#eating mcdonalds with haruka
yuukei-yikes · 2 years
takane first to get a driving license. ayano the one with a car (the family car). dan designated driver ene 💗
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bobcross1010 · 3 months
ICHIKA: 39/10. She's not poisonous. If I took a bite of her hair I think it would taste like water.
SAKI: 5/10. She has bright hair. She is very bright. But NOT colourful enough to kill me she's too sweet for that. Her hair would taste like strawberries (specifically the pink part. The yellow would taste like sweet lemonade)
HONAMI: 8/10. She'd give me a mosquito bite at most. I think her hair would taste like the bread they give you in Christian churches. People say that tastes like cardboard but I've never eaten cardboard how can I compare it
SHIHO: 10/10. Nope. Her hair tastes like dust
MINORI: 8/10. Not colourful. her caramel tasting hair is too cute to poison
HARUKA: 6/10. It sure is colourful, but not bright enough. Maybe she'll poison you a little bit. Hair tastes like blue raspberry
AIRI: 4/10. Solid bright pink. I think she'd get close to killing me tbh. Her hair would taste a cherry flavoured lollipop
SHIZUKU: 6.5/10. Pretty colour, but not poisonous enough. Her hair would taste like fresh snow :)
KOHANE: 9/10. Cute little blondie. light, but not poisonous. Her hair tastes like hair. Normal hair taste
AN: 9.5/10. Nope. Maybe the blue cuts it a bit close but she won't do anything to me. Her hair tastes like a blue raspberry SLUSHIE
AKITO: 5/10. He'd taste like weird tasting orange juice. The yellow streak is the cherry on top and I feel like his poison has a 50/50 chance of either killing you or giving you eternal life
TOYA: 7/10. His hair would taste like rain. Two toned, but not two sided. I don't think he'd poison me too much
TSUKASA: 5/10. Just like Saki. Bright, but not poisonous enough. His hair tastes like those peach gummies, hands down. Do not argue with me.
EMU: -2/10. Even BRIGHTER pink. She tastes like those raspberry maynards that I forgot the taste of. I's eat her hair and regret it on my deathbed
NENE: 5/10. I'd say she could poison me. Not too colourful, but bright wnough to cause me to take some hearts. her hair tastes like those little asian green apple hard candies.
KANADE: 7/10. Bright, but not extravagant enough. Tastes like cold hard ice from the fridge.
MAFUYU: 9.5/10. No. Not poisonous. But she's give me a mosquito bite. Hair tastes like that one raspberry drink from mcdonalds
ENA: 10/10. My queen. She poisons no one. Her hair tastes like milk chocolate.
MIZUKI: 1/10. Their hair tastes like cotton candy. Bite, chomp, it even melts in my mouth- then I perish.
MIKU: 3/10. Her hair tastes like Nestea
RIN + LEN: 2/10. Way too bright. looking at it kills me. Tastes like sour patch kids
LUKA: 5/10. Tastes like a strawberry banana smoothie.
MEIKO: 9/10. Tastes like pancakes with syrup
KAITO: 10/10. Tastes like a blue raspberry flavoured popsicle.
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docholligay · 2 years
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Sailor Stars truly is, the agony and the ecstasy of Sailor Moon. Some of the absolute best things in the entire show come out in this season.
The writers loved Haruka and Michiru and every moment they are on the screen, affection is lavished upon them. Haruka’s flawless presentation as lesbian mom who thinks she’s cool as shit but in fact is a huge loser dork is worth whatever the Japanese version of an Emmy is, and also the Nobel Prize for anime. Michiru’s manipulative Mata Hari shit, her perfect dedication to Haruka (she will do anything for love, yes including that*), this season has I think 80% or better of my favorite Michiru stuff, and they really aren’t in the season that much!
If you are a Rei/Usagi fan, this season is for you PERSONALLY. There are so many hand-embroidered moments that show the tightness of connection between them, things I wouldn’t have ever thought of but work so perfectly well if you want to model that relationship. I mean, Rei dies in Usagi’s arms ffs. What else do you want?
Some of the funniest moments (for me, Haruka’s massive hate-on for Seiya is one of my favorite things of the whole series. Them shaking hands in the dressing room is a holy grail cel for me) are in Stars. The writers had an amazing sense of humor and when they were on their shit, it was absolutely perfect.
Unfortunately, there is another, darker side to this whole season which is essentially that if you were interested in, oh: Mako, Ami, Minako, Hotaru, Pluto or, for once, Mamoru, they gently bowed as they presented the season to you with both hands and invited you to go fuck yourself. This season was about Usagi, Seiya, Rei, and, to a smaller but very lovingly done extent, Haruka and Michiru.
It also contained some of the most ridiculous will they won’t they nonsense since the first season in Seiya** and Usagi. I even LIKE Seiya, like, quite a bit, as in, in my own Sailor Moon written world, they are endgame. And I still find t5he crap they pull, because the writers so badly want to give this wings, to be annoying at best and horrifying at worst. Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate a good Mamoru fridge, but God at what cost.
And it, of course, had the most Sailor Moon ending to Sailor Moon end, of all time, whereby we can simply love at a genocidal maniac, and all is well, and no one ever really died, and they were mildly inconvenienced in the same way as when you watch your uber eats driver stuck at a red light. But, with mortality though.
For all that, it is very much so one of my favorite seasons.
*Unless that is going to the McDonald’s
**Oh, let’s get this out of the way: Seiya’s gender has always been a fun object of conversation (read: horrible. wanky. annoying.) and having been around the Sailing Moons block so many times, I no longer give even one single fuck. I say she/her for two reasons, one of which is the real one, and one of which is a justification, for me first reason. My first reason is: I like masculine women, and I can. My ‘proof’ is that in the manga this is Takeuchi’s intention because this, like so many thjings, is based on her sexy feels about Takarazuka, and she’s clarified that Seiya is a woman, and was basically Haruka II: Haruka harder (who she specifically at Comic con in the late 90s said of: “Haruka is a girl. Haruka has always been a girl.”) Do not come to me with literally ANY wank about this topic. I do not. Fucking. Care. Everyone has penned their fucking legal opinion paper. There are quasi-Talmudic discussions about it. I love you! Think what you want, but, *Sister Michael voice* Please, PLEASE do not come crying to me.
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sparklingichigo · 2 years
Double Honeymoon
Part 3
Little did she know, Ichigo is a chaotic drunk indeed. It all happened when she got drunk at Diavolo's birthday party; honestly, it was so messy. She flirts with everyone, then turns quickly into a sad drunk, and the rest is history
Ichigo: I don't remember any of that
Haruka: You're too drunk to remember, which is why you're not supposed to drink.
Ichigo: True. I got a massive headache right after...
Simeon: Wow, no wonder.
Ichigo: Can't help it, I have low alcohol tolerance... [sighs]
The day ends with walking around the festival and returning to the hotel. Their days in Greece went on smoothly until the fourth day, and Ichigo was traumatized!
Ichigo: First of all, why?! Second of all, Why?! And third of all, why?!
Beel: I told you to use the earmuffs, but you didn't listen...
Ichigo: I thought the silence spell worked, but it didn't! Let's just get out of here! Can't stand it!
