#shintaros too scared to drive
yuukei-yikes · 2 years
takane first to get a driving license. ayano the one with a car (the family car). dan designated driver ene 💗
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mercur1e · 3 years
hi I hope you're good. i have a request 💚 i have green hair rn Just like midorimas's hair and can you write midorima with a green hair s/o. (headcanons, fluff, scenario what you want sweety)
i was write this and i forgot the write other things sorry :(
s/o features: green(same tone as midorima) hair, 5'4, 46 kgs, usually wears oversized clothes,, tshirts and hoodies, skateboarding, a quiet person, loves reading books and drawing, PlayStation gitar but has not good voice for singing
Did I write too many features? 😳 i'm in love with midorima but I don't know if he loves me. I wonder how it would be if he knew me.
already thank youuuuu sooooo much for writing ile <3
I'm gonna combine this with your other ask! And I love you too<33
He adores your hair
If you're getting braids done he'll ask that you get them green
Is speechless if you get green nails, if you get an orange one or orange accessories he's done for, you've killed poor Shintaro
When it's time for a touch up he's always there to help!
Makes sure you get the best products and gives you good scalp massages
Seriously they're like so good, brain melting good
Takao calls you y'all the two peas in a pod
Or big green and little green
You call him the green giant, yes like after the vegetable brand
He drives you around in his cart :) meanwhile he makes Takao walk lol
Brings you your lucky item everyday
After school, you, midorima, and takao all go to your place and play video games, while midorima tries to do homework
Keyword try, he can barely get anything done when Takao's around so when the two of you are around, he can kiss all that focus goodbye
You force him to play guitar hero with you and he's surprisingly good at it
Very competitive with it too
You steal his clothes all the time and he fakes like he's mad but he's really not
Who needs to go shopping when you can just go to your tall boyfriend's closet instead and have a field day!
But he will take you shopping if you want to go ofc
He likes that you're quiet, sometimes he really needs the peace after dealing with Takao all the time
Bookshop dates!!!
In fact, your first date was at the library, and week or so you guys go back there and just chill, swapping books
Will watch you skate or take you to skateparks
If you can do tricks he's so impressed
Would bot get on a skateboard as he is too scared of falling on his face, plus he's like massive
Will absolutely watch you do your thing though
Your 2nd date was at a skate park and his lucky item that day happened to be a Polaroid, and he has pictures of you from that day :)
He keeps it on his desk and looks at your picture whenever he's stressed
Study dates
He finds it a little funny that you're so small compared to him, and how he practically swallows you in his arms if you guys cuddles
If one of you stays the night, you two watch Oha Asa in the morning
Big plus if you're into astrology too
He knows your big three even if you dont know it lol
I hope you liked these! Feedback is appreciated :D Thank you for requesting! <333 I also realised we have some things in common as well and that's so cool! Have a good day :)
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ladydorian · 4 years
tag game ★~(•◡•✿) 50 questions you’ve never been asked before
THIS LOOKS SO MUCH FUN thank you @ithinkwehitametaphor​
what colour is your hair brush?
I had a green and white one for years but it just broke so I’m using my backup mini black one that I keep in my purse until I can get another.
Are you typically too warm or too cold?
I’m usually cold except for in the summer.
what were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Proofreading IFUs while blasting music to drown out the sound of my neighbor blasting music.
what is your favorite candy bar?
Oooh Japanese Kit Kats. I’ve got some matcha ones in the cabinet right now, but the apple pie ones were also really good.
have you ever been to a professional sports event?
Mostly baseball and hockey when I was younger. Nothing recently, I’m not terribly interested in sports.
what is the last thing you said out loud?
“Saigo ni nan to itte ita kke anata wa nan to itte ita kke...” (I was not even paying attention while writing this but “Kekka-ron” by SUPER BEAVER came on and I automatically started singing the opening lines)
what is your favorite ice cream?
So I really can’t eat dairy (even tho I do sometimes), but there’s this brand of coconut milk ice cream called Luna & Larry, and their cherry amaretto is the besssssst.
what was the last thing you had to drink?
Drinking coffee right now.
do you like your wallet?
It’s cute, it’s pink and black and has cats on it, and I bought it from an anime con a couple years ago.
what was the last thing you ate?
Chocolate almond milk pudding for breakfast.
did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
No but I bought these awesome Shintaro Kago enamel pins for when I finally get off my ass and redo my itabag (link contains kittens exploding from cute girls’ faces, and there is a bit of blood - also the site is very NSFW).
the last sporting event you watched?
