#baby skirk is to the right
avemstella · 1 year
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We're getting more Dainsleif (and Kaeya!!!) content so I was inspired to draw Khaenri'ah's #1 babysitter, or as I love to call him: Dadsleif
Also below the cut very sketchy old wip of the full design of Khaenriah's Crown Princess (aka baby on Dains head) based on Fischl's skin
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This is the age she was when the Cataclysm happened! Yeah!!! hahahaa
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abyssruler · 2 years
childe x gn!reader concept:
spoilers for childe’s character stories!
imagine being skirk’s child, born and raised in the abyss.
now imagine being fourteen and seeing a hole from the abyss open up, and for the first time in your life, you see what the light from the world above looks like—and then something falls from it, limbs flailing and a shriek piercing through the eery silence that permanently resides in the abyss. the hole closes up, you take a step close to the thing that had fallen, and it (he?) suddenly tilts its head up.
you’re met with the brightest pair of blue eyes you’ve ever seen.
his name is ajax, he says, a nervous and awkward smile on his face as he looks at your surroundings. you ask him what he is, because you’ve never seen eyes like his before, so resplendent and full of light compared to the darkness of the abyss. he looks at you like you just said something funny after you voiced your question, but he tells you that he’s human. just like you.
you like him, you think. well, maybe not him as a person, but you liked looking at his eyes. you decide that it’d be such a waste for him to end up as one of the abyss monsters’ meals, so you take him back to the place you’re temporarily staying in with your mother. he looks scared as you drag him by the wrist, but he’ll be fine. everyone who ends up in the abyss eventually gets used to it. skirk merely glances at him once before dismissing him entirely, which was as good as confirmation from your mother that she didn’t mind the addition.
ajax is pretty weak, you decide after watching his clumsy footwork and the sloppy way he held that sword that he brought with him when he fell into the abyss. he wouldn’t be able to defend himself against a baby slime, let alone the more savage monsters that made the abyss their home. he yells at you indignantly after you say so to him, cheeks curiously bright red that somehow made his freckles stand out that much more. instead of taking offense at his tone, you offer to teach him the basics that your mother taught you. he shows enough potential that skirk decides to teach him herself.
the vision that he shows you days after you found him is bright against the backdrop of the abyss. his excitement is clear in the way his eyes shine as he animatedly shows you the ‘killer moves’ he made just before his vision appeared. you’re not listening though, much too busy glancing between his eyes and his vision and finding that the blue of his eyes shine more radiantly than the blue of hydro.
he improves by leaps and bounds after he gains a vision. and with every beast that he kills, with every weapon that he masters, with every new skill he creates with his vision, ajax’s eyes begin to lose the light in them.
“when we get out of here, i’m going to take you to see morepesok. i think you’ll like it there! it snows all day and the stars are always so bright at night. i want you to meet my family too, i think you’d really like them. skirk is nice and all, but you must be bored with just me and your mom to talk to, right?” ajax smiles at you, his eyes crinkling at the corners, dimmer than they’d been when he first fell into the abyss.
you decide to humor him, this strange, bloodthirsty boy your birth land deemed worthy enough to enter it. “alright. i’m also curious what that boarsh soup you’re always going on about tastes like.”
he laughs at how you butchered the pronunciation. “it’s borscht! it’s one of the greatest foods ever and my mama makes the best tasting ones in snezhnaya. you’ll love it, i promise!”
you hum, believing his words even when you know you’ll never get the chance to taste it. this is ajax after all, and ajax never breaks his promises.
one day, he separates from you and skirk, claiming how he’ll bring back the head of the most vicious monster he can find. three days later, he returns covered in blood and viscera, a triumphant grin on his bloody lips as he lays three heads of a cerberus by your feet. he looks at you like he’s waiting for an approval of sorts, but all you can focus on is how dark his eyes have become.
you wonder if his fate would have been kinder if you’d left him alone that day you saw him fall into the abyss.