Beel: But to where? It's so late at night
Ichigo: Anywhere. I don't wanna hear this bullsht-
You've guessed it. Simeon and Haruka finally do the do, and they are loud. It's so loud that Ichigo doesn't wanna hear any of it. The clock has struck 11, and they're still at it. Ichigo obviously tries to sleep but, alas, fails because of these events.
Beel: There's a McDonald's across the street... if that counts?
Ichigo: It does. Let's go-
Beel happily takes her there. It's a win-win situation for him, he gets his midnight snack and his fiance doesn't need to hear all that.
Meanwhile, they finally finish in Simeon's and Haruka's room, and someone seems to forget to use protection.
Haruka: ...
Simeon: ...
Haruka: You didn't use it...
Simeon: I forgot...
Haruka: I'm not ready for a kid?!
Simeon: Well-
The room went from heated romance to coldly tense thanks to Simeon's carelessness. Ironic for an angel to be this careless.
Simeon: On the bright side, I haven't done it with anyone, so I'm clean.
Haruka: I know that! I'm just not ready for a child! I'm going to be a horrible mother! [sobs]
Simeon: Of course not. I'm sure you'll be a great mother...
Haruka: And how would you know?! You can't read the future!
Simeon: I just know it. It'll be okay...
Haruka was silent, but she let it slide anyway because what else could be done. She can't possibly do an abortion. That's too harsh. She can only hope she didn't get pregnant after all that. She sighs, pulls the blanket closer to her, and finally sleeps.
Meanwhile, Ichigo is looking at Beel fondly as he eats his meal. Without the heavenly bracelet, he can go out and satisfy his appetite.
Beel: What is it? Did I eat messily? Is there something on my face?
Ichigo: No, I just feel like staring at you.
Beel's face heats up a little, but he gives her a smile as he continues. He also shares some food with Ichigo, but she only takes a little since her appetite is not as big as Beel's despite being a foodie herself.
The next day when they're about to go home, Haruka's aura is not as bubbly as she was before, causing concern from the rest.
Ichigo: Did he go all out on you?
Haruka: Huh?
Ichigo: Did he do you roughly or what? You don't seem okay?
Haruka: Well...
Oh, might I add she's limping too?
Beel: With all the limping, probably.
Simeon: Uh...
Beel: I'm sure you two have fun^^
Ichigo: Yeah, so much fun it's noisy. [rolls her eyes]
Beel: Sugar...
Ichigo: I know, I know.
Simeon's and Haruka's faces went beet red as soon as they heard that, but they didn't say a thing. Things got worse when they got back to the Celestial realm and Devildom.
Asmo: [spits out his milk tea] WHAT?!
Ichigo: I know...
Asmo: Damn, I never expected that from an angel. Probably from the pent-up sexual desire
Haruka: Are you two seriously talking about my sex life?!
Asmo: It's my topic, of course.
Haruka: That isn't your bussiness!
Asmo: Yet you come to me, asking for advice on how to prevent pregnancy. Your husband is an idiot for not using protection. Good luck.
Haruka: So you're saying I'd definitely be pregnant?!
Asmo: Not 100% guaranteed but most likely.
Haruka: Oh God...
Asmo: Sure, as if calling for God would solve that problem... Anyways, how's Greece?
Ichigo: It's fun and all until that happened
Asmo: Understandable, but didn't I give you the earmuffs?
Ichigo: Well... it didn't work, so Beel and I went to McD to avoid it
Asmo: Oooh, must be fun~
Ichigo: Asmo, what are you implying?
Asmo: Nothing~ [eyes Beel knowingly]
Beel: What?
Asmo: Nothing, nothing at all~ So, Haruka, how's Greece for you?
Haruka: Well... how should I start...
Asmo: Take your time. We got all day.
Haruka has slight blush as she explains what happened in Greece. Not many romantic moments, but she thinks it's quite a good honeymoon. Mostly the conflict went to Ichigo, so it was also a peaceful honeymoon for her and Simeon.
Asmo: Hold up, conflicts?
Haruka: Yeah, like Satan?
Asmo: Yeah, about him-
Ichigo: What about him?
Asmo: [shrugs]
Ichigo: That doesn't give me an answer.
Asmo: Didn't want to. [sips on his milk tea]
Beel: I can guess-
Asmo: Go on
Beel: He still tries to do the thing-
Asmo: The thing-
Beel: [nods]
Asmo: Yes, and not subtly
Ichigo: Good Lord...
Asmo: Again, calling God ain't gonna help you-
Ichigo: I know, shut up [groans in frustration]
And that's pretty much it for this honeymoon. Good Lord indeed, they do have ups and downs but on the bright side, Simeon and Haruka did have a great time especially since they're now married!
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thatanimewriter · 2 years
Hey could you do general headcannons of Haru, Makoto, Nagisa, Rei as tiktokers, they will be so wild as tiktokers lmao thanks
style five as tiktokers
➳ character/s: nanase haruka, tachibana makoto, ryugazaki rei, hazuki nagisa, matsuoka rin
➳ warnings: mentions of food (rin)
➳ notes: i added rin just so it'd be nice and would be easy if we just added the missing style five member. also, i’m so sorry this is so late :((
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he's a lurker.
he has an account, but doesn't post on it much
mostly just scrolls through and likes or favourites videos
never comments
but when he does post
it's sometimes beach ambience
or honestly
it's him cooking mackerel into different dishes
so he teaches the world the glories of mackerel
though, once he did a swimming tiktok
and everyone started thirsting for him
that was the moment he realised he'd made a mistake
even then
everyone is just thirsting for his hands??
he'll be cooking
all you can see is his hands
and people are still after him-
he's recording cats
no doubt
always posting tiktoks about the white cat in his neighbourhood
otherwise, he's trying to join in on the trends
and sometimes it fails
but sometimes
it works
and it works WELL
the ring light trend
and sometimes he does words of affirmation
if you're having a bad day
'it's ok to feel sad, you're valid and we love you :))'
and it's so wholesome
i imagine he tries to do the dancing trends as well
but for the most part, he's your cat content provider
and we live for that, honestly
troom troom better watch out
rei is coming through with the hacks
that actually work
but he's also an education man like hank green
also updating people on the world as it happens
but mostly teaching them maths hacks
like how to calculate percentage really fast
he's teaching you real life things
like how to pay your bills
because school doesn't do it
so he said
'fine, i'll do it myself'
sometimes he will teach you how to make cool things for projects
he's also on booktok
and he's probably accidentally crossed over to smuttok
he's been scarred for life.
is he even on any side of tiktok??
he's so chaotic that he's on all sides of tiktok
once, he was on furrytok
the next day he was on some dream smp lore
and now he’s on gymtok.
as for his upload schedule
there isn’t one
he probably attempts to do tiktok dances but fails 
especially about damn time
he can’t for the life of him do the helicopter part
if not, he takes random videos of things
probably takes really choppy videos of swim club shit
and for sure makes multiple versions of the same sound so he can reach a wide audience
nagisa has definitely done the virginity corner tiktok
i also imagine he’d be super active for a day and then dip for the next 3 months
he was there when it was musical.ly-
thirst traps incoming
he’s done fitness things as well
educational diet thingss
also many versions of the ‘6 feet tall and super strong’ trend
he probably does some spicy content every now and then as well
other than that, it’ll probably be australian travel stuff
has made multiple posts dedicated to the meat pie
and the mcdonald’s hash browns
also has reacted to others eating vegemite with absolute disgust because they put too much on
other than that, he’s probably got some feminist stuff on there
100% stitched the clip of the guy saying a girl having an instagram counts as cheating
it was just him staring at the screen like ._. and then >:((
also also
body positivity man
will always be there to tell people they’re beautiful etc
and if you say otherwise
he’s gonna hunt you down
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I need more RinHaru in my life seeing as the 2021 movie will hopefully be happening this year. Can you tell me what your favourite moments from the drama CDs and magazine interviews etc... are? ((I'm curious because there might be something I missed))
yeah, the whole movie of them being on the same team... still feels like a miracle. also if Rin brings the handmade talisman Haru gave him to the competitions, can we officially call them married then? everyone, keep their eyes on an owl in Rin’s bag during the olympics.
omggg idk there’re too many, toooooo many... EVERYTHING?
