#lumity month 2020
Farewell to The Owl House: a personal essay (warning: this a long post)
When Steven Universe ended in 2020, I didn’t think I would ever find another animated show that I would grow to love dearly.
And then I found The Owl House a couple of months later.
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I started seeing gifs (like this one) and posts about this cartoon on my dashboard, similarly to how I discovered Steven Universe. Eventually, I decided to check it out on Disney Now. I watched the first episode and immediately liked it. So I watched the next episode and the next til I caught up a week before the episode that rocked the world (or at least the fandom’s world).
Enchanting Grom Fright. 
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I have seen a few epic moments/episodes in children’s animated shows like Steven Universe and She-Ra. But there was just something about the lumity dance scene and the episode as a whole that just warmed my heart. And when Dana Terrace confirmed that Luz is bi (and later that Amity’s a lesbian), I was over the freaking moon.
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Growing up, I never saw much if any (good) representation of bisexual characters in the media. I just assumed people were either gay or straight. I recognized my attraction to boys when I was a kid and immediately assumed I was straight, ignoring any signs that I liked girls too because I liked guys, so I can’t be gay, right?
It wasn’t until college and meeting one of my roommates who was bi and being introduced to her queer group of friends that I began to realize “yes, people can like men and women, or any genders for that matter.” And I finally allowed myself to ask the question: “do I like women too?” The answer was yes and I began identifying as bisexual (or queer when people act like they can’t understand bisexuality *eye roll*).
So finally seeing a show with a bi protagonist whose also a girl of color and neurodivergent just made me felt seen all these many years later. To know that kids and teens (and yes, adults too) can see a character like themselves or realized that bi people actually exist and are actually you know...people who deserves love and respect.
Luz is one of my favorite characters in the series, and I relate to her a good amount. But I relate to a few other characters too, particularly Amity.
I talked about this in another post I made last year (or was it 2021?) but going to talk about it on here too.
Lost in Language is one of my favorite season 1A episodes, for many different reasons. But mainly because of the progression of Luz and Amity’s relationship (from Amity wanting nothing to do with Luz to admitting she was harsh with her and them hitting the reset button).
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I have been an Amity in the past. Not the mean/bitchy attitude Amity back then, coming from a rich or esteemed family. But I was the top student of my class too.
I had to be.
Not because of my parents like in Amity’s case. But because I had no other social standing in middle and high school. Students knew my name because of my high grades, my awards and eventually graduating as salutatorian. Yes, I’m still a tiny bit disappointed about the salutatorian thing. It was a battle between me and another girl throughout our 4 years in school, but she ended up becoming valedictorian.
In middle school, I had a Luz at my school. She kept trying to be my friend, but I wanted nothing to do with her. It always felt like whenever I was around her, something bad would happen. Especially this one incident. I was at my locker, ready to go home when she came by. She was twirling her baton, and it smacked me on my head. I got pissed and told her off. She profusely apologized, but I was too mad to accept her apology, and I left.
Looking back, I know I was too harsh with her. It was just an accident. She didn’t mean for the baton to hit my head. But at the time, I didn’t want her around. So unlike Luz and Amity, we never became friends.
I have slowly but surely grown to not care about being the best student, the best employee, the best child, the best this and that. I am an awesome person because of the person I have grown into, making changes and opening my mind and falling in and out of like/love with my friends (and more than friends). And no one can dictate the path I choose for myself.
I typed all of this to simply say: I love The Owl House.
I sometimes hate admitting it because Steven Universe still means a lot to me, but The Owl House has become my ultimate favorite cartoon of the newer generation (I’m a 90s baby and 90s/early 2000s cartoons still have my heart).
Besides relating to the characters and enjoying both the lighthearted and heartbreaking moments, this show has awakened the creativity in me.
I am a writer...or at least I love writing. But I haven’t done or shared that many projects of mine online. But in 2021, I gave drawing another chance, specifically redrawing screenshots. I liked my work and had the bravery to share my artwork on here, which I still do. I have to admit that my drawing skills have improved throughout the years. I still don’t feel ready to make art inspired by my own ideas. If I did, I would make and post a hundred black racebent Amity/canon Luz fanart. 
