#azura layouts
freminnet · 1 year
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Lady of the Lake ~ Azura headers
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531 · 1 year
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ITSUKI SHU: entry for @shakunetsu-bonfire's contest.
reblog & credit if using. don't tag as kin/me unless Azura.
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neos-schlond-poofa · 3 months
i need to post SOMETHING to celebrate the best minecraft series ever but i dont want to do something too big because next year is TEN YEARS I AM OLD so heres my hcs and most are. just canon in my rewrite WHICH I REALLY NEED TO ORGANIZE ONE DAY. someone should make like a google doc layout template thing for us its a hard world theres so much stuff that needs to be rewritten. anywho.
NOT the reincarnation of Irene. Or literally just Irene.
Instead I based her off of my friend's old theory from 5th grade (as a tribute, also my friend isn't dead it's not like an in memoriam tribute but its a tribute to an amazing idea) that she was a fallen angel. But. She isn't at the same time?
She doesn't have those markings from rebirth; I like them in fanart, but realistically? Why would some random girl have that? Instead, she has weird scars on her body.
Knows the basics of writing and reading... but REALLY struggles with them still. She literally just spawned on this world. She doesn't know everything.
But her natural tendency to help people is in her blood. Like. Irene's whole purpose of these "daughters" of her were to try to fix her legacy in a way. She still struggles with a lot of things though, and all those changes to the village LIKE WHERE SHE JUST BUILT HUGE THINGS obviously don't happen.
She also didn't have good combat skills until she trained with Garroth. Then Zenix. Then EVERYONE. Her combat skills are a huge melting pot of every single person she's fought against or fought with. Of course, she prefers to just use her sword.
SUPER socially awkward but doesn't even realize it. After all, she doesn't have many things to base her social interactions off of; she just got here. But, she does have manners at least.
Can't cook. AT ALL. This is actually a headcanon based off the WORST FANFIC I EVER READ (I lied it was amazing but I was so shocked by the ending like it's the best fic ever but... it SCARRED me PLEASE read it).
About like. 24 years old.
Bisexual and genderfluid and polyamorous.
Endgame is ultimately Garrancemau, but she DOES have a relationship with Katelyn and Zoey during the series. Those will be expanded upon later.
Never has a romantic relationship with Aaron. Also will be expanded upon later.
Can't tell her lefts from rights (just like me) without using her hands.
Once she found out about her relation to Irene, she just felt TERRIBLE. Like. This super cool Goddess EVERYONE loves was basically her mother and she has to live up to that.
BUT OH IT GETS WORSE WHEN SHE FINDS OUT IRENE IS A TERRIBLE PERSON. Now, she has to struggle with telling the world or not, she has to exist knowing she was just created to be a solution to the problems someone who doesn't even care much about her caused.
Has mild generalized anxiety and ADHD. And. Naturally gets a lot of trauma over the series.
Knows how Joan of Arc felt.
Kind of an idiot in a way. Like. SUPER INTELLIGENT. But never thought about changing his first name when hiding in Phoenix Drop... he just always ignored people's questions about his last name.
In his defense, Garroth became a fairly popular first name after his birth. It's like when the royals have children and the names they give them become more popular.
Azura helped him escape to Phoenix Drop; they met when he was allowed to go to knight college or whatever its called I FORGOT GUYS!! And he was not in the same class as Laurance... but there any good knight is literally put on the list of Jury of Nine canidates. Like. It's not that hard to be considered. But to be picked? They do like the biggest background checks EVER and secretly watch you to see your strengths.
Naturally a very father-like figure to those significantly younger than him as a result of caring for his brothers and protecting them from his father. I made a whole post about it before. I'd tag it but I. Don't feel like it.
LEVIN'S FATHER!! DILFROTH IS CANON GUYS. But he doesn't know he's the father until after the timeskip.
He doesn't just wear his helmet to hide his appearance from others; he can't stand his appearance. He's a splitting image of his father, the man he truly hates. He hides all the mirrors in his living quarters, he can't stand it. Aphmau is the one that truly starts helping him love himself.
Although. After the whole incident featuring a betrayal, portal, and missing 15 years, he feels scared that he is turning out evil just like his father. He hates it. It haunts him everyday.
Firstly, I just need to say, I head canon Garroth to have depression. And I spoke about this a bit before, but seeing the two people he loved the most seemingly hide a relationship behind his back, instead of being open and honest with him just hurt. He fell into a depressive episode, like it was terrible. AND ZANE BEING ZANE used that to manipulate Garroth, having Lillian use magicks and potions or whatever to mind control him. He only broke out of it once Lillian died AND LAURANCE USED THE POWER OF LOVE!
He never truly figures out everything that happens until after he escapes from the Irene Dimension.
Speaking of which, he is SUPER injured after he escaped from there. I. Um. Actually don't know the specific injuries I'm giving him but all I know is he becomes a cane user. So like. Obviously something with his back but I need to like really get the logistics down that's just how my mind works with these things.
In love with Aphmau AND Laurance. He's so silly.
Bisexual masculine non-binary he/they autistic king that also suffers from depression, PTSD, and survivor's guilt.
Like most people believe, he has a dad bod. Like obviously he's muscular, but he's also chubby.
Can't cut his own hair since he doesn't look in the mirror. When he first revealed his face to Aphmau, she helped him out with his beard and hair (and almost braided his hair).
Around 26 years old.
A good singer, but only sang for Laurance while he was recovering. It's their small little thing.
Okay so firstly, I'm not putting any Shadow Knight headcanons. That's too much.
