#baby jude <3
hannahssimblr · 6 months
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“Do it, just do it.” 
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“Okay well stop moving around all over the place then will you?”
“Jen, wait, maybe-”
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“Uh, guys, is there going to be blood?”
“What the hell? No of course there won’t be blood, shut up Joe.”
“No I’m just asking ‘cause like, my ma got mad the last time youse were over when one of you spilled blue powerade on the carpet so…”
“I said there’ll be no blood, relax.”
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“Well I’m just saying that I might faint if I see blood, because this time at school before some lad in my base class threw a whiteboard eraser and it hit my face and my nose bled and then I blacked out in the boy’s bathroom and nobody found me for like ten minutes, even though, like, to me, like it felt like no time at all was after-”
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“Oh my God, Joe, if you don’t shut the fuck up I’m going to stick this thing crooked.”
“Um, try not to, please.” 
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She grabs my chin and holds me still, “Then don’t move, and Joe,” She jabs a finger in his direction, “Not a word from you, I’m dead serious. Right,” Her tongue pokes out the corner of her mouth as she eyes my ear with determination. The ice she’s holding melts a trail down my neck and into the collar of my t-shirt and I don’t dare react. “Has that gone numb?”
“I dunno yet.”
“Probably has,” She tosses the cube into Joe’s sink with a metallic thunk and positions the needle on my lobe.
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Shane pipes up from the table, “any blue powerades going, by the way?”
“Shut up!” I can feel her hand trembling, and the sewing needle rasps against my soft virgin skin. She exhales slowly, “Okay, one, two…” she hesitates and my eyes follow her movements nervously as she pushes her hair behind her ears and then leans for a closer look. She’s so close that her shaky breath feathers against my cheek. Take two. “Okay, okay, seriously this time. One, two…” I feel it. I hear it. And a grunt of disgust comes from the back of her throat as the needle pieces through my earlobe. “Oh, God,” There’s silence. My eyes screw shut as I wait for the pain.
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“Does it hurt, Jude?” Joe sounds queasy.
“Why? Does it look like it should hurt?”
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“I told you it doesn’t hurt,” Jen dismisses, “...but it’s fine, right?”
“I think so. It just feels kinda… hot?” I peel my eyes open.
“Yeah, well, you’re grand, now,” she reaches to the counter behind her, “stud or hoop?”
“Okay well too bad they only had very girly looking studs in Claire’s Accessories, so I got hoops.”
“Why’d you offer, then?”
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She dangles the little purple shiny packaging in front of my face to distract me, “Look at that, hm? Very cool, manly hoops.” 
“Yeah, very manly.” and she fumbles around my ear for several moments trying to get it through the new hole in me, and that’s when it hurts the worst, as she’s tugging and poking and digging her sharp thumbnails in, but I pretend that it doesn’t because Shane and Joe are in the room and sixteen year old boys aren’t supposed to show things like pain and discomfort in front of each other, it’d be weird and socially unacceptable. Vulnerability is illegal among us.
If it were Jen and I alone in this caravan I’d at least be whining at her, if not actually tearing up about the discomfort of it all.
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She closes the clasp at the back of the hoop and presents me to the room, “What do ye think?”
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“A bit red,” says Joe as he clutches the rim of the sink with milk white knuckles “Is it meant to be that red? That’s not bleeding, is it? Ah Jesus, I don’t think we should have done this…” Shane glances away from the olympic basketball game on the TV and huffs out a laugh. “Gay ear,” he says. 
Jen pauses, “Gay ear?”
“Yep, ‘tis the gay ear.” 
“What do you mean by that?”
“Obviously, like, you’re after piercing the right lobe; the one that you pierce when you want all the other fellas to know that you fancy them or whatever, like, I dunno. I just heard that some place. Shoulda pierced the left.”
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I tug on it self consciously though it’s tender. “Where’d you hear that?”
“Lads on the football team probably, look,” He crosses his arms with authority, “I go to an all boys school. I know what the Gay Ear is.”
I look up at Jen and tell her that I don’t mind that it’s the Gay Ear.
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“That’s for life though,” Joe pipes up unhelpfully, “You’ll always have that hole in your ear now, so even if you take the earring out everyone is gonna see that you have your right ear pierced and they’re all gonna think-”
“I don’t care if they think I’m gay. What does it matter?”
