bobaandasiandramas · 11 months
New chapter here. It's not as long as I had originally planned it to be but that's okay.
Find Rest for Your Soul
Y/n is found unconscious by Hoseok and rescue owner, Sejin. Y/n is a mysterious Omega with no real memories and is trying to understand the warnings in her head. What or who is after her?
Alpha, Beta, Omega x F. Reader
Pairing: OT7 X F.Reader
Rating: M+
Trigger warning : none that I can think of
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Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
Namjoon looked over to the Omega, she was nibbling on some crackers with her nose in a book. He had yet to tell her that she would be going home with him at the end of shift. He had a comfortable outfit from the clothes that Yoongi had picked out for her, along with a list of rules for their house. She would need to read it over before they would head out. The doctor pulled the sheet of paper out and read over it again. Honestly it was more like a contract that Yoongi wrote up with the pack except the Omega did not have to sign it.
The following Rules and Regulations will be followed and adhered by at all times. To go against any of these rules could lead to certain consequences such as removal from the house.
- The agreed party will continue to maintain and seek medical help with Namjoon.
- The agreed party will listen to all the alphas of the house.
- The agreed party will help with chores around the house.
- The agreed party will not leave the house without telling any pack members.
- The agreed party will not harm any pack members.
It wasn’t anything too terrible. If she was to stay with them then her household chores were to be easy, help in the kitchen, tidy her room and handle her own laundry. Namjoon was pretty sure the Omega was going to agree to come with him, but he was still a little anxious.
At home he knew the pack was preparing for her to arrive. Knowing Jin, he was probably bossing everyone around to make the house presentable, even though it always is. Yoongi said he would make dinner tonight for her first night home - the alpha planned on making Doenjang Jjigae with hopes that the comforting stew would help her feel comfortable and welcome into the home.
Yoongi stated he would try his best to be nice to the Omega, even if he didn’t have the best feelings about her situation. It wasn’t her fault that she went through whatever it is that she experienced.
Namjoon looked at the clock, it was almost time to head out. He sighed and walked over to her while he pulled a chair to the side of her bed. “How are you feeling right now?” He asked.
She turned her attention to him, closing the book after chanting the page number in her head several times before she answered him. “I’m feeling good. How about you? I must admit you don’t seem like yourself today.”
The doctor gave a small chuckle before he sighed. “I’m good, but I’m also nervous.”
She frowned at his words and placed the book down on the small table next to her bed before turning her body to face him completely. “Nervous?” She questioned as she reached her hands forward and cradled his face in her palms, her fingers running gently on his skin, looking for the answer to why he was so stressed.
“Well I need and want to talk to you about something. I think you’ll react positively about it, but there is also a chance that you won’t and I would feel bad making you spiral in your own thoughts again.” He took her hands from his face and held them in his as he spoke.
The omega paused, as her mind started to race a little bit. The last time the doctor brought up a topic that upset her was when he was talking about a mental health facility. Could that be what this was all about? He did say he thought she might react positively, so maybe not. She wouldn’t know until she asked. “What is it?” She asked with a shaky breath.
"My pack and I were talking… you need to get out of the hospital, leaving the clinic will help benefit your healing and so we wanted to invite you to stay in our home while you recover. There would be some ground rules if you agree. Would that be okay with you?" The doctor asked.
Her heart rate increased suddenly, the pounding sound of it reached her ears. She felt hot and shaky with the need to start picking at something, so she let go of his hands and decided her fingernails were the perfect choice. “You want me to come home with you?” She questioned, making sure she understood correctly.
“Only if you want to. If you think it’s better for you to stay here then you can stay here at the rescue.” Namjoon was starting to worry about her behavior, it wasn’t her typical freak out but it was still concerning that she didn’t immediately answer yes like he thought she would.
She looked at him and swallowed hard. The monsters knew she was here but they didn’t know where Namjoon lived, she could be safe there. She had been waiting for them to come back when no one was around and take her back to the hell she escaped. She wanted to tell him yes, so badly - but the thoughts lingered at the back of her mind. What if the monsters found her again? What if they went after Namjoon’s pack? What if one of them got hurt, or all of them? She would never forgive herself.
The alpha could see the variety of emotions swirling in her eyes; relief, sadness and anxiety. He started to regret the question - he should take it back and call the pack to let them know they didn’t need to prepare anything. Maybe Yoongi could bring some of the stew here for her to eat. “It’s okay, no worries. I’m sorry to have upset you.” He stood from his seat and the sound that passed her lips broke his heart, it was a mix of a gasp and a sob. She had gripped the sleeve of his white coat so quickly that he almost stumbled into the bed.
“I want to go.” She confessed, her voice loud with urgency. “I’m… I’m just scared.” She whispered as she dropped her hand from his sleeve.
Namjoon looked at her as she stared at the blanket on her lap. “What are you scared of?” He asked as he took a seat in front of her again.
“What if they find me? What if they find you, your pack, your safe place?” Her lip trembled at the thoughts.
The alpha guided her chin up with his one hand until she was looking at him. “Darling, we will protect you if anyone shows up to hurt you. Trust us.”
“I do, but I’m worried about them hurting your pack or you.”
He gave a gentle smile. “It won’t happen, and even if they found us - we will worry about it. You just focus on getting better. Okay?”
She nodded her head slowly at him. “Okay.” She whispered.
Namjoon held my hand as he walked me up to the rather large home. It was intimidating and I almost wanted to run back to the comforts of the hospital clinic that I grew to know. My feet felt heavy, like they were filled with cement, making me stop in front of the first step of the staircase. I could feel the doctor look at me but I was too busy looking at the giant house. I wanted to take a step back, I could feel my muscles twitching to do so but before I could even try to back away the front door opened and my eyes snapped over to the form that was excitedly rushing down the stairs to meet us.
