#bah i'm rambling
gorjee-art · 3 months
I think the funniest thinking process I had while drawing was trying to argue with myself to keep things simple while drawing (I tend to overthink ALOT)
Y'know the usual: "It's all just shapes!" "Think with stick figures first, detail later" And that's all well and good but one thought that came to my head was, just make a ych base for yourself.
Y'know, just- draw a body Like that, it's easy, like it's nothing.
What I hate about this is that it makes sense to me.
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nettlestingsoup · 4 months
i set a boundary with a long-time friend and now i feel ✨gross about it✨
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thebahwrites · 2 years
No one asked me and that’s fine because that’s entirely my brand in here, but I saw a colleague’s tweet and just couldn’t stop thinking about it.
An IceMav dads + Rooster headcanon: With TGMs weird befuddled timeline and Bradley’s age being an ambiguous mess, all I  want everyone to consider is:
Bradley had a Tamagotchi. Tamagotchi’s were all the rage in ‘97/’98, so a teen-ish Bradley BEGGING to get one because every kid does and of course he gets one. But it’s a Tamagotchi and those of you who are too young to even remember the rage of it, those little shits were WORK. And it was a point of PRIDE TO KEEP THEM ALIVE for as long as possible. But to keep them alive you had to give them CONSTANT attention and I mean CONSTANT.
But also he was a teen in the Icemav household and you know Iceman was the kind of loving but stern parent that required Bradley to show grades and work. So the only condition for Bradley to get it? “You can’t take it to school most days so it won’t distract you.” (He could take it Fridays and maybe the week post-tests if results were good.) But also Ice would feel bad if Bradley’s tamagotchi died because Bradley really treated it like a pet. They didn’t have pets because everyone worked so much at all times, the feral cat that decided to inhabit Mav’s workshop did not count. Solution? Ice kept the tamagotchi while Bradley was at school. They did try to leave it with Mav but Mav’s ADHD nuked it on the first week, he could NOT keep it alive more than a few hours. 
So Iceman, in the late 90s and for a good portion of his YEAR, babysat a tamagotchi. He took pride in the fact him and Bradley managed to have SEVERAL 12-day (the oldest a Tama can be before dying of old age) pets.
Many of Ice’s underlings were in awe of it. Slider also helped keep the thing alive. In fact, it was a whole village effort before he handed it back to Bradley during weekdays and when not in assignments and whatnot. 
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
Hi-Fi Rush really said "let's make a rhythm game that's made with such love and passion for music, has good characterization and growth, the humor and character designs are fun, the enemy battles are creative, the main villain is defeated through the power of friendship, and it contains tons of bonus content with no microtransactions, all for half the cost of an AAA game" and it fucking slapped
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theglitchos · 25 days
i love the incredible inability to tell if a given store is open on labor day or not, if i consult google it merely tells me "hours might differ"
that is not helpful
i need to know if i can re-take my laptop to get repaired tomorrow, or else it won't get done til wednesday or possibly next week
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highvern · 9 months
Baby Blues
Pairing: Kim Mingyu x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, domestic!au
Warnings: gross tooth rotting fluff, dad!gyu mom!reader.
Length: ~500
Note: Drunk Goggles couple is back! for a moment! I'm in a bit of a slump and needed something easy and they're so near and dear to my heart. I saw a tiktok of a baby refusing to say dada and i couldn't let it go. threw in some speech development bc im annoying (babies use their lips to say M and B sounds and their tongues to say D which is a skill they develop later)
read more here
“Say da-da.”
“Your daughter hates me.” Mingyu huffs, head falling to the kitchen table with a thunk. 
Hana delights in her fathers dramatics, squealing her joy while yogurt goes flying. Her chubby fists clap against the plastic table of her high chair and little legs kick out. Mingyu smiles through the pain, never able to truly be annoyed with his favorite person in the world.
Mingyu had been trying to get her to say dada for the better part of an hour. So far each request was either answered with "mama", bubble noises, or unintelligible baby gibberish. You'd simply watched the entire thing unfold from behind your coffee cup, smirking into the rim at Mingyu's desperation.
“Our daughter doesn’t hate you." You say, rolling your eyes. "She’s a baby.”
“No, she hates me. Watch. Say dada, Hana.”
Hana doesn’t pause before shrieking, “Mama!”
“See!” He argues, arms out towards the babbling baby like she's torturing him on purpose.
“She just loves her mama, don’t you Hana?” You coo at her, stroking the top of her head covered in wispy hair as you wipe the mess of drool and her breakfast away.
“Daddy is silly, isn’t he?”
“Bfffff.” Hana spits, ungracefully wiggling in her seat.
Eyes wide, you agree with her ramblings. “Exactly what I was thinking.”
“Hey! Don’t talk about me like I’m not here.” Mingyu pouts.
“We would never!” You give Hana a cartoonish wink that sends her into a fit.
Returning to the sink with dirty dishes, you listen to your husband try desperately to get Hana to say the words he’s been begging to hear since she called you mama for the first time a week ago. Hana humors him, pure sunshine under Mingyu’s constant attention; giggling at his crestfallen face every time like its new.
Deciding to take mercy, you approach Hana’s chair and lift her into your arms. “Gyu watch this. Hana, where’s baba? Baba?” You ask, pointing one of her pudgy fists directly at Mingyu.
“She—she said—I’m baba!” Mingyu repeats dumbstruck, staring at your smiling face.  “LETS GO!” He whoops, rising to bolt around the kitchen. Jumping around the room like he won the lottery, fists punching the air in victory. 
It’s the same way he reacted when he found the positive test waiting for him on the bathroom counter almost a year ago. Unfiltered, unadulterated joy. Except there were far more tears when he found out he was going to be a dad, a broken lamp, and a broken couch.
