#baby kiro out her breaking my heart for him once again
cheesy09 · 2 months
[CN] Kiro's 2024 Birthday Prequel
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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[Note: This was translated with the help of Google Translate :>]
[Episode: First Wish]
The castle is captured by a dragon.
Its sharp claws flash fiercely, and its gigantic wings seem capable of setting off a deadly storm at any second. And ever since then, the world has fallen into darkness, filled with only endless and endless night.
The evil dragon enters the castle with terrifying footsteps. With the slightest movement of its claws, the boy's thin body is easily picked up. His heart seems to beat out of his chest, and the fear prevents him from making any sound. All he can do is close his eyes when the dragon opens its bloody mouth, as if the incoming pain would disappear along with the darkness.
The boy doesn't know when this kind of life will end. But it seems as though his life has been like this for as long as he can remember.
The evil dragon would come to catch him and the other children in the castle every few days. Some children are eaten, and some turned into another kind of monster. Some of the adults will help it; spouting lies and pretending that this castle is a warm place. But the boy knows that many of them have actually turned into dragons -- human-shaped dragons. There is no safe space within this castle, and cries and shouts come from all around. He covers his ears, hugs the little bear in his arms, and keeps running deeper into the corridor.
But the figure of the evil dragon gets closer and closer.
If the boy doesn't find a place to hide, he will get caught.
His breathing grows more and more rapid, and cold sweat continues to break out on his back. A huge shadows envelops his tiny figure, and he shuts his eyes in fright--
"I'm going to be eaten again." He discards his thoughts and waits for the outcome that he expects.
With a "thump", the window of the room is blown open by a strong gust of wind, and the boy suddenly wakes up. Turns out that it was just a dream.
He skillfully wraps himself up in his blanket and runs to the window, and like he has done countless nights before, he struggles to close the window with his little hands covered in frostbite. Although spring has arrived, this orphanage seems to have remained impervious to its warmth, the wind outside as biting and cold as ever. Nights were always difficult, and his hands would hurt from the wind.
Walking back to his bed on the cold marble floor, he huddles up within his worn blanket.
He quickly tries to warm up his body, especially his hands. When he first developed these chilblain, he had felt itchy and couldn't keep himself from scratching them, which would then turn into bigger sores that would often cause him to frown in pain. Now that he is used to it, as long as he endures it, he may get better faster, although he doesn't understand why these things appear in winter.
Compared to his peers, he still doesn't understand many things.
He doesn't understand why the children around him want to talk to him, why they raise their eyebrows or lower the corners of their mouths;
He doesn't understand how to respond to these conversations;
He doesn't understand why others don't respond to apparently beautiful patterns or pleasant sounds;
He doesn't even know how to express the world he sees.
But compared to his peers, he knows a lot. The bitter white tablets are medicine; the sharp ones that pierce the skin are needles; you will bleed if you are hurt or injured;
Going to a single room is scary; if someone goes cold and stiff, they are dead.
Once you die, you will never make a sound again.
Then someone will take them away and then disappear.
It isn't until the pain in his hand gradually eases that he pulls off the blanket and looks around.
After such a tossing, most of his sleepiness disappears. After making sure that all of the others are asleep, he carefully takes out the shabby picture book from under his pillow.
Under the moonlight, he skillfully turns to the last page.
"The warrior completely defeated the evil dragon. The darkness ended, the world returned to its former brightness, and the people lived happily ever after." He doesn't know the words on it, but he can understand the picture, and he likes the ending. Although he has seen it countless times, he still enjoys it.
The paper of the picture book is somewhat yellowed, and the rough printing makes the pictures and text unclear. But just like this, what may look like trash and waste paper in the eyes others, is a rare treasure to him, making these cold night less lonesome.
The night watchman's terrible voice sounds in the corridor. To him, the sound is akin to an imaginary evil dragon, making shiver unconsciously. He immediately puts the picture book back under his pillow and hides it, laying down and pretending to sleep. Just close your eyes, the dragon still roars. He can't help but wrap the blanket tightly around him.
Maybe spring will be better. At least, it that warm season, his frostbite will be better, and he wouldn't have to be woken up by rusty windows every night and have to close them again.
"If I can become a warrior, will I be able to defeat those evil dragons?"
"Then I will become a true warrior."
Little 1562 thinks this in his heart. He has never wished for something like this.
At that time, he didn't know that such thoughts were called wishes.
In a daze, he falls asleep again. In his dream, he becomes a real warrior. he defeats the dragon, shattering the invisible darkness, and escapes from the castle. The sun rises slowly outside the window, and the warm sunlight shines on the shabby little bed, climbing onto the boy's cheek little by little, and seemingly illuminating his dreams.
There are sweet clouds in his dream, the world is warm, and it feels soft when one lies down on it. There are no hideous bloodstains or sharp needles. Countless flower stay facing the sun, glowing with a brilliant luster. He looks at it for a long time, then nestles into the flowers, and seemingly turns into a flower facing the sun.
He smiles faintly in his sleep. The weather seems to be getting warmer today--
Spring is coming.
Date: Coming soon
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
Haikyuu Boys and a Single Mom Pt. 3
Featuring: Suna, Bokuto, Kenma
Suna Rintaro
despite being a professional volleyball player, Suna was still a university student, he evenly splits up his days to go to volleyball practice and university
he was always dreading to go to university, but he knew he needed it, and you, being his seating beside you in three classes, made university bearable
you had this amazing aura, always so gentle, and kind, you had a soft smile plastered on your face almost like a motherly smile, your voice was always calm and soft, you were just so breath-taking to look at
although you two never talked that much, Suna already knew a lot of little details about you, he once drove pass you walking to the kindergarten just one street away from your university, he knew that you carry a container of fruits in your bag, you always left as soon as classes for the day was over, and that was only a few among a hundred of little things about you
Suna admired you from afar, as much as he likes you so much it physically hurts him, love just wasn't his priority, his priority was volleyball and his career
or at least he thought
life surely has a great sense of humor because somehow you guys ended up being partners for a thesis paper
"I look forward to working with you Suna" you smiled
"likewise" he says with his usual blank face
Suna didn't want to admit it, but he was excited
"so, where do we work on this?" he asks looking at the notes he took for that class
"well, we can work on it at my place" you say casually while also looking at your notes
"are you sure it's okay?" he asks again to make sure, this girl, the person he's been crushing on for his two years in university is now inviting him to her place
"yeah, i can't really spend a lot of time outside, my son hates it" 
and just like that Suna was having a mini heart attack, you were married? you have a son? what-
“hey, you alright?” you asked worriedly
Suna quickly composed himself 
“uhh y-yeah, won’t your husband get angry?” he asks 
“oh don’t worry I raise Kiro by myself” you smiled
Suna looked at you strangely, unable to keep up 
you chuckled at his dazed look “I’m a single mother” 
Suna almost breathed out a sigh of relief, thankfully he was able to stop himself or else you would get the wrong idea
“yeah, yeah sure, let’s work on it at your place” he snapped out of it, did he sound too happy to hear that you were single? yes, but we ain’t gonna talk about that 
what was your ex thinking? he was pretty sure your kid was cute and you were so breath-taking to look at, what a stupid guy    
“what does your son likes?” 
“hm?” you asked him to make sure you heard him right 
“what does your son likes?” 
later in the evening, Suna showed up at your place with chocolate chip ice cream and the most expensive sushi he could find
you worked on your project for a good two hours, finalizing the outline of the thesis, while Kiro sat on Suna’s lap, your son immediately liked him, maybe because of the ice cream and sushi , but Kiro was very fond of him
“Kiro, baby, get off of Suna’s lap please he might get tired” you said to your son while you were keeping the things you used
“I don’t mind, he’s surprisingly light” Suna says as he bounces Kiro on his lap
“alright, if you say so, I’m going to prepare snacks” you made your way to the kitchen and left the two in the living room
“mister rin-rin” Kiro whispers while tugging on Suna’s shirt
“hm?” he answers looking at the kid, he was right, Kiro was extraordinarily adorable, it felt like he was looking at a smaller boy version of you and it was making her heart go feral, making him break his rules and try his best to get the both of you
“i want you to be my daddy” he whispers while fiddling with his fingers shyly
please this man is about to combust
he pats the boy’s head “sure bud” he said with a smile
“then can I call you dad?” he asks , eyes sparkling
“well it’s better to start early right? sure you can bud” he says, a full-blown grin plastered on his usually stoic face
Bokuto Koutaro 
the flashing and clicking of cameras occupied the whole room where the MSBY Jackals were holding their post-game press conference, they won the game by the way and Bokuto was in high spirits answering questions thrown at him by the reporters 
it was your turn to ask a question to the players and you stood up “Bokuto-san, your fans are always wondering why you’re always in high spirits, what is your secret?” 
Bokuto has never seen you before, were you a knew reporter? because damn he would’ve noticed you immediately if you were on their past press conferences, you looked like a celebrity to be quite honest 
“I’m playing volleyball, there’s no room for me to be unhappy” he simply says 
 it was you first day at your new job, quite frankly, you’re glad you quitted your old one, they forced you to stay behind the camera and write scripts for anchors when you finished a bachelor degree on broadcasting 
“Can’t blame him, I’m also happy when I do my job” you mumble to yourself as you remembered Bokuto’s answer to your question
“mama!” you looked at your son who was in the arms of your cousin Kuroo
“hey thanks for doing this for me couz” you say as they stopped right in front of you
“mama! have you seen the game?! they were so awesome! Uncle Tetsu promised me to go meet MSBY!” your son happily jolts in his Uncle’s arm
you looked at him with a motherly smile, happy that you’re son enjoyed the game 
“you coming with us?” Kuroo asked
“you two go ahead I’ll just rest for a bit” you were tired with keeping up with the game and asking questions 
the two nodded “alright, just show this to the guard and they’ll let you enter” Kuroo says, handing you a pass
you mutter a small thank you as you watch them walk away
let’s just say Gen, your son, was liked by every single member of the team, I mean, who could ever dislike such an adorable kid?
“MSBY cool! Shoyo pwaaa! Boto bam!” he says while jumping up and down, while Kuroo watched his nephew smiling
Bokuto was particularly very fond of him, was it because the kid was unbelievably adorable? or was it because the kid reminded him of a certain reporter? He’d like to think both
“Gen-kun who’s yer fav’rite player eh?” Atsumu asks the kid
the kid looked at eight full-grown man looking at him expectantly, his eyes stopped on the black-and-white haired spiker and made grabby hands towards him “BOUTO! BOUTO!” 
the members were disappointed but not surprised at all, kids tend to go to Bokuto or Hinata since they have the friendliest faces
“HEY! HEY! HEEEY!” Bokuto did not hesitate and lifted the boy up in the air, as they both giggle
“Tetsu?” your voice interrupted the commotion inside the room
Kuroo went to the door and opened it for you and the first thing you saw was your son giggling with the person stuck in your head for about twenty minutes now
“Mama!” your son screamed as soon as he saw you and asked to be put down to run towards you giving you a hug on your leg you looked down at him and patted his head gently
Kuroo cleared his throat “this is Y/N L/N my cousin, the mother of adorable the adorable Gen, she is single and ready to mingle, 2 in 1 you get an adorable son and a lovely wife, contact me for more details, the price can be discussed” 
you deadpanned at your cousin, why tf was he selling you like an auction, you shook your head 
you were hyper aware of the intensity of the owl-eyed spiker, making you blush
while Bokuto was over here thinking, damn he hit the jackpot an adorable son and an absolutely gorgeous wife? you bet he’s in and he’s gonna do everything he can to win you and make you and your son happy
“I’m sorry about him, please excuse me, my son and I needs to leave” you said politely and bowed as you take your son away
unbeknownst to you, Bokuto was in the middle of business with your cousin
“hey, how much for the details?” Bokuto whispers to his bestfriend as if they were in the middle of an illegal transaction
Kuroo looked at his friend with eyebrows raised
“I’ll pay any amount” Bokuto was very serious, which made the former Nekoma captain burts out laughing
“well, since you’re my good friend, a few drinks will do” Kuroo after his hyena laugh session
“Hey! hey! hey! thanks Kubroo!” Bokuto says in his usual cheery voice
later that night, you wondered why you were having dinner with your son, your cousin, and the former captain of Fukurodani, how he managed to get you flowers in such a short amount of time and this late at night was beyond your knowledge. But you weren’t complaining though, how could you when he looked adorable with a flushed face asking for your number after driving you and your son home.
Kenma Kozume
Kenma wasn’t fond of kids, he didn’t disliked them, he just preferred hanging out with adults who were less hyper, proceeds to hangout with Bokuto, Hinata and Kuroo
but he was a gamer and it is inevitable that some of his fans were kids, he didn’t mind it though he is thankful to each and everyone of his fans
being the twenty-eight year old youtuber/CEO that he is, he barely have time to go out and it happened very rarely, and today happened to be one of those rare occasions as he got out to get some ice cream in a very hot summer day
but he was in a for surprise, at an empty alley, he heard a ruckus
“give it back! please give it back!” 
it was never in Kenma’s personality to pry, but something was pushing him to go check out what was going on
he went inside to the dark alley and saw four boys, about eight years old, one was in the middle, his clothes all crumpled and dirty, his bag empty, his things sprawled out, scattered in front of him
“you want this thing? it’s not even the latest model, you think kodzu-” 
Kenma cleared his throat, already able to register what was happening
“ken” the bully continued
“you know kids, I don’t really like bullies” Kenma starts as he walks towards the little boy, picking up his scattered things one by one and putting it in his bag
“leave, before I report you to your school” Kenma says stoically which made one of the boys drop the game console in his hand as the three of them scramble to get out of the dark alley
the little boy picked up the game console and tried to open it, but to no avail, it was broken
Kenma went closer as he handed him his bag 
“are you okay?” he asked as he crouch down to the boy’s level, it was obvious that he was not okay, his face had little scratches and his clothes were all dirty and slightly damped 
but the little boy meekly nodded and looked down on his game console, which Kenma noticed 
“I can get you a new one” he says in attempt to cheer up the little boy, he didn’t know what was pushing him to do so, but his heart broke at the sight of him broke his heart 
“mister Kodzuken, can you please get this fixed for me instead?” for the first time, the boy looked at him with sad eyes
how could he say no to that face? he took the game console and looked at the boy
“is there a reason why you want me to fix it?” he asks
“my mom worked hard to get me that on my birthday, she didn’t buy her favorite coffee, her favorite bread, she patched up her shoes instead of buying a new one, she even lied to me that she wasn’t hungry when we ate out, I don’t wanna make her sad” the boy sadly said and wore his bag
Kenma was in awe, no wonder this boy was so polite and respectful
“alright, how but I’ll call your mother now, she is needed in this situation” Kenma says as he takes out his phone
the boy slowly dictates his mom’s phone number, and when he was done, Kenma was speechless, the number was already registered as his secretary’s number
Kenma shakily presses the call button
“sir?” your voice from the other line, never seize to make his heart skip a beat
“Y/n do you happen to have a son?” his voice was still calm
“yes, how did you know sir? i have a son he’s name is Eiji, he’s eight” you happily told him
“well, I kinda caught some kids bullying him, I think that you’re needed here” he says calmly 
“oh no, my baby, i’ll be there ASAP sir, please do send the location”
“I’ll send the location to my driver, he’ll pick you up” Kenma says and hangs up as he send a quick messege and the location to his driver
Kenma was supposed to ask you out tomorrow, that was the reason why he didn’t go to the office today, he was going to surprise you at his place because he didn’t want you, the girl he liked to the horrible people of the internet
you were too pure, too kind, you always made sure to get him something to eat despite his resistance, made sure that he doesn’t overwork himself and even going to the extent where you do some of his workloads, of course he trusted you enough to do so and you’ve been working with him for four years now
but you had a child? did you have a husband? but you’re resume said that you were single? is it a boyfriend?
“you know mister Kodzuken, mama always talks about you when I ask her about her day, I think she’s got a little crush on you” Eiji smiled softly at him
which almost made the former setter melt into a puddle, the boy was adorable, and even if his original plan was to just date you, he was more than happy to have Eiji, having a mini you around made it all even better, he wasn’t fond of kids but the little boy infront of him was an exception
“I think, I can make that happen” he smiles softly
the day after you appeared looking distressed, talked to your son’s bullies and their parents at the school’s principal office with Kenma and Eiji seating beside you, you were now inside your boss’ house, he was asking you to be his girlfriend, your son happily jumping up and down beside him
how could you say no, when four years ago, you were only dreaming of this moment? 
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mlqcconfessions · 4 years
What if the MLQC boys had turned into kids? How will MC take care of them or how they will act towards her?
Spoilers? I used the R karmas that are not released in the English server (Shaw’s was from a different event)
MLQC Headcanon - Who’s the Baby Now?
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You thought Goldman was kidding when he said Victor became a child
It’s a little too late for April Fool’s, isn’t it?
Well, he was being quite literal
As soon as you walked into LFG, you could sense a change in the atmosphere (all the employees were whispering)
When you arrive at Victor’s office, you hesitantly knock
You figured he would open the door right away (like how he usually does)
But a few moments passed, and still no reply
“Victor? I’m coming in, okay?”
You gently open the door to see a mini-Victor in front of you, holding a stool in his tiny arms
“Oh. My. GOD!” (he’s so adorable!)
You’re about to scream those words, but he notices this and promptly grabs your sleeve
“Don’t you dare”
“Okay..!” (you don’t even care that he just glared at you)
A few minutes have passed, giving you time to collect yourself
You glance over at mini-Victor, who is looking over some documents to sign
Your eyes fall to the pile of blankets he’s sitting on (which Goldman had to bring over)
The desk was too high for him now, so he needed some elevation (you nearly died of uwu)
But that reminded you about the stool he was carrying
“What is it (he doesn’t even look up from the papers)”
“What were you gonna do with that stool from earlier?”
