witch-craft-works · 5 days
Ok so can I rant a bit? You know that pretty cure reviewer AzenZone right? he's been around since 2011 and has done reviews for Kamen rider, Ojamajo Doremi, Symphogear and other shows but he's most known for his reviews on Pretty Cure.
Anyways I used to watch him for a while, I got into his reviews during KiraKira's run as there was no way for me to legally watch the seasons so he was the main channel I turned to for my Pretty Cure content and was a fan for a while. I think I stopped watching his stuff during Tropical Rouge's run as I wasn't a big fan of that season so I stopped watching him and picked up again the following year for Delicious Party and holy shit...that guy is REALLY negative.
Look there's nothing wrong with not liking a particular season my least favorites are Tropical Rouge and Happiness charge, we all have our own options but the more I watched his DP reviews it felt like I was watching a smear campaign for the season especially towards Yui. The guy's hate for her is on the same level as a fruits baskets fans' hate towards Akito and mind you Akito is a literal abuser. The guy legality acts like Yui destroyed his prized Kamen Rider collection.
I kind of realized that this wasn't the first he's acted like this towards a season he gave Kira Kira and Star Twinkle the same treatment during their run time. He treated them like they were the worst seasons to come out of the series and half the time it seems like he doesn't even like pretty cure half the time he even dropped Wonderful (which is a blessing ngl) only doing shorts because there was no physical combat against the animals and because he doesn't like Iroha and Komugi.
Now there's nothing wrong preferring the Cat-duo over the Dog-duo but he disregards the two and said that "the fact that Yuki was the one that suggested they do a four person role call rather then either one of the dog pair really highlights how much these two have become an after thought" the whole point of Yuki suggesting they do the role call is showing her growth from not wanting to work with the Dog-Duo to her learning how to work with others that aren't Mayu. He just complete dismisses them because he doesn't like them and prefers Yuki and Mayu.
Also I think he's made a few sex jokes about Sora and Mashiro which is gross they're canonically 14 years old. Called Tubasa gay for the way he reacted to a fan letter...the letter was written by a preschooler. And was just weird when it came to Ageha.
But that aside I think his main issue when it comes to Pretty Cure is that if a season doesn't go in the direction he wants it to he calls it a "bad season" and writes it off. At the end of the day Pretty Cure is a show catered to little kids. I'm not saying that just because it's a kids show it has to be dumbed down for them as you can have really great story telling look at Sophia the first, Heartcatch, the Moomins, Craig of the Creek, Gravity Falls and the Curious George movies.
Anyways please don't send hate to the guy, like I said we're all entitled to our own opinions. I just don't agree with his and that's fine
Anyways thanks for coming to my rant. I hope he doesn't cover Princess Orchestra but knowing him he probably will
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miyukihoshizora · 8 months
Apprently, Azenzone that still received a lot of controversy ever since he bashed Star Twinkle.
I have no idea of who that is but cool ig
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jwb2012 · 2 years
Godatz (A DPPC Retcon that NEEDS to happen!!)