Now, he grins like a mad man, chest puffed in pride that his daughter finally recognized him. As if it was ever a question despite Hana being a spitting image of Mingyu except for her nose which clearly comes from your gene pool. How she screams when he gets home from work and immediately picks her up for smothering kisses like he’d been gone more than a couple hours. Or when you’re all curled up on the couch and she falls asleep on his chest, her mouth open wide as she snores just like the man holding her. And the times all the boys visit to coo over their niece, bribing her with funny faces and silly voices to let them carry her, but the only person she reaches her little arms for his Mingyu.
Hana is Mingyu’s mini me, attached to his hip since her first day. But she's already learning how to get the best of him, no doubt a skill she inherited from you.
You and your daughter cackle in unison as Mingyu sweeps you both into a bear hug, alternating kisses between your lips and Hana’s almost bald head. 
“My girls,” he says with a squeeze, content seeping into his words.
There's a sigh of resignation, and a nod of his head. “We’ll work on it.”
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alexa-fika · 6 months
hey I'm so so sorry but can you make nifty reader a female? I'm so so sorry I didn't clarify 😭 you don't have to at all I'm so so sorry
Menace Ahoy (Whitebeard pirates x f!child!reader)
A/N Absolutely no problem! Thank you for asking!
Talking about this post with male!reader
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha as a placeholder which means Reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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“You lost her?!”
“The hell do you mean me?! You were also supposed to keep an eye on her!”
“That’s enough the both of you! Right now, we need to focus on finding her before she sneaks into the kitchen or the training areas.” The first-man yelled, scolding his crewmates
“I swear I had her by my side a few seconds ago. I just I blinked, and just like that, gone! It’s like she just up and vanished!” Ace said desperately, looking around
“That’s why you can’t take your eyes off her; she is quick like that,” mutters Vista, thinking of where the little menace could have run off to now
“She wouldn’t get off the ship, would she?” He questions
“Unlikely, she will only get down once she sees one of us has deboarded, and despite looking for trouble, she won’t leave our side unless we tell her she can,” Izou pipes in
Their discussion is quickly cut short as two voices join their conversation
“What have I told you about sneaking into the kitchen?” Thatch grumbles, holding a girl by the scruff of her shirt walking closer to the men
“But it was a mess! I needed to clean the mess up!” She fusses, looking up at the chef
“No, uh, Kitchen is a big No, No, don’t trust you not to steal one of my knives again.”
“It was dirty; I need to go back and clean it; I need to make sure it’s clean, so much mess, I need to clean it,” she rambled on as she began to spiral on the thought of the kitchen and all the tools and areas that needed to be cleaned up
“Hey, Hey, I get you want to clean, but you can’t just barge in and start cleaning; you could get badly hurt if you touched one of the hot surfaces. Please don’t go back in there without one of us,” He said, lowering the child to the ground
“Just don’t sneak in there again, got it?”
“It’s okay; I'm not mad at you. I'm just worried you could get badly hurt. How about you come to ask me first, and I‘ll let you know if I help clean?”
She grins, nodding excitedly
“Hey, Dokucha, are you coming with us?” Called Vista; Marco and Izou already waiting for the pair at the port
“Yeah!” She exclaimed, running her way but skidding to a stop and looking at the two behind him
“Are you not coming?” She asked, looking at Thatch and Ace
“I’ll stay here; I have some things to attend to in the kitchen,” Thatch replies; he takes a moment to sigh and rub his head
“Someone has to keep this idiot some company,” quips Ace with a grin, only to groan as his comment was received with a hit on the back of the head
“What the hell, Thatch?!”
She snickers at her brothers' antics and resumes running her way to Vista, joining her as they go down the gangway
“Where are we going?”
Marco looks back at the two
“I need to refill some of the medical supplies; after that, we need to stack up on drinks,” Marco answered, looking down at the list he held in his hands
She jumps her way to Marco, hanging from his shoulder to take a look at the note
“What’s gunpowder? And what the hell is whetstone?” the girl asked, squinting at the words in the note
“Language,” muttered Marco, giving a side eye to the kid on his shoulder
“Whetstones are used to sharpen swords, Dokucha; I need it to sharpen my swords; the one we have has grown dull,” Vista answered
“Hehehehe, Can I have the swords when you sharpen them?”
“Certainly not.”
“Just for a little bit, just want to test them; how do you know if they go through the skin if you don’t try it?” She grinned, a maniacal look growing in her eyes
“Who are you trying this on?!”
“I can find people to stab real quick; you won’t miss them.”
“I can use the blood of our enemies.”
“Still no.”
“Bah, what about gunpowder?”
“It’s used for firing weapons like my pistols,” Izou replied, showing the kid his pistols as he said that
“Din’t even ask!”
“Don’t need to; you wouldn’t be allowed.”
“Ugh, party poopers,” she whined, sticking her tongue at the two
They roll their eyes at her antics, a chuckle escaping Vista as he shakes his head
“You’re quite something, Dokucha,” Marco stated, putting the note away and beginning to make his way into town
“I wouldn’t trust you with a wea- Agh!” His words were cut off as one of the locals knocked into him, causing him to stumble slightly in surprise
“Watch where you’re walking, dumbass,” they growl, continuing their way deeper into town
“Stab, Stab?” She said, not taking her eyes off the person as they walked away, an ominous-looking smile growing on her face
“Leave them,” Marco groaned, brushing himself off
“But they deserve it to have their blood splattered!”
“They are not worth it,” Vista sighed, shaking his head
“It’s fine. Let them have their rude ways; they hardly deserve any of your attention,” Izou added
“Don’t let people like that bother you, Dokucha; people like that enjoy pushing people around. It’s best not to waste your time with them,” Vista finished
“They were rude; come on, just one stab! I’ll make the prettiest painting with their blood.”
“No one will mis-
“Absolutely not”
Everyone would be hap-
“Just drop it.”
