#bailentines day
anonil88 · 6 years
Bailentine's Day. Part 1
So this is a random thought after i read some things from jisawriter and one other writer on ao3. I couldn't write anymore wayhaught and It is hella rough as its 4am but a cleaner one will be uploaded on AO3 under nataco. Song is Drake- After Dark and PND- make me.
"Love you down, baby, from the underground, baby
This a uptown, this that west side, best side
This that, fuck the rest side"
The bass was thumping heavy and low from the speaker system in Anissa's bedroom. Party's voice crooned out the lyrics of want me and Anissa Pierce was laying on her bed staring at the ceiling. Tonight wasn't supposed to be like this. She wasn't big on commercial holidays but it wasn't unlike her to have a date. To have someone in her bed that she cared or didn't care for. She sighed and picked her scrolled through her Facebook feed. There were memes, articles about greenlight babies, and protest event notifications. It usually helped distract her thoughts from whatever was on her mind, but the words "I'm still going going running running coming, There's no fun in always running something" spoke to her. She groaned out loud and went to switch the song. She needed no reminder of the woman who had come back, but chose to leave her on read for the past 12 hours.
Anissa looked back at her message thread with Babe💔. It had been different since grace showed up. The things they never opened up about still hung in the air. Sentences filled with secrets anissa now knew and ones of her own that grace was suspicious of. But when Grace pressed for answers from her Anissa hit her with well where were you. It made things quiet, awkward, and she apologized but Anissa knew something was different. It didnt even have anything to do with the common understanding that they both were metas. Later on in that day when they both dead ended their conversation and grace was in between her legs, Anissa felt different. The usual sexual after bliss was animalistic and raw. Nothing like the soft glowy warmth she started to grow accustomed to.
A) Can i see you again?
G) I don't know nissa, I'm tending and closing the shop all week.
A) Avoiding me...great.
G) It isn't even like that and you know that, that is more your thing.
A) Then what is it like, because it sure seems like you pushed me away.
G) Not you, just the questions.
A) Yours or mine?
G) Both.
Anissa felt a tear drop down her face as remembering the conversation from yesterday. Her phone glowing down on her face.
A) I missed you Grace.
A) I miss you Babe. Please.
G) When?
A) Tomorrow night, my place.
G) Valentine's Day? I thought you hated it.
A) I do.
Anissa wiped away more tears and sat up on her bed changing the song to a random r&b playlist. It was after 1 and if Grace was coming it would be soon if at all. Her hair was still braided in thunders signature look, which she decided was too big of a give away, and she started to dismantle her hair. Drake was sing rapping:
"Assuming the worst
'cause I haven't heard from you all weekend
Your silence is driving me up the wall, up the wall."
She rolled her eyes at the lyrics while she patterned the hair into regular corn rows. As she did she found herself humming to the beat and finishing the end of the braid.
"Can't offer much more, you've heard it before
That narrative for me isn't changing
I wanna make you a priority
I wanna let you know there's more to me."
Catching the lyrics again she groaned and mumbled, "Of all the songs spotify just had to play".
The doorbell rung loudly from downstairs and she recieved a text notification from postmates. Taking a minute she checked herself once over in the mirror. No hairs out of place and she zipped up her Garfield hoodie over her sports bra. Even if it was just the postmates person she really had no desire to be oogled at almost 2 in the morning. Phone in one pocket and wallet in the other she made her way downstairs.
She heard talking outside the door it sounded like persuasion and resistance. When she opened it Grace was paying the postmates guy and carrying a tote bag with green leaves peaking out and a bottle in her hand.
"Ms. Pierce i am so sorry this woman was already out here and she offered to pay. I wasn't sure if...." A flustered skinny guy wearing a post mates hat rambled making the connection of postmates photo to door respondant.
"Its fine, she my uh, we are dating. Thankyou." Anissa shifted her eyes as she searched for words to explain.
"Ohh okay then, i see well enjoy your valentine's night", he handed her the bag of food and grace followed her inside, closing the door behind her.
Grace was quiet as she placed the bag items on the kitchen counter and gazed around the house. Anissa watched her while putting the bottle of alcohol in the fridge.
"Is this for me?" She smiled looking at the small potted palm plant.
"Yea uh, its from my homeland. I thought you might like one," Graces voice cracked. Anissa could feel her eyes watching how she reacted.
Anissa looked up at the woman who stood there and shuffled until she was directly in front of her.
She trailed her fingers up the thinly covers biceps. There was muscle there she wasn't sure if she missed before. The bass of the speaker quietly echoed from upstairs as she rested her arms on Grace's shoulders slowly. Grace looked nervous but wrapped her own arms around Anissa's waist.
