#ayano keeps failing the exam
yuukei-yikes · 2 years
takane first to get a driving license. ayano the one with a car (the family car). dan designated driver ene 💗
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fuckyeahkagepro · 5 years
more... Kagepro (theories)? + it turned into a fic somehow
( CANON-BASED THEORIES COMBINED TO BECOME FIC SOMEHOW ) ( NOTE: IT GETS LENGTHY I APOLOGIZE ) Imagine: you’re Hibiya Amamiya. A “boy” from the “countryside”, who has a “weird sounding name” which means “TO ECHO”. 
You began this story simply as “that boy” “from the countryside”. During the summer break, you made up the excuse that you were going to “study for” “summer classes” “in India” so you could go into the big city with the “girl” you “liked”, Hiyori Asahina.
Name: Amamiya Hibiya: After being told that she wants to go to summer school to prepare for the middle school entrance exams, he is half-forced into staying for a summer in the city by Hiyori, who he has (unrequited) feelings for. They visit Hiyori's sister Ayaka's home, but because Hiyori falls for a boy they meet there, Konoha, he's hit by intense feelings of jealousy. In the middle of it he gets involved in a traffic accident while shopping with Hiyori and comes into contact with the Kagerou Daze. He is possessed by the snake of the "Eye Focusing" abilities, and acquires the power to perceive objects and details that are far away from an aerial (bird's eye) view. Name: Asahina Hiyori Ayaka's younger sister, and a little girl who admires the big city. She's incredibly active and also stubborn, and was the person who dragged Hibiya to the city with her. She's popular among her classmates, but not interested in such things, and even Hibiya is only considered a "convenient classmate who listens to what she says." She is dragged into the Kagerou Daze with Hibiya, but her whereabout since are unknown.
You also had one other major goal: “BUY” “A” “PHONE” You claim to “yourself” it’s because you want to “exchange messages” with Hiyori Asahina, the girl you “love”.
In reality, there’s another reason. You just didn’t know it. BECAUSE YOU FORGOT. (Or did you?)
The date is August 15th (or was it August 14th?) when you woke up upon your bed and in your phone, right there,
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^ Summertime Reload.
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You, with phone in hand, go out into the “big city” except, this time, YOU DO IT VOLUNTARILY. YOU SCARILY KNOW YOUR WAY AROUND THIS “BIG CITY”
Not because you had the excuse of “wanting to send messages” with the girl you like.
Your name is Hibiya Amamiya. If you remember everything, you still die. If you forget? You still die. If you take ONE STEP out into the “big city”. You. Die.
Hiyori Asahina does, too. Repeatedly. (Weren’t you childhood friends once? Somewhere??)
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No matter how many times you possibly attempt to save her.
Along the way, you meet another boy. A “white-haired boy” with a “strange-sounding name”. A “tall” boy who “does things at his own pace”. You claim to “hate” this boy because this boy
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-- As Hiyori Asahina died.
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[ Kagerou Daze / - In a Daze - ] Later on, you meet that boy, again. He tries to befriend you, but you reject it.
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You don’t want his help.
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You still die. Over and over and OVER and ----------
You try to ask for (or, give?) help. First, you interact more with that “girl” “with the red muffler” ( who is trying to recruit you ... ) But, that “girl with the red muffler” -----
Something changes. Suddenly, SHE’S TRYING TO KILL YOUR FRIENDS, TOO.
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You decide she’s not a good person to ask. Or help. In some timelines. Possibly.
You try to (discreetly) (or maybe you genuinely don’t remember?) (“everything”?)
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(^ “The Missing Children”, Kido speaking to Shintaro re: Hibiya)
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( “ I don’t even know what’s going on ... ” ) --- recruit the help of someone else. An “idol” with “Captivating Eyes”. She can draw everyone’s attention towards her. It might be useful?
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You become possessed. AGAIN. You push her off of the rooftop. AGAIN You killed her. AGAIN
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She was YOUR         F R I E N D .
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You WAKE UP, more and more desperate. The blue cyber girl can only help so much. The red muffler girl can only help so much. The Captivating idol can only help so much.
You don’t want to ask “the white haired boy”’s help.
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You go to the next best option.
“Help us.”
“You’re trapped in this, too.” “Don’t you want to [   LIVE FOREVER   ]??” “Please, stop it.” “Just help us already.”