And this year, I posted my very first fanfic. I have written fanfics before, but never ever shared them with anybody, especially not for the whole world to read. But again, this show inspired me so much that I just had to start sharing it.
Plus, my creative projects has helped me make some of the best friends I have ever made on here. And I love having their support and supporting them when they share their projects.
I’m not ready to see this amazing show come to end tonight. But I don’t think I will ever truly be ready to say goodbye. I’m going to miss this show. All the laughs, all the cries, all the shipping moments.
Thank you to the creator, the cast, the crew, and everybody who helped make this cartoon come into existence.
Us weirdos will always stick together.
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haystarlight · 2 years
So I think the timeline goes:
June 2019- Anne, Sasha and Marcy get stuck in Amphibia
November 2019- True Colors
December 2019- A Very Froggy Christmas
January 2020- Escape to Amphibia
June 2020- A Lying Witch and a Warden
Early July 2020- Agony of a Witch and Young Blood Old Souls
Mid July 2020- Keeping Up A-fear-ances
Late July 2020- Knock Knock Knocking on Hooty's Door, Eclipse Lake and Yesterday's Lie
August 22, 2020- Reaching Out
Early September 2020- The Beginning of the End, All In and The Hardest Thing
Mid September 2020- Labyrinth Runners and Edge of the World
Late September 2020- Clouds Against the Horizon and King's Tide
Friday October 29, 2021- the beginning of Thanks To Them where Luz is at school
Saturday October 30, 2021- the middle of Thanks To Them where Luz is helping at Camila's vet clinic
Sunday Halloween, 2021- the end of Thanks To Them where it's Halloween
I'm operating with this until someone comes in with something better.
Does anyone else think it's wack that Lumity dated for like, 2 months before kissing for the first time? And don't give me their age as an excuse, 14-year-olds kiss all the time. But it's ok, they were busy.
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 6 months
For the toh asks, 2?
HI YES!! Okay!! Thank you sm for the ask and creating the list!!
(Here is the ask game for those who want to follow and ask!)
2.) Ramble about your favorite character of all time as much as you want. We're listening
Oh my titan. WHERE TO EVEN START??
So my favorite character is probably either Amity or Luz. Mostly Amity but I kin Luz and ship Lumity so fucking hard like UGH I LOVE THEM.
Me as a person just resonates with Amity a lot. Even though I found the show as I was 17 going on 18 and not at all in the same age range as her. When I first saw the show back during 2020 in the pandemic; I'd seen an Instagram edit. My entire feed was blowing up about this show. Like "Oh my god these two characters are really hinted at being gay!!" Because Enchanting Grom Fright literally was such a big thing, and even though I had no idea what this show would become; it literally was an eye-opening experience.
As I said, I was 17; but I was out as a lesbian (not nonbinary yet but a month or so later I did), and for such a long time I was struggling to find actual mf representation that fit and represented me. That's one of the reasons why I believe shows like TOH are unbelievably important to have-- because that representation can literally save people's lives. Anyway... Finding out that Amity was cannonly a lesbian (or was suspected to be subtext wise) and Luz bisexual, my entire demeanor was like "this. This is absolutely the content I needed when I was younger."
And I love Amity for many reasons, not just as a representational aspect but as her character develops and grows, she starts to change over the course of the show in a way that is healthy. She's realizing how to act for herself-- something I also related to because of semi-not-so-great parents. And her making decisions for what SHE wants.
Her and Luz's relationship as well, it's so undermined as just "oh they're gay" not just that but the fact that Luz is able to show and reveal the parts about Amity as herself, and help her grow; not only as a person but into someone she wants to be?? Amazing. Their relationship is real and feels truthful. Especially when they have that miscommunication about Luz's Dad and them just talking. They aren't perfect, but they communicate, and they do their best to be there for one another.
