#awwwwwww crying
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judesmoonbeauty · 3 months
I would like to thank CYBIRD for depressing the shit out of me with Jude’s current SE. I was expecting it to be bittersweet, but damn I wasn’t expecting to cry in chapter 2, and the bitter end is PAIN. Oh, I was so pissed. It’s got its hilarious moments too, and super soft moments, but man. Thank god for the epilogue being a little lighter, but even that was bittersweet. Honestly, I think this ties with Dark If for me (SE wise).
Once premium end is cleared, I’ll start translating, but…..here’s one of the “funnier” scenes:
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Jude(To a 5 Y/O): Kate’s a masochistic pervert who likes it when it hurts a little.
Anne: What’s a masochistic pervert?
Jude: Anne, that’s not something you need to know yet. 😭🙂‍↕️
Context: Jude & Kate are caring for a 5 y/o kid they meet.
A part from this, my thoughts were confirmed. Jude would make an excellent father.
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spinningchipfreak · 8 months
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cutie patooties 😔(GUYS JUST KISS ALREADY PLEASE 🙄)
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gorillaxyz · 3 months
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when we were watching the debate last night my mum asked me if he was wearing mascara
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 months
mingyu best friend headcanons <3
a/n: posting his bestie headcanons next as requested !! mingyu is my babygirl and whenever i think about him i just want to gently hold him and give him a lil kiss on the forehead <3 he is absolutely the best of friends to the people he loves :,-) what a precious boy ! pics not mine~
content: fluff | wc: 0.8k | warnings: none! | pairing: bestfriend!mingyu x gn!reader | requests: open
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mingyu’s the kind of friend you can’t remember your life without
not only because he has become so embedded into your support system, but also because you immediately went from not knowing each other to being the best of friends
your first impression was “how does this man look like a greek god” and, after having a brief conversation with him, you realized “this is my golden retriever and i will protect him at all costs”
mingyu is the silliest, most precious, dorkiest, loving guy
obviously you can’t be around him without him breaking something and/or endangering his life
so you watch out for when he drops things, runs into things, trips over himself, etc
for his birthday, you bought him a first aid kit that you decorated so it matched his style
it’s 100% his favorite thing in the world, so naturally, he has to have someone else carry it for him whenever he leaves his place so it doesn’t get lost <3333 
he refuses to use supplies from any other first aid kit because “it would be disrespectful to y/n” :,-)
somehow, when it comes to you being clumsy, he's got cat-like reflexes ???
if you stumble a little bit, his hand automatically balances you before you realize you could've fallen
whenever your phone slips out of your hand, he catches it and then laughs at you for having butterfingers 
if seventeen sees this happen they will be completely dumbfounded because how is MINGYU not the klutz in this situation
you assure them he is still the clumsiest person alive and recount, in detail, how he bumped his head on a wall while laughing, dropped his phone while holding his head, and spilled his drink while reaching for his phone...all within 45 seconds
cut to the members crying from laughter and mingyu whining because “y/n is exaggerating!!!!!!!” 
like this is just a classic situation of mingyu trying to roast you but ending up roasting himself lmao
laughing with mingyu is the best thing in the entire world !!!
sometimes you two just make eye contact and he starts giggling which makes you laugh which makes him laugh harder which turns into both of you silently cracking up with tears streaming down your faces
and the rest of the people hanging out with you are like ???? neither of you said a single word ??? nothing funny happened ??? are you two okay ???
the answer to that is no we’re clearly losing our minds but also yeah we’re totally fine LOL
he loves to annoy you
very big fan of the whole “i’m not touching you” bit while pointing his finger alarmingly close to you
if you try to ignore him, he’s going to do everything in his power to get you to notice him
he’s sighing, clearing his throat, calling your name, exclaiming “OH MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT?!” just to get you to turn your head
every time, it ends one of two ways
you turn your head and he smiles victoriously, no longer annoying you because he got your attention and can now talk your ear off about whatever silly thought was in his head
you ignore him for so long his finger/arm starts cramping and he whines about being in pain and won’t stop whining until you acknowledge his pain 
even if you just say “gyu, put your arm down so the cramping stops”
he’s over! the! moon! because “awwwwwww so you DO care about me???” 
