Savjetniče, pomagaj😅
U vezi sam 4,5 godine ali uzmimo u obzir da sam tu vezu počela sa svojih 17 godina i da mi je sad skoro 22. Zadnjih 4-5 mjeseci razmišljam o prekidu jer iskreno nekako mi više nije to to. Ali opet ne znam,stalno to odgađam jer ne mogu da prekinem. On je momak za poželjeti i tu nema greške. Samo, on mi je prva ljubav i prvi momak i nikad ni sa kim drugim nisam bila. Problem je sto sam načula od zajedničke prijateljice da je spominjao zaruke i da ima neke planove da me zariče u januaru-februaru. Ja ne da ne razmišljam o zarukama nego razmišljam i o prekidu. Bukvalno sam u haosu,ne znam šta da uradim, ne mogu da odem od njega jer su tolike godine u pitanju a i on je divan momak i divna osoba. S druge strane, starije prijateljice mi govore da očigledno sam poželjela da izlazim,upoznajem druge ljude i da mi fali to sto sam propustila za ove 4 godine veze. Ne znam vise ko je upravu i ko nije a niti da li je vrijedno prekinuti vezu jer sam poželjela izlaziti i upoznati nove ljude…
uh😅 mislim da ste jako mladi usli u vezu koja traje bas dugo, kad kazem mladi, mislim upravo na to sto ti prijateljice kazu da si pozeljela da izlazis, da upoznajes nove ljude i sl. jer je to bas period kad je i normalno da se to sve desava, a ti mozda nisi tad kad je trebalo, naravno ne kazem da si bila zatvorena u kuci, samo je nekako to prirodno i treba da ide svojim tokom, tesko je uskladiti oba. smatram da ne treba da gubis vrijeme, ni svoje a ni njegovo, jer niko ne bi volio da zna da je uzalud gubio vrijeme tih par mjeseci, sto vise cekas sve ce ti biti teze, sve je na tebi i ti to znas, zato ti je sad tesko. po meni je ovo sve prirodno, ipak smo ljudi, pa ljudi se razvedu posle 20god braka jer zele svoju slobodu i mozda bas to sto na vrijeme neke stvari nisu prozivjeli kad je trebalo, nema potrebe da sebe krivis. vi ste mladi, zivot je jedan i treba ga svaki dan zivjeti maksimalno, sve bude i prodje, samo se vrijeme ne moze vratiti. ako ti se misljenje nije promijenilo ni posle saznanja da zeli da te zaruci, moj ti je savjet da sto prije pricas sa njim o svemu otvoreno, pa da tek tad vidis na cemu ste. sretno❤
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christophe76460 · 1 year
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TOI QUI NE CONNAIT PAS DIEU LIS CELA 💖💖💖❤Mystère profond, amour insondable ! Jésus est venu humblement ici-bas. Il naquit volontairement dans une étable alors que, étant le Fils de Dieu, le Créateur et Maître de l’univers, il aurait pu naître dans un palais d’or et recevoir tous les honneurs qui lui étaient dus. Il a choisi la pauvreté parce qu’il n’était pas venu pour être servi, mais pour servir et donner sa vie en rançon pour beaucoup (Marc 10 v.45). Étant riche, il s’est fait pauvre pour nous. Il a passé de lieu en lieu n’ayant pas même un endroit où reposer sa tête (Matthieu 8 v.20). Partout, il a été le méprisé et le délaissé des hommes, le peuple n’a eu pour lui aucune estime, et son chemin sur la terre s’est terminé dans la honte de la crucifixion à laquelle il s’est livré volontairement pour prendre sur lui tous nos péchés qu'il a expiés un à un. Sans toi je ne serais pas libre du péché , sans toi , je ne vivrai pas dans la paix , sans toi , je n 'aurai hérité que de la mort ..j'ai su transmettre ta vie autour de moi , aujourd'hui je t'offre ma famille ,et tout ceux que j'ai pu rencontrer car je ne peux rien sans toi .."sauve les
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nurthor · 2 years
Découverte d'une Pierre de la Faim dans l'Inlam de Laelith
Découverte d’une Pierre de la Faim dans l’Inlam de Laelith
Découverte d’une Pierre de la Faim dans le fleuve l’Inlam de Laelith, qui est au plus bas de mémoire des vieux sages du Temple du Nuage ! :O ❤ De vieux parchemin de l’Université Matérialiste Universelle nous rappelle que ces pierres de la Faim, annoncent de proches et terribles famines dû au manque d’eau. Sur ces puerres de la Faim, il est sou ent écrit: “Pleure si tu me lis !”… :O ❤ Ah non……
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risualto · 3 years
Hello sweetie, I hope you don't mind me popping in again! I was thinking of platonic SPOTS TO KISS 1 with Ellie and her bff Bas ❤ I think it would be especially cute if Ellie was the one kissing our big serious guy. Just taking care of him and letting him rest from the responsibilities. He would have to be sitting down for her to reach there as she is 5"7 though haha
I never mind you popping in!  I’m sorry this took me so long, but between three weeks of overwhelming work and then getting sucked into DA:O as soon as it was over, I was a bit occupied.  Anyway, I hope you like this.  It was very fun to write.
