Bad Boy Masterlist
"Ah, sorry Doll." (ao3) - cliff0rd michael/luke T, 4k
Summary: Luke is a shy, quiet boy who works in a small Café and Bad boy Mikey just loves seeing him blush.
Arthurian Romances (ao3) - therjolras michael/ashton T, 5k
Summary: Ashton's in a bit of a tangle when he's rescued by a purple-haired knight-in-leather-jacket.
baby i'm gonna drink you in like oxygen (ao3) - booksteaandcake luke/ashton N/R, 1k
Summary: bad boy ashton has taken young luke hemmings under his wing. it's kind of a surprise when they sleep together... but also not a surprise at all.
'“I’m not wrecking you.” Ashton scoffed, “I’m going to take care of you.”'
do the things that you'd only read about (ao3) - heartbreakgirl michael/luke N/R, 5k
Summary: When he looks over, Michael's eyes are open and he's grinning from ear to ear.
“I love you.”
He smiles shyly, eyes rolling fondly. “I love you too, Michael.”
or, book worm Luke & bad boy Michael
every now and then the stars align (ao3) - merlypops luke/calum E, 3k
Summary: 'The sheer force of the love unfurling in Luke’s chest took his breath away often but he liked it that way, liked being reminded by his pulse thundering in his veins that Calum was his, and that he loved Luke back.'
Calum gets in trouble a lot, Luke's had a bad life, and Calum would do anything to keep him safe. Anything at all.
Feeling Naughty (ao3) - im_just_a_sucker_for_bromance michael/calum E, 2k
Summary: Calum is giving himself too much freedom and Michael is mad. Now, it's up to Calum make it up to him.
fight so dirty but your love's so sweet (ao3) - softirwin luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 11k
Summary: Luke hates a good ninety-five percent of his job.
A solid thirty percent of that comes from the fact that he works as a receptionist at a hotel, which he thinks is possibly the most thankless job humanity could possibly have created. A further ten comes from the fact that his desk is right next to the kitchen, meaning mouth-watering smells are constantly wafting under his nose, and Luke’s not allowed to eat on shift.
Fifty-five percent of it, though, is Ashton.  
written for the prompt 'lashton bad boy'
Have Faith In This Fragile World (ao3) - SilentlyFighting michael/calum, luke/ashton N/R, 19k
Summary: Michael Clifford is well known in his school, not for being popular, far from it, he is the nerd. The goody-two-shoes hasn't had the best past but his peers do not know this and a couple of the football team decide that he is their next target. A mysterious group of boys make an appearance, saving him multiple times, and when Michael runs out of money to buy food, they even find ways to get him food.
The boys do not scare him that much but they certainly catch his attention. Michael learns the names of two of the boys but the leader is set to keep his identity a secret. But, when Michael has another run in with the football team and they use him as bait, will the boys identity reveal itself?
Mr. H (ao3) - jeepies luke/ashton G, 3k
Summary: Luke is The Joker and Ashton is Harley Quinn
Pull Up in Your Fast Car Whistlin' My Name (ao3) - blakecoffeeandcigarettes luke/ashton E, 3k
Summary: "What seems to be the problem officer?" Luke asked, making sure to raise his voice a couple of octaves higher as he fiddled with the hem of his dress, revealing the hot pink, lace edge of his panties.
say you want me and dont be nice (send those shivers running down my spine) (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum N/R, 5k
Summary: :+: Calum and Michael are in gangs, and when Calum gets slightly turned on by the gun in Michael's hands, things get dirty :+:
snap backs and tattoos (ao3) - crankgameplays michael/calum N/R, 3k
Summary: Calum Hood is 16, almost 17, when hes warned to stay away from Michael Clifford. His dad catches a gaze of him from the kitchen window and hes got a new tattoo that's wrapped around his pale arm and there's tufts of pink hair peeking out from his snap back and oh my fucking god is that a fucking eyebrow piercing. Calum has died and gone to heaven. Or hell. Maybes hes being a little dramatic. Whatever. But his dad turns to him and he goes,
"Calum, I want you to stay away from that Clifford boy," pointing a finger in the direction of his son. "Hes no good." And Calum nods and mumbles, yes dad, and walks to his room and that's that.
But really. No one ever listens to their dads.
We're like noughts and crosses (ao3) - emptygoldss michael/calum G, 1k
Summary: it’s like Michael’s made of glass and Calum turns him to sand.
Yeah, I Want You Baby (ao3) - flowercrownmikey michael/luke M, 4k
Summary: "That what you wanna do, princess? Fuck the delinquent right outta me?"
OR// Officer! Luke and Bad Boy! Michael.
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edge-oftheworld · 6 months
thinking about the decision to include better man on youngblood when it is undoubtedly the song that doesn't fit the theme of dissatisfaction and loss that all the other songs even and especially the bonus bonus tracks have. then to slap it right there in the middle, right where we're going to see it and listen to it--but in some ways it fits the theme perfectly. 'find me at a quarter to three, cigarette in my hand. i'd be at every party, i'd never miss a chance' being young. early 20s party culture, it's such an early 20s party album, hiding the pain and everything else going on behind fair weather friends and drinks and massive bops the album is absolutely packed with--when you look deeper, it's the only way to survive sometimes. it's if 'feeling 22' was a whole album. better man is if what if the person you're feeling 22 with ends up being a forever person? it's the other side of talk fast where you're hoping this will last but you don't expect it to--you don't know what's happening then you realise you've changed for the better. it's open eyes right at 23. it's a 'good girl saves bad boy' dream song stereotypical story it tells, but then you look deeper and it's just about being known. the highest high of them all, and you've tried every substance. it's about hope for everyone trying to numb their pain in the early 20s party scene that they're almost outgrowing--there is hope for you! simple solace in just being known and loved and you knew that all along didn't you? you'd just given up on it. and so i'm really glad better man was included on youngblood.
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littledrummeraussie · 11 months
tell me all the things that you couldn't before.
masterlist. | want to be added to my taglist?
warnings: brief mentions of sex. a nightmare. hurt/comfort. lots of loving for Ashton. badboy!mechanic!Ashton AU.
word count: 5435
author’s note: This fic was written back in January, 2020, as part of the infamous A Permanent Chase fic, which I'm not sure will ever see the light of day as it only lives in my head and my heart.
The original concept is the following (to help you understand the fic better):
Ashton (in the beginning appearing as Fletcher) comes back to Sydney, where he starts working at Calum's garage as a mechanic. Shortly after this he meets our girl and starts to pursue her. They do start dating, but after some complications happen, and she finds out Fletcher is not the person he tells people he is, but someone else (Ashton), and she quickly breaks things up between them.
What she doesn't realize is that she and Ashton have met before, just after graduation at a beach party, where they fell in love for a night, but never saw each other again. Ashton does recognize the girl, but she doesn't recognize him for a long time, until finally Ashton does tell her the truth about their past.
The story is a mess - the original idea included gangs and street racing in which Ashton also partakes, lots of chasing after the girl in different places and scenarios, who eventually starts to put together how Ashton really loves her and actually wants to protect her from things happening around the city. (This is a huge reason why I never really worked on the story - I couldn't decide on anything, so it's just a big mess.)
They eventually make up and finally kiss at another beach party (full circle), and decide that they want to start a relationship with each other. There are lot of added stories to them in my mind, all of them following the main story above.
I also realized over the years that in some ways they are kinda toxic, but I cannot help it, I love my babies so much. So if you have any additional questions, please feel free to ask them.
Feedback and reblogs are appreciated!
It was well past midnight when you realized that there was something out of the ordinary. At first everything seemed to be normal, your night started like any other: you stopped by the garage after work, parking your car just outside the building and greeted the boys who were still working there. You’ve convinced Ashton to finish early, making Calum close up for the night, and dragged your boyfriend up the stairs to his flat.
He was in a really good mood, and with a cheeky grin he pulled you into the shower with himself. His hands were searching and grabbing at whatever body parts they could reach, and after he’d promised you the best fuck of your life, Ashton picked you up to cross the tiny apartment to his bedroom, where he made good on his promise. You were lying in a tangled mass afterwards, watching the last rays of sunshine peeking through the window, painting Sydney in the most beautiful shades of pink, orange and yellow.