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Here is the Main Antagonist of Delicious Party PreCure..... Godatz (ゴーダッツ,
), Now some of you are wondering, Well wait, Isn't Godatz the leader of the Bundoru Gang actually Fennel the Imperial Captain of the Cook-Fighters.... Well here's the thing, There is a reason how THAT fiasco happened.... It all comes back to the Toei Hack On March 11, 2022, According to Director Fukasawa Toshinori, He revealed in an Interview that Fennel originally was not (and I mean NOT!!) intended to be Godatz, But because of the hack, he and his staff had to immediately make Fennel the main Antagonist to fit the Rearranged flow of the season. True story, When I first seen the Fennel reveal on X-mas day.... I was laughing.... I was laughing hysterically at how Rushed, Out of nowhere and F@%$ing stupid it felt, While a part of me is offended that the Episode itself was mocking my Intelligence as a new forming Otaku, Making me question Reality as an Anime fan and an Artist.... Me and AzenZone where convinced that it would have been Ginger, After all, He was wearing Clothing Resembling the members of the Bundoru Gang in ways, But then Episode 41 came around to PULL the Rug from right under our F@%$ing Feet with this...... You all can imagine that Personally, I wasn't fond of this..... Fennel being the Main Antagonist felt like a Massive push in the gut for me, For not only did it Conflict with Fennel's own Character and Personality, You don't need me to Explain it, His OWN Wiki page does it in SOME detail
Godatz | Pretty Cure Wiki | Fandom
, Plus...... I actually liked Fennel, He seems more Honourable person in the Supporting cast, Has the same Japanese Voice Acter as Doctor Strange, If he got an English Voice I would Imagine it being Viggo Mortensen (What can I say, I love his portrayal as Aragorn from LOTR), Plus he would be the sort of person who would WANNA help Rosemary Prove Cinnamon's innocence and be the one to reveal Godatz's true Identity, So it was REALLY F@%$ing Contradictory that Fennel would be Revealed as Godatz himself...... Not only does it destroy ANY chance of MAKING Fennel a great part of the P.G.S. But it Ruined what I had planned for him (Making me switch my plans over to His apprentice Cerfeuil) But it's Character Assassination Not Adding the Phoned in Back story just to Justify his Reasons, My question would be WHAT Idiot at Toei thought THIS was a Good Idea, This is Yet again Toei's Editorial Mandate Dictating things because of an Incident that Happen in there OWN F@%$ing since they DIDNT Believe Anti-Hacking Software Exist, And when the Director and Script Writer submitted this to the Higher up for Approval, WHY didn't NOBODY in Toei's Editorial Over-sight go "Why make this Supporting Character be like this, Why not JUST make it like Pierrot, Or some like FFX's Final Boss" This is Hal Jorden Turning Evil and becoming Parallax All over again, But in Anime Style!!!!!!!
But while I was coming up with Ideas for Villains United, And Playing with the Idea of Lysandre becoming President of the Pokemon World Republic, I decided NO, I refuse to believe Fennel is a Villain and had to think of a way to Undo this mess like Chris Clermont did when he came up with Avengers Annual #10 to undo what Avengers Issue 200 done to Ms Marvel (Carol Danvers), And I didn't do it alone, I talked about this with my Good Friend @MLPFan053 and he came up with an  Idea I really like and will be a stepping stone for Fennel's Redemption, For I would play with the Idea of Him having No memory of what happened when Episode 41 happened.
"MLPFan053:  This idea of mine is inspired by the Green Lantern's aka Hal Jordan's infamous fall from grace as a result of Parallax's corruption.
Maybe Fennel was not actually Godatz. The REAL Godatz was only using Fennel as a host in order to paint the image that the CooKingdom's Imperial Captain was "Godatz".
The REAL Godatz was actually imprisoned in the Recipe-Bon. Said prison is the VERY LAST page of the book itself. The Recipe-Bon's additional function as Godatz's prison was a tightly guarded secret. Known only to the members of the CooKingdom's ruling monarchy. Meaning that excluding both the CooKing and the CooQueen, none of the CooKingdom's citizens were aware of the Recipe-Bon's dark secret. Not even the Cook Fighters themselves as well as the Energy Fairies themselves. Not even Ginger. No one knows where exactly Godatz had came from or what gave birth to him. What is known about him is that he is actually an energy entity. In other words, he has no physical form but, after a long and hard battle, he was imprisoned in the book that would come to be known as the Recipe-Bon by the founders of the CooKingdom themselves. Every time a new kind of food is created for the very first time in the human world, a page that contains the corresponding food's recipe will appear as part of the Recipe-Bon. Thus, as long as the humans continue to make new kinds of food, all new recipes will be created and added as part of the