1.      a kiss on the top of the head + Ellie and Sebastian
 “Bas,” said someone, and Sebastian looked up sharply from where he was sitting at the kitchen table, recognizing the slight impatience in the tone.  It only occurred to him when he saw Ellie’s face, her crossed arms, the slight pinch of her brow, that he realized it was more like exasperated concern.  He heard the Speaker give this, frequently, to Li and to her own sister, and hearing it turned on him gave him enough pause that he didn’t immediately answer.
Ellie stepped into the kitchen, socked feet padding across the floor until she was standing right next to him.
“Shouldn’t you be asleep?” he asked.
“Shouldn’t you, hm?” she fired back immediately, almost before Sebastian finished speaking.  “I know you said you would look at this again so the everyone else would get some rest, but that doesn’t mean you actually should be staying up all night.”
“I’ll be fine,” Sebastian answered, voice level, edges softening to try and reassure her.
But she narrowed her eyes, instead.  “So you’re not.”
“Ellie,” he said warningly.
“Bas,” she said back, mimicking his tone.  For a second, the ridiculousness of it seemed to make her smile before she continued, “Seriously.  It’s just like you said; we’re not going to get anywhere with this until we have more information from the people we’re waiting for.  So why are you even still out here?”
Sebastian sighed and squeezed his eyes shut.  It burned, actually—a slow, subtle, but still present-enough-to-be-irritating unfurling of pain behind his eyelids, and Sebastian really wished that this wasn’t happening now because it would be harder to ignore going forward.
“I owe it to you guys,” he said, letting his eyes open but still having to blink rapidly as he tried to get enough tears to form to ease the burn.  “Especially your sister, after what happened.  If there’s anything we’ve missed…”  He shook his head.  “I just want to make sure we don’t.”
“We didn’t,” Ellie said.  It sounded a little like she was pleading with him, which only served to drive the spike of guilt in his chest deeper.  Before he could look up to give her an unimpressed stare, however, Ellie’s hands landed on his shoulders, tugging him forward slightly so that she could lean over and kiss the top of his head.  Hard, like she thought she could breathe her reasoning directly into his brain.
He couldn’t help laughing.  It was so very Ellie of her.  And yet he was also relaxing against his will, every bit of him that had been muffled before suddenly taking this as permission to yell at Sebastian in discomfort.  With a sigh, he reached up and put one hand around Ellie’s wrist.
“Sleep,” Ellie said, then stood back up to look him in the eyes.  “Or at least rest, if you’re going to pull the I-don’t-need-as-much-sleep card. Otherwise, I’ll call Az.”  Like her concern hadn’t been enough to change his mind in the first place.
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sabbirsays · 2 years
Lovers says to their Girlfriend in Hindi “Bas akbar ha Keh do, Tumhare liye to main Asmaan se tuta hua Tare la duin”‎
Never say that my brothers please. Never.‎
If your love means it to get a Fallen star for her you gonna loose her. Cz a fallen star isn’t a simple stone or a pcs of Diamond. It’s a beautiful lady like Yvaine. & you’ve to fall in love with her <3‎
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Book : Stardust‎
Genre : Fantasy
Writer : Neil Gaiman
Pages : 190
So here some of from flap, Young Tristran Thorn will do anything to win the cold heart of beautiful Victoria—even fetch her the star they watch fall from the night sky. But to do so, he must enter the unexplored lands on the other side of the ancient wall that gives their tiny village its name. Beyond that old stone wall, Tristran learns, lies Faerie—where nothing not even a fallen star, is what he imagined.
Actually it’s been ages since i read an actual fairytale. And you can say that this was basically an adult fairytale. A journey of Tristran with Fallen Star Yvaina just made me loved. And i loved what everyone he meet on this journey taught him something valuable. This journey actually made him known himself and what he want in life after that. Just love love love ❤
Gaiman has something special about story telling. He know actually how to hook an adult on a fairytale. I admire him.