We watched some marble racing after seeing John Oliver talk about it.
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
Caramel I guess. Not a huge popcorn eater.
who is the last person you sent a text message to?
I texted my brother Mark about Rakuten Global Market closing. Though I’ve only bought maybe one j-rock CD off of there once. I usually just go to cdjapan.
ever go camping?
A few times. I’m really scared of bugs and spiders, so it’s not something I do often. But I’ve had the fun experience of getting up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and seeing a snake slither right past the building.
do you go to church every Sunday?
I haven’t been in a church since I was in high school (except for funerals) and I’d like to keep it that way.
do you have a tan?
I don’t tan, I burn. I got my dad’s Italian hair and my mom’s Irish skin.
do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
Oooh, Chinese food. Especially crab rangoon if they’re homemade.
do you drink your soda with a straw?
I slam that shit straight outta the can.
what color socks do you usually wear?
If I had a choice, I would never wear socks. But when I do wear them, they’re usually novelty socks with, like, tacos and poptarts all over them.
do you ever drive above the speed limit?
When my stepdad taught me how to drive, he said “always go 10 miles over the speed limit, because that’s what everyone else is doing and they’ll run you off the road otherwise.” I’ve only gotten caught about 3 or 4 times.
what terrifies you?
Talking to people. Being judged. Failure. All my friends abandoning me. Being alone.
look to your left, what do you see?
My ONE OK ROCK tote bag with an Arches cold press watercolor pad sticking out of it. I need to paint larger pictures more. That’s good quality just sitting around going to waste.
what chore do you hate?
Emptying the dishwasher when it’s cleaned.
what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
That episode of the Simpsons when they went to Australia because Bart got in trouble, and Marge went to the bar asking for a tea and the guy just kept saying “Beer?” -- “No, TEA.” “BEER?”
what’s your favorite soda?
La Croix, though it’s technically sparkling water.
do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?
I usually just get takeout, I haven’t been in a typical fast food place or a drive-thru in years (unless you count the Korean chicken wing place, I guess that’s kind of like fast food. But I don’t go to McD’s or anything.).
who’s the last person you talked to?
I told Greg I was going to throw some laundry in but he already did it.
favorite cut of beef?
Not really a steak person but I’ll eat a burger all day long.
last song you listened to?
[Alexandros] - “Philosophy” (it’s gotten me thru some tough shit a couple months ago)
last book you read?
I read @ithinkwehitametaphor​‘s Narcos fanfiction and @mouthface​‘s Brommet wip. I’m a straight-up fanfic person these days.
favorite day of the week?
Probably Saturday, but Friday is a close second.
can you say the alphabet backwards?
Oh god no.
how do you like your coffee?
1/2 - 1 teaspoon of sugar. No cream.
favorite pair of shoes?
I got an old pair of Chinese Laundry black boots with studs in the heels that I wish I had bought 2 pairs of before they were discontinued.
the time you normally go to sleep?
During the week, about 10:30PM - 11:30 (it’s a little later now that I’m working from home). Weekends are usually between 1AM-2 (look, I’m old OK).
the time you normally get up?
8:30AM or so (working from home), and between 9AM-10 on weekends.
what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
I have maybe been awake for 2-3 sunrises in my life, so sunsets it is.
how many blankets on your bed?
Just one.
Describe your kitchen plates.
I have a couple plain blue ones and then some white with black trim. I think they were all housewarming gifts from my grandma from about 10 years ago.
do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
Vodka and beer.
do you play cards?
I used to on occasion, but I don’t have friends who live around me, so I don’t really have anyone to play with.
what color is your car?
Red with the coolest bumper stickers ever.
Tumblr media
can you change a tire?
If I need to, I guess.
favorite job you’ve ever had?
I don’t think I’ve ever had a job I liked.
how did you get your biggest scar?
I fell off a bike at Soulcycle a couple years ago and punched a quarter-sized hole in my right thigh. Rode thru the entire 45-minute class, drove home, made dinner, and about 2 hours later finally asked Greg to take a look at it. I thought it was just a scrape, but he told me we were going to the hospital immediately as fat tissue was leaking out of it. I ended up getting 10 stitches and was called “one badass bitch” for my ridiculous pain tolerance.
what did you do today that made someone else happy?
Idk, I like to think I’m a good listener if anyone wants/needs to talk.
I’m always terrified of bothering people, so if you want to do this, please do!
