#baby hamish
derailedfiction · 10 months
Lonely boy | 1. An Coineachan
Characters: Merlin | Hamish Mycroft, Galahad | Harry Hart, Merlin | Richard Mycroft (OMC), and other
Warnings: sadness, parents loss, abandonment, anger issues, swearing, death
Word count: 1942
Summary: it is a prequel to Run boy, run
A/N.: An Coineachan (en. Highland Fairy Lullaby) a Scottish lullaby, supposed to be sung by a disconsolate mother whose babe has been stolen by the fairies. Translated by L. MacBean, author of "Songs of the Highlands"
It was an unusual night. After a long day of heavy rains, it finally calmed down and the ground started to release accumulated moisture, forming dense and heavy fog around a mansion. When everybody should be sleeping one person, a child actually, was awake and waiting. Left alone with its nanny, in an extravagant and big mansion, the child was waiting for its parents to return. Despite being asked to go sleep a little boy refused to do so. Something wasn't allowing him to sleep, some kind of anxiety that made his tummy hurt a little bit. At once he became scared and stressed and looking through the window, searching for the lights of his parents’ car didn't help. All he could see was a milky cloud tightly hugging his home. The nanny took the snivelling boy in her arms and carried him to his bedroom. She put him in the bed and covered him carefully with a duvet and a blanket.
"Sleep now little one. Papa and Mama will be home soon," she tried to calm down the boy, but she only received quiet sobs in an answer. "Come on boy. Do you remember what Papa promised to you?" he nodded with trembling chin.
"We'll go flying", the boy said calmed down a little bit.
"That's right. So, think about flying in a nice plane and going to sleep and in the morning, you'll hug your parents. Sleep little one," the nanny kissed his forehead and left.
He had a hard time falling asleep. Those strange figures out of the window were making him wonder where his parents were and why they hadn't already come home to him. He curled up into an embryo and lay in complete silence. Even his hamster usually noisy at night was quiet as if something big was oncoming. The boy cried a little bit more but after a while, he fell asleep.
In the other part of the country, a man was woken up by an unexpected phone call. It was nearly two in the morning when he answered the phone, shrugging the sleep remnants almost immediately.
"Yes, yes of course. What happened?" he sat up trying to understand what was said to him. "What? Is there any chance...", the speaker interrupted him with new information. "Are you absolutely sure?" He was listening carefully, but he couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was hard to believe in such terrible news. "All right I understand that", but of course he understood. He heard the words, but their sense was lost to him, "Is there any chance that the child will live? The woman... His wife was pregnant... Oh Lord..." He felt all of a sudden numb, unable to speak.
Such tragedy, no one was expecting. His brother was dying, and his lovely wife was dead as the child she was carrying. His mourning thoughts concentrated on the boy they left alone in this world. Quickly he put himself together. He had things to be done.
"Is there any chance for me to arrive there just in time to see my brother?" the hope of seeing his little brother for the last time enlightened his face but it disappeared as fast as it came. The doctor on the other end wasn’t giving him great chances to survive the surgery.
"I'll arrive at the hospital as soon as I can. Yes, thank you," he got up and dressed in extreme rush.
The boy can't wake up alone, that was the most important thought for him at the moment.
"Arthur? It's Merlin. I need to borrow one of the helicopters. It's crucial. My brother and his wife just died, and they left a four-year-old boy after. I would be grateful. I need to get to Scotland as soon as I can. Thank you I owe you that, Arthur."
He was relieved that it went so smoothly. Just one more call and he was free to go but that was the hardest one. He dialled the number and waited.
"Hello?" the sleepy voice answered, he easily recognised Amelia, the nanny. "Amelia, it's Richard, Thomas's older brother." he was trying really hard to remain calm.
"Oh, good night, sir. Is everything all right?"
"How is the boy?"
“He had some difficulties with sleeping earlier this evening but eventually he is sleeping now," he could sense that she was suspecting something.
"Don't wake him, I’ll be there tomorrow. I have bad news, unfortunately."
Richard arrived in the early morning, quiet like a ghost. Of course, before arrival, he had taken care of things of practical matters like preparing necessary documents and contacting a lawyer. Some papers need to be changed. No sooner had he finished those small preparations than he went to the headquarters for the helicopter. The flight was surprisingly short, or it was due to the adrenalin and emotions building up. He didn’t pay attention to it deep in his thoughts looking at Glasgow bathed in the glow of the rising sun. The day looked promising, which even deepened the excruciating pain the man felt.