He slightly freezes, then quickly resumes work like nothing happened
“I was...(you can see his eyes rolling for answers) rearranging furniture”
“At 9 AM?”
“Were you trying to reach the door handle?”
Because of Victor’s tall stature, the door to his office was higher than the others in the building
Naturally, that meant the handle was much higher
You’re having such a hard time trying to contain yourself (does he even know how cute he’s being?)
The rest of the day goes by without much difficulties
Because you had to go back to your company, the caring for Victor was in Goldman’s hands
He had to press the elevator button for him (his office was in the top floor, after all)
Once in a while, Goldman would text you updates of how Victor’s doing
He just finished today’s meeting. Everyone was distracted.
Complained about the coat rack being too high
He has to hold his phone with two hands now (you receive a photo of mini-Victor struggling to call using his huge phone). Later made use of speakerphone
It’s the end of the day, and time to go home
Usually, Victor would pick you up on his car (he can’t drive if he looks 12 let alone even reach the wheel)
As you’re headed for the subway, you see a familiar black sedan pulling up to the front of your company
“Victor?” (you look at the driver’s seat, but it’s his chauffeur instead)
The window to the rear seat of the passenger’s side rolls down, and there he is in all his miniature glory
“Pfft...evening, Victor” (you can feel his glare on you, but that just makes him even more adorable)
You get in the car next to him, smiling all the way home
“If you’re tired, you can rest on my shoulder” (he’s still looking at some documents)
....you would have to turn your head 90 degrees if you want to rest on his shoulder
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When you first saw the commercial on TV, you thought BS Entertainment just hired a child actor
He looks just like Kiro!
Boy, were you wrong BIG TIME
Little did you know that it was Kiro, who turned into a child for unknown reasons
So when Savin asked begged you to come over and help, you thought he was overreacting (how much of a hassle would he be?)
You enter his dressing room to find mini-Kiro running around, with Savin on his tails
“Eat my dust, Sav!”
Kiro was carrying a bowl of sweets, trying to avoid them being caught in the hands of his manager
Poor Savin was having such a hard time catching up to this mouse (seriously, are all kids this fast?)
Kiro spots you at the door, and his eyes lighten up
He hurls himself towards you (surprisingly, it doesn’t hurt at all)
Savin notices you too, and with a sigh of relief, hides the bowl of candy, and promptly sinks back in the sofa
“MC, look! Aren’t I adorable?” (he does a tiny turn to show you his full figure)
Indeed, he was more charming (not that he wasn’t before)
“Yep! You’re so cute, Kiro!” 
You now notice the sailor outfit he was wearing (honestly, this outfit was made for him)
“Oh, this (he tugs at the collars)? My stylist has a nephew, so I borrowed some of his clothes”
He takes you to the basket where his old clothes are
“My clothes are here!” (of course, none of them are folded neatly)
You sit down on the sofa, and start folding his clothes
Savin is still out cold
Now Kiro still had some filming left to do, and he wasn’t going to let his mini-self get in the way
He executed the shoots so professionally, you would’ve thought he was just a genius child star
Because Kiro debuted at a young age, it was like seeing his first moments all over again
If anything, he was shining so brilliantly now (because he has you in his life)
He constantly comes over to you after each take for compliments
“MC, how was I?”
“Do you think I should hold this higher?”
“MC, what do you think about this pose?”
You felt like a proud mother
You had to help him carry the bags of snacks and candy to his house
You lost count of the people who kept giving him stuff
It made you wonder how long this mini-thing will last
Not that you were complaining, or anything
It’s just that Kiro would have a hard time with work if he was so small like this
“I’ll just take a break from work, then!”
Kiro, sweetie, you can’t just say things like that (you’ll give Savin a heart attack)
“But that means I’ll get to spend more time with you, MC!”
He gives you a baby bear hug (you instinctively hug him back)
Yeah...what Savin doesn’t know won’t hurt him
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You were one of the many students waiting for Lucien’s class
But he was a little late, which was quite a shock (he’s never been late to his lectures ever)
Did something happen?
You were about to call Lucien’s number when you heard familiar footsteps (they seemed a bit light, though)
Soon after, the hall doors creaked open and your worries were put to rest
At least, they were for like 2 seconds
Everyone in the entire room gasped, as a young child casually walked in
“Is...is that”
“I..I think so....but”
“What do we do....”
Lucien, as if he’s completely unaware of the fact that he’s TINY, nonchalantly sets down his belongings and grabbed some chalk
“Apologies for being late, class. Something minor had come up this morning”
It didn’t look like something minor (was on everybody’s mind)
Nevertheless, class began like usual
Soon everyone was getting used to a mini-Lucien teaching the class
But some completely lost it when he had to use a step-stool to write on the higher parts of the blackboard
They had to be dragged out of the room for excessive UWUs
Some were already in the nurse’s office (because they saw Lucien with his lab coat dragging on the floor)
You were still in the hall, but could NOT pay attention to anything he was saying
Your mind must’ve been playing tricks on you (because of how disorienting everything was)
Maybe he’s not Lucien, and is just a distant relative
As you were zoning out, Lucien catches this and shows a playful smile
“Miss MC, I assume you are understanding this material very well?”
The entire room (or those that are left, anyway) glances at you
“No...no professor....” (you hide your face in your arms)
Oh he’s Lucien, alright
He asked you to stay behind for a bit after the lecture
Everyone gave you a pitiful look (some even pat you on the back)
Lucien was busy gathering his materials, neatly organizing them into his briefcase
You helped by erasing the blackboard for him (your knees nearly gave out when you saw the little step-stool)
“Are you not curious?”
“Huh, what? (you were zoning out again) About what?”
“About why I’ve become younger like this”
It certainly has crossed your mind, but you figured there was a mishap with one of his experiments
“Hmm...yes, but....”
He looks at you inquisitively
“As long as you’re not having any difficulties, I don’t mind”
He’s a little surprised after hearing this, but immediately goes back to his usual smile
He grabs the step-stool to get just below your eye level, noses nearly touching
“What if I say that I am?”
Please, it’s only 11 AM right now
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You heard a thud coming from upstairs, where Gavin should be resting after returning from a mission late last night
You don’t hear anything, so you go upstairs to check
“Gavin, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
After a pause, you hear his voice on the other side of the door
“Y-yeah, I’m fine”
He didn’t really sound fine (was his voice usually this high?)
“I’m opening the door, Gavin”
“No! Wai-”
Too late, you already opened the door and found him slumped on the ground
“Ga...Gavin...? (you couldn’t believe your eyes at the sight in front of you) Is that you?”
Clothes barely hanging onto his now-shrunken figure, Gavin stares at you awkwardly
“You...you’re small”
“And you don’t know why?”
Neither of you say anything as a slight breeze enters the room, as if it’s trying to fill the void of silence
Your eyes go to the oversized clothes he was wearing
It was cute, but definitely not efficient
“Well, let me go to the store and buy some clothes for you”
“I’ll go with you” (honey, in that state?)
“No, it’s just around the block. I’ll be fine, Gavin”
He looks a little let down (his hair is covering his amber eyes, which are brighter than usual)
“Why don’t you retrace your steps while I’m gone? Maybe you can figure why this happened to you”
“And Gavin?” (he looks up at you)
“You look adorable, by the way” (his face gets so red)
As expected, you had a great sense in style
He looks so cute in that jersey you bought for him
It’s a little big on him, but still much more manageable than his old clothes
He had to wait until you were done taking pictures of him
He felt embarrassed, but still cooperated with you (you’ve never been so ecstatic lately, and he didn’t want to ruin that for you)
As you were saving the photos to your hard drive, he glances at the window
“Yeah? (you were too busy looking at the photos)”
“How about we spend some time outside today?”
You’re surprised at his suggestion (I thought he would prefer staying inside)
“Are you sure? It’s your only rest day for this month”
As if to reassure you, he gives you a beautiful smile while grabbing your hand
“I’m positive”
He tries to help you get up, but ends up falling into your embrace instead
You laugh while his face gets red again (you wrap your arms around him, not letting him escape)
“You’re so adorable”
“......(he’s hiding his face) please stop”
You can feel the wind rustling up outside
The balcony windows were open, so the leaves were carried into the apartment
You ended up canceling your date outside to clean up the mess 
You never let him forget this day
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Alleyway. Now.
This was all you saw on a pleasant Saturday morning, and you were a bit annoyed that your precious rest was disturbed (work was pretty tiring these last few days)
But you knew that if you didn’t go, that would be more tiring to deal with
You quickly get ready and head to the alleyway
He didn’t even need to mention which one, because there was only 1 alleyway that mattered to you both
You expected to see him there, back pressed against the brick wall like usual
Instead, you find a group of people huddled together in a group
“Are you okay? Are you lost?”
“Do you need any help?”
“Did you get separated from your parents?”
To your surprise, you see a little boy in the middle of the circle, arms crossed over (he looks irritated)
You want to go over and see what was happening, but your view is blocked (if only you were a bit taller...)
But you’re here for Shaw anyways, so you hurriedly try to look for him
You take out your phone to call him, but as you turn your body, your eyes lock with the boy from before
?? He looks a little familiar....
His expression becomes even more irritated as he pushes his way out (he’s walking towards you?!)
He grabs your hand and drags you out of the alleyway, sighing in annoyance
“Ah! Wai-”
“You’re late”
You can recognize this voice quite easily
After all, it was drilled into your head for these many years
So neither of you could figure out why he suddenly turned in to a mini-Shaw
But he wasn’t complaining
Not. One. Bit.
He made you carry him on your back as punishment for making him wait today
Only when he was satisfied, you could let him down
You’re sitting at a park bench while waiting for him to come back with food
He told you to sit tight and not run off (you’re the child in this relationship, smh)
Shaw comes running back with loads of delicious snacks in his arms, his hair rummaging past in the wind
He was younger than you anyways, but now he just looks the part
Actually, it was pretty adorable (but if you say this to him he would just give a smug smirk)
“Guess what I have?” (he places everything on the bench, with little room left over)
“How did you pay for all this?”
“I didn’t (he looks so proud right now). Luckily for you, your boyfriend is irresistible at all ages”
“So you’re telling me that you charmed the street vendors to give you food for free?” (you can’t believe you’re actually saying this)
“And you think that’s a problem? Didn’t you hear me?”
He’s standing on the bench with his chest pulled out, arms crossed
“Listen, I didn’t steal. They GAVE it to me. MC, you really need to learn how to do business around here”
You smack your forehead as your headache starts coming back again
You decide that your words have no effect on this guy, and plop back on the bench (he’s begun to chow down on some snacks)
You casually wipe his lips as he gets food on it, not thinking too much about the situation
His face goes red as he pulls back, covering his mouth with the back of his hand
He sat a little further away from you after that
This was so much to write (but so worth it)
Thank you so much to @snipersiniora​ for requesting this prompt!
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chibienvychan03 · 3 years
It’s Valentine’s Day?
Pairing: Victor x female MC
Warning: lots of fluff and sassy MC
Summary: Given the amount of work you’ve received, the days blur into each other and you can’t believe you’ve forgotten about Valentine’s Day. You had planned on skipping it, but something changes your mind.
Gift fic for @otome0heart. Happy holidays!
When you arrive at the office, you find the atmosphere has completely changed. Instead of being hectic and chaotic, you see your employees whispering and giggling (mainly the girls), but the mood is definitely better though you still have your assignment to work on. Even though you’re their boss, you hate having to put your foot down hard so you will be able to complete it on time and on schedule.
 As you’re about to say something, Kiki rushes over to you, looking like she’s on a caffeine and sugar high which to be honest is her default mode most of the time. “Boss, boss, boss!”
 “Yes, yes, yes?”
 “Who are you going to give your chocolates to?” Your confusion speaks in volumes. Sighing Kiki gives you that ‘I’m disappointed in you’ look. “Have you forgotten what today is?”
 “Told you so! She totally forgot.” Ah yes, Willow the voice of reason and sometimes the kill joy with reality. It makes you wonder what you forgot.
 One glance around the office, you start noticing small things, namely all those red, pink, and white hearts. Then there are a few pictures of what appears to be a baby wearing a diaper while holding a bow and arrow. Isn’t it bad parenting to let a child that age hold a dangerous weapon? This annoys you, being left in the dark.
 “What is it I’m forgetting?” You cross your arms over your chest, giving them that stern look, but it has no effect on them. They’re probably used to it by now or don’t care.
 “I can’t believe you forgot! Hey, there’s still time to buy some chocolate.” Kiki bounces around you. Why is doing it? You have no clue except you wish she would stop as you’re becoming dizzy with her antics.
 “Why is it important I buy chocolate?” What was so special about buying chocolate? It’s just another day. Wait a moment, what is today? Thanks to all the overtime you’ve been putting into this assignment, the days have become blurred. You at least know which day of the week it is, thank you Mister CEO and having to give updates.
 “Boss, you have no romantic bone in your body,” Willow sighs a long one as if she’s the one suffering. She swivels in her chair to face the two of you. “Maybe that’s why you don’t have a date for tonight.”
 “Date? We’re swamped with work. I can’t believe I’m saying, but we need to concentrate on this assignment.” For once, you’re the one who isn’t losing concentration or having a wandering mind as a certain someone who has a penchant for reminding you appears in your thoughts. You quickly squash those as now isn’t the time.
 “Don’t tell me your date is work. Boring.” Kiki makes an exaggerated yawn.
 Hearts. A baby wearing a diaper and armed with a bow. Chocolate. Date. What on earth involved all of these? Think. You rack your mind trying to figure out what they’re referring to.
 Minor comes to the rescue. “Boss, who are you going to give your Valentine’s Day chocolate to?”
 Your train of thought comes to a screeching stop. Wait a moment. It can’t be, can it? You pull out your phone to check the day. Friday the fourteenth of February. Oh shit. You can’t believe you forgot about this day. Then again, you have a habit of forgetting your own birthday. Oops?
 All three of your employees are expectantly staring at you, waiting for you to answer their question of who you’re going to give chocolate to. Considering who your boss is and your desire for your company to be successful, you have no choice other than disappointing them.
 “No one. I don’t have time for romance.” The truth hurts as many say.
 “Boo,” Kiki pouts, but at least, she stops circling you like… a predator? “Why not give Kiro chocolate? He loves eating snacks.”
 “No way, she’s gonna give bro chocolate,” Minor chimes in. What a major fanboy. It makes you wonder if he’s started a secret fan club.
 “Officer Gavin kicks ass,” Willow adds her two cents. “It’s a no brainer there.”
 A guy from editing peers over the partition. “The mind is the strongest part of the body. I’m sure boss appreciates someone with a high IQ like Professor Lucien.”
 “Kiro’s the same age as Boss.”
 You plant your foot on Kiki’s as you do not want your age revealed to everyone. It works as she yelps and is now hopping on one foot, her good one. While you don’t mind them knowing your birthday, you do mind them knowing how old you’ve become. Not that you’re senior citizen old, but still!
 “Two years isn’t a huge difference,” Willow points out. She knows you don’t want to reveal your age, but she does have a point about the age gap between you and a certain officer. “Not like four years.”
 Minor nods his head in agreement. “And you two have a history together.”
 “If you take into consideration, the ages people got married historically,” the editing guy counters. “Four years is nothing. Some of them are twenty years apart!”
 “Kiro’s a lot cuter.”
 “Bro can protect her,” Minor argues to which Willow agrees with. “He’s awesome with a gun and can take on ten guys at the same time.”
 “Professor Lucien has helped with the show many times.”
 Why is everyone interested with your love life? Or rather lack of it. Not that you mind as you have your priorities in order. It’s not like Minor or that guy from editing received any chocolate. The last time you checked, neither Kiki or Willow were interested in someone. You pinch the bridge of your nose. “You can celebrate all you want. Just leave me out of it… and make sure you finish your work.”
 “So if you’re not giving Bro chocolate, then that means I got some and he didn’t.” Hold the phone, someone actually gave Minor chocolate? Who’s desperate enough to give him some?
 You turn your attention to Kiki and Willow. “Have you given your chocolate?”
 “Of course!” Kiki chirps and then she points to someone you can’t recall his name. The guy blushes when attention is brought onto him. “We’re going on a date tonight!”
 Willow just points to Minor. This does not compute. Error. Error. Did she just admit to giving Minor chocolate? Yes, she did. “We’re going on a double date. Someone has to keep the kids in line.”
 “Hey!” Kiki sticks out her tongue and blows a raspberry.
 Reinforcements have arrived! Anna enters the room, carrying the materials needed for your latest assignment. “Back to work.” Yes! It’s nice having someone on your side.
 “Awww… it’s Valentine’s Day.” Kiki pouts, however, she reluctantly returns to her desk. “We wanna know who Boss is giving her chocolate to.”
 “She should give it to Officer Gavin.”
 “Yeah, Bro will be happy to receive anything from you.”
 “I’m sure Professor Lucien will appreciate your effort.”
 “Kiro’s the best choice.”
 “You guys…”
 “We can have this discussion during our lunch break.” You nod your head in agreement. Maybe they’ll forget by then. “Since we all know, she’s giving it to CEO Victor.”
 “Not you too.”
 Lunch happens to take out from your third favorite restaurant. You originally planned to make your meals, thanks to those cooking lessons, but work leaves you with little time and energy. When you arrive home, all you want to do is face plant onto your bed and not wake up for the next eight hours. Thank whatever deity, they have delivery. It saves you time, and you can work up until your midday break.
