#ayden thorne
magicisinbooks · 8 months
"Still so violent I see." He lifted a shoulder. "I'm sure you make Thomas a very happy man. I always imagined his tastes were a bit depraved-what with all those dead bodies".
Capturing the Devil by Kerri Maniscalco
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hippieishsims · 5 days
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Octavia & Doyun's children (minus the newborn twins). The boys are a teenaged Orange Bailey-Moon and Ayden Bailey-Moon, Octavia's son from her previous marriage to Thorne Bailey.
The girls are Silvia Nam (blonde child), Doyun's daughter from a previous fling (her mother passed away under tragic circumstances) and Renee Nam-Moon, Octavia and Doyun's first child together and the reason that Octavia finally ended her marriage to Thorne Bailey for good.
The boys only stay at the Nam-Moon residence on the weekends, but man does Octavia enjoy having a full house!
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bunches-of-bees · 11 months
- Pinned Post -
Collective Information
Name: None
Age: 19
Pronouns: ask
Identities: transgender, nonbinary, queer, a-spec, alterhuman
About The Body: White, Neurodivergent, Persodivergent, Disabled, Plural
Accomodations Needed: Tone Tags, Help With Image Descriptions, Kindness upon Longer Periods of Not Posting
MAPs/pedophiles, sexualize agere/petre, nsfw/kink accounts, transrace/transabled/transage/etc, anti endogenic plurality, shipcourse, syscourse, queer discourse
- Emoji Sign Off List Under the cut!! Currently under construction as alters front and feel comfortable!! -
Unknown Fronter - ❔
Dee - 🕰
Janus - 🐍
Remus - 🐙
Virgil // Vee // Oppy // Orbit - 🕸
Roman - ⚔
Logan - 📚
Patton -  🐕
Sly // Sly Blue // Desire - 🗝
Noiz - 🐇
Ash // Ayden -💙
Angel Dust -💕
Loona - 🐺
Queen Bee // Queen Beelzebub - 🍯
Alastor - 🦌
Anxiety - 🕷
Nico - 🪦
Will - ☀️
Percy - 🌊
Annabeth - 🦉
Julian // Ilya - 🩸
Asra - 🔮 
Nadia - 🐐 MC - 🪄
Emile - 🐏
Helio // Elixir // The Dragon Witch - 💜
Doll // Dolly - ☁
Eepie - 🪱
Peter Parker // Spiderman -🖌
Wade Wilson // Deadpool - 🗡
Venom - ⚫
Eddie - 🍡
Bucky - ✨
Cap - ★
Fizz - 🎉
Blitzo - ❤
Ozzie - 💝
Scar - 🎩
Grian - 🦜
Mumbo - 🎲
Crowley - 🐝
Aziraphale - 🪻
Lance - 🫐
Keith - 🍓
Shiro - 🐧
Pidge - 🍃
Hunk - 🍋
Hobie - 🎸
Shockwave - 🎻
Harley Quinn // Harley - ♦️
Selina // Catwoman - 🐈‍⬛
Pamela // Poison Ivy - 🌱
Talia al Ghul -  🌙
Diana // Wonder Woman - 🦎
Bruce // Batman - 🦇
Damian // Robin - 🪺
Jason // Red Hood - 🪹
Dick // Grayson // Nightwing - 🌃
Thorn - 🥀
Rose - 🌹
Hazel - 🌵
Aribis - 🦆
Hermes - 🌼
Ace - 🐺
Reem - 💚 
Vi - ⚡
Jan - 💛
Outburst - 💥
Grell - 🎀
Alois - 🦋
Ciel - 🔷
Claude - 🟨
Sokka - 🪃
Zuko - 🔥
Ambrosia - 🩷
Qibli - ⏳
Winter - 🧊
Kinkajou - 🥭
Turtle - 🐢
Moonwatcher - 🌒
Peril - ♨
Cricket - 🦗
Blue - 🩵
Sundew - 🍃
Willow - 🌾
Glory - 🌈
Aither - 🧛
Sirius - 🐦‍⬛
Remus // Lupin - 📑
Oliver - 💐
Miguel - 🐻
0 notes
lesombresdeschoses · 1 year
C'est l'angoisse. Je dois faire un reportage sur la D.I. Lawrina Mortensen. Découvrir ce que c'est que d'être flic. Retracer son parcours professionnel, ce qui l'a amenée à changer de vie. Un virage à trois-cent-soixante degrés. D'inspecteur à romancier. Des bas fond à une vie de rêve...
« Pour voir le monde tel qu'il est, tu dois avoir les idées claires, mon enfant... La rose ou la jaune ? Ovale, carrée, ou ronde... Pour voir le monde tel qu'il est, tu dois endormir ton cerveau... »
— STOP !!!
La schizophrénie n'est pas une maladie. C'est un état du cerveau que l'on ne connaît pas encore. Les antipsychotiques m'empêchent d'être moi-même. Si je ne suis pas moi-même, qui suis-je alors ? J'ai l'impression d'avoir un super pouvoir que je ne maîtrise pas. Je brûle tout au lieu de tenir chaud à ceux qui ont froid ! Ma grand-mère voyait une corde qui descendait du lustre de sa chambre, sortant d'une profondeur invisible, elle entendait des voix, chuchotant des mots inintelligibles... Moi, je suis dans le noir absolu, je vois un poteau d'une longueur infinie, s'enfonçant dans un puits sans fond. À la place des voix, des fantômes, tels des fumerolles de lumières, tournoyant autour de moi, flottant au dessus du vide abyssal, près de cette barre de métal sans début, ni fin... Ma grand-mère avait le son, je n'ai que l'image... Et qu'est-ce que ça peut bien vouloir dire ? Elle craignait pour sa réputation. Elle craignait la souillure de l’infamie. Elle craignait le qu'en-dira-t-on.C’est la guerre qui la rendue comme ça. Je crains les gens. Ils sont mauvais. Ils ne s'intéressent aux autres que pour leur nuire. Nos hallucinations se ressemblent. Nos peurs sont similaires. Il y a peut-être un côté héréditaire pour ce qui est de la manière de percevoir les choses qui nous entourent ? Je ne sais pas. Ma grand-mère n'était pas schizophrène. Dans son cas, c'était la fatigue et les médicaments. Elle était insomniaque. Elle faisait des cauchemars, le peu qu'elle dormait. C'était terrifiant d'entendre son râle. Un cri sortant d'outre tombe.
Le cerveau a une mécanique simpliste. Il est impressionnable, fonctionnant comme du papier argentique. Nos hallucinations sont forcément induites par ce qui nous marque l'esprit dans notre existence. Nos peurs. Nos attentes. Nos aspirations...
Pour voir le monde tel qu'il est, tu dois avoir les idées claires, mon enfant... La rose ou la jaune ? Ovale, carrée, ou ronde... Pour voir le monde tel qu'il est tu dois endormir ton cerveau... tourne, tourne en rond petite pensée obsessionnelle...