“ What’s in it for me ? ”
“Eternal life ? ” “In the end, won’t you, in actuality, LIVE ? ”
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The being contemplates.
“Hmm~ you have a point.” “ If we keep the Kagerou Daze going on ETERNALLY ----- ” “You live ,” “ I live ”
“That’s right.”
“But aren’t THEY trying to stop me, too?”
“ I’ll keep them out of the way. ”
“Hehh~~ you have guts.”
“ Fine, then. Since you can’t ask my “Queen” to REPEAT THE TIME FOR YOU ,
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I will . ”
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Time repeats. And repeats. And repeats. And --------
A girl awakes upon her bed.
“ I failed this time, too . ”
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Your name is Hibiya Amamiya.
You began this story simply as “that boy” “from the countryside”. During the summer break, you made up the excuse that you were going to “study for” “summer classes” “in India” so you could go into the big city with the “girl” you liked, Hiyori Asahina.
You also had one other major goal: “BUY” “A” “PHONE”
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“ Are you anxious ? ”
--- You encounter a “white-haired boy”
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--- Do you have something you want to --- CONVEY --- To this boy??
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                                                   ( “ Yes ” )
[ “ I’m sorry ” ]
[ “ I didn’t mean it when I said ” ]
[ “ I hate you ” ]
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You keep dying .
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“ Today, too, I’ll surely see my dream.
Until you encounter me again, SETO. ”
- Mary Kozakura . ... ... ...
In the seemingly blue painted sky, the white clouds stuck closely together. Although it really seemed like a lie, could it be I couldn’t admit it as the real thing?
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The overwhelming sunlight scorching the asphalt shook the atmosphere to and fro. But I couldn’t feel the heat, or even smell the asphalt. “You’ve realized already, haven’t you? You can’t exist here anymore. In a world without a QUEEN, you have no worth.” “Ah, you again? I wonder what makes you think that…….” Is this a conversation? Or am I talking to myself? It’s been a surprisingly long time since I’ve come to an understanding like this. Yet if I go back, I’ll forget everything, right? I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed that I started to speak considerably slower than I used to. At a break in the row of hillside trees in front of an intersection, a girl with an empty expression walks unsteadily down the crosswalk. How many times have I seen this scene before? How many times have I let this scene pass before me? I reach out my hand. It’s just within reach. “It’s useless. This isn’t your world. This is already "their” world. If you can’t figure it out, you have no control.“ The signal is flashing, but the girl doesn’t notice. She’s already right before my eyes. I’m close enough to embrace her. But I can’t touch her. My outstretched hand slips through her, and I grasped the sky without feeling anything. "Why……. Tch!” At that moment, it was already drawing near with a deafening roar. Then, the scene before me dissolved into darkness, as if it were a video encountering an error. Looking down, my body ceased to exist. “It appears that it’s already been decided. This is the end. Becoming hopelessly lost, acting this recklessly, and yet you’re still existing here–don’t think that it’s due to your own strength.” “This is your power, isn’t it? To give me such a strong body; how nice of you.” “It’s the body you WISHED FOR, nothing more. Don’t misunderstand. Now, I’ve got to get going.” “Ah, wait, one last thing before I die. Could you tell the other me something?”
“What is it?” “ⅹⅹⅹⅹⅹⅹⅹⅹⅹⅹⅹⅹ.” “……..I can’t promise it.” “Even so, it’s fine. Thanks for everything.” This is probably the end for me. Up until my very last moments, I was so gullible. Ah, if I could have one last wish granted, it would be to tell that girl who would always hit the gullible me….. - Konoha’s State of the World (Haruka’s POV), Novel 1
“’Everyone from the Mekakushi-dan, whom had accepted Konoha, were surely going through a horrible time at the moment. Thinking that it all had been brought about by Konoha… made me helpless.’
“Really, there’s nothing more frustrating. Ever since Konoha was possessed by ‘Clearing’, I became completely unable to see the other side’s situation.””
- Summertime Reload, Haruka Kokonose speaking/thinking.
