#babygirl momence
columboscreens · 2 years
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eyenaku · 1 year
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I love artfight actually cuz I get to pull out my bouncing baby boys I never get to talk about n make new refs <3
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ccrv-7 · 2 years
rewatching transmissionssssss auuaahga
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
The Spiderverse cast as things me,my gf and friends have said
Miles:Sometimes i'm a boy,sometimes i'm a girl,but i always want cat ears
Gwen:This is MY pancake girl summer
Hobie:Babygirl please be nice to your younger siblings /threat
Pavitr:Maybe bungus can be our always
Margo:Epic gamer momence.........
Peni:I'm about as manly as Gerard Way
Peter B:Yeah but in my defense,i'm dumb as hell
Noir:If a girl called me doll i'd probably melt into a puddle
Jessica:I may wanna get freaky with a certain someone's disney villain lookin' ass but at least i'm immune to guys who look like cops.Y'all need jesus
Ganke:Don't tell me.I like not knowing what the fuck is going on ever
Jefferson:Is that from Naruto?I feel so smart for recognizing it
Rio:Catgirl milf call that a cougar
Aaron:Idk who Batman is but he a thot
Miles G:Idk why but this shit is making wheeze like deflated balloon💀
Gayatri:I'm like if chicken nuggets were a girl
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i’m obsessed with the way you draw nihil he’s just so. pathetic, he’s meow meow, he’s babygirl, he’s an angel, he’s committed several war crimes he is everything i’ve ever wanted and ur style expresses his personality so well
THANK YOU just know at all times i am rotating nihil in my mind. pathetic divorced wife guy momence.
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pompadorbz · 2 years
Back on my Mondo girlisms because she's so funny. ummm I was just thinking about the progression of her becoming more outwardly feminine because it's one of those things where it's hard to imagine how it would even happen in the FIRST place. I think Mondo has the slow realization that the reason why constantly trying to become more and more masculine didn't boost her confidence wasn't because she wasn't being masculine enough, but rather, it was the opposite. Instead this WHOLE TIME she'd just been making increasingly aggressive attempts to throw herself into the dysphoria contraption without even knowing it. I personally like the idea that every time Mondo shrugs off anything even REMOTELY feminine it's just her last ditch attempt to distance herself from the things she's just naturally drawn to. Mainly because she just gets so??? Defensive??? Why do you get so defensive about these things babygirl. Anyways. I think she knows there's about a 75% chance that she'll have her classmates' support but erm! One small problem! She's the leader of the largest gang in the country!! So while she absolutely has the ability to kick people out, the fear is still there, along with the whole facade that she'd already been keeping up for the past who-knows-how-long. I don't think she hates her gender momence or even has much of a crisis about BEING that, like honestly I think she'd be more relieved?? Like she just found the source for about a third of her issues in life and can now take steps to not feeling like shit all the time! The REAL crisis comes at the fear of how people are gonna react, especially since she's carrying such a heavy (not to mention incredibly DANGEROUS) leadership position. Luckily I think this is right around the time where she'd be thinking about handing over the position to Takemichi, so I think she ends up making the decision to start out much slower and be only lightly experimental with her appearance until the torch is nearly/completely passed over so that things don't become daunting. A lot of the heavier experimentation is done in her room at first, but it gets to the point by the time she's graduated that she's adopted a sorta light gyaru appearance (she did not get her pointers from Junko, god no. It's like 80% Sayaka and 20% Miu). AFTER she graduates I think she has a spur of the moment thought that's like. If she spent her whole life trying to be as masculine as possible and feeling MISERABLE, then what if she swung the pendulum all the way to the opposite end and tried to be as feminine as possible? It's probably 3am when she thinks this and it passes her mind for a little while but I think it sneaks back in eventually. I think she coordinates one outfit. just one. She then looks in the mirror and oops!!! Trajectory of life has now been forever altered!! I think this is the moment where she gets freed from the i hate pink arc. She still goes into it pretty slowly but I think she's hit with the realization that there is SO MUCH pent up energy regarding this specific facet of her life. She needs to have a year or two where she gets absolutely bonkers with exploration before she even THINKS about mellowing out. Also like. Her sudden alternative fashion explosion occurs like. RIGHT in line with her becoming a carpenter, and getting good with woodworking, and I think that she's already good with embroidery and probably sewing as well, and since she's literally in the culture revolving around heavily modified and customized bikes she likely has a bit of an eye for design. Guys. Do you see the potential here. Do you understand me. This specific version of Mondo needs to become. A weird artist. SHE HAS TO. ITS DESTINY FOR THIS TO HAPPEN!!! THIS BEAST NEEDS TO WALK OUT OF THE WORST PERIOD OF HER LIFE FEELING ALIVE AND BIZARRE!!!
