#awwwww one year friendship (as suggested from home)
sasdavvero · 1 year
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jordm · 7 years
Heartland 11x06 - Strange Bedfellows review
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“A moose and a goose had some juice, but not a hippopotamus.” - Amy to Lyndy. So let’s just start off by saying that I think that Ty needs to come back ASAP because Amy’s nursery rhymes need serious work, even though I really didn’t miss Ty this episode as much as I wish I did. But he really didn’t fit into the story lines and the skype call was kinda cute so i’ll give him that. 
When Lisa has a problem with Fairfield Flyer (or Flyer as i’m calling it in this review), she calls Amy, who agrees to work with Flyer if she worked at Heartland, because she has to be close to Lyndy. Amy correctly assesses that Flyer seems more stressed than usual, and when she can’t seem to figure out why, Lisa fesses that Flyer is a clone. And that she’s stressed because she needs to sell Flyer because of her financial troubles but her buyer backed out due to his performance. More about Flyer below. 
When it comes to Jack, Jack didn’t tell Lisa about volunteering to babysit Katie, and told Amy (who then told Lou) about Lisa’s troubles. Because of this, Lisa gets a little upset. Here’s the thing: I understand why Jack told Amy about the financial troubles- so she can understand why Lisa was acting like such and I also understand why Jack assumed Lisa would be okay with watching Katie. Yes, he should have talked to Lisa first to avoid this conflict and he probably shouldn’t have told anyone, but he had good intentions; and conversely, even if he didn’t volunteer or tell Amy, I do believe some other conflict would have caused this rift in the end due to the stress Lisa was under. 
I also understand why Lisa would get upset, even if it was an over-reaction. It was her secret, she confided in Jack but she had to know that his family is now hers and that they would understand and that it was bound to get out. Holding the secret in never does any good plus we know how this fam is with secrets. Plus, on the Katie side, i’m sure she would agree with Jack that Katie is in fact, better off at Heartland with family than NYC with a babysitter. In the end, the stress probably got to her and amplified the situation to the point where she left (which I really disliked), but in the end she came back and they reconciled (which I loved).  
I’m just wondering why Lisa thought the cloning issue would eventually come around. Maybe she had some inside information? For all we know it could be years; but whatever the reason the cloning issue seemed to be a red herring for the real issue of the rift between them two because the buyer seemed aware of the issue and it wasn’t illegal per say to own the horse (you just can’t race the horse). So in the end, I suppose, alls well that ends well; Lisa and Jack seem back on the same page and now Lisa has the support of the family to get her through this time (now that half of them know). Plus I always welcome more Lisa screen time. 
PLUS did anyone catch that Lisa called Heartland home??? And that Jack gave Lisa the goat as a present to help her sell Flyer? Ahhhh. Anyways I think if they left out the cloning bit this storyline would have been just as successful (it’s JUST a racehorse) and they didn’t need to mention that he was a clone but mmmmkay it’s fine since i guess it’s an issue in the horse world and provided more complications? 
“I’m wondering if I can come home.” - Lisa
Amy to me is that the unsung hero of the episode. Not only did she use her previous connection to Nathan (from previous seasons ago) when he helped her daughter (who is getting married now apparently btw) to convince him to give Lisa’s race horse another chance, she solved the problem of why Flyer wasn’t being the race horse as he was expected, but she also rides him in the race and wins. 
Plus because of her, we’re treated to many cute scenes of Floppy the prized goat and Flyer the prized cloned horse and their really friendship. And she makes up cute... non - rhythmic nursery rhymes which are actually kind of bad in a good way (think Phoebe from Friends). Not much to say here but I liked seeing her working/healing horses again. 
“Well, Nathan, it’s a package deal. The goat goes too.”
When Wyatt flunks his math final and decides to do Summer School because he has no chance of passing the retest, Georgie gets Adam to tutor Wyatt so that Wyatt can stick around for the summer. And then gets Wyatt to agree because well, Adam is coming any minute. Even though at first it’s awkward, Wyatt and Adam end up bonding over music and Wyatt bailing on Georgie to study (but really hang out) with Adam (even though i’m sure they really were just studying)
Both Jade and Amy question why Wyatt blowing her off to “hang out” with Adam bugs her more than it should. Georgie says it doesn’t but it definitely seems like something more. Even Lou can see it. In the end, Wyatt says he was studying so hard for Georgie so he can stick around and hang out with Georgie more (which is successful in the end because he passes!). AWWW. GUYS, he even sings for her with lyrics, and in particular the words “I like you” a thousand times. Ugh. AND THEY HELD HANDS AT THE END! eeeee i like them.  