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kikithedeceiver · 6 years
WIP Challenge
Tagged by @fortune-maiden
Challenge: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
How...do we do this? That is not a very clear instruction? ...I’ll try to post the title with my comments and one paragraph or plan I guess?
This might be a long post!
And tagging @jujywrites (or @jujyfru1t), @mricg! and @summertime-children (or @detalesz)
Too Damn Hot 
Comments: Oh okay a planned KanoKido smut fic based on Seek at Mekakucity on the first go! Whooooa!
They were locked in here for hours. The clues on how to escape this room was too complicated for them to the point they were just too frustrated and gave up. Now accepting the fact they were trapped, with no windows available even, they were starting to feel on the edge. The tight formal clothes they were wearing were just too stiff and stuffy – screw getting use to the heat, they were sweating too much.
Forget me. Forgive me. 
Comments: An idea I had of Kido erasing Kano’s memories of her once everything is over before she left. Looks like I planned to collab this with nekuasakuraba101 where they write Kido erasing her memories of Kano.
If Kano could describe the emotion he was feeling, it was emptiness. No matter how hard he tried to recall what he forgot, he couldn’t get remember it. He knew something was supposed to be here and he should never lose it, yet he did.
Kagepro x Persona
Comments: Well this is definately back from when my friend made me play her Persona 4 Golden on her Vita!
Mekakushi-Dan – Fool > Judgement
Kisaragi Shintaro – Hermit > Justice
Enomoto Takane – Tower
Kokonose Haruka – Emperor > Devil
Kido Tsubomi – Priestess
Kano Shuuya – Moon, Hanged Man
Seto Kousuke – Strength
Kozakura Mary – Empress
Kisaragi Momo – Sun
Amamiya Hibiya – Fortune
Tateyama Ayano – Star
Asahina Hiyori – Lovers
Tateyama Kenjirou – Hierophant
Tateyama Ayaka – Chariot
Kisaragi Mama – Temperance
Tono - Magician
Azami – Death
Shion – Empress
RomaHeta (ideas)
Comments: Ever since my hard drive broke, I lost a lot of WIP for my Hetalia fangame novellas, RomaHeta and HetaOni. The only thing I could salvage was ideas on the names for the countries and what Class they’re in. Also a list of skills and combo skills suggested when asked...one of them...
Power Ranger Allied Forces by wyhe
Allies combo skill Has to be in the Power Ranger Outfits Alfred – Red; Arthur – Yellow; Francis – Blue; Yao – Pink; Ivan – Black Alfred has to be in the combo 2x – weakest (Allied Punch Kick) 3x – second weakest (Allied Magic) 4x – second strongest (Allied Beam) 5x – strongest (Allied Phoenix)
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Echo
Comments: Back when I was super into the Mermaid Melody and their songs and this idea had been sitting in my folder since i was 17 because I was scared of how Mary Sue my OC was!
Too much grammar error. Won’t share.
Comments: A Nirvana oneshot I wanted to write to explore the dynamics of Yachiyo and her group. How her life is more lively now that she is with a group of people that can be like her family.
Not much written. Won’t share.
Comments: More Nirvana! This time on the Rats Annie and Tony after they fought with Yachiyo against Kagome! This was during the hiatus when we didn’t know about Kagome’s backstory.
Baltelsoh was still just as worn down after her and the Wappen’s twins battle with Kagome. Everyone prepared countermeasures for Blaus entering their country, but no one ever prepared one for a Vicar. They still couldn’t believe they were all deceived by the one who created the security to protect Baltelsoh for 15 years, the same person who created Blaus from corpses deep below their great country. To be honest, Kagome really was like a rat, a lying rat hiding behind a fake smile and persona. And they were going to make him the Rat of the Twelve.
Faraway Story (Novella)
Comments: Never gonna happen! I am not writing another novella! No KiKi! NO! ...So yeah, self indulgence?
There’s no one to seek help from here.
A small, miniature girl ran down the dark, stone corridor that was only lit up by small specs of floating light. There were unique, beautiful crystals scatters around the place, but she paid them no mind,
Because there’s no here at all…except for one person.
She clutched the book she found tightly to her chest. Her unnaturally stiff, tiny body was screaming for her to stop running already, yet she pressed on, as she needed to get out of this place. She tried to resist, but as her feet dashed passed a large puddle of water, sending sparkling droplets into the air before they fell back into the shallow pool, she slipped and fell on to the cold, hard ground. Panting, she tried to get up, but she couldn’t find the strength to do it.
Slight Technical Difficulties
Comments: Eva and Neil swap bodies due to an error in the machine. Planned for years. Here’s the first paragraph.