You were ready to make some dinner, but Ashton preferred cuddle time, and held you close to his side while he ordered Thai food from one of his favourite places. You spent the time kissing and talking about your day until the guy arrived with your order, and you ate in comfortable silence in the kitchen, playing footsie all through dinner. Usually this was the time when you went out to have fun around town, or just lay on the couch, watching the TV mindlessly, but the last few weeks have been different.
Since you’ve decided to take up some courses to help you with your work, it meant that eventually you needed to take exams on them as well. You had your doubts when you first approached Ash with the idea, but he was supportive, and in his own way, he helped you with your studying and papers. It usually meant buying you coffee or letting you rant about your problems – or ordering food when he thought you could use the extra time. And his apartment was much quieter than your noisy neighbourhood. He did not mind you staying over if it meant cuddles, food sharing and sex – all three of those happened regularly, so he did not complain.
You have already started revising notes when Ashton came up to you and gave a kiss on your neck. You leaned back against his chest, looking up at him with a smile.
“You’re going to bed?”
“Yeah, I promised Calum that I will open in the morning, since someone decided to drag me away early,” he leaned forward to press another kiss on your forehead, his red locks falling over your face. “And I don’t want to keep you away from your notes and books, which are clearly more interesting than your own boyfriend.”
“How tragic,” you laughed, turning around on the kitchen chair to wrap your arms around him. “Please file a complaint, and I will talk to the management.”
“And what will I get as a consolation prize?” he quirked an eyebrow at you.
“Oh, plural? That doesn’t sound so bad,” Ashton grinned at you, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear. “When can I start collecting them?”
“You know how offices work – it might take a few weeks to get an answer,” you bit your lip to hide a smile, and Ash just huffed at you.
“If it was up to you, I wouldn’t get my blowjobs for the next 30 days or so,” his fingers found a way into your tied up hair, slowly pulling out strands and combing them back into an even messier bun. “Any way to file a complaint about filing complaints?”
“I might know someone who can help you,” you tilted your head forward, pressing a small kiss on the skin of his stomach, then quickly blew a raspberry on it. “But only during opening hours.”
“You are terrible,” he laughed, grabbing your face and pulling you closer to plant a kiss on your lips. “Alright, I’ll leave you to your notes.”
“Don’t hog the blankets,” you poked his side, and Ash laughed again, pushing your hand away. “Good night, Cardinal.”
“Is that a joke on my hair?”
“You tell me,” you winked at him, and he leaned back to give you another kiss.
“Good night, you monster.”
* * *
You knew something was up when you heard noises from the bedroom. The flat was really small, with no actual doors between the bedroom, the living area and the kitchen, and at first you thought the all-nighters you pulled would bother Ashton and he wouldn’t be able to sleep with the light on in the kitchen. But he was a heavy sleeper, still and calm, and the only thing that ever broke the silence was his light snoring. But not tonight.
The first thing you heard were the rustling sheets, a pillow thumping down onto the floor, the bed creaking under his weight. There was a loud gasp, more rustling, something hitting the nightstand or the bed frame, then another loud thump on the mattress. More gasps, more heavy breathing – you could hear the panic in the way he was trying to catch his breath, choking on air, like he couldn’t get enough oxygen into his lungs.
You pushed yourself out of the chair, running to the small bedroom to check on Ashton. He was tangled up in the sheets, body twisting around as he tried to kick off the covers, thrashing in his blanket prison. His arms were swinging, trying to grab onto something (or someone), hitting the pillows and the bed with every move. He pushed his head back into the pillow, turning it left and right as he was panting, his Adam’s apple moving almost in a frantic, panicked way.
He was no stranger to nightmares – when he was exhausted or just had a bad day, he would go to bed early, resting his head on your stomach, hugging your body close to him like a pillow, and that usually did the trick. He slept soundly and without interruption. But sometimes he was just so lost in his own head that he forgot about it all, not caring about the dreams sneaking into his sleepy mind, and he usually woke with a start in the middle of the night. He would curl his body around yours, telling you that he’s okay, he just had a bad dream, he will fall back to sleep soon – he only ever asked you to hold his hand during these moments.
But tonight was different, Ashton never had a nightmare like this, one that physically shook him. He was fighting so hard to wake up, but nothing seemed to work. You dropped onto the mattress, climbing closer, and grabbed him by his shoulders, shaking him with all the strength that you had.
“Ashton! Ashton, wake up! Ash! Wake up!”
Suddenly he bolted up, eyes wide open, staring at the wall and taking in a lungful of air, making himself dizzy in the process. You shifted closer, climbing between his legs, and wrapped your arms around his trembling body. You held him close, running your fingers over his back, murmuring soft words into his ear as he buried his face in your neck, taking deep breaths, trying to calm his hammering heart.
“I’m here, Ash, it’s okay. I’m here. I’ve got you.”
He locked his arms around your waist, pulling you closer, never loosening his grip on you. You ran your hand up to his shoulder, lightly massaging his tense muscles, caressing his neck, brushing your fingers over his hair. His skin was cold and sweaty, his hair wet and sticking to his forehead. His breathing was slowing, and you moved your head to press a small kiss on his temple. He tensed for a second, but then melted into your arms once again.
“It’s alright,” you whispered, still stroking the red locks at the back of his head. “It’s over. It was just a dream, it’s over. I’m here. You’re awake. It’s okay.”
His breath was hot on your neck as he inhaled deeply, nuzzling his face back into your skin. His muscles were slowly relaxing, but he was still tense and sweaty, and a shiver ran through his body. He tried to burrow closer to get more of your warmth, and you let him stay in your arms like this for a few more minutes. When you could feel he was a bit more relaxed, you pulled back a little, lifting his head up to look at you. His eyes were glassy and unfocused, and it took him a few seconds to get out of his daze.
Ashton’s gaze skipped over yours, instead focusing on the chain hanging from your neck. The silver ring he gave you almost a year ago was hooked on a thin necklace, the weight of the metal resting between your breasts, a comfort you never knew you needed. You still remembered the time when he wore it on his finger, playing with it whenever he started getting nervous. He called it a good luck charm, something he desperately needed while he was chasing after you. But once he got hold of your heart, he gave it to you – since then it became something much more than just a piece of jewellery. For you: a reminder; for others: a warning.
His clumsy fingers wrapped around the ring, slightly tugging on it. You slowly tilted his head up again, trying to catch his eyes. His hazel ones finally found your gaze, and you gave him a small smile, lightly running your fingers over his stubbly jaw.
“Hey, you’re okay?”
Silence, then a nod.
“How about you go and take a shower? Get warmed up,” you rubbed his arms, trying to warm his still cold skin. “And I will change the sheets.”
Another nod.
Ash let go of your necklace, slowly peeling himself out of the bed, starting to go to the bathroom, then stopped, looked back at you. You gave him another encouraging smile, nodded at him that it’s okay, you both will be fine, after which he finally made his way out of the room. When the lock clicked and the shower started up, you let out a breath you were holding back. A thousand questions were running through your mind, but you didn’t want to take too much time thinking about them. You wanted to make sure Ashton was comfortable after his nightmare, that he can come back and relax into the bed, wrapped in your arms, and sleep off this horrible experience.
You started stripping off the sweat soaked sheets, pulling out a fresh set from the drawer, working methodically in changing them. After that you opened the window, letting in fresh air, the slight breeze clearing away the remaining shadows from the room. You reached into another drawer, choosing a soft pair of sweatpants for Ashton, and finally went to the kitchen, making tea, waiting for him to finish up.
The lock on the bathroom door clicked, and it opened with a slight squeak. Ash stood behind the door, a towel wrapped around his waist, water dripping on the tiles from his red hair. You stepped to him, holding the pants out for him. He took them from your hands, his fingers brushing against yours as he did, and that made him look at you.
“I made you tea,” you nodded towards the kitchen, leaning against the doorframe. “If you want some.”
“Thanks,” his voice was quiet and small, and he coughed a little to make his throat work. “I– I’ll be there.”
“Take your time.”
