queenbeestuffs · 1 year
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Why am I so much addicted to him?
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strvngeweather · 8 months
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How to Get Rid of Your Virginity; a one shot.
💘PAIRING: badboy!jungkook x theaternerd!reader 💘GENERE: College AU, smut, a little fluff 💘WORD COUNT: 4.6K 💘WARNINGS: Smut, smut, and more smut. 💘SUMMARY: You've always been the good girl who followed the rules but you're ready to shed that image and lose your virginity to the college's resident bad boy: Jungkook. 💘AUTHOR'S NOTE: Apparently, I really got into my feelings with this fic. A bit of sweetness at the end but mostly smut. I hope you enjoy!
Opposites attract – at least, that’s what your best friend, Elena, had told you. She had provided you with solid proof too.
“Just take a look around,” she had said, a cup full of vodka and cherry-flavored juice in her hand, motioning toward the various partygoers. She pointed out an art student cuddled up with a girl who looked like she belonged on the arm of a footballer. “That’s Taehyung. His girlfriend is the ‘All-American Girl’ type and he’s a huge nerd. But they’re in love.”
You nodded. “Okay, they’re the exception.”
She shook her head, taking a long sip, wincing at the burn of the alcohol. “Okay, what about them?” She pointed at Jimin. Jimin was your textbook Type-A worker bee. He was known to avoid large social gatherings like this but here he was, leaning against a wall, his girlfriend in his arms. He kissed her lightly on the neck before grabbing a hearty handful of her ass. “That is our resident party girl cuddled up with our best scholar.”
“He’s a fine scholar,” You admitted, and Elena agreed. “Okay, so what’s your point?”
“My point,” Elena began, taking another long sip. “Are that people from different sides of the track get together all the time. Cheerleader and nerd, party girl, and punctual pupil. Nerdy theater geek and super delicious bad boy.”
You were the nerdy theater geek she had been referencing and the delicious bad boy? That title belonged to Jungkook.
You glanced over at him. He was standing between Taehyung and Jimin, effortlessly chatting the night away. Jungkook had been on your radar ever since you started attending this university two years ago. He was an upperclassman, so you didn’t run into him often but when you did, you savored every second you got to gaze upon him. The man was beautiful. But make no mistake, this was not a crush. You thought he was sexy as hell, but you weren’t into him. You were a future Broadway star and Jungkook? Well, you don’t know what his future entailed but it was starkly different from yours. You were sure of it. There was no way you two would work out romantically.
You wanted him for different reasons. More carnal reasons. You wanted him to take your virginity.
But, while you wanted him, you weren’t sure if he wanted you. You didn’t look like his type – you assumed. But Elena was attempting to convince you otherwise.
“I just don’t think he’d be down for it,” you said with a shrug. “I mean, he’s not into girls like me.”
“He’s a man!” Elena said, her voice raised. You knew that was a sign that the liquor was kicking in for her. “He’s into any girl who wants to bone him! Go over there!”
Elena pushed you toward him, but you stopped, glaring at her. “What would I even say? ‘Hey, Jungkook, wanna fuck?’”
Elena nodded and gave you a blank stare. “That sounded perfect. What’s stopping you?”
You groaned. Of course, Elena would think that’s an acceptable way to approach a man but before you could protest, she was signaling Jungkook to come over. Your eyes widened, a mortifying feeling washing over you.
I could kill her, you thought, I could kill her and bury the body beneath the school’s theater.
Jungkook looked at Elena, a confused look etched across his handsome features. Then, he did the unthinkable. He began to walk over.
He stopped just short of the both of you, the wallflowers for the night, and smiled. “Good evening, ladies, how can I help you?”
Elena nudged you and you opened your mouth to speak but found only your pride, self-respect, and the last shred of confidence falling out of your mouth and onto the floor to be stomped on by a slew of drunken college students. Elena, noticing your mouth open and a dazed look on your face, rolled her eyes and blurted out, “She wants to fuck you.”
This is it, you thought, this is how I die.
But it wasn’t.
Because Jungkook’s eyes raked over you, a hint of lust clouding behind them, and smiled. “Oh, really?”
You nodded, fear and excitement striking into your heart.
Elena continued, “She’s been waiting to make a move all night, but she’s been too afraid to.”
Jungkook looked at you. “Consent is sexy, so I have to hear it from your mouth.”
You swallowed thickly, slowly nodding. “She’s not, I mean, I’m not –” You stopped, taking a deep breath. “Yes. Coitus is something I’d like to experience with you – I mean, if you’re up for it.”
He held out his hand. “Well, let’s go experience it.”
“Right now?”
“Why not?”
You looked between him and Elena searching for a reason as to why now wasn’t a good time to get your back blown out, but you couldn’t find one. Not a good one, anyway. So, you put on a brave face, took his hand, and let him lead you upstairs and into the nearest empty bedroom.
You didn't know who this bedroom belonged to as it had no signs of life. A basic dark wood dresser hugged the right wall, a few sports posters lined the walls and a simple full-sized bed with white and blue bedding sat in the middle of the floor. Jungkook took a seat on the bed, and you sat next to him, unable to meet his eye.
“Come here,” he said, cupping your face and drawing you forward.
He wanted a kiss, so you followed his lead, but your nose bumped into his. “I’m so sorry!” You said in a panicked voice. “I – I didn’t mean for –”
“It’s okay,” he said through a small laugh. Another attempt at a kiss was made but instead of bumping noses, you bumped foreheads. He rubbed his forehead, scrunching up his face. “Maybe we skip kissing,” he said, standing up. “How about this instead?” He began to climb on top of you. You readjusted yourself, hoping to make things flow more smoothly but you ended up kneeing him in the stomach.
“Fuck, I am so sorry!” You said as you watched him grit his teeth.
“It’s okay,” he said once again and rounded the other side of the bed. He took a seat and laid back. “Why don’t you come lay beside me?”
You nodded. You got up and laid down next to him.
“Why don’t you lead?” Jungkook suggested and you silently agreed that that might be for the best.
You began to get up but found your elbow stabbing him in the chest.
This was going horribly.
“Are you sure you want to have sex?” Jungkook asked.
“I do,” you said quietly, biting your lip. “I’m just really nervous.”
Jungkook narrowed his eyes at you. “Why are you nervous?”
You chewed on your bottom lip, avoiding his gaze. How do you tell one of the hottest guys on campus that you’re a virgin? A lonely loser virgin?
