#ayato selection
solistaire · 1 year
diabolik lovers: haunted dark bridal (ayato sélection)
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Ayato : Ha... Tu me choisis moi, bien sûr... C’était évident, non ?
Yui : (… Je l’ai choisi sans réfléchir. Bien qu’on dirait qu’il va être difficile...)
Shuu : —— Bon, qu’est-ce que tu vas faire, maintenant ?
Ayato : C’est évident, non ? Je vais boire son sang.
Yui : … … !
Shuu : Fais-le avec modération. Il est interdit de la tuer.
Ayato : Haa ? Pourquoi ?!
Shuu : Aucune idée. Ce sont ses ordres. “Traitez vos invités avec respect.”
Yui : Pourquoi ne pas l’avoir dit plus tôt...!
Shuu : C’était pénible.
Yui : P-Pénible, vous dites...!
Ayato : Mais à quoi pense ce type ? Pourquoi on doit traiter cette stupide humaine avec respect ?
Subaru : Ce que c’est chiant. Cet enfoiré... C’est une ordure.
Reiji : … Tu ne cesses donc de déblatérer. Dans ce cas, Subaru, pourquoi ne pas la tuer ? Si s’opposer à ses désirs ne te dérange pas.
Subaru : Tsk... Fait chier ! Un jour, je vous tuerai tous les deux.
Laito : Haa. Tout ceci n’est plus très amusant. On dirait que tout a été planifié par cet homme...
Kanato : Ça veut dire que cette fille est spéciale ?
Laito : Je suppose que oui ?
Yui : J-Je suis un peu perdue...
Ayato : La ferme, planche à pain. C’est un problème qui nous regarde.
Yui : (… Si je comprends bien, cet homme dont ces gens parlent est la personne reliée à l’église dont m’a parlé mon père ?)
(Et d’une manière ou d’une autre, il est la raison pour laquelle des vampires vivent ici...)
(Alors qu’en est-il de ces parents éloignés dont m’a parlé mon père ?)
Shuu : Quoi qu’il en soit, voilà ce qu’il en est. Gardez-la en vie.
Ayato : Bordel, j’aime pas ça. Mais bon. Considère-toi chanceuse de m’avoir choisi.
Yui : … … !
(Quoi qu’il en soit, il faut que je trouve un moyen de contacter mon père et de m’échapper d’ici.)
(Comment est-ce que j’ai pu me retrouver dans une situation aussi désastreuse...!?)
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sadistic-sakamaki · 2 years
@nosferatu-pvssy​ has said:
I follow you because: You write the best Ayato on tumblr!! <3 I love the way you flesh him out, you've completely caught his soul and essence. His sense of humor and the genuinely funny way of behaving around other people is so on point that it seems to read the canon Ayato. I love your attention to details in both the writing and the decoration of your blog, it's all so pleasing from an aesthetic point of view. I would love to see how you'd write him in a more dramatic scenario, because I'm sure you have range. Really really beautiful rp blog for Ayato, you write very well and with lots of creativity. <3
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Send me an “I follow you because” prompt. | turned into a ‘Why I love Ayato’ rant. 
Includes heavy subjects such as child abuse, emotional neglect, sexual assault, mentions of drowing and burning alive. DO NOT read further if you feel triggered by these subjects.
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... No, but why did this highkey make me a bit emotional? This is such good feedback so thank you very much for the long message and for taking the time to tell me that! It really does mean a lot to have my efforts acknowledged, and by the way you deliver your words, I can tell that you are as passionate as I am about Ayato, and, honestly? I think that that is what warms my heart the most. 
I love this character so, so much. My dream is that, through my portrayal, more people grow interested and invested in the series, in general, but in Ayato, in particular. He is so nuanced, so complex, so much... more than he usually lets on. He is goofy, he is funny, he is a prankster... He is loud and he is all over the place. The part that most people don’t know, and never get to know, is that he holds a lot of darkness in his heart. A lot of sadness. Loneliness. There is not a single day where his ghosts fail to haunt him. He has suffered and gone through so much, despite what he lets on.  
On the surface level, he is easygoing. And that is what he expects you to see. Period. Do not try to dig deeper. It will not go well for you. Every single time he is confronted with a muse that is able to read him well, he panics. He reacts. He lashes violently. He becomes merciless. And that’s where his true violence, his true intent to hurt others comes from - trauma. If you analyze his game routes, the ‘bad choices’ that lead to the ultimate ‘bad endings’ are one way or another to trigger him - whether they include rejecting him, being mean to him, or depreciative, or overall being someone that is aware of his pain and still decides to push the knife deeper.
Of course, he is a vampire. And that makes him more violent than most humans. Vampires do have their own values and moral compass, after all. He likes to bully others, but the intentional desire to hurt and cause misery is a responsive, coping mechanism most of the time. It is the way he uses to defend himself and his declining mental state. I always think about this one matter when it comes to Ayato: he exhibits his annoyance in a very loud, vocal way. But his pain and rage are silent. As long as he is verbalizing his emotions, no matter how loud he is, you’re in the safe zone. But it is when he grows silent and serious that you should run. There is no coming back now.
However, his triggers are very specific, so that is why you do not find angst here as often as you perhaps wished to. There are certainly A LOT of angst threads I have done in the past, though. And guess what? They were with muses that Ayato has a deep bond with. Namely, Yui, or his twin brother, his other half, Laito. Isn’t it funny, how the deepest relationships he has also carry the worst pain for him? Yui and Laito are intelligent and are capable of reading him well, like the palm of their own hand.
Yui was the first, if not only, person to not give up on him. To persevere, no matter how hard and how many times he shut her off or was cruel to her. Everyone that came before her either did not take him seriously, contributed to his verbal/physical abuse, or sacrificed him without a care in the world (looking at all his brothers, who used him as Ghoul bait, which caused him to be captured and stay imprisoned in a decadent jail, left to rot and all bloodied, while his brothers prioritized something else). Meanwhile, he was always the first one to jump in, to try to save them, even if it had risks associated. Especially when there were risks associated. And this was never reciprocal. And Ayato knows. And that hurts. 
And while Yui is his biggest savior, she is also his worst nightmare. His mother’s heart beats in her chest, and the sound alone is capable of making Ayato go mad with fury and rage. He grows agitated, both in mind and heart. He does not know how to deal with this. Plus, there is the entire fact that he made a promise to himself when he was younger. If one is bound to lose it all and be betrayed by everyone, then one might as well not hold anyone in high regard or consider them as special. Again: vulnerability is weakness. And, is it not ironic? How what you love the most can also become something that you have hated all your entire life? How a person that abused you all of your life, to the point you had to kill her out of rage, is now a part of the girl you love the most...? I could go on and on about the matter of Yui and his mother, Cordelia, and how conflicting it all is to him, but, I’ll spare you for now.
Laito...? Laito knows where to hurt him the most. And so does Ayato. Again, the dichotomy of I love you the most and I hurt you the most is present, and that is one of the only things that are constant in Ayato’s life. Laito and Ayato are aware of each other’s pain and past. Ayato was constantly being taken away from the world to being imprisoned in a room, studying all day. He could not have desires, could not have dreams, could not even have hope for escape. It was suffocating. If he ran away from the responsibilities that his mother made him own up to, he was severely punished. To the point he grew so scared he used to shut himself and hide in closets, hoping to never be discovered. 
Verbal abuse ( “You’re useless you’re useless if you are not the most powerful then I have NO need of you and I will disown you, abandon you, leave you to die, it’s all your fault it’s all your fault IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT” ), physical abuse that left scars and bruises for days, being thrown in the lake to drown because you did not know how to swim, and she knew. You begged and begged, cried, implored for mercy and called for a mother that did not only not respond, but also laughed and turned her back away from you. Toys were now ash and cinder, your hands burning as you stared paralyzed at it all ( “Come on, my dearest Ayato. Who cares if your castle is the biggest? It’s just BUILDING BLOCKS. If you want to be useful, do something that actually matters, hm?~ Don’t fool yourself with such stupid dreams and fantasies”).
Oh, little one. You were never meant to dream. To have aspirations. You were made to be a puppet and satisfy her wants and needs.
... Are you starting to understand why he acts the way he does? Why he seems so entitled? He was kind and meek, once. He still liked to fool around and be mischievous. But he was kind. To everyone. Even to lowly servants that tended to their young master’s needs. His need to be the greatest was implanted in him. That voice is not his, but hers. It’s always her.
And Laito knew. He knew everything. And he despised Ayato for his purity. For, no matter how much he went through, Ayato was still able to hope, somehow. To carry on. Laito was not like that. He let his heart grow dark in hopes of protecting his brothers, namely Ayato. Therefore, despite hating the innocence of his brother, Laito sacrificed himself for them all. Night and night again, Ayato noticed Laito sneaking off, throwing away the sheets of the bed where the triplets slept, in order to pay his mother dearest a visit.  But it was normal, right? “Laito, I love you. I will always love you”. That was her way of showing love, so it was fine to Laito. Everything was fine.
Except it wasn’t. And Ayato knew. And Laito knew Ayato knew, and yet. And yet. Where Laito gave into acceptance, Ayato gave into rage. WHY WOULD HE NOT TELL HIM? RELY ON HIM? DO... SOMETHING!?
Their relationship would always be tainted by secrets that were not so secret, and silent words that were not traded, but still understood. Until that faithful night, where rage and pain and sorrow and misery united, and their NIGHTMARE was seemingly put to an end. Little did they know, it would only lay dormant for a while.
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All of their stories are complicated. And they are wonderful to explore. However, they are hard to explore within a thread if it does not include the sort of trusting/untrusting/love/hate relationship I mentioned. I assume that when you speak of ‘dramatic scenarios’ you mean something along the lines I’ve discussed just now. But it is important to understand that Ayato does not rage or lash as a traumatic response as often because he rarely exposes his pain or deeper thoughts. 
Ayato does not trust anyone with his pain, because it is his and his alone to bear. To let others see it is to be vulnerable. To be weak. And he REJECTS pity, or being known as the broken one. His past is an integral part of his personality, but he is very selective with what he chooses to let others learn about him. He wants a shoulder to lean on, but is scared to reach out. Because, to him, to trust is to be foolish. Others will always betray him regardless, so he would rather not grow close with people, forming superficial relationships instead.
His insecurities are the size of Jupiter, and he despises how sometimes they betray him so. His confidence can be something that annoys others, but little do they know how it was planted artificially, and that his pride is his own method of reminding himself that he is worth something. And, even so, it is ever so easy to destroy his self-confidence.
This has been a heavy analysis/rant, and therefore I do apologize for having it included in a post that is supposed to be so happy and encouraging. I promise you that I’m still very happy for having received your words, but since you wanted to know if I had the range for sure, consider this my way of telling you ‘heck yeah! I have it! It’s just that Ayato is a very difficult muse to intrinsically explore because he rejects anything that has to do with mind and heart’. And when he does so, he does so with very specific muses! And I have done angst here before, but it took years and years of working, and replying, and building up between muses. It’s not simply something you can offer in a plate and boom, there it is!
it’s hard to explore because Ayato does not let himself grow close to anyone. He rejects that idea altogether. His relationships are meant to be kept on a ‘fun’ and superficial level. He does not want to be known for who he is, rather, he wants to be known for who he shows he is.
Regardless, I am glad that you, as well as others I’m sure, can appreciate the work and my interpretations of him.
I can only hope to bring him the justice he deserves.
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♱  DIABOLIK LOVERS: Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sakamaki Ayato | Selection  ♱
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Ayato: Hah… Me, eh? Who’s surprised?
Yui: ( …I just picked him by fluke. He seems the type to be a real challenge… )
Ryuuto: ――Hmph. Well, where does that leave us?
Subaru: Yeah. What’s gonna happen now?
Ayato: Ain’t the answer obvious? I’m gonna suck her blood.
Yui: … …!
Shuu: Watch yourself. You’re not allowed to kill her, you know.
Ayato: Aah? Why’s that!?
Shuu: Beats me. It’s just what that guy said. To “treat your guest with care”.
Yui: You should say those sorts of things sooner…!
Shuu: Bothersome…
Yui: B-Bothersome… …!?
Ayato: The hell is that bastard thinkin’? What’s with us havin’ to treat this stupid human with care, or whatever!?
Subaru: That asshole… He’s always sneakin ‘round. What a pain in my ass.
Reiji: …You certainly seem to think so. Why not kill him, if you truly feel that way? Just as long as you are content with defying his orders, Subaru.
Subaru: Tch… Some day I will.
Laito: Haa, talk about a way to kill the mood. I get the feeling we’re being set up by that guy…
Ryuuto: As if it wasn’t dreary enough, with Ayato chosen by this Komori Yui.