"The food?" Grace mumbled against Anissa's lips . They both swallowed before leaning in for a slow kiss.
Anissa whispered against Graces, "that's what microwaves are for."
Grace pushed for another kiss a bit more which Anissa welcomed. This kiss was heating up quickly with Grace palming her ass and pulling them tight against one another. Anissa almost moaned when Grace gripped tightly and moaned into her mouth. She had her hand deep in Grace's hair while the other had unbuttoned the button up top Grace was wearing. Anissa broke the kiss and grazed the tip of Grace's nose with her own. Pulling Grace's bottom lip between teeth she sighed and let it go. Her own voice dripped and practically sent her knees knockinh when she whispered to her date, "are you strong."
Grace nodded lazily trying to dip in for a kiss which anissa dodged this time.
"How strong?" Anissa pried placing a kiss to Grace's cheek. Grave rolled her eyes and picked anissa up with ease causing anissa to laugh. She wrapped her legs around Grace's waist and cocked her head to the side.
"Hmm how about now," she inhaled through her nose and held it.
Grace's eyes lit up but did not drop Anissa. Breathing out Anissa grinned downward before inhaling again through her mouth and holding her breath. This time she felt Grace adjust her grip on her thighs when she started to slide. Anissa shifted her density further and that is when
Grace chided, "Come on Nissa." Anissa smiled as Grace was smiling for real. That was before her voice was in Anissas ear and she whispered, thankyou for being here and started kissing the now exposed skin on Anissa's neck. Kissing turned into sucking small bruises on her pulse point and Anissa couldn't help but groan letting go of her breath. Making her lighter around Graces waist.
"No fair," she mumble and she was tangling her fingers back into Grace's hair.
There is a part 2
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anonil88 · 5 years
Black Lightning S3E12 liveblog
Spoilers ahead per usual here is your warning. Anyways imma continue to stress eat while I watch this but back at it again.
Dr Jace is so 🤮 also her check list is fucking hilarious. Yes Lynn rock her shit.
Oh shit he called her ass flat out and told her the what's up with the what's up. But also why give her more greenlight. She is not smart because of the greenlight at all.
Exactly he is a machine just friggin listen.
Anissa had a let me step away before i knock this little girl cold out.
Hopefully yall go without your suits on...whew thank god.
These fools bouta blow erything up smdh
Idk if crazy is the word, stupid yes but it is a good idea.
Oop he finna tell her bout her momma jeez.
Oh maybe Tobias met his match in the Markovians.
Yea time to get out of his brain TC.
Bouta zap Painkiller back into Khalil
He did not stay behind because his daughter, cough cough you, was about to cut her dad off if he did not show up.
They gonna have Lynn in a 12 step program for greenlight. I am still really glad that Jeff told Anissa so they can deal with it together.
This brain hack is too freaking cute and TC's little victory dance yay.
-_- fuck you asa general, I know Anissa is being logical for once but I don't like this government organization at all. Oh wait is Grace gonna go on a mission with her boo.
My reaction if so:
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Brandon is me during this entire situation.
Oof time to tell Jen about her momma, ayy Brandon finna be out here like stomp stomp shake the earth.
Gambi was a whole spy Jeff.
Lmfao I mean yea you kind of are a kid sometimes Grace. Oop Anissa you sound kinda hostile. Oop Grace got the fuck up and moved the chair. Oh shit they about to fight????
Ohhhhh shitttt they are sparring and flirting awwwwww. We love superhero girlfriends. 👏👏👏👏 Talk about set up for future foreplay.
(Me adding to my outline for part 3 or bailentine's day fic to feed the people on vday)
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As long as Tobia is lobotomized and not dead he will be an asset he just won't be able to talk at all.
Don't you dare program that mess in that childs head.....wowwwwwww yall some shady mothafuckas.
Go away Jace 😠
Fuckkkk, at this point just take the damm greenlight Lynn.
Wait so the ASA and the Markovians are really doing the same tests, wild.
Brandon has some beautiful ass hair I'm just saying.
I live how everyone is on the fuck the ASA train.
Also yes I do still hate that Russia or Russia inspired ends up the default for any bad and enemy country like the USA ain't right up there with them.
Y'all get my nigga TC killed imma hope someone bops yalls asses. Oh snap Khalil really is in there.
Jen is pure energy tho uh maybe hook her up to a computer as a fail safe.
Awww Jen really do be talking to this boy and getting him out of every damn situation. But I think this definitely is gonna be super traumatic for him to process.
But....he honestly might be a huge asset to their team in the long run. Bro you are like poison ivy use your big ass pc brain and make an antivenom so your loved ones can touch you like boom.
Excited for next week and to be ok time that I am.