“Come o-
The three stated their answers firmly, all three sharing a similar tone that told him there was no room for discussion
“Party poopers”
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Again thank you for asking nicely, I have no problem publishing a piece again with the pronouns changed for you guys as long as you guys asked nicely! So don’t be afraid to ask, it’s an easy fix!
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the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
I have a few impossible questions for you! 😉
Who’s your favorite character from the POTA franchise?
And who’s your favorite for each movie?
Who’s your favorite to write for?
Which character comes the easiest to write for you? Which is the hardest?
Hope you’re having a great day!!
Screams into the void Only doing the reboot franchise rn, I'm working on watching the old ones lol.
Who’s your favorite character from the POTA franchise? Don't come @ me for this okay, I swear I have the most logical sound reasoning and anyone who thinks I'm going to say Noa owes me one penny. Blue Eyes. HEAR ME OUT. I know his screen time was remarkably short, and he really deserved more but he leaves me wanting to think about his characterization. About what he'd have been able to accomplish had he lived and taken the metaphorical throne from Caesar. I don't think it was unintentional, the fact that he looks more like Cornelia, where as Cornelius looks more like Caesar. Blue Eyes was Cornelia's son and Cornelius was Ceasar's, okay okay. It's apparent he's deeply thoughtful ( albeit a bit easy to swing to one radical side like he did with Koba, but I personally think he'd have overcome that once he got older and was more secure in his reasoning and thoughts ), he's kind to others, funny, understanding, he reserved intense judgement on humans until he was face to face with one ( and got pulled into the hatred by Koba. ) He has FLAWS. Like, turning his back against his Father's way by going with Koba to war, and then having to cope and deal with the consequences, and coming to the realization himself that his Father was right all along, and that Koba was wrong. Another good Flaw? He's oblivious in a lot of retrospectives. Lake's feeling for him? BAH, he has no IDEA. Even in War when Cornelia gets his attention to look at Lake? He's devoted to his FAMILY BABY. Another?! He's naïve because of his age, which brings me to my next point here:
HE REMINDS ME OF YOUNG CAESAR. Caesar wanted to know his place, never quite belonging even though he had a Human family unit, and he ultimately got the chance to do that with Rise. Blue Eyes was still so young, and had the chance to find his place, to know where he stood when he was on his own two feet and just... The limitless things he could have done really get me invested in his character when I start to think about it because would he have ruled like his Father, or would he have ruled with more juxtpositions from his Mother.
I mean, what could he have become? He had such great potential to rule with power and promised stability like Caesar wanted, but he also had the capability of being more introspective and in-tune with his emotions, more emotional in a lot of regards compared to Caesar himself. He was deeply loyal to his father, mother and brother. *Screams into a pillow* I feel like i just rambled and none of it made SENSE.
And who’s your favorite for each movie? Rise - Caesar. Dawn - Tie between Koba and Blue Eyes. War - Bad Ape. ( all jokes aside, I love him ) KIDDING, IT'S CAESAR baby. Kingdom - Noa ( Self explanatory, JUST LOOK AT HIM. Also, don't get me started because I will go into straight character analysis mode and I have not done that in SUCH A LONG TIME. Unless you guys wanted me to, I mean I could lol. Just ask. )
Who’s your favorite to write for?
I started in this fandom with Noa. He is my baby boy, I love him to the ends of the EARTH.
My favorite to write for though?
Heavy tie between Caesar and Noa in general.
Caesar's interesting in the aspects that I see a lot of my own self-reflection / ability to see the good in things in him.
Noa's interesting because I see a lot of my own self-loathing/deprecation in him, especially when he tears himself down with ideas that he is not as great as his father, nor will he ever be ( Something he ultimately comes to terms with before overCOMING ).
Which character comes the easiest to write for you? Which is the hardest?
Easiest - Definitely Caesar. Uhm, hello? I just really like to dally in details regarding him, and I feel like since he is genuinely an Ape of few words at times, it's so much fun to speckle in the detailing in his fics and headcanons to make up for loss of dialog.
Hardest - Uhmmmmm It's gotta be Koba right now. ( notice lack of fics for him lol. ) I want to get his characterization just right, I am a big stickler for them not being OOC because I know how that takes away from reading. I've been watching the movies, and reading the books though to get more of a sturdy basis for him so I can feel more confident in writing his character. <3 <3
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fae-sodapop · 30 days
Thanks Lost in Code AU for making me create lore for characters I dug out of Toby Fox & temmi Chang's trash cans.
Anyways, meet the skeleton family! (WIP design)
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Grandma Hardinge (Redacted),
it's very old - it was around before the war. She isn't even a skeleton! She's a phantom (type of undead monster) & why gaster doesn't have a nose - she doesn't have a nose either. She wears a long black robe... Dress? Undecided. I don't think she has hands either, she may use her hair to manipulate things! She's a little rusty in her own font (Hardinge) so she speaks in wingdings most of the time, but she'll make an effort to refresh her mind, she wants to connect with her grandsons after all!
Grandpa Semi, Semi serif
Tired old southern Grandpa, not as old as Hardinge, definitely not, but still elderly. He was born underground & he's never seen the sun. He thought Gaster's fascination with the surface was just a dream brought about from Hardinge's stories & hopeless reminiscing but he was actually proud of him when he became the royal scientist. He doesn't have a hatred for humans, he remembers the days of the first human child that was found. They seemed like a sweet child but a little shaken, no one was really sure what to make of them - to be honest it didn't even really seem like they came from the surface.