“ Obviously, there was also the boundlessly callous fact that “Konoha-kun’s body would get thrown into that world”. Still, since Konoha-kun was being possessed, “ it was    not    as   if    he were      dead ”. ”
^ Kousuke Seto’s thoughts - Kagerou Project: Summer Time Reload (Final Novel / Novel 8) - Children Record -side No.3 (2)- (translated by dennou-translations)
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- Summertime Reload (fuyuyuu’s summaries / later half)
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“ BLUE “ and “ RED ” are the colors of the “ KAGEROU DAZE ”, [so   Hibiya   became BLUE ] and [  Hiyori  became RED ... PINK ]
- SIDU, (ONE OF THE MCA) INTERVIEWS re: their concepts
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^ old Sidu fanart for wannyanpuu’s 2011 fanmade pv (“”non-canonical””)
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^ very not related (official art of Clearing Eyes’ new form in COLOR) [ pls ignore the chibi style it’s all we have rn ]
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^ “Mary’s Imaginary World” mini-manga (Mary speaking)
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^ Hiyori
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(red: “ ??? ”) (AYANO? AYAKI? “   AWAKENING   ”? SOMEONE ELSE ?)
(YELLOW: K O N O H A ) (alternate accordingly)
^ Kagepro novels index “ - in a daze - ” (NOVEL 1)
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17 notes · View notes
recentanimenews · 7 years
Bookshelf Briefs 1/1/18
Drifters, Vol. 5 | By Kohta Hirano | Dark Horse Comics – It is becoming harder to avoid mentioning the elephant in the room with the Drifters series, which is that the lead villain, the so-called “Black King,” is clearly meant to be Jesus Christ. If that weren’t plainly obvious yet, it’s definitely obvious when we hear the Black King can give his troops food by breaking loaves and fishes. The author will likely avoid showing his face or naming him for obvious reasons, but he’s certainly enjoying teasing us. In fact, that’s the main reason to read Drifters. It may be frustrating, confusing, sexist, and filled with more goofy superdeformed caricatures than actual serious poses, but you can tell on every page that the author is having an absolute ball drawing it. – Sean Gaffney
The Full-Time Wife Escapist, Vol. 8 | By Tsunami Umino | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – Mikuri and Hiramasa continue to live separately and, as he grows increasingly anxious about the situation, we see her discovering that she’s really good at coming up with ideas to help a local business association attract more customers. This is interesting, but waaaay more compelling is the dynamic between Mikuri’s aunt Yuri and Kazami, a man 25 years her junior who has confessed his romantic interest in her. I really love getting to see Kazami be embarrassed and vulnerable, and the insights into his past are valuable. Despite having many girlfriends, he has little experience with romance, and even though Yuri rejects him in the end, he’s still grateful to know that he was capable of genuinely falling for someone. Of course, I still hope they’ll get together in the ninth and final volume. Looking forward to it, even though I’ll miss this series! – Michelle Smith
Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You, Vol. 28 | By Karuho Shiina | Viz Media – The manga keeps rolling along, and the only remaining unresolved plot, aside from “will everyone pass their exams?,” is Ayano and Pin. As a result, that shoulders the bulk of what’s going on here, and it’s still unclear if Shiina is actually going to pull the trigger or not. In fact, it’s unclear if Pin is being overly dense or if he is deliberately being overly dense—I suspect the latter. Certainly the rest of the cast have no trouble with Ayano going after her teacher, possibly as she’s ALMOST of age, as opposed to a lot of other teacher/student romance manga. Beyond that, we get warm and fuzzy by the bucketload, including Sawako spending the night at Kazehaya’s house (no, nothing happens.) – Sean Gaffney
Of the Red, the Light, and the Ayakashi, Vol. 9 | By nanao and HaccaWorks* | Yen Press – The main story of Of the Red… ends here, with many things explained, including the fates of Yoshiki and Akane as well as Yue’s origins. It’s bittersweet and more or less makes sense. That said, there have always been a few things about this series that I’ve never really understood, and though I’ve got a better sense of things now, I’m still not 100% clear on how things happened at the end. But I think I know, and I like the characters and the atmosphere, and that’s evidently good enough for me to enjoy a series. I’m looking forward to volume ten, which appears to be an epilogue of sorts, and wouldn’t grumble too much if the bittersweet ending became a happier one. – Michelle Smith
One Week Friends, Vol. 1 | By Matcha Hazuki | Yen Press – I’m quite fond of a lot of 4-koma-style slice-of-life series. I’m quite fond of cute-but-serious romances. Combining the two of them, though, I’m not sure if it works out. I suspect the author and publisher aren’t too sure either, as One Week Friends waffles back and forth between 4-koma style and longer, regular manga-style stories. The issue is there aren’t very good punchlines in the 4-koma, which defeats the purpose. The story itself, about a girl who for some reason or another forgets all her good memories after one week (and thus can never make friends) is decent enough, but I kept watching it slowly stop and start and try to rev its engine and the whole thing just needed to be better. – Sean Gaffney
