#avvy bitches
sollucets · 1 year
hi rowan! sorry to hear you had a rough day. for the writing ask game: how about 19, 28, and/or 39?
hello mel 💜💜💜 thank you for indulging me (game) i wrote. way too much. and it was a lovely distraction x
19. tell me a story about your writing journey. when did you start? why did you start? were there bumps along the way? where are you now and where are you going?
i will stick with only one of these i think, or this will be far Far too long, so: fic writer rowan, several starts
the first time i remember like specifically intentionally setting out to write something that counts as a story, on purpose & not for school, i am eight & i am handwriting in a composition notebook and i am writing oc/transparent self-insert fanfiction about the protector of the small quartet by tamora pierce. i am using the family computer to look up oc names on angelfire fansites. these are 100% The Days haha.
i do more stuff like that, later; i handwrite pages on pages of pokemon fanfic (make-ur-own region type thing complete with bad drawings of fake pokemon). i do a lot of this kind of thing on my own and for me, and then i am maybe 10 or 11 & i move that to forums (bulbagarden palletshipping thread…..,,,) this is baby fanfic writer rowan genesis, and posting on the internet before i was in middle school entirely killed my desire to do it for over a decade; i write often and a lot even outside of my work (ive completed nanowrimo three times!) but nobody ever sees it.
i get an ao3 in 2013 and post one doctor who fic but i am too scared and i orphan it right away. during a really intense media fixation i try again at the beginning of 2022 despite immense anxiety and find its not so bad. and then again for a different fandom a couple months later, and the response is such an immediate pickmeup & the writer friends ive made are so lovely that ive been trying my best ever since
28. who is the most delightful character youve ever written? why?
this is so hard. sobs. i like writing characters that have unique speech patterns, who like. make the narrative Sound different by being the pov character, which is something thats sometimes kind of hard about english-translated works (am i changing their cadence too much would they actually talk like that how much is my interpretation of the subs messing it up) so,,, i think for me i think the Most delightful characters that i always have the most fun writing are always characters like. avvy rasmr, who talks like a little fantasy spock, or anyone i can give talking quirks (like aye’s petnames). this is a copout u cant ever ask me my favorite anything i cant choose
39. what keeps you writing when you feel like giving up?
you see most of the time i am aware that i love writing its something thats good for me as a person and i feel better when i do it even if its hard and the process occasionally sucks and in that way it is similar to like. taking a stupid mental health walk. you know. so,,,, if i can (sometimes you really just cannot. it happens. its okay) i just…. like….. honestly the ‘i’m being so brave about it’ mindset is good for this. be annoyed & bitch & complain but u still gotta do it and look!!! you did!!!!!
also selective giving up is good for you. have several things to choose from so if something stalls you Can give up, just a little, and go elsewhere for a bit
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only-lonely-lovers · 10 months
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:Having the humble thought of Hanako being shitty and tormenting Nene by forming 👌 hand and doing overt fingering gestures. tfw this is not a crude sticking finger through but really gonna curl and swirl my fingers in there rhythmically. This is what i do to you This is just a visual i am enjoying. i do this while you are in class
つ:watch what I do to you. make her brain shiver motions so visceral to the familiar
あ:You know them. The sheer mental warfare this could devolve into where Nene has Tsukasa sit with her during class at times because Hanako will see him and be like "…" [can't do. obscene gestures. i leave.]
つ:he is my fucking tsueshiro
あ:You win this round my good bitch The tsukasa of protection. your salt circle
つ:evil spirits begone
あ:Tsukasa is next to her just like drawing
つ:hims crayons
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soundwavefucker69 · 3 years
Please tell us about your mandalorian neutolan
Omg Avvie??
No one ever asks about Avvie!!
They're nonbinary and a jaded asshole and I love them so very very much.