Gaster's childhood made him sterner, dealing with a not entirely corporeal baby that can teleport & fade away at will probably does that to a person. Sans & papyrus were a bit different though. The two used to play pranks on him when they were younger, while he was grumpy he wasn't bitter, he'd join along when his old bones would allow. I'm not sure about his magic right now
W.D. Gaster
Proud father and former Royal scientist! Gaster is a phantom & a skeleton! He can go non-corporeal whenever he pleases as well as teleportation. He wears a white turtleneck and a long black robe, his hands are separate from his body and usually float near his form. He retired from the role of Royal scientist not long after having his children, though no fully as he helped tutor alphys for her new role. He moved to Snowdin with his boys when Papyrus was around 11 years old as he was looking for a fresher start than what the capital had to offer. Hardinge & Semi moved in a bit after - to get closer with their grandsons.
-- Character dialogue if Hero chooses to interact w/ them! --
Breaking the barrier:
Semi, "The surface? BAH! What's the point? These old bones don't see no point in leavin' the caverns. Why go up there, I heard the temperature can change on a whim! If I wanna be boiled I'll go to hotland. But... Suppose' I can't be to stubborn. Good job yougin'."
Hardinge, "I... Am glad....I...can see...the...Sun....again...a thousand...years...is a....long....long time..."
Gaster, "Amazing! I can't believe we'll finally see the surface, do you think they'll be interested in my theories? What kind of technology do you have up there? I should stop rambling... Good job, human."
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steviewashere · 4 months
I want to know more about, oh… Want to Go Home With You, AND Dom/Sub Steddie, AND Frat Boy Steve, AND Discombobulated by the Disembodied! Please. :3
Ooo, okay. I'll talk a little about each of these first, and then give a snippet of Want to Go Home With You under the cut, but like after my rambling. I have so much to say.
For the Dom/Sub Steddie, I already mentioned using subspace and light bondage as a means to help Steve heal from trauma associated with the Upside Down. (Ex: Torture in season 3, the demobat tail around his neck.) And just the idea of creating something good from the bad. But I definitely want to have a moment where Steve begins to experience a subdrop at the very beginning, and that leading to the discovery of him only liking soft restraints—silk or Eddie's bandana. I am a sucker for some care during and after a subdrop (which I don't know what that says about me, but) and I have been thinking about how to get it in here.
Frat boy Steve, my beloved. Right now he's written as this guy that consensually is a hickey canvas at these frat parties. But I am waiting for when the slowburn is not a slowburn and Eddie gets to treat him to a night of tender, long, and focused sex. Where the only hickeys he receives are from Eddie. But I unfortunately haven't even introduced Eddie yet, which I need to work on. Just know that's where my head is at with frat boy Steve.
And I don't have much to say on Steve getting Vecna'd that I haven't already said. But there's this one line of dialogue that won't get out of my head which is, "Am I still beautiful?" And I know already that I'm using it after Steve is blinded by Vecna. Where he's having a quiet moment with Eddie, they're holding hands and sitting side by side on the couch. Steve's just had a major panic attack, he's coming back to himself. And then he just drops this bomb of a question. Eddie doesn't even hesitate, doesn't give them a moment of silence because he's squeezing Steve's hand and answering fiercely, beyond a reasonable doubt, "Yes, you are. You are so beautiful, sweetheart." And then Steve begins to softly cry. And that's as far as I've thought for this piece.
Anyway. Snippet for my merman Steve fic :)
——— Not until he’s satisfied, dropping Eddie’s head unceremoniously. And then pushing himself up by just his arms, tail still between Eddie’s legs. “Now wait,” Steve states, that same giddiness returning.
“Bah—“ Eddie chokes out. “But…What? You just kissed me and you’re not even gonna talk about it?!” He asks incredulously.
Steve merely shrugs. “It was okay,” he critiques in that odd broken way he does. “Teeth are funny. Not like mine. Weird, Eddie.”
Eddie can only roll his eyes.
Then, Steve’s own eyes widen. His mouth pinching down in a confused, Muppet way. Nostrils flaring. Eyebrows flying to his hairline. And then he…Steve kicks Eddie’s shin.
But instead of his tail—
There’s a whole fucking foot against Eddie’s leg.
He screams because Steve begins screaming, chirping something distressed. And he doesn’t know what the fuck to do. He’s just turned an actual, real life merman into a human.
Intelligently, Eddie states, “This is nothing like The Little Mermaid.”
——— <3
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
i got a comm back yesterday of the coffee shop au 😭 so happy with it. I'm still thinking about it every day, I've just been getting kicked around by life (but I might be getting a raise? that was a rumor. i gotta talk to the store manager today about stuff going on and I'm NERVOUS)
I also got encouraged by vy to write about some solomams brainrot i was hinting at in tags one day about the cup noodle post SO THAT'S GONNA HAPPEN SOON
i think I decided on Lucky Brew as the coffee shop name, so it's now being dubbed lucky brew au ?? the students will ask for "a shot of luck"/"a lucky shot" and it just means getting an extra espresso shot in their drink. or possibly edible glitter being added but i think that'd only be visible in cold drinks
And if Mammon slips a pastry to anyone who looks REALLY anxious about their upcoming exam, no, you didn't see him to that. What are you talking about? They totally ordered it. Yeah the person didn't pay for it because uhhh... They had a coupon (what do you mean he doesn't give out coupons? he does now! stop accusing him of being a softie)! or they were his umm... 28th customer of the day! or he forgot to ring it in when they ordered but he's not gonna make them pay for his mistake!
i just wanted to ramble and say hi aksjd. idk why it feels like it's been forever, my sense of time got swayed when i was on vacation but I'm back now! Hope you have a good day/night!!! I hope you find a rare shiny object tomorrow on the ground!! I'm manifesting
Fear not. You and Mammon need not beg, for part two is already in the works. I REGRET NOTHING.
In fact, I'm quite surprised that Mammon x Barbatos silliness got as many notes as it did lol. And the responses in the tags and replies were so amazing that I was inspired. So part two is happening because I can't help myself now.
OH I hope the raise wasn't just a rumor and that you got one!! I'm sorry life's been crappy, but hopefully things will turn around soon!
Ahh sweetest dearest Vy, they are always so encouraging!! And YES DO IT. Write all the solomams!!