“Angel, you’re here.” Jimin spoke with a grin on his face.
I suddenly didn’t feel so nervous, instead I felt excited and relieved. “Hi Jimin.” I felt myself grin.
He held his hand out, offering for me to place mine in his. “Do you want to see your room or do you want to see the rest of the house first?”
I blinked as I looked at his hand before slowly placing mine in his, he immediately laced our fingers together. I looked at our hands for another moment, it was peaceful in my brain for once and I squeezed his hand gently. As he squeezed back I looked up at Namjoon making sure he was okay that I went with Jimin. The doctor nodded his head, letting go of my other hand as he turned back to the car and grabbed the small bag that had the book and notebook he let me have from the hospital. “A grand tour would be okay.” I answered.
Jimin led me up the steps and into the house. The grand tour consisted of him guiding me into each new room, stating what they called it and some story with it. “This room is the study, you can usually find Namjoon here reading.” or “This is the gym, Jungkook likes boxing, so he comes here to work out.” I haven’t seen any of the other pack members, so I figured they were giving us space while I toured around.
“Everyone has their own room, but there is also the pack room - that's where we spend most of the time together. It’s rare to find any of us in our rooms.” We were walking down a long hallway before he stopped at a closed door. “This room is your room, Jin set it up but if there is something you don’t like we can always move things or buy new stuff.” Jimin spoke as he opened the door to the room.
I stepped inside slowly, looking all around in amazement. It was perfect, the walls were a light purple color, the furniture was a maple wood color, and there was a giant window that looked over the garden of the backyard. There was a small bookshelf that had a few books on it and next to it was a reclining chair. The bed had a giant pile of blankets folded at the end. “It’s wonderful.”
Jimin smiled at me. “I’m glad. There are some outfits in the closet that Yoongi picked out for you and there are some of my pajamas in the dresser until we can get you to the store to pick out your own.”
“Oh, you guys didn’t have to do that.” This was too much, they’re doing too much.
“We wanted to. Why don’t you relax? Yoongi is making dinner and I’ll get you when it’s ready.”
I watched Jimin leave the room and close the door behind him. I turned to look around the room and after a moment I rushed over to the bed and dove into the most comfortable blankets I had ever felt.
I was deep in the covers when Jimin knocked on the door for dinner. I reluctantly pulled myself out of the comfortable nest I had built. I really just wanted to sleep but then Jimin cracked the door open and the most amazing smell came into the room, my mouth immediately started to water. My stomach let out a loud grumble and I felt my cheeks heat from embarrassment. If Jimin heard my stomach, he did not let it show.
“Hey Angel, dinner is done. Would you like to join the pack?” He asked as he stepped just past the entrance of the room.
I felt my mouth go dry. I forgot about the rest of the pack, Namjoon had told me a little bit about them. I knew there was a Yoongi who was there the day I arrived and I think he said another omega was there too. I wasn’t sure exactly how big the pack was but I was starting to feel my nerves start to get the best of me. “How big is the pack?”
My question must have thrown him off at first because he paused and blinked twice. “Oh, we are seven.” He smiled. “I know that might be a little intimidating but you met most of us already. If you’re uncomfortable, I can always bring some food up here and I’ll eat dinner with you.”
My heart raced at the suggestion. Jimin was seriously so nice but I couldn’t do that to him. I gathered my wits about me and shook my head. “I will be brave, thought Coraline. No, I am brave.” I heard myself whisper as I thought of the book. Jimin must have heard me as well because I saw a small smile spread across his lips.
“I will be with you Angel, nothing bad will happen and if you get nervous or it becomes too much we can always come to your room if that makes you feel better.” He held his hand out to me, an offer and a promise.
My head felt fuzzy and a warmth spread over me. I closed the distance between us and grabbed his hand. “Okay, let’s go.”
Six people were sitting at the table, happily chatting with each other when Jimin and I walked in. I felt myself freeze as the room went quiet and all eyes were suddenly on me. I stepped behind Jimin, pressing myself to peek over his shoulder, like a child who would hide behind their mother’s legs. I ducked my head into his back not wanting to see everyone staring at me. I felt his chest rumble with a warning growl and the room came alive again, though the chatter was much more quiet than before.
“Are you okay darlin’?” I could hear Namjoon speaking from right in front of Jimin. He must have left the table to come over and check on me.
I peeked from over Jimin’s shoulder and nodded my head. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to behave like that.”
Namjoon’s eyes softened and he stepped closer as Jimin guided me out from behind him. “Darlin’ you don’t need to apologize. We should have let you come into the room first and then we all could have joined you slowly. The pack is just excited, especially those who haven’t really met you yet. Shall we introduce you?”
I looked over to the table and noticed one of the members kept peeking over, and as he noticed my gaze he looked away quickly with guilt of being caught staring. It made me want to giggle and made me realize they’re not only excited as the doctor stated but probably also just as anxious as I am. “Okay.”
Namjoon led me to the table and Jimin followed close behind. He introduced me kindly by name and went around the table giving everyone's name and their status in the pack.
I respectfully bowed and greeted them back before taking a seat between Jimin and Namjoon. The food looked and smelled delicious but I couldn't take a bite until I saw everyone else starting to eat as well. I went around the table with my eyes watching each of the pack members.
I was slightly familiar with Jin, I learned that he was the only Beta in the pack. “Unnie, are you really okay?” I can still hear the concern in his voice. I watched him closely as he laughed over something his pack mate said, his giggle floating up like bubbles making me smile.
