#ayahuasca diet
chillwithnea · 1 year
Eating Disorder Recovery: The REAL Work
*In this article, I refer to restrictive eating disorders and share about my experience. I do not mention or write about binge eating disorder. 
Years ago, when I was in the depths of anorexia, I thought if I just could eat freely and no longer had urges to exercise ‘till exhaustion my problems would be solved. I didn’t know at that time that this was just scratching the surface and that the true work will begin when the body and the eating habits are stabilized and normalized (i.e. no longer restricting or controlling intake or trying to manipulate the body).
I was wearing the same rose-colored glasses prior to developing the ED in the first place: thinking losing weight and changing my body would solve everything. Which then switched to: thinking restoring my health and normalizing my eating and exercise patterns would solve everything.
ꜰʀᴇᴇ workbook to help you to get out of the manifestation trap, to tap into your desires and embody them ʜᴇʀᴇ
My true journey started after that. The eating disorder opened the doorways to myself. To finally look deep inside, what’s truly going on inside the mystery of my being. To confront myself with my trauma, unprocessed pain, and emotions — all those things that kept the self-destructive behaviors in place.
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Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
After the first year in recovery (around the end of 2014), I discovered Yoga. I already practiced meditation, and Yoga showed me a different approach to movement. Of moving with my body instead of against it. I prefer using the word movement over exercise, the energy behind it is so different. Similiar to saying energy instead of calories.
After dipping my toes into my inner world, I realized that I was terrified of facing myself, that everything that I’m afraid of, that the conflicts I thought I had in the external world, the fears, the chaos, all of that was actually happening in my body. And guess what, in order to process and work through this, I had no other choice but to develop a deep relationship with my body and thus with my intuition. 
You cannot live a heart-centered life without getting out of your head and facing your demons.
I had to learn (and still do) to observe my thoughts and emotions instead of identifying and believing in them. They come up to be released. The biggest challenge was to let the eating disorder identity die — what I was so afraid of. I built such a intimate relationship with my demon — the ED that I was scared as shit about losing. 
“Who am I without the ED?” It gave me a false sense of safety and comfort, the place I could always return to. The perfect distraction from my “real” issues. 
Anyway, over the years I discovered spirituality, tools like shadow integration, nervous system regulation and plant medicine. 
Mother Ayahuasca taught me that only thanks to my body I’m able to live this human experience. Iboga showed me next-level grounding and how it truly feels like to be in my body.
Fast forward, no matter where you are in your life, you have to face and embrace yourself, especially these parts you tend to disown and feel ashamed of. There is no escape. And no matter how uncomfortable and chaotic it might be, it will become easier with time, and you will discover gems, hidden treasures inside of yourself, and most of all, you’ll find the greatest treasure — your true Self. Your true nature. 
For me, life is no longer about striving to look a certain way or to measure my worth based on accomplishments and productivity (which is tbh still a practice and like a workout in the cosmic gym — to train my mental and spiritual muscles). It is about returning back to nature, to live and flow like it which is lifelong practice, a way of living. Because the most of us grew up relying purely on our logical minds, disconnecting from Mother Earth, and thus didn’t learn to listen to our intuition and to work with our bodies. 
Our bodies hold so much wisdom and are, at least in my opinion here to navigate us through life and our minds are powerful tools for our imagination. 
As human beings, we are part of nature and meant to function like it as well which means non-linear is the new linear, and slow is the new fast. Living from the inside out instead of living from the outside in.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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“The shaman is the figure at the beginning of human history that unites the doctor, the scientist and the artist into a single notion of care-giving and creativity.” — Terence McKenna
Ayahuasca Shaman Talon Abraxas
A Shamanic View of How Ayahuasca & Nature Communicate With Us
In a shaman’s world view, everything is energy, and for them the word spirit and energy have the exact same meaning. Indigenous knowledge often includes a great deal of practical insight about everything material, for instance, how to use plants for medicine, food or craftsmanship. Their ways of understanding the material universe mix with spiritual and highly meaningful beliefs. Naturally, the way plants and animals communicate with us and with each other is also understood through this mind-body mix.
On the level of smell, plants call out to us from a distance by their varied aromas that form the basis for many scents and perfumes that are attractive to humans, often to the point of stimulating a resonance between lovers. Additionally they are used as powerful tools in aromatherapies to induce recall, reinforce powerful emotion, or simply for the calming quality of their fragrances.
When they affect us in these profound ways, it is because we resonate with them.
On a visual level we are often attracted to them by their stunning beauty, and we display them in our homes and businesses to “brighten things up”. It is a long held tradition to bring roses to a romantic partner to show love and as a traditional courting strategy, and we send flowers to commemorate special land mark human occasions like birth, marriage, and death.
These visual and olfactory cues combine to attract pollinators and other synergistic interactions to spread seeds and enhance other survival strategies aided by other species, and this is only what we see in the frequency spectrums that we normally perceive. Who knows what might be happening in the spectrums that other species can perceive that we cannot?
Similarly, in the vegetable kingdom, as shown in the complex interaction of the olfactory and taste receptors, these characteristics combine to help us identify what is healthy to ingest and aid us.
On vision quests and in visionary states, particularly those encountered on strict shamanic plant diets centered around the ayahuasca brew, people imbibe any number and combination of specialized plants to learn from the spirits of the plants by passing through physical, mental, and spiritual ordeals to prove that they are worthy of the gift of knowledge that the plant spirits have to give them.
Each plant and animal has its own spirit, essence, or energy which can be characterized as its own unique personality in the same way that ayahuasca is universally referred to as “The Mother”. It is also the reason why North American Indians don’t refer to animals as the bear or the coyote. They say Bear or Coyote as they consider them all to be manifesting the entire essence of their spirit in a grouped manner, similar to bees, ants, and other cooperative colonies, and each one has its own unique energy signature that is treated with equal respect, such as the well-known personality of Coyote the Trickster.
When you ingest a particular plant or plants, especially in a specific environment while on a strict cleansing diet, their effects are strongly felt and enhanced, even more so the longer the diet is continued. During that time participants are subject to the energy field of that plant or plants, which all interact with each other and our bodies and minds in different ways.
The combination of the diet, environment, the plants and other elements affect our brain wave activities and physiologies in a myriad of mysterious ways. This includes on physical, psychological, and spiritual levels that we can scarcely comprehend, much less study in any traditional, objective scientific way. The best way to study them is through the subjective perceptions they produce in experiences that often transpire on deep non-rational levels of resonance and synchronization. In this way, the plants act as transmitters in the position of orchestra conductors, and the people as receivers, communicating in ways that defy logic and articulation.
An ayahuasca ceremony is characterized as an individual healing experience in a group setting with much anecdotal evidence supporting sporadic telepathic experiences among participants. The healing circle is referred to as a container to safely hold the energy it generates and attracts so that the participants can be protected while in the vulnerable state necessary for healing.
If a group of people all sat around with their own radios, each tuned to the same station listening to the same song, all of the radios would be playing the same music as one, in sync.
If all of the participants in the healing circle tuned in and resonated at the same frequency or frequencies, there is no reason why they would not have similar shared telepathic events. This learned ability to subject themselves to these diverse natural energies to surrender and discover what mysteries they may reveal puts shamans in the humbling position of being subject to their plant teachers as the conductor transmitters, in spite of the physical or psychological discomfort they may have in the process.
