ttc-baby · 2 years
10 DPO Update
No more spotting! Maybe it was implantation? So I took a test and it has a faint line. I’m definitely going to take another this afternoon just to see if it’s not playing tricks on me. Cause I have had false positives in the past. I’ll attach picture for reference!
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aphicelend · 3 months
Abeses me acuerdo de ese fanfic hongice q me destruyó emosionalmente
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beautifulcajungirl · 5 months
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Yep and very soon ! #babydust
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What Is the Babydust Method?
What Is the Babydust Method?
One of the most thrilling aspects of pregnancy is learning the gender of the baby. Some individuals have no preference, while others may have hidden desires. It seems that there may be a technique to improve your chances. According to “The Babydust Method: A Guide to Conceiving a Girl or a Boy” by Kathryn Taylor, you may pick the gender of your child by timing your sexual activity…
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inconceivabl3 · 3 years
Wow. Okay, so I owe you all the story of our journey so far!!
So if you’ve been keeping up with my blog, you’ll remember that our fresh cycle was cancelled due to hyperstimulation. Sucky. Then, our first frozen embryo transfer was cancelled due to my lining being too thin. Which I should have expected, given I’ve had that problem A LOT in the past.
So what do we do? Wait. We waited until I had another cycle so we could try again. And I can’t remember the exact amount of days we waited, but it was somewhere around 39 days. My period finally came, so I called the office to schedule my baseline, and lo and behold, a 27 mm cyst was present on ultrasound. I mean come on, can my luck get any worse?! It truly just was not in the cards for us.
I’m not sure if I actually had my period that cycle, because I ended up getting another period only like a week later. In addition, my hormone levels were all wonky on that baseline that had the cyst. Super weird, and very hard to track, so when I started bleeding again a week later, my doctor brought me back in for another ultrasound and labs. They called me to let me know this looked more typical for a day 2 ultrasound/labs, so we should go ahead and start meds in preparation for a frozen embryo transfer.
We stuck with oral estrace this time around, since the patches didn’t seem to work for me. I was increased to three times a day, so 6 mg per day, and luckily my lining looked the best it’s been! Lining check was 7.45 mm! We were ecstatic. This meant we were cleared for transfer, and it was the first time we wouldn’t be cancelled. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
We transferred 9/27 and go for our bloodwork TOMORROW to check hcg levels!!! The fact that we have made it this far is a miracle in and of itself, so we are celebrating it as a small victory. We are truly feeling blessed to even be here, and are so hopeful for a BFP tomorrow. Fingers crossed for all the sticky vibes!
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babydust-journey · 3 years
Hello there!
A lot of people close to me always tells me I need to “blog” my journey that it will help clear my head. First let me introduce myself!  My name is Heather and I’m 37 from Grovetown Georgia.  I am happily married to my best friend Tonya for over 4 years now.  Now let me tell you about my step children and blow your mind with our dysfunctional functioning family.  I have 2 step daughters with Tonya (Laura 25 & Savannah 19) I have been in their lives years before Tonya and I got married because we were friends for over 10 years before we took it to the next level.  I also have 2 more step children (Joshua 19 & Haven 13) now this is where the fun begins.  Haven and Joshua belong to my ex girlfriend Natalie.  Natalie and I have been in each others life some way or another for 22 years.  She was my first love and also my worst mistake ever.  I moved to Florida to be with her and the kids turning my life upside down just to get heartbroken and shattered.  Lying, cheating, betrayal and a long distance affair will do that! But even after everything I was blessed with the kids and they are still a very big part of my life.  Tonya helped pick me up off the ground and one of the first things I said to her before I even considered taking our friendship to the next level was that I wanted a baby in the future! Now I have what I like to call “hostile ovaries” and unfortunately can not conceive.  She has already had 2 kids so she would be the one having to carry the baby if she shared the same goals as me.  It was amazing to find out that she also wanted another baby so we knew once the time was right we would try for a bundle of joy. We got married and started to build our future and get to a place where we could start expanding our family.  Of course nothing goes as planned in my life and we hit our first big road block in December 2017 when Tonya had a pulmonary embolism (2nd one she has had).  It was scary and something I don’t wish on anyone to have to experience.  She found out that she has a rare blood clotting disorder and has to take blood thinners and had a filter placed inside of her.  I was just thankful she was alive!  Months after that we started to bring up the baby idea and she went to her hematologist and he informed us that it would not be safe for her to carry a child due to her condition and the blood thinners.  We were defeated but I wasn’t going to give up on my dream.  I let the dust settle and just lived our lives.  Everything happens for a reason and I just needed to be patient, boy I hate that statement because that is what everyone tells me! 
