silversunshine2022 · 8 months
Look at the thing me and @mightyvirgil54 have worked on together! This is Badgerclaw of ThunderClan. He is Cass's oc (aka original character) from the book series Warriors, written by Erin Hunter. I can't wait to animate his story with you, Cass! It is so interesting and well thought out! I'm excited to bring your ideas to life! If you don't know, I suggest you ask her about her story for her oc Badgerclaw!!!!
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taotownn · 2 months
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o jeez this might flop
walking dead x warriors au! Here’s cooperheart and badgerclaw (designs are inspired by sadmachIne666 on twitter)
I’ve got so much planned for this au-
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 7 days
Warriors - The Valar
Manwë Thúlimo - Galestorm(star)
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Varda Elentári - Specklesky(star)
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Aulë - Firestone
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Yavanna - Appleleaf
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Ulmo - Shellsplash
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Nienna - Softmist
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Melkor - Blackfire
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Námo - Paleshadow
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Vairë - Webheart
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Irmo - Duskshadow
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Estë - Sweetflower
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Oromë - Hawkfang
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Vána - Birdpetal
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Tulkas - Badgerclaw
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Nessa - Fleetstep
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Here you go, my friend. :3
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tiger-willow · 11 months
(Had an idea for a Warrior cats AU. Thank you Purgatory!)
Leader: Crowstar (Philza)
Deputy: Cellfur (Cellbit)
Medicine cat: Jaywing (Jaiden)
Warriors: Sharktooth (Foolish)
Slimeleap (Slimecicle)
Duckfeather (Baghera)
Willowburr (Wilbur)
Darkwhisker (Felps)
Redpelt (German)
Willyclaw (Willy Rex)
Vaporspark (Vegetta)
Leader: Tubstar (Tubbo)
Deputy: Badgerclaw (Badboyhalo)
Medicine cat: Tealeaf (Tina)
Warriors: Blueblaze (Pac)
Antprance (Pierre)
Mapleshine (Niki)
Proudmuzzle (Mariana)
Potatocrawl (Lenay)
Polpool (Polispol)
Leader: Greenstar (Etoiles)
Deputy: Hazelfeather (Forever)
Medicine cat: Spottedpelt (Bagi)
Warriors: Quackheart (Quackity/El Quackity)
Lionclaw (Fit)
Spiderblaze (Roier)
Greenfang (Mike)
Kestrelscratch (Kameto)
Bearshadow (Rubius)
Applemoon (Antoine)
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cynthiainu · 3 months
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❤️🐈‍⬛MaoMao Hero’s Of Pure Heart🐈‍⬛❤️
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🌸🌸Mao Mao Walking Cherry Blossoms Forest🌸🌸
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Dark Forest Resident: Mouseshell
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Aliases / Nicknames: Mouse, Squeaks (by Applesting), Clumsy-paws
Gender: she-cat
Sexuality: pansexual, aromantic
Family: Hazelwing (mother), Applesting (father), Ivypetal, Tigerdawn (sisters), Pebblestorm (aunt), Browneyes (uncle), Doebur, Curlfire (cousins), Amberstar (grandmother)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, Flypaw (apprentice)
Clan: ThunderClan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: craves attention, formerly sweet, currently cruel and bloodthirsty, optimistic, friendly, sociable
Murder Motive: vengeance, to get attention, rage
Number of Victims: 11
Number of Murders: 10
Murder Method: neglecting help in fox attack, burying alive, poisoning, beating to death
Known Victims: Firebelly, Grassnettle, Specklewhisker, Flypaw, Badgerclaw, Amberstar, Tigerdawn, five unnamed Clanmates
Victim Profile: those that annoyed her, random selection, her apprentice, the deputy, her grandmother, her sister
Cause of Death: flesh torn out by Ivypetal
Cautionary Tale: ??
"It's better if you step aside."
"Move out of the way."
"You're not needed."
These, among other words, became ingrained into Mouseshell's head. It was hard for them not to be, they were repeated too often for her to be able to forget them.
She already expected to hear them whenever she went to offer help with something or to join a patrol.
It wasn't that she was incredibly clumsy or unusually annoying. The fact that she was an outcast wasn't because of who she was. It was who she wasn't.
Her uncle, the medicine cat, had a vision the day she and her sisters were born, just moments before Hazelwing went into labor. It foretold a future of greatness, a heroic destiny, saviours to all the Clans.
That's what her sisters would be.
A third cat was not seen in the vision, and when a third kitten was born, cats were surprised. Browneyes had perfectly described Tigerkit and Ivykit's pelts, down to the little speckles on both their snouts before he saw them, but he hadn't expected Mousekit at all.
What is worse than being an ordinary warrior?
Being an ordinary warrior whose littermates are destined for greatness.
Everybody wanted to be friends with the prophesied sisters.
No one wanted to be friends with the outcast.
It begged the question that her Clan, and family in particular, asked over and over: why was she excluded? Why is she not meant for greatness too?
Most cats silently agreed that if she were to be included, she would surely mess things up somehow, would make a mistake that would result in horrible consequences, and that that is why she was left out. And that idea that they convinced themselves to be fact made them wonder more.
If they let her build their dens, would she make a vital mistake?
If they let her lead a patrol, would she fail badly?
Amberstar, her grandmother, would always keep her behind to watch the camp during a battle. "Another time," she would always promise. Mouseshell figured out long ago that another time would never come.
She would have given up long ago if she weren't so desperate to be needed. To be welcomed. To be told, for once, that she wasn't in the way or being a bother just for standing there.
All she craved was to be seen.
But every time she tried to prove herself, she failed miserably.
She tried to catch a plump squirrel from the highest tree in the territory--it was leaf-bare and it was the biggest prey anyone had seen--but the branch below her paws gave way, and in her fall, she ended up dislocating the ankle of her Clanmate who went to catch her.
She convinced Amberstar--for the first time--to let her lead a patrol after she found a new badger set and wished to drive the beast out, only for it to be abandoned with the only resident of the hole being a hare--which Mouseshell scared away so they couldn't even eat it. In that time, RiverClan attacked the camp, and because Mouseshell told Amberstar to send out a big patrol of the Clan's strongest warriors, ThunderClan lost. Of course, it was all blamed on her.
Everything always was.
All her life, for moons and moons she tried so hard every single day to make her Clan, and more importantly, her family, proud. And every day she failed and was treated worse.
Hazelwing was nice enough. She was kind to Mouseshell and enjoyed her company the most, but duties kept them apart. Tigerdawn was always pulled from one patrol or task to another, and by the time she had any freetime--which was typically when the day was over, she didn't have any time to do anything but eat or sleep.
Ivypetal, too, was ordered to work all day every day. They were meant for greatness, after all, surely that meant they were the best when it came to building dens, or hunting, or fighting, or any chore whatsoever. Unlike Tigerdawn however, Ivypetal's lack of free time made her resentful of her unspecial sister, and that misguided anger only distanced the sisters further.
But the worst was Amberstar. She was the one that Mouseshell was so desperate to make happy. It was her who Mouseshell needed so badly to see pride in when she looked at her, not disappointment, or regret, or irritation.
Irritation that she was there.
Regret that she existed at all.
Mouseshell couldn't take it anymore. She needed answers, needed a proper explanation as to why it was her destiny to suffer. So one night, she snuck out and headed for the Moonstone. Surely StarClan would answer her, right?
But even as she touched her nose to the stone, there was nothing. No explanation. Not even a single comforting word.