You stepped back to the kitchen, piling up your books and notes to shove them to the corner of the table. You knew there was no way you would go back to studying, not tonight. Any exam could wait – Ashton needed you now.
After a few more minutes he emerged from the bathroom, shuffling to the kitchen, and dropped down onto the chair next to you. He sighed deeply, then leaned forward, resting both his arms on the table, and put his head down on them, hiding his face. You watched him, how his back moved as he was breathing in and out. His muscles were still tense, you could see it from the way he was holding himself. You scooted a bit closer, and slowly put your hand on his elbow, a tentative touch. When he did not flinch away, you started to lightly rub his arm, up to his shoulder, down on his back, then back up again.
When you reached the back of his neck, Ash moved his head to the side, looking at you as you stroked his drying locks with your fingers. His hazel eyes were searching you as you were working through the tangled ends, brushing them back from his face. He let out another small sigh when you touched his face, caressing his cheek, which made him nuzzle into your hand.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked, resting your hand back on his arm.
Ashton looked at you for another second, then hid his face back in the crook of his elbow. You waited for him, you knew he needed time to work through the thoughts in his head, to decide if he wanted to face them again. He slowly pushed himself up, reaching for the mug in front of him, taking a sip of his cooling tea. His fingers were running over the rim, circling it mindlessly as he focused on something in front of him.
“You… left me.”
There was silence in the kitchen – his words left you speechless. It sounded silly at first; you knew how you felt about him, how first his attention was unusual, almost uncomfortable at times, and that you wished he would give you just an ounce of space; how you started to miss him when he wasn’t around, how you watched over your shoulder if he would appear somehow, stalk behind you, keeping his distance, but never taking his eyes off of you. You knew he had his reasons to do so, and you learned to love him for that – it wasn’t so hard, he found a way to your heart, and you willingly let him in. You never wanted to let go of him ever again.
“I have no intention in doing that,” you reached out to take his hand in yours, squeezing it. “And no reason.”
“But what if you do?” he whispered, pulling his hand away. “What if you find one?”
“Ash… is this something you’ve been… thinking about lately?” you asked softly, your fingers going up to your necklace, running them over the ring.
He did not answer; his eyes were still trained on the same spot as before. He was drumming on the tabletop, the rhythm getting more and more frantic and complicated. You desperately wanted to reach out and stop him, to make him look at you, to let him know you were there, you were listening, that you wanted to understand. But it seemed he was lost in his own thoughts – thoughts that brought out a nightmare that clearly shook him to the core.
“Ashton,” you said in a small voice. “Don’t push me away. Please.”
Those words made him look at you. Those words were his words, begging you to give him another chance, to make up for the mistakes he made when you met again. They were Ashton’s words, not Fletcher’s; they made you stop in your tracks, made you listen to him. They broke you in a way you’ve known you will never be broken again. That was the first time you’ve really let him into your heart, and you never wanted him to leave.
Ash sighed deeply, slowly turning around in his chair to face you, though his head was down. His fingers nervously twitched in his lap, and he started wringing his hands, looking for the rings he usually wore to play with. He once told you that sometimes he felt naked without them, and he liked wearing at least one to mindlessly spin it around, or take it off and put it back on. You moved a little closer, pushing your knees against his, slowing down his bouncing feet. Leaning forward you reached for him, pushing your fingers between his tightly clasped ones, and interlocked them. There was a slight shake to his hands, and you gently ran your thumb over his skin, trying to calm him again.
“I’m sorry,” he finally breathed, slowly looking up at you from under his lashes. “I’m just… unsure.”
“Of me?” you tilted your head to the side, trying to see all of him. He just shook his head.
“Of myself,” Ashton answered, rubbing your hands with his thumbs. “If I’m good enough for you.”
“Of course you are,” you squeezed his fingers in yours, pushing your forehead against his. “You are my Ashton. How could you not be good enough for me?”
“That’s not what everyone else thinks,” he said with a humourless laugh. “People talk, all over town.”
“Some neighbourhood gossip won’t make me leave you,” you shook your head. “What could they tell me that I don’t already know? I know you, Ash, I know who you are.”
“You have the heart of an angel, and I’m the devil who’s holding you back,” he whispered, tilting his head down.
“Maybe I’ve had enough of heaven,” your hand went to his jaw, slowly tipping his chin up to look back at you. “If hell is where you are, then I’m packing all of my bags to be with you.”
“Or maybe they have it the wrong way around,” you continued. “Cause you definitely feel like heaven to me. Maybe it’s not their definition of the place. But screw them – my heaven is all tattooed up and gorgeous.”
A blush coloured his cheek, and he moved closer to rest his forehead on your shoulder, his legs bracketing yours. You were tangled up in each other, silently sitting in the kitchen for a few minutes, Ashton’s hand on your thighs while you played with the hair at the nape of his neck. Then he slowly pulled back, rubbing his eyes – was it tears, or sleep, you didn’t know – and looked back at you again.
“Your parents still hate me,” he added, resting his elbow on the table, leaning his head against his hand.
“They hate everyone,” you answered with a shrug. “They even hate me. That’s not an accomplishment.”
“I’m sure they would prefer anyone else over me,” he searched you with his eyes. “Someone who can give you a real future.”
“What do you think, what does a girl need?” you quirked an eyebrow at him, and it was his turn to shrug.
“Financial security?” he asked, and when you rolled your eyes at him, he continued. “Someone like that guy you work with – what’s his name? Liam?”
“A suit and tie?” you shook your head, putting your hands on his knees to lean closer. “Really, Ash? When I can have you, your jackets and chains, and the fire red Mustang? Well, tough luck, because you’re stuck with me for good.”
“But am I enough for you?” Ashton sighed, reaching for you and holding your face in his hands, making you really look at each other. “I wanna give you the world. Hell, I wanna give you the galaxy. The universe. But I’m just this guy, fixing cars and running my mouth at people. And you… you’re smart and beautiful and could get anyone you set your eyes on.”
“And that’s you,” you nuzzled your face against his hand, looking at him pleadingly. “You’re the only one I want.”
“What if Liam asked you on a date? Or one of the guys at that course? What if you get along so much that you realize that you could just… do better than me?” his gaze slipped down to the ring resting against your chest, saying the next words looking at it. “You know I would do anything for you… but I know I can’t keep you forever.”
“Ash, how long have we known each other?” you asked, reaching for him, brushing his hair behind his ear.
“7 or 8 years. Dunno. Why is that important now?” he sighed, shaking his head.
“What do you think… how many guys did I date during that time?” you questioned him, but did not wait for an answer. “Only two. And you wanna know their names?”
“Please don’t kick me when I’m already down,” he whispered, but you’ve had enough.
“They are Fletcher and Ashton. They are you, Ash. I might have had a few flings and one night stands, and sure, I went on a few dates with guys. But it was only ever you I had a real thing with. It was only you who was ever good enough for me.”
“Then why did you even go on those dates if you didn’t want anything from them?” the question left Ashton before he could stop himself, and you could see him flinch when he realized what he’d said.
“I wanted to know how I felt about other people. I wanted to give myself a chance, see how we could work out. You know – if you never try, you’ll never know,” you shrugged a little while reaching for his hand, slowly interlocking your fingers with his. “And I– I think I wanted to know how you would react.”
“Remember the hole in the wall?” he quirked an eyebrow at you, and you needed to stifle a laugh.
“I was always waiting for you to show up during your dates,” you confessed, squeezing his hand in yours. “You know, just crash them. I wanted you to crash them. I know it took me a long time to let you in…”
“Well, half the time you were mad at me,” he said, leaning closer and resting his forehead against yours. “For one reason, or the other.”
“And in the other half I desperately wanted you to kiss me,” you finished, nuzzling your nose to his.
“You know I would have done it in a second,” he breathed. “I wanted to walk up to every single one of those guys and tell them that you’re… that you’re…”
“Come on,” you whispered, licking your lips. “Say it.”
“Don’t think I was never asked on dates at my job or at school,” you gazed at him while saying the next part. “I was, numerous times. You know what I say to them when they call me pretty? Thank you, my boyfriend thinks so too. Or when they invite me for coffee? Thanks, but Ash is already bringing me some. And when they don’t want to let it go, I say: trust me, you do not want to meet him.”
