jeromeifyouwantto · 6 years
babylannisteroftarth replied to your photo “HBO IS REALLY TRYING ME WITH NO BRONN IN THE PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL. ...”
He can not be in May scenes since I think he states in kings landing and the only main character in kings landing is Cersei. Brown and Cersei are not allowed in the same scene
that’s an untrue bit of gossip from a dodgy news outlet from years ago. It’s been repeated over & over by different crap entertainment news outlets until people now take it as gospel. As I’ve always said, Jerome is a pro and would never dictate who he will or won’t act with, he’d quit first. If he as a supporting actor had started making those kinds of demands he would’ve been shown the door ages ago. Also there’s nothing to say Bronn would stay in King’s Landing. The continuity on this show occasionally.sucks & he could pop up next to Jamie or Tyrion or literally anyone with no explanation because show. 
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maxatansky · 7 years
babylannisteroftarth replied to your post “His fake name is Luke because Lukas means Lightbringer”
And Cain has a “mark” so his name was mark
replied to your post
“His fake name is Luke because Lukas means Lightbringer”
Also Mark and Luke like the Gospel writers (And Pierce's first name is Marcus which is close to Mark and Luci is close to Luke) (there are just so many reasons why these undercover names were fantastic?)
Honestly same like there are so many small little things thrown in like this that are so fun. I adore this show and its writers and actors and crew and everyone so much. 
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blacksmithgendry · 7 years
@babylannisteroftarth: Two Eps Gendry refers to Gendry's not so surprise (bc of all the leaked photos during filming) return to the show. and since his return consist of only two episodes, it's become a joke in the fandom. like: "OMFG GENDRY'S BACK!!!" "yes but only for two eps" "......." "YAY TWO EPS GENDRY IS BACK!!!"
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deckerstarlight · 7 years
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@babylannisteroftarth, ooooh, good point! I suppose we shall just have to see! (Reply is from the post just prior to this one.)
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paintedwithwords · 8 years
babylannisteroftarth said: I think Amenadiel feels like a pawn because God sent him to earth to “send Lucifer back to hell” while obviously having other plans. its like people said way at the beginning of the show. if God did not seem to try to send Luci back to hell Lucifer would have gotten suspicious so dad sent Amen as a red hearing to make Luci blind to the real plan 
Yes. So? I still don’t see his problem. I think Amenadiel’s real problem is vanity. He believed himself to be better than Lucifer, that’s why he went along with God’s plan, because Lucifer was the one cast out of Heaven and he was the one that did dad’s bidding. Now he makes a fuss for something very silly. The point of being an angel and a son is obedience, infact Lucifer was cast out because of his rebellion. Amenadiel is being jealous of the fact that dad cares for someone else too. Not only dad gives so much attention to his “toys”, but now it turns out he even cares for Lucifer. If Amenadiel was the righterous angel he believed himself to be he’d be glad his brother can get a second chance, instead he puts his attention on the fact that dad did not inform him of his plan - when in fact, with him being a soldier of God, he has no right to know about it in the first place. It’s not like he was cheated. He’s been told what he had to try and do, and that’s all, the fact that it was in the plan that he failed wasn’t something he needed to know. The point of it all is faith, which means Amenadiel should be the first to know that it’s all part of a plan bigger than his mind can comprehend.
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mcdracula · 10 years
babylannisteroftarth answered your question “wait. why does there need to be a yes vote of at least 9 to convict...”
thats just the way the law works. since thhe burden of proof is so low for grand jurys they want to sheild people from unjust convisctions
oh ok. but like. i think here in Canada it's a yes (or no) vote of more than half. I don't even know if they're allowed to have odd-numbered juries.
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kaorym · 11 years
about Jaime smiling. I think its a parallel to Cersie and Tyrion when Tywin demanded they marry and they buckled. they looked sad and we got the same shot of the room. now Jaime refuses to marry and hes free from Tywin, he smiles
umm, I didn't thought it that way. I always pictured the scene being both, liberating and sad, on one hand he's standing his ground, not accepting  Tywin's plans for him and on the other hand he's disappointing his father or/and realizing that he's nothing to his father just a tool. But can be both, sad in the room and happy once he's out out Tywin's sign, feeling liberated and free. Can be, thanks :)
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wherenightsgo · 11 years
Please don't be mad, but I believe it was Jacob and Esau where the one twin was holding the others foot since Cain and Able were brothers but not twins, Jacob is the Hebrew version of James though so your theory does have a lot of weight.
Ahaha why would I be mad? :P Thank you for pointing it out! :) My theory remains the same, but just the names of the Biblical individuals changes!
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lostuponawalkingdead · 11 years
babylannisteroftarth replied to your post: I feel miserable, ugh!
I have anxiety. I don’t really know what works for you but I eather watch an old movie i know well so I can zone out but still be entertained when I am awake or do online paper dolls. its weird but you cant lose and it eats up time
Thanks hon. I have high anxiety disorder as well. I'm trying to find things to just...draw my attention away. It's just not working like it usually does. I'm hoping it will soon though. I thank you for the advice though, muchly appreciated.
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babylannisteroftarth submitted:
sorry just answering one of the questions. apparently the old lords of tarth ether died off or were part of a rebellion 100 before GOT so Tarth was without a lord  and one of the hedge knights of the stromlands  was rewarded with tarth by the barthen lord at the time. ether he was a bastard or was too lowborn to have a last name so this new lord  chose Tarth as a last name. the other lords in the strormlands added the OF to mock their previous lowborn status.
*blink* This isn't in the books, on the wiki, or in a GRRM interview, so I'm not sure where you got it. If the person who asked me the Brienne and Selwyn question wanted fanfic about the founding of House Tarth, they'd've asked for fanfic. They didn't. But thanks for your story, even though it's not canon. :)
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canoeingit · 11 years
5 least favorite changes to the books or just for fun the things you wish they did change and are mad they kept... Robbwind. necessary but im still crying
(I'm guessing that was meant "from the books" as in to the tv show?)
2.) I don't like what they've done to Dany's plot in general. They're rushing it too much on the show and in my opinion taking out a lot of the emotional side of her story.
3.) I don't like what they did to pod at all. He's an innocent 12 year old in the books, damnit. 
4.) I don't like that they left out Jaime's dream about Brienne.
5.) I don't like what they did to Catelyn.
I mean they could have had Jaime and Brienne confess their undying love for each other in the bear pit that would have been a cool change.
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canoeingit · 11 years
Ok this may sound dumb but what is Brienne wearing in the scene of 3x10? I understand the pants but above the cloak it looks like she has a Breast plate that disappears down the outfit. also are the shirt and the cloak connected?
I’m assuming you mean this fabulous ensemble?
Don’t feel bad because after being confused through 3 books worth of GRRM describing Tyrion getting dressed I looked up medieval clothing definitions; so thats how I know this.
I didn’t mean to pick Renly, but he was wearing his cloak the same way Brienne was in the finale. This probably means she had on more armor under her clothes. Which was probably done to not draw attention to her walking around in armor. 
Most people would wear “Small clothes" (A loose thin cotton shirt) then a doublet (which would probably be padded) and then a jerkin (like a vest that can be anything from velvet to leather; for formal wear or armor and in some cases fasten all the way up the neck) The cloak isn’t connected to the doublet it’s just secured under the gorget and happens to be a similar color to the doublet.
Hope that helps. 
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