He tried to remember the last time was, he spoke to his little brother as he stood over his cold body, nodding to the mortician that it was his relative. It was not the first time he had to identify the body as the quartermaster of Kingsman, he got used to it. The coldness of the room and its sterility made him shiver.
Then Richard was presented with his sister-in-law's corpse, and he couldn’t take it anymore. Harsh gasp escaped his mouth as he helplessly tried to compose himself.
“Yes, that’s her,” he mumbled on the way out.
This was not supposed to happen. Never in his worst dreams has he imagined outliving his brother and being the one to determine if it’s the right body. He always thought it would be the other way around or that Thomas would end up getting a fancy letter with golden Kingsman’s emblem on it, informing with great sadness of his passing.
“Mr Mycroft?” he stood still observing the white-tiled floor with an empty gaze, “Mr Mycroft, are you alright?” a doctor touched his arm to get his attention, “I’m sorry for your loss, were you close?”
“We used to be. Unfortunately, my work wasn’t helping with keeping the relationship more devoted. At least at my end,” he cleared his throat and looked at the doctor, “How it will look like?”
“Well, we have to perform an autopsy but given it was a fatal car accident, it won’t take long. After that, the bodies will be transferred to the mortuary of your choosing for the funeral, Mr Mycroft. It will take a few days.”
“I see, you got my contact info?” after the confirming nod, he continued, “Good then I’ll wait for the call. I have to inform their son.”
“Mr Mycroft. Once again, I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Yes, thank you, doctor,” he brushed it off on his way out. The man’s thoughts were occupied and empty at the same time, already thinking how to deliver the news to his nephew.
“Amelia, is my mommy coming soon?”
“I’m sure she is, darling. Do you want to eat your breakfast?” the nanny showed him a plate of small pancakes with some berries on top.
“Pancakes? But it’s not Sunday,” the boy frowned puzzled with this offer, “I’ll eat them,” he added fast with a disarming smile.
“Very well, Hamish. Sit up and eat up, young gentleman,” Amelia put the plate with cutlery in front of the child and added a glass of juice after a moment, “When you finish you can go outside and play in the garden. How does it sound?”
“Mhmm,” he answered the best he could with a mouth full of food. He finished his meal excitedly, in his mind, already running on the barely dry lawn with a toy plane that would undoubtedly crush into the ground, “Thank you,” with a loud rumble he moved the plate away from him and ran away to dress up.
“Put your hat on, it’s rather chilly!” she shouted after her protegee. After a moment she heard a joyful scream as he ran out into the garden with his toys. She smiled to herself and started to clean up after the breakfast.
“Good morning, Amelia,” she jumped surprised.
“Good morning, sir. Quite an entrance,” she responded with a nervous laugh, “Can I get you anything?”
“Coffee, please. How is the boy?”
“He woke up in quite a cheerful mood. Is everything alright?”
“I’m afraid not,” he smiled softly, accepting the cup, “His parents had a car accident. They didn’t make it.”
Amelia gasped terrified, her eyes filled with tears, “My God, this is unbelievable. Oh, this poor boy. What will happen to him?”
“I don’t know, I spoke to the lawyer, I’ll become his legal guardian. We just need documents to move it further,” he heard a sigh of relief from the nanny, “Where is he?”
“Garden, playing with his planes,” her voice trembled as she tried to hold back tears. She was unable to imagine how he would feel when he finally heard the news, “Are you going to tell him, sir?”
“Unfortunately. I have no conscience to put you through it, Amelia,” Richard came closer to the window observing his nephew’s last moments of child’s light-hearted plays, “Let's give him some more carefree childhood. I’ll talk to him when he’s back home.”
Within half an hour a breathless and sweaty youngling stormed the house like a tornado, loudly demanding something to drink. Boots, hat, and jacket were left like a trail of breadcrumbs leading to the kitchen where he bumped into two adults conversing quietly.
“Uncle Rick!” he exclaimed throwing himself in welcoming arms, for a tight hug.
“Hello, dear boy,” the child nested himself comfortably in his arms and with cold hands touched his relative's face with naïve pietism, “What are you looking for, Hamish?”
“You look different, older…” he paused frowning, “Sadder.”
