#baking? cooking? criminal arson?
mythology-void · 4 months
reaffirming the idea that yes, I can do anything. and everything. perhaps even all at the same time
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holeyweasel · 3 years
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༄ daniel padilla, cismale, he/him + the color orange, impressive explosions, fireworks in the night sky, trolley carts ignited into flames, graffiti on stop signs, and quivering palms concealed by a nifty hand-buzzer. – is that george weasley ? their ministry records say that they are twenty-five , a pureblood , and went to hogwarts . currently they are the owner of weasley’s wizard wheezes . whenever i see them saintlike by jakey starts playing in my head. i think this may be because they’re astute & whimsical , but they also happen to be deviant & reticent . (       BIOGRAPHY. | PINTEREST. | PLAYLIST.     )
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basics .
name & origin : george felix weasley ; based on the Greek word georgos; meaning farmer. the word georgos is a combo of two Greek words, ge (γῆ), meaning earth, soil, and ergon (ἔργον), meaning work. && george doesn't apply much of a personal meaning to his name; perhaps molly was following the trend of her late, twin brothers, gideon & fabian, or maybe it'd just been a coincidence. george doesn't know; it's possible he never will, since molly doesn't talk about her brothers that have passed too often. nicknames : forge, fred, georgie, gred, twin #2, & weasel. preferred name : george is fine. age & birthdate : twenty-five ; april first. gender & pronouns : cis male ; he/him. orientation : straight ; heteroflexible ; questioning. ethnicity & nationality : filipino ; english. hometown : ottery st. catchpole, devon, england. current residence : the loft above number ninty-three diagon alley. occupation : owner & operator of weasley’s wizard wheezes. hogwarts house / school graduated from : gryffindor.
miscellaneous .
phobias : he can’t be alone, because when he is, that’s when he gets into more compromising situations. he excessively relies on others to fulfill his own emotional needs (eg. fred, specifically) his codependency to fred ran, and continues to run, so deep that even his level of confidence changes without his brother around. he needs fred around to feel okay with himself. he fears being rejected and abandoned as lone unit; rather than the one collective unit he was with fred. quirks : when disinterested in something, doesn’t put the effort in; rarely expresses his true emotions unless it’s through anger; jokes so much it’s hard to tell when he’s being serious; sometimes doesn’t realize when a joke has gone too far & unintentionally hurts people’s feelings. when his emotions are too much to handle, can act rashly, and do something stupid; he often winds up in trouble since he couldn’t careless what others think. also he’s not great at overly complicated math. fred was better at math, while george is better at reading/writing/words in general. basic addition and subtraction is fine, but once you get to double digits? oof. he uses his fingers to count. hobbies : comforting others & giving advice anonymously, creating his own spells & potion recipes, dueling, inventing things, quidditch beating, quick-wit, speed reading, stand-up comedy; there’s never a dull moment with him; he’s always able to entertain an audience and make people laugh. likes : adventures, biscuits, breaking things, causing chaos & confusion, conjuring up ideas & schemes, creating inventions, discovering new things, explosions, fireworks, flashing lights, freedom, friendly debates, hippos, irony, jokes, laughter, memes, mum’s home-cooked meals, parkour, philosophy, petty arson, punching things, puns, quidditch, quotes, rebellion, rioting, sweaters, & unlimited knowledge. dislikes : being alone, being controlled, boredom, commitment, conformists, copycats, cucumbers, disloyalty, early mornings, feelings that aren’t joy, grapefruits, hypocrites (ironically), instant tea, judgmental people, ordinary living, pocket watches, purists, restrictions, school, sellouts, silence, sitting still, spinach, the government, the rich, the status quo, & unnecessary rules. wand :  10 ¾ inches ; dogwood ; dragon heartstring core. patronus : previously, his was a magpie; along with fred’s. since fred’s death, he struggled to conjure one for many years, but eventually was able to - and it’s now a peacock.  boggart : him, completely and utterly alone. without fred or just without anyone in general? the world may never know. reverse amortentia : burning cedar, broom polish, firewhiskey, freshly baked biscuits, & roasted chestnuts.
history .