 Back to the battlefield you go. Your employees have other things in mind as they divvy up your portion amongst themselves and start working. You blink several times, wondering what has gotten into them. Were they not complaining about the workload? Why the sudden change of heart? There’s something fishy going on there.
 You turn to Anna. “What’s going on?”
 “I told them you’re taking the afternoon off.” Hey, aren’t you supposed to be the boss? “Hurry before the shops run out of the good stuff.” She ushers you out the door and then shuts it.
 What about your purse? As if reading your mind, the door opens. Someone shoves your purse into your hands before shutting the door again. You attempt to open the door, but it refuses to budge. It can’t be locked as you can turn the knob. No, it’s more like something heavy is preventing the door from moving.
 “You don’t want to give Kiro second rate chocolate!”
 “Don’t you mean Officer Gavin?”
 “Agreed. Bro is the one.”
 “What about Professor Lucien?”
 “You already know what CEO Victor likes.”
 You resist the urge to bang your head on the door or nearest wall. Time to head over to the nearest shop for chocolate. While you’d rather not buy it, no one says you have to actually give it. You can make up a guy to give it to and eat the chocolate yourself. Yeah, that sounds like an excellent plan. You’d give yourself a pat on the back.
 And then remember, you need a ride back to your place. Since you don’t want to give them any ideas, you decide to not call any of those guys. You scroll down your phone list and see the number to your classmate, the one Victor was ‘not jealous’ of. Yeah, right. You decide to send him a text, knowing that nothing would happen between the two of you since you’re female, and he swings that way. His quick response startles you.
 He’s on his way.
 His quick appearance also startles you. “I was in the area. You know dropping off my gift.”
 “Aren’t girls supposed to be giving the gifts?” You blink several times, trying to figure out how this same sex thing works. While you don’t mind them, you have no clue about how they interact with each other. Your research lands you straight into the doujinshi area. While they’re entertaining, you doubt they’re completely realistic. Then again fiction tends to exaggerate things.
 “Someone has to initiate it, and since he doesn’t have a clue, I have to,” your friend says with a slight shrug. It makes sense to you. “Have you given yours chocolate?” In spite of his helmet, you can tell he’s waggling his eyebrows at you.
 “Ugh… Not you too.”
 “Oh. Whoops? Sorry.”
 You wave him off. “Not your fault. My employees are more interested in the lack of my love life than actually working.” He hands over you the second helmet.
 “You gonna head home or buy something for him?”
 Good question. While you want to head home, the thought of giving your ‘crush’ chocolate on Valentine’s Day sounds appealing even if it’s store bought. Then again, he does have a very high standard, considering his culinary expertise. By now, you figure all the good stuff is gone. Now the thought of going home sounds appealing.
 “You can always make him some. I mean I did for mine.”
 You stare at him as if he’s grown a second appendage. It’s something you hadn’t considered. To cover up your inevitable blush due to your friend being too smart for his own good, you shove the helmet onto yourself. “Is there enough time?”
 “Unless you take several hours, you’ll be fine. Hey, why don’t I help you? It’ll go faster.”
 “But won’t that be kinda like cheating?”
 “You’ll be doing most of the work. I’m there to make sure things go smoothly and offer any suggestions.” Technically you’d be making it, but a little advice never hurts, right? Especially when the recipient of that creation happens to be that guy. Mister Critical.
 If that’s the case, there’s no need to think about it. “To the nearest supermarket!”
 Levi chuckled as he picked up speed without driving recklessly, making you wonder why he doesn’t seem to be the type to drive fast. His personality fits, but then again, looks can be deceiving as you’ve experienced many times, often with you looking like a fool. He pulls up close to the entrance of what appears to be a family owned supermarket.
 “Ah, friends of mine own this place,” Levi answers your question before you can even formulate it.
 Leaving your helmets, you two make your way through the shelves. You take your time to look at what they have to offer. For being this size, they offer more of a variety than you anticipated. You wonder what you’re going to use in your chocolate. Of course, it will not be too sweet as he isn’t into sweets like you. He says you’re sweet enough for the both of you. Maybe a hint of sweetness. Yeah. That means dark chocolate. You head to where they keep the baking supplies while your friend wanders through the other aisles. Dark chocolate with maybe some accents of… white chocolate?
 “How about some flavoring?” He pops up from the next aisle, completely surprising you into an almost heart attack. “Oops? My bad.”
 Once you get your breathing and heart rate back to normal, you see what he’s holding. He has a few different flavors in small bottles. They appear small, but you know better. Since they’re concentrated, a few drops will suffice lest the recipient be overwhelmed with the flavor.
 Vanilla, rose, strawberry, and mango?
 “Can you bring me one of each?” You request. Variety makes things interesting, and if one fails, you’ll have the others as back-ups.
 “Sure.” Levi disappears just as quickly and quietly as he appeared. You swear he’s part ninja or something. Maybe he’s a secret agent. You end that train of thought before it takes a surprise journey.
 With him not distracting you, you return your attention to the selection of chocolates in front of you. You read the cacao concentration before picking something not too bitter but not sweet either. On second thought, you grab more as you don’t know how many attempts you’ll need before you manage to make a decent chocolate. Having the main ingredient in your basket, you search for the others. Somewhere along the line, Levi takes the basket from you as it’s becoming heavier with your selections. Not that it was impossible to carry. Having a gentleman with you can be useful especially when you know he’s not interested in you other than being a friend and possibly siblings.
 At the register, the cashier rings up your purchases. Your friend and she know each other. Yet, why is she attempting to flirt with him? Not that it’s any of your business. You just hate it when people are disappointed. He is either oblivious or doesn’t care like a certain someone in your life. Well make that four guys you know.
 “Levi, why didn’t you call?” a middle-aged man appears. “I would have prepared your favorite snack.”
 He politely declines. “Spur of the moment decision, and I have urgent business to attend to.”
 “What can be that urgent you don’t want to spend time with your old pal?” He notices you’re in the company of his friend. “I see. What a cute girl you’re with. Whose girlfriend is she?”
 “Er…” You attempt to answer.
 “That’s the urgent business. I’m helping her win her crush over.” He appears to be teasing you, but something in his tone tells you he’s serious about assisting you with your quest to win him over and especially not make a fool of yourself like you normally do.
 “He’s not a crush,” you mumble.
 “Who took classes on cooking with me?”
 You probably could pass off as a human tomato at this point. “That’s different!” You rack your mind trying to dig yourself out of this hole you somehow managed to fall into. Your brain starts waving a white flag, easily surrendering.
 Levi chuckles. “I’ll stop teasing you.”
 “You took cooking classes?” The cashier gives your male friend those eyes.
 “Well yeah. It’s not healthy eating out or pre-made meals.” You wish you could have said that earlier. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. You hate it.
 “We’d better get going,” Levi says, prompting her to hurry up ringing you up. “She still needs to cook and then give it to him before the day ends.”
 Once you paid for the ingredients, your friend takes it back to his motorcycle before securing it and then you. He hops onto his bike and then heads to your place. You’ve been to each other’s homes so neither of you needs directions.
 “Let’s do this!” You’re very much pumped to make these chocolates. And well if they turn out not the greatest, no one said you couldn’t eat them yourself, right? You plan on eating all the fails anyways, but even though you love chocolate, you hope there aren’t too many of them.
 Levi smiles while shaking his head. “You’re like the little sister I never had.”
 You turn to stare at him. Family? This brings several questions to mind, mainly about his family which he has yet to share anything about. “Only child?”
 “No, I had an adopted brother, but that’s about it.” Levi shrugs and carries the bag for you. Good thing, it’s heavy. He doesn’t say anything more so you drop it.
 Inside your kitchen, the two of you clean up and start prepping to make the chocolate. He helps with the set up but once you start actually making it, he steps back and let’s you take over with him supervising you. You decide to create four different flavors. Kind of like the saying, ‘Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.’ In addition to the flavoring, you have picked up some nuts, because well why not? Sometimes you believe he’s nuts.
 Just as you’re about to put the pot with the chocolate on the stove, Levi holds your arm. “You don’t want to put it on direct heat. Use double broiler.” When you stare at him in confusion, he turns off the stove and explains. “Get a larger pot and fill it with water. Then you place this pot in it. Make sure the water doesn’t go into your chocolate.”
 “Oh. No wonder why my first attempt ended horribly.” Whoops? You follow his advice and grab a larger pot to fill with water. Once it’s filled, you lug it over to your stove and turn it on. Next you place your pot full of chocolate in it. When it starts melting, you stir it and are thankful it doesn’t burn or turn hard. Wow. You’ll have to remember this for future use. This batch will be the vanilla flavored, some with nuts. Once it’s a nice gooey mess, you take it off the heat before grabbing your already prepared tray. You stir in some nuts and then meticulously pour it into the molds. When you used up what you melted so far, you ask your assistant to place it in the fridge while you start on the second batch.
 As it turns out, you have more chocolate than you anticipate. Oh well you did prepare in case of fails, but so far, there haven’t been any as you have a very watchful assistant who keeps reminding you. Maybe you need to improve your concentration and not let your mind wander that often. It’s great for creating programs, not great when you’re trying to do something that requires concentration.
 “Why not chocolate covered fruit?” Levi suggests as he rummages through your fridge. He emerges with a pack of strawberries. When did you get those? Oh wait, you went on a grocery run a few days ago. Come to think of it, you wonder why you picked up strawberries as they’re not in season. Maybe they were on sale? Given Valentine’s Day, you wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case.
 “I’ll pick up some whip cream later.” When you bring your gift to him, you plan on grabbing some. That’s until you see your assistant holding a tub of whip cream. “What?”
 “I snuck it in while you’re distracted.”
 Your eye twitches as you didn’t see him with it at all, but at the same time, you’re thankful. It means no detour. After all, he’s doing you more than a favor by not only driving, but supervising your cooking. This time, you know what to do. You wash the strawberries and have your assistant dry them off with paper towels. With him being busy, you start up the.. you lost count batch of chocolate. You get it to a nice consistency and turn off the stove. Then you realize, you don’t have anywhere to place them. You notice a lined tray ready to receive the strawberries. After thanking him, you begin dipping the strawberries and placing them on the prepped tray.
 Minutes later, you’re finished and have a messy kitchen, but it’s worth it to make those home-made chocolate. As to whether, they’d taste good is up in the air. You’ve made a few extra for you two to try before you gift him with it. He gets up to start help with the clean-up, but you push him back down. Levi has done more than his share.
 Once they’ve hardened, you take out your tester chocolates and divvy them between the two of you. For your first successful batch, they’re not too bad. It’s not like those sold at candy shops, however, they’re a vast improvement on your first attempt… attempts.
 Between the two of you, you manage to find materials to wrap up your gift to him. You also decide to give him some of the chocolate as you’ve made more than you anticipated. A friendly Valentine’s gift. Levi surprisingly accepts it and pats you on the head like some sort of cute pet. Hey!
 Since you know Victor happens to be a workaholic and little romance in his body, you know he won’t take today off. If anything, he may be annoyed with the amount of chocolate he’s receiving from his female (and maybe male) fans. You stare at the gift in your hands, wondering whether or not to give it to him since he’s probably more than irritated. A nudge from behind causes you to stumble a little.
 “He doesn’t know you’re here.”
 “Er… I’m worried he’d find me annoying.”
 Levi leans back on his motorcycle. “Why would he find you annoying?”
 You wave your hand. “Capitalist CEO. He didn’t become a leading financial institution by being a pushover… or romantic person.”
 “I’m sure he’ll make an exception for you.” You blink several times. “You’re a funny, kind, generous, hard working person. How could he not fall for you? If he so much makes you cry, I’m taking him out of the picture.”
 You don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Instead you hug him. “Thanks.”
 “Now go sweep him off his feet, and remember what I said about making him disappear.” He releases you so you can go to him.
 “After all, no one messes with my little sister and gets away with it.”
 “I’m not little!” you pout, but the huge grin on your face gives you a comical appearance. You hug him for a second time. “Fine, big bro.” Then it occurs to you if he sees you as his little sister, then oh boy… Victor would be in for a world of hurt should he hurt you. Isn’t that what big brothers do?
 “Just don’t kill him. I still need him to sign my paychecks.”
 “All right. He’ll be missing a limb or two then.”
 You playfully punch him. “I’m serious. He still needs to write.”
 “Who ever said it’s those limbs?”
 This time your whole face turns red and you smack him with your purse. “You!”
 “Feeling nervous?”
 Come to think of it, you’re not. He’s distracted you with his shenanigans. “Nope!”
 Something falling catches your attention. You see Goldman hastily picking up folders and papers. Having some mercy on him, you decide to help him pick them up. Unfortunately some of them fly too far from either of you and are about to escape when your big brother catches them for you. You thank him for it.
 Goldman sounds nervous as he’s trying to warn you of something. It sounds like gibberish. “Slow down and take a deep breath.”
 “Later!” Levi waves to you.
 “Bye, big bro!”
 This time Goldman’s jaw drops. Did he think you two were? Oh boy.
 “We’re not in that kind of relationship. More like we adopted each other as siblings… unofficially.”
 Goldman lets out a sigh of relief. “It’s a warzone in there.”
 “Let me guess. Victor has many admirers giving him unwanted gifts?”
 “Ding ding ding. You have won a prize. Yeah, he’s in a very, very sour mood. Please don’t say anything to upset him further.”
 You give him that look. “I’m not that bad.”
 He returns that look. “Yes, you are. I don’t know how many times you’ve left boss stressed out. I lost count.” Hmph. See if you help him with any of his assignments.
 “I guess it’s better I don’t give these.” You hold up your wrapped gift.
 “Are those chocolates?” Goldman looks horrified at the thought.
 “They’re not sweet! I made sure of it. They’re not the greatest, but I’m getting better at cooking.” You’re proud of what you’ve accomplished and how far you’ve come from being a walking kitchen disaster.
  “You made them?” Goldman gulps as if you’ve made Victor his last meal.
 You glare at him. “I’m not that bad, and big bro helped me with them.”
 Goldman shakes his head. “Good luck in there.”
 “What? You’re going home?”
 “No. I’m running errands.” He checks his watch. “Oh crap, gotta go before it’s too late. Thanks for your help.” With his papers and folders secured, Goldman wastes no time in leaving you in the dust.
 Might as well be prepared to enter the battlefield, aka LFG. You check your gift for the hundredth time you’d probably stare holes into it. Everything is good to go… except your feet. You mentally shout at your feet to start moving. After several swear words and threats, your feet start moving to the entrance and then inside where everyone looks like there’s a ticking time bomb somewhere.
 Come to think of it, there is a literal ticking time bomb who calls himself their boss, aka Victor. The people move skittishly around you as you make your way to their boss’ office. Having given so many reports, you can walk there in your sleep. As you come closer to his office, the people become more stressed out and anxious. You’re tempted to sneak up behind them and yell “BOO!” However, a figure who suspiciously appears to be victor pops up in your mind, telling you that it’s childish behavior.
 Even in your mind, Victor is a kill joy.
 Just as you’re about to raise your hand and knock, you hear several strange noises coming from behind that wooden barrier. You blink several times before placing your ear against the door. While it’s bad manners to eavesdrop, you’re worried about Victor. Is he hurt? Does he need an ambulance? That’s what you tell yourself when that same figure chastises you about listening on other people’s conversation. From what you hear, it doesn’t sound like someone needs medical assistance. Phew. You take a step back, but being the queen of klutzes, you trip on something invisible (rather yourself) and fall back, landing right on your rear.
 “Ow…” Somehow you manage to keep your voice low though it’s not low enough as you hear movement from behind the door.
 Glancing around, you scurry over to a place to hide. Why are you hiding when you’re there to see Victor? You have no idea. Impulse perhaps? It’s small. You shove yourself into that little corner, hoping he would not venture further than the doorway to look out.
 Victor lets out his sigh which you believe is reserved for you when you’re behaving childishly, looking like a fool, or thinking something he considers stupid. “I know you’re here.” When you don’t move or make any noise, he sounds exasperated. “I’m not mad at you. Promise.”
 Since he has never broken any promises, you crawl out of your little hiding place. As soon as you appear in his sights, he seems to be in disbelief. Probably because you’re there or how you managed to cram yourself into that tiny space.
 “I heard you went home early,” Victor starts off. He appears like his normal self though you know better. Even if he won’t admit it, he’s worried about your health.
 “I’m fine.”
 “I can see that.” His posture screams he wants to know why you’re there in the first place.
 “Err… I have something for you.” You walk up to him before shoving your gift at him, more like at his broad chest.
 Victor turns his attention to the thing you’ve shoved at him. “What’s this?”
 “If you want to know, you’ll have to open it,” you tease him. Given the wrapping design and theme, it’s not hard to guess you’re giving him a Valentine’s gift.
 “I’m not into sweets.”
 You puff up your cheeks. “I know that. I made sure they’re not too sweet.”
 His long fingers start to meticulously unwrap his gift. “You made these?”
 “Yep!” You sound very proud of yourself.
 “Shouldn’t you be giving it to your boyfriend?”
 “What boyfriend?” Seriously you don’t recall being into any guy.
 “You hugged that guy twice.”
 “Oh, what about big bro?”
 This stuns Victor into silence for a minute or two. “You don’t have any brothers.”
 “Well now I do!” Wait a moment. “You’re jealous of my gay brother again?”
 “I’m not jealous of your gay brother… again? What’s that supposed to mean?”
 This leaves you in giggling fits. It takes you a few moments and a stern look from him for you to calm yourself enough to talk. “Do you remember the cooking class you substituted for?” Nod of his head. “It’s the same guy. My gay friend turned gay brother.”
 You catch a blush appear on his face just as he turns away. “Hopefully they’re edible.”