Ma mère publie sous le nom de Delila Thorn, Gilmore étant un peu sulfureux, vu l'histoire de mon oncle. C'est Ayden Forbes, mon patron et beau-père, aujourd'hui, qui la publie. Il tenait un magazine avant de passer la direction à sa fille, Tamsin, pour monter sa maison d'édition. Après mes études en photographie, Ayden m'a engagée comme stagiaire. J’étais pigiste chez Weird Life. Aujourd'hui, je m'occupe des interviews et reportages. Je monte progressivement ma carrière. C’est une chance. Surtout dans mon état. Et comme Lawrina Mortensen fait partie des romanciers de la boîte de mon beau-père, l'honneur me revient d'écrire un article à son sujet.
Je n'ai jamais connu mon père. Il est parti avant ma naissance. Ma mère est une battante, mais jusqu'à présent, elle n'avait jamais réussi à trouver sa place dans ce monde de fous. C'est moi qui dis ça... Elle a enchaîné les jobs de merde en vivant chez grand-mère. Son dernier boulot, elle travaillait avec les enfants. Elle était douée pour raconter des histoires. L'idée lui est venue de les écrire…
Lorsque l'on associe son intelligence aux choses, on entre en harmonie avec la vie. Les livres, c'est pour apprendre à apprendre. De la vie, on apprend par soi-même. Personne ne peut nous aider à comprendre le sens d'une existence, seulement la vivre le permet. D'où l'intérêt de vivre pour soi. C'est pour ça que je range, j'organise, j'archive... je vis l'instant présent, à ces moment là. Mon cerveau me laisse tranquille. La ritualisation crée des modèles de connexions neuronaux différents et nouveaux, à chaque fois. C'est mon Tai Chi. Pour ne pas être forcée de me gaver d'antipsychotiques, j'ordonne mon quotidien en rassurant mon esprit sur ce qu'il connaît. Vivre l'instant présent m’aide à créer un lien avec la matière. Ce qui nous donne le pouvoir de créer des mondes. Avec elle et non, contre elle. Je ne détruis pas pour construire. J'écoute la matière et la modèle selon mes besoins, selon sa nature. En considérant sa nature. J'entre en résonance. Mes crises s'estompent. Parfois me servent. C'est comme pour la douleur au dos, on cherche l'origine du mal. Je cherche l'origine de mes hallucinations. 
0 notes
atlasxavery · 3 years
SJTR fandom! I just finished the last book and I need to know if there are other Mephistopheles fans out there, because I just love him 🥰
And of course I loved the rest of it and cressworth as well, but there seems to be no mephisto stans
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nisaeiam · 4 years
Has this been done before??
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aleksandermorozovaa · 4 years
Thomas, Liza and all of us whenever Mephistopheles comes near Audrey Rose:
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thenerdiestbird · 5 years
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Mephistopheles•Escaping From Houdini
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ai-katsuu · 2 years
Anastasia and Andrei + Moonlight Carnival Encanto AU (Hunting Prince Dracula/Escaping Houdini Spoilers)
I just finished the Stalking Jack the Ripper Series and needless to say it has become my favorite book series, I absolutely fell in love with it! The way Kerri masterfully developed the relationship between Audrey (who I share the name with!) and Thomas was amazing in way I can’t describe. 
While majority of my love goes towards Cressworth and the “Whodunnit” theme that keeps me not only on the edge of my seat but also gets be thinking, I couldn’t ignore the supposed relationship of Andrei and Anastasia in the second book “Hunting Prince Dracula”
Though it is scarce, it is heavily implied by Kerri and Thomas himself that they has a relationship.
1. “Anastasia grinned. "I heard he was quite handsome. Perhaps I shall marry him if you're only work partners." I'm not sure what she saw on my face, but she quickly added, I'm teasing. I've got my heart set on another, though he pretends I don't exist. How was your trip?”” 2. Undeterred by the sidelong glances Andrei slid her way, Anastasia excitedly motioned for us to come sit with them. 3. “Andrei clamped his jaws together, tossing a murderous glare at his friend, though his throat bobbed with tears he was obviously holding back. How very peculiar.” 4. "In light of the recent discovery regarding Wilhelm's death," the headmaster said in accented English, moving swiftly from remembrance to business, "no one is permitted off academy grounds. At least not until we uncover the true cause of death. A curfew will also be enforced to ensure your safety." Surprisingly, Andrei exchanged a glance with Anastasia.” 5. “"What do you make of that?" I said, indicating Andrei. "Is it all for Nicolae?" 
"Hmm." Thomas studied him for a few moments, sharp gaze taking stock of each movement or lack thereof. He drummed his fingers along the edge of our table. "His worry doesn't appear to be entirely related to Nicolae. Note the chain around his collar and the pendant hanging from it. I wager it's a lock of hair. He's been preoccupied since Miss Anastasia Nádasdy's appearance in our laboratory. I believe he's mourning both, but is broken by her death in particular. He might have longed to secure a union with her”
Even if Anastasia had been talking about Thomas in #1, I think that it’s too obvious that their really was something between the two. They must have had something that was enough for a brute like Andrei to fall in love with someone. Instead of worrying about the disappearance of his cousin (which he did) it states that despite that, Anastasia was still on his mind. That wouldn’t be the case if they didn’t have something special. 
The deductions of Thomas were also that Andrei supposedly kept a lock of hair, which really leads me to believe it couldn’t have been fake.
PLUS what was the point of Kerri putting those lines for Andrei and Anastasia. It could have been to throw us off, but her supposed first death had been plenty enough, she didn’t need to add. Which is why I really think Anastasia and Andrei really did have some sort of genuine relationship! 
I mean c’mon a strong brute who (as described by Audrey Rose) is sort of a quiet jackass with a perky, confident, happy, witty, and hilarious girl? It’s too cute!
However I see ZERO content of them online at it looks as if they were never discussed! So I’ll likely be taking the liberty on making a few doodle of them myself! 
I propose an AU where Anastasia was not the killer and instead, after being presumed dead, wound up in a similar situation like Nicolae. Doesn’t matter who the real killer was, as along as Anastasia gets found at the end. 
Since Andrei does not get accepted into the Academy, I imagine he and Anastasia traveling around until the Moonlight Carnival comes to Romania and she meets Mephisto. 
(Now if it weren’t for the pain Mephisto already had to endure, I would propose a love triangle between him Ana and Andrei but I’m not gonna do that to Meph again haha) 
I imagine she would temporarily join the MLC during their tour around Romania and sing, dance, and perform. THIS is where the Encanto AU comes in. She would perform those songs as her act for example 
Anastasia singing ‘The Family Madrigal’ as ‘The Moonlight Carnival’ as she introduces each of the members to Romania in a song.
“But let's be clear, Mephisto runs this show”
“Welcome to the Moonlight Carnival The home of the Moonlight Carnival (we're on our way) Where all the people are fantastical and magical I'm part of the Moonlight Carnival”
The plot of the play they are performing being that Anastasia longs for an act which Mephisto won’t give. *cue Waiting on a miracle hehe* 
ANYWAY thats all I have for now! Expect some doodles of this soon and let me know what you think!
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ebbthegaygoatherd · 5 years
someone please tell me I'm not the only one who helplessly fell in love with Mephistopheles and want him to get a story of his adventures and a happy ending with someone who can give him the love he deserves back and can match his awesome personality? He's an interesting, complex character and also super hot who deserves a whole book for himself.