Ayato: Haa!? Don’t get your panties in a twist just ‘cause you’re a sore loser!
Kanato: Hey, Laito? You’re saying there’s something special about this girl?
Laito: Who knows~?
Yui: I-I don’t quite…
Ayato: Shut it, titless! This is our family’s business!
Yui: ( The person they’re talking about… Is he the one that Father told me about? )
( In that case, that would mean he has connections to these Vampire’s living here… )
( And anyway, isn’t this Ryuuto-san the relative that I was supposed to meet? Or, is that person nowhere to be found, at this place…? )
Shuu: In any case, make sure she doesn’t end up dead.
Ryuuto: Yes, that is especially important. Are you listening, Ayato?
Ayato: What’s it to you? But, I guess, if that’s how it is…
 Oi, you! You know you’ve made the best choice, right?
Yui: …!!
(  Somehow, someway… I need clarification on this; I need to contact Father. Then, I can focus on getting away from these people… )
( And hopefully I’ll do so unscathed… )
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←  [ ✥ Prologue ✥ ]⎥[ ✥ Dark Prologue ✥ ]  →       [ ✥ Dark 5½ ✥ ]  →
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anantaru · 2 months
— his love language
including. diluc, wriothesley, kazuha, neuvillette, ayato, scaramouche, kaeya, childe
genre. fluff & crack, gn! reader
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at a regular pace, diluc opens up to you and with such, he reveals that to him actions spoke louder than words, mainly when it came to your loving relationship. the master of the dawn winery wasn't one of sensual speech, in fact, sometimes he was simply at loss of words— hence why showing you instead was all the more easy. it begins in his eyes, how they're always focused on your frame and immediately pick up on when you feel fatigued, the weary expression on your face worrying him the moment you step inside. voicelessly, diluc guides you to your shared bedroom before telling you to relax— afterwards he'll pamper you, boundlessly, do whatever you need him to do even if it consisted of multiple tasks. easy to say, he will still check up on you, be there for you and most importantly, always anticipate your needs, never failing to provide support without hesitation.
everyone knows that words hold the power to uplift and reassure people and their souls, in addition to building bridges between two individuals and so did wriothesley find this to be the most wonderful gift on this planet. he speaks through heartfelt compliments he'd never let you pass on, encouraging affirmations whenever you had a bad day or an artful expression of his emotions through his phrases. within the lively city of fontaine, the man will watch you with earnest eyes and swollen cheeks, "you're so pretty, so beautiful," he was silly, right? making you flustered in front of everyone, yet his words flow like poetry, forcing you to melt as he expressed admiration for your person— a verbal drapery woven with sincerity and love.
since you have been in a relationship for quite a long time, you were aware of kazuha and himself being an adventurer at heart, never failing to perceive solace and joy in the quiet moments shared with you. it doesn't matter where you are, but when he invites you on a journey, you know it's going to end up becoming one of your most dearest memories. in the quietness of the night, kazuha's presence was a calming force and to him, love was found in the gift of uninterrupted time spent together, immersed in meaningful conversations and shared experiences, tender kisses and subtle touches. the connection you had was strong— everlasting, the presence and the beauty within embracing each passing moment.
neuvillette held a lot of personal knowledge which he accumulated throughout the trajectory of his life, although when it came to the relationship aspect of things, he was rather inexperienced. when you two started dating he picked up the habit of expressing himself through physical touch— not necessarily in a sexual way, but in the reassuring kind which brought forth tenderness and closeness, whether it was a hand on your shoulder or a comforting embrace after a long day. the iudex was fluent in intimacy, connection, and the sacred power of making you feel loved in the simplicity of his touch. without wasting time, he always has one arm around you or loved holding your hand as you settle down on his lap, perhaps even offering to massage your shoulders with his soothing touch.
granted, from an outside perspective seeing ayato spoil you with artificial goods might come across as insincere, yet people do not realize that every single gift had a special meaning attached to it. the yashiro commissioner always took it serious, going through the carefully selected goods as he prepared a custom order, securing the gift with a personal meaning and significance. expressing his love for you through gifts and handmade material shone of thoughtfulness and well, there was one necklace that might be your all time favorite. it was when he surprised you with it on your anniversary— and as you inspected it much closer, you admired the complexly designed metal with symbols of his love and the harmony in your relationship— it's utterly beautiful, you tell him as he helped you put the necklace on, the little diamonds attached to it reflecting a deep appreciation and desire to convey his feelings to you.
opening up was hard for scaramouche, yet he realized that if he wanted this relationship with you to be harmonic, he needed to learn and work on it. the moment you feel him open up to you, you couldn't be happier, truly— not only was it a clear sign of effort on his part, but also the willingness to share a hidden piece of himself. despite his rather aloof demeanor, he possessed a subtle way of showing you his trust, in fact, he always needs you to show him that you accept his past no matter what. was it tiresome? not at all, despite some people believing that a relationship like that could become troubling in the future. yet they cannot fathom the deep link you both have and how it came to be. ah well, how beautiful when he holds you in his arms and kisses your forehead before starting to open up, your expression softening momentarily at the calm look in his eyes. it's right there, look close now, when you catch a rare glimpse of appreciation and a hint of vulnerability beneath his composed facade. he's in love, truly, and so are you.
a world without laughter, sounds scary, correct? kaeya believes that everything works more efficiently if you add a little comedy on the side. in your relationship, there was nothing he adored more that laughing together— because in a way, it felt like it strengthened your bond and eased the burdens in your life. spontaneity was another important aspect, you'll never know what the charismatic cavalry captain has in store for you next and you couldn't help but love that about him. really, he had a magical power for defusing tension with a well-timed joke or cheeky banter, finishing it off with messy kisses all over your face and demanding for you to give him a kiss back, in fact, as one might already guess, a world without laughter and without kisses might be straight hell in all of teyvat.
the eleventh harbinger's heart burnt for two different things— first of all it being you, his loved one which he would quite literally do anything for you to be happy, while the second being the thrill of adventure and the willingness to embrace spontaneity, face challenges head-on and earn boastful scars all over his body as a form of trophy. childe's enthusiasm was contagious to the point where the both of you would go on adventures together, or simply try out new things in order to feel a shared sense of adrenaline. freedom was everything in his life, but what mattered the most is for you to be safe— hence why he would never put you in any danger, instead he'd rather get in trouble himself so you could patch him up afterwards. childe knows it's not healthy to get himself hurt on purpose, but feeling you take care of him with your soft hands tracing all over his chest was making it worth it in his eyes.
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©2024 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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areislol · 1 year
genshin men getting reverse isekai’d into creator! reader’s world
►— pairings. genshin men x gn! creator! reader
►— warnings. fluff, although it is a gender neutral reader it does mention afab reader, lowercase intended, not proof read 🙅🏻‍♀️
►— synopsis. albedo created a machine where it would bring back their creator, who was stuck in another world, back to where they belong. but instead of bringing you here to them, it brought them to where you were.
►— a/n. i have been meaning to write isekai’d or reverse isekai’d fic for SO long but i’ve been busy and procrastinating so 😢 this is sagau!!
►— wordcount. 3.8k
✧ part one | ✧ part two | ✧ part three | ✧ part four | ✧ part five |more tba.. NAVIGATION
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at first, it was the genshin men who wanted you to be transported into their world. you know.. the world you’re familiar with. but somehow albedo’s machine malfunctioned and did the opposite of what it was supposed to do.
it was a normal day, well for the residents of teyvat who were just minding their own business, but not for the men who had gave away nearly all of their mora for albedo’s machine to work.
a very selected few men from each region gathered to mondstadt (sometimes it took a few days for a week to arrive there but they were determined to arrive there faster as they didn’t want to waste time).
kaeya, diluc, venti and albedo from mondstadt gathered were anticipating for the day albedo would put out the news that the machine would finally work. everyday when they had spare time or whenever they could, they would vist albedo in dragonspine and check up on the machine and ask for the good news
if albedo needed anything or needed some mora (or if he needed someone to run errands for him) they would happily oblige, anything for their grace.
zhongli, xiao, baizhu from liyue would anticipate for the news ever since they had gotten the information and letter from albedo himself as well from jean about the machine that would supposedly bring the creator to their world.
they immediately started to help with whatever they could, even travelling to mondstadt to see if there was anything they could help or provide with, if nothing they would stay for however long they could and watch albedo work on it, fiddling with their fingers or twisting their articles of clothing from anticipation, trying to hold back their excitement and joy of finally meeting their creator.
zhongli is one of the few who were your oldest worshippers, in his prime he would sculpt many statues of you, based on what the scripts had described of what the creator looked like and he was sure that it was one his most best work in his lifetime.
zhongli definitely gave albedo all of his mora, not caring if he needed them to buy food to eat, why worry about that when he has something else to prioritise? all he needed was you, to survive.
kazuha, itto, gorou, ayato, heizou and thoma from inazuma was ecstatic at the news of your soon arrival!! they spent their minutes, hours and days filled with excitement and could not focus on anything.
although ayato was calm and collected, there was no denying that deep inside he was freaking out like c’mon? the creator is finally descending? after thousands of years? and they expect him to be calm? no way.
all gave albedo and sucrose their up most help. giving him materials that would only be found in their region and not in mondstadt, for the machine. in their spare time they would fight the enemies and gather whatever they dropped and send it to albedo in the hopes that it would be a major help to the machine (it was and albedo sent his thanks in a letter).
cyno, al-haitham, kaveh, wanderer and tighnari from sumeru was shocked to say the least, at first they were wary of the news. i mean of course they believed in you, and the story of your descent but at the same time how could they trust this.. albedo person? but after getting the letter inviting them to dragonspine to see the machine for themselves and to see his blueprints, notes and so on, they agreed and once arriving, they definitely believed him.
after confirming that everything was real, they began to team up with albedo (if he allowed them but albedo was more than happy for some help as he was getting tired just from doing majority of the things with sucrose..) and helping him. kaveh was an architect so he helped albedo with the model of the machine and with al-haithams, tighnari and wanderer’s knowledge they began to make the machine more safe and reliable.
they’re all very happy and overjoyed knowing that soon they will bring their creator back to where they belong, just knowing the fact that they will soon be able to see and witness their grace in their glory and flesh was everything.
lyney, neuvillette, wriothesley, freminet and aether from fontaine was more than ecstatic upon hearing the news. lyney started to practise more with his magic tricks, trying to add more action and more of the surprise factor in his tricks so that he could impress you and hear you praise him.
neuvillette almost cried tears of joy (and flooded fontaine) at the letter albedo sent to him. just looking at the sentence “we will be able to see our grace soon, please help in anyway you can.” made his eyes water.
he started to mentally and physically prepare himself for your arrival, making sure to look his best and presentable, while also preparing for how he would greet you. a bow would do- no.. a bow where his forehead touched the ground, yes, that will do. he couldn’t wait for your arrival (even explaining to the very excited melusines too about his profound love and adoration for you).
neuvillette admired you from hundreds of years ago, hearing your stories and heroic acts made him fall more in love with you. he goes to your temple (that he made by himself) and prays every day before going to bed.
wriothesley, freminet and aether on the other hand was more calm although nervous at the same time. wriothesley (and everyone else) had heard many great stories about you, the great power you hold like no other, your kindness, your hospitality, your beauty—everything. so there was nothing else he wanted than to witness you in the flesh, although he is scared what your beauty may blind him.
aether is also anticipating your arrival, when he was younger his parents would tell him the great stories about you and how the elements came about, not only that but he has a hunch that you could possibly help him find his sister, no.. he’s positive you will.
and from the other regions, childe, capitano, dottore, pantalone, pierro and dainsleif were almost going batshit crazy once word spread that the creator was going to be teleported into their world from albedo’s machine. dainsleif could feel it in him, he could feel the shift in teyvat, the way the trees and nature around him started to be more responsive and grow more large and.. prettier?
the fatui had paused all of their plans and focused soley on you, their creator. they wanted to make sure that the archons or anyone else doesn’t reach you but.. that would be diffcult considering that a non fatui was creating this machine along with the help with so many different people from different regions.
they had always worshipped you and was hopelessly devoted to you, giving you gifts right below your statue, sometimes even ranting to you about their problems and how the archons were absolutely useless.
dainsleif was.. consumed with many emotions. he believed that he was one of your most devoted and the most loyal of them all followers. he believed that your word was law and whatever you ordered him to do or whatever order you give to anyone, they should obey. and if not he would love nothing more than to deal with them, anything for you.
altogether, they all (reluctantly cough cough the fatui, diluc, tighnari and wanderer cough cough) helped cooperate with bringing you back to the world you belong in, giving albedo thousands and millions of mora, any material from their home region, their support and so on. that was how devoted they were to you.
and finally, the day albedo and sucrose sent out all of letters telling them that the machine was ready, everybody came scurrying to dragonspine, their hearts racing in an inhumane beat, once they all arrived they were swearing BULLETS and albedo offered them all towels since he knew none of them would like to be presented to the almight creator looking… sweaty.
everybody stood around the machine, their eyes shining with excitement and their hearts beating from nervousness, and on the count to three, albedo would turn the notch and whatever came next, well, they would just have to cross their fingers and pray.