“If it’s me, then there’s nothing to be nervous about,” Jungkook said. “I’m not as experienced as everyone says I am. I mean, I have had sex with quite a few people – all safe and consensual of course – but I’m nothing like the lothario people say I am. I mean, I’m just –”
You cut him off. “I’m nervous because I’m a virgin.”
The room went quiet. Too quiet. Embarrassingly quiet. If there was a God, he would have taken mercy on you and allowed the world to swallow you at this exact moment. But no, mercy did not shine a light on you this day.
“And you wanted me to take your virginity?”
He seemed more surprised that you had chosen him as your virginity taker than the fact that you were still a virgin. Regardless, you nodded. “Yeah, I figured if I was going to lose it, I might as well lose it to someone hot.”
His cheeks flashed a crimson color. “Don’t you want your first time to be special?”
You scoffed. “First off, virginity is just a construct and secondly, it would have been special no matter what because it’s my first time and I was in control. Besides, I’ve got a bucket list to finish this year.”
Jungkook looked at you. “Oh yeah? What else is on your list?”
“Smoking weed. I’ve never been high before.”
And just like that, Jungkook produced a blunt out of his back pocket. “You’re in luck. Listen, I don’t think the sex thing is going to happen tonight, but I can smoke you out.”
You felt relief wash over you. There was still hope. He said it wouldn’t happen tonight not that it wouldn’t happen ever – hey, it may have been delulu but you were going to take it and ride off with it into the sun. You watched closely as Jungkook lit the blunt, taking a few deep inhales, holding it in, and then exhaling, coughing along the way. Your first few attempts at smoking the joint were failures but after the third try, you got the hang of it. You also coughed a lung out but the serene feeling that flowed through you a few moments later was worth it.
The blunt had been reduced to a roach and you and Jungkook were lying on the bed, laughing and talking about everything under the sun. You learned he was a film major and planned on moving to Los Angeles after graduation to pursue a career out there. When you told him you wanted to be the next Audra McDonald, he didn’t laugh or tease you like so many others had before. He thought your love of theater was cool and asked you a million questions about it. He found it impressive that you could hold such high notes while doing intricate choreography. Finally, a silence settled over the two of you as the green forced you both into an extreme high.
“Can I ask you something?” Jungkook’s voice was like molasses, thick and slow. Or maybe you were just so damn high that’s how you heard it.
“Mhm,” you hummed.
“What’s the farthest you’ve gone?”
“Like traveling?”
He shook his head. “No, I mean … with sex.”
“Oh,” you replied. “Um, I’ve jerked a guy off before.”
“Have you …” he began but trailed off. He turned his head to look at you, attempting to gauge your reaction. “Ever received oral?”
You shook your head. “Nah.”
“You want to?”
You froze, and a sobering feeling hit you like a pillow full of soap. The idea of getting your coochie licked sounded damn good right now, especially with the weed in your system. “Yeah, I mean, I guess I’d like to try it one day.”
“How about today?”
You could still feel Jungkook’s eyes on you. Well, shit. You had already crossed one item off your bucket list. Might as well cross another. So, you said, “Yeah, let’s do it.”
Within seconds, Jungkook was between your legs, lifting your pleated skirt to your hips and sliding your baby pink panties down. Your body froze as you felt a finger slide in between your slits. “A virgin who shaves,” you heard him muse, mostly to himself. A thumb began rubbing your clit and a gasp escaped your throat. Before you could say something else, his tongue was on your lips. Your … other lips. It darted out, parting your lips and flicking against your clit in a feverish way.
Your back arched in response and you felt as if all the air in your lungs had left your body. You found your hands gripping the white sheets as he buried his face deeper between your legs, his tongue sliding in and out of your hole before traveling up and down your slit and finally focusing back on your clit. The sensation became a little too much and you squirmed away, hoping to ease some of the intensity but that only made things worse. Jungkook wrapped his hands around your thick thighs, pulling you closer, spread your legs apart further, and kept his hands gripped on your thighs, ensuring you wouldn’t be going too far. “Don’t run from it,” you heard him whisper.
You’re not sure how long he was at it but by the time your world turned white, you were making noises only a dog could hear.
. . . . .
It wasn’t in your nature to willingly be a third wheel, but the town’s annual spring fair was here and there was no way you were going to miss it. Even if Elena insisted on bringing her boyfriend, Felix. The night wasn’t all bad though. You had spotted Jungkook hanging with a few of his friends and the two of you waved at each other. It had been three weeks since the party and the two of you had kept in contact, texting each other funny memes here and there, sometimes talking on the phone late into the night but nothing more, nothing less.
As the three of you waited in line for the Ferris wheel, you noticed that the ride only allowed pairs. That took care of Elena and Felix but what about you?
“Can you believe that? Since when has the Ferris wheel been limited to two people at a time?” You turned around to face your best friend, but she wasn’t listening. She was too busy using her tongue to excavate Felix’s mouth. You groaned. “Of course, you two would choose now to suck face.”
The line moved forward, and it was your turn to get on. The ride operator gave you a pitiful look. “You got a partner?” He asked but he knew the answer to that. Just as you were about to step out of line to die of embarrassment in a dark and quiet place, your knight in shining armor appeared.
“I’m her partner.”
Jungkook. Sweet, sweet, Jungkook. Sweet, delicious, Jungkook who smelled like heaven and was wearing a red button-up shirt that showed off all his muscles. What? Sue you for noticing!
Jungkook held out his hand and you took it, the two of you loading on the ride and strapping in. Elena smirked at you as the ride began. The ride slowly lifted you and Jungkook up a few feet and then paused, allowing Elena and Felix to board.
“Thanks for saving the day,” you said with a smile. “The Ferris wheel is my favorite ride.”
“No shit, mine too,” Jungkook replied.
Your eyes brightened. “Really? You don’t seem like the type.”
“What type do I seem like?”
“A coaster man.”
“I like coasters too,” he admitted. “But something about the Ferris wheel just calms me, you know?”
“Yeah,” you said. “I get that.”
“So, how’s your bucket list going? Cross off anything else?” Jungkook asked as the Ferris wheel began moving again and then paused, allowing another couple on.
“I have,” you told him excitedly. “Elena and I went skinny dipping two days ago.”
“Damn, I’m sad I missed that one,” Jungkook said with a cheeky smile. “Still a virgin?”
“Still a virgin.”
Jungkook looked at you, his eyes falling to your exposed legs. You were wearing a plaid overall dress and a long-sleeved white shirt underneath. You wondered for a moment if he was judging your fashion choices until he licked his lips and you saw the lust clouding his eyes. “Ever been fingered?”