mingyu’s such a big baby but he's YOUR big baby i love him so much 
despite his puppy-like nature, he is also your #1 protector
if anyone hurts your feelings, he is on attack dog mode as soon as all of your tears have been wiped <33
he will NOT let ANYONE make fun of you. like you’re HIS bestie and only HE can do that >:-(
one time hoshi took an impression of you a little too far and BOY did mingyu give him an earful
poor hoshi was apologizing to you for WEEKS after
mingyu would’ve had hoshi doing your laundry for months as reparations but you promised him it actually wasn’t even that bad like you just didn’t like how hoshi imitated your voice but according to mingyu “it’s the principle of it all >:-(“
he will do anything and everything in his power to reduce your stress and take care of you when you’re feeling less than your best <333
low on energy? mingyu’s coming over to clean your place for you!
have a massive to-do list before you go on a trip? mingyu has divided the tasks between you two so you can finish everything in enough time to get some rest before you leave!
truly he’ll put everything aside to make sure you’re okay :-(((
overall, mingyu is the most dependable, heartfelt, and hilarious best friend to have :,,,,-) 
if you tell him this, it will feed his ego and he will bring it up constantly LOL 
don’t worry though–he tells you all the time how you are a rock for him and that he loves you so so much and that his life has become a million, billion, trillion times better since you entered it <3
he’s just so endearing please give me a mingyu to protect and be protected by PLEASE!!!
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symp4nat · 9 months
"Even Aphrodite envies you."
clarisse la rue x fem!reader
authors note: post 10 pm cry write guys i need to pee, this is a vent fic. also, headcanon that you call clarisse "risse" pronouned Reese bc awwwwwww
summary - you talk about ur body negatively
warnings - talk about body image, over excercizing, not eating/skipping meals, descriptions of body, flashbacks, itty bitty mentions of praying to not greek gods
I wasn't enough.
"You need to work out, you're getting too big, and you're only 14," my mother said. I gulped and sat down. "Can we just... pray," I asked. "You need to fix it, usually, girls your age are body conscious.... haven't you seen [friend's name]? That was such a transformation," my dad said.
"She lost so much weight, Y/N/N, why don't you do the same? Most people will do things when they see their friends are doing it," my mother said.
Thomp. My mother put her hand on my shoulder-
I went to punch the person who put their hand on me. They caught my hand and I sighed as I saw it was my girlfriend. Clarisse grabbed both of my hands and rubbed my knuckles. "How about we take a break, hm?"
I shook my head. I had to do this.
"Please, no more boxing for the day, you've been overworking yourself," she continued. "Risse, I'm fine.. I've got this," I reassured her.
"Just please, you've been boxing for at least two hours, maybe take a break, okay," she squeezed my hands and walked off. I sighed and went to the archery range.
I grabbed a fairly sized bow and then a set of arrows. I began to shoot around, not necessarily being good at it.
"Y/n, why'd you get new clothes, your old ones were cute," my friends exclaimed. I shrugged. "No need for old clothes..."
"Why don't we all go for a run, some of us need it," my friends said. I looked down and said, "We aren't all wearing tennis shoes."
They never necessarily spoke much about my own weight, but they all weighed less than me and called themselves fat. They all were skinny or at least average.
"Y/n/n? Please, go rest, I bet you're tired," Clarisse sighed as she noticed me at the archery range. "I'm fine," I defended. "Go get some lunch, or I'll get some for you," she said. I shook my head. "I got it. Thanks, babe," I said.
"C'mon, angel, wanna sit on my lap, maybe take a nap," Clarisse asked. I laughed and shook my head, "You rhymed. And, no, it's... alright.."
Clarisse's eyes became sympathetic. "Baby, is it because this," she asked as you placed her hands on what she called my "love handles" and my hip dips. I looked down and shrugged.
"Baby, that isn't a big deal, you're truly beautiful... do- do you not believe me," Clarisse asked. She pulled me onto her lap and I looked down at my hands. "Hey, eyes on me," she said.
My eyes darted back up to hers and she said, "Would you like to know something really cool?" I nodded and she continued, "I think.. no- I know... That even Aphrodite would be jealous of your beauty."
My eyes began to fill with tears as I buried my head into her neck. "I love you, I don't deserve you," I said as tears stained her shirt. "I love you most, and yes you do, okay? You absolutely do, pretty girl," she said gently to me as her hands relaxed on my hips.
She leaned back on the bed and pulled me back so I could lay on top of her. "I doubt you wanna talk about it later... but how about we nap for now? And just... please... never... over exercise or over work yourself, angel," I nodded as she spoke and closed my eyes. There wasn't anything I could have done to have just to have someone as caring and supporting her.