However, as a result of being a Shadow Knight, he has poor temperature regulation. Like. He's very naturally warm, so he overheats a lot, but in the cold, it's the opposite. He's FREEZING and has to layer up a lot.
Has two gay dads. Which... is canon?? WHY DOES NO ONE TALK ABOUT THIS. He has Hayden and Joh. They are his gay dads and they raised him. And Cadenza.
Rarely can have a nice, peaceful sleep due to night terrors. He's haunted by the memories of the Nether, and the only times when those thoughts are subdued are when he's sleeping close to Aphmau or Garroth.
Actually the father of Alina. Because it's not Aaron (ew). And he never knows about this. Because he SACRIFICES himself to save Garroth and Aphmau because he loves them, and he doesn't want either of them to hurt or for himself to hurt them due to the calling.
Just to clarify, he and Aphmau did not intend for this by the way. They just had a silly night where they drank a little bit! And then woke up like a rom-com or something and where like "Oh. My. God." LIKE IT SEEMS TO BE SILLY but then it isn't.
Only knows how to crochet a single type of bear plush. Like. NOTHING ELSE.
He had to wash his orange hair like every single day. If he didn't it literally became so greasy and so crusty. And Zoey ended up having to do that while she watched over him. She was so close to just chopping it all off for him.
Garroth was his closest company while he was blind. He often asked Garroth to describe him what he saw in the village.
Once he got cured, he only partially regained his eyesight. He struggles to see a lot, and gets headaches easily. When he goes into Shadow Knight form though, his eyesight gets a lot better; but once he gets out of that form, he experiences so much pain, and his sight goes downhill for a while.
Can braid hair.
Likes to prank his friends a lot through really elaborate scares. SUPER happy once Malachi and Levin started getting involved.
Pansexual and polyamorous and 25 years old.
Sneezes like. Really cutely. Like he has one of those sneezes.
Her true love was Jeffory. Nothing will ever change that.
When she dated Aphmau, her own grief over Jeffory held back the relationship from blossoming into something more. This applies to all her other relationships as well.
Her anger issues are just simply treated better here. Like. That's all I have to say about that.
Helped care for Aphmau the most (along with Zoey) after Garroth was freed from the Irene Dimension because of how depressed she was over everything. She became really close with Lilith Garnet during this.
Never gets drunk. It's kind of insane. She is wild at taverns and just. Never gets drunk. Her power at that is balanced out with her terrible seasickness.
Doesn't get the appeal of coffee. She hates it, like it tastes so bad to her. She's a tea girlie.
28 years old. But people never guess her age right, like ever. She's eternally youthful despite not having a single skin routine.
Okay this is actually a headcanon and it's based off of a friend I do have in real life. So like yeah I guess in modern times Katelyn is a One Directioner but I guarantee she would be a Deftones fan or something.
okay i planned to do more characters but i literally forgot all mcd characters and my hcs :( SO MAYBE JUST SUGGEST CHARACTERS AND ILL SAY THEM CAUSE THEYRE JUST NOT COMING TO MIND RN also im tired
ANYWAYS HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE SHOW THAT FOREVER CHANGED MY LIFE. without you minecraft diaries, i wouldve never become the insufferable person i am today <3
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nemenalya · 10 months
Forgotten/devotion; Day 5 of @tes-summer-fest After the ash has settled on Vvardenfell and the legions of fallen have been gently led into their ancestors’ custody, it takes Dal an embarrassingly long time before she manages to break into the sealed off Dwemer city. There’s no battle wounds to blame for her dallying, and the double-edged news of a victory too dearly bought reached them soon enough– she’s never been so indifferent, nay so faithlessly aghast at Azura’s grand designs. A face far kinder, far more beautiful than the Prince’s haunting her dreams. By the time she sets out in earnest, it too haunts her every waking moment. 
She almost fails at the door –comes close to shredding her fingers on the immovable stone seal– but she’s already sinned so deeply and eagerly that she’d wade forward into Oblivion before turning back. It would have been near impossible to find the entrance she finally manages to slip through, had they not once parted too close to the brass sentinels for the increasingly paranoid times they lived in. The ghost of a kiss taunts her, the scrape of metal hinges the chime of brass on chitin, pistons pumping the hot air of sweetly warm breath. 
Beyond the hallways are empty, scattered with curious piles of dust as she advances deeper, no echo of living beings. In the blindingly cold light cast neither from Azura’s sky nor Boethiah’s fire it’s all too easy to be reminded of a House mer ancestral tomb long disused. No single bone, just metal, metal, metal, yet she feels awfully watched. Good.
Arkngath signed fanciful pictures of the city more than once; describing the way to her study in precise detail while throwing whimsical morsels about the baths, the workshops. Dal remembers the explanations well, the awfully explicit fantasies her partner wove for them. Suggestive smiles and gestures as they lay under the open sky, hands and minds wandering to the facsimile of a starry canopy in her room, where the Dwemer constellations would keep watch over them. 
She’s had the layout of the cavernous floors traced on still golden skin more times to count, though it’s torture to recall the strong hands so gently roaming muscles and ink, drawing goosebumps over ticklish ribs. Dal blames it on these distractions, tinged sweeter with despair and longing, that twice she gets lost. Still silent on her feet, she retraces her steps by necessity. There is no one to ask for directions, if they would even understand her, and she avoids the constructs like one would the osseous tomb guardians. 