I love the name Lucky Brew, that's absolutely perfect! And of course Mammon would find edible glitter aldsfkjdf trust him to bling up some coffee drinks~
Bah I love when he's being a softie and especially when he protests about it. Like we know the truth, baby, you can't hide your golden heart from us!
I hope you had a lovely vacation and that you also have a wonderful day/night!
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thebahwrites · 1 year
It is Known™️ I don’t do fandom discourse and you won’t catch me engaging with it on main no siree! But in light of recent things, I’d just like to remind people to just... be kind. Please, be kind. It doesn’t cost much, to be nice, to be kind. Or if you don’t feel like being so, just don’t be mean. Grant yourself some grace and distance from things that aren’t what you like. It’s okay if something isn’t for you, it really is! But you don’t have to be mean or nasty or rude about it, not about other people’s creations nor to the creators themselves. Please, just be kind. 💖
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corroded-hellfire · 2 months
This is an angsty AYW request so please feel free to ignore if you don't feel comfortable writing it but I still thank you for taking the time to read this and creating stories!
Because Eddie is older than Reader, can you show moments when the kids are realizing that their dad is aging and can't do as much stuff as he could when they were younger. They do the best they can to help him out but also showing their fear of losing Eddie when they're older.
Seeing Wayne age more and more. Wayne always seems like the type that's says "Bah! I'm fine" while crouching over because of his back ache. And Eddie realizes that Wayne isn't as convincing whenever he says he's fine because he's no longer good at hiding his pain. Wayne and Eddie have a moment to talk together.
Sorry I just got back from talking with my dad, and I realized how much he's starting to look like grandfather. In a way, I just wanted to know if the fear of parents/guardians aging and the feeling that you still need them like a little kid while an adult is common.
It also stems from this episode of Bluey: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRoJajv4/
I have thought about this for a couple of days now. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m able to write this. I lost my father a few years ago and it’s still very hard for me to watch or read anything that has to do with a character’s dad being sick or dying. It always will be, I think. It was actually hard for me before I lost him, but losing him cranked it up to 11. He was my best friend and, I shit you not, hated sci-fi and fantasy type things his whole life, but loved Stranger Things. Eleven, Dustin, and Steve were his favorites but he also really liked Robin. He never got to meet Eddie but I know with absolute certainty that he would have made fun of me for loving him so much lol.
But I would like to answer your question, if I may. The feeling of needing your parents will never go away. I watched both of my parents lose their own fathers (much later in life than I lost mine) and they felt they still needed them and it was agonizing for them. I certainly still feel like a little kid who needs my dad. My dad knew how to do everything, it seemed. Suddenly I had to learn to do things around the house and with my car that I would normally just ask him how to do. Or he would’ve helped me with them. It feels like a missing limb, I guess. Or a hollow part of your chest. Something you always relied on is no longer there. It fucking sucks, no two ways about it. But you get used to missing that limb or having that hollowness. As much as it feels like it shouldn’t, the world goes on and you don’t have a choice but to go on with it. You get stronger and the weight of the grief becomes more bearable. It’s always there, though. It’s like a wave meeting the shore: sometimes the waves are small and don’t move you at all, but sometimes the waves are huge and crash into you and knock you down. But I can tell you that the love doesn’t go away. For me, I feel like I have this tether with my dad, the love we have for one another. And just because he’s not here doesn’t mean that tether is gone. It’s still there, strong as ever, and we are still connected. Not even death can take that from you.
My apologies if this rambled on. I just know exactly what you meant by that fear because I had it. Losing my dad was my worst fear. But now, something has happened that people told me, but I didn’t know how to believe them. Now I’m okay. It still hurts like hell, I still miss him every single day, but I’m okay.
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peemanne · 6 months
rgg game osts ranked Yeah.................
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LONG ASS POST AHEAD!!!!!! BAH!!!!!!!!!!!
for context awhile back a yakuza discord server i'm in had a music discussion thread open up and we were invited to make simple little tier lists for the game osts to start it off. it was supposed to be just the tier list but i eventually spiraled into a whole ramble. whoops. so i might as well just paste it here with a few additions so the rest of you can see it yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!
will be providing my reasonings and then my highlight tracks. i'm gonna provide convenient youtube links to all the songs mentioned so if you wanna check one of them out feel free to just click the hyperlink
and yes this is ordered in tiers. the personal highlights aren't though
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>Yakuza 5 is my personal top 1 OST overall, but it's seriously close. I can't tell you enough how much of a nut I am for this series and its music. Yakuza 5's ost is, in my eyes, the most consistently hard-hitting amongst all of RGG's catalogue. The street fight themes are all amazing, the boss fight themes hit hard and pump you the hell up, and this also has the one of the best B-sides out of all of them, with stuff like Baka Mitai (fun fact, Saejima's is actually considered the original version, Kiryu's "Taxi Driver Edition" actually uses a different key to fit Kuroda's voice), the songs from Haruka's section, and even the jazzy bar themes. 5 hits that perfect balance of quantity and quality, and also happens to fill like half of my workout playlist.
Personal Highlights:
The place where I used to be
Daigo's western theme
Victory Road
and of course The Battle for the Dream
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>I am such a sucker for Yakuza 4's music direction. As Tehsnakerer said in his Yakuza 4 video, this is the first truly GREAT soundtrack, and I'd have to agree. The jazzier style of music on showcase here fits this series- and this entry ESPECIALLY- like a glove. This is such a quality collection of sounds. Featuring the best panic themes, the best chase themes, and some iconic street battle themes. 4's direction makes it stand out even more amongst RGG's catalogue, and I couldn't be happier about it. Also, this game gave us Machine Gun Kiss and Pure Love in Kamurocho, which are two of my favorite karaoke tracks in the whole series.
Please bring back Pure Love in Kamurocho for a modern title, RGG. I'm begging you.