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eleanawrites · 2 years
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Path of Fire is a series of books that chronicle a being that has lost so much but could end up getting even more. Will you let yourself step out of the shadow your past has cast over you? Or will you fall prey to the things that wish to see you perish?
Where will you be when the dawn comes?
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The history of Ioria is wrought with myths and legends that have transcended centuries— some becoming muddled in the process— but none have stood the test of the time like the fables of the Ancient Protectors.
The Dracaryean.
Great beings— having the ability to shapeshift into fire breathing behemoths— that were blessed by Phenir himself. A race borne from fire that looked after the inhabitants of Ioria, and the land beyond, for centuries. That is until the War of Desolation; wherein the Great Protectors had been betrayed by the very beings they had been sworn to protect. It was a war that lasted centuries until the Dracaryean finally played their last hand…
They disappeared— never to be seen again— and reality became stories that soon became the legends parents told their young at night; how if you were good, and pure of heart, a Dracaryean would come and grant you a wish. No one within Ioria believed the Dracaryean would return— if they existed to begin with— to the plain of mortals.
That is until you appeared…
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This story will be 18+ for depictions of violence, profanity, alcohol consumption, sexual themes, and blood.
Customizable MC: name, nickname, gender, sexuality, appearance, skills, and various other things that will appear as the story progresses.
Variety of scale colors for your draconian form too: white, iridescent, silver, gold, red, blue, purple, green, and brown.
Play as a Dracaryean!MC that has just lost everything they’ve held dear but is everything as it appears to be? Are the fables your own people have told you truly the truth? Or is the truth something no one could ever dream of?
Figure out what it means to be a Dracaryean and the life that you now have to live away from everything you once knew.
Find your soulmate within a world that you’ve only heard stories about.
Romance 1 of 8 options (with possible poly routes).
Explore Ioria and meet the various inhabitants dotting it’s varied landscape.
And, as always, remember to have fun!
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Cedric/Cedra [M/F] The Best Friend
23 [5’10” | Emerald Green Eyes | Dirty Blonde Hair]
A cinnamon roll embodied within a person; they’ve always been by your side ever since you arrived within their village. With dreams of becoming a grand Knight— like in the stories they’ve heard from their sister— and want nothing more than to protect you too. They’d go to the ends of the earth for you if you’d simply ask. Just make sure you don’t ask too much of them.
Ayden/Ayleth [M/F] The Mage
24 [5’6” | Dark Brown Eyes | Auburn Hair]
A reclusive mage that you find during your travels. A person that finds solace in silence and their thoughts; even if they don’t like what they hear back. However, beneath all the thorns, is a heart that just wants to be appreciated. Will you allow them the opportunity to showcase who they truly are? Or will they be lost within their own self-inflicted shadow?
Eric/Esmé [M/F] The Merchant
28 [5’8” | Gray Eyes | Dark Brown Hair]
With charm and wit oozing from their person, it’s no wonder they’re the leader of the Merchants Guild. A flirtatious quip always passing from their lips as they talk; although you’re never sure if they’re being serious or not. All you do know is that you need them, and their influence, in order to get closer to what you truly need. Answers.
Oliver/Olivia [M/F] The Knight Commander
25 [5’11” | Amber Eyes | Onyx Black Hair]
A no-nonsense kind of person that takes their duty to the realm very seriously. Upholding honor and justice wherever they go. Having someone like that owe you a life debt is very useful— especially since they’ll do almost anything to clear it— and you’ll learn more about them within your travels. Discovering the person beneath the steel.
Leon/Lena [M/F] The Assassin
25 [6’1” | Ice Blue Eyes | White-Blonde Hair]
Sent by the Ruler of Ioria to take you to the capital city, L isn’t one to disappoint. Their cunning mind, silver tongue, and finely tuned skills showcasing that; an icy barricade surrounding their heart. Can you show them the warmth they’ve been missing? Finding the heart of gold underneath? Or will they remain a mystery to you?
Valin/Valeria [M/F] The Ruler
31 [6’3” | Violet-Gold Eyes | Silvery-Blonde Hair]
The Ruler of Ioria that has brought prosperity back within its borders; all the people rallying underneath their banner. Although not many have ever seen them in person, as they mainly stay within the walls of the castle, but many within have spoken of their generous heart, courageous spirit, and intelligent mind. Is any of that true? Well, you’ll have to find out whenever you meet them.
Phenir [M] The God of Day
1000+ [6’6” | Golden-Red Eyes | Fire Ombré Hair]
One of the Twin Creators that made the world, and Ioria, as you know it. Phenir is as hot-tempered as the very entities he represents. With a youthful spirit, a boisterous laugh, and a excitable approach to things. Phenir is only a being you’ve heard tales of but when you meet him? Will you be able to capture his heart?
Revian [F] The Goddess of Night
1000+ [6’4” | Silver Eyes | Raven Black Hair]
The other half of the Twin Creators; Revian is the Mother of Darkness. Giving life to all those that live underneath the moon and stars. She’s as cold and calculating as ice, with an even sharper intellect, and an aloof approach to things. Unlike her brother, Revian doesn’t let people see the cards she holds. Much rather having people prove their worth, as she does the same, before she lets her guard down. Will you be the one she does so with?
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Eamon [M] The Guardian
45 [6’2” | Sapphire Blue Eyes | Light Brown Hair]
The man that your parents chose to guard you; who’s been like a second father to you. He thinks of you as his own and would do anything to protect you. Even if that means giving up his own life to do so.
Alister [M] The Heir
10 [4’8” | Electric Blue Eyes | Golden Blonde Hair]
The nephew of the current Ruler of Ioria. A bubbly boy that loves everyone and just wants to make people happy. Is all smiles and laughter whenever you meet him.
Keane [M] The Brother
28 [6’0” | Forest Green Eyes | Dark Brown Hair]
The younger brother of the current Ruler of Ioria, and the father of Alister, that has many issues with his sibling. He’s sarcastic, uncaring of many things, and doesn’t want to be messed with.
Daealla [F] The Sister
36 [5’11” | Violet Eyes | Golden-White Hair]
The older sister of the current Ruler of Ioria. She’s very protective of her family and will do anything for them. She’s a lot more sociable than her siblings are but she’s wary of strangers.
Scarlett [F] The Thief
28 [5’3” | Light Brown Eyes | Black Hair]
You meet her at random intervals throughout your adventures— always doing different things— and she’s always happy to see you. Though I’d watch your valuables.
Leliana [F] The Servant
24 [5’5” | Hazel Eyes | Dark Red Hair]
One of the servants that helps you into the castle during the Masquerade Ball. She’s fairly quiet but knows the lay of the land better than anyone. Will offer you valuable insight if you’re willing to listen.