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“Yeah but you’re not gay, and it’s the Gay Ear,” Shane argues, “That’s the point. You’ll end up confusing everyone, and men won’t know what to do when they see you out and about and all that.”
“That feels like kind of a backwards, 90s thing to say, honestly.”
“Nobody’s being homophobic, fuck sake. It’s just the code.”
“Well it’s pierced for life now, isn’t it? What the fuck do you want me to do?” 
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“Christ sake,” Jen seizes my shoulder and yanks me back into the seat, “Pass me that ice, Joe, I’ll just do the other side then and you can all shut up annoying me about it, alright?”
“Fucking Gay Ear, who comes up with that shite?” she mutters to herself, and pushes the mostly melted cube to my left lobe so we can start all over again. 
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Afterwards I squeeze into the tiny caravan bathroom to look at myself in the mirror. My ears are furious red, but at least the hoops are even. I think. Jen has given me table salt from Joe’s kitchen cabinet to wash them with, and I do it, I fill one hand with limey water from the taps and pour a random amount of salt in with it. I don’t know what I’m doing, but it's fine because if they get infected I'll just take them out. I’ve never seen another boy with both ears pierced, but that’s fine too, because I’ll just pretend it’s a trend from America that nobody else has heard of yet. 
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When I come out Jen turns away from the television screen to look at me.
“Looks okay,” she says.
“Yeah,” I catch sight of the clock behind her and realise that our ear piercing activities sliced only thirty minutes out of this long, empty July afternoon. “So, um, what now?”
“Any more bright ideas?”
I shrug, “I dunno. We could go play tennis?”
“Kids club is at the boat club until six and my sister is always hanging out with those inbred looking fellas at the one in the caravan park,” Shane says, “So no.”
“Joe, do you think your brother could go buy us cigarettes again? We could smoke up by the-”
“Nah man he’s working today.”
“Well the olympics are on so I suppose we could-”
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“I couldn’t be bothered with sports,” says Jen, “nor do I want to sit here pretending to care. And now we’ve done all we were meant to do today and there’s nowhere else to hang out…” She looks at me for help as though I’m supposed to know how to keep three bored teenagers entertained through another endless summer day smack bang in the middle of a recession.
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I sigh and throw my hands up in defeat, “Well… I dunno. Will we shave my head?” 
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viivdle · 1 month
compilation of my trademark thanks to @thejudeduarte
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edmundhoward · 1 month
fandom valiantly tried to woobify henry viii and challenge the tendency to dehumanise him as some kind of bluebeard-esque villain through the 2010s, which is cute and all, but as a 1540s enthusiast i for one am genuinely excited to get back to depicting him as a shambling angry corpse with firebrand, and i think we can and should dehumanise him more
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evrybdys-f00l · 2 months
random facts about kris lemche (some were just off the top of my head, others are pretty well known if you ever decided to do research on him)
- he is 5'6"
- he is the oldest of two siblings
- he used to work as a lifeguard until he saw a casting call for the disney show "flash forward" (not to get confused with "flash point" which was another show he appeared on)
- (i could totally be reading this the wrong way, so take it with a grain of salt) kris is possible claustrophobic, as in the "planned accidents" special features of final destination 3, he stated how when he realized he'd be locked onto the roller coaster all day, he had a panic attack and needed to take a medication to calm himself down
- in a transcripted interview, when talking about the character lucas from mgtbars, kris talks about he had played a gay character before, but doesn't mention the name of the movie and says it was terrible and "much more sexual than this was". considering the year of the interview (2002) kris may be talking about the movie "johnny" where he played a character named sean. (tw for SA if you do decide to look into this movie, kris honestly wasn't wrong when he made that statement) (source from the wayback machine)
- he has a dog! (i unfortunately can't find the pictures, but he has a little black pug!)
- he has a son!? (source)
- (semi-unrelated, but it's still kris lemche) he has a handful of lost media, some of which have been found! (mgtbars, edgar floats, saint jude) however, there's still a lot missing unfortunately :( (just go onto his wikipedia page, there's a good handful of movies that never were released or have no evidence of being released lmao)
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pjshermann · 4 months
the julia post… any chance of some wholesome jude and julia moments in my baby?
oh absolutely, like so many. That’s his MOM 🥲. It’s not a criticism of the book bc I know the main focus was male relationships, but I wish we’d gotten more in-depth with Jude and Julia’s relationship, especially a one-on-one scene with just them and not Harold included.