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hugshughes · 9 months
Headphones J. McCarthy
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JJ McCarthy x fem!reader
synopsis - He finally does it. JJ finally wins it all, and as always his best friend, his girl, is there through all of it.
wc - 2k
contains - if you haven't read Rose Bowl, Baby! do it before you read this!!!! the whole Headphoens thing won't make sense to you if you don't so. it's not a direct part two but there's def references to stuff talked about in it, it's the same universe so. established relationship! um cursing, kissing, hugging, touching(? JJ gets a bit handsy after his big win), crying, a bit of making out, the L word, uhmmm, OH TALKS OF MARRIAGE (awwwwwww ur joking). OH WAIT this has like the insinuation that JJ might declare for the draft, but he hasn't yet so that's not real (as of now).
an - UNEDITED! this one prettyyyy short but I wanted to get something out since the BIG WINNNNN yall don't get how much i cried. we were all crying, it was a mess. so proud of the team, GOD BLESS BLAKE. so fucking happy right now. well deserved win for the boys, they put me through an emotional whirlwind though. don't even start on having to watch penix after the game ended, it ruined my life. anyways, i hope you enjoy this.
read, Rose Bowl, Baby! first, if you havent.
The numbers shown above on the Jumbotrons the stadium was equipped with. The minutes were quickly washing away on this football game. It was the fourth quarter, this drive was make or break. If Michigan doesn't score on this drive, it gives Washington the perfect chance to tie the game up late in the fourth.
JJ could do it, you knew he could. He had proven himself time and time again, that not one thing anyone said about him, no matter it be by a famous reporter or a hateful person online, was true.
JJ had controlled this game. He knew exactly what he needed to do to get what he wanted, the College Football Championship. He was comfortable, and calm. JJ had been locked in on the game through all four quarters. He'd put his headphones on at the beginning of the game and hadn't taken them off.
You, along with Jay's family around you hadn't sat down since halftime, not during such a big game.
He looked perfect out there, everything was calculated. Every movement he made was thought out. JJ clapped from his huddle, and his teammates went to their places, moving positions to keep the Washington defense on their toes.
The ball was snapped perfectly, JJ stalled while his men moved across the field, the ball flew from his hands, soaring down the field and right into the hands of a jumping Colston Loveland. Huge first down! Yes!
The boys set up 40 yards down the field, on the Washington 30 yard line. After two more snaps the down was reset again, the boys lining up at the Washington 15. On the next play, JJ quickly handed the ball to Blake, who got a few yards out the field. The next play was crucial. JJ took a deep breath, clapping for the ball. He quickly handed it to Blake, who ran up the middle straight into the end zone! Oh my God, yes! Touchdown Wolverines! It was exactly what they needed, to get ahead multiple scores, so they could sit as comfortably as possible for the rest of the game.
You and JJ's mom, Megan, had started tearing up once he handed off another touchdown, making the score 13-34. You knew this was it, he'd done it. You hugged everyone near you when the clock ran out, crying while laughing with his family. All the families were escorted back into the stadium, and down the tunnel, out onto the field.
You watched JJ run around, talking to reporter after reporter, your favorite smile bright as the stadium lights. He hugged his teammates, and then we all got the go ahead to go out to the field. You hugged Colston, then Blake, and Donovan before you finally got to JJ, in the middle of the crowd. He turned from the cameras and saw his parents, his face lighting up even more. He hugged them so tightly, his eyes getting teary, he'd had everything he'd ever wanted, his family there with him after he won the CFC. He opened his eyes and immediately spotted you, smiling at him in your navy #9 jersey.
He departed from his parents after a few more seconds, saying a few words to them before he lightly pushed past them to about tackle you in a hug. You both stumbled back, brushing against others in the crowd, but it didn't matter in the moment.
"JJ! Oh my God, I'm speechless, really."
He squeezed you tighter, laughing in your ear, pulling back to see your face. You cupped his cheeks, not even noticing the eye black on your hands, that had also no doubt smeared to your neck when he hugged you. You both just smiled at each other.
"Couldn't have done this without you, baby."
He shook his head, emphasizing his sentence. You quickly disregarded it, he would've been great no matter what you were to him.
"This is all thanks to you, JJ. This is what you've worked for."
"'M serious, couldn't've done it without my headphones."