You shrugged; a sheepish smile found its way to your face. “Only when you ate me out that one time.”
“But never in public?”
“Of course not.”
He looked at you, his eyes begging for permission and as the Ferris wheel began moving again, forcing you and Jungkook to the top, his hands found their way between your thighs. He rubbed your core through your panties. You felt him lean over, his lips brushing against your neck before peppering kisses across your chin. You couldn’t help but giggle as he pushed your panties to the side, and you felt two fingers slide up and down your already-wet slit.
You felt your heart beating faster in his chest when he slid a finger inside and used his thumb to rub circles on your clit. The sensation was quickly becoming too much for you. Especially in public of all places. But as the Ferris wheel worked its way down, you were as well. Your orgasm slowly washed away as the ride finally came to a stop, allowing you and Jungkook to get off.
“Thanks for the ride,” you told him and in response, he kissed your cheek and made his way back to his friends.
It was official: You and Jungkook were friends. Like actual friends. You talked to him just as much as you talked to Elena, if not more. You had met his friends and his friend’s girlfriends. You spent time at his apartment. He smoked you out at least once a week and the last time the two of you decided to go on an impromptu diner trip, the waitress mistook you for a couple.
That’s why it wasn’t a surprise when he accompanied you to the library today. You both had papers due and decided to study together. However, you found that the two of you didn’t get much studying done and instead spent most of your time together making jokes and trying to steer clear of the librarian’s wrath.
In an attempt to get some serious studying done, Jungkook suggested getting a table at the back of the library. As you followed him to the back of the library, you noticed a couple, deep within the library aisles, where students rarely went, getting it on. You stopped Jungkook, tugging on his sleeve. “Look!” You whispered. “Oh my god, isn’t that Jimin?”
An approving smile pulled at the corner of Jungkook’s lips. “Yeah. Ever since he met his girlfriend, he’s become such a horn dog.”
You couldn’t take your eyes off the couple. Jimin had his girlfriend leaning on a bookshelf for support, her pants pulled down to her knees and his face buried between her ass cheeks. You hated to say it but it kind of turned you on. Jungkook took your hand and pulled you along.  
“He’s not afraid of getting caught?” You asked.
Jungkook shrugged. “I don’t think so. They fuck in the library all the time. That’s actually how they became a couple. He was her tutor.”
You felt a pool of heat settling in your core, forcing a weather change down under. “God, that’s hot.”
Jungkook stopped walking and looked at you. “You want to try?”
“You mean, fucking in the library?” The idea excited you, but you weren’t exactly sure you wanted to get fully plowed in public yet. “I don’t know about penetration but … maybe some head would be cool.”
Jungkook licked his lips. “I can’t lie, I’ve been wanting to taste you again.”
You shook your head as he led you further into the book aisles. “No, I mean I want to give you head.”
He stopped. “You sure?”
“Yeah, teach me how to suck dick,” you said and then cringed once you heard the words. “That didn’t sound as sexy as I hoped it would have.
He smiled, licking his lips. “Say less,” he pulled you into a corner and unzipped his pants. He pulled his jeans and boxers down but only slightly and produced his semi-hard dick.
“You’re already excited?” You asked and then realized this was your first time seeing his dick. No wonder he was known as the lover, you thought, grabbing it and feeling the weight of it in your hand. “Well, shit.”
“You ready?” He asked and you nodded, slowly dropping to your knees.  He guided you lovingly on how to properly give head but also explained that everyone was different so the way he liked it wouldn’t necessarily be the way another guy liked it. But the way he liked it was known as the ‘vacuum suck.’ He wasn’t into the bells and whistles of sloppy head but preferred something nice and clean and something that felt like his soul was being sucked out of him.
And that, you did. Or at least you gave it the old college try.
You stroked his large dick, your hand running up and down his thick shaft as your tongue flicked over his head. Precum painted your lips as you attempted to slide his entire member into your mouth. It wouldn't fit and Jungkook didn't force it. Above you, he squirmed in delight, his hands threading through your dark locks, gripping ever so slightly.
“Touch my balls, baby girl,” Jungkook said through a low grunt. Your pussy does backflips at the sound of being called ‘baby girl’ but you can’t linger on that too long. Jungkook has your head in his hands and he’s slowly but surely fucking your face. “Agh … I’m going to cum …” He began to pull his dick out, but you didn't let him, instead you did something that you’ve seen countless times on Twitter memes. You suck harder and you kept sucking well after he came. You’d never heard a man squeal before but you’re sure that’s what Jungkook did before you finally popped his dick out of your mouth.
Summer was steadily approaching, the weather going from tolerable to the heat of the devil’s ass crack. It’s why Jungkook had suggested that the two of you head to the coast for the weekend. “It would be way cooler out there,” he had said, and you couldn’t argue. So, on a Friday evening, you climbed on the back of his motorcycle and the two of you headed off to the beach for the weekend.
As two broke college students, you didn’t have enough money to afford a fancy hotel, so you settled for a run-down motel room, but it was clean, and the bed was comfortable enough. Jungkook had purchased every snack in the vending machine that night and the two of you shared stories over eight-dollar bottles of wine, BBQ chips, and sour gummies. After finishing off your second bottle of wine, Jungkook lit up a blunt and the two of you shared it, laying back on the motel room bed with the shabby television playing a novella in the background.
“Y/N, I think you may be my best friend.”
“I think you may be right,” you agreed, laughing.
“I can’t believe school will be ending soon,” Jungkook said.
“I know. What am I going to do without you?” you said, a genuine sadness reaching your voice.
“We’re going to stay friends. You’ll come visit me in Los Angeles and I’ll come visit you in New York. You’ll be there when I receive my first Oscar and I’ll be there when you get your first Tony,” Jungkook said with a smile. And you could hear the sincerity in his voice. Even if none of that happened, in this moment right here and right now, Jungkook believed it did and that’s what you loved most about him.
You always thought love was like an arrow. Shooting you in the heart, causing you to instantaneously know that you had fallen but looking at Jungkook in the darkness of this shabby motel room, you realized love wasn’t like that at all. Love was slow and easy. It was sweet. It was kind. It was a soft spring day. It was impromptu trips to your favorite diners. It was sharing secrets in your most special places. It was laughing to your belly ached in the back of a car. It was trips to eat your weight in sushi and then getting ice cream even though you swore you couldn’t eat another bite. It was wiping your tears away at four in the morning because you didn’t get the role in the school play. It was sitting up all night with each other watching the sun rise because he was too anxious to sleep. It was the perfect and it was the imperfect. It was nothing and it was everything. It was you and it was Jungkook.