Speaking of My Baby, there’s actually a scene in the next chapter that’s going to set up a part (one part of many) of Julia’s relationship development with Jude. it’ll be something that Harold wouldn’t be able to relate to but Julia does and therefore Julia has a better understanding of it and how to help Jude deal with it. So your question is very much on time haha
(Also, if you’re the anon who sent in that Julia headcanons ask, don’t worry it’s not being ignored, I’m just preparing the list of headcanons 😉)
(And the other headcanon asks are being prepared too hehe)
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thedeadthree · 2 years
the darlings @chuckhansen, @leviiackrman, @dihardys, @adelaidedrubman, @belorage, and @multiverse-of-themind to take this cutest uquiz for a few dears! ty so much! <3
TAGGING: @griffin-wood, @risingsh0t, @queennymeria, @florbelles, @dihardys, @jackiesarch, @yennas, @roofgeese, @unholymilf, @marivenah, @shellibisshe, @belorage, @pearlcscent, @stormveils, @aartyom, @arklay, @swordcoasts, @jacobseed, @aceghosts, @confidentandgood, @loriane-elmuerto, @bloodofvalyria, @rosebarsoap and you!
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double, double toil and trouble. yeah you don't really get much facetime in the myths but you're literally the god of magic and dogs so stay winning. mysterious goth energy, does she really do complete dark rituals or is that just her vibe. no one knows and you're not telling
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so all the gods like to let off some steam in not the healthiest ways, but you kind of take that to a whole new level. what with inventing winter and famine and everything. However you're only like that when you're stressed, but then when you're not stressed you're equally mysterious. i mean you literally invented mysteries (go you). some people think you're cold but thats presumably because you dislike them, you can be very warm and loving when you choose
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you literally were born and then invented mischeif. like you were a newborn and you immidiately inbented theivery and then lying. go you. you are the living embodiment of chaotic neutral. Yes people are so annoyed by you sometimes, but you are so unbelievably charming that you get away with everything. who doesn't love a charming rogue
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honestly im much kinder in all the other ones but you have... such bottom energy. I mean really. you've got the whole homosexual tragic romance thing going on. Its not bad! its just i feel like you invented tragic relationships. congrats on being good at literally everything though, its totally fair that you get music, poetry, culture, truth, prophesy etc etc etc. oh yeah and the epitome of beauty. leave something for the rest of us huh?
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ok yes you know everything. and you're a bit arrogant about it. and sometimes when you're confronted with the fact that you don't know/aren't the best at everything... you have a little meltdown. its fine. we all do it. If you chose any of the train themed answers you should've got athena, lets face it she'd go wild for them.
#oc: iovanna dayne#oc: sérëdhiel alfirin#oc: ademarta cel tradat#oc: judicael rogarvia#oc: adda de trastamara#leg.tagged#leg.ocs#t: tag games#t: text#ty ty so much this was so cute to do! and also the way! the way! this read them was so good asjknxk i loved it sm <3#I KNEW IT I HAVE ONLY HAD HER FOR A MONTH AND I JUST KNEWW IOVANNA WOULD GET HECATE..!#her pinterest board has a purple aesthetic her DRAGON breathes purple fire and had violet scales..!#she gained the ability to ride her dragon through the magic that the valyrians used! shes not valyrian but her mom knew the ritual! <3#i spent HOURS reading into the lore and found that and i was like PERFECT..! and what were the odds! uquiz knew babe! <3#JUDES KSDKALKJASNK also him being the epitome of beauty ur so right uquiz <3 further proof he's the perfect disney prince ajknxk#also i was taken off guard by adda getting athena but its so fitting? especially the first part she really loves to be perfect @everything!#THE WAY I KNEW MAR MAR WAS A CHAOTIC ALIGNMENT <3 newborn invented lying and is so charming she gets away w/everything!#ALSO SO CAUGHT OFF GUARD BY SERAS..! but also her being the divine of mysteries her being a mystery to others and to herself?#and yea! introducing iovanna! ive had her since ep 1 and in honor of the finale this coming Sunday here is she! my baby!#(and also was like AHH seeing everyone's <3)#shes a dayne! this answer nailed her psyche to the letter! and i think yall can wager who she goes for jsahxnjajk <3#her mother was a appreciator of history (and more than proficient in the arcane) and knew the ritual to bind dragons <2#*<3 shes not valyrian or targaryen! she rides a dragon! shes so cool! and i have a g*ot oc that is her descendant <3
