browneyeddevil · 5 months
Question for the veteran fangirlies out there
Hi friends, i know I've been absent for a while and this is kinda a random post to pop back on, but I recently got a short burst of spare time for one of my favourite hobbies: reading fanfics by the wonderfully creative people within this community.
the question i pose: I landed on a fic called "happy endings" by an orphan account, a gifted work to amelia_day (@awhiskeyriver do you remember this person?!). I was wondering if anyone knows who wrote this fic and could let me know or link some of their other works here as i'm just obsessed with their writing style and was fully ready to dive down a rabbithole of their works before remembering that it was an orphan account 😭. it seems they were quite active in the fandom (y'all I went full stalker mode) until around 2021? from my own findings, I think it might have been silvercistern, but I can't be sure, and either way, I can't find any of their other works. does anyone know if they're still up? or if it even is silvercistern?
in short, help, please 🫠.
also if anyone else wants to also be stuck on a story for the next few days about masseuse!katniss and (lets be real) douchebag!peeta (he does a whole redemption arch) here's the link to the story happy endings.
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youreyesholdgalaxies · 5 months
Favorite fics and authors?
Hey Anon!
Thank you for this ask! This is a really hard question as I'm sure I'll be forgetting some but to find all the authors I've read check out @thgfanfictionlibrary and the "Library of Authors" page!
Let's Begin:
@absnow (Abagail_Snow) literally read so many of the published works and ficlets on both AO3 and tumblr. Recently read Flatshare!
@awhiskeyriver (amelia_day) I kid you not, I have read The Bet so many times. Truly makes me wanna shake Katniss in a not nice way. Also !!!BIG BOY PEETA!!!
@muttpeeta (atetheredmind) I think i've almost read all of them with maybe a few missing. If you like the gang all together but for some reason Peeta and Katniss beefing but obvi wanting each other "Cabin Fever" is for you.
c_r_roberts: I mean, come on, more enemies to lovers with "Best Man" and then a getting together modern au with big boy peeta "Have Your Cake and Eat it Too" and countless more
You wanna have the longest most heart wrenching slow burn with so many missed moments and could've been(s)? Try Court81981's "Crash My Party"
@endlessnightlock Can't go wrong with any of them tbh. Re-read "Do You Need a Ride Home?" and "Diner Drabble Series" recently.
Modern au with puns and a sneaky Prim? "Size Matters" by hutchabelle was super cute!
@katnissdoesnotfollowback Literally can't go wrong. Highly recommend "Unmasked" and "Wrapped in Red".
@lemonluvgirl FAKE DATING and amputee!peeta in a modern au?! Sign me up with "The Holiday Stand In"
@mollywog again, reading through the whole library but "Senior Year" is a fav
titania522's Good Again was one of the first fics I read in the fandom
And to finish it off "A Painter, a Baker, and a Boy who Never Took Sugar in his Tea" by katiac. I could not put this down! Loved the look into Peeta's healing journey!
I'm sure I'm forgetting loads of my faves and will remember as soon as I wake up tomorrow but if you want more recs look at @thgfanfictionlibrary where I have begun tackling master-listing all the works I have read and now not read as well!
Thanks for the ask!
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 10 months
Active Authors Masterlist
***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year. Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. On THG Writing Hiatus (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year BUT they may return to writing in the future. Lists will be updated as needed based on activity. ***
Created: November 13th, 2023
Last Checked:----
Abagail_Snow :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: All The World's a Stage: They'll never live down the stunt with the berries. They should probably just accept that. Peeta is rescued from the arena along with Katniss (post-Catching Fire/Mockingjay divergence) (@absnow)
aimmyarrowshigh :: ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: How Rue Became the Mockingjay: Katniss Everdeen and the girl from Eleven are ruining their best-laid plans – the Capitol’s and the Rebels’. So Caesar, they say. Announce the change. --- An alternate chronology for The Hunger Games (@aimmyarrowshigh)
AlwaysMyPearl :: tumblr
Popular Fic: Come get your man, nothing’s wrong, he just misses you.: Post-mockingjay, canon compliant. Katniss POV. A phone call that occurs with Johanna, Annie, Peeta, and Katniss when Peeta goes to visit Annie, Finn, and Jo with Katniss staying behind in Twelve. Fluff. (@alwaysmypearl)
amelia_day :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: The Bet: When a sorority bet gets out of hand and becomes a campus wide sensation, Katniss and Peeta are both forced to deal with the aftermath. (@awhiskeyriver)
Autumnanox :: ao3
Popular Fic: Time Running Out for the Truth: What if Katniss had realized before their second time in the Arena the depth of her feelings for Peeta? And what if she had found the words to express them? How would they have spent what they believed to be their last nights alone together? This story takes place on the day they make their private presentations to the Gamemakers, after they've returned to the district 12 suite and they are each awarded a score of 12 for their rebellious antics. This story, unlike the books, is told from Peeta's perspective.