The study is as beautiful as Arkngath described, door standing open to reveal a domed room full of spheres and gems and so much brass inlaid with other precious metals she has no name for. Clean cut stone walls stuffed with scrolls and tombs, the paper giving the room a peculiar warmth the rest of the pristinely kept keep sorely lacked. Constellations whir overhead with the ticking of a hundred cogwheels. Beyond, the curved ceiling is eternally dark, a deep unsettling blue stuck in perfect nadir between dusk and dawn. No indigo, no rose to blot out the myriad stars. Suddenly this mechanical sky is too profane a mockery to bear, forever devoid of Azura‘s touch, her hopeful blessings. Dal shivers, wishing fervently Arkngath were here to wrap her softly in warm arms, polished jewellery cool on a flushed face. The soft smell that would comfortingly envelop her as she closed eyes eternally red with unshed tears. 
In the corner is a blanket thoughtlessly discarded, beautiful ashlander weave crumpled on the cot. Familiar comfort in this abandoned alien structure, Dal still remembers the day she gifted it, the jovial arch of her partner’s “thank you” as ‘gath spoke with one arm all evening to not let go of the love declaration. When Dal hugs the fabric close the smell still lingers faintly, and she drapes herself in it as she paces the room to sooth panicked thoughts.
There’s an itch under her skin like the tremor before a storm, and when her feet have traced three circles round the chamber faster and faster, she descends unto the shelves. Like a tempest she rifles around, overturning sheets and sheaves, until hidden between piles of equations and diagrams, she finds a letter half written. 
“Beloved,” it reads, “there is something afoot, and I wish you were safe in my arms behind these walls, for all you and yours would sooner run them down. Little is known or told, but the construct-wizards” –they had formed their own silly parlance learning each other’s tongue, loaning vaguely from proper Dwemeris– “and our architects have become yet more secretive and meticulous in their preparations.” 
The daedric letters always look a little too neat and stocky under Arkngath‘s quill, but as the line skips too far they lie even more squat, almost a little smeared. “Forgive me, my head was not made for this suspense. If only you could be here to ease the tension. Your hands on my neck, soothing the muscles. I’d make do with the baths, but the steam makes me unea– you’re rubbing off on me, beloved. Soon I’ll sound like a Chimer, then maybe I will be thrown out to join you. Nchamz told me she keeps hearing a sound, a hum beating increasingly louder…”
She has to hold the letter to the light now to make out the last lines, hasty and uneven, jumbled across the page. Beneath her knees, a wrap dress shivers to the floor as she scrambles across the seat and halfway onto the table. “Dal, beloved, song of my stars, I’ve seen you! Please make it stop, the visions, the pain. I-I can’t see, can you read– don’t go! The pulse, I can feel you running through– no, the arc–” 
The line drops off in the middle of a word, ink splattering across the paper, pooling at the crude upstroke of a cess. 
With it shatters Dal’s entire world. She tears apart the desk, the shelves, but none of the letters make sense to her, and even if they would, the words wouldn‘t. So many secrets she’ll never read and what if somewhere Arkngath left her another message, a clue where she’s gone, who’s taken her– Dal crumbles down under the profane facsimile of a sky as not-masser rises bleeding garnet red. Raw hands clutch the half finished letter to her chest as rawer still panic robs her breath. 
In the soon forgotten depths of an unremarkable Dwemer keep that outlasted the usefulness of its name, a blanket still holding the ghost fragrances of spiced soap and sulphur hides tears running down ash-grey cheeks, forming ash-grey clusters in the scattered dust.
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kreinvulon · 4 months
For the ask game, I'll take a 3 and 19 for Vyn! 👀
sure! i accidentally wrote a lot. i’ll put it under the cut, so i don’t clog anyone’s feed.
3. “what are their religious affiliations, and how does their worship affect their day-to-day life?”
— being an assassin of the dark brotherhood, it’s obvious that orivyn holds some form of reverence for sithis and the night mother. the dunmer hold beliefs that sithis’s birth was the start of creation anyways, and thus, vyn has a lot of respect for the obscure entity. his relationship with the night mother is— of course— more intimate. regardless, he still holds respect for other deities. most.
in terms of worship, i believe that his worship is displayed through his interactions with the world: with each contract killed, he refuses to tamper with the body ( unless necessary for a series of contracts i.e. leading to the emperor’s ) in a belief he will desecrate it. he does this with all other corpses unless they have posed some threat to him.
if possible, he may leave a deathbell or nightshade flower beside the corpse, like an offering to the soul as it travels to the void. he, also, collects bones or skulls. vyn holds the same beliefs about death as gabriella, where the brotherhood “plays some part in a being's inevitable end”. doom’s herald, as she says, honour too.
as for the night mother, he frequently leaves offerings beside her coffin whenever he can— flowers like the aforementioned, bones, teeth, skulls. orivyn greets her when he can, and heeds her words. there hasn’t been a time where he’s disrespected her (cough astrid).
fun bonus fact: his worship of the night mother feels more sincere than anything else. as youth, vyn was encouraged to pray to azura, who his mother revered. yet, he slowly felt more “abandoned” over time by the prince. he silently ceased his prayer in belief no deity would “save him” from his sorrow.
19. “how are they with money? do they hoard, or do they spend until their pockets are empty and they have to find work again? have they saved for any houses?”