“Well, I am really sad today, lad,” Kingsman smiled softly, which puzzled the boy even more, “Let’s take our drinks and maybe we’ll go to the playroom?” he passed a plastic cup to the child and ordered to hold it tightly. With his other free hand, he took a half-finished coffee and they headed to another room.
“You stopped coming often, why?” nephew inquired, focused on not spilling his drink.
“I had a lot of work,” now I regret it, he thought to himself, “Alright, now off you go.”
As soon as Hamish stood on the floor, he greedily drank up the juice and gave back the empty cup to his uncle, eyeing a particularly soft teddy he wanted to play with. Richard sat down heavily on a black sofa and sank into it. He didn’t want to have this conversation with the four-year-old. All he wanted was to disappear or wake up from this nightmare.
“Hamish,” the boy looked at him expectantly, “Come here,” he stretched out his hand encouragingly, watching the child coming quickly holding teddy’s paw and dragging it behind him.
“Are you crying, uncle?” it was impossible not to hear how concerned the boy was, “Is it because you’re sad?”
“Yes, lad,” he lifted him and sat down on his lap, “I’m sad because something happened and I’m even sadder because I have to tell you about it,” as best as he could, Hamish tried to hide behind his teddy. If such a big adult was crying about something, what would be with him?
“What is it?” he whispered.
“Your parents won’t come home, boy.”
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mrsbsmooth · 4 months
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In case you’re wondering if Hamish’s crisps business is doing well
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rohanjake · 2 months
me with Hamish in S6 vs me with Hamish in S9
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scumpatrol · 8 months
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Legion FX: "Chapter 10" (2018) HAMISH LINKLATER as Clark Debussy
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hamishlinklaters · 11 months
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Flanafam reunion including Hamish Linklater, Samantha Sloyan, Robert Longstreet, Louis Olivier and Matt Biedel via Annarah Cymone’s Insta
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willkimurashat · 1 month
From bacon breath to sweetness - he came a long way🥹
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cxffeereid · 8 months
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old man hamish just got his monthly steroid treatment and he’s doing sooo good!
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mittysins · 1 month
Y'all ever find a song that Hits and can't stop imagining an epic animation project with your OCs that will definitely never come to fruition because like
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aherdofbees · 1 year
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jacknives · 1 year
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MIRANDA JULY and HAMISH LINKLATER in THE FUTURE (2011), dir. miranda july
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antiquatedplumbobs · 1 year
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Autumn 1910
Autumn had well and truly arrived in Brindleton Bay. The trees were bedecked with fiery crowns as the maples blazed a shocking red; their last push of beauty before the slumber that winter brought. 
At Sable Farm, the Sewell family was slightly preoccupied with other matters. Their second son, Freddy, had recently departed for Britechester to return to his schooling, leaving the family off-kilter from his absence, despite the short nature of his school holiday visit. The time had flown by at an alarming rate, as his mother, Violet, had been heard exclaiming mournfully no less than twice a day. 
The evenings had a newfound chill to them, making a fire a welcome accompaniment to the evenings activities rather than an unpleasant necessity to endure as the summer cook fire often was. 
The family was at leisure, Hamish reading an agricultural periodical, Violet knitting something for someone, Elsie diligently practicing her embroidery, little Charlie busily stacking his blocks as high as they would go, and Willy, absorbed in perfecting the wooden train set he was whittling for Charlie. Spot, Willy's dog, slept loyally at his feet, enjoying the warmth of the flames.
The little family did feel the absence of their missing member, made all the more obvious by the new family portrait hanging above the mantle. The portrait was courtesy of a newly established photography studio, nestled among the dockworker's housing at Tail's End. The Sewells were respected among the town and their patronage was somewhat expected at a location such as this.
With the success of their dairy, the family had sprung for a series of photos to commemorate their growing children. Violet was all too aware that in the blink of an eye, the remaining young ones would be grown and off to make their own way, and all she would have to remember them was her memory — and now, a portrait hanging above the mantle.
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oodelally3 · 9 months
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A gift exchange fic for @lucas-koh
Jude gets a shock when she moves to another country. Sheep and shenanigans ensue!
Read on AO3.
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jyngerpeach · 2 years
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monday mood
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illiana-mystery · 2 years
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I love how Laura is slapping his hand down in the last gif. 🤣
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willkimurashat · 2 months
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