On the way back, Mouseshell was attacked by a dog. It knocked into her, dislocating her shoulder. She had been terrified as its' slobering jaws loomed over her. The only reason she was able to walk away was because a kittypet had seen the attack and had gotten its Twoleg's attention.
When the Twolegs put the dog safely away, they took her in and treated her injury--as much as she protested, fearing they would force her to become a housecat. Thankfully, after they had treated her and left her be to explore the house, the kind kittypet showed her the way out. He had been nice enough to walk with her to her territory, ensuring she got home safe. Mouseshell couldn't help but wonder when the last time someone cared about her like that.
She offered him a place in the Clan, but he politely turned her down and wished her well.
Part of her was nervous. In the time it took her to go to the Moonstone and come back, with all the activities that took place in-between, nearly two full days had passed. Amberstar would be furious with her. Ivypetal would snort and say how she had wasted everyone's time with search patrols.
She had been so naive. Or maybe she had been hopeful.
Hopeful that Amberstar's fury was really just worry about her grandkit's safety. Hopeful that Ivypetal would have insisted on being on every single patrol set out to find her sister.
What a laugh.
No one had even noticed she was gone.
That was...well it didn't feel right to say that it was the tipping point. In truth, the iceberg had been slowly, every slowly, tilting over for a long time now. No, this was the point where it splashed into the icy cold water.
All that time trying to prove herself to them. Trying to get them to show her that they love her. That they see her.
Oh, they'll see her.
Like the metaphorical water around her, her demeaner had shifted. She no longer smiled at everyone just to brighten their day. They didn't deserve her kindness. She no longer went out of her way for a Clanmate that wouldn't even thank her.
She wouldn't bother talking to cats that avoided her. That self-imposed solitude became much more comforting than she had expected it to be all those moons she had been avoiding it. Turns out, you can't be hurt by someone if you don't bother yourself with them. You can't hear the hurtful words telling you to go away if you're too far. You can't see the odd glances from the older cats, wondering what is so wrong with you, if you're not around them.
Her thoughts had shifted as well thanks to her solitude bringing different, darker thoughts with it.
The problem wasn't her. It was everyone else.
From the moment she was born, they treated her like a sickness. Pity at best, even from her own parents.
But they weren't blind, not entirely terrible. They could see that she had grown withdrawn. They tried to reach out to her, her father telling jokes in an attempt to make her laugh while her mother told her over and over that she could always talk to her if she needed to.
Too little, too late. Piss off.
Tigerdawn, in a small break in which she was enjoying a meal, offered to share it with Mouseshell. "I haven't seen you all day, sis. Tell me about it. Caught any squirrels?"
The question had been innocent. But all Mouseshell could sense was mockery. She only gave Tigerdawn a cold glance before walking past her.
Even Ivypetal had tried, shockingly enough. But it was painfully clear that she didn't wish to talk to her youngest sister at all. It had been their parents who pushed her.
Mouseshell had been alone in the forest when her sister approached her, barely able to contain her annoyance at having to talk to her. Ivypetal had been the only one that Mouseshell didn't keep her Happy, Everything's Alright demeanor around: they both didn't like each other and they both knew it. But there was still some pleasentries, the little smile given just for face. But they were alone now. And even if they weren't, Mouseshell had stopped caring about what others thought of her long ago.
The weak attempt at a talk had quickly developed into an argument. Then Ivypetal pushed her, and Mouseshell pushed back. In a matter of heated seconds, they were rolling on the ground, clawing and screeching until they were pulled apart.
Get this, this is the real kicker: not one cat blamed Ivypetal for the fight. Not even the both of them! Nope, it was all Mouseshell's fault, even if no one knew what caused them to go at it in the first place. Ivypetal was destined for greatness. Of course she wouldn't be the first one to strike.
At least she had the decency to look guilty as their mother checked her over, asking if she was okay while Amberstar scolded Mouseshell.
After both their wounds--minor scratches--were treated, they were punished. And by punished, that means that Ivypetal got to collect moss just outside the camp for what was likely no more than two trips, while Mouseshell had to travel all the way across the territory to collect herbs after 'wasting' them.
But she couldn't even have peace in that. Because someone as troublesome as her needed a guide to keep her in check.
Firebelly had never been a fan of Mouseshell, for the same reasons that nobody was. A little older than Mouseshell herself, the bratty she-cat acted like the all-knowing mentor that Mouseshell had to obey.
This is the best route. Don't you know that?
You're going to ruin the herbs if you pick them up like that.
No, no, no.
Wrong, all wrong.
You're wasting my time.
Mouseshell couldn't take it anymore. She snapped at Firebelly to shut up. It was a loud bark, Mouseshell had never been so thunderous in her life.
Firebelly had opened her offended jaws to retort when a fox burst out of the trees. Mouseshell's shout had attracted it. Quickly, she dove up a tree and saw in horror that Firebelly hadn't been so lucky.
The fox had her pinned by the tail, lips licking its sharp fangs.
Firebelly had stared at the fox in absolute terror, than to Mouseshell safely in the trees. She had begged her for help.
Mouseshell's muscles tensed, preparing to leap down when--
It was so sudden, so out of character for her and yet it rang so deep in her body that it kept her paws rooted in place.
Why should she help someone who didn't even like her?
Why should she help someone who had just been ridiculing her?
She was safe. Why should she risk that? Did this cat really matter more than her own safety? Surely not.
She paused, stilling, then settled back down.
Firebelly's eyes widened further before--
No one would know. The thought almost made her smile.
And no one did.
Sure, they would probably blame her, but they wouldn't know that she had deliberately sat down as Firebelly was mauled just before her.
She thought of that again.
She had deliberately sat down as Firebelly was mauled just before her.
It was almost absurd, how different it was from the cat she had long to be for so long. From the cat she thought she was. It was freeing. It was funny.
No one else mattered but herself. It took the fox attack for Mouseshell to fully grasp that. All her life she had put aside her own happiness for the sake of someone else's, partly because she had truly been a kind cat, partly because she hoped it would get more cats to like and accept her. But when it came right down to it--her or someone else, she chose the former.
She was free.
She was shocked as well when no punishment was given. A tragic accident, nothing she could have done. Neither her mother nor her father refused to leave her side for the next couple of days, utterly distressed at how close they had come to losing her.
The thought alone nearly sent Tigerdawn into a spiraling panic, which she was then actually sent into when Firebelly's torn body was brought into the camp, making the horrible situation all the more real.
Amberstar gently told Mouseshell to get rest, to forget about those herbs and just do whatever felt right right now.
Ivypetal lingered nearby, unsure if Mouseshell wanted to see her, but unwilling to let her sister out of her sight again. How dreadful that Mouseshell had almost died horribly right after the worst fight in their lives. If it had happened just a few moons earlier, it would be endearing. Now, Mouseshell drank it all in, thoroughly enjoying their worry, their guilt and pain, their attention.
And as time went on and that attention slipped away, she couldn't help but wonder...if it had happened again...
She wasn't an idiot. She couldn't be obvious about it. If everyone was killed by a fox and she was always the lone survivor, it would be incredibly clear that something was going on.
Some more moons passed while she thought carefully. One night, she snuck out and dug into the hare's burrow. The next day, she told Grassnettle that she had scented milk there, knowing full-well that the tom would want all praise on himself and that he would claim that he had scented it, and that he wanted to lead a patrol there to collect the feast.
Mouseshell insisted on helping out. Nothing noteworthy there, she always insisted on helping. Grassnettle as well as Specklewhisker eagerly dived into the burrow. Mouseshell, above, heard their gasps when they found nothing there. Then she pushed aside the stick she had set up. They didn't have enough time to escape before the den collapsed on them.
