#baby snaek
omg-snakes · 4 years
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The kiddos from PSG20 have all shed and had their second meal attempt yesterday. They’re intensely pretty, smart, gentle, and swiftly acclimating to being little friends in this big, big world.
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crispysnakes · 2 years
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Babies from this summer’s litters are doing well.
Several of the Meltzer longicauda will become available on Morph Market at the beginning of next month. My store profile is here.
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irishplaguedoctor · 5 years
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Fandom: Shade lord is an evil, chaos-driven, merciless, powerful, disastrous, intoxicating, ruthless, destructive-
Me: they baby
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spicyfoodboi · 5 years
"that's all you're gonna say?"
Genre: slight angst
A obanai x reader
From emotional prompts, anger: #9 what gives you the right?" and #10 "do that again and i'll make you regret it"
A/n: another thing for @brinthie since i lobe her so much ❤️❤️ this is the 2nd fic for angsty valentines. i wuv youuu 💕💕 requests are still open! (credits to the ownder of this artwork!!)
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You were worried sick. That was an understatement. There were too many emotions running through your head. You were anxious, worried but moat of all, angry. Rage started bubbling in your gut. Why didn't he tell you?
You were out on a mission. It would only take you two days tops. You came back home a bit earlier than usual. You lived in Obanai's estate. Both of you decided to live together for convenience. The estate was huge so you went and look for him but seemingly he wasn't there. He wasn't perching on his favorite branches in the garden. You started to internally panic. Where did he go?
You waited and waited. The time ticked slower than usual 1 AM, 2 AM, 3 AM. Did he tell you he was going to be out on a mission? You knew he didn't. You continued waiting for him until you fell asleep on the tatami floor in the main area. The clock was still ticking. 5 AM. Maybe he wasn't coming back. Maybe he got up, realized he deserved someone better and left to join mitsuri or some other hot chick somewhere far away. At least he would be happy.
Days pass, he still hasn't come back. Mayhe he did leave you for someone else. While washing the dishes, tears started to form in the corner of your eyes. Before you could let out a sob, you feel two warm arms wrapped around your torso. "hey baby"
You let out a silent gasp. You wiped your stray tears away before facing the boy with the heterochromic eyes. You turned around in his arms. "where were you?" you asked. Iguro could sense the venom in your tone. It was cold and distant. He knew you were angry. Were you angry at him? He tried to think of reasons why you would be mad at him but nothing popped up. "um... Pillar work?" he answered. " oh 'um... Pillar work?' that's all your gonna say? After being gone for how many days? Without a letter? A note at least? What gives you the right? Iguro, what gives you the right? " you said sternly. You pulled away from him and leaned on the counter so he could step back.
He takes the hit, taking a step back, Giving you space. You grumbled, brushing yourself offthen looking at him. The very glare you gave him could give anyone nightmares.
Iguro gulped, a normal explanation wouldn't cut it this time. He needed to go out of his comfort zone. He needed to apologize. He lead your arms to rest on his shoulders, his own hands resting on your waist. "look baby, i'm sorry. I swear i won't do it again." he cooed, placing his head on your shoulder. He smells your scent, he involuntarily smiles at the smell.
He pulled away to look into your (e/c) eyes. "do that again and i'll make you regret it." a hint of venom still in your voice. He gulped once more. You really were scary. He just smiled again, picking you up and spinning you around. "never gonna do that again" he said.
"promise?", "promise. How many times do i have to tell you?"
WERE DONE! hopefully you guys enjoyed! This is my first fic with snaek boi, obanai (even tho hes one of my best bois, hes tied with mui and genya since i cant pick whos on top-) REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN! ill add the links to the prompt lists here as well!
Emotional prompts | the big prompt list
My rules
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daydreaming-jessi · 4 years
Dear Sandy, i look up to you, eating Juno away was your greatest achievement yet (because you will have a lot more) Do you have funny stories on how you like to protect the idiot baby demon from harm? Keep up being adorableeee!
Dew U hav ghawst need eeting
Amn naht Beeg Sandy, she ees mah aunt
Shee sais juno taste grawss (she ees ghawst houw taste grawss??????)
Beetlman is beeg dumby
I cee heem lawts at buffayt grayveyard
Veeseet aunt Sandy a lawt
Shee seys no eet
I theenk tats stoopid >:V
Butt i dew as shee seys cuz shee Beeg Sandy an I luv hur butt nawt smellee demun he teese mee at grayveyard
One tyme he trie running thru satern storm clawd like dumny seying “fahck physix”
I cetch heem een spase an poot heem back an hee call me good snaek
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d0e-b0nes · 5 years
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leetol snaeks i found at workunder the plastic 😞 rip mamma and her babies
they look like preemies, and i think that this could be due to a poisoned mouse or weed killer. very sad find, and im sad i couldnt take them home. theyd make beautiful wet specs.
