#background fitpac
factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
(implied cannibalism, non-explicate suicidal thinking, discussions of murder, spoilers for tazercraft stream iiiiiiiiish, nobody has the right stick let alone the right end of it but they're running with it anyway. It's kinda dark oops all three of them forgot what rails are)
"What the fuck did you do to Pac?"
Cellbit knew he should have gone back to the fear room, but Roier had insisted on actually using their double bed, and after meeting Bobby again and the other eggs at all... After that...
Cellbit groans and turns over, to see Roier already half out of bed, knife in hand, and Fit leering over them with a bomb. It's not lit, and so Cellbit could honestly give less of a damn.
And, hey, Roier is getting out of bed with that knife, at which point getting hit would not be too terrible after all.
"Nothing!" Roier is yelling on his behalf. "He has been - been with me all night! The eggs! What the fuck Fit."
"Then why is he missing?" Fit yells back. "Where has he gone?!"
Roier continues the screaming match, and Cellbit is suddenly alert - not hearing what is being yelled between the two, but alert. Horror seeps through him, dread pooling in shaking limbs as he finally sits up and turns to the pair.
"Pac's missing?"
"Shhh, Guapito," Roier coos. "/Go back to sleep/."
Fit must see something, though, because he twists his... whatever the fuck that is from an aggressive stance to a defensive one.
"Yeah," Fit's voice is wary. "I said I'd meeting him tonight - protect him from /you/ - but he's gone."
"Did you check the island?" Cellbit asks, trying not to even think about the words as he drags himself out of bed.
He's too tired for this, far too tired for this, but even with the posters, even with the walls... Pac is obviously terrified of him and maybe he shouldn't chase the man but he's still family. He's still family, and what is he doing this for if not family?
But the fucking bear has taken Pac. Again. And Cellbit is going to enjoy eating its corpse.
All three of them's corpses.
He quite frankly doesn't give a damn.
"Did I check the island?" Fit sounds incredulous. "Of course I checked the island! It's where we were meeting. And Chume Labs, and the Order, and Tubbo's - fuck I even checked /Spreen's/ before I came here. He didn't want to think you'd kill him, but where the fuck else could he be?!"
"The bear took him," Cellbit's brain is running a thousand miles a minute, through every possibility, through every possible torture, through everything being done to Pac and through everything he's going to do to the bear. "That fucking bear! I knew I was going too slowly, I knew-!"
Roier grabs his hands, uncurls fingers he didn't even realise were digging into his palms, meets his eyes, "we'll kill him together, yes?"
Fit is still standing there, calmer but less comfortable.
"Alright maybe it was presumptuous," he conceeds. "You'd have left some fucked up riddle. But you can't blame me. Hes terrified of you right now."
"I know," Cellbit hates himself for it, but he has to get his family safe - family that is now only Roier, and Felps, and Bagi. "But I have to. I have to get them safe."
"I get that," Fit puts away his whatever, and takes out his potato cannon instead. "He wants you to be two people, you know. One to be scared of, one to love."
Cellbit laughs - he isn't surprised - and finds he cannot stop. It spirals and spirals and spirals until he's sat on the bed, Roier wrapped around him, laughing so hard he cries into his bloody hands.
Fit does not flee the sight, instead meets the hysterical murderer in the eyes. He doesn't back down, doesn't stop.
"You're clearly not," Fit says. "Get moving, we've got someone to find. I'm down to shoot the fucks, but I'm not an investigator."
Cellbit tries to get up, to go, to find, to hunt.
Roier grabs his wrist.
"Sleep," he says. "They don't leave clues for a few days anyway."
"Oh we're not looking for clues," Fit twirls a keycard between his fingers. "We're just going to go to them."
Rover's lips move in a snarl; Cellbit's match. It's a stupid idea, but he gets the rest of the way up, tears and giggles still slightly escaping him as he pulls on a shirt, and gets his knife.
