saigneux · 6 years
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Day 1:  stars / letters Meteorite with a star shape
Stealing a bit of mom’s meteorite to make the bae a cute necklace is fuckboy’s way to say I wuv U
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kuvira-protege · 6 years
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Baavira week 2018
Day 4 - dance
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larissel · 6 years
Day 2: Young Love/PARENTHOOD
Fandom: Legend of Korra
Ship: Baavira
Words: 1044
Summary: He wasn’t going crazy, he wasn’t and he’s going to prove it, unfortunately Kuvira doesn’t believe him and their son isn’t making things any easier for him.          
A/N: Shu belongs to my good friend @beaniefortex, so this story is dedicated to you too~
“Oh…my…spirits…” Baatar uttered out, shaking his head for a second to ensure that he wasn’t imagining when he didn’t believe what he was seeing at first. When it became apparent that his mind wasn’t playing tricks, his eyes became very wide at the sight he didn’t think it’d be possible for another several years…or maybe ever.
His keychain seemingly floated off from where he left it on the counter, dancing in front of his much elated son – Shu Beifong – who began to laugh loudly in delight. He clapped his chubby and tiny hands together with amusement in a childish and wild manner which causes the keychain to move around erratically.
“Oh my spirits,” Baatar repeated, stamping his feet on the floor uncontrollably, breathing heavily as he ran his fingers through his hair before he quickly ran out of the kitchen and yelled out for his wife. “Kuvira, you have to see this!” He shouted down the hallway.
A tired sigh can be heard from the other room. “What is it?” She groaned, throwing her arm over her eyes.
“It’s Shu!” Her eyes shot wide open in an instant upon hearing their son’s name, now that certainly did the trick to wake her up. She was out of the bed in a flash, disregarding the fact that she didn’t look as proper as she normally does when she slid into the kitchen with an overly worried look on her features, in a state of panic now.
“What’s wrong with him?!” she exclaimed before examining Shu for signs of injuries.
Baatar shook his head, walking over to her to assure her. “Nothing is wrong!”
Kuvira seems to deflate at his answer, staring at him blankly before an annoyed look soon came crossing his face, arms crossed together. “What reason did you decided to wake me? It better be good.”
“I wouldn’t even dream of doing that to you unless I have a very good reason, my love,” Baatar said with a wide grin. “Our son is a bender—he metalbent!”
Kuvira’s eyes strayed back to Shu who held the keychain in his tiny hands, waving it around crazily before staring at the object curiously then began to chew on it. Her attention turned back to her husband, looking highly unamused by his claim. “All I see is our son chewing on something I have told you several times to keep it away from him.” She said to him darkly.
Baatar was staring at her nervously, glancing back at Shu who was indeed chewing on his keychain. “Shu, show mommy what you just did.” He said to him. Sadly for him, all he got out from his son was a giggle as he continues on chewing on the metallic object.
“I’m…just going to get ready for the day now,” Kuvira groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose before she left the kitchen.
He could only watch her leave, whatever he wanted to explain quickly died down in his throat as he slowly sets his arms back down to his side. His attention moved back to his son who gave him a toothless smile, the mischievous look on his face reminded him too much of his mother when she particularly feels playful. “Why must you do that to your own father?” He asked.
And all he got as a response was a saliva-covered keys to the face.
“Kuvira, come here quick!” Baatar shouted for her, looking giddy and was determined that she’s not going to miss this, this time around. “He’s doing it again!”
“Are you sure?” Kuvira questioned him with a heavy sigh.
“Yes!” he exclaimed.
A grumble “you better be sure” can be heard as she came walking into the room, her eyes landing on Shu who was in his playpen, playing around with his favorite stuffed platypus bear before her attention drew to the nervous-looking man now whose eyes kept darting back and forth at her and his son, cheering him on to do something without words.
When nothing obviously happened like before, she rolled her eyes and shook her head before leaving the without uttering a single word to him.
Once she was gone, he pivoted around to face his laughing baby with wide and opened arms. “Why didn’t you do the thing?” He said in an almost poor imitation of Varrick, an act his son sadly finds enjoyable.
In response, Shu threw his stuffed animal at his father’s unamused face.
Later in the day when Baatar was trying to change a very agitated Shu’s diaper, his vision became all of a blur. Thinking that his glasses must’ve slid off from his nose, he tried to push it back up to his face until he realizes his glasses weren’t on his face anymore. ‘Wait a minute…’ His squinted eyes turned wide only to see his son was entertaining himself by playing with his glasses.
