you want him to do, he will do it, but if it includes harming you in any way it will take him a while.
He likes to experiment, he‘s a very curious man. He isn‘t disgusted by anything either. Whatever body fluids, toys or other kinky stuff is involved he‘ll happily try it out and gain some new experience with you, as long as neither of you get‘s seriously physically or emotionally harmed during.
S = Stamina (how many rounds they can go for, how long they last...)
Big. Strong. Man. He can go as long as you want him to, really. If it‘s just one round lasting hours or many rounds lasting hours it doesn‘t matter. Once you‘ve declared the end though he immediately gets tired. He never realizes while you’re at it, but afterwards he‘s pretty worn out.
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Thomas doesn‘t own any toys himself and is most likely confused if you do. Why? He’s got his dick, his hands and his tongue. Isn’t that just fine? If you explain it to him he‘ll want to try it. He‘s curious. He might actually starts to like using toys on you or you using toys on him but he‘ll always prefer the old fashioned way.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
In the beginning of your relationship he never teases you, at least not intentionally. During sex he‘s too serious and outside of the bedroom he‘s never considered it. If you tease him he’ll be confused at first and probably a little hurt too. You can either explain it to him or wait for him to realize what you‘re doing since he‘ll catch on on some point anyway. He won‘t like it at first, but will get used to it and join in too. Thomas is actually quite sassy when he‘s comfortable enough to be himself and will start to enjoy teasing you. You might catch him grinning about your reaction to it as well.
His teasing mostly consists of tender but slightly sexual touches and flexing his muscles in front of you. He is muscular and he knows it. He never actually cared too much about it until he realized that you seem to find it very attractive, so he really enjoys making you flustered using only his body. It boosts his ego too, feeling your longing and needy glances whenever he‘s putting on a show for you. The resulting sex is great and he’s actually confident during, but afterwards he gets shy again and is also a bit embarrassed by his behavior.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
No matter how shy Thomas is, he never makes an effort to be silent. The sounds he makes are rather animalistic as well. He‘ll groan, grunt and growl. The second you switch positions and you are on top he becomes a complete mess. Same amount of groans, grunts and growls, but he’ll whimper too. His moans are just as deep but softer, almost helpless. When making love he lets himself go completely. He doesn’t hold back anything and is throughoutly himself. No matter how vulnerable and soft he shows himself, it doesn‘t matter to him. He trusts you, let‘s himself enjoy the loss of control and shows you verbally as well as he can.
W = Wild Card (a random headcanon/imagine for the character of your choice)
The softness of your skin was a miracle to Thomas. Just as the softness of your hair, the glimmer in your eyes which only he got to see after your passionate love making, how you smelled, how you tasted...everything about you. He loved everything about you. And he loved how you loved him. You were currently sneaking into the kitchen to get the both of you something to drink, but his mind was still occupied by your recent actions. Today you didn‘t care that he was sweaty and covered in dirt and god-knows-whatelse. You had told him you wanted to love him. Now. You had told him how much you longed for him, that you had been thinking about your handsome lover the whole day and that you couldn‘t wait any longer to show him how much you had missed him. And you had shown him. You had kissed every scar on his body, from fights he‘s fought or resulting from his skin condition, you hadn‘t been picky. You never were. You loved him no matter what. You had given your all to pleasure him and so did he. When you came back with some tea, which was already cold but you doubted Thomas would care, his focus was on you immediately. And once again you embraced each other, shared your body heat and love until you peacefully drifted off to a sweet slumber.
X = X-Ray (let‘s see what‘s going on under those clothes)
Once again, Thomas is a big, strong man. He is equipped just as you‘d think he is, if not bigger. He is way above average in both length and girth. So much that it will probably hurt not only the first time, but almost everytime. Just take your time to adjust and you‘ll be fine though. Thomas has also absolutely no problem helping you stretch first. He‘ll do whatever he can to make it the most pleasurable it can be for you. If that means you have to do an hour warm up: No problem!
Y = Yearning (how high their sex drive is)
Thomas keeps his mind off things through working. This works out for him pretty well too, so if he‘s busy making sure the family has something too eat he mostly isn‘t going to get distracted by any not-so-christian thoughts. If he isn‘t working though he‘ll devote all his time to you and then he gets distracted very easily, very fast.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If he has to he can go back to work after you‘re done, but he prefers not to. He‘s also quite sleepy afterwards, but won‘t actually fall asleep for a while. He looks and acts almost like a tired puppy. If you scratch his head or back he‘s also dozing off within seconds.
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thosemeddlingsims · 4 years
It has been quite a while since the last time I wrote a fic. Well, anyway here's a follow-up to caught and flustered and I guess would lead on to Stake Well Done or Death and Thereafter, or whatever timeline they’d end up going on a road trip and then stumbling into a mystery in some way. This might be my last attempt in writing lengthy pieces for some time unless something pops in my head again and get my groove on.
Anyway, hope y'all would like it. Even though I really didn't know how to end it. 😅
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RATED K+ / T (?)
“You two should talk this out…”
Dawn’s words echoed in the recesses of Daphne’s foggy mind. It was easier said than done. It has been a little over a week since then and just a few days after the kiss that Dawn witnessed. And with all that time, she has not even built up the courage to talk to Fred.
“Daph…? Daphne? You ok?” Her contemplation was abrupted by a concerned yet familiar voice. She quickly blinks, only to realize that she has been sitting right across the booth from her bespectacled friend, Velma. She looks around, remembering that they have been sitting for quite some time in their regular coffee shop, Shakey Joe’s. They were waiting for the boys and Daphne had wanted to catch up with Velma after her trip from Washington. But instead, she blanked out on her and feels guilty about it. She softly shakes her head and forces out a smile. “I—I’m fine Vel. Sorry.”
“You sure?” Velma cocks her head and knits her brows. It was obvious that Daphne was not being her normally bright and cheerful self. “I don’t even think you’ve been listening to what I have said for the past few minutes.”
“I guess I’m just tired Vel.” Daphne fakes another smile and sinks herself into the leather cushion on her side of the bench. “Dawn got me really worked up with her fashion line. It’s been hard trying to get some sleep.”
Velma nods in response, unsure if she did believe her. It was not entirely a lie but between catching up with her sister’s exhausting demands and her compromised relationship with Fred, she is not ready to tell her about the latter. A sense of uncomfortable silence started to trickle in the atmosphere but fortunately (or unfortunately), it did not last that long. A soft tinkling of chimes alerted the business space of someone coming in.
“Hey look, the cavalry has arrived!” Velma waved towards the direction of the entrance. Daphne turned around to look as well, secretly hoping it was some other patron or customer Velma knew coming in. In her head, she was willing to prolong the inevitable. She has not played out what she would do or say once Fred arrives. But it was them, the boys.
It felt like a scene from a movie; there he was, soft sunlight shining through the door over him, strolling a few steps behind Shaggy and Scooby. His hair, golden and perfectly coifed. His smile beaming and his eyes, filled with warmth. He was wearing a crisp blue polo shirt and a pair of casual denim jeans. Why does he walk like that? This isn’t the first time he walked in through that door. Why are you seeing this now Daph, why?
“Like hel-lo gang!” Shaggy greets the girls with a wide smile as Scooby jumps onto the bench beside Velma. He continues to acknowledge them with a snobby plummy accent. “See you’ve gone ahead with beverages already. Like, let me pick us up something to eat then.”
Velma and Daphne looked on as Shaggy straightened his posture and headed towards the counter. What could he possibly be so happy about?
“Hey Scoob, what got Shaggy so upbeat?” Velma almost echoing Daphne’s thoughts. “He is aware that we’re off to some haunted place again, right?”
“Ri ron’t know…” Scooby shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head. He would like to assume it was because of the food convention they have attended but a few days have already passed since then. “Ri ron’t remember.”
“Apparently, Shaggy got an invite to some celebrity chef’s dinner party.” Fred intrudes, smiling softly as he rested his right hand snugly into the pocket of his jeans. “They bonded during that food con they attended. The chef was impressed with Shaggy’s way of eating food.”
“Jinkies…” Velma clearly impressed. “Is that right?”
“That’s what he said.” Fred cocking his head towards Shaggy’s direction then sits down comfortably on the empty space beside Daphne. Her breath hitches and immediately withdraws to the corner of the booth. She hopes Velma would not notice but her quick glance at her would say otherwise.
Fred felt it too and he turned to take a gander at Daphne. “Everything alright Daph?”
“Yah.” Nope. Definitely not.
“I’m fine. I just told Velma that.” She waves a hand towards Velma. Not really and I’m pretty sure Velma doesn’t believe me.
She drew in a long breath, rested her chin against her right hand, and faked a smile for the third time. She avoids their gazes and looks up at the ceiling, but she could not keep it there. She looks back at her friends, unconsciously locking with Fred’s ceruleans. Nope! Look away! Look. Away.
“So… what about this case guys?” She changes the subject, rubbing the back of her neck. “Is it a missing person or another real estate agent trying to cheapen the price of the land?”
“Daph… you’re the one who took the call.” Velma shoots a side-eye at her. “You should be the one briefing us with the case.”
“Jeepers Velma!” Daphne huffs out a single laugh and shakes her head disapprovingly at herself. “You’re right. I remember it being some –”
“Hold that thought.” Velma interrupts standing from her seat. “I need to tell Shaggy not to get me one of those super-sandwiches he always gets us. Wanna come with me Scoob?”
Daphne furrows her eyebrows looking up as Velma leaves with Scooby and notices Fred was also looking in their direction. She pauses and stares down the back of his head, admiring the strands of his fine blonde hair sitting on the base of his nape. She is reminded of the sensation of having his hair between her fingers and the low growl he made when she mussed it up. But then he turned to face her, she quickly averted her eyes elsewhere. She took in a sharp breath and felt heat creeping through her cheeks.
“Daph?” The way he said her name sounded syrupy and sweet, but he has always said her name like that. C’mon Blake, he’s just concerned. “Are we ok?”
For some unknown reason, that question hit her like a cold splash of water. She felt speechless. Are we ok? Is there a ‘we’? What does he mean by ‘are we ok?’
Fred gazed at her with concern as he tried to reach out to her hand that was softly resting on the table. She wanted to flinch it away, but her mind (or maybe it was her heart) dictated to welcome the warmth instead. She did not move and watched his hand over hers, avoiding his eyes at all cost. And there it was again, that bolt of electricity that has been flowing through them every time they would have skin-to-skin contact. Her breath hitched. “Hey Daph… What’s wrong?”
“I...” she sighs deep with frustration. “I... I just –” C’mon Daph, spit it out! Don’t stutter!
“Like ok guys…” Daphne immediately jerks her hand away from his. Shaggy interrupts their moment, much to Daphne’s relief but to Fred’s dismay. He has been wanting to talk to her, but he was not sure how to start it off either. Shaggy, unaware of what is going on between the two, was carrying trays filled with piles of baked goods with a satisfied smile plastered on his face. Scooby and Velma, each carrying separate trays, following close behind. “Like Velma has your food. And if I do remember correctly, Daphne’s go-to is like, the ricotta and honey tartine and like Fredster, the meat lover focaccia roll. Right?”
“You’re right, Shag. Thanks.” Fred smiles thinly as he laid the tray down on the table. They should thank Velma that Shaggy did not get them some overloaded hoagie. But Fred suddenly did not have the appetite to eat, nor did Daphne. And if they said anything, Shaggy would likely not stop lecturing them for skipping a ‘meal’ he paid for. 
They spent the rest of the morning going through the initial information they have on the case. Unbeknownst to Fred and Daphne, Velma has been observing the building-up tension between them. Daphne did not really say anything about what happened during her week-long absence, aside from working with her sister Dawn. And this has been the first time she has seen Fred since she came back, so there was no chance of really catching up with him. If she knew any better, he would just say that he was working on the Mystery Machine.
Velma could see Daphne’s brows furrowed with an undecipherable expression painted in her eyes and her food was still untouched. She also noticed that Daphne has been trying to keep a distance from Fred for the past thirty minutes. She stole a look at Shaggy as well, observing if he was also noticing something different about the two. But she did not want to pry anymore, she would let Daphne tell her once she is ready. After going through the case and the specifics of their trip, they left heading off to do separate errands before going home to pack the things they would need for tomorrow.
But Daphne contemplated staying behind for a bit.  
“You two should talk this out…”
It was eating at her. Maybe without realizing it, she would implode with this thought ringing through her head over and over again. She bid the others goodbye, coming up with a stupid excuse to go the other direction. She turns around thinking Fred was still behind her, only to realize he has already gone ahead. She takes a few steps towards the parking area deep in thought. Maybe it’s easier not to bring it up for a while, right?
Fred stands on the pavement beside the Mystery Machine. He knew he would not get the chance to talk to Daphne, especially now that the rest of the gang have gotten back from their trips. He sighs and mutters to himself as he opens the door on the driver’s side.
“Freddie?” He must have been hearing things and figured that Daphne’s melodic voice was just in his head. He was quite sure that she had left with the rest of the gang, having the van all to himself. But there was a tingling sensation running through his back like someone is watching him. He turns around and finds her standing there, timidly tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. Fred was not the best at reading non-verbal cues, but this was quite un-Daphne-like.
“Daph?” He said breathily, trying to catch her emerald eyes. “I thought you left with the others.”
“I– ” She stutters and gives out a soft nervous chuckle. “Well, uhm… I didn’t get the chance to answer your question earlier.”