In the Amazon, ayahuasca is often referred to as la purga, because it purges the body and rigorously clears it out through every orifice, including vomiting, defecation, profuse sweating, tear ducts, and the lungs as well as energetically at deep psychological and spiritual levels. Often it is used in conjunction with other intensely purgative plants along with the restricted diet referred to as the dieta consisting of boiled rice, oatmeal, or quinoa, baked or boiled unripe bananas, and chicken or fish once a day or less combined with a pitcher a day of a helper plant or plants. There is no salt, no soap, shampoo, toothpaste, scents or additions of any kind, and no sex. In addition to the deep inner purification, other plants are used for daily plant baths to physically and energetically wash away the toxins and energies that are released in the process.
All of these restrictions enhance the cleansing process over the extended time of the dieta, which dates back to prehistory. As time passes people lose their telltale human scents, particularly pheromones, hormones, and other secretions that jaguars and other animals with a highly refined sense of smell can detect, making the hunters virtually invisible to them and their primary sensory modalities. The constant refined ingestions and plant baths result in the subject not only smelling like the jungle, but they become the jungle, giving them a distinct hunting advantage.
These intense practices fine tune the individual’s own senses bringing great clarity and a highly refined perception of their immediate reality, further adding to their hunting advantage. Aside from the intensified state of awareness that comes from this extreme purification which historically prepared them for hunts, battles, or other challenges, their conscious awareness of their field of perception expands at inner and outer levels making them psychologically and mentally clear for the task at hand.
These hard won physical and perceptual enhancements bring deep inner shifts from the resonance that comes from being sympathetic to and in sync with the plant spirits and the energies they manifest. One of the intriguing results of this immersion into what shamans characterize as the spirit world is the encompassing energetic field that it opens up. This field brings an ability to not only commune with the plants and the distinctive energies of their unique spirits and personalities, but also to the distinctive energies and personalities of the animal kingdom.
This phenomenon is reinforced by widespread reports from ayahuasca drinkers of directly experiencing and communing with or being “possessed” by specific animal energies that are common to the ayahuasca experience, regardless of whether they are in the jungle or in a major North American city.
Among the numerous totems claimed by participants, or which they say actually choose them, the most common are condors, jaguars, and snakes which have a deeper meaning going all the way back to prehistoric cultures. Those experiencing these energies or spirits often roar and growl through no volition of their own like jaguars, flap their legs like wings, or feel their bodies swaying seemingly of its own accord to distinctive serpentine movements. Other animals and insects like hummingbirds, butterflies, dragonflies, dolphins, and other aquatic totems can play big parts as well.
This phenomenon with its roars, “wing flapping” and other animal indicators forms the core of shape shifting mythologies where shamans reportedly have the ability to change their form into that of their familiar animal totems.
In this way shamans share the distinct, intimate resonant vibration of these entities in the same energetic way they do with the morphogenetic field of plants, becoming one with them by sharing the same frequency. In the same way they have to surrender to the plant teachers to discover what mysteries may be revealed, shamans must humble themselves to their animal familiars as the conductor transmitters of their experience.
In the lore of the jungle, by sharing in the vibratory field of the animal’s spirit energy, in a state of surrender on that entity’s terms, that animal learns from the human by seeing things through human eyes while the human learns other modes of perception from seeing things through the animal’s eyes.
There is an invisibility that comes from physical purifications that makes hunters virtually invisible to the primary sensory modalities of their prey. In this manner, by mutual agreement and the understanding that comes from sympathetically sharing the same energetic field and perception of specific animals, the shaman hunts the animals in spirit first, then follows through what has happened in the spirit world in the physical world in the actual physical hunt, aided by his cultivated invisibility.
This learned ability of shamans to tune in to and commune with these diverse plant and animal energies that we all share the world with allows them to experience them in a direct, definitive, and subjective manner that helps them understand other perspectives. This cultivates empathy which is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, and opens them up in ways that only direct experience can, while aiding them in developing the critical skills necessary for what is defined as soul retrieval.
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kenenete · 13 days
Does an Ayahuasca Retreat Get Rid of Anxiety? 7 Anxiety Hacks from Kene Nete Healing Center
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In today's fast-paced world, anxiety has become a common ailment, prompting many to look for alternative healing methods. Ayahuasca retreats have become more well-known among them, especially in locations like Pucallpa, Peru. But can anxiety really be reduced by attending an ayahuasca retreat? In this article, we'll discuss the distinctive method of anxiety management offered by Shipibo-owned retreat Kene Nete Healing Center and provide seven useful tips you can use right now.
1. Understanding Ayahuasca and Anxiety
The Shipibo tribe of the Amazon has long utilized ayahuasca, a potent plant medicine with profound spiritual and therapeutic benefits. Seeking an authentic ayahuasca experience in the hopes of recovering from a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety, many people journey to Pucallpa, Peru.
There is a complicated relationship between ayahuasca and anxiety. Even though there are some studies and anecdotal evidence that ayahuasca can help with anxiety, it's crucial to use caution and respect when taking this medication. Ayahuasca, according to Kene Nete Healing Center, is a tool for profound introspection and healing under the guidance of skilled shamans rather than a magic cure..
2. Personalized Healing Plans at Kene Nete
At Kene Nete Healing Center, healing is not a one-size-fits-all approach. The retreat, located just outside Pucallpa, Peru, offers personalized healing plans tailored to each guest's needs. The shamans, who carry centuries of experience with ayahuasca and other master plants, carefully craft these plans after understanding the guest's physical, mental, and spiritual health.
This personalized approach ensures that the healing journey addresses the root cause of anxiety, rather than just its symptoms.
3. The Power of the Shipibo Tradition
The Shipibo people have a deep connection with ayahuasca and other plant medicines. Unlike many Western-run retreats, Kene Nete Healing Center stays true to the sacred nature of these ceremonies. The retreat is a family-run center, ensuring that each guest receives the care and attention they need.
This authenticity is crucial in helping guests feel safe and supported during their healing journey, which is especially important for those dealing with anxiety.
4. The Importance of Setting and Integration
The environment where you experience ayahuasca plays a significant role in your healing journey. Kene Nete Healing Center provides a serene and supportive setting in the Amazon rainforest, allowing guests to connect deeply with nature and their inner selves.
Integration is another vital aspect of the healing process. After the ceremonies, guests are guided on how to integrate their experiences into their daily lives. This helps in maintaining the benefits of the retreat and managing anxiety effectively in the long term.
5. Breathwork and Meditation Practices
In addition to ayahuasca, the retreat incorporates breathwork and meditation practices that help manage anxiety. These practices are designed to calm the mind, reduce stress, and promote a sense of inner peace.
Guests learn techniques that they can take home with them, providing tools for ongoing anxiety management even after they leave the retreat.
6. The Role of Diet and Lifestyle
At Kene Nete, the healing journey extends beyond the ceremonies. The retreat encourages a holistic approach to health, including a diet that supports mental clarity and emotional balance. Guests are also guided on how to make lifestyle changes that can help reduce anxiety, such as regular exercise, proper sleep, and mindful living.
7. Community and Support
One of the most powerful aspects of attending a retreat like Kene Nete is the sense of community. Sharing your journey with others who are also seeking healing can be incredibly comforting and empowering. The support network you build during your stay can continue long after the retreat, providing ongoing encouragement and understanding as you navigate your healing journey.
Conclusion: Is Ayahuasca the Answer to Anxiety?
While an ayahuasca retreat at Kene Nete Healing Center can be a transformative experience for those dealing with anxiety, it's essential to approach it with an open mind and realistic expectations. Ayahuasca is a powerful tool for healing, but it requires commitment, courage, and the right guidance.
If you’re considering an ayahuasca experience in Peru, particularly in Pucallpa, it’s crucial to choose a retreat that honors the tradition and provides the support you need. Kene Nete Healing Center offers an authentic, safe, and personalized healing experience that can help you on your journey to manage anxiety and find inner peace.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Can Ayahuasca Really Help with Anxiety?