Recipe-Bon. As a result, Godatz who is imprisoned in the Recipe-Bon in the form of the aforementioned book's VERY LAST page will not be able to gain the strength that he needs to break out of his prison due to the added recipes in question suppressing his power. However, then came a day when a certain Cook Fighter had lost his way and had a fateful encounter with the Recipe-Bon when no one was looking. One day, when he had the chance to do so, Fennel had came across the Recipe-Bon while he was performing a routine inspection of the place where said recipe book was being kept. The inspection had happened AFTER Ginger's funeral and, at the time, Fennel was wracked with grief towards his beloved master's death. Out of anger towards Ginger's passing, Fennel had destroyed the Recipe-Bon in a sorrowful fit of rage. However, by the time he had calmed down, he panicked and had genuinely felt remorseful for what he had done to the CooKingdom's sacred source of powers. Unfortunately, for him, what he had done had also freed Godatz from his prison. Deeming Fennel as a suitable host for his nefarious schemes due to the aforementioned Cook Fighter's hidden jealousy towards Cinnamon and his grief towards Ginger's passing, Godatz had grafted himself onto Fennel's soul when the energy entity in question had possessed him. As a result, both Godatz and Fennel had became one. After that, Godatz who is using Fennel's body then proceeded to completely repair the Recipe-Bon so that no one would suspect Fennel's act of destroying the book as well as suppressing Fennel's memories regarding his act of destroying the Recipe-Bon and his meeting with Godatz along with his memories regarding both Godatz and Fennel fusing with each other in order to become one in order for Godatz to maintain the cover that he had started to make for himself ever since that day. Once Godatz had possessed Fennel, the dark energy entity had been whispering into his mind with Fennel mistakenly thinking that all of his actions as "Godatz" were "His ideas" when, in reality, Fennel was nothing more than a "Puppet" to the REAL Godatz's control. In other words, well....The rest is history." What MLPFan053 came up with is VERY cleaver and clearly understood where I was coming from, and I could tell in a sense that he didn't like Fennel's Out of nowhere reveal as Godatz as well, Don't know what @Omniverse-Commander feels about it but it's up to him, But his Explanation here gave me some Inspiration of a Possible Origin for Godatz himself, It is sprinkled and hinted on the Picture itself, But it will be Greatly Expanded on the Storyline that will be the Sequel to to the Story which I will Title Pokemon/Pretty Cure: The CooKingdom Conspiracy. B&B Origins. According to Fennel, Godatz was originally a Cat Energy Fairy who was assigned by CooKing and CooQueen to partner with a Young Ginger, Together they travelled the world, Inspired by the Creations of Various Dishes, He was the one to Create the Recipe-Bon and bound his Power to it, Should a new Dish be invented, Not only will it be recorded into the Book, But also a New Recipepe will be born from it, Godatz was praised by CooKing and CooQueen for his Accomplishment and will put CooKingdom in the Dimensional map, However things started to change, One day, with Godatz looking after the Book, Ginger was Assigned a new Energy Fairy named Kome-Kome the 1st, and travelled the world seeing new found Recipepe's, And thanks to Ginger's own Experiences as training new Cook-Fighters, Kome-Kome the 1st would take up his own Student Energy Fairies in the Responsibilities, However Godatz became Jealous of Kome-Kome the 1st, believeing that Kome-Kome's contributions would overshadow his own, Letting his own pride get to his head, Godatz started to manipulate the CooKingdom Monarchy into believing his Precious Recipe-Bon can be CooKingdom's Greatest power, He sweet-Talked them into Allowing him to perform some new-Ventures with the Recipe-Bon, This would ultimately lead to Godatz's fall from grace, Discovering that When filled with Recipepes, the Recipe-Bon will be filled with many recipes for people to use to make their own cuisines, However as Godatz's greed grew, He discovered that all recipes and dishes will also be stolen, Seeing this, Godatz would see it as something he would use to an Advantage, No longer just seeing it as a Tool for of CooKingdom's Peace, But also as a Potential Weapon of War should CooKingdom Feel threatened, Godatz would eventually show All of his discoveries to CooKing and CooQueen, Despite seeing the Potential of Weaponizing the Recipe-Bon, They do see that Godatz Pride is is Driving him to Competition with Kome-Kome the 1st, and is leading him down a Dark Path, Warning him Not to continue in his Experiments on the Recipe-Bon, But Godatz stubbornly refuses to listen Believing that Anyone Outside of CooKingdom Don't Appreciate what the Recipepe's do for there Food And pins them for Approving of his Experiments on the Recipe-Bon, To keep Godatz from Revealing there involvement, And