Broken_everlark :: ao3
Popular Fic: Capative to the Darkness: Peeta tries to keep his dark passenger a secret but how long can it stay hidden when he works as a detective for the police department and he's head over heels in love with his partner Katniss Everdeen.
Brown_Eyed_Devil :: ao3
Popular Fic: Stop the Clocks: A Modern AU with heaps of jealousy and angst, hints of fluff and good stuff in between, and a potential dash of smut for later on. (Rating and tags will evolve as the story progresses, so keep an eye out for that). Katniss Everdeen sees her ex-boyfriend on the arm of another woman a year after their breakup. She shouldn’t care, because she broke up with him, even so... she still finds herself drawn to him in that impossible way. She knows she's not allowed to think of him as hers anymore, she really thought she should be over this by now (over him really), and yet against her better judgement, she allows him to take her number... Shenanigans ensue...
bellablue27 :: ao3
Popular Fic: Tomorrow Will Be Kinder: A canon-compliant, post-Mockingjay growing together fic from Peeta's POV
bbyannabeth :: tumblr
Popular Fic: Oh, I Love You: The moment when Peeta realizes, clear-headed and all, maybe as Katniss sleeps beside him or traipses in from the woods …“oh. I love you.” (@bbyannabeth)
CassandraO :: ao3
Popular Fic: Arranged: Facing the death of her mother, 14-year old Katniss Everdeen and her 10-year old sister Prim move in with their widowed maternal grandmother, the apothecary's wife. In a world in which unmarried women cannot own property, Katniss' grandmother arranges with the town baker to marry off her eldest granddaughter at sixteen to protect her in case she dies before the girl is ready to marry. Luckily for all, Katniss gets to marry the youngest son, her close friend Peeta. Now, married young, the summer is coming, and with it, the 74th Annual Hunger Games.
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little-lynx · 2 years
what are your opinions of "the bet" peeta😏
I think he is the sweetest pie 🥧 right, @awhiskeyriver ? 😏❤️
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Reading List Game
I was tagged by @thelettersfromnoone. Thanks for the tag, friend!❤️ So here we go.
What are your recent, current, and future reads?
Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan (reread) + the graphic novel version which I had not read before
Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo
Once Upon a December by Amy E. Reichert
Game of Thrones by George RR Martin
The Ex-Mas Holidays by Zoe Allison
The Professor's Secret by mrspeetamellark
Have Your Cake and Eat It Too by c-r-roberts (reread)
Forbidden Love by mega-aulover
A Blind Date with Santa by MTK4FUN
The League of Gentlewomen Witches by India Holton
The Islands by Dionne Irving
When the Light of the World Was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through edited by Joy Harjo
The Chance You Didn't Take by ronja
Enthralled by damndonnergirls
THG Season of Hope 2023 entries by various
Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood
Clash of Kings by George RR Martin
Becoming by Michelle Obama
The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan (reread) and the graphic novel version which, as with SoM, I haven't yet read
Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
Be That Way by Hope Larson
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen because I have somehow never read this one???? I swore I'd read all of hers but apparently not???? #Travesty #For SHAME kdnfb
A House United by shesasurvivor
The Firebird by merciki
Behind Blue Eyes by maxwellandlovelace
The Odds by mollywog
EDIT I CANNOT BELIEVE I FORGOT THIS ONE! MORE FOR SHAME ON KDNFB.... ahem Hunger Games par Suzanne Collins (l'édition française)
The first three of the future fanfictions on my list are all ones that I've started reading and then, for one reason or another that has nothing to do with the stories or writers themselves, I got pulled away from finishing them. So I am determined. They're getting read this year.
Tagging to play if you want to! : @pookieh, @awhiskeyriver, @bellairestrella, @distractionsfromthefood, @pitualba2015, @mega-aulover, @jroseley and anyone else who would like to play!
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periwinckles · 1 year
If you could choose one everlark fanfic and have a tv network turn it into a movie, what would you choose?
I was torn for a bit, but I’m going with the whole “The bet” universe by @awhiskeyriver (minus smut, ‘cause that’s not the kind of movie I want to watch).
What is your pick?
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southsidestory · 3 years
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The Tutor
When Finnick Odair, star quarterback and golden child of the Panem Nightlock’s football team, is seriously injured on the field, his coach is willing to go to any length in order to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Enter Annie Cresta.
For @awhiskeyriver's wonderful Odesta college AU!
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awhiskeyriver · 3 years
Okay so I’m about to reread The Bet and The Challenge and I’m so excited for the Tutor. I was just thinking how it’s so nice that all three of these guys found their love/soulmate at around the same time. I was thought it’s a little far fetched but it’s fanfiction so it’s all good. Then I laughed to myself because I remembered that 2 of my best friends and I all started dating guys our first semester of senior year of college and then married them. So actually not so far fetched. 😂 We also went to a Big 10 school but none of us played any sports. Just wanted to say I love the Nightlocks universe and it’s very realistic 😆
Hahaha, that's very funny. To be honest, I do feel like weirdly that happens so often in real life. One friend starts dating and next thing yo know, the whole group is. It's super cute that you all ended up marrying your college boyfriends!