Personal Highlights:
Receive and Bite You
Infinite Handcuffs
yeah yeah fine For Faith
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Why couldn't they use this for the actual cover instead of the weird one we have now like come on this looks so much better
>Is anyone gonna disagree with me when I say Lost Judgment is easily the best out of the more techno-focused soundtracks? They handle it perfectly here, with tracks that grab you by the throat like K.O.G. and Dig In Your Heels, utilizing the electric sound with effortless grace, while still having enough variety throughout to keep it from getting stale. I also found the B-sides here surprisingly strong alongside the main game, with the school stories giving us a nice variety of music to work with. The boxing ones and Toward To The Skyline are what I'd highlight in that selection.
Personal Highlights:
In the Groove
Unwavering Belief / Dig in Your Heels
Final Destination
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>Gaiden oh my gah......... Despite the shorter game, I seriously dig the tracks on display here. It's so consistently amazing, and does a great job of servicing both the legacy of Kiryu, and giving us some Good Shit™️ for the newer faces. This is also when I really came to appreciate the cutscene tracks: Wounded Beast is such a kickass track that you'd be forgiven for thinking it plays in an actual fight, and Psycho's Prelude is an amazing hype-up track for an even more amazing boss theme. Also worth mentioning there's like a gajillion coliseum tracks in this one. Have no idea why but y'know I appreciate it. It's cool.
Personal Highlights:
Psycho's Anthem
Deadly Struggle / Fleeting Dream (HAKANAKI YUME)
Bring It On (best street fight track to date i'm not taking notes at this time)
Un altro appassionato
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>0 has One-Eyed Assassin so it automatically goes here. The rest of the tracks are decent too ig 🙄 There are a few sort of those "eh whatever cool skip it" tracks in here which hold it back a teeny bit in my eyes, but this is still a really solid collection overall, and also gets props for being Kiwami's soundtrack if it was good. I'm kidding of course but 0 handles it pretty well for the most part. I find 0 is at its best music-wise when they either go all-in with the techno, or shy away from it almost entirely.
Personal Highlights:
Make You Free
Both Receive You remixes (The Subtype and ~Tech Trance Arrange~)
Interplanetary Spark
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>Yakuza 6 has Lots of Lights so it automati I think 6 does a really good job at telling a story through its music. You have tragedy being painted in Fist Law and DESTINY, you have sheer anger and brutality being portrayed in Body and Soul, and you can even find it in the street themes with the feeling of "I am completely done with all of this bullshit" in KAMURO again. I also wanna say this has some of ZENTA's best work, which I really really REALLY appreciate.
Personal Highlights:
Lots of Lights
Bloodstained Philosophy (coolest name for a track i can't lie)
Theory of Beauty
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>Judgment immediately does a great job of differentiating itself from the Yakuzas, and it's apparent as soon as you get into the street fight tutorial. The OST does a great job of painting Yagami and the overall bleaker picture of the game. Where some battle themes in the main series feel like a victory lap, JE instead sometimes has you feel like you're on the backfoot. Lambda, Hyenas Wheezing, and Rake Your Inside are all tracks that make you feel like an underdog, and give you that strength to power through what seems like impossible odds. It also has Flower of Chivalry so it aut
Personal Highlights:
Encounter ~ Keihin Alliance
Hyena's Wheezing
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>Like a Dragon (/7) is another heavily techno leaning OST. If you asked me about it a few months ago, I probably would have put this higher. But now with IW out, I've started to see more of 7's OST's flaws. There are few tracks that are either weirdly low-energy, or feel a little generic and mesh together with the rest of the soundtrack, or at worst, both. But 7 still has quite the number of solid tracks, and those that stand out REALLY stand out. Shoutout to one of the most unique long battle tracks in Enter the Tiger.
Personal Highlights:
Receive You The Hyperactive
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>Yakuza 3 acts as a sort of bridge between the rough, almost grunge-like sound of the PS2 era and the cleaner compositions of later entries. And I think it does both of those styles pretty well! It also starts to experiment with electric sound a little more, while still keeping the heavy guitars 1+2 are known for. The best are obviously composed of the tracks that do both. They even keep the unintelligible English lyrics in some tracks, what's not to love?
Personal Highlights:
Lyricism Without Tears
Clay Doll On The Cradle
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>Atmosphere is a large part of the PS2 era of Yakuza games' identity, and the music is a pretty large part of that. Yakuza 2 has an aggressive, grungy sound that pairs perfectly with the brutality of the game. You'll find some of the most of the most rough sounding songs in RGG's catalogue in here, and it's just so good in a way that isn't really replicated in the more modern entries. Also one of the tracks (Block Head Boy) samples Wu-Tang for some reason and I find that very funny.
Personal Highlights:
Evil Itself
North Menace
Hit & Kill
Outlaw's Lullaby (I still think the Kiwami 2 remix is the better of the two but this one's still SO good please listen to it if you haven't already)
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whatcho beautiful ass staring at kaito my king >Kaito Files has like 6 tracks. They're all pretty good tracks, but that's like 6 tracks. Come on. Anyways, it's basically just more LJ music, so uhhhh yeah peak
Personal Highlights (plural would be like all of them)
Blood-Drunk Master Theme
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>Kiwami 2. Yeah this one falls into the same trap as 7 does, but with less of those "This is the greatest thing to grace my ears" tracks. It still has some of them, though. The best remixes here are the ones that touch up and make completely sure that what the original has is intact: Lullaby of Outlaws and A Scattered, Eternal Moment are both fantastic in that regard. This also has a decent chunk of completely new tracks, presumably because they couldn't get certain composers back. You have stuff like the amazing triple-part track that plays in the Kamurocho Hills segment, Rebellious Phase which is decent, and the randomly amazing Break Off. Still a crime Evil Itself was snubbed like that smh.