Fred’s brows furrowed. There were a lot of questions asked in the coffee shop, most of them were about the case, which one of them could it be. “Uh… what question?”
“‘Are we ok?’” She avoids looking at him and Fred’s mind clears. He asked that before Shaggy had interrupted them. She takes in a deep breath. “I– uhm… anyway, I– I do hope that we are ok.”
“Hope? Why just hope?” It confused him. It seemed like there has to be a certain requirement for them to be ok. He would not know what to do if they were in a misunderstanding. He could not stand having the thought of him and Daphne being on bad terms. And she just stood there silently, keeping her eyes affixed elsewhere.
“Uhm…” She bites her lip, warily approaching him. “I feel like we’ve left off on the wrong foot the last time you came to visit.”
“Daph… I’m sorry I kissed you.” It was not the response she needed to hear. She was not asking for an apology, she just needed to clear the air. She wanted to assure him that she does not hate him for that or for anything ever. They have gotten much more intimate than just a kiss before that, and they have not addressed that one either. She hurriedly inched closer, shaking her head and reaching out to cradle his face between her palms. “You shouldn’t be sorry about that. I– I shouldn’t have asked you to leave so... uhm... frigidly.”
He closed his eyes and reveled at the warmth of her hands on his cheeks. He was trying his best to contain the heat that was building up in his chest. And yet, he struggled and gave in. He softly clasped her left hand, lightly taking it from his cheek. She watched as he guided the base of her palm to his soft lips, planting a kiss there. The gesture made her heartbeat quicken and a fluttering sensation has started in her belly.
“Freddie…” He opens his eyes, quite aware that he has done it again, kiss her. At least, it was not on her lips again. He searches her face for some form of disapproval, but she does not withdraw her hand away from him. He lets her go and she slowly curls her hands to her chest, her eyes fixed on him. “I’m sorry again, Daph. I shouldn’t have done that. I should stop doing anything really.”
“Freddie…” She swallows a lump she did not realize that has formed in her throat. I can’t… We can’t... I’m not ready to talk.  “I just said you didn’t need to apologize.”
She slowly takes a few steps back and softly smiles. “Anyway, I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow, ok?”
“Don’t you want to ride along with me?” It felt like she was brushing him off again and it made his heart sink. He was hoping they could talk some more and figure out what is happening between them. It is obvious to him that whatever it is, it’s no longer platonic. It never was, to begin with, but they did mutually agree to prioritize their friendship. It was slowly getting harder to honor that though, especially with what happened between them at his place a few days back. It was his validation that maybe, she shares the same sentiment. He just needs her confirmation. “I could drop you off at your place, Daph.”
“Not today Freddie. I’m actually off to see mother. Thanks anyway.” She bites her lip as she hesitantly waved goodbye, trying not to maintain any eye contact. He stood there by the van’s door and looked on as she twirled around and walked away. It reminded him of the way she left that day; briskly and with no chance for him to say goodbye.
He sighs and whispers under his breath. “See you tomorrow, Daph.”
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mattzerella-sticks · 4 years
A Dumb Idea (1.4 k, coda to 14x15 “The Last Holiday”, Sam & Dean, Dean/Cas)
They celebrated Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, birthdays, even the Fourth of July. What about the other holidays? What about Valentine's Day?
Mrs. Butters actually had a plan for that, but she left before it could come to fruition. Sam, however, stumbles on Dean and a leftover piece from said plan. Something Dean would rather Sam not see. When he does get a peek as to what it is, well... Dean and Sam have a lot to talk about.
           Sam didn’t intend this. He called Dean’s name, first. Except his brother didn’t react. Head bowed, headphones on as he studied something before him. Music loud enough Sam faintly heard it from the kitchen’s entrance. Easily obscuring his footsteps as Sam approached, curious.
           Moving closer, Sam saw a pencil in Dean’s hand. Wrinkled paper waiting underneath it. Marred with illegible words. He placed a hand on Dean’s shoulder, “What are you writing?”
           Dean jumped, headphones slipping off his head. Zeppelin blaring, echoing across the room until his brother slammed a fist on his mp3. “Christ, Sammy,” Dean turned, glaring. Both hands covered the folded paper, pencil forgotten as it rolled away. “Don’t do that! Could’ve had a heart attack.”
           “You have a better chance at going deaf than having a heart attack, Dean.”
           “At least then Eileen could teach me sign language,” he said, bending forward. Somehow maintaining eye contact with Sam. “And we can gossip behind your back with complicated, advanced signing that you can’t do because of your big moose hooves.”
           Snorting, Sam brushed the insult aside. He won’t be distracted that easy. “What are you doing?” he asked, again, “What are you writing?”
           Dean’s lip twitched. His gaze flit between the paper and Sam. “I’m not writing anything.” The pencil, thrown from the table’s edge, landed with a guilty clatter. “Okay, I was writing something,” Dean admit, dragging the page towards him, “It’s… a grocery list.”
           “Yeah, those things you buy?” Dean rose with a nervous giggle, the paper pressed against his chest, “Mrs. Butters wasn’t here for that long Sam, you must remember food doesn’t naturally poof out of thin air. So I set to taking stock of what we needed and… actually, I just finished.” He inched backwards, Sam trailing after him. “Might as well go and get the groceries, now that I have the… the list.”
           Sam shrugged, grinning, “That makes sense.”
           “It does, doesn’t it?”
           A beat later, Sam pounced. Dean, anticipating his attack, spun on his heel. Sam’s chest colliding with his back, blanketing it. But Dean hadn’t considered his next move, because the kitchen island blocked any attempt at escape. Trapped between Sam and it, all he could do was play defense while Sam used every dirty trick on making his brother let go. Because Sam already ran through the scenario in his head, planning for this moment. From the second he saw Dean hide that paper.
           It wasn’t what he intended; Dean left him no choice.
           He tickles, he pinches, and he pulls. Finally, Dean surrenders his hold on the paper. Sam snatches it and bolts, his brother chasing him. “Sammy!”
           “Grocery list my ass!” he yells behind him, skidding around a turn in the hall. Narrowly avoiding Dean’s fist, laughing as he slams into the wall Sam avoided. “Let’s see what you were really writing…” His eyes scan the front of the paper, reading aloud what Dean scrawled in bright red ink. “I never really believed in angels,” he says, slowing, “until I met you.”
           Dean slams into him, both sent tumbling. They lie on their backs, panting, the paper in Sam’s hand with Dean’s creeping closer. Sam feels it go taut as Dean grabs hold, yet he won’t fight further. Perhaps afraid of ruining what’s there. Of the cheesy pick-up line titling his inner thoughts, bookended by doodled wings and a giant, colored heart stamped on the bottom.
           “Really,” Sam gasps, “you got so worked up over that.” His body burns with exhaustion, having overexerted himself. Although not really. Sam should be more concerned with his stamina, except there were other matters that need his attention.
           “Shut up…” Dean’s cheeks were red, from embarrassment, exercise, or a combination of both. “Shit’s personal.”
           “And grade school,” Sam says. He lurches into a seated position, Dean popping up alongside him. Neither letting go, still. “What are you doing writing a Valentine’s Day card?”
           “Why does anyone write a Valentine’s Day card, Sam?” Dean stares at his feet, thinking. The grip on his end goes slack, hand falling to his side. “Read it.”
           Sam hesitates. “Are you sure?”
           “You’ve already seen enough,” he sighs, pinching his brow. “Come on. Do it, before I change my mind.”
           Noting the twinges of irritation threaded into his voice, Sam knows he won’t have long. He flicks it open, first three letters stealing his breath. Glancing at Dean, he sees his brother curled. Physically making himself smaller, like Dean could disappear if he tried hard enough. Sam keeps his initial thoughts silent, saving it for the end.
           Which was the right choice. If the first word were a seed, then the rest of his message was the flower. Each sentence like a petal that together created a beautiful image. Of a secret love. Simmering feelings, strengthening over time. Insecurities laid bare that Sam had expected yet never confirmed until now. A simple plea – a prayer – that leaves him raw, despite the words having come from someone else.
           Sam closes it, wiping at his eyes. “I…” he clears his throat, “Wow. You were planning on giving this to Cas?”
           “Yes…” Dean pouts, snatching the card from Sam. He lets Dean take it. “Maybe, I – I don’t know.”
           “But you wrote it,” Sam says, “Did you… did you mean it? Everything?”
           “Of course I did!” He waves the card about, snarling, “If I didn’t mean it, it wouldn’t be there.”
           Nodding, Sam slides closer. Throws an arm around Dean, tugging him into a loose hug. “How long have you been sitting on this?”
           “On the feelings or the card?”
           “The card.”
           Dean relaxes, leaning on Sam. “A few days now. You were getting ready for your date with Eileen and, well… when Mrs. Butters was still here, she was going on about the next holiday we should celebrate. With Eileen here, maybe invite her over and do a whole Valentine’s Day dinner…” He chuckles, rubbing at his jaw. “And I was eating some of her snickerdoodles, and she looked at me. Clucked her tongue and said how it’d be perfect to set me up with a girl as good as Eileen. I… don’t know if it was because I was in such a good mood, or it was easier, explaining to a stranger, but it all came – it came rushing out. I couldn’t stop myself. Then… when I was finished… y’know what she did? She magicked up that paper and the – the pencil back in the kitchen. And said I should put everything I said down there. Invite Cas over and then give it to him.”
           Sam braves a smile for both of them. “Sounded like it would have been fun.”
           “No,” Dean says, “it wouldn’t. Because then Cas would read my card and… and he’d know how I really feel.”
           “That’s a problem?”
           “It’s a problem if he doesn’t feel the same!” He throws Sam off of him, scrambling to his feet. Sam stands, too. “I have all these big, awful, disgusting… intense, amazing, fantastic feelings for him, but what if that’s where it ends. That for him I…” Dean shudders, body shaking. “I’m just a friend. And this whole time I’ve been imagining more than what was there. Hoping that maybe, the reason we always found our way back to each other, was because we were meant to.”
           “Dean,” Sam starts, cautiously approaching him. Gentle, like he was a wild deer. Skittish, alert for any surprises. “You won’t know if you don’t try… I’m sure that, when Cas sees that, he’ll be happy. More than happy!”
           “You don’t know,” Dean says, lifting the card. Scowling, he holds it on either side. “This was a dumb idea anyway… I shouldn’t have ever listened to her.”
           “Dean, don’t –“
           He rips it. Rips it again. A third time, and many more after that until confetti rains from his fingers. Sam watches this happen with a pit in his stomach, all of Dean’s hard work disappearing in an instant. Resolve crumbling as fast.
           Dean sniffs, swiping his nose. “Let’s… forget this ever happened, okay Sammy?” he says, stalking down the hall, “Got more important things we should be focusing on anyway…”
           He disappears, footfalls echoing until those, too, end. Sam stays, staring at the pile of shreds.
           Sam bends, sweeping them into his hands. Makes sure they’re all there. Then he heads towards his room.
           Cas is due back soon, anyway. If Sam acts quickly, at least some of what Dean wrote can reach him. Enough for them to have the conversation that’s been looming overhead for years now. The clock is ticking, and Sam will be damned if it runs out on those two.
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jackidy · 4 years
Only Comfort Found in Time
Rating: K Pairings: Akaashi Keiji/Ennoshita Chikara Characters: Akaashi Keiji, Ennoshita Chikara, others mentioned Verse: Canon
Summary: He thought he’d found the perfect subject matter in them, a ramshackle group of teenagers with an energy so chaotic yet contained, that fit the flaws easily found in beginner photography so perfectly that it didn’t matter his albums contained image after image of images most would consider not worth the save file never mind the print.
But then Ennoshita happened.
AO3 Link: 
He’d been drawn to photography since childhood. The ability to capture a moment of bliss with the click of a shutter and the winding of film, to watch memories bloom on paper as they bathed in chemicals. A photograph didn’t need to be perfect; the ISO and the shutter speed didn’t need to be correct in order to capture the essence of someone in the moment, the imperfections only ever seeming to add an extra layer of character.
Every photo Akaashi had taken during his tenure as setter at Fukurodani was evidence of this. Pages of albums filled with countless flawed images of sentiment of a different time that he often found himself flicking through during moments of fond nostalgia. The way Bokuto was rarely clear, often distorted by motion blur or the lens failing to focus on him, as if his energy was too much for it to bare. The way Konoha’s incredulous face would always steal the show in photos, the camera always making him the focal point during a misadventure. A rare but ever so brilliant grin from Washio, the even rarer image of Sarukui fuming and the personal favourite of Komi trying to bring down Onaga as the first year held something out of his reach.  
He thought he’d found the perfect subject matter in them, a ramshackle group of teenagers with an energy so chaotic yet contained, that fit the flaws easily found in beginner photography so perfectly that it didn’t matter his albums contained image after image of images most would consider not worth the save file never mind the print.
But then Ennoshita happened.
Ennoshita had simply captivated him. Withdrawn and hidden in a team of bold personalities, he was by no means outstanding and yet Akaashi wanted to know more, an introduction between them as the likely next captains of their respective teams igniting an interest both social and artistic in nature that took him completely by surprise. Photography came naturally to Akaashi but it did not to Ennoshita, a steadfast refusal to be photographed that made his artistic sides cravings class against the need to be respectful to his subject’s boundaries.