“ajax,” you call out to him. he looks up from his rusted sword and stares at you with those dull eyes of his, now as lifeless and hollow as yours. “there’s a star in your world that’s exceptionally bright, surrounded by dozens upon dozens of constellations. it was used by people as a navigation to find their way home, and they named it the polar star.”
you look up at the sky above you and find a small blip of light amongst the darkness, like a star amidst a sea of black. it points to the way out of the abyss; it points to the way home. he looks up, and you see the moment he realizes what it means.
“it’s time to go home now,” you say in lieu of a goodbye.
he opens his mouth. whatever he might have said is swallowed by the abyss coalescing around him, threatening to drown him in its murky depths—until it recedes altogether.
ajax wakes up in a snowy clearing. alone.
his back is to the ground, and as he stared at the sky above him, there he saw a polar star, more luminous than any other in the night sky.
he laughs. a way home, you said it like there was no other alternative beyond home being one singular place. but you were wrong, he thinks, because sometimes, home is the fire crackling in the furnace and the warm meals made by his mother and his younger siblings’ laughter echoing through the house.
and other times, home is the amused smile you give him when he tells you about his family and the yearning look that overcomes you when you speak of the world beyond the abyss. home is the way you laughed at his stories and the way you scolded him whenever he got injured. home is the hushed conversations next to a fire as he told you everything he wanted to do after the two of you leave the abyss.
“we’ll conquer the world together. me with my vision and you with your khemia, we’ll be unstoppable.”
“you promise?”
“i promise!” and he meant it.
polar star twinkles down at him, its brilliance mirroring the light he saw just before he was ripped from the abyss.
home, it seemed to say.
he thinks of you and makes another promise.
one day, i’ll find you again.
and ajax never breaks his promises.
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Ok but what about nepo baby Dream making Hob wear a skirt? Just, changes his entire dress code. Makes Hob "just sign this privacy policy update" while Hob is busy trying to get into his panties as quick as possible for a lunch quickie. But in reality, it's an addition to Hob's contract that makes wearing skirts and dresses mandatory. It is a little underhanded, this strategy, but Hob wouldn't possibly say yes if Dream just asked, right? This is how adults do it, right?
Dream, obviously, gets spanked for trying to trick Hob. (It didn't work because Hob noticed it's way too short for privacy policy update and he's quick at reading, as all PAs are.) Hob signed it anyway and happily started wearing skirts and dresses. Legs unshaved, of course, why change something that's already perfect. He's had some skirts in his dresser already but he buys himself more with Dream's credit card. Company expenses.
The best part of this, besides everybody getting to see how amazing Hob looks in this kind of clothing, is that now there is one less step to making Dream get on his knees and suck Hob off. He can just pull his skirt up and, if he's even wearing any, push his underwear down and Dream can get to business. Or Hob can bend him over the desk and if they are both wearing skirts that day, it's just a matter of maybe some prep and they can get right on with it.
- 🚒
Banging my head against the wall because I wrote out a whole reply to this and then tumblr just. Flaked.
Hob in a skirt. Very good. Please consider, something like this. Demure, modest, high waisted and pretty much office appropriate.
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Until, Hob is alone with Dream... at which point he unflicks a few buttons and makes that thigh slit a lot bigger. Big enough, in fact, to see his half hard cock nestled in between his legs, surrounded by thick dark pubes that Dream won't even let him trim.
As a reward for his little trick with the contract, Dream lies on his desk, holding his legs wide open while Hob spanks his sloppy little cunt red and raw. Then he sits on Dream’s face, for good measure. The skirt stays on the whole time.
Hob looks good in all kinds of clothes, but skirks do wonders for his arse. Dream hates to see him leave... but loves to watch him go (Hob is literally only going to do the photocopying, but Dream misses him anyway).
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sparklecryptid · 9 months
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And what is Dainsleif's reaction to baby!Ajax? Does he remember the loops or does he just go "this child has been harmed by celestia's actions repeatably. the child is incredibly traumatised. this is now my child. fight me."