People who use ayahuasca have demonstrated promise in managing their anxiety by facing traumatic experiences and deeply ingrained feelings. It is not, however, a cure-all. The intensity of the experience can vary, as can the effectiveness for each individual. Experienced shamans at Kene Nete Healing Center offer a secure and encouraging environment to assist you on your journey.
2. What Makes Kene Nete Healing Center Different from Other Ayahuasca Retreats?
A Shipibo-owned retreat, Kene Nete Healing Center provides a genuine experience based on centuries of custom. In contrast to numerous retreats managed by Westerners, Kene Nete upholds the sacredness of the rituals, guaranteeing a profoundly intimate and spiritually healing experience. Additionally, the retreat offers customized treatment programs made to meet the needs of each visitor.
3. What Should I Expect During an Ayahuasca Ceremony?
You will drink a brew made from the ayahuasca vine and other plants during an ayahuasca ceremony. Visions, emotional insights, and physical side effects like nausea or vomiting are common aspects of the experience. You will receive guidance and support from the shamans at Kene Nete Healing Center throughout the ceremony, as they will be your guides through the process.
4. How Should I Prepare for an Ayahuasca Retreat?
The secret to a good ayahuasca experience is preparation. Before attending the retreat, guests at Kene Nete must adhere to certain protocols. This can entail following dietary guidelines, preparing mentally and emotionally, and having a discovery call with a team member to determine your level of readiness for the experience.
5. What Is the Cost of an Ayahuasca Retreat at Kene Nete?
All-inclusive packages for affordable plant medicine healing are available at Kene Nete Healing Center. The price varies based on how long you stay and the customized treatment plans that are made for you. To get comprehensive pricing details, it is advised that you get in touch with the retreat directly.
6. Is Ayahuasca Safe?
In general, ayahuasca is safe when taken under the supervision of skilled shamans and in a regulated setting. It isn't appropriate for everyone, though. To make sure the medication is safe for you, Kene Nete must perform a complete evaluation of your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being prior to admitting you as a guest.
7. What Are Master Plant Dietas and Teacher Plant Ceremonies?
Shipibo culture includes master plant dietas and teacher plant ceremonies as traditional practices. These entail, under the supervision of a shaman, ingesting particular plants that are recognized for their therapeutic qualities. These methods are frequently added to the ayahuasca experience to offer more therapeutic advantages. These are part of the retreat packages at Kene Nete to support your healing process.
8. How Do I Book a Retreat at Kene Nete Healing Center?
It's easy to reserve a retreat at Kene Nete. To find out more about the retreat options, visit https://kenenete.com, submit an inquiry form, or schedule a discovery call with a team member. They will assist you in getting ready for your trip and will lead you through the process.
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daniellekurin · 6 months
Juanita Reconstruction Illustrates Importance of Bioarcheology
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A November 2023 CNN article said scientists have reconstructed a teenage Incan girl who lived 500 years ago. Discovered in 1995 in ice, the girl had been sacrificed and buried near the dormant volcano at the Ampato summit in Peru. This discovery illustrates the wonder of bioarchaeology, which contributed to bringing the century-old story to life.
Bioarchaeology is a branch of archaeology that studies bones and biological materials found around human remains. Scientists can use the bones to gather information about how people lived.
Bioarchaeology has played a critical role in reconstructing histories, including that of the Incas, who lived in Peru and Chile for more than 300 years. Their known history began in around 1,200 and ended in 1533, but historians cite the defeat of the Chanca in 1438 as the onset of the rise of the Incan Empire. The Incas went on to organize institutions and build an extensive network of roads connecting towns and villages.
The Incan culture included sacrificial ceremonies to appease the gods and protect the community from natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. The Incas sacrificed young women and children because of their purity and beauty.
Researchers believe that Juanita died as a sacrifice because of her ceremonial clothing. The teen's burial site also contained ceramic objects, gold and silver female figures, woven bags, pottery, and llama bones. The ceramic objects featured geometric shapes, which researchers believe may have been a part of the Incan communication system.
In 2018, 23 years after the discovery of Juanitain the Peruvian mountains, Dr. Dagmara Socha, a bioarcheologist at the Center for Andean Studies at the University of Warsaw in Cusco, Peru, began investigating Juanita and other remains and objects found at the Ampato, Pichu Pichu, and Misti volcanoes. They discovered that children and women chewed coca leaves and drank ayahuasca during the weeks leading up to their sacrifice. This finding suggests that the hallucinogenic and psychotropic drugs lessened their anxiety before the sacrifice, a fact consistent with Juanita’s ingestion of alcohol and coca before her sacrifice.
Further, after analyzing Juanita’s hair samples, researchers learned that she may have come from an elite family since her diet included meat. Juanita was between 13 and 15 when she died after being struck on the head, according to CT scans.
In March 2022, Swedish artist Oscar Nilsson used CT scans of Juanita to build a 3D model of her skull, which guided in reconstructing her face and body. The artist drew his reconstruction from tomography scans and information on her age and complexion. He relied on tissue depth markers based on skull measurements to understand her facial proportions. The reconstruction of Juanita took 400 hours, and her face alone took six months. Nilsson was methodical in his reconstruction, relying on forensic techniques to make the teen appear realistic. This reconstruction puts a face to the history of the teen and her people, which may not have been possible without bioarchaeology. Researchers and scientists have given Juanita the nicknames "Ice Maiden," since she was discovered in ice, and “the Lady of Ampato.”
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shamanflora · 11 months
Best Ancient Plant Medicine by Shamanflora
Discover heightened awareness with our ancient plant medicine. Experience transformative retreats and training, liberating you from emotional and physical burdens. We uphold the utmost standards of safety, integrity, and ethical practice. Through Ayahuasca, Kambo, and Master Plant Diets, we aim to empower individuals, leaving a positive imprint on our guests and the global community. Explore further at our website today.
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ragavsharma9360 · 11 months
Ayahuasca Retreats: Navigating the Amazonian Realm of Healing and Enlightenment
In the heart of the lush Amazon rainforest, deep within the mystical realm of the Peruvian jungle, lies an extraordinary and transformative experience - Ayahuasca retreats. ayahuasca retreat This article is your comprehensive guide to understanding the profound world of Ayahuasca, a sacred plant medicine that has captivated the minds and souls of seekers, healers, and adventurers from around the globe.
What is Ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca, often referred to as the "vine of the soul," is a powerful psychedelic brew that has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes in the Amazon basin for healing, spiritual growth, and divination. This unique concoction is made by brewing together two primary ingredients - the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria viridis plant. The result is a tea with profound effects on the mind, body, and spirit.
The Shamanic Connection
At the heart of Ayahuasca retreats are the shamans, the wise and experienced guides who facilitate the ceremonies. These shamans have an intricate knowledge of the plants and a deep understanding of the spiritual realms that Ayahuasca opens. They play a pivotal role in guiding participants through the journey, ensuring safety, and providing insights into the visions and experiences that unfold.
The Healing Journey
Participants in Ayahuasca retreats seek to embark on a deeply personal healing journey. The effects of Ayahuasca are profound, often leading to intense experiences of self-discovery, emotional release, and spiritual awakening. The plant medicine is believed to have the power to heal not only physical ailments but also deep-seated psychological and emotional wounds.
A Path to Enlightenment
Beyond its healing properties, Ayahuasca is also seen as a path to enlightenment. Many who partake in Ayahuasca ceremonies report a heightened sense of awareness, a profound connection to the universe, and a greater understanding of their purpose in life. The experiences often lead to a sense of unity with all living beings and a profound shift in one's perspective on reality.