Mouseshell rolled herself in the dirt to really sell the appearance. Then she waited, paws thrumming with thrill, to be sure that they had suffocated before desperately trying to dig them free.
She had acted the part perfectly. I'm so sorry, I tried!
They had assured her. It's alright, you did all you could.
Then the awful news: Specklewhisker is breathing!
It was infuriating. Though Mouseshell's kin focused more on her, the rest of the Clan's attention was aimed primarily on the much more injured warrior. A loose end. No worries, Mouseshell only needed to tie it up.
She had remembered what Browneyes had said about those red berries...
Oh, what a shame Specklewhisker had succumbed to his injuries before he had a chance to wake. At least his short survival made the reality of almost losing Mouseshell, again, all the more real.
Those berries gave her an idea, one she was already planning to use when the attention stopped. Oh, how eager she was! She could just skip across the whole camp.
Specklewhisker's death had been different. With Firebelly, all Mouseshell had to do was sit back. With Grassnettle, it was more planned, more personal. But with both of them, she only had to stand by as death came to them, more or less. Could have easily looked away. But Specklewhisker? Mouseshell had to look at him as she killed him, had to come up close and touch his body and force the berries down with her own paws. And right inside the heart of the camp too!
Her heart had never beat so fast in her life. It was exhilarating, an experience she would never forget and already wanted to relive. But that would have to wait.
Once again, all attention was on her in the best possible way.
The urge itched at her like a bothersome flea when the attention went away, but she forced herself to act like it didn't bother her. She had to put at least some time between each 'lucky survival,' otherwise it would be odd.
She had noticed that, while she enjoyed Specklewhisker's death, the attention she got that time around wasn't as good as the attention she got after the fox attack, and she realized the likely cause--guilt.
The second time around, her family was treating her better. Not as well as her younger, naiver self had hoped, but still better. But right before the fox, she and Ivypetal had the worst fight of their lives, and Amberstar was furious with her, and the rest of the family was too worried that she would snap at them as well to say anything.
That must be why it was so much better then, because not only did she almost die, but their last words to her would have been of anger or a cowardly lack of words at all!
She just had to bring out their anger a bit...
Oops! Sorry Browneyes, she didn't mean to squash the herbs!
Oh that was your robin, auntie? She's sorry, she thought it was meant for the elders! But you can have what's left...looks like a skinny vole...
Oh no! So sorry sis, she didn't mean to trip and ruin all your work on the nursery walls. What a clutz!
It was almost funny. Before she would make genuine mistakes in an attempt to gain their positive attention. Now, she was making purposeful 'mistakes' in order to gain their negative attention--to be turned into positive attention.
But it wasn't the attention itself that she enjoyed, much as she did. It was their pain. The guilt as they looked at her, the sorrow, the shame. She could see it eating away at them, and she fed off of it.
It was time.
She called some Clanmates over for a meal. It didn't matter who, so long as they ate.
She had found a raven--big enough to feed five cats--and stuffed it full of nightshade. She paid close attention to where the plants were, where some had clusters while other parts only had small droplets of the poison's essence. That's where she would eat.
Maybe it wasn't very logical.
Maybe it was stupid.
Maybe it was downright crazy, but Mouseshell didn't care. She would accept it.
Before the next dawn, everyone had fallen incredibly ill. Mouseshell did get sick, but she was still significantly better than the other four--not that she didn't act the part. To anyone else, she was in just as bad a condition and in just as much danger of dying.
One Clanmate died that night. Another lasted two more days, and the last sputtered and coughed for three more. That left Mouseshell, still so weak and scared.
Hazelwing wrapped around her every day, soothing her as if she were still a tiny kitten. Applesting would tell her stories to take her mind off of the pain, personally hunting her every meal. Her sisters were her most frequent guests after her parents.
Strong as Tigerdawn physically was, she had a soft interior, and practically bawled every time she stepped into the medicine den and saw Mouseshell's state.
Ivypetal had visibly trembled. After the second death, she had laid beside Mouseshell while the latter was definitely asleep, and begged for her to get better--begged her and StarClan, and said how sorry she was for how she treated her.
It was nice. Not the apology itself, oh no, it was much too late for that, but hearing that irritating she-cat in so much distress? Mouseshell had to force herself not to smile.
She was rewarded for her survival in the form of an apprentice. Something she surely would have loved...at some point. But this excitable, much too-hyper kit would be a drain on her plans. How was she to kill when she always had a blabber-mouth following her every step?
But it could be good, she realized. There are many ways to get attention.
You get it when you almost die.
You get it when you lose someone close to you (something she learned watching the family of her victims).
It really is boring training someone who you know will die before their ceremony, but she couldn't just kill Flypaw right away. No, they needed to 'bond' first. They would have such a good rapport in everyone's eyes, before it was so harshly snatched away.
But hey, she enjoyed getting her paws dirty, didn't she? And Flypaw was smaller, weaker. It would be easy and it would be fun.
She should have made sure that it was quiet.
Flypaw had screeched for help before Mouseshell held her down in the stream, but they were so far from camp, she didn't imagine anyone would actually hear her, not at this time of day.
But Applesting...her father truly was an odd cat.
He had stared at her in shock, and Mouseshell stared back, debating on if she should wait for him to make the first move or if she should do it herself. She was surprised when Applesting--expression still shocked--began digging at the ground. She tried to tell him that they could just bring the 'paw back to camp, but he had shaken his head. The Clan wouldn't be happy if Flypaw died on her watch, and Flypaw's parents...it was better that they thought she was taken by some Twolegs.
Mouseshell had to admit, he made some good points. After they buried Flypaw, they hurried back to camp to break the news, but just before they burst through the entrance, Applesting had stilled. His eyes were distant, wide as ever and filled with horror as he whispered his question: "why did you do that?"
In response, Mouseshell had asked, "why did you help me?"
"You're my daughter," was all Applesting could manage before continuing into the camp with a quivering intake of breath.
While she was happy she wasn't getting exiled for murder after having her crime witnessed, Mouseshell was immensely displeased at having her patience for four moons go unrewarded. No one even knew that Flypaw was dead! Sure, she was comforted for losing her apprentice and not being able to save her and yadayada but that wasn't the same.
But there was a silver lining. While Amberstar was tearing Mouseshell a new one for losing her apprentice, Mouseshell realized something. She watched as her grandmother snapped orders to other warriors, who followed without a second thought, eager to please her (or at least eager to not be in the line of fire). How did it take her so long?
What better way was there to get attention than to become the one cat in the Clan that everybody pays attention to, admires, obeys? She should become the leader!
But she had to be careful. Applesting was watching her strangely. Looking at her like she wasn't his kit, but a monster come to take her place. But he didn't say anything. She was still his kit, his daughter, his baby, and he couldn't have anything bad happen to her, no matter how awful she was.
It was a few days later when Applesting confronted her. He brought her into the forest to talk, before whirling around and snarling. But as furious as he first seemed, it was clear that he was terrified. Not of Mouseshell, but of the truth he had to face.
He asked her if Firebelly really was killed by a fox--if any of them were really killed by bad luck.
Mouseshell asked him what he thought. Did he think she's capable of such vile acts? Of lying to everyone? Of committing murder after murder?
When that caused Applesting to stumble in his despair, she assured him that she never targeted him. He was a good father. That's why he helped her, isn't it? That's why he's not going to say anything. From most cats' mouths it would be manipulative, but from her it wasn't. She didn't need to guilt her father into silence. She already knew that he wouldn't say anything, that he never would. It was more to reassure herself. He would be quiet. Her secret would be safe.
It was time to act.