Only 190 pages made the story goes too fast like a Jet Plane or I just through pages so fast, that I miss some of the stories maybe :-(‎
Although it’s a awesome fairy tale to read to break the reading blocks :-)‎
Go go go
& get the fallen star.‎
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terstuzlanka · 6 years
Dijelili smo skolsku klupu, uzinu, tajne i strahove. Pomagala bih ti na svakom kontrolnom, pisala ti pismene sastave, napominjala te da trebas nauciti lekciju.. Ti bi mene branio od drugih, stajao u moju zastitu i uvijek bio blag prema meni. Nasmijavao bi me kad sam tuzna, pomagao mi i ucio necemu sto ne znam. Provodili smo dosta vremena zajedno. Meni su mnoge zavidjele na tome. Ti, jedan od najzgodnijih u skoli, fudbaler sa smedjim ocima i uvijek urednom frizurom, poklanjao bi meni najveci dio svoje paznje... Priznajem, jesi. Pokazivao si mi da sam ti bitna, ali ipak samo kao najbolja drugarica. A kao i obicno sto bude, ja, ludo zensko od samog pocetka zaljubljena u tebe. Ali nedovoljno hrabra da ti to i priznam. Uzivala sam u tvojoj paznji, glumeci da sam ti samo drugarica.. Kroz citavo skolovanje je bilo tako. Niko nije saznao za ljubav s moje strane. Tako je ostalo i dan, danas. Na kraju skolovanja putevi su nam se razisli, ja na svoju stranu, ti na svoju... Nisam ni sanjala da cemo zavrsiti tako da se nikad vise ne cujemo ni telefonom, a o drugome da i ne pomisljam.
Po zavrsetku skole, izgubili smo apsolutno svaki kontakt.
Nisam te vidjela citave cetri godine. Ne znam kako ali nismo imali niti jedan susret, pa ni onaj slucajni. Meni je to u jednu ruku godilo... Zaboravljala sam te, pomalo. Ali nikad toliko dovoljno da te prestanem voljeti.. Dosta puta sam razmisljala o tome da li ti ikad padnem na pamet, pomislis li na mene.. Mnogo puta sam se nadala da cu te sresti, ili barem vidjeti iz daleka, cisto da vidim da li si se promijenio, odrastao. Ali nisam.. Valjda je sudbina rijesila da te zaboravim i nastavim dalje..
Bas kad sam mislila da si otisao u nepovrat, da te necu sresti i da sam te zaboravila, desi se obrnuto. Nakon cetri godine sasvim slucajno, stojeci u guzvi, na koncertu, na stadionu se okrenem iza sebe i vidim te kako stojis na tribinama i pogledom trazis nekoga.. Ne sjecam se kakav je osjecaj bio.. Ne znam da li sam zadrhtala.. Jedino cega se sjecam je nada da si i ti mene vidio i da ces mi prici, bar da me pozdravis. Ali nisi.. Ne znam da li si me vidio, a nisi htio prici, ili nisi pa si otisao... Vjerovatno cu dugo razmisljati o tome, kao sto i o tebi razmisljam evo vec tri dana, ponovo... Nisi prisao, mozda je i bolje tako... Ne znam. Jedino sto znam jeste da bih sve ovo mozda trebala pisati tebi, u poruci, ali nemam hrabrosti idalje.. Nakon cetri godine, idalje si lijep, cak i ljepsi nego prije, a ja idalje potajno, ali u manjoj mjeri zaljubljena u tebe.
Prva ljubavi, najbolji prijatelju, cuvaj mi se i budi mi sretan... Ja cu se vec snaci.. ❤❤
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its-palam-blog · 4 years
Concours Québec - 5000$ De Livres Et Magazines Scientifiques À Gagner
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Concours Québec - 5000$ De Livres Et Magazines Scientifiques À Gagner Voici un nouveau concours que notre équipe vous propose. Nous vous invitons à ✔ Aimer la publication ✔ Commenter avec qui tu veux le partager ✔ Cliquer sur le lien pour vous inscrire. Au nom de toute l'équipe, nous vous souhaitons la meilleure des chances à ce concours. Concours Québec - 5000$ De Livres Et Magazines Scientifiques À Gagner ❤ Bonne chance à tous!  ❤ #cadeau #chance #Concours #concoursquébec #concoursquebec #jeuconcours #concoursgratuit #gagnant #jeu #prix #quebec #giveway #contest #contestcanada Ce concours est commandité par -> je lis la science ****************** LE MEILLEUR SITE DE CONCOURS GRATUITS AU QUÉBEC Concours Gratuits en ligne Séjours | Argent | Voyages | Techno Lots à gagner tous les jours. www.concourschanceux.com (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); DESCRIPTION DU PRIX Concours Québec - 5000$ De Livres Et Magazines Scientifiques À Gagner Concours commandité par  je lis la science 5000$ De Livres Et Magazines Scientifiques À Gagner (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); COMMENT PARTICIPER À CE JEUX CONCOURS DU QUÉBEC Inscription et règlements complets sur la page Web du commanditaire ! Le concours se termine le 23 Septembre 2020 Pour participer, c’est très simple. Vous devez cliquer sur le lien ci-bas et suivre les étapes proposées par le commanditaire du concours. Read the full article
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