➵ the fifth son born to arthur & molly weasley right after his twin brother, fred, george was practically born a prankster & inventor. after graduation, he planned to become a successful entrepreneur. from birth, both him & fred were attached at the hip; getting into all sorts of shenanigans together. not much has really changed regarding that. growing up, they successfully set off a dungbomb during christmas dinner, turned ron’s teddy bear into a spider after he broke fred’s toy broomstick, gave ron an acid pop that burnt a hole in his tongue, and nearly tricked ron into taking an unbreakable vow. ➵ during his first year, him and fred swiped the marauder’s map from filch’s desk; this aided more in their mischief. ➵ george, while not being a hat stall, could definitely have been a fair candidate for slytherin with his ambitious & cunning nature — if only he wasn’t a red-headed, reckless weasley. ➵ this curious boi might have a teeny, tiny case of undiagnosed ADHD. he definitely exhibits all of the symptoms; he’s never gotten officially checked out, though.  ➵ second year, he joined the quidditch team as beater. at one point, ron informed harry that george received ”really good marks” for his first few years. ➵ the summer before his fourth year, he stole arthur’s ford anglia with fred and ron. this was in order to rescue harry from the dursley’s and bring him to the burrow. ➵ the summer after fourth year, george went on a trip with his family to visit bill in egypt. with fred, of course, he tried to push percy into a pyramid. ➵ fifth year, he & fred graciously gifted harry the marauder’s map since they’d already memorized it. ➵ sixth year, he attended the quidditch world cup with his family, harry, & hermione. he and fred gambled on the outcome & won a great deal of money from ludo bagman. however, they were never paid, and harassed bagman all year. fred wanted to inform the ministry; george was against it since that’s considered blackmail. after harry won the triwizard tournament, he gifted fred & george his winnings to make up for their lost bet. they put this money away with the intention to invest it into their future joke shop. this is also the year they began selling their inventions and he took his ordinary wizarding level exams; received 3 OWLs in, what’s assumed, charms, defense against the dark arts, & transfiguration. ➵ seventh year, he spent the summer before school at 12 grimmauld place. after being given harry’s winnings, george had no interest in returning to school, but did anyway. he spent most of the year selling his and fred’s products. he also joined dumbledore’s army; not being a huge fan of umbridge. ➵ later that year, umbridge kicked him, harry, and fred off the quidditch team after george & harry got into a fight with draco malfoy. once the DA was discovered, george decided with fred, that he didn’t care about getting in trouble, and they began an all-out rebellion. they shoved an inquisitorial squad member into a vanishing cabinet, set off an array of fireworks that they made themselves, & created a portable swamp in the corridor. after the vandalism & chaos, george flew away from hogwarts with his brother; encouraging others, and peeves, to follow their example. ➵ after fleeing the castle, george worked with fred to establish a weasley’s wizard wheezes storefront. the summer before the golden trio set off for their sixth year, they had their grand opening. they remained open in diagon alley even while growing tensions of the war ensued. draco malfoy even purchased peruvian instant darkness powder from their shop, which assisted him during the battle of the astronomy tower. in theory, the twins unknowingly helped the death eaters twice, but we don’t have to unpack all that right now. ➵ him & fred lived in a loft above their shop. ➵ sometime after turning of age, george joined the order and assisted them during the battle of the seven potters. he was paired with remus lupin, and sometime during this mission, snape hit him with sectumsepra. he lost his ear and it was unable to be healed due to being cut off with dark magic. ➵ the burrow operated as a new headquarters for the order until they were ambushed by death eaters and they had to flee. ➵ george & fred were frequent guests on lee jordan’s radio show: potterwatch. ➵ george was hit with snape’s sectumsepmra curse and ended up losing his left ear. since it was dark magic, his injury wasn’t able to be repaired. he has permanent hearing loss and a scar where his ear used to be. he’s picked up BSL (british sign language) since the incident.  ➵ he split up from the rest of his family after the death eater ambush, but remained with fred. him & fred were apart of lee jordan’s radio broadcast, potterwatch, so it’s assumed they were with lee in some way. ➵ there was an incident where george, alone, was taken in front of the wizengamot while fred had stepped out for the afternoon. he was brought on charges of aiding and abetting the mass breakout of muggleborn criminals. supposedly, they had items sold at weasley’s wizard wheezes that’d aided in their ultimate escape. ➵ questioned & tortured at the hand of umbridge, they almost sent him off to azkaban… but the department of magical law enforcement requested time to gather more evidence to build a stronger case of george’s involvement. his blood status wasn’t in question, and therefore, he was free to go. ➵ during the battle of hogwarts, george lost his twin brother, fred, in an explosion orchestrated by augustus rookwood. the years that followed were absolutely the hardest thing he’d ever gone through.  ➵ upon fred’s demise, george might have taken up a biiit of a drinking problem. while it hasn’t entirely taken over his life, some would definitely consider him a “functioning alcoholic.”  ➵ depending on a potential charlie mun, after fred’s funeral, george followed charlie to romania in order to “travel” and “find himself” without fred able to stand by his side anymore.  he eventually stole a dragon from charlie and took it across the world. goooo georgie! he returned about a year after fred’s funeral initially took place. ➵ for quite some time, george struggled to conjure a patronus. with all of his “happy memories” linked to fred, the charm became quite difficult for him to perform. of course, george is a determined individual; he continued to try anyways.  ➵ eventually, two years after fred’s passing, george was able to cast a patronus. although, instead of a cheery magpie revealing itself, a peacock took its place. this was significant because, slowly but surely, george was beginning to detach his identity from fred. ➵ george continued to build the business he’d started with his late brother. these days, he fills his time with work; occupying his mind with weasley’s wizard wheezes instead of the void fred’s passing left within him.
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𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑪𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝑺𝑯𝑬𝑬𝑻. repost,  don’t reblog !
𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐬. FULL NAME  ….  Ariel Vega Blitz NICKNAME  ….  Ari ALIAS(S)  ….  Beacon GENDER  ….  cis female SIZE  ….  178 cm / 5′10″ but still growing AGE  ….  16 ZODIAC  ….  Gemini SPOKEN LANGUAGES  ….  native in English in some threads she is learning Esperanto and American Sign Language
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬. HAIR COLOR  ….  blonde, shaved EYE COLOR  ….  brown, glowing bluish SKIN TONE  …. tan BODY TYPE  ….  scrawny, tall VOICE  ….  stutters, kind of off sounding, but friendly DOMINANT HAND  ….  switches without realizing it POSTURE  ….  very good when she feels confident. Hunched over and looking down otherwise SCARS  ….  Electricity Scars From Fingertips to Spine on Both Sides of Body, Chemical Scar Going From Behind Left Ear to Far Side of Neck,  Other Scars in the Form of Tiny Splotches on Arms and Back TATTOOS  ….  none BIRTHMARKS  ….  none MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S)  ….  glowing eyes.
𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝. PLACE OF BIRTH  ….  Oregon HOMETOWN  ….  Somewhere in Oregon SIBLINGS  ….   Henry Blitz PARENTS  ….  Alexander and Bethany Blitz
𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞. OCCUPATION  ….  various odd  jobs CURRENT RESIDENCE(S)  ….  wherever the thread takes place  CLOSE FRIENDS  ….  Depends on if you want in her story or in threads. In her story her closest friends are Sequin and Quickfreeze. In threads her closest friends are Wally and Starfire, with Tony and Abra quickly becoming close. RELATIONSHIP STATUS  ….  single FINANCIAL STATUS  ….  poor DRIVER’S LICENSE  ….  no CRIMINAL RECORD  ….  never been caught VICES  ….  thief, baking too much and then needing to hunt down people to give it to.
