solargoose · 1 year
Allegiances masterlist for AtBF
Chapters 1 - 4 - http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=b59893e9-9362-68d4-074c-67cf7efd6d72
Chapters 5 - 7 - http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=fcf7464e-a4b5-f6ae-9571-5e543107253a
Chapter 8 - http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=bb67f48a-4634-b63a-ab7d-d55cd6122f74
Chapter 9 - http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=b57e4ee7-9108-8e9c-613e-2a002fe031fb
Chapters 10 - 19 - http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=21e5eb98-ead1-92be-d45e-e82e63fd9d3f
Chapter 20 - http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=3e0ee32f-be9d-3d23-3eec-eb344c84d113
Chapter 21 - http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=b59a02a9-eea9-246c-0f15-291b38ec1dff
Chapter 22 - http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=b96e71e3-ce71-38d2-a8d4-4225700bf598
Chapter 23 - 24 - http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=8e2bf1d3-11a0-ead7-6d0f-643f8bacf12c
Chapter 25 - 26 - http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=45a3cae8-a3cd-6f92-f898-c8c238a4dacc
Chapter 27 - http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=eb60a73b-cf49-82fb-b628-d678945e5e7a
Chapter 28 pre-time skip - http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=7bd6360f-be4c-a930-599c-1b366d8c4aa0
Chapter 28 post time skip - http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?guid=4634960a-5551-41e6-b742-feeae18e2925
Chapter 29 - https://href.li/?http://apawineachworld.com/untoldlegacy/?shareGuid=884d1111-40ec-93a0-8b23-7ac4c95636fc
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tenderlysharpmidain · 2 years
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Prompt: <https://i.mj.run/640e710d-be79-485e-b742-1619eae16bdc/0_0.png> high angle, 2 upside-down tower, descending underground, infinite, annihilation, dark, 1 --ar 9:16 --test --creative --upbeta
@ slippage
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bsahely · 3 months
On connecting healthy soil and life-valuing financial systems with guidance from Modern Monetary Theory and ChatGPT4o
https://chatgpt.com/c/62141132-a829-4fca-b742-b87d36151a61 June 10, 2024 ♦ Can one show using McMurtry’s life-value onto-axiology that healthy soil is the quintessential life-ground, life capital and civil commons all wrapped up into one, and how can we create a compelling argument to simply explain this to all and sundry? ChatGPT McMurtry’s life-value onto-axiology emphasizes the importance…
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rafiquitotapia · 8 months
Check out this video https://thexapp.app.link/047364d1-e4d3-4146-b742-4e357d9ad632
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trylkstopocket · 2 years
Moving to Substack ➡️, Scaling Up 📈, Image Generation 🖼
View this post on the web at https://nlpnewsletter.substack.com/p/moving-to-substack-scaling-up-image
Hi all, Welp. Twitter plans to shut down Revue [ https://substack.com/redirect/688ebc4b-e5bd-420f-921b-f87f6dc6366a?r=196bpq ], my previous newsletter platform. I hope you like our new home, Substack [ https://substack.com/redirect/903a9567-f026-4990-87b8-f0a8b2b284bd?r=196bpq ]. 🤗 I’m actually quite excited about the change. Substack allows comments on posts. We can now have actual discussions rather than just one-on-one email exchanges. Yay! Thanks for reading NLP News! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work. If you are already subscribed, everything should stay the same (I hope). If you are not, have a look around and see if you like things. All newsletter issues will stay free as before. Here is some coverage of recent work on scaling up language models and text-based image generation that I did not get around to publishing (updated with some recent results). Scaling up results 📈 As language models have become larger, they have outgrown some of the datasets we used to evaluate them [ https://substack.com/redirect/8ebc9fe2-b16c-4191-8618-e5c2d304479f?r=196bpq ]. BIG-Bench [ https://substack.com/redirect/597a4a39-b590-430c-96d0-890a568bea66?r=196bpq ], a two-year collaboration consisting of 204 tasks created by 442 authors aims to provide a diverse collection of tasks for the evaluation of current and future models. Using 204 tasks for evaluation can be quite unwieldy, however, so recent work has already focused on 23 particularly challenging tasks [ https://substack.com/redirect/3b6cbfcd-7d9d-42c1-bb36-20d46c9d4cc7?r=196bpq ] where prior models did not outperform human annotators. It turns out that if you use chain-of-thought prompting [ https://substack.com/redirect/d7c5bae8-93a4-4c93-84e1-c10c1f09b133?r=196bpq ]—a recent method where you prompt a method to predict intermediate reasoning steps before producing the final answer—then recent large models surpass the average human annotator on up to 17/23 tasks. It seems we need to keep looking for more challenging evaluation tasks for large language models. One thing that we have learned from training and evaluating large language models, is that "scale generally works". In other words, making models larger and training on more data usually leads to improved performance. In some cases, this can lead to new behaviour. A small model may be bad at adding two numbers while a larger model may suddenly be able to perform the task with reasonable accuracy. In such cases, the linear performance curves that we would expect based on scaling laws [ https://substack.com/redirect/1da7838b-06ea-4fca-9ecd-b21bf8e3cdf8?r=196bpq ] are instead step-functions that transition from random to above-random performance at a certain model scale. Such behaviour has been observed by recent large model papers such as LaMDA [ https://substack.com/redirect/545ad6c5-f645-4836-9782-bc3e38d869b2?r=196bpq ], GPT-3 [ https://substack.com/redirect/c2e06ae9-3b37-466f-b742-9d66ad68ce22?r=196bpq ], Gopher [ https://substack.com/redirect/2867cad2-50eb-4418-b857-8f59027ae779?r=196bpq ], or PaLM [ https://substack.com/redirect/013a5b68-cc2d-47c7-a447-22443abecb1d?r=196bpq ]. Wei et al. (2022) [ https://substack.com/redirect/6ebb3f15-99a4-4bd9-bafc-1b5e26525892?r=196bpq ] provide an overview of other types of emergent abilities that have been identified so far in current models. Besides such emergent abilities, is there any other behaviour that may be surprising as we scale models up? The Inverse Scaling Prize [ https://substack.com/redirect/a34eb84a-4a94-4dc1-99bb-24d3b08c317f?r=196bpq ], a recent competition awarded a prize of up to $100,000 if you find a task where performance goes down 📉 as models get larger. A good way to narrow the search space is to look for tasks where an inductive bias is more important than more parameters. A minimal example for this is highlighted by @hardmaru [ https://substack.com/redirect/d493fbfd-2296-4c75-acbd-03824ad81d07?r=196bpq ]. Given that the evaluation will focus on large language models, anything that cannot be learned from large amounts of text may be a good starting point. Nevertheless, large language models provide a good initialisation for various sequence modelling tasks such as RL (Reid et al., 2022 [ https://substack.com/redirect/c797a3bc-3b8c-4256-9e8e-1f67a8d279f8?r=196bpq ]) or can be easily learned together with other sequence tasks (Reed et al., 2022 [ https://substack.com/redirect/a6f1660f-b0bb-48cc-a3dc-e3d5780d85e5?r=196bpq ]). So simply the fact that something is hard to learn from text alone does not mean that large LMs will not be able to learn it. Scaling effects may also disappear or appear differently when investigated in a larger-scale setting. For some of the Inverse Scaling Prize winners, Wei et al. (2022) [ https://substack.com/redirect/d72a2194-58e1-4039-b0aa-d8e07d9ac593?r=196bpq ] observe that the inverse scaling effect goes away when evaluated with 2x larger models and 5x more training compute. They also highlight the usefulness of chain-of-thought prompting to protect against inverse scaling. Inverse scaling thus depends on the specific training and test setting of a model. Image Generation is Heating Up 🔥 Imagen and Parti After DALL-E 2 [ https://substack.com/redirect/2f816a04-761d-4107-a327-6b1d8b2c16ae?r=196bpq ], two new text-to-image models [ https://substack.com/redirect/50d4885a-33c5-4d50-9729-636b8ab8e62a?r=196bpq ] have been released by Google, Imagen [ https://substack.com/redirect/e4dbdbba-3c32-42ef-be76-48fb7aba50df?r=196bpq ] (pronounced "imagine") and Parti [ https://substack.com/redirect/aff4fdfb-7d1f-4300-b5c3-e4e02253271c?r=196bpq ] (pronounced "par-tee" [ https://substack.com/redirect/d4fa2a16-a851-4d67-80d7-17e0bd579ac0?r=196bpq ]). Similar to DALL-E 2, Imagen is a diffusion model [ https://substack.com/redirect/35f27eee-c450-40e3-bc70-78de0ab3a4fe?r=196bpq ]. Parti, on the other hand, is auto-regressive and more like a standard encoder-decoder language model (LM). It learns to decode images into visual tokens, which are then converted by a ViT-VQGAN [ https://substack.com/redirect/d476d3fe-72b5-4094-b8ab-47f7a84a5b7b?r=196bpq ] model into an actual image. As the blog post highlights [ https://substack.com/redirect/f7244089-b54b-43ab-a1c8-3bec9eb5734c?r=196bpq ], limitations of current text-to-image models include their inability to count reliably, to follow precise spatial instructions, and to deal with complex prompts. Given the potential of these