I love how they are slowly developing this relationship. Slow, steady and purposefully. There is no rush and they are really taking their time, and letting us really get to know their relationship from the inside out. It’s refreshing. Adam even seemed happy for Georgie as Wyatt sang for her. 
Wyatt’s Song:
“There’s no need to complicate it, dress it up, or overstate it, without too much hesitation, heres how i feel. i like you, i like you, even when i don’t try too. yes i do, that’s the truth, i like you...”
Lou doesn’t know if she and Mitch are back on because they haven’t talked. They haven’t talked. Shouldn’t they have talked since you know, Lou is leaving soon.
Seriously, +100000 points to Jack for pointing that if she’s not gonna have much time for Katie/hiring a nanny full-time, then whats the point of taking Katie with her? This way, at least Katie will be with family. Someone had to say it. Also points to Lou for taking this to heart and asking Katie if she’d rather stay at Heartland over the Summer than go to NYC and listening to her.  Like Georgie, so she can ride her pony and hang out with Brick as much as she wants.
Anyways, Mitch and Lou finally talk about the future... but lets talk about how Mitch is IN LOVE with Lou. That literally came out of way way left field. She’s been back for like what? A week? Anyways I guess it’s a start, but they really needed to talk some more, as evidenced by his reaction when he hears from Georgie that she plans on opening more locations and may not be around as much, even if she’d like her mom to be. 
Mitch later having the balls to be realistic with Lou about their relationship and not being able to “do this” because she’s not going to be around much and he’d never be happy in NYC (thus they’d never see each other) and putting the ball back in Lou’s court to decide what she wants. This is what he really needed to do, for Lou’s sake, his sake and their relationship’s sake. It’s also what i would do in his case as Hudson <-----> NYC is a hella distance. 
And what’s with Lou randomly giving good advice to Jack about Lisa and why he is waiting to apologize to Lisa later? “What’s stopping you now?” 
Katie can’t stop talking about Brick and Brick started talking more after he met Katie. AWWWWW. Can we see more of this friendship please? Can we also see scenes of Katie and Brick helping to take care of Lyndy and to fix the fences?
- Fairfield has a horse named Cream Cheese. Guys. It’s name is Cream Cheese.
- Oh hey a Cass mention! and Amy took Cass’s suggestion to massage the horse. It’s always nice for a Cass mention and to know she’s alive and well. 
- I love how there’s literally a horse statue outside of Maggie’s. 
- How cute was Jack holding Lyndy and waving to Amy as she rode around. “Look what your mommy can do!”
- Is Jen the best manager or what? Look what she did in such a short while!
- How cute was the goat sticking it’s head through the fence while the race was going on? “The goat helps him focus.” 
- Jack is the new superstar babysitter, babysitting not just one but two toddlers and one baby. 
(there were too many, so here’s a picture. i’m lazy okay?)
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monkey-network · 7 years
Two Cent Riffs: My Little Pony Movie, BAYBEE
#BackAtItAgain #TSPOILERS #PonyCinemassacre
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Julien: Why is it “The Movie”? It can just be “My Little Pony”. We all should know this version and the superior version that was the 80s. Roy: Excuse me? Julien: Hey, the Smooze song made that movie for me.
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Roy: Man, I’ll never stop liking stain glass windows. Julien: Hold up. Twilight has wings? ...Okay, I have missed a lot apparently. Roy: Yeah, but it’s nothing to worry............. Julien: I can sense a pause. What’s up? Roy: Oh, I’m just getting flashbacks....of people bitching online [shudders]
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Julien: AH YES, MOVE the sun, and MOVE it back. Roy: Doesn’t seem like a big deal for this celebration. We’re just depriving people from some possibly needed sunlight and fucking with the tides to sooth the feng shui of it. Julien: Can I call the “Pony Privilege” card?
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Julien: Huh, I forgot Applejack existed. Roy: She’s a main character, bruh. Julien: Yeah, it the background. Am I right lads, or am I right lads? Dom: “You’re all right, lad.” Julien: Cheers lad.