to Keep Godatz from Starting a Potential War, CooKing and CooQueen Warned Ginger of what Godatz plans to do, But not informing him of Godatz's Experiments of the Recipe-Bon, Confronting Godatz, Ginger and Kome-Kome the 1st try to reason with Godatz to not go through with his plans of Taking Everyones Food away, But Godatz was Too far gone for reason, Due to his Emotions becoming Corrupted by Greed, He created Proto-Ubauzo to battle Ginger where as Godatz himself battled Kome-Kome the 1st, In the fight Godatz ended up unleaching an Attack on Ginger that changed him completely but completely destroys his own Body, Rendering Godatz a Bodyless Energy Entity, CooKing and CooQueen Arrived to Eventually End the Battle by Trapping Godatz inside his own Creation the Recipe-Bon, Imprisoning him in the Last page, Whole Ginger claimed the Recipe-Bon should be Destroyed, CooKing and CooQueen Reassure him that as long as Recipe-Bon makes new pages, The final Page where Godatz is will never be reached, To make sure Ginger and Kome-Kome the 1st never Expose them, Both CooKing and CooQueen Used magics to Erase there memories to the Event. However that wouldn't solve the problem, Over the years, Godatz would not only Feed on the the Negative Emotions of All Cook-Fighters and Recipepe's that pass by the Recipe-Bon, But would have his own Influence within the Recipe-Bon itself, Waiting Patiently till the day he'll be freed, Leading up to his Eventual Escape and Possession of Fennel. Even if Godatz eventually get's Defeated by Delicious Party PreCure and, His Spirit will Ultimately Return to the Recipe-Bon as bit of a Respawn point, for the Next time someone messes with the Recipe-Bon and Get's possessed.
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real-life-pine-tree · 4 months
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When you’re watching a review video from good old AzenZone and he suddenly reveals a head writer from BoonBoomger might actually explain some very questionable choices for Go Rush episodes.
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shinneth · 4 years
Okay! I’m actually really looking forward to this little series!
AzenZone has been my go-to channel for getting acquainted with the Precure franchise without having to watch the 900-something combined episodes from every series. Dude’s close to my age, so we’ve grown up on a lot of the same shows and whatnot, so I get a lot of his obscure references. I’m probably one of the few who totally got it the few times he referenced Urusei Yatsura in his reviews. :P
He’s also mentioned Ojamajo Doremi a few times in the past (even bringing up how nearly two decades prior, it did a better job at tackling racism than last year’s Precure series), and unlike Precure, I actually have a lot of nostalgia and deep love for the series. “Growing up with it” is a stretch since I was already a high school junior by the time I discovered it, but it was undoubtedly the true successor to Sailor Moon as far as my youth and maho-shoujo anime are concerned.
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Because yeah, last week my eyes nearly jumped out of my head when I saw this very blatant cameo on Healin’ Good Precure. That’s one of the only times it’s ever actually happened, which feels odd, considering Precure is pretty much the successor to Ojamajo Doremi in several ways. 
Unfortunately, as stated in the video, Ojamajo Doremi’s always had a bit of a niche fandom outside of Japan. 4Kids getting their hands on the first season reeeeeally didn’t help matters, either. But it’s one of those series where I (along with @47ness​) went out of my way to find as many episodes and merchandise I could get my hands on - because it was quite a few years after Ojamajo Doremi ended before anyone started to regularly sub it. I still have a good number of raw episodes on my external hard drives (and VHS tapes). 
So I always felt a little bitter at the unfairness of Ojamajo Doremi staying in relative obscurity while Precure ended up having a much more notable following. Still relatively niche (even down to the dubs - like, Futari wa, Smile, and DokiDoki got some unfortunate localized treatment... just under Saban’s hand rather than 4Kids for the latter two), but much more prominent than Doremi’s fandom ever was. Guess some of that can be owed to the Precure franchise being much more action-oriented but, ehhh. 
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Still, I couldn’t help but beam with pride when I came to learn that Heartcatch Precure, which had a LOT of staff who previously did work for Doremi (most notably the character designs), is almost universally regarded as the overall best Precure series (or at the very least, in the top 2 or 3) - like, it says a lot that according to a recent popularity poll, Heartcatch is one of the few series where every main cast member placed within the Top 25 - and Erika, pictured above, made it to #3, right behind the OG team of Nagisa/Honoka who never weren’t going to be on the top.