“Kuvira, he’s doing it again!” he shouted, hitting himself against the doorframe face first after attempting to run out of the room.
“What if Kuvira is right?” Baatar muttered, pacing back and forth in his lab as he paid no mind to the mess that was littering on the floor. “Maybe I really am going crazy.” He was beginning to become convinced all he saw today were only in his head. Perhaps he’s been working too hard lately, after all, stress can often do “wonders” to one’s mind.
Just as he was about to accept this very notion, he suddenly heard Kuvira shouting out for his name while she ran down the hall before she came bursting into the room, breathless while she held Shu in her arms, grinning widely. ‘Don’t tell me…’ He thought to himself, paling.  
“Our little boy is a bender!” Kuvira exclaimed proudly, holding Shu in the air as he chewed on the meteor rock in his hand.
Baatar just wanted to scream and shout at that very moment, yelling at her that he has been trying to say since early in the morning, and that he has a major headache because of her disbelief. Instead, he could only close his eyes and suck in a deep breath before reopening his eyes, giving them a strained and very wide smile. “That’s great news, honey!”
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legendtron · 6 years
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Day 2- parenthood
These two would be the worst/best parents ever. Of course I had to do the classic photo~
Insta: ohtwoh
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baaviraweek · 6 years
While serving out her sentence for her war crimes, Kuvira gets a visitor and a stroll down memory lane. Written for Day 1 of Baavira Week 2018.
Read on AO3 Read on FFNET
          - iviscrit
"I'm surprised that you kept them."
Su opened the fastenings on the box, revealing a sheaf of papers. "They were the only contact I had with my son. Of course I kept them."
The top of the pile was still white and crisp, a heavy sheet of cardstock emblazoned with the Earth Empire sigil and their future monogram beneath. The expensive ink was still so dark it almost looked wet, Baatar's light engineer's scrawl a thready stripe in the salutation. "This one must be from the Mo Ce Sea checkpoint," Kuvira said, tracing her fingers over a slight distortion in the page. "Water damage, but the ink hasn't bled."
"That was the last time he wrote us," Su said, nodding. "Junior sent a photograph as well, but I shredded it."
"I'm not surprised." She set the letter aside, face down, and continued on through the sheaf. Sifting through the letters was like going back in time. The next letter was printed on stationary from an old Earth Kingdom fort in Garsai, the next on kitschy stationery featuring "The Blind Bandit" of Gaoling. "We visited Grandmother's old estate," she read slowly, under her breath. "Kuvira insists it was to give the troops a day off while we attended to infrastructure, but I'm sure this was selfishly motivated. We were unsurprisingly able to strike up a business deal with the Earthen Fire Refinery in short order-"
"He sent photographs with that one too," Su said, a bit of a smile at the corners of her mouth. "I kept those."
Kuvira turned over the page, only to find a letter written on cheap post office stationary from Senlin Province. "Not here, clearly."
"Yes, they're with the rest of the family photos," Su said. "There was a picture of him with the statue of my mother. I've never seen him so happy."
"He took a picture of me with her statue as well," Kuvira said, feeling a blush creep over her neck. "That must still be with our accounting logs, or maybe with the album on the train." She pulled out the next letter and then the next, smiling as she felt a torrent of memories as she re-lived their three-year military campaign, glancing through letters from the mag-lev written their own Earth Empire cardstock, letters on cheap scraps of recycled newsprint from seaport villages, letters from Ba Sing Se written on Earth Kingdom gift-shop stationery, letters written on sheets torn from Baatar's grid paper notebooks, and finally letters on the paper they had packed with them from Zaofu, beginning to yellow with age. She couldn't help but notice that the creases and corners were nearly worn away, the ink streaked and bleeding in places- perhaps proof that Su and Baatar Sr. had read them countless times, tracing the words with desperate fingers, perhaps proof that tears had been spilled.
"I wish I had saved the first one that he sent," Su said, her voice almost wistful. "I was so enraged that I burned it without reading. My husband was so upset with me, because he had no way to write back. He was convinced we'd lost him then."
"I'd never have let anything happen to him... as hard as that might be to believe." That oldest letter was long, consisting of three double-sided pages, an eclectic mix of trepidation, boastful aspirations, and insecurities. It was a letter she had urged Baatar to write, after weeks without a response from his family, a letter so deeply personal that she felt she had no right to read it, even after Su had delivered it into her hands.
"We wrote back after that, of course," Su continued. "I think a part of me hoped that he would come to his senses and come home, if we kept trying with him. For his father, I think he hoped the time apart would let Junior feel like a bit more like his own person. We often discussed whether or not we brought this on ourselves."