A year passed by and I saw on Facebook that an old friend of mine was pregnant and wanted to give the baby up for adoption.  I jumped right on it and sent her a message.  I mean it was no secret that we wanted a baby.  After a month or so of us talking she finally told us that we could adopt her baby girl.  I was so happy that I cried tears of joy.  We decided to name the baby Phoebe and started to prepare for her arrival.  We met with a family lawyer to go over what we needed to do to adopt the baby.  Home studies, paper work and of course lots of cash was what we needed! The mother of the child met with our lawyer 2 times and did her paperwork.  Tonya and I told our family and friends the great news because the baby would be here quick because she was already pretty far along.  We painted the nursery and that was everything I ever dreamed of.  See I never had a baby all of my step children were older.  Haven was 3 when Natalie and I got back together for the 2,000th time (and she made it clear she wanted no more children and like and idiot I settled). So I have always wanted to experience everything from baby showers, decorating, just everything.  We started to buy all the essentials and before you know it our nursery was done! I was getting my baby and my life would be complete!! I made sure the mother was taken care of anything she needed I would make sure she had.  It was about a month before the baby was due that our lives were turned upside down.  We were told by the mother of the baby that the father would sign over his rights.  He has not been there and our lawyer started to paperwork for him to sign.  I will never forget that day, the day my heart broke.  I was visiting my buddy in prison so I did not have my cell phone on me.  I got out of visitation and turned on my phone in the car.  I had over 40 texts from my wife and they all said the same thing “Call me ASAP 911″.  I freaked out and called her and that's when she hit me with the news “the father is not signing his rights over, we will not be adopting the baby”.  What are you talking about???? We have everything ready for Phoebe and our baby shower is next week.  Lets just say I didn’t speak the whole way home and I was devastated.  I took a leave of absence from work because I just didn't know how to deal with it.  Sitting in my house was horrible looking at all the baby stuff and knowing upstairs was the perfect nursery and it would be empty.  I just wanted to hide in a hole and never come out.  
I have never felt so much pain and I honestly didn't know how I would pull myself out of the darkness.  Then one day Tonya came home from work and told me she needed to talk to me.  So we sat down and talked and she told me that a friend of her named Ashley has reached out and said she wanted to be our surrogate.  My jaw dropped and I didn't know how to react.  Honestly I didn't know if I could trust it.  Surrogates are expensive and I remember looking at her and saying there is no way we can afford one.  Just like we looked into adopting a newborn and almost passed out.  “She is not going to charge us she wants to help”.  Yeah ok!! I looked at her like she was crazy.  She told me to reach out to her and her wife Jackie and talk to them.  So I did and was expecting to be let down.  I talked to them for hours and that turned into days and couldn't believe how great they were.  They wanted to help us with our dreams no strings attached.  She was pregnant at the time so that meant we had to wait our turn and I was ok with that.  Now we had to find a donor and another friend of mine stepped right in.  She said her husband wants to be our donor because she has seen what we went through. How amazing is that??? There are still some good people left in this world.  I was floored that people would be willing to help us.  Ashley had the baby and we waited till the time was right and it was safe.  The only problem was she lived about 4 hours away so trying to get her and the donor together at the same time during her ovulation was hard.  After a couple of tries with him we went back to the drawing board and Ashley had another donor for us.  Its now early 2021 and all I do is think baby thoughts and kept hearing 
“your time will come”.  We tried a few more times and nothing but negative tests.  I told myself I would not give up hope and would be positive. 
