#baby royalberry
candythemew · 1 year
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Oops! I forgot to post these little hc doodles here too! Long story short, I like to headcanon Royalberry Cookie as a half-dragon. ✾ It’s just a bit more… subtle than one would notice. He’s a silly little guy.
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When your crushing on the cute warrior lady but your insticts tell you to KILL KILL MAIM.
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He’s a sweet gentle guy, and I always found it funny that he’s the polar opposite of his mother, but they get along so well. The hollyberry family is just so fun to explore the lore and dynamics of :3c I feel like he gets mischaracterized a lot since he’s a soft-spoken guy, but he’s a great leader and he and Jungleberry are such a dream team. Its great! What a silly old man.
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revisitingfandoms · 4 months
Idea prompt 5- The ancients being the ancients.
"Do you know why we ,cookies, were-"
A rubber duck was thrown at her face. She blink for a moment before anger rushes to her face, "How dare-" Another rubber animal- this time a squeaking rubber chicken was tossed at her.
Golden cheese just gives an unasumed face as Dark Cacao arms another rubber chicken. She speaks aloud, "Silence wrench, unless you wish to taste the might of rubber chickens." Dark Enchantress looks so very confused and pissed off at the pair before spotting- what the hell was Pure Vanilla Cookie doing?
For some ungodly reason the man looked exhausted out of his mind, missing his hat and had a baby strapped to his chest, hollyberry was also there holding a baby in her arms talking a mile a minute to the barely responing man. Between the pair the baby hollyberry was holding was sleeping while pure vanilla just had to bend over to grab the rattle the baby just dropped and started screaming about.
And wait where was-
A loud roar is heard behind her as the cake monsters corpse crashed through the wall somehow so easily killed by a strawberry Jam covered White Lily cookie whoses eyes were gleaming.
Dark Enchantresses eyes widden as she tries to flee before she gets knocked out with a heavy rubber chicken.
In the growing silence Pure Vanilla speaks, "Great- glad this is dealt with now- oh shusshhhh papa's here Custard, papa's here, hey how about we go find daddy?" He sooths the baby as he walks away. Hollyberry laughs, "Ah yes, me and royalberry should also make preparations to head home- I still need to break Pitaya's mind again about him." She walks off with a whistle as golden cheese, dark cacao and White lily look at each other. White lily hums, "I need go pick up red velvet- Dark cacao do you-"
The other shakes his head, "Licorice cookie is still up for grabs- first one who gets to him adopts him." He books it as white lily curses and follows after him.
Golden cheese shakes her head with a sigh, "Well atleast those three haven't come up yet... I've still got a decade or two before they do." She shakes her head.
To the props of living in a time loop- while things will get boring they never stay that way for long.
Just a funky cookie run kingdom time loop idea. (anicents edition) They sometimes argue over custody rights.
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The Berry Nice Beachday
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Summary: The young ancients arrive in the Hollyberry Kingdom for a beach day!
Type: Fluff
(Excuse any spelling errors)
The glorious morning sun beamed over the secluded Hollyberry kingdom. Its bright rays shone through the curtains of the forest’s dense thickets and into the windows of the last sleeping cookies. The majority of the kingdom has well and truly risen much before the sun, seeming to find it best to begin their days early to get more done. This is most likely why the Hollybery kingdom had the most export and supplies of all kingdoms. Added it was a chipper kingdom with vast resources, loving, caring, and hard-working cookies as well as a Queen who served them with as much love as they served her.
Currently, the final carriage arrived in the blessed jungle kingdom. Pure Vanilla cautiously found his footing as he stepped down from the carriage, thanking the driver as a few Hollyberrian guards moved the driver and steed to a different area. The young vanillian king turned, fixing his hat, and made his way into the main grounds of the monumental-sized castle. There were no large steeples or multi-colored sugar glass panes, no quiet mummer of calm voices as one wafting through the air. But maybe that’s why Pure Vanilla likes being at the Hollyberry kingdom so much, because it was so obscure to his own ruling that he found so much joy in exploring this unique kingdom. He looked up upon the large, pink-domed building, listening to the loud calls of Hollyberriens, and the soft drowning of babbling brooks. The study breeze that swayed his neatened bangs.