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anonil88 · 5 years
Free (thundergrace fic)
Thundergrace (Anissa and Grace)
Rated: Explicit/Mature
Anissa and Grace have high sex aka i needed to practice writing smut as i worked on Bailentine’s Part 3.
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18490330
Anissa lit the blunt sitting on her lips and pulled in burning clouds hard. Tossing the multi colored bic lighter in the night stand next to the ashtray. The smoke settling in her throat before she exhaled. It had been years since she smoked anything and years as in since pre med undergrad parties. So, she was surprised she didn't cough. Then again maybe she shouldn't be because her lungs were quite capable these days. Managing her control to not become a dense brick wall everytime she got upset and maintaining her poise. Grace let her spark first she said it was, “in case she didn't wanna do this they could stop at anytime.” But she assured Grace it was something she wanted, no needed just for tonight. She flicked and ashed cinders into the ashtray on Grace's night stand to her left before pulling in once more, longer and slower. Her hips rolled as she exhaled causing a low fuck to escape her lips. The smoke leaving her lips sooner than expected as her concentration broke.
The end of the brown blunt glowed red as the embers withered at its existence. Grace's fingers reached up and met Anissa’s own that were holding the rolled burning paper and herb in the air. Her fingers grazing Anissa’s as she pulled the blunt away. Ashing the blunt in the tray before pulling in a drag of her own. Grace was impressed that Anissa took two hits without as much as a flinch. Slow and heavy letting the smoke sit before she ghosted the hit. Swallowing heavy on the moisture left in her throat.
Anissa was on a Blueberry Kush clouded paradise and she could feel her eyes heavy as she watched Grace blow out perfectly formed o's. Her eyes fluttered as she ground down further on to the light blue toy. Resting her hands onto Grace's shoulders while rotating her hips slowly onto the strap. She felt her body tense up and then relax as she slid her hands down Grace's chest. Palms sliding over hardened nipples that cause her to lick her lips. Grace's eyes were fixated on her as she teased them under her thumbs. Anissa watched her eyes flit from her eye's to her lips as she dragged her tongue across them. She started rolling her hips loosely which created a new sensation that had her breath shaky. Her eyes snapped shut and she let the feeling take over.
When Anissa suggested they smoke together Grace was shocked. Sure Anissa knows she has smoked her fair share of cannabis but Anissa wanting to smoke was odd. Not odd in a maybe i need to call your parents way but an out of character odd. That was something she never thought nor really fantasized she'd hear from her girlfriend. From any sides of her girl it was strange specially the soon to be medical physician side. Maybe that's why she asked before they started tearing clothes off if Anissa had been body smatched. She understood though the reasons when things were worsening in Freeland, things were miserable in the Pierce home, and Anissa left her apartment dressed as a certain vigilante more and more at night.
One night Anissa fought with her dad and was so angry she called Grace fuming. Grace tried to calm her down but the bar was too busy for a real conversation. Anissa left the phone call abruptly telling her she needed to let go of some steam. Grace knew that meant riding her ATV around Freeland stopping as many criminals as she could with little restraint on them or her body. All Grace could do was pray that no news outlet would show up on the TV saying Blackbird or Thunder was dead. She showed up at Grace's door as soon as her late bartending shift ended. The sight when she cracked open the door to a faint knock was bad. Anissa stumbled in the apartment barely being able to mumble apologies.
Eyes frenzied while gripping Grace as she failed to suppress a heavy cough leaving red droplets on Grace's white button up. Her hand was coated in a dark red from holding together a gash on her side. Grace had to help Anissa undress and then stand in the shower as her body healed slowly. Assuring her girlfriend that it was okay and that she could stop apologizing. The shower water ran from bright red to a pinkish hue all with Grace holding Anissa close to her. Besides that she knew her girl was far so far from a good girl. Whether it was a new position at night, the light choking, or the hickies she’d found on her own body after nights Anissa was the one in control. Weed just never was an Anissa thing, It was always a conversation that led to something about Grace and Jen rotting their brain cells. Anissa was in her own words, “tired of walking on eggshells.”
Grace kept smoking feeling her body sinking further into her mattress with the added weight of Anissa. This new strain she picked up was also adding to her body feeling heavier but her brain was spit firing like a lit firecracker. Her skin was tingling with anticipation and her ears rang watching Anissa ride her with a different disposition. Usually with her on top Grace’s brain was staticky and hungry but, now Anissa looked seamless and un-tethered. Grace could tell from the deep moans escaping Anissa’s mouth and the control she wielded as her hips rocked that this was something different. Her body was not precise and flexible in its movements as usual it was chaotic. The way she moved reminded Grace of a grand rapids river winding and clashing, with Grace fixed inside of her.