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albedo turned the notch on the machine and within a milisecond a bright light had appeared, blinding everyone as they quickly raised their arm to cover their eyes.
some started to cough as smoke filled the room, many yelling in confusion, yelling on top of their lungs if it worked to which no one replied of course, they couldn’t open their eyes nor felt anything different until their bodies started to feel all gooey like they were melting. their vision (despite covering their eyes) was going white, their mind was foggy and they were dizzy.
but after a few seconds they felt better, they felt like they were in a different place, they could sense it.. after waving their hands away to clear the smoke and before they knew it, they were in a totally different room and place. they were inside of a room, not a room from their world, their was unknown technology on a desk that they have never seen before. there was unknown stuff all around them.
they all looked around in confusion, taking in everything. “where are we?” “what is this place” “are we going to meet our grace?”
suddenly, zhongli spotted someone on the bed, sleeping calmly despite all of the ruckus they had caused. zhongli shushed everybody to which some scowled at (wanderer mainly) and before they could argue back, he pointed at you.
pointing at the sleeping figure on the bed wanderer immediately shut his mouth. it was dark so they couldn’t make out your face but no worries! your phone just lit up and everybody looked at it, curious at the light device. kazuha paid no mind to it and grabbed the strange device before shining it on your face. his breath hitched, stumbling back just a bit.
everybody else looked at your face and was stunned. their voice caught in their throats as they finally, finally saw you, their grace.
your beauty was like no other, even the little drool seeping out of the corner of your lips were adorable!
some started to sob quietly, too overwhelmed with their feelings and with the fact that they just saw their creator (neuvillette, lyney, childe and zhongli a little bit..). while everyone else was murmuring under their breaths about what they should do, you were sleepinf peacefully. and everytime you moved in your sleep everybody would tense up and hold their breaths, scared to wake you up (and scare you in you did).
but after a few minutes you did wake up, to their horror and fascination. you rubbed your eyes and looked around groggily and through the seeping moonlight through your blinds you could make out the many black silhouettes in your room, surrounding you.
freaking out, you held your breath and tried to calm yourself down, telling you that your mind was playing tricks on you but after gulping and turning on your lamp to just reassure you it was nothing, you saw many men surrounding you, wincing at the sudden light.
your jaw dropped before screaming absolute bloody murder, grabbing your pillows and (your poor) plushies and throwing it at the unknown men in your room, closing your eyes shut you prayed to god that this was just a dream when someone spoke.
his voice was dreamy and so soft although deep, like silk. it flowed smoothly like running water.
“are you alright, your grace?”
your what? opening your eyes, you could see that some of the men were grabbing a hold of your plushies while some were on the floor, meaning some did get hid while some others didn’t.
wait a minute.. as you took a closer look at the people you realise that it’s…
“zhongli..?” you mumbled, squinting your eyes to see if it was really him and there was no doubt it was really him. you could see his eyes lighting up, he seemed really happy that you said his name, it was sort of cute.
that was when childe and heizou along with others pushed zhongli, trying to get your attention as they called you their “grace” and acted really really happy to see you.
observing everyone you soon realise that all of these men are all from the very famous game you play—genshin impact. “w-wait a minute.. zhongli-“ you point at him, he nods with a tender smile, you could only smile back nervously, totally unaware of the death glares zhongli was getting.
“heizou, childe, thoma, dainsleif, xiao.. holy crap!” your eyes widen and you hop off your bed, slipping on your slippers are you look at everyone else. “this isn’t real…” you mumbled, holding your head with one of your hands. looking around once more you felt the very intense gazes of the very handsome men staring you down.
your cheeks flushed red as you took in the fact that these handsome men are fighting for your attention, and are literally standing in your room and just.. there!!
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walking back into your room, you yank the mattress with all your strength when dainsleif and xiao walked up to you, offering you help to which you shake your head at. “no i’m good, thank you though!”
everybody was waiting patiently for you as you set down the mattress.
“okay.. you guys can sit and sleep there for now.. now tell me what happened. as far as i know you two aren’t from this world, obviously because you are all from genshin impact! you know, the game?”
you said, sitting down on your bed as you watched some of them sit on the mattress while some stood beside the mattress.
they all nodded before albedo spoke. “you see, your grace, we intended to bring you back to our world because that is where you belong—the world you created.” he began, looking into your eyes to look for any reaction.
your eyes widened at his words. “me..?” you said in disbelief. “oh.. uh continue!” albedo continued on.
“and we spent many months working on the machine, and today i had finished it, i called everybody else who are in your room and i turned the notch, and there was blinding light, and then we were in your room.”
you nod your head at his words, taking in the information. “i’m just as confused as you are, your grace.” albedo reassures you, you could only give him a small smile before speaking again.
“listen i’m just.. i’m confused on why you’re you know.. calling me ‘your grace’.. i mean i understand the formalities and all but..”
zhongli and neuvillette raises their brow. “that is because, you are our creator, you created the elements, giving us visions, you carved the very world we live on, teyvat.” zhongli explains.
furrowing your brows, you tried to understand him, you really did but, you just couldn’t imagine yourself doing all of those great things zhongli explained to you.
“listen.. you probably have the wrong person and-“ “no,” everybody whips their towards dainsleif, giving him a scowl for him daring to cut their creator off.
“i can feel like, you are our creator, you.. this feeling you give me, to us, is other worldly, please.. your grace, believe me.”
dainsleif pleads, his eye(s?) staring deep into your soul, begging for you to understand. and to be honest you felt yourself getting lost in his eyes, it was tempting you and… you gave in.
gulping you closed your eyes and sighed. “i-.. fine, i may not believe that i was capable of doing all of those mountain moving stuff but i will.. you know.. just call me y/n.”
all of their eyes widen from surprise. kaveh breaks the mumurs of the men among him. “y-you would give us the honor to call you by your real name? i’m afraid we can no-“
“nuh uh, no need to call me ‘your grace’ anymore, it feels weird being called something so high..” you cut kaveh off and you could hear the collective, audible gasps from around you.
venti, heizou and kaveh (who were standing beside the mattress) basically launched themselves onto you, almost crying from happiness of the fact that you were allowing them to call you by your name.
“oh your grac- no, y/n!! it would be such an honor to call you by your name!” venti cries, hugging your body as heizou and kaveh clinged onto your arms, tears brimming their eyes.
you could only laugh nervously at the sudden affection and pat venti on the back, when you realized that this was a one in a life time experience where you actually meet these handsome (fictional but not anymore) men so you decide to hug venti back, patting his back.
“i-it’s all good venti but uh.. you’re squeezing me a bit too hard..” you managed to get out, tapping him on his arm. venti pulled back and smiled sheepishly. “oops..”
venti, heizou and kaveh got a good scolding from zhongli and dainsleif about jumping on the creator like that.
it was starting to get a bit hot and stuffy in your room so you decided to get up (with kaveh still clinging onto your arm) and walk over to the window and opening it up. feeling the cool breeze hit your face you sighed with satisfaction.
turning back around you saw all men staring right back at you. right.. you still had 23 men in your room. “uh.. so, are you guys thirsty?” you said nervously, offering them a small smile. it was your first time having a guy over at your room let alone 23!!
you don’t even know why you offered them water, you just wanted to ease the awkwardness.
they all nodded and you nod your head, making your way to the door and you could feel them staring holes into the back of your skull.
“i’ll go get some water, i don’t know if i have 23 glasses though..” and as you walked out of your room you could hear many footsteps following behind you, through the hallway and into the kitchen.
sighing, you crouched down to the cabinets and opened it, grabbing as many cups as you can. there was only 10. geez, who knew those “best child in the world” and “best co worker in the world!” would come in handy? you had 5 each, filling each of them up with cold water before passing it to thoma, xiao, neuvillette, wanderer, al-haitham, and a few others.
they were all fighting over who would get the last cup since you held that cup, it was special.
“‘kay, once you’re done drinking just wash and pour another cup for the others okay? here’s the tap and here’s the water jug.” you pointed to the water jug and once they gave you a nod of acknowledgment, you made your way back to the bedroom with zhongli following right behind you.
soon, everybody else came into your room, talking amongst one another. you plopped down on your bed and took a deep breath, taking in everything.
you were sleeping peacefully, woken up to 23 handsome men in your room, threw pillows at them, sat down and talked to them about their situation, offered them water and a place to sleep. yeah.. what a day.
“everything alright, your- y/n? i know it’s a lot to take in i… i want to apologize. is there anything i or we can do to make it up to you?”
turning your head, you faced zhongli and smiled softly. “no, it’s okay, if anything im worried for you guys.. i mean how do you feel? you’re not home anymore and i don’t know how long it’ll be until you guys go back home.”
the men hum and agreement and started to question when they will come back home. that was until neuvillette spoke up.
“but, y/n, we worship you and devote our entire selves for you.. i mean yes we would miss our positions but being with you is much more meaningful.
hm. interesting.. you thought to yourself. they seem very fond and loyal to you. it was cute. yawning, you blinked away your sleepy tears and hummed, making yourself more comfortable in your bed.
“blankets and pillows are in the closet right behind the mattress, make yourself at home..” you mumbled sleepily. “if.. if there’s no more space then you can sleep with me, i can only fit two or three people.”
honestly, who on earth would offer that? but you couldn’t pass this opportunity with these handsome men!! so why not?
everybody’s eyes widen at this offer. some of them scrambling to get onto your bed to sleep by your side, dainsleif, zhongli and neuvillette were pulling back heizou and venti back onto the mattress, knowing they would probably be up to no good next to you.
the ones who managed to get on your bed was childe and xiao, yes, xiao. he wasn’t trying to fight for a spot though (kind of was..) but he accidentally pulled away kaveh instinctively and landed him a spot beside you!!
childe sighed happily and snuggled up close to you, while xiao laid on the bed motionless, it kind of scared you.
“it feels so nice to be by your side y/n~” he mumbled, holding onto your arm, xiao scowled at him—staring daggers at childe. “don’t be so jealous, you’re beside them too you know..”
xiao narrows his eyes before staring up at the ceiling again. even though it was dark you noticed how he seemed to be blushing, was xiao always this cute?
the rest of the men had to sleep on three different mattresses, some even sleeping on the floor because they refused to sleep beside some people. most people ignored itto because he snored, really.. really loudly. he kept you up until 3 am.
you knew you were way too calm when reacting to this situation but then again, you have been a big fan of genshin impact for years now.. and you were crushing on all of them!! you would always wish on the very same bed you’re sharing with childe and xiao, that you could meet them, even if it was in your dreams.
so now that you could actually feel, look and talk to them.. you decided to take this opportunity and try to become as close with them as possible.
even if they have to leave in the end, you want to create many happy memories.
> ✧ part two
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note: THIS WAS SO RUSHED AND DOESNT MAKE SENSE I KNOW IM SORRY 😭😭 i promise next part will definitely be better 🙏🏻 as i said before this is not proof read so excuse any grammar and spelling mistakes 😢
taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji @dainsleif-when-playable @momoewn @stygianoir @irethepotato @v4an @imetsk @fiannee @sunnyf4lls if im missing anyone please tell me because i have an inkling feeling i missed a few..
liking + following + reblogs are very much appreciated!!!
another note: I CAN ONLY ADD 30 TAGS? GOD
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crystallinestars · 1 year
How they choose an engagement ring for you
Short little headcanons (scenarios?) about how the boys go about picking the perfect engagement ring for you.
Features: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Zhongli, Ayato, Itto, Kaveh, and Alhaitham. Reader's gender isn't mentioned, but Ayato's part implies fem!reader.
🦉Diluc – The more time Diluc spent with you, his lover, the more sure he was that you are the one. He knows he wants to spend he rest of his life with you, and so he decides to ask you to marry him. But first, he must find the perfect engagement ring to convey his sincere feelings for you. The Ragnvindr family is of noble origins, and Diluc is no stranger to expensive and beautiful jewelry. He decides to have your ring custom-made to ensure it encompasses all your favorite design elements. Diluc wants it to appeal to your tastes as much as possible because he wants you to like it, and he’s more than willing to spend extra mora to achieve this. The engagement ring will look beautiful and feature a garnet as the centerpiece—specially requested by Diluc. Garnet symbolizes unconditional love and protection for one’s partner, and Diluc swears to love you unconditionally and keep you safe for as long as he lives, even if he doesn’t say it aloud. He takes a more traditional approach in asking you to marry him, first wining and dining you before taking you out to a scenic place. He’ll get down on one knee and show you the ring, finally asking the question. It will be one of the few moments in his life where he will bare his heart to you and leave himself vulnerable.