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thornilee013 · 5 months
Hi happy Wednesday! I’m sorry last week’s ask was kind of short, I’ve not been having the best week to be completely honest. I hope that your holiday was wonderful! I look forward to your WIP Wednesday every week and I hope that it’s a fun way for you to write 🤍🤍🤍
I’m not sure if you’ve started your move yet, but I hope that it goes well when you do! Remember to pack glass items with towels to pad them and you can buy cheap, brand new socks to stuff into glass cups so that they’re supported internally as well. Your socks can also go in the toes of shoes that you don’t want to get crushed in a move. Hats and scarves also do a great job of cushioning fragile items. If it’s going to be warm when you move, you can wrap candles and put them in freezer bags or coolers to keep them from melting. Sorry for the unasked for advice, hopefully it’s helpful and not annoying!🤍
Could I get some baby Jean when you have the time? Thank you🤍🤍🤍
prev | Baby Jean | WW 27.12.2023
Another part of watching the fish that Jean hadn't appreciated when he'd visited the aquarium before was watching all the different ways that they breathed. Can it even be considered breathing if they aren't above water? Jean pondered to himself, watching as the gills of one of the fish closer to him expanded and deflated like a blacksmith's bellows.
But as he watched, he spotted a glimpse of his reflection in the glass. Nothing about his face was remarkable, in his opinion. His short black hair that was normally combed back and away from his face threatened to fall into his grey eyes, especially after the long car ride had gotten rid of any styling he'd done that morning. Aside from that, he had a scattering of freckles and a nose that was already starting to resemble his father's.
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septembersurf · 1 year
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new book, new looks ✨
det. jude dias // det. rosemary gardiner
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mebiselfandi · 1 year
Your boy
People don’t edit them enough. Also your boy’s amazing.
And I only found out like 2 nights ago that Vini has a YouTube channel. I’m obsessed. I watched so many. He got a tattoo on his inner thigh and yeh. I love him.
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rexscanonwife · 1 year
Watching clips of Muffin from Bluey and feeling SUPER normal about it!!!!
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hannahssimblr · 1 month
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The trains roll along the tracks behind Michelle’s house in succession, one after another, iron wheels on iron tracks. They usually can’t be heard inside the house, but in the garden the sound of them mingles with the rustling of new leaves in the trees, the faint buzz of midges congregating beneath the canopies and catching the light just so, little glowing specs that almost remind me of fireflies.
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It’s a day wasted indoors, that’s what Debra said before hauling a basket load of damp washing out onto the lawn, and that’s where she is now, pegging up bed linens as she keeps one paranoid eye upon the barbeque.
Michelle is cooking, prodding and turning the chicken skewers a bit too soon, but it doesn’t matter, because Debra insisted she would take them inside and put them in the oven afterwards anyway. She's got this fear that we’ll all go home with salmonella poisoning and waste precious exam study time being violently ill. 
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Jen is nervous. The barbeque was her idea, a way for her to get closer to the girl she wants to ask to the debs without it seeming obvious about her intentions, so she’s hauled Michelle and I along to sit in and make conversation under the strict orders that if things go well then we should make an excuse and then conveniently disappear. 
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I don’t know Hazel well from school, we were never in any classes together but I know vaguely that she’s the girl with that lanky skeleton man pattern all over her school bag. She is tiny with hair the colour of straw and eyes, big wide and pale blue, an intense, unblinking gaze about them as though she knows how and when you will die. 
When she appears in the garden twenty minutes late, smiling serenely with a kitten in her hand, we all pause. 
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“Hello,” I say. To her or the kitten I’m not completely sure. 
“Hi, am I late?”
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“No, not at all, um!” Jen gets up from the patio table and rushes to give her a side hug, being careful not to squash the kitten in the process. She scratches its tiny head with her fingernail and it purrs. “Who is this?”
“Goose,” Hazel explains, “I found him under a car in the housing estate last week and I’ve been nursing him back to health. He was so hungry, gosh.”