Choosing the Right Retreat
Selecting the right Ayahuasca retreat is a crucial step in your journey. Here are some factors to consider:
Location and Setting
Ayahuasca retreats take place in various locations throughout the Amazon basin. It's essential to research and choose a setting that resonates with you. Whether deep in the jungle, along a river, or in a more modern center, the setting will greatly influence your experience.
Safety and Guidance
Ensure that the retreat you select prioritizes safety and employs experienced shamans. The guidance and support provided during your Ayahuasca journey are paramount.
Duration of Retreat
Ayahuasca retreats vary in length, from a few days to several weeks. Consider your commitment and the time you can dedicate to this transformative experience.
Group Size
Some retreats are intimate, with only a handful of participants, while others may host larger groups. The group size can significantly impact the atmosphere and level of personal attention you receive.
Preparing for the Journey
Before embarking on your Ayahuasca retreat, it's essential to prepare your mind and body. Here are some steps to consider:
Diet and Nutrition
Many retreats recommend following a specific diet before and after the ceremony. This typically involves avoiding certain foods, alcohol, and medications to ensure the purity and effectiveness of the Ayahuasca experience.
Intentions and Goals
Set clear intentions for your Ayahuasca journey. Reflect on what you hope to achieve, whether it's healing, personal growth, or spiritual insight.
Mental and Emotional Preparation
Mentally prepare yourself for the profound experiences that Ayahuasca can bring. Be open to the possibilities, release expectations, and trust the process.
The Ayahuasca Ceremony
The actual Ayahuasca ceremony is a deeply sacred and introspective experience. Participants gather in a designated space, often with the guidance of the shaman, and consume the Ayahuasca brew. The effects typically last for several hours, during which participants may experience visions, deep emotions, and a profound connection with the universe.
Integration and Aftercare
After the Ayahuasca ceremony, the integration process is vital. Many retreats offer integration sessions to help participants make sense of their experiences and apply the insights gained in their everyday lives.
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casaenamorada · 1 year
“Many people in search of spirituality try to give a perfect image, speak low to appear to have inner peace, have a vegetarian, vegan diet, or live off the pranic energy or the sun to feel more connected, wear exotic clothes to feel different, or smoke how much yerba put them, eat mushrooms, peyote, ayahuasca, desert frogs and do yoga courses, biodance, oriental meditations, law of attraction, prosperity, family constellations, temazcals, akashic records. Future Sciences or Fifth Dimension to feel more spiritual. But the reality is all that has nothing to do with spirituality. We have turned spirituality into a product of consumption.
We seek spirituality in religions, courses, workshops, conferences.. , and we associate it with incense, candles, saumerios, astral letters, sterillas, bowls, buddhas, chillaut music and linen dresses.
True spirituality has nothing to do with the things you can buy or have on the outside. You are not more spiritual and conscious by having more money or carrying a uterus hanging over your shoulder. You are not more spiritual by considering yourself a being of light but you integrate your shadows and darkness. You're also not more spiritual by saying "Namaste" "God bless you" "prayers" and greetings to the planet and others through Facebook and social networks.
As we continue to seek spirituality in a religion, a guru, ritual or teaching, we will be seeking a spirituality of marketing and consumption.
No religion, guru or teaching is going to be able to give you what is already inside you. But if what you want is to sign up for spiritual fashion then go to an asram, sign up for an esoteric group, give spiritual talks and conferences and do all the fashion workshops you can, and eventually you'll find that you've only changed on the surface.
Most people do not want to be responsible for their spirituality and give that responsibility to a mentor, coach, guru or teacher who guides them and leads them to full realization or to "the best version of yourself" as it is often said. That's why there are so many gurus nowadays. There have never been so many teachers, gurus, specialists and diplomas in spirituality as today. How many of those titles you have hanging on your wall define you?. How many of those courses and workshops have shown you who you really are?. How many of those diplomas will you take with you when you die? None of them. But the game has been accepted disciple master, mentor follower, novice expert, seller buyer.
Someone tells you they have the truth and you try to buy it. It's business the books, courses, workshops and conferences that the fashion master sells you. You buy everything because you're use to buying and you think buying can make you spiritual. You live in a spiritual business. Shopping Mall. Customer seller . I sell you some ideas about what spirituality is and you buy them to me. But those ideas will be prefabricated ideas, second-hand, they won't be original, they won’t be yours, they won’T be true. All truths you buy from others will be a lie.
How do you get out of this trap? Stop doing spirituality and drugs, if you still can.. search the truth of your heart. And ask yourself how did I get to her?. What Should I Do ? How can I reach her? First of all STOP ASKING OTHERS HOW TO REACH IT. Stop seeking and consuming spirituality and recognize that what you seek already comes within you, and that no religion, guru or teaching can give you.
I'm going to tell you something that's going to tear down your entire consumption spirituality. What you're looking for YOU ALREADY GOT! You don’t need to do anything or reach any special place or activate the kundalini or the third eye. YOU ALREADY ARE. YOU ARE ALREADY COMPLETE. YOU ARE ALREADY LIT. YOU ARE ALREADY FULL. Stop wasting time on toys. Nothing or no one is going to be able to give or sell your being. It's a personal self discovery. It is your adventure. Your journey. But as long as you keep playing the game of spirituality and doing spiritual courses and workshops to entertain yourself mentally you will be distancing yourself from the true spirituality that resides in your heart.
Stop buying and consuming spirituality. Spirituality is free. It's in the air you breathe, in the sun, in the stars and in your heart.”