Next was Hoseok, the Alpha who originally found me. Namjoon told me that he was looking for others since finding me - there were two more after me but they didn’t make it. Sometimes I would catch him peeking into the hospital ward, a sad sort of smile usually graced his face in those moments. “Hey, can you hear me?” His voice was the one I heard the most, it would whisper in the darkness of the night, wrapping around me like a blanket - the warmth of it reminding me of the sun letting me know I was in a safe place.
Jungkook sat next to him, a new face for me. He looked the youngest of them all, an air of amber honey surrounded him as his eyes shined with stars as he too giggled with Jin. He was the one who was trying to not get caught staring earlier. A fellow omega, who has yet to say anything to me personally yet but I was really to embrace the sounds that would pass his lips.
Next to him was another omega, Taehyung, he had a bite’s worth of food hanging on his fork while he chatted away. I could faintly pick up the sounds of his husky baritone voice that swirled like velvet as he spoke with the pack member next to him, Yoongi.
I heard Yoongi’s name plenty of times while in the hospital ward. I knew he was an Alpha who wasn’t too keen about me being around his pack. His gaze slid over to me before his eyes dropped to my untouched plate, he frowned slightly as his eyes found mine again. He responded to Taehyung, his voice was surprisingly soft for the hardness in his eyes. My heart started pounding and I couldn't make out the words he was saying to the omega but his eyes were so intense I had to break contact and look down at my hand that was holding the fork I had yet to use.
“Do you not like Doenjang Jjigae?” Namjoon’s deep voice broke me from my thoughts. “We can get you something else if you wish.” I found his eyes quickly. “Okay darlin’, it was from the right.” The first words that made me feel safe.
I bit my lip and leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “What… what if it isn’t safe? What if it’s poisoned and I get sick again?”
Namjoon pulled back with a deep sadness on his face, it made me regret saying anything - I should have just ate it and got sick. I could hear the sigh that passed his lips before he leaned forward to my own ear. “It’s not poisoned darlin’. Yoongi made it for everyone.” My eyes found Yoongi’s, the alpha was staring hard at me and my heart rate sped up again.
Namjoon pulled back and stuck his fork into my plate, grabbing a piece of meat and placing it into his mouth. As he chewed the look of delight graced his features before he swallowed the food down. “It’s delicious, pup. You should definitely give it a try.”
I could feel Jimin grab my free hand and with the tenderness only he seemed to possess and gave an encouraging squeeze. I could sense that everyone was paying attention now, even if they weren’t looking at me. It was overwhelming, I wanted to leave, to get away, to run. I could feel my lungs start to drag air into my lungs a little faster while I tried to fight it - the start of my sanity starting to slip. My feet felt restless, I needed to run and run and run. “Keep moving. Don’t let them get you.”
I heard the sob that escaped my lips before the tear spilled over my cheeks. I could hear the concerned chirps of the other two omega’s in the room but before I could bolt from my seat I felt arms wrap around me and pulled me toward someone’s chest. “It’s okay, Angel. We got you. You’re safe here.” I gripped him tight as his words swirled in my head. “You left them behind.” The second words to confirm I was with trusted people.
“I’m sorry!” My voice cracked as I apologized into his shirt.
“It’s okay. This was too much at once. We should have planned this out better for you.” Jimin ran his fingers through my hair. “Would you like to go back to your room?”
I shook my head. I needed to do this. I heard the sounds of chairs moving, as if the pack was leaving the table instead. I gripped his shirt tighter and grit my teeth before forcing myself from his chest. “Wait, don’t go.” The words rushed in my panic. I don’t know why my eyes found Yoonig’s but they did. He looked unamused at my outburst and it made me feel even more embarrassed. “Please, don’t go. I’m sorry. I’ll try again. I want to try again. I don’t want to be like this.”
Yoongi looked right into my very soul, not blinking but I caught his tongue pressed into the side of his cheek as he watched me. He then slowly sat down, a brow raised before he looked back at the plate. I could sense everyone else sitting back down and Jimin tensed at the tension in the air.
I gathered some food on my fork and sniffed it before placing it in my mouth. It tasted just as good as it smelt. I felt my stomach roar to life, demanding more but I made it wait. “It really is delicious.” I spoke and I swear I saw the corners of Yoongi’s lips lift for a split second.
The tension dissipated after that. I stayed quiet, taking small bites of my dinner while watching the pack members until they slowly finished their meals and started clearing the table. I was glad I didn’t have to do any talking during the meal, they probably didn’t like me as it was. Jimin and Namjoon stayed with me, each speaking their own words of encouragement when I asked if I could have seconds despite my stomach starting to hurt. The doctor agreed but only gave me a small amount more that I was able to finish.
Jimin grabbed my plate and I went to protest but he told me not to worry about it. Instead he motioned to Namjoon who was waiting for me. “I’ll see you in the morning, angel. Please rest well now.”
I nodded my head as I watched him leave the room. I then turned my attention to the doctor.
“I’ll walk you to your room.” The alpha grinned.
The two of us walked slowly, and I could feel the exhaustion settling in with each step. A yawn escaped me before I could catch it. “Thank you for bringing me here. Your home is beautiful.”
“I’m glad you like it. I’m sorry about dinner, I sometimes forget that not everyone is used to my pack. They can be a little overwhelming at times but they mean right. Especially Yoongi.”
I felt myself freeze at the alpha’s name. While I didn’t feel any malice from Yoongi, I knew I wasn’t his favorite and probably never will be. “It’s okay. Claire Cross once wrote, ‘The softest hearts always have the toughest shields.’ I find everyone’s behavior and thoughts of me valid. I’m the crazy one.”