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Roy: Guess we know which couple’s getting the focus this time. Julien: Do we really have to ship right now? Roy: It’s been 7 years, dude. Fans practically learned about “shipping” thanks to this show. Julien: Hmm...that sounds pitiful, but I’ve wanted Princess Bubblegum to melt on Marceline since the beginning so what can I say?
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Julien: Looks like Pinkie had her climax.
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Roy: Okay, I’m all for Sia pony here (does have a lovely voice), but are there any rapper ponies? Julien: They’re an underground niche of pony musicians after 2Pon and Biggie bit the bullet. Roy: What about DJ Pon-3? Julien: Dub is not rap, brother.
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Roy: Bowser’s back?! Julien: And we’re only what...12 minutes in? That’s an academy record. Shit, this movie’ll be over in a blink.
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Julien: Okay, I’m liking this new villain here. Design wise, very coordinated. Color scheme is on point. Roy: I just wonder how she’ll be forgiven. Julien: Come on, man. Villains aren’t always meant to be redeemed. Roy: Ye, you need watch the rest of the show.
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Roy: Oh no, all the other 3D piloted ships are slowly coming this way. Julien: Yeah, Futurama’s done better.
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Julien: Oh shit, that is a fucking sweep down and over Pele kick. Roy: She would be great in WWE.
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Julien: Well there goes two of the most powerful ponies in this series. Roy: Well hold on. Maybe Celestia, and Luna are only powerful in the fields or cutie marks they’re given. Like yeah, they’re powerful, but only in raising the sun and moon and whatever Cadence does. So really, they probably couldn’t beat Tempest’s rock spells as much as any powerful unicorn could have... Julien: So, they were useless to begin with? Roy: Kinda, yeah.
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Roy: Hey, it’s Crissy. Julien: Wha? I thought her named was Derpy. Why Crissy? Roy: Oh no, Derpy is her name; won’t deny that. But Crissy’s just short for Criss Cross, like her eyes that are the ONE DEFINING TRAIT FOR HER EXISTENCE. It feels like a better name, you know? Julien:...You got me there. That does sound better.
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Julien: WELL, after a daring escape via a gigantic waterfall, now they’re on their way to go seek the hippos. Roy: Hippogriffs. Julien: Goddammit man! *sigh* I mean what if they were hippos and I could actually see some awesome hippos in this movie or show?....Fuck, you know?! Hippos are cool. They’re big, strong, and awesome and you jus- *sigh* tch, you’re a bastard. Roy: Jesus man, I’m sorry. Julien: No, I’m sorry but it’s like...I just think hippos are neat is all.
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Roy: Oh snap. It’s Ray Donovan. Julien: Okay, this may be a screenshot, but I could already tell Liev Schreiber was tap dancing for his check and was just having a blast doing so; like Jason Mamoa in the Justice League movie.
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Julien: How I feel about Michael Pena. Roy: Come on, he’s got his good roles. Julien: Name one that’s memorable. Roy: Well..........................................................
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Julien: Woo, that place looks like shit. How come the ponies haven’t help them out, they could spare the resources. Roy: Maybe the town didn’t want any help? Julien: Dude, no. How can just ignore a town that looks broken down, industrial, probably impoverished, smoggy, with some pretty disgusting water surrounding it? HOW can any pony worth their riches just ignore this practically desolate area while continuously celebrating whatever they want? Roy: Let’s....never mind all that.