Say I Love You., Vol. 18 | By Kanae Hazuki | Kodansha Comics – And so another shoujo manga comes to an end. Yamato and Mei’s post-high school life has sped along, and now Yamato is out of college and struggling to get his photography career off the ground. It’s nice to see he’s not instantly hailed as some superstar, and by the time he achieves sufficient success to propose to Mei (evidently when they’re both 25), it feels hard-won. Too, I appreciated Megumi’s struggles, and liked how her story played out, both career-wise and romantically. I suppose the fact that everyone ends up paired off and/or married is a shoujo trope, but it still makes for a satisfying resolution, and I admit I totally cried at Yamato’s proposal. I’ve really enjoyed this series and look forward to rereading it one day. Definitely a keeper. – Michelle Smith
A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School!, Vol. 1 | By Mai Tanaka | Yen Press – Another day, another yokai series—I’m starting to miss vampires, let me tell you. This one is definitely on the comedic side, and features the titular terrified teacher, Haruki, as he starts at a new school only to discover that everyone in it is some sort of yokai. For the most part, the yokai we see are very traditional, and we get such classics as the girl with the long neck and the Zashiki-warashi. There are extensive endnotes, which are helpful, and the class is goofy and fun without being annoying. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said about the teacher—I simply didn’t like Haruki much, and given he’s the star that’s a problem. I hope he gets a bit less terrified as this goes on. – Sean Gaffney
The Water Dragon’s Bride, Vol. 4 | By Rei Toma | Viz Media – I enjoy each volume of this more than the last, always a good thing with an ongoing manga series. Here we get more of the Water Dragon God trying his best to see how humans work, and for the most part failing rather miserably. He’s still a jerk (and indeed Asahi tells him this), but he’s also the most interesting romantic interest, as Subaru has unfortunately become a bit faceless. And there’s also the problem that they’re starting to get noticed, which brings Asahi to the Emperor of Not-Japan, who is young and clearly wants a miracle worker, whereas all Asahi can offer him is human advice. (Also terrific impressions.) I’ve never gotten into Toma’s stuff before, but this is really good. – Sean Gaffney
Yowamushi Pedal, Vol. 7 | By Wataru Watanabe | Yen Press – We’ve finished Day One of the race, and the result is… well, let’s just say inconclusive. It does remind you why Midosouji is such a good antagonist, though, and it’s not just for his extremely creepy faces. (It is mostly for that.) Meanwhile, it was just about time for the unfortunate injury to occur, though here it’s not so much an injury as illness that does in Tadokoro, who seems to be suffering from heat exhaustion of some sort. Fortunately, Onoda is not about to leave anyone behind, even as everyone else is telling him to do so. That’s just not how he rolls. Singing Pretty Princess songs is how he rolls. Will Day Two finish by the end of the next omnibus? I wouldn’t bank on it. – Sean Gaffney
By: Michelle Smith
0 notes
fuckyeahkagepro · 6 years
Kagerou Project Analysis: Hibiya (& Hiyori) Encountering Momo Kisaragi Before “the Daze”
[ How, When, Where, & Why do Hibiya (& Hiyori) encounter Momo before the Kagerou Daze song happens ? ] [ also: The Daze itself. ]
( continued from here ! )
Friendly reminder the official order of the Routes / timelines goes, like so:
Music Route -> Manga Route -> Novels Route [as of 2014] and/or MCA Route MCA: ‘closest to the latter’ (but now we may have more Routes coming so .....)
Music Route: (keeping in mind what’s been recapped so far from previous posts!) - Momo Kisaragi hasn’t even been created at the time Kagerou Days was. - Kagerou Days happens. - Hibiya wakes up inside the Daze. - “What time is it now?” - Repeat (two verses/choruses/loops) - Third loop: - “Ah!” “Yume [dream]”? - Repeat final time; Hibiya switches ? the timelines. - Momo Kisaragi does not yet exist in the real world (our world). - Momo Kisaragi is later created / designed by Wannyanpuu. - Wannyanpuu: possibly contributed to inspirations for the storyline (especially re: Hiyori Asahina’s design / concept.) - Wannyanpuu’s Hibiya: has phone. (phone: has time) - Jin’s Hibiya, still: “what time is it now?” [ all Routes after ] [ Hibiya: /no phone ( until possibly novel 8′s end ) ] [ Hiyori: /has phone ] [ Ayano: doesn’t even bother mentioning ‘the phone’ ]
Manga Route: - Shintaro & Momo encounter Hibiya & Hiyori very very early on. - The entire course of the Routes changes almost immediately. - Hibiya: “the boy who doesn’t have a wish” [to “save the girl” (yet)] - Saeru - Hibiya & Hiyori don’t know about “The Park”
- The Park: the initial spot where the Kagerou Daze first begins / traps them.