 HEY! “I worked hard on them. Big bro says I’ve improved a lot.”
 Victor motions for you to follow him into his office. There are several stacks of papers and folders both on his desk and around it. What’s going on? It’s never this cluttered when you’re there ever. Victor appreciates his space being clean and orderly. You should know as he scolds you for making a mess or for putting away things in the wrong places.
 “If now isn’t a good time, I can leave,” you say in an unsure tone.
 “I’m almost done.” Victor ambles over to his chair behind his desk. He picks up his glasses and places them on his face. Without looking in your direction, he adds, “I’ve made reservations at that new restaurant you wanted to try.”
 What? You rack your mind, trying to think how he heard about it. The only person you told is your now new big brother while you two were making those chocolates.
 “You mentioned it in your moments post.”
 Oh that. Making those chocolates and then mustering up the courage to give them has pushed that thought way, way far down. “Hehehehe. I forgot about that.” Wait a moment. “I made that post during lunch. How could you get reservations? It’s hard to get them unless you make it days in advance.”
 “I have my ways.” Victor shuffles papers around before settling on one. His eyes never leave it as he continues the conversation with you. “It’s called having connections. You can use more of them.”
 Ouch… Does he have to be that brutal? Although you know he’s right, you wish he’d tell you in a more gentle way instead of dropping it on you like a bomb. You’ve been working on gathering connections and have invited a few influential people to your show. Had it been a year earlier, they wouldn’t even consider being on your show which indicates how much you’ve grown and learned under his care.
 “You’re better than when you started.” Is this a complement? If it isn’t, you decide to take it as one.
  “But isn’t it expensive?” You recall the reviews and how they say it’s pricy but definitely worth it for the quality and experience.
 “That’s for me to worry about. All you need to worry about is what you want to eat.”
 “Okay.” You make you way to one of the chairs when you realize one of the chairs is occupied by a large mountain of gifts. In fact, they’re practically burying the poor furniture. You hadn’t noticed this, however, to be fair, you had several things on your mind. The fact your gift hasn’t joined this enormous pile gives you hope that Victor would try what you’ve made. At least yours has a chance of being opened.
 After pulling out your phone, you browse the restaurants website, more specifically their menu. Their prices cause you to wince. It’d take you a week of work to get enough money for one meal, and that’s for yourself alone. As if on cue, Victor tell you to order what you want and ignore the price. He can afford it. According to him, it’s cheap for that kind of restaurant.
 Wow… Cheap. The life of the rich and infamous.
 You pull out a pen and pad of paper from your purse. When Victor raises a brow, you stick your tongue out at him. “It’s for random ideas.” As soon as he returns to his work, you peruse their menu. There are a lot of things you’d like to try and most likely to overeat, making a fool of yourself in the process. So this time, you’ll come prepared. You will plan what you’re going to eat for future visits so as to not tempt yourself to eat more than your stomach can handle. For a second, you consider telling Victor, however, you squash that thought. He wouldn’t praise you or acknowledge you for something he considers trivial.
 By the time you finish selecting your dishes for this visit, Victor has finished cleaning up. “Will you be ordering the entire menu?”
 Ouch… “Yes,” you reply with a cheeky grin. “Hope you can afford it!”
 Victor stands over you, looking down at you and your notes. His soft snort tells you he’s read them. “Indeed you have ordered everything.” He pauses. “Wise decision to spread it out on multiple visits.”
 Oh my. Did he just praise you again? While you’re tempted to request he say it again, you decide it’s better to not push your luck. After all, he’ll be paying for future visits. Unless he increases your salary, you doubt you’d be able to afford it without having to make sacrifices and live off of cup noodles like a certain someone who shall remain nameless.
 “Are you going to try your gift?” You ask as you follow him, noticing he’s carrying your gift with him.
 “Chocolate is for dessert,” Victor reminds you, causing you to blush. Right.
 “Does that mean you’ll try it after dinner?” You bat your eyes even though he can’t see behind him. He doesn’t have eyes in the back of his head or does he? Hm… He has a knack for catching you doing things when he’s not even facing you or looking in your direction.
 His one-word reply causes you to be giddy with delight. You hope he likes it as you’ve put effort into making it…. Even if it’s last minute, but he doesn’t have to know that! What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him for now.
 With it being Valentine’s Day and Friday night, the restaurant is packed with a long line going out the door. If they’re willing to wait outside, then the food must be worth it. You become excited with anticipation. It may not be Victor level cooking, you appreciate good food.
 “Victor, I—”
 Some heavy set male runs straight into you causing you to lurch forward. Instinctively you brace for an impact that never arrives. Instead you find yourself in the embrace of the man you like a lot… maybe even love? Once Victor helps you back on your feet, you notice two things… Victor glaring and second your high heel is no longer high heel on the left side. You believe he’s glaring at you, however, he’s not looking directly at you, more like over you.
 “Why should I apologize? She’s standing in the way,” the guy argues. Where should you stand? It’s not like there is a vacant spot for you to occupy. Now is there?
 “You should look where you’re going. Perhaps you need glasses. I can help with that.”
 The guy starts turning red. “I can see just fine.”
 “Then you should have seen her.” Victor indicates you.
 “She’s tiny. Careful someone might sit on her.”
 Why you!
 Victor stops you from marching straight up to him and giving him a piece of your mind. “On second thought, you’ll need a lawyer.”
 “You could have given her a concussion, and you broke her shoe.” So Victor did notice your heel-less left shoe. Hard to get anything past him.
 “Gentlemen,” the restaurant’s manager speaks up. “There will be no violence in this establishment.”
 “Tell that to him,” the rude guy grumbles.
 “How is knocking someone over not violent,” you finally explode. “I coulda gotten a concussion.”
 “Mister, please leave.” At first you think he’s referring to Victor, but his next words confirm who. “I’m terribly sorry, Mister.” He’s facing Victor. “Your table is this way.”
 “Err…” You can walk but awkwardly with uneven shoes.
 Victor understands what you’re trying to get at before you can say it. He literally sweeps you off your feet and carries you to your table. On your way there, more than a few customers look in your direction and whisper. Not everyday a guy carries a girl to their table.
 Not like you have a choice given your broken footwear. Still it’s embarrassing to be stared at by these strangers. Somehow Victor ignores every single one of them. Of course, he does. He’s the great and mighty Victor. His name is very much appropriate for him.
 At your private table, the manager fusses over the two of you, making sure you’re well taken care of before taking his leave. It makes you wonder if this is the usual service for Victor whenever he goes out or if it’s from the earlier incident. Thanks to you having decided what you want to eat before you arrived at the restaurant, you’re able to put in your order. Considering how packed this place is, you wouldn’t be surprised should service be slower than usual. Not that you’ll make a deal out of it.
 Now what?
 “Are you sure you’re just siblings?”
 You groan. Not this again. “I’m sure of it. Unless I become a guy, he’s not interested in me.”
 “You sure he isn’t lying?”
 Here we go for another round. “I’m sure of it. We both like looking at cute guys and before you say anything, appreciation for nice aesthetics doesn’t mean I’m in love with them. It’s superficial level appreciation.”
 Victor appears skeptical, but he doesn’t push it further.
 A random thought pops into your mind, causing you to giggle.
 “What useless thing are you thinking of this time?”
 “All my thoughts aren’t useless. My mind can be creative and imaginative, okay?”
 “What is it?”
 You prop your head on your hands. “You should be more worried for yourself.”
 “If he’s going to hit on anyone, it’ll be you.”
 Victor is stunned into silence. You’re not sure if he’s against same sex couples or tolerates them. Maybe it’s the realization that yes, there are men who would be after him. He probably had not even considered it much less thought about it.
 “And if you hurt me, well you know how big brothers are overprotective of their little sisters.” You somehow recall he’s good at martial arts, very good at it. Hopefully he wouldn’t have to put it to use against a certain someone.
 “He won’t have a chance.” Oh confident now are we?
 Before either of you can say another word, your waiter arrives with a bottle of fine wine. “On the house.” She places it in a prepared container of ice. You peer at it. Oh it sounds good from what you’ve read. Apparently you’re not the only one who read it.
 “You can have one glass.” That’s better than nothing. You’ll take it.
 Man you’re stuffed. The food is too good, but not as good as a certain restaurant which Victor knows all too well, considering he owns it. You’re thankful you ordered just the right amount. Knowing yourself, you’d still keep eating even if you’re full.
 You pull out your phone. “I’m going to give them a five-star review.” In your review, you write about your experience there including the incident before dinner and their heavenly cuisine. If Victor asks where you want to eat and doesn’t feel like cooking, you know what you’re answer will be.
 Victor scoffs at this though he seems to be amused and overall in a good mood. When you place down your phone, you notice your gift has been opened.
 “So what do you think?”
 “Needs improvement.” Your spirits sink. “But you’ve come a long way from when you started. I’ve had my fair share of less than desirable results in the past. No one starts out good or perfect.”
 Then Victor must have had some fails when he first started cooking. This somewhat lifts your spirits. Considering he has a huge head start over you, you take it stride. It’s not like Rome was built in a day as they say.
 After paying for your meal (minus the wine), Victor once again sweeps you off your feet to carry you to his car. Unlike some big wigs, he doesn’t need a chauffeur to drive him around. He’d probably become too impatient waiting for the poor person.
 “Where are we headed?” You ask as soon as you’re safely secured and he’s behind the wheel.
 “To the mall.”
 “Your broken shoes.”
 Oh. “I can repair them at home.” You don’t want to trouble him more than necessary.
 “I’m buying you better ones, sturdier shoes.” In his language, it means more expensive and better quality.
 By now you should be celebrating. Free dinner and shoes, but somehow your heart isn’t into it. You’re not sure why.
 “Aren’t you going to gloat about getting free shoes?”
 You turn your head to face him. “Not in the mood.”
 “Is something wrong?” Victor sounds genuinely concerned, given how you love to banter with him.
 “It’s… I don’t know. I guess I’m not ready for this to end.”
 “Is that so?” Victor takes a few seconds to look at you before turning his attention back to the road.
 “I’m actually enjoying spending time with you.” Shut up mouth! Why don’t you dig a hole and bury yourself in it?
 “Are you sure it’s not the food?”
 This time you glare at him. “It’s not always about the food. Believe it or not, good company makes the food taste even better.”
 “I see.” No, you don’t.
 You puff up your cheeks and stare out the passenger side window. Could this get any more awkward? Scratch that. You don’t want to jinx yourself.
 “Why don’t you spend the night at my place?”
 Say what?
 “A certain someone says she doesn’t want this to end.”
 Right. “I don’t have my stuff.”
 “Already taken care of.” How in the world? You decide not to question it.
 At the mall, Victor carries you as he’s not willing to risk you tripping and falling due to your broken shoe. Says that you’re a walking disaster with two good shoes. When he teases you, you can feel the warmth and affection in his voice. He does care in his own way, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. It just wouldn’t be him.
 When the sales lady notices you and your predicament, she hurries over to you. “You poor thing. I’ll find a pair of shoes that’ll flatter your figure.” How does she know your size?
 After Victor places you on a chair, you take off your shoes and turn one of them over. Oh… Right in the middle is your size. You haven’t worn this pair enough times to wear out the writing. Meanwhile Victor stands guard over you. Not like you’re going to have another person try to shove you to the ground.
 The sales lady returns with a dozen pair of shoes. How she managed to carry all of them. You’re not sure nor do you ask. She does have good taste in footwear. You try on all of them, some of them twice. So many nice shoes, but you only need one pair. You don’t feel like owing Victor a lot. After some consideration and thought, you narrow your selection down to two.
 “Which looks better? This or that?” You’re wearing one of the pairs.
 “We’ll take them both.”
 “Um… I need one pair.” Mouth, stop moving and let him buy you the damn shoes.
 “Since a certain dummy can’t decide, I’ll buy them both for her.” Victor grabs the box for the shoes you’re wearing and the other pair. He heads over to the cash register.
 “You have a nice boyfriend.”
 BOYFRIEND?! “Er… we’re good friends.”
 “Are you sure about that? The way he looks at you.”
 You blink in confusion. “He’s probably annoyed with having to replace my broken shoes.”
 She laughs. “No. He looks at you like you’re his most precious person, a treasure he intends to protect.”
 “Eh? How do you know it’s that?”
 She holds up her left hand. “My husband does that a lot.” Now you notice the ring on her finger. She’s married. “Take my advice, don’t let this one go. He’s a keeper.”
 Once he’s paid for the shoes, you insist on taking a stroll through the mall to walk off dinner. Victor isn’t happy though he indulges you, and the two of you take a leisurely walk through the building. Good thing this is an indoor mall so you don’t have to deal with the cold weather. As you pass by the window displays, you take a good look at their merchandise. A pair of rings catches your attention.
 “Promise rings.” You didn’t plan to say it out loud. You did anyways.
 “Those are for children.”
 You roll your eyes at him and point at the price tag. “I don’t think children can afford that on their allowance.”
 The cute puppies and kitties catch your attention. You hurry over to look at them and maybe they’ll let you pet them! They’re so adorable. Although you’re tempted to adopt one, you know you don’t have the time or energy to properly look after one. Maybe one of your friends will let you pet sit? You’d be more than willing to look after their furry four-legged family member for a short time. After all, you took care of Pearly while Gavin was away on a mission.
 Inside the store, they have more than kitties and puppies. They have fishes, mice, lizards, and birds. You’re not crazy about mice or lizards. The fish are pretty to look at, but they’re kind of boring. It’s not like you can play with them or pet them. A small bird wanders to you and starts whistling. Is it serenading you? You glance around to see if the employees would let you pet the bird. Sadly they’re all busy. You reach in and the bird scoots over to your hand before climbing onto your finger. Then it makes its way up your arm and onto your shoulder. It snuggles against you.
 “Oh wow, he’s never been this friendly with anyone.” A store employee appears, startling you and inadvertently the bird too. “Sorry. We normally don’t let people touch him. He tends to be grumpy most of the time.”
 You reach up and start petting him. He leans into your touch, chirping in content. “Really? He seems friendly.” If this bird is as how the employee makes him out to be, you’ve found Victor in bird form it seems. Maybe this can be Victor Junior? Thinking about Victor, where is he? You thought he’d follow you into the store.
 “Please adopt him! I’m begging you.”
 “You’re the first person he’s been nice to. I didn’t think he would be attached to anyone.”
 “Um… I’m busy so I don’t think I can properly care for him.”
 “You’ll do fine. These are great starter birds since they’re not hard to take care of.” The store employee begins telling you the benefits of having a pet and one that’s low maintenance. You find out this is a cockatiel. Thinking about the name causes you to giggle.
 Between the store employee and the cute birdy eyes, you break down and decide to adopt this adorable creature. This time, you’re paying for him along with what’s needed to keep him happy and healthy. He’s content to sit on your shoulder the entire time and growls whenever he thinks someone is a threat to you.
 Cage, food, toys, perches, feeding dishes, something for water, some basic first aid, and the bird himself.
 “What makes you think you can take care of a pet?”
 This startles you and causes him to almost fall off your shoulder. “They’re not hard to take care of, and he’s cute.”
 “All animals are cute to you.”
 “Not all of them.” You glance over to the lizard section. “And he really likes me.”
 “Right. Are you sure it’s not some sales gimmick?” Victor folds his arms over his chest, waiting for your answer.
 “I’ve seen him interact with others. He isn’t social but he’s friendly with me.” You reach up to pet him, which he happily accepts. “He’s like a bird version of you.”
 Victor lets out an exasperated sigh. “Since you’ve already bought him, let’s take the stuff to my car.” Wow, you didn’t think Victor would be on board with you purchasing a pet this quickly. You decide not to point it out.
 On the way to his place, the bird is content with being on your lap. You’ll need to name him since you can’t keep calling him the bird or bird.
 “Victor Junior or Vic for short.”
 “What are you up to this time?”
 “He’s just like you.”
 “So I’m naming him after you.”
 “This is ridiculous.”
 You stick your tongue out at Victor. Victor Junior copies you, much to your amusement. “Our son isn’t ridiculous, are you?” You coo at the little bird.
 “Our son?”
 “Fine, my son.”
 Victor Junior has picked up quite a vocabulary during his stay at the pet shop. You can’t help but giggle at his antics. Since you’re spending the night there, you’ve set up his cage once human Victor has brought in his supplies. It’s getting late and Victor Junior looks tired. He’s yawning up a storm. You place him in his cage so he can get some sleep.
 Since Victor is a gentleman, he insists you sleep in his guest room. It appears while you’re taking care of the bird, he prepared the guest room for you. Before he takes his leave so you can change, he holds out a small box. Is that a ring box? You open it to find one half of the promise ring set.
 “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?”
 Victor stutters, attempting to deny it and saying that you’re interested in it.
 “Now look who’s being silly.” You pull out the ring and slide it onto your finger before giving a surprised Victor a hug. “Does this answer your question?”
 His response? He pulls you in for one passionate kiss.
 Where the hell did he learn to kiss like that?
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tartagilicious · 4 years
rating each mlqc reunion (24+)
I have ap work I’m supposed to be doing right now but you know what — mlqc boys :D let’s get started lmao. I’ll try to keep the details as vague as possible, so there won’t be any direct spoilers! 
Lucien: 10/10 (ch25-26)
- pain personified
- my insides and heart were mush for a day after I read this. I was staring into space thinking about nothing but Lucien. it was no joke. 
- my stamina and gems in game were also not doing so hot because I just couldn’t put the game down until the scenario was resolved
- confusing at first, I’ll admit. but once you figure out what’s going on and why Lucien is acting like he is, it’s heartbreaking. I felt so horrible for him, but also gained a new viewpoint into his character and how much the MC actually means to him 🥺
- “bone crushing hug.” yes, that term was actually used to describe something Lucien did. 