𝐬𝐞𝐱 & 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞. SEXUAL ORIENTATION  ….  homoromantic/demiromantic homosexual/demisexual PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE  ….  Has Never Dated to Find Out PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE  ….   Has Never Dated to Find Out TURN ONS  ….   Has Never Dated to Find Out TURN OFFS  ….   Has Never Dated to Find Out LOVE LANGUAGE  ….  Acts of Service and Quality Time.  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES  ….   Has Never Dated to Find Out
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬. CHARACTER’S THEME SONG  …. (Cannot think of a good song for her) HOBBIES TO PASS TIME  ….  Cooking and Baking. MENTAL ILLNESSES  ….  Nothing Diagnosed, but does have one or two LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED  ….  Right PHOBIAS  ….  fear of accidentally committing arson, fear of abandonment SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL  …. 2/10 except when cooking or baking then 10/10
tagged by: @cosmicstaffed​ – thank you!!! tagging: @one-rogue-army​ @warriorfortamaran
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undertheroses · 5 years
Character sheet
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full name: Double Maya Delight pronunciation: dəb(ə)l  MY-ah dəˈlīt nickname: Delly, DeeDee, Delibird, Delly Doodle, rose-bush colored disaster gender: Female height:  3'2 ft, (5'2 in human form) zodiac: Gemini spoken languages: Equestrian(can understand and speak to other horses from different realms), English, Yiddish, Hebrew, French and Spanish
hair color: Bright Scarlet red eye color: Deep crimson red skin tone: Lavender Blush Violet body type: Voluptuous and plump as a partridge. accent: None dominant hand Hoof?: Right  posture:  She usually carries herself in a graceful, confident manner. tattoos: Considered to be Tattoo like, her cutie mark is located right on her flank and of a blooming double delight rose. most noticeable feature: Just about everyone notices her wild, thick, curly mane and hair tails.
place of birth: Equestria hometown: Las Pegasus manner of birth:  Naturally while in a hospital first words:  “Buutifool!”  siblings: Bachelor Button (older brother) parents: Hohner (Musician and retired stuntman) and Kalmia (Gardener and Volunteer worker) parental involvement:  Relatively supportive and loving for the most part. Home life was sometimes hectic, giving Double plenty of time to draw, read and wander off on her own.
occupation: Freelance Artist/Cartoonist   current residence: Rainbow Falls close friends: ???? relationship status: Engaged, open relationship financial status: Upper Middle Class driver’s license:  She can’t drive, but that hasn’t stopped her from doing it. criminal record:  charged for nearly 500 counts of protesting, vandalism, criminal conspiracy, arson, disturbance of peace, destruction of private property and loitering. “vices”: Baked sweets, sex, adrenaline rushes and negative attention.
sexual orientation: Bisexual romantic orientation: Demiromantic preferred emotional role.   submissive  |  dominant  |  switch  |  unknown preferred sexual role.   submissive  |  dominant  |  switch |  sex repulsed libido: High turn ons:  Intelligence, wit, humor, power, magic, passion, authentic charm, genuine displays of kindness or goodness, artistic flare, fiery or engaging personalities.  turn off’s: Ignorance, stupidity, racism, gloomy outlook on life, hypocrisy, mistreatment of animals and or children, wastefulness, superficiality, misplaced arrogance. love language: Words of affirmation, acts of service, giving Gifts, and physical affection relationship tendencies: Either extremely doting, a scatter brained mess or a hopeless tease, depending her mood.
character’s theme song:  Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Eurythmics (violin/cello/bass cover) - Simply Three hobbies to pass the time: Collecting books and art, traveling, singing, making dream journals and scrap books, swimming, cooking, gardening, and hosting political protests. mental illnesses: Anti social and paranoid. physical illness: None left or right brained: Right  fears :Being forgotten, used or left behind. Loosing or failing a loved one. Feeling powerless or useless. Breezies. self confidence level: Varies on mood or topic.   vulnerabilities: Needs constant validation and emotionally dependent on friends and loved ones. Needs full concentration depending on the spell she’s casting. Can’t perform magic if she’s mentally overwhelmed, mentally incapable or highly stressed.
tagged Stolen by: @babydxhl tagging: @blueboltreturns, @enigmaincrimson, @twibthegryphon, @queenfrau, @pony-smith, @ask-alicorn-rarity, @sirenoffashion, @rebirthxguardian, @ And anyone else that wishes to take it!