- Momo: tells them about “The Park”. (MOMO NO) (MOMO STOP) - Hibiya & Hiyori: encounter truck. - Hibiya & Hiyori: dies / encounters Daze? - Hibiya (& Hiyori, but not shown until later on): revives (with Snakes ? ?? ) - Saeru (Snake of Clearing Eyes) forms in Hibiya sometime before - Hibiya meets (Manga Route) Ayano. - Hibiya meets Ayano at “The Park”, while trying to remember what happened to him & Hiyori. - Hibiya can’t recall everything that happened to him. - Hibiya notably glances towards the swingset [prominent in Wannyanpuu’s Kagerou Days and indirectly seen in MCA.] [Hibiya & Hiyori often sit there having heart-to-hearts before the Daze happens.] - Ayano: tells Hibiya about Azami’s past. - Saeru: [ possibly: hearing all of this. ] - Hibiya later winds up in the care of Momo & Shintaro as they all try to search for Hiyori. - In between, them all encountering various members of the Dan, Konoha (Hibiya encounters Konoha), etc. [ will come back to Konoha later ] - Saeru: possessed Hibiya at some point before meeting Ayano. - everything else: happens - Hiyori: [seemingly] has Focusing Eyes. - Hiyori: hasn’t had an “Otsukimi Recital” type solo encounter with Momo. - Hiyori: will probably fail no matter what she does. - it can only be Hibiya [ ?? ?? ? ] - Hibiya: “i’m sorry” - to Hiyori - Hibiya: dead. (no thanks Saeru) - Konoha: also dead, trying to save Hibiya. (again no thanks Saeru) - Saeru: duped everyone into thinking Hibiya had Focusing Eyes. - (ok but what if ..... Saeru’s still duping everyone .....) - - - - HOW WOULD (COULD?) HIBIYA REVIVE WITHOUT THE SNAKE OF FOCUSING EYES ??? - IS IT (HIM REVIVING) JUST BECAUSE OF SAERU ??? - IS IT BECAUSE OF ANYTHING ELSE ????? ??? - HOW LONG WAS MANGA ROUTE SAERU THERE FOR ??? - SAERU: “FROM THE VERY BEGINNING” - DIRECT QUOTE FROM SAERU - - - IS IT POSSIBLE FOR TWO SAERUS TO BE POSSESSING HIBIYA AT ONCE ????? - - Manga Route’s New Form Saeru (literally the most recent chapter as of the initial writing of this post):  “ Hello  ! ”
Novels Route: - Momo Kisaragi exists design-wise and “in real life”-wise (our world), but ..... - Hibiya & Hiyori do not encounter her before The Daze. - Hibiya & Hiyori wake up inside The Daze. - Hibiya has various monologues while inside The Daze, Hiyori does too (to Hibiya). - some monologues may be happening in alternative timelines / spoken to a different character (Hibiya -> Ayano in the Daze from here appears in MCA 04) (still curious about another one exactly [I’ll get back to later]). - Hibiya escapes The Daze / revives. [w/Focusing Eyes] - Hibiya meets Momo. - Otsukimi Recital: later happens. - Hibiya drops Momo’s “oba-san” (auntie/old hag etc.) and “Aun” cheeky rudeness from him. - Hibiya -> Momo: “Momo”. (no honorifics.) [ Momo & Hibiya have become closer ! ? Congratulations, “Momo” & Hibiya-kun! ] [ .... at the very, very least, he’s a bit more polite now. ] (... there’s some other fun things in between Hibiya meeting Momo and that) (I’ll come back to those in a later mini analysis!) MCA Route: - starts off very similar to Novels Route re: Hibi+Hiyo’s weirder dynamic. - Kisaragi Attention (Episode 02) happens - Kisaragi Attention in Music Route: Momo meeting Mekakushi Trio + Mary only. - ‘Kisaragi Attention’ here: Momo meeting Hibiya. only - (Momo would later meet MekaTrio+Mary in Mekakushi Code ep 03 instead.) - Hibiya: still calling her oba-san - Momo: let this kind onee-san show you the way! [or: I’M NOT OLD] [ ^ this: happens only once in all forms of the canon iirc. ] - Hibiya: NO WAY OBA-SAN -- - Momo: attracts the crowds with her Eyes. - Momo & Hibiya: “shit” - Momo & Hibiya: RUNS [cue Kisaragi Attention playing] - Hibiya: gets overrun by crowds in between, escapes - Momo: doesn’t get any chance to tell Hibiya about “THE PARK”. (... would she have?) - Momo: doesn’t get to even meet Hiyori, only Hibiya. - Momo: doesn’t even make it to the Department store she wanted to go to. ( more on that recurring theme later too ) - Momo: SIGHS - everything else: happens - (including Otsukimi Recital towards end of anime) [ MCA 04 ] (compare: this dumb old amv I made once) [i’m sorry] ( because screencapping everything would take way too long, ok ;; ) ( but it has most Daze scenes in it while trying to line them up with Wannyanpuu’s version thematic wise ) - Hibiya & Hiyori: [ inside the Daze. waking up ] - Hibiya: /NO PHONE (IN ANY OF THEM) - Hiyori: /has phone - Hibiya: [ probably thinking it’s like a “dream” / “yume?” ] - Repeat four or so Daze loops, getting progressively worse each time. - Hiyori in between: saying things Hibiya can’t hear while smiling / crying - Hiyori: (”i’m sorry”?) (”I love you”?) - possible - Hibiya: [ final loop happens ] - Hibiya: SCREW YOU CAT “Serves you right !!” - (Cat in Novels timeline: Kano interference.) (Cat anywhere else: ???? ??) - (Kano interference: by means of Saeru forcing him.) - Hibiya: SWITCHES THE TIMELINES. - Hibiya: receives the Snake of Focusing Eyes from the Daze and revives. - everything else: happens [ considering new Routes incoming ] [ MCA: also Reset ? (maybe / likely ) ]
BONUS (from Kisaragi Attention, Ep 02:
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( ^ listen. I am not the one writing this series. It’s doing it on its own.) ( Friendly reminder: Hibiya & Momo - closer in age than not ) ( ok but seriously it’s more like Hibiya: just entering junior high school as of Mekakucity Talkers; with conflicting age in canon [still closer to his birthday during loops [August 15th]; Hibiya’s birthday: November 4th]. Momo: just leaving/left junior high school as of MCA, but also with conflicting age. taking supplementary classes; hasn’t yet taken re-do exams. - She SHOULD be closer to ‘15′ by this point of the timeline. - her birthday is literally right before the Japanese school year begins. February 14th -> April [school year begins] -> August 15th [loops / timelines] -> March [school year ends] - MCA Kenjirou too (I realized): “if you [Momo] fail these [supplementary classes] you’ll go back to being a first year [in high school]!” - Kenjirou / as Saeru: manipulating the entire freaking city. INCLUDING MOMO’S SCHOOL. INCLUDING MOMO (?) - loops: happening (probably?: screwing up even more timing re: conflicting ages) - ... friendly reminder Hibiya has another birthday only a few months after escaping loops. then he’s taking junior high school entrance exams ?. ) - Momo: still has to wait until her next birthday (February 14th) to age another year regardless. - closer than not ? - look I’m just saying - - anyway look I seriously doubt Jin would intend for a serious relationship at all at this stage ok at most it’s friendship / fluff / developing - even the anthologies imply this with older!HibiMomo comics / manga - Wannyanpuu and Sidu (Kagepro’s official artists) have contributed to various official anthologies too - Jin certainly approves of the materials or they wouldn’t be published - literally ..... - my opinion aside, literally. - this is mainly for analysis ok. i am not writing this series.
Anyway all that aside: - MCA screencap above:
[ MANGA ROUTE QUICK RECAP: ] Hiyori to Momo: “i’ll walk in front” Momo to Hiyori: “wow” “it’s like you’re always protecting me .....”