 “My dear beloveds, I am thrilled you could all arrive!”
The pink-haired queen marched into to open-air, summer ballroom. Making her presence well known as her shoes hit the cool white tiles. Smiling giddily as she hurried to greet the others. She wore pink bathers with white and yellow accents adorning the edges, showing off her strong, sturdy figure. A silky purple, transparent shawl lay over her shoulders. A wide-brimmed, pie-lined hat, fastened with a pink ribbon on her head. Her taffy-coloured hair was in a beautiful braid that reached the middle of her back, leaves, and ribbons decorating the creases. In her arms, was an 8-month-old RoyalBerry. The child already had a full head of silky pink hair which curled out from under his hat. Chubby arms waved about eagerly as he batted about a dragon stuffy. The child wore a pink and white stripy swimsuit which was a size bigger than him, but adorable none of the less. His wide babbling smile squished his cheeks and made him squint with joy. He let out more baby gurgles before mindlessly hiding his face in his mother’s brawn.
The four arriving ancients hurried to hug the plus-sized woman, once reaching the mid-point the 5 mushed together in a tight grasp. Letting out a string of greetings as soft kisses were given to the pink queen. Then finally, all attention was on the most important child ever to bless their lives. Little baby RoyalBerry, the pride of the Hollyberry kingdom, the firstborn son to the beautiful Hollyberry, and the cutest little baby to ever be born. The pink-haired babe gurgled with joy as he was passed from ancient to ancient, each giving soft forehead kisses to the child.
Golden Cheese, White Lily, and Pure vanilla squabbled over who got to hold the sweet baby, Golden Cheese used her ability of flight to her advantage, pocking her tongue out to the duo below. Going on about how much smarter she was than the pair, that was before she got zapped in the ass and squawked in surprise and pain. White Lily chortled with laughter, casting another spell to snatch the pink-haired babe.
Dark Cacao made his way over to the pink-haired, resting a gloved hand on her shoulder.
“HollyBerry dear, how have you been fairing?” he asked, pulling the pinkette into another tight squeeze. In return she leaned her weight on the other, allowing the purple king to hold her in his arms. Her body thanked the king for the moment of relaxation. Having only just experienced 9 months of carrying her babe was a lot, but even after Royalberry’s birth, she was still on her feet. The pink queen wasn’t complaining though, it was her choice to bear a child, and this was just a part of the process. That’s not to say there were moments where she flat out would pass out from exhaustion.
“Oh I have been as well as I can get in times like these, a little tired, a little sore, but I will be fine” She smiled into his chest, moving her arms the sit just on his waist. Hollyberry moved away and started to lift the large metal crest that the man carried on his shoulders. Lifting the cape off of him to remove the weight and to try to cool him down. Being from the snowy planes of the northern ridges, Cacao didn’t do well in the Hollyberry kingdom’s hot humid heats. But even though he began to melt in the blistering summer rays, he still made time to visit Hollyberry no matter the season. His face was hot and bothered and Hollyberry could see the sweat roll down his forehead. She carfuly slipped away the layer of armour and fabric, the stoic king did not once resit. Normal he would protest on how he would rather die than remove such an important image, but the kings anger seemed dormant. Instead, he leaned into the surprisingly cold hands of the woman. Giving a slight smile once the weight and heat were removed from his body.  
Hollyberry stopped once she removed his gloves, assuming this was enough to keep him cool until the Queen got him into some bathers. Because there was no way in witches, she was going to let him sit under an umbrella and not step a foot into the water. If she had to; she would throw him in! He thanked her as he pressed another kiss to her forehead and right on time, the other 3 ancients returned with the baby. Lily having won the battle of the babe, squishing his chubby cheeks lightly and booping his nose.