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Crusher said that I should tell everyone a bit about me and my friends who I’m planning to let on the askblog! So here is some information! -🥒
- Made the blog as a way to show life between him and his friends
- Lives in the garage of the house
- “Pickle” is not his first name/real name (but he prefers going by “Pickle”)
- Uses dictation/speak to text
- Favorite Disney movie is Cars 2
- His parents are in jail for multiple counts of treason and arson
- Can cook, but his food isn't good for humans
- Lives in the garage of the house
- Uses dictation/speak to text
- Made Swiper's accessible keyboard
- (Surprisingly) Doesn't have a criminal record
- Can cook, but his food isn't good for humans
- Sorceress
- Dubs herself "The Greatest Sorceress in Zarhamay Falls"
- Knows how to craft potions
- Has a pet dragon named Nazboo
- Can use a crystal ball
- Uses an accessible keyboard to type (Someone else, usually Pickle, needs to add his signoff for him)
- Criminal record consists of "theft, sabotage, stalking, harassment, burglary, smuggling, and attempted murder"
- Favorite color is blue
- Favorite cake flavor is vanilla
- His room is in the house's attic
🎂Ms. Marmalady🎂
- Criminal record consists of "spying, cheating, theft, grand theft auto, and sabotage"
- Makes most of the food everyone in the house eats
- Prefers baking over cooking
- Hardest thing she baked was layered cheesecake
- Easiest thing she cooked was spaghetti
- Burned ramen once
🔷Big Trouble (Benjamin)🔷
- Former member of the Troublemakers
- Real name is Benjamin Tremaine, "Big Trouble" is simply a nickname given by the citizens of Umi-City
- Mainly used highly concentrated beams of chemicals shot out of ray guns to cause chaos in Umi-City
- Has 6 adoptive kids (Harold, Dora, Max, Ruby, Grace, and Oliver)
- Middle name is 'Robert'
🔸Little Trouble (Luther)🔸
- Former member of the Troublemakers
- Real name is Luther Tremaine, "Little Trouble" is simply a nickname given by the citizens of Umi-City
- Mainly used highly concentrated beams of chemicals shot out of ray guns to cause chaos in Umi-City
- Has 6 adoptive kids (Harold, Dora, Max, Ruby, Grace, and Oliver)
- Has epilepsy
- Has claustrophobia
🐱Mayor Humdinger🐱
- Mayor of Foggy Bottom (Hopes to be the mayor of Adventure Bay as well)
- Likes cats
- Has 6 pet cats (Commissioner, Hudson, Timber, Landfill, Lieutenant, and Cloud)
- Has a sister (who’s a racer) and a nephew
- Potentially in denial about what happened with Harold
- Criminal record consists of "fraud, vandalism, abuse of power, theft, torture, animal cruelty, brainwashing, terrorism, forgery, stalking, aiding criminal activity, usurpation, gross negligence, public endangerment, dognapping, and attempted mass murder"
- Hates the Troublemakers
💻Harold Humdinger Tremaine💻
- Next door neighbor of the main house
- Nephew(?) of Mayor Humdinger
- Apparently was unhappy when he was with Mayor Humdinger
- Adopted by Benjamin and Luther Tremaine
- Has 5 siblings (Dora, Max, Ruby. Grace, and Oliver)
- Friends with Patty. Platonically likes her
💵Preston Praxton💵
- Father of Patty Praxton
- Bought/Built the main house most of the cast lives in
- Doesn't like Disney+, or Disney in general
- Couldn't make the house accessible to both monster trucks and humans, but did try
🎀Patty Praxton🎀
- Daughter of Preston Praxton
- Has 2 pet cats (Chocolate and Vanilla)
- Somewhat liked by Harold’s parents
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killerspectrum · 7 years
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Figuring out which manner of death would be the worst 'way to go', as it turns out, is subjective. But according to a NYC coroner, burning alive provides the most suffering in it's final moments. 