You smiled at him lovesickley, his mom was no doubt taking pictures of you two right now, along with all the cameras meant for JJ.
"I love you!"
You didn't get a chance to respond before JJ smashed his lips onto yours, pulling you somehow closer by your hips. I guess he wants to put on a show, you thought as JJ deepend the kiss. You pulled back from him when you needed air, your chest heaving as your smile stuck to your face.
JJ talked to another reporter, blushing when the man mentioned your kiss. JJ held your hand behind his back while he talked to the man, and you stood with your arm extended out, a few feet behind him, talking with other player's moms.
JJ took some pictures with you and his family before he had to go do media. His personal favorite photo was when you were both turned with your backs to the camera, so you could see the MCCARTHY on both of your backs, but he snuck his hand on your ass. The photo has him with his head turned laughing while yours is turned to him with a gasp framing your face. If you looked at the live version of the photo, you'd see the little video of JJ grabbing you by your waist right after you lightly slapped him.
JJ kissed you again before he ran back to the locker room, he had media to do. You waited with his parents for about an hour before you saw JJ again. You'd watched his live media from your phone while you sat on the ground somewhere inside of NRG Stadium.
Once you'd gotten back to the hotel the team was staying at, most of the team and some family members were all in the large bar and restaurant on the main floor of the lobby. It was almost completely empty other than the team, thanks to them taking up most of the space in the hotel.
"Baby, I can find someone to hang out with, you should celebrate with the guys."
JJ had kept right by your side since you'd gotten to the celebration area, which had now extended from the bar into the lobby of the hotel.
"I am, but I want you right next to me all through this. You've been with me through all of this, you're celebrating too."
You just told him you loved him with hearts in your eyes. He was the sweetest man you'd ever known.
You both stayed out with the group until a little after 1 in the morning, which was early compared to when everyone else would head up. JJ was sleepy, he'd been up for about 18 hours, so you decided it was time to head to sleep.
JJ had showered in the stadium, but you still had to after being in the stands for so long, you could've swore a chunk of your hair smelled like stadium beer.
JJ was passed out asleep when you came back out into the room, you smiled softly, turning off the lamp and plugging your phone in before slipping into bed next to him. He immediately reacted, pushing himself closer to you, wrapping his arms around, and tangling his legs with yours. He was clingy when sleepy.
"Y'know I meant what I said earlier, even though you don't think it's true. You're the only reason I'm still doing what I love, you've helped me through so much baby. I don't say thank you enough."
You were taken back. Tears formed in your eyes at his sentiment. You were sleepy too, so your emotions were on high alert. You tilted his head up towards you, kissing him softly, rubbing your thumb back and forth over his cheekbone.
"You are so special, Jay. No one's like you. You're the most gracious person I've ever known. I love you so much, you have no idea how proud I am of you."
"I love you."
He kissed you again, bringing one of his hands to lay on your hip, the other your neck. Your lips moved rapidly. You let JJ's tongue move against yours, moving your hands to his hair.
JJ pulled away from you first, his chest heaving as he smiled at you sleepily. He gave you one more sweet chaste kiss before laying his head back down against your chest.
"I know you wear my jersey to almost all the games, but somethin' about seeing you in it tonight made me feral."
You were shocked, you wouldn't have ever guessed that seeing his name on your back like you'd done dozens of times before would get him flustered.
"I dunno, it was like makin' me think about when we get married, when I make you Mrs. McCarthy."
You were completely dumbfounded. Of course you know that both you and JJ were it for each other. Neither of you wanted anyone else for the rest of your lives. You only saw yourselves getting married to each, having kids with each other. But still, hearing him say it, was hot.
"Oh yeah? Well it's been almost five years, sweetheart. I was thinking maybe in the next couple I might have a ring?"
"Definitely. Hundred percent chance, no way I wait that long, it'll probably be sooner than a few years."
You smiled, holding him tighter than before. You didn't care when JJ proposed, seriously. You knew he would when it was the perfect time. He was always calculated like that, he knew when to do everything, throw a pass, run the ball, kiss you.
"Doesn't matter when to me. As long as I'm the only one you ever propose to."
Jay nodded against your chest, giggling to himself. He was so tired, you knew you had to make him go to sleep soon.
"Who else could there be? It's only ever been you. You're who I think of when I do headphones. I think that it's just the team, me, and you. I know you don't care if I lose by twenty touchdowns or win by a hundred."