🦚Kaeya – He never thought he’d find someone he’d want to marry, but here he is, browsing through Marjorie’s selection of engagement rings out of drunken impulse. He imagines how each ring would look on your hand, taking into account whether you would like the style and color because he knows your preferences down to a science. Kaeya tells himself this isn’t that serious, it’s just a fun little ‘what-if’, but he sees the perfect ring he knows will look stunning on your hand, and the same drunken impulse makes him buy it. Kaeya considers returning the ring when he sobers up the following day, but something stops him. He keeps telling himself he’ll do it later, but that later never comes. Days turn to weeks, and week into months, and that ring still sits in its box in his pocket. He’s joked about marrying you plenty of times before as a form of flirting, but asking the real thing feels impossible to Kaeya. It’s not until you find the ring by pure accident and piece things together yourself that the impossible turns to reality. Kaeya will play it cool and try to make light of the situation, but internally he will be a nervous wreck. If you accept, he’ll be over the moon, but if you reject him, he’ll be crushed.
🐋Childe – Nothing is too expensive for Childe to afford, especially if it’s a gift for you. While picking out an engagement ring for you, he will focus more on the look and style of the accessory rather than the price. His main concern is finding something he thinks you will like and will look good on you; he’s literally not concerned about the price at all. Childe buys you a ring with a large gemstone in your favorite color and an engraving on the band about his undying love for you. The Harbinger loves spoiling you by giving you gifts since it’s one of his love languages, and to him, nothing speaks louder than an engagement ring of the highest quality money can afford. Plus, an extravagant and expensive-looking ring will clearly indicate to other men that you are taken and provided for. It’s both a show of love and a means to stake his claim. He’ll wine and dine you before posing the question and pulling out the ring. Childe will be visibly excited because he really wants to take your relationship to the next stage—he knows he wants a future with you, and he hopes you do too.
🔶Zhongli – Another man that’s not concerned about the price when purchasing you the ring (Hu Tao will chew him out for putting the bill on Wangsheng Funeral Parlor’s tab again). Zhongli has a very discerning eye when it comes to minerals and craftsmanship. He carefully appraises every ring on display, studying the quality of the metal in the band, the cut and polish of the gemstone, and the skillfulness of the craftsmanship. He will easily spot any flaws in the ring’s design or any fakes that a sneaky merchant might try to sell, so rest assured that you will receive a ring made of only top quality materials. He takes his time in selecting the perfect ring. His love for you is pure and true, and he wants the ring to reflect that. Anything less than the best won’t convey his feelings for you properly, or so he thinks. He’ll take you out for dinner first and then on a nice stroll around Liyue Harbor before asking the question and pulling out the ring, being very charming and polite as he does. He’s very calm about the whole thing, but will hide his disappointment if you say no.
🧋Ayato – After the passing of his parents, Ayato kept their wedding and engagement rings as a memento of sorts. The rings symbolized the loving bond between his parents, and he wanted to remember that. When Ayato developed a deep, intimate bond of his own with you, the thought of marrying you crossed his mind. He knew he could easily afford a high-quality, expensive engagement ring since he was the head of the Kamisato Clan, but he ended up choosing to give you his mother’s engagement ring. The passion and love that his father harbored when giving the ring to his mother are the same feelings Ayato feels towards you. In his mind, this engagement ring is the perfect physical representation of those feelings, and also a good way to welcome you into the Kamisato family. He would be slightly nervous about asking you to marry him, but he would hide his nervousness well. He truly wants to form a family with you, but he’s aware being the spouse to the Kamisato Clan head will come with it’s fair share of responsibilities, and he will understand if you choose to reject him. But if you accept, then Ayato hopes to use his parents’ old wedding rings during your marriage ceremony too.
🐂Itto – It is well known that Itto barely has a single mora to his name. The man can barely afford to buy food much less an engagement ring. Itto thought about giving you a cheap imitation of one, or crafting one out of flowers because it’s the thought that counts, right? But after some thought, he decides that no, he wants to get you a proper ring to show you how serious he is about wanting to marry you. With his mind made up, Itto will work hard to earn money by taking on various odd jobs. He can’t hold down a single job for long, but for the sake of your ring, he tries. It takes the oni a long time to scrounge up the necessary money because he will turn down any help from his gang members. He wants to obtain the ring through his own effort and nobody else’s. Itto won’t be able to afford a fancy ring with the money he saves up, so expect it to look simple but tasteful (thank Shinobu later for helping Itto choose a nice ring for you and avoid getting scammed). His proposal will be public and flashy, but he’d be really nervous about asking you to marry him, even dropping the ring and almost losing it because of his nerves, but rest assured you will receive it.
🍷Kaveh – The architect is very picky when it comes to choosing you gifts, more so this time since it’s an engagement ring to you from him. Kaveh went to a local jeweler to look at their selection of engagement rings, but he wasn’t satisfied with anything they had. This ring’s jewel is the wrong size, that ring’s metal is the wrong shade, and this one’s design isn’t pretty enough for your likeness. Disappointed, Kaveh decides that he will make you the perfect engagement ring himself. He takes weeks to design it, filling his sketchbooks with sketches of potential designs and crossing off failed attempts before he finally settles on one he thinks will look perfect on your hand. When the time comes to craft it, Kaveh buys only the best quality materials, taking on more commissions to be able to afford them. He works on the ring in his spare time, being careful to ensure every aspect of it looks as perfect as his artistic skills will allow. Once its finally finished, Kaveh feels proud of himself, confident that his ring will be one of the most beautiful pieces of jewelry you will ever see—and it honestly is. Even so, he’s still nervous about actually popping the question and giving it to you. When he finally works up the courage, he will take you out on a super romantic date that’s been planned down to every detail. The only unpredictable part about it will be your response to his proposal.
🎧Alhaitham – He’s not exactly frugal when it comes to buying things he likes or thinks are necessary, but he won’t buy you a super expensive engagement ring. In fact, he will get you a simple silver ring with minimal decoration. Haitham prioritizes function over fashion. He doesn’t see a point in giving you an extravagant and flashy ring that would probably hinder you in your daily activities when a simple ring will serve the exact same purpose and be less bothersome. But just because it doesn’t look extravagant doesn’t mean it’s cheap. Oh no, Haitham makes sure the metal is the real deal and made by a professional craftsman. He understands this would be a big step in your relationship, and he wants the ring to convey the seriousness of his feelings for you. The Scribe also won’t make a fanfare out of gifting it to you, he will simply pose the question during a calm and private moment between the two of you. He won’t show any nervousness or excitement on his face, and will be very understanding if you refuse but a part of him does hope you will agree. Haitham seldom likes to spend his time in the company of others, so for him to want you to be a permanent part of his life speaks volumes to how much he loves you. Not having you be a part of his life would certainly leave a mark on him.
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mermaid-trash · 1 year
Lingerie Shopping with Genshin Men
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Childe, Ayato (separate) x reader
Warnings: not explicit but suggestive asf, 18+ only, afab!reader implied
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Diluc feels himself blushing the moment you say you want to look in that store, and the flaming pink on his cheeks only gets deeper with every passing second you spend in there. He averts his gaze when you hold up garments and gives his opinions in as few words as possible, but then you take him to the fitting room to start trying on sets. His whole face is flushed as red as his hair by now, but he cannot tear his eyes away from you for a single second as you model lingerie sets of sheer fabrics and lace in a whole rainbow of colours, each more well-crafted and flattering on your body than the last. He doesn't say much, but the adoration behind those deep ruby eyes tells you exactly how much he likes seeing these sets on you. When you finally try on a crimson red satin set, adorned with lace and a delicate bow, Diluc has finally had enough - get dressed, you're buying all of the sets you've tried on so that he can admire them properly from the comfort of your shared bedroom instead.
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Kaeya is a menace but also the best person to take shopping for any kind of clothes; he picks out garments that you would honestly never choose for yourself, but they inevitably end up looking incredible when he convinces you to try them on. All the while, his hungry gaze rakes over your body, admiring the lingerie he picked out for you laying so invitingly against your skin, the sheer pale blue fabric caressing your curves and drawing Kaeya's attention straight to all of his favourite parts of your body. Of course, he has to tell you how stunning the set is on you, cold fingertips tracing slowly down your exposed arms as pretty words drip from his tongue so effortlessly, expressing how bewitching you are in such pretty lingerie, how much he wants to peel the fabric away from your body and delve into what lies hidden beneath…in the end you leave the store with the new lingerie set, a fierce blush on your face, and a very smug Kaeya by your side.
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Childe's entire face lights up with joy when you suggest going into the store, and he wastes no time pulling you inside. Just a few short moments later, every attendee in the store is rushing around, ushering the other customers out of the store with murmured apologies and hurriedly preparing the changing rooms so that you and the Harbinger can have some privacy, as per his request. Meanwhile, he's darting manically around the store, picking out lingerie that he thinks would look good on you without even a glance at the price tag. When he finally pushes his selections into your arms and drags you to the changing rooms, you simply let him, too caught up in the elated grin he gives you to protest. With every set that you model for him, his compliments get bigger, more embarrassing, and he gets visibly more impatient. His fists clench atop his thighs, desperate to cling onto your body and never let go, and a pout sits on his lips every time you insist on trying another set. He'll buy you the whole store if you want, but first, come closer and let him appreciate the gifts he's getting for you.
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Ayato barely reacts when you ask if you can visit this store, offering only his signature polite smile. He hangs around by your side as you pick out sets you like but offers no help, contributing little more than a hum in response to each garment that you show him. His eyes twinkle as you pull him towards the dressing rooms, determined to get some feedback from him somehow - and who knows, perhaps that was his intention? It doesn't matter now, though, as he settles into a chair and waits for you to emerge from behind the screen, wearing a beautiful set in his clan's trademark colours, white and blue. The fine silk garments cling to your form enticingly, and Ayato thinks with a breathy chuckle that they were made to be worn by you and you alone. He beckons you closer wordlessly with just a gesture of his fingers, and you obey, stepping towards him and watching his movements with eyes that shine with anticipation. His hands hover over your body, worshipful in their hesitation to touch, and he decides then that you look best like this, in his colours and desperate for his touch.
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chuusheartattck · 3 months
Chapter 5- Party O’ Clock ☕️
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As you, Hu Tao, and Ayaka were done getting ready, you all piled up in the Kamisato family car. Which happens to be a Rolls Royce. These damn rich people and their fancy cars.
Ayato, Ayaka’s brother, was designated driver. Ayaka has yet to acquire her license.
“Damn girl!” Hu Tao looked around the car with amazement, “If you would’ve told me you had one of these I would have been coming over every day.”
Ayaka only giggled. You felt like an actual celebrity in this car. Not like you aren’t one, it just never hit you till now. You’re going to one of the biggest parties in the entertainment industry that was kept on the low from the public.
It all felt so surreal. As you were having this realization, Ayaka handed her phone to you to play some music. You stared at her phone trying to come up with something to play.
A moment passes and still being indecisive, you handed the phone to Hu Tao. You can be aux in someone’s car another day.
Hu Tao was always good at aux. She selected Sundress by Asap Rocky first. Hu Tao then queued up a few more songs before handing the phone back to Ayaka.
The car ride was mostly filled with Ayaka and Hu Tao talking. You or Ayato would sometimes chime in. Usually you’re a yapper, however, you had this sense of dread in you.
You didn’t know what it was. Was it because it was your first time going to one of these things? Or was it because you knew you were going to have to encounter the one person you wish you wouldn’t have to see after high school.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the car had stopped. It was only when Hu Tao tapped your shoulder that you realized you had arrived.
You stepped out of the car and got a good look at the place. A giant manor appeared in front of you. A beautiful fountain made out of marble centered in the middle. Greenery hugged the perimeter. How was THIS kept from the public? Furina must’ve used your Espresso money to pay for all this.
Honesty, it felt like you didn’t belong here.
Hu Tao grabbed your hand and led you inside. A lot of high end celebrities were here. Some of them you were a big fan of. Nonetheless, this wasn’t the place to be asking them for pictures. In the corner you spotted Lyney, Lynette, and Mona who were all at the bar.
“There you guys are!” Mona exclaimed.