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vintagemintcakes · 6 years
Pssst.. would devol go into his snek form when laying eggs?
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nova-friends · 6 years
OOH!! I HAVE A GOOD ONE!! You know the new game God of War (I'm huge fan of it)? Jormungandr the World Serpent. Which one of you is brave enough to talk to him? It's not that bad. As long as you aren't a friend to the Aesir gods, especially Odin and Thor, and you don't try to harm him, it's all good. He's really friendly and very talkative, I don't expect you to understand. Unless one of you speak the Old Tongue. Warning: His size may intimidate you, he also hates lightning for obvious reasons.
*Everyone stares at the giant world serpent*
Nova:...so...anyone good with animals?
Connor: Nope and even if I was, I’d totally lie about it.
Nova; Was that a lie?
Connor: an excellent question.
Jack: Nah, I’m good.
Viktor: (Hiding behind Connor)
Roman: Umm I can barely pass English so I’m out. Missy?
Missy: As cool as he is, no thanks. Plus I’m not even sure I can even begin to try to figure a way to reverse engineer a language.
Sol: *Waddles closer*
Nova; Oh no you don’t *picks him up* 
Sol: Snaek!
Nova: No
Nova; dad would kill me if....wait, where’s Amelia?
Amelia: *tiny baby held by Rocky, makes indecipherable murmurs*
World Serpent: *Responds* 
Amelia; *happy cooing*
World Serpent: *Smiles* 
Sol: Don’t tell dad?
Nova: Don’t tell dad. 
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duendenoodles · 3 years
snaek updaete
Jupiter is still a mean little noodle but a very good boi
Neither ball pythons ate all winter, and are a bitty skinny, but are both eating VISCIOUSLY and scare me when I have to feed them
Perry = ):<
Dallon. Is the goodest baby. He’s so sweet. Angel. Tiny angel. Little round baby angel boi. He let me give him chin rubs and head pats. Then he yawned and snuggled for long time
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jobone123 · 5 years
#teport fuck it I’m going red head for tour YOUR GOING TO THANK MY LONG HAIRED WRAPS specifically
Out of respect for bae I burned the white one
If distanceing myself from white gem keeps her safe I WILL STABB HER IN PUBLIC to develop a reputation that makes white gems run n brown girls cheer
Make it snow n take this opportunity In OR RIP CITY WE LOST 95% of the blacks YOUR WHOLE LEGACY IS A BUS RIDE YEAR OF BLACKS specifically
There energy is we won FORCE FULLY mistake which wil
Snow would eliminate half the threat JELP HELP IVE BEEN KIDNAPPED for sexual favors PIMP
Free air allowed me time to snaek away with my blonde sister KOBE WAS MISTAKENLY IN THE WRONG PLACE love you CAN ALABAMA MALE IT SNOW
I got a revenge plot that makes blacks sick CLEARANCE willing to go white haired
You should hear them IMPOSSIBLE she can’t breathe JUST A BUNCH OF BLACK MEN LAUGHING only with Jason said the last resetted downtown YIKES rusha was to influence sugar blacks WRONGFULLY makes sense when it’s free N YOU BLACKS DONT HAVE TO FIGHT sugar lips
My Process vs sleeping black babies HOW I LOST MY BROWN SISTER
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xenobladeimagines · 7 years
Melia and lucina making flower crowns and having tea. I hope this isn't too much..
Not too much at all! 
Also for reference this Lucina’s mother is Olivia.
The two had met while Melia was visiting Shulk in the manor, and Lucina had shyly asked her if she wanted to hang out. Melia gladly accepted. 
Over tea Lucina prepard, they learnt they actually had quite a bit in common. They’d both lost their fathers and been left to rule a broken kingdom. 
They didn’t awnt to talk too much about the tragedy that was their lives, so they moved on to the tournament and their friends. 
“we should make somthing for them!” Lucina exclaimed. “We can make something for each other’s friends.”
Melia looked around and spotted the patch of flowers nearby. “We can make flower crowns.”
Lucina’s eyes lit up. “Yes! I used to make them all the time when I was little with my friends and baby brother.”
“And I would make them with my mother for my father and brother when I was little!” Melia smiled back. 
They immediatly got to work, sharing flower crown making techniques and stories. Melia’s favourite memroy was snaeking into the throne room and having her mother pick her up so she could put the crown on her father. Lucina had similar sotries, but she would lift up her brother so he could do it. 
They also learnt that even across universes, they were comon experiences to being royal brats. Like being forced into dresses and being spoilt by the staff. 
When it was time to part, Melia looked forward to coming back for another visit, if only to see Lucina again.
Lucina looked forward to seeing her again. 
Maybe when the tournament was over, they could visit each other.
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yharnamsnewslug · 7 years
date night, madi and nico edition: we go to the zoo. i show you the reptile house. there are snakes. everything is perfect.
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