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DEMO (Old)
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blossomsimss · 3 years
1. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/654332187539390464/heatwave-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 2. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/657125202492342272/paradiso-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 3. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/654332187539390464/heatwave-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 4. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/657125202492342272/paradiso-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 5. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/654332187539390464/heatwave-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 6. https://greenllamas.tumblr.com/post/659514787974217728/ravenhair 7. https://www.patreon.com/posts/daija-dreads-53785341 8. https://simstrouble.tumblr.com/post/628711169108148224/lena-hairstyle 9. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/654435314691145728/socasualcollection 10. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/654435314691145728/socasualcollection 11. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/658096017137434624/feelslikesummer 12. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/658096017137434624/feelslikesummer 13. https://serenity-cc.tumblr.com/post/654381786194903040/bohemian-child-collection-10-items 14. https://carolforest.tumblr.com/post/659274479073165312/sera-hair 15. https://imsamuelcc.tumblr.com/post/659993697861189632/anna-hair 16. https://www.patreon.com/posts/52836317 17. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/654332187539390464/heatwave-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 18. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/654332187539390464/heatwave-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 19. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/658096017137434624/feelslikesummer 20. https://greenllamas.tumblr.com/post/659514865341317120/thebrowset 21. https://crypticsim.com/post/657500839000342528/the-candy-flame-palette-i-got-this-idea-in-the 22. https://viivarium.tumblr.com/post/658148467984793600/victoria-idk-if-this-counts-as-a-corset-but-yolo 23. https://www.patreon.com/posts/47799800 24. https://simcelebrity00.tumblr.com/post/656708207671148544/daisy-top-bgc-maxis-match-top-available-for 25. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/654435314691145728/socasualcollection 26. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/654435314691145728/socasualcollection 27. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/654435314691145728/socasualcollection 28. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/658096017137434624/feelslikesummer 29. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/658096017137434624/feelslikesummer 30. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/658096017137434624/feelslikesummer 31. https://demondare-sims.tumblr.com/post/659701113404194816/is-it-autumn-yet-mini-set-i-absolutely-love 32. https://demondare-sims.tumblr.com/post/659701113404194816/is-it-autumn-yet-mini-set-i-absolutely-love 33. https://serenity-cc.tumblr.com/post/654381786194903040/bohemian-child-collection-10-items 34. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/657125202492342272/paradiso-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 35. https://kumikya.tumblr.com/post/647048596850720768/sarah-top-hi-i-love-turtlenecks-so-i-made-one-but 36. https://serenity-cc.tumblr.com/post/654381786194903040/bohemian-child-collection-10-items 37. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/654332187539390464/heatwave-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 38. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/657125202492342272/paradiso-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 39. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/654332187539390464/heatwave-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 40. https://serenity-cc.tumblr.com/post/654381786194903040/bohemian-child-collection-10-items 41. https://trillyke.tumblr.com/post/659206016304594944/chasing-love-top-lovely-button-up-long-sleeve 42. https://serenity-cc.tumblr.com/post/654381786194903040/bohemian-child-collection-10-items 43. https://trillyke.tumblr.com/post/624778748883091456/monster-bodysuit-one-sleeve-bodysuit-with-fun 44. https://brianitesims.tumblr.com/post/660708236322897920/thorn-top-bgc-20-swatches-all-lods-custom 45. https://ridgeport.tumblr.com/post/649858959650521088/florence-blouse-this-mesh-really-put-me-at-my 46. https://casteru.tumblr.com/post/631974101245952000/frilly-chemise-tou-female-teen-elder-top 47. https://www.patreon.com/posts/47799800 48. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/654435314691145728/socasualcollection 49. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/654435314691145728/socasualcollection 50. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/654435314691145728/socasualcollection 51. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/658096017137434624/feelslikesummer 52. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/658096017137434624/feelslikesummer 53. https://demondare-sims.tumblr.com/post/659701113404194816/is-it-autumn-yet-mini-set-i-absolutely-love 54. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/657125202492342272/paradiso-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 55. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/657125202492342272/paradiso-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 56. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/654332187539390464/heatwave-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 57. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/654332187539390464/heatwave-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 58. https://glumbut.tumblr.com/post/645565118375215104/jonie-two-tone-demin-shorts-based-on-these-12 59. https://serenity-cc.tumblr.com/post/654381786194903040/bohemian-child-collection-10-items 60. https://cubersims.tumblr.com/post/659608087291904000/185-download-high-rise-thong-softly-hii-i-just 61. https://cloudcat.tumblr.com/post/658065180645867520/summer-garden-dress-a-short-cute-dress-for-tf-ef 62. https://cloudcat.tumblr.com/post/658161173764685824/cottagecore-maid-dress-a-short-and-quite-poofy 63. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/654435314691145728/socasualcollection 64. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/658096017137434624/feelslikesummer 65. https://ellenneedscoffee.tumblr.com/post/656680156065366016/cutout-one-piece-base-game-a-fun-one-piece-for 66. https://madlensims.tumblr.com/post/641944700971106304/madlen-ayden-outfit-new-college-inspired-look 67. https://madlensims.tumblr.com/post/625459422825676800/madlen-mackenzie-outfit-new-stylish-outfit-for 68. https://pixiegal.tumblr.com/post/623172164498145280/hello-hello-hello-d-i-dont-have-a-lot-to-say 69. https://dissiasims.tumblr.com/post/650417385545859072/spring-midi-dress-8-swatches-teen-adult-elder-base 70. https://christopher067.tumblr.com/post/640042922552721408/e-v-e-r-m-o-r-e-b-o-o-t-s-hello-today-i-am-v 71. https://jius-sims.tumblr.com/post/651073966797176832/party-collection-part-i-jius-leather-sandals-02 72. https://casteru.tumblr.com/post/616486115948494848/sweater-dress-tou-female-child-fullbody-35 73. https://madlensims.tumblr.com/post/648919170365390848/sachiko-outfit-oversized-denim-jacket-with-an 74. https://casteru.tumblr.com/post/655890801901076480/denim-overall-dress-tou-download-public 75. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/654332187539390464/heatwave-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 76. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/654435314691145728/socasualcollection 77. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/654435314691145728/socasualcollection 78. https://serenity-cc.tumblr.com/post/654381786194903040/bohemian-child-collection-10-items 79. https://clumsyalienn.tumblr.com/post/654332187539390464/heatwave-cc-pack-bgc-all-lods-shadow-maps 80. https://serenity-cc.tumblr.com/post/654381786194903040/bohemian-child-collection-10-items 81. https://arethabee.tumblr.com/post/654435314691145728/socasualcollection 82. https://emilyccfinds.tumblr.com/post/660296002816868352/nucrests-essential-underwear-set-because-there 83. https://glumbut.tumblr.com/post/645565118375215104/jonie-two-tone-demin-shorts-based-on-these-12
4 notes · View notes
daechvita · 5 years
Tumblr media
Jayden Thorne - 23 años - 23/05/1996 - Corredor de carreras clandestinas / líder de “quicksilver” - fc: song minki
››[ H i s t o r i a ]
Jayden nació y creció en un entorno por demás de enriquecido, en una gran mansión en el centro de LA, USA. Desde muy pequeño y gracias a que tenía dos hermanos mayores –familia a la cual vendría a sumarse un cuatro hijo un par de años después–, se le comenzó a inmiscuir rápidamente en los negocios del conglomerado al cual era partidariamente heredero. Nunca tuvo faltas de dinero, tampoco de real afecto por parte de todos los involucrados en su grande familia. Por ende, podía considerarse una persona por demás de afortunada.
El real avance de sus gustos y preferencias nació gracias a su tío Ernest, el cual le inmiscuyó en el mundo de los automóviles desde que Jayden puede tener memoria. Su padre, Harrison, manejaba grandes negocios con fábricas extranjeras con respecto a la producción de automóviles de alta tecnología, sin embargo su tío quien se encargaba más de las cosas técnicas y no del dinero, fue quien despertó de lleno su pasión por “ensuciarse” las manos con el aceite y las partes de aquellas fieras maquinas.