— i’d say orivyn’s fine with money, i don’t think he spends until his pockets are empty. it’s not something i’ve given much thought. he gets a decent pay from contracts and work on the side, and is cautious and reasonable with his septims. spends a little, saves a little, just in case... asides from when him and gore are at an inn. he consistently offers to pay for every single drink until gore gives in. they’re both stubborn as fuck.
and, yeah, vyn manages to get a small house. he sees no need for a giant manor with stewards and whatnot. a small, secluded cottage concealed in the amber forests of the rift suits him just fine. think elianora’s ruska, just in a different spot, and with a slightly altered interior layout. very cosy.
city life would be too much for him. i also like to think that vyn chose the rift, as he’s heard a lot about how gore cherishes the aspen groves. he shares the home with him.
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zorua-gaming · 1 year
Divine Paralogues
Guess who finally got around to buying and playing the Engage DLC?
So apparently I just head to the Lookout Ridge to pick up the 3H bracelet.
Ooh, new invocation for the list! “Lead us, Emblem of Rivals!”
XD omg they did the 3H box art pose!
Okay, so I’ve already beaten the game at this point on this save file, so I’m getting a neat lil Byleth dialogue that I’m assuming is a bonus since they can be unlocked WAY earlier than when you get him.
I’ve heard that Tiki’s paralogue is pretty tough, so I find it interesting that in the same DLC wave as her came a new Emblem that you can just get by walking to a specific spot and has a starting weapon that is effective against dragons. And I mean that in the sense of there being other Emblems that also have later weapons that can be effective against dragons, but if you bought the DLC on launch and started it as soon as it was unlocked, you wouldn’t any of those Emblems or weapons unlocked yet.
And now we have “Dream well, Emblem of Dragons!” for the list.
Omg, LOVE that she starts that Emblem wake-up as a dragon.
Hear that, Alear? Tiki is ALSO a Divine Dragon, SO WHERE ARE YOUR POINTY EARS?!
Ooh, the 3H bracelet randomized to Dimitri for this map!
Oh, it randomizes every turn.
Oooh, engaging with the bracelets looks slightly different than engaging with the rings!
Once again, maybe this is because I’m playing Normal/Casual, but that wasn’t so bad. Only reason it took so long is that I sent Chloé and Seadall out back to get that glittery tile.
Add “Embolden us, Emblem of Strength!” to the list.
Hi, Hector. Wanna mind explaining to me where the FUCK Eliwood is? You know Roy is gonna cry that you and Lyn ditched him, right?
“Looks like you’ve got grit, just like he did.” Wait, are you comparing me to Eliwood? Okay, I might forgive you.
We’re gonna be fighting Soren on a lava mountain?
And now we have “Advise us, Emblem of Acumen!” for the list.
Stay away from the paw prints to avoid being hit by lava, got it.
Alright Soren, I brought you your boyfriend. Will you please cooperate with us now?
And now we have “Soar high, Emblem of Revelation!” (Still don’t like that they localized it as Revelation; Azura got done DIRTY.)
Oh she did the lil camera-facing walk forward that she does in her cutscene in Birthright.
That map layout was annoying. Why did I bring so few fliers?
Kinda thought Alear was about to say something along the lines of “Interesting, because in this world we have a Ring of the Princess Exalt.”
And now we have “Awaken, Emblem of Bonds!” for the list.
I like how Chrom started that in his Awakening box art pose.
Okay, why did that Emblem awakening cutscene only show Chrom if Robin is in there too?
Also why is Robin so fucking TINY?!
Why is Alfred giving us instructions/advice this paralogue when in all the other ones, it’s been Vander doing that?
“I feel a bit self-conscious fighting my father’s other half, but I will do the best I can!” Lucina, GIRL. WHAT are you talking about? You literally tried once to kill Robin!
And now we have the final one for the list, “Heed our summons, Emblem of Heroes!”
Okay right off the bat, Veronica’s kinda funny here. Like, “No it is YOU who will be serving ME.” Not the exact line, but the way she delivered it...
And I have now completed all the Divine Paralogues. Onto the Fell Xenologue!
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Corner Azura Apartment for rent with supper nice view
Discover the unique Corner Azura Apartment for rent, with beautiful views. Enjoy breathtaking views and enjoy the ultimate luxury living experience at this exceptional residence.
Welcome to Azura apartment, Azura stands out with its popular apartments and beautiful views of the Han River, giving residents the feeling of "At home". Azura becomes the best apartment and the best choice for foreigners in Da Nang.
Coner Azura apartment for rent with beautiful view
Air conditional
Fire extinguisher
nesessary elemental
Washing machine
building amenities
parking lot
Small swimming pool
Fitness Center
24/7 security control staff
Area: 155m2
19th floor
Price 1500 USD/month including operating fee.
Affordable location
Azura building is located right in the heart of Da Nang city, on Hung Dao street, overlooking the Han River and next to Vincom commercial center, only 5 minutes walk to the beach.
The apartment is located right in the center of Da Nang commune, overlooking the Han River:
– on Hung Dao street
– Next to Vincom commercial center
– 4 minutes by car to Pham Van Dong beach
– 7 minutes by bike from Da Nang International Airport
The 34-storey Azura building has 225 apartments, from the 3rd to 31st floors are 2-bedroom and 1-bedroom apartments, the 32nd floor is a duplex apartment and the highest floor is a penthouse apartment da nang. Each floor has only 7 apartments so it is very quiet and spacious. The first floor is the reception desk and management board, children's club and mini supermarket, M floor is the gym, two outdoor swimming pools for children and adults.
The building embraces beautiful views of the entire city, Han River view, sea view, Son Tra mountain view and this is the largest apartment in Da Nang. With a prime location, the most attractive view in Da Nang and convenient infrastructure, Azura is considered the top luxury resort in Da Nang.