- the whole sleepover, esp Haru reading Rin’s “my shining” essay about him and Haru smiling while looking at sleping Rin and sofly saying “sweet dreams”;
- Haru asking Rin to go see sakura with him before he leaves for Australia after s2, cause he wanted to be alone with him for a bit (that was just T_T);
- their bet about their height and who’s gonna carry who bridal-style, Haru asking Rin several times, why he wanted to hold him in his arms so badly, Rin refusing to answer him, and Haru asking if he can undress for this and just be in his swim trunks (I’m... I don’t even know what to say about the whole thing and Rei’s “Nagisa-kun, I don’t think we should look at that”, when he saw them);
- Haru teasing Rin about loving romantic movies and calling him “onii-chan” (I swear sometimes Haru is possessed by the devil, when he’s with him lmao);
- Rin winning a keychain, but giving it to Haru, knowing that he wanted it;
- the whole car date, of course; but especially the moment when Rin tries to put Haru’s seat down so he’d sleep comfortably, and then Rin falling asleep so fast without his pillow, cause Haru is close and Haru watching him sleep; 
- Haru laughing, when he got Rin’s silly text about his recipes on his birthday (fuck, that was seriously too cute);
- Rin getting jealous when he heard Haru calling Gou “cute” during the interview, then getting super sad, then getting super desperate, then being able to breathe again, when Haru said “I just repeated what Nagisa says”. (”Y...you... you really think that?” omfg Rin... seriously, he’s so easy to make fun of xD, Haru, you ass);
- Rin offering to do a water related contest during the contests suggestion, just to make Haru happy; Haru asking for a Loosey-kun quiz and Makoto asking “who is that?” and Rin without skipping a bit just going “the fish from his weird under the sea game. well, fuck, you know...” (well, fuck, apparently, you know, Haru’s favorite, Haru’s lucky charm, cause he gave this shirt to you, so you’d sleep well);
- Haru asking Rin to make him rainbows in the pool, like when they were little, “just for you” (rip my heart);
- Haru working at Mcdonalds and Rin flirting with him and ordering his smiles instead of food in front of the whole Samezuka team, and threatening to complain to the manager if he won’t give him one;
- Haru giving Rin his favorite Loosey-kun shirt, when he got soaked in the rain;
- Rei asking to record some short video-messages for everyone in Iwatobi and Rin doing all great, until Rei says “and for Haruka-senpai?” and Rin short-circuits after “for..for Haru..”;
- Rin telling Rei that he loves the book he’s reading and then saying that the main character reminds him so much of Haru (oh god);
- Haru being happy and shining, when Rin called him “the only mackerel-man in existence” and Makoto going “why are you glowing like that? was it a compliment for you, cause it’s coming from Rin?”;
- pancake contest and Rin suggesting that he’s gonna dress up as maid for Haru and he can carry him in his arms if he loses (yeah, don’t ask me, idk what to say);
- Kisumi setting them up ona beach date and Rin’s “Kisumi is confusing. Once I thought we were gonna all hang out together, but when I went to the Iwatobi beach only Haru was there.” (my god they’re dense);
- Rin eating the mackerel pizza he hated, just because Haru cooked it;
- Haru’s “but even when he’s far away, I will be able see Rin, when I swim, right?” during his interview with Makoto (tears are real, my god how I’m glad the Australia is finally over);
- Rin's speech about how “going on a trip with your lover is completely different from going on a trip with your family or friends.” (I’m just...);
- their New Year’s fortune drawing (lmao Makoto was so embarrased just standing next to them haha I die);
- Rin buying the mascot strap that Nagisa asked, but then remembering that Haru liked it and buying the one for him too, then saying that he’s gonna buy random things for Haru now, cause he liked it a lot, when Hary said “thanks” (weird kink, but ok lol);
... I don’t know, the list can go on for forever, everything is my favorite, I don’t even think I can remember all the cuteness in one go. if I ever did, I feel like it’s gonna be an endless post, in my mind it all just merged in one giant bowl of love.
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medea10 · 3 years
My Review of Tamako Market
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How did I get into this anime? Let’s just say that there were several Kyoto Animation animes I’ve neglected to watch and after the horrific incident back in 2019, I wanted to at least see all of the major Kyoto Animation pieces. No matter if this looks like we’re in the same universe as K-ON!
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Tamako Kitashirakawa is a normal, ditzy, moe-looking for a KyoAni anime, teenage girl! She comes from a family that owns a mochi shop inside this tight-knit shopping district. One day, Tamako was at the local flower shop and a bird flew into her face. While stuck to her face, she sneezes him off. And then, the bird spoke.
I think I’ll just cross off the theory that we’re in the same universe as K-ON! Give K-ON some credit as they didn’t have a talking bird.
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So this bird is named Dera Mochimazzi. I will never pronounce anyone’s last name in this anime! Dera claims he’s royalty from some far-off land and says he is looking for a bride for his country’s prince. Although, it just falls to the waist-side (literally and figuratively) when Dera took up residence at Tamako’s home and gets addicted to eating mochi. I guess for the time being, Dera will be this anime’s adorable mascot. Aside from the misadventures of Dera the talking bird, we also follow this leading lady Tamako in her normal life. We get school stories, friend stories, stuff about her sister, stories surrounding the colorful folks in this shopping district, and mochi. Lots and lots of mochi!