Viendo el gran interés que Jayden tenía en esas cosas, su padre decidió obsequiarle su primer automóvil de carreras cuando apenas y tenía 13 años de edad. El plazo de volverse un real corredor clandestino –carreras que su padre, igualmente financiaba– fue de tres años, tendría que trabajar en el automóvil y hacerlo una real fiera que destruyera a cualquiera a su paso. Cosa que sucedió en menos de un pestañeo.
Antes de siquiera tener 18 años de edad, Jayden ya controlaba una gran porción de las áreas de carreras clandestinas en Los Ángeles. Para nadie fue un disgusto el saber que desertaría como ingeniero mecánico y se involucraría ciento por ciento en aquel nuevo negocio familiar que crecía a pasos agigantados. Gracias a que pasaba más tiempo en las calles y en el taller, su padre decidió brindarle un segundo regalo, comenzando a inmiscuir sus manos en ciertos bares que se dedicaban  a vender bebidas y otro tipo de sustancias recreativas a los corredores, tanto amigos como enemigos. De cierta forma, los bares les protegían y les brindaban prestigio, evitando así la policía.
Ahora y con 23 años de edad, el tercer hijo de los Thorne controla prácticamente toda el área en cuanto a carreras se trata, solo con los mejores corredores bajo su comando. Los “Quicksilver” son conocidos por ser sujetos hambrientos por la victoria cuando se trata de encender un automóvil y hacerle rechistar en contra del asfalto. Sencillas no son las condiciones para lograr entrar, puesto que Jayden no aceptará a nadie que no logre vencerlo en una carrera, porque sabe que es el mejor y solo merece a la mejor gente bajo su ala.
››[ D e s c r i p c i ó n ]
{ ✕ }➞【 P e r s o n a l i d a d 】
▌Jayden es una persona con muy pocas preocupaciones en la cabeza, podría decirse que lo único que realmente llama su atención, son los automóviles. Tiene problemas para entender el sarcasmo, al igual que para detectar cuando él ha dicho algo incorrecto. Es distraído y un poco frívolo, al no importarle otra cosa que no sea la victoria constante y la adrenalina de correr a altas velocidades.
▌Es un líder benevolente, solo busca lo mejor para aquellos que considera amigos y casi familia. La gente bajo su comando siempre recibirá los tratos más cálidos y justos desde su mano, el pago igualmente necesario por sus servicios y una mano siempre estará tendida para ellos cuando lo necesiten. Por ende cuando su confianza y su cariño es violentado, se tornará una persona totalmente diferente, aquellos que osen a tratarlo de esa manera, pueden olvidarse de su amistad de una sola tajada.
▌Un tanto testarudo y orgulloso, fácil de enojar si no está de muy buen humor. Está acostumbrado a la victoria y a obtener absolutamente todo lo que quiere, cuando lo quiere. Sin embargo, no dudará en aceptar una derrota cuando él mismo considere a la otra parte alguien de valor. Cuando está en las calles, se vuelve aún más serio y se enfoca en su trabajo, el cual conseguirá acabar limpiamente incluso si tiene que pasarles por encima a sus enemigos. Para él solo existen dos colores, blanco y negro, amigo o enemigo.
››[ D a t o s E x t r a s ]
♛›› Jayden tiene una buena relación con todos en su familia, es quizás, quien más atenciones se lleva de todos. Su madre, es quien ha aceptado abiertamente que él es su hijo favorito y que lo prefiere por sobre los demás (todo gracias a la demencia de la mujer, nadie llega a culparla por esos arranques) ♛›› A pesar de que se lleva bien con los mayores en casa, Jayden es totalmente ajeno a los negocios más turbios que manejan los tres hombres de la casa. Por ende, no tiene ni idea de lo que le sucedió a la familia de León o lo crueles que pueden ser con otras personas a su espalda. ♛›› Conoció a León una noche, en una carrera. Ambos compitieron donde León apenas por unos segundos, se llevó la victoria. Luego de huir de la policía y Jay demostrarle su interés en que se uniera a su banda, logró entablar una amistad fuerte con el muchacho. Llegó hasta el punto donde lo considera su mejor amigo. ♛›› La misma situación sucedió con Derek, al cual invito a unirse a él cuando saboreó la derrota. Con Derek fue un poco diferente al ofrecerle incluso un trabajo extra, sabiendo de las carencias en su hogar y sobretodo, sabiendo que su amigo no aceptaría dinero “regalado”. ♛›› Allison es la única mujer en “Quicksilver” gracias a que igualmente, luego de vencerlo, decidió unirse a ellos para pagarse la universidad.  ♛›› Jayden es igualmente el único en aceptar sin rechistar la decisión de quien alguna vez fue su hermanita pequeña, al ésta, no sentirse cómoda con su cuerpo femenino. Gracias a él, su ahora hermano Carter, puede ser más libre y sentirse cómodo tanto en su casa como en su cuerpo. ♛›› A pesar de ser un desertor, le gustan mucho las matemáticas y las utiliza bastante para hacer cálculos de piezas y demás en cuanto a los automóviles se trate. Parece despistado, pero no es realmente tonto. ♛›› Tiene un husky siberiano llamado Dollar. ♛›› Su primer automóvil fue un Mitsubishi 3000 gt, tiene igualmente un Charger 1970 v8. Solía manejar un Koenigsegg One:1 color negro, el automóvil más rápido del mundo. Ahora, luego de una remodelación a su repertorio, maneja un Bugatti Chiron 2019 de color negro con tonalidades naranjas. ♛›› Cuando no está en el taller, le gusta pasar tiempo en uno de los bares. Suele tomar alcohol, pero no le gusta consumir drogas. ♛›› No tiene muy buena suerte con las mujeres, porque a veces no capta cuando estas buscan algo con él o porque suele decirles cosas un tanto hirientes sin pensarlo. ♛›› Los gatos lo aborrecen, por eso se considera una persona de perros y nada más.
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7eyesnewspaper · 4 years
Le mois des points 2.0
La vie quotidienne des Woodiens est rythmée par la compétition. Cela fait un mois et quelques semaines que le concept du « Mois des points » est apparu. Lors de la première saison, l’équipe numéro un, composé de Léo, Eden, Jeffrey, Orion et Ayden, ont remporté la coupe. La seconde saison a débuté depuis près de 2 semaines et demi et l’équipe trois, composée de Jeffrey, Orion, Kelian, Ryan et Rosalina, est en tête de course.
Mais voyons ce que cela donne individuellement. 
 À ce jour, soit le jeudi 8 octobre, nous obtenons à la première place Jeffrey avec 43 points et une égalité parfaite à la seconde place avec Kelian et Cris avec 30 points. Cependant ces chiffres sont le nombre total qu’ils ont gagné. Mais si on regarde de plus près et qu’on se concentre sur le jeu en lui-même, Kelian remporte la première place avec 30 points qu’il a obtenu avec sa plume. Autrement dit Kelian est une machine de guerre dans l’écriture. La seconde plume revient à Cris avec 24 points. Ash arrive en troisième place avec 19 points tandis que la quatrième et cinquième place sont attribuées respectivement à Léo et Lilie. 
