#diverse media
sjbattleangel · 6 months
I just want to say while I hate Lily Orchard for being a horrible human being, but I utterly loathe SU criticals and She-Ra criticals just as much for holding these wonderful LGTBQ+ milestones to ridiculous, unrealistic adult standards they never hold other shows to (like ALTA for example) all while telling their creators what they did wasn't "good enough" or "woke enough."
I know most of them will claim to oppose Lily Orchard but to me, they deserve each other.
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psychedelic-charm · 3 months
If You Don't See It, Be It!
I just watched yesterday's new episode of Blue's Clues & You, and I'm impressed with its story and message. Josh, Blue and their friends are making their own Super Wonder Team movie, but Slippery Soap questions if Periwinkle can really play Rocket Blast, a role that's usually played by a dog. Hearing this, Periwinkle doesn't know what to do.
To cheer him up, Josh shows him a handmade comic book about how Josh wanted to play a superhero, but his friends doubt that he can because he had brown skin, and every superhero they saw were white. Josh's Lola tells him that just because he didn't see any Filipino superheroes, it didn't mean that he couldn't be one. With these words of encouragement, Josh decides that he will be Song Man. The next day, Josh's friends apologized for hurting his feelings, realizing that what they thought before wasn't true.
I won't spoil the ending for those who haven't seen it, but I will say that it reinforces the message that anybody can be a hero regardless of their race/gender/sexuality/disability/etc.
If you don't see it, be it!
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alpaca-clouds · 7 months
The "Get Woke, Go Broke" Crowd is so funny to me
Watched another video of another take down of one of those guys who whine about "wokeness in media", with the usual "get woke, go broke" stuff. Which is even more timely, given the entire shitshow with Variety over the last week. And honestly... I used to get so angry about these people, but by now I mostly just find them funny. Because other than most marginalized folks, they do not seem to understand one central thing: Companies do not care about marginalized folks. They never did. The one and only reason why they invest in media that is "woke" (aka diverse) is, that the guys at the top decided, that it is what will make them most money on the long haul.
There is not gay people in so much media right now, because the big studios want to be "politically correct". There is gay people, because the gay shit is what is making them money.
No, not all diverse media succeeds. Because predicting audience response is not easy. But guess what, there is a lot more failing projects about straight, cishet, white dudes, than about queer folks or non-white folks. (Just so we are clear: Because still a majority of media is about this group - so just statistically it will more likely fail.)
The people managing the companies, who create this stuff do not care about either artistic vision OR marginalized people. Their decisions are fully and entirely based on often a very superficial understanding of what audiences like. And, well, numbers say, that audiences do like the diverse shit more. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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part of the problem with hotd is that sure, the cast is visibly diverse but they didn't do the work on the characters while adapting to not make every single person around them batshit racist
and that's really the problem with a lot of "diverse media" nowadays (see: rings of power which uses throwaway characters as tokens but like didn't bother racebending legacy characters and kills off/tortures characters of color for white characters alot).
OHHHH I thought of another more blatant example: (RNM)
mod ali
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pressfreedomday · 1 year
On May 3rd, We will observe the World Press Freedom Day 2023.
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Spotlight the link between press freedom, freedom of expression and other rights.
This year’s Special 30th anniversary celebration of World Press Freedom Day is therefore a call to recentre press freedom, as well as independent, pluralistic and diverse media, as necessary key to the enjoyment of all other human rights. This anniversary coincides with the 30th anniversary of the Vienna Conference and its Declaration and Programme of Action on Human Rights, which established important institutions safeguarding human rights, and with the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
On this occasion, the global community will debate and set the agenda for both the development of human rights and how to protect them in an everchanging world, and World Press Freedom Day will serve as an opportunity to put a strong focus on freedom of expression within the overall human rights agenda. World Press Freedom Day 2023 is thus an occasion to organize events that spotlight the link between press freedom, freedom of expression and other rights.
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devilbrew-69 · 2 years
Hurry for Bridget finally living as her true self! She's a beautiful bounty hunter that everyone should respect. There's of course people salty over this news but I'm surprised that the gamer bros are foaming at the mouth.
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When I say I want queer representation, I mean I want the most mundane shit. Deadass, just a cheap romantic subplot in your action or fantasy story.
Make the international super spy man flirt with the male bartender instead of the sexy lady. THAT’S ALL.
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amaranthdahlia · 7 months
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they are teenage lovers, they are girlfriends, they are old man yaoi, they are ancient yuri, they are nb4nb, they are a situationship, they are married, they are divorced, they are remarried, they are forbidden lovers, they are best friends to lovers, they are biblical partners, they are queer, they are eldritch abominations in love
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aro-barrel · 4 months
i’d like to read about non-white aro experiences (as well as experiences of aro people from outside the US and UK). i don’t think there are enough explicitly non-white conversations about aromanticism. i remember seeing a demographic poll a long time ago, with a majority of aromantic tumblr identifying as white, but non-white aros exist!
i want to hear from people who can’t/won’t come out because of cultural expectations or language barriers. people who use different words to describe their aromanticism. people who experience isolation from the aro community because they aren’t white (enough). i want to hear about aromanticism from new angles!