Kuvira resisted the urge to reply in the affirmative, reminding herself that much of her own plight was self-inflicted as well. "He sometimes would say he owed at least a third of his talent to his father teaching him physics from such a young age. Sometimes he even wanted to call home and collaborate, when he'd get stuck- of course you understand why he ultimately didn't."
"More than me, I think, Baatar was heartbroken," Su agreed. "I don't think Junior realized how proud his father was, seeing what he'd accomplished."
An awkward silence settled over the two of them, heavy with apologies and accusations for a different time. Kuvira set about putting the letters back in order, filing them away into the box and catching snippets as she did. Went to meet with Raiko and the United Council today- -had an idea for a new alloy formulation- -we are re-designing the metal armor into something more streamlined, look for news on patent acceptance soon- Omashu welcomed our protection today. Might get to meet with investors later- We spent the weekend at the Fort Bosco in Si Wong to let the troops regroup- -how are the twins doing? -haven't heard from Opal in some time, send me her new posting- We'll be traveling to the Western Seaport to meet with the naval officers, so mail your reply to their Mo Ce offices- Mother will be upset with me, but I think Kuvira would say yes if I asked-
"Why did you bring these to me?" she said at last, shutting the box and clicking the locks in place. "Why did you visit me at all?"
"We haven't been fair to each other, Kuvira." Su reached for the box, tracing her fingers over its hinges. "I know you blame me for a great deal. Maybe some of it is warranted. I blame you for even more. Maybe some of it... isn't warranted." She tried to smile, failed, and carried on. "Avatar Korra has been trying to get your plea bargain amended, on the basis of good behavior and a need for skilled metalbending labor. You could be re-assigned to one of Omashu's provinces bordering Zaofu, if she's successful. She seems confident."
"Your new location would be under my provincial jurisdiction," Su said carefully. "Korra didn't know if you'd want that. She asked me to check, so she'd know whether or not to close the deal."
"I don't mind at all, Su," Kuvira said, "and I really don't see why it matters. I go where I'm assigned-"
"Junior is still under house arrest, as you know," Su said curtly. "If you were under my jurisdiction, I'd facilitate your meeting with him. You understand of course that you will be disarmed, chi-blocked, and escorted in by my guard, fully restrained. He still wants to see you. If, of course, you'd want that."
She closed her eyes, blinking hard as she swallowed, willing herself not to let tears fall in her frustration as she processed this new revelation. He wants to see you. "Why didn't he write back, then?"
Su's voice came surprisingly gentle. "I don't know. I was surprised too. To be honest, I wouldn't have visited if I didn't know he still misses you. I think it would do him some good."
She opened her eyes, sighing in a heavy exhale. "I'll go wherever I'm assigned. Please thank the Avatar for her continued work on my case and convey to her my gratitude and best wishes."
"Your lawyer will send a wire once everything is finalized," Su said. "What should I tell my son?"
"There's nothing I can say," Kuvira said softly. "Is he well?"
"You'll know for yourself," Su said, drawing her chair back and rising, taking the box of letters. "I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again."
As the door swung shut behind her, Kuvira looked down at the envelope Su had left behind. It had a slick, clean white finish, unmarked with a sender's address. As she slit the envelope and shook out its contents, she felt the corners of her mouth twitch upwards and a sudden tightness in her throat. My darling Kuvira, it read.
The light, thready scrawl was unmistakable.
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kuvira-protege · 6 years
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Baavira week 2018
Day 2: young love
Book 3 Baavira
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kuvira-protege · 6 years
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Baavira week 2018
Day 3- Fear
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kuvira-protege · 6 years
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Baavira week 2018
Day 1: Letters
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legendtron · 6 years
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Day 5- jealousy
He had built her empire... and what did he get? Nothing.
Insta: ohtwoh
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larissel · 6 years
Day 1: Stars/LETTERS
Fandom: Legend of Korra
Ship: Baavira
Words: 1863
Summary: The many letters she sent him throughout the years and the one she didn’t.
A/N: Baavira Week has officially begun, and I had fun writing this so I hope you all enjoy.
174 AG
Dear Baatar,
Hey, how are you?
- Kuvira
Two weeks later, the letter was sent back to Kuvira, unread and unopened. She held it tightly in her hold, staring down at it with an unwavering gaze before slipping the envelope under her thin mattress without a word or even a single sound escaping her lips.