And then the Fatui + Tsaritsa have to deal with this stranger being overprotective of the unknown that they want to swaddle in blankets and give hot chocolate to and never let go
Both both both is good. Dainsleif remembers the loops (Kaeya eventually remembers too) and Dainsleif hears from Skirk that ‘oh btw Ajax is back and remembers’ and promptly goes to see him.
And then gets hit with the realization that AJAX IS A CHILD. Dainsleif was expecting Adult Battlehungry Childe. He was not prepared for overprotective of his family Ajax who has all of Childe’s willingness to murder (it’s just more retrained and directed now.)
Dainsleif: …..
Ajax: stop staring at me like that
Dainsleif: you’re a child
Ajax: at the moment
Dainsleif: forgive me but what do you think you can do like this.
Ajax: well I’m going to grow so I don’t think I’m going to do anything right now when I’m 15. I am going to go to Fontaine in a few years, someone has to deal with the tainted waters after all.
Dainsleif: …….I’m coming with you when that time comes. I’m not accepting any arguments.
Scaramouche: I am missing a punching bag. I do not know who that punching bag is. But I am missing him.
The rest of the Harbingers agree on that point. They are missing something. They do not know who. But there is someone missing.
There should be eleven of them, not ten. (It’s always been ten. So why do they think there is an eleventh? Who are they missing?)
(I think it would be very funny if La Signora was the one who met Ajax first. It would be hilarious. La Signora knows Ajax but she doesn’t know him. What she does know is that he’s the ghost that’s been haunting them and she’s going to take him back.)
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rhineposting · 7 months
Hi, hi hi! Who are your favorite nonrhinerelated genshin characters? And who are your least favorite?(also, major copium rn but. That wasn't. Connnfirrrrrmdd to be shrik, right? So. She can still be cool. And not Jingliu if jingliu was ugly and a butterfly thing)
Tricky question, but.
Scaramouche. His AFAB coding captivated me. 10/10 someone give this man a baby.
As for least favourite... That's a split between Dori and Amber, I think. Dori is just absolutely insufferable no matter what angle you look from, and I don't like Amber's vibes, her "local friendly and upbeat girl" gimmick was done so much better for Yoimiya, in Amber's case it just feels... Forced.
And yeah no, that was confirmed to be Skirk on HoYo's JP or CN Twitter. We're doomed.
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theninthnoah · 1 year
genshin impact?
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
You would make me pick just one?????? I think Venti wins by a small margin, I like characters who are a little shady, characters who put up a front for whatever reason
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped):
Chongun!!! I wanna pinch his cheeks so bad
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):
Shinobu! She's funnier and nicer than people give her credit for imo
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week):
Skirk!!! I wanna know more about this weird Abyssal swordswoman who could beat Childe with one hand behind her back
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave):
Rhinedotter. She may have done unethical magical experiments, and possibly caused the caused the calamity, but that just makes her sexier tbh
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason):
*pointing at Kaveh* I want that twink obliterated, I want him sobbing on the floor right now!!!!!
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
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meili-sheep · 2 years
to that one suggestion
Eyooo that's a pretty cool idea!!! Diluc and Dainsleif knowing eachother would cement Dadsleif and Sonluc more because well, leylines
Diluc would obvs already know Drain and Abt his mission while Dain just gets little "clues" (which are more like praises tbh) from the leylines like "The precious one" "Our dearest reader" "The Favored child" but they don't rlly day much tbh
If the Leylines were an actual physical person in this Au then they would be cryptic as hell but also gush Abt their little flower bud(Diluc) and probably show you his baby pictures, they would get along with Dadsleif and AsMomday
Also, do you think it would work that the Leylines have a consciousness or atleast something that resembles one? Like if you got all that info ur bound to be sentient at some point right??