of course, no one is ever obligated to reveal their ethnicity or race online. but if anyone has seen writing on diverse aro experiences or if they want to share their own experiences, i’d like to read about other perspectives! (pls send stuff my way)
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strawberrybabydog · 1 month
if we keep doing uwu soft little vampire and big strong dumb werewolf how are we going to ever break out of gender binary
if i see 1 more artist make the masculine/larger/stronger human partner into the werewolf im going to freak out
lycanthropy is about losing yourself. please i am begging you to make someone random, someone unequipped, into a werewolf. please. small scrawny werewolves who are weak and scared, feminine werewolves, werewolves who struggle with the idea of taking something's life (even another animal for food) werewolves who refuse to get dirty because they're averse. werewolves need more than 1 mental illness yall
its kind of a joke at the beginning but not really. make an insane jacked vampire and her petite femme werewife with braided patterned fur or something; make the vampire a seamstress who wont quit until her werewife has the perfect fitting dress for her new furry body. stop with the "oh this character is butch/masc, CLEARLY they would make a good werewolf" shut uuuuupp be a LITTLE more creative. come on!!! do you really think every single werewolf has a premium gym membership? quit drawing them like it !!!
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biceratops7 · 30 days
I feel like we don’t really acknowledge the absolutely unhinged levels of moral superiority people hold over fans of ofmd. Like I’m not gonna get into specifics but it’s so completely bonkers to me that people will see enjoyment of MUCH more problematic media and skip along their merry way… But then when a show with a diversity of skin tones, sexuality, gender, ability, AND writers gets popular, suddenly you’ll have people practically telling you to get a red hot poker up the ass if you dare to still like it when it’s not the most virtuous bastion of media to every exist.
Yadada yada yada that Sarah Z video asking why we hold diverse media to a much higher moral standard than we do anything else
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sjbattleangel · 4 months
Edited from Hiding In Private's fantastic video which you can watch here.
Hiding In Public: "It's unreasonable to attack Rebecca's character as if the most malicious interpretation of everything in the show was their personal idea. The writing and storyboarding team of Steven Universe is one of the most diverse in cartoon history. On a show that pushed diversity and inclusion, a lot of this criticism starts to stink of right-wing co-opting of progressive language, without understanding context and sentiment, in order to have a "gotcha" moment. Considering a lot of videos pushing this also include racist and homophobic jokes (as I've covered in my own series).  Even then, the argument that you're trying to make is that there was a malicious characterization of minorities made by those same minorities...so the next question I guess is: Why Steven Universe? A show about pushing diversity, inclusion and acceptance was being specifically targeted by countless takedown videos (and posts) on this specific thing. It seems to me-at least-that even if someone were to concede all the bad things being said, that it would make more sense to target-more loudly-the shows (and other media) that do the same thing more often with less tact and who are also not led by minority communities rather than one of the only shows intentionally trying to support these communities. Especially when most the people making the criticism, show by virtue of their own comments, are neither coming from these communities or are at worst actively vilifying them with homophobic and racist comments. Say there are two shops: One that sells apples and the other that sells grapes. The apple owner overhears a customer complaining about the grapes not tasting good. Does the Apple owner then run a campaign pretending to be a grape fan in order to make grapes better? Or is it more likely that they stoked a flame to ensure that their business had less competition?"
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incognitopolls · 30 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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criptochecca · 1 year
“The rest of the world is glued to the United States. Foreigners follow American news stories like their own, listen to American pop music, and watch copious amounts of American television and film (in 2016, the six largest Hollywood studios alone accounted for more than half of global box office sales). Sometimes the attention cast toward American culture comes at the expense of foreigners knowing about their own countries. Canadians, a 2008 study found, tend to know more about American history than about their own national history.
But that’s only half the story. Americans, too, stick to the U.S. The list of the 500 highest-grossing films of all time in the U.S., for example, doesn’t contain a single foreign film (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon comes in at 505th, slightly higher than Jerry Seinfeld’s less-than-classic Bee Movie but about a hundred below Paul Blart: Mall Cop).” damn bitch
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alwaysbewoke · 7 days
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pressfreedomday · 19 days
KENYA - Enabling Sustainable Development Through Solutions Journalism Reporting.
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The Media Council of Kenya will partner with UNESCO to join other stakeholders worldwide in marking the 31st World Press Freedom Day as part of its commitment to continuous advocacy for the promotion of freedom of expression and of the press and independent journalism in Kenya. The Day will serve as a platform to bring together key actors and reflect on the fundamental role of journalism and reliable information in protecting our planet and discuss topics focused on the importance of reliable and accurate information, especially that which investigates the environmental crisis and its effects. The event will highlight the significant role played by the press and journalism in the access and dissemination of reliable information to ensure and secure a sustainable future that respects the rights of individuals and their diversity of voices, as well as gender equality. The role of other critical voices, such as scientists and environmental activists, will also be discussed. The urgency of tackling the massive waves of dis and misinformation about the current global environmental crisis will occupy a prominent space in this year’s agenda.
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