“Are you really saying those things?” he asked you, and you nodded.
“I’m also implying that I’m having the best sex of my life, and I don’t plan on giving up on that,” you finished with a smile.
A moment later Ashton started laughing – it was his first real laugh of the night, and he hid his face, trying to stifle his giggles. It was the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard. Suddenly the night wasn’t that dark, but instead everything seemed to start to glow a little bit. It was Ashton’s smile, shining through the blacks, dark blues and grays of the night, warming up the chilling air around you, shifting everything back to your usual teasing, but loving normal, the one you’ve built up together.
“I love your smile,” you whispered when he finally looked back at you, still trying to catch his breath. “I know I’ve always told you that you should wipe that grin off of your face, but god, I’m happy you never did. I just… there are so many things I just love about you that I’ve thought I hated before. Like your snake tattoo, or your loud car and obnoxious sunglasses… your terrible jokes and sexual innuendos, and how you never fail to say them at the worst times… I love your stupid red hair, and…”
“My hair is not stupid,” Ash mumbled, a smile still playing at the corner of his mouth.
“No,” you shook your head, reaching once again for him to brush your fingers through his red locks. “No, it’s not.”
Ash nuzzled closer, closing his eyes for a moment to enjoy the caresses and light tugs on his hair, making a small noise that almost sounded like purring. He turned his head, brushing his lips against your wrist as you wrapped a curl around your finger, pushing it behind his ear, stroking your hand down his cheek and jaw. Hazel eyes followed the movement of your fingers until you ran your thumb over his chin, and his gaze finally found yours.
“Can I kiss you?” you asked him softly, pulling back a little to see his face.
“Are you asking for permission?” there was another small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, and a slight blush coloured his cheeks.
“Just checking if you are in the right headspace,” you returned his smile, and he nodded shortly.
“I would love that.”
Without a second thought you leaned forward, one of your hands sliding up the back of his neck and into his hair, the other one cradling his jaw, tilting his head a little to the side. His breath was hot on your face as you moved closer, cheeks and noses brushing, lips slowly pressing against each other – one soft, the other slightly chapped. You kissed his bottom lip, moving to the top, nuzzling closer and closer, until he opened his mouth and let you kiss him deeper, brushing his tongue against yours as you both tasted the other. Ash made a needy little sound as you nipped on his lips and kissed his chin, his jaw, brushing against his cheek as you nudged your nose against the soft skin behind his ear.
“I chose you, Ashton. I’ve been choosing you every single day since that night on the beach, and I’ll do it as long as you let me. I’m freakin’ in love with you if that hasn't been clear before,” you breathed softly, kissing the shell of his ear. “You’ve been on my mind for the last 8 years, and if that’s not love, then you have to find a better word for me, because I’m failing here, and you know I’m good with words. But you just have this effect on you where I completely lose my sanity, and I would gladly give up on it forever, if it meant I get to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Ash reached for you and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you out of your chair, and sitting you on his lap. His hand rested on your thigh, keeping you close to his body, as his fingers ran through your hair, guiding your face to his again. It was his turn to kiss you, and he started with the softest of touches, just to feel each other’s breath on your lips, the warmness of the other’s skin, the shiver running through you when you’ve finally lost your patience. Noses and lips pushed together, and he kissed you deeply, tongue brushing against yours as you were holding onto his shoulders. His scent clouded your mind, his touch burnt your skin, and you never wanted this moment to end.
“I love you,” Ash pulled away just enough to brush his lips against yours as he spoke. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
You pressed another kiss on his temple, cuddling closer in his lap to feel as much of his skin as you could. His arms wrapped around you more strongly, and he rested his head on your shoulder, pushing his face into your neck. For a few minutes you’ve stayed like this – slow caresses on waists and backs, fingers brushing over hair and tattoos, lips leaving small kisses wherever they could.
“Come on,” you ran your thumb over Ashton’s cheek. “I think it’s time we go back to bed.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to keep you away from your studying,” he started apologizing, but you shook your head, smiling at him.
“Screw exams. You’ll always be my first priority,” you tugged a little on his hair, tilting his head up towards you. “How does that sound to you?”
“Like something I’ve always wanted from you,” Ash returned your smile, then reached for your hand to kiss your knuckles. “Thank you, beautiful.”
You climbed down from his lap and reached for him to pull him up from the chair. You made our way back to the bedroom where the sheets were freshly changed and the pillows fluffed up just as Ashton liked it. He hesitated for a moment – the nightmare was still fresh in his mind, and even after you’ve talked through everything, he was still a little bit shaken from it.
“It’s alright,” you leaned against his side, pressing a kiss on the tattoo on his arm. “I’m here now.”
“I’m– scared to fall back to sleep,” he admitted, then sighed deeply. “It’s stupid, I know.”
“No, Ash. It’s perfectly normal,” you pushed yourself up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Don’t ever feel ashamed, especially not because of your dreams. You’re human, it’s okay to fall sometimes. I’ll always be here to pick you up.”
“How did I get so lucky?” he turned to you, gathering you in his arms for a hug, resting his head on top of yours.
“Must have been that lucky charm of yours,” you answered with a smile, feeling the ring resting between your bodies.
“You are my lucky charm,” Ashton whispered, brushing the hair back from your face.
“Well, then you should definitely hold onto me.”
He huffed at you with a smile, shaking his head. You pulled him down on the bed, both of you getting comfortable under the blankets – Ash scooted as close to you as he could, nuzzling his face between your head and shoulder. You wrapped your arms around him, letting him rest his weight on you, running your fingers through his hair.
“You smell so good,” he mumbled against your skin, pushing his nose to your pulse point. “Am I not too heavy?”
“You’re perfect where you are,” you continued brushing your fingers over his curls, skimming them over the back of his neck, down his shoulders, then back up again. “How are you feeling?”
“Like maybe I will be able to fall asleep,” he breathed, then reached for the ring hanging from your neck. “Is it okay if I stay like this?”
“Your peace of mind is worth every numb limb and hours spent awake,” you kissed his forehead, then the hand holding onto the ring. “You would do the same for me. And just so you know, you make an excellent pillow.”
“You too,” he closed his eyes, resting his hand back on your side, cuddling close. “Will you… will you hold my hand? Please?”
Without another word you slid your fingers against his, interlocking them. He squeezed your hand in return, letting out one last sigh as he slowly let go of all the tension that kept him awake. His body melted against yours, muscles relaxing as his breathing evened out, and in a few minutes all you could feel was his light snoring tickling your neck. You brushed your fingers through his hair again, pressing one last goodnight kiss on his forehead before resting back against your pillows.
Ashton slept soundly in your arms, head resting on your shoulder, arm thrown over your waist, fingers interlocked on the bed. He fit perfectly against you, his weight all the comfort you needed in your life. You would have stayed up all night just to make sure he had no more nightmares, but his soft sleepy sounds slowly lulled you to sleep too. The last thing you remembered was his lips brushing against your neck as he shuffled in his sleep, and you fell asleep with a smile on your face. You knew for sure he was your forever – and you planned on reminding him of that every single day for the rest of your lives. Even if it meant chasing away his nightmares every night. Because he was worth it.
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calumance · 4 years
Bad boy Cal is your bf & your a virgin. He's comes to your dorm room,y'all start making out. You strip & tell him your ready for him suddenly he stops and says he needs to go leaving u butt-naked and embarrassed. But the really reason was because he was insecure and felt like you deserve better & wasn't good enough to be your first,U got insecure of your body it ends with smut cuz yall talk it out.He shows how he loves every inch of your body and you only need him. Curvy girl request please🥺🥺
OKAY SO I GOT CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS AND IT STARTED TO GET KIND OF LONG AND I HADN’T EVEN GOTTEN TO THE SMUT. SO, I am going to write a part 2 for this, after I catch up on some other requests.. Please don’t hate me, and I hope the first half was worth the wait. 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈
        The car was still running, and your hands were still wrapped around the steering wheel as if the steering wheel was the last thing you were ever going to hold onto. From where you sat, you could see Calum. He was leaning against the building, his sunglasses on and a cigarette between his lips. He was wearing a black leather coat which you thought it was too warm out to be wearing, and a pair of black jeans and a pair of Doc Martins. You watched him as he lifted his hand to pull the cigarette away from his lips and exhale the smoke from his lungs.