Alors oui ! Vous allez me dire où est passé Jeffrey dans ce classement de belles plumes. Après un décorticage intensif de ma part, j’ai repéré un petit filou puisqu’en points d’écriture Jeffrey obtient seulement 7 points. Ne le blâmons pas ! Car même si le jeune Thorn a finalement peu écrit, il s’est occupé avec une main de fer la place de Riverwoods dans notre petit monde puisqu’il a obtenu 36 points après avoir embelli la page, fait des pubs à gogo et accueillit les petits nouveaux. 
Même si le mois 2.0 n’est pas terminé et qu’il peut y avoir des rebondissements, toute l’équipe de 7EYES félicite Jeffrey, Kelian, Cris, Léo et Lilie pour leur position dans le classement. Nous n’oublions pas vous autres, car je suis sûr que certains vont prendre du poil de la bête et peut-être vont-ils se hisser dans le top #3 des joueurs les plus actifs !
0 notes
aleksandermorozovaa · 5 years
I need all you createns to know that I really really -and I can't stress this enough- REALLY love Mephistopheles and brotp him and Audrey Rose so much.
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tragicalbeauties · 7 years
Please check to see if our ship is safe! The ones with ‘??’ are most likely to be dropped because of inactivity, and if you wish to keep them, please tell me. Or if I forgot any on here, let me know
Aaron McFly
·         Alicia (dcngerous )
·         Sofie (dcngerous)
Adam Lynn
·         Adriana (dcngerous)
Addalynn Russell
·         Oliver (somanymxses)
·         Ryan (somanymxses)
·         Elliot (mcsterpieces)
Aiden Riley
·         Abigail (dcngerous)
Alexandria Elliot
·         Ace (somanymxses)
·         Phoenix (mcsterpieces)
Alexei Stewart
·         Mandi (dcngerous)
Alex Stanley
·         Alex (xstillsane)??
·         Carrie (somanymxses)
Alison Swift
·         Jemma (jxtpackblucs)
Allie Dawson
·         Brady (dcngerous)
·         Dawson (ofscnsations)??
Ambrose Killis
·         Jagger (dcngerous)
Analeigh Butler
·         Asher (dcngerous)
Anastasia Grey
·         Christian (somanymxses)
Anastasia Romanov
·         Demetri (somanymxses)
Andie Alves
·         Aaron (mcsterpieces)
Aqua Pennington
·         Harry (dcngerous)
Aria Riley
·         Abigail (dcngerous)
Ariella Stevania
·         Jasmine (mcsterpieces)
Arista Lenard
·         Xander (dcngerous)
Ashley Frangipane
·         Lauren (mcsterpieces)
Ashton Adams
·         Phoenix (mcsterpieces)
·         Scarlett (mcsterpieces)
Aubrie McDowell
·         Brady (dcngerous)
Audrina James
·         Kaiden (stvrstruck)
Aurora Woods
·         Felix (mcsterpieces)
Austin Harrington
·         Eli (dcngerous)
·         Kayla (dcngerous)
Autumn Evans
Axel Pence
·         Blair (jxtpackblucs)
Ayden Cayhill
·         Violet (jxtpackblucs)
·         Blake (besidesycu)
Bailey O’Donnell
·         Harper (dcngerous)
Bay Lewis
·         Atticus (sxturxtedsunrise)
Beckham Tomlinson
·         Makayla (mcsterpieces)
·         Jason (somanymxses)
·         Rachel (somanymxses)
·         Rosalie (mcsterpieces)
Bella Hadid
·         Luke (dcngerous)
Bella Jonas
·         Edward (whiledreaming)
·         Adam (mcsterpieces)
Bennett Moriarity
·         Ariana (dcngerous)
·         Eloise (sxturxtedsunrise)
Bentley Peters
·         Scarlett (mcsterpieces)
·         Rachel (somanymxses)
Beth Puckerman
·         Puck (somanymxses)
Bianca Ackles
·         Jason (abunchofcrazyweirdos)??
Blair Hadley
·         Felix (mcsterpieces)
Blaze Madison
·         Violet (jxtpackblucs)
Bolton Harding
·         Adam (dcngerous)
·         Evanna (lespcir)
·         River (jxtpackblucs)
Brayson Hadley
·         Sammi (mcsterpieces)
·         Bryson (besidesycu)
·         Kendall (mcsterpieces)
·         Autumn (mcsterpieces)
·         Taylor (mcsterpieces)
·         Louis (dcngerous)
·         Dana (dcngerous)
·         Jade (awakcnmylcve)
Brett Lowe
·         Hilary (somanymxses)
Briar Tomlinson
·         Jason (somanymxses)
Bridget McKinley
·         Michelle (somanymxses)
Bridgette Hansen
·         Andrew (dcngerous)
Bristol Park
·         Natasha (ofscnsations)??
Brooke Twist
·         Harry (dcngerous)
Cameron Mills
·         Oliver (somanymxses)
Camryn Woods
·         Kendall (somanymxses)
Candy Swift
·         Scarlett (mcsterpieces)
·         Taylor (dcngerous)
Carl Grimes
·         Esmeralda (keleidoscopes)
Carson Edwards
·         Roxy (mcsterpieces)
·         Blake (jxtpackblucs)
·         Rebecca (somanymxses)
Carter Monet
·         Xander (dcngerous)
·         Hanna (dcngerous)
Carter Whyte
·         Ryder (mcsterpieces)
Cassidy Lucas
·         Carmen (somanymxses)
·         Derek (somanymxses)
Casper Flynn
·         Nicole (mcsterpieces)
Chandley Tomlinson
·         Andrew (somanymxses)
·         Elijah (mcsterpieces)
·         Andrea (somanymxses)
Charlie Dawson
·         Louis (mcsterpieces)
·         Oliver (somanymxses)
Charlie Timmons
·         Sierra (dcngerous)
Chase Daniels
·         Elouise (sxturxtedsunrise)
·         Lexie (mcsterpieces)
Chris Halliwell
·         Juliet (jxtpackblucs)
Colton Tomlinson
·         Alexa (mcsterpieces)
·         Paris (souvexirs)??
Daisee March
·         Dawson (ofscnsations)??
Dakota Austin
·         Christian (dcngerous)
Dallas Morrison
·         Bailee (dcngerous)
Danielle Campbell
·         Zayn (dcngerous)
·         Louis (dcngerous)
Danny Simon
·         Blake (jxtpackblucs)
Darren Tomlinson
·         Austin (dcngerous)
·         Willow (dcngerous)
·         Ryan (jxtpackblucs)
·         River (amorvxcat)
Dayton Lewis
·         Grace (jxtpackblucs)
Demetrius Ermanno
·         Derek (somanymxses)
·         Carmen (somanymxses)
Derek Burke
·         Rosalie (mcsterpieces)
·         Odette (jxtpackblucs)
Diana Prince
·         Micah (ittybittylittlebit-hot)
Dianna Agron
·         Louis (dcngerous)
Dillon Austin
·         Greg (somanymxses)
Drew Roberts
·         Brynn (besidesycu)
Dylan Hadley
·         Brookyln (mcsterpieces)
Edeline Lancaster
·         Blaze (intothedrk)??