models, it is not difficult to envision strategies to shore up each of these weaknesses. These can include collecting data that explicitly represents each phenomenon, using distant supervision with large amounts of data, and more explicit representations of number or spatial attributes in current models. Another thing that can be challenging with current models is to generate natural text. For instance, DALL-E often produces gibberish as can be seen below. Daras et al. (2022) [ https://substack.com/redirect/d99a049b-bfc5-4cfb-8e26-342e4768e2bc?r=196bpq ] fed some of the gibberish text it produced back to DALL-E 2 as a prompt, discovering that the model indeed generates images related to vegetables. They argue that many such terms are consistent across prompts and thus DALL-E 2 has a "secret" vocabulary (a "secret language" in the original Twitter thread [ https://substack.com/redirect/1c6f249b-4f48-48ee-8099-a476b54eb638?r=196bpq ]). In practice, such studies should be taken with a large grain of salt 🧂. Benjamin Hilton [ https://substack.com/redirect/fe091daa-8098-47b9-b15b-d99f06a6c5fd?r=196bpq ] highlights that most terms are not consistent across different prompts. So while terms like "Apoploe vesrreaitais" may kind of look like a biological name for birds and thus result in mostly bird-related generations, most other terms produced by DALL-E 2 are just noise—and definitely do not have the properties of a language such as grammar, morphology, etc. After all, we know that models learning to play referential games often come up with degenerate communication protocols consisting of arbitrary symbols (Chaabouni et al., 2022 [ https://substack.com/redirect/9a30e289-e238-4947-8c93-897031f5fbf9?r=196bpq ] is a nice recent study of the importance of scale for emergent communication). So I hope we go can turn down the hype and clickbaiting; let’s not go back to a time of newspapers reporting of AIs inventing a language that humans don't understand [ https://substack.com/redirect/43b11194-7bd5-4631-baea-2a5ae41bfa95?r=196bpq ] 🙄. Larger variants of more recent models like Parti are also better at producing natural text—it seems this is another emergent ability of large multi-modal models. If you are envious of the high-quality generation of these closed large models, fear not. DALL-E mini [ https://substack.com/redirect/aab4b909-a405-4241-958f-d8528bb62b17?r=196bpq ] is an open-source alternative created by Boris Dayma [ https://substack.com/redirect/08104283-e5bf-4324-adfe-2d678a28478d?r=196bpq ] that reproduces DALL-E [ https://substack.com/redirect/0ca3dc24-ee61-4140-aad7-144fd5372eaf?r=196bpq ] with a smaller architecture. The model has become very popular lately with many websites [ https://substack.com/redirect/5f4f59d9-b132-404d-b04f-40955c52699b?r=196bpq ] covering how to get around high traffic errors. My favourite part about DALL-E mini are a reddit page [ https://substack.com/redirect/cf1c0083-f282-4022-8de0-a773cdc97105?r=196bpq ] and Twitter account [ https://substack.com/redirect/eb345c71-5c60-42d0-8f4c-360f2f13791c?r=196bpq ] that chronicle the often hilariously weird and surreal creations of the model. Thanks for reading NLP News! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.
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weehughie · 3 years
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Retro jet… • • #wardair #wardaircanada #747 #b747 #b742 #747200 #queenoftheskies #cgxra #bcal #britishcaledonian #gglyn #prestwick #prestwickairport #airport #airline #ayrshire #jumbo #jumbojet #firetruck #firetender #retro #retrojet #1980s #scotland #aviation #flying #history #mondayvibes #glasgowprestwickairport (at Glasgow Prestwick Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQqSJyWBXxe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iandroideu · 4 years
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Smart 2030 B742 4G Tab Flash File Firmware Download #invens https://t.co/sRURsh50TW http://twitter.com/iandroideu1/status/1253058870701768705
Smart 2030 B742 4G Tab Flash File Firmware Download #invens https://t.co/sRURsh50TW
— iAndroid.eu (@iandroideu1) April 22, 2020
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politiciandirect · 5 years
Trump blasts decision to let aide accompany Mueller to testimony: 'VERY UNFAIR'
Trump blasts decision to let aide accompany Mueller to testimony: ‘VERY UNFAIR’
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President Trump on Tuesday blasted the House Judiciary Committee‘s decision to let former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s top aide on the Russia investigation accompany him during his testimony before House lawmakers on Wednesday.