- I was surprised he didn’t cry. Or maybe he did? Even if he didn’t, in my mind he did ✨
- technically,,, ueuyrgf this chapter makes Lucien the first LI to actually voice his feelings for the MC directly. While he didn’t explicitly say that he loved her, the stuff he said was so emotionally and imo, pretty fucking close
- I’m fully looking forward to the smuts that come out of the moment where he pushes her against the wall to prevent her from leaving. yes I said it and I will be looking. 👀🤲 
Gavin: 8/10 (ch26-27)
- oh sweet summer child. my baby. I feel like this was a complete change of pace after Lucien’s rollercoaster of a reunion, but it was still gratifying nonetheless. very sweet and Gavin-like, and by no means bad 🥺
- the moment!! where they locked eyes!! but couldn’t interact more than that!!!! ugh!! I almost spontaneously combusted on the spot
- the little wait before they were in the clear to meet and he caught her off guard by pulling her into an empty room and hugging the life out of her— sjdkfghuisjkrldgjnhtuire;ojdsz/lkfzm©≤˙µ bnjhfveab, wn.m/elqwesojdz’ihuigfbhkg .rmf, paper games please spare me
- this game makes me feel like a nun, excited about some eye contact. it’s good eye contact, though
- the only thing that disappointed me about this is what came out of the scene they were in the bunk bed together, i just felt like it was missing something? maybe it was too casual? idk. I need to read his rumours and secrets of that chapter to see if there’s something I’m not aware of
- also the cafeteria scene near the end of the scenario saved this rating. I love Gavin’s affirmative protectiveness an unhealthy amount. THE WAY IT DESCRIBED HIM GRABBING HER HAND AND LOOKING INTO HER EYES BEFORE SHE WENT TO DO SOMETHING
- im a slut for emotions
Victor: 11/10 (ch27-ch28)
- I cry every time I think about this. I love him so much. wtf.
- this was extremely suspenseful, because there was an entire process that came up to meeting him. go here, do this, meet with this person, say this — the initial instructions seemed endless, especially when knowing that Victor was waiting at the end of them.
- I had been looking forward to this specific reunion since chapter 18, because if you think about it, that’s when they were last separated. it’s been 10 chapters since I’ve technically seen you I missed you 🥺
- the r&s mentions his sleepless nights and extreme anxiety while she was gone and I just- 😔💓💞❤️
- when they finally met, my tears just finally burst because I was anticipating so much — and it definitely delivered. The silence described, how she figures out that it’s him from just the way he breathes, and how as soon as she inches closer, it says that his hands instinctively go to her waist
- uGHJHKHJKHJLKJK i am a ball of sadness. kith now 🥺🤲
- this is one of the only mlqc moments that I’ve genuinely cried over, apart from that bit with Gavin in chapter 22
- this doesn’t disappoint at all. nothing but respect for my favourite couple.
Kiro: 7.75/10 (ch29-??)
- When they first met, it left me like 👁👄👁 because like, wtf is going on. why aren’t you saying anything? don’t just go further into the amusement part, you guys have things to discuss 
- but then some stuff happened and black swan came in, and I was like, ah, ok, makes sense (it didn’t 😔)
- then, when they meet again at a different location, they have what I consider the true reunion. this scenario made memory happy than sad, tbh — because, cmon, we get to see Helios again!! that’s a win!!
- His persona breaks, though, and when he finally explains his reasons for doing what he is, I was just sitting there like 🥴 ofc 🥴 yes 🥴 I hear you 🥴
- but fr, it was really nice to finally see him let his guard down. We “meet” Kiro for the first time since ch14, and though his golden appearance is short-lived, even when he’s back as Helios, his personality stays the same.
- happy helios happy helios happy helios happy helios-
- he’s so cute I’m simping so hard
109 notes · View notes
voltagesmutter · 4 years
Victor - ‘Is it true?’
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Inspired by Cry Me a River because it’s the ultimate heartache song
Angst and heartbreak for OC (Bella Swan) with Victor.
You sobbed into your pillow, your eyes so sore from crying, all moisture had left your body, leaving you dry and unable to cry anymore. The hurt, the pure betrayal of Victor. The man who promised you his life, his heart, his soul, that he never harm you but there it was in black and white. The headline screaming, it filling every social media platform and on every news tv station, ‘Lovelands Favoured Actress Pregnant by Lovelands Most Successful Tycoon Victor Li’. It cut deep into your heart, ripping it apart by each second. 
He had tried countlessly to call you, your phone blowing up with his name but it hurt too much, you just switched your phone off. You didn’t have the strength to talk to him. It all made sense, three months ago he had to go to France with her for a film release and he had never been the same since he returned home, distant to you, almost pushing you away. Of course he cheated on you, why wouldn’t he. You was simply a meek, plain, woman you had nothing compared to her, the stunning and loved world actress. What hurt most was you found out just like everyone else, Victor hiding away his affair from you. It was only because Chik made a statement in the last hour that you, along with the world found out. 
You felt lost, you felt sick, how could Victor, your Victor do this to you? 
You’d been at work when the announcement had been released, you were just about to go see Victor on your lunch, god what an idiot you were. 
“Holy shit!” Anna yelled, her face going white as she dropped her phone, her eyes racing to yours.
“What’s up? You look like you’ve seen a ghost?” You ask, taking a bite out of your apple. Anna just kept her eyes on you, she knew you didn’t know.
“Have you seen the news…?” She asked and you shake your head. Just as her mouth opened, nearly every employee ran to your side, bombarding you with questions.
“What, what are you all on about?” You laugh off the stupid rumours before turning to Anna who was clutching your hand. 
“Bella,” She whispers and picks up her phone, showing you the article and there in a photo was Chik with the smallest non existent bump but had been enhanced with a separate photo of Victor below. Your mouth went dry and your eyes welled up reading the headline. Chik, pregnant, Victor? No. No it’s just tabloid news, but there she was claiming to be pregnant… Even if it was only the most minuscule bump it was still real. The article ran how she was roughly 12 weeks pregnant, the farther being none other than… than Victor. She had gotten pregnant after a lovers affair in France… Reading the article you had stopped breathing, your heart almost refusing to beat, your stomach twisting into knots.
“Bella…?” A voice said but you turned throwing up in a nearby bin, unable to register what was happening. You felt numb, physically shaking. Victor's name lit up from your phone and Anna looked at you, you shook your head, unable to even register his name right now. 
“Bella? I’m looking for Bella,” Goldman's voice rang through the office, the employees mummering and eyes turning to you, the news article was on everyones screen and launched on the news as ‘Breaking news’. Everything around you was moving, but you was froze the numbness taking over you as you sat there frozen. 
As Goldman pushed his way to your desk, he was shocked to see you wasn’t there, frantically searching for you. You had walked out of the building, your phone ringing non stop but you stepped out into the rain. Not even noticed it was raining, you walked home in silence, unable to register anything, the news articles and photos streaming through your mind. If he didn’t love you anymore why didn’t he say, why did he have to cheat on you, why did he have to get someone else pregnant? Why did it have to be her.
When you arrived home you were soaked to the core, water dripping from every inch of you but you never felt it. You never felt the cold, the rain, the people who stopped to ask you if you were okay, you felt nothing. You didn’t even feel Lucien touch your arm as he tried to stop you from entering your apartment but you looked at him with the eyes of a broken woman and he left you alone. 
You barely made it your bed before collapsing, the tears unable to stop. You knew you hadn’t spoken to Victor but why would Chik make such a statement if it wasn’t true.
That night was the worst nights sleep you had ever had, unable to sleep but too exhausted to stay away. Everything replaying, over and over again. You knew you needed to speak to Victor, regardless of everything else you wanted to know why if you weren't good enough for him, why didn’t he just leave? Why did he have to put you through this?
The whispers and pitied looked filled the offices as you came into work the next day, you had managed to pull yourself together slightly but it was nothing compared to your normal bubbly self. Your heart nearly stopped as you approached his office, your phone still turned off from yesterday, regretting your decision to come here. Amy, his secretary someone who you had considered a close friend, reached over her desk and squeezed your hand mouthing, ‘Were all with you’. You took a breath before stepping into his office.
There he was, the man you loved who always looked sharper than words was a mess on sat at his chair. His hands buried into his hands, his tie hanging off him, had he slept here? No, stop it you're here to talk. You softly whispered his name and his head pulled instantly from his desk. His face was pale, there were heavy bags under his eyes which were puffed from crying, his normally slick hair was un-neatly scuffed. He looked worse than you did. 
“Bella, Bella is that really you,” He asked, looking at you as if you was a dream. You bit your lip to stop yourself crying and stood solid in your space. 
“Is it true?”.
“Bella…” “Answer me Victor is it true!” You hissed, a tear running down your cheek. But before he could answer, you heard a sickly sweet voice on the other side of the door.
“Miss! You can’t go in there!” Amy yelled.
“Stop time” You yelled at Victor.
“I said stop it!” You cried and everything around you stilled. You turned and saw her, she was pushing open the door and your eyes moved down to see her hand on her stomach. She had a smug grin on her face, almost as if she knew you was there. She didn’t look pregnant, but then again do you at such an early time?
“Is it true?” You asked one final time, turning to Victor.
He didn’t respond, he just held his head in shame and that was all you needed.
“Her! Victor her!” You screamed, unable to hold back your anger anymore. He didn’t say anything, he sat there and let you scream and yell at him, not once meeting your eyes. “I can’t just stop picturing you wit her,”.
“Why, why her Victor? If I wasn’t good enough you should have just left!” Victor jumping up from his desk, his first movement he had since you entered the room. His hand reached for you over the desk but you turned sharply.
“Never enough? You are everything to me,” He manages but you scoffed. “It happened in France… We had too much to drink, she kept filling up my glass and…” He trailed off.
“I hope your happy,” Was all you could manage, your heart unable to take anymore.
“Bella please, please, I didn’t know she was pregnant” He pleaded, the voices of a broken man.
“No Victor, you made your choice,” You hissed before turning around making it clear you wanted to leave. The sounds of reality snapped back and Chik entered. 
“Well, look who’s here,” She snided as she walked in, Amy chasing after her. “Victors pregnant lady coming through,”. You didn’t even give her the satisfaction of a comment, simply walking past her as if she didn't exist, ignoring Victor's final plea to you.
You took the next two weeks off work, allowing your broken heart to recover but it’s pretty hard when tabloid stories appeared everywhere. The media had reached out to you desperate to get your side of the story but you refused, your heartache wasn’t someone else’s entertainment. You refused to be Victor Li’s heartbroken victim as the media liked to refer to you as. Gavin, Kiro and Lucien had been by your side giving you support. Lucien sometimes sleeping on your sofa even though his bed was on the other side of your wall, Kiro took of days to sit and play games with you (even sharing his snacks) and Gavin flying you across the city whenever you needed to leave the apartment. It was hard and you cried yourself to sleep, you broke down when Anna came to see you as you cried to her, “He’s having a baby with another woman, it should be me,”. 
By the time you returned to work everyone wanted to support you, but you didn’t want pity. You had changed your hair, cutting it short and sending it silver, a classic sign of a breakup to represent you couldn’t go back. It was hard, beyond hard, but you channelled all your anger into your work. You made it very clear you wouldn’t see Victor, anything business related someone else could do it as your emotions were balanced to be there with him. You had removed all of him from your life but he still lingered everywhere you went, he was your CEO after all, how stupid was you for getting involved with him. 
It still hurt every time said his name or asked how you were doing. Determined to let this be a new beginning to you, you had persuaded Kiro to let you train with him, focusing your new spare time into yourself. 
After 4 months had passed you were finally feeling happy, no-more crying every day over Victor, no now you was focused on you like you should have been. Kiro and you had been working so hard in training your once curvy figure was now tight and toned, your hair was shoulder length platinum blonde with streaks of silver flowing through it, you changed your bleak dresses to new business attire, often white shirts tucked into a tight pencil skirt with black heels. You had blossomed, growing from a child into a woman, showing everyone the woman you truly was. Your confidence had hit new heights and you felt like you was floating on cloud-nine but it came crashing down slowly when there was a board meeting you and Victor were required to attend. Your heart raced at his name, you felt like you had taken two steps backwards. 
“So we want to do a piece on Mr.Li and Miss Chik’s pregnancy and what better place than your company, Miss Swan,” One of the board directors said and you scoffed.
“No.” All eyes looked at you stunned and you blinked realising you had just argued back to your corporate bosses, “No, I’m sorry my company is too precious for me to hold this segment,”. 
Victor’s eyes had lit up when he saw you walk into the office, he looked awful barely resembling your old Victor. He tried to say something to you but you held out your manicured hand to shake his, addressing him only in a professional manner. Too long had you cried over this man, you was here to show him how much better you were without him. 
“This isn’t up for discuss Miss.Swan,”.
“No, I am the head of my company, I am not having her on my show,” You argued with pettiness. Victor looked at you heartbroken.
“Find another show because it’s not appearing on mine,” You snapped. One of the directors went to argue back but Goldman running into the room panting disturbed you.
“Sir! Sir, Mr.Li!” He panted, everyone turning to him. “News, baby, other man,”. 
Your heart dropped and you looked at Victor who went white before getting up and leaving the room. The others in the room looked between you and themselves, what could Goldman possibly have meant?
You found out minutes later as in an exclusive interview that had been released that another man was claiming to be the father of Chik’s child and that when reaching out to her she had refused any contact with him. He was demanding a paternity test from her. You didn’t even think about your actions, your feet carrying you off to Victors office and bursting in to see him sitting there, crouched in his chair with his hands bunched in his hair. 
“Victor,” You said, you weren't sure why you were here. 
“She ruined us, she ruined us by going to the press with something that might not be true,” He managed, tears running down his face.
“You ruined us Victor, you slept with her,” You sighed and took a seat opposite him, it hurt you to see him look so lost.
“I’m going to make her get a paternity test, Goldman’s already on the phone to that other man,”.
“That's a wise decision,”.
“Bella, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” He whispered, pulling his head out of his hands, tears brimming his eyes.
“It’s too late for your apology Victor, you did what you did,” You say before standing up and walking out, leaving the broken man behind. 
Tonight was the big celebration of your company's yearly report, there was going to be a huge ball held in your honour for the success of the year. You was so excited, a chance to thank all your staff for their dedicated work. As you waltzed across the dance-floor with rounds of applause and cheers, 6 months ago you were the woman who Victor Li had broken the heart of but now you stood tall, strong and proud as the successor of your company. Your smile beamed until your eyes met anothers, Victors. You hadn’t seen him for two months, ever since the public announcement of Chik’s baby daddy scandal he had disappeared completely.
Unable to stop your legs you made your way over to him.
“Victor, I didn’t think you would be here,” You say, your hands gracefully taking some champagne from a passing waiter.
“This is your special night, I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” He responds and you shake your head slightly.
‘Bella, I miss you more than I can describe, I love you, I love you so so much, please I know I made a mistake but can we just,” He said, his eyes pleading with you. Never had you seen this man beg for anything.
“What, you think just because Chik isn’t having your baby that everything would be fixed?” You scoffed.
“Is everything okay?” A voice came from behind you and a hand wrapped around your waist.
“No, everything is fine, Victor was just congratulating me,” You say pressing against Gavin’s chest.
“Well come on, I want to dance with the most beautiful woman here,” He smiles as he leads you to the dance-floor, holding you close to him, whispering sweet words to you. 
A heartbroken Victor watched the pair of you glide across the room, your smile illuminating the room before Gavin dipped you down and kissed you. His heart shattered into millions of pieces watching the woman he loved with every fibre of him being with another man but he knew it was his fault. A mistake, a mistake he would regret for the rest of his life. He tried to do right by Chik by standing by her with the pregnancy, he was at fault for it, only when the paternity revealed he wasn’t the father it was like karma. He deserved to lose you after what he had done but he couldn’t, watching you positively beaming, he wanted to be the reason you smiled and enjoyed life but he would never be able to take back that drunken mistake. He would give everything he had to go back in time and stop it from happening, giving all his fortune and wealth but it would never happen. He vowed to never stop time again because he couldn’t bare to live another extra second without you.
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mlqcimagines · 5 years
What would the boys do if they found out mc was infertile after trying to have a baby for some time
Of course, anon, here you go!  I really hope i did such a sensitive topic justice, I tried my best.  
He won’t show it, but he’s pretty devastated. 
He’d always wanted children at some point.  
He remembered seeing so many unwanted children, and it tore at his soul. 
BUt he’s there for you nonetheless, holding you in the doctor's office, helping you through the depression that comes afterwards.  
Weeks pass, and he watches your heart break every time you pass a playground, or a happy couple with children. 
One day, you’re with him in his office, not really listening to what he’s trying to tell you, when his secretary bursts in. 
It’s bad.  
An accident in an elevator had taken the life of LFG’s VP of Marketing and his wife. 
You accompany Victor to the hospital because there was one survivor. 
Their daughter, a tiny thing only age 8. 
 You walk in to keep her company while Victor makes arrangements for the bills and funeral services. 
“Look, I drew this so I’d always have mommy and daddy close!” 
Your heart shatters. 
But you and Victor have a long talk that night. 
And inside a week (money can work wonders) you’re frantic, trying to learn every thing you can about being a parent before she comes home to live with you. 
Even through all this stress, Victor’s never seen you so happy. 
Lucien - 
He didn’t mind the trying that’s for sure. 
But he’d never really wanted children.  
So when you get the news, he’s in a better position than you are to deal with it. 
He takes you back to your apartment. 
“MC, is this really important to you?”
What kind of question is that? 