You could've melted. JJ was especially sentimental real late when you were both on the brink of sleep, the air full of love. Thick, sweet, syrupy love that seeped into every crevice of your beings until you were soaked in it.
You motioned headphones over his head still pressed against your sternum, just for good measure. He was your JJ, always.
"I love you, champ."
You whispered as you heard his baby snores leave from his mouth, his head subconsciously shifting to the curve of your neck. All you could think, feel, and comprehend was love.
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murasaki-cha · 3 months
Tcf part 2 chapter 312
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Awwwwwww the kids are trying to console the crying bear
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judasgot-it · 1 year
Hellooooooo! I would like to request, how do you think hunting dogs would be when they play Minecraft with their s/o🤭
I have so many asks in my inbox so I'm now getting to them. Also, minecraft time babyyyyyyyyyyy
Headcanons: playing minecraft with the hunting dogs
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He can't really play along with you since it's point-and-click, so sometimes he'll partake in listening in on your Minecraft sessions that you play with everyone else
He gives unnecessary advice and will insist on killing any mob you spot. Even the sheep :(
Jouno also named all of your dogs. He was heartbroken when Teruko killed one on accident and demanded retribution
You give him a play-by-play of the shenanigans that go on in the community server. He tries to get you to kill Tecchou and if you're playing during work hours he'll mess with Tecchou or Tachihara occasionally.
You built a house for the two of you in game. There's a homemade torture chamber inside just so he can enjoy the sounds of pistons and villagers being pushed into lava.
It's constantly being repaired due to Teruko's griefing
For the most part he does his own thing and adds commentary. Does cuddle with you when it's a more chill game.
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You are the classic "builder vs. Miner" couple
He collects flowers for the two of you and gets distracted a lot
Insists on building iron golems for villages and fighting pillagers
You will get distracted EASILY with this guy
He won't play easy mode with him he has to do it hard mode. He needs the challenge
Tames every dog he sees and is sad when he loses one
Treats them like they're your kids
Your house is overrun with them. Stop him please.
They're all named after foods.
His builds aren't aesthetic, definitely a dirt hut kind of man. He'll mine diamonds for you though
If you're a miner then good luck
You'll have a beautiful dirt hut. Or a pretty cave ♡
Probably beat the game in like 3 minutes and is now just fucking around
Has no idea how potions and enchantment work tho. You need to build that shit for him, since he probably has more levels than you and can enchant all your stuff.
Dude is just gonna use some random iron sword he found in a villager's chest anyway. He cares about providing for you more than himself.
Rip to whoever he robs. Probably local villages. He lives like he's homeless. Probably is.
Most likely he would just live in an old desert temple or village if it weren't for you
Also insists on riding a horse everywhere. Doesn't matter if there's a faster method. He wants to be a cowboy ○]:)
Loves the Minecraft farmer life
The one building he does have is a stable. His horses deserve the best life. He doesn't even have a bed most of the time.
Will gift you all of his goods tho. Anything you want? He'll get it. Only the best. Man will go to the ends of the blocked earth to get you a mushroom cow if you want. He's that guy.
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Redstone god
Literally will automate the whole game
Find him a dungeon and BAM automated
Don't try and test him, he's just good
But he's hopeless in the beginning, he runs away screaming and crying from creepers
Protect him
After you beat the game and go to the ender he is PROVIDING
Literally, don't let him go mining he will die 30 different ways
If you do at least protect him. Seriously.
He will most likely die from a creeper. they are his mortal enemy. Creepers? Awwwwwww man.
But do let him build. He's just a natural genius
Probably builds like the notre dame in a day
you guys have the cutest house. builds you whatever you want, wherever you want.
Puts your beds next to each other and is like :3
Cries over creepers tho. They destroy his builds all the time. He loves his Minecraft cats and names them after his friends ♡
Has a dog named after you. He's sentimental like that
He built half of the buildings everyone uses. Is at war with everyone else since they keep letting mobs destroy them
And then has the audacity to cry about phantoms attacking him even when he has OP armor.
When he's building you need to be there other wise he'll 100% die from fall damage probs. He just always does.