He starts with mental photography, memorising every moment that mattered in his mind so they’d be as clear as any photograph. Their first kiss during their third year, the look on Ennoshita’s face when he’d acted on impulse and grabbed him, gentle and firm by the stadium vending machines, still pumped up on the adrenaline of a match well played and the relief of a corvid victory. Flushed cheeks in the dim light of the machines, a look of utter shock that melted away seemingly into relief that cut off his rapid apologies for his actions.
Ennoshita had laughed, a little nervously, clutching the bottle in his hands perhaps too tightly, as he spoke barely above a whisper of his feelings for him. He’d avoided eye contact, choosing instead to look to the floor somewhere behind Akaashi, a perfect demonstration of shyness and uncertainty as if the Karasuno captain was nervous he’d simply fade away. It was perfect and picturesque, something worth capturing on film and memory card but he never would, be that for better or for worse, leading to the promise he made himself and kept to this day.
Ennoshita was the king of candid, stiff and rigid when in the know but expressive and natural when oblivious, the perfect subject matter when the camera was unknown to him. It had started with a Ferris wheel, a pop-up fair in Tokyo and an impromptu date in the autumn months. Cheeks and nose stained pink from a mix of cold and fluster, staring out of the window with a laugh on his lips as he teased his former teammates, asking Akaashi with a little bit too much glee if the near by tall building was the sky tree. The first image of his homage to Ennoshita, to them and their relationship.
More followed, all taken with a degree of subtlety that he found sometimes didn’t exist. His lover hunched over his desk, still chasing his dreams of director hood, hand in his hair and slight frown as he all but chewed his pen, stuck in his usual rut of if he should be pursuing directing or writing. Eyes always glanced sideways, a firm and annoyed look captured in his lens before a deep sigh and the sound of a chair scraping against wooden floorboards.
Convenience store lighting and the lingering look given whenever he spots something he wants but has rationalised he can’t buy. A snack, a higher quality ingredient, the odd small owl toy he finds long since having given up on attempting to find anything crow like. Aksashi’s collection is lacking in these, a rare addition due to a mixture of misaligned schedules and his own personal shame at being caught by not only Ennoshita but also strangers. These photos always partner well with the flushed spluttering of Akaashi buying the object of his wants, something he’s only photographed once as his love had buried his face into the large owl in embarrassment, his feelings muffled by fabric and stuffing.
His favourite however is the only time he believes Ennoshita does not mind his need to photograph, early in the mornings when the sun has barely risen, the smell of cooking filtering through their apartment along with fresh brewed tea and humming. His love would make breakfast, make lunches for both himself, Akaashi and for Udai, still appalled over the artists diet when working, Akaashi leaning against the door frame as he watched Ennoshita work.
Rhythmic sounds of a knife against a shopping board, the low rumbling of a boiling pan as Ennoshita hummed along with the radio, the kitchen basked in the orange light of the sunrise. He catches this sight most mornings and yet, it’s still capable of taking his breath away, still giving him the fluttering feelings in his stomach not too unlike their first kiss, hidden by a vending machine when they were still teens.
“Keiji.” He doesn’t stop his work, he never does, draining the pot of boiling water with only minimal wincing from the steam against his skin, shaking the pan to check the contents before returning to the stove to add more seasoning to it. “Could you pass me my tea? I’m convinced I’ll over cook the squid if I stop paying attention.” Doubtful but he does as he’s told anyway, moving the cup to be within arms reach before returning to his place in the doorframe, all to aware of how much the shorter man hates company within the kitchen as he cooks.
The idea forms perhaps too quickly, waiting until the other had finished cooking, hands forming rice ball after rice ball, Ennoshita seeming to have completely blocked him out when he finally speaks. “Hey, Chikara.” His response is a hum, bento assembly a more pressing concern to the physio therapist than turning to face Akaashi, the editor preparing his phone camera for the latest shot of his collection. “I love you.”
A pause. A flush. A surprised turn and the bumbling, as if Akaashi had never told the other this before despite having told him at least once a day for the past six years. The shutter closing at the flushed annoyance of noticing the phone directed at him, capturing the inner struggle of wanting to say he loves him back and the annoyance of being caught off guard by a camera once more.
“Why must you do that?” Ennoshita sighs, not with annoyance but fondly, the slightest of smiles on his lips as if to hide that he’s not truly annoyed by the trick. But how does Akaashi even begin to answer that question? Six years of relationship still feels too soon to express the full way he loves the other, the way he’s keeping alive his passion for photography and the perfection of the imperfections of both the human body and the camera. The other doesn’t know the weight of that loaded question and Akaashi can’t fully blame him, whilst Ennoshita was honest with his love for film making, Akaashi had always been more withdrawn, more secretive.
He’ll tell him but not today, offering a small smile as the other continued to half heartedly glare at him.
“You’re my favourite subject.”
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tosikoarts · 4 years
SFW Alphabet | Sugimoto Saichi
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You can check tosikowrites tag for more. Hood guy is next in line. Warning: there’s a lot under the cut.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
The more cruelty you encounter in life, the more efforts you put into bringing something to oppose it and establish the balance. Perhaps, this is why Sugimoto is so caring in relation to his partner. He treats them with warm affection as he does with Asirpa or Shiraishi. They are his friend and one of his second family, not by blood but by spirit.
At the very beginning, Sugimoto is terribly awkward: to hide the blush, he has to pull his favorite cap directly over his eyes and turn away. If he does something and the person he is interested in is watching, everything will surely fall apart. It does not matter how good Sugimoto is in his work, he is cursed to disgrace himself in front of them. But, on the other hand, he is so happy to see their broad smile and hear them burst into laughter. That’s why he loves to sneak up and mercilessly tickle them until their eyes fill up with tears.
Sugimoto rarely uses words to show his affection, at least not in a classical way. “I care about you”, “I like you”? No. First of all, if he ever tried to say that, Asirpa or Shiraishi or (worse) Ogata would pop out of nowhere and ruin the moment. Second of all, why be so trivial, when you can veil the same meanings behind the intimate conversations about life and death, war and peace, friends and enemies? Sometimes he inserts phrases with implications that make sense only to Sugimoto himself or someone close to him. You know, that would be nice to share dried persimmons after gold hunt ends…
Oh, the other special way of showing his love is being dumb together! It's always nice to mess around, prank someone (try not to get shot tho), simply grimace and stick tongue out to show cruel world that you don’t care.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Time spent with Sugimoto is divided in three equal parts: in first part you need to get him out of trouble, in second part he has to bail you out, and in third you both stuck in the weird situation in which role of savior is passed to someone else. Pleasant bonus: everything ends well with no people harmed. Usually.
A type of friend that will follow you through the thick and thin. Even in questionable situation, Sugimoto will stay by your side. It is important for him that person remained true to their promises as well and stuck by him no matter what happens.
With a wild and unpredictable life, Sugimoto needs friendships that do not require constant contact. One day he disappears to knock on your door months later but established ties have to stay there. Every reunion ends up in huge celebration with consequences of The Hangover.
How would the friendship start? There is a plenty of options but the most possible ones are: a) Sugimoto’s group stays in the new city and person happens to be one to host them; b) Sugimoto manages to lost all of his belongings including clothes and money and person happens to pass by. Second one is more likely
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
“I can't protect you without holding a sword. I can't embrace you while holding a sword.” This proverb works well with gun and riffle too. Sugimoto prefers to cuddle only in complete safety when there’s no chance for uninvited blood-thirsty guests to interrupt them. Prefers sitting positions in which he can rest his chin on the top of their head and, also, pet their back. He is such a sucker for good cuddle session that he can’t stop smiling all the way through.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yes, sure! Small cozy house surrounded by fruit trees overlooking the river is his little secret dream. All Sugimoto wants is sitting on the sun-warmed porch with loved one, holding hands, fingers intertwined, no poisonous thoughts on the mind. He is mediocre cook, knows some recipes but like any soldier cooking they lack finesse. There are few favorite dishes he rotates like miso soups, udon, fried fish, and onigiri. He doesn’t care about cleaning so you can expect bare minimum in sweeping and washing dishes.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He doesn’t seem like a person who takes it easy so ending relationship is something he is afraid to do. Hell, running under the rain of bullets and blood wasn’t that hard. No matter what words he chooses result will be the same: they will be hurt, they will hate him, they won’t want to see him ever again, and conscience will gnaw Sugimoto for his harshness. He just takes one deep breath and spills everything in under the minute, ending monologue with a deep bow and “I am so extremely sorry” in a loud desperate voice.
After years, Sugimoto keeps their dimming photo as a reminder of all they had. If their passes cross again, he won’t be able say a word because of a lump in the throat. He may fall for them one more time.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
After six months of relationship, Sugimoto is ready to slip some questions about the marriage in the dialogue and ask them about the vision of future together. If they are positive, he would propose on the first anniversary. If not, that’s okay too, he can wait until they are ready for a next step. When the day comes, everybody knows about proposal. They whisper and giggle behind Sugimoto’s back because he looks like a mess, happy grinning mess, walking from side to side with the most expensive pawnshop ring clenched in his fist.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Hurting someone he loves is Sugimoto’s worst nightmare. His whole being was dragged through hell and back and sometimes hidden pain can splash out on loved ones. You can physically feel weird aggressive aura coming from him in those rare vulnerable moments. That’s when Sugimoto surpasses emotional baggage and presses them tightly against his chest. No soldier can be soft baby, not after what they’ve seen, but Sugimoto does his best to be gentle with them in every way.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Sugimoto uses hugs as greeting, as comforting, as apology. Wherever possible, he will pull his loved one in hug. They are very warm and tight, accompanied by stroking on the back and pressing his cheek to the other person’s cheek. Truly, in the beginning you can feel how he trembles with joyful excitement and holds himself off in order not to come off too needy. After a long time apart Sugimoto may just knock them down in bear hug, completely forgetting about hectic world around.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Around the same time he is ready to propose so half of the year. However, Sugimoto never says the coveted three words aloud, replacing them with simpler ones “Well, yes, I like them very much... I really like them. Well, you know” when talking with others. At some point Asirpa will surely begin to actively push him towards confession, as well as Shiraishi. It all turns into the game in which they both keep an eye on Sugimoto and his loved one: Asirpa keeps swearing in ainuic because Sugimoto is such stupid indecisive sisam, and Shiraishi gives him thumbs up like. Bro. Just do it already.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
You don’t want to make that man jealous.  If he notices anyone hitting on his loved one, he’ll by their side in an instant, frowning, with small dark wrinkle between the eyebrows that does not bode well. Sugimoto immediately strikes a confident pose between possible rival and significant other, jokes passively-aggressively, and if this poor soul insists, he will take them out to have Mano-a-Mano moment. On the other side if it’s loved one who acts flirtatious Sugimoto will act childishly. Almost petty. Oh you a want a kiss? Go ask that man you talked to type of petty. He doesn’t really mean it but he definitely expects both explanation and apology.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Sugimoto’s kisses vary from slow and passionate to fast and shy depending on the situation. Through the day trying to avoid unwanted attention he may give them peck on the nose or cheek. In more intimate atmosphere Sugimoto doesn’t care where to kiss. He just does. From head to toes and all that jazz. Taking into account how many scars there are on Sugimoto’s body and how sensitive they can be (nerve damage is a bitch) he loves to be kissed along these darkened lines. Gently and with cautious.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Initially, when encountering child, Sugimoto is overwhelmed with enthusiasm. It slowly dies down when he realizes how capricious kids can be and how loud they can scream. He tries his best with babies (fails) but has more luck with older children, like Asirpa’s age because, thankfully to acquired experience, there is already a rough understanding of their psyche. Anyway, Sugimoto still needs someone to reminder him that not everybody is so independent, and smart, and self-sufficient. And, yes, it’s one of his dreams to become father, and not just father, but amazing, proud, cool dad. He will 100% cry when his kid makes first steps, says first dada, and smiles at him too.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Even after Sugimoto decided to settle down, his heart desires adventure. No matter how lazy the morning is, which, incidentally, is not often, he will find a moment to offer to go somewhere. Incredibly beautiful sandy coasts and crystal clear water beckon to the south, Kanazawa looms with magnificent castles and temples in the west, the capital of Tokyo beats with life in the east. North is always calling, north is much more than a direction. In the mornings, Sugimoto likes to talk about the future, about plans, while breakfast is getting cold in the pot. He never leaves home without a morning kiss goodbye.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Usually Sugimoto comes home tired so he needs time alone, but after this, he is ready to start household chores while talking about his day. He likes to embellish events to make his loved one have a good laugh. Otherwise, evenings with Sugimoto are spend on the fresh air: he is one of those people who jump into the yet cold river to open the swimming season, or go look for mushrooms in cool weather to enjoy the forest view.