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Still, there’s always been a unique kind of charm to Doremi that, as far as I know, you don’t really see in Precure and probably the majority of other magical girl series. It had a continuous, ongoing story for its four seasons (plus an OVA that expanded on and added some lovely details), time actually passed - i.e. characters actually got older with each succeeding series (starting at age 8, ending at age 11), and this series so often made the most of this. 
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Most impressively for me was the consistent and relevant side-cast. The classmates of the main characters weren’t just background fodder or one-note plot devices - several of them had multifaceted personalities, ties to the main girls, and character arcs of their own! And this shit carried over from season to season - whatever gimmick they had would stay consistent, while at the same time they usually avoided having said character relearn the same lessons over and over again. 
So rarely does any show so admirably pull off a setting where almost everybody feels important to some degree. The FLAT4 - basically Rowdyruff Boy expys from the second season, easily could have never shown up again, but they made a resurgence in the final season. Characters carrying over across the seasons often feel like they’re in a different place than they were when they debuted, and considering how often shows struggle just to pull that off with their main characters, it’s doubly amazing that Ojamajo Doremi pulled this off with far more than just their core cast. 
It also had a very well-executed, well-paced endgame. Dokkaan! - the final season - concluded with every character going down their own path to forge their future. Their final arc wasn’t just some episodic affair that could have taken place anywhere else on the timeline. As their elementary school days come to a close and middle school is on the horizon, Doremi and her friends won’t be tackling that new chapter of their lives together. The series finale is a heartbreaking affair and one I could relate to all too well, as Doremi is forced to come to terms with the fact that all of her friends (even the long-tenured Hazuki) will be far, far away from her in this new chapter of their lives. 
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While she put on a brave face for her friends and encouraged them when she first found out that, one-by-one, they were leaving her, Doremi eventually has a nervous breakdown come graduation day and locks herself up at the store where she and her friends have spent so much time together over the series. She can’t bring herself to attend the graduation ceremony - the sorrow tears into Doremi deeply as she finally admits to herself and everyone else that she can’t stand all of this abrupt change that’s going to permanently change her life. Doremi can’t hold down her selfish impulses any longer and does whatever she can to cling to what will soon be her past; her childhood, as it were, as she transitions to becoming a teenager. 
This really hit home for me in particular since I’ve gone through similar struggles. A divorce forcibly ripped me away from my home of 14 years - the lovely house I lived in on a lake ridge, the friends I had grown up with, and an entire side of my family I’d rarely see again after spending so much of my life with them - all of that, I had to abandon. I’m not a social person to begin with - and this was about 8 years before I even knew about my autism. It was a very rough adjustment period that to this day, I still don’t feel right calling my current residence “home”. Since I got a job, I’ve been able to live with this, but it was really meaningful to see a protagonist struggle to let the past go and accept her future circumstances. Doremi ultimately managed to pull through, but it’s still a bittersweet ending no matter how you slice it. 
For a kids show, Ojamajo Doremi had quite a lot to it. Which is why I really wish it was better remembered and honored.
tl;dr: I’m super excited for this retrospective series.
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Cure Unlovely aka phantom nicking Cure Lovely's shadow she/he beats her up and points out how Blues agit and tries too make her like queen mirage, Cure Lovely was saved by the other girls and the fight did shake her confidence in herself and on Blue for a time.
(The post the anon’s talking about)
I mean... I get how it would make sense to fight fire with fire (or I guess Precure with Precure), but I don’t get how this Phantom dude got stronger by assuming a more petit female form. 
I really need to check out that Azenzone guy’s video on Happiness Charge.
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cocorodiamond · 4 years
My respond to certain criticism about Star Twinkle PreCure, both from Azenzone and from his followers and other fans:
Hikaru has no character: Hikaru is a very unique and imaginative person. She is fascinated and obsessed with many unusual things like astronomy, astrology, UFOs, cryptids, occult, etc. She cares more about her interests instead of human interaction, which makes her friendless. She is very free minded and doesn't care about following social norms, outside of her interactions with her grandfather and her school life. When making choices, she depends on her own intuition and imagination instead of established norms. Despite of her energetic personality she is pretty smart and good at school, but tends to be not studious and lazy when she is not interested in subject. In my opinion, she is the most non-conformist PreCure ever.