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fastdiet · 1 year
Ayahuasca is a powerful plant medicine used in traditional Amazonian shamanic practices. The brew is made by combining the ayahuasca vine with other plants, and it is known for its intense psychedelic effects. However, before taking ayahuasca, it is essential to follow a specific diet to prepare the body and mind for the experience. The ayahuasca diet is a crucial part of the preparation process. The diet involves avoiding certain foods and substances that can interfere with the effects of the plant medicine. By following the ayahuasca diet, you can ensure that you have a safe and transformative experience. In this article, we will provide you with tips and guidelines for following the ayahuasca diet. We will cover the foods and substances to avoid, as well as the foods that are recommended. By following these guidelines, you can prepare yourself for a powerful and transformative ayahuasca experience. 🌿🍃🍓1. Understanding the Ayahuasca Diet: A Comprehensive GuideBefore embarking on an Ayahuasca journey, it is important to understand the diet restrictions. Avoid alcohol, drugs, and tobacco for at least a week before the ceremony. Avoid processed foods, sugar, salt, and spicy foods. Stick to a simple, plant-based diet with no animal products. The Ayahuasca diet is essential for preparing the body and mind for the experience. It helps to cleanse the body of toxins and enhances the effects of the plant medicine. It also helps to reduce the risk of adverse reactions during the ceremony. The diet should be followed for at least a week before and after the ceremony. During this time, it is important to avoid any foods that could interfere with the Ayahuasca experience. After the ceremony, the diet helps to integrate the experience and maintain the benefits. Some traditional Ayahuasca diets include additional restrictions. These may include avoiding sex, caffeine, and certain fruits and vegetables. It is important to follow the specific guidelines provided by the shaman or facilitator. Overall, the Ayahuasca diet is an important aspect of the Ayahuasca experience. It helps to prepare the body and mind for the journey and enhances the effects of the plant medicine. Following the diet can also help to reduce the risk of adverse reactions and maintain the benefits of the experience. 🌿🍃🍓🥑🥦🍌🍉🍇🍎2. The Importance of Preparing Your Body for an Ayahuasca CeremonyPreparing your body for an Ayahuasca ceremony is crucial for a safe and effective experience. 🍃 Avoid alcohol, drugs, and caffeine for at least a week before the ceremony. 🧘‍♀️ Practice meditation or yoga to calm your mind and body. 🥦 Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables. 💦 Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. By preparing your body, you can reduce the risk of negative side effects and enhance the benefits of Ayahuasca. 🌿 Detoxify your body by avoiding processed foods and sugar. 🚭 Quit smoking to improve respiratory function. 🧘‍♂️ Practice deep breathing exercises to increase oxygen flow. 🌞 Spend time in nature to ground yourself and connect with the earth. Remember, Ayahuasca is a powerful plant medicine that can have profound effects on your mind and body. 🙏 Respect the ceremony and the traditions surrounding it. 🌟 Set an intention for your journey and trust the process. 👥 Work with a reputable shaman or facilitator who can guide you through the experience. 🌈 Embrace the lessons and insights that come from your Ayahuasca journey. 3. Ayahuasca Diet Guidelines: What to Eat and What to AvoidBefore taking Ayahuasca, it's essential to follow a specific diet to prepare your body and mind for the experience. Here are some guidelines on what to eat and avoid: Eat light, plant-based meals in the days leading up to the ceremony. Avoid processed foods, sugar, salt, and caffeine. Avoid alcohol, drugs, and medications. Avoid sexual activity and negative thoughts. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas. During the ceremony, it's recommended to fast for at least 6 hours before drinking Ayahuasca. This helps to avoid nausea and purging. Drink only water during the fasting period. Avoid solid food, dairy, meat, and fish. Avoid spicy, oily, and acidic foods. Avoid smoking and chewing gum. Avoid using perfumes and scented products. After the ceremony, it's essential to continue following a healthy diet to integrate the experience and support your body's healing process. Eat light, nutritious meals, and avoid heavy and processed foods. Avoid alcohol, drugs, and medications for at least 24 hours. Avoid negative thoughts and stressful situations. Practice self-care and gratitude. Stay connected to nature and your inner self. Remember, Ayahuasca is a powerful medicine that requires respect and preparation. By following these diet guidelines, you can enhance your experience and receive the full benefits of this sacred plant. 🌿🍃🥦🍎🍵🚫🍔🍟🍕🍫🍩🍸💊🚭🙅‍♀️💭🧘‍♀️🌳🌞🙏4. How to Maintain a Healthy Ayahuasca Diet Post-CeremonyMaintaining a healthy ayahuasca diet after the ceremony is crucial for your physical and mental health. Here are some tips: 🍎 Incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet to replenish your body with essential nutrients. 🥦 Avoid processed and junk food, caffeine, alcohol, and drugs for at least a week after the ceremony. 🍵 Drink plenty of water and herbal teas to flush out toxins from your body. 🥕 Consume foods that are easy to digest, such as soups, stews, and broths. 🍲 Consider adding probiotics and fermented foods to your diet to support gut health. 🌿 Incorporate herbs and spices such as turmeric, ginger, and garlic to boost your immune system. 🍓 Avoid meat and dairy products for a few days after the ceremony to help your body detoxify. 🥑 Incorporate healthy fats such as avocado, nuts, and seeds into your diet to support brain function. 🍵 Consider drinking ayahuasca-friendly teas such as chamomile, passionflower, and valerian to promote relaxation and sleep. 🍇 Finally, listen to your body and eat intuitively. Pay attention to what feels nourishing and supportive for your physical and emotional well-being.5. The Role of Ayahuasca Diet in the Healing and Transformation ProcessAyahuasca diet plays a crucial role in the healing and transformation process. It helps to prepare the body and mind for the ceremony. It cleanses the body of toxins and purifies the spirit. It enhances the effects of the ayahuasca medicine. The diet typically involves avoiding certain foods and drinks, such as alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods. It also includes consuming specific foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins. It's important to follow the diet for at least a week before the ceremony. It's also recommended to continue the diet for a few days after the ceremony. Following the ayahuasca diet can lead to a more profound and transformative experience. It can help to reduce nausea and other physical discomforts during the ceremony. It can also help to facilitate a deeper connection with the ayahuasca spirit. It can lead to long-lasting changes in one's relationship with food and health. Overall, the ayahuasca diet is an essential aspect of the healing and transformation process. 🍃🌿🍓🍇🍉🥦🍗🐟🥑🥥🍵🍶6. Common Misconceptions About the Ayahuasca Diet and How to Avoid ThemMany people have misconceptions about the Ayahuasca diet. Here are some common ones and how to avoid them: Misconception: You can eat whatever you want before an Ayahuasca ceremony. Reality: Avoid alcohol, drugs, and heavy foods for at least 24 hours before the ceremony. Misconception: The Ayahuasca diet is only about what you eat. Reality: The diet also includes avoiding sex, negative thoughts, and certain medications. Misconception: The Ayahuasca diet is a one-time thing. Reality: It's recommended to follow the diet for at least a week before and after the ceremony. Misconception: The Ayahuasca diet is only for spiritual purposes. Reality: The diet is also important for physical health and safety during the ceremony. Misconception: The Ayahuasca diet is the same for everyone. Reality: The diet can vary depending on the shaman, tradition, and individual needs. By understanding the reality of the Ayahuasca diet, you can have a safer and more meaningful experience.7. Tips for Incorporating Ayahuasca Diet into Your Daily LifeAdopting an Ayahuasca diet can be challenging at first, but it's worth it. Here are some tips to help you incorporate it into your daily life: Eat whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains. Avoid processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas. Include protein sources like nuts, seeds, and legumes. Try to eat organic and locally sourced foods. Meal planning can make it easier to stick to an Ayahuasca diet: Plan your meals in advance. Prepare your own meals at home. Experiment with new recipes and ingredients. Use spices and herbs to add flavor to your meals. It's important to listen to your body and adjust your diet accordingly: Pay attention to how your body reacts to certain foods. Make changes to your diet based on your body's needs. Consult with a nutritionist or healthcare provider if needed. Don't forget to take care of your mental and emotional health: Practice mindfulness and meditation. Get enough sleep and exercise regularly. Connect with nature and spend time outdoors. Surround yourself with positive people and energy. Remember, adopting an Ayahuasca diet is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process and enjoy the benefits it brings 🌿🌞 In conclusion, the Ayahuasca diet is an essential aspect of the Ayahuasca experience. It is crucial to follow the guidelines to ensure a safe and effective ceremony. 🌿 Remember to avoid certain foods and substances, such as alcohol and red meat, at least 24 hours before the ceremony. 🚫 By following these tips and guidelines, you can fully embrace the transformative power of Ayahuasca and have a profound spiritual experience. 🙏 https://fastdiet.net/ayahuasca-diet-tips-and-guidelines/?_unique_id=6490cac4823a9
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allaasheverything · 1 year
Starve the body. Feed the spirit.
Like all stories, there’s much more to this one.
I have lived with addiction for over 10 years. It’s not something I share openly because frankly, I haven’t seen anything wrong with it. I’m high functioning, responsible, have never been in trouble with the law, and my abused substance is legal and legally derived. But addiction has been slowly killing me from the inside out. No one sees its effects except for me. I can feel it inside myself, not in my body, I feel it in my spirit.
Hanging at the end of my rope, I traveled to Peru, deep into the Amazon to undergo a shamanic healing journey with the sacred ayahuasca plant. Ayahuasca is one of the two most profound medicinal plants found in the Amazon Rainforest. The other is San Pedro. There’s a strict diet and conditions one must adhere to when working with ayahuasca, it can have terrible adverse effects if not used respectfully.
Over the course of two weeks I removed salt, sugar, acid, fat, and heat from my diet. No sexual, visual, audible stimulation. I would spend 8 hours a day in meditation with just enough sleep to honor my body, the rest of the hours were spent in social, emotional, and spiritual therapy - all in an effort to reconnect closely with my true Self.