“All right you sweaty bastards, let’s get you lot into sometime cooler and go swimming!” The Queen struck a sassy pose, looking at the others with stars in her eyes. The group only jittered with excitement as they followed the other through the long halls of the Hollyberry palace. The group finally ended up in the Queen mothers bedroom. Hollyberry made her way over to the walk-in closet and disappeared while the others waited for her return. Golden cheese snatched RoyalBerry from White Lilys grasp and toppled over onto the huge, marshmallow-like bed. The young prince giggled loud in response.
Pure Vanilla leaped onto the bed, struggling a bit to fight the waves of blankets that fought him off. Eventually, he made it to where Golden Cheese and White Lily had been engulfed by the large, pink covers. RoyalBerry was gurgling slightly, drool running down his cheek as he gawked at the three olders. The blonde haired king moved the place a delicate hand on the babe, running soft circles into Royalberry’s back.
Cacao then appeared from the sea of red and gave a soft smile, running an exposed hand over the sheets and to the happy baby. Royalberry slapped the chocolate king’s hand a few times before latching on and drooling over them. Chewing on the calloused fingers with not a thought in the world. A soft smile appeared on the stoics kings face, a kind of face that yeared the love of this baby. “He’s still got the baby fever ay!” Golden cheese remarked as she sniggered under her breath. The chocolate king snapped his head towards the avian queen with a very unimpressed look on his face. The kind of look you gave to an idiot who told you Earthbread was actually in the shape of a cookie, just more dramatized. But in Dark Cacaos’ eyes, he was looking at an idiot so the reason behind the look was supported. “Oh shut your yapper you glittery penguin” He snapped jokingly, grasping the pink haired baby, and pulling him into his lap. Earning whines from the others to return the babe to the middle.
The group stayed on the bed until the queen reappeared from the depth of the closet, multiple pairs of bathers folded in her arms.
“Now I got these custom-made, so they keep you comfy but cool” The Queen started, making her way towards the bed, and sitting down beside Golden cheese. Giving the avian queen a peck on the head. The golden-haired snapped up and grabbed the set of bathers clearly meant for her. Leaping off the bed and changing right there. The other 3 happily scooched over (pure vanilla and white Lily having to fight their way out of the bed sheets again) the queen handed them their respected bathers before they too went to change.
“Woo Petals! Looking mighty nice there” Golden Cheese squawked from where she was. White Lily in return, threw her staff directly at avian queens face, bonking her right in the nose.
“And these bathers are super comfy, I might as well trade up my clothes for these” The golden-haired complimented the berry queen, leaping up and pressing a tender kiss against the other woman’s temples.
Golden Cheese had a simple top and bottom. Quite similar to her usual clothing but made from a strange but extremely comfy and waterproof material only made in the Hollyberry kingdom. As no other kingdom really went swimming let alone on a daily basis. The top was white in colour but with teal accents adorning the ruffles and sleeves. The bottoms were yellow and white, pant/skirt-like things. 
White Lily had a full-body suit with a skirt-like fabric over the pants. It was a stripy green and white outfit with sleeves that reach her elbows. White Lily was content with the bathers, finding them extremely comfy.
Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao would have the same outfit if it weren't for the colour and a few minor things. Such as Pure Vanilla having a blue and white stripy set of baths
The water was beautiful. Perfect temperature for a swim. Hollyberry raced down a side pier to a spot in the water she knew was deep and cannonballed in. She hit the bottom and felt around the sand before pushing her legs up and shooting up to the surface again. Splashing the group with water as she came up. They made it to the sandy shores where a picnic-like area had already been up. The berry queen hauled herself from the water, snorting some water out of her nose and sitting on the damper parts of the sand. Getting comfy under the suns bright rays. Pure Vanilla was the first to win the running race between him a golden cheese by some miraculous chance. Dark Cacao and White Lily came up behind the two as they squabbled. Dark Cacao still hot and bothered purfulously sweating but seemed better than he was before. White Lily was holding Royal Berry as the she quietly spoke in babble towards the baby. The two came down to sit under the shade of the umbrella.