“ There is no such thing as coincidence in this world, there is only Hitsuzen [the inevitable]. ” ( ^ oh hi CLAMP, Cardcaptor Sakura & Tsubasa’s Clow Reed & Yuuko Ichihara ) ( JIN, WANNYANPUU, SIDU, ETC. PLANNED ALL OF THIS. ) ( or at least most of this ) ( storyboarding wise ) ( where even is all of this going ?! )
[ ..... ok a short MCA summary follows ]
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( ^ loop 1. NO PHONE. only clock [right; top] ) (still) (”what time is it now?” - KageDaze official song lyrics, Hibiya’s POV)
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( ^ oh hi swings ) (looking very ominous with Daze colors imagery.) ( friendly reminder: even if the animation was weird in many ... many parts of MCA ) ( literally all of this is still storyboarded. )
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( ^ waking up. loop 2 / in between loops)
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( ^ NO PHONE [only clock] )
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( ^ oh hi “The Park” Momo tells them about. ) [ she tells in Manga Route only that is ] ( looking ... even more extremely ominous ) ( Hibiya’s awareness ... growing ..... ) ( among other thematic parallels: sky, wires, birds, stop signs, blood, etc. ) ( adding poles, etc. ) ( birds / crows: also in Wannyanpuu’s music video [inside the clocks] )
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( ^ [silently saying something] ) (^ “I’m sorry” / “I love you” ?) (note her tears.)
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( ^ red red red sky ) ( ^ Hibiya waking up, frantically looking around [as if to check it was a dream])
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( ^ RUNNING ) ( ^ NO PHONE [only clock] )
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( [silently speaking] ) ( “ I’m sorry ” ? etc.) (tears flying.)
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( ^ final loop ) ( ^ OH NO ) ( ^ waking up. )
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( ^ Hibiya: “.......” )
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( ^ clock ) ( but still not phone ) ( that he still wants in some Routes )
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( ^ no phone ) ( Hibiya: closes door slowly. )
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( ^ SWINGS / THE PARK ) ( shit )
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( ^ TIMELINE SWITCH ) ( this time it’s me not you - Hibiya probably )
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( ^ “SCREW YOU CAT!!!” ) I mean ( “Serves you right!” ) (lit: “look at your own failure / how much of a failure you are” “look at your pitiful self after failing so hard” etc. [to Cat]) alternatively: “take that!” “look at the state of things” etc. etc.
MCA Hibiya: dead MCA Hibiya: receives the Snake of Focusing Eyes and revives MCA everything else: happens Manga Route 2: happens New Form Saeru even after like 6+ YEARS OF THIS: happens
( JIN )
[ ... also: re Honorifics and progressions of ] ( basically it’s like : last names: can be more polite; first names without knowing: rude last or first names used intentionally rudely: rude last names with -san: very polite; formal; etc. first names with -san: more polite than not with -san etc. last names with -kun, -chan, etc.: a bit more informal, but still some politeness ? -san in general: polite, distance; -kun, -chan, etc: more friendly/informal -kun: often for boys (but can also be used for younger girls, such as underclassmen / etc.) -chan: often for girls (but can also be used for younger boys, kids, as a cutesy honorific; etc.) progression to first names, no honorifics: typically means - becoming closer; can be rude if not ) ( it’s kind of hard to explain um ..... ) ( if you’ve ever watched the Digimon Adventures series ? ) [ oh hi another of my main fandoms since long before Kagepro ] ( ... I don’t know how many of you have, but this is a very good example video ) ( if you watch it, note how they progress from last names -> first names ! ) (literally they go through like 5-10 honorifics changes) ( also: rudeness [in between] -> familiarity/closeness ) (note: Hibiya also calls Hiyori by her first name and first name only.) (initially: can be rude. Hibiya is often cheeky/rude. Hiyori even notes this in Manga Route - [he’s from the countryside so he doesn’t have / know manners] etc.) (after: _____ ? ?? ) ( also [Digimon spoilers below]: the canon pairing at the end of 02 [Sorato; Yamato x Sora] also becomes canon through honorifics changing and progression all throughout the first and second series. It was a real surprise to most of the Western / American fanbase at the time because literally all of this gets lost in translation [and very bad, fully Americanized dubs]. ) People there to this day still tend to be confused by it because of things consistently lost in translation and their lack of initial interactions otherwise. [ there are multiple honorifics issues within Kagepro in general too. ] [ literally there’s a reason why they’re used as plot points multiple times ] ( ..... don’t say I didn’t warn you. )
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