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Ah yes, another Sentai licensed anime. I actually watched the entire series dubbed and only the movie subbed. Aya Suzuki is perfection as Tamako with all of her bubbliness. As for the dub, is it just me or was Jay Hickman trying to act too much like Excalibur from Soul Eater? Was he trying to unleash his inner Troy Baker for this role? Aside from Hickman, there’s really nothing else extraordinary to say about the dub. I will give them credit for not casting Luci Christian and Monica Rial as any of these characters. Love them dearly, but give a little spotlight to some of the other voice actors they’ve got. This was fine for what it was. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Tamako is played by Aya Suzaki (known for Mako on Kill la Kill, Kaede on Assassination Classroom, Takitsubo on Railgun, and Shouko on Happy Sugar Life)
*Dera is played by Takumi Yamazaki (known for Bansai on Gintama, Kayneth on Fate/Zero, and Jillas on Slayers Try)
*Mochizou is played by Atsuhi Tamaru
ENGLISH CAST: *Tamako is played by Margaret McDonald (known for Rikka on Chunibyo, Haruka on Little Busters, Sakura on Maid-sama, Risa on To Love Ru, Sachi on Maria Holic, and Harumi on Citrus)
*Dera is played by Jay Hickman (known for Jouichiro on Food Wars, Kurama on Elfen Lied, and Ryuuya on Air)
*Mochizou is played by Clint Bickham (known for Renji on ef – a tale of memories, Akihito on Beyond the Boundary, Haru on Tsuritama, Isami on Food Wars, Finland on Hetalia, and Mochizuki on Another)
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SHIPPING: We’ve got a girl-next-door type of romance happening. Mochizou lives next door to Tamako and is infatuated with her. There are however a few little problems with this. The big problem is that Tamako and Mochizou’s fathers are business enemies. They both sell mochi, they live across from each other, and they have kids that are friends. It’s almost Romeo and Juliet except Tamako seems oblivious when it comes to Mochizou’s advances. Or Romeo here has a brain-fart and forgets vital things he wants to do for Tamako. Like episode one, he forgets to give her a present for her birthday. I will let him off the hook for this because dude already buys her a present and has plans and everything. But because Tamako’s birthday is on New Years and both kids work on New Years to help their families, things like this can be forgotten. So again, I can’t hate on our by Mochizou. His heart was in the right place, but his brain couldn’t catch up.
Halfway into this series, I shook my head thinking these two will never hookup. Tamako’s baby sister had more of a chance with her crush and he moved away.
Then again, this was all from the series. The movie got really deep with the Mochizou x Tamako ship that so much in Tamako changes. The movie kinda drops a ball on us so I’ll talk about it down below due to spoilery things.
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ENDING: So it seems like this series moves quite fast calendar wise and the episodes seem to be like a problem of the day kind of thing. Like there will be an episode about Valentine’s Day, an episode where Dera goes on a diet, an episode with a festival, and so on. But along the way we do get a few cute moments like when Shiroi opens up to Tamako and her friends or when Tamako’s father remembers his wife through song. And let’s not forget that halfway into the series, we’re introduced to Choi, someone who serves a prince (like Dera). She really doesn’t do much to move this plot along for a while and is only there to stay with Tamako’s family and keep Dera on a short leash. But then at the end of episode 10, Choi makes a rash decision.
By this point in the series you might be wondering if Mochizou’s mochi balls are going to drop and he asks Tamako out. Well that might not happen just yet as Choi has set sights on Tamako to be the bride for the prince she serves under. But Tamako has no interest in becoming the prince’s bride. In fact, Tamako was more excited about winning a medal than learning she might get engaged to a prince of a far-off land. Add to that, the entire shopping district is excited for Tamako to become a prince’s bride. Everyone except for Tamako’s father! He got mad, stinkin’ drunk. And as for Mochizou, he’s just a sad sack. So no mochi balls dropping for this lad! Tamako did get a chance to meet the prince through Dera’s communication for a second. But once the prince landed in Tokyo, he ends up in the shopping district and meeting Tamako up close. Everyone in the shopping district was happy for Tamako and excited that this is happening. There are just two big things!
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One, Tamako is too attached to her home and the people around it to ever leave them to go marry a prince from a far-off land. And two, there was a misunderstanding on Dera’s part where the prince has said that Tamako is not going to be his bride.
Choi and the prince end up leaving to return home. Dera on the other hand decides to stick around at least until New Years. Dera, being the little hammy-bird he is tries to make a graceful exit without saying goodbye to Tamako. He leaves Tamako without a word, but in same Dera fashion, he falls asleep in a pile of flowers and ends up inside a box. Turns out that box of flowers is going straight back to Tamako. Mochizou actually remembered Tamako’s birthday this year and gave her a box of flowers for the occasion.
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When she opened it, there’s Dera! Don’t worry, Dera eventually goes back home with the prince and Choi. We just don’t actually see it here.
TAMAKO LOVE STORY: Now that Tamako, Mochizou, and the rest are all in their third years of high school, the thought of what they’re going to do with their lives hits. Like is Midori going to take over her grandfather’s toy shop in the district? Is Kanna going to do something carpentry related? Is Tamako going to continue working in her father’s mochi shop? Well, the story focuses on two things. One is a competition that Kanna gets interested in that involves the girls of the baton club. And the second, Mochizou’s decision to go to college in Tokyo to work on films.
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Obviously, that’s the big story in this movie. Mochizou is madly in love with Tamako and they’ve known each other since they were babies. It’s just that he’s never made his feelings to Tamako known to her until he reveals his decision to leave town. After that, the once mochi-loving ditz we’ve grown to love these past 12 episodes changes. This is the first time we see Tamako feeling this way and it’s unknown what she’ll do. Is this the moment where she bails on her family’s mochi shop and go to Tokyo with Mochizou? After being told she’s loved by Mochizou, she goes through a lot of emotions. She’s distant, spacier than normal, avoiding mochi, and avoiding Mochizou. It wasn’t until she gets a nudge from her friend Midori to go to Mochizou before he leaves for Japan.
And right there, along with her handmade cup phones, she tells Mochizou that she loves him.
We end the movie with kind of a video that I assume was made by Mochizou and that’s how Tamako Market ends. I guess these two are a couple. Not sure if Mochizou stays in the district with Tamako and his family or if Tamako ditches her family and moves to Tokyo to be with Mochizou. I guess it’s one of those leave it up to your imaginations.
So…The anime was just okay. The series I mean! Love Story was almost at peak KyoAni perfection. Seriously, look at the animation here. The backgrounds are freakin’ gorgeous. And after watching the series and the movie, it almost felt as though they were two separate animes. Dera, Choi, and the prince were only shown in pictures at the record shop, one second near the end, and that short before the motion picture. Take all of those out and you’ve got something solid. I mean let’s face it, Tamako Market was fluff on the same level as watching K-ON or Lucky Star. You’ve got a variety of random crap happening throughout the span of one year except this series has the great fortune to have an annoying, talking bird. I don’t want to dunk on the series that bad, it was cute. But the winner with me was definitely Tamako Love Story.
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We see Tamako and Mochizou express a vast variety of emotions that we never saw in the series. Especially, Tamako! She was always this ditzy girl with a love for mochi. And Mochizou was seen as that dope that’ll never get his shit together and tell Tamako how he feels. He always forgets her birthday, what makes you think he was going to get his shit together? But then Mochizou grows a pair and tells Tamako he’s leaving town and that he loves her and you see Tamako change. She’s not sure what to think anymore. She even goes through a phase where she can’t be around mochi. But I suppose we needed the silly fluff with the television series. After all, it’s not just Tamako, but all of the people who live in that shopping district. And I suppose Dera was a fun mascot character. If you want that cuteness, watch Tamako Market. But if you want a more romantic-driven story, definitely check out the sequel movie Tamako Love Story.
If you would like to watch Tamako Market, Hidive has all 12 episodes and the movie available for streaming.
Now then, what’s next on my Sentai Filmworks list?
Redo of He…
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Choose your next words wisely.
Well Medea, do you love anime that’s directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara?
Oh dear God. What fresh hell did I miss from that iconic enigma? And is it crazier than kappas eating people’s asses?
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Okay Penguindrum…please do not contain penguins eating people’s asses.