The pinkette took a deep breath of fresh air.
“Royalberry’s first swim and I have this moment to share with my beloveds,” The queen thought happily. Taking pleasure from the warmth of the sun kissing her paled skin. She frowned at how pale she had gotten over the year, being away from the sun for some time did horrors to her skin tone. Her usually golden brown was somewhat more almond in colour, much paler than she liked. So today was a great day to regain her colours.
The queen was soon toppled out of her thoughts are three figures bombarded her. Dragging her into the water, laughing while doing so. She dived under the cool surface and escaped her offenders. Hollyberry surfaced, seeing Golden Cheese and White Lily in the middle of a water battle, poor pure Vanilla being caught right in the center with no means of defense. Hollyberry looked over to the beach again, Dark Cacao was under the shade, babe in hands. Completely smitten with the small creature.
The mother smiled warmly as she exited the water again and made it up towards the Cacao king. Curling up next to him as she stroked her son’s soft hair. 
“You know Cacao, today will be Royalberry’s first time in the lagoon” She smiled warmly as she ran her other hand over Dark Cacao’s back before running her fingers through the onyx hair. The Cacaoin king turned his eyes down to the woman, a look of surprise present.
“Would you like to take him into the water Cacao?” She asked politely, playing with the strands of hair mindlessly. Watching over both her son on Dark Cacao with steady eyes.
“I would love to” He began nervously “but...” He trailed off, looking down into the water where the other three were still play fighting. Golden Cheese and White Lily now ganging up on Pure Vanilla as the blond struggled to dive to the safety under the water. 
“But what?” Hollyberry asked, sitting up to face the other.
“What if I hurt him? What if I’m not careful and something happens to him!? What if-” Hollyberry pressed her finger to his lip which quietened the frantic king.
“But nothing, there is nothing you can do to hurt Royalberry, plus if you truly feel this scared, I will be right by your side the entire time!” She gave a warm smile which seemed to calm Dark Cacao down.
“Are you sure you don’t want to” He asked, Holly berry only chuckled.
“Dark Cacao cookie, Royalberry has had a lot of firsts. I want you to be the one with him when he has his first swim.” She placed her hands on his, then Royalberry slapped his hands down as well. Gurgling lights, speaking to himself.
“But aaaaaaah” He started up again, stuttering as he tried to think of an excuse for why he would be the worst candidate for the job.
“Wouldn’t Golden Cheese want to have the honors?” 
“Goli’s had her first, she got to have his first flight. Lily got to have his first crawl and nilla got his first laugh.” She rebutted with a smile.
“But if you don’t too, I can always make the others fight for the honor” She gave another cheeky grin, standing up and giving him a peck on the lips. That seemed to persuade the stoic king enough to make his way toward the water.
Got a little lazy towards the end but eh, i hope you like it:)
Don’t use my work my work as your own, I will find you and destroy you.
Like/comment, reblog
Have a good day:)
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manganyeh · 3 months
RoyalBerry and LemonCider art!
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I adore my babies!!!!
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keeperofthecookies · 2 years
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This came to me randomly
I imagine Dark choco and Royalberry being real late bloomers. It’s because of the soul stone ageing thingos, now there is no genetic pass down. But they are effected in where they didn’t hit cookie puberty till real late + they both old but look young.
They got them baby faces even in their 30-40
Also featuring young Raspberry cookie, aka the weird kid across the street, and young Wildberry.