        Your hands dropped to your lap as you let go of the steering wheel and looked down at yourself. He had told you to dress nice, so you decided to wear something that you felt entirely uncomfortable in, but maybe he would like. It was a plain red dress, but it hugged every curve of your body, especially the ones you didn’t want it to hug. You dropped your face into your hands and sighed, the sooner you got out of the car, the sooner this party would be over and you could go home. Without thinking too much harder, you swung open your car door and started walking towards Calum.
        As you walked towards him, he used his pointer finger and thumb to shimmy the cherry of his cigarette out of the butt of the cigarette. Once it hit the ground, he used his foot to put it out. As he looked up, he made eye contact with you and smirked, “Hey, sweet cheeks.” He turned and flicked the bottom of his cigarette into the ash tray that was next to him. He shoved both hands into his pockets and turned back towards you, “You look beautiful.”
        Your cheeks flushed as you looked down at yourself, trying to not notice the extent to which the dress showed off your curves, “Thank you.” You hugged your clutch to your chest and pulled your shoulders up to your ears. Calum held out his hand and you reluctantly took it. He walked you into the depth of the party, mingling with only the important people while holding your hand. When you found a place to sit down, you sat and crossed your legs, pulling your dress down to cover your knees. Calum turned away from you and disappeared into the crowd.
        As you sat there, you looked around the room and thought about the day you met him. You were walking to your car after leaving work, a group of guys were leaning against your car. The way they were standing and talking, it made you nervous to walk up to your car. You adjusted yourself so you looked as if you were confident and stepped closer to them, “Hi, can I have you all move, this is my car and I just want to get headed home.” You held your keys in your hand and swallowed, waiting for them to move.
        The one in the middle pushed himself away from your car and closed the space between you. His hair was dark and curly, covering his forehead and the tops of his ears. He pulled the cigarette away from his lips and held it in his hand away from you. He used his other hand to push his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose and look over them at you. His eyes were a deep brown, but there was a twinkle in them that made you melt. “I’m sorry, darlin. We’ll get out of your way, but first you have to tell me your name.” Your throat felt like sandpaper but you managed to get your name out. He smirked and pushed his sunglasses back up his face, “I’m Calum, do you come here often?” He shoved his hand into his pockets and stood up straight.
        You pulled your eyebrows together, slowly realizing that he was as tough as he looked. “Unfortunately, I work just inside.” You ran your hand up and down your arm, you cheeks flushing at the way he was looking at you.
        He nodded, “I’ll see you around, then.” Calum showed up almost every single day after that. It only took about a week for him to coax you into a date with him, and it was only about two weeks later that he decided you were his girlfriend. You had agreed to be his girlfriend, but every second you felt as if you didn’t belong with him, or his group of friends.
        Calum stepped through the crowd and ran a hand through his curly hair. He smirked at you and you looked up at him. Before he could say anything, you stood up and leaned towards him so he could hear you talk, “Can we leave?” Calum pulled his eyebrows together and nodded, even though you could tell he didn’t want to leave. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you out. “I don’t think I should’ve come tonight.” You said once you emerged from the loud music. “I don’t fit in with you or your crowd. I think I’m just going to go home, go have fun.” You nodded and patted his chest while putting a fake smile on your face.
        He grabbed your hand and held you in place. “How about I follow you to your place and we can hang out for a little bit longer.” A smirk pulled at the corner of his lips, his eyes sparkled, and your bones turned to pudding. You nodded and Calum kissed your fingers before heading towards his car. You let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding and made your way to your car.
        When you got back to your house, Calum followed you in. He closed the door behind him as you ran to your bedroom to change into something that made you feel comfortable. When you reemerged, you were wearing a pair of leggings and a loose fitting hoodie. Calum was sitting on the couch, his ankle crossed over his knee, scrolling through his phone. He had taken off his jacket and laid it over the arm of the couch. His tattoos peaked out from under his sleeve and his muscles flexed every time he absently moved his hand. You shook some naughty thoughts out of your head and sat next to him on the couch. “Hey, sorry I made you leave the party.”
        Calum locked his phone and set it off to the side, giving you his full attention. “There’s no need to be sorry.” He grinned and you looked down at your fingers, chewing on your bottom lip in nervousness. He placed his hand on your leg and you looked into his eyes. He leaned forward and connected his lips with yours. Even though you had kissed a few times before, this kiss was different. It made your entire body heat up, and your heart started to race. His hands traveled over your body and it made you sigh against his lips.         Without much rational thought going through your mind, you found yourself naked on the couch with him on top of you wearing only his pants. He pulled away from your lips and looked into your eyes. You smiled and ran your thumbs under his eyes, “I want you, Calum,” you whispered, causing him to smirk. “I’m ready for you to be my first.” That was the first time you had ever told Calum you were a virgin, since you never really thought it mattered, but apparently it did matter.
        Calum’s smile faded quickly and he suddenly looked panicked. He pushed himself away from you and hastily grabbed his shirt off the ground and pulled it over his head. “I have to go.” He said sternly before grabbing his jacket and walking out. You grabbed the closet blanket to you and wrapped it around yourself before dropping your face into your hands. The embarrassment quickly turning into tears.
Tag list: @mantlereid @notinthesameguey @viiirg0 @wheniminouterspace @thinkofmehlgh @another-lonely-heart @limer-encia @itsmytimetoodream @babyoria
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maluminspace · 4 years
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All of the following works were written by me (maluminspace) and are not to be posted on this or any other site without my permission. 
All explicit content is marked with *
A Sexy Turn (Michael/Female reader for @h0tsos​‘s birthday)*
Lovable But You’re Just Trouble (Ashton/Female Reader) - coming soon
Main Masterlist
Michael Masterlist
Calum Masterlist
Ashton Masterlist
Luke Masterlist
Last Updated: 20/03/2020
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ghostoflhs · 5 years
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gang!cashton on their way to save y/n🥺😩🤙
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cakesunflower · 6 years
oMFG OKAY. SO I WAS LISTENING TO A SONG (December by neck deep) AND IT JUST MADE ME THINK OF BADBOY!CAL. Like cal and the main girl have dated before but when they were younger and she use to be the one who would fix Calum up after a fight or pick him up from the police station so often to the point where she knew the cops on a first name bases. they could’ve broken up for reasons up to you but like the main girl is still Calum’s emergency contact along with Mali so when Calum gets hurt (1/?)
the hospital tries to call the main girl after not being able to contact Mali, but the main girl is actually working at the same hospital for work experience as part of her uni course. So she comes to Cal’s room and it’s like lowkey an awkward reunion but not really? Like it’s awkward cause she is surprised that she is still his emergency contact and it’s sweet/funny because they lowkey talk and flirt like they use to when they were together, and then she asked cal why he was here (2/?)
and then cal gets all closed up and doesn’t want to tell her because he doesn’t want to disappoint her for still making the same mistakes and still being in the same shit that he was in when they were together. then cal starts popping up more at the hospital and getting the main girl as his main nurse because he doesn’t want to explain constantly to a stranger as to why he has almost broken knuckles this week when last week he had a black eye. So they end up spending more time together (3/?)
And like basically cal starts to fall for her all over again and so he shoots his shot and asks her if she has a boyfriend and sadly she does. AND THE WHOLE STORY COULD HONESTLY JUST BE LIKE CAL TRYING TO PROVE TO HER THAT HE IS WAY BETTER FOR HER THAN HER BOYFRIEND CAUSE HE STILL REMEMBERS HER HOPES AND DREAMS AND ALL OF THE LITTLE THINGS SHE STILL DOES. AND SHE IS LIKE “… How do you still remember all of that? Like I don’t even remember myself” AND CAL IS TOO AFRAID TO SAY HE STILL LOVES HER
OOOF OMG I LOVE THIS!!! definitely shows some angst in regards to them seeing each other again after so long and him not wanting to disappoint her bc he’s still pulling the same shit he did back then. and, yeah, she’d be a bit disappointed that he’s still getting into the same messes but when he reiterates the little things he still knows about her, she can’t help but be shocked and touched that he recalls every single detail about her, and it makes her kinda fall for him all over again ohmyoivd
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riebellion · 6 years
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Calum x Black girl
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saintlaurentcalum · 6 years
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bad boy!calum 🖤
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goodgodbean · 7 years
Princess Part 17 - Badboy! Calum
Part 1
Part 16
“What are you doing?” You snap at him as he brushes past you.