Of course it is!
So before you can grieve too much for what might have been, he takes you back to the orphanage. 
Through the long, arduous process he’s there every step of the way, and you can bet your home is full of books on child development and parenting. 
You don’t find a match for months, but when you do….
It’s not the baby you wanted, but a 10 year old boy steals your heart. 
Lucien handles fatherhood surprisingly well. 
A year later when you and your family are on a picnic, he pulls you close, and whispers in your ear. 
“I was thinking of adopting again.”
Gavin - 
You two had been trying for so long
You both had so much happen in your own childhood, you both desperately wanted to be parents, and ensure a better future for your own children. 
But nature had other ideas. 
Gavin comes home one day to find you in the shower, crying. 
“MC Please, you have to tell me what happened!” 
The doctor had called. 
You couldn’t have children.  Ever. 
In your misery you say it - “Gavin I’m broken.  You don’t need me, you don’t need someone who can’t give you children.” 
He gets mad. How could you think yourself so worthless? Hell no, not on Birdcops watch, not.  Happening. 
“MC, if you’re broken, then so am I.”
He drags you out of the shower, and gets you dried off.  He’s there for you through every bout of depression, every mood swing. 
He fills your time with other things.  You both volunteer at a homeless shelter, the SPCA, soup kitchens. 
He takes you on a road trip, just you and him and a tent, riding his motorcycle to places neither of you had ever seen. 
When you come back, he sits you down. 
“I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure it was something we could do…”
“Gavin, what is it?”
“I want us to become foster parents.”
You freeze.  It had been almost a year since you received the news, but there was still a small ache in your heart.  
This man though, this wonderful man? 
Had found a way to soothe it. 
It wasn’t an easy process, there were interviews and visits and home inspections. 
But eventually, together, you did it. 
You take in many foster children, and specialize in working with those who have Evols. 
You never imagined your life could be so happy. 
Kiro - 
You two had been low key trying for kids for a long time.  But?  Nothing ever happened?  
So you visited the doctor without his knowledge. 
He’ll never forget that day, the way you came home and threw yourself into his arms, crying.  
He managed to get it out of you eventually.  You would never be able to carry a pregnancy to term. 
“Oh MC”
He can’t say much, but he spends the rest of the evening caring for you, bringing you cups of water as you cry yourself to sleep. 
The next day you wake up, and you can hear people talking in the kitchen. 
Women talking in the kitchen, Kiro nani the fuck? 
You don’t leave the bedroom.  You really can’t handle company. 
But Kiro comes in, and sits on the bed next to you. 
“MC I know you must be feeling awful right now, but I really need you to come and meet someone.” 
Grudgingly, you follow him out. 
In the kitchen are two women, laughing at something while they sip tea. 
“MC, this is Gela and Maria.  And I want to ask you something.” 
Kiro explains that Maria is an old friend of his, once his personal trainer before going back to school to study sports medicine.  
“MC I was hoping…. I was hoping you’d consider letting Maria carry our baby.” 
You’re stunned to silence, and Kiro held his breath.  He probably could have done this better, but he was desperate for something, anything, to take the look of despair from your eyes. 
Finally you move, throwing your arms around him. 
“Thank you” 
It’s not easy, nothing ever is, but eventually you get to hold your daughter in your arms. 
She has Kiro’s eyes, and your nose!
Requests are CLOSED for the time being while I catch up! 7 to go! (I wrote 3 today guys my fingers hurt lmao)
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rikumorimachisgirl · 5 years
Hi! Supposing MC and her boyfriend are trying to get pregnant. How do you think each of them (if they are her boyfriend), is going to react when she says she wants to do the deed right at that time?
Hello! This ask had me imagining so many different scenarios, but stuck with this one. I've had such a busy Sunday and wanted to end the day on a light note, so let's get on with the reaction of these four gorgeous guys. I hope this lives up to your expectations…
When you first brought up the idea of having a baby, the twenty-eight-year-old CEO thought it was such an easy task, even Goldman could do it - NOT THAT HE WILL EVER LET HIM… but six months and sixty various Kamasutra positions later, you were still not pregnant. Each month you'd get your period, he felt less and less confident that his swimmers were not competent enough. 
You consult a specialist and were given a kit to use to test when your fertility was at its peak. The specialist said that you need to do the deed within 24 hours before you ovulate because that increases the chances of getting pregnant. Easy right? Except, you've got irregular cycles. 
Victor waits patiently for your call, day in and day out, all while maintaining a good diet, staying hydrated, working out (for more stamina), and reading up articles on the best position to get your girl pregnant (or something to that effect)  in various Men's Health magazine.
Since you hadn't given him "The Call", he decided to bury himself at work, randomly auditing his company's account receivables against expenditures. He's gone through tons of ledgers and reports since he came to work that day, he hadn't noticed he had fallen asleep on his desk. Then at exactly one in the morning, he woke up to the sound of his mobile ringing. He picked it up and saw 50 missed calls and 100 messages all coming from you. Flustered, he called you back right away. 
"It's about time you called, Victor. Do you know you kept me waiting for so long? Where were you? " you didn't bother concealing your anger the moment you heard him on the other line. 
"You're getting braver, " he would reply, sounding slightly annoyed at having been told off right after waking up. "That's quite a mouth you have on you."
"My mouth would have been ON you if you'd picked up sooner. My test shows I'm fertile and that we've got another 18 hours to get busy or we try again next month. You've got ten minutes to get here."
Victor straightens up as soon as you ended the call. He phones a sleepy Goldman and orders him to cancel his appointments that day, adding, "don't call me, I'll call you." 
And he freezes time to get to your place and spend what seemed like an endless 18 hours completing all the positions in the Kamasutra, in the hopes that one of them will get you pregnant. 
A month later, you test positive and he's changed his reading material from Men's Health to Parenting weekly. 
It was a warm and sunny Saturday morning when you had visited his apartment armed with his favorite cream puffs and his favorite tea. The neuroscientist almost choked on the cream puff you lovingly made for him when you told him you wanted to have a baby together, but immediately recovered and processed your emotions. In the end, he agreed to do this the right way - complete with menstrual charts, an eating plan, and a list of vitamins and supplements you need to take to get your body ready to carry his baby for the next nine months. 
Every month, during your fertile window, he'd turn his apartment into a spa of sorts to help you relax - he'd give you a massage, and make sweet and gentle love to you the whole night through. Unfortunately, after six months of trying, he hasn't succeeded in his quest to get you pregnant, and he starts doubting himself. 
After consulting with a  specialist (and your lover actually went through all the tests he needed to take), it was clear that you were both perfectly healthy. His colleague, a psychiatrist, advised you both to spice up your sex life. 
Lucien was working on a medical journal entry supporting the study that the brain is wired to procrastinate and hasn't been home in the last three days. You were down to your last twenty-four hours before ovulation, and you desperately needed to get laid. Fast. Taking matters into your own hands, you visited him in his research center and saw him typing like a madman on his laptop, with a few cans of energy drink on his desk. 
He looked up the moment you stepped in, and you locked eyes briefly. "What are you doing here?"
"It's late and you haven't been home in three days, Lucien, " you said, pouting. When he explained that it shouldn't bother you by now since there had been times in the past that he hasn't gone home, you held up your hand to silence him and said, "We've got less than 24 hours to get pregnant. Are you up to the challenge or not?"
Your words sank in immediately, and you see his eyes flicker and turn dark. Downing his energy drink, he tossed the empty can aside and stalked you like a predator locking down his prey. 
That evening, you did the deed in every possible surface in his office, and you were so loud, he knew he had to bribe the guard the next day not to spill the beans. After all, that night was an exception, you were never gonna fuck in his lab again.
A month later, you came to him straight from your doctor's appointment and showed him the ultrasound picture of your little bean. And on that very day, he made a mental note to bribe the guard again, because there was no way in hell he wasn't going to keep his hands off you. 
You were chilling out with Kiro at the studio just before his new album launched when you both started talking about the future. When you said you wanted to start a family early, the blond superstar was more than happy to comply. Too happy in fact, that he insisted you start trying right at that very instant - inside the soundproof studio, with an unlocked door separating you both from Savin and his staff. 
Since Kiro had to go on his worldwide album tour, your plans had been put on hold. He was more disappointed than you were when you got your period the following month. 
He wanted to start a family so badly, he went behind your back and spoke with Anna about the possibility of you taking a brief vacation to join him on the Japan leg of his tour. Having gotten the necessary approvals, he flies you to Tokyo and you arrive an hour before his concert. 
Not having seen you in weeks, he corners you backstage and leads you to his dressing room. "I missed you, Miss Chips, " he said as he peppered you with kisses. 
"I missed you too, " you replied. 
"Is that all you have to say to me after not seeing you for weeks?" 
You smiled at him and whispered, "I'm fertile." To which he responded smugly, "That's great… because I'm horny. But we gotta keep it quiet in here or they'll hear."
While his concert front act was performing and the audience were having fun banging their heads to the music, your twenty-two-year-old boyfriend was busy banging you against the wall. 
He performed exceptionally well that night (in his concert and in private), and a month and a half later, he penned a new song dedicated to your baby. 
Gavin had just arrived at his place after a long day when he saw you pacing back and forth in his living room. When he asked you what was wrong, you fidget nervously and tell him that you had actually been thinking a lot about having a baby. Immediately, the Police Officer stared at you with his jaw hanging and it took him several minutes to process what you had just said. You were so scared he would reject your idea, but all that was going through his mind was the excitement of fucking you bare and how Minor would react if he gave him the boxes of condoms he kept in his apartment. 
Gavin's missions kept him away most of the time. The two of you would have quickies in between missions, but of course, those weren't enough to get you pregnant. As you track your fertile window month over month, you start to see a correlation between your ovulation and depression especially when Gavin wasn't around during those days. 
As expected, Gavin had been sent on a mission again, five days before your ovulation, and you once again get into a state of depression. You were down to your last twenty-four hours of being fertile, and your boyfriend was nowhere near you. Sighing, you tell yourself this was just not meant to be and that perhaps you should just break up. Lo and behold, your phone rings and you see Gavin's name on the screen. 
"Hey, babe. You don't sound too good. Are you okay?" He would ask. 
"No, I'm not, " you would respond and add, "You said you wanted to have a family with me but you're always away. For the past six months, you've been missing in action when my fertile window opens. Like today, for instance - today's my most fertile day, and you're not here. I don't think I can do this anymore. I want to break up -"
You were cut short by the sound of the glass in the window shattering. And there, inside your apartment, among the shards of glass, stood your boyfriend in full uniform. The sight made you lose your breath because he was so hot. 
"Gavin -"
He walked towards you with a purpose and each step he took made your heart best faster and faster. "I'm sorry about the glass, I'll replace that later, " he said. "But right now, I need to convince you not to break up with me and I've got twenty-four hours to give you what you want."
A lamp, a few vases, and a couple of plates joined the shards of glass of the floor in the wake of your passionate reunion. A month later, he requested to take some time off duty to spoil you and what he hopes would be a little version of you, growing inside you. 
(I hope these made sense... These were visuals I used to come up with each hc)
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goldenkamuyhunting · 5 years
Do you think Asirpa's unresolved feelings/crush for Sugimoto is going to cause issues with them finding the gold/fighting for the ainu? Reading the latest chapter it felt a bit weird towards the end where she said she was prepared to go to hell with him. It felt different from their initial strong bond of friendship. Now it feels almost ominous that she would go so far for him.
Sorry for the late reply but actually this topic is pretty complex.
Let’s start with the simple parts first.
It’s hard to predict the consequences of Asirpa’s crush for Sugimoto. Noda put that in it for a reason though, so it’s possible there will be some.
So far we already had two women who had to deal with unreturned feelings of love for a man, Inkarmat and Sofia. Both of them apparently chose to leave the man in question, Wilk, but actually dealt with the whole matter rather differently.
Inkarmat, who was an orphaned child at the time, remained trapped in her feelings for Wilk. Basically she wouldn’t be in the plot if it wasn’t because her obsession with Wilk lead her to investigate in his death, to cooperate with Tsurumi, to reveal to him of the Abashiri infiltration plan, to go on the roof to see Wilk and to attack Kiro.
Even though she could chose Tanigaki and wash her hands clean of Wilk, she clearly can’t. The way she climbed on the roof and her expression as she looked around in hope to see him are quite telling of how, deep down, the Inkarmat we’re seeing is actually not the woman we’re familiar with but the child who fell hard for Wilk.
You could even easily compare it to how Asirpa tried to rush to Sugimoto’s help.
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Asirpa has the potential to become this, a woman who just can’t really part ways from the man she loves even though he doesn’t return her feelings.
It’s not she would lose independence, Inkarmat is pretty independent herself, but that all her actions would circle around Sugimoto.
Honestly I like to think this won’t happen because Asirpa showed also a huge concern for the Ainu... but it’s also true she’s now saying she would go to hell for Sugimoto, instead than for Sugimoto and the Ainu, which might show how she’s conflicted on the inside and hadn’t decided who to prioritize yet.
On the other side of the spectrum we’ve Sofia.
While Inkarmat had left Wilk, but, more than her own choice her actions had been dictated by circumstances, by how Wilk was marrying another woman and Inkarmat saw in her future that they wouldn’t met again because she would die, Sofia left Wilk of her own accord for her own ideals.
Circumstances forced her to realize that she had to chose if to remain in Russia and serve the revolutionary cause or follow Wilk in the hope she would marry him one day and know happiness as his wife and mother of his children.
Sure, her own choice was hugely influenced by the baby whose death she believed she caused and, in a way, she too never managed to replace Wilk as it’s not like she had found someone else, but this can be also due to her decision to devote herself to the cause.
I like to think Sofia will act with her cause in mind, not with her unresolved feelings for Wilk in mind, as she’s a leader who’s meant to care for her underlings as she did in Ankou prison and not sacrifice them to chase an impossible love.
Asirpa can become this as well, she can chose the Ainu cause over Sugimoto, chose to devote herself to her own people instead than to a man.
Honestly my hopes for her are she’ll continue to dedicate tot the Ainu cause but that this won’t stop her from having a family if she wishes to have one.
Having a family or even just a loved one isn’t mandatory, there’s people who can live just fine without one, but in Inkarmat and Sofia’s case the choice seemed forced as they would have liked to have a loved one and a family with him but couldn’t. Not only they weren’t chosen but Sofia actually thought it would be an hindrance to her cause so, in order to serve her own cause, she would have to give up on that.
I wish for Asirpa, if she’ll remain interested in having a loved one and a family, to not have to give up. It doesn’t mean she has to marry Sugimoto, she can marry whoever she wants. The point is I want her to be free to decide SHE CAN MARRY AND, AT THE SAME TIME, SERVE THE AINU CAUSE.
Of course though, this is just me.
Now... in regard to Sugimoto and Asirpa’s bond of friendship... the sad truth is that Noda started foreshadowing long ago how Asirpa could take this path.
For start their friendship already contained the‘I’ll kill to protect you’ part, which is normally not included in many normal friendships. We saw Sugimoto more than once kill people in order to protect Asirpa...
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Killing someone to protect a friend is no part of a normal bond of friendship. Many of us turned their eyes away from this because Sugimoto is the male, adult, action manga hero, and this allows him not only to get a pass in such situations, but makes them normal.... even if it actually isn’t and even if put pressure on Asirpa as not only she’s on the receiving end of such behaviour and of Sugimoto’s attempts to normalize it...
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...but for a long while she will actively try to stop it.
It’s however worth to remember Asirpa wasn’t doing the same not because she was a child or a female or because she cared less about Sugimoto or about protecting him, but because she held on the strong belief that killing was wrong...
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...to the point more than once she tried to hold back Sugimoto from killing or even using violence.
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Note that Asirpa said ANYONE, and in the discussion they were considering the possibility to kill her father’s murderer so it’s not ‘I don’t want to kill good/normal people’ or ‘I don’t want to kill without a reason’. Asirpa’s statement is that she doesn’t want to kill ANYONE. No matter the reason, no matter who that person is or what he did, she doesn’t want to kill.
That’s why Asirpa for a long time won’t consider killing people, because she views it as wrong.
This however didn’t mean to stay frozen and immutable. Noda hinted more than once at how Asirpa’s relationship with Sugimoto could lead her to end up doing the same as Sugimoto pretty early on and then repeated the hint more than once.
@chibivesicle listed in the past how Noda constructed 4 (an unlucky number tied with death) situations in which Asirpa turned her weapons against someone and they’re all tied to Sugimoto.
Sure, ultimately she didn’t intend to kill anyone, but Noda’s idea wasn’t to have her be ready to murder back then, but to show there was the potential for her to pick up that choice and why she would eventually pick it up.
So, remember chap 17? Asirpa threatened Shiraishi with her arrow and bow in order to save Sugimoto.
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We don’t know if the poison is removed from the arrow and she tecnically had no time to do it as she didn’t expect to have to threaten someone when she got in that building.
Look at her eyes in the close up, they’re as dark as when she’ll say she’ll go to hell with Sugimoto.
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The relevance of this scene is that Asirpa acted out of instinct.
While I think she would ultimately held herself back and not shoot Shiraishi if he still were to refuse, because I like to think reason would prevail, her feelings immediately lead her to this decision and this only because Sugimoto is in danger.
Noda was already warning us Asirpa’s bond with Sugimoto might lead her to a path opposite to the one she wanted to take.
The two following warnings are pretty similar.
Asirpa will shoot an arrow to one of Sugimoto’s opponents to stop him from harming Sugimoto. In Henmi’s case (chap 40) we see how she’ll remove the poison... but this ultimately matters little in the big picture.