Okay, so Avvie is a specific kind of tropical Nautolan that can change the colors within the bounds of their natural patterns. They're based on cuttlefish!! Their specific type of Nautolan rarely leaves Glee Anselm due to their popularity as 'exotic dancers', and developed a very insular warrior culture as a result. But by happenchance, as a child, they were picked up by a Mandalorian Journeyman Kiffar, Vreeka, who was a Foundling herself and a lesser member of the Vos family. Vreeka was a True Mandalorian who threw in her lot with the Vizslas due to the lack of options she had in Mandalorian society as a Kiffar and someone who wouldn't abandon her armor, but she consistently and constantly held Pre accountable and tended to challenge him on a lot of things, demanding that since he was the only leader left, he needed to act right. Needless to say, this didn't go over well with Pre, and went over well with a lot of other Mandalorians who disliked the direction Death Watch was going and had always been going.
Naturally, Pre's scheming self challenged her to a duel when she was injured from work, and she died. When he demanded Avvie (teenager at the time) pledge their loyalty, they directly challenged him by just saying 'loyalty to what?' In front of EVERYONE. Because they have zero self preservation.
Obviously, this did not go over well, and Pre had them disappeared and stripped of their armor, which created a really complex relationship with their understanding of the Mandalorian diaspora. For a long time, they didn't come back, even when they were able to, but then they found out he never put their buir's armor to rest. So, obviously, this was the thing that pushed them back into their past and led them on a quest to steal back the armor that had been passed down through generations of Foundlings. It wasn't supposed to get out of control the way it did, but it eventually led to them accidentally reclaiming their own armor Vreeka had pinched and saved for and passed on to them, remodeled from her own buir's armor, and they begrudgingly started wearing it again and repairing their relationship with the culture they had been raised in. Things got a little out of control during the clone wars, and it eventually led to them being thrown into a pit fight with Pre and killing him themself and by default becoming Mand'alor (this is an AU bc I wanted Nautolan Mand'alor real fucking bad). (This is the entire reason I made them.) (Also Nautolan ponytails bc headtails don't work great with jetpacks.)
Obviously, they did not want to be Mand'alor, not at all, but they had overwhelming support from most factions and literally could not get out of it.
Thus, we have Mand'alor the Reclaimed!!! Look at this pretty bitch!! I love them very much. I drew this myself!!! I'm still learning art so it was 90% cannibalizing about 100 different references but look at this gorgeous asshole!!
Tumblr media
In conclusion: I love them and am still learning shading.
(The headband is magnetic bc they like to use a more mask type helmet than a helmet by itself bc it's difficult to deal with a helmet and headtails.)
(This part isn't important I just wanted to share.)
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love the avvy you cute bitch
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whiskeyworen · 5 years
That was a hell of an Adventure!
More Sea of Thieves adventures here! So last night, me and my friend decided to bite the bullet and try for the first Tall Tale mission series; Shores of Gold. It was pretty neat that every character we interacted with actually had dialogue and animation beyond the usual idles, and that even the skeletons talked, at least to each other (on islands where we had the mission stuff. Normal skeletons just babbled that grating rasp they usually do). It should have been an easy run but... as usual, the Seas were against us.