When one of the acquaintances pops up on the horizon, he always goes with them and his loved one to a diner for a strong drink and latest news. Sometimes such nights last longer than expected. Tipsy merry Sugimoto stops right on the doorstep of the house, turns around, crushes on the ground, and invites them to do the same. Does he remember the names of the constellations? No. Will he show off and introduce them to a loved one? Absolutely.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Pretty open about his past from the beginning because he never had a dark mysterious background at the first place. Any questions you ask Sugimoto will answer with straight truth. Well, maybe, he’ll hold back some facts that may put person in danger or distress like extreme violent incidents from the army days. In addition, Sugimoto doesn’t need special moments of revelation to open up, he is just consistently outspoken.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
In everyday life, Sugimoto appears laid-back, you need to try hard to piss him off. Little troubles don't bother him much, he quickly cools down if unforeseen situation occurs. However, once someone starts to bully his loved ones, his hair spikes up and the formidable Sugimoto the Immortal shows up. Trust me, he is not averse to shouting and kicking some ass.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Either way he is inattentive or his memory is that bad but Sugimoto manages to forget almost everything about his loved one. It is not on purpose, you can see him listening very carefully to your words, but it happens. After conversation ends, his brain goes in “no thoughts, head empty” mode, and, no matter how long he stands in front of grandma’s flower stand, Sugimoto can’t remember your favorite flowers. Don’t start me on dates. Reminders the day before are essential if you don’t want to hear “Wait, what do you mean what day is it today?” on your anniversary.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
First meeting. He giggles nervously when talking about it since not only Sugimoto got to show off in the buff but also brought menace in the form of 7th division on their place. Who knows what was more shameful? While apologizing for unfortunate inconveniences, Sugimoto felt a spark between them, subtle chemistry, that was growing stronger the longer he watched their lips moving. On the day of departure he pulled a cap lower and promised to see them again but this time he was going to bring something more pleasant than Tsurumi’s hellhounds.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Sugimoto is as protective as a personal guardian. He is sensitive to a change in general atmosphere and can easily sense evil intentions even if person hides behind a mask of geniality. In that case, Sugimoto warns his loved one about his misgivings and refuses to leave their side. For example, he’ll be extra wary around Ogata and you can tell he is almost waiting for a mistake to stab him between the ribs. Sugimoto doesn’t expect to be protected by anyone but if they do shield him, he’ll have one more reason to be proud and give thanks to heaven for such amazing partner.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
With his hectic lifestyle, Sugimoto has no other option than to make every meeting special. There is not much he can do to surprise them with expensive gifts, like jewelry or clothes, but he can pick a modest bouquet for them or save unique things from endless journeys. Even if it’s just outdoor recreation or evening spent in each other's arms Sugimoto tries to make it unforgettable. If he remembers about anniversary (see Quizzes), he will involve other people in order to do something exceptional. As an absolute sweetheart, Sugimoto puts a lot of effort to make his partner happy, happier tomorrow that today, every day.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Do troubles follow Sugimoto wherever he goes or does he choose the path with the highest number of adventures? It doesn’t matter because either way his life is a mess consisting of dangerous ventures and questionable acquaintances. It may be fun in the beginning but if you are not ready for continuous strength tests and psychological thrillers, relationship with Sugimoto will become a pure torment.
In addition to this Sugimoto never makes plans for the future. He has assumptions about where he will be tomorrow and, possibly, the day after tomorrow but nothing more.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Sugimoto doesn’t give his looks a lot of thought. He tries to keep clothes in wearable condition and wash them from time to time, especially beloved scarf and cap, but if there are some spots on the outwear, Sugimoto won’t give that much attention. If we talk about overall appearance, uncountable scars do not bother him either. One more, one less, at some point you stop noticing their present, even on the face. Complement Sugimoto on how scars adorn a man and you’ll get a smug smirk in response.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
So heartbroken and dejected that Sugimoto can’t contain himself and seeks confrontation with everybody around. No matter if they had to leave him or they were deceased, he seems to be on the edge all the time. Irritated. Overthinking. He looks for a time alone, subjects himself to extreme challenges to get all negative emotions out. Sugimoto gets attached easily, no wonder he feels so torn. Takes about three months to cool down and year more to stop thinking about them. If anyone dared to take significant other from Sugimoto the Immortal, he will find this person and make them pay. Sugimoto is merciless in his revenge.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Sugimoto has a clear understanding of his own mortality. Screaming lungs out doesn’t cancel it, layered wounds do not give him resistance as cumulative effect. So one of his wish is in case of his death during the skin-hunt, he doesn’t want anyone to bring this message to his loved one. It may seem cruel from one’s perspective, but he wants to support an established name of a warrior whom death itself could not defeat.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Unreasonable blind violence, both to people and animals, disgusts Sugimoto to the core. Protecting yourself from the attacking soldier, bandit, bear is one thing, justified and valid, but taking anger out on innocent stranger or scared animal that did nothing to deserve such suffering is too much. If person is also proud of it, they will receive unbelievable amount of backlash.
Egocentrism and mind-games. First one comes from the bitter experience. You can't expect the universe to revolve around you, there are millions of people, thousands of fates, and they all depend on each other, they work just because another one exist. Show him a person that acts like a center of the world and Sugimoto will run run run. Second one is tightly connected to egocentrism since to force world build around yourself, you have to force it. Often it’s done by manipulation. If person tries to have him wrapped around their finger, Sugimoto will confront them once. There won’t be a second time.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Military orders are so ingrained in Sugimoto’s brains that his organism automatically shuts down at the same time every day. He wakes up at dawn, fresh and full of strength, and there’s not a chance he will fall asleep again.
Never remembers dreams and is thankful for this. He has no dreams but gloomy nightmares, filled with people who are no longer alive, sounds of firing canons and harrowing screams, bombed-out trenches and blackened bunkers. They force Sugimoto to jump up in bed in the middle of the night, covered in cold sweat, breathing like a cornered animal. At such moments, he checks for loved one by his side and watches their chest going up and down with each breath. It calms him down a little but not enough to put him back to sleep.
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kireilixie · 4 years
when push comes to shove. || Hwang Hyunjin
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🪐 summary  : Fights were inevitable, no matter how good the relationship is. 
🪐pairing : Hwang Hyunjin x Dancer ! Reader
🪐genre: Fluff, Colllege AU! 
🪐word count: 5.3 k
🪐warning : a few swear words, 
🪐 author's note: Hello Nika here! To be honest this fic was inspired by an argument I once had with Nise @lavenderlattaes HAHA Hope you enjoy this short fic. ~ Stay safe everyone and have a good day ♡
Fights were inevitable, no matter how good the relationship is. There will come a time when you can't help but disagree, your opinions differ, you say something out of the line, you do something to hurt the feelings of the other person. Fights will test your relationship, it can either improve it or tear your relationship apart.
Ever since entering college, you and Hyunjin have been joined by the hip. He had been the first friend you had made ever since you had seen the little key chain of the animated version of his long-haired Chihuahua, you both had bonded over your fondness for the loyal and intelligent beings. 
It’s your third year, double majoring in dance and the humanities, with your finals and hell week approaching, not to mention the year-end performance you had to prepare for, your plate was full for the coming days. And to your disappointment is the cherry on top, namely Hwang Hyunjin, who had been avoiding you like the plague since your last hip hop class which you had every Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Which to be honest was giving you such a pain in the ass with both of you being assigned a duet for your contemporary class. On most occasions, you and Hyunjin would’ve been hyped for your first duet knowing you both have waited for this opportunity since you had become friends. 
Unfortunately, this was not your week at all. It all started during the previous hip hop class, you both had been observing his younger sister, Yeji perform a few moves you had also seen Hyunjin practice in his spare hours. Though unlike Hyunjin’s clumsy movements, Yeji performed the quick steps precisely and without any hesitation, pulling it off flawlessly.
Busy gaping in awe at Yeji’s skills, you miss the defensive and icy stare the older Hwang makes. “Wah! Wasn’t that what you had been practicing a few days ago, Jinnie? And Yeji’s pulling it off in a few days, damn you’ve got some competition there Hwang.” You had teased him with the harmless joke.
Unbeknownst to you, you had hit a little bit too close to home with your small quip.
“Well good for her then.” It takes your mind a moment to register snark in his words before he’s leaving you in the practice room, stunned by the poison-laced with his statement. 
The conversation had bothered you ever since, wondering what had made him so defensive and rude to you, his best friend. And if it was necessary to ignore you for a week because of that.
So you find yourself in the company of your older friends namely, Seo Changbin, the senior was actually a mutual friend of Hyunjin and yours. Though because you shared multiple classes with the up and coming producer, you found yourself in his company over the past few days ever since your scuffle with Hyunjin.
“Seo Changbin, were you even listening to me?” You’re glaring at the older male with your arms crossed in disbelief, finding the older male typing away to your other friends, which also happens to be Hyunjin’s friends.
“Yes, but you lost me at the practice room.”
“Which means you haven’t been listening to me at all Bin!” You’re frustrated at this point, from your performance tasks to your upcoming exams to the year-end performance and last but not least, your friendship with Hyunjin. You blink back the tears that pool at the corner of your eyes, feeling the stress weigh you down. 
Hearing the frustration in your voice, the older male panics setting down his phone to pull you to sit next to him. He strokes your head as he allows you to lean into his shoulder. “There, there Y/n, I’m sorry please please don’t cry.” I don’t want to die at the hands of Hwang Hyunjin not until I get my first girlfriend at least. Came Changbin’s panicked thoughts at the sight of watery dark orbs.
“Y/n, look it’s the week of our finals, why don’t you focus on that for now?” Changbin wiping your cheeks for any tears that may have escaped with his thumb. Helping you breathe through the slight tremble of your lips. “I know Hyunjin’s your best friend, but you have other priorities especially as a double major, set this aside for now, and focus on finals. And once finals are finished you can talk to Hyunjin.” 
“I know Bin, it’s just that we have contemporary tomorrow, it’s our last class with Mr. Park before finals. I mean we already had the choreography and everything for the duet, but we have to perform full out tomorrow for Mr. Park.” Playing with the ends of your sweater paws, unconsciously pressing your nails into your hands forming little crescents in your annoyance with the situation.
Sighing the older male grabs your hands to make you stop hurting yourself. “Hey, I’m not promising anything but I’ll see if I could talk some sense into that brat. Though Y/n are you really sure you don’t know what you said wrong? Something that you know, would hurt Hyunjin’s feelings?” 
“We were talking about dance and then we saw Yeji and- Oh.” It clicks in your head, what the older male was insinuating. “But it was a joke, I hadn’t meant for it to come out that way.” You’re pouting at the pointed look Changbin gives you.
“Yes, but when you say something that a person is insecure about it can sting much more especially when it comes from someone you care about.” You find yourself nodding at Changbin’s words agreeing with what he just said. “And hey, maybe time apart would give you something to think about, like how you feel.” The older male gives you a small smile of reassurance, which leaves you wondering about what he implied. 
Nevertheless, friends or not you both needed to pass Mr. Park’s expectations. You’ll have to settle for a bit of professionalism for your next contemporary class.
The next day you find yourself a tad bit earlier for the class, stretching your limbs for the grueling class you see some of your classmates come in, but still no Hyunjin. It’s rare for him to be late, especially for anything related to dance, you’re pulling your leg up, earphones in and with your back toward the door.
And with the help of the dance room’s mirrors, you see a familiar tall figure being pushed through the entrance, by Minho, an older but mutual friend you and Hyunjin also shared. 
You’re turning around at the commotion caused by the two, Hyunjin meeting your eyes both of you sending icy glares towards each other. The tension was too thick for the other dancers not to notice, an eerie silence surrounding the dance room. 
It was obvious all the other dancers knew something was wrong, they had never seen you and Hyunjin like this. It was often rowdy and playful once you two were within reach of the other, seeing you both at each other’s throat was like seeing hell frozen over.
Breaking your eye contact, Hyunjin, legit stomps through the room before pushing his way into the dressing rooms to get changed. All the dancers are quick to turn away, continuing whatever they were doing before they were distracted by Hyunjin’s little tantrum.
You’re scoffing at Hyunjin’s dramatic behavior, and how petty he looked. You were both nineteen for goodness sake. And here I was ready to apologize for what I said. I guess I’ll have to wait until his little tantrum finishes. Your rolling your eyes at how ridiculous your best friend could be.
Hyunjin had always been open about his temper and stubbornness with you, but never in your years of being friends were you on the receiving end of that temper, it was often Jisung, Seungmin, or even Jeongin on the receiving end, until today I guess.
You feel pressure on your back as you’re pushed deeper into your straddle looking up you find Minho leaning in to whisper to you. “Hey whatever’s going on with you both, quit it, we can’t have that just a few days before the show.” 
“You should be saying that to the rude brat over there.” You gesture to the taller male in the other end of the room, stretching with the help of Felix who happily chatters with Hyunjin, grinning happily and excitedly in spite of the tension that encircles the room.
This causes Minho, to push you deeper with mercy, making you yelp in pain and shock at the sudden force pressing on your hips. Your yelp turns the heads of the of other dancers for a bit before they’re resuming their warm-ups or simply recalling choreography.
“Fix it or I swear to god, I will lock up both of your dumb asses in a closet until you’re dating or friends again.” The threat sends chills down your spine, suddenly terrified of the senior you find yourself nodding. “I already talked to him to play nice for today.” 
Minho’s helping you up for your stretched position when Mr. Park enters the room with his close eyed smile and jubilant persona. He’s greeting you all a good morning before he instructs you all to find your space within the room for drills. You stand next to Minho, who rolls his eyes at you refusing to stand next to Hyunjin for drills which you usually do. In the mirror’s reflection, you find Felix’s confused gaze and Hyunjin’s resting bitch face, you’re shaking your head at Minho who mutters under his breath. “Brats.”
“Okay, now that we’re all warmed up, let me see your dance.” Your instructor, Park Jimin, drags a chair to the front to observe your dance. Your dance had been divided between the different students, you and Hyunjin receiving the duet had made you enthusiastic for this piece but with your banter, you could only pray and hope that you make it through class today. 