“He’s cute,” Jen pets him again and he strokes his downy grey fur against her fingers, his eyes closed in bliss, causing an explosion of protective adoration inside me for this little creature. It’s possible I've never seen something so cute. 
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“Do you want to hold him?” Hazel asks me, and I nod, holding out my hands as she deposits the little warm ball into my hands. Such a small, fragile, trembling ball of energy he is, I've never been so keenly aware of my size, my hands are practically the length of him save for his slinky tail, pointed straight out as I nestle him in the crook of my arm. Goose mews at me, mouth clean open, four sharp teeth and dove grey eyes that look in two different directions. He’s got a weird face, like he doesn’t know he exists or where he is.  
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“He’s sweet, isn’t he?” says Hazel at my shoulder.
“Yeah he’s a cool little guy. Do you think he was abandoned?”
“I don’t know, perhaps he ran away,” she reaches for him and he clambers up her sleeve, where she grabs him before he can start clawing at her hair, “he’s skittish. He doesn’t like to be alone, yet paradoxically he’s always trying to escape.”
“Is that so?”
“Yes, he yearns for life on the streets,” she sighs and says to Jen, “I hope it’s okay that he’s come along, he would just be so unhappy at home.”
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“No, of course! Oh my God,” Jen says with a big, dippy smile. “You can bring whatever, like, whoever you want over. We can keep him inside though if that’s better?” She’s touching her hair and smiling a lot, something I make a mental note of so that I can torture her about it later.
“I think if he’s there in the dining room and he can see me through the window he’ll be comfortable,” Hazel agrees, “I think he prefers to feel included.”
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I don’t know if Goose has even a remote concept of what he does and does not prefer, but she and Jen head inside to lay some newspapers on the floor and fill a little bowl from the kitchen with water for him anyway, laying them right by the door so that he has the best view of the garden. I’m transfixed by him in there as they set things up, weaving himself between Hazel’s ankles, pushing his fuzzy cheek into the smooth leather of her Dr. Martin boot, and I grin as his claw catches in her lace, which sends him frantically swatting his paw to free it. 
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“It’s so cute how much you love cats,” Michelle comments as she slaps a raw burger over the coals, “I would have never thought you were a cat person if I hadn’t witnessed it myself.”
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“Well look at him! He’s just cool.”
“It’s not just him, it’s all those cats along your street! I just think it’s so funny whenever you step out of the house and they just emerge from somewhere.”
“They know they’ll get pets from me.”
“Yeah, and food.”
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She smiles over her shoulder, “Maybe when we move in together we should look for a flat that accepts pets. Then we can get a cat of our own.”
“Mm. It’s a big commitment, a cat, though, isn’t it?”
“No, we would just feed it and clean out the litter box. It’d be very easy.”
“Yeah, I dunno.”
“What don’t you know?”
“I’d have to think about it.”
“Oh, okay.”
Debra finishes hanging the washing and quickly slips back inside through the conservatory door. 
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I listen to the sounds of the garden instead of talking. A lawnmower drones somewhere across the suburban fences and there is the aroma of something sweet, heady and floral under my nose each time the breeze comes. When it’s still it smells like charred meat and smoke, which is welcome because the afternoon is getting on and I haven’t eaten since before dropping Ivy off at her friend’s house at ten. 
“Are you mad at me?” Michelle says. 
“No. I’m just hungry.” 
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viivdle · 2 months
what everyone thought was gonna be revealed in tpt:
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tcshi · 1 year
just finished reading an entire fic for trent... i just- i want him so bad 😩
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evrybdys-f00l · 2 months
some tomodachi life pictures i took ^_^
gabe & jude with their baby sydney
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ian & erin with their baby aubrey
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cal hanging out with wendy in his apartment
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leon. there's nothing special here i just wanted to show him
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my mii hanging out with donnie (dont mind donnie's hair, he wanted to dye it)
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uglyseasonmp3 · 2 years
high in the bathtub watching mcr. luxuriating
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thedeadthree · 2 years
tagged by the darlings @chuckhansen, @adelaidedrubman, @leviiackrman, @aartyom, and @dihardys to take this uquiz for the loves! ty so much dears!