So, now you have the cliff notes version of why I am here.  Its time to document our journey and my thoughts throughout.  I am going to be honest here and not sugar coat anything.  This is MY blog and if there is something you do not like or approve of then hit the X in the corner!!
Much Love, Heather
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vdesiaddicts · 3 years
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Fertility Smoothies are one of the #1 ways to offer the body fertility-friendly nutrients each day. Try creating your own with this basic recipe...
And when it comes to boosting fertility, there’s nothing better than a colorful glass packed with antioxidant-rich foods 💥⁠ ⁠ In fact - with the right ingredients - a smoothie is the PERFECT way to support your efforts to conceive each and every day. ⁠ ⁠. ⁠. It’s our curated collections of nourishing recipes (and insider nutrition tips) to help women boost their chances of success. ⁠ . . Enjoy a fertility-boosting smoothie TODAY! ⁠ . . . • Available On Zomato & Swiggy || . . . . Turn on the post notification 🔔 & Follow karo @vdesiaddicts to know more about the best food items. . Use #healthyfoodfusion to get featured.
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am-3w · 4 years
Me and my boyfriend were having some issues with the baby talk. I have a habit of obsessing over ttc and he was scared the HSG was going to yeild worse results. He got distant talking about it, out of fear of disappointment.
Now that we have two open tubes (Ahhh, still so crazy to me) were right back in the swing of ttc. We've been going through the house because were redoing it and are already making plans for what will be the nursery. Trying to keep a positive mind.
We will get pregnant.
Praying thisll be our month. ❤❤❤🤞🤞🤞
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2ttcgirl46 · 4 years
Cycle 4: Will work on being healthier... try again and again til I get my rainbow 🌈 baby 👶 Keep trying and never give up til your cycles gone!! Baby dust!! ✨
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raisingransoms · 4 years
Let me just introduce myself and give you a little insight of what's going on. Hi ,I'm Shanelle! I'm from Delaware. I'm 27 and I've been married to the LOML Keith since 1.20.2020 👰🏿🤵🏿 (newlyweds!!!😍). We've been trying to conceive for what seems like forever! (A Year) . I felt as though something wasn't right (I mean c'mon we've been going at it like rabbits🐇🐇🤸🏾‍♀️😂) so I made an appointment with my OB/GYN to see if he could tell me what's up. Just for a little back story I've previously went to an OB/GYN and she just wrote me of as having PCOS without having tests done to confirm or deny her suspicions so I moved to Dr. Picazo. I had my 1st consultation with him told him what was going on and he had given me my blood tests the same day!! I can't tell you how happy that made me! (I'm a sucker for immediate action.) Fast forward to about 2 weeks later I get a call from Dr. Picazo and he tells me that my blood work results are back and that it seems as though I'm not ovulating regularly, other than that the rest of my results look fine. He suggested that I go to a fertility specialist in order to further my pregnancy journey. I decided to go with RADfertility (Reproductive Associates of Delaware). I had my first "appointment" with RAD on May 13th over the phone due to Covid-19 closures. I spoke with Dr. McGuirk. She asked me the normal questions a Dr. would ask new patients. After all was said and done I was told to quit smoking cigarettes (shocker), weed, and to not drink alcohol. Yup all my fun gone but it's for a great cause and a healthier life! Dr. McGuirk also put me on a strict diet.
No Gluten
No Dairy ( OMG NO CHEESE?! 😭)
No fruit ( due to high sugar content)
I also have to intermittent fast (no food from 7pm-11 am)
Anything that tastes good is gone.