You see Minho move to the front for his solo, his graceful movement and form leaving you entranced. It leaves you dazed for a few moments before you hear Hyunjin call out your name.
“Hey, let’s practice.” Hyunjin’s motioning you over with his hand, you both face the mirror absolutely making no eye contact with each other as you run through the steps with him, muttering the counts under your breath as you do so. You’re unsure of how you manage through the lifts and the stunts, but you do manage. 
Once Minho finishes receiving corrections and comments, Mr. Park calls you over a tad bit too enthusiastic for your piece. Well you couldn’t really blame him, the choreography was quite intricate and eye-catching, and once you had the right emotions to portray this piece would be beautiful. You could only hope you meet his expectations and bring justice to his piece, but alas if only Hyunjin’s pettiness could be contained in his 179 cm body. 
Once the music starts, you’re performing the steps as you count in your head, refusing to meet Hyunjin’s eyes as you’re doing the stunts and the choreography. You swear you could hear Minho’s exasperated sigh at how awkward and stiff you both are, there are murmurs of how unexpected the tension between you and Hyunjin is.
Once you finish you are greeted by the sight of Mr. Park’s crestfallen features, you feel it tug at your heartstrings, also disappointed in the performance yourself. “Well technically, you both were great, you both remembered the corrections from last week. Y/n, you remembered to use your core in the lift, and you Hyunjin your arabesque was great, just remember to fondu before it.”
He pauses to frown, a rare sight for your good-natured teacher, knowing Mr. Park even a toddler would know that he’s disappointed with how down turned his lips were. “Where’s the emotion? The chemistry in this dance? You’ve got to give the choreography justice?” 
“Show me the lift.” At his instruction you feel Hyunjin’s hands at your waist, tight and secure, at your instructor’s signal, you feel Hyunjin bend before gaining momentum to lift you. Mr. Park’s closer now, arranging your arms so that your hand caresses Hyunjin’s cheek. “Now bring her down.”
You feel Mr. Park guide you closer to Hyunjin, allowing the younger male to pull you flush against him, allowing your body to be magnetized to his as he lowers your form. You can hear Hyunjin’s breath hitch at how close you both are, suddenly you’re unsure whether who’s heartbeat is racing. Is it Hyunjin’s or your’s?
“Now gaze at her, as if she’s the only woman you’ll love.” Hyunjin’s tilting your head up to meet your eyes, for the first time since the class had started. You’re resisting against the urge to tuck his dark locks behind his ear, noting that he had decided to let his hair grow out. You feel his breathing against your lips, noses bumping into one another at the close proximity. You feel his hooded gaze on your lips, feeling your eyelids slip close.
“THERE PERFECT.” At Mr. Park’s voice, your foreheads are bumping into one another’s forehead and you’re jumping a meter back from one another, flushed in embarrassment in forgetting the presence of the other dancers in the room. Hyunjin’s turning away from you scratching at his nape, a habit of his when he’s embarrassed.
 You feel your cheeks heat up at how close you two were, you’re pressing your palms into your cheeks hoping to relive some of the blood flow. You see Minho’s eyebrows wiggle at you from the mirror’s reflection adding to your annoyance.
By the end of the class not only are you both drenched in sweat and tired, but you also find yourself flustered at the multiple times Mr. Park had asked you to repeat some parts of the dance and being the perfectionist that he is, it had made you not only exhausted but also flustered at the numerous times Mr. Park had blatantly pushed your heads or bodies closer until he was satisfied.
You’re running out of the practice room before Hyunjin could even talk to you, the current situation not only confusing you but also sending your heart beating it makes you ponder if you should see a doctor at how fast your heart is beating.
The day before your finals, you’re cooped up in your apartment you hadn’t seen Hyunjin since your last contemporary class and this time you’re the one avoiding him. This had confused the older boys during lunch yesterday, seeing you snooping through the cafeteria till your seated with them.
“What on earth are you doing?” Chan had asked you through a mouthful of his sandwich, embarrassed to be friends with you at how you had practically acted out a whole scene Mission Impossible for the whole student body to see.
“She’s hiding from Hyunjin.” Minho answers from behind you surprised you had squeaked at the sight of the older dancer glowering at your form before he takes his seat next to you. 
“And why is that?” Woojin’s looking up from his Politics and Governance 101 book, intrigued by the topic of your conversation all of a sudden, knowing that whatever was happening between you and Woojin is way better than whatever Robert Dahl had to say about politics.
“Well they fought last week, but I thought it was Hyunjin avoiding Y/n, not the other way around?” This time it’s Changbin answering from where he sits next to you, reading through his notes as he sips on his iced americano.
 “THEY FOUGHT? HWANG HYUNJIN AND L/N Y/N” Both Chan and Woojin exclaim, catching the attention of some of your school mates. 
Your glare quietens the eldest in your group of friends as you try to hurry and stuff down your salad, knowing that the maknae line could arrive at any moment “Not exactly any of your business.”
“But indeed they did, gosh you two are always late to the gossip aren’t you?” Minho’s waving his fork exasperated at your two older friends.
“I wonder if it has something to do with their age,” Changbin mutters to himself but to his misfortune, both Chan and Woojin send a horrifying glare in his direction sending chills down his spine. “I’m joking?”
Swallowing some of the greens, you’re chugging down some water when you hear Han Jisung’s gaudy and loud exclaim of your name.
It takes you a lot of self-control to not spit the water out on Chan’s ridiculously expensive Versace shirt. Before you take your cue to leave the cafeteria knowing that the rest of the 2000 liners and Jeongin would be here soon. 
“Gotta go, bye love you all.” You’re collecting your stuff running out of the canteen and towards the direction of the back exit to avoid the other boys. 
“Who wants to bet that by the year-end performance, they’re dating.” Minho mischievously sneers, a plan cooking up in his head as he awaits the answers of his friends.
“You mean, you think Y/n finally realized her feelings for Hyunjin?”Chan’s raising his eyebrows at the dancer suspicious at the evil glint in his eyes.
“Well, maybe they just need a little push.”
“What needs a little push? Where’s Y/n, I have her pencil case here with me, she dropped it at the canteen’s entrance.” Jisung’s waving your pencil case in front of the boys with a little dance occupying the spot where you had been.
“Where are the others?” Ignoring Jisung’s question, Woojin asks, pushing up his glasses trying to find where he had stopped reading.
“Hyunjin’s studying in the library and refuses to eat, the other three got held up by their professor for sending in the same essay Seungmin had made for his class.” The boys roll their eyes at the stupidity and laziness of Felix and Jeongin, Chan’s pinching the bridge of his nose to release some tension, saying something along the lines of taking away their gaming devices.
“And you’re not involved? My god hell has indeed frozen over.” Minho’s snickering at Jisung’s deadpanned expression. 
“Finally free!” You’re pumping your fist into the air after exiting your last final exam.“Hmm. Yeah right, we still have that year-end performance, here sign up which hours you want to practice.”
It doesn’t take Minho long before he’s shoving the schedules for practice in your face destroying your momentary happiness at finishing your finals. Sometimes, you wonder how you’ve put up with the older male. 
To your disappointment you’ve had no interactions with Hyunjin at all, no bumping into one another in the hallway, no meals together, not even messages. It’s as if the taller dancer had placed a chip on you, tracking your every movement in hopes to avoid yours.
Your eyes scan the schedule for the usage of the practicing rooms, your lips part at the offending sight of Hyunjin’s neatly written name for the 1-3 pm schedule noting he had not written his name alongside yours, in spite of your piece being a duet. 
“What does this mean.” You’re pointing at the infuriating sight of Hyunjin’s name to show the older dancer.
Looking up from his phone he glances from the paper then to you in boredom. “He wants to practice on his own is that wrong?”
“Well, I would absolutely have no problem with it if he were practicing a solo.” You’re trying to calm your self with deep breaths, but the look on Minho’s face is too infuriating. “WE’RE DANCING A FUCKING DUET. Who am I supposed to practice our lifts with?”
“Y/n, my dear, we have to respect Hyunjin’s human rights-” You’re angrily scribbling your name down and shoving the paper to Minho’s chest whose triumphant grin you miss in your rage.
This is going to be interesting.~ Were the older dancer’s thoughts before he skips away to continue the long list Mr. Park had left for him to do for the preparations of the year-end performance.
“He is beyond infuriating! I can’t believe he would let something as petty as this rip apart our friendship when I get my hand on his dramatic ass!” At this moment you’re pretty sure none of your friends are listening to your rant. 
“Ohh. Kinky Y/n never knew you’d be into that.” Minho’s wiggling his eyebrows to tease you at the threats you made.
“haha Minho, very funny.” You sarcastically laugh to amuse the older boy.
“What’s got Y/n so upset this time?” Chan’s looking up from his laptop where he had been editing Woojin’s track for the year-end performance. 
“Hyunjin booked solo practices instead of including Y/n in his booking so they’re both practicing individually.” Woojin fills in the younger boy seated next to him not bothering to look up from where he tunes the strings of his guitar. 
“Ah, but aren’t you performing a duet.” Chan points the obvious out, making you groan in defeat. 
“Exactly my point Chan.” You’re burying your face into your hands, exhausted from today’s practice, wondering why it seems so draining to be running through the dance on your own. Suddenly a thought crosses your mind, making you glare at the older dancer in the room. “You.”
“Me?” Minho smiles innocently from where he’s seated in the love seat of Chan’s dorm.
“Yes, you, last week you were threatening me to fix my quarrel with Hyunjin in order not to ruin your show, and now that you’re in charge of schedules you could’ve easily persuaded Hyunjin into practicing with me.” You’re shoving your finger into Minho’s chest squinting your eyes suspicious at the older dancer. 
“As I’ve said, I’m respecting his rights-” Your storming out of Chan’s apartment infuriated with Minho, again. 
“Hey, guys I’ve got your boba.-” You pause to receive your drink from Changbin before you’re out the door, noting that you’d send the payment for the drink through his pay pal.
The next day you’re in the practice room, with your playlist on shuffle in the room’s speakers, the soft melody putting you at ease as you warm up your body to run through the dance. 
“Uhm, what are you doing here?” Your bright mood is suddenly shattered by a voice you had not heard for the past week. You’re turning around to face the taller dancer who avoids your wary gaze at his sudden appearance.
 “It’s my schedule.” You answer Hyunjin swiftly expecting him to leave the dance room, but to your terror, you hear the soft click of the lock in the front door, you see Minho’s sinister grin through the glass-paneled door of the dance studio. 
“Byebye~” Is all the older male says before he’s taking off. 
Both your lips are parted in shock at Minho’s actions, dumbfounded by the cackle you both hear in his escape.“
Might as well practice right?” Hyunjin’s tugging off his coat as you say this nodding in silent agreement.
You’re hating this already and it hasn’t even started. 
“It’s a 4,5.” You huff exhausted at cleaning through the first half of your dance checking on each other’s technical steps, you hadn’t even tried any of the lifts and stunts for the partnering and this is the fifth time you’re both arguing over which counts the steps should follow. 
“It’s a 5,6. You bend at four for momentum, do you even listen to Mr. Park when he teaches?” He’s rolling his eyes now at you, feeling the heated gaze you throw at him. 
“Let’s try the lift.” He crosses the few spaces in between you both before he’s in front of you. You feel your breath hitch at the proximity, and in spite of how sweaty he is, you can still smell his cologne, a gift Chan had given him at his last birthday, you like how it smells on him, the masculine scent complimented his features. You can feel the heavy thrumming in your chest, reminding you of what you had chosen to ignore and admit. 
You hear the taller dancer count a soft one, two, before he tightens his grip on your waist, gaining momentum as he bends to lift your smaller form. And despite contrary belief, during lifts it isn’t only the base that has to the work, the person on top has to tighten her core to stabilize herself on top, making it easier for the person below to lift. 
So at Hyunjin’s count, you clench your gut, fixing your form, you reach to caress his cheek as Mr. Park had instructed. All of a sudden you find yourself getting distracted by the bead of sweat that had begun to trace Hyunjin’s features starting from his forehead which had been revealed by the headband he wore preventing his dark locks from covering his vision to the beauty mark just below his left eye. Had he always been this pretty?
In your distraction, your had forgotten to maintain your clenched core, at the moment of instability, Hyunjin panics, fumbling to maintain his grip on you, you feel your stomach dip as you tip forward. You’re shriek as you feel your self free fall, but thank god for Hyunjin’s quick reflexes, he catches you before you could injure yourself. 
With your legs around his waist and your arms around his shoulder, his arms are tightened below your thighs keeping you secured to his form. When he notices you’re trembling, Hyunjin sighs, lowering himself so he’s seated on the floor with you in his arms. 
Softly he removes one of your arms still tightly clenched around the back of his shirt. With your head buried into his shoulder, he hums softly into your ear as he rubs circles into the back of your hand examining your arm for any bruises you may have acquired in your practice.
You feel him turn and raise your arm, curious you ask him, “What are you doing?” With your head still buried into his shoulder, your words come out as a murmur.
“Checking if you’re hurt,” He says, pressing his lips into a bruise he finds. 
Suddenly you’re pulling away from his grasp, putting some space between you two, your eyes turn defensive at his words, holding the arm he had kissed to your chest. “You hadn’t been doing that the last few days, you don’t need to, I’m fine” 
“Y/n.” He meets your eyes, frowning at your words. 