There is nothing that makes her different from other pink cures: She is actually pretty smart and intuitive and informed about stars and many other things and decent at academics, which is a rare thing for pink cures. And despite of that, she is also the "weirdest" and the most energetic pink cure ever. She is also, despite of how energic and extrovertic she seems, actually an introvert with no friends and cares more about her hobbies instead of human interaction. This is very different from how usually friendly was past pink cures.
Hikaru had no character development: First problem with this is that you see character development as only a change in personality. That implies that there is something wrong with her and she needs to change herself, which actually contradicts one of this show's messages. Sometimes character development is about sticking to your beliefs and staying the "same person" despite of challenges thrown at you. Haruka didn't give up on her dreams despite of how unrealistic it sounds, Hana didn't give up on her hope of future and person she wants to be, Miyuki didn't give up on be ultra happy, etc. After being bullied by those kids for reading her mother's comic, she's advised by her mother to be true to yourself and not giving up into conforming with what others think. Ever since that she's trying to be herself, despite of all those challenges: being pressured into being "normal" by her grandfather, being away from her father, facing problems arising from not being good at interacting with other people, blaming herself for her team's first and biggest failure, her insecurities about not being good enough, her fears of being alone again, losing Fuwa, being away from Lala...she challenged all that and stay true to herself till the very end.
Second problem with this is that you ignored a very important part of her character arc. Hikaru at the beginning, as a side effect of her non-conformist personality, was a very self-absorbed character, doesn't care much about what other persons think (of her, and of other things) and wouldn't care about interacting with them. She was basically a happy loner, living in her own little world without any care. As the villains often said, "she couldn't imagine" how others feel, she can't imagine what others being through, can't understand others. This changed after she became a PreCure: She met new people, new lives, new ways of thinking. She began to understand that universe is bigger than she could ever imagine and she needs to care and know more about others to actually understand them. She also found friends, people she can interact and share her thoughts, for the first time in her life. Before, she has nothing to lose (or so she thought), now she had everything to lose. She was cursed with caring about other people and what they think of her. For the first time in her life, Hikaru faced the fear of being alone, losing the precious friends she gained. First time in her life she began to doubt herself. First time in her life she faced the feeling of losing somebody. In fact this was the true final challenge that Hikaru needs to face, and it ended in a bittersweet tone at best, with her still losing some of her friends. If anything, this was the true tragedy of Star Twinkle.
You also say that "she is the same fool who jumped off into space" to save Fuwa. There is two problems with that: 1. You seemingly forgot that she already flew with Fuwa in space before, and she hoped and trusted Fuwa that same thing could happen again and she even said that "I know I'll be fine with you." 2. She's not fool as she already knew how dangerous it was and Prunce already warned her about the danger. She still do it to save Fuwa, and this selfless act was what turned her into a PreCure. And you want her to change what makes her a PreCure in the first place?
Hikaru didn't deserve to be called a leader: PreCure teams rarely had leaders in a traditional sense. Most "pink leaders" usually "lead" their team-members by giving them moral support: Miyuki as the pep talker, Mana as the role model, Hana as the cheerleader, Hikaru as the star that inspiring hope, Nodoka as the peacemaker, etc. In fact, she's not seeing herself as a leader as well, as they're all equal. Still, as Madoka said, shd would be a good leader if she decide give her all.
Lala was more of a leader: She has more knowledge about the space, which makes her a better choice maker in matters related to space travel. In Earth though Madoka is more likely to lead them.
Lala was better/focused more: It's not that unusual for pink leads to be less interesting or less focused compared to other characters: Ichika, Mirai, Megumi, etc. Not that there is that big of difference between them as you claimed.
Elena and Madoka didn't get enough focus: Even though I agree that they should get more focus, it's important to note that they're fourth and fifth in imortance scala, which basically makes them the Nao and Reika of this series. And, in my opinion, they get better character development in episodes focused on them, despite of gettlng less focus. My expectations and impressions of them as follows:
Elena, despite of her foreign origins, was the most "normal" girl in the group. In many ways she's similar to several previous pink leads: athletic, gives importance to smiles and being positive, being the peacemaker, responsible, etc. She has already solved her problems with being different from others and was in peace with herself, which is why they gave that episode to her brother instead. This was the case for most of the show's run. This changed with the last quarter of the show: Not only we learned of her past problems with fitting in, we also learned that her smiles were not genuine as we believed. Which is actually ended with a much better lesson compared to Miyuki's similar storyline about faking smiles. In my opinion those few episodes makes up for her lack of focus.