So now I'm on a diet and patiently waiting for RAD to open back up so my first in person appointment can be made. I'm not gonna lie I'm stressed, so is my husband but.. we're making it work. (he's not dieting but he did quit smoking ❤)
Here's to future Baby Ransom 👶🏿🤞🏿💞💞
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theonlychastina · 4 years
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It’s easy to keep my mind off of the two week wait (TWW) this time. I don’t know if it’s because of all this COVID-19 madness or the fact that I trust I’ve done everything I could. I made sure the timing was right. I’ve been eating well, sleeping well, and I haven’t been drinking. Last TWW I was taking test like crazy and stressing like a 🤬🤬. This time I’m calm; at peace. I think the fact I used more than one straw definitely played a huge role. When I used one straw I’m sure my accuracy wasn’t 100% sheesh probably not even 50% close. I am comfortable saying that no matter what the outcome is I’ll be at peace. 💋
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aphicelend · 2 months
Nooo, tombler deja de mostrarme cosas q proxip esto antis esto :babydust:
Yo solo quiero ver fanarts en paz!!!
Me niego a ver dramitas por monos ya estoy vieja pa esto
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projectbabyback · 5 years
Hello February!
Well, it seems that February is already upon us, and although I’m a couple days late in posting about it, I thought I would take some time to talk about some of the changes already this month.  So, last month as a new year’s present I got a surprise visit from AF, and Will and I believe that for the first time in months we were able to estimate an ovulation date based on CM and other symptoms. As someone who has been diagnosed with PCOS, and has a history of extremely irregular periods and anovulatory bleeding, this was HUGE for us!  Unfortunately, but not unexpectedly, the one test we did try came up as another BFN, but we have become plenty used to them by now. However, what we did not expect was to be met with AF once again just a day later on the 31st! To say I was excited was an understatement. For the first time in 2 years, I actually had what one could consider being a full ‘normal’ cycle!  As I’m writing now, we are on CD 4, and AF is still going strong. Although a minor annoyance with the flu that’s been going around, I’m quite pleased. For Cycle 2, we are making it a priority to closely track what’s going on, so as to start getting a feel for what exactly is happening throughout the cycle, and hopefully be able to gauge expectations going forward (as well as to have a log for future doctor appointments should it be necessary.)  We have ordered ovulation strips, and are keeping a digital and physical log for the tests, hoping to catch the fertile window for sure this time. As well, we will be doing our best to take  BBT readings, and continue my meds/vitamin regimen as well.  I can't say for sure what has worked/helped to get us to Cycle 2 of 2020 already, compared to our normally 3-4 month cycles, but we are going to keep doing what we were, and just more closely monitor otherwise in hopes to getting some more answers.  Anywho! I think that’s about enough rambling for one day.  Thanks for reading, and baby dust to all! <3
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petiteabeilleee · 5 years
I've only been TTC for this cycle and I'm already so frustrated and impatient. I was taught that if you have unprotected sex you get pregnant and/or die, but it's so much more complicated than that. I wish we could bring more fertility talk to the table in sex education. I'm learning more about my body now that I'm trying to conceive than I ever did in 8 years of sexual education. 😭
Here's to a new cycle. Baby dust to all
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noblehospitalspune · 2 years
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Take the first step to becoming a mother. www.noblehospitalspune.com To consult with our experts, call: +91 800 700 6611
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mjenea-blog · 4 years
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Starting my morning with a glass of Positive Pink Tea from @pinktoxco this tea is so yummy. And it’s a great tea especially if your are trying to conceive. . . . . . . . . . #ttc #ttcvlog #blackyoutuber #ttcjourney #tryingtoconceive #ttctips #rainbowbaby #ttcrainbowbaby #miscarriageawareness #ttccommunity #ttcjourney #ttcsisters #ttcsupport #miscarriagesupport #miscarriage #ttctribe #journeytobaby #babydust #momtobe #herbs #fertilitytea #infertility #fertility #pinktox #iam1in4 #ttcplussize #tryingforababy #ivf #ivfsupport #ivfcommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/B-euKRvlrz6/?igshid=1v7b1fr1mw3pu
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