And right here, right now, you realized that you were in love with Jungkook.
“Jungkook,” you said, looking at him and he turned his head, smiling that beautiful smile. “I love you.”
He stared at you for a moment, studying your features. A hand reached out and cupped your cheek. “I love you too, Y/N.”
You scooted closer to Jungkook and kissed him. It was a soft and sound kiss. Slow and sensual. And he kissed you back with just as much patience. Your arms and legs tangled together, and soon you found your clothes melting away. You felt his lips wrapped around your nipples, his tongue going across your stomach. His hands stroking your pussy with an excruciating softness. You felt his muscles flexing beneath your fingertips, the weight of his manhood in your hands and then in your mouth.
His body reacted with such pleasure as you gave him head. You sucked slowly, making sure every inch of his manhood was wet with your spit. Jungkook stopped you early, citing how much he still wanted to taste you so you laid you on your back and spread your legs, exposing your most sensitive parts but Jungkook shook his head. He guided you on top of him, and you lowered your precious gem to his face. He licked hungrily. Savoring every drop of you. His hands found their way to your round ass and groped the fleshy curves as his tongue dug deeper into you. An electric wave of pleasure washed over you, your body writhing in sweet agony.
As you lay down beside him, he got on top of you. “Are you sure?” He asked. “If you don’t want to go this far, we can stop right now.”
But you didn’t want to stop. You wanted this. You wanted him. You silently nodded for him to continue and Jungkook rolled a condom onto his hardened dick. He positioned himself at your entrance and quietly said, “Here we go.”
He started slowly. You felt an indescribable pressure in your lower abdomen as he continued to slide in but it wasn’t bad. It was just different. He used his right hand to play with your breasts.
His pace quickened. You closed your eyes, biting your lip as the pressure waned, and in came pleasure. He lifted your legs and placed them on his shoulders. This new angle forced a new sensation to bubble within you. It felt amazing but there was a heaviness to it that you couldn’t quite describe. His hand found your clit, rubbing circles on it as he began to fuck you faster. You didn’t think you could cum twice in one night, but Jungkook proved you wrong. A few short moments later, Jungkook’s face tightened, and he let out a deep grunt before falling on top of you. After a moment, he rolled off.
“So how was it experiencing coitus with me?” Jungkook asked, breathing heavily.
You couldn’t help but laugh. “It was amazing.”
“I’m just glad you didn’t beat my ass this time.”
You cringed, thinking of the night the two of you met. You rolled to your side, putting your arm around him and your head on his chest. In response, he put his arms around you as well, pulling you close.
“What does this mean for us?” you asked.
“It means that I hope you accept when I ask you out on a date,” he said, kissing the top of your head.
“I’ll have to think about it,” you said. “I’ve got one more thing to cross off my bucket list.”
“What’s that?”
You motioned toward the window in the room, outside of it, the beach. “Sex on the beach times two. I want to drink the drink while doing the act.”
With a smile, Jungkook got up and put on his pants. He looked at you, “Well don’t just sit there, let’s go have sex on the beach while we drink sex on the beach.”
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justimazine · 2 years
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Sorcerer Of My Heart (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/321381467-sorcerer-of-my-heart?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Sia_writes22&wp_originator=p8ksA2vHs31FcJizfKJsa0MsADMdRsYQNPWpWG96tasQqIPGvpx0RE%2FmTd8BmSMXRkBm8Lz1LOLfcZA6O2qsx9RLcMEEI1tmPV3NjX8zidVBzLpL2%2Foz5Fw%2B%2BizBt0JY Jimin a well known Sorcerer from 13th century who found a way to travel in time for his specific purpose. His gate open in 21st century in Y/n closet. Later she found out that his specific purpose is to protect her and take her back to her father who is a King in 13th century. Posting in every after third day 🙏 I need your precious support since I just started on Wattpad. We all are here for each other❤ All right reserved ⚠️⚠️⚠️ DO NOT REPOST❌❌❌ Enjoy❤❤❤
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hellbornsworld · 1 year
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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
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You can say she's crazy, but her eyes see the spirits of the past.... She talks to them.... And they talk back.
# BOOK 4 Mist |
You watch her walk away and it hits you that she is an entire ocean And you were wrong, so very wrong Because you let her go Thinking she was just a girl
✨Gods of the Sea | BTS!Vocal Liner X Reader | Author : FireTiger8 | 87 Parts | Completed
"My name is Captain Jeon Jungkook. I'm here to kidnap you."
✨Badboy | BTS X Reader | OneShots | Author : shooknae | 8 Parts | Completed
7 boys, 7 chapters, 7 different stories
✨Oh My Gospel! | BTS X Reader | Author : mociminji | 88 Parts | Ongoing
In which you are a prude theology student and one day, your sneaky twin brother sent you a link to the livestream of an infamous camboy, Park Jimin.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
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svtrightherekids · 1 year
Can you recommend some really BTS angsty fics that have happy endings (yknow something that'll torture my heart but I'll still be happy)
YES. we love torturing our hearts <3
backburner by @yoonpobs
sister's best friend min yoongi! x reader
sometimes you felt like you were the back-burner of a two-decade-long friendship. how could you ever compete?
2. maybe I do by @chateautae
ceo taehyung! x rich reader!
maybe you love each other, maybe you don’t. when a deal between your fathers leaves you forcefully wedding kim taehyung, arguably seoul’s most powerful CEO, you’re prepared for a loveless marriage of eternal regret and unhappiness. but maybe, it doesn’t turn out that way after all.
3. practice by @chryblossomjjk
art major jungkook! x smart reader!
what starts as a harmless little "meet up" ends up being way more complicated.
4. Rough edges by @kjhmyg
badboy jk! x reader!
This series is not ended yet, but I couldn't possibly recommend a angsty fic rec and not include this series. fingers crossed, hopefully this has a happy ending :(
5. The return of an empress by @you-are-my-joy
Empress Reader! x Advisor!Jin, Advisor!Yoongi, General!Hoseok, Advisor!Namjoon, Assassin!Jimin, Knight!Taehyung, Knight!Jungkook
After one fateful night, you find yourself transmigrated into your favorite novel as the Empress that shares the same name as you. As a bookworm, most would think you’d be happy, but how could you be happy when the Empress you’ve become is expected to be killed in three months. The only thing on your mind now is to learn how to survive.