Getting materials with him is great, you find the best spots for your Minecraft dates
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She's the worst
Literally has nothing
She will just keep getting flint and steel and burning shit
or finding TNT and blowing up random shit
With nothing she will keep fighting whatever she can
Lives off of raw meat and villager farms
Please keep her alive
If it's a community server she is a serial griefer
Seriously someone stop her
She relies on everyone's leftover stuff from their mining trips
Will follow you when you go down and demand a 50/50 split
Does protect you from mobs tho
Best person to take to the nether for some reason. She's just immune to fall damage and lava.
Will always luck out and find exactly what you're looking for.
She will never destroy Tachiharas Redstone farms. But will destroy his house. They are at war rn
She declared war on everyone and took over several villages. She's trying to establish a tax system
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Played for like 3 days
Has a house that's abandoned
Teruko lives there sometimes
Tachihara put up a poster of two guys kissing right by his house and no one has taken it down
Fukuchi doesn't even know the chaos his Minecraft home causes on the daily
There's now a giant dick-building contest right next to it and no one wants to admit a loss.
It builds morale
everyone plays when he's gone on some special meeting. It's unspoken.
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zzoupz · 28 days
okok hear me out
after joan comes out lisa helps her with makeup yeah? well when she tells garcia he goes "ah yeah cmere" and gives her his old nun uniform from wayy back in the day bc transmasc garcia 👀👀
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itsscromp · 11 months
Kuai and Tomas with a reader who's closer to Bi-Han and is crushed after his betrayal? They basically spend days 'mourning' if that makes sense, because they basically did lose a brother.
- 💀 anon
Kuai Liang and Tomas Vbrada x reader
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💀 anon, awwwwwww this is cute, Y/n's brothers would always be here for them, no matter what. Word count:695
It was the early days of the Shirai Ryu and you were already struggling to adapt to the changes, not only that... you lost your brother.
You and Bi-Han were the closest when you started with the Lin Kuei, He helped you become the person you are today. You were forever in his debt, but that changed when he betrayed you three to side with Shang Tsung.
"Do your oaths mean nothing !!!" He shouted at you three when Kuai told you what had happened. "It's your duty to obey my will !!"
"Not when it betrays Lin Kuei principles, we won't sacrifice them to serve your ambition." Kuai spoke angrily.
The two broke out into a fight which left Kuai a massive scar across his face. When Tomas ran to his aid he turned to you. You were now scared of him. This wasn't your brother.
"Y/n... We can lead the Lin Kuei to glory, To let people know not to fear us. We will rise from the ashes again. All you need to do is stay loyal to my side." He stuck out his hand for you to take.
You nearly did, He was your brother. You would do anything for him, But what he was showing right now wasn't what a Lin Kuei would do.
"No..." You backed away from him.
"How dare you disobey your grandmaster !!!" He formed an ice dagger and lunged at you, You didn't want to fight your brother, but right now you had now choice. This wasn't the Bi-Han you knew.
Ever since then, you, Kuai and Tomas built the Shirai Ryu from scratch, But they could see how much his betrayal devastated you. They gave you the necessary space to process and grieve.
All you could think about was what happened that day. Your brain was still replaying that memory over and over again, How angry and determined he was. His eyes filled with hate. How much he wanted to kill you...
It was all becoming too much, Upon from building the new clan, you were on the verge of a breakdown. Tomas could see the mixed emotions boiling inside you one day and gently approached you.
"Y/n... How are you feeling ??"
"I'm fine Tomas" You said, trying to focus on your task, But it was incredibly clear to him how much you were hurting inside.
"Look... I understand your upset... He was my brother too"
You froze from what you were doing, your hands gripping your pants tightly, You were starting to shake. Tomas could see droplets of water on the dirt, You were crying.
"Oh y/n..." He gently kneeled to your height and wrapped his arms around you.
"Why did he do what he did... I knew what he did was bad but... He was my brother" You spoke through your sobs as you cried louder.
"I know y/n, I know" He gently rocked you.
You continued to cry until you felt another pair of arms wrap around you, It was Kuai.
"Bi-Han was our brother and always will be. I hope one day he will have a change of heart just like you do y/n" He gently scratched your scalp, this helped calm you down a bit.
"And no matter what y/n, you will always have me and Kuai Liang, You are not alone. We promise from the bottom of our hearts." Tomas gently rubbed your back.
The three stay like this, Not moving one inch. They let you get all the pain, grief and frustration out of your system until they're was nothing left. They could see how exhausted you looked. Kuai gently picked you up and brought you back to your room, tucking you in bed and pressing a gentle kiss on your temple.