Personal Highlights:
Lullaby of Outlaws
A Scattered, Eternal Moment
Kamuro Hills
Update with Gunfire
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>Unfortunately, like with most aspects, Yakuza 2 does everything the first game did better. Still though, some quality tracks here. Yakuza 1 doesn't have too much to work with, but it still does utilize its few track slots well. From long-standing iconic tracks like Receive You, to Funk Goes On, and even the off B-side tracks like Singin' Bass, there really isn't a miss in here, just moreso a lack of super standout tracks. There's still quite a few to love despite that, of course.
Personal Highlights
son of a gun
Turning Point
Receive You The Prototype
Funk Goes On
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>kiwami 1 ost snorkkkkkk mimimimimimimim snorkkkkkk mimim Alright I'm exaggerating, but I still think it's pretty weak in comparison to the rest. There's a lot of tracks that just feel kinda butchered to me? And it's not like the new tracks are particularly standout or anything. The tracks that do work are genuinely really good: Ideal For Violence is uhhhh perfect, Get Over It is a really strong long battle theme, Pray Me ~Revive~ is on par, if not arguably better than the original, and For Whose Sake Kiwami matches the sorrow of the original pretty well. But then you have stuff like Funk Goes On 極 which feels weirdly weak, Receive You the madtype which feels sorely outclassed by like, every single other Majima Receive You, and what would be arguably the strongest track, Receive You Reborn, doesn't even show up outside of Japanese versions. Kiwami isn't all bad, hell, there are some really good standouts here, but it just can't really compare to the rest in my eyes.
Personal Highlights:
Ideal For Violence
Get Over It
Amusing Octagon
Everlasting Spirit
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>Infinite Wealth sits in haven't listened enough of solely because I haven't finished the game and thus haven't touched any track past Kooky (UPDATE: now any track past Impregnable Triangle. I'm planning to do the finale by this weekend). By any other metric this would have shot UP. I ADORE this OST. The cutscene tracks, the generic battle themes, the boss themes, the B-sides, they're all so excellent. This inadvertently made 7's OST worse for me because of how much better it handles the techno.
Personal Highlights:
Brutality ~Rebuild~
Impregnable Triangle (Fun fact: this track uses the time signature of 3/4, which is a waltz. I'll let you fill in the blanks for what that means for the theming.)
Slugfest (Yamaniacs stay winning what can i say)
ok so uhhh apparently i hit the character limit lmao. didn't even know this site had one. uhhhhhh will continute in a reblog it's just kurohyou and ishin anyways
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AhahA theory about this part specifically
Soooooooo we know they made Rebecca do some pretty gruesome shit, including making her repeat the names of demons ( one of them being balam, pronounced " bah lamb " like wooly LMAO but I'm not discussing that rn )
So first part
This is how they killed her, they had a " doctor " preform a " surgery " on her from " seizures " ( she was being possessed but it probably wasn't enough which is why they took it to this step ) ( "they" being the hamlem company )
They killed her with the tools she used on wooly, a saw, a hammer, and whatever the fuck that other thing was
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This is far fetched but they threw this in the trick Rebeccas young mind into thinking that if there's a " fancy " tool then it has to be a real doctor.
They used all three of those tools
The whole " accidents " episode is just explaining what happened
she got punished for trying to tell the truth ( the audience ) or she was having " seizures" and Amanda hitting wooly was supposed to represent hamlem hurting her and it getting brushed off as an accident or something they needed to do.
they got the " doctor " to help her
They strapped her down and said that this would help her, she was obviously afraid and knew there was something up and she probably wasn't coming back alive or herself.
Part 2
She was unknowingly repeating the names of demons, like balam, pronounced as " baah lamb "
Her doing this to wooly is either A
Her getting back at hamlem company and killing him like how they killed her ( because he's obviously working for them whether he knows it or not ) ( which I do have an idea for that too )
That's why she asks for Rileys help, thinking Riley already knew the story and would be willing to help her or B
She thinks she's killing a demon
She understands that she was tricked into saying " balam " as " bah lamb" and thinks wooly is her first wall to knock down to get the fuck out of the never ending VHS tapes. ( Or she thinks she's killing a demon / the demon who put her in there in the first place). None of this is very backed up in juet rambling lol
She thinks she's doing good by killing wooly ( honestly I haven't trusted him from the start so go Amanda go ) ( Dora and Diego go ref )
Ok bye bye
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loveregrown · 9 months
hi perce.... i dont think ive ever asked this question sohere i am giggle. uhm who is ur favorite ra*bit or what's ur favorite ra*bit pairing (it can include someone outside of ra*bits as well) romantic or otherwise lalalalala
LENA...! 🥹🥹 I love you hi! This is very rambly. I love all of ra*bits and how they work together, as a unit, so much! I feel bad picking a favourite and am quite indecisive. Obviously I feel more connected to Hajime I feel due to others associations of him with me he lives in my heart, I'm so protective of Mitchuru like wow he's so wonderful and so awfully overlooked, and then Nito is Nito... ♡♡♡ but my favourite officially is probably Tomopyon?! He's stuck in my heart forever, a delightful boy who is so normal except no he isn't due to the ambiguous disorder! He's so silly and so beautiful, and he was my first favourite all because of Lena. Which is funny because your old all time ansta favourite then was Hajime, wasn't it? Yaoi, friendship, and ambiguous stuff below;
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Uuu... I'm not anti polyrabits, it is not the devil to me, they can kiss if they want it is cute! It is I think about it! But I like rabits in general way more as it is, finding worth in it not being romantic when it comes to the themes at play and their dynamic. It's just way more compelling to me that way, the power of platonic love and friendship Saving You is so important that it almost feels a bit reductive, they can all love each other very much without it having to be romantic at all. If they look up to Nito and have puppy crushes it's kind of sweet... and mitsuhaji is cute. But I think they're really special & love is at the core of it all regardless, so it doesn't need to be made romantic. I so often think about how Nito was supposed to save them but they ended up saving him...