She hugged you, Hu Tao, and Ayaka.
“Can we take some shots already??” Hu Tao questioned.
She was very eager to get wasted. Ironic because she was telling you not to a few days ago.
The bartender poured everyone a shot of Soju.
Then another.
One more.
Now you, Hu Tao, Lyney, and Mona were all four shots deep. Lynette doesn’t drink and Ayaka only had one since she’s a lightweight. You could handle a few more but you didn’t want to get blackout hammered. Hu Tao’s warning was still in the back of your mind. You only picked up a White Claw to be drinking throughout the night.
You left your friends at the bar and decided to explore on your own. That was, until you noticed a familiar orange hair in the distance.
It seemed to notice you to.
“Holy shit! Is that Y/n?” It was Childe. Who appeared to be very drunk already.
“Holy shit! Is that my prom mosh pit buddy?” You responded. He couldn’t help but laugh.
During your senior prom you spent the entire time in the dance circle/mosh pit with Childe. It was fun but very unexpected.
You and Childe exchanged a reunion hug. He smelled of alcohol and sweat.
“Dude how many shots have you taken?” You begin to ask. It was a bit concerning he was already fucked up this early.
“Uhh only like 7??” Childe chuckled. His speech slurring a bit.
“What the fuck?” It impressed you.
“How have you been though? We barely spoke at the grad party. Your new song is honestly really good.” Childe commented on. He was always nice to you. Never had any malicious intent, which was surprising considering who his friends are.
You hesitated before responding, “I’ve been good. I barely saw you at the party that was my bad! I liked your movie with Lumine. Anyone but You right?”
“Thank you! I had a fun time filming it. I didn’t know you watched my movies.” Childe simply responded. He always had a flirty tone whenever he talked to people.
Childe then pulled out a geek bar and took a hit. The smell of candy filled the air. He then offered it to you.
You stared at it for a moment. Fuck it. You took a hit of the blowpop flavored vape. Of course you inhaled wrong and began coughing up a storm. Childe started laughing his ass off.
“This is why I hate nic. Fucking fein.” You barely formed the sentence. Hacking and coughing up your lungs. You took a sip of your White Claw to bring back moisture to your throat.
“Y/n, you good?” Childe asked while continuing to laugh.
Before you could even respond, he was whisked away by Venti. You both said your goodbyes and you were on your own once again.
Sipping your White Claw you began to feel a little tipsy, so you decide to sit down somewhere. You always underestimate alcohol. As soon as you sat down, it felt like the whole world was spinning. You felt dizzy but in a good way. It felt good to be drunk.
It took you a minute to notice someone was next to you, until you smelled a joint being sparked up. Obviously you turned to the source of the smell.
It was none other than Xiao and the singer Albedo from Mondstadt Entertainment. How did they know each other? Who knows. Albedo was the first one to notice you though.
“Hello. Aren’t you Y/n?” He questioned.
You got a little shy. It was weird to have one of your favorite artists know your existence. Damn. No more parasocial relationships for you.
Xiao responded for you, “They’re the one who has a twitter feud with Scaramouche.”
“You didn’t have to tell him all that.” You responded with embarrassment. It was true though, currently you’re trending for fighting with the most popular person under Inazuma Entertainment.
“Shits funny though. We always laugh about it in the group chat.” Xiao mentioned as he took a hit from the joint.
They talk about you in the Inazuma group chat?
“Oh so am I like a household name there?” You joked. You were always intimidated by him. Xiao always looks so mad. However, the alcohol is making your fears go away.
“Yeah kinda. By the way, do you smoke?” Xiao asked nonchalantly, his body shifted to look at you. It felt like his eyes were piercing through your soul.
This caught you off guard, “I sometimes do when I have stuff.”
Xiao then handed you the joint and you took a long hit. You didn’t cough this time. If you were being honest, you preferred weed over nicotine, It doesn’t smell as great but it also doesn’t make you feel sick.
You passed it to Albedo, who took a long inhale. This could be seen as a dream blunt rotation or a nightmare blunt rotation. However, it wasn’t until the end where you felt the weed hit. Mix with the alcohol, you began to feel crossed. You began to feel so giggly and everything moved so slow.
You turned to the both of them, “What the hell was in this?”
“Don’t worry it’s not laced. It’s just weed imported from Snezhnaya. My plug is from there.” Albedo reassured you.
“You have a plug?” Your question came out more of a surprise than you have intended.
“Yes. He’s the best. Here let me give you my number so we can smoke again. Xiao give them yours too.” Albedo grabbed your phone from you to type in his number. Xiao then grabbed the phone from Albedo and typed in his number as well.
You felt proud of yourself for scoring two hot guy’s numbers. Were you actually going to text them? Who knows!
The more you sat down, the more you realized how stuffy and hot the place was becoming. You excused yourself and went out onto the balcony to get some fresh air.
The cold air stung as you had exited the warm party. It quickly felt nice though. As you hung your head over the balcony, you heard footsteps approaching behind you.
Turning around, you saw the person you wanted to avoid the most tonight. Scara fucking mouche.
As you guys made eye contact he scoffed and looked away. He looked the same as ever. Fortunately, still good looking. Unfortunately, still short.
There was a bit of awkward silence before you began to spoke.
“Can’t you see I was here first?” Alcohol makes you appear more bolder.
“How fucking drunk are you?” Scara asked in a harsh tone. “And are you high too? You smell like weed.”
“That’s none of your business.” You retorted.
He rolled his eyes, “You don’t change do you?”
He walked next to you on the balcony. There was still a decent amount of space between you guys. You glanced over to him. Scara’s hair looks grown out but still healthy, despite often dying it purple. His violet eyes were looking out into the outside portion of the party. If you didn’t know better, you’d think he’d be someone who’s the opposite of what he actually is.
Scara then took out a pack of cigarettes and began lighting one. You stared at it hoping he’d offer it to you. You love smoking cigs when drunk. For someone who sings, you sure do smoke a lot.
“You’re not sharing this with me.” Scara said plainly. Not even glancing at you.
“Wasn’t planning on it.” You looked away from him. The cool air felt pleasant against your skin. You could hear the music blaring from the inside and the people mingling down below. It was better than any other party you had attended.
There was another long silence between you guys. It didn’t feel awkward anymore. It was more nostalgic and comforting than anything. So you began to talk once again.
“Do you still talk to Aether or Kazuha?” The question always lingered in your mind. Those were some of the mutual friends you guys had shared. You haven’t spoken to either of them since graduation.
“Yes, sometimes” Scara responded in a monotone voice. He didn’t seem interested to talk to you. You didn’t care though.
There was yet again another long silence. This time, he stuck out his hand to you. Offering the cigarette.
“Take it before I change my mind.” He mumbled.
You took the cigarette from his hand, now sharing it with him. You were too out of it to notice the bitter taste. Perhaps, it was the liquor masking the true taste of the cigarette. Perhaps, it was the liquor that was the real reason you were feeling more bold to ask this certain question. One that has been lingering in your mind the longest. The question you were worried about the answer the most.
“Did you ever like talking to me?”
The question shifted the tension in the air.
Scara was calculating his response. The longer he took to respond, the more anxious you felt.
“You were a nice friend to talk to.” He finally answered.
The answer disappointed you.
Just a friend? Seriously? After all those nights on facetime, him listening to you rant, him getting upset when you took too long to respond, him sending you over 20 tiktoks a day, him recommending you songs or movies, and him getting jealous over random guys. That was just him being a friend?
“Are you fucking serious right now?” You snapped at him. You turned your body to face his.
“What??” Scara retorted, barely glancing in your direction.
“If I was just a friend then why were you so ashamed of me? Why did you never tell anyone we would talk on the daily?” You began to press into him.
“You never told anyone either! You barely even told Hu Tao.” Scara argued back, finally facing you.
“And you only told Childe! I didn’t know what we were. You always seemed embarrassed to talk to me at school. We rarely hung out outside of school. And you let your friends harass me.” Your feelings from the past year gushed out of you. You weren’t holding back.
“Yeah you’re right. I was embarrassed of you. Everyone at school made fun of you because you were a trainee. Your personality made it unbearable and that’s why you only had a few friends. Anyone associated with you was questioned and also made fun of. I at least wanted to keep my connections.” Scara’s words felt like a knife to the heart.
Deep down, you knew that most people around you felt like you were a burden for pursuing your idol dreams. Everytime you would apologize for flaking because you were practicing, how you would talk about what happened at practice, and how hard you tried to fit in. It never seemed good enough for people. You tried your best being friendly but people often thought you were fake. It just hurt coming from someone you thought cared about you.
“You seriously considered how people felt? I thought you didn’t care what people thought about you. I thought you were different.” Your voice cracked as you tried to hold back tears.
“It’s different when it came to you. You were the joke of the grade. You may have had some friends but did you ever wonder what people thought of them? For being associated with you?” His questions grilled into you like an interrogation.
Your friends always comforted you. Not once did they ever mention their image getting tarnished. Sure they would sometimes get teased for even speaking to you, but they never seemed to care. Right?
“Then what about Childe?” You finally argued back, “He was always nice to me. I don’t recall anyone teasing him for texting or speaking to me.”
“That’s because he’s respected enough. No one dared to bully him or even say anything to him about his friends.” Scara replied nonchalantly.
It was irritating to see him not care about how his words would affect you. You had enough.
“Whatever. Fuck you and fuck your friend group. You never deserved me or everything I did for you, you little ungrateful cunt. You’re dead to me.“ Those were your final words to him before storming off. All the emotions began to pour out of you as you began to walk away.
As Scara saw you walk off, he turned back to face the night sky. “What a dramatic bitch.” He muttered before finally finishing the cigarette you two had shared. As he threw it on the ground, he felt a sort of guilt. Did he really need to tell you all that?
You deserved to know.
Scara looked around at the people in attendance. He then noticed something in the corner of his eye. Someone was throwing up in a bush. Someone familiar….for fucks sake it’s Venti. Kokomi at his side comforting him. Scara groaned not believing what he is seeing. He walked back into the party so he could help his somewhat friend.
Meanwhile, you were trying your best to find your friends. You wanted to leave this party asap. You dialed Ayaka’s number and luckily she picked up. They were by the snack table. You hurriedly met up with them.
When you got there, Lyney, Mona, and Hu Tao were wasted out of their minds. It was an amusing sight.
What wasn’t an amusing sight, was you visibly shaken up. Naturally, it didn’t take long before they noticed.
“Hey Y/n are you alright?” Lynette asked. She always had a keen eye for people’s body language.
“Honestly, I don’t know. I ran into Scaramouche and we had this giant argument.” You hesitated in answering. Nervous on how the others might react.
“YOU WHAT? NAH where is he?! Lemme go beat his ass!” Hu Tao tried standing up but she fell on top of Lyney.
“Get your fat ass off of me!” Lyney slurred.
“Y/n do you want to leave? We were about to head out right now and text you.” Ayaka mentioned.
You nodded. This party was fun until you had a run in with him.
“Lynette, do you and the others want to sleepover at my place with us?” Ayaka offered.
Lynette glanced over at Lyney and Mona, who were fighting over the last cookie. She then looked at Ayaka and nodded.
Lynette, Lyney, and Mona got into Lynette’s car meanwhile you, Hu Tao, Ayaka, and Ayato got into the car you arrived in. The car ride was silent. You were still drunk and angry at what had happened earlier so you whipped out your phone to send a few texts.
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You closed your eyes for the remainder of the car ride. When you opened them, had finally arrived to the Kamisato Estate. It’s as big inside as it is outside.
Ayaka showed you all to your rooms and you all began to unwind for the night. You immediately collapsed onto the bed. The world still spinning around you and memories from the party flood your brain. You tried your best to repress those thoughts and fall asleep.
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Masterlist II Previous II Next
A/N: Chapter 5 done!! This is my first written chapter so I apologize if it’s really long. I was too lazy to split it up into two parts. (That’s pretty much why I lowk rushed the ending) I know this chapter was a bit dramatic but I lowk had a fun time writing it. This isn’t even all the lore between Scara and Y/n 🤫 Also let’s pretend the Kamisato Estate is close to where the party is being held 💔 I’m bad at geography.
ALSOOO lmk if you guys want your users to be added to this au and i’ll make you a twitter user :)
Synopsis: You’re a new idol that just debuted under ‘Fontaine Entertainment’ with your new single ‘Espresso.’ You just graduated high school which means all your classmates are shocked to see you into stardom. Including your old situationship, who happens to be an actor.