Madoka was a different matter: She, her father and their relationship was one of the most interesting storylines of the show, but they suddenly put it on hold after Yuni entered the screen. Much more could be done with them, I agree, but still, I would rate it above Reika's similar storyline about following her own path.
Imagination theme is not used: Imagination is not just about drawing and such, it's "the ability of the mind to be creative or resourceful," as in it's linked to our capacity of thinking. If we think this way, imagination is used as theme in many ways:
Series is based on fantasy and sci-fi elements, higly based on imagination.
Hikaru is a very imaginative person.
Both regular and Hikaru's constellations are created by random stars and imagination.
PreCure's outfits, items and powers are created from their imagination.
Monsters and Kappard's weapons are created by victims' imagination.
People can't understand other/different people because they can't imagine what it's being like to be them and living their lives.
Blotting of imagination means lack of thinking and lack of free will.
Twisted imagination is basically despairing and imagining about a bad future.
Main villain's plan stemmed from creative differences between her and Princesses.
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venus-says · 5 years
Star Twinkle Precure Episode 40
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School kids are the cruelest beings in existence.
Back for more Star Twinkle this week. First and foremost I need to apologize. I'm sick, I'm tired, my attention span has been lowered to the maximum so if I don't sound coherent in this review, please understand.
So following up on the last week's episode we had Lala's closing arc episode. And I didn't like this episode, I'm sorry.
Now, I get what this episode was trying to do but the execution was kinda lacking. First, because of the shortcomings. Madoka's father appears right next to the rocket, but no it's another Abraham movie, like if it wasn't already so suspicious that this dude keeps making movies involving unexperienced teenagers that aren't released. Then Yuni mentions radars, because that's something any normal person would do, that she conveniently knows aren't working because she has a ring that can mess up the signal. I know this is a show for kids, but kids are also smart you don't need to set the bar so low.
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And the second reason why I think this episode doesn't work is time. Many of the things in this episode needed more time to be developed so that we could grasp the real importance of these scenes. This little journey Lala has in this episode was way too fast for me to digest and absorb and feel for and with her. I know that making Lala's episode be a two-parter would pretty much highlight some form of favoritism, but as AzenZone says, she IS the main character of this show at this point so I'm pretty sure no one would complain about it.
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I mean, I'm not the biggest Lala fan, but I would rather see two well written and developed episodes about her than seeing this rushed mess. We should've seen more of Lala's normal life so we could feel how bad it was when it was taken from her, we should've seen Madoka's father "investigation", we should've had more time to feel Lala's sadness and more time to see her classmates' insecurities and doubts, we should've seen Hikaru trying her best to figure things out and make both sides of this argument come to a solution together, and if they gonna reveal their secret identities then we should've had better build-up for that.
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And the worst part for me is that Elena had such a great episode last week, yet she couldn't wake her Twinkle Imagination. Then Lala in this mediocre episode just gives a generic speech about acceptance and suddenly a green star is glowing under her feet.
This episode had a very interesting plotline and a lot of potential, but because of not having enough time to develop everything that it was trying to do it just felt flat, at least on my books. Sorry, Lala fans.
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I think that's all I had to say, I wish I was excited to see Madoka's episode (she's my girl, after all) but the one thing that they could make out of that episode was kinda already solved this week so we'll probably get another generic episode next week and I can't find in myself a way to get excited about it. In any case, my antibiotics are kicking in and I'm starting to slow down so I think I'm gonna go to bed for now, until the next time folks.
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aquarterasian · 6 years
For the review that I saw from Azenzone (is really cool, he make video reviews of Precure in general, you should totally checked it) Madoka could have a really cool moment of revelation to her parents, like, she needs to reveal her identidy as a Cure because her parents are in danger, but when she saves them, the father gets angry or totally accept its. And It could be so interesting
I think it would be really cool to see something like that. I always hope we get some sort of reveal
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real-life-pine-tree · 5 years
AzenZone: If somebody doesn’t make a legit cosplay out of that, then I will be throughly disappointed with this community.
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