The Divine spoke to me clearly, as clear as the voice of a mother, and with tremendous grace and love, helped me understand what I have done to my body, mind, and heart over a many years long affair with addiction. The Divine showed me how to find my way back to my soul.
I will never be the same. I share this story for anyone who struggles with suicide, addiction, or deeply seated pain. For those of us who are faithful, we may believe that our bond with The Divine is such that He can fix things for us. But this is our misunderstanding. Our bond with The Divine is such that He will light our paths and give us the strength to fix ourselves. This journey will bring us closer together, in this way, we will return to The Divine. On this path we will seek The Divine deep in our hearts, know that He is always there, he is waiting for us, and we will be together in the end. Be patient with yourself, trust The Divine, maintain your connection to Him, and live your life. He is waiting for you. He won’t leave you, He will show you the way to loving your Self into loving Him. You are never alone.
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kenenete · 1 year
Experience Ayahuasca Ritual Ceremony with Skilled Shaman Peru
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Are you ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing in the heart of the Amazon rainforest? Kene Nete invites you to experience an authentic Ayahuasca Ritual in Peru, guided by skilled shamans from the Shipibo village of Pahoyan. In this blog post, we'll take you inside the mystical world of Ayahuasca, providing you with insights into the preparation, the ceremony itself, and what comes after. Get ready to explore the transformative power of Ayahuasca and the wisdom of the Shipibo tradition.
Introduction to Kene Nete: Your Gateway to Healing
Before we delve into the intricacies of an Ayahuasca ceremony, let's introduce you to Kene Nete – your trusted partner on this transformative journey.
About Kene Nete
Kene Nete is a retreat center specializing in holistic healing, plant medicine, and alternative medicine. Located in the pristine Amazon rainforest, Kene Nete is not just any retreat; it's an authentic Ayahuasca and Master Plant Dieta Retreat in Peru. What sets it apart is its association with a traditional Shipibo family who reside in the village of Pahoyan. This unique partnership allows Kene Nete to offer an unparalleled plant medicine experience rooted in ancient traditions.
Inside An Ayahuasca Ceremony in Pucallpa, Peru
AN EXPLANATION: About our Ayahuasca Ceremonies
The Ayahuasca ceremonies at Kene Nete follow the time-honored traditions of the Shipibo people. These ceremonies are held by Ayahuasca Shaman in Peru at  every other night in complete darkness, providing a sacred space for participants to connect with the healing powers of Ayahuasca. Here, we will walk you through the various aspects of an Ayahuasca ceremony, from preparation to the journey itself and what comes after.
THE JOURNEY BEGINS: Preparing For An Ayahuasca Ceremony
The preparations for an Ayahuasca ceremony begin around 5 pm, as the shamans meticulously arrange the ceremonial space known as the Maloca. Safety and comfort are paramount, with a ratio of at least one shaman for every two guests. You are in capable hands throughout this profound experience.
The essentials
Your accommodations for the night are simple yet purposeful – a pillow, a blanket for warmth, mapachos (tobacco sticks), a lighter, paper towels, a light source, and water. These basic provisions are thoughtfully provided by the Shipibo family at Kene Nete. However, the most crucial item you receive is your personal purge bucket.
Meeting before Ayahuasca Ceremony
As dusk settles in, both guests and shamans gather in the Maloca to foster a sense of community and mutual support. The shamans will check in with each participant, ensuring their mental and physical well-being. Transparency is encouraged; even minor discomforts or pains are worth sharing, as they can serve as entry points for the shamans to address past traumas or injuries.
Opening of Ayahuasca Ceremony
The transformative journey officially commences at 7:30 pm, with only a faint candle illuminating the Maloca. The Maestros, or shamans, initiate the ceremony by establishing a connection with Mother Ayahuasca and the plant spirits being dieted by the guests. Simultaneously, another Maestro clears the Maloca of negative energies, creating a protective atmosphere for all participants.
You will then be invited forward to receive your cup of Ayahuasca. At this moment, you are encouraged to speak your intention out loud, or if you prefer, whisper it in your own language. As everyone consumes the sacred medicine, the candlelight is extinguished, enveloping the Maloca in darkness, and silence reigns. In the dim light, you might catch a glimpse of Maestra Olinda as she prepares to open up the ceremony.
The Plant Medicine Journey
What unfolds during the plant medicine journey varies from person to person and ceremony to ceremony. However, we can outline the general process. After approximately 30-40 minutes, as the Ayahuasca begins to take effect, the Maestros embark on their Icaros – powerful chants that facilitate communication with the medicine. Each participant receives individual attention from the shamans during this phase. It's important to stay seated and focused on your intention, refraining from interacting with other participants unless you require assistance from the shamans.
To ensure a smooth experience, there is always one facilitator present who refrains from consuming Ayahuasca. Their role is to handle logistical aspects, such as providing paper, mapachos, guiding participants to the restroom, and ensuring overall safety. The duration of the ceremonies can vary, typically spanning 3 to 6 hours, dictated by the guidance of Mother Ayahuasca.
Rest assured, with a ratio of one shaman per two guests, you are well-supported and cared for during the entirety of the ceremony.
What To Do After An Ayahuasca Ceremony?
The conclusion of the Peru Ayahuasca Ceremony is an organic process, devoid of rigid time constraints. Some participants may experience a longer journey than others, with the haunting echoes of the shamans' icaros sometimes extending into the early morning hours. At Kene Nete, the well-being of every participant is a top priority, ensuring they are in a grounded and peaceful state before retiring for the night. Post-ceremony, everyone, including participants and shamans alike, sleeps together in the Maloca, fostering protection and precaution.
As the sun rises and the morning unfolds, you are encouraged to engage in introspection and meditation. This is an ideal time to journal your experiences and connect with the insights gained during your plant medicine journey. Embrace the unknown, allowing it to reveal itself in its own time. Don't rush or force answers; instead, be present with your journey and the wisdom it imparts.
Embarking on an Ayahuasca ritual ceremony with skilled shamans in Peru is a profound and transformative experience. Kene Nete, with its deep-rooted connection to the Shipibo tradition, offers an authentic and safe space for this journey of self-discovery and healing.
If you're seeking holistic healing, plant medicine, and alternative medicine in the heart of the Amazon rainforest, Kene Nete is your gateway to this mystical world. Their commitment to tradition and safety ensures that you can fully immerse yourself in the healing power of Ayahuasca.
So, are you ready to explore the depths of your consciousness and unlock the wisdom Ayahuasca Ceremony in Peru? Join Kene Nete on this extraordinary voyage into the heart of the Amazon, where ancient traditions and modern healing converge for a truly life-changing experience.
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mattpallamary · 1 year
This is a segment of my interview on the Spiritually Raw television show where we discuss my transformative jungle experiences in the Peruvian Amazon doing shamanic plant diets with Ayahuasca and other teacher plants.
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eatwithchil · 2 years
Can You Eat Bread on Ayahuasca Diet ? Free Guide
Thinking about going on an ayahuasca diet? Hop on board the psychedelic express! Ayahuasca, the magical mix made from the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the Psychotria viridis leaves, is quickly becoming the hottest ticket in town for self-discovery and personal growth.
But what does the ayahuasca diet involve, exactly? And why is bread such a controversial food? And can you eat bread on ayahuasca diet ? We’ll explore these questions and more in this Can You Eat Bread on Ayahuasca Diet? Free Guide article.
What Is the Ayahuasca Diet?
so lets start Ayahuasca Diet, Examples like the “I’m-preparing-my-body-for-a-spiritual-journey” plan, is a ways to cleanse your body before taking the Ayahuasca sacrament.