Describes Azura
This is a corner room so the size and layout are different, and more comfortable than a regular apartment.
The living room has a soft sofa and a modernly designed dining space. The kitchen is arranged relatively separate from the living room and dining room, the kitchen is spacious, surrounded by a view of Da Nang sea, suitable for those who love to cook. Cooking and admiring the scenery of Da Nang, it feels like "Home".
Master bedroom with queen bed, wardrobe and dressing table. Smaller bedroom with king bed, wardrobe and desk.
All rooms have windows with beautiful views of the Han River, marble mountains and Son Tra sea view.
The apartment is fully furnished and equipped with high-class furniture and good quality equipment.
Let's take a look at some apartments in Da Nang and if you want to find a popular place to live, you will see that it is Azura's largest rental apartment in Da Nang. Da Nang is increasingly strong, so land and apartments are very expensive, which is why there are not many large apartments in Da Nang. In terms of view, location and scale, this building becomes the most expensive apartment in Da Nang.
Nice model
Azura has been under construction for 6 years, don't look outside but come check it out. Some apartments have classy interior design. Customers can choose apartments with Western style, Korean style, tropical style or natural style decorated with plants and flowers. In our list, you can refer to Azura Danang apartments for rent with many different styles, views and areas.
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lovecucuong-blog · 1 year
Discover the Exquisite Hiyori Beachhome - Your Ultimate Coastal Sanctuary
Unwind in Paradise: Discover the Exquisite Hiyori Beachhome - Your Ultimate Coastal Sanctuary
Hiyori Apartment Beachhome
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Nestled in a prime location boasting awe-inspiring beachfront vistas, Hiyori Beachhome beckons those in search of a tranquil and stylish escape. From the instant you step foot into our meticulously designed apartments, you will be enthralled by the harmonious fusion of contemporary comfort and seaside allure.
Each residence at Hiyori Beachhome is thoughtfully crafted to cocoon you in an ambiance of relaxation and tranquility. With expansive layouts and floor-to-ceiling windows, sunlight cascades into the living spaces, forging an effortless connection with the awe-inspiring surroundings. Picture yourself savoring a cup of morning coffee on your private balcony, basking in the captivating golden hues of sunrise dancing upon the ocean's horizon.
Indulge in the refined amenities that Hiyori Beachhome lavishly presents. Immerse yourself in the infinity pool, embracing panoramic views of the sparkling turquoise waters, or rejuvenate your senses at the state-of-the-art wellness center. For those seeking adventure, direct access to the beachfront offers an array of water sports, sun-soaked leisure, and enchanting strolls along the immaculate shoreline.
See more: https://hiyori-azura-monarchy.hashnode.dev/hiyori-apartment-beachhome-your-ultimate-coastal-retreat
Discover the Exquisite Hiyori Beachhome
At Hiyori Beachhome, we understand that true luxury lies in the meticulous details. Hence, our apartments are adorned with top-of-the-line fixtures and finishes, ensuring an unparalleled level of quality and comfort. From the sleek, contemporary kitchen to the lavishly appointed spa-inspired bathrooms, each element is thoughtfully curated to surpass your every expectation.
Complementing this exquisite retreat is our dedicated team of hospitality professionals, poised to elevate your Hiyori Beachhome experience to extraordinary heights. Whether arranging bespoke concierge services or offering insider recommendations to the finest local dining establishments, we endeavor to tailor an unforgettable journey precisely to your desires.
Website: https://iamzzu.hashnode.dev/hiyori-apartment-beachhome-your-ultimate-coastal-retreat
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azurascottage · 1 year
On one hand i want to change my layout to be Azura + Fairytopia-ish…. But on the other hand this icon is too good and I just can’t change it
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2022-504-rubybird · 2 years
Week Five - Content
Content used in my layouts with the sources. This well be helpful for the creation of my reference list.
About the Designer
Pablo is a lecturer of Typography in the Graphic Design undergraduate program at FADU, Universidad de Buenos Aires. He is a member of the director's board of the new post-graduate program of Specialization in Typeface Design at FADU (Buenos Aires University). He was head of the team in charge of designing newspapers and periodicals in Argentina such as El Ciudadano (Rosario), La República (Corrientes), and Acción (Buenos Aires). He is member of the Association Typographique Internationale (ATypI).
About the Typeface
Asap ("as soon as possible") is a contemporary sans-serif family with subtle rounded corners. This family, specially developed for screen and desktop use, offers a standarised character width on all styles, which means lines of text remain the same length. This useful feature allows users to change type styles on-the-go without reflowing a text body.
Asap has been upgraded to a variable font in 2021
Asap is based on Ancha (Pablo Cosgaya, Hector Gatti). It is designed by Pablo Cosgaya and Omnibus-Type Team, with the collaboration of Andrés Torresi. To contribute, see github.com/Omnibus-Type/Asap.
Type Team
N: Andrés Torresi E: [email protected] W: http://www.omnibus-type.com D: Assistant designer of Asap family
N: Héctor Gatti E: [email protected] W: http://www.omnibus-type.com D: Designer of Ancha upstream
N: Nicolás Silva E: [email protected] W: http://www.omnibus-type.com D: Typeface development
N: Pablo Cosgaya E: [email protected] W: http://www.omnibus-type.com D: Designer
N: Yorlmar Campos E: [email protected] W: http://www.omnibus-type.com
Body Text - Legibility
When using typography on the web, there are many things to keep in mind in order to create a page that provides clear access to the content and presents it in a legible way. Typically this can be broken down into two buckets: Readability and Legibility. Readability refers to the way in which words and blocks of type are arranged on a page. Legibility refers to how a typeface is designed and how well one individual character can be distinguished from another. For the sake of this article, I’ll talk a bit about both, suggesting some specific techniques to improve your typography.