Cellbit watches the lax movement, and has no doubt that Fit has murdered before, and will do again. Neither, from what he hears, is there anything he wouldn't do for Pac.
Maybe they're family after all, or at least they will be very soon. Fucked up little murder family, out for revenge.
"I like your idea," he says, murderer to murderer. "But if you wake my husband up again, it will be you next."
Roier grumbles about that being his line as he straps a fourth knife to his leg, and readies his own weapons.
It doesn't even rise to the threat, he just barks out half of a laugh and adjusts his stance.
"Emergencies about Pac or Mike only."
Cellbit grins wide enough to show off his teeth. "Exactly."
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abysserion · 1 year
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I love how the fandom has collectively decided that these two need a nap (preferably together)
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shen-mu · 6 months
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'Let's have our last dance together, love' art for a fic by @emiliaexists <З ty, i cried.
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solsays · 7 months
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have an actually finished piece I did based on this screenshot
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54625 · 8 months
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girl help I can't not collect photos of Fit cubito
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royalarchivist · 8 months
Pac: Oh, and I have a lot of like, materials. If you want some materials Fit, and you wanna grab maybe like, from Chume Labs, you can pick it up, ok?
Fit: [Sincerely] Oh, thank you Pac. Thank you. You're too- you're too good to me Pac, you're too good to me.
Pac: Yeah, you're too good to me too, Fit.
Fit: You're so thoughtful, you're so thoughtful. So thoughtful.
Pac: [A bit bashful] Oh, thank you.
Fit: [Laughs]
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evafhernee · 9 months
I think I’d be funny if pac had one of those necklace heart lockets that looked like those hearts opening to “___ my beloved” memes and it just had a picture of fit’s cubito inside. like, full-body, white background default minecraft walking pose
that way he can open up the locket and dramatically sigh like an old soldier looking at his dead wife’s photo from the 1960’s even though they’re technically not dating because the one they were supposed to go to was cut off by not one but TWO lore-related events.
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qbbhs · 9 months
"an idiot's guide to confession" is genuinely so fucking funny. "if he doesn't, i'll lose my goddamn mind".
Fit: All eyes and ears for this [plays TTS in Portuguese]. Start with being very honest with him, give him some compliments. Oh, boy, um. Talk about the gesture and your feelings about it. Smoothly transition over to more, be like "I'm grateful for your gesture", but tell him about your mission. Ask him to accept you and tell him you're sorry if it breaks his illusion of you as a person.
Fit: Um... Well- uh, that's kind of a different order than what I had planned, Ramon. I- I kind of... Uhh. [types in global chat] Oiiiiii. [laughs]
Fit: But, uh, no, this is- this is good advice, Ramon. I will keep this in mind.
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ender-princee · 7 months
Hi!! New fic!!
Qsmp longfic, 1st chapter, a knight au!!
Contains tazercraft and eventually hideduo, alongside Etoiles and Roier cameos throughout.
The whole reason that Pac and Mike are in the castle is to rob it and infiltrate to do that and then pac while being a knight decides to catch feelings for his fellow knight, fit.(which he is not supposed to do)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54369541/chapters/137712094
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ethertheaether · 7 months
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Happy (late) Valentine's @ashistrash15! So sorry it's this late, but I hope you like it! :D
Also @qsmp-secretvalentine
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boytoyhalo · 10 months
as much as we all joke about being tired of the "slow burn" and wanting fitpac to just fucking kiss already i still think it's pretty beautiful that these two men who have both come from backgrounds where they were never really afforded enough safety or trust to take things slowly or gently are able to find that in each other.
Like, Fit spent a decade on 2b2t where you can't trust anyone or even be friendly with them for more than a few minutes, there's no room in a place like that for a relationship to develop naturally. The most you get is a maybe a quick adrenaline-fueled hookup once in awhile, no one is giving you roses or inviting you on adventuring dates or falling asleep with their head on your shoulder when things get too loud.