People follow this diet for many reasons like to get in touch with their spiritual side or to experience a mind-bending trip. The diet is pretty simple, you either eat certain foods or avoid certain foods.
It’s like a choose-your-own-adventure book, but with food. So, if you’re down for some greens and fruits, you’re good to go! But if you have a love affair with bread and processed foods, you might have to say goodbye to them temporarily. The choice is yours, foodie! Lets find something on : Can You Eat Bread on Ayahuasca Diet
The Role of Bread in the Ayahuasca Diet
Ah, bread. The staff of life, the giver of sustenance, the darling of the carb-loving masses. But in the world of Ayahuasca, bread is more like the black sheep of the diet family.
You see, bread is considered a contentious food because it contains gluten, which can cause bloating and discomfort during the Ayahuasca ceremony. And, as we all know, an unhappy tummy can lead to an unhappy mind and soul during the experience.
But fear not, my carb-craving friends, for there are plenty of alternative sources of carbohydrates that won’t send you running for the bathroom mid-ceremony. From quinoa to sweet potatoes, the world is your gluten-free oyster.
So, go ahead, enjoy your carbohydrates without sacrificing the sanctity of your Ayahuasca experience.
What to Eat and  What to Avoid on Ayahuasca Diet?
Alright, let’s spice things up! The Ayahuasca diet isn’t just any old bland diet, oh no, it’s a special dance with plant medicine. And, just like in any good dance, you want to keep your partner happy. So, you’ll be saying goodbye to caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and bread.
But don’t worry, there’s plenty of delicious and nutritious options to fill your plate. Like, fruits and veggies to give you a colorful spin, whole grains for a wholesome twirl, nuts and seeds for a crunchy cha-cha, and fish for a smooth salsa.
Tips for Following the Ayahuasca Diet ?
This article originally was published : https://www.eatwithchil.com/can-you-eat-bread-on-ayahuasca-diet/
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shamanflora · 1 year
Best Ancient Plant Medicine by Shamanflora
We offer ancient plant medicine for those seeking increased consciousness. Our retreats and training help release emotional and physical toxins. so you can live a more purposeful and fulfilling life. We are committed to the highest standards of safety, integrity, and ethical conduct in all our offerings. By sharing the life-changing benefits of Ayahuasca, Kambo, and Master Plant Diets, we strive to make a lasting impact on the lives of our guests and the world at large. For more details. Visit Now!
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erikacarmody1 · 2 years
All About Ayahuasca
The other day, I was scrolling on Tik Tok and came across a video of a couple vlogging what they eat in a day to prepare for their Ayahuasca ceremony. The couple described themselves as “high raw vegans”, meaning they really only ate raw fruits and vegetables. They talked about how they wanted to nourish their bodies to prepare for the experience, as the mental and physical effects would be intense. In the video, the couple ate a copious amount of fruit, the biggest salad I have ever seen, and an entire jackfruit for dinner. I thought to myself, “I wonder if it's even worth it to eat a specific diet before an Ayahuasca ceremony, since you’re going to vomit it all up anyway.” For that matter, what even is Ayahuasca to begin with? What is it made of, and how does it work? 
Ayahuasca is an ancient ritual hallucinogenic practice that has gained popularity today. The ayahuasca itself is a highly concentrated tea prepared by an Ayahuasca shaman, who is a spiritual expert in Ayahuasca and runs the ceremony. The tea consists of the torn leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub and stalks of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine. While traditionally, this brew was only consumed by certain religious groups, people today often consume the beverage to “open up their minds” or help heal past traumas. 
The effects of ayahuasca vary from a euphoric experience to being fear inducing. Typically, around 30-60 minutes after the tea is drunk, the “trip” begins. The experience for ayahuasca is different for everyone and differs each time someone consumes the drug. Prior to the peak of the “trip,” intense nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea often occur, but this experience is embraced, as it is seen as a type of cleansing prior to the ayahuasca “journey.”
So, how does Ayahuasca exactly work? The main hallucinogen in the tea is DMT, also known as N,N-dimethyltryptamine. DMT is found in the leaves of the Psychotria viridis shrub and is a powerful hallucinogen. DMT can be taken on its own and is known to have differing effects, as some users feel like they are moving fast through time, others believe they have shifted into another being, and some even report that they felt as if they traveled to another dimension and met alien beings. Taking DMT on its own often results in a “trip” of about 45-60 minutes. While the mechanism of how DMT works is not fully understood, current research has shown that DMT may potentially be an agonist to 5-HT receptors, specifically the 5-HT2A receptor. Other hallucinogens, such as LSD, are also agonists for this serotonin receptor. However, DMT also binds to 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptors, but with less affinity. 
While DMT on its own typically lasts less than an hour, Ayahuasca can last up to six hours. The reason why a DMT “trip” is so short is because it gets rapidly broken down by enzymes called monoamine oxidases (MAOs). The stalks of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine contain substances called MAO inhibitors (MAOIs), which inhibit the enzyme’s activity and allows the “trip” to last much longer. In the pharmacological setting MAOIs can be used to treat depression, as they also help more serotonin to be created. However, they can have adverse interactions with food. One of these interactions is called the “cheese effect,” as when one eats foods heavy in the compound tyramine (such as cheese), the MAOIs interact with the compound and the effects can be deadly. Now that I think about it, the vegan couple was smart to only eat fruits and vegetables especially before an ayahuasca ceremony. 
Interestingly enough, while ayahuasca has some adverse effects, such as vomiting and potential intense fear, it may be neurobiologically and psychologically beneficial. For example, DMT activates the sigma-1-receptor, which is a protein that blocks neurodegeneration. Additionally, DMT has been shown to increase BDNF, which is a protein that is integral to nerve cell development and survival. Many users of ayahuasca also report that their levels of depression were lower immediately after using ayahuasca and these effects lasted up to four weeks later. For users experiencing addiction or PTSD, many have reported that they felt relieved of at least some of their symptoms after participating in an ayahuasca ceremony. However, as ayahuasca is not extensively studied, please take these findings with a grain of salt.  
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alessia-austin-blog · 4 years
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Top 5 Ayahuasca Benefits
Ayahuasca's benefits you should be aware of are here to know. To be familiar with Ayahuasca diet or preparation you can visit us.