"You'll always have a family with Tomas and me y/n" He gently whispered to you. Tomas came in shortly after and climbed in, Gently wrapping his arms around you and keeping you close, rubbing your back gently.
While you have lost one brother. Your other brothers were never going to abandon you, They would help you through this. Like they always do, no matter what.
Taglist @callofdudes @fun-k-board
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gorillaxyz · 21 days
i think nearly everyone whos watched death note has maybe had a crush on L at one point and let me tell you 😔 i waa fucking insane when i was 12. AND I THOUGHT I CHANGED but he makes me laaauuuuugghhghhhhhhhhh so i guess not
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valar-did-me-wrong · 17 days
Rings of Power S2|E4 reactions
Artanis alert!!
Them bickering shouldn't matter this much to me ಥ _ ಥ
The LOTR Jogging Routine™
Hi personification of our hopes & dreams for Celeborn in S2 :3
boy did you break some hearts!
The absolute beauty of Robert Aramayo in curls ❤️‍🔥
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Angy Elrond is a VERY sexy Elrond ngl
Sauron hearing his Engagement Ring being called a "Trinket"
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So that's the infamous goat!
TOM BOMBADIL has freaking arrived!!!
may the dude bros die mad 🙏🏽
fuck that must hurt!
Hobbit Love!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nobody knows how to count ¬‿¬
Fucking GANDALF!!
Clean Girl Esthetic Middle Earth edition
Manwë unable to do anything about the Varda slander:
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They need stronger soaps in Rhûn, that man is still dirty af
Avengers Assemble
etc etc
Elrond saving Galadriel's ass like
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Internal plumbing in MiddleEarth?! I need to edit my fics now
That was brutal Arondir!
They weren't kidding about the mud in those interviews I see (• _ •)
nor about the creatures | ◉ ͟ʖ ◉ |
He is so ready to be a dad goddammit!!
This Hobbit origin story is legit the best part of this show
I literally feel nothing about this loss
Beardless Halbrand!?!!
Isildur building his anti Casting out habit, one day at a time!
Thranduil's elves always being ✨Perfection ✨ is exactly what Tolkien would have wanted!
I'm crying & so are you! 😭
Ent wife my beloved 💚
That heartbreak would have been my villian origin story too!
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Elrond having no chill this season is one sad coming of age story ˙◠˙
Cue the name changes from
Adar to Maglor ❤️‍🔥
like Southlands to Mordor in S1
S2|E1 S2|E2 S2|E3
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starnightlover · 5 months
I have listened to a disney princess sub playlist that I made, and the RESULTS OMGG
I’ve become a lot kinder and compassionate. I used to be quite bitter and so angry at some people for the slightest things, and even though I never did anything to them, it drove me crazy keeping it inside. But now all that is gone and I’d rather be kind to people than hurt them.
I find myself singing disney songs a lot. Once Upon a Dream in particular actually, and I keep imagining dancing with my true love, whoever that is lolll. I just keep having this urge to sing and dance like a princess 😭
I’ve become a lot more graceful and posture has gotten better. and I actually walk like a real princess!!
I’m more physically dramatic iykwim. You know when a lot of disney princesses get upset they fall to the ground and cry or dramatically start sobbing into their arms, i’ve started doing that whenever i’m sad 😂 I’m also just more dramatic in general, like I sound like a disney princess. Whenever i get happy, I go “oh my!” with such a soft and surprised voice hahahaa 🤣
I think my singing has gotten better too. I was AWFUL at singing, but I actually seem to be getting better, and i’m becoming less shy about singing in front of others
In general, I’ve just become more confident and less anxious about everything. It feels so freeing honestly because I used to have crippling anxiety and was stressed constantly. Now it feels as if I’m floating most of the time, it’s so peaceful ☺️☺️
Anyway idk if you’ll post this, but i’d just thought it could motivate some people 💖
Awwwwwww stop- this is so cute!!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!!!
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rat-a-toot · 8 months
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this scene continues to make me cry till this day, THE AMOUNT OF EMOTION IN THIS SCENE IS OVERFLOWING.
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its-a-me-mango · 11 days
I wanted to wish you a very happy (late) birthday!
I hope the rest of this year treats you very kindly and I wish you nothing but happiness 😊
You are one of my biggest inspirations and I hope you keep doing what you're doing because ur epic 🫱👑✨
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I spawed in like in minecraft because being born is for LOSERS!!! /J
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