She would befriend the deputy, Badgerclaw. Get him sick. Then she would be the one who visited him every day, getting him food and herbs and everything he needed to get better. And when she wasn't doing that, she would fill in his role by sending out patrols and keeping the Clan in check. Not only would he see her as a good friend, he would see her as perfect deputy material. Then she would take out old Amberstar, Badgerclaw would become Badgerstar and name her his deputy, then he would have an accident--
That was the plan, at least.
She had slipped Badgerclaw too many nightshade berries, and the sickness he was supposed to recover from ended up killing him.
Tigerdawn became the new deputy instead of her. Of course, it would be someone destined for greatness, wouldn't it? Why would Amberstar pick her, the cat who always messed up and who lost her own apprentice?
Well, Amberstar had to go. Tigerdawn would see reason--or, more hopefully, she would be blinded by her love for her sister and pick her as the new deputy.
Amberstar's death was fun, and surprisingly easy! She was old and weak, all strength was a facade that came from her short temper and high rank. But alone in the forest, it was easy to overpower her. Sinking her claws into that old bat's skin was amazing! As was the thrill of the chase, the shock and terror and sadness in her kin's eyes--Mouseshell wished she could do it over and over again. But she only got to do it three times.
Everyone was devastated. Yes, so sad, but anyways Tigerdawn had to receive her new name. Mouseshell was thrilled. Until she overheard her sister speak with Browneyes, asking his opinion on who she should pick as her deputy. Mouseshell's name didn't come up once.
All that work for nothing! Failure after failure!
No more plans, no more thinking things through. What was the point when it all comes crumbling anyways? She would act on what she wanted to do now and that alone, and what she wanted to do now was rip her inconsiderate sister to shreds.
She followed Tigerdawn to the Moonstone. She was alone, as Browneyes had to stay behind to watch a queen close to delivering her first litter.
Tigerdawn was stronger than her, and much bigger. Mouseshell had to be careful....In her current state of mind, that simply means to jump her from behind, rather than any more full-proof plan.
She managed to get in some good bites on the back of Tigerdawn's neck before her sister flung her to the ground, but in spite of her sister's greater strength, Tigerdawn refused to fight back--refused to fight the sister she loved so much. She didn't understand what was happening, why Mouseshell--who she only ever saw as caring and sweet--would attack her so viciously.
There were only so many times she could shove Mouseshell away--who still snarled and clawed and bit--before she had to use force and pinned her to the ground, demanding what in StarClan's name was going on.
But it wasn't Mouseshell who answered. It was Ivypetal's voice that broke into the fight. "Murderer!"
She knew everything. Applesting had told her everything when he realized that she had gone after Tigerdawn. He would do anything for his baby, but not when she was going to hurt another child of his. That was the line.
It was two against one. She couldn't lie her way out of this, they already knew the truth. She couldn't fight her way out of it either. She was already struggling with Tigerdawn, but now there was two of them.
The only option she had was to admit defeat. Have her sisters either exile her or drag her back to the camp to be held as a prisoner.
While they cried and begged her for answers, asking why she would do this, how she could be so cruel, she made up her mind. She lunged.
She knew she would not win, not a chance. But she would rather die than admit defeat, and heck, why not tear apart the great, prophesied sisters while she did it?
She didn't want to give them the chance to simply hold her back. They were going to kill her or die. She was fine with either option, either they would suffer physically or emotionally.
It was Ivypetal who dealt the killing blow, not that she wished it. Unlike their youngest littermate, neither Ivypetal nor Tigerdawn had a single bloodthirsty bone in their body. When Mouseshell's body fell limp, all they felt was complete sadness. They held each other close, bloodied and sobbing.
They dragged her body a little ways, wanting to bury her among lily flowers in a spot where once, long ago, the three had played all day.
Additional Information:
--Tigerdawn and Ivypetal returned to camp without visiting the Moonstone. Tiger didn't want to become leader after that, so the role was passed to someone else.
--Ivypetal was pregnant when she killed Mouseshell, likely finding out only the day before.
--They decided to keep Mouseshell's acts a secret. Later, Ivy named one of her kits after her.
Neither sister fully emotionally recovered from that day.
--Other members in Mouse's family had 'great destinies' as well, as it further isolates her. Her grandmother is the leader. Her uncle is the medicine cat. Her mother and perhaps aunt did something amazing (I imagine something similar to canon cats finding new territory or discovering the Moonpool, something big like that).
--Speaking of other family members! Her aunt is her mother's sister. Doebur is female while Curlfire is genderqueer. We didn't see them in the story, but they were a part of their relatives' lives!
--Base: F2U Base by SweetBloodCat on DeviantArt
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gertritude · 1 year
does anyone who enjoyed mao mao: heroes of pure heart back when it aired remember when Parker Simmons got on here and said there would be no gay relationship between mao mao and badgerclaw. I think that was one of the few times I ever witnessed horrendous fandom drama in real time and it was for a children's cartoon show (typical)
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yarnclan · 1 year
CrystalClan Part 9!
This is a big one. Lots of kits, apprentices, pairups, prophecy progress, and *~Deputy~*Drama~*
under the cut cause long.
10th Newleaf
Shineclaw's back right leg has to be removed. It would have killed her otherwise. She feels relieved in a lot of ways. Though Spottedmint is very upset.
Orange finds a "mysterious poppy" and decides to wear it.
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Egretwing travels to ShineClan to try her paw at working out some better territory rights for crystal clan. Especially with so many kits and their territory still being kind of devastated by last year's wildfire. She fails though.
Bristlekit has a little adventure outside of camp. He wandered off while spacing out and dreaming about something or other.
Dusktooth really likes Carpleg, but also doesn't want to spoil their friendship by confessing if the feelings aren't reciprocated. After all, Carpleg is kind and patient with everyone, so how can she tell... (also Jumbleclaw has a crush on Carpleg.)
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Cricketspeck and Warblerfall walcome Drizzlekit and Sweetkit into the world.
Lowfeather dies saving Midnightkit, who'd been swept away in a sudden flood. The flood also weakens some of the tunnels, and Jubiemoon, Shrewclaw, and Jennypeak die in a tunnel collapse. Badgerclaw is really upset over Shrewclaw, deeply mourning their lost friend, and what could have been.
Curlkit also dies of yellowcough :<
Budmoss is becoming more and more resentul of her mother. Or is at least trying to distance herself from her. Ripplestripe has put so much preassure on her for her whole life, and now she just kinda wants to chill out. She's happy with her life and friends in the clan. She doesn't care about taking vengance for her mother for something that happened ages ago. Ripplestripe pretends to be oblivious to her child's attempts to avoid her, and does her best too keep trying to influence her, though she hates that her control is obviously slipping. Leaftalon keeps loudly telling observing how odd and hovering Ripplestripe is, even though Budmoss is a warrior.
Budmoss and Leaftalon find a former kittypet named Barleyspots, who has a good amount of herbal skills who'd like to become close with StarClan. Ripplestripe steps in and takes him to talk with the CrystalClan medicine cats. Only a few weeks after settling in, he goes missing and is later found dead at the bottom of a cliff. Goldcreek is deeply alarmed.
The weather is horribly bad this newleaf, with torrential rains that constantly threaten to flood the tunnels. Sunnykit falls into one of the flood streams and drowns before anyone can save her :< Ridgetalon and Racoonsnout's third litter wiped out, the two take long walk together to grieve.