Right from the get-go, we ran into issue; upon leaving port, we discovered there were at least THREE active Player Galleons in the area, and most of them were... let’s just say they were either orbitting or at station-keeping near the islands we absolutely NEEDED to go onto. A few of them we waited out until they decided to do other stuff, but at least twice, a Galleon would suddenly turn around and start moving to get into a firing position, and we were forced to flee. One of the times, the other ship (while firing at us from long range) had caught some fantastic wind and had managed to cut across our course. I saw them coming, and had planned to swoop right by under their bow and kind of do a quick 90 turn and head on a new tack while they struggled to turn their pig of a ship (I’ve done this before with great success), but I misestimated just how good that wind of theirs was. So instead of cutting across their bow... I plowed our sloop almost perpendicular to them, catching them just off the starboard bow. Tremendous impact. My friend was already below decks filling holes, so before impact I was letting him know what was coming and to be FAST on those repairs. BLAM! Smashed into ship. My friend ran up to the deck, unloaded a surprising FIVE cannon shot directly into their starboard lower hull, before rushing back down to patch the holes my blunder had knocked in us. I turned us 90 to starboard to cut us away from the ship, and put us at full, perfect wind away from them. Our aft was exposed to them while we ran, but given the fact we’d just punched a LOT of holes in their hull, and galleons are bitch to fix even with full crew, we managed to gain a lot of ground. That must have been enough for that crew, because instead of chasing us, they turned and either headed back to port, or headed out on whatever their mission actually was. I’d like to think my kamikaze run on them scared the crap out of them. Or that they were so low on repair tools they needed to find landfall fast to keep the boat floating. LoL A few other galleons later, and a few Megalodon attacks later, we managed to get to a few of the islands we needed. Uneventful stuff, honestly. Well, except for that time another team had come swooping in, and we had to book it. As a matter of security, only one of us was ever off the ship at a time, so the other could escape getaway with our ship. This saved our hides no less than FIVE times. At one point, during a ‘Hunt the Skeleton Lord’ mission, my friend was left on shore while I had to run for open water. I didn’t go far though; a little ways away there was a cluster of jagged, giant rocks in rough water. I carefully moved directly between them, to a place no ship would want to chase me without CAREFUL moves, and killed my acceleration. Not anchored; I wanted a bit of drift. I sat there, relaying what I was doing while my friend relayed his encounters on the island. Apparently he ambushed a team of FOUR and beat the tar out of them, and then used the island’s guns to punch about ten holes in the hull of their parked ship. He told me later that they seemed really unskilled in combat, and we found out much later that they had left a bunch of chests either half-dug or undug all over the place. My friend felt bad because it’s very possible he’d encountered a squad of true new people, under the guidance of one medium player, and he’d absolutely destroyed their treasure hunting fun. I felt bad too..for a moment. Then I pointed out that this crew might have been the ones chasing and firing on us earlier. In which case, they’re not all THAT nice...just unskilled.  Once they get skilled, they’re a threat. Fastforward a while, and we finally get back to port to finish the Shroudbreaker mission (part 1 anyway), and I’m scouring the island for supplies. Then...this happens. Me: *turns a corner and finds a badly beaten Sloop parked off shore, completely opposite of where ours was supposed to be parked* “Oh shit! There’s a sloop here! Get the ship and get the hell out of here!” Friend: “Uh, yeah I know. There’s someone on OUR ship right now.” Me: “What?! What are they doing? Can you fight them off?!” Friend: “They’re.. They’re repairing our hull?” Me: “Repairing our... what? They’re actually fixing the ship??” At this point the other Sloop comes apart as the player scuttles her. Friend: “Yeah. They fixed one of the holes I missed I guess. And now they’re cooking food.” Me: “I’m totally confused now. You mean they’re not trying to raid us?” Friend: “Doesn’t look like it. I’m checking our stuff, but I don’t see anything missing. They’re just...cooking food below decks right now. You gotta come see this.” So I did. Sure enough, waiting for me on the upper deck with a freshly cooked splashtail was a female avvie player by the name of BlackByrd something. Had a bunch of numbers. They offered me the fish, which I took, gave my thanks, and then... they went to a part of the ship and started fishing. I didn’t know what to make of this. We had a mission to do that might take us into Red Water territory (with the mission making the area safe for us), but if this person hung onto our ship, they’d die when we hit red water. They hadn’t done anything hostile, and in fact, were just... they were just fishing. So we took a break. All three of us just fished for like, an hour, cooking food and stuff. It was surreal. Finally we decided to head out. Seems that BlackByrd didn’t