Eilonwy McNamara
·         Aaron (mcsterpieces)
Eleanor Calder
·         Louis (mcsterpieces)
·         Taylor (jxtpackblucs)
·         Sophia (mcsterpieces)
·         Ryan (jxtpackblucs)
Eleanor Larson
·         Louis (dcngerous)
·         Charles (somanymxses)
ElizaBella Truscott
·         Dax (mcsterpieces)
Ella Styles
·         Taylor (jxtpackblucs)
Ella Tremaine
·         Kit (somanymxses)
Ellie Connors
·         Louis (dcngerous)
Elphaba St. James
·         Finn (somanymxses)
·         Jesse (somanymxses)
Emery Johnson
·         Perrie (mcsterpieces)
Evangeline Thorne
·         Dax (mcsterpieces)
Faith Woods
·         Logan (somanymxses)
Finn Lincoln
·         Margot (jxtpackblucs)
Gabriella Styles
·         Aaron (mcsterpieces)
Gabrielle Williams
·         Dan (whiledreaming)
Garrett Tomlinson
·         Adrian (mcsterpieces)
·         Kayley (jxtpackblucs)
Genevieve O’Daire
·         Lucy (dcngerous)
Genova Winston
·         Brady (dcngerous)
Gigi Hadid
·         Kendall (mcsterpieces)
Grace Mills
·         Oliver (somanymxses)
Grant Mills
·         Oliver (somanymxses)
Gwen Tomlinson
·         Lillian (jxtpckblucs)
Harley Quinn
·         Pamela (dcngerous)
Harley Vincent
·         Daniel (dcngerous)
Harry Styles
·         Selena (dcngerous)
·         Taylor (dcngerous)
·         Louis (mcsterpieces)
·         Louis (dcngerous)
·         Kendall (mcsterpieces)
·         Lillith (somanymxses)
·         Priscilla (somanymxses)
·         Tyson (somanymxses)
·         Daisy (mcsterpieces)
·         Eleanor (jxtpackblucs)
·         Eleanor (mcsterpieces)
·         Ariana (dcngerous)
·         Taylor (jxtpackblucs)
·         Louis (somanymxses)
·         Thea (somanymxses)
·         Danielle (dncgerous)
·         Ella (hazxrdtomyself)??
·         Jade (cxleebsxx)
Haven O’Reilly
·         Aaron (mscterpieces)
·         Lilia (lespcir)
·         Sawyer (jxtpackblucs)
Hayleigh Mills
·         Oliver (somanymxses)
Hester Doyle
·         Boone (somanymxses)
Hunter Austin
·         Fiona (somanymxses)
Isla Tylee
·         Leo (mcsterpieces)
Italia Richards
·         Connor (dcngerous)
·         Nikki (dcngerous)
Ivanna Maximoff
·         Wanda (jxtpackblucs)
·         Wanda (lcstinthewoods)
Izzy Owens
·         Oliver (somxnymuses)
·         Hilary (somanymxses)
Jace Carter
·         Bella (mcsterpieces)
·         Skye (mcsterpieces)
·         Andrew (dcngerous)
Jameson Gerard
·         Felix (mcsterpieces)
Jasmine Mills
·         Oliver (somanymxses)
Jayden Tomlinson
·         Reagan (jxtpackblucs)
·         Harry (dcngerous)
·         Hanna (dcngerous)
Jayson Thorne
·         Oakley (souvexirs)
·         Maxine (jxtpackblucs)
·         Sawyer (jxtpackblucs)
Jenna Larson
·         Micah (ittybittylittlebit-hot)
Jessica Olson
·         Louis (somanymxses)
Jessie Tomlinson
·         Louis (abunchofcrazyweirdos)??
·         Aaron (mcsterpieces)
Jillian Lawrence
·         Blake (whiledreaming)
Joel Allistair
·         Louis (mcsterpieces)
·         Simon (somanymxses)
Jordan Mayson
·         Mercy (jxtpackblucs)
·         Zoe (jxtpackblucs)
JT Moore
·         Massie (keleidoscopes)
·         Amelia (hazxrdtomyself)
·         Dana (dcngerous)
Jude Larson
·         Kiley (mcsterpieces)
Judith Grimes
·         Dallas (keleidoscopes)
Julian Larson
·         Demi (dcngerous)
·         Talia (mcsterpieces)
Juliette Oliver
·         Dan (whiledreaming)
·         Gavin (besidesycu)
Kaiden Hadley
·         Wendy (amorvxcat)
Kai Fox
·         Abigail (dcngerous)
·         Harry (dcngerous)
·         Charles (somanymxses)
Katy Hadley
·         Jackson (mcsterpieces)
·         Phillip (somanymxses)
Kayley Fitz
·         Luke (dcngerous)
Kendall Jenner
·         Gigi (dcngerous)
Kendall Thornton
·         Rhiannon (reneqade)??
·         Isabella (amorvxcat)
Kingsley Ermanno
·         Carmen (somanymxses)
·         Derek (somanymxses)
Kingston Carter
·         Talia (mcsterpieces)
Kinley Adams
·         Bree (dcngerous)
Kristofer Styles
·         Alaina (mcsterpieces)
·         Taylor (jxtpackblucs)
Kurt Hummel
·         Blaine (somanymxses)
·         Hepburn (somanymxses)
Kyleigh Donalds
·         Rita (mcsterpieces)
Kyle Winston
·         Connor (dcngerous)
Kyler Donnolly
·         Charlotte (mcsterpieces)
·         Carmen (somanymxses)
·         Derek (somanymxses)
Kylie Smith
·         Brynn (besidesycu)
Lacey Hadley
·         Bree (dcngerous)
Landon Wesley
·         Alicia (dcngerous)
Lea Tomlinson
·         Harry (dcngerous)
·         Autumn (mcsterpieces)
·         Eleanor (mcsterpieces)
·         Luke (dcngerous)
Lexis Kensington
·         Ava (somanymxses)
·         Adaline (sxturxtedsunrise)
·         Jasmine (mcsterpieces)
Liam Payne
·         Sophia (mcsterpieces)
·         Zayn (dcngerous)
·         Danielle (jxtpackblucs)
Liberty Kennedy
·         Aaron (mcsterpieces)
Logan Austin
·         Louis (dcngerous)
Logan Kendrick
·         Caleb (dcngerous)
·         Maxine (jxtpackblucs)
Louis Tomlinson
·         Eleanor (mcsterpieces)
·         Eleanor (jxtpackblucs)
·         Reagan (jxtpackblucs)
·         Makayla (mcsterpieces)
·         Harry (dcngerous)
·         Taylor (jxtpackblucs)
·         Perrie (mcsterpieces)
·         Lara (jxtpackblucs)
·         Jason (somanymxses)
·         Joyce (somanymxses)
·         Devon (jxtpackblucs)
·         Amelia (hazxrdtomyself)??
·         River (jxtpackblucs)
·         Zora (vulgcr)??
Lucy Adams
·         Ethan (mcsterpieces)
Luna Hudson
·         Aaron (mcsterpieces)
Lyle Tylee
·         Gabrielle (lifexisxrhythm)??