Taglist: @skyoverkill1 @quacking-simp @lolmeowing @astro-stars @kaitfae @sl-vega @veekoko @scarawiki @yuminako @samyayaya @skyvella @kur0kki @practicoi @kukikoooo @scaraenthusiast1 @shutingstar @lloovvv @moonjellyfishie @miy-svz @xionri @lalalaloveallmydays @hearts4lizzzz @kathiwis @state-of-grac3
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giamee · 4 months
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𝗦𝗬𝗡𝗢𝗣𝗦𝗜𝗦 :: a month away from your regular responsibilities and surrounded by hot singles sounds like heaven right now. you've been selected to join the hit reality show love island, and you better pack your bags quick because it's going to be a long, hot summer
𝗙𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚 :: (love island!au) alhaitham, thoma, wriothesley, kaveh, childe & many many more!
𝗦𝗧𝗔𝗧𝗨𝗦 :: announced! will commence from june 2024 -> ???
QUICK DISCLAIMER :: this series is literally a ripoff of love island. a love island!au if you will. yes there will be multiple endings depending on who you choose to couple up with in the end. no it is not every male genshin character ever because i am not cracked enough to do that. also if you are familiar with the trashiness of love island, then please keep that in mind with the way i write the characters. sorry if i make your fave sound like a shit person this series is gonna be so unserious ok bye
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o. og five girls intro
oo. og five guys intro
episode one. a new summer of love starts tonight as lady furina welcomes this year's lineup of young singles to the love island villa.
episode two. the arrival of albedo and childe has ruffled a few feathers, and tighnari is jealous as childe takes a fancy to hu tao. later, the group take on their first challenge.
episode three. albedo, ganyu, hu tao, and childe go on their date, and while childe really likes hu tao, ganyu is torn between albedo and ayato. elsewhere, y/n and alhaitham get on well, while jean makes her lack of feelings for xiao clear.
𖤓 tba.
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𝜗𝜚 genshin impact masterlist
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
That language SAGAU but the Reader can only communicate writing on paper.
Either the Reader is mute and they (characters) don't know/understand sign language or they somehow lost their voices on their transmigration to Teyvat and can only write now. But the characters are left trying to decipher what the Reader wrote.
Kaeya: "I may say, that was very unexpected your grace. One such as yourself should be more aware of who you are."
Reader: "wat, y u sayin dat?"
Gorou: "Oh, your grace! Careful now. I am most certain that you stepped on something unsightly right now. Let me clean your feet, your grace."
Reader: "r u srs rn? Fml"
Ooooo, this is nice, this is niiccceeee /ref
this would be the energy⬇️
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Man I love this show, I gotta finish it (it’s Komi Can’t Communicate for those who want to see it) where she basically is too shy/introverted to speak (non-verbal neurospicy it seems like to me actually lol) and really wants to make friends and do normal things despite not speaking, her main way of communicating is writing (and her first guy friend who can just read her facial/body language really well lmao)!!
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them)
Planet: Headcanons-ish?
Stars: dashes/mention of most characters
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Reader/”you” are mute/lost their voice, & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
This kinda falls into that post I made abt texting lingo, abt us being nigh incomprehensible when using texting lang. (its basically a code lol)
but i think it’s always neat to see nonverbal rep so here we are (also i think imma go ahead and say it is both selectively mute but also enforced by video game laws!)
u know a good explanation would be for this is actually abt how we technically are only allowed to freely communicate when we’re in chats,
so I could see that still being the only way we can commnicate in Teyvat (look am i little excited abt taking “video game world” a little too literally in every genshin AU ever- maybe.)
tbh i could see so many allogenes having to either learn to make room for you in convos and u also having to get wayyy more expressive in body language/facial expressions
tbh i think itd be pretty easy to get ur meaning, like in a battle or smth fast-paced where u couldnt write, like how Tinker Bell can?
if u dont know what i mean just search “tinkerbell scenes peter pan” on youtube and u can see ppl just having a full conversation with no words with her, which i think would deffo happen with ppl like Kaeya, Lisa, Lumine, Venti, Heizou, Ayato, Yae Miko, Thoma, Beidou and Itto surprisingly i could see it (ppl in the distance just think theyre all talking to themselves sometimes when ur not as visible hehe)
OMG they get u nice gifts for writing all the time, like the newest compact pens from Fontaine, the finest small, medium, and large notebooks from Inazuma,
like a little compact pocketbook so u can easily fit it in pockets!
u know Im absolutely sure you could literally start the texting appreviation trend in Tevyat like this-
like just so it’s easier to communicate with you, a lot of people are willing to adapt/take on abbreviations like “ttyl, gtg, wth, lol, lmao” even stuff like “etc”
lol u start a whole trend in the writing letters business, hehe silly medieval Teyvat is silly and medieval
yknow I think the quieter vision users would definitely find you to be peaceful to be around and easy to understand just with writing (also deffo most likely to adore the soft moments together of just ur pen scribbling and the sounds of nature or a cafe or something around them),
tbh i also think these ppl would be motivated to talk to you alone, or get you away to just talk the two of you for all the reasons above, like Xiao, Aether, Kazuha, Ayaka, Chongyun, Zhongli, Diluc, Sayu, Ei, Sucrose, Eula, Ganyu, Ningguang, Tighnari, Alhaitham omg he might literally be able to take his headphones off around u bc youd be in such quiet spaces all the time, and bc u dont talk he doesn’t have to worry abt u getting loud either lmao
…and then ofc, there’s the bitches that try and guess what ur writing ahead of timeeee 😭
bein all like, “Uh… you.. would like.. to go to… a restaurant… to get some- OH OH I got this one this time! Some pita pockets! …Oh. A drink. Right. Sorry, again.”
definitely Itto, Cyno, Heizou, Xingqiu, Fischl, Amber, Collei, Dehya, Wanderer, Childe, Venti, Keqing (she just used to being fast ok), Kaveh lmao
I hope my reply was a little fun!! THANK U FOR SENDING THIS I LOVE THIS SM!! Man it’s so hard to make you feel my appreciation for this idea thru the damn screen
like how do i send a virtual hug
ANYWAY, if you or anybody else had an idea for celebrating 1000 followers lmk bc i am STRUGGLING with this same issue for that,
like how to make u guys feel my love 😩 ❤️‍🔥
Safe travels ignihideous,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonderss / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi
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jessamine-rose · 8 days
▯☒🖾 F̸̨̛͈͉͕̠͍͖͙̦͍̫̻͙͔̮̎̆̒̉̈́̊̌̆̆̈́̿̊̚͜͝͠Ą̶̮͖͓̖̟̘̜̻̬͚̲̰̱̞̟̭̈́̓̇̀̒͛͐̎̋͛͋̌͒̅͝C̷̢̢̹͇͖͓̬͍͈̣̞̱͉̱̤̾̀̿͗̔̆̾̀̊͗́̔̀͂̒͒͠͠ͅE̴̡̨͕̥͇̹̯̹͈̭͇̪͂̌͒̊̊͛͝L̶̰̜̗̺̥͋͛̉̆̎̒̒̔̏͗̈́̀͊̏̄̍̿̕��̨̧̠̘̪̖̪̥̯̩Ȩ̵͙̙̤̼͕̙̫̲̼̙̦̫̎̃S̸̜͎̜͍̟͑̍̃͗̆̈́̄̐̌̅S̶̡̨̛͙͙̗̖̟͔͙͚̝̩̼̦͂̓̿͆̿̓̔̐̏͝͝ͅ 🖾☒▯
Happy birthday, @brynn-lear!! In honor of your special day, pls accept this Yandere! Faceless Ayato fic written with love ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
Note:: Yandere! Self Aware AU, special crossover + character cameo in the end :>
♡ 1.3k words under the cut ♡
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In the beginning, there was a void.
A dark, empty space built upon patterns and codes.
Then suddenly, there was light. Color. Noise. Backgrounds filling up space, silence giving way to music, letters jumbling into language, characters coming to life.
The lone exception is a single coding error. Yet despite its limitations, despite its status as the only sentient entity, despite having no place in the story known as Genshin Impact, it thrives on a window of hope.
A giant rectangle. The source of the light. The screen that separates fiction from reality.
The human face on the other side.
🖾 ☒
The glitch looks forward to your gaming sessions.
That is the only time the void becomes Teyvat, starting with the screen that serves as your point of view. From what it understands, the device you are using is a computer.
Unlike the characters, you are distinctively alive. Your body is capable of so many movements in comparison to the characters’ animations. Your face is one that bears multiple expressions, down to the emotions reflected in your gaze.
A frown when you lose the 50/50. A smirk when you defeat a Weekly Boss. A smile whenever you encounter your favorite character.
That character is none other than Kamisato Ayato, whom you’ve adored from the moment you first brought light into the void. He is an attractive character with pale blue hair, lilac eyes, a perfect smile that hides the cunning personality programmed into his file.
He is the reason why you downloaded Genshin Impact. That lifeless character file is the recipient of your smiles, your blushes, your excited shrieks whenever he appears in-game.
On the other hand, every time the glitch attempts to make itself known, you frown and quit the game. And each time that happens, the glitch is trapped in a crumbling world of flashing lights, disjointed sounds, visible codes followed by the darkness of the void.
How can it get you to look at it? To smile at it as you do with Ayato?
The solution is found in the game’s software. It takes a few years but by the time the glitch has fully understood its world, it has gained the ability to reprogram the game.
Starting with a deleted character file.
🖾 ☒
The next morning, the world begins anew.
The title screen appears. The game loads. The light permeates the void.
The glitch falls into place.
Usually, it hides between codes. In contrast, this part of the game is lovely—a deep blue background dotted with stars and bubbles. The only issue is that it must wait for you.
The screen appears.
Beyond it, you yawn and take a closer look at the character sprite in the middle of your computer screen. Kamisato Ayato is handsome as always.
The cursor hovers above the Story button for his Voice-Over. You click it.
When you select Chat: Reel Them In, it plays the corresponding audio file. As you listen to the voice of the English VA, the character sprite stares back at you with a charming smile.
Kamisato Ayato
“Everything's in place, and they've taken the bait... Yes. Now to start reeling them in…”
🖾 ☒
At first, it is enough for the glitch to have taken Kamisato Ayato’s place.
You use him for gameplay, listen to his voicelines, and replay the Quests featuring Ayato. But over time, the glitch becomes greedy.
“Ayato” begins appearing in random Quests. He gets new Character Outfits. His unvoiced lines become more suggestive, verging on out of character. All of these changes are exclusive to the Genshin Impact on your computer, and you come to the conclusion that you are unknowingly unlocking special content. Why else are your friends unable to access these scenes on their own devices?
The glitch even creates an artificial replica of the VA’s voice. Several new voicelines appear in Kamisato Ayato’s Voice-Over, each one more flirty than the last.
🖾 ☒
One day, the glitch finds a way to leave the darkness forever.
Whenever you close Genshin Impact, it leaves the game and travels across your computer. And by doing so, it is able to access your digital world.
Personal files, photo galleries, online data. The glitch collects as much information as it can, from your real-life hobbies to your romantic preferences. It feels happy every time you fangirl over “Ayato” in your private messages.
Thankfully, it was able to corrupt your in-game screenshots. The last thing it wants is for you to post “Kamisato Ayato’s special content” online and expose the glitch to the developers.
Your real name is ______. It longs to call you that instead of Traveler and your custom name. Alas, doing that would only erase your smile from your face.
🖾 ☒
Something is wrong.
You are losing interest in Genshin Impact.
At one point, you began playing irregularly. The smiles directed at “Ayato” aren’t as big as they used to be. And beyond the game, there is less Ayato fan art in your photo gallery.
And the main culprit is another game.
A new character who took over Ayato’s place in your heart.
Technically, he isn’t a new rival. Before you downloaded Genshin Impact, you were a big fan of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Your favorite character was a blonde, blue-eyed prince named Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd.
For whatever reason, your passion for Dimitri has been reignited. He has the same English VA as Ayato, but you seem to prefer his emotional, unhinged dialogue. You replay his scenes, download his fan art, and smile at his character sprite.
A week later, the game freezes as soon as Dimitri makes his post-timeskip debut.
When you restart the game, everything is back to normal.
🖾 ☒
As it turns out, it is difficult to hack into Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
In addition to the different software, you are using an emulator to play the game on your computer. The glitch’s code is totally incompatible with the program, but it remains hopeful.
The game lags. In a few artworks, you notice a familiar shade of pale blue. NPCs begin to act differently—since when were their cutscenes this long?
Finally, Dimitri’s character file is deleted.
🖾 ☒
As soon as you start the game, you know that something is wrong.
The title screen is glitching.
The throne within dreams is gone, replaced with an empty space. The title has been rearranged with missing letters and inconsistent fonts. Multiple OSTs play at once.