Thanks for reading :0
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JIMIN fic recs oneshot PART 1
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Hope it helps to find you the great fics! Hope it helps!! And please leave a comment/like/reblog or any reviews guys the writers should receive the appreciation they deserve (I'll be eventually adding more fics here)
Minors strictly DNI
And if you want recs about any particular trope or au I'm always willing to help 👀🤗
Oneshot :-
Fluff :- ☁️
Angst :- 🥀
Smut :- 🔥
Crack :- 🎃
Personal Favourite :- ✨
1. you.Me.us__ ☁️🔥🥀 (stalker, yandere , thriller) @kosmosguk
2. Driver's license __ ☁️🥀✨ (coming-of-age, one-sided!au, brother's bestfriend!au) @gyukult
3.while you are at it __ ☁️🔥(pool boy jimin, divorced reader). @aureumjeon
4. I need you __ ☁️🔥🥀(exes to lovers, oneshot, idol au) @hisunshiine
5. Crystal snow __ ☁️🥀✨ (figure skating!au, fantasy!au, king jimin, supernatural power). @minniepetals
6. Vampire's garden__☁️🎃(College student jimin, fantasy, dark fantasy, vampire au). @ebonyinktea
7. soliloquy __☁️🎃 (Angel jimin× human reader). @kinktae
8. schrödinger’s cat__ ☁️🎃✨(guardian angel jimin, comfort) @dovechim
9. Azure blue__☁️🎃✨(Adventure, Fairy!Au ) @jimlingss
10. The pull of the tides __☁️🔥(surfur au, Strangers to lovers) @goldenscript
11. Fairytale__☁️🎃(merman jimin × human reader) @gukyi
12. Rock bottom __☁️🥀🔥✨( Idol!Jimin, establishedrelationship!AU, marriage! AU) @jkbabiey
13. Boats against the current __☁️🎃✨ (Hogwarts au, opposite to lovers). @gukyi
14. Into the wilderness __☁️🥀🎃✨ (camp counselor!au, unrequited love!au, friends to lovers!au) @gukyi
15. Lover to lean on__☁️🥀🔥🎃✨ (neighbour au, flower shop au, it's more complicated) @sketchguk
16. Paper bandits __☁️🎃(highschool au, S2F2L) @vantaenims
17. Blowing dandelions __☁️🥀🔥(badboy jimin, e2l, childhood friends, college au). @httpjeon
18. Grinch in law__☁️🥀🔥✨(fiance to marriage, bad to good mother-in-law, established relationship) @mercurygguk
19. Cut me free__☁️🥀🔥(Demon Yandere jimin ) @sopejinsunflower
20. Earnestly yours __ ☁️🎃✨(Highschool au , enemies to lovers , actor au) @gukyi
21. Theophany (To Paint a God) __☁️🥀🔥 (college!au , Old Friends to Lovers , Best Friend’s Brother!Jimin , Bisexual!Reader , Dancer!Jimin , Painter!Reader) @ilikemesometaetaes
22. Hello__ ☁️🥀🔥✨(exestolovers!au, high school pining, adult love, slice of life au ) @gyukult
23. Only you __ ☁️🔥 (single dad jimin, best friends to lovers au) @personasintro
24. Hell-ish__☁️🎃 (establisedrelationship, kinda fun date) @jtrbluv
25. 20 things and continuing I Hades about you__☁️🥀🎃✨ (dj famous jimin× pa reader) @readyplayerhobi
26. Just a little bit of love(is all you really need)__☁️🎃 (gymnastics au) @gukyi
27. Poster boy __ ☁️ (highschool au, social anxiety, comfort) @versigny
28. He's pretending__☁️🎃✨ (Enemies-to-lovers (kinda, jimin is in deniel but lowkey wipped) Daemon!Jimin x Faerie!Reader, fantasy au). @crystaljins
29. Adonis __☁️🎃 (firefighter jimin, s2l ). @xjoonchildx
30. Red gardania__☁️✨ (ballerina au, secret admirer, kinda e2l ) @joyfulhopelox
31. Shake shack __☁️🔥🎃(stranger to crushes to lovers) @kth1
32. The happiest place on earth __☁️🎃🔥 (Disneyland actors au, slice of life au) @dovechim
33. The midnight pack __☁️🎃🔥 (wolf au, S2L) @jjungkookislife
34. Terrible liar__☁️🥀✨ (F2L, pinning , comfort) @writtenwhalien
35. All that glitters __☁️🥀🎃✨(kinda soft Yandere/ tsudere jimin , Obsession) @deepdarkdelights
36. Deviant affairs __☁️🔥🥀(new Yandere stepbro jimin ) @yandere-society
37. Believe it __☁️🥀🔥✨(friends to enemies to lovers (it’s more complicated though)+ bet AU , high school to after high school) @writtenwhalien
38. Love you a latte__☁️🎃(Yandere Jimin, Stalking, Masturbation, obsession, it's kinda angsty though) @worldwidemochiguy
39. Heartbreak Insurance__☁️🎃✨ (insurance agent jimin× fraud reader, S2 F2 L) @jimlingss
40. Wicked obsession __🔥☁️(University AU, friends with benefits, unhealthy obsession) @peachypinkygloss
41. Love pages__☁️🥀(Yandere, highschool au, supernatural kinda) @jimlingss
42. The devil's own luck__☁️🥀🎃✨ (demon jimin , Slice of Life). @jimlingss
43. Beneath the water __☁️🥀🔥🎃✨(merman jimin× human reader, mermaid au, fantasy au). @jungshookz
44. His hoodie my hoodie__☁️🔥🎃✨ ( S2F2L, college au) @yoongihime
45. Kiss the girl__☁️🎃 (Disney land prince jimin×waitress girl, f2l, whipped) @sketchguk
46. Devil's advocate__☁️🎃(devil jimin ×human reader) @7cypher
47. No need for dreaming__☁️🎃(roommate au, clumsy jimin, frenemies to lovers) @ve1vetyoongi
48. Nine to five__☁️🎃🔥(softie smut, fwb2L, Dr. jm) @jiminrings
49. Just a taste__☁️🥀🔥🎃(Vampire jimin, established relationship). @yoonieper
50. Safe haven__☁️🥀🔥✨(royal king’s guard werewolf!jimin × princess reader, forbidden love au, medieval royal au) @kth1fics
51. Spiral__☁️🥀✨(Time traveler Jimin, teenager! reader, underground fighter! Jimin, time jumps, violence, blood, supernatural) @i-am-baechu
52. Red flag__☁️🎃🔥✨( richboy!jimin x mystery!reader, strangers to enemies to lovers to potential plaintiff) @xjoonchildx
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mrspark7777777 · 2 months
when people say things like they find moments where added up it leads them to believe Jikook are not in a romantic relationship I wonder what they mean. So I’m talking actions and whereabouts etc. because to me, they are closeted and busy men but they have always been consistent in their behaviour to each other, even last year despite the longing, am I missing something?