“You are sitting,” He responds, turning around and grabbing your hands. he guides you over to the couch and sits you down. You don’t protest, but that’s mostly because of curiosity.
Calum awkwardly pulls the coffee table away from you’re feet and kneels between your legs. He gently takes your hands in his, and lets out a deep breath that tickles your hands. “I don’t just love you, Y/N. I’m in love with you,” he brushes his hair out of his face, but it just flops back down into his eyes. You have to control the urge to push it back for him. “When Adam touches you, I just want to rip you from his arms, and pull you into my own. ‘Cause I know that he would never care for you like I do. When I see you, it’s never butterflies or fireworks that erupt in my stomach, its like a stampede of animals. When I touch you, even in the most innocent of ways, it makes me want you even more. There aren’t fireworks, because this is real life, but if we were in a fictional piece, I can promise you we’d have explosions. So don’t be my heartbreak girl. ‘cause I’m such a sucker for anything that you do. Please Y/N. I’m in love with you, and I don’t know what to do with myself anymore, because here’s this beautiful girl that I love and I feel like I blew my chance. I love you. I love you. I love you.”
“Calum-“ You begin to say, watching the silent tears roll down his face.
“Please don’t say anything. Please,” He whispers, bowing his head, to hide the tears away from you.
“Calum,” You whisper, sliding to kneel next to him. He turns his body towards you a lifts his head up. “I don’t love you,” You whisper, feeling a little embarrassed after his speech. “But I like you a lot. I think I could love you, one day. But, hell! Calum, I don’t know…. How am I supposed to react to that? I really like you, but I can’t trust you. I’m so scared you’re going to push me away again.”
“No, no no nononononono,” Calum says, his voice raising with each word. He reaches out to touch your shoulders, you look up into his shining eyes. “I’ll never do that to you again. It was a mistake and-“
“So what changed?” You ask, cutting him off as he took a breath.
“What do you mean?”
“So what about you changed, what has changed you from the time that you abandoned me to now? What about you has changed?”
Calum pauses for a moment before responding, “You. You changed me. I realized how deeply in love with you I am,”
You pause for a moment before wrapping your arms around him, encaging him into your hold. He takes a breath before wrapping his strong arms around your body. “We’re gonna take this slow okay?” You say, whispering into his ear.
“Okay, Princess,” he says, and you let out a small giggle.
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fuckyeahcal · 4 years
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Badboy!Michael Masterlist
“Ah, sorry Doll.” (ao3) - cliff0rd michael/luke T, 4k
Summary: Luke is a shy, quiet boy who works in a small Café and Bad boy Mikey just loves seeing him blush.
Arthurian Romances (ao3) - therjolras michael/ashton T, 5k
Summary: Ashton’s in a bit of a tangle when he’s rescued by a purple-haired knight-in-leather-jacket.
Bad Boys Need Love Too (ao3) - hxilzy michael/luke M, 1k
Summary: Michael is the bad boy of his high school and Luke is the complete opposite.
Luke and Michael fuck in a janitor's closet.
Daydream In Blue (ao3) - pilotmikey michael/luke N/R, 3k
Summary: Luke is the prettiest flower child around, and Michael wants to raw him.
Bonus: Michael calls Luke 'Flower'.
do the things that you’d only read about (ao3) - heartbreakgirl michael/luke N/R, 5k
Summary: When he looks over, Michael’s eyes are open and he’s grinning from ear to ear.
“I love you.”
He smiles shyly, eyes rolling fondly. “I love you too, Michael.”
or, book worm Luke & bad boy Michael
Lost Hearts (ao3) - CliffordAffliction ot4 E, 177k
Summary: Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael live in four different worlds in high school and each one of them is in love with someone who loves someone else. This can’t possibly end well…or can it?
More than the Storm (ao3) - JetBlackHeart michael/luke, calum/ashton E, 11k
Summary: Luke isn't very good at chemistry, is very quiet, and has a thing for boys with tattoos and facial piercings. Michael is very good at chemistry, has a rebellious attitude, and likes to flirt with cute blonde boys.
A generic highschool AU where Calum gets wet, Luke gets scared, Michael gets woken up, Ashton gets a phonecall, and everyone gets something a bit more than the storm.
say you want me and dont be nice (send those shivers running down my spine) (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum N/R, 5k
Summary: :+: Calum and Michael are in gangs, and when Calum gets slightly turned on by the gun in Michael’s hands, things get dirty :+:
snap backs and tattoos (ao3) - crankgameplays michael/calum N/R, 3k
Summary: Calum Hood is 16, almost 17, when hes warned to stay away from Michael Clifford. His dad catches a gaze of him from the kitchen window and hes got a new tattoo that’s wrapped around his pale arm and there’s tufts of pink hair peeking out from his snap back and oh my fucking god is that a fucking eyebrow piercing. Calum has died and gone to heaven. Or hell. Maybes hes being a little dramatic. Whatever. But his dad turns to him and he goes,
“Calum, I want you to stay away from that Clifford boy,” pointing a finger in the direction of his son. “Hes no good.” And Calum nods and mumbles, yes dad, and walks to his room and that’s that.
But really. No one ever listens to their dads.
This is the Beat of My Heart (ao3) - bogshops michael/luke M, 22k
Summary: "It was just like any other day; the blond boy had decided to walk home, saying he needed to take a breath, and as he finished walking down the staircase that lead inside the Church, he spotted a different face in the crowd. An odd boy staring deeply at the various faces coming out of the old building. The boy was pale; he had dark hair and a bottle of beer between his lips. For a split moment Luke got himself lost in the figure across the street, the slim boy looked like he was around his age, with piercing green eyes and the best lips Luke had seen in his entire life."
or the one where Luke is a religious boy, until Michael appears in his life, takes advantage of him and Luke decides to have a little revenge.
We’re like noughts and crosses (ao3) - emptygoldss michael/calum G, 1k
Summary: it’s like Michael’s made of glass and Calum turns him to sand.
Yeah, I Want You Baby (ao3) - flowercrownmikey michael/luke M, 4k
Summary: “That what you wanna do, princess? Fuck the delinquent right outta me?”
OR// Officer! Luke and Bad Boy! Michael.
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calum-h · 4 years
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Calum Hood + black
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starlightlix · 5 years
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 157
A/N: Hey guys this is my first writing and I really hope you enjoy it! 💓
Okay but I feel like Cal would be the bad boy your parents would hate, especially when they found out you were dating him. So one night you and your parents got into a fight about you missing curfew again and you decided to call Cal. A good 20 mins later you and your parents freeze upon hearing Cal's mustang pull up and that's when you bolted out of the door before they could ask. You left them standing in the doorway shocked as you got into his car flipping them off. They knew you weren't coming back. Cal drove until 3 am just to get out of that little town as you slept in the passenger seat with all the favorite bands you shared playing in the background. The last thing you remember is seeing the city limit sign for your small town while Fall Out Boy played in the background as Cal told you goodnight.
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calumance · 4 years
Bisshh you already got me skipping around the house with excitement with the bad boy story. The first part is already so foking good like aahhhh. Thank you thank you 🥺🥺🥺🥺
I’m sorry this took SO LONG. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ It’s on the longer side, but hopefully this is well worth the long wait???? 🙈🙈🙈 here’s part one for anyone who hasn’t read it 😘😘
        It had been days since you had heard from Calum. For the first few days, your heart broke every time you walked out to your car after work and he wasn’t there. After a day or two, you stopped expecting him to be there, which was more heart breaking than expecting him to be there and he wasn’t. You had thought about calling him a few times, but the thought quickly left your mind after you remembered that he left because you told him you were a virgin. When you remembered that, the heart break quickly turned to rage. What asshole doesn’t want to be with someone just because they’re a virgin. You bit your bottom lip and slammed your hand down onto the steering wheel. Calum, Calum is the asshole who doesn’t want to be with someone because they’re a virgin.