“You’re not crazy.”
“I’m not?”
“No, just a little lost at times.”
A few days later, around lunch time, Namjoon left the study to seek out their guest. On his adventures he found Jimin and was surprised to see that he was alone. "Where is she?" He asked, expecting that the two of them would have been glued at the hip. Jimin had taken off of work since her arrival to make sure she settled in nicely.
Over the past few days Jimin was constantly at her side bringing her all around the manor, mostly to sit in the gardens or the back fields where the wildflowers grew high to their waist. Jimin and her would arrive in the house hours later, with flower crowns donning their heads and their skin flushed from the summer heat. Sometimes she would read a book to Jimin under the large maple tree or even more rare would hum a beautiful tune and slowly spin on her toes in circles, one leg lifted with her arms wide open at her sides. Jimin would watch her happily, thinking about joining in her simple ballet. He always questioned the name of the song she hummed, it seemed so familiar to him but he couldn't place it.
From a window from the second floor, Yoongi would watch the two of them, making sure nothing happened. He would stay behind the dark sheer curtains, slightly memorized by the grace of the omega below, her hair catching the sun just right making it look like glitter was brushed over the tresses. He would shake his head, trying to make sense of his own thoughts that would wander to places he didn't want them to go.
Jimin smiled at Namjoon and grabbed his hand. "Come and see for yourself." He led the other Alpha to the open window that was right outside the backyard patio. "Found them here this morning and didn't have the heart to interrupt."
On the back patio Jungkook was sitting with the female, color coordinated piles of wild flowers at their sides. She giggled as she placed her flowers down and reached forward to help guide the male's hands in the right direction and motion."Just like this, if you think about it too much then it seems difficult but I promise it's easy."
Jungkook nodded his head and held the flowers carefully as she picked her own back up. This time he moved his hands as she moved hers, following the exact movement. He picked up the new flower and followed the instructions again. He felt a smile tug at his lips as he watched his chain grow longer and longer. "Thank you, Noona."
Namjoon smiled at the two omegas, glad to see the female making friends with Jungkook. “She’s been doing well here.” It was true, she had not had an episode yet, a few close calls when she’d grow silent and get lost in her thoughts.
“I know. I’m happy for her.” Jimin replied. “Thank you, Joon. Thank you for bringing her home. I think I was missing something before and now I think I found it.”
Namjoon nodded his head. “I can see a difference in you. You seem happier in a way.”
The two alphas stood there for a while, watching the two omegas build their flower crowns. Once they were done, the female allowed the male to place his head in her lap as she played with his hair. She started telling him a story, about seven unlikely companions traveling to the depths of a place called Mordor to destroy a ring.
She looked up at the sky, eyes closed as she embraced the warmth of the setting sun. “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” She quoted the book before turning her attention to the male omega, smiling that she still had his attention.
“You’re a good storyteller, Noona.” Jungkook whispered as he looked up at her.
Jimin smiled from the window and turned his attention to the doctor. “Shall we go help with dinner before we call them in?”
Namjoon nodded his head, casting one more look at the two beings outside, his heart full at the scene.
Namjoon frowned at the other three omegas before looking back at the female. She has been doing so well at dinner, eating without being encouraged to do so. Tonight was different though, everyone was done eating but she had yet to take a bit of her food. He could tell she was deep in her thoughts as she stared at the table in front of her. The rest of the pack was dismissed for now while Namjoon tried to get her to respond, with no success. Even Jimin couldn’t snap her out of her thoughts so they just sat there with her, hoping she would snap herself back.
At some point she started to hum the song she always hums and she turned her head slightly as if watching a scene in front of herself. Namjoon started to hum with it too, he knew the song as he tried to recall the words until finally it sparked. “...when you see me, when you touch me.” He whispered to the tune. “She’s humming Serendipity.”
Jimin snapped his fingers, that’s why he knew the song - it was one of his favorites. The way she hummed it was slower than the regular speed of the song, but it sounded just as elegant now that he could put the lyrics to her tune. He started to sing the lyrics in tune with her humming and he watched her eyes slowly come back into focus until she stopped humming and blinked twice.
She looked around her and realized that some of the pack was missing, the table was cleared with the exception of her own plate. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She felt her cheeks heat in embarrassment and she looked down at her plate, refusing to meet their gaze.
“Where did you go?” Hoseok asked her as he watched her from across the table.
She tilted her head as if she was trying to recall the scene. “There were flashing rainbow lights that glittered all over the room and large silver balls with tiny mirrors spinning on the ceiling. She wore a white dress and danced with the best dressed male. They spun in circles while everyone clapped on the sidelines.”
They knew what she was describing, a wedding - but who’s wedding was it.
“Is this something you remember seeing in person?” Namjoon asked.
She smiled and nodded her head. “Yes, I was present.”
“Were you the one wearing the white dress?” Jimin asked, fearing the answer as his heart sank to his stomach. He forgot she could already have a mate and a family.
“No, it was Eonni.” She dropped the smile as she started to recall more details.
“Was it a happy memory?” Namjoon asked.
Her brows had knitted in confusion, eyes darting back and forth like she was looking for the words to read off a book. She then looked up at Yoongi and caught his eyes. “I don’t remember.” She admitted in defeat. “I can’t remember it anymore.” She turned her attention to her meal and stared at it unhappily before poking her fork into the meat and taking a bite. She grimaced at the temperature before her plate was taken away by the quiet Alpha.
The sounds of buttons being hit on the microwave could be heard before the low humming of the machine coming to life started. Her fingers brushed the seams on the bottom of her shirt while she waited for her food to return. “I’m sorry again. I don’t know how I got there. I wish I stayed here.” She frowned again.