Ridgetalon and Racoonsnout announces that they are ready to retire together, somewhat driven by the loss of their kits. They've served the clan a long time, being only apprentices when the group of founders split off from FloodClan. Thornstar preforms the ceremony with pride. But he can't help but feel depressed, and definitely kind of jealous. Ridgetalon was his apprentice all those moons ago, and he was able to retire. But his duties as leader keep Thornstar from being able to seriously consider such a thing. He wished Roachfoot were still alive so that he might ask for her counsel, as she'd been a leader who'd given up on the position. Further more, Shineclaw was probably not long from retirement herself. Whome ever he picked to be deputy after her would likely become leader soon enough. And it would be best to allow that cat to have time to get used to the position.
Against all odds, and probably thanks to Orange, Jumbleclaw's broken back is healed. The young cat is extremely grateful. Orange is a bit weird about the whole thing. Acting more surprised than anything. He asks Jumbleclaw to gather herbs with him, and he agrees, wanting to repay him. Orange confronts Jumbleclaw about his stormcalling abilities, not fully reveling, but alluding to his own abilities, and past with Jumbleclaw's father. Orange tells him that it seems likely that his power was the reason for the fire that killed many and devastated the territory. Jumbleclaw is horrified, saying he had no intention of doing anything like that. Orange explains that when he was younger he too would often use his powers without meaning to, and the consequences could be devastating. He offers to help Jumbleclaw learn to control his powers. Something Orange absolutely totally knows how to do. mhm. yep. Jumbleclaw agrees...
Meanwhile, Apricot and Goldcreek keep desperately trying to convince Goosetooth that Orange is up to something, though they aren't sure what. Goosetooth is hesitant, he revels he frequently dreams of Orange giving advice and words from the future. But he's starting to come around. Though they are interrupted by the sound of a queen and her kit, Chasingegg, and Emberkit. She is hostel to Jumbleclaw when taken back to camp, as she'd come from the same clan as him, the clan that was taken over by his father. She revels that Jumble, her, and a few other cats, been part of a rebellion plan, but he had run away in cowardice. The rebellion failed and life in the clan grew worse and worse. Chasingegg couldn't stand the thought of letting her kits grow up in such a place. Unfortunately Emberkit is the only one to survive the escape and journey. Ripplestripe, also from the falling clan didn't know Jumbleclaw very well as he'd been born not too long before her fleeing. But she does know Chasingegg and is surprised to see her, as she'd always seemed rather close with the rouges…. Basically, despite having similar trauma and origins, none of the cats from the clan that was taken over, which Im just going to call FallenClan, trust or respect each other.
10th Greenleaf
Berrylight and Hazelholly's kits are apprenticed.
Bristlepaw is kinda difficult to get through to, having been very spacey and unfocused since he was a kit. He'll certainly be a test for Lightpelt, his mentor, but one that she's prepared for. He has a lot of gumption and a strong desire to serve his clan, so she knows he'll make a great warrior someday.
Chasingpaw is apprenticed to the thoughtful and kindhearted Newtflash. Who's sure to help nurture her continuing sense of responsibility and loyalty.
Shineclaw, wanting to prove she still has the same skill she always did, asks Thornstar if she can mentor one of the kits. He obliges, pairing her with Midnightpaw, who is rather cautious and reserved.
A moon later, Forestpool and Gustclaw's kits join them
Pinepaw tends to prefer being in the background. He's apprenticed to Raggedback who could be a good fit, despite her odd ways.
Snappaw is apprenticed to Dusktooth. As a kit he was quite outgoing, a sharp contrast to his brother. But being in the middle of such a crowded nursery, necessitated developing a little bit of tact. He's always quite reasonable and makes a good match with Dusktooth.
Dusktooth is so happy to have an apprentice of her own, after Lightpelt had received her second one, before she'd gotten her first. She is doubly pleased when Carpleg expresses how happy and proud of her she is. Dusktooth finally gathers up her courage to express the depth of her feelings for Carpleg, who seems surprised but very pleased! They'd both been unsure about making the first move, not wanting to overstep. But the two happily become mates.
Glowberry announces that she's expecting kits. Gustclaw shakes her head judgmentally.
10th Leaf-fall
Leaf-fall arrives, but the weather stays scorching hot, and the torrents of rain from newleaf were replaced by a lasting drought. Many cats get heat exhaustion, Russetrain tragically dying to it.
A strange loner appears and leaves kits to the clan. Lightpelt claims them as her own, having long wished to be a parent. Rumors abound that they are Lightpelt's by birth, the she had with an outsider. The kits are named Mintkit and Peatkit.
Emberpaw is determined to prove her worth. She also knows what she wants, a strong teacher, who'll train her hard and can help her become strong. She identifies Fishfalcon as that cat, and asks, during her ceremony, that she be made her mentor. Thornstar, extremely amused, agrees.
Lightstrike and Badgerclaw become mates, the two serving as each other's rocks through all their loss and trauma.
Despite her skill with mediating her clanmates Egretwing kinda sucks at mediating disputes between clans... She's failed like three times in the past year..
Glowberry and Pansypetal welcome Hopkit and Marigoldkit into the world.
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Berrylight and Lightstrike gonna be having litters as well. Too many kits you guys...
Leaftalon and Budmoss become mates as well.
Warblerfall gets whitecough, and watches from afar as his kits are made apprentices.
Drizzlepaw asks if she can become Rosypelt's apprentice, and train to be a mediator. Rosypelt is very happy to have a chance to train another cat.
Sweetpaw kinda wishes he too could have a job outside of being a warrior, and is both annoyed and jealous of his sister. Cloudfeather, his mentor, is very supportive and tries to help him through these feelings.
Hazelholly, while trying to catch a vole, is picked up and dropped by and eagle. He survives, somehow, but has multiple broken bones.
Bristlepaw drives off a dog by himself while on a patrol with Lightpelt, Midnightpaw, Emberpaw, Shineclaw and Thornstar. She is very proud of him. Thornstar is very proud of his daughter for being such a good mentor.
Spottedmint decides to retire, though he still often helps out in the medicine cat den.
Midnightpaw, Chasingpaw, and Bristlepaw are made a warriors. Midnightheart learned a lot from Shineclaw, mainly combat skills. She's a talented strategist, and prefers to plan ahead before fighting. Newtflash helped Chasingturtle develop the same sorts of communication skills that have helped her manage her similarly kindhearted and generous nature. Lightpelt was a through teacher, and Bristlepoppy managed to become an excellent hunter. And a faithful warrior.
Shineclaw finishes out Midnightpaw's training. But it's put a lot of things into perspective or her. She's older now, she's finding it more difficult to keep up with younger cats. And given that the cat she loves most, Spottedmint has retired, she goes to Thornstar, and expresses her desire to retire. She can see the jelousy he tries to hide. And knows she's getting what he would have wanted more than anything.
It take Thornstar a good while to decide on a new deputy. Many cats expect him to pick a respected senior warrior, like Tulipnose, Vineshell, or Cricketspeck. It is to the shock of many when he announces his choice. Lightpelt, his own daughter, will be the next deputy of CrystalClan. She herself is quite suprised. She had her fair share of ambitions, but didn't quite expect this.
Orange and Ripplestripe become mates, but keep it secret.
11th Leafbare
Mintpaw and Peatpaw, Lightpelt's "adopted" kits are both apprenticed, right in time for her to begin her deputy duties in earnest. Mintpaw is apprenticed to Forestpool, and she couldn't be happier. She's got a deep respect for the warrior code, even with her young age, and she's thrilled to be apprenticed to someone as smart and wise as Forestpool. Peatpaw is very pleased her mother was made deputy. And has high ambitions of her own. Her mentor Pansypetal might not be capable of keeping up with her… but he's sure gonna try.