And if it does
Then Diluc gets 1 more parent that actually loves him
He deserves all the love in the world and i refuse to let him not get it
And little idea here... Diluc doing the gun Kata at while sparring or fighting Child, just a man that's kicking and blasting a gun as ur ass like it's nothin
also, Asmoday can float, who says diluc can't?? so funny scenario, Diluc and Dainsleif are on the edge by a rlly tall cliff and are tryna see whats below and Diluc just steps off and falls down leading Dainsleif to have a heart attack
until Diluc floats back up and says that yeah, the abyss base is there and Dainsleif becomes momentarily confused how the fuck Diluc's floating w/o some kind of magic
He asks Diluc and Diluc's like "Oh... I always had this ability, my mom said I had it since I was born and there many pictures of me as a baby floating so..." and that's another hint at Diluc's origins at Dainsleif!
lemme remind thee about the cubes, Diluc tries to use em on Dain so that he doesn't bleed that much(Blood loss makes ya dizzy i think) and when he does Dain gets ptsd from the sight of them, but i think he slowly gets used to it, slowly but not fully
And since the Sustainer probably had a big part in kheanriah's destruction Dainsleif has probably seen her at some point during his life(at the destruction most likey) so imagine his surprise when Diluc shows him the pictures and portraits of his mother back at mond, she's just the sustainer with snazzy new clothes, blue eyes, and her hair up in a ponytail
also, Skirk and Dainsleif w/ their students... Yes. just- yes. also, just as Skirk taught Childe foul legacy, Dainsleif must've taught something abyss power related to Diluc only for extreme emergencies at some point just in case
Diluc and Childe grabbing their mentors to introduce them to eachother and their mentors are like "! Dain?!" "! Skirk?" cuz they probably haven't seen eachother in a while
Dainsleif would probably tell Skirk about the numerous heart attacks he's gotten form Diluc, probably in an old man sort of way lmao
-Leyline!Anon, also i appreciate you answering my asks! it's not wasted on you bc usually I forget my ideas but since u got u and my tag i won't forget again!
So the response to this Anon
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Honestly, I'm happy to help. I know there might be one or two other people who had questions for you so that tag is just for you. I am just the messenger here.
As for Diluc teaching something like Foul legacy. What if it's something related to his name. "Twilight Sword" Like he teaches passes to Diluc this "Twilight Sword".
I do also love the idea of Diluc just super casual with his powers and abilities and is constantly traumatizing Dainsleif.
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miyaniacs · 4 years
hello! i just wanted to say that i'm really proud of you for making it so far and it's honestly really inspiring to me. i've struggled with my appearence so much and i saw your requests are open, could you possibly do kuroo, kenma, and bokuto with a s/o who's insecure about being thin hc? thank you sm im advance and i hope things ease up soon 💖
Thank you baby 🥺❤️
And ok so first of all - I think people forget that in today’s society everyone feels insecure about their body even thin people- especially now I feel like thin women feel insecure about not having this ig curvy body - women are pressured so badly for having to have the perfect body - but the perfect body for women is on that is most likely not achievable without getting surgery. Also I feel like every week there is another unrealistic trend that media creates for us to have. And also men are pressured for having to be muscular if not they are not really considered manly.
Ok to the request :
Warnings : me ranting about fashion in bokutos lol
HC s/o who’s insecure about being thin
Soo when he realized how insecure you are for being thin he was confused
Like isn’t this what everyone wants to be rn?
So he asked you about it
When you’re female : you explain that you feel extremely uncomfortable for not having those curves and that you probably also don’t feel like a “women” since - “real women have curves” all those pictures you see on social media make you feel insecure for not having those ‘thick thighs’ and amazing boobs
When you’re male : you explain that you feel insecure that you’re not strong enough, that you look like a stick ( I do know more than one males that are really insecure about not having much muscle )
For both ways : you explain that you feel bad for not having anything for him to grab on while cuddling or having sex, that all your clothes don’t seem to properly fit and when you’re wearing shorts or a bikini people would think your anorexic ( actually what a girl I known struggles with - she’s just thin but people assume she has an eating disorder)
He will listen not saying anything until you’re finished
He will hold your hands and tell you that he never thought any of those things. He loves your body - you make him feel more buff haha
He also asked if there’s a reason why you don’t gain weight - like some medical condition
Also he would ask you if you want to work out with him. Since you’re thin you will easily see results soon - and you will feel more comfortable when you’re able to see those abs or the definition on your legs - and even doing sports will make you feel better because you do something
He will also help you set up a meal plan - so you will get the right amount of proteins, fats, carbs etc.