“It’s okay darlin’. We just worry when you don’t eat and when it’s hard to get you back to us. Tomorrow I think you should stay inside, perhaps you’re staying in the heat too long.” Namjoon suggested.
If words could slap her then she would be bruised. She loved going outside now, Jimin and Jungkook made her feel safe out there. She hated being inside all day. “It begins with isolation - demons always inhabit desolate places.” She whispered.
Namjoon flinched at her chosen quote, he didn’t mean to upset her. He wanted to reach out to her but instead he looked over to Jimin. Said alpha pulled his phone out and began to look up the words she spoke, this had turned into a habit, he was always checking some of the words she said and linking them to books. They still didn’t understand why or how she was able to keep all these quotes in her head.
“A Familiar Rain by John Geddes.” Jimin spoke as he turned his phone to the doctor so he could see as well. Jimin looked at the collection of quotes from the book and decided to try something. “We fear monsters because we fear the dark parts of ourselves.”
She looked at Jimin, something flashed in her eyes, almost anger or bitterness. “One man’s monster is another man’s beloved. The wise know that.” She pushed her chair away from the table, despite Yoongi walking back with her hot plate. She turned her attention to Namjoon and glared. “If I wanted to imprison someone until the end of days, would it not be best to use a prison that he has no desire to escape?” She tried to be tough but her lower lip trembled and her glare broke into hurt. She quickly left the room despite the three of the four alpha’s calling for her.
“She switched books after I quoted the first one. I’m sorry, I thought it would help. Both quotes she just said were from the same book, The Winter of the Witch.” Jimin looked at Namjoon and noted the other alpha looked defeated. “It will be okay Joon, she’s just a little upset. I’ll talk to her and let her know you weren’t trying to keep her tied inside the house.”
Hoseok piped in. “Maybe we can make tomorrow almost like a pack day. We can make a fort and popcorn, put on some movies and just spend time together. She’ll be so preoccupied with everyone that she won’t pay any mind to the conversation tonight.”
Yoongi stood there watching the three alphas, his tongue stuck in his cheek as he bit back what he wanted to say. He could tell the female was upset with the situation and as much as she wanted to handle it normally, she couldn’t. He turned and left the room, hot plate still in his hand and he made his way to her room.
Once the alpha reached her room he pressed his ear close to the door and listened for any signs of her being in there. Small sobs reached his ears and he sighed before knocking on the door. The crying halted for a moment, before it started again. He knocked once more.
“Please go away.”
Yoongi frowned and decided to try once more. This time he could hear her feet shuffle against the carpet as she walked to the door. It opened slowly, revealing her to him. Whatever words that were about to come from her mouth died on her tongue instead. The door opened wider for him and he stepped past her, walking his way to her desk to place her plate down. He looked around her room and realized it was cold, not in terms of temperature but the room itself was dark and dreary, despite the light purple that was covering the walls. One the bed was heap on fuzzy looking blankets, but they lacked the scent of a pack - which was on purpose as to not scare her but it was pissing him off. In the corner of his eyes he could see her fretting slightly, taking a step forward but then back again and repeating this several times as if trying to talk herself into communicating with him.
“You’re safe, Flittermouse.” The words left his lips causing her to freeze, her eyes shot up to look at him.
“What?” She asked quietly.
“Flittermouse,” he said, leaning against the desk. “Like a little bat who can’t stay still.” Yoongi watched her closely as she slowly processed his words, no doubt stashing them somewhere in her mind. “Come here.” He beckoned her closer.
She listened, stepping quickly but quietly toward him until she was less than arm's length away. “Yes?”
Yoongi reached out and touched her cheek with his hand, wiping a stray tear away before tilting her chin up so she would look him in the eye. With his free hand he grabbed the fork from her plate and gathered a piece of meat from it before popping the bite full in his mouth, letting her see it wasn’t dangerous for her to eat. After swallowing it down he handed her the fork. “Eat.” He released her and turned his attention to her bed again.
The omega blushed at the intensity of the room but listened and took a seat at her desk. As she took the first bite she almost moaned in delight at how much better it tasted. Her eyes followed the alpha as he moved slowly around the room.
“Do you sleep well at night?” He looked back at her for an answer.
She was mid bite when he asked so she started chewing quickly to answer him, covering her mouth with her free hand.
“Easy now, nice and slow. I can wait.”
She did as told and once she could answer him she did so. “Sort of. It takes some time before I can fall asleep.”
“Why is that?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “Always worried they will come.”
Yoongi stopped in his tracks. “Who are they?”
“I don’t know.” She confessed. “Monsters, cloaked in blackness.”
The alpha hmm’d and continued walking around. “You got upset with Namjoon because you don’t want to be locked inside. Am I right?”
The omega lowered her head in shame. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get mad, but you’re right. I don’t want to be locked in the darkness. I feel like I’ve been locked away for so long, I’ve known the darkness for the longest time.”
There was silence between them and the alpha stared at the omega, watching as her eyes clouded over slightly, lips moving as if she was whispering something before she spoke a little louder. “There were a billion lights out there on the horizon and I knew that all of them put together weren't enough to light the darkness in the hearts of some men.”
He knew immediately that it was another quote, there was no need to look it up like Jimin insisted on doing all the time. “Do you not nest?” He asked, trying to switch the topic.
It worked as her eyes cleared and she shook her head. “Nest?”
“Omega’s normally make a nest with their bedding materials. I’ll have Jungkook and Taehyung help you if you wish. Nesting can help you sleep better. Do you mind if I try something for you tonight?”
“I guess so.” The omega shrugged her shoulders and took another bite of her meal.