“Hyunjin, you ignored me for a week, a week.“ You emphasized the connotation of your words. 
“But you did so too.” He points out with a pout. 
“That’s different.” The pitch in your voice raises, defensive.
“How so?” Sighing at your refusal to answer, he continues. “I had wanted to apologize to you during our last contemporary class, but you had run out on me. Then you avoided me until finals rolled around and I had no time to talk to you.”
“But you scheduled practices without me, I had to practice alone here.” You’re avoiding his gaze, embarrassed at your reasoning of why you had avoided him. 
“Huh? Minho Hyung had scheduled those for me telling you would sign later on.” Hyunjin tilts his head confused at your statement. “I thought you were still ignoring me, which is why I hadn't questioned you not showing up here.”
That damned snake, Lee Minho both set you up.
“Hyunjinnie I’m so sorry.” You’re burying your head into his shoulder once more, finding comfort in his masculine and woodsy scent. “I hadn’t meant to compare you to Yeji, I’m sorry I should’ve been more careful with my jokes. I hadn’t meant to offend you.” You feel his arms tighten around your waist, making you feel secure in his arms.  
“It’s okay, you hadn’t known about that insecurity of mine. I should’ve told you about it instead of being rude and ignoring you, it was just that I was really stressed with the projects due and you had to be on the receiving end of the stress that day. I’m sorry Y/n.” You feel Hyunjin’s fingertips play with the ends of your hair, rubbing the tips between the tips of his index and thumb, which you found oddly soothing.
“Why had you been so upset with me that day?” You’re still seated in his lap, arm around his neck occupying yourself with the longer strands of hair behind his ear, finding it fascinating how gorgeous he looked in the artificial light provided by the room. 
“You mean after what you said about Yeji?” He continues feeling you nod against his shoulder. “Well, I was already stressed that day with a paper I had to finish, but after you said that I was really offended. It just brought up a lot of insecurities and you happen to be on the receiving end of that stress that day, which is absolutely no reason to snap at you.”
“You know each day without you was grueling, it made me think a lot about what I feel.”
“What- What do you-?” Removing his arms around his waist, he takes your wrist into his hand, letting the warmth of your palm rest just above where his heart would be.
“See.” He allows you to pull away from your embrace, you could feel the accelerated beat of his heart. Surprised at the rapid pitter-patter, you’re looking up to meet Hyunjin’s steady warm gaze, leaving you to wonder, could you really look at a person that way? As if you’re the center of his universe. 
“Jinnie, actually, the reason I left was-” 
He fixes you with a determined gaze, “ Y/n, I love you.” And before you know it he’s leaning in to brush a soft kiss unto the tip of your nose, as if asking permission to kiss you. You feel his soft exhale on your cupid brow waiting for a sign of reassurance.
There’s that tension in the air again, stealing your breath away and leaving you flustered. Hypnotized by the intense emotions he hides in ebony hues. Unconsciously,  you’re tilting your head up to meet his lips halfway. Your lips move in sync, stealing each other’s breaths away as multiple butterflies tickle your insides. You can taste the hint of the americano he must’ve drunk on his way to the dance studio, it ‘s sweet and intimate. The masculine scent of his cologne overwhelms your senses with your bodies flushed against one another; suffocating your brain, leaving no room for you to think. 
The familiar click of the glass-paneled door’s lock has you both up and separating, reminding you and Hyunjin that you were still in the practice room.”Well, well what do we have here?” Minho’s voice echoes along the mirrored walls, making you and Hyunjin turn away from the older dancer at being caught in a provocative position.
You see Felix, following behind him closely, sending you a teasing smile. “Did we finally get them together, Hyung?”
“Come on you two, Chan’s treating us tonight in celebration of this!” Minho’s snickering at your flushed features. 
“Yah, Lee Minho-”
“Your amazing, handsome, Oppa that finally got you and Hwang Hyunjin together.” The older male completes for you with a mischievous glint in his onyx hues. He’s smirking and wiggling his eyebrows as he drags the younger dancer out of the room. 
“That jerk.” You’re muttering this under your breath as you gather your things to go change in the dressing room, and to your surprise, you feel the taller dancer come up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist as he bends down to nuzzle his head into your shoulder. “Go change, Jiinnie, you’re sweaty.” Moving to face him, you wrinkle your face in disgust pushing a few strands of his away from his forehead. 
“Can we stay like this?” You’re smiling at his pouty lips, the plumpness of his lips inviting you in.
“Later after we have dinner and your shower, then I’ll consider it.” You’re pressing a kiss into his chest, where he had guided your palm to feel his racing heartbeat, a small confession that you’re the cause of his rapid heartbeat. “I love you, Hyunjin.” Your whisper’s muffled by his chest but he picks up on that.
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The Unkissable Prince Ch.3
The third and last chapter of The Unkissable Prince
2.2 k words
Trigger warning: Making outs( Not descriptive) Cursing, mention of being used
Let me know if I missed a trigger or if you spot any spelling mistakes.
Feedback is encouraged!!
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for more!
It had been months since Kaminari and Hitoshi shared the first of many kisses. Every time Kaminari practiced a scene that involved a kiss, Hitoshi was there, and neither of them had a problem doing a little extra on the kissing part. Sometimes one of them would suggest that a scene needed to be redone just so they could have an excuse to connect again. At one point the kisses turned to make-out sessions, ones that made Kaminari forget what scene or line he was on.
Though their physical relationship evolved, that was it. There were no dates, no confessions, nothing but rehearsal with more lip action. Kaminari had no problem with physical attention but he did have a problem with having no emotional attention. Kaminari didn’t want Hitoshi to think that he was using him for his kisses but he also doesn’t have the confidence to confess to Hitoshi
For Hitoshi, he was facing similar issues. He loved the feeling of Denki so close to him, their lips on each other. Though he also didn’t want Denki or others to think that Hitoshi just used people for his own needs. Hitoshi doesn’t have a great reputation, and if a rumor that he used people got around, most wouldn’t bat an eye at such an idea. Hitoshi had kept most of his emotions locked away, he’s realized that any time he speaks, his words are twisted and he becomes a monster, event o those close to him. SO when he becomes close to Denki and the rest of the drama club he fears that his emotions will push them away, no matter how positive the emotion, including his love for Kaminari. Hitoshi has seen Denki around school, before they had ever interacted, Hitoshi was envious of the blonde’s ability to interact with people. Eventually, Hitoshi no longer watched out of envy but out of curiosity, the curiosity turned into infatuation. Then he conversed with him and it was no longer something he could label as envy, curiosity, or infatuation it was the beginning of love like was too simple of a word, but at the time he wasn’t in love with Denki, but now he was.
Hitoshi could never confess his feelings to Denki, and Denki’s self-esteem was too low for him to think he even deserved to confess to Hitoshi. So for months, they were stuck with just kisses and makeout sessions, confessions left unsaid and unheard. Now it’s been at least three months, with every kiss came more trust, every self-deprecating word was followed by the reassurance that whoever put that thought in their head was wrong, every silent glance and moments were followed by suspicion from the people who surrounded them.
The people who watched them interact weren’t blind to the chemistry. They never saw the kisses but they saw the smiles and glances that the two tried to hide. Even the director could see the love the two were trying to hide, and he was tired of it and so were the other students. Jirou wasn’t blind either, she acutely one of the only people who brought attention to it, and just like before her insecurities and jealousy clouded her better judgment.
It was the last week of rehearsal, Friday was opening night and everyone a part of the show was stressed. Most of them were reaching the breaking point and the time between each other breaks became shorter and shorter. This morning Mina, who had been playing ursal at all minutes of the day, had finally broken character during her first-period class. Then Aoyama frecked out when the lunch lady gave him his food. And now not even 30 minutes later their lead lady was breaking, Jiro Kyoka.
Jiro, Momo, Shinso, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Bakugou all sat in silence at their lunch table, they were all trying to avoid the inevitable. They were already missing two of their tablemates and feared that one of them was next. Denki and Hitoshi sat next to them and across from them were Jiro and momo, kirishima sat between momo and Hitoshi while Bakugo sat between Denki and Jiro. Hitoshi and Denki were making eyes at each other, Hitoshi moving his eyebrows trying to indicate that they go somewhere else, Denki agreeing with what he thought was a sneaky smile.
“Denki and I are going to go work on some of the scenes, we’ll see you lat--”
Hitoshi was already standing and ready to leave when Jiro stood up and interrupted. It was her breaking point
“Oh really, so your not going to go make out”
Denki became embarrassed and hung his head in shame, still seated. Jiro took notice of this.
“Look at him, he’s uncomfortable because you’ve been using him. That’s all Denki is to you, a pretty face.”
Shinso looked to his side and saw the uncomfortable stance Denki was in, realizing that she was right and he was once again losing his friends.
“Jiro, calm down, sit down, and let’s finish our lunch.”
Momo was lightly tugging on Jiro’s arm, begging her to sit down.
“No she’s right I’m going to go, ill see you all at rehearsal”
Shinso’s hand was floating above Denkis shoulder, afraid to touch him and make him uncomfortable, he decided to leave with no contact. Jiro finally sat down feeling victorious. Kirishima moved into Hitoshi’s seat, wanting to comfort Denki, but when he moved to touch Denki, Denki reacted negatively. Denki who was still shelled in on himself specked very quietly.
“I’m gonna… go I guess.”
He got up and left, leaving the table in more shambles than it had ever been.
Bakugou was fed up with them and decided to butt in for once.
“You’re an idiot. Shinso wasn’t using Denki, they liked each other, but they’re also stupid, and its wasn’t your place to say or assume any of those things.”
He got up and left, deciding that he was done with this conversation fifteen minutes ago.
It had been four days since then and almost every person in the show had hit their breaking point, but they were still good actors and tried to not let this affect them while on stage. Offstage Denki would chase around Hitoshi trying to tell him that Jiro was wrong about Denki being uncomfortable and that he doesn’t care if Hitoshi is using him. Hitoshi spends his time working and hiding from everyone, especially Denki, afraid that the next time he talks to him, he’ll break and his emotions will all come flooding out. Jiro has been wondering if she did the right thing, knowing deep down that she hadn’t. She had decided that she wanted to fix it, this had nothing to do with her new girlfriend.
Jiro found Shinso stapling what looked like drama-related papers, so much was clear when she saw the purple three-ring binder that he uses for theater only.
“Can we talk?”
Jiro’s voice was barely above a whisper. Shinso didn’t look over and ignored her for a few seconds, stapling the papers harder. Eventually, he replayed.
“Yeah just let me ‘use’ this stapler”
He stapled another piece of paper harder than ever before. He was using the word used in the same sense that Jiro did when talking about Shinso and Denki.
“It’s actually about that. Um, You like Denki right, like romantically?”
Jiro was nervous to bring up her own mistakes. Even if she was only implying it.
“Yeah Jiro, I do, but that doesn’t matter because he and everyone else thinks that I’m some selfish person and that I used him and his body, I wonder why they think that?”
She wasn’t surprised at his angry tone, she deserves it.
“I’m sorry about that and saying those things about you, I was caught up in my own shit, and I’m sorry.”
Jiro wasn’t lying and she really did feel sorry and luckily Shinso could hear it in her voice, he turned his head to finally address her, also seeing the sincerity on her face.
“Thanks for apologizing, I accept it but it doesn’t fix my problem with Den-Kaminari.”
Shinso was no longer sure if he was allowed to call him by his first name. Jiro was excited that she could help her friends out.
“Actually that’s the other reason I came to talk to you. I want to help. Denki clearly likes you, he just has some issues with the idea that people could love him.”
Jiro knew it was partly her fault he felt this way but she didn’t need to say that to fix what she did to Shinso.
“Yeah cause Kaminari totally wants to be with me.”
Shinso responded his voice trying to hide how much it hurt, but it slightly slipped out.
“Are you blind and deaf? Every second of every day, he follows you around trying to get you back, but you ignore him.”
There silence while Shinso cleans up the rest of his papers
“I have a plan.”
Jiro announces and Shinsou can’t think of any reason to reject the idea.
“Fine I’m listening”
It was the next day, meaning it was opening night. Denki was still following Shinso around trying to convince him that he still wants to be friends, and Shinso continues to ignore him. It was easier than it had been for the past week, he was to catch up practicing his confession lines for later tonight.
It was later that night and they had just finished the last rehearsal and had about an hour to kill. Their director had a tradition of buying pizza for the whole cast and crew on opening night, and the food had arrived. Everyone was eating and having a good time when Shinso snecked outside for some fresh air. He knew Denki would follow him, that was the plan.
Denki walks out the door locking around for Shinso when he was suddenly pulled further outside. A short squeal came out of Denki, and Shinso whispered a sorry. The two now faced each other body almost flushed against each other, Shinso holding Denkis elbows. Both blushing from the close contact, they hadn’t been this close in almost a week and it made it feel like the first time being so close. Denki pulled away, it was too much too soon, especially without the clarification he wanted.
“Listen Kaminari”
Denkis voice was barely above a whisper, he hated that Shinso was calling him by his last name.
“Yeah um, listen Denki. I wanted to talk to you about, well this”
He waved his hands in between the two of them. Denki was starting to feel his nerves get worse, he knew that being avoided was a way of saying ‘I don’t want to be around you’ but he wasn’t ready for Shinso to officially say it.