And not only that but Amity being so worried about not being a good girlfriend for Luz because she cares a lot. Just feeling insecure, but like Luz being her; she doesn't care!! She likes Amity as she is, and she doesn't even think twice if she's "good enough" or not because to Luz, she always is. In combination of that thought too it's like, Amity being afraid of rejection because she feels that Luz can see her for who she truly is despite what guard she projects and holds up from and on the behalf of her family name from the earlier of S1. Just the whole part where Amity over the course of the story changes and is actively flawed in ways that doesn't constitute for dismissing that previous growth that Luz helped with.
She is flawed but she is herself.
Also, not to even cover her designs throughout the show, I absolutely love her timeskip design. The undercut?? Absolutely love. Every fit she has, she absolutely rocks. Same with Luz. They just both look so slay. The absolute power couple.
Anyway, what I'm getting at is that not only because of Amity but also as a whole with TOH (just in this case of her because she's my favorite character) that representation that Dana brought to the table with TOH was so impactful to me and like- Amity is just so cool. I love her.
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captainimprobable · 2 years
Just hit 20 fics on ao3 and I’m having Feelings. Eleven of the 20 are TOH fics. I used to write nonstop, and then my mental health got so bad that I couldn’t write.  For five years I would stare at a Word document and just cry, because I couldn’t do something that used to come so naturally to me. Then in 2020 I started watching The Owl House, and I got a random idea for a Lumity coffeeshop AU, and all of a sudden...it came back.  I was writing again.  I spent a few months writing almost 24/7.  I would wake up in the middle of the night to write.  Anytime I was out doing something I would wish I was home writing.  It completely took over, until I had a full 12 chapter fic completed. I am so grateful to TOH and Lumity, and I am so so so proud of No Apologies, because it was the first time in five years my mental health was like “yeah. ok. I think I can do this now.” Writing, to me, means that I’m getting better.  And maybe I’m not where I used to be, but every single time I post a fic it means that I’m beating something I never thought I could beat. If you’ve ever read a fic of mine, if you’ve ever left a comment, thank you, I love you, I am baking you cookies as we speak. Anyway.  That’s my mushy post for the day.  Later.
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skyblob · 4 years
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【 Lumity Month 2020 】 「 September 15th ~ Studying Together 」
Another human high school AU.
I’m supposed to go to sleep but I can’t sleep.
Anyways here’s the Prompt list if you want to participate in this event.
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dreammutt · 4 years
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Lumity Month Day 21: Human World Visit (AKA Amity and Luc attempt gothcore)
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thekitsune · 4 years
Lumity Month
I’m so excited! Lumity Month is coming up everyone! I can’t wait for all of the Owl House and Lumity fans to come together and have one last hurrah before we officially start the waiting period until season 2.
Here are some quick notes for Lumity Month that I want to mention:
I want to reblog all the submissions from everyone to the Lumity Month blog I made so please tag your submissions with @thekitsune or @lumity-month .
I want everyone to have fun and just celebrate everything we love about Lumity and the Owl House.
Here are the prompts for everyone to see so they can start preparing:
Sep 14. Crushing Hard
Sep 15. Studying Together
Sep 16. Azura Bookclub
Sep 17. Confession
Sep 18. First Date
Sep 19. Sick Day
Sep 20. Meeting the Parents (Either Eda or Camilla for Amity or the Blights for Luz)
Sep 21. Human World Visit
Sep 22. Body Swap
Sep 23. Free Day
Sep 24. Sleepover
Sep 25. First Kiss
Sep 26. Holidays
Sep 27. Twins Day (Matching clothes, hair style, etc)
Sep 28. AU
Sep 29. First Fight
Sep 30. Cuddles
Oct 1. Wedding
Oct 2. Scary Movie
Oct 3. Sleepover
Oct 4. Flowers
Oct 5. Grom 2
Oct 6. Personal Lumity Headcanons
Oct 7. Diary Entries (Amity’s or Luz’s)
Oct 8. Selfies
Oct 9. Scars
Oct 10. Birthday
Oct 11. Cosplay
Oct 12. Lumity - Future/Next Gen
Oct 13. Free Day
If you need to know anything about Lumity Month just message me ^^
Also, if you could, please reblog this for everyone to see. I’d like all The Owl House and Lumity fans on tumblr to see this post so more and more people can join in the fun ^^
I’ll see everyone on Sep 14! For now, I’m going to prepare myself for the Season finale. I know it will be a doozy
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ambenya · 4 years
Lumity Month 2020 Day 12 - First Kiss
I know this is really late, but a lot happened recently. I was hit by writer’s block and a few other things happened. Anyway, here’s day 12 of @thekitsune‘s @lumity-month! While this might not be the best, I still tried my best and I hope you all enjoy this. Thank you all!