Yoongi nodded and walked over to the bed and looked at the fuzzy blankets, picking them up one by one and scenting them all for her. He was surprised to find none of them scented by Namjoon or Jimin. He had figured they would have at least given her one. He came to a blue blanket that smelt the most of her scent and scented it extra well, figuring it was probably the one she wrapped around herself.
The remaining of her meal they stayed silent and once she was done she turned to look at him. “Why did you do that?” She motioned to the blankets.
“I scented them for you. It might help you sleep better.”
“But why did you do it?”
Yoongi shrugged this time. “You remind me of someone a little bit.” He stated as he thought of himself. Namjoon was right, he was broken when he first got here. Not exactly like her but the similarities were enough for him.
“Were they crazy too?”
“I don’t think you’re crazy. I did before. Not now though.” He stood from the bed and walked over to the desk to collect her plate. “Namjoon isn’t trying to lock you in - he just worries that you’ll push yourself too much. Take the day tomorrow, I’m sure Taehyung would be able to help you find something fun to do in the house.” He started to walk toward the door. “Sleep well, Flittermouse.”
She couldn’t help but smile at the nickname as she watched him close the door.
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longlivethereaper · 1 year
Hello! My name is Reaper, 25 NB, EST. I work overnights but have the freedom to be available to talk pretty much my entire shift and am also awake in the afternoons. I almost always respond as soon as I see the message unless I'm playing a video game, driving or something else important has my attention. I write typically 1-4 paragraphs, maybe more depending on the situation but I will always give you enough to work with for a response. I only roleplay via discord!
What I require from my roleplay partner:
At least one response a day, though I very much prefer more. I find it frustrating to have to pick up and try to remember what's going on every day, especially if I like the plot but it's moving too slowly for anything to actually happen. I understand life happens but please let me know if you're going to be unavailable for an extended period of time or if you just don't reply a lot, then don't respond.
Literacy. I dont require a certain amount of paragraphs to be written but I do require basic grammar. Punctuation, quotation marks, new paragraphs for new situations. This is a hobby about writing and I don't want to have to decipher each and every post you make. Spelling errors happen, I do it all the time but as long as I have contextual clues, it's fine!
No real life face claims and no stolen art. I know not everyone can draw but there is picrew and other means to make a character. Even if they're just described, that's perfectly fine. I don't mind to draw your ocs!
Must be 18+ as there will be NSFW themes involved! This is for my comfort.
Only ocxoc, MLM rolelplays! I’m currently looking to do a sort of vague roleplay thats ABO based! Basically,  some sort of creature woos a human into having sex and carrying his child but that creature is so fucking shy and lingers around to make sure their human is fed and safe but it would take a lot of coaxing for him to actually go back into the house. I can play either the creature or the human but I was thinking the creature could be some sort of god or deity, but could be anything really!  Like or message me here! 
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cherryplant · 7 months
I know garu isn’t a fan fave so the fact that the devs seem to like him so much………I see this as an absolute win
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idololivine · 6 months
310 pulls, two of each guy including the spark box
I think my luck must alternate every other time I pull. AxBxO was good, CoD was bad, BK was good, FE is alright - I got the guys I wanted, but despite dumping 310 pulls I can't 3* anyone, which is kind of annoying.
so I guess I should either pull on 0 or 2 banners between now and the next Olivine event...?
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pupvivi · 3 years
Thinking about the mutual beta friend of a mated pair who has a spare key to their place and is the sole reason they can even survive their cycles in peace. Thru come by with a case of water and fresh groceries to whip something up.
Pheromones barely do anything but make their nose itch, and they pretty much know when they're overstepping. Not that they're ever in any danger from territorial alpha and needy omega.
A couple of times when alpha isn't there, they're kinda tasked with keeping omega friend from going insane.
They still remember awkwardly cuddling with their friend in their nest. Nervous purring keeping them from leaving.
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bobaandasiandramas · 5 months
I officially started writing again last night. I'm rusty and I think I need to watch Tale of the Nine Tailed again to be more in the mood of writing for The Truth Untold.
I actually wrote more for Find Rest for Your Soul than I did for TTU. Not much more, but it was definitely more.
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bobaandasiandramas · 1 year
I'm drinking coffee at 11 PM because I have a migraine but I need to write tonight in hopes that I will post something soon.
It seems to be helping because I'm going back to edit what I already have written. So at least the first part of the chapter will be done.
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bobaandasiandramas · 1 year
I'm so bad at writing schedule. Sometimes I think I'm going to write faster than I do because my thoughts are so rapid fire. I'm also extremely busy all the time. There isn't a day where I'm just home all day. Like yesterday we went to Disney for a few hours and the day before that I was at work but then when I got home I had my regular weekly video chat date with my bestie who lives 1000 miles away.
I did write a little last night when I got home from Disney but I was also so exhausted I actually fell asleep while writing.
Today we might go to Universal, but I need to do house chores because we have a visitor this week. But I have every intention to write tonight, whether I do or not is the big if.
Basically I apologize for saying that I'll have the next chapter posted in a few days and then it becomes over a week. 😭
From now on I'll just say that I'm writing and working on my updates.
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bobaandasiandramas · 2 years
Tale of the Nine Tailed
The Truth Untold
Ki Yuri and Lee Rang stumble upon a female in danger but she’s more than she knows.
Parings: Lee Rang x F. OC (female reader - because I can’t get into y/n - so please feel free to insert yourself in)
Rating: M+
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Find Rest for your Soul
Reader is found by Hoseok and rescue owner, Sejin. Y/n is a mysterious Omega with no real memories and is trying to understand the warnings in her head. What or who is after her?