have a mic, and was playing the PC version of the game, because they had access to the chat window. So we headed for a few of the closer island to get stuff we needed, while they kept fishing off the bow of the ship. Sadly, our surreal little experience with our hitchhiker finally came to an end. Not a bad end, but a sad one. As we started to head into the Wilds, Blackbyrd stopped fishing and came up to the wheeldeck and waved at me. So I waved back. They turned to my friend and waved to him, and he too, returned the wave. Then they jumped overboard. I guess it was time for them to go, or they didn’t want to go on OUR adventure, preferring to fish instead. I wish them the best. They reminded me that not ALL players want to massacre each other. There were a few other encounters, but the last one that stood out was a Skeleton ship that had somehow managed to not only jam its bow into the docks of Plunder Outpost, but had physically bottomed out her hull on the shoreline beneath, stopping her dead. We didn’t think Skeleton ships could even get NEAR outposts, but this one looked legitimately docked (which can’t happen. It was just jammed in so perfectly). Of course, we took a bunch of potshots at it, and cracked its hull with our only explosive barrel. We even got aboard and raided a few of its treasures before the crew realized we were there. (literally walked on from the dock. That’s how close they were) Btw, this was a tough ship; all the deck crew were gold-plated skeletons, while they had about 7 below decks crew of Crew Skeletons (as opposed to normal skeletons). Crew have slightly higher reflex rate and MUCH better aim. Long story short, that ship bellied out enough that game physics required it to roll off the sandbar and into deeper water. So we chased it around the island, before I managed to trick it into literally ramming the side of the island where it is rocky. She LIFTED out of the water. Only her rudder was still in the soup. By this point we were angry that such a simple shipkill had become an annoyance (seventeen Jigballs fired at us, as well as continuous Anchorballs gets you that way), so we used up the last of our cannonshot pounding her until she finally keeled. She keeled right at the secondary docks, so we just parked, waited, and claimed our glory. Missions accomplished, next step completed, and treasure turned in, we logged out for the night. It wasn’t the best run. But it was interesting. Hope BlackByrd caught a nice fish while we were gone.
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aunclesquishy · 7 years
somehow my avvie playlist turned into like, some kinda story thing abt like, her life? leaving home, her alcoholism/gambling and day-to-day shenanigans, pickin knife fights, meeting/getting with my bfs oc guy, breaking up with him, and I guess eventually getting arrested and sentenced to death (which in a way is linked to said breakup) idk man w the songs in the right order you've kind of got a loose story here also now it turns out that she's got a side gig busking w fake songs abt her tragic life for pity and money
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pk-smashinggah · 5 years
Now let me say something
Avvy is a manipulating bisnich
To any of you amino bois who "like Cristalli"
( I don't)
Don't join the keep valdrox alive amino for the love of God.
The main leader is a bitch
She litterally mentally abusesing her moderators
Yes I'm apart of the amino
Why because I want it to burn
I hate avvy with all my heart
However i won't expose my Name yet
All things considered i could get a few people In trouble.
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gingerinfiltrator · 8 years
sometimes i just want to drink and sit back and watch my life go to shit
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gingerinfiltrator · 8 years
super fucking pissy bc my work is making us change insurance coverage and my current psychotherapist is not in-network now and ill have to switch just when i was getting comfortable and making progress and i dont want to have those really stressful first meetings with someone new where you’re all “HERES WHERE IM FUCKED UP DONT JUDGE ME OH GOD DO I REALLY HAVE TO TAKL ABOUT THIS AGAIN NONONONONONONO”
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gingerinfiltrator · 10 years
Also I keep getting stuck at work. Boo. But yay overtime. Maybe I'll be able to fix my car.
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gingerinfiltrator · 10 years
Get pissed at bank. Get pissed at antivirus software. Give up. Watch Eddie Izzard
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gingerinfiltrator · 10 years
Still trying to figure out how to explain the immune system at a 4th-6th grade level.   =n=
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gingerinfiltrator · 10 years
Things I am giving up on: this inorganic chem problem set. Fuck it. Life's too short.
...I'll do it in the morning.  Fuck.
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gingerinfiltrator · 11 years
((looks at job listings in her field)) "5+ years lab experience required"
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gingerinfiltrator · 11 years
inorganic chemistry is making me wonder if a chem minor is even worth it
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gingerinfiltrator · 11 years
((collapses in a pile of tears))
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