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Roy: Oh no, 1/5 of the fanbase. ⁽ᵂᵉ ᵃʳᵉ ⁿᵒᵗ ʲᵒᵏᶦⁿᵍ. ᵀʰᶦˢ ˢᶜᵉⁿᵉ ᶜᵒⁿˢᶦˢᵗˢ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᵒʷⁿˢᶠᵒˡᵏ ˡᶦᵗᵉʳᵃˡˡʸ ᶜʳᵒʷᵈᶦⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵒⁿᶦᵉˢ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵘʸ ᵃⁿᵈ/ᵒʳ ᶜᵒˡˡᵉᶜᵗ ᵗʰᵉᵐ. ᴬⁿᵈ ʷʰᶦˡᵉ ʷᵉ ʳᵉˢᵖᵉᶜᵗ ᵃˡˡ ᶜᵒⁿˢᵘᵐᵉʳ ᶠᵃⁿˢ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᵈᵉᵈᶦᶜᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠʳᵃⁿᶜʰᶦˢᵉ, ᵗʰᶦˢ ʲᵒᵏᵉ ᶦˢ ᵃ ᶜᵒⁿˢᶦᵈᵉʳᵃᵇˡᵉ ᶠˡᵃᶜᶜᶦᵈ ᵖᵘⁿᶜʰˡᶦⁿᵉ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᶜʳᶦᵖᵗ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ ᵈᵉˢᵉʳᵛᵉ ᵇᵉᵗᵗᵉʳ. ᴺᵒʷ ʰᵉʳᵉ’ˢ ᵃ ᵏᶦᵗᵗᵉⁿ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵘʳᵉ ʷʰᶦˡˢᵗ ʷᵉ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᶦⁿᵘᵉ.⁾
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Awwwww, she’s sleepy
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Julien: Oh boy, we got attractive felines in this universe. Roy: Eh, furry love aside, I’m more attracted to the comic’s nubian felines
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Roy: Hello “Friend like me” Julien: Oye, don’t go pointing out the better things others have done. We’ll be here all week.
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Roy: Can I say, “Suggestive?” Julien: Hey, they’re old enough to get some pussy in their life.
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Julien: Okay, best character in the movie. Roy: Eh, I’m not convinced.
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Roy: Okay, now I am.
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Julien: That...is gonna cost ‘em. Roy: Pfft, like they’re gonna pay for it. Julien: I thought the ignorant rich of America were annoying.
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Julien: Okay, there’s one thing that’ll never make sense here. So they’re oppressed and they work under the Storm King’s rule and they couldn’t be pirates. But it takes ONE song and they decide “Fuck it. We’re pirates again.” Roy: Have you ever had a song dedicated to helping you get your confidence and groove back?
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[Gasp] The lesbian call.
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Roy: I love how they play dramatic angry music over the colorful destruction that is their ship.
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Julien: Hey, this reminds me of my Steven Universe fanfic. Roy: What? Julien: I dreamed and started a fanfic about Connie being an Arcane Knight that is seeking the original gems that helped salvage the land from the tyrannical Homeworld generals and this was where Lapis resided because she was originally master of nature but went into hiding after she, Peridot (master of metal) and Amethyst (master of animals) had a fallout.
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Julien: When she goes so deep, she’s feeling your sunken place
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Roy: Now to be fair, she was trying to save her civilization while her friends were fucking around. Julien: Yeah, stealing from a civilization that suffered from the same enemies they’re dealing with now. Why didn’t the ponies help the hippogriffs when they clearly could have? This feels racist in a way. Roy: Specist? Julien: Yes. Thank you.
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Julien: Okay, I can see where both sides are coming from, you know? However, I have a neutralizer that, possibly(?), erases both sides of this argument. How did it take them (the ponies) this long to try and stop the Storm King’s reign when it started to affect them personally? Where were any of them when the Storm King’s armada took over the Hippogriffs, the pirates, that city? I mean, I wouldn’t worry about this so much if the movie wasn’t so full of its “Friendship Solves All” theme to drive home how this will resolve when it could’ve been resolved LONG AGO! Roy: Jesus dude, it’s not that big a deal here. Julien: NO BRO, it is a big deal. Because they made 4 comics, so much merch, got good players like Sia, Liev, Emily Blunt, etc. all for movie that barely tries to integrate its new universe to a series that’s been around for 7 fucking years!
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Ah good, we’re entered the third act.
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Roy: Song time. Julien: I’ll allow it. Tempest is honestly the only best thing about this movie. Also, was Emily Blunt in Chicago???
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Julien: So...let me get this straight. This girl stood up to a fucking bear and she gets shunned for her suffering? Fuck those kids! Roy: Yeah, I can see where she’d want revenge.
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Roy: Okay movie, these Hippogriff designs are good. You live this time. Julien: This time? It’s still getting the slaughter, honey. [revs chainsaw]
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Julien: You know Twilight fucked up when Sia pony is staring you down. Roy: With what eyes? Julien: Eye. Roy: I didn’t know you were Scottish.
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I won’t question how they could breath in there.
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Roy: Aw jeez, she was out for blood today. Julien: He’s getting creamed out there.
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Julien: JESUS CHRIST, they brought flames to the party. Seriously, they are burning these beasts alive without fear.