·         Leila (intothedrk)??
Madison Arnold
·         Kacie (dcngerous)
Madison Tomlinson
·         Mason (mcsterpieces)
Maisy Clarke
·         Isobel (somanymxses)
Marcus Russell
·         Ryan (somanymxses)
·         Oliver (somanymxses)
Marius Harrison
·         Kaylee (mcsterpieces)
·         Bianca (somanymxses)
Matt Harmon
·         Louis (cvriouslove)??
Melinda Halliwell
·         Alexander (mcsterpieces)
Meredith Hadley
·         Luke (dcngerous)
Meredith Underwood
·         Chris (whiledreaming)
Michaela Tucker-Tomlinson
·         Jason (somanymxses)
Milo Thatch
·         Kida (somanymxses)
·         Belle (namemeansbeauty)??
Mollie Thorne
·         Maddox (dcngerous)
Monroe Lancaster
·         Ashley (ofscnsations)??
·         Ashtyn (besidesycu)
Nicholas Hadley
·         Carter (besidesycu)
·         Addison (mcsterpieces)
·         Blake (jxtpackblcus)
·         Sierra (dcngerous)
·         Kylan (lxveleeinsxnity)
·         Ainsley (segrxti)
·         Taylor (mcsterpieces)
·         Avah (hazxrdtomyself)??
·         Mandi (dcngerous)
·         Felicity (awakcnmylcve)
Nikki Marano
·         Harry (mcsterpieces)
Olive Mills
·         Oliver (somanymxses)
Paris Leoni
·         London (mcsterpieces)
Parker Thomas
·         Andrew (dcngerous)
Payson Donlinson
·         Madison (dcngerous)
Penelope Reynolds
·         Jasper (mcsterpieces)
Penelope Styles
·         Louis (somanymxses)
·         Thea (somanymxses)
Perrie Edwards
·         Harry (dcngerous)
Peter Pan
·         Wendy (jxtpackblucs)
Peyton Styles
·         Louis (somanymxses)
·         Thea (somanymxses)
Pippa Leoni
·         Harry (cheshirexheart)
Piper Whitmore
·         Louis (segrxti)
Ponyboy Curtis
·         Peyton (mcsterpieces)
·         Ashley (ofscnsations)??
Poppy Smith
·         Robbie (sxturxtedsunrise)
Prince Phillip
·         Aurora (jxtpackblucs)
Princess Mason
·         Dax (mcsterpieces)
Quinn Fabray
·         Puck (somanymxses)
Quinn Layton
·         Bryson (besidesycu)
·         Nate (somanymxses)
Rachel Berry
·         Jesse (somanymxses)
·         Finn (somanymxses)
Rachelle Wilde
·         Tyler (sxturxtedsunrise)
Randi Perez
·         Michelle (somanymxses)
Ranger Thompson
·         Demi (mcsterpieces)
·         Nicole (mcsterpieces)
Raquelle Shaw
·         Louis (dcngerous)
Ray Mills
·         Oliver (somanymxses)
·         Ainslee (lxveleeinsxnity)
Rayleigh Williams
·         Ainsley (somxnymuses)
·         Benedict (cometshq)
Raylynn Layton
·         Oliver (somanymxses)
·         Ryan (somanymxses)
·         Louis (cxleebsxx)
Rosalie Tomlinson
·         Alexander (mcsterpieces)
Rose Tomlinson
·         Kendall (mcsterpieces)
Rosella Jones
·         Noah (souvexirs)
Rosie Tanner
·         Holden (whiledreaming)
Rowan Gallagher
·         Ryder (mcsterpieces)
Ryker Tomlinson
·         Starr (mcsterpieces)
Rylie Aarons
·         Adam (dcngerous)
Samantha Peters
·         Lincoln (besidesycu)
Sam Pennington
·         Taylor (dcngerous)
·         Eleanor (mcsterpieces)
Santana Lopez
·         Brittany (jxtpackblucs)
Scarlett Wilde
·         Jason (somanymxses)
Selena Gomez
·         Demi (mcsterpieces)
·         Louis (dcngerous)
·         Caleb (dcngerous)
Selena Perez
·         Noah (somanymxses)
Shayne Carson
·         Adrienne (dcngerous)
Skyler Elliot
·         Felix (mcsterpieces)
·         Nate (somanymxses)
Snow Tomlinson
·         Jason (somanymxses)
Sophia Danko
·         Luke (somanymxses)
Sophia Smith
·         Eleanor (jxtpackblucs)
Spencer Mackintosh
·         Lucy (dcngerous)
Steve Rogers
·         Bucky (dcngerous)
·         Nikita (jxtpackblucs)
Stevie Lynn
·         Rose (jxtpackblucs)
Stevie Peters
·         Maverick (sxturxtedsunrise)
Sutton Drake
·         Phillip (somanymxses)
Tally Portland
·         Mia (mcsterpieces)
Tatum Davis
·         Madisyn (besidesycu)
Taylor Elliot
·         London (mcsterpieces)
·         Violet (mcsterpieces)
Taylor Swift
·         Eleanor (mcsterpieces)
·         Starr (mcsterpieces)
·         Selena (dcngerous)
·         Bradley (somanymxses)
·         Hayley (somanymxses)
·         Louis (mcsterpieces)
·         Joe (cxleebsxx)
Teagan Hatfield
·         Gavin (besidesycu)
·         Tinkerbell (jxtpackblucs)
Terri Barnson
·         Adrian (mcsterpieces)
Tesley Lynn
·         Rose (jxtpackblucs)
Theodore Grey
·         Christian (somanymxses)
·         Periwinkle (jxtpackblucs)
Toni Hollis
·         Jacob (somanymxses)
Tracy Hummel
·         Blaine (somanymxses)
·         Hepburn (somanymxses)
Travis Benedict
·         Joseph (somanymxses)
Trent Reynolds
·         Eleanor (jxtpackblucs)
·         Aimee (mcsterpieces)
·         Annalise (segrxti)
Trevor Mills
·         Oliver (somanymxses)
·         Elora (lespcir)
Treyson Richards
·         Avah (hazxrdtomyself)
·         Victoria (souvexirs)??
Tristan Matthews
·         Starr (mcsterpieces)
·         Violet (mcsterpieces)
Troy Mills
·         Oliver (somanymxses)
Turner Callum
·         Aimee (mcsterpieces)
·         Daisy (dcngerous)
·         Reagan (jxtpackblucs)
·         Chris (xstillsane)??
Tyrus Monsen
·         Skye (mcsterpieces)
·         Ali (dcngerous)
·         Reagan (hazxrdtomyself)
Val Warren
·         Mary (lifexisxrhythm)??
·         Emily (lcstinthewoods)
Walker Parrish
·         Beverly (reneqade)
Wendy Tomlinson
·         Harry (dcngerous)
·         Taylor (mcsterpieces)
William Tomlinson
·         Carter (besidesycu)
·         Eli (dcngerous)
Winnie Tuck
·         Elyse (hazxrdtomyself)??
Wyatt Halliwell
·         Nikita (jxtpackblucs)
Wyatt Michaels
·         Kendall (mcsterpieces)
·         Autumn (mcsterpieces
Zander Hadley
·         Veronica (jxtpackblucs)
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