He will also make sure to show you how much he loves your body using words as : god your so beautiful / hot / jaw dropping etc.
Buys you cute lingerie too
AND right after you first talked about this he asks you to give him your phone - he goes straight on social media and unfollows all those accounts and follows ones that have a body type similar to yours.
He loves the fact that you’re thin
He’s not the tallest and buffets gut himself so he likes the fact that he still feels able to protect you ( not that you need this but just for his ego )
You two were playing video games when the comment : god I wish I’d had this body - left your mouth while looking at one of those characters
He immediately stoppes the game and looks at you
“That’s what bothers you?” You blinks still not believing what he just heard you say
You nod and tell him sincerely that you think that you are too thin
“I love your body - and i don’t mind the fact that you’re thin? You know how much I love yo run my fingers over your rib cage ( you know this dum,dumm dummm - you say in your head when you run your fingers over some bumbs? If so that’s what he always does )
He will switch your gaming plans to cuddle time and makes sure to tell you all those little things he loves about your body - He lets you tell what you hate about it and then tells you his opinion about it
He loves the fact that HE can easily gives you piggyback rides or spins you around when you run to him and jump in his arms
The next day he will ask kuroo for some advice tho and gets some more games where the characters aren’t that unrealistically built
After some time even our baby owl realizes that you wear clothes that hide your BEAUTIFUL BODY??
“Babe, isn’t this shirt a bit too big?”
He finally asks and you tell him that you don’t like how you look in tight clothing
He doesn’t get why so you have to explain it to him
Female : you don’t like that you’re not curvy and that you have rather small breast - so you try to hide it in clothes that you drown in
Male : you don’t like how you your bones stick out, that your legs look like sticks and have no shape in it
So this beautiful baby - right after pulling you in his arms and kissing you - walks to your closet and gets trough you clothes
“ babe. OBVIOUSLY you don’t like your body when you don’t have anything that makes your beautiful features POP !! Get dressed we’ll go shopping now.”
Sooo at the mall he chooses all of the outfits for you and makes you put them on ( yes I belive that he has a nice and modern sense in fashion)
female :
Highwaisted dress pants, bralett and a blazer - CHECK
Oversized T-shirt dress and some combat boots / chunky sneakers to make your LEGS LOOK like they are 2m long - CHECK
Wide leg pants and some oversized T-shirt tugged in to give you some shape - CHECK
Those cute slip dresses - HELL YES
baby t-shirts & tennis skirks with HIS windbreaker- YES
Those cute square neck shirts with puffy sleeves YES !!!
He loves you in his hoodies too
With some tights OR with some wide jeans too
If you’re also on the shorter side - PLATFORM shoes. Yes there aren’t too chunky for you ( for example the puma ones with the Rihanna collab - they are like tennis shoes and actually soo comfy)
Those cute cardigans as a shirt - YES
Hny you need to live out the advantages of not needing to wear a bra !!
Obviously accessories to the MAX
Oversize and layering is the KEY
Also those sweatshirts with a more stiff fabrics
Those wide light blue jeans and a simple slightly oversized t-shirt tugged in with a nice belt - YES
Wide trousers and a tighter shirt AND a loose Oversized shirt
Soo After coming home with a whole new wardrobe you look like a model.