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One got consumed in the flames. Like, damn movie.
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Roy: Okay, I get that Storm King’s a playful villain, but now he’s just monkeying around. Julien: Liev just wanted his paycheck. He’s doing just as good as everyone.
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Roy: Looks like Pinkie Pie is on her a game this time. Julien: When she’s not yelling all her lines. Am I right lads, or am I right lads? Dom: “You’re all right, lad!” Julien: Cheers, lad.
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Roy: Betrayal, I never knew could the Storm King could do such a thing. Julien: All I can think of is Twilight yeeting her into the cloud.
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Gone with the wind.
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Julien: Jesus christ. Roy: Exactly.
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Roy: HA. He didn’t expect somebody to jump in the way of the bomb, only to then tag them and infect them with the spell as well. This doesn’t make sense in a way. Julien: Who cares, he’s fucking dead.
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That’s right. Dead. On Screen. Full High Definition. YOUR MOVE, “DISNEY”.
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Roy: So wait, what if Tempest actually got her horn back? Julien: Mass Genocide, everybody in Equestria incinerated; but hey: SPARKLY, COLORFUL EXPLOSIONS RIGHT?!
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Julien: And that’s the My Little Pony Movie, ladies and gentlemen. Final thoughts? Roy: Fizzlepop Berrytwist is one of the worst names you could ever give your child. But other than that, I enjoyed what I got, mediocrity and all. Hell, I’m just glad there’s a 2D animated film in American theaters again. Could spell potential for the 16 mil. it earned at the Box Office. 👍👍 Julien: I thought it was alright and could’ve done better for their story beats than taking stuff from other better movies. A fun romp nonetheless.👍👎 Well, what now? Roy: Well, it’s Halloween. Wanna howl at the moon together? Julien: Sure.
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lifebeginsat25 · 7 years
How I Fell in Love with Psychedelic Festival
Panningen, 5th of September 2017
I had to share a review about new perception of my summer experience in the Netherlands. I hated to say it has been few weeks since bouvak holiday over, as well I came back home from my first psytrance festival, Psy-Fi, in Leeuwarden, a quiet town located at far north of this country which transformed into psychedelic dance ground in every late August these past five years. 
This year’s festival theme was ‘Book of Changes’, an unquestionably one of the most important books in the world’s literature. Regards of the meaning, I suggest to click Psy-Fi website here for further description.
In 5D4N of festival (but campsite opened for 9D8N), De Groene Ster of Leeuwarden became a place of society safety net for their people to connect and express themselves, which I thought every person needs every once in a while.
I’ve been experienced other festivals, but this one was completely extraordinary. There were reasons why I’m writing now, right? I even think that festival was a point-of-view changer about people and possibly lead me to become a regular audience, or at least speak a truly unique range of human can be. A multi-culture society want to be, who really come for acceptance of friendship and love in the festival. No matter who they are. Or where they are from. Freedom really is there.
Psy-Fi was about connecting people from all over backgrounds into one. It sounded too much, but it happened! And I was there. You might think, they were all high that’s why they said hi. But as a psytrance newby, arrived sober, I could sense the energy of that festival once I entered the campsite was remarkable friendly. People were generously smiling and helping each other out.
The sense elevated once I’d done a tour of the festival arena, where somewhere there I crossed path again with Ben, my German pal in Australia, accidentally. Love was all around. People were so comfortable about themselves and respected others. It made me slightly accepted myself better too. The first day of festival was the best weather. People were dancing, hugging, playing with their children, (naked) swimming, or like me, just laying on the beach: everywhere was ‘gezellig’, you would feel and enjoy love. 
I didn’t experience any uncomfortable issues with security, actually it was my first festival with no security matter. Again, freedom really is there. The campsite was well packed, had a pretty atmosphere and in some parts parties was going on all nights.
I didn’t recognise many DJ names, but Ajja. His performance hipnotized and kinda left me a beautiful imperfection feeling. What I meant about imperfection was about the downside of relatively low volume at the main stage. Maybe it was a little choice for Psy-Fi as neighbours voiced complain about the sound. It could be louder then I would say his performance was spectacular. Overall, 24 hours of 5D4N journey in Goa psytrance music would be too much for me if there were not a little help from my dear psychedelics buddy. Various sample from magic truffles to peyote cactuses most available at the Zamnesia Smartshop. They didn’t sell grass, people have to go to coffeeshops in the city for that, but they sold kratom leafs I saw the first time in my life here in the Netherlands! So funny they used mostly Indonesia’s big islands as names. I didn’t know whether to proud or not about that haha.