Berrylight and Hazelholly's second litter has just one kit, a little golden-furred kit they name Basskit. Hazelholly is still recovering and is sad he won't get to play as active a role in this single kit's upbringing as Bristle, Midnight, and Chasing. Basskit isn't alone for long though, as Lightstrike and Badgerclaw welcome Shrewkit, Honeykit and Conekit into the nursery as well.
Egretwing and Fringepelt become mates. He makes Egretwing feel better and less stressed about her failures.
Goldcreek and Goosetooth, having served as medicine cats along side each other for a long time, and both sharing prophetic sight, become mates. Goosetooth confesses in the process of explaining that he absolutely trusts Goldcreek more than Orange.
Whitecough spreads around camp, soon almost half the clan have been infected, including Orange and Goosetooth. Orange bounces back pretty quickly, but Goosetooth less so. Spottedmint, remembering all those moons ago, when he'd struggled during an outbreak before Goosetooth joined the clan to help, comes out of retirement to help. Unfortunatly Plumflake succumbs, having had the illness multiple times in the past and being weakened by it. Cricketspeck is quite distraught over the loss of her brother, they'd had their difficulties, and never quite got past them...
Emberpaw, Drizzlepaw, Sweetpaw, and Peatpaw sneak out of camp. Peatpaw invites Mintpaw but she refuses. They manage to cross the thunderpath by themselves, and have quite a fun adventure. But Mintpaw tells Forestpool and Lightpelt. The parents and mentors of the group are quite cross, mostly. Rosypelt is glad Drizzlepaw is doing some "normal apprentice things" and Lightpelt can't be too harsh on them, given that she'd done the same thing in the past. The others are pretty mad at Mintpaw for tattling, especially her sister Peatpaw. And start leaving her out. It upsets her but she tries to not show it.
Martenshine announces she and Tulipnose are expecting their second litter.
Dusktooth announces that she and Carpleg are expecting their first litter.
Newtflash comes out as nonbinary!
Pinefreckle is made a warrior ahead of Snappaw, his brother. He's always been an odd cat, and it remains true that he prefers working solo, but Raggedback helped nurture his intellect.
Emberpaw has an odd dream. A field of orange stars shining beneath her feet. They grow, and spread, connecting and burning a hole in the ground. She sees the paws of another cat before waking with a start. She tells Sweetpaw and Peatpaw, who don't think much of it. Mintpaw does take her seriously and recommends that she talks to one of the medicine cats. But they've been so busy with the many cases of whitecough that she doesn't think it's a good time...
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Drizzlepaw wonders if she'd made the right choice. She's loved learning from Rosypelt, but she'd had a blast on her escapade with the other apprentices. And the most fun she has being a mediator, is when they get to travel to other clans. She goes to Rosypelt, and asks if it's too late for her to be reassigned. Rosypelt says it's never too late to change. And Drizzlepaw is reapprenticed to Stonewisker. The older warrior swearing to help Drizzlepaw catch up. Sweetpaw, taking advantage of this situation, expresses her long held secret wish, to be a mediator apprentice. And Rosypelt, amused, agrees to be his mentor.
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cypressthecursedfox · 1 month
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The Unrighteous Blame
Amid the windswept moorlands, hidden dangers and dark secrets threaten to tear a fractured Clan apart. When the line between loyalty and betrayal blurs, who will rise to power, and who will be left in the shadows?
Book 1 • {Book 2} • Book 3(WIP)
Short Story
The sky above gleamed with a brilliant shade of blue, devoid of any clouds against its canvas. The sun cast its radiance down, illuminating the entire camp. Within the camp, feline chatter filled the air, centered around a large heap of broken stone known as Shattered Stone. Perched upon this structure was Soulstar, the leader of RaptureClan, his brownish-gray and white fur catching the sunlight. He was a well-respected leader, and I couldn't deny the positive impact he had on our Clan, at least not yet.
"Attention, everyone!" Soul's commanding voice pierced through the chatter, instantly silencing the clearing.
"We gather today to mark a special occasion. This young kit—" he gestured to the small orange and white kit below Shattered Stone, "—has reached the age of three moons. Yesterday, each Elder tested him to determine his future role within the Clan. Today, I reveal the results."
Foxkit, with eyes brimming with excitement, looked up at Soulstar. His tail betrayed his anticipation, fidgeting eagerly.
"It's been decided that Foxkit will train as a Hunter. Ashleap will be his mentor, guiding his training and progress. Until he proves himself worthy of the title, he'll be known as Foxsprout," Soul announced. Cheers erupted, welcoming the new apprentice. Foxsprout, ears pinned back, seeming overwhelmed by the attention, reminiscent of my own early days as a Scout.
After the excitement subsided, Soul addressed another matter. "Crypto, please step forward."
A charcoal-colored Bengal cat approached the stones, eliciting a low growl from me. Soul couldn't seriously be considering this already—there was no way!
“Yes, Soul?” Crypto responded, his tone overly respectful.
"You've been with us for some time now, and I believe you've demonstrated loyalty. If everyone agrees, it's time to officially—"
"I object!" I interjected, pushing my way forward, locking eyes with Crypto, who returned my gaze innocently. Pathetic!
I wasn't the most trusting of outsiders, and this cat gave me bad vibes. The Clan's trust in others always irked me, but this was different. There was something off about him that I couldn't shake.
“Suggesting we fully accept this cat already? We should be cautious, especially considering our recent journey from the mountains. We can't just let anyone in!” I growled, tail lashing.
“Badgerclaw, I understand your concern, but we've seen no reason to doubt Crypto's loyalty. He deserves official recognition,” Soul explained calmly.
“Does anyone else object?” Soulstar asked, but no one spoke in my favor. Frustrated, I stepped back, my Clan mates murmuring amongst themselves.
“This is outrageous! We need more time to assess them properly!” I shouted.
“The decision stands, Badgerclaw. Please take your seat,” Soul's tone carried a warning.
Grumbling, I complied, though my tail twitched with irritation. I didn't care what my Clan mates thought; I'd spoken my mind, whether they liked it or not.
Soul continued, “Now, Crypto. After careful consideration, it has been decided that you'd fit best among our ranks as a Hunter. How do you feel about that?”
“I'd be happy to help out the Clan in any way I can. If that means being a Hunter, then so be it,” he replied. “However, I have one request. I would prefer to keep my name, as it holds a lot of importance to me.”
Soulstar dipped his head in understanding. “That can be arranged. So, Crypto, do you vow to do whatever it takes to provide for your Clan?”
“Then, by the power of StarClan, we welcome you as a full Hunter and official member of RaptureClan.”
Immediately, cheering broke out, everyone shouting for Crypto. Everyone except me; I remained silent, ears pinned to my head as I stared at Crypto through narrowed eyes. Regardless of what the Clan or the leader said, in my mind, Crypto would never be a member of this Clan.
Shortly after the ceremony, Crypto approached me. “Hey, I know you don't have the best opinion of me, and I'll accept that. I understand that you're concerned for your Clan, and I respect that. I do hope someday we can become friends,” he said in a friendly tone. Oh, how I hated it.
“We will never be friends. You will never be a part of this Clan...” I growled. Before he could say another word, I walked off into the crowd.
A little later on, the Fighters were called to patrol the territory. We were still getting used to it, learning it, but had a decent grasp on the land. Everyone was chatting with each other, but I stayed at the back, not saying a word.
“Maybe if you just took time to get to know Crypto, you might actually like him,” Hailclaw suggested, slowing to my pace. Her voice was calm and friendly, yet her words only caused me irritation.