Nah anon. People are just morons
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1) Trashkookers:
Their bias is V and so if they're gonna ship anyone in BTS it has to be V. Must be V. No matter what. But nooooo they won't ship him with someone like Jhope where they don't have to make anything up or Jin where they actually do some pretty sus things where edited end up giving us some awesome Taejin sexual tension videos 🤭🤭😂 V does the exact kind of fanservice with everyone which is why what Tkk do can never be special, but with Jin he kinda goes the extra mile and I for one love to see it 😂 It totally makes sense to me why Taejin was the first ship in BTS way back when. So yeah, these idiots could ship Vhope or Taejin and never be frustrated by their ship. But nope. Its gotta be with the youngest because he's hot and popular and looks like a badboy thus fulfilling their fantasies or whatever. Idek man. It dont gotta be JK people. It really doesn't. As long as Jimin exists this dude is always going to frustrate you and thems the truth!
2) Antis
Antis have categories. JJKs, PJMs, Homophobes and Anti shippers.
JJKs hate Jimin because PJMs hate on JK. But PJMs only hate on JK because his rlship with Jimin brings him hate from the vermin. Who hate Jimin because JK doesn't do to V the things he does to/with Jimin.
Damn, that's a mindfuck.
Homophobes, well. These include JJKs, PJMs and anyone in the fandom who believes all members are straight. We've seen extremely homophobic stuff get tweeted especially by KJJKs. They are hella nasty. (For the most part thou, majority of PJMs know their fave is not straight)
As for the Anti shippers, they are not homophobic, but don't believe any members are dating each other. Heck, they too ship members but not seriously, just for fun. They think other shippers take it too far because skinship is normal in SK and so what Jikook do is normal skinship. (Even though we've seen Koreans react to Jikook and say they would never do that with their own friends but I digress)
Idk why its so hard to think the biggest boy band in the world could have some gay members, but okay.
So no anon, you aint missing anything. Other people are 🤷🏽‍♀️
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bukguhope · 2 years
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in which badboy! jeon jungkook desperately needs everyone to think he has a girlfriend and out of all the girls on campus that he could’ve chosen to fake date- he chose you, the girl who hates him the most. - FINAL
fake dating, badboy! jungkook, swearing, mentions of blood/fighting, hate(mainly oc) to love, eventual light smut, little pining TW: mentions of SA
Quick note: extra chapters will be going to be released on my wattpad, the story continues there ♥️
taglist:  @familiarlikemymirror3 @sleeping-bunny-sensei @ellesalazar @thisartemisnevermisses
Jungkook was on a rampage. His vision was filled with red, no one or nothing could stop him as he traveled to over to pay a little visit to a certain someone. That being the guy who felt he had the right to put his hands on you, the image fuelled him on and made him shake with rage with each step he took. It was no issue to find out where he was, his name and his address. Jungkook had his ways. So, with his anger urging him on, he steps up to his location- this guys dorm- and takes his boot to it. The door flies open, in fact it almost falls of the hinges. Footsteps hurry to the hallway, they halt when the owner of them sees what kicked their door in
“you-” Jungkook cuts him off, with his his fist meeting the guys face making him fall back with a loud crash on the hardwood floor. He doesn’t stop there. Jungkook bends on one knee, raising his fist again before hammering it down onto the guys face.
“think you can go around touching women without permission huh? think you’re untouchable because of mommy and daddy?” Jungkook stops, mid rant to grip the guy by the neck of his jumper. The man doesn’t even attempt to fight back, Jungkook was clearly too strong “you’re pathetic and you fucking know it.” He’s lifting him to his feet then, only to launch him across the room. The guy fumbled over the back of couch which sat not far from the end of the hallway. “if i ever see you anywhere near my campus again i will fucking end you and that’s a promise” 
You pace your dorm, teeth nibbling at your thumbnail as Tae watches you from your desk chair. It had been two days since your fake relationship got outed to the whole campus and the coach hadn’t reached out for a meeting yet so you took that as a good sign that he didn’t know. What was worrying you was Jungkook’s parting words. That he would make the guy ‘regret’, whatever that meant? You were sure you had a good guess. A knock sounding at your door made you jump slightly before you immediately thought it was Jungkook, finally coming to tell you what he’s been up to. But as you swing the door open, you’re disappointed
“wow, the sight of me made you miserable” You felt bad, you just wanted it to be someone else. Jungkook
“sorry, Jimin. I just-”
“don’t stress iam messing with you” With a half hearted smile, you open the door wider and let him step in behind you. Closing the door he walks past Tae, fist bumping him before sitting on your bed. Since when did they get close? Properly over eavesdropping on you and Jungkook, you conclude. “Jungkook sent me to check on you, tell you everything’s fine and not to worry” You let out a sound of exasperation, fling your palms to the air before the slap against your thighs
“what kind of bullshit is that? i swear when i see him, he’s getting a reality check” You hear Jimin chuckle but it doesn’t register as you resume your pacing.
“she’s great, no wonder Jungkook is obsessed over her” Your heart flutters at that little piece of information but you shake your head, this was no time to swoon
“where even is he right now? is he in trouble?” Jimin raises an eyebrow at you from your bed
“it’s Jungkook, he’s the definition of trouble” You sigh in order to surprise the urge to scream at the poor guy. It wasn’t his fault, yet you wanted to yell until your throat was sore.
“never thought i’d see the day you’d worry about him, look at you all loved up” Your head whips to Tae at his comment so fast you may have whiplash
“leave” You deadpan simply making the boy on your bed laugh wholeheartedly while your best friend gives you a pointed look
“excuse you grouchy pants” Taehyung was your greatest friend, but sometimes you just wanted to slap him so hard. You resisted that urge one too many times throughout your whole friendship
Jungkook’s hand still has a little shake to it as he sits across his coach in the cramped office. His eyes graze the cuts on his knuckles, the memory of what he had done only a couple hours prior brings a little smile to his face before the coach clears his throat. Jungkook looks over the desk to the man eyeing him up and down.