And Pac grew up having to be the one constantly looking out for himself and Mike, did all these elaborate heists that had to be fast paced and secretive and the only person he could ever really truly trust was his partner in crime. I doubt he's ever had someone blushing and stuttering over him, let alone looking out for his safety and promising to protect him as if he was actually worth the effort. The closest he's probably gotten to someone treating him like he's precious was Cell and that..... yeah.
Its just. they're both used to things being fast paced and violent and distrustful you know? so it's really sweet that they trust each other and care about each other enough to take "baby steps" and flirt awkwardly and go on silly little dates and leave things ambiguous and unlabeled even if literally everyone knows what they are, the amount of unwavering faith that takes for both of them is HUGE and i think that's my favorite thing about their relationship
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qfitpac · 8 months
Huge day I'm so glad I was able to be there for it I was watching like 3 or 4 povs. Absolutely ecstatic that mariana joined, just seeing him in the background of streams already gave me so much happiness and the way he went into parent mode with pepito so quickly was so cute. Loved the resurgence of the chayanne quackity beef, loved the Antoine quackity beef, loved the bagi Mariana beef. 10/10 fitpac shenanigans 10/10 foolhalo shenanigans, I Hate (begrudgingly affectionate) the new push up emote, all in all a wonderful first event day
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pixiecaps · 10 months
everyone talking about the fitpac wedding and etoiles in the background saying “when are they putting the nether…..”
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iridescentpull · 5 months
Gatos e Rosas hit some huge milestones this month! Over 800 kudos, over 11k hits and its the 7th fitpac-centric fic with the most kudos on ao3!! absolute insane i can't believe this silly little fic i wrote has gotten so big!!
as a celebration, im doing a poll! what background ship of GeR do you want a oneshot of how they met?
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54625 · 3 months
Ur one of my favorite fitpac posters! Out of curiosity, do you have a favorite fitpac moment?
Thank you for this ask!
At the risk of sounding a little basic, I might have to say the first time Pac gave Fit those roses (the one that spawned their first unofficial date). It's such an iconic moment because even though there had been a noticeable amount of flirting beforehand, it was the definitive moment that birthed the ship, and it's "calling cards"; establishing the roses and Starbobby as their things. I remember watching live at the time and being so pleasantly caught off guard by it, and genuinely thrilled when they went on that little date immediately afterwards. It's crazy now to look back on that little serendipitous moment and realise how none of us (neither the viewers nor Fit and Pac themselves) had any idea what it would evolve into.
Of course it's far from my only favourite fitpac moment, just the most standout-ish. I'm a sucker for people just spending quality time and having fun, and when I think of my other favourite moments between them two I'll usually default to moments of them being goofy together. That quaint little lasso moment at the Mexican independence day event is an all-timer for me. Just Pac being mischievous and joking around and making Fit giggle really hard as soon as he realised what he was doing.
As well as Pac putting up those images in the presidential office and Fit stumbling upon him and joining in without a word (other than passa tuudooo), them being all dramatic about each other at the prison therapy session, them both subtly trying to get eachother to teleport to the rebellion base before meeting eachother there and bursting out laughing, Fit egging on Pac to apologise for "trying to kill him" in purgatory (despite definitely knowing full well he didn't, that smirk said it all), Fit saying he'll vote for whatever mod Pac wanted added and Pac thanking him profusely while trying not to laugh at Tubbo gagging in the background, Fit spying on Pac from round a corner in the museum for like a full three minutes without Pac noticing at all, that one time the two of them were climbing a fed building and Pac fell off and delivered a perfectly cut scream from Fit's POV, the list goes on and on and on.
I miss them, man. Fuck .
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ghost-likes-drawing · 5 months
Hey is there anyone interested in helping do translations for a fic I'm working on to have like help with the dialogue.
It's a FitPac fic with a decent chunk of background spiderbit. I don't know Portuguese or Spanish and I'm monolingual so I can't even make an attempt at what it may look like accept for trying to copy what I notice in cannon.
I'm willing to pay in I make you drawings because that is what I have to offer. Thank you. Please dm if interested
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