174 AG
Dear Baatar,
There are many things I often overhear from those chatty guards who are unfortunately standing guard to keep a close eye on me, as if I can actually cause harm in here. It’s pitiful having to listen to their dreadful lives, how boring it is—it’s no wonder one of their spouses left them. I, at the very least, like to believe I’m the first exciting thing that has ever happened to them. However, I must admit that their companies aren’t unwarranted.
It gets so quiet here, especially at the night where I am surrounded by these wooden walls and floors. My wrists are tied down to the very element I speak to, but all I receive in return is nothing. I am dreading the night. The nightmares are back and I’m tired.
Yet, this is still more than I deserve. I hope you’re doing all right.
- Kuvira
174 AG
Dear Baatar,
Problems are beginning to arise in this forsaken city. Criminals fighting amongst criminals, the rich taking an advantage of the weak, an unfit president who only cares about his own imagery and hide, and worst of all, the Avatar chose the wrong time to disappear again. The people are furious and I should also add the fact that the spirits are somehow involved too. I guarantee none of this would’ve happened if I was in charge. To make matters even worse, the Earth Kingdom is currently sitting in an unrestful state and the fools here are too damn stubborn to admit they need my guidance.
- Kuvira
174 AG
Dear Baatar,
Your mother is still an idiot.
- Kuvira
174 AG
Dear Baatar,
I was right…once again: they do need my help. I try not to be cocky about it, but I couldn’t help it but to let it slip out. I’m going to be temporarily released under the watchful eyes of the Avatar. None of her friends trust me, which I don’t blame them for their resentment but it’s not like I care about their opinions either. I am not doing this for them. I am only here for the people…our people. They still have the best interest of my heart. I would do anything to keep them safe and bring order back, even if it means I’m the one who’s no longer leading this cause. But who knows what will happen, maybe our people still wants me and my voice to lead the cause. I just hope I haven’t lost my touch.
It’s been a while since I my fingers touched the earth and the warmth of the sun kissing my skin.
- Kuvira
175 AG
Dear Baatar,
I hate to admit it, but this new order they’re implementing for the Earth Kingdom may work.
- Kuvira
179 AG
Dear Baatar,
It’s happening. I’m finally being released from prison after serving for five years, but I’m not a free woman just yet. Apparently, the court wanted to sentence me to life or send me to death row, I was lucky enough to have Korra by my side and vouch for me. I know, right? It’s hard to believe my former enemy is now a friend, a very good friend. She have been coming by three times a week, these meditation sessions we have together have been helpful to ease my mind. I don’t deserve her friendship.
Well, this may be the last you’ll hear from me for a while. By the time you get this letter, I have been sent out to work for the United Republic under the watchful eyes of the United Forces. I have been contracted to work off the rest of my sentence as a hard laborer. They say it’s awfully pitiful if my talent were wasted away behind bars. I just hope they don’t change their minds, I’m not as skilled as I used to be.
Until then, I’ll talk to you later.
- Kuvira
P.S. I hear you opened your first business. Congratulations.
180 AG
Dear Baatar,
It’s quite amazing to see how far the teleological boom has spread throughout the Earth Kingdom in just a few years; things we weren’t able to achieve during the Earth Empire’s reign, and speaking of that, I have been thinking more and more as of late, reminiscing the past…albeit, nothing fondly. I realized that there were things I could’ve done better, things that wouldn’t make me into the monster I was...still am perhaps. I did my best to apologize to those I had hurt…which reminds me…
I’ve never apologized for all of the physical and emotional pain I caused you. When I shot that warehouse, thinking you were dead, part of me at that very moment died too and so did my humanity where I felt like I was drifting into an eternal and cold darkness until Korra pulled me back to reality…and when I first heard you survived the ordeal. You have no idea how relieved I felt, crying with tears of joy and tears of sadness because you could’ve been dead because of me.
There’s nothing I can do to take back what I did and there’s no amount of fantasies and thinking about all of the what-ifs could ever change anything. All I could do is to say sorry. You don’t have to forgive me or ever; no amount of forgiveness could ever erase the things I have done. I accepted that fact. The prices of my sins are being paid for right now and maybe throughout my future lifetimes. I’m willing to take that burden for you too.
Tell your family – especially your mother – that I’m sorry for everything.
- Kuvira
180 AG
Dear Baatar,
Give Bolin and Opal my congratulation and best regards. I heard they’re tying the knot on this very I have written this letter, I’m glad; they really are my favorite couple. But I just realized today would’ve been our fifth wedding anniversary if things went according to plan.