Let’s talk legibility first. It’s important to understand what makes one typeface more legible than another. When choosing a typeface, it all depends on how you plan to use it. Ask yourself some basic questions: What size will the text be used at? Will it appear as body copy or a headline? Does it need to be a workhorse or will it be used more as eye candy? Will it be paired with another font? Does the appearance of the typeface complement the subject matter?
It’s also important to keep in mind that different typefaces were designed for different uses. For example, the original Garamond was designed to be highly legible when printed in a large body of text. Some also say it was the most eco-friendly font of its time, conserving ink usage. Bell Centennial is a typeface commissioned by AT&T in the 1970's, designed to be used in telephone directories. These directories were made from cheap paper and for this reason Bell Centennial was designed in a way to accommodate ink spread during the printing process. On the digital side, there are fonts that have been designed specifically for the screen such as Georgia and Verdana. Azura is a relatively recent font designed specifically for reading text on screen.
In short, it helps to know the intended context of the typeface you are considering using. Some fonts are indeed quite flexible, include several weights and they can be used in several ways. Others are more constrained, designed to be used very specifically.
Some typefaces were designed to be used large, such as in headlines. Usually these typefaces are less readable at smaller sizes and should not be used for body copy. These are called display faces.
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bunnnyruns · 3 years
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Azura layouts! like/reblog if used!
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sailorprettycure · 3 years
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performing arts azulia layouts
please like/reblog if using!
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 62: Everyone is Pete Holmes’s Batman
Class Profile - Outlaw
The Nohrian fusion of Archers and Thieves from past games and rival to Hoshidan Archers. Wields bows. Class of Niles, Nina, and Anna. Promotes into Adventurer or Bow Knight. Possesses high Speed, good Resistance, and passable Strength and Skill, making them a lot better at direct damage when compared to the more utility-based Ninjas. Locktouch is shared with Ninjas, it allows them to open doors and chests without keys, while Movement+1 gives them +1 Movement. I really like the Outlaw design, with their simple but cool design and their hoods. That said, the fact that female Outlaws wear high heels is ridiculous.
Class Profile - Cavalier
A mounted Nohrian class that wields swords and lances, rival to Ninjas for some reason. Class of Silas, Sophie, Peri, and Siegbert. With balanced stats and extra movement, Cavaliers are great in most situations. Elbow Room makes them fight better if they don’t have cover, while Shelter allows them to pull nearby units into a pair up and is great for rescuing weaker units. Promotes into Paladins or Great Knights. The design for male cavaliers is great, with them wearing nice-looking medium armor. Female cavaliers don’t wear pants. They wear thongs. While riding horses. What the fuck.
Class Profile - Apothecary
A Hoshidan class that most players forget exist, considering the only Apothecaries are Midori, a child unit, and Senno, a capturable boss. They promote into Merchants or Mechanists and wield bows. They actually have pretty good Strength and HP, with solid Defense, Skill, and Speed. The gimmick of this class is that they’re good at using healing items; their skill Potent Potion boosts the healing gotten from potions, while Quick Salve allows them to attack after healing themselves. Interesting, but I rarely use healing items so this class is kinda useless for me. Their design, a simple kimono with a massive backpack and possibly a big round hat, fits with their vibe as non-combat healers. Who can’t use healing staves for some reason.
Conquest Chapter 14: Voice of Paradise
Camilla takes Moron to the opera house in Cyrkensia so they can talk about the war crimes that just happened. While there, they run into Leo, who is working as Garon's bodyguard. Garon praises Moron for killing unarmed civilians. Before Moron can explain it was all Hans, the show starts.
Azura goes on stage, wearing a purple dress and a translucent veil that somehow keeps anyone from recognizing her. Like in Birthright Chapter 12, she sings her magic song, making Garon groan in discomfort. Normally I’d analyze this song now, but a big chunk of its context is explained in Chapter 15, so I’m going to hold off for a moment.
Iago orders his men to capture the mysterious singer who looks identical to Garon's stepdaughter. Suddenly, a band of Hoshidans led by a man named Kumegara show up, vowing to bring peace by killing Garon. They seem to have the right idea, considering the fact that Garon just praised us for murdering unarmed civilians.
Azura, who was totally outside getting fresh air, shows up again so we can have a dancer during this battle. Towards the bottom of the map is Keaton, the werewolf dude Moron was forced to kill during that dumb chapter where Kaze dies in Birthright. He's there because he got lost and wandered into a goddamn battlefield. When Moron talks to him, Keaton explains that he's a Wolfskin and asks for directions home. Moron convinces Keaton to join his army. Keaton gives Moron a hairball as a gift.
Leader of the Wolfskin. In Birthright he’s intimidating, but in this route he gets lost and is obsessed with broken old junk. His personal skill, Collector, is terrible. It allows Keaton to grind materials to be used in My Castle; the problem is, those materials are already easy to grind. Design wise, he’s fine. He’s a wolf dude and he looks like that.
This chapter uses the same map as Birthright Chapter 12, albeit with an altered layout. Instead of the player having to escape, they have to defeat the chapter’s boss, Kumegara. Who is capturable.
An Oni Chieftain general who...does not have any personality or backstory. Which is a shame, because his design is great. He also has Countermagic, Darting Blow, and Certain Blow, depending on the difficulty, all great skills.