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thehyperrequiem · 4 months
Labyrinth (Thehypercutter Style) Cast
“Princess Cookie is given thirteen hours to solve a labyrinth and rescue her baby dragon Snapdragon Cookie when her wish for them to be taken away is granted by the Bizarre King Yoshikage Kira.”
Princess Cookie (Cookie Run) as Sarah Williams
Moe (The Simpsons) as Hoggle
Yoshikage Kira (Jjba) as Jareth the Goblin King
Killer Queen (Jjba) as Itself/Jareth’s Cat
Snapdragon Cookie (Cookie Run) as Toby Williams
Royalberry Cookie (Cookie Run) as Robert Williams
Jungleberry Cookie (Cookie Run) as Irene Williams
Emporio (Jjba) as himself/Sarah’s Guide
Lovely Sweetieflies (Bugsnax) as The Fairies
Seismo (Mixels) as Ludo
The Scotsman (Samurai Jack) as Sir Didymus
Pumbaa (Disney) as Ambrosis
Elder Faerie Cookie (Cookie Run) as The Wiseman
Fairy Cookie (Cookie Run) as The Wiseman’s Hat
Rootle (Bugsnax) as The Worm
The Negati (Balan Wonderworld) as The Fireys
Matcha Cookie (Cookie Run) as The Junk Lady
Faun Cruller, Otto Meatallis, Headbutt Forsythe, and Tincan Zanotto (Psychonauts) as The Four Guards
Risotto Nero and Metallica (Jjba) as The Helping Hands
Mario Zucchero and Sale (Jjba) as the Left and Right Door Knockers
Various Minor Antagonists (Jjba) as The Goblins
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lilacartsmadsion · 11 months
Ok let’s say hypothetically brave becomes a baby; which ancient would be better equipped for taking care of him?
(Everything else up to this point is the same; licorice just screwed up)
Hypothetically…either Dark Cacao,Hollyberry or Pure Vanilla.
Hollyberry raised Royalberry, but she only left when Princess Cookie was born I think…since she was able to see Princess Cookie ‘slay’ a stuffed dragon.
Dark Cacao, although he’s a rather neglectful father because of his duties, I doubt that he’d want to leave his child to someone else…cause it seems unlike him to burden someone else.
Pure Vanilla, we’ve seen that he’s naturally gentle, patient and calm with children, so I guess he could?
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More Ancient Heros headcanon bc i love them so much
Golden Cheese LOVES them a lot, they were her first interactions with cookies instead of the cheese birds and she's really fond of them
White Lily had attempted to find all of the Legendaries in order to learn more about cookies (she would do this, fight me)
Not hc but a theory but Cacao kingdom prefers traditional methods for medicine which is why Dark Cacao chose to ask White Lily's help to improve their health care because she's extremely knowledgeable about cookies
Dark Cacao and Hollyberry dated once and broke up with no hard feelings, they are still close and Dark Cacao is still fond of the memories he shared with her
Despite looking the most strict, Dark Cacao is the most emotional and sentimental among them
Golden Cheese often teases Dark Cacao by stealing baby Dark Choco's attention away from him
Pure Vanilla is easily jealous when someone is close to White Lily, but he doesn't interrupt their time because he also likes seeing White Lily happy
White Lily and Pure Vanilla are very weak when it comes to physical activities
Hollyberry constantly experiences multiple assassination attempts via poisoning but she's immune to it and it ends up making her stronger
Hollyberry and Dark Cacao often train with each other
White Lily and Pure Vanilla taught Golden Cheese how to control magic better
Golden Cheese is good at crafting, she once made a doll of Dark Cacao that looks like ┌(★o☆)┘ to tease him but Dark Choco saw it and loved it so she ended up giving it to him (much to Cacao's dismay)
Golden Cheese gave a beautiful necklace to Royalberry and Jungleberry as a wedding gift
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cessmaga · 2 years
Cookie run kingdom headcanon dump:
Red Velvet Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie would probably hate fireworks, cuz ya know, dogs are sensitive to loud noises and Red Velvet and Crunchy Chip don't like that
If Tiger Lily didn't got lost at the forest as a baby, she would be adventurous as her sister is but she's alot more rough and tomboy-ish
Dark Choco Cookie follows Dark Cacao Cookie alot everywhere he go as a toddler
Clotted Cream Cookie would really passive-agressive and sarcastic if he's mad enough or needed to
Rougefort Cookie annoys Eclair Cookie and Earl Grey Cookie on daily basis
Dark Cacao had Dark Choco when Royalberry Cookie's still a teen
Financier Cookie would give Clotted Cream headpats sometimes
Caramel Arrow Cookie and Crunchy Chip Cookie are besties, no questions asked, they would trash talk Affogato Cookie in their spare time
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rulerofspace134 · 3 years
*shakes royalberry, jungleberry and devsisters*
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candythemew · 1 year
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Always make sure to brush your hatchlings hair gently.