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johnnytopside · 5 years
since heisei has ended i wanted to share some highlights from a ridiculously extensive high school au my sister and i have of kamen rider. under a read more cus it got kinda long
when they’re kids ankh convinces eiji and hina that chucke cheese drops tokens if you punch him, prompting hina to land a fatal blow to chuck-e, may he rest in peace
adults are meanwhile intoxicated on the premises and tell shingo (a 7yo) to watch the kids
parad attempts to rip off the whac a mole whacker with the intent of throttling emu
philip brings shotaro over for the lovely sonozaki family dinner and his family orchestrates this completely with the intent of scaring shotaro off
philip’s parents show up to a pta meeting with wine glasses
akiko’s dad launches cake at them during said meeting
misora’s dad is glad he showed up
uva is hospitalized by kazari’s Prank ™ and breaks out of the hospital to climb in through kazari’s window and attack him while he sleeps
mezool threatens to kill ankh with a sea urchin
date comes dressed as goto for twin day
shunpei dresses as a minion for halloween
on a fieldtrip to some sort of wilderness area tomoko comes prepared with a disco ball to hopefully draw out bigfoot and when she begins her search she hears rustling from a nearby tree (in which ankh is perched in). the fourze kids investigate with a flashlight and ankh viciously hisses at them and to this day they think they met bigfoot’s cousin. their story made the local paper
the story was written by shinji
chimera is a feral house cat that declared nitou’s home his domain and he fears a mauling everytime he forgets to feed him at the Set Time
yggdrasil is a grocery store
all the kids know somethings bouta happen when ryoma’s got his short on
takatora retreats to the forest for some time to pretty much upstage thoreau’s walden
ryoma takes the kids on a fieldtrip and while wearing binoculars he’s like “well if you look ahead you’ll see an inhabitant of this forest which looks quite a lot like takatora” and the kids are like i think he’s dead someone call an ambulance
one time shinnosuke is leaving school (he’s driving kiriko and gou home) and chase launches himself onto the windshield 
ryotaro lives in the local Murder House that is dilapidated and rumored to be haunted and it certainly is. momotaros is a spirit that just kinda hangs out
alain just delivers a beating to adel because he stepped on a flower
sento is a mathlete
shotaro and philip go ghost hunting with the ghost gang when spirits are philip’s hyperfixation and shotaro freaks out when he hears a ghost growling at them but really its just alain’s stomach
jin is haruka’s weird neighbor who owns a ton of chickens and eats raw eggs all the time
kiriya convinces ryuga to put foil in the microwave because it “adds protein to the meal”
kiriya also explains to takeru that he can see spirits but wears the shades so he’s not “Burdened with the Vision”
ex aid crew gets roped in to ghost hunting nonsense and they make it a competition as to who can taunt the ghosts the best. taiga states that if he’s not removed from the building by an ambulance he’ll be very disappointed in the spirits
ren works at mcdonalds and is a serial consumer of chicken nuggets
haruka and mamoru are babysitting chihiro and wind up ordering $100 worth of mcdonalds and the nugget order is all outta wack since ren ate half the chicken nuggets
zero one, a middle schooler: hello welcome to my stand up routine
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howmanyheartaches · 7 years
This is my contribution for docholligay’s BIRTHDAY EXTRAVAGANZA BROTP CONTEST HEY Y’ALL PLEASE JOIN IN!!!
Big shout-out to ARLHT who came up with this story (I insisted on the prompt “Double Date” – in the “Sailor Moon” category of course) – it fits so nicely into Doc’s love for amusement parks, so here we go!
 On a rare occasion
 It is good to have a friend. A friend who is always there for you. To pick you up when you’re down. To measure your powers against …
It was a tale as old as time: two over-ambitious blondes met with their significant others in an amusement park, left them somewhere and almost forgot about them, decided to make each other frozen yoghurts and eat all of it in a challenge.
All in the name of honor, of course.
Mina rubbed the insides of her hands together. Oh, this was easy! All she needed to assembly was the healthiest toppings offered and Haruka would not dare to touch them.
But midway while sprinkling some peach juice on top of a few slices of apple, she stopped. Damn, that stuff was sweet! Haruka would totally eat it!
And also, as butch as she was, but that bitch did like to eat a salad.
Frustrated, she almost let the filled cup with frozen yoghurt drop to the floor. Whilst deeply in thoughts, the blonde did not notice that Haruka had stolen herself away. Mina even found herself biting her well-manicured fingernails with her signature glitter nail polish – she was dead serious about winning and now concerned about losing.
The usually confident leader of the Senshi managed to put some pieces together that yelled “Granny sweets!” from afar, but she was also pretty sure that Haruka’s grandma had actually given those sweets to her. All in all, Mina swore to herself never to do a foodie challenge again. And she should have known better after the great Chicken Wings Inccident from last year. Maybe Rei was right after all – she really was stupid.
She almost dropped the cup a second time, when Haruka showed up directly behind her, bending down to whisper in her ear: “Time is up!”
“Lesbian, get away from me”, but Mina jumped back, just in case Haruka didn’t do as told, as Haruka never did as told. Badly trained by that seer. A shame.
“Oh, I see you are scared that you are going to lose!”
Minako could hear a little girl asking “Mom, why are these women yelling?”, but yelled nevertheless: “Swap!”
They swapped the cups as commanded. And then Mina saw for the first time what Haruka Tenoh, Sailor Uranus, Princess of Uterus, was truly capable of.
“This is not allowed!”
“So you have the guidebook of the Grand Challenge Tour De Amusement Park?” This was a rhetoric question. If anyone was going to write a pamphlet, it was surely Haruka.
“This is not the official title!”
“There is no guidebook!!”
Mina took a deep breath. She could do it. She could eat the DAMN PICKLES that Haruka had organized from the hot dog booth next door.
Only that she hated pickles.
Which Haruka knew.
They had been to McDonald’s too often. Freaking Haruka and her freaking 20 pieces of Chicken McNuggets.
And Mina was very certain she would hate pickles even more ON TOP OF FROZEN YOGHURT. More deep breaths followed. Minako, you can do it. You are a fabulous warrior princess.
Two minutes later, she could hear the little girl saying “Yuck, one of these women is now puking!” while Mina threw up in a trashcan outside of the froyo shop.
“Don’t you like it, Mina? I made that all for you and only you!”
Mina pressed your eyes together. She would have screamed for revenge, if her mouth wasn’t occupied differently.
 * * *
 “Didn’t you swear to yourself to never do a foodie challenge again?”
“I would never do such a thing, Tenoh, besides, this is a speed challenge.”
Mina pointed her chin at the little girl that had supervised her fall at the frozen yoghurt shop, while taking Haruka’s cotton candy from the candy man: “Ah look, there she is, that girl said you’re her hero for wearing men’s slacks!”
As Haruka looked in the pointed direction, Mina made use of the little medallion that Rei had once given to her. The salt inside was supposed to keep ghosts away, in reality Mina was happy to have it during breakfast. But not only eggs sunny-side-up needed the material Michiru was made of! With her medallion emptied, she handed Haruka the cotton candy that was color-wise a rainbow tribute.
She secretly thanked Rei for her thoughtful gift, well knowing, that Rei would not take that tribute. This morning though, she had been happy to see Mina wearing it with her pink crop top and matching Daisy Dukes. It was a nice memory, to see Rei happy – but it would be even nicer to also end this day with winning against her best friend. She could barely do while doing sports – and when they all played beach volleyball, Haruka was always on her team. They were slaying together – Haruka mostly because Michiru liked watching her in her beach volleyball outfit. But now it was time to slay Haruka.