“I wanted to address what Jiro said on Monday”
Here it comes
“I wanted to tell you that she’s wrong, I value you as a friend, and I wasn’t using you that way. I figure that we were both enjoying ourselves, I think that we should have talked more about the kind of relationship we were in.”
Shinso stopped and took a big shaky breath, nervous to utter the next part. This just raised Denki’s nerves as well.
“And I would like to have that conversation now, because I, god she never said it was this hard.”
Shinso muttered the last part, but Denki heard it and was a little confused.
“I love you Denki. I know we haven’t known each other for long and it kind of weird to have these feelings so early, but, well that it, I love you and I understand if you don’t love me yet but I would like to try having a real, romantic relationship.”
Shinso let out a shaky breath, his nervous final settled after saying everything that’s been on his mind. But they returned when he looked back up to see a stressed-looking Denki. Denki was frecking out, he dreamed of such confessions but now he was getting one he wondered what the joke was because this wasn’t possible. He was so in his head that Shinso had to lightly grab Denkis elbows again.
“Denki, Denki, I didn’t mean to stress you out. Denki are you okay?”
Denki snapped out of it a little, nodding his head.
“ I like you to”
Shinso smiled and pulled Denki in for a hug. Leaning his head into Denkis shoulder. Denki felt his shirt and shoulder become damp, realizing that it was Shinso tearing up he started to rub Shinsos back
“Shh it’s okay Shinso, it’s okay. But this is the costume, so maybe not cry on it too much.”
Shinso pulled away, still holding Denkis elbows as he whispers
“Hitoshi. “
It was in the same type of whisper that Denki used when he engorged Hitoshi to use his first name. Denki nervously laughed at the similarity, then Hitoshi giggled. The two broke out into laughter, then it started to rain, the two of them looked up and then at each other.
“ We better get back inside, prince eric cant show up with running mascara.”
Hitoshi smiled and went to open the door
“You first prince”
“Thank you, boyfriend”
Shinso blushed at this but was happy to know they were on the same page.
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dememarquette · 4 years
True Crime
They parked outside a cottage. Portend Point was a gorgeous neighborhood. Occupying it, 1305 Parkview was an equally picturesque property. It had everything one could want from a gentrified postcard: a manicured lawn, a white picket fence, friendly neighborhood dogs excited to see you but not too excited. A sign advertised this slice of warm American pie could be yours. FOR SALE it said, smacked across an unfortunate realtor's forehead. Kevin Locklear had a new golf cart staked on this commission. In his desperation, which reeked as bad as the scene, he ducked below the police tape to plant an optimistic 'Open House Resumes Wednesday!' picket. Adria would take personal pleasure in throwing it in the garbage.
"Jean and Sidney Morin," She briefed, as Ian punched in the door code. "They're from New Gisen, reported missing 72 hours ago. Gas station footage has the suspect grabbing Jean at the Circle K. Sidney was seen by traffic cams in hot pursuit, but we have nothing after the first intersection. Men are checking doorbell cameras along the street. So far, nothing." The stolen car in the driveway was similarly combed through. Every stray hair inside was documented. There wasn't much left that wasn't bagged, tagged and sent off to the lab, but Ian liked one last intimate walk-through before tossing the keys to clean-up. If he was absorbing one word of what Adria was saying, it didn't show. Her partner worked like a TNT detective. Adria pictured the world bottoming out around him. He'd suffer 50 consecutive epiphanies after looking at something stupid like a tipped ketchup bottle, and construct a convoluted MO from there, but that's not how she worked. If reading the block text helped, murder's hooked on phonics, by God she'd do it. "Neighbors didn't hear anything. We have no idea where the struggle took place, if there was one. Judging from the looks of this place-" "It wasn't here." He said, tuning in only for silent confirmation. She nodded, and he killed the lights. His UV swept over the walls. The inside had the aesthetically-pleasing insipidity of a gourmet cracker. It had been sanitized for a showing, but according to the carpet, the perp wasn't admiring the crown modeling. A modest drip-trail led straight from the front door to the basement, and there wasn't a petal out of place before it. After a quick scan of the rooms composing the ground floor, Ian got his fill of Ashley HomeStore's heritage collection. To the basement they went. Each wood plank creaked under their feet. The floor consisted of a flat slab of water-stained cement. The space was fashioned into a man-cave. Shelves were bolted to the walls. All the sofas were leather. Posters on the wall were swapped for something more palatable, flanking an entertainment system that was to be marveled. In a move that didn't appear to serve any purpose toward the room's breathability, all the furniture was shoved to the side to clear the center. A single bulb hung by chain overhead. Energy funneled through a copper wire made it hum. Evidence photos never did it justice. The victims were strung together by a lawn hose. A single cloth gag- maybe a sheet- knocked their heads together, pulled taut at the pocket of their jaws. Their height difference forced Jean's face heavenward. The whites of her eyes were visible from the top, but you had to be at the bottom to see the shadow she sat in was actually a pattern. Their blood leaked into a paste-like outline, seeping color into the circle etched into it. Where the natural tug of gravity didn't fill the trenches, the killer dropped to their knees and started fingerprinting, casting away any macabre elegance it formerly had. Their hands scraped to fill the pattern all until it got to the bottom of the arc. Ian read her mind. "They were interrupted." "By what?" She asked. His mouth pressed into a hard line. He didn't have an answer. Instead he completed his circuit before dropping closer to the gag. Adria knelt beside him, her boots toeing the edge where the brushwork tapered. Fingerprints- fragmented and smeared- were shipped off to IAFIS. Problem was, when the suspect hadn't indulged in some casual DUI, she needed something to match it to. She sized her hand up against theirs, while the deceased husband stared on. Adria avoided eye contact. Violent crime wasn't anything new. She's seen her fair share since moving to the city, but never a throat cut this deeply. Sidney had been nearly decapitated. Skin folded off his Adam's apple like a bow-tie. Stringy matter underneath was on full display. "What about the design? Does that mean anything to you?" "The team is working on tracking it. So far they're thinking it’s some type of online cult." "And that?" She tipped her head to the bowls skirting the outline. Ian grabbed one, sifting through it with a finger. Its contents stuck to the latex, white. "Cinnamon, and salt. The last one's pyrite. Offerings." "Then what were they?" "Bait." The moment he said it the lights died. Ian shot up. Adria pulsed to follow, but her balance teetered. Neither were near a switch. "Who else is here?" "No one." The bowl Ian was holding warbled a low note, spinning where he’d been. He shouted from the foot of the stairs. "Has to be the breaker. Don't move." "What?" "Don't move." "Wh- I'm not going to touch anything!" Adria lurched on steel-toes. Offense had her fumbling with her flashlight. Sure. Okay. Fine. So in the past she hasn't been the most careful. Maybe she's stomped through one or two crime scenes. But never when it mattered! So it's not like she'd- Something blew past her ear.  With a graceless shriek, she made it a third. "God DAMN it!" Coagulated blood gunked to her jeans. She fell onto her back, swearing and curling to assess the damage. Ian would take one look at her and scowl. He'll do that smoldering, glower thing of his that she only liked when it was directed to other people. And then she'll have to go home, change her jeans, and hope he lets her back onto the property before they break out the body bags. He's going to see right away that- There's smoke? She dropped her knee. Sniffing, she swiveled. Air was escaping somewhere, hissing like a busted soda can. Whatever it was suffused the room. Her eyes burned just to move, but she couldn’t shut them. It could be more than the breaker- But that wouldn't explain why it was in the middle of the scene. With a yelp, she witnessed a spark fly between the corpses. Her heels planted into the floor. She kicked, hastily wedging distance between her and smog lifting off the concrete. She could've pretended she missed the class where she found out cinnamon was flammable. She could've maybe let it slide that denim wasn't an accelerant, but this was straight up sulfur. A ribbon of light unwound between them. A silhouette stretched out from behind it, towering. "Ian?" She asked, already knowing it wasn't. It had too many feelings to be. "What is this?" It croned. Miserably, it picked up a leg. "Ugh." Fingers acting faster than her brain, Adria whipped her gun from its holster "HANDS. Hands up, now!" "Sticky-" It groused. She heard a wet, staggered ppmf-ff. That suspiciously sounded like bodies toppling. In a maneuver she couldn't repeat, she blindly vaulted over the sofa, jamming herself between its backing and the wall. Her vision developed slow. First outlines, then shapes. Colors a little after when the smokescreen fanned out, blurring the glow around his face. She propped up her gun. Old leather gave away her position. The red light of eyes widened, vaguely cartoon-ish. "WHOA, hey now. Don't shoot." "Get on the ground." She ordered. "I said I wanna see your hands! Both of them, now!" "Aye-aye!" He complied. There was something sarcastic about the way his shadow wiggled to the floor. "Happy?" "Who are you?!" "Demetri Marquette, at your service." He tried to bow, until the violent rattle of her pistol suggested that was strictly prohibited. "What are you doing here?!" "Same as you, I imagine." "What?! What does that mean?" "You know. Working. The hustle." He shimmied. One by one, the candles surrounding them lit. The man in the center appeared nothing as he did in the shadows. His stature halved. The reddish glow vanished from his face, but most perplexing yet was that he somehow found a cover to throw over the bodies. With the blanket over them, they looked like fucking sock puppets. Adria sucked in a breath, sputtering nothing but inarticulated syllables for solid five seconds before, "Hey- stop fucking with my scene!!" "Oh- this?" He patted the victim's heads. The disrespect alone should’ve been grounds to fire. "I was meaning to talk to you about that. I'm sorry but two? Overkill. We’re not in the business of extra credit but I do appreciate the enthusiasm. So, uh. What's it going to be?" She swore nothing about this conversation was tracking. "Huh? "Money, fame, power, et cetera?" Nonsense! Complete nonsense. What was he implying? That this was an offer? A transaction for the bodies? It didn't matter. He overstayed his welcome before he popped in. And the fact he got in here at all may mean he knew something they didn't. This ridiculous, unexplainable suspension of belief kept her from feeling imperiled but this fuck was going to ruin the whole case if he didn't already. She pinched the button on the side of her walkie. "Ian, I need back-up downstairs now." The stranger sucked his teeth. "Ah. I wouldn't do that.” ’Oh my God, shut up. “Come on, talk to me.” He cooed. “What would make you more comfortable? Fresh air? The lights- is it the lights?" She glared, trigger finger satisfied with rapid-fire button clicking. Ian's hip would be going off like the fire alarm should be. "You know, I was going for ambiance, but." He snapped. Suddenly the power was back. She twisted from her fort. Corner to corner, stomping cleared across ceiling. The basement door creaked. Ian came swinging down the stairs, perfectly on cue. "The breaker fixed itself." He announced, sounding leery of it. "Imagine that," Said Blondie. Adria’s aim stayed fixed, prepared for sudden moves. There weren’t any, even from her partner. Ian’s velocity slowed to a stop. His grip on the handrail turned rigid before the bottom, tightening like it was the only thing keeping him upright. His eyes roved over the ruined scene, the magnitude of it driving a huge crease into his brow. He did not notice the stranger directly beside him. Adria desperately looked between the both of them. "He can't see me," Demetri elaborated. "Adria?" Said Ian. The gravelly rumble of his voice asked fifty questions- none of which she had an answer to. She had a gun aimed at nothing. Two bodies were down, bizarrely set up for a picnic. "I-..." She stuttered. "Word of advice," Demetri picked a piece of lint of Ian’s shoulder. The detective reacted with only the slight drift of his eye-line, before his attention snapped back to Adria. "Don't say anything or you'll buy yourself a ticket to a psych eval." "Ian, you can't-?" "Nevermind. From this angle, you already look insane." Ian waited for her to continue but she lowered her gun. If he was right, there was no coming back from this. "...I thought I saw someone in the smoke." "Smoke?" There was no smoke. No fire, no light. Demetri's trapeze around the basement hadn't even left footprints. To Ian, she used the two minutes he was away to go nuts. Just lose her mind. Sanity to the wind. Who needs to critically think when you can barricade yourself behind a sofa, wildly waving a gun around? Defending yourself from scary shadow people that a paid electricity bill keeps at bay? Ian stared, impatience surging from a quiet simmer to a boil. She realized it’s been too long since she even tried answering a question. "Are you alright?" He rephrased. What she heard was ’Are you an idiot?’ Her face burned hot. "I think-" She slung her bag over his shoulder. "I think I need a minute. I'll be back." The tight set of his jaw meant he agreed. She ran past him, bolting for the cruiser. Now she was going to have to type up an incident report. Scrub her pants. Contemplate the onset of her paranoia induced insanity, and hope they wouldn't take her badge for this. She threw herself into the front seat of her cruiser. The door slammed behind her. Before she’d let frustrated tears get the better of her, she pulled up a Chrome browser. Occult. Satanism. She typed. Demon summoning. Symbol. All the results looked close. Matching the exact twisted pattern would be a nightmare. "Mind if we hit Starbucks?" Demetri necked her seat. She jolted, narrowly stopping herself from throwing her elbow through his eye socket. Knowing he was fictional made her wish she hadn't hesitated. "Why are you in my car?!" She swiped at her face. "For a frap. Hopefully. Is butterscotch still in season?" "No! Get out." His cheek squished against her headrest. "Aw, c'mon." She adjusted the rear-view, only for him pop up passenger side. "I get it." He said, proving he did Not actually. Devoid of any understanding of what 'Get out' meant, "More of a Dunkin' girl. That's fine I guess. Oh! Hope you don't mind. I dug through your glove department. I was trying to get to know you." He waggled a scrap of stationary. "Does the department know you're dating? Seems naughty. Is that against HIPA or something?" She flustered, red-faced. That note had been in Ian’s lunch. "OUT!" "I mean, I'm not judging. I like it. You'd think detective romances would get cliché but ugh." He pressed it to his heart. "There's something so enticing about seeing the ugliness of humankind hand-in-hand with the one you love. A real testament to love's resilience. Do you listen to Rihanna?" We Found Love belted from her speakers. Forget the psych eval, now she had to worry about the HOA. "What do you want, huh?!” Adria punched her stereo. “What do you want? Why are you here? Turn this OFF-" "I want to know what you want." He shrugged. "I want you to leave?! I’ve said a million times!" "No can do. Gonna need something more substantial. Unless, gasp." He made a show of patting down his slacks before producing a pen. The document it came with looked real and official. Spooky, until it came to 'Officer Hardass' at the top of a memo. It read "I forfeit my eternal soul to get Demetrius Marquette to GTFO" in gold. She looked down at the paper, head reeling. This was a fever dream. A nightmare. A joke, but she could feel the weight surrounding the document. Metaphysical. And as tempting as it would be to physically take his pen and jam it through his palm, five finger fillet- "NO." She shouted, chucking it back at him. "I'm not selling anything." Rihanna's chorus guttered and died. Its volume fell with his face. Hopeless indeed. "I don't get it." He huffed, impossibly exasperated. Like she was the one being objectively difficult here. "Why did you even summon me, then? What's the point?" "I didn't summon you, asshole! Some psychopath did!" "Huh." He pondered, deciding that did make more sense after-all. "...SO GO AWAY." "EeeeeEEEH. I don't think I will." He kicked back in the seat. A pair of sunglasses slid down his nose, gilded logo hitting the sun just right. How did a Dolce and Gabbana sales associate see him but not Ian? "You see. The problem is that I'm here now. I can't go home without something to show for it." "That's not my problem," Adria said, incredulously. "YOU are my problem! I don’t know who you think you are, but I don't owe you anything. You came onto my scene, jeopardized my career, made me look like an idiot, and now you're making my car smell like eggs!" Demetri recoiled. For a moment she thought she got through to him. Then it became abundantly clear it was just the egg part, actually. "Wow." He said. Hurt gave his voice a raspy edge. "Wow..." “So GO AWAY.” She tried for two. Three would be a taser. “You- you know what?” Demetri splayed his hands. “Fine. We’re done here. I’ll go-” “THANK YOU.” He scowled. “-I’ll go, but I will be back. And when I return, we're continuing this discussion in earnest. I hope, I sincerely hope Detective Kyro, that you think about it." She wouldn’t. But he vanished before she could say so. - - - By the time she got home, the scene was cleared. Since it had been cataloged ad nauseam, there was no need to report his partner’s lapse in sanity. Ian let it go. He covered her ass by risking his to shuffle in clean-up before anyone with a badge audited the damage. She got off easy. Despite earning every letter of a psych referral, confrontation fell away into 'unspoken' territory. He said nothing, but it was strongly encouraged by his cancellation of their Friday after-work happy hour that she take an extended weekend to 'rest.' That part he phoned in without her approval. Defeated, she threw off her jacket. She hooked her gun belt on a peg by the door. Her jeans were just going to burn- they were as good as cursed as far as she was concerned. There was nothing left to do but take a long, hot shower. Maybe she’d feel better if her skin ran hotter than the shame. The rest could be dealt with Monday. What choice did she have, really? She jammed a thumb through her braid. The plaits fell loose as she kicked off her boots, Adria went through the motions of attaining tentative comfort. And the moment she thought she could let it go (until she’d inevitably replay it at all again tonight) she smacked into the chest of someone in the bathroom. Her bathroom. This motherfucker made himself at home. “So,” His finger wound in the cord of her hairdryer. Freshly washed, and expertly coiffed, Demetri smelled exactly like her body wash. "Did you think about it?"
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in-class-daydreams · 5 years
Parlay (Kuroo x Reader)| Ch. 1
Pairing: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader (ft. Roommate Kenma)
Word Count: ~1,600
Genres: Fluff, angst if you squint, general buffoonery
CW: Maybe some baby swearing, but otherwise none!
Summary: (Y/N), a first-year student attending Tokyo U, is living with her best friend, Kenma Kozume. Little did she know, her life would be turned upside down after being exposed to Kenma's volleyball teammate and close friend, Kuroo Tetsurou. One wrong move, and the parlay's stakes only get higher each time. 
Chapters: First | Previous | Next
“Bonnie left her spot!” the girl’s voice was bursting with sheer panic as her roommate and close friend frantically flipped between security screens to avoid what seemed to be an inevitable death. Even though she was practically draped over him, he barely registered her full weight on him.
He couldn’t play Five Nights at Freddy’s on his channel now. Everyone had already played it a long time ago and he was sure to get some backlash for ‘copying’ other streamers. Still, any self-respecting gamer should have at least played the game at some point. Unfortunately, he’d had to drag his poor roommate into it, and it turned out that together they had the combined courage of a sugar-free gummy bear.
Kenma elbowed his friend in the side. “Shh! I know!” he hissed at her. (Y/N)’s clammy hands were clamped tightly around his shoulders as she half-leaned over him to get a good look at the screen. Both of their eyes flitted around the screen, focused on scrutinizing each and every visual detail. The screens were dark and his power level was getting dangerously low. He exited out of the security screens to slam the left door on one of the animatronics. As the metal door slammed down, they caught a glimpse of the animal’s unnaturally large teeth and the murderous look in its eyes. Quickly clicking through the security screens once more, the female’s eyes landed on something disturbing. She jumped and slapped his shoulder frantically.
“Close the doors! Close the doors!” she squealed. Kenma quickly checked on the door. The duck was still at the left door and it was eating up his power supply. He was only at 3 a.m., and he was determined not to waste any more power.
The in-game clock struck 4 a.m. and his eyes flitted down to his power level. He paled at the ‘2%’ staring back at him.
“Freddie left his--!”
Suddenly the security screens went blank and game’s lights shut off abruptly. The whole game went quiet as the two roommates stared in horror. The doors raised. Luckily, the animatronic was gone from the left door, but they were sitting ducks in that powerless room surrounded by robots with murderous intent. They sat in petrified terror as mere seconds dragged on.
Just then, the animatronic bear leapt and roared right at the two players, its shrill screaming causing their toes to curl. They clung to each other fearfully at the sudden sight. Soon, the ‘game over’ screen appeared and the room went quiet once again. The pair sat in blank silence for a long moment. After a pregnant pause, (Y/N), slow and unsure, stood up off the floor and carded her fingers through her hair.
“I guess I should get to class,” she murmured barely above a whisper. 
Kenma stared blankly at her. “Okay. Be safe,” he said robotically. 
She tiptoed around the house gathering her school supplies and made for the door a bit quicker than would be considered normal.
“I’ll be back in about two hours!” she called over her shoulder as she tried to hasten away from the apartment as quickly as possible. 
‘Went for groceries. Be back soon. 
    She had to laugh. Kenma had started drawing those faces to be ironic and poke fun at her, but now he couldn’t stop. Oh how the turns have tabled.
Even for someone as academically-inclined as her, (Y/N) was exhausted from her advanced calculus lecture. It was a class for second-years and older, but when she’d thought she could handle it. 
“Everyone thinks they’re ‘that bitch’ that can handle it early, but trust me, very few people are ‘that bitch,’ (Y/N),” her cousin had advised. Against her cousin’s advice, she’d signed up for the class anyway, thinking it’d be easy peasy lemon squeezy for someone who did so well in math in high school. Oh how wrong she was! Now she was stressed depressed lemon zest. After dragging herself through the door of her shared third-floor apartment, she was grateful to see Kenma’s cute note upon her return.
Five Nights was still running on Kenma’s laptop on the living room floor. That stupid bear’s freaky metal face grinned back at her. Rather than be stared down by an animated murder bear, she toed the laptop closed and decided that if Kenma didn’t know she’d touched his precious laptop with her “sweaty, unsanitary feet,” he couldn’t be mad at her (truth be told, he had a very hard time being mad at her at all). The damage was done, though, and the teen felt those unblinking eyes on her still.
She thought she’d heard some odd rustling down the hall where the bedrooms were.
‘Come on, (Y/N), it was just a stupid game,’ she thought.
Rather than sprint back out the front door, she decided to go to the kitchen and start on dinner. ‘Lasagna, grilled chicken, noodles.’’ She mentally ran through all the recipes she knew. They had Chinese food the night before, and fried chicken the night before that, but it had been a while since pasta night. Hopefully Kenma would come home with the ingredients she needed. She reached into her jeans pocket to text her roommate, but before she could, the rustling down the hallway happened again. This time, it was unmistakable.
 Her pulse quickened and she fumbled around for the nearest weapon-like object. She wrapped her fingers around a small metal water bottle. Sure it was only about 12-oz., but it would do. She steeled her nerves and crept down the hallway pressed up against the wall like 007. The noise seemed to be coming from Kenma’s room.
“They must have known we’d both be out of the apartment! They could have been stalking us for weeks, oh my god, we don’t even have any valuables, though! What would burglars want with us anyway? We’re in college and our entire budget goes to rent and food! I can’t die over this, I’ve already paid my tuition for this semesterohgodohgodohgodohgod,” (Y/N)’s inner monologue began spiraling into hysterics as she trembled outside her friend’s door. Her legs felt like lead and her arms were frozen up close to her chest. The girl was petrified as Kenma’s bedroom door swung open and before her was a massive silhouette.
Pause. Then she screamed a seemingly impossible sound to achieve with human vocal cords and started sprinting for the door. After nearly knocking a newly-arrived Kenma to the floor, she squeezed him in a vice-like bear hug.
“Geh--you’re crushing me,” Kenma wheezed. In her rapid rambling, he could make out the words “burglar,” “murderer,” and “tuition.”
The first-year patted his friend’s back gently to get her to release him from her crushing grip. She had an unnaturally tight grip for someone of her stature. Behind her, a tall, muscular man with unkempt black hair and piercing eyes strolled confusedly down the hallway.
The Not-Burglar raised an eyebrow. Turning to Kenma he asked, “You didn’t tell her I was here?”
“I did. She’s a bad texter,” Kenma replied while peeling (Y/N)’s arms from their spot stuck to his body.
“Huh? O-oh...my bad,” she supposed she hadn’t checked her phone since before her class started. She held up a finger and reached into her pocket, “But wait! I have this for you instead!” 
From her pocket, she held up a finger heart for her friend to see. The latter rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the smirking male before him.
“Well, (Y/N), this is Kuroo Tetsurou. Kuroo, this is (L/N) (Y/N).”
(Y/N)  seemed to have calmed down, because she replied, “It’s nice to meet you Kuroo-san! I’ve heard a lot about you!”
Kuroo noted the radiant grin she gave him and shook her hand.
“Same here. But I didn’t realize Kenma was hiding such a cutie from me,” he smiled that smile that made all sorts of people weak in the knees.
Desperate to avoid eye contact, the smaller girl’s gaze shifted around the room nervously before finding a target, “Ah Ken-ken! Lemme help you with the groceries!”
‘K-ken-ken..? Never heard that before...’ Kuroo thought.
“It’s okay, I got it,” Kenma continued putting away groceries and ignored the pout she threw his way.
“Kuroo-san, since you’re already here, do you want to stay for dinner? I’d like to apologize for jumping to conclusions earlier,” she bowed deeply.
“I could never decline a special request from such a--”
He shut his mouth at the truly frightening look his best friend shot him before interrupting, “Don’t be a pervert, Kuroo.”
“Ken-ken, you cooked dinner yesterday. I can do it today,” (Y/N) insisted, unable to successfully nudge him out of the way. Kenma was surprisingly strong.
“It’s fine, I got it,” he stopped his preparations just long enough to give her a genuine smile that Kuroo himself had only seen a handful of times.
‘Why is this girl so special to you, Kenma?’ Kuroo wondered.
“Come on! At least let me help! Kenma~  Don’t ignore me!”
‘Now this is definitely a sight I’ve never seen before.’
After dinner, as he was saying his goodbyes and gathering his things to leave, Kuroo concluded that his best friend really had found another person that complimented him as well as Kuroo did himself. This was definitely a welcome surprise. He was happy for his friend, of course, though at first, he was puzzled as to how a simple roommate could have embedded herself so deeply into Kenma’s heart. He pondered that thought for a bit before having an epiphany just as he was on his way out the door.
“Thanks for the dinner (L/N)-san, I really enjoyed it. Treat Kenma well! He’s never had me meet a girlfriend before.”
Halfway out the door, he shot them a cocky, conspiratory grin and strolled out into the night.
A/N: And that’s the first chapter of Parlay! It’s our first fic on this blog and honestly the first fic I’ve ever been even slightly confident in, so I hope you enjoyed. We’ll be updating regularly, so feel free to shoot us a message or an ask if you want to be added to our tag-list. Thanks! <3
- Admin Mango-Chan
 Hello everybody! Thank you so much for clicking and reading this story! There will be plenty of chapters with a lot more action and drama on your way! See you soon! :)
- Admin Kiwi-chan
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