After the battle, Leo and Moron discuss who the mysterious singer was. Both of these characters are imbeciles. Garon shows up and orders Moron to kill all of the singers in Nestra. Not just the blue-haired dancer, every single singer in the entire country. Moron says no, but Hans and Iago volunteer to do it for him. Moron, this great defender of justice and fighter of evil, just watches as they leave and makes no effort to stop them.
Moron explains the value of mercy to Garon and explains that being evil will make the people of Nohr lose faith in them. Garon explains that he has literally no morals and just wants to conquer Hoshido, lives of his own people be damned.
Leo drags Moron away and yells at him for suicidally questioning Garon to his face. Leo tells Moron to be smart about their disobedience and manipulate things behind Garon's back. He comes up with the plan to be slow and stupid while hunting the singers, giving them time to escape, and tells his men that only he is allowed to kill the dancers, because he is skilled at faking deaths.
Leo's magic legendary book starts glowing and turns Yato into Grim Yato, a sword with a purple glow and a regal-looking guard. Neat.
Support: Corrin/Keaton
C: Keaton shows Corrin a new treasure he found: a torn old stuffed animal.
B: Keaton shows Corrin his collection of garbage. I mean, his treasures.
A: Keaton gives Corrin a seashell as a gift then brushes off the fact that he did something nice.
S: Keaton offers to get rid of all his treasures because he loves Corrin. Corrin tells him he doesn't have to.
Review: A lot of characters in this game are built around a single trait or joke. Keaton’s joke is that he collects worthless old garbage. I don’t get it.
Support: Effie/Leo
C: Leo struggles to figure out a way to storm a fortified base without losing his men. Effie offers to charge in and take everyone on herself. This is portrayed as he being stupid, but is actually how I use Effie on most maps. B: Leo praises Effie for taking out ten soldiers with a single strike, but criticizes her for risking her life. Effie says that her life is worthless if she can't protect her companions. A: Leo can't manage to come up with a plan of attack where he won't lose soldiers. Effie tells him that no one survives a war without losing friends and that Leo's soldiers trust him because they know he leads them down a path worth fighting for. The path of conquest and slaughter. S: Leo asks Effie if she likes anyone, which surprises Effie so much she rips her shield in half. Leo says he loves Effie because she gives it her all in battle and Effie says she loves him too because of his honor.
Support: Arthur/Benny
Benny is sad because everyone is scared of him. Arthur offers to help. B: Arthur has Benny walk around smiling, but a horde of faceless show up and everyone assumes Benny is one. A: Arthur and Benny have a barbecue, which attracts bears that maul Arthur. Benny befriends the bears and parties with them.
Review: A bit basic, but Benny talking to bears and inviting them to his barbecue is so absurd it’s hilarious. This man canonically can speak bear and convinced them to make Arthur a good luck charm.
Support: Charlotte/Niles
C: Niles implies that he knows Charlotte is putting on an act.
B: Charlotte confronts Niles and threatens to kill him if he interferes with her scheming.
A: Niles interrupts Charlotte's seduction and drags her away. Charlotte beats him up, but he explains that talking to him privately makes her alluring. A: Niles proposes to Charlotte. She accepts because he makes good money as a royal bodyguard.
S: Not bad. Niles being able to see through Charlotte is good and him fucking with her is fun. Still, the first two conversations are incredibly short and make the whole thing feel like it’s missing a quarter of its length.
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18th of Sun’s Dusk, Turdas
Mother has come to a decision.
It seems that she and the Farseer spent a long time seeking guidance from the Ghost Snake and then later from Azura as well. All of this to discern a course of action most beneficial for the survival of our family.
I will not go into all the details. It is a very complicated situation between all the considerations that had to go into it.
The concise version is that I am to be made to learn some spell of the Mysticism school under the direction of Shad Astula. Not through enrollment proper, although that was also discussed, but in order to save face for all parties, I will be instructed by a private tutor amongst their esteemed ranks.
In the meantime, The Farseer has given permission for one of the wise women to travel with Mother to help to root out sources of possible Daedric influence amongst our respective homes and to set up some sort of defenses so that enchantments that might alter the mind or appearance will have no hold within the grounds. Save for, of course, the arcane training room, since Sildras may or may not have need to learn and practice spells of such a type in future.
Wisewoman Iru-Ahan was selected to accompany us. As Farseer Bodani’s most trusted wisewoman, it is a tremendous honor that she will be traveling to personally see to our safety. I knew that Mother and the Farseer were close, but this just goes to show that it is perhaps a far closer relationship than I had come to understand.
That. Or the situation is believed to be far graver than I had been given to understand.
And so, we packed up our things and headed back to the city. Sildras and Avon were bade to remain with the tribe until we could secure everything back in Mournhold.
We started with Mother’s home, since it is less likely to be the location of any major disturbances, and it would not take long to set up protections there.
When they were done, we had a meal prepared. Mother had an amazing spread put forth of various dishes from across Tamriel and had the fires stoked up so that our esteemed guest would not be cold as the night turned to chill.
Wisewoman Iru-Ahan was given the most elegant guest room in Mother’s home and provided with a personal servant for any needs she would have in the night.
I almost wondered if Mother was not being rude to show off so much that she had, until I overheard the servants whispering about their orders to treat the wisewoman as they would any other dignitary.
Mother wanted to show her the same respect she did to any important guest. That made sense. I knew I would have to do the same.
So I sent a letter to Cheerz, informing her that we had a very important guest arriving and to make the preparations for an honored guest.
