christinawithach · 3 years
Matt: what are you doing for lunch?
Me: the salmon risotto from Costco.
Matt: I’m probably going to do sliders.
Me: it’s Friday.
Matt: ...
Me: it’s Lent.
Matt: ...
Me: 🤨
Matt: Fuck it. I’m gunna eat the sandwich.
Me: you’re gunna go to hell, ya know.
Matt: yup.
(He ate risotto 🤣)
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jurakan · 4 years
BadCatholic keeps posting articles?? About why Catholics should vote for Kanye??
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sparrowposting · 6 years
Have I mentioned how much I love Marc Barnes lately? Well, I do.
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johnnyprimecc · 6 years
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I'm a horrible Catholic, because I'm really looking forward to a delicious steak tonight at @GreenwichSteakhouse. Last time I was there, @BennyGBello unleashed this massive standing rib roast on us. Pure insanity! Photo by: @JohnnyPrimeCC www.johnnyprimesteaks.com #johnnyprime #roastbeef #steak #meat #primerib #carnivore #steaknight #steakhouse #cowboyribeye #cowboysteak #boneinribeye #ribsteak #ribroast #standingribroact #rackofribs #ribrack #roast #ribeye #mediumrare #🥩 #meatshow #greenwichsteakhouse #badcatholic #goodfriday #tgif #catholic (at Greenwich Steakhouse)
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mylifeasaspectator · 7 years
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noobody wants to go. but ya gotta go. so go. @justwonderfulll @goodrodents @themenzingers #idontwannagrowup #backtoskool #badcatholics #imnotgoing #restingbitchface #summerofhell #fromonebeachtothenext #espn (at Speakeasy Long Beach)
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anastpaul · 7 years
Have you heard the news that Pope Francis preached it was better to be an atheist than a hypocritical Catholic? It’s in the headlines from Reuters, CNN, The Guardian, and many others. There’s only one problem: that is not what he said. They’re all wrong. From Vatican Radio itself, here is what Pope Francis actually said, in context: “But what is scandal? Scandal is saying one thing and doing another; it is a double life, a double life. A totally double life: ‘I am very Catholic, I always go to Mass, I belong to this association and that one; but my life is not Christian, I don’t pay my workers a just wage, I exploit people, I am dirty in my business, I launder money…’ A double life. And so many Christians are like this, and these people scandalize others. “How many times have we heard – all of us, around the neighborhood and elsewhere – ‘but to be a Catholic like that, it’s better to be an atheist.’ It is that, scandal. You destroy. You beat down. And this happens every day, it’s enough to see the news on TV, or to read the papers. In the papers there are so many scandals, and there is also the great publicity of the scandals. And with the scandals there is destruction.” You see that he is not saying that it’s better to be an atheist than a hypocritical Catholic. Rather, he is saying that this is something other people say when confronted with hypocritical Catholics. In Catholic theology, “scandal” is any sin that hurts another person spiritually. The pontiff is saying that when Catholics are hypocrites, it causes scandal, and makes people think they shouldn’t be Catholic (which is bad for them spiritually). This is of course true and is a completely uncontroversial thing to point out. Now that you know what the Holy Father really said: Don’t be a hypocrite! Live your faith!
No, Pope Francis Did NOT Say It's Better to Be an Atheist Than a Bad Catholic | ChurchPOP
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capseycartwright · 7 years
i hope you don't mind me asking, but you always mention that you're catholic but you're also lgbt, how do you reconcile your religion with your identity?
honestly, it’s something i am still figuring out. for a long time, i didn’t feel as though i could reconcile my identity as a feminist with my religion, let alone my identity as an lgbt person, so for a long time i didn’t even really try, honestly. its only in the last two years or so i have really been making the conscious effort to meld those parts of who i am together.
for me, anyway, my religion is a deeply comforting thing, and so much of my life growing up was very tied to the church, so i missed it, and i wanted it back in my life. i don’t think i practise my religion the way i used to (i don’t go to mass anymore, #badcatholic) but i do believe in it, and i guess i’m finding a way to marry my religion to my identity in a way that allows me to be myself, but still believe in the same god i was raised to believe, i guess? its a super complicated thing, anon, and i would never claim that i have managed to come to a place where all those aspects of my identity match with how i practice my religion, but i always figure its a life-long learning curve. 
at the moment i’m trying to seek out more content on the whole being lgbt and religious thing, to understand other experiences. i think maybe thats a good place to start, for me anyway. religion feels weird sometimes, lmao. its got a huge cultural aspect for me as well as spiritual so its all about giving it time to see if theres a way it works seamlessly(ish) with your identity. 