As they wrote also on the article, MDMA, LSD, magic mushrooms were “allowed” (was not legal but no one hasled about it), but they highly restricted GHB and ketamine. I agreed. Make a wise decision about drugs. Expansion trip to your alternate consciousness supposed to not a trip to the hospital (or jail).
Anyway, Psy-Fi was my first travel with LSD. Man, I loved it. It was a microdose of half paper strip but took me for 10 hours of trip. I didn’t remember when and how I got to that journey but I knew I went there willingly. I didn’t regret I didn’t mind narrowing with consumed a lot of beers. It was expensive anyway about 3 euro’s a glass. As I experienced, millions of sounds came to me sharp and vivid after around two hours of interlude. Green forrest and the sky marmalade, gave me no warning about their transformation. It was not about people anymore that time, just me and universe. Thought I made my group jealous *grin*. In my case, that was what to expect on my date with Lucy. I pictured myself sailing on a boat in the sky with diamonds.
Once I got my brain straight, I embarked again with two packages of sacred Valhala and Mexicana truffles. Oh those disgusting taste bastards, such a pain in the ass to swallow but worthy pain after all. I dated my Lucy back.
As a first timer of course I was careful of my consumption (well actually I always too careful and never that stupid to my body, substances for me is a total recreational). I knew and understand LSD is a potent psychedelics that would create some funny business inside my brain, as I wanted and prepared. It didn’t make me helpless so supposed to not frighten me. With a little bit of awareness about it I experienced an enjoyable trip. Lucky girl.
Thought I tripped too deep with myself, I didn’t forget to thank my wonderful companions. Psy-Fi lead Luc and I hang out whole week with another two nice Dutchies, shout out to Rutger and Arjan, “Lekker toooch?!”. You know, it is always a lucky plus when you can find good types of people in a festival simply due to the nature of their personality and energy. As a group of that moment, we went well. We could speaking nonsense or engaged in captivating conversations while our thing kicked in our body. As well could hold periods of silence to each other. I was longing for friends since I moved to this country and grateful to found them as 2 new ones :-) Awwwww.
De Groene Ster of Leeuwarden is the gold standard of nature. That place was charming and there was within each of us, as happy people, a memory of knowing that everything we need is provided for us by the earth. And for feedback reasons to that land, more than 16.000 people who came there really took a lot of care for cleanliness of festival arena. Really I never saw that beautiful thing of a festival where people could walk around easily bare feet. It was that clean, not even ciggy buds. Saluted for all Psy-Clean volunteers, any remaining trash was taken care of by those crew and somehow people also could manage their conscious to throw their ciggy buds in portable ashtrays that part of goodie bag they gave out at campsite’s gate. Even when they were high. Gosh, I loved those people! Psychonautic travelers usually are incredibly polite to the nature.
Opposite with how amazingly clean the festival arena was, here they were my hiccup of the festival: toilet situations. Fuck, I hated those things! By every promising words written on the article Psy-Fi handed out about two times a day of toilet cleaning, I didn’t expect clean and ready to use toilets all the time but I imagined at least there would more toilets, especially in Southern Campsite, and toilet papers available. Oh well yes, of course it was just imagination. The event organisers still need to work harder on some logistics like that. Or next time simply just write ‘BYO toilet paper always, peeps!’. Don’t give people like me, who easily trust to anything, a high hope.
Sums up over the journey, Psy-Fi was the longest and the most interesting festival I’ve been so far in the world. There was always an essential moment of surprise that created self-observation story in my head, I clarified I was living on the moment judged from not so many pictures taken on my phone gallery. Man, I could manage to write these long words too after all. There might be a celebral aspect from my first psychedelics trip. Same-same but different with my first MDMA experience 2 years ago. However there were still challenging, uncomfortable aspects from the festival that Psy-Fi need to upgrade for better future in particular finding easier ways for people to get their camping gear in and out of the festival. Also as I mentioned above, about toilet situations. In the end of an opportune time to reflect on my experience and appreciate my sobriety, I’ll see you next year, Psy-Fi! I would salute in Indonesian language, terima kasih.
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