Haruka accepted it, still thinking another person on this planet would enjoy her get-up made off cargo pants and a Hawaii shirt: “Oh, so you think you can beat the wind?”
“Shut up, air pump, and put.that.countdown.down.”
Haruka did as told – for once! - with her BB8-cased smartphone. She seemed eager to start, with the tempting smell of cotton candy in the air: “Okay. Ready. Steady. Go.”
And as the eating contest kicked off, Haruka dug into her colorful pile of cotton candy – only to emerge with her face all warped.
“I can’t eat this”, she declared grossed-out.
Mina smirked, strutting off with her own delicious pink cotton candy: “And the master becomes the student …”
 * * *
 “Haruka, love, I certainly don’t have to remind you of the fact that it is very hard to get a decent wine in this resort, no? So, please toast with us.”
“Yeah, Mina, you’ve heard her too”, Rei tilted her head in Michiru’s direction, staring at Mina. She was almost able to feel compassion for her girlfriend, who sat sunken into the fancy chair at the only luxurious restaurant in the whole amusement park.
“To this truly rare double date”, Michiru lifted her glass, as Haruka tried to grasp hers shaking. Rei could barely hide her laughter as she sat next to Michiru, ever the most elegant woman in any room, anywhere.
Three glasses clicked, because Mina, for the first time in her life, did not take any likening to alcohol at all – and had no shame of not hiding it.
“Minako, you look almost green-ish. Are you well?” Michiru looked at Mina piercingly and Mina didn’t believe for one second to be on Michiru’s mind even.
“You know damn well I’m not well, Ursula.” Mina rolled her eyes. She had felt better with the cotton candy, but had lost her draw at the “who lasts the longest at the roller coaster” point of the tour. Now, all she wanted to do was to vomit for the rest of her pathetic days, no matter how she usually ate her way through everything Michiru paid for.
“Michi, how was your day so far?” Haruka managed to ask, her mouth still aching from the dose of salt.
“Splendid. I always enjoy spending time with Rei, we had a nice walk through the flower exhibit”, Michiru smiled at Rei, which was being mirrored just as passive-aggressively back to her. It wasn’t a lie, but it hadn’t been a nice walk either, it had been a “Rei flames Mina like the firecracker she is, because she’s shocked that Mina of all people would abandon her in an amusement park” run (greenhorn mistake). Which Haruka overlooked in her first shock: “So you’re rather here with Rei than with me?!”
Michiru just smiled and didn’t say anything.
Haruka leaned in to Mina, almost eating a handful of Mina’s long hair by accident: “Mina, we have to abort.”
“Why, because you know you’re going to lose at the live action ghost train?” Because this was a done deal for Mina. So she leaned forward, letting her Kobe steak almost eat a handful of her hair as well.
“We’re going to the live action ghost train next!” She announced publicly, ignoring Haruka’s sudden flash of angst. Haruka was a lesbian after all.
“Oh, good for you! I know how you don’t get all worked up about bad actor’s performances at all“, Rei grinned.
“You’re such a courageous girl, honey”, Michiru cooed, putting a hand on Haruka’s. Haruka froze on the spot, her heart pounding so loud she was afraid Michiru could hear it.
This was no good.
But Mina did not see the signs.
It was too late to go back.
 * * *
 “World Shaking!”
“Rukruk, that was decoration made from cardboard!”
“But it looked … very realistic … I …”
“Shat your miniskirt? Do you really think people will believe the electricity we-”
“Venus Love Me Chain!”
“Do you really think people will believe that a pipe broke as well? I’m wet!”
“That’s what she said!”
“That’s what I said because you destroyed a water effect and now I’m under water!”
“HELLO you were the one WHO SCREAMED! Did you really just freak out because of a spider made of plastic? Do you sissies make your weirdly-aging daughter carry out real, small spiders or the old lady that is living with you?”
“Please shut your pie-hole.”
“Most importantly – I won!” A V-sign was thrown in the total dark.
“You won? I won!”
“You said I won so I won!”
“If you’ve won and were not scared, why did you transform …?”
“I don’t want people to notice that Minako Aino is with a full on idiot.”
“So Sailor Venus is.”
“You agreed with me that you’re a full on idiot - so I won.”
 * * *
 Michiru loved these moments, when the lake was so quiet. Superficial as it was. But the sun was real and it was warming her up even underneath of her sprawling sunhat. They had waited for a stormy moment for their swan-shaped boot to be blown to the middle of the lake and now everything laid still, with the sun powering up again. It was perfect, especially with the pleasant company that was Rei Hino, after all these years.
Even with the smoke in the background, but the two of them were facing in a different direction, watching the Ferris wheel go round and round.
“Did you hear that?” Rei looked up from the cone of ice-cream Michiru had treated her to.
“Yes, my dear, it’s the sound of ‘we can finally go to a proper restaurant’.”
 * * *
 “At first I thought the handcart would clash with your dress, Rei, but it suits you”, Michiru complimented her best friend while gently touching her arm.
“Right? Target looks always good with a weak girlfriend in tow”, Rei didn’t even flatter Mina with a look at her. Her head held up high, she pulled the handcart that parents could rent for their kids to tug around - with the kind of confidence you could only have if you’ve grown up with Usagi Tsukino and Minako Aino.
“Can you maybe not try to kill me with your leg?” Mina complained at Haruka and her long limbs that were absolutely everywhere.
“You just tried to kill me in this tunnel of horror!”
“You did!”
“You did!”
Haruka finally sighed, giving in, but not able to move her leg away from Mina’s shoulder.
“Michiru, please don’t tell Seiya about this”, she whined.
“Oh, I thought you’d wanted me to snapchat this? I used Minako’s account specifically because she has such a following!”
Haruka shrieked.
“Come here, Tenoh”, Mina pulled Haruka’s foot in a tight embrace. Haruka groaned, but let her foot be some kind of massaged. Yes, it was good to have friends. Especially if you did not think about the fact that your wife needs the account details from your best friend to make fun of you.
And Mina won at last.