        After not hearing from him for a week, you started to figure he was gone and out of your life. You had started to move on, deleted a few pictures of him out of your phone, not all of them, but some. You had started to want to hang out with your friends again, life was going back to normal. Or at least it was until you looked up from your phone and found Calum leaning against your car, a cigarette between his lips.
        You froze as he lifted a hand to grab the cigarette from between his lip. A cloud of smoke expelled from his lungs. He flicked the ash off the cigarette with his thumb and looked to his right, shifting his weight on his feet. He looked forward and caught sight of you. He stood up straight and took one more long drag of his cigarette before stubbing it out on the bottom of his shoe. Unable to feel your legs, you stood still, and Calum walked over to you.
        A lump formed in your throat as he approached you and stood close enough to you that his cologne invaded your nose. “Hey, sweet cheeks.” He said with a smirk before pushing his sunglasses up into his hair.
        Rage built in your stomach. He disappears for a week after you tell him your deepest secret and then has the audacity to call you ‘sweet cheeks?’ “Don’t call me that.” You spat out, still paralyzed by the fact that he was even here.
        Calum’s cheeks flushed and his smile dropped. As if your retort sucked every word he had in his head out, he shoved his hands into his pockets and looked down at his feet. It took him a minute to look back up at you, his eyes squinted. “Can we talk?”
        “No.” You spat at him again, finally feeling your legs again. You walked past him, continuing on your path to your car.
        As soon as you opened the door, Calum pressed a hand to the door and slammed it shut. “Please, I need to talk to you.” His eyes were pleading, a glimmer in the signaling that maybe he wasn’t a complete asshole. Still, the rage in the pit of your stomach wasn’t going to let him step all over you. You crossed your arms over your chest and leaned against the car, raising your eyebrows, urging him to talk to you. Calum rolled his eyes and looked away, swallowing hard enough that his Adam’s Apple bounced. “Not here.” He said before looking back at you.
        The way he looked into your eyes, it made your heart tighten. You looked around for any sign of his car, but it was nowhere in sight. As much as you wanted to hate him, there was something about him that made you think it was impossible to hate him. “Fine, get in.” Calum swallowed and jogged around the front of the car to place himself in the passenger seat.
        Calum asked for you to take him back to your place. As much as you wanted to tell him to fuck off, that you could talk anywhere but there, you took him to your place anyway. You walked into your house in front of Calum, but allowed him to pass by you before you shut the door. You dropped your keys onto the table and crossed your arms over your chest, “Okay, we’re here. What did you want to talk about?”
        “Why didn’t you call me?” Calum said, his eyes glossing over as the tears welled. His bad boy exterior quickly becoming soft as he removed his sunglasses from the top of his head, letting his hair fall flat against his forehead.
        You quirked an eyebrow, not giving into his soft exterior façade he was putting on. “Why should I call you after what you did? I told you something that I am very insecure about, and you solidified why I’m insecure about it by leaving the way you did. Or did you leave because I don’t have the body of a super model.” You swallowed the lump in your throat that was forming and would eventually turn to tears. There was no way you were going to shed another tear for him.
        He reared back at your question, as if you had stabbed him in the chest. “What? No I – “ He closed his mouth and ran his hands through his hair, swallowing to physically show his frustration. “I left because I’m not good enough to be your first. You deserve someone so much better than me to be your first. It had nothing to do with the way you look, because I think you are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” He dropped his hands from his hair and lifted his palms towards the ceiling as he shrugged.
        You felt paralyzed again, the lump in your throat so large that it felt like you could barely breathe. You narrowed your eyes and placed your hand on your chest, “You think I deserve better?” Calum swallowed, and you chuckled. “Wow, I’ve never heard that one. If anything, you deserve someone better than me, Calum. I will never fit in with you or your crowd. You have this bad boy thing going on, and all I do is work and come home to watch sappy rom coms until I’m too tired to keep my eyes open.” You chuckled at yourself and looked down at your feet.
        “I think you’re perfect,” Calum said taking a step toward you. “I don’t care if you’re not like the people I hang out with. Maybe that’s not what I’m looking for, if it was, don’t you think I’d be with one of them? You’re what I want, please give me another chance.” He took another step forward, making it so there was virtually no space between you and him.
        Before you could say anything to him, he placed his hands on either side of your face and crashed his lips against yours. As you wanted to fight him, you couldn’t find it in you to push him away. Instead, you grabbed the material of his shirt and balled it into your fists. After you found the will to let go of his shirt, you reached up to his shoulders and started pushing his jacket off his shoulders, forcing him to drop his hands from your face. As soon as he dropped his arms, allowing for his jacket to hit the floor, you pushed him away and took a breath.
        The two of you stood a few feet apart, breathing heavy for a minute before you both crashed into each other, racing to discard of each other’s clothes. Calum spun you around and started leading you back to the couch. “what about my bedroom?” You asked through heavy breaths.
        “No time.” He said before pushing you back against the couch and discarding of the rest of your clothes, as well as his. Finally, you both were naked, but this time, it wasn’t going to end here. Calum pulled his lips off of yours and looked down at you. He trailed his hands over your body, stopping on each curve that he loved the most. “You’re so beautiful,” He told you when he stopped in a spot that made you cringe.
        Before you could reach up and touch him, he lined himself up with your entrance and slowly pushed in, causing you to gasp and tilt your head back. With every slight push, he would ask if he was hurting you, once you told him no, he slid further in. Once in was in all the way, he pulled back and thrusted into you again, your eyes nearly rolling into the back of your head. He asked again if he was hurting you, and you shook your head. He bit his bottom lip and furrowed his eyebrow as he focused on his thrusts. “Fuck,” he whispered as he pulled back again.
        Pleasure washed over you as you finally were able to reach up and allow your hands to travel over his body. His warm skin causing your finger tips to tingle, “Calum,” you managed to choke out through the sandpaper that coated your throat. He grunted as the thrusts suddenly became faster, his hands still rounding over every curve of your body.
        Hearing you moan his name, causing him to moan as he tilts his head back. It was like music to his ears. “Fuck,” he said louder as he lowered his head and thrusted hard enough that his hips clapped against yours. You nearly screamed in pure bliss as he crashed into you. “I don’t know how much longer I can hold on,” He chokes out through gritted teeth. As if on cue, he pulls out as a wave of pleasure washes over you and the orgasm races through your body. He releases his load onto your stomach as you come down from your high. Only for him to quickly reach for the closest item of clothing to clean you up. After he tosses it to the side again, he leans down and presses a soft kiss to your lips, “So, about that second chance?” He smirked and ran the back of his fingers down your cheek. You laughed and rolled your eyes, of course you’d give him a second chance, you’d give him every chance if it meant you were with him.
Tag list: @mantlereid @notinthesameguey @viiirg0 @wheniminouterspace @thinkofmehlgh @another-lonely-heart @limer-encia @itsmytimetoodream @babyoria @treatallwithkindness
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lukesbum · 5 years
Dark Heart: Part One
a/n: hi guys/anyone who stumbles upon this! this is my first fic and i’ve been wanting to write this story for a while, so if there are any kinks please give me some slack until i get the hang of things!! like/share/give me feedback!! im going to be posting this in parts and i think there are going to be a lot! im already editing part two, so give that a read when i post it!! 
a hogwarts!5sos fic. enjoy. 
Rosemary hated potions.
The professor never had office hours, the room smelt like burning hair, and frankly she just wasn’t very good at it. She would read and read and read, practice tons, and had potions memorized to the point where she could recite the ingredients like you could recite the alphabet, but for some ungodly reason her perfectly measured components would blend together in every and any way but the way they should have.
Her best friend Mikey would try to help her out, he showed her all of his tips and tricks that earned him an A in potions every year, but his tricks weren’t in the recipe. If she couldn’t even master the recipe then why in god’s name would she stray from it???