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sprechebluegrass · 7 years
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Rubbing #stpeters toe for good luck. #sacrilege #badcatholic . I think this pope might be understanding though. #rome #italy #vaticancity (at Vaticano, Roma)
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concealdontfeeldude · 7 years
Liveblogging Buffy: S5E11: “Triangle”
Okay, why does Anya have perfect lipstick on in bed? It’s really cute, but really impractical and unrealistic. 
Buffy in the convent, asking a nun how the nun life is.  
*guitar of wrath*
“I have finesse coming out of my bottom” 
Is wimple a proper termfor...something? #badcatholic 
 Heartfelt sister scene...cut to Spike holding a box of chocolates. 
I always forget about Amy. 
“Smoke tobacco and have drugs” 
Smol tree’s Anya impression is spot-on
“The first five rows will get wet” 
Why the hell is Buffy crying? 
“I wish Buffy was here” 
“Gay now” Discourse over, Willow’s gay 
Anya being all self-sacrificial, how human. 
Buffy the mad shipper. 
The world without shrimp.
Dawn honey don’t be stupid. 
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mr-choc-salmon · 6 years
The way he finishes this article in the last paragraph / video is thought-provoking
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jurakan · 5 years
There has been a similar effort to downplay the connection between the attacks in Sri Lanka and the global persecution of Christians; an effort to curtail the possibility that Western Christians will use the rhetorical power of Sri Lankan victims to further the growing complaint against the marginalization of Christianity in Western countries:  “It’s an impulse to make a global assessment…that doesn’t help,” the Washington Post quipped. This curse against Christian globalism is a little odd, as most other “causes” are blamed precisely for not considering the global plight of the oppressed as part of their total cause. White, American feminists are called all sorts of Very Cutting Names for speaking about women without taking into account the experience of non-Western women of color. LGBT+ activists are lambasted for not considering the uniqueness of transgenderism as it is expressed in South America. But Christians who include the persecution of Sri Lankan Christians as part of a global Christian struggle are doing something quite untoward — stoking the idea of a war between Christians and Muslims.  
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scentofhome · 7 years
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eazydave · 7 years
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after the party. . . . . . . #themenzingers #aftertheparty #lookers #newmusic #music #@themenzingers #badcatholics #blackandwhite #etchy #cartoon #fair #carousel #ferriswheel #punk #punkrock http://ift.tt/2l0qHYl
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trinkagrapevine · 8 years
Can't get enough of this! @lewisandclarkemusic @kevinhaus @themenzingers #foodfight #badcatholics #westside (at The Vault Tap & Kitchen)
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30daysto30blog-blog · 9 years
Day Forty-Six: On Welcomes
We have some experience with moving, so we have some understanding of what it is to be welcomed, and we have been extremely fortunate in that regard.  Last year we moved just before we had a baby and neighbors brought meals and the parents at our kids’ school put together a gift basket when our baby arrived.  We moved again a few months later and our neighbors two houses down welcomed us with a…
View On WordPress
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jurakan · 5 years
On the face of it, it is a good thing to demand “concern for victims” from our church leaders. The tepid reactions of doubt and suspicion towards those who make claims of sexual abuse are shameful. But once we begin to scratch at the surface, things get weird. It has become the rote practice of angry Catholics to dehumanize victims of clerical sexual abuse, not by ignoring them, but by sacralizing them. They become, by virtue of suffering evil, infallible weapons foisted into the service of the cause of the one who regards them with deep enough “concern.”
On the one hand, this is simply a good rhetorical device. In the world that Christianity has made, the only way to be a Good Guy, rather than a Bad Guy, is to be on the side of victims rather than on the side of the victimizer, or as René Girard puts it, on the side of the Paraclete (the lawyer for the defense) rather than on the side of Satan (the accuser). Once a writer criticizes someone for not paying enough attention to victims, he insinuates, without evidence, that he does care deeply about victims, and thus fights for the Army of Light, against the calloused, victim-blaming Army of Darkness. But it is evil to use people who have actually been raped or otherwise abused as a rhetorical device.
Actual concern for victims is the good that we’re all after here.
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