Luz and Amity were currently hanging out in Amity’s secret hideout. Luz was in the corner of the room on a beanbag chair reading a book while Amity was at her desk studying. The two had been dating for a few weeks now and would every so often spent time together in Amity’s secret hideout.
Luz looked over at Amity who looked like she was concentrating closely on something. She couldn’t help but smile as she thought of how cute the witch looked when she seemed focused. 
The human noticed how Amity would narrow her eyes or bite her lip when something stumped her or how her eyes lit up when she figured out the problem she was working on.
Deciding to get up and see what it was that Amity was working on Luz put her book down and walked up behind the green-haired witch. 
“So, what are you working on?” Luz asked as she leaned to look over Amity’s shoulder.
At first, Amity stiffened before relaxing and leaning back so Luz could see what she was doing. “I’m just going over what we learned today and doing some extra credit,” Amity said with a sigh.
“Amity, you already work so hard and are so smart. Why don’t you take a break?” Luz said as she wrapped her arms around the young witch from behind.
Amity blushed since she was still getting used to Luz being so affectionate and smiled. “I guess I could take a small break… Were you wanting something?” The green-haired girl said before pulling away and turning to look at the human.
“I was just wanting attention from my loving girlfriend,” Luz said with a playful pout.
Amity smiled before getting out of the chair and hugging the brunette. The two then made their way to where Luz had been sitting before and sat down next to each other cuddling.
“You’re spoiled, Luz, you know that?” Amity said laughing as Luz snuggled up close.
“Yeah, but you love it,” Luz said grinning at her girlfriend.
Amity turned her head away blushing lightly. “I have no clue what you’re talking about…” She said.
Luz giggled and poked the green-haired witch’s cheek. Amity just kept her head turned pouting.
The human decided that now would be a good time to kiss her girlfriend on the cheek. However, at that same time, Amity decided to turn her head toward Luz.
Their lips met in a quick peck causing them both to jump back blushing. It was their first kiss and it was by complete accident.
Thinking that she had to say something Luz broke the silence, “I’m sorry. I only meant to kiss your cheek not your lips. I mean not that I don’t want to kiss your lips 'cause I totally do and I think about it a lot. It’s just I didn’t think this would be how it would happen and I’m just going to shut up now.” Luz hid her head in her hands while blushing a dark red.
Suddenly she heard some soft giggling that quickly turned into a full-blown laugh which made her look up at the green-haired witch confused.
Amity noticed Luz looking at her and tried to calm her laughter down before smiling softly at the brunette.
“Sorry, it’s just cute when you get flustered but if it makes you feel better, I have also thought a lot about kissing you too,” Amity said blushing shyly.
“Really?” Luz said amazed and leaning in close.
“Well, of course, we’re dating, aren’t we? I think it’s pretty normal for us to want to kiss.” Amity said staring into Luz’s eyes.
“So, if I asked to kiss you, you would say yes?” Luz asked as she cupped the witch’s cheek already knowing the answer.
“Why don’t you ask and find out?” Amity responded trying to seem confident but feeling herself getting nervous.
“Can I kiss you?” Luz asked quietly as her eyes flickered to Amity’s lips and then back to her eyes.
“Yes…” Amity answered in a whisper as she closed her eyes.
Luz closed her eyes as she leaned in and her lips finally met Amity’s. It was soft and sweet. The kiss only lasted for about 30 seconds but to them, it felt like forever.
The two pulled away at the same time and opened their eyes looking at one another lovingly.
Luz was the first one to break the silence. “Wow… that was way better than anything I imagined.” She breathed out, her cheeks a deep red and a grin spread across her face.
“Yeah, it was,” Amity said brightly blushing and smiling shyly.