I was asked to stay at Mother’s for the night, since my own home could not yet be trusted to be safe.
I was put up in my old room.
It was surreal. Much of the room was different. The furnishings were not the same, nor in the same place.
But then there were items that remained untouched from my youth. And while there was now a desk, where once sat a dresser, or the bed was under a different window, I could still remember the old layout, like a ghost of a part of myself, lingering like an abandoned cobweb to the corner of my memory.
How many times did I sit under that window, gazing up at the moons, and praying in desperation that I might somehow, some way, become good enough with magicka that I could attend Shad Astula and follow in Mother’s footsteps.
In a way, I suppose my wish did come true. I did become a powerful mage, enough that Shad Astula could have taken me. And I have followed Mother in one of her professional capacities.
I walked over to the window and gazed up at the moons once more.
What should I wish for now? And how would it come true in the most ironic of ways.
I turned away instead. Prayer only gets you so far. I need, instead, to worry about focusing my efforts on learning magicka. On being able to protect my family. To not remain the one who always requires saving.
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thekitsune · 4 years
Lumity Month 2020
Okay! I know that there has already been a Lumity Week for this year, (and I sadly missed it...) but I figured we could always use some more Lumity celebration.
If you all agree with me, I have prompts for an entire month so we can have a month of Lumity. You all in?
Timewise, I was thinking maybe Sep 7 - Oct 6 unless that’s too soon for everyone. In which case I could push it back a week to Sep 14 - Oct 13.
Here is the prompt layout for the month:
1. Crushing Hard
2. Studying Together
3. Azura Bookclub
4. Confessions
5. First Date
6. Sick Day
7. Meeting the Parents (Either Eda or Camilla for Amity or the Blights for Luz)
8. Human World Visit
9. Body Swap
10. Free Day
11. Sleepover
12. First Kiss
13. Holidays
14. Twins Day (Matching clothes, hair style, etc)
15. AU
16. First Fight
17. Cuddles
18. Wedding
19. Scary Movie
20. Sleepover
21. Flowers
22. Grom 2
23. Personal Lumity Headcanons
24. Diary Entries (Amity’s or Luz’s)
25. Selfies
26. Scars
27. Birthday
28. Cosplay
29. Lumity - Future/Next Gen
30. Free Day
So yeah that’s the plan if everyone’s game. Please let me know if you all want to do this and I can make a Lumity Month sideblog so we can get started.
(Also if anyone has any ideas for prompts they’d rather see instead of a prompt idea I have listed, please reply and let me know)
But yeah, I’m excited to do this! So please let me know everyone!
While I’m waiting to see what you all think, I’m going to mentally prepare myself for the season finale this Saturday ^^
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crystalelemental · 3 years
Since the stats have not been leaked yet, its hard to tell, but I think Claude is not meant to be tankable, but he also doesn't get any damage reduction if he does not attack first, and his entire kit does seem to be based around attack, speed and nfu. It could be that he has poor defenses to balance him out and that its possible to just oneshot him with any hard hitting unit as long as he does not get to initiate. I'd hate to see him paired with L!Azura in arena though.
Yes!  However, I need you to consider a few things.
Once he attacks, that damage reduction is active forever.  If you don’t get to him first, then the match is over, you cannot beat him.  Think of how hard it is to handle the absurdly fast units who run Spurn.  Even with piss-poor Resistance, L!Dimitri still can take magical hits so well that my L!Julia can’t one-shot him if she didn’t speed stack.  That’s just with 40%.  Imagine 80%.  Literally double the amount of damage reduction, and it’s not even based on a stat check your can negate.  If Claude activates that effect, someone is dead.
Is it likely that he’ll be first to engage?  Yes.  Think about the layout of Arena maps.  There are a lot that focus on having terrain that’s impassable for everything...except flying units.  That’s why so many Duo units are flying; part of the draw is that they score well but don’t care about the terrain limitations in Arena.  L!Claude will be no different.  Because he can move anywhere, and traverse any terrain, his movements are less predictable and he can reach your allies more easily.  Consider further that ranged units score worse in Arena unless they’re legends or duos, and you now have a situation where it’s hard to justify bringing a ranged threat to beat Claude, only to not meet scoring requirements.  You can’t really bring Brave Bow Norne into this, she doesn’t score well enough.
There is so much working against you while fighting this guy.  +5 to all stats and absurd hyper-offensive playstyle means he will KO.  80% damage reduction in both phases makes him basically impossible to kill without coordinated efforts of multiple units, since you cannot double him under any condition.  And as an added fuck you, the idea of rushing in with a melee unit?  Oh, sorry, he has a Gravity effect.  Now you can’t even reach him if you wanted to.  Because I guess 80% damage reduction, +5 spectrum buff and NFU on a hyper-offensive ranged flier just wasn’t enough, we have to give him fucking Gravity on top of everything.  It’s just so goddamn stupid.  Had they taken away even a single effect, I’d probably be okay.  No Gravity?  Great, the solution is your melee attacks first to remove the damage reduction, now we can beat him.  No damage reduction in enemy phase?  Great, now anyone who can survive baiting him is able to set up the KO.  No damage reduction in player phase?  Now a good DC bait takes care of him.  No NFU?  Thank god, we can stop his double and maybe some things won’t die.  Hell, even half NFU would’ve been fine, because you could at least guarantee double him with some units, but we can’t even have that.  They just threw every conceivable thing he could want at his feet and decided to say “This is balanced because his damage reduction is only on the first hit.”  It’s the most broken toolkit we have ever seen bar nothing, and I absolutely despise it.
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