“And this goes here and…Booyah!” Neil did a backflip in the empty-space of the Overworld, ignoring Eva rolling her eyes at his stupid antics. With the last mementos linked, the path connecting all the different stages of Marie Forest’s life lit up, with the system now ready to restart and rewrite her life to how she wanted. Landing on their own platform, Neil and Eva changed back into their normal form. “This case is the easiest by far!”
Where Are You?
Comments: Still writing! Here’s a peek?
"You hate me. You just want to me to suffer. You never cared about me. I don't want your fake pity."
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
i hate second manga route for haruka and especially takane's stupid arcs but LIKE I ALWAYS SAY its got so much going for it. ayano and shintaro especially. ayano being the shittiest sister ever and shintaro being Literally the awesomest brother really gets me like its so funny
shintaro being so. Weird/mean in more typical routes because of retaining eyes even if it's repressed/inactive... i know its because kagepro was written in the course Of Years and it's honestly a game of telephone so it's more a matter of lack of consistency rather than this but i like to explain it with that lol
in main route shintaro and momo barely speaking, not being close at all. but in an original way they were THE closest siblings... sniff sniff. like so much was sacrificed in the way to their happy ending, their relationship being one. and for shintaro (with retaining) to eventually remember this but not momo... and how it'd cause a shift in his behavior bc he REMEMBERS all these moments they spent together in some other lifetime and how he felt about it then, and it's simultaneous with how he feels with this lifetime and this specific relationship he's built with his sister. it's a lot!! he doesn't stop being him, but all these other routes are overwritten over one another and how he feels in each one is completely simultaneous with how he feels about the present. augh. this is complicated for all his relationships ofc like (drum rolls) takane because of Many reasons but for example he fucking killt her once and he KNOWS that. but hehe. kisaragi siblings. that was just my obligatory takane mention bc i can't help myself BUT IM TALKING ABT SHINTARO AND MOMO
momo just sees shintaro acting awkward and trying to approach her and she's like 😐weird. ofc she still reciprocates!! like DAMN shintaro wanting to be her brother and get closer to her?? it's one of her biggest wishes come true!!!! but its awkward as fuck!!
shintaro is dealing with MANY things as he goes through life with all these memories + living past the end of the story, and momo is terrified of scaring shintaro away because she doesn't KNOW all he knows and he's shit at trying to communicate and just talk. but maybe their mom can come home and be like oh. u guys are watching tv together?? thats strange. and theyre like oh. yeah i guess <- wrestled for who got the remote, momo obviously won, shintaro complains but still stays to watch whatever the hell obscure tv show momo is into. shintaro keeps criticizing it and momo's like just leave if it bothers u so much and he's like NO. im googling the directors and writers of this as we speak.
also i know ive said this 1000 times but car guy shintaro. this guy gets his license and is everyone's taxi driver. but ESPECIALLY momo. he drives her to school everyday and they scream sing together the entire way. momo makes a car playlist to sing with him but will never admit it's a playlist specifically made with shintaro in mind and how funny she thinks it'll be when call me maybe comes on and shintaro will be like AUGGH THIS SUCKS LOWER THE VOLUME but immediately starts singing too.
AND ALSO he tries teaching her how to drive and she crashes their mom's car and shintaro takes the blame. as punishment he can't use the car for a while. in that while momo still gets her license Somehow even though she is an awful awful driver and now since shintaro isnt allowed to drive for a bit momo is taking him and he's FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFE.
anyways kisaragi siblings😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 also ayaki not only watching shintaro managing to get closer to momo in this lifetime too, but also sees ayano be this supposedly perfect big sister.
post str ayano with all this guilt over abandoning her siblings and feeling totally incapable of everything, both academically and emotionally. but ayaki is still a little jealous bc even if she Knows how ayano must feel (despite not even being in her head like with shintaro. she knows bc she IS ayano) kano kido and seto DO see her as a good big sister. i think ayaki harbors certain "hatred" for the surviving ayano because she. hates herself. and this ayano has everything ayaki fought for and is still just as incapable and it pisses her off. i think both ayanos feel horrible specifically about kano's involvement in everything and what he had to deal with when ayano died. ayaki thinks god. i/she still failed for protect him. this SUCKS. she knows ayano hates herself bc she hates her and she is her💥
....and also in case of shinaya ayakis like THIS IS RIDICULOUSSS!! HIM OF ALL PEOPLE?!?!?! COME ONNNN. erm anyways💥
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