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Asirpa wounding Henmi gives Sugimoto the chance to stab him to death. It’s the kind of wound that kills slowly and painfully, like we saw with Kiro, but that ultimately kills you without fail.
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In the west we’re more tolerant with this sort of situations. Since Sugimoto did the deed, we tend to consider him the sole responsible. However not only Sugimoto’s actions were entirely predictable but Japan is actually stricter with this sort of things. We see it in many tales how merely indirectly causing something, even when you mean well, ends up with you being held accountable for it.
So, while here Asirpa doesn’t kill anyone, Noda is telling us that again, in order to protect Sugimoto, she could cause other people to be killed (by him).
We jump a little ahead to chap 99.
Asirpa shoots an arrow in Koito’s direction.
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We don’t know if she has managed to remove the poison. My heart tells me she did but it matters little. Not only, like in Henmi’s case, this could give Sugimoto the chance to kill Koito but she could end up on killing Koito anyway, without not even needing to hit him, just by causing him to lose balance and fall, not against a tree but on the hard ground.
Koito was on precarious balance on that aerovehicle which was quite high. The possibility of falling was high.
Sure, Noda will have Koito fall due to Shiraishi and without really getting injured but this is technically luck. The possibility for him to break his back or his head against a branch or the hard ground and die was there.
This time Asirpa didn’t just gave Sugimoto the chance to kill Koito in consequence of her own actions, but took the risk she could end up causing his death herself.
Flash forward to occurrence number 4.
Ogata lies to Asirpa about Sugimoto’s last words, Asirpa catches his lie and threatens him with her bow and arrow, telling him to keep away from her.
While her actions are aimed at protecting herself and the tie with Sugimoto is small although it produced such a huge distrust she felt herself in danger for her own life (she hadn’t connected the dots about Ogata killing her father and shooting Sugimoto yet so her reaction over what, as far as she knows, is just a lie, is a tad over the top and a good hint of how that lie upset her), look at her expression in the close up.
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There’s light in her eyes. She lacks the same determination to murder she had when facing Shiraishi... and her resolve will weaken with Ogata’s following words. She’ll be sweaty, uncertain, although she’ll keep on aiming at him.
Ogata, who clearly has a suicidal wish, will try to force her hand by telling her he murdered her father.
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All he’ll get will be for Asirpa’s eyes to grey slightly... before she’ll decide she won’t kill him and she’ll stop pulling the rope, loosening it.
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But instead than this ending with the confirmation Asirpa won’t kill, no matter what, Sugimoto’s voice ends up on startling her and she let go of the arrow, hitting Ogata and almost killing him.
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In short Noda was hinting at how, when Sugimoto is involved, Asirpa loses her cool and does things she normally wouldn’t do and this was dangerous because this contributed into leading her to think the words we heard in chap 215.
However Noda didn’t make things so that it were just Asirpa’s feelings what lead her into making such declaration.
She’s not a girl who grew so obsessed with Sugimoto she’s okay killing whoever were to touch him... in fact her feelings for Sugimoto hadn’t changed radically from when she believed she shouldn’t kill nor they are weaker than Sugimoto’s.
What had changed was Asirpa. For good and for bad.
Sure, Sugimoto has been Asirpa’s first influencer.
Where she insisted she didn’t want to kill anyone, he persuaded her to take part to a gold hunt in which he promised he would kill people for her so that she could avenge her father.
Where she insisted she didn’t want him to kill, he told her if he were threatened he wouldn’t hesitate in doing so because that’s how one survives.
Where she insisted she wanted to mediate with Dunn, he kept on telling her it was easier if he were to use violence.
Sugimoto NEVER meant for Asirpa to embrace his way... but Asirpa was young and she was constantly presented with this as the only way to make things work... and the other males she interacted with weren’t better.
They all actively believed killing was the best way to get things done.
And then the whole thing with Kiro happened and yes, in a way it has a positive influence on her, as it helped her to open her eyes and become aware of her people’s problems and the danger they were facing, of how the gold was relevant and she couldn’t wash her hands clean of it and give it as a present to the first person who came to ask just because ‘she isn’t interested in it’.
But this growing up tossed upon her shoulders a problem that’s too huge for her to fix easily, in the same way as just eating dried persimmons won’t cure Sugimoto.
Asirpa tried. She believed just with some movies she could solve everything... but it was a failure. To be honest the idea wasn’t bad... but she wasn’t up for the execution.
Asirpa has failed other times to solve everything peacefully, like how she couldn’t persuade Sugimoto not to kill or Nihei to just talk... but this time she takes the failure even worse then usual. She feels helpless to change things yet desperate in her wish to do so and wonder if the only way to protect the AInu is by taking arms.
Although Sugimoto doesn’t want her to do so, all he can tell her is the one taking arms shouldn’t be her, not that it’s wrong to take arms per se.
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Sugimoto attempts to scare her out of it, by telling her she’ll go to hell...
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...but doesn’t offer her another possible path she could take beyond letting someone else do the fighting.
And so, ultimately, Asirpa ended up accepting it, accepting that murdering people could be the only way... even though in her own way, deep down, she’s still fighting it.
She didn’t harm Tsurumi’s men even if it would have been easier... but this caused her to see how Sugimoto, who had followed her, got hurt.
Asirpa likely felt responsible for it. She had said long ago she wanted to save Sugimoto, she clearly didn’t want to have him hurt...
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...but the situation is no more one she can solve by throwing a snake and she hadn’t been taught by the people around her any other technique beyond killing people...
...and so, ultimately, she embraces that idea.
Oh she tries to resist to it as well as she’s saying she’ll do it only if there’s a reason to do it.... but now she’s no more refusing the idea a priori.
If she has to protect Sugimoto, and there’s no other option but this, she’ll kill. She’ll go to hell with him because she’s willing to sacrifice herself to save him.
Likely, believing Sugimoto had died in Abashiri, affected her greatly as she clearly wants to keep him tied to her and, at the same time, protect him.
But this is not her loving him more or less, this is just her being scared of losing him. She always was, the loss of her father and then Retar as a child had traumatized her, but now her fear had gotten worse and she’s copying with it in the wrong way.
The result is tragically that she takes all the wrong decisions in regard to her friendship with Sugimoto, from trying to tie her to him to turning into a human shield and weapon to protect him.
This though, was Asirpa changing, Asirpa not being helped to understand there are other ways to handle things, that her initial beliefs weren’t wrong, they were just very hard to put into practice.
I like to hope either she’ll finally meet someone who’ll be a POSITIVE influence to her or she’ll manage to grow and think things through further and realize the way of murder and violence isn’t the right way, just the apparently easier one.
But we’ll see.
Sorry if I came out unclear.
Asirpa’s evolution is complicate and long and even if I tried to sum it up I had to cut too many things so I’m not sure I delivered it well.
Still, thank you for your ask!
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chibivesicle · 5 years
Hello A lot of times some gk fans complain that some people replace Shiraishi with ogata in the trio. I actually saw two people complain about this today. I don’t know if they were referring to your post. What do you think about this ? What’s the difference between sugi-ogata- asirpa trio and sugi- shira-asirpa trio? I really like your analysis so I would like to know your opinion
Hello, thanks for your question.
First off, everyone is entitled to their own opinion on things and it really depends how a reader understands or connects to the work.
But in regard to the idea that there is one true trio is bit silly.
Since the start, I have always read the first and serious trio to be Ogata-Asirpa-Sugimoto.  These are the first three characters introduced.  Noda-sensei kept Ogata in the back of the readers minds while he was recovering in the hospital.  The fact that Tamai & Co. plus Tanigaki go in search of who ever had attacked Ogata in the first place.  The fact that when he regains consciousness, Tsurumi immediately goes to him.  Ogata was in the background until he reappeared to try to kill Tanigaki whom he was afraid would sell him out to Tsurumi and whom also killed Tamai & Co (as far as Ogata knows at that point in time). 
Another important aspect of Ogata and Sugimoto is that they are frequently shown either in opposition or as mirrors.  Ogata kills from afar and is cold and detached.  Sugimoto kills up front and personal and tries to remember the faces of the men he killed to atone for his acts.  Neither character cries out in pain when hurt by others (and boy did I try to find a scene were one of them does cry out in pain to prove @goldenkamuyhunting wrong.  I couldn’t -_-). 
They both “blow off” wounds or ignore them until they complete a mission.  Both at times throw themselves into situations without abandon.  Both men show little value for their lives at times but their personalities are complete opposites.  Asirpa saw her father in Sugimoto when they first met and both individuals are both and bossy at times.  But Asirpa has a lot in common with Ogata; they use long range weapons, both lost their families or were abandoned.  I think Ogata is a possible outcome for Asirpa if she doesn’t start to take control of her role in the gold hunt.  Chapter 191 saw her trying to detach herself from trauma.  I hope that is a temporary coping mechanism and she doesn’t slide down the Ogata direction.  She did have a very very bad day.
I think a lot of the conflict between Sugimoto and Ogata stem from how they perceive the other in relation to Asirpa.  Sugimoto was livid that Ogata “stole” Asirpa,  I think that on some level Sugimoto sees Asirpa as a kid sister but also sees her similar to Umeko as a female whom he cares deeply about.  Sugimoto was clearly upset that Toraji married Umeko - he told her to marry Toraji and she did but you could tell he was like “But you were supposed to wait for me … but the two of you went ahead and got married without me …” Sugimoto doesn’t say want he needs to say and as a result others move on without his input.
Ogata figured out quickly that Asirpa has a crush on Sugimoto.  He clearly saw that Sugimoto sees her as a kid sister.  I think Ogata wanted to avoid Asirpa becoming hurt by Sugimoto since he knows he romantically has feelings for another woman who is never directly mentioned by Sugimoto.  When Ogata does his fake flashback he’s trying to in part get Asirpa to move on from her crush.  He likely sees the possibility for Asirpa to be hurt like his mother.  I think Ogata in part saw it as tough love for Asirpa to protect her as well as his own need for her to chose him over Sugimoto.  Everyone has more than one thing at play in their interactions. 
But with the events that have occurred, these three characters are going to have to talk to each other.  Sugimoto can’t other and dehumanize Ogata, he just saved him for Asirpa.  Asirpa needs to know why Ogata wanted her approval and trust.  Asirpa needs to realize that she almost killed Ogata and has to find a way to resolve her issues with self-defense vs offensive actions.  And Sugimoto needs to let Asirpa realize that she almost killed him instead of “saving” her by “saving” Ogata who we know he wanted to kill with his bare hands if possible.
Okay, so let’s shift to the Sugimoto-Asirpa-Shiraishi trio.  I think of this as the friendship trio.  They goof around, they all are foodies always enjoying their dinners with lots of statements of “Hinna!” etc.  The anime really highlighted these guys more than the manga does in my opinion - season 2 really uses the three of them grouped as a theme which isn’t as common.  Just watch the opening - Who is the trio?  These guys. Where is Ogata?  Just with some blood splatter, he’s not that important according to season 2.
Now, Noda himself said that Shiraishi wasn’t intended to be a long term character.  Kamuy Central has a section about character models.  Here is the end of the translation.
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And here we even have Kamuy Central calling them a trio!  So yes, these guys to form a trio based on food, friendship, and fun times.
Shiraishi wormed his way into Noda’s head and heart so he got a larger role than originally intended.  I like this, Shiraishi is a good character, he isn’t in my top 4, but I like him better than Tanigaki and Koito for example.  Personally, he adds more levity to the manga and he also is as I’ve stated before a lover and not a fighter which shows in how his character has developed from being a selfish loner to a man with a few close and real friends (even though he just buried one of them).  He plays an important role giving the reader a way into how one would feel being friends with Sugimoto but watching how brutal he can be when he intends to kill.  Think of him watching Sugimoto after Hemei’s death … how he was afraid of Sugimoto when he had no choice but to secretly work for Hijikata. 
Furthermore, his character development has been heartwarming … I really hope he eventually learns why Kiro was willing to die for his cause and to see a bigger picture.  But baby steps, he’s got his first real set of friends so let’s not rush his development.
Now the best example of these guys as a trio go back to the snake kamuy/snake bite incident.  Ogata is outside looking in on their behaviour, Sugimoto and Shiraishi are giving Asirpa a hard time and it is all in good fun.  Ogata takes her seriously but he’s not joking around with the others.  When they are in the swamp hunting cranes, Shiraishi tries so hard to talk to Ogata … but he’s purposely ignoring him being his loner self and Shiraishi is a friendly guy. 
When we jump to chapter 189, the friend trio is reunited!  Poor Ogata is passed out on the ice while we they are finally able to see each other once again.  I think this shows the stark contrast between the “serious” trio and the “friend” trio.
Both are valid trios - just that one will move the plot further a lot more than the other.  I don’t predict another flashback about Shiraishi - we got his prison break romance and that is likely it.  And it was all played for laughs.  If Shiraishi were a part of the “serious” trio, we would need to see a very deep and tragic/sad/emotional flashback from him.  We don’t have that, and I don’t think we will get that.
When Sugimoto almost kills Ogata, the chapter ends with him and Asirpa inside her hunting tent eating dinner together.  This is in direct contrast with Ogata being pulled from the river on a stretcher.
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Both Sugimoto and Ogata have grown their hair out after leaving the military either by choice or not.  Yet, both men can’t escape the cycle.
Ultimately, Sugimoto, Asirpa and Ogata will move the plot forward more so than Shiraishi will.  That’s okay.  He’s added a lot of depth to the cast. 
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cheesy09 · 3 years
What are your top 5 Kiro dates? No pressure, my dear friend😆😘
@keliosyfan You cannot send me something like this and expect me to keep quiet 😆 Thank you so much for this delicious, finger-licking ask, friend!! But do I really got to choose??? 🥺 I LOVE ALL HIS DATES!! 
Keeping my thoughts/analysis under the cut because this one's going to be a long one. Also, am not ranking them because they're each special to me in their own way. Plus, am only going to concentrate on the dates in EN so far.
Anyway, without further ado, Kiro Date spoilers ahead!
✨Light Pursuit Date
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There’s a simple reason why I love this date so so much. It literally contains EVERYTHING I love about their relationship, plus it’s in line with the main story.
“You’re the light I’ve spent my whole life chasing” is such a strong and powerful message to use for a couple, especially since it aligns perfectly with message that this game’s story is trying to deliver. The imagery of light pursuing being used to represent their relationship puts it on an almost spiritual/cosmic level which is just so powerful to me.  
The mutual pining: Both MC and Kiro long for each other so strongly throughout this whole date and it’s so obvious to see. MC gets desperate enough to see him that she even starts dreaming about him. And no matter what Helios said on that date, we know why he really invited her to that party.
The undeniable chemistry: The attraction, the thick innuendo, the electricity that is just crackling between them; it’s so tangible, you can cut it with a knife. Talk about delectable... yum!  
The angst: As heartbreaking as the angst is, the drama involved between Kiro and MC is juicy as heck, which is another reason why I love their relationship so much. It makes their relationship feel very very real. The angst is what gives birth to the high strung emotions and passion between them. Realities they’re trying to fight, and the feelings they can’t possibly deny.
TWIN-FLAME ENERGY EVERYWHERE: As I said before, Kiro and MC just cannot deny the way they are drawn to each other, and this plays big in the twin-flame theme they have going for them. This is especially obvious in MC’s case. She knows Helios is supposed to be close to a stranger to her, and yet her body can’t help but react to him the way it would react to Kiro despite the danger that radiates from him; like her very soul knows exactly who it is behind the silver hair and cold eyes. I mean we even get this scene:
MC: Aren’t you a member of Black Swan? Why did you approach me?
I closed my eyes and finally asked the question.
Helios quivered inconspicuously under my palm, and soon he spoke in a low and sneering voice.  
Helios: Why are you under that misconception?
MC: Because...
Because I thought you were familiar, because my soul quivered involuntarily when being close to you, and because... of a ridiculous assumption.
These words are just so powerful in so many ways because what MC is saying is that she finds Helios familiar because her soul resonates with him, like it happened with someone else before...
In relation to the twin flame concept, this date is a huge representation of stage five and six in the relationship; “the test” and “the chase.” By this point, Kiro and MC’s relationship is being put the test and MC’s chase for Kiro finally begins.  
✨Stardust Date
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Another date that goes hand in hand with Light Pursuit Date, except with Kiro this time instead of Helios. Plus points that this too is in line with the main story.
MORE YEARNING. And what’s so great about this is that you can actually feel what MC feels. That’s how strongly Kiro can make you pine after him.  
That steamy confession of love: It wasn’t just the passionate words that Kiro kept whispering to her, but also the tremendous amount of longing and desire in his voice that belied those very words.
Kiro’s sexiness: Please, you cannot tell me you didn’t find Kiro downright seductive in that outfit. I absolutely love his fashion sense and this one really showed off the lean yet firm build of his body, and that scorching blue-eyed gaze was just- pheeew!!
The danger he radiates: After MC catches him on that phone call, the feeling of oppression that Kiro gives off does intimidate you, but also excites and thrills you at the same time. The duality with this man is just so well-written.  
The build up: From the fiery confession, to the obvious yearning and attraction, to the flirting and teasing, and the angst, I’d say this date had one of the best buildups to a kiss overall.
THE KISS: After all that glorious build-up, the execution of the kiss was absolutely brilliant, with Kiro’s statement of “the reward I want more right now... is you” being the breaking point. All the yearning and desire that had built up over the course of the date had been let loose in that one sexy kiss. I ABSOLUTELY LOVED, LOVED the way the desire went both ways. MC pulling him closer and demanding for more from him and him responding just as passionately, was HOT.
Extra thoughts: The necklace that he gives to her on this date is an item that hasn’t been brought up on other dates, which I find a bit weird since they mentioned how important it seemed to Kiro. Another reason why I need this date to be referenced in the future. 