Mueller, who will testify publicly before the House Judiciary Committee for at least two hours and the House Intelligence Committee another two hours, requested that…
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Le cordon ombilical géant : une malformation rare et méconnue
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Serhii Bobyk/Shutterstock.com
Dans la revue spécialisée Pédiatrie Pratique, le Dr Malk El Ahmar, pédiatre à l’Université libanaise de Beyrouth (Liban) évoque un cas rare de malformation congénitale : le cordon ombilical dit « géant ». Lequel n’a pas nui au développement du bébé, né à terme. Explications.
Ce cas a été observé chez une jeune femme de 21 ans, dont c’était la seconde grossesse. Pas d’antécédent particulier. Une « masse kystique ombilicale » est observée dès l’échographie de la 22e semaine. Puis aux suivantes : 28e, 32e et 34e semaines, avec par ailleurs, « un développement normal du fœtus ». Une césarienne d’urgence sera finalement pratiquée à la 39e semaine, en « raison d’un utérus cicatriciel et d’un travail spontané commencé ».
Le nouveau-né de sexe masculin apparaît en pleine forme : 3,1kg, 50 cm et une taille de périmètre crânien de 35 cm. Le score d’Apgar est également excellent. Tous les regards sont en revanche tournés vers le cordon ombilical qui ressemble à une « gelée énorme, homogène et transparente ». Surtout, son diamètre interpelle : … 6 cm ! « Un suivi ultérieur révèlera un cordon ombilical sec, associé à une hernie ombilical », souligne le médecin.
Bénin et de bon pronostic
Appelée « persistance de l’ouraque congénitale », cette malformation rare et bénigne concernerait entre 1 et 2,5 naissances sur 100 000. Soit environ une quinzaine de cas chaque année, en France. Des garçons, en majorité. Elle doit être distinguée d’une omphalocèle, caractérisée par une large hernie de la paroi ventrale, au niveau du cordon ombilical, « qui nécessite un traitement spécifique », conclut le Dr El Ahmar. Retrouvez cet article sur DestinationSante.com
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zaritarazi · 4 years
“My north star through all of this has been that Zari 1.0 and 2.0 have ultimately the same soul, but have experienced very different lives and very different environments. That, as an actor, has been interesting to me to just explore what environment and circumstance does to you. Fundamentally, I believe her heart is her heart, and we see that come out.“
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politiciandirect · 5 years
Trump blasts decision to let counsel accompany Mueller to testimony: 'VERY UNFAIR'
Trump blasts decision to let counsel accompany Mueller to testimony: ‘VERY UNFAIR’
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President Trump on Tuesday blasted the House Judiciary Committee‘s decision to let former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s top aide on the Russia investigation accompany him during his testimony before House lawmakers on Wednesday.
Mueller, who will testify publicly before the House Judiciary Committee for at least two hours and the House Intelligence Committee another two hours, requested that…
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yaseminbilgiliii · 5 years
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Kitaptaki en güzel hikaye buydu bence. Bu hikayede adı Holstomer olan ama kitapta daha çok alacalı iğdiş olarak bahsedilen bir atın hayatı anlatılıyor. Hikaye, iğdişin içinde olduğu çiftlikteki atların ve sahiplerinin tanıtımıyla başlıyor. Ve genç atların ana karakter olan alacalı iğdişi küçük düşürmesiyle Holstomer hayat hikayesini anlatmaya başlıyor. Aslında çok değerli bir at olduğu anlıyor hepsi. Ne kadar değerli bir at olsa da hayatı sadece alacalı olduğu için çeşitli dönemlerden geçiyor. Sevip sevilmediği dönemle başlayan küçük düşmesi alacalı iğdişin iyice içine kapanmasına neden oluyor. Hayatı boyunca insanları, hayatı sorguluyor alacalı iğdiş. Ve en çok aklına takılansa “İnsanoğlu hiçbir şey yapmadan, her şeye benim deme hakkını nereden buluyor?” oluyor. https://www.instagram.com/p/B742-I6HDCl/?igshid=1abtsymy473h4
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