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candythemew · 1 year
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I think i may start crying THANK YOU
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keeperofthecookies · 2 years
This is kinda what I imagined what went down between Royalberry and Hollyberry after she returned:) please excuse the shitty writing:))
Hollyberry released her granddaughter and turned to the owner of the voice. Heart dropping into her stomach as she locked eyes with a pair of eyes she yearned to see. Such a soft powder pink gazed into a fiery hot pink. His eyes watered as his bottom lip trembled in such a familiar way. He took a weary step forward, his body visibly trembling.
“Mother” He called again. Hollyberry couldn’t move, she was frozen. Her heart twisted and turned painfully, crying for the youngling in front of her. She snapped from her momentary shock and spoke with bated breaths.
“Oh, my baby berry…” The woman cried, a plethora of tears already running from her eyes. The two pinkettes moved closer together, ever so slowly. Too nervous to move. But before anyone onlookers could register, the two had broken into a sprint, the shorter leaping into the elder’s embrace. Hollyberry caught her son in her deathly tight grip, spinning her baby around a few times before she just held him. Not wanting to let her child go. She cried into his sweet-smelling hair, taken in a scent she missed ever so much. She comforted the younger as he bawled his small eyes out.
“How could you” Royalberry whimpered between sobs. “How could you leave” He cried again, pulling away so he could look into his mothers eyes. Still in her grip but sitting on a throne made from her arms. “I needed you; I needed you there!” He pushed his hands into her chest violently but inflicted no damage or pain.
“I’m so sorry my baby berry, I hope you could one day forgive me for this. But I thought you would be okay, you have Jungleberry” Hollyberry brushed the youngers bangs from his face, whipping tears away with her thumb.
“I may have my darling wife, but mother. I needed you there! I needed you to guide me, I missed you so much that It pained me to stay in this castle without you here!
“Icried for you every night mother, every night! I waited for you to walk in through the doors, I watched the door every day. But you never came- Mother how could you!” Royalberry screamed in pain, throwing himself back into the woman. Hollyberry squished him in a hug, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Oh my sweet baby berry. My sun’s kiss, my gift from the gods. I am so sorry I am the cause of such agony in your life. I never meant to hurt you” She wept as large globs of tears ran down her cheeks. “I too cried for you, I wanted to return to you, my baby. To hold you like I did when you were but a wee cookie. I wept over the joyous memories I left in this castle. Hoping one day to see your beautiful face again” The woman’s knees buckled under the emotional strain she had, falling to the ground ungracefully but still clutching her young one. Neither cared for the onlookers, only making sure whatever was happening was real. That the one they loved more than the sun was truly back. That they were actually here in their arms and not another dream.
“Nev-never leave again, Please” Royalberry struggled to speak through shuddering breaths. Ear pressed up against his mother’s chest as he listened to the familiar beats of her heart. Hollyberry pressed another tender kiss to the youngers hairline, holding his head in her large hands.
“Never, I will never leave you again my sweet baby berry”
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