- Kuvira
180 AG
Dear Baatar,
The Earth Kingdom is always more beautiful up north, the sky is clearer and I can see the stars better. It’s breathtaking, but it still doesn’t beat the view back at Zaofu. Are they still as beautiful as they were like the many nights we used to share when we were younger? The tales you would often tell and ones I’ve never get tired of hearing, my favorite is still about the Four Symbols in the sky. But I am not here to discuss old memories and the sake of nostalgia…
The first snowfall is here now, winter has arrived. You know how dangerous it can be in this region at this time of the year. This may be the last you’ll hear from me until spring comes.
- Kuvira
189 AG
Kuvira never thought this day would come when she stepped out of the Republic City’s police department, today is finally the day she’s a free woman; a fifteen year sentence completed, what a journey it has been. Her eyes lingered on the spirit portal from the distant, the city illuminating under its ethereal glow and how the shadows are dancing on the building walls.
Her gaze eventually turned away, turning to the empty streets. It was past midnight, no one could be seen walking in the street where others thought it would be the best and wisest idea that she should be release at this hour where she wouldn’t be met with a large press and an unwanted crowd. She knew well enough that she still wasn’t the most popular figure and it would take a long time for others to at least not view her with contempt.
She was waiting for her pickup that should’ve been here moments ago, dropping her off at her new home in the city. Her arms clutched the box she held tightly where it contains her old uniform during her time as the Great Uniter, a few of her personal items, and the many letters she sent through the years. She must have sent hundreds – thousands – of letters. Many of which were returned to her while others she’s sure enough have been lost…or burned.
However, there was only one that she hadn’t sent out. One of which that was fresh and pressed.
She knew what words were contained within the envelope:
Dear Baatar,
I missed you. I still love you.
- Kuvira
She really is a coward, too afraid to know the truth that he moved on and finally settled down where he no longer loves her. The very thought of this disappointed her, wanting to hit herself over and over again for having such feelings, it was only a few years ago she encouraged him to move on…find someone nice he can settle down with. Oh how quick the mind can change, regretting sending that letter out.
Maybe he finally moved on…married with kids that his mother can spoil…happier than he was with her.
Her thoughts were cut off when she heard a roar of an engine, looking up to see a satomobile was parked by the sidewalk in front of her. She felt nervous when the figure exited out of the vehicle, not knowing who they are as they approach her. Kuvira hoped whoever this may be held no ill feelings for her. However, as the figure got closer, her eyes squinted to get a better look at them before her eyes widened. “I-It’s you…” She began, feeling as though her entire world stopped for a moment.
He gave her a smile. “Hello.” He greeted her.
“What are you doing here?” Kuvira asked, confused.
“The chief sent me to get you.” His eyes moved down to the box she was holding with the letter resting on top catching his attention immediately.
“You don’t have to read it!” she squeaked out, a noise she never thought she would ever make in her life; embarrassingly, she sounded like a young and shy schoolgirl. Unfortunately, her words fell into deaf ears when Baatar was already reading the letter, quickly shutting her eyes shut tightly and kept her head down where she felt fear thundering in her chest. Her fear only increased when it became quiet for too long, her rapid heartbeats are the only ones she could hear pounding in her ears right until he called out to her with a note of his own waving in front of her face. “Is this…for me?” She asked warily.
“You really are a stubborn fool who doesn’t know when to quit,” he said gently, amused. “Go on, read it.”
Kuvira stared at the note for a moment before she slowly took it reluctantly into her hand, eyes welling up with tears when she read what he wrote:
Dear Kuvira,
I love you too.
- Baatar
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larissel · 6 years
Day 5: BAD HABITS/Jealousy
Fandom: Legend of Korra
Ship: Baavira
Words: 596
Summary: (Explicit) Addictions are horrible things, they don’t know how to quit each other and they aren’t sure if they even want to.
A/N: I think this could’ve been written better, but I’m too lazy and tired to fix it. Anyways, a ship week can’t really end without something sexy.
“Harder,” Kuvira moaned beneath him, breathing heavily as a thin layer of sweat covered her body before arching her back off from the bed when Baatar heeded her desperate cry, pounding her harder until she’s moaning loudly into the night’s air. It wasn’t much long afterwards when she came for the umpteenth time of the night, feeling his cum filling her up to the brim when he came moments after her.
Baatar collapsed on top of her, his face pressed against those wonderful tits of hers that he always loves and felt blessed at that very moment. He brought one of her nipples into his mouth in greedily and felt the sensitive bud becoming hard at the brushing of his tongue. It wasn’t long they felt hot and bothered again, ready for the next round of their lovemaking. Both of their eyes were still filled with a burning desire.