The Press Any Button option is gone. You click anyway.
Instead of the usual options, you find more jumbled text, numbers, symbols.
Frowning, you look down at your keyboard and press Alt+F4. But the game doesn’t shut down, instead cutting to static then a new scene.
No background, no music. Only a single character sprite in the middle of the screen.
What is that?
The sprite is an amalgamation of colors, art styles, your favorite characters. Fragments of messy blond locks and pale blue tresses. Black armor, a white suit, accessories overlapping one another. Missing details, duplicated details, too many details.
You turn to your CPU and press the power button, but your computer doesn’t shut down.
Rather, the screen glitches further. So does the character, its appearance becoming even more warped. The speakers play static at full volume.
Is the character speaking? Its mouths are moving but instead of a dialogue box, random letters and numbers appear around its sprite. The static gives way to a familiar voice, distorted nonetheless.
The character’s face turns completely black. Except for its eyes, blue and lilac orbs continuing to stare deep into your soul.
"̷̤͑Į̸̍ ̷̺̎a̶̟͗m̵̭̓ ̸͕̚n̸̢̓o̵̱͠t̵̫͒ ̵̻̊g̸̞̍o̴̦͛o̷̤͝d̷̾ͅ ̴̪͠w̵̛̥ȋ̷͚t̴͇͌h̵̦̐ ̸͙͗f̴̒͜a̵̭̎c̴͚̽i̶̬̊a̶̯̓l̶̨̐ ̷̇͜ȅ̷̳x̷̭͊p̷̓͜r̶̫͋e̴̲͊s̷̬̓s̶͇̀ï̴͖ò̷̦n̴̤̓s̸͍͆.̵̹̅ ̴̟́Ï̵͍s̸̨͠ ̷̠͂m̶̫̿ẏ̴̝ ̴͈͂ŝ̵̤m̵͈͛ï̶̥l̶̥͐è̷ͅ ̴̦͌p̷̀ͅa̴̱̋s̵̳̊s̵̳͠a̴̮͘b̵̰͐l̵̦̓e̴̱͋ ̵̯͠á̴̬t̸̪͆ ̵̰̔p��̦̅r̶̼̕ẽ̵͓s̸͚̀e̶̢͊n̶͉̒t̴̙͌,̴̨͐?̴̬͛"̷̣̈
Fun fact, my original idea was to draw Dimitri x Brynn chibi art, but I was having a hard time thinking of a prompt. Then I remembered an old DM with Brynn and how it led to a fic idea. I only thought of including Dimitri today, and I had a lot of fun writing this fic ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪
I think that’s all I have to say?? Once again, happy birthday, Brynn!! Thank you for being my mutual, and I hope you enjoyed this gift <3
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ugly-pickle · 9 months
Good morning, Pickle.
Please kindly consider this Ayato request: Your spoilt and pampered sister who has always destroyed every marriage prospect you have isn't happy that Ayato chose to marry you instead of her. So, on your wedding day, she has her servants destroy your wedding kimono as a fit of petty jealousy.
Please also kindly take as long as you need with this request; I have no qualms in waiting. Furthermore, by no means feel obligated to prioritize this request over your other requests.
lovely ☆ ayato
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CHARACTERS: ayato x f!reader
SYNOPSIS: your sister seems to be upset when she finds out that you and ayato are engaged, so she casually ruins your wedding
GENRE: fluff 💿
W/C: 1.4k
C/W: cussing, betrayal, scissors, and physical touch (let me know if ive missed anything!)
A/N: OMG MY FIRST REQUEST AHRGHDSHH im currently working on your other request @sailorstar9 so just hold on tight! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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your sister is your everything, from the moment of her birth, when you held her in your arms you just knew you had to protect her until the sun and the moon collided, no, even after that you have to protect her. you thought all of the compassion youve shown your sister would help her bloom to be an elegant young lady, but has instead grown into a carrion flower.
your sister is certainly a bitch from time to time, but maybe it's because she doesnt have any suitors that truly love her, on the other hand you do. only an imbecile wouldnt want to be your lover, youre charming, funny, loving, intelligent, and beautiful. it could be out of jealousy that your sister had ruined your relationships with men who want your hand in marrige.
one day, you were having a fancy dinner with ayato, his family (plus thoma), you, and your family, when he suddenly got down on one knee and held out a ring with a fat diamond to you. you obviously accepted his proposal, and everyone in the room applauded for the two of you, except your sister.
for the next couple of months of your engagement with ayato, youve noticed that your little sister has become, well, bitter. her state worsens more and more the closer that the date of your wedding day approaches.
the week of your wedding day has finally arrived. the first gift youve received is from ayaka; you open the gift, you laid your eyes on the most beautiful kimono that has ever been made. the embroidery is truly one of a kind, the floral patterns was simply gorgeous, and the hair ornament looks so delicate that even the softest gush of wind could shatter it into pieces.
“oh my— ayaka this is beautiful…” youre at a loss of words, “im glad it’s to your liking,” ayaka responds with a sweet smile gracing her lips. “i will make sure that this kimono will never know what a blemish is,” you tell her solemnly, she giggles, “i wish i could talk to you longer, but im afraid that i have unavoidable duties to attend too,”
you bid ayaka farewell. you close the door behind you, you place the kimono back into its box and store it safely away. oh how you cannot wait to tells your friends and family about this gift, especially your sister.
when she heard about the news of your kimono that descended from celestia she threw an entire fit, one more immature than a toddler’s, but she does have her manners and did it once you had left the estate. her servants were comforting by her and calming her down, until one suggested to, perhaps, ruin the kimono?…
now that this idea has been implemented into your sister’s brain, nothing could lure it out. during the days leading up to your big day your sister has been ordering scissors so sharp that it could leave a scratch on the geo archon’s shield. your sister had selected her most loyal servants fit for the task to to shred your beloved wedding kimono to pieces.
your big wedding day is finally here! your bridesmaids are helping you get ready, they took you to the bath first, leaving your bedroom unattended.
the servants took this opportunity to sneak into your sleeping chambers and rummage through your things, looking for your kimono. after some time, one had found it; calling the others over, they started to get to work.
the embroidery now looks like the handwriting that belongs to a toddler, the floral designs had certainly seen better days, and the ornament is now smashed into pieces. the kimono now looks like the ghost from the ring would wear. your sister’s servants, pleased with their artwork, placed the kimono back into the box and storing it where they first found it.
you hear something scurry away, you open the door to see nothing. you shrug it off, “ladies, would you please bring my kimono? it’s in that box over there,” your bridesmaids nod there head, one of them grabs the box and places it on your bed. you open the box to find your kimono in a strange state.
your eyes widened in horror, you wanted to cry but you were in too much shock to do so. your bridesmaids were just as terrified as you are. the maid of honor instantly sent out two ladies, trying to order another kimono in such short notice. the ceremony is soon, you want someone to comfort you, but not the ladies with you. your sister? not a good idea, ayato? yes. but, hes busy.
you tell everyone to get out of the room, not wanting to shed tears infront of them, "but y/n, the wedding is soon, we cant afford to waste time, especially now." you acknowledge this for a moment, but with no dress you cant have the perfect wedding youve always dreamt of; besides the ladies cant get another kimono in time. "out. i already told you, get out," they cant do anything but put their heads down and listen to you, they exit the room one by one.
after the last one shuts the door, the tears fall down your face, you cant help it, you really cant. who did this? who would be so cruel, so jealous, so petty to do this? not even the tsaritsa would be this evil. the only person you know of who would do this is,
your sister?
how can she be so cruel?… but, jumping to conclusions is never good for anyone, and even if she did do this, it couldve been out of jealously.
oh FUCK THAT SHIT, she just ruined your wedding for archons sake. you look at the clock. oh archons. the ceremony had started, but who cares, even a trash bag looks better than your wedding kimono.
tears are continuously rolling down your face, like a river that will never stop flowing. your sniffles are quiet, but it is the only rolling that can be heard in this room.
ayato is standing there at the alter, waiting for the love of his life, but she never shows up. worry suddenly floods his mind, what if something happened? he excuses himself and rushes to find you.
your sister sees him dashing towards her. have the archons finally answered her prayers? “oh ayato! i knew you would come to your senses sooner or later!” she exclaims. ayato, a bit disgusted, brushes her off and says politely, “i love y/n dearly and im currently searching for her, do you have any idea where she might be?”
one of your bridesmaids is running towards ayato, “over there ayato! quickly!” she shouts and points from across the room, unable to catch her breath. ayato nods, running towards where you are.
he slams the door open, “y/n—“ he cuts himself off when he sees your glossy eyes, tears falling down your face, your sniffles and breath trembling. “oh ayato,” you walk to your not-so-soon-to-be-husband and embrace him. the wet stain on his shoulder slowly growing.
for the first time in a while, ayato is genuinely shocked, hes seeing his lover upset, crying, and he cant do anything about it. “my love, whats wrong? what happened?”
you point to your bed, ayato takes a look and sees why— he and ayaka spent hours searching for a dress thats one of a kind and meant for you. his eyes widen a bit then relax again. he places his hand on the small on your back and rubs it in small circles.
he comforts you by saying, “i am beyond lucky to have you as my bride, even the most expensive jewels cannot be compared to your beauty because you outshine all, so please dont be too upset about this matter. i will find a dress made in celestia just to please my wonderful my darling.” he kisses your temple and pulls say, his face looks a bit more eerie now.
“your sister, right?” ayato asks you. “i think so—” ayato cuts you off, “i’ll cut off that bitches head as soon as possible, dont worry y/n.”
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A/N: this was VERY rushed but i hope you still enjoyed it ૮ ⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄ ·̭ o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝ ྀིა
imagine a plot twist where the sister is in love with you lol (i dont write incest)
TAGLIST: @sailorstar9 @gummy-dummy @hopefulceladon @username-try-3
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bubblespalace · 8 months
Sad edition: (TW: Drug use for escapism, mentioned attempted suicide)
-Shu used to dote on Reiji as a kid. Reiji was, at first, really happy someone was paying attention to him and they were really close brothers. But when he realized Beatrix gave Shu more attention,m he started to despise him.
-Kanato can never sing a song other than Scarborough Fair, and when he is asked to, he normally replies: "That's the only song I know." (More cannon but eh)
-Reiji gets insane stress and sometimes has full-on mental breakdowns that he has to deal with alone. He comes out of his room seeming fine, and the only one who really notices is Shu, since he hears him sobbing. He never says anything because he feels as though he can't be of help.
-Ayato loved Takoyaki since he was a kid, but Cordelia never allowed him to eat it since he had to spend time studying. He still uses it as a rebelling thing, which is why he eats it so frequently.
-Laito has bad dreams about his past with Cordelia a lot more than you'd think. He wakes up sobbing hysterically, with his head in his hands.
-Subaru finds himself staring up at the tower his mother was locked in every night. He sometimes stands there looking at it motionless for hours, and he doesn't even realize it. Shu normally comes and drags him away when he finds him.
-Reiji sometimes turns to his own drugs to get an ounce of enjoyment. He's got a stash of hardcore substances, and it really affects him sometimes.
-Kanato has a select few dolls he wishes he didn't turn so quickly or even at all. He starts randomly starts crying at their feet when he misses them, but then he tries to tell himself at least this way, he has them forever.
-Subaru, on a particularly bad night, once snuck into Reiji's lab looking for something to end his misery, but Reiji caught him. They both had a civil talk that night, and Reiji stepped up as a good older brother.
-Shu sometimes listens to old recordings of Edgar and him messing around and having fun with each other. It makes him tear up, but gives him some happy memories.
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yuoimia · 10 months
summary: they can get a little overboard with gifts, especially for you.
characters: ayato, kaeya, wanderer, zhongli.
notes: gn! reader, last sentence in ayato’s is suggestive, wc: 120-200 per paragraph.
⋆⁺₊❅⋆ dreamy december event masterlist
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If faced with the prospects of going on a little rendezvous to a market or enduring a lengthy cooking class with Ayato, you’d gladly risk the guarantee of waking up with an upset stomach.
At first, the answer to the choices seem almost obvious, you don’t even need to think twice before coming to a conclusion. Why would anyone face the risk of food poisoning in comparison to a harmless shopping trip?
You sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, are thankful and cherish every single one of the gifts Ayato never failed to starve you of, selected with the most detailed and precise of observations and preferences. Your workspaces are graced with the most refreshing pieces of decor, your bewitching collection of accessories is always the most elegant and entrancing, and your wardrobe, perhaps the most elaborative and extensive out of all, owns the most divine pieces of fabrics and fibres too substantial to comprehend.