Calls akaashi over to make you model all your new clothes
You don’t have a choice but your ego goes up a little
Also like kuroo will but you cute lingerie
Bonus for female: will ask you non stop if you want to pierce your nippels because it looks so hot on smaller breast ( on all sizes but in my opinion esp on smaller ones )
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imaccualtrash · 7 years
KuroLev Porn because there isn't enough
Warning: Daddy kink, Spanking Here have this KuroLev porn. Kuroo loves to watch his baby squirm and Lev just wants his daddy to let him come. ITS ALL CONSENTUAL AND THIS IS AN EQUAL LOVING RELATIONSHIP A loud slap echoed through the room of the one bedroom apartment followed a whimper and a muffled sob. Lev could feel Kuroo's hot breath on his cheek before he gently kissed it and moved to sweetly peck him on the lips. Lev's face was flushed and his eyelids heavy, lying over his captains lap ass up. Kuroo grabbed his violently red cheeks and gave the right one a squeeze making Lev groan. He spread them to see his pretty hole twitch, then smacked the bright red cheek to see it jiggle. The russian let out a strangled noise into the bed cover. Kuroo leaned in next to his face. "What was that baby boy?" He pecked him on the temple. "You gotta speak up sweetheart." he whispered to the panting cutie on his lap a small skirk evident in his voice. "Please.. Please let m-me come daddy please... he begged trying to writhe in Kuroo's lap in an attempt to get some friction on his dripping cock when Kuroo shifted Lev, who gave a yelp. His rock hard erection pressed up into the tops of the silver haired teen's sensitive thighs. The feeling of it made Lev moan, either in pain or pleasure; he wasnt sure. Kuroo peppered kisses all over his face and rubbed at the swell of his ass. "So beautiful baby..." he moaned in his ear as he rubbed his forefinger lightly against his hole making him grind back against it desperately. He panted as the raven reached for the lube on the nightstand. "Tetsu please... please will you- ah !" he yelped as the other boy shoved at slick finger in and moved it around. Lev moaned loud when his boyfriend slipped in another right next to the first one and searched around. He let his man play with him until he found his prostate. "Holy shit tetsu... hah...YES-" he got out before Kuroo started rubbing on it making Lev incoherent and his eyes roll back and flutter shut. He loved prostate massages and his boyfriend was always happy to give them. (Lev assumed he just thought it was hot but Kuroo never specified..) Testsurou started getting friendly with his sweet spot and Lev's hand snuck inbetween them to worm its way inside the ravens sweats, pulling out his cock. "f-fuck daddy... hah ah-" A sharp smack sounded, followed by a high pitched whine. "What did I say about cursing baby.." Tetsu said breathlessly as his cock got pulled on by the pretty half-russian in his lap. Lev was reaching his limit with Kuroo's fingers working mind-blowing magic on the spot that made his thighs tremble with ecstasy and his cock drip with precome. Both their moans sounded throughout the room. Lev started begging. "I need it daddy please I- ah! Please please please daddy please let me come I'm gonna-" "Fuck, Lev baby... you want to come? You've been a good boy for me babe, shit.." he breathed out. "Don't even think about it baby boy... god- shit..." He reached inbetween them and gripped his trembling boyfriend's cock. He continued the abuse on his prostate and thumbed under the head of his shaft. Lev's breathy whines and the hand rapidly jerking his cock sent him spilling over with his head thrown back and his labored breathing slowed. Lev practically writhed in his lap with the need to come. His eyes were glassy and his thighs were quivering. It was a beautiful sight. The half-russian could barely even speak at this point. Kuroo took his chin and lifted his face to look him in the eye as he tightened up his grip. Lev's eyes rolled back into his head and he managed to choke out "Daddy..." The raven placed sweet kisses on every inch of his face. "You're so good, such a good boy.. You're okay baby, you can cum." he said softly and gave his cock a quick jerk. That and the curling and pressing of fingers sent him thrown into a wet, toe curling orgasm. His whole body shook intensely. He would have screamed louder if his voice had let him. He doesn't remember passing out considering he was now wearing a nekoma sweatshirt and his head was lying on Kuroo's lap. He was being pet and damn did it feel good to have nails scratch at his scalp. He didn't feel sticky so he assumed he had been wiped down. "You awake sweet boy?" He hummed contently. After he was awake Kuroo checked for any broken skin or anything that may have happened by accident. The silver haired teen sat up, mindful of his sore behind, to plant a lingering kiss on his boyfriends lips. Kuroo laughed and tugged him down. "Go back to sleep baby doll..."
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