Parings: BTSx F.Reader AxBxO Style
Rating: M+
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Potential WIPs
--BTS: Jungkook X F.Reader X Namjoon
Hospital setting - AU(?) . Jungkook is in the hospital with Y/N as his nurse he is definitely in good hands.
–Tale of the Nine Tailed: Lee RangXF.Reader - possible AU, maybe not
Yandere story. Lee Rang just can't get enough of Y/N
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idololivine · 9 months
Potential event combos for November, and what they might mean for our current understanding of prediction criteria
or: guy who likes Olivine too much is convinced that there must be A Reason for my continued wifelessness
Firstly, this post assumes the reader is familiar with current theories on prediction criteria. If you are not, I highly recommend this post on the topic. You may also find this website useful for an event timeline visualization as well as stats on event appearances.
The current and upcoming events feature combos that do not follow the previously theorized event criteria. Misty Vale features Garu/Yakumo, which is a full repeat of Eerie Escapade; to further define 'full repeat', I use it to mean a 2p or 3p combo that is 100% the same as a previous event combo. That is, a 2p consisting of characters that previously shared a 3p banner is not a full repeat (e.g. Yakumo/Olivine in IF -> CoD), and neither is a 3p featuring two characters that previously shared a 2p (e.g. Kuya/Edmond in FC -> SF).
Rusted Nation also breaks a rule, albeit one that was not previously discussed. Blade/Olivine and Blade/Rei are both valid combos, taking into account all theorized criteria. Olivine has been gone longer than Rei, and yet Rei was chosen over Olivine. In previous events, when there were multiple valid partners and no other special circumstances, the partner chosen is the one who has been gone longer. Case in point:
For Chase the Rainbow, it was Dante's turn to get an event (his first event since his release). Edmond and Garu were both valid partners. Of those two, Edmond had been gone for longer.
Alternatively, if we consider CtR to be an Edmond event because he had been gone for 154 days, his valid partners are Kuya and Dante. Of those two, Kuya's previous event (MB) was more recent than Dante's release.
For AxBxO, Garu and Yakumo were gone for the same length of time. Garu was chosen for the event, and his valid partners were Blade, Quincy, or Dante. Of those three, Blade had been gone the longest.
For a bonus, Yakumo's only valid pairing as of AxBxO was Olivine, who in turn was more recent than Blade. This pushed Yakumo/Olivine to after Garu/Blade.
But last year's events also had some instances of rule-breaking. AD breaks the top/bottom rule, and CA breaks the additional rule I outlined above (Olivine had been gone longer than Edmond, and we know now that 3p -> 2p are considered acceptable repeats). In both cases, I believe that these rule breaks were done so that Olivine could be delayed until FG for thematic purposes. In other words, we have precedence for events not being mathematically perfect in order to enable a specific character-theme match later down the line.
Given the uncertainty we're currently facing, rather than try and define theories and the combo(s) that would result, I feel that it would be easier to parse if I list likely potential combos and then speculate on what they may imply.
(Disclaimer: I take a very mathematical approach to event prediction, which means it is difficult for me to account for qualitative reasons that would influence event lineups. My predictions and theories will almost certainly have a blind spot or two.)
Olivine/Dante - This may indicate that the devs are prioritizing characters that have less events overall and/or characters that have previously had longer waits between events.
As of August (before Misty Vale), Garu, Blade, Dante, and Rei were the characters who had less than 4 events. Thus:
Garu/Yakumo - Garu and Blade have been gone the longest, but Garu has traditionally had longer gaps than Blade. Garu's only non-repeat top is Quincy, who was more recent than Yakumo. Yakumo also just had an unusually long gap (196 days between EE and CoD). The devs may have decided that avoiding another long gap was a higher priority than avoiding a full repeat.
Blade/Rei - Blade has been gone the longest. His non-repeat bottoms are Olivine and Rei. Of those two, Rei's last event was more recent but he has had fewer events.
Olivine/Dante - Olivine has been gone the longest. His non-repeat tops are Kuya, Blade, and Dante. Blade just got an event, so we can cross him out. Between Kuya and Dante, they've been gone the same amount of time, but Dante has had fewer events than Kuya. Like Yakumo, Dante also just had an unusually long gap (196 days between FG and SF).
This would be a new addition, because the devs were certainly content to let Garu and Dante fans starve before now. Of particular note is RS being Quincy/Rei when Dante/Rei was just as valid of a combo.
I also question whether avoiding long gaps is truly a concern, because Blade/Rei followed by Olivine/Dante puts Olivine at a 182 day gap, which is only two weeks less than the current highest record of 196 days. Blade/Olivine followed by Rei/Dante would have resulted in a 154 day gap for Olivine and a 147 day gap for Rei.
Olivine/Kuya - This may indicate the devs are avoiding low-earner pairs.
This theory depends on the premise that Olivine/Blade and Olivine/Dante are both low-earner pairs, while Blade/Rei and Blade/Garu are mid-earner pairs - shaky enough to need an event SR but not so bad as to be unsalvageable. Otherwise, falling back on the previously defined rule of longest-gone-partner, Olivine/Blade should have happened with an event SR.
My experiences with fandom/socmed engagement would make me assume that this premise is false, if only for the part where Blade/Garu earns more than Blade/Olivine, but I have it on good authority that Garu is surprisingly popular in the official discord server’s CN chat. Maybe he earns more money than EN fans would assume. However, this theory is also complicated by the fact that Rei is far too new to have real stats on how he performs on banners. I’m obviously biased, but I find it strange to assume after one event that Rei outperforms Olivine by such a large degree that it justifies avoiding Blade/Olivine in favor of Blade/Rei.