Kuvira was straddling on top of him after she made a quick maneuvered to switch their positions, smirking down at her lover when she felt his erected cock pressing up against her pussy, dripping with want for the man. She felt his hands flying to her hips, holding her down in a bruising grip in an attempt to regain some little control over her by rubbing up against her. Their lips were met in a sloppy kiss and it wasn’t long until the sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the room, along with the creaking of the bed when she rides him hard and fast.
The smell of sex and sweat wafting in the air, an electrifying lust burning their very cores as they drown in each other’s desires, it was just like how it was the first night they met each other after years and years of being apart. It seems time hasn’t erode whatever feelings they still hold for one another, even though they have yet to say such thing. To them, and right now, this is all just sex and nothing more to it.
It was wrong, they both know it. The world would be reeling and would surely be throwing a fit if they ever caught wind of this rendezvous of theirs. They both acknowledge it that others won’t be at all thrill with the idea of them back together, what this infamous couple can cause and whatever spawns they can produce. Perhaps they might’ve find humor in their words if they, truthfully, didn’t agree to their notion.
At least there’s no reason to panic, no one knows of their nightly meetings…yet.
They often tell each other and even to themselves that it’s wrong, that they should end this before anyone finds out, and yet, they can’t. Oh they have already tried to quit each other several times, but at the end of the day, they always gravitate back to each other. It’s like a horrible addiction, they don’t know how to quit each other—
With a resounding moan ripping out from their throats that shook the walls, Baatar and Kuvira came at the same time—blinded momentarily by hot flashes. Her pussy was clenching his cock tightly, milking his cum that was filling her cunt up to the brim. They continued to ride each other’s orgasms off, holding onto each other tightly until exhaustion finally took over with their bodies pressing up against one another in a sticky and sweaty mess, calming down from their orgasmic high. Forehead to forehead and dazed eyes meeting, hot and heavy breaths mingling, lips only inches apart…
—they aren’t sure if they even want to.
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legendtron · 6 years
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Day 3- fear
Conquering a kingdom can be scary— doubts can riddle your mind. But holding the hand of one another can ease the worries and stress that comes along with it.
Insta: ohtwoh
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legendtron · 6 years
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Day 7- au
An alternate universe where they can just live happily ever after and frolic through fields together.
Thank you to the person who hosted baavira week, and thank you to everyone who said nice things! I’m still brand new to tumblr, so I’m not really sure how to reply and show my thanks. I’m very active on my instagram though, and you can reach me there!
Insta: ohtwoh/aangfire
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larissel · 6 years
Day 3: FEAR/Years
Fandom: Legend of Korra
Ship: Baavira
Words: 662
Summary: There is no fear that’s greater than seeing the person you love hurt.
Kuvira huffed loudly with annoyance written on her face before letting out a pained grunt when she leaned back against her seat too roughly. She crossed her arms together, throwing one leg over the other before she immediately started to shake her foot impatiently. “You’re an idiot.” She suddenly said to Baatar’s still form.
“Why in the would you that for?” she asked, glaring at him as if she’s waiting for him to say something, but obviously he was unable to respond; however, that didn’t stop her from releasing out another huff. “I hope you know that I’m angry and that this should serve you as a lesson for making a careless move.” She said her body shifted, no longer looking at him as she pouted.
Several seconds haven’t even went by, Kuvira was already sighing heavily before turning to face Baatar’s unconscious form once more. A worried look was quick to replace her initial annoyance. “I didn’t mean to say what I said, I’m just so worried.” She reached out and took one of his hands into hers.
“And scared,” she added, biting down on her bottom lip. “On the contrary that I am a woman without fears, I have a lot of them.” She confessed, squeezing his hand tightly. Like many others, she was once naïve to how this world functions until she witnessed what death have laid waste on the streets of Ba Sing Se.
“But you knew that already.” These nightmares of hers have always plagued her mind ever since she was a little girl, but it mostly stopped since she and Baatar began sharing a bed together, chasing the demons out of her head. “How I often dreamed about my parents abandoning me...people I care about leaving my side…” She began to trail off for a moment, releasing a shuddering breath.
“None of that compares seeing you hurt, the thought of you…dying is what scares me the most,” she said before leaning down to press her lips against his gently, but to her great surprise, he was kissing her back. It didn’t take long for her to realize what was happening, her face flushing red when she pulled away.
“You—how long have you been awake?!”