Luz couldn’t help but pull Amity in for a hug as she continued to grin. “You’re so cute I would kiss and cuddle you all day if I could.” She said causing Amity to blush even harder.
“Luz!” The witch exclaimed surprised by the sudden hug.
“Sorry, you’re just too cute when you blush… But I do think I should be heading out soon.” Luz said pulling away chuckling.
Amity looked at the time and sighed, “Yeah, I better get home soon as well…”
The two stood up and gathered their things and left the hideout holding hands. They were outside of the library at the bottom of the steps before they turned to one another.
“I’ll see you tomorrow at school. I love you, Amity.” Luz said smiling sadly not wanting to part yet.
“Yeah, I love you too, Luz. Be safe.” Amity said with a sad smile as well. Luz let go of Amity’s hand and started to walk away.
“Wait, Luz!” Amity shouted causing Luz to turn around and see the young witch running up to her.
“Everything okay? Did you forget anything?” Luz asked concerned.
“I actually did forget something,” Amity said smiling.
Before Luz could ask what it was, she felt Amity’s lips on hers in a quick kiss. It lasted only a few seconds.
“I just wanted to kiss you goodbye. See you tomorrow, Luz.” Amity said with a small smile before turning around and leaving Luz standing there in shock.
Luz touched her lips with her fingers lightly before grinning. She had kissed Amity and Amity had kissed her. She was so happy that they had their first kiss that she couldn’t help but squeal as she made her way home. Luz already couldn’t wait until tomorrow to see her girlfriend again and give her a big kiss.
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kujarojotu · 4 years
LUMITY MONTH DAY 29 — Future/Next Gen
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Luz and Amity are taking their daughter, Azura, out for Halloween. Azura got dressed up as her namesake, and Luz and Amity as Elphaba and Glinda from Wicked.
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cordycep-creations · 4 years
Lumity Month day Who’s Counting: First Date
@lumity-month @thekitsune
"For the third time, it's not a date!" Amity Blight glared ar the twins stood on the other side of her room, identical smug smiles on their faces. "We're just watching a movie at her house!"
"Sure it isn't, Mittens" Edric chuckled. "You're just dressed up fancy because you wear stuff like that every day."
"Aw cut her some slack" Emria chided. "She's dressed up fancy before! Remember a few weeks ago, when..." She gasped, putting her hand over her mouth in mock surprise. "...When she was meeting Luz to give her back the Azura book! Maybe you are onto something."
Amity sighed, trying to quell the heat rising in her face. "Can you two cut it out? Its not... You know what, I give up. And if mom asks..."
"You're at Boscha's studying for exams. Dont worry lil sis, we've got you covered." Emira winked as she opened the door. As the two left the room, Edric poked his head back in for a final comment.
"And have fun on your date!" Amity tried to protest, but the door had already closed before she got the chance.
The trip to the Owl House was one Amity had walked many times, but the mix of fear and excitement that bounced in her chest kept her from paying much attention to the scenery. As much as she had tried to tell the twins (and herself) otherwise, they were right. It wasn’t officially stated as one of course, but...
Amity found herself interrupted by the voice that never became bearable, no matter how many times she came here: The Owl House itself. “Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally you’re here. Luz has been asking me if I saw you allll evening hooty hoot”
“What? She was not!” Amity exclaimed, face beet red as the evil tube spiraled upwards. Hurrying inside, Amity found Luz sitting on the arm of the couch with a grin, dressed in... The otter costume. Naturally.
She grinned as Amity walked in, jumping up from the couch and grabbing her in a hug that made Amity forget how to form a sentence as she prayed to the titan that her face didn’t look as red as it felt. 
“Amity! Ohmygosh you’re actually here. Okay, okay. I know you like to know what’s going on, so I got it all sorted out. There’s two movies on the table- there were three, but King decided to try to make one of them into a buzz saw- and you can pick one of those. There’s snacks, there’s nonalcoholic apple blood- Eda found some- Gus and some of the other people from the illusionist track set something up to distract hooty. He didn’t say who was helping him? Which is kinda weird? But it’s all figured out!”