“Don't start telling me what to do!” I snapped at her. “I don't care what anyone says; that cat can't be trusted!”
“How do you know? You don't even know the cat,” Hail pointed out.
“Exactly! No one does. We know absolutely nothing about where he came from, who he is. Nothing! Frankly, I'm surprised he even told us his name, if that's even his name!” I growled.
“Everyone has a right to keep their past to themselves,” Lion jumped in. “Take Soulstar, for example. The Clan knows little to nothing about his past, yet there isn't a single cat in the Clan who doesn't trust him.”
“That's not the same thing!” I hissed.
“What matters is Crypto has shown us he'd make a good member of our Clan and has not proven to be any threat. And I really don't think we can afford to be picky. Our Clan desperately needs cats if it is to recover. I think Soul made a good choice,” Lion stated.
“Just because we're desperate doesn't mean we should accept just anyone! That could end badly for us, especially if we let the wrong cat in.”
“Soul knows what he's doing, Badger, and frankly, I don't see why we shouldn't trust Crypto, especially if Soul does. If you go your whole life without ever trying to trust someone, how would you know if they can be trusted? You need to stop being so suspicious of everyone. And you wonder why I was made Elder Fighter instead of you.”
It was at that very moment the patrol fell dead silent. Lion's words rubbed me the wrong way. How dare he bring that into this! I was the oldest of all the Fighters and most experienced, yet Lionclaw had been given that role. I had always resented him for that, and he knew it.
“That has nothing to do with this,” I growled. “And it's very immature of you to bring it up!”
“Immature? You think that's immature? You causing a scene during Crypto's ceremony is what's immature.”
“A scene? I was simply stating a fact!” I spat, fur ruffled. My unsheathed claws dug into the ground. At this point, the patrol had come to a complete stop, all eyes on me and Lion. The tension between us couldn't have been any clearer.
“A fact? That was nothing more than your stubborn nonsense! You've always been a cranky cat who no one has ever been able to please. Couldn't you just try for once in your life to be happy? To be nice? Just stop being so judgmental all the damn time!”
“I'm sorry for being so concerned for the safety of our Clan! I didn't realize that wasn't important to everyone else!” I growled. “Why don't we just start inviting foxes in while we're at it!”
“Enough, you two! This is childish behavior!” Hailclaw spoke, stepping in between us. “We have more important things to do than argue with each other.”
Lion let out a sigh, hanging his head. “You're right, Hail, we do. Badger, go back to camp. You clearly need time to calm down.”
“Fine, I didn't want to be a part of this patrol anyway!” I growled, storming off before anyone else could say a word.
On the walk back to camp, I grumbled to myself until a scent caught my attention, immediately silencing me. I recognized that scent. To confirm my suspicions, I began to creep through the rocky moorland, using the rocks for cover once I got close. Peeking around, I found my suspicions to be correct. It was Crypto, accompanied by two other cats I hadn't seen before.
Curiously and cautiously, I crept closer until I was just within earshot of the group.
“Can't believe they actually fell for it!” One of the cats laughed.
“Yeah, it didn't take long for them to trust you. Quite surprising,” the second cat remarked.
“They're too gullible!” Crypto chuckled, a smug grin crossing his muzzle. “But that just makes this easier for us, doesn't it? Plans will hopefully move along quicker.”
“So the whole Clan bought it, huh?” The first cat spoke again.
“All but one. However, I highly doubt he's a threat to our cause. Just some cranky old-timer, who—” he cut off, seeming to sense something. “Who's there? Come out!”
I froze for a moment. How did he know I was here? Oh well, I wasn't afraid to confront them, especially not Crypto.
“You traitor!” I hissed, jumping out from hiding.
Immediately, the two cats with Crypto jumped up as if to attack me but were halted by him. “Perhaps I underestimated you a bit.”
“Crypto, shouldn't we do something about him? What if he tells the Clan?”
“You're darn right I will! Ain't nothing you say or do gonna stop me!” I growled.
“Good luck getting them to believe you,” Crypto chuckled.
“They’ll take my word over yours any day!” I growled.
“Not unless the evidence says otherwise.”
“What are you talking about—actually, you know what, nevermind. I'm not gonna waste my breath on you. I'll leave that to Soul.” Without another word, I turned and ran back towards camp. I found it strange that Crypto didn't try to stop me, but I didn't dwell on it too much.
When I got back to camp, I immediately ran towards Soulstar's den. “Soulstar, I need to speak with you! It's important!”
Soulstar soon trotted out. “What's the matter?” he asked in concern. “Is the patrol alright?”
“Yes, that's not the problem. It's about Crypto. On my way back to camp, I found him talking to some other cats, and I think they're up to something against the Clan! I don't know what, but the way they were talking was disturbing,” I explained.
“Crypto? He's supposed to be hunting with the other Hunters. And I thought you were supposed to be patrolling?” Soulstar questioned.
“Well—” I started to explain, but was interrupted as all the Hunters and Fighters walked back into camp, with Crypto among them, a large hare dangling from his jaws. Spotting them, Soul immediately headed in their direction.
“What's going on here? Badgerclaw, who I thought was supposed to be on patrol, has just reported seeing Crypto speaking with some strangers?” Soulstar inquired.
“I sent Badgerclaw back to camp because he was being hostile, so I wanted to give him a chance to cool off,” Lion replied.
“And as for Crypto, I don't understand how that is possible. He was hunting with us the entire time,” Cougarleap stated, with the other Hunters nodding in agreement.
“What!? That's not possible! I saw him out there, speaking with two other cats! Neither of which were from our Clan!” I hissed.
“He was with us the entire time, Badgerclaw. I am sure I would have noticed if he wasn't. We all hunt together, after all,” Cougar pointed out.
Crypto, looking confused, put down his prey. Oh, how badly I wanted to claw that look off his face. “I don't recall coming across Badger at all.”
With a sigh, Soul turned to me. “Badger, this is getting ridiculous. I know you don't like the fact that Crypto has been accepted into RaptureClan, but I wasn't expecting you to take it to this level.”
“You think I'm lying!?” I gasped in disbelief.
“What else am I supposed to think, Badger? There is nothing to support what you claim to have seen. Therefore, it leads me to believe you are resorting to childish lies to get Crypto in trouble. This needs to stop.”
“But I'm not lying! It's true! I don't know how the hell he pulled this off, but there's got to be some explanation!” I insisted.
“Badger, just drop it. This is your warning,” Soul scolded, then walked back towards his den, leaving me staring in bewilderment and irritation. What the hell was going on? I wondered to myself. I know what I saw was real! Crypto was there!
“That's a nice catch you got there,” Lion commented on Crypto's large black hare. “Y'all better save that one for me.”
“Thanks!” Crypto replied after placing it in the prey pile.
“I want to apologize for Badger,” I heard Lion say to him. “He tends to have some trust issues. And—” I walked off before I could hear the rest. I wasn't in the mood to hear cats talk behind my back. With that, I stormed into the hunters den and curled up for the night. I was fed up with today, especially with Lion. I wasn't the only one mistrusting of outsiders, he was too, especially of other Clans, but I didn't see anyone shunning him for it!
The next morning, I woke up to commotion in camp. Everyone gathered anxiously in the clearing, and I stepped out of the den, still groggy with sleep. Moments later, I saw Soulstar storming out of the healer's den and toward me. Oh no, was all I could think.
“You have officially gone too far. I can't believe you'd do something like this. I don't even want to believe it,” Soul's words left me puzzled.
“What are you talking about!?” I questioned.
“It appears you've tried to kill Lion,” Soul replied.
