#bad faith discorse
sjbattleangel · 5 months
Edited from Hiding In Private's fantastic video which you can watch here.
Hiding In Public: "It's unreasonable to attack Rebecca's character as if the most malicious interpretation of everything in the show was their personal idea. The writing and storyboarding team of Steven Universe is one of the most diverse in cartoon history. On a show that pushed diversity and inclusion, a lot of this criticism starts to stink of right-wing co-opting of progressive language, without understanding context and sentiment, in order to have a "gotcha" moment. Considering a lot of videos pushing this also include racist and homophobic jokes (as I've covered in my own series).  Even then, the argument that you're trying to make is that there was a malicious characterization of minorities made by those same minorities...so the next question I guess is: Why Steven Universe? A show about pushing diversity, inclusion and acceptance was being specifically targeted by countless takedown videos (and posts) on this specific thing. It seems to me-at least-that even if someone were to concede all the bad things being said, that it would make more sense to target-more loudly-the shows (and other media) that do the same thing more often with less tact and who are also not led by minority communities rather than one of the only shows intentionally trying to support these communities. Especially when most the people making the criticism, show by virtue of their own comments, are neither coming from these communities or are at worst actively vilifying them with homophobic and racist comments. Say there are two shops: One that sells apples and the other that sells grapes. The apple owner overhears a customer complaining about the grapes not tasting good. Does the Apple owner then run a campaign pretending to be a grape fan in order to make grapes better? Or is it more likely that they stoked a flame to ensure that their business had less competition?"
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austismo-posting · 11 months
This is really old discorse by now but saw some stuff on twitter and got me thinking about Bridget being revealed to be trans in strive.
Like the person insisted on how bridget being trans is a retcon and was made to please the west yada yada. And I get how its definetely a shift from the original concept but would Bridget even be able to still look like Bridget without the "retcon"? Like last time we saw Bridget wasnt the whole thing that she left her town to become more manly? If we followed that wouldn't she be a traditionally "manly" guy now, changing the whole reason why bridget was popular and was a representation for gender non conforming people in the first place.
I could see a version of the story where Bridget learns that masculinity isnt how you dress, its your actions/mindset or realising you dont need to be masculine to be a strong man which admitedly I kinda like the idea but then it got me thinking the other usual argument I see against trans Bridget, saying how bridget becoming trans is grooming, like her parents making her dress as a girl because of the whole town taboo thing would have groomed her into becoming trans but I think those people use that as a bad faith argument since I don't think they'd be saying that if bridget still identified as a man but continued with the feminine persona/aesthetic. Following their own logic she would have still been groomed into it.
I personally find the direction they took with bridget a bit more interesting since it creates a new obstacle for Bridget and the direction of her story. Since she did so much to show the town taboo was wrong but now 20 years later (if I recall correctly thats how long has been, either that or 10 years) she realizes shes trans and that alone might erase alot of the work she did back home. I think that opens way more the possibility for new stories with Bridget in future titles than the more conclusive end of story type plot I mentioned before. I see the trans Bridget stuff similar to what happened to Ken in the new street fighter, like they could do something that just re-inforces the original stuff with ken to keep all the traits that people like about Ken, but him getting a divorce changes things up and has more story potential for future entries.
Anyway those were just some thoughts if you didn't like Bridget being trans I'd like to hear your reasonsn as long as it isnt a bad faith argument, I think this type of character discussion is interesting.
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blushthefemboy · 11 months
i love when people comment on my posts and I actually learn new things, other sites encourage arguing to draw engagement but here people can actually teach and learn.
not saying that stupid discorse doesnt happen here but with the infinite post Length its alot harder to make bad faith arguments without being called out
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