TOMOHAJI IS SO IMPORTANT AND SO INTERESTING TO ME THEY'RE SO CRAZY 🫠����‍💫 I think they're the most romantic out of the rabits pairs to me although I love them as just friends too because THE THINGS THEY HAVE GOING ON AND HOW THEY TALK ABOUT EACH OTHER... GOT DAMN! It is very personal. Their long-lasting friendship, and how Hajime gets about it at times... BAH. It's kind of crazy. Tomohaji lookback scout? 🥹 ... "He's only been getting cuter lately, to the point where my heart would skip a beat at times... I think everyone would also fall in love with Hajime the moment they chat with him...♪" enough oh my gah. I like when hajime forced him to drink tea that was funny. Sometimes it feels like Tomopyon is blithely unaware of Hajime’s feelings... sad. But they're so special to me.
Outside of rabit x rabit... Mitsusorakasa got me CRUNK they're so CUTE and SPECIAL and it's funny how they are all honestly overlooked members of the units they're in ahaha and not quite taken seriously and it's sad, but they are just so sweet and should hold hands and have cuddle piles 😵‍💫😵‍💫 oh my gaw. Tomohokke is also so crazy everyone knows that you cannot take them anywhere. When Mitsuru was like "Didn’t you really like that Hokuto-senpai person? I guess it’s natural that you’d have some complicated feelings about this~?" & "Geez, he’s going to slip away because you’re dawdling you know! If you like him, you gotta let him know!" 😭😭😭 MITSURU!!!! TELLING TOMOPYON THAT HE'S FUMBLING THE BAG. I... Really care for Maguro and Mitsuru. I think about Maguro a lot. 🥹...
Teaclub. I love teaclub. AGH! It's so important to Ritsu & Eichi and Hajime plays such an important role and I feel almost bad for him, all alone in yumenosaki, teaclub-less & made to cope with the Eichi cut-out. 🥹😭 Ibahaji... I love how Ibara treats him as an equal... I love Ibanyan and Jimenyan (LENA MENTIONED!) I love bogie time I love how they still call themselves this to this day and what a positive impact it'll have on Ibara and perhaps even both of them, yuri or not, it's awesome they mean so much to me I will cry and die if no one's got me bogie time and ibahaji got me even though other parts of bogie time are so cute and funny too. I love Hajime and his friends so much! SUBAHAJI AND THEIR MOVIE DATE AND HOW HAJIME BLUSHED...? The talk about marriage?! They're crazy, although I'm not too invested in them romantically to the point I always think about them, but it's like, omg!!!! These guys never stop being yaoi!!! I think his friendships with Tsukachan and how Tsukachan would sometimes get jelly about him & Anzu is so silly and I love that card they have together my favorite cameos are Hajime cameos, and how cute and funny he and Midori are in biblio, bah...! I haven't invested too much time in hajitori but they're so cute together? Little pink and blue angels?! Mitsuru and Mama make me crazy sometimes. Track and field club!!!! I LOVE TEAM GOD ALSO I think nagisa sora and mitsuru should all be friends
Obviously theatre club when your circle small but all yall crazy. Wataru shouldve gotten a job to be quite honest. Just kidding because I love him. Their dynamic is so so funny
I love branco as a shuffle unit so much that I have pondered poly branco. I love that they are friends. I think Sora and Hajime deepening their bonds could be very valuable. Aichan is special to me as you may know, and the way Hajime compares Aichan to Tomoya due to their idol fan ways and spends time with him and calls himself Aichan's number one fan and asks him to never give up... 🥹 all of the branco interpersonal relationships are special to me!
I think it is really, really funny that Hajime loves Eichi and every other member of rabits would be happier if he died.
Shunazu makes me turn into the joker and I will forever be sick about it, from dragonfruit all the way to how Nito is still traumatized in certain ways that make my heart feel squeezed at, Mika's misplaced, complicated feelings towards Nito and all of the madness to do with Shu and Nito and how he was his muse and he still IS 😭 oh he still is! Nito just wants him to be happy... I see shmk fans erase Shu's past a lot. It is so important and shouldn't be, I feel, it only adds more value to valkyrie as it does to Nito I feel though I've complained about this before. So very nuanced... I've said much about ex valkyrie especially when it's about Mika's feelings about Nito I could speak about that specifically forever but I won't allow myself to right now it's just something diabolical to me. When Nito noticed Shu looked tired and asked if something was wrong and if he would help him, and also, Shu's feelings towards rabits... wah. People tend to forget human comedy is a rabits story too. The influence his time in valkyrie had over Nito's early unit leader behaviours and his projection onto the babits I think I will be sick. I would like to see them, especially shunazu, reconnect... I don't like how exvalk fans treat Nito at times & how they tend to reduce his character and only focus on when he was a shell of himself instead of celebrating how comfortable he is in his own skin now and how he can even be brutal at times, not that I dont love to focus on exvalk Nito, but there's something about how Nito-only nonrabits fans talk about him. You know? Shnz makes me smile still in spite of everything.
He was so funny during that livestream shumugi hosted and Nito was in the chat like "repentance" sure is an interesting theme ♪ and Shu shut his gay mouth and refused to make a comment. Imagine your ex pulling that move..!!! But seriously, they are so very fascinating and evil to me. The type of relationship that tears me from the inside out because both Shu and Nito make me sick.
A controversial romantic pair, I don't always like 1y×3y but tsumuhaji makes me crazy, I'm sorry, I have so many headcanons for them and everything. Even platonically, I think it's delightful! But uuu boyfriends. Tsumugi smells lavenders and thinks of him...
Ummm... I'm missing stuff here such as friendships and even pairings I have probably found cute before, but it is okay 🕊 thank you for the ask!
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