In the time it had taken her to finish her explanation she’d let go of the hug and Amity had regained the ability to speak. “Uh.. Right! That’s a lot. So is there, uh, something I’m supposed to do now, orrrr” Damnit, Blight! Retract the previous statement. Apparently she hadn’t quite figured out how words worked again yet. 
Before long they had managed to start one of the movies with only the mild interruption of the sound of breaking ceramic and Lilith yelling at her sister, and the pair sat on the couch. Amity dressed in a black dress with a purple brooch, and Luz in the ridiculous otter suit. 
Amity had been worried about an awkward silence, but it quickly became obvious that she didn’t need to be. Luz seemed to have some comment to make at every scene. She’d insisted on turning the lights off, and was currently trying to explain why after a completely different movie she’d seen, she’d been unable to sleep with the lights off for weeks. 
Only half listening to the monologue, Amity found herself staring at Luz’s hand. They were sat at opposite sides of the couch, amity trying to take up as little space as possible and Luz sitting comfortably. Her hand, the one that wasn’t moving as she talked, sat near the gap between the two cushions. It was small, with several tiny scars across its surface. And it looked soft.
Amity reached out to it hesitantly, but as her fingers brushed the other girl’s wrist she froze. Luz turned her expression shifting from confusion to surprise to a dorky grin. She took Amity’s hand, scooting over to her side of the couch as she did so. She’d stopped talking now, and Amity had become very aware of how her heart was racing. Luz wasn’t close enough to feel it, was she? If she was, would she notice?
The two sat like that for some time, fingers locked, Amity’s head resting on Luz’s shoulder when she eventually became more comfortable. Near the end of the movie, Amity almost jumped as Luz’s head moved to rest ontop of her own. Was Amity supposed to respond? Did Luz realize she was doing it? Was amity overthinking things? The questions were answered when amity heard a faint snore from above her. 
She had to laugh. All the energy at the start, all the planning and talk, only to fall asleep right at the end. She sighed, wrapping her arms around Luz’s plushed sleeve, pulling it into her chest. She held the human, feeling her warmth as her own eyes eventually drifted shut to the music of the credits. 
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justamitythings · 4 years
The final chapter of “I Only Want to Be With You” is now up on AO3!
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ordinaryschmuck · 4 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: The Owl House (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Camilia Noceda & Luz Noceda, Eda Clawthorne & Camilia Noceda, Amity Blight & Willow Park, Amity Blight & Edric Blight & Emira Blight, Emira Blight/Viney, (sort of) - Relationship, implied Edric Blight/Jerbo Characters: Boscha (The Owl House), Skara (The Owl House), Lilith Clawthorne, Willow Park, King (The Owl House), Edric Blight, Gus Porter, Emira Blight, Amity Blight, Viney (The Owl House), Camilia Noceda, Luz Noceda, Eda Clawthorne Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), It's a wedding so calm down, There's one joke about alcohol but that's it, Fluff and Humor, Aw skrew it, Bonus chapter for Lumity Month! Summary:
You are cordially invited to the wedding of Amity Blight and Luz Noceda. Warning, those who come without this invitation, run the risk of facing the Owl Lady's wrath. For everyone else, have fun!
I made this before @lumity-month even started, but did just add a bonus chapter in celebration of it!
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lailarain · 4 years
I Drew this for Lumity Month.
I guess it's kind of a cursed image, in a way....
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stellato-17 · 2 years
Let the Pride Month BEGIIIIIIIIIN!
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captain29thegamer · 4 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: The Owl House (Cartoon) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Amity Blight/Luz Noceda Characters: Amity Blight, Luz Noceda, edna Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorne, Camilia Noceda Additional Tags: Lumity Week 2020 (The Owl House), Lumity Month 2020, luz and amity are gay disasters, These Dorks are Adorable, The Owl House - Freeform, Friendship Series: Part 2 of Owls in training Summary:
Welcome to Lumity Month 2020 I’m teaming up with TheKitsune
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skyblob · 4 years
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【 Lumity Month 2020 】 「 September 19th ~ Sick Day 」
Human High School AU again. Aaaand in the next day, everyone at school is wondering why both of these lil squish face dorks don’t come to school but not really surprised.
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