“What!? That's ridiculous! I would never do such a thing!” I hissed in disbelief.
“The evidence says otherwise,” Graylight added.
“What evidence!? What are you talking about!?”
“The hare that Lion ate this morning was found filled with deathberries, and Hazelleaf happened to find a tuft of your fur on one of them,” Graylight meowed coldly, immediately sparking murmurs throughout the clearing.
“Are you saying I tried to poison him? This is outrageous! I would've remembered doing something like that! It wasn't me!” I hissed.
“He was in earshot when Lion claimed the hare Crypto caught,” Cougarleap called out.
“Yesterday, he and Lion got into a fight on patrol,” Hailclaw added.
“And I'm pretty sure I saw him leave the den last night,” Crypto spoke, and I immediately jerked my head towards him. I hadn't left the den last night! This had to be his doing, it just had to be!
“How do we know it wasn’t Crypto? He has to be trying to get me in trouble because of what I saw yesterday!” I hissed.
Soulstar only shook his head in reply. “I don't want to have to do this, Badger, but you've given me no choice. For the safety of RaptureClan, you will be exiled!”
“Exiled!? Exiled!?!? I can't believe this, I did nothing wrong! Why doesn't anyone believe me? This is unfair! I am telling the truth! What I saw yesterday, all of it! It's nothing but the truth! And I did not try to kill Lion! Why don't you believe me?” I yowled in frustration.
“The evidence doesn't lie, Badger. I'm sorry, but I must do what is best for the Clan,” Soul spoke.
“Do what's best for the Clan!? If you want to do that, then get rid of that treacherous cat!” I growled. And without warning, I went to lunge at Crypto, but before I could reach him, I was intercepted by the rest of the Fighters.
“How about you don't try to harm anyone else, okay?” Lionclaw spoke coldly.
I let out a low growl, slowly backing away from them. They began to force me towards the camp entrance, the rest of the Clan watching in silence. “You all will regret this! One day you will all see that I was in the right all along!” I shouted.
As I was being shoved forward, I managed to look back for a moment, and there I saw Crypto, his attention completely on me. Upon his muzzle lay a twisted smirk of satisfaction. He'd gotten his way, and there was nothing I could do about it.
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jayclan · 8 months
Leader: Comfreystar: Long furred dark brown and white smoke she-cat
Deputy: Cloveskip: Unusually spotted pale and white tom
Medicine cat: Lightflare: Masked cream tabby and white she-cat
Skywing: Black and white tabby tom
Hawkshard: Black tabby she-cat
Cresteddream: Neatly furred, dark brown ticked she-cat(currently taking care of Flamekit and Bristlekit)
Flamekit: Dorsal-striped ginger tom
Bristlekit: Speckled pale she-cat(Blizzardshriek’s daughter; Comfreystar’s neice)
Leader: Cherrystar: Very small tortoiseshell she-cat
Deputy: Sparrowdrop: Handsome smoky black tom with dark orange eyes
Medicine cat: Featherscar: Small back she-cat with a snaggletooth(Sparrowdrop’s sister)
Leader: Graystar: Short, mottled black and gray tom with a stubby tail
Deputy: Driftsong: Light brown she-cat with a lovely dapple coat
Medicine cat: Mudsplash: White tom with brown splotches
Apprentice: Blizzardpaw
Leader: Lightningstar: Scrawny, long-legged, ginger tom with white paws(Poppyshade’s mate, father to Flamepaw and Nightpaw)
Deputy: Poppyshade: Mostly white, tortoiseshell she-cat with a twisted paw(Lightningstar’s mate; mother to Flamepaw and Nightpaw)
Apprentice: Ashpaw
Medicine cat: Thin, light brown tom with a sliced ear
Apprentice: Flamepaw
Cats and others outside the clan
Sweetie: Cream coated she-cat with pale brown spots
Berry: Cream coated tom with distinctive brown spots
Mona: Plump, grumpy black she-cat
Whiskers: Smaller black she-cat
Wooly: Plump white female sheep
Icykestrel: Long furred silver smoke and white she-cat(formerly of Flowerclan)
Dark Forest
Pebblestar: Dark gray and lighter gray tom with sharp claws
Heatherchase: Pale gray smoky she-cat with a skull covering her face
Maggotthroat: White tom that is falling apart
Badgerclaw: Long haired black and white she-cat
Cinderjaw: Mottled black she-cat with no jaw
Tigersnout: Ginger tom with black stripes
Dappleburr: Tortoiseshell tom with scars
Snowsprout: White she-cat with dried herbs stuck to her fur
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kjwarriors · 9 months
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Badgerclaw- black and white tom with amber eyes
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thtupidity · 3 years
I drew Badgerclaw and Sprucepaw with their actual cat designs
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callsignmoth · 3 years
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28. Badgerclaw
OC Design
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erwinpapa · 4 years
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BADGERCLAW!! Original character DO NO STEAL! “I’m the one that does the best, and no one else.” - Badgerclaw 2020 colors on a 2014 drawing. #badgerclaw #drawing (at Lakewood, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFgBGUyHoil/?igshid=5tq1pjddk25e
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Sharptongue of Riverclan, Badgerclaw of Windclan, Foxfang of Shadowclan and Seedspots of Thunderclan
Sharptongue - A proud and bold cat. Sharptongue is never afraid to tell it how it is, they will always give their honest opinion, no matter how brutal it may come across, they believe honesty is highly important, and so you will never catch them telling a lie. Sharptongue will never admit if they are wrong, and will often shift the blame to anything but them, they strive to be the perfect RiverClan warrior, so they will not readily see their own flaws. Sharptongue is never afraid to speak up at clan meetings or even at gatherings to express their opinion on a matter, and they hate being interrupted, but they have an icy stare that can silence even a clan leader, so they do not get interrupted often, 15/10
Badgerclaw- A kind and skilful cat. Badgerclaw is one of the most powerful warriors in WindClan, they might not be as speedy as some of their clanmates, but they certainly make up for that in their strength. They are a skilled fighter often using their strength to their advantage, but they only fight when they have to, and will often try to win fights without any need for bloodshed, often using their strength to pin opponents down. Outside of hunting and battling, Badgerclaw is a big softie, they will often help out their clanmates, and they will often be found playing with kits outside the nursery or sharing tongues with the elders, 14/10
Foxfang - An intelligent and confident cat. Nothing ever seems to phase Foxfang, they seem to be able to handle whatever is thrown at them with ease. Foxfang often thinks fast and acts faster, but they always ensure their movements are as precise as they have quickly planned, as any mistakes could be costly both for their reputation, and potentially their life depending on the situation. Foxfang always walks with their head held high, and without any hesitation, they have complete confidence in themselves, and every victory they have only adds to this confidence, 14/10
Seedspots- A kind and nervous cat. Seedspots is a little jumpy, they get surprised easily and they sometimes get a little paranoid, however this leads them to always envision the worst case scenario, so they are prepared for it to happen, and often discuss these scenarios with their leader to help advise them on backup plans if things go wrong. Seedspots is a naturally kind cat, and will do anything to help a clanmate, some cats might think to take advantage of Seedspots’ kindness, but no one in ThunderClan could ever bring themselves to do that, Seedspots is regarded to be one of the nicest cats in the forest, 15/10
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quintessentialarts · 4 years
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Badger Claw oxidation progress photo! I oxidize my silver with concentrated sulfur. It does not smell good. 🤢 It comes out super dark, then I hand polish it to shine it back up. These pendants are only available through @dualwieldstudio https://dualwieldstudio.com/collections/tamora-pierce/products/tamora-pierce-silver-badger-claw-necklace
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