“Since you walked in here,” Baatar laugh, slowly sitting up from his bed with a soft groan.
Kuvira’s eyes were blazing at this point before she slapped him hard on the chest in which he responded with a pained cry. She could only shake her head, unamused by what he sees as a joke. He should count himself as fortunate that he made it out with minor injuries from the surprised attacks; the bandits have all been captured and shall suffer the consequences later—once her body stops aching.
“You should be lucky enough that the worst injury you have is a big bump on your head,” she scolded, it’s obvious that the metalbender found no humor in his little prank.
“I didn’t mean to worry you, but when you started talking I got curious, I couldn’t help it and—I’m sorry.” A soft sigh left Baatar’s lips, guilt radiating off from him.
“For a man who’s intelligent, you can be very stupid too.” She shook her head, a smile twitching its way to her face. “You’re lucky that I love you and I’m glad you’re okay.” She said before she kissed him again.
“Does that mean I’m forgiven?” Baatar asked, dazed after her lips pulled away from his.
“Yes, you are,” she said, smirking. “By the way, next time, let me do all the fighting, okay?” She could see how red his face became at her comment. While it was admittedly nice to see him in action, there’s no joy to see him take a nasty hit and a terrible fall, face first on the ground.
‘Can’t believe I’m marrying a dork,’ she thought to herself with a smile. What better way to end a proposal than a surprise ambushed?
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larissel · 6 years
Day 7: AU/ Song Lyrics
Fandom: Legend of Korra
Ship: Baavira
Words: 1473
Summary: (Star War AU) She finds solace in his arms, words that makes her feel belong.
A/N: This AU has honestly been sitting in my head for over a year now so this is a perfect chance to do this. Hopefully, I didn’t make any mistakes since I’m still pretty new and fresh in the Star Wars fandom, so I am still learning about the and fix any mistakes I’ll eventually find.
It was everything but quiet in the household, even when the home sat mostly vacant. The sound of heavy breathings filling up the empty and large compound room, along with the echoes of wood striking against wood sounding loudly, the only two figures in the room were both huffing with their faces flushed red with beads of sweat rolling down their faces. Their eyes were locked on one another with a concentrated look as they silently tested each other—a twitch, a brief pause then they were at it again.
Each blow was as devastating as the last, but their intentions held no malice whatsoever. Serious as they both are, unyielding with furrowed brows, but even with their frowns painted across their lips, it still cannot hide away the certain playfulness that was shining in their eyes. Eventually, one of their frowns became a smile; his eyes were sparkling brighter than ever.
“Have you now?” Kuvira said, raising a brow before bringing up her own staff, smacking it against his face. She swept his feet off from the mat and it wasn’t long until she had him pinned down, straddling on top of him. “You forgot about the most important rule: a fight is never really over when your opponent isn’t down.”
“I know,” he sighed. “I just got excited, that’s all.”
She eventually got off him, smiling as she held her hand out to him and pulled him up. “Don’t sweat it, you did well today.” Truly, he has improved over these past months since she began training him to become a better fighter—to become a true warrior. However, her words went unheard when he started to say things she wishes never to hear from him, constantly.
It’s no secret that Baatar is insecure of his own skills, and in his mind, the lack of it. While his training with Kuvira have helped him improve, he still has many steps to take before he could even be considered as a warrior by eyes of Mandalore. He was considered to be a skinny lad too, despite the fact his clothes were starting to feel tighter.
He doesn’t understand why his mother chose him to lead Clan Beifong once she steps down as leader. “It should’ve been you.” He said, wondering why Kuvira wasn’t considered to take his mother’s place instead, she already has what it takes to be a leader and as skilled as the elite warriors of Mandalore, maybe even more so. Not only that, she’s close with his mother. But most importantly, he never wanted to be a warrior and to spend the rest of his life fighting.
He has a different dream, a wish to become an engineer and a love for science that outweighs the faith of the clan’s future. Such thought of his would be considered as selfish and traitorous and his family’s clan is already being looked down upon on by many of the other clans; it’s the reason why Kuvira can never take his mother’s place.
She isn’t a Mandalorian—in blood, taken in by the Beifongs when she was found wandering in the streets of Coruscant alone. In other words, she’s an outsider. An outsider who doesn’t deserve to lead one of the oldest clan on Mandalore, let alone, being part of it. It was a travesty when Suyin came back home with a street rat, causing an uproar and Clan Beifong were no longer looked upon with respect; once noble, now no more.