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Catch me swooning over those runescape stats, casual Tgirl Momence™️
Come closer babygirl lemme tell you how I maxed my ironman in 30 months from creation~
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infinityactual · 1 year
In another server telling ppl about Lasky Himbo Momence, and I shared a gif of him charging the Promethean Knight with the shotgun and doing that gay little jumpkick thing, and suddenly like 3 people are yelling BABYGIRL NO and GURL WHAT IS YOU DOING? and I cackled so hard. Lasky assigned Malewife by TNG fandom.
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multiicolor · 2 years
babygirl momence <3
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cockworkangels · 2 years
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frontierland dean babygirl momence compilation
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columboscreens · 2 years
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foegs · 2 years
loving daniel ricciardo and wanting him to go pointless for the rest of the season are two emotions that can and do coexist inside the hearts and minds of the people who really Get It.
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eepy-pleepy · 2 years
Momence from OFMD that can honestly be so personal:
• Ed's freckles
• Ed's hangman tattoo on the back of his right elbow
• Ed's messy half-updo
• Ed's big beautiful expressive eyes
• Ed's voice the timbre is literally so soothing
• Ed gradually allowing himself fine things and the space to be genuinely himself in his own skin
• Oh god babygirl
• It's all gonna work out you're gonna be okay sweetheart honeybun
• Ed
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mhaccunoval · 2 years
YES beloved please share your cor and victoria thoughts!!!!
ok well. this is an abridged version of my original thoughts because. threw out some of the dumber ones seeing Your ideas. ANYWAY.
— ok........ before you even mentioned lovely lady wife victoria, i had that thought of cor having a soft spot for being called babygirl. doesn't even matter that she's a bit older than tori. it just HITS, especially with how softly tori coos it
— also we already agreed on cor being from bristol but for tori i FEEL like she's a georgia girl. don't ask why, it's just the Vibes i get. peachy girl <3
— oh yes. in being georgia & bristol girls. victoria was probably raised baptist and cor protestant, but neither really keep up with religion after like. their teenage years. their wedding probably wasn't even in a church, knowing them. BUT victoria does like to keep easter dresses and like. christmas accoutrements because it's about the AESTHETIC not the faith aspect
— totallyyyy not a slight projection but. natural redhead victoria. bright red when she was young, mellowed out and faded to more auburn as she got older. however cor still loves to take a crack at her while brushing her hair for her, making jokes like "are you Sure you don't qualify as a ginger" ("i may be pale and red haired but NO!") and. "you look like elizabeth the first" ("gee, thanks, babe...")
— victoria very housewife <3 (<- cannot remember what else went with the bullet 'housewife momence')
— though, tangential to the last bullet, victoria loves her some sewing and embroidering so she regularly makes patches for cor's jackets and cor VERY proudly shows them off like 'look what my WIFE made uwu'
— if we're keeping with faceclaim heights. i know 5'7 and 5'10 are only three inches apart but. tall wife victoria is something that can be so personal, especially when she's in heels. ('i can get you platform boots if the height difference gives you Such a complex' 'i do NOT have a complex...')
— well established that cor is punk so. definitely listens to punk genre music (good on the brain And nostalgic) but also. guilty pleasure of george michael and elton john and others. brought to you by my listening to them too much myself
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