And thanks so much for reading and re-reading my stories. That's seriously so sweet. I'm glad you continue to enjoy them! :)
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browneyeddevil · 2 years
School Holidays??
Question for you all: Do you think that the kids had school holidays in the Hunger Games?
Because I seem to remember quotes from the first book whilst Katniss is in the arena where she says that school would probably be cancelled for the day just so everyone could watch the Games live. And Rue mentions that they wouldn't have to go to school during the Harvest as if getting time off was an unusual thing for them.
So what do you guys think?
@alwayseverlark @pookieh @jenniferiawrence @jlalafics @javistg @awhiskeyriver @dandelionlovesyou @endlessnightlock @pitualba2015 @daydreamingandprocrastination @mellarked-katnisseverdeen @mollyyoung @lemonluvgirl87
p.s. sorry if I missed anyone, feel free to reblog and add people. I'd love to hear as many opinions as possible.
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omercilessmoon · 4 years
@awhiskeyriver because tumblr will not let me ask you anything :’(
oh gosh I am finally catching up on the challenge and I love the way you write gale.  I love older brother gale so much.  literally, it was a tragedy that we didn't see any of his siblings/him acting as a big brother in the series.....I am quite satiated 🤍✨🥺
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jlalafics · 3 years
∞ :)
From Billy Gilman's "Oklahoma":
"And he said I'm the man who looks like you Who cried because I never knew About that boy in pictures that they showed me A rambler in my younger days I knew I made a few mistakes But I swear I would have been there had I known it Never again will you ever be alone Son, welcome to your home in Oklahoma..."
Honestly, I tear up every time I hear this song.
put a "∞" in my ask box and I'll shuffle my music player and give you my favorite lyric from the song that comes up.
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Thank you!
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing  
For yet another outstanding Everlark Fic Exchange prompt, this one from 2019. I swear I’m getting at least a few of these done this year...
���Maybe you’re already my villain, Mellark,” I say and he laughs lightly. “Maybe you’re always my villain and that’s why I don’t let you read my work.”
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andthisisthewonder · 4 years
This is from an unposted WIP titled “exile.” (After evermore came out, I listened to folklore for the first time and then evermore immediately after. It was definitely an emotional journey, lol.)
Peeta had been waiting for this moment for thirteen years. He had certainly imagined what he would do or say, but his mind emptied as he inhaled the scent of her shampoo.
Thanks for the request!
for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing
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victorsvillage · 5 years
#9! 🥰
Okay I got inspired and wrote this in a rush - all mistakes are mine (be easy on me I haven’t written in a while)
9 - “quit it or i’ll bite.” 
Katniss sat with her feet propped up on the coffee table and her back pressed against Peeta’s chest. Reruns of Brooklyn Nine-Nine played as background noise but neither of them were paying much attention.
Peeta’s hand danced close to Katniss’s side, his fingers tickled the skin exposed between her shirt and sweatpants.
“Stop it!” she laughed as she swatted at his hand. She could feel his chuckle vibrate against her back. Katniss snuggled deeper into his chest and pulled the blanket the was draped across them up to her chin.
Just as she was starting to drift off, Katniss felt Peeta’s fingers travel up her arm. Katniss jerked against him and tried to shrug off his hand. He continued to trail his fingers up her arm and closer to her neck. When he finally was about to tickle her most sensitive spot, Katniss whipped her arm from under the blanket and grabbed his wrist in hers.
“Quit it or I’ll bite!” Katniss snarled sarcastically.
“I’d love to see you try.” Peeta chuckled as his other hand, that wasn’t held in a death grip by Katniss, wound its way to her neck and made purchase. Katniss couldn’t stop the giggles that spilled forth as Peeta ran his fingers across her neck and towards her armpit.
“Okay okay! Stop!” Katniss laughed trying to get a breath in while Peeta continued his torment.
“Not until you say it.” Peeta said while trying to pry his other hand free.
“Ugh fine!” Katniss huffed and the tickling stopped. She turned towards Peeta in her burrito of a blanket watching his smug face.
“You are the tickle master” Katniss sighed. “You happy now?”
“Very,” Peeta smiled while pulling Katniss back to his chest. His fingers danced up and down her arm until she shivered, “and don’t you forget it.”
send me a drabble prompt
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southsidestory · 4 years
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The Bet
When a sorority bet gets out of hand and becomes a campus wide sensation, Katniss and Peeta are both forced to deal with the aftermath.
For @awhiskeyriver’s fic. This is the story that got me back into Everlark, and everyone should read it.
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bethpeaches123 · 4 years
!!! Thank you friend! 🥰 Here you go, it’s from Chapter 2 of Oh, it’s you:
Katniss spun around with clenched fists, her silver eyes like lightning as she opened her mouth to launch into a scathing retort, when she stopped and stared as Peeta Mellark’s large hand planted itself firmly on the chest of the drunk on the stool.
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