“You know why,” Kuvira finally said, her tone coming out bitter. She could never understand why the likes of her are treated with so much disdain. It wasn’t a secret that she’s one of the finest warriors, beating out many others who have been fighting their entire lives. However, her anger and annoyance wasn’t directed at the other clans as much as it once was…
“They’re just jealous,” Baatar said, trying to comfort her, “that you’re better than them.”
“It’s not that.”
“It’s not?”
“It’s your mother.”
“Yeah,” Kuvira said, giving him an all too familiar look, “oh.”
“What did she do?” he asked, his brows furrowing with concern.
“It’s what she didn’t do,” she replied, sighing angrily as she turned her back to him with her arms crossing together. “She can’t stand up for herself—for me!” She exclaimed, swiping her hand in the air in a furious manner. Does she not even hear the things they say? Or does she simply chose to be ignorant…a damn coward.
“She can’t even stand up for this clan. For her family!”
“She’s…trying her best,” Baatar said, defending his mother with a hint of hesitation slipping into his voice.
“Are you sure about that?” Kuvira asked, turning to give him an incredulous look that silently said “are you on my side or not?”. Her brows were raised up as if she was challenging him to say the wrong thing.
Not wanting to get on her bad side, Baatar pulled her up against his chest and held her tightly in his arms. This wasn’t the first time she made a complaint about his mother nor would it be the last, and if he were to be honest with himself as well, he was just as upset as she was. His mother never gave him a choice and instead chose his future, paving his fate for him.
Things became quiet between them, sitting on the floor in the middle of the training room as the sweat on their bodies have longed cool off. The air no longer tense, having become calmer when Kuvira’s anger at her mentor and at those who caused so much anguish in her heart have finally subsided…for now.
“Better?” Baatar asked with a soft smile, placing his hand on top of hers.
“I suppose,” Kuvira said, trailing her sentence off before returning his smile with a soft look of her own and resting her head on his shoulder, “I am now.”
Baatar laughed, kissing her temple. He doesn’t mind that they both smell of sweat and the fact that they
He laughed gently, kissing her temple. He doesn’t mind the fact that she smelt of sweat, as the matter of fact, so does he and the both of them are in need of a bath. ‘That’s not a bad idea actually…’ He smirked, they’re both home alone while his parents are currently away and his siblings chose to follow them. As he was about to bring his lovely idea up, he became taken aback when Kuvira lets out chuckle, looking quite thoughtful.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.
“It’s nothing, I was just thinking,” she said, looking thoughtful.
“About what if I may ask?”
“The darksaber…”
“Oh?” Baatar raised an eyebrow, interested in what she has to say next.
Kuvira nodded, lips pressing together into a thin line with an annoyed expression coming across her face once more. “Just imagine if I ever wield it—closest imaginable respect I’ll probably ever get.” She snorted. It’s quite a tragedy that it became lost and hasn’t been seen since that fallen sith lord wielding such a fine weapon during his temporary reign on Mandalore.
“You never had that thought?”
“No, I don’t think I am worthy enough for it.” Baatar shook his head, smiling.
“Why would you say that?” Her brows furrowed together, she never liked hearing him talking himself down.
“Why would I be worthy for it when you’re here?” His smile became cheekier.
“Please stop being so cheesy,” she groaned, giving him a gentle shove but it firm enough to knock him off from her.
“Cheesy enough wanting to marry you,” he said, sitting back up with his hand on her cheek and turned her
“Admit it, you like it when I’m cheesy,” he said, sitting back up. “Besides, I am cheesy enough wanting to call you my wife one day.” He turned her face towards his, his hand resting on her right cheek and gently brushed his thumb against her mole.
“One day, I will marry you and you’ll become an official Beifong,” he said, eyes burning with determination with the vows he was making. “I will change our people’s views, ushering us into a new age where we will not repeat the mistakes our ancestors made. No one can stop me from doing my duty—for what’s right.” It wasn’t long until the confidence blazing in his eyes disappeared, embarrassed at his bravado display.
“Or…try to at least…”
“Would that be the only reason you would want to marry me?” she smirked, leaning her face closer to his. It wasn’t long until they shared a short and sweet kiss before they parted ways slowly, foreheads pressed together as they basked in this moment of intimacy…a moment they hardly share when others are home.
“I love you.”
“I know.”
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legendtron · 6 years
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Day 6- watching from afar
Here comes the most rushed drawing yet, please excuse me
But Kuvira doesn’t smile for much— but helping someone out makes her happy. And seeing her happy is the only thing that matters to Baatar in the world.
Insta: ohtwoh
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