This theory also doesn't explain skipping over Garu/Quincy, as Quincy is undoubtedly more capable of carrying a banner than Yakumo is. The theory would have to be true in combination with another theory.
It's possible that RN Kuya alone disqualifies Kuya from having an SSR in November, but I am not confident in declaring it a certainty. We don't yet have enough data to make any guesses on how event SRs influence SSR appearances.
Olivine/Quincy - This means that full repeats are fair game now, and that MV wasn't a strange one-off the way AD was a strange one-off for the top/bottom rule. Truly baffling why they would do this.
Olivine/Edmond - This would indicate that the top/bottom rule is no longer in effect. This one is extremely unlikely, because the devs won't even put two bottoms in one 3p; I have no faith that they'll do a bottom only banner (even though I want one very badly). It could be a CA sequel, which would lend credence to the theory that seasonal themes are more important than previously believed. More on that below.
Miscellaneous note: It's possible for one of the above pairings to occur without my associated theory being true. In that case, it may indicate that seasonal themes are the most important criteria but that thematic repeats are avoided. Seasonal themes being important would mean prioritizing the AD-MV and RN-Halloween links, while avoiding thematic repeats would mean pushing Quincy out of MV and Garu out of an October (Halloween) event.
Edmond in November, Olivine in December - This would indicate that seasonal themes are more important than previously believed and that thematic repeats are fair game. There are further implications, but let's take this one step at a time.
Looking at MV and RN, we can see that there's a notable time-based component to their themes. MV is linked to AD, and both are September events. RN isn't as explicitly Halloween themed as EE, but it's spoopy enough to count. Edmond being in November could be a CA sequel, as CA (last November's event) is tied to an in-universe seasonal event - the Social Season. Olivine in December would almost certainly be another Kleinmas event. Thus, if this prediction is true, it becomes clear that seasonal themes are more important than other considerations for events.
As a variant theory of the above, it's possible that the highest priority was getting Olivine in December due to thematic importance, and that the preceding events having the combos+themes they do was a secondary consideration. As a reminder, last year's event rule-breaks can likely also be attributed to the devs needing to put Olivine in FG and working backwards from there. This is not unprecedented.
On thematic repeats: Edmond was in the White Day event as well as White Day 2: Yokai Edition, so we have evidence both for and against thematic repeats being avoided. If Olivine is in Kleinmas 2: Electric Boogaloo, then that's confirmation that thematic repeats are not avoided.
Onto the further implications: the possible combos for a November Edmond event.
Edmond/Quincy - This may explain why MV was Garu/Yakumo as opposed to Garu/Quincy. If Olivine is being excluded from the Sept - Nov events, then at least one full repeat is necessary; if not for Garu, then certainly for Edmond. The devs may have chosen to skip Garu/Quincy so that they could do Edmond/Quincy in the next 1-2 months, because Edmond/Quincy will make them an obscene amount of money. It also comes with the bonus of not making Yakumo wait too long between events.
I cannot imagine Quincy being anywhere near a CA sequel so this combo somewhat weakens the seasonal themes theory, but Kleinmas sequel Olivine would be significantly stronger evidence for it anyway.
Edmond/anyone else - Who the fuck knows, man. The only other characters who have been gone for long enough are Kuya and Dante, and it would be a genuine fucking mystery why the devs skipped over Quincy/Garu just to do another full repeat.
Related: as both summer 3ps were in July, I believe that December will be the month of the winter 3p. If Olivine is in another winter 3p, this proves that being in multiple 3ps does not exclude a character from being in more 3ps. This is my personal hell.
Any combo not mentioned - The devs are doing whatever they feel like and there's no point in trying to predict events. If it's another top only event I am going to start biting people.
Miscellaneous note: It's possible that the minimum cooldown between events has been lengthened from 2 events to 3 events in order to accommodate the growing cast. This would explain Quincy not being in September, as there were only 2 events between RS and MV. This would have to be true in conjunction with at least one of the above theories, because it alone does not explain the choice of Blade/Rei over Blade/Olivine.
As a final note, I made a conscious effort to phrase everything ambiguously. Don't take any of this as statements of fact, but merely as speculation from someone who likes explainable patterns a little too much.
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idololivine · 1 year
I do want to save for Olivine, now more than ever because we know event SRs are on the table, but I feel like my brand as an omegaverse fic writer will be tarnished if I do not pull on the AxBxO banner
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idololivine · 1 year
mmm, I currently have about 275 pulls including gems, and Olivine may or may not be in the next event
my assumption is that Mystical Banquet rerun will start May 4, the same day AxBxO ends, and will rerun for two weeks. that means the next event should start the same day Rei's banner ends.
we find out event characters a few days before the new event drops, so I should be able to decide whether I can afford to pull on Rei's banner before it goes away
now I wait...
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bobaandasiandramas · 2 years
Okay, so once The Truth Untold is done I have few story ideas.
--BTSxF.Reader: OT7 AU AxBxO style Story (which I will try my best to keep all body types in mind when writing. Also would be my first ABO story)
Reader is found unconscious by Hoseok and rescue owner, Sejin. Y/n is a mysterious Omega with no real memories and is trying to understand the warnings in her head. What or who is after her?
STATUS: currently under works for first draft layout
--BTS: Jungkook X F.Reader X Namjoon
Hospital setting - AU(?) . Jungkook is in the hospital with Y/N as his nurse he is definitely in good hands.
STATUS: only an idea so far.
--Tale of the Nine Tailed: Lee RangXF.Reader - possible AU, maybe not
Yandere story. Lee Rang just can't get enough of Y/N
STATUS: only an idea so far.
Just some ideas. Let me know if anyone would read these.
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