onekindredspirit · 7 months
Gudrun Ensslin tries to educate her bourgeois parents | The Baader Meinhof Complex
I admired Gudrun Ensslin and Ulrike Meinhof back then, back in the 1970's. Oh, you might say "But they were terrorists!" To me they were idealists, passionate about the rights of the Vietnamese and the Palestinian people, both of whom were subject to the oppression of "Western Democracies". The RAF (Red Army Faction/Baader-Meinhof Group) killed around 30 people. The United States killed 2 million innocent Vietnamese during the Vietnam War and an estimated 1.5 million North Vietnamese and Chinese soldiers. And as we now know, Israel has killed tens of thousands of Palestinians since 1948.
"But that doesn't justify ...."
You'll be interested to know that it was an agent of the West German domestic intelligence agency the Verfassungsschutz, Peter Urbach, who provided the guns, Molotov cocktails and bombs that were initially used by the Baader-Meinhof Group. Why? It was an attempt to discredit the left wing student anti war protest movement that while successful (they did discredit the movement), their manipulation went badly awry. You can't control chaos. Similarly, the arming of Israel, paid for by the American taxpayer.
I sometimes have visions of the future.
One Kindred Spirit
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page-28 · 10 months
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RIP Shane MacGowan
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thisisasimulation · 2 years
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When that person who made sure you knew Gerhard Richter was one of his favorite painters also gaslights you by exploiting the Baader-Meinhof effect, and then you learn that Gerhard Richter painted a series of paintings of the Baader-Meinhof Gang (after whom the effect was named) in an exploration of art/the artist responding to terror and violence, which is exactly how everyone is trying to force you to process the experience you’ve had, but you’re pretty stubborn. Much like Holger Meins, one of the Baader-Meinhof Gang who hunger striked himself to death in prison.
Black and white paintings from “October 18, 1977” series, Gerhard Richter
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
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i've been seeing this recurring genre of solipsistic, "everyone's stupid but me" posts complaining about seeing fandom stuff in fandom tags on the fandom website for about a decade now and it's always just felt like this to me
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great-and-small · 6 months
Read something about a species of bird and then you start seeing it everywhere call that the Birder-Meinhof phenomenon
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vimbry · 8 months
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obsessed w/ this
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prince-of-elsinore · 1 year
I have seen so many posts lately by people rewatching spn for the first time in a long time, just as I've been (unsystematically) rewatching late seasons (for fic-setting purposes) and getting the itch to start from square one... Is it something in the water? In the stars? In the cosmic power of the 18th anniversary of the cw's supernatural?
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leftistfeminista · 5 months
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In an interview with filmmaker Helma Sanders in 1970, months before she went underground, she voiced some of her criticism of the separation of public and private that renders women apolitical in the traditional sense. In this interview, she speaks to the particular dilemma in which women—mothers—find themselves.
She acknowledges that children need a stable family, and that men have their wives to see to that, whereas a politically active woman does not have a wife to take care of her children, and thus is faced with a problem: From the point of view of the children’s needs, the family is necessary, indispensable as a stable place with stable human relationships. Of course, many things are easier if you’re a man, and you have a wife to look after the children. If you’re a woman, so that you don’t have a wife to do all that for you, then you have to do everything yourself—it’s terribly difficult.
She continues, “Thus the problem of all politically active women is— including my own—that they on the one hand do socially necessary work. But on the other hand they helplessly sit around with their children just as much as all the other women.” In addition to criticizing the oppressive effect that the separation of public and private exerts on women through their motherhood (you either have a private or a public life), she also points to the limitations of politics that discount the private realm, and she counters that view with the claim that political work detached from “private life” is in fact not sustainable: “One could say the central oppression of woman is that her private life as private life is contrasted to any political life. Whereas one could turn this around and say that where political work is unrelated to private life, it is not right, it cannot be seen through.”
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lalalenii · 6 months
okay, wie likely ist es, dass Bob, assuming dass er Ende 20 ist und Journalist mit dem Begriff Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe nichts anfangen kann.
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tswwwit · 2 years
So OG Dipper is tempting with an extra flavor because his mind is closed off from Bill and it got me thinking of Twilight and has Mabel ever drawn that conclusion?
Okay, but real talk. For a long time I was tangentially aware of Twilight, as a cultural phenomenon. Much in the same way many are aware of the Kardashians: Super popular, a lot of internet discussion, and totally not my thing. I wasn't into vampires, I wasn't into teen romances, and by all accounts the writing was terrible and I was absolutely not interested in that.
So imagine my surprise, long after Faking It was well and finished, when I discovered why Edward was into Bella. I genuinely smacked a fist on the table and exclaimed 'Son of a bitch'.
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harmonizingsunsets · 2 years
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Shipwrecked Comedy's writing is  🤌 
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cemyafilmarsiv · 1 year
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Der Baader Meinhof Komplex directed by Uli Edel
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pepperf · 7 months
Is there something Rincewind-y in the air or is it just weird coincidence that suddenly he’s all over my dash from unrelated sources?
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nolife0090 · 8 months
i thought being feral was a thing only furries did, but i keep seeing it mentioned everywhere on this app.
are you guys alright?
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papercut · 28 days
i think im being haunted
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