Grace pulled in long and hard on the blunt before putting it out in the tray. Exhaling she felt her skin skitter and her eyes twitch as the smoke curled into the air. Her vision glazing over the sheen forming across Anissa’s skin that was forming. She shuddered and let her own head fall back feeling the friction of the harness against her hitting in the right spot. She sucked in hard feeling Anissa drop down into her lap with more veracity repeatedly.  Her free hand blindly met the top of the soft skinned hip above to steady the movements. Still Anissa kept her pace. “Just like that baby, don't stop.” Grace heard her own voice gravelly murmur.
Correcting her gaze Grace watched Anissa ride her with a head cocked back, hips grinding deeply, fingers clenching her sides, and abs spasming while moans escaped her mouth. Grace felt the intensity and her meta instincts rumbled in her throat. Maybe it was the weed but Grace felt everything causing her heart to pound in her chest. The burnt end of the blunt fell onto her chest creating a sting but it didn't bother her in the slightest. Flicking the blunt in the tray she pulled in from the shortened paper one last time. A long drag to savor the weed and the taste.
A sharp moan came from above and Grace looked away from Anissa's bouncing show to her face. She was nodding watching Grace hold the smoke in her lungs.
Grace's eyebrow rose.
“That's kind of hot in a way,” Anissa slowed her hip movements slightly her voice breathy and syrupy. “I'm close but, i want you to do it.”
Grace stayed silent ghosting the large thick cloud of smoke and lightly coughing to the side. She pulled om last time from the dying roach before killing it in the ashtray. Her hand gripped Anissa's hip before she was sitting up straight. Getting close to Anissa's mouth she ghosted a kiss with a closed grin. Waiting for Anissa to get the idea which was delayed. When she did Grace exhaled the smoke into the open waiting tongue before teasing it with her own. Sucking the tip of Anissa's tongue before laying back she smiled soaking in the image of Anissa looking free and wild.
“Please babe,” Anissa moaned thrashing her hips.
Grace swung her open hand onto the bare skin of Anissa's thigh.
“Baby i need you,” Anissa's voice trembled.
“But, you are doing so great without me.” Grace snickered her high laugh kicking in.
“Choi i swear,” Grace slammed into her, “...fuck.” Grace placed both hands on Anissa's hips making sure to cup her ass as well. Thrusting upwards into Anissa slowly.
“Fuck what,” Grace groaned sternly the friction still there and building.
“Me,” Anissa moaned loudly.
Anissa felt Grace adjust to roll the dildo further in her and her throat clenched. The stimulation her body felt as Grace started dragging her nails across Anissa's thighs was much more intense than usual. Anissa looked down and moaned Grace's name out somewhat quietly at first before grinding entirely onto her. The fullness of the girth in her made her toes curl. Her body felt on cloud 9.
Grace took control quickly sliding into Anissa from below. There was that same sound from before and when she looked at Grace hazel eyes hungrily gazed back. Anissa moaned louder this time feeling Grace rock into her while supporting her own movements. Anissa threw Grace's hands off her hips to rotate her body backwards so Grace could get a visual of the toy slipping in and out of her. Fingers were trailing her back before landing back on her hips. Falling back onto the strap wasn't new but the noises were. An unfamiliar sound was coming from Grace. It wasn't a whine or a moan but a growl that threw all Anissa's caution out the window.
Speeding up she looked back while pleasing herself on the strap to catch Grace's jaw slack. Grace was biting her bottom lip, cussing no doubt under her breath with her pupils blown.A low growl was emanating from Grace as she gripped tighter and matched Anissa's rhythm. A slew of you like that baby, i know you wanna moan, moan for me left Anissa as she coaxed her girlfriend towards the edge. Anissa knew she was close but looking back she realized Grace was close too. Clenching as she rocked she felt her vocal chords burn and her thighs start to tremble.
“Let go Nissa i got you, I'm right here with you.” Grace moaned watching her girlfriend scream out her name while goosebumps scattered across her back. Grace's own orgasm hitting as well when she began to pull Anissa back against her chest. Her arms wrapped around her girlfriend with her head tucked into the crook of the toned shoulder. She growled slightly with her normal moans into Anissa's ear quietly as they both settled into one another shuddering.
Things went still save for the sound of their breathing. Grace's hand was stroking Anissa's thigh in lazy blissed aftercare.
“You growl now hmm,” Anissa grinned staring dark strand of hair hanging across her shoulder.
“And you seem free.” Grace mumbled kissing the middle of Anissa's spine.
“I am.”
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anonil88 · 6 years
Bailentine's Day Parts 3 and 4 is coming. If anybody wanna give tips on writing smut lmk cause i am quite lost.
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