What I find interesting about him giving her a necklace is that even though it’s a symbol of love and affection, it’s not as powerful as a ring would be, showing that he wasn’t ready to take the next stage in the relationship. This is important foreshadowing because he knew what exactly could happen to them in the future.      
✨Treasure Date
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A personal favourite of mine because it shows just how stubborn, delicate and insecure Kiro can actually be.
MC’s unexpected confession of love: Kiro’s not the only whose been pouring out his heart to her. (I’m assuming) Before the events of Chapter 14, MC has done her own fair share of confessing to him on a number of dates; the one in Treasure Date being the most notable. I held my breath when she said “I will... always be crazily in love with you” to him, because it had been the first time I’d seen her outright declare her love to a love interest so earnestly.
The supportiveness: MC just being there for him and comforting him when he was at his weakest is just so heartwarming and satisfying to see.
BLUSHY KIRO: (Can you tell why I chose to put in that CG?) I don’t know about you, but I feel my soul ascend to heaven every time I see Kiro blush. It’s the most adorable thing on the planet!
The pirate and treasure theme: This is a theme that is brought up often in Kiro and MC’s story. Dates as well as the main story. It also goes hand in hand with the light pursuit theme. MC’s determination to turn into a pirate in search of her treasure (Kiro) exactly mirrors the way Kiro referred to himself as a pirate in search of his hidden treasure (MC) before his reunion with her at the convenience store, in his 3rd Anniversary Interview. It really goes to show just how much they desire and treasure each other.   
✨Prayer Date
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Another hot, steamy date? Yes, ma’am! Kiro’s got a whole arsenal full of these kind of dates.
It is seriously cute how the two of them are always wishing for a “forever” with each other, and how they’re willing to go as far as to rely on superstitions for it HAHA.
Ahem. That visually appealing shower scene. Need I say more?
The date offered me another reason to label Kiro a hopeless romantic. Hello? A candlelit beach??? SWOON~!
The dash of angst: The foreshadowing. Over the course of the date, MC’s numerous failed attempts at doing something to ensure their “forever” had accumulated, and this was the first date we got to see her insecurity in regards to her relationship with Kiro. Again, these high strung emotions is what evoked some passionate desire for him in her.
This date was full of firsts. Not only was it the first time we got to see MC’s insecurity in regards to her relationship with Kiro, but it was also the first time we got to see just how... intense Kiro can be in showing his affection. Also, am I wrong in assuming that this was the first time they got so... physical with each other?
Another excellent date with excellent build-up to the end: From the pleasant start to the date, with MC being full of hope, to the unexpected encounter in the showers just to wet your appetite for this boy (pun intended haha), to the consecutive disappointments and emotional buildup made for a fabulous recipe for the delicious result we were served by the end of the date. Mmm, a spicy one at that.   
✨Flowers Date
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Honestly, this was the date that made me fall for him super-super hard. It was just full of innocence and the purest of love, no questions asked. 
Kiro’s charm is on full blast in this date.
The symbolism brought out by flowers in showing how similar Kiro and MC are, is really strong on this date. They both decide to each get a gift for the other that is supposed to remind them of each other and then split up. When they came back to reveal what they each had gotten each other, they both ended up getting the same thing: a bouquet of daisies (a symbol of purity and innocence).
Kiro’s wholesome love for the simplest things in life (like flower fields) is once again brought out.
THIS DATE WAS SO ROMANTIC. He takes her to the flower field on a bicycle! And they even take off running down the hill together, hand-in-hand, and he spins her around like some kind of princess in the middle of it!
MC did daisy divination, and what was the result she got? *whispers loudly* HE LOVES ME.
Kiro being a parallel to sleeping beauty is ingenious as well as romantic in so many ways. (Plus MC being tempted enough by his sleeping appearance, that she kissed his eyelids had me grinning like a mad fool). 
Kiro says some of the most romantic things on this date in the most affectionate and tender of voices:
Notable line 1:
Kiro: Well, MC, maybe you really are my “prince charming.” Because only you can awaken me from darkness, no matter when.
Notable line 2:
Kiro: There was only you in my eyes, wasn’t there? 
Notable line 3:
Kiro: Because... You are the whole world in my eyes. Nothing else can compare. My spring... is you.   
✨Honorable mention: Miracle Date
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This is another fun and wholesome date that always seems to put a smile on my face, but also comes with some strong and sad foreshadowing.
Kiro and MC are just so uplifting of each other in this date and you just love to see it.
Dude, they’re so in sync with each other, it’s not even funny!
I really loved how this date works in a bit of self-introspection for the both of them (actually, a lot of his dates do). We know that Kiro and MC both push each other to become better, and this date really showcased that.
Another date with another strong message.
I melted at the way he says that her very existence is a miracle to him. Like, just the fact that she exists in this world is enough of a blessing for him.
THE LONGING IN HIS VOICE: Kiro so fervently wishing that their time together would slow down because he knew what was to come, was just so heartachingly beautiful, it made me tear up a bit.
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cheesy09 · 3 years
Confessions for Christmas
A/n: Here’s to wishing every one of you a wonderful and wholesome Christmas season! I love you all! 💕 Tagging @kudoriee​ @thatfanfictionchick​ @dreamer-hyun​ @keliosyfan​ @pamakali​ and @sunshinejihyun​. I wish you guys a warm and blessed christmas and even if we haven’t talked much, just know that I still love you with all my heart because you made my 2020 worth it 🥺
Pairing: Kiro x Reader Word Count: 2,651 Genres: Christmassy Fluff!
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Closing the book that you were reading, you glanced out the cabin window, watching the pure white snowflakes dance through the air as soft Christmas music played in the background. Never in a million years did you dream you'd find yourself here, tucked away in a log cabin at some fancy mountain resort, as far away as possible from the hustle and bustle of the city streets you had grown accustomed to during this time of year.
Looking at the christmas tree and surrounding candles sitting in the corner of the room, a rare tranquility filled your heart and you welcomed it. You breathed in deeply, soaking in the warm atmosphere. You never felt more at peace then you did right now, and you had Kiro to thank for it all.
You glanced at the starlit sitting on the carpet by the fireplace. He was busy immersed in his sheet music, his earphones plugged in his ears. Even though he had brought you here to spend a lovely Christmas together and escape the ever growing pressures of your jobs, work had still managed to find him, not granting him any means of escape. It was a pity and he had even complained about it in the beginning, but Kiro still regarded the job with the utmost professionalism.
You admired him for his dedication, one of the thousand other things that you loved about him, but it was Christmas Eve and it was close to midnight. You’d be damned if you let the day end like this for the two of you; doing the one thing you had come here to escape from.
Placing your Jane Austen novel aside, you stood up and walked across the room towards him, making sure not to make a single sound, a playful smile spreading across your lips, a twinkle of mischief dancing in your eyes. Not that Kiro would notice. Once his attention was fixed on something, there was nothing in the world that could hinder him.
Except you.
Successfully managing to seat yourself behind him, you wasted no time in wrapping your arms around his shoulders and pressing yourself against his back, pulling out his earphones in the process. Kiro flinched a bit, startled by the disturbance, but immediately relaxed under your touch once he realised who it was.
“Miss Chips...” he sighed as you nuzzled your face against his, breathing in his intoxicating scent. He smelled sweet and warm, a delectable fusion of honey and hot chocolate. “Aren’t you done yet?” you murmured, planting soft, feather-like kisses against the side of his face. “It’s close to midnight.”
“No, not yet,” he replied. He sounded almost tired, his voice lacking the usual liveliness that it usually carried. He lifted up the sheet of music to look it over again and frowned at it slightly. “While the main arrangement is mostly done, it’s still lacking a little... something. The melody isn’t completely delivering the message I want to convey, for some reason...” His look turned pensive. “I wonder if there’s something I’m missing...”
You glanced at the sheet of music. It was a piano score this time, so you were able to piece the melody in your head fairly easily and you hummed along to the tune that formed there. Your arms tightened around him. “What are you talking about? It sounds lovely to me.”
Kiro shook his head, his soft golden hair brushing against your skin. “That isn’t enough! It needs to be perfect.” 
You raised your head slightly to look at him. He was still looking at the music score, the fire casting a glow on the contours of his profile, illuminating his beautiful features. His baby blue eyes swirled with a number of emotions that only you could catch. There was determination and persistence, but also fatigue and frustration. Watching him, a mix of fondness and sadness filled your heart. 
How many times was he going to put himself through this torture? Constantly striving for perfection, pushing himself to the brink until he almost collapsed, sacrificing every piece of himself until he would eventually fade away. Thinking about his cold, lonely figure hunched in a corner, trying desperately to reach for the light that he’s yearned for all his life made your heart clench, your desire to protect him overwhelming you. 
You rested your cheek against his, and spoke gently. “Don’t force it. If you push yourself to do something you can’t handle right now, you’d automatically end up with a bad result.”
“Kiro, look at me,” you urged, repositioning yourself in his lap so that you were straddling his waist. You carefully took his music sheet from his hands and placed it at the side, making sure to put a few weights over it. Kiro’s hands came to rest on your hips, his sparkling eyes carefully watching your every movement. Your eyes locked, yours on his, and you pressed your forehead against his.
“You’re doing your best, I know you are,” you said, your voice soft yet firm, wanting your every word to be engraved onto his heart. “I’ve seen you grow in front of me, and I’ve witnessed your light, your dedication, your passion, your resolve and you’ve come to become more and more dazzling day by day.” You pressed a kiss to his forehead, and Kiro’s eyes closed involuntarily, dreamily. 
“But I’ve also seen you at your lowest; those times when you think that no one’s watching,” you continued, putting a little distance between yourselves. You carefully cupped his face and tenderly stroked his cheeks. “I’ve seen you face the darkness alone, struggling with sleepless nights and overbearing responsibilities. After all, my eyes are always on you.” 
Kiro’s eyes fluttered open and you watched as the light within them trembled, his lips quivering with emotion, laying every single one of his fears and insecurities bare for you to see. He was so vulnerable right now. So fragile and delicate, that a single word from you could either make or break him. It was almost terrifying sometimes; how easily he gave you this power over him. Seeing the unconditional trust that he put in you with his heart, your chest swelled with so much love and adoration, you couldn’t even begin to comprehend it. Helpless affection coated your next words.
“And despite all odds, you’ve never given up. You’ve only become stronger and better. And everyday, I find myself more and more enamoured with you.” You leaned back in and brushed your nose against his. Kiro’s breath hitched slightly at your proximity. “You’re not perfect. But you still manage to take my breath away.”
You slowly laced your fingers together and lifted his hand to lay a delicate kiss against it, your actions telling him what words could not, treating him like the priceless treasure that he was. You wondered if you had managed to convey your feelings to him, to tell him that no matter what, you’d always have his back. 
But... if you failed, then you were no better than the song he was working on; an ‘arrangement whose melody was unable to completely deliver the desired message.’ 
You looked back up at him, hoping to get a clue from his facial expression and the sight you saw superseded all of your expectations.
Kiro’s eyes were wide, his dazzling sapphire orbs radiating with feeling. A warm blush bloomed across his cheeks, spreading up to the tips of his ears and you were taken back to those days when the two of you still weren’t dating yet. He had been so bashful and shy then, a mere boy really. But as days passed, you had watched his self-esteem build, watched him slowly grow to love himself bit by bit. He still had a long way to go, but the fact that you had gotten to witness those precious moments related to him made you feel so incredibly lucky.
Yet, even with how much he’s changed over the course of almost two years, there were parts of him that would forever remain constant. Like his purity and bravery, or the way he was acting right now.
Seeing the way Kiro’s eyes darted around nervously, unsure of what to say, a sly grin spread across your face, your desire to tease him a bit getting the better of her. “My, my, mr. Kiro,” you giggled, pecking his nose lightly. “Are you perhaps being shy?”
Kiro pouted a bit, looking like he was knew exactly what you were up to, yet he didn’t deny it. “I can’t help it,” he mumbled, the pink on his cheeks growing even more prominent. “I’ve never seen you act so... passionately before. I was kinda caught off guard.” 
You didn’t expect him to take it so seriously. Under normal circumstances you would’ve found it in you to blush at his words, but with all the emotions that had built over the course of these few minutes and with Kiro’s sudden cuteness, your feelings only intensified. You felt your eyes lid, and your lips burned with a sudden need to kiss him.
“I should do this more often,” you whispered to yourself, closing the distance.
“Wha- mph!” Kiro’s words were cut short by your lips. Your fingers twined themselves in his soft hair and tugged gently, earning yourself a moan from him, the sound pleasantly making your toes curl, your insides burn. His warm, christmassy scent invaded every crevice of your being, filling your mind to the brim with his existence; gentle, loving, kind and warm. Kiro’s hands travelled from your hips, up your spine and came to rest on your back as he fervently returned the kiss. 
You moved one of your hands to cup his face lightly and felt the feverish temperature of his skin under your fingertips as you stroked his cheek. It made your heart skip a beat as well as stirred something in you; something carnal and raw. 
Intense craving consumed you, sparking your senses, eroding your rationality. You slowly pushed him down onto the carpet, your mouth growing more and more insistent with every passing second.
Your intensity must have probably been too much for Kiro, seeing as how he clutched at your clothes desperately. You both parted to catch your breath, your hair cascading in columns down the sides of your face. Kiro rested his right hand against your cheek, his chest heaving, gaze half-lidded with longing and desire. “Did I miss something?” he gasped. “Since when did you become so aggressive? Miss Chips, have I been teaching you wrong things?”
You giggled and leaned down to softly kiss his cheeks. “Well, it’s not fair that you’re always on the offensive, now is it?” you say cheekily. “I want my fair share of blushy Kiro too.”
“B-blushy Kiro?!” he spluttered, pretending to look incredibly offended. “Miss Chips, that’s just mean.”
“Say whatever you will,” you shrugged. “But now that I’ve finally had a taste of it...” You brought your lips to his ear and whispered “This won’t be the last you’ll see of this.”
“Oh, really?” Kiro asked, his low voice sounding oddly sly. You glanced at him from the side and found a mischievous smirk stretched across his face, and a naughty glimmer in his eyes.
Oh no.
Before you could even figure out what was happening, you found yourself pinned to the floor with Kiro’s hands at your sides, tickling you to glory. 
“Haha! St-stop it!” You laughed uncontrollably, your poor sides facing the brunt of his sudden tickle attack. His fingers were merciless and you squirmed restlessly under him as Kiro laughed along with you. He didn’t stop until he heard a tiny yawn escape your lips. His hands froze mid-tickle and his expression turned guilty.
“I’ve kept you up for too long, sorry,” he apologized as you were busy catching your breath. Without any word or warning, he got up and gently scooped you up in his arms, carrying you to the bedroom. “It’s sleepy time!”
You didn’t protest, much too tired to do so, and just let him hold you, revelling in his warmth. Kiro placed you on the bed, made sure you were nicely tucked in and was about to head over to his own bed across the room when he felt you tug at his sleeve.
You looked at him longingly and opened up your arms to him. For some reason, you couldn’t stand the thought of Kiro being apart from you tonight. The blonde didn’t object to it, either. In fact, as soon as he got your signal, a bright smile flashed across his face, like a kid on christmas morning, and he dove into your arms, locking you in an embrace. You hummed quietly, a satisfied smile gracing your lips as you hugged him back.
The snow quietly piled outside, and you vaguely remember that the audio player and lights were still left on back in the living room, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. After all, your whole universe was right there, in your arms, smiling the most precious smile you’ve ever seen on him. He was everything, and more.
Kiro suddenly let out a tiny giggle as he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. “What is it?” you whispered, twining your legs with his under the blanket.
Kiro tightened his arms around you and let out a soft sigh. “Nothing just... I feel so blessed.”
Before you could reply to his statement, Kiro continued, his voice suddenly turning somber. “Before I met you, Christmas was just like any other normal day to me, the only difference being brighter lights and colder weather. I saw people get together with their families... have fun... Sometimes, even Savin would get off to visit his family so I’d stay at home and relax. But honestly? I felt a little... lonely.”
Your soul quivered at his words and you bit your lip. Sometimes you’d wish you could have been apart of his life earlier, so you could give him all that love he missed out on, the love that he so rightfully deserved.
“And then you came,” Kiro continued, his voice now taking on a cheerful, affectionate lilt. “You came and everything changed. The cold lights on the street suddenly turned warm, and now when I see snowfall all I can think about is making snowmen or snow angels with you, or coming home to a warm cup of hot chocolate and cuddling with you by the fireplace or just... this. You and me, wrapped in each other’s arms.”  He paused, thought for a moment and went on, his voice growing a  little softer. “I guess what I mean to say is... thank you, for making my Christmas, Miss Chips.”
By the time he was done, you were on the verge of tears, your heart pounding, your chest swelling. It was too much. He was too much. How did you ever get so lucky?
With every ounce of strength you could muster, you pulled Kiro impossibly close to you and pressed your lips against his ear. Everything you wanted to say to him was compressed into three heartfelt words. “I love you,” you whispered.  “So very much.”
There was silence for some time. Kiro lifted his head slightly to look at you for a few seconds, his blue eyes shimmering with emotion, and slowly crept forward and sealed your lips with his.
The kiss was firm and lingering, yet gentle and telling, transmitting his affections into a form that required no words. He was your christmas - one that you could celebrate everyday. The clock struck twelve, signaling the hour of midnight and the two of you slowly parted.
Kiro pressed his forehead against yours and your breaths blended together, just like your hearts. “Merry Christmas, Miss Chips.”
You smiled, probably the happiest smile ever and replied “Merry Christmas to you too, Kiro.”
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