“do i want to know why you look like you’ve just competed in an mma fight?” Jungkook bites at his lower lip before shaking his head to indicate no, no he doesn’t want to know “right well, does your fake girlfriend know you’re here?” His head whips to the coach, confirming he did just say fake girlfriend. The coach laughs lightly “iam not stupid, i knew.” Ah
“guess iam getting kicked out of here huh?” There was no point in dancing around the subject, Jungkook knew this would get him thrown out.
“well, your lies and fighting should end in you being kicked out.” Jungkook releases a shaky breath “if the higher ups are told, that is”
“i don’t understand, can you please just tell when i have to leave by?” All this talk was pointless, he was being thrown out so he just wanted to to know when.
“you leave, when you graduate” Jungkook raises an eyebrow while the coach leans back in his chair “you’re a good kid, and an even better athlete. the higher ups may not see it that way but i surely do. let me ask a question” Jungkook didn’t understand but he wasn’t about to interrupt
“do you remember this guy that you had a run in with not too long ago? he was preying on innocent women at these campus parties. you may think no higher up found out about how you dealt with him in that alleyway, but i did. word got back to me because well, the last girl he creeped on was my daughter” Jungkook’s eyes widen, that was the day you and Taehyung had followed. The guy had took the warning and stopped his behaviour and not once was he called in to talk about it, so Jungkook assumed the guy was too scared to tell anyone. The coach chuckles at his reaction “someone told her what you did Jungkook, he was trying rally people up to come at you but no one agreed. iam guessing one of them told someone my daughter knew, you know how gossip flys around”
“i hope your daughters okay, sir” The coach smiles lightly
“perfectly fine, she’s a strong woman. but you probably save so many others with what you did. so, iam not telling any higher up anything. you’ll stay until you graduate as long as you keep your head down for the rest of your time here” Jungkook felt instant relief, his shoulders relaxed and took a big inhale.
“thank you”
“that girl really had brought out the good manners in you, i like her” Jungkook smiles at the mention of you, the coach tilts his head
“i bet the relationship isn’t so fake now right?” He questions and Jungkook lets out a laugh, confirming the coaches suspicions “you know ive watched you follow that girl around like a loyal dog for a year, when you brought her in here i was happy you finally did something about your feelings. it was like i was watching one of my wife’s drama programmes live” Jungkook laughs at this, he supposed everyone knew about his feelings if the coach was waiting for him to make a move.
“glad i’ve kept you entertained sir” The older man chuckles, standing from his chair
“go be young and happy with her and for the love of god stay out of trouble before i lose the last of my hair” Jungkook stands with a smile, shakes the mans hand and leaves to finally get what he’s been yearning for since last year. You
“iam literally going to beat him to an inch of his life” Taehyung gives you a side eye as he walks with you across campus
“wow the honeymoon period didn’t last long” With a huff you push on his arm, he stumbles on his feet and with a loud yell falls in a bush not far from him. “you bitch!” He fumbles around in the bush making the leaves rustle as he tries to get up
“i hope a branch gets stuck up your ass!” You stand and watch as he pulls himself from the leaves as other students look on at the interaction.
“why’s he in a bush?” You jump at the familiar voice and turn to see the man who suddenly went missing two days ago without a word. Your body reacts without thinking, wrapping your arms arums his middle to hold him tightly against you. “awh you missed me? after only two days?” Your back teeth grind together at his words and you catch him off guard when twist and push him in Taehyung’s direction who had only just stood up. Jungkook stumbles towards your best friend who raises his hands to catch the younger one, only to lose his footing and pull Jungkook down into the bush you had previously pushed him in.
“you two fucking suck” You leave the two of them to fumble to their feet, leaves sticking onto their clothes as you walk away.
“sweetheart wait!” His nickname for you makes your halt instantly, you couldn’t help it. Your turn just in time to watch him walk over to you, brushing the leaves off him. “am sorry, it was a bad joke” He gets out between laughs
“you go awol for two days after it’s leaked we were fake dating and that’s the first thing you say to me? bad joke is an understatement asshole” He smiles down at you, hands coming to hold your shoulders before they slide down your arms and go to your waist.
“and you pushed me into a bush so, even?” You pushing your lips out, a smile wanting to break through at the image of him falling into the leaves coming to mind.
“fine even, now tell me everything!” Jungkook chuckles as his hands move to your back before dipping to the top of your ass and pulling you closer to him
“told you they weren’t fake” A whisper from behind you makes your head turn as you catch two girls looking over before running off.
“iam not getting kicked out” Your head turns back to Jungkook at his words and you sigh in relief as he continues “the coach knew everything and he’s keeping it to himself, i can stay on the team and i’ll get to graduate”
“oh that’s such a relief i-” You stop mid sentence when you reach your hands behind you to grab his hand out instead feel an array of cuts. Quickly you bring his hands in front of you and look over at the bruises that decorate his knuckles “what the fuck did you do?!” A smirk appears at the corner of his lips while you fuss over his hands, a year later a he finally gets to have you fussing over him. He’d fight more often if he gets this reaction.
“he deserved it, it’s fine” Was Jungkook’s response and you wanted to shake sense into him, because it appeared he had none
“and you didn’t treat your hands afterwards? you never listen. no more fights Jungkook i swear-” He cuts you off, with a kiss. His lips are hard but slow against yours and it feels so right. He takes his hands out of yours, returns them to the top of your ass and pulls you flush against him as he deepens the kiss. Your a little out of breath when he pulls back from the kiss, he plants on last peck onto your lips before straightening his back.
“if you two are done i want to get some food” Taehyung grumbles as he storms past, leaves falling from his hair. You chuckle at the sight before moving to follow but Jungkook grips onto the fabric of your hoodie, pulling you back.
“i want a re do date after the disaster that was the last one” A small smile appears on your face as you look up at him
“we didn’t even get to the date last time, so sure” Jungkook’s eyes seems to brighten as he looks down at you and it warms your chest
“only took following you around for a year, fake dating and beating someone up to get you to date me” He pauses “worth it” You laugh loudly before looping your arm around his and leading him away.
“totally worth it i say”
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gimmethatagustd · 9 months
Umm how about nerd shy jimin & badboy yoongi. 🫠
omg I feel like I’ve read this dynamic on AO3 before but I cannot for the life of me remember what the fic was ???? I should try to go through my bookmarks
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chim-chim1310 · 1 year
So this may be a controversial ask so if you don’t feel like answering I won’t be offended, but I’m curious if anyone has had the same thought as me.