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fastdiet · 1 year
Ayahuasca is a powerful plant medicine used in traditional Amazonian shamanic practices. The effects of Ayahuasca can be life-changing, but the experience can also be intense and challenging. The Ayahuasca diet is an important aspect of preparing for a ceremony to ensure the best possible experience. The Ayahuasca diet involves avoiding certain foods and substances for at least a week before the ceremony. This includes alcohol, drugs, caffeine, and processed foods. The diet also emphasizes eating simple, whole foods like vegetables, fruits, and grains. Proper preparation can help with physical and emotional cleansing, making the ceremony more effective. The Ayahuasca diet is not just about what to eat, but also about creating a mindset of intention and respect for the medicine. This includes avoiding negative thoughts and emotions, practicing gratitude, and setting clear intentions for the ceremony. Following the Ayahuasca diet can help create a safe and transformative experience. 🌿🍎🙏1. Understanding the Ayahuasca Diet: What to Eat and Avoid Before CeremonyBefore an Ayahuasca ceremony, it's essential to follow a specific diet to ensure a safe and effective experience. 🍃 Avoid processed foods, alcohol, and drugs for at least a week before the ceremony. 🍴 Eat simple, healthy meals, mainly plant-based, and avoid red meat and spicy foods. 🚫 Avoid caffeine, sugar, and dairy products, as they can interfere with the Ayahuasca's effects. It's crucial to prepare your body and mind for the ceremony, and the Ayahuasca diet plays a significant role in this process. 🧘‍♀️ Practice meditation and mindfulness to help you connect with your intentions and prepare for the experience. 🌿 Incorporate herbs such as ginger and chamomile into your diet to help with digestion and relaxation. 🙏 Set your intentions and create a sacred space to honor the Ayahuasca experience. Following the Ayahuasca diet is not only essential for your safety but also for your spiritual journey. It helps you connect with the plant medicine and receive its healing benefits. 🌱 Eat mindfully and with gratitude, honoring the plants and their healing properties. 🍵 Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and support the detoxification process. 🌞 Spend time in nature and connect with the elements to ground yourself and prepare for the ceremony. 2. The Importance of a Clean Body and Mind for Ayahuasca ExperiencePreparing your body and mind before an ayahuasca ceremony is crucial for a successful experience. 🚿 Take a shower or bath to cleanse your body. 🧘‍♀️ Practice meditation or yoga to calm your mind. 🍃 Avoid alcohol, drugs, and heavy meals for at least 24 hours before the ceremony. A clean body and mind help you connect with the plant spirit and receive its teachings more easily. 🌿 Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and flush out toxins. 🍎 Eat light, plant-based meals to nourish your body. 🧘‍♂️ Practice mindfulness to stay present and open to the experience. During the ceremony, keeping a clear mind and positive attitude is essential. 🙏 Set an intention for your journey and trust the process. 💭 Let go of expectations and judgments. 🌟 Focus on gratitude and love. After the ceremony, take care of yourself with self-love and self-care practices. 🛀 Take a bath or shower to cleanse your body. 🌿 Drink herbal tea and eat light, nourishing foods. 📝 Journal your experience to integrate the lessons learned. Remember, a clean body and mind create a clear channel for the plant spirit to work through you.3. Ayahuasca Diet: How to Prepare Your Body for the Healing JourneyPreparing your body for an ayahuasca journey is crucial for a safe and healing experience. Here are some tips: Avoid alcohol, drugs, and medications at least 2 weeks before the ceremony. Eat a clean and healthy diet, avoiding processed foods, sugar, and caffeine. Abstain from sexual activity, meat, and dairy products for at least 24 hours before the ceremony. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas to hydrate and detoxify your body. It's also recommended to practice meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness techniques to prepare your mind for the journey. During the ceremony, follow the shaman's instructions and drink the ayahuasca brew slowly and mindfully. Be open to the experience and trust the process. After the ceremony, continue to eat a healthy diet and avoid alcohol and drugs for at least a week. Take time to integrate the experience and reflect on any insights gained. Remember, the ayahuasca diet is not just about physical preparation but also about spiritual and emotional readiness. Approach the journey with respect and gratitude. 🌿🧘‍♀️🍃🙏💚4. The Role of Nutrition in Enhancing the Effects of AyahuascaNutrition plays a crucial role in enhancing the effects of Ayahuasca. A balanced diet rich in nutrients can help prepare the body and mind for the experience. 🥦 Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are excellent sources of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They can help improve digestion, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation. 🍗 Protein-rich foods like meat, fish, eggs, and beans can help repair and build tissues. They can also provide energy and support brain function. 🍵 Herbal teas and supplements like ginger, turmeric, and magnesium can help calm the nervous system and reduce anxiety. They can also enhance the cognitive and emotional effects of Ayahuasca. 🚫 Avoid processed foods, alcohol, caffeine, and sugar before and after the ceremony. They can interfere with the absorption and metabolism of Ayahuasca. 🧘‍♀️ Practicing mindfulness, meditation, and yoga can also help prepare the body and mind for the Ayahuasca experience. They can improve focus, relaxation, and self-awareness. 🌿 Remember to consult a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet or lifestyle. They can provide personalized advice and guidance. In conclusion, a healthy and balanced diet, along with mindful practices, can enhance the effects of Ayahuasca and support overall well-being.5. Ayahuasca Diet: Tips for a Safe and Effective CeremonyPreparing for an ayahuasca ceremony requires a special diet to ensure safety and effectiveness. Here are some tips: Avoid alcohol, drugs, and caffeine at least 24 hours before the ceremony. Refrain from sexual activity, meat, dairy, and spicy foods for at least 48 hours. Eat light, healthy meals leading up to the ceremony to avoid indigestion. Drink plenty of water and herbal teas to stay hydrated and flush toxins. Consider taking supplements like magnesium and B vitamins to support your body. During the ceremony, follow these guidelines: Stay calm and relaxed, focusing on your breath and intentions. Be respectful of the shaman, other participants, and the sacred space. Drink the ayahuasca slowly and mindfully, savoring each sip. Stay seated or lying down, avoiding sudden movements or leaving the space. Trust the process and surrender to the experience, even if it's uncomfortable. After the ceremony, take time to integrate and reflect: Rest and hydrate, avoiding heavy meals and strenuous activities. Journal or talk with a trusted friend or therapist about your experience. Practice self-care and self-compassion, acknowledging any emotions that arise. Be patient with yourself and allow time for the insights and healing to unfold. Consider attending follow-up ceremonies or working with a shamanic practitioner. By following these tips, you can have a safe and transformative ayahuasca experience. 🌿🌈6. Navigating the Ayahuasca Diet: Common Mistakes to AvoidWhen preparing for an ayahuasca ceremony, it's essential to follow the recommended diet. Here are some common mistakes to avoid: Overeating: Avoid heavy meals and overeating before the ceremony to prevent nausea and discomfort. Drinking Alcohol: Alcohol and ayahuasca don't mix. Avoid it for at least 48 hours before and after the ceremony. Using Drugs: Avoid using any drugs, including marijuana, before and after the ceremony. Not Drinking Enough Water: Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and help flush out toxins. Eating Red Meat: Red meat is hard to digest and can interfere with the ayahuasca experience. Avoid it for at least three days before the ceremony. Ignoring Dietary Restrictions: If you have dietary restrictions, such as gluten or dairy intolerance, make sure to follow them during the ayahuasca diet. Remember that the ayahuasca diet is not just about avoiding certain foods. It's also about eating clean, healthy, and nutritious foods that support your body and mind during the ceremony. 🌿🍎🥕🥦🍵7. Ayahuasca Diet: Integrating Healthy Habits for Long-Term BenefitsIntegrating healthy habits into your ayahuasca diet can have long-term benefits for your physical and mental health. Eat a plant-based diet to support the healing process. Avoid processed foods, sugar, and alcohol. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Include superfoods like chia seeds, turmeric, and spirulina. Regular exercise can help improve your mood and overall well-being. Try yoga, hiking, or swimming. Take time to connect with nature. Practice mindfulness and meditation. Get enough sleep to support the healing process. Integrating healthy habits into your ayahuasca diet can help you maintain the benefits of your experience. Take time to reflect on your experience and set intentions for the future. Stay connected with your community and support system. Continue to prioritize self-care and healthy habits. Embrace the journey and enjoy the long-term benefits. 🌿🧘🏽‍♀️🌞💤 In conclusion, the Ayahuasca diet is an essential part of the ceremony experience. It helps to prepare the body and mind for the spiritual journey. By following the diet, one can minimize the risk of adverse effects and maximize the benefits of the plant medicine. Remember, the Ayahuasca diet is not only about what you eat, but also about how you live. It's about creating a sacred space for yourself and respecting the plant medicine. If you approach the ceremony with an open mind and a willingness to learn, you may find that Ayahuasca can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. 🌿🧘‍♀️🌟 https://fastdiet.net/ayahuasca-diet-for-optimal-ceremony-experience/?_unique_id=64905a87c63ac
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