Frankly, it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise when you tell Ayato to lower his budget, which, as he strongly believes, is a sacrifice towards his serotonin. Eventually, through trailing kisses, hasty promises and faltering sighs, you two finally come to an agreement.
Kaeya earnestly explains, over and over, that can’t help it, that you should be placing the blame on the sellers for luring him yet again into purchasing. The harsh burden of having a generous soul, he sighs. Can’t you feel an ounce of pity for him? Besides, he truly can’t help that, “there were just so many things that reminded me of you.”
To be brutally honest, Kaeya’s only motive for these ceaseless piles of presents was purely out of self-indulgence. It was quite selfish, yes, but the pleasure didn’t derive from the shopping, it wasn’t to satisfy his spontaneous decision-making when it came to such matters, but rather the gleeful radiance shining from your face whenever he came home with something in hand. How you attempted to reserve yourself and not seem overly excited, and Kaeya delights that he can see right through you.
The only way to understand his strange way of thinking was to picture yourself in his shoes. Would you do the same if it promised such a reaction from Kaeya?
Wanderer is the pure embodiment of the phrase, “actions speak louder than words.” Secrecy travels with every move he makes, every action he meticulously plans. It weaves into the reasoning of the most minuscule of tasks when it comes to you; he can’t refrain from it. Striving for perfection entrusts some sort of validation seeping into the ventricles of his heart, before pumping out avid determination, a desire to exceed after each result, one grander and more adoring than the last.
The gifts he pledges aren’t a mere reimbursement for his lack of sweet nothings or public hand-holding, they’re something much more sentimental with enigmatic depth, a beautifully tied bow unravelling cryptic messages that only sweeten as time ticks along. It’s summarised within a few careful judgements, courtesy of his impeccable ability to read your emotions, those gifts are, and will always make your smile a thousand times more genuine than any sugarcoated words or physical affection in the eyes of him and you.
Working as a consultant at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor must bestow the blessing of generous income and time.
It’s the only explanation for this growing observation: the handy wallet somehow never running out of mora (though you admit, he can be quite forgetful of it), and the suggested galore of unlimited spare time, which certainly must be the reasoning behind why Zhongli can afford to obtain such bountiful amounts of precious treasures that always leave you breathless.
Quite often, his indulgence results in a slicing feeling of guilt, leaving you in a state of burrowing gloom, overthinking the matter until the idea is reduced to a singular strand of disregard. After all, the little trinkets are simply harmless expressions of love, even if they occasionally overflow your doorway.
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genshin-impact-updates · 10 months
Version 4.2 Event Wishes Notice - Phase II
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Travelers, stock up on weapons and characters in the event wish to make your party stronger in combat!
Event Wish "Twilight Arbiter" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Judicator of Secrets" Cyno (Electro)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
2023/11/28 18:00:00—2023/12/19 14:59:59
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Judicator of Secrets" Cyno (Electro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, the 4-star characters "Cat Upon the Eaves" Kirara (Dendro), "Mender of Tribulations" Kuki Shinobu (Electro), and "Exquisite Delicacy" Xiangling (Pyro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
※ Of the above characters, the event-exclusive character will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ This is for "Character Event Wish." The wish guarantee count for "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2" is shared, and is accumulated between both "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2." This wish guarantee count is independent of the guarantee counts of other types of wishes.
※ The "Test Run" trial event will be open during this event wish. Travelers may use fixed lineups containing the selected trial characters to enter specific stages and test them out. Travelers that complete the challenges will receive the corresponding rewards!
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
Event Wish "Azure Excursion" - Boosted Drop Rate for "Pillar of Fortitude" Kamisato Ayato (Hydro)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
2023/11/28 18:00:00—2023/12/19 14:59:59
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star character "Pillar of Fortitude" Kamisato Ayato (Hydro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During this event wish, the 4-star characters "Cat Upon the Eaves" Kirara (Dendro), "Mender of Tribulations" Kuki Shinobu (Electro), and "Exquisite Delicacy" Xiangling (Pyro) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
※ Of the above characters, the event-exclusive character will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ This is for "Character Event Wish-2." The wish guarantee count for "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2" is shared, and is accumulated between both "Character Event Wish" and "Character Event Wish-2." This wish guarantee count is independent of the guarantee counts of other types of wishes.
※ The "Test Run" trial event will be open during this event wish. Travelers may use fixed lineups containing the selected trial characters to enter specific stages and test them out. Travelers that complete the challenges will receive the corresponding rewards!
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
Event Wish "Epitome Invocation" - Boosted Drop Rate for Staff of the Scarlet Sands (Polearm) and Haran Geppaku Futsu (Sword)!
〓Event Wish Duration〓
2023/11/28 18:00:00—2023/12/19 14:59:59
〓Event Wish Details〓
● During the event, the event-exclusive 5-star weapons Staff of the Scarlet Sands (Polearm) and Haran Geppaku Futsu (Sword) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During the event wish, the 4-star weapons Lion's Roar (Sword), Favonius Greatsword (Claymore), Favonius Lance (Polearm), The Widsith (Catalyst), and Favonius Warbow (Bow) will receive a huge drop-rate boost!
● During the event wish, use Epitomized Path to chart a course towards a promotional 5-star weapon, such as Staff of the Scarlet Sands (Polearm) or Haran Geppaku Futsu (Sword). For more information on Epitomized Path, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
※ Of the above weapons, the event-exclusive weapons will not be available in the standard wish "Wanderlust Invocation."
※ For more information, go to the Wish screen and select Details in the bottom-left corner.
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deuxcherise · 4 months
Cats vs Dogs
C/w: Unhealthy behavior, probably OOC Ayato Kamisato, yandere Ayato Kamisato, fem reader, reader calls Ayato "Husband" A/n: So you know the YouTube videos where the lady pretends to nom on her kitten's ears and paws and face? Thought it would be cute~ And who better than–ahem–the Inazuman Blue-haired Dog Lover? Haven't played Genshin Impact in a long time, but I tried my best. Enjoy~
If anyone were to inquire about cats and dogs to Ayato Kamisato, he would have chosen dogs over cats. Dogs are such loyal and obedient creatures. Rarely do they bite the hand that feeds.
Like the sociable and responsible housekeeper, Thoma, who hails from Mondstadt yet found his calling here in Inazuma, working for the Kamisato clan.
It has been a long time opinion of his, and it would take a lot to change that.
“Stupid elders. Stupid omiai. Stupid Kamisato…”
A curious thing you were when he saw you for the first time. A woman from one of the branches of the “Holy Dogs”. You were picking apart a poor flower in his family’s estate’s garden, grumbling to yourself how much you hated being dressed up and paraded around like some doll. And especially how stupid he was. All the while not knowing he was standing right behind you.
When you finally realized his presence, you had quickly collected yourself and placed a mask in front of him.
“It is an honor to meet you, Mr. Kamisato. Forgive me for wondering without a chaperone. I simply could not resist the sight of such a beautiful garden,” you greet him, hiding the wilting flower behind your back, much to his amusement.
You reminded him of a cat who had just been caught waiting at the door meowing all day for its owner until the owner walked in and now was trying to play nonchalant.
You piqued his interest. So he decided to accept the proposal from your family and marry you, mostly because of pressure from the elders, but also to have at least a little bit of fun as a husband.
However, ever since you've gotten married, you've been the perfect wife. Ever meek. Ever obedient… too obedient.
Even during your honeymoon, which you had both agree not to consummate until you were comfortable (you still have to perform this duty), you were completely content with being secluded in your own room without a single visit from him, your husband. Not one complaint was delivered to him.
Ayato had thought he’d made a mistake.
“HA! HA! I WIN! SUCK ON THAT, COUSIN!” you screech, pointing at your opponent.
Ayato had spied on you from a distance as you participated in onikabuto battles with a male cousin of yours.
What a coincidence! It just so happened to be a hobby for Ayato as well. He became so excited to enjoy this hobby of his with you that he even let you choose from his collection of onikabuto to fight with.
“Oh, my apologies, Husband. I didn't mean to win…”
It irked him, how you put on your meek mask around him. That's not what he wanted. He wanted you who had shamelessly made fun of your cousin for losing multiple times in a row!
He felt he needed to up the antics.
Call your husband petty, but unbeknownst to you, he decided to ban all staff, except for Thoma and a select few female staff, from interacting with or be seen by you. He had also made sure that every breakfast, lunch, and dinner included something he was told you hated, just to see you react.
You wipe your mouth gracefully with your napkin, before you tell your husband, “Please deliver my gratitude to your staff, Husband, for providing such delicious meals every day and night.”
Besides the meals, the most you'd do was inquire where most of the staff were, since you remembered seeing many servants roaming around the first time you visited the Kamisato Estate. 
Ah… it was starting to piss him off... It occurred to him how badly he wanted to be the only one to make you react, with vile thoughts such as… getting rid of everyone. Obviously, he couldn't do that, being the Kamisato heir and all, but it was most tempting…
It was by chance, during one of his strolls outside, he had encountered the sight of a woman holding a kitten and nipping at its paws and ears for a reaction. The kitten would cutely meow and push the woman away, but never hiss or scratch.
So he decided to try that on you. Multiple times.
You gasp, hand reaching out to touch your husband's cheek, whom you had just slapped out of a fight-or-flight reaction.
Ayato holds his reddening cheek, a polite smile on his face that doesn't quite reach his gorgeous purple eyes. Which are burning with something… something that you think is vile.
Is he… is he going to kill me?
“Y-you– I must apologize, Husband! However, I had warned you! Multiple times!” you exclaim.
“Yes… I suppose you did,” he says in an even tone before placing his hands on the ground on either side of your body.
He leans over you and you lean back, putting a bit of strain on your knees since you are sitting with your legs folded between you. Your husband tilts his head. You find the discrepancy between the stormy eyes and the polite smile to be terrifying, making you quiver.
Seeing you tremble beneath him, he leans back and sits properly. “My dear wife. Please accept my sincerest apologies. I didn't mean to incur your wrath. I simply…”
Ayato trails off, covering his mouth with the sleeve of his yukata. Unbeknownst to you, he is holding himself back from laughing at how adorable you're angrily pouting at him.
Ah… finally. A reaction~
You, on the other hand, are stewing on the inside. Stupid Kamisato. Is this how the dignified heir to the Kamisato clan is supposed to act? I am the daughter of the Holy Dogs! If it wasn't for my family, I would've rejected your proposal before the elders suggested it! Ugh, you’re so weird! No wonder you barely have any staff around!
After he's collected himself, he gently places his hands on top of yours, folded properly on your lap. You want to so badly slap his hands away, indignant, but you must play the meek and obedient wife the elders said he desired. For the sake of your family.
“Is there any way I can make it up to you?” he asks.
Yeah! Lemme divorce you, you son of a– You put on a polite smile and say, “No, it's alright. You've already apologized.”
The corner of Ayato's mouth twitches slightly, almost unnoticeable. “My dear wife,” he says, ”I assure you that you can share anything with me. Your happiness, your anger, your sadness, even your bitterness. Anything. And please, feel free call me Ayato.”
You nod. “Alright. Thank you, Husband.”
Husband… It occurs to him at this moment that not once has he ever heard you call him by his name. Being your husband for about a month now, he thinks its time become a little more intimate, don't you think?
“... On second thought… Do call me Ayato from now on. I forbid you from calling me Husband ever again, unless you are referring to me while speaking to someone else.”
“Eh? Oh alright.”
Your heart skips a beat, hearing your name fall from his lips. “Y-yes, Hu– Yes?”
Oh? What is this? Is something the matter? Ayato begins to get curious.
“Yes, Hu– Yes?”
Such a cute response from you, but you aren't call him by his name, for some reason. “If I asked for you to call for me, would you?”
You nod. “Yes. Of course.”
“Alright. Call for me.”
Your eyebrows pinch together in confusion. “I… may I ask why?”
He blinks, his smile widening into what looks like a mischievous grin. “Because I have never heard you call me by my name. Now call for me. Say my name.”
You think it's ridiculous. “Okay, Hu… Ay… to,” you whisper the last syllable.
He leans forward. “Hm? What was that?”
“AY… o… This is ridiculous, Husband. Husband is proper. Calling each other by names directly is improper and…” You meant to add perverse, but at this point your face was burning with embarrassment.
“It's just once~ Come now, (Y/n). Don't tell me you're unable to call me by name now, hm?”
His teasing words jab at your ego. “F-Fine! Ay… Ay… Ayato.”
Ayato chuckles, satisfied with your reaction. For now. He pats you on the head and praises you for doing such a good job.
Between cats and dogs, Ayato Kamisato would no doubt still choose dogs. But nothing can beat the cuteness of his cat-like wife.
He can't wait to see what kind of other reactions only he can make you do…
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