We have seen so little of Jungkook’s presence in his latest tracks and I know everyone keeps saying they wished he would do more songs like his older songs where he has writing credits.
What I’ve been wondering is how much of that was actually his work versus getting help from others. What if we can’t see anything from him because he didn’t do that much on his own in the first place?
This might just be my conspiracy theory brain right now overthinking but once I has that thought I couldn’t get it out of my head. What if he’s not this “creative genius” that I’ve seen people say he is again and again and that’s why everything he does now is so bland.
Anyway thanks for letting me out this out there so I can stop thinking about it.
It could be very possible. Hybe and even bts has engraved this image of jk in our minds since the beginning. He's the best vocalist (he sounds like every other singer), amazing dancer (I don't like his dancing at all), his looks are so so (he only has abs and tattoos which gives him badboy image and the wattpad girlies love it).
But anyway what I'm trying to say is that bts and hybe have created this image of jk that he's the golden maknae and he's good at everything, including dance, singing, writing lyrics.
But when it came to his solo music, time to actually prove what he's capable of without the group, we literally got nothing from him.
So maybe he wasn't really all that creative genius in the first place and maybe hybe and bts members engraved that image in our brains when we were ot7 that it looks it's we're just now seeing the reality.
Even the words that bts members had said tried to fuel the image that jk is good at everything when he's average at best and just he just looks and sounds like any other male kpop idol.
I also feel that for jimin also they used this image that he was kicked out so many times so he was not good enough, because of tae's stupid letter some people think that jm is in the group because of tae.
Some harmful narratives are like jm had ED which I don't even know if it's true or not, or he is an attention seeker which was also because of tae's words.
Some narratives are harmless but annoying like he's always flirty when the only thing he does is smile at someone or compliment someone.
The main narrative is jimin is insecure about his singing and dancing and it's mainly there because jimin was vulnerable with us and some people use it against him.
So hybe tries to say that jk is the genius since the beginning and jm had to be pushed a lot to reach where he is.
There are narratives about every member and some dumb people still believe those.
So yeah...... These narratives are shoved down your throat when you first become a fan and it's so much so that it literally gets stuck in your brain.
So that's why people (even I) were shocked seeing jk's trash songs but honestly was he ever really good or was it the years old narratives that were shoved down our throats?
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jungshookz · 1 year
Kinda cliche I guess, but cute ass nerdy lil jimi who's reeeally smart but also really quiet and just keeps out of it (he's just either really shy OR just hates everyone is in his emo era - I can't choose) AND sweet pretty y/n who's known for looks (it's actually the confidence and love she carries herself with tho)and somehow these 2 clash and y'know
(or you know what, let's say these 2 are big meanies and it's just a pure e2l one) (I realllly can't choose🙂)
so what i'm hearing is basically grumpy y/n and shy jimin but in reverse :D
clichés are always welcome here
the foundation that jungshookz hq is built upon is literally made of clichés,,.,. badboy!kook.,,.,. ceo!yoongi.,.,,. i love them all
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yoonminfanficrec · 7 months
hi !! is there any fic with unexperienced/innocent jimin with like super kinky or just badboy yoongi
hey anon! here’s a couple i was able to find
Math Tutor - 11k, bad boy yoongi but soft for jimin, sweetheart jimin, fluff
When I’m down on my knees, you’re how I pray - 3k, little jimin, dom/sub dynamic, smut, daddy kink
Cotton Candy Kisses - 8k, smut, top yoongi, bottom jimin, daddy kink
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wegonbealright-09 · 1 year
It's funny that 🛴 decided to make JK his chosen one when he's so... manufactured. Well that ability to be molded with no pesky opinions getting in the way might be what 🛴 wants in the first place but still. Yeah he's fine as a singer and a dancer but he has no artistic vision and he has no imagination. That's why his singing comes off so bland even though he has a good voice. Perhaps his image is the only thing that might work - girls really go for the bad boy thing he's trying to work though he really undermines it when he keeps talking about how tough he is.
I just think that if I was personally selecting someone from Hybe to give this monster push to, it would be New Jeans for sure. Or Lesserafim (they have potential imo). I don't know if they have any artistic vision either, but at least their songs are f*cking good which is more than I can say for Left & Right, Dreamers or Seven. At least those groups get promo though compared to Jimin whose potential is unmatched but whom Hybe is just undermining for God knows what reason. Instead we have to see JK and TXT get pushed even though they don't have any star power. The only reason JK is as popular as he is, is because he had BTS to make him look good all these years. Without them, I really wonder if his bland personality will make any inroads in demographics outside of girls who need a boyfriend. 🛴 has to stop paying for us to finally find out though and I don't think that's happening this year.
Yes yes and yes.
And lmao txt just look weird, why are they being pushed in the west when they're not even that popular in SK. True nepo babies.
JK's just bland even when he's singing there's no emotion or whatever in his voice although it's good and all it lacks that one it factor, there's nothing wow or spectacular about his voice it's just an average voice for SK vocalists. Whatever it is that he's pushing, this personality or imagine whatever is not working he should try a sad boy, heart broken personality or image that's what's making most male singers popular these days you know. Because he wants to aim higher and be the one.
Or like Tae he should also look a Pinterest and makeup his personality from there, badboy image is not selling.
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nixierecs · 2 years
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steylla · 8 months
bad boys
pemilihan bias gw kenapa selalu yang bad boys ya??
Yoongi. Hubner. Padahal yg manis, ga banyak tingkah juga ada lho. Tae, JK, Jimin, Rafa..
these badboys stereotype is killing me
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babygirlaimo · 1 year
gravity: in which jm is in the school’s cheerleader team, has a perfect boyfriend and a perfect life… until bad boy Jeongguk changes schools for the third time in a year.
jikook au: where popular soccer player jimin is dared to kiss the most attractive person in the room. nobody expects him to march over to loner jungkook and kiss him. especially not jungkook.
I see me in you au: In which Jimin had an accident leading him to be blind and Jungkook is a lost kid that hates to be touched.
Jungkook likes to party and Jimin hates drunk people.
Jimin is blind and Jungkook is blinded by his own sadness.
Underneath the Fallen Leaves: Jimin is forced to attend an all boys boarding school in England. He thinks all the students are dumb jocks and yet, he falls for the most popular one of them all.
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