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haruzatranslations · 8 years
[Twitter] Kudo Haruka - Miscellaneous Fan Reports
"If Haru-chan were to have a part-time job, what would you want to do?" ハo´ 。`ル<Part time job—? ハo´ 。`ル<Ah, I want to work at McDonalds! ハo´ 。`ル<Because it seems like you'd be able to eat as many fries and such as you want! Source
“Michishige-san is finally having a comeback in March isn’t she” ハo´ 。`ル Mhmm To be honest, I already made plans to go to her comeback performance… will you forgive me? ハo´ 。`ル<Of course of course!! By no means will I ‘oshihen’ or the like, since the only one I like is Haru-chan! ハo´ 。`ル< (hahahaha) Understood
Feelings of guilt Source
“I’m looking forward to the spring tour but, are there any highlights of Haru-chan?” ハo´ 。`ル<Here and there! How about a solo?! ハo´ 。`ル<Solo??? Solo song 💢 (haha) ハo´ 。`ル<Who knows— 🙄
Dammit, she looked so cute playing dumb😭 Source
“I saw the MV for the new singles but Haru-chan was beautiful in Jealousy Jealousy, and your rap was cool and cute; I loved it” ハo´ 。`ル<Wa—I’m so happy [to hear that]—!     Which one does Haru-chan like? ハo´ 。`ル<Nn… both.. Jealousy Jealousy is bursting with Tsunku’s melody— ハo´ 。`ル<It’s that song after all, huh… Source
My left handed-ness is a bother[? ハo´ 。`ル Oh! A leftie To be honest, I’d prefer shaking hands with my left hand… ハo´ 。`ル *Switch hands* Thank you😭 Source
“Haru-chan, did you see the conclusion for SW Rogue One?” ハo´ 。`ル<I saw it How was it? ハo´ 。`ル<Even seeing only this much, I thought it was interesting
After thinking that she didn’t see it… she saw it😅 Source
“Without holding back, was Rogue One more interesting than Star Wars: The Force Awakens?” ハo´ 。`ル<It was interesting! (haha) Do you know that the Rogue One DVD is coming out in April? ハo´ 。`ル<Eh? I didn’t If it’s alright with you, I’ll give it to you as a present? ハo´ 。`ル<Eh—? I’m so happy—!   It seems like you’ll receive it around May? ハo´ 。`ル<Nnn summer time?? Source 1, 2
“Haru-chan, honestly… how old do I look?” ハo´ 。`ル<Nn… OO years old? That’s wrong, I’m OO😅 ハo´ 。`ル<No way!? You don’t look like it [She thought] I was 8 years younger than Ayumin did Haru-chan is a good kid...😭 Source
“Congratulations for getting the lead role of the play” ハo´ 。`ル<Eh?! (haha) You’ll definitely get the lead role, won’t you? (haha) ハo´ 。`ル<That’s not true (haha) You’ll definitely get double-casted for both the male and female role ハo´ 。`ル<That’s not true!!! (haha) Source
“When I sleep at night, I light up a small orange[?], since I can’t sleep in the dark; what about Haru-chan?” ハo´ 。`ル< (haha) Haru sleeps in the dark. No way~ You’re not scared of the dark? ハo´ 。`ル< (hahahaha) I’m not scared. It’s better to sleep in semi-darkness you know Source
Why did you give Ayumin a salopette skirt? ハo´ 。`ル< Why? Because I don’t wear it Eh— Haru-chan doesn’t own many skirts huh ハo´ 。`ル< Anything but that (haha) 😨😨😨Aaa— buy and wear skirts ハo´ 。`ル< I won’t wear them, I won’t wear them Source
>>Bonus Maria<<
“Between modeling and solo work, and Momusu-related work, which one do you like more?” 。。8‘ ー‘)<Both are important!!! Source
Note: They’re all from the same user, but I had fun translating these tweets! If you find any other fan reports, let me know~ 
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
Harutaka date headcanons go
1. playing videogames on couch
2. playing videogames in bed
3. playing videogames at arcade
4. mcdonalds
introvert4introvert i think they go places but when they do it's like a.. thing. otherwise they're like omg we have free time HEHEHEHEHHEEHHEHEHHE (hang out in bed) their dates also consist of a lot of parallel play
also i think haruka would wanna visit every new food place that's opened since they've been gone yknow how it's said their city was like. completely rebuilt during the 2 years bc of clearing eyes (idk why its ass needed a bigass mall but ok) so there's 1 million places he hasn't eaten at and he's like i NEED to try the food. and takane comes bc she's like hehe even if half the time she doesn't even eat.
also haruka would take takane on a 5 hour walks because of pokemon go community day(might be based on real events of my datefriend doing this to me)(its ok though it was very fun) but also theyre disabled4disabled and when it's over takane cant go back to her body for like a whole day and haruka probably just takes his wheelchair in the first place LMAO
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docholligay · 5 years
McNifica Magica
A released ficlet from Patreon! 764 words. 
It was not so much that Michiru did not appreciate experimentation, as she did not appreciate a gimmick. If one was going to rely upon cheap tricks in order to entice diners, Michiru thought, it was better to simply open a Rainforest Cafe and be done with it, that there might be a sense of honesty behind one’s decision.
And while she could never, in fairness, make such a declaration of the now-defunct El Bulli, it having provided her with the genuinely novel, and a memory of the look on Haruka’s face when her tongue was gently spritzed with a deconstructed martini that carried her through her darkest hours, the global undertaking of such molecular gastronomy annoyed her. Even more so, the smug way that men with too much money and not enough sense liked to chatter about it, as if they knew anything at all.
But here they were, in a restaurant in Buenos Aires filled with the smell of money and fine wine, blending together with the smoke from the tableside preparations.
Haruka whispered over to her. “Do we get to order?”
“It’s a tablewide menu, I’m afraid, Haruka.” She set her hand on Haruka’s comfortingly.
“I wanted a steak.” She looked around the room, eyes desperately searching for something that might save her.
“I think it’s likely to say you’ll get some sort of preparation of beef, if that eases your mind.” It was, at the very least, unlike American restaurants, which seemed destined to drown everything in some type of pork fat and call it finished, and lacked the Japanese hang up on French cuisine in fine dining, which really only the French should still be, if that. But that was cold comfort considering Haruka’s general opinion on being served anything in a foam preparation, or some sort of nitrogen created pearl.
Haruka nodded and looked over to her. “I’m with you, so it’s okay.” She smiled.
Michiru leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. “I promise we can make a stop at McDonald’s on the way back to the hotel.”
Haruka leaned back dramatically in her chair. “Oh thank god.”
Michiru was glad for the fullness of the table, with her family and their associates, so busy that they hardly paid any mind to Haruka, their judgmental gazes otherwise occupied for one evening, and, anything else aside, that was a gift.
The courses began, a predictable march of molecular gastronomy. A mojito frozen into a sphere. A glass bowl, inverted and filled with smoke, over a scallop. How something could be so unusual and yet so bland astounded Michiru. But, she supposed, looking over at Haruka’s skeptical face as she appraised her pork confit with cotton candy, that was to be expected with her. She wasn’t enthralled by too much, was she?
Perhaps, she thought, she had seen too much in her life, too many things paraded in front of her, too much of a spoiled brat, to be fascinated by the croissant foam.
Haruka touched her arm when the next course was served. “Is this it for steak? What is this?”
One small mouthful of steak, presented on a white plate, surrounded by a line of greens and two cream presentations.
“I believe that’s ribeye with a potato foam and and dried potato film.”
Haruka looked at it skeptically. “Dried potato film.” There was no question in her voice, just a simple resignation to what her life had become.
And so maybe it wasn’t Michiru, after all.
“Michiru, are you okay?” Her face was concerned. Usually Michiru delighted in the thousand tiny judgments she had to pass on a place, and Haruka enjoyed her asides more than most of the meal. “You’re so quiet.”
She fiddled with the wine glass on the table. “Haruka, do you think I am….cold? Empty? Look at everyone, “ she indicated to the rest of the table, “they’re having a marvelous time, and here I am, myself as always.”
“Michiru,” she picked up the dessert in front of her, “this is wood soaked in syrup. You’re great. You just like things to be, you know, right. And you don’t pretend.”
Michiru smiled at her. “The emperor has no clothes.”
“Yeah” She poked at the other cup. “This is at least fruit.”
“Yeah babe.”
“Would you like to accompany me to McDonald’s?” She took Haruka’s hand.