“My way is just so much easier, Rosie.” Mikey would say, shaking his head and laughing at the frizz her hair was taking on by the second. “If you do what I’m telling you to do then it’ll make it easier to get a perfect end result.”
“Mikey, I can’t just...not follow the directions.” Rosemary had told him this time after time, but he just wouldn’t drop it.
It wasn’t until her professor asked her to stay after one day that she regretted not listening to her friend.
“I want you to work with Ashton on your upcoming project. He’s my top student, you could learn a lot from him.”
“Who even is Ashton?” The thought of working with a stranger on something that was such a large part of her grade put a pit in her stomach and she could feel her palms beginning to sweat. “And isn’t Michael top of the class? I’ve been working with him and-”
“I adore Michael, I really do, and while he has been earning nearly perfect scores I think Ashton would be a much better teacher.” The professor shrugged and gave Rosemary a small smile.
“Well, why can’t I just meet with you? I know you don’t do office hours but-”
“Miss Dare, please. You’ll be working with Ashton Irwin and that’s final. I’ve asked him to meet you here tomorrow at noon, does that work?”
Rosemary just nodded, not wanting to talk back to her professor for a second time.
She didn’t even have the energy to go back to the common room, solving a riddle did not sound appealing when Rosemary was giving herself a headache from worrying so much. Rosemary had her friends and that was that. She never really went beyond them because her anxious interior presented a somewhat bitchy exterior that strangers got a taste of and chose to leave it at that. Even Calum considered never talking to her after the first night they met. After both being sorted into Ravenclaw, the two shy first years found themselves seated together at a then very intimidating table full of older kids who already knew each other. Rosemary kept giving Calum clipped answers to all of his questions and wouldn’t look up from the plate she was picking at. To say he was surprised when she sat with him in the common room the next day- even if they just sat in silence while he drew in his sketchbook and Rosemary read- would be an understatement.
Later, Rosemary found herself sitting with Calum and one of his friends- a Gryffindor- in the great hall for dinner. His friend was okay, she had met him more than a few times at this point and could tolerate him for the time she was forced to hang out with him (Calum never forced Rosemary to hangout, but she wasn’t going to deny Calum of having one other friend just because of her pre-decided dislike towards Gryffindors).
“Luke,” She interrupted whatever Calum was saying to pose her question. “Do you know an Ashton?”
“Ashton Irwin?”
“Uh,” Rosemary pursed her lips and thought for a moment. “I think so. Do you know anything about him?”
“Do I?” Luke let out a mix between a laugh and a sigh. “Yeah I know him. Why? You fancy him?”
“No. No, god no. I don’t even know who he is. My potions professor wants me to work with him on our next project.” With a shrug, she chose to omit the fact that the reason she was paired with him was because he was exelling and she was not.
Luke tapped his ringed fingers against the table, he was always trying to add something different to his uniform to make it..well, less uniform. Rings, painted nails, even makeup were all things he dabbled in. Honestly, Luke was hot. If it weren’t for the gossip Mikey had told her about how he’s been working his way around all the Hufflepuffs in their year then she would totally go for him.
“Well, Ashton’s a bit of a dick. I don’t think he’s rude, but he’s not pleasant to be around. I had divination with the blockhead and he was just kind of an asshole, didn’t even try and wrote off the class as bullshit.” Luke shrugged. “I got on well with him though. Overall a nice guy, I’m sure he’ll cooperate for your project.”
Rosemary nodded, the information made her a little less on edge about the whole situation. “Thanks. I’m meeting him tomorrow at noon.”
She looked at Calum with her brows drawn together. “The potions classroom?? Where else?”
“I just wanted to know. Jeez.”
With that the raven haired girl let out a sigh and started to stand. “Can we go now? Both of us?”
Calum rolled his eyes. “You just go, ya grump. I’ll meet you later.”
“Calum I just don’t have the energy to stand there and not be able to figure out the riddle. Last time a first year had to let me in. A first year.” Rosemary pouted. “Please? I’ll give you whatever  homework answers you want.”
“You really think I trust your potions homework?” Calum smiled and stood. “Bye Luke.”
Rosemary had been sitting in the potions room since five minutes before noon and twenty minutes later she was still alone. Leave it to her to not appreciate Mikey’s help and be left to work with some lazy, rude, probably overall dumb-
“Are you Rose?”
Rosemary jumped from her stool and placed a hand over her chest. Jesus. Very smooth
“Hello?? Don’t tell me you’re stupid and deaf.”
She finally turned to face him. “Excuse me?”
And she thought Luke was hot.
Ashton was tall and had broad shoulders, his hair fell in loose waves to the nape of his neck and one curl sat on his forehead. He wore his uniform without a tie and had his pant legs rolled so you could see his deep green socks peeking out. His sleeves were rolled to his elbows exposing his forearms.
The boy smirked and walked towards her, placing a book down on the table and leaning  back on it with his elbows. Rosemary took in his uniform one more time, of course he was a Slytherin. His whole presence just carried cockiness with it and, frankly, she didn’t have the patience for that.
“You heard me. I’m Ashton by the way.” He stuck out a hand and all she could do was stare at his lopsided grin and bite the inside of her cheek. “Pleasure.”
Turning away from him, she opened her textbook and leaned forward to read the directions printed inside of it.
“Are you ready to start?” Ashton took a step closer to you, he was too close now and you could hear your heart beating in your ears.
Rosemary cleared her throat. “Yeah, but can you not stand so close to me?”
“Why sweetheart? Am I making you nervous?”
“Just-” She took a deep breath. “Personal space. Please.”
Surprisingly, Ashton moved to stand on the other side of the table and set himself up across from her. Once everything was in its place he held his hands out in front of himself. “Good?”
“Uh. Yeah, thanks.” She set up her own cauldron and avoided his eyes. “And it’s Rosemary.”
“My name isn’t Rose. It’s Rosemary.”
Ashton let out a chuckle and raised a brow at her. “Same thing, darling.”
“Rosemary.” She huffed, seeing how her afternoon was going to turn out.
“Fine. Rosemary. Let’s start.”
Ashton turned out to be an okay teacher, just not a very friendly one. He followed what was written exactly and worked at a slow pace so Rosemary could keep up. She couldn’t help but stop to look at him a couple times, how could she have not noticed him before? His confident stature was one that demanded attention and even the sound of his voice was sexy. With tousled hair and large hands that knew exactly when to reach up and adjust it, she couldn’t see one flaw in his appearance. Even the flaw she could detect, his attitude, seemed forgivable when she was looking at him; his eyes and jawline, his prominent adam’s apple, and-
“Hello, did you hear me? Let’s call it a day, my arms are starting to get sore from stirring.” Ashton pushed a strand of lock from his forehead and shut his book, looking up at Rosemary as if inviting her to do the same.
“Sounds good to me.”
“Are you doing anything right now?”
She stared at him for a moment.
“You mean after this?”
Ashton shrugged. “Well we’re done now so. What are you doing now?”
“Oh, uh,” Rosemary started packing things into her bag and kept her eyes trailed on the ground. “I’m supposed to meet with my friend Michael and-”
“Fuck him. Come with me.”
Excuse me? “Michael is my best friend so-”
“He’s a Puff right? I know ‘im. It’s fine, he won’t mind.”  
“What? How-”
“Well we-”
“Ashton.” Rosemary rolled her eyes and swung her bag over her shoulder. “Stop interrupting me. It’s really fucking rude.”
“Watch your mouth, sweetheart.” Ashton’s smile fell and he took a step towards her.
Oh. Rosemary’s mouth went dry and she knew the right reaction should be anger. The audacity of this boy to tell her how to speak as if she were a child? How dare a complete stranger stand there and reprimand you with that look. Although those were truly her thoughts, her body betrayed her. Her breath hitched in her throat and she knew Ashton could tell, her bottom lip went between her teeth and she felt heat in her cheeks.
“C’mon. You’ll have fun.” Ashton passed Rosemary and at the same time took her bag from her shoulder, shrugging it onto his own and standing in the doorway, expectantly. “Please?”
As if she had a choice.
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