TAGGING: @griffin-wood, @risingsh0t, @leviiackrman, @queennymeria, @chuckhansen, @blackreaches, @florbelles, @jackiesarch, @swordcoasts, @noonfaerie, @rosebarsoap, @themysteriouslou, @yennas, @stormveils, @confidentandgood, @arklay, @shellibisshe, @jacobseed, @multiverse-of-themind, @loriane-elmuerto, @roofgeese and you!
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you are a breath of fresh air. you are soft and free. you disappear as quickly as you appear, and everyone wishes you had stayed around longer than you did. your voice is what makes people fall in love. everything you say is in harmonies and codes, and only the most experienced listeners can fully understand you. your presence is always enjoyed but you aren’t always given the praise you deserve; people will let you stay in the background. all you want is for someone to really listen to you.
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everything you do is a work of art. you are beautiful without even trying, simply lounging around looks like you’re posing and waiting for someone to sketch you. you come off as light and easy but you are often misunderstood. people don’t tend to see you for who you really are, and focus too much on how effortlessly you appear to navigate the world. there's some kind of darkness behind your eyes that only some can see under all the layers of paint.
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you are wild and there’s no way for your essence to be captured in a frozen format. you are a character and the only way to describe you is to capture you in motion. you are electric. people are naturally drawn to you because you exude confidence. everything you do, you seem to know what your next step is. you are the muse to many, even if you don't know it, but deep down you do. people tend to fall in love with the idea of which i'm sure can be exhausting.
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you fall in love easily and hard, and you are the image that pops into someone’s brain when they think of a love interest. you are a romantic and find yourself falling in love a hundred times a day because your imagination is wild and certainly knows how to get the best of you. you are soft and delicate and need to be handled with care, because a heartbreak would break you into a million pieces. you don’t want much else except to be loved and to love. you want to live out your wildest dreams, and the person that loves you can't help but let their imagination run wild with you.
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you choose your words carefully and your words will be heard. you’re smart as hell. you know it and so does everyone else and you carry yourself with a sort of confidence. you’re a bit of an artist yourself, even if unintentional. you can find beauty in mundanity but you also know when to be a realist. people fall in love with you because you are a confident mystery and they're dying to find out more. you fear that this attraction that people have to you is based purely in curiosity and nothing else.
#only if you want to! 🥀❣️#oc: elin wiseman#oc: adda de trastamara#oc: ademarta cel tradat#oc: judicael rogarvia#oc: vanja tybur#OKAY IM SO CAUGHT OFF GUARD BY ELINS? i would have been CERTAIN paintings would be more fitting but? this is so good?#also please feel free to pass this if you have done this already! i am a tad tardy bc of computer troubles :’)#but like askjmak elin you got called out my love <3 also u know what uquiz YOU ARE SPOT ON..!#her voice is what makes people fall in love? she speaks in harmonies and codes and only the most experiences listeners can fully get her?#im fine! and i missed elin and her beloved kenzie so I wanted to take this for her!#I KNEW I HAD A HUNCH A FEELING THAT VANJA WOULD GET POETRY and! baby girl got poetry! ur so right uquiz!#‘you fear that this attraction that people have to you is based purely on curiosity and nothing else.’ WELL HOW DARE YOU READ HER LIKE THAT#like for a great deal of the events of the series she took extensive! steps! to conceal her identity! fake name and everything!#as livia she benefitted from the anonymity but the double edged sword (and the thing that she was insecure about with her and levi :’) ) ->#in that she feared that the more signs pointed for marley the more there was to be learned people grew curiouser and more intruiged#JUDE IS A DISNEY PRINCE A FAIRYTALE PRINCE TY UQUIZ FOR VALIDATING THIS FAACT <3 so true bestie!#‘bc a heartbreak could shatter you into a million pieces.’ NOT ON MY WATCH MY LOVE#okok i am so normal about adda and ademartas answers..!#god i need to make that lore post on adda bc.... this answer she got? paintings? nails EXACTLY what her life as been for her! her psyche!#and mar mar ur unhingedness thrived in this answer for u! we support women’s wrongs and the unpredictability that is so captivating..!#her being the muse to so many even when they dont know it? but they do? and people falling for the idea of her?#I need to finish a lore doc/post for her as well bc this answer also nailed so well her psyche!#leg.ocs#leg.tagged#t: tag games
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