Haruka grinned. “Let’s get outta here.”
Michiru Kaioh, socialite and heiress, sat on a curb in Buenos Aires, eating a McNifica and splitting papas with her wife.
It was the finest meal she had ever known.  
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yuukei-yikes · 5 years
Hey great Harutaka queen, would you mind telling us about harutaka dates ? Like making a list of the types of common dates and tell us your hrtk hcs ?? Like going out to eat, playing games, going shopping etc I'd love to see what are your headcanons about what they would do in each case, where they would go, if they'd like it or not, etc. If that's not too much to ask,,, i just love your posts about them !! By the way love your blog ! Quality art AND content ! Keep up bringing us the good food !
okay so im gonna talk about post str because hello im val, i adapt everything to post str :)
so um i think the thing they do the most and classify as date is staying at home KSKXLSOKDLS hOnestly they're just rly introverted people who like eating junk food and playing videogames. THAT'S A DATE FOR THEM
i think they mostly go out to eat and go to the movies. that's. that's what most "going out" dates consist of because ?? i think they like movies? especially takane i feel like she LOVES to hate watch so consequently she watches a lot of movies. and well haruka tags along because 1) popcorn 2) cute gf is cute when she's criticizing bad writing 😍 3) eating popcorn with one hand, holding gf's hand with the other hand. living the dream life
they go to eat to literally every place there is because of this reason: haruka. he's like HEY THEY OPENED THIS NEW PLACE LET'S GO and she's literally so used to it skldksldk because of this they probably have many anecdotes of shitty places they've gone to ("it wasn't THAT bad" "haruka ur too nice. it sucked")
BUT i also think they go out a lot to try stuff together since during their entire lives everything they did was kind of limited because of their illnesses so now that they have good company AND have the chance to do stuff they start to try stuff out!
like for the beach? i think haruka would be HYPED to go to the beach because he's never been but once he does go he's like ":/// it's....so hot....and sand is horrible" so after he realises he and takane stayed under the shadows playing a game he sees it's probably not for them but he's really happy he tried it out ✊😔
OR LIKE CAMPING haruka does mention in volume 6 he'd like to go camping with friends so like shinaya and harutaka camping ✊😔✊😔✊😔 where the fics AT!!! like maybe they'd actually like this? if they go some campsite with wifi then sure SJKDLSNDKSK
u also mentioned going shopping which 🌝 hell yeah it's my favorite thing. grocery shopping and/or shopping for stuff like games and whatever is always fun because they're stupid and they like to be like *hold hands* so... yeah any opportunity to do that is great. i feel like they would take AGES to shop for anything because they just stay around being idiots with everything they see. they buy lots of snacks because 1)haruka 2)takane
and shopping for clothes??? idk what to make of haruka because he dresses rly cute in volume 6 but then he just goes and designs konoha like That so i take it he knows how to dress himself but cannot design characters to save his life SO: going shopping for clothes with takane it's always the worst FOR HER because he drives her insane. he is trying on everything can someone stop this man she's so BORED she's just sitting and waiting for him to be done and she's also too stubborn and dumb to be like 😊 hey yeah you look rly cute 😊 but she really tries
Honestly over all i think the stuff they do the most is stay at home and cuddle OR go out to eat. they have lots of mcdonalds dates
anYWAY im glad you like my blog 😗😗😗 thank u so much and im sorry i ranted i just love these idiots 😔😔😔
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docholligay · 8 years
Impossible to Translate
anonnatsfan said: What were HaruMichi up to during the Inners’ drugged out dream fog adventures??  
Haruka paged through the small phrasebook, scowling in front of the pastry case. “Sest---say, combee--combi--”
Michiru touched her shoulder. “Haruka, what would you like?”
“I can do it!” Haruka looked down at her in a mix of irritation and despair. “You’ve done all the talking for two months,” she looked back at her phrasebook, “because you speak every language on earth.”
“Oh, I do not. I speak fluent French and English, and that’s the sum of it.” As if to prove her point, her walked up to the counter and eloquently ordered a small selection of pastries, carefully set into a pink box.
“And Italian!” Haruka stared at her book, as if the pronunciation would magically resolve in her head. “Spanish.”
“Oh, only well enough to get directions in Italian, and I can’t do much more than read a menu or a train schedule in Spanish, Haruka. You can be so dramatic, I swear.”
Haruka sighed and slumped her shoulders. It was hopeless anyway, the sounds got jumbled in her head, and the language didn’t make any goddamn sense, though maybe it was her--Mina spoke English, for God’s sake, so it couldn’t be some dark secret. It was just Haruka, who was stupid, and who relied on Michiru for everything. They’d been here for the last two months, on her money, and her language skills, and her connections, and what good was Haruka? What did she bring to the table?
“Haruka.” Michiru touched her arm gently, and there was a look of uncertainty in her eyes. This trust they were building felt so fragile and new, and Michiru was afraid that she had, with a single careless phrase, broken it. “I didn’t intend to--”
“It’s not you.” She shut the book. “It’s me. I can’t--” She looked at Michiru, the words catching in her throat, whispering to her that Michiru would never understand, that if she brought attention to how little she brought to the relationship, Michiru would leave her, would find some hot French lesbian and run off into the sunset, leaving Haruka with nothing but her small suitcase and a coach ticket to Tokyo.
And yet, Michiru looked at her expectantly. She had to say something.
“French is stupid.” She decided upon and crossed her arms.
Michiru touched the edge of her book. “I may be able to hel--”
“No,” She waved her hand, “I don’t want anything. Whatever you got’s fine.”  
Michiru nodded, and they walked silently back to the hotel, Michiru looking down at the box in her hands.
Haruka gallantly took Michiru’s arm on the street. “So where are we going for dinner?”
Michiru smiled to no one in particular. “McDonald’s.”
Haruka looked at her seriously. “Please don’t be joking.”
“Sorry to disappoint.” She held Haruka’s arm a little tighter. “ There is one near the hotel, if you don’t enjoy what I’ve selected for tonight.”
“I mean, it might be good,” she shrugged, “But it’s no McNugget.”
Michiru shook her head. “Well of course not, how could it be possibly?”
She strolled up to a restaurant, looking much the same as the other restaurants they had strolled into throughout Paris, and Haruka opened the door. A waft of familiar smells hit her, noodles and fish and somewhere the sweet alcohol of sake.
She looked at Michiru. “I thought you said we didn’t come to Europe to eat Japanese food.”
“Oh, but what if it’s even better than in Japan?” The host’s voice boomed over at her. “Table for two?”
Haruka stared at him. “I could kiss you.”
Michiru laughed. “Looking to inflame my jealousy, Haruka?” She led as they made their way to the table. “I must say, not quite what I expected, but, then again, your tastes are your own.”
Haruka sat across from her and fiddled a moment with a chopstick. “Thank you, Michiru.”
Michiru waved her hand. “I insist you do all the ordering, of course.” Haruka took out her phrasebook, and paged through it. “Haruka, whatever are you doing?”
Haruka looked up at her. “Juh--je tem vrayment bowkoo.” she shrugged and gave a nervous chuckle. “I guess.”
Michiru put her hand on Haruka’s. “Je t’aime plus que je ne peux le dire, mon petit chou.”
Haruka grinned. “Yeah, what you said.”
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