It's actually worse than it sounds.  Most people in the midst of their demise, are eased into death with the relief of unconsciousness.  Not here, your eye lids burn off, offering a front row view to your own cremation. 
When the human body is lit afire, every nerve ending is searing in pain to the point you may die of shock at this point.   Any clothing becomes an igniter.   If you’re inside a small room, all the smoke and gases fill up, you choke on carbon monoxide, if you're lucky.  If you’re outside, in the open air, you will burn longer.   
After five minutes under a flame, the thicker layers of skin begin to peel and split open.  If the victim is still alive at this stage, they will more than likely die of heat stroke.  
The heat is so intense, the bones automatically break due to the intense heat. Investigators are still able to determine if the burn fractures are different than those you would sustain from a fall or being hit by a car.  If you burn long enough, all that is left of the victim is ash, broken bones and maybe some teeth.
Such an act of depravity is chosen for any number of reasons.  Of course, the typical rage-induced jealousy or revenge is a common theme but the most popular reason is an attempt to cover up the crime.  It doesn’t hide all your secrets, but it really does distort evidence and makes identification difficult.
Most arson murders know their victims in some capacity, and this type of death gives the killer great satisfaction as they suffer.  Most of these perpetrators are drug users with self-esteem issues and a criminal history.  
Favored locations for igniting a victim are inside a home, trash dumpsters, along roadways and wooded areas.
Inferno deaths are usually a conclusion another crime:
Burglary 32%
Sexual Assault 17%
Kidnapping 8%
Prostitution & Hired Killings 1%
Manchester, England 
December 1992 
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16-year-old Suzanne was a lonely teen who ended up befriending a group of junkies living a few blocks away.  A collection of six drug addicts gathered from around the neighborhood.   As with any group of shitty friends, paranoia, jealousy and accusations eventually build up and sometimes lead to extreme consequences.
In a brutal act of revenge, Suzanne was lured by her 'friends' and tortured. Lead by ringleaders, 26-year-old Jean Powell, her ex-husband Glyn Powell, and Bernadette McNeilly, who accused the teen of stealing an ugly pink jacket and supposedly spreading bed lice to everyone.  
For seven days, the teen was subjected to a deranged form of crackhead justice, starting with having her head shaved.  Suzanne was kept chained to a filthy bed in an empty house as she endured the astonishing abuse which included: teeth pulled with pliers, cigarette burns and beaten with objects.  
Visitors to the home were allowed come in and laugh at her as she lie naked and battered.  A total of 6 people were involved in her kidnap, torture and her eventual death.  
Unsure what to do with their hostage, the gang, lead by instigators Jean and Bernadette, drove Suzanne to the woods where they doused her with gas and flicked a match on her before driving away.
Despite her injuries and burns, Suzanne was able to crawl up an embankment and stagger a quarter of a mile on a road before finding help and being rushed to the hospital.  Before she slipped into a coma, she was able to name her attackers. Four days later, Suzanne died of massive organ failure.
All six characters involved were arrested and sentenced to 'life' in prison.  But that's just jolly ol' England speak for a polite 12-20 years.   Which means every single one of these sadists have been released and currently roaming the streets.
Jessica Chambers
Courtland, Mississippi
December 2014
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On a whim, Jessica decided to grab some food and clean out her car.   surveillance cameras show her at the gas station, alone, before driving south down the main road to town.   
After stopping at the gas station, the nineteen-year-old was next found by fire department covered in 98% burns among her body.
As firefighters responded to a car on fire, they found the nineteen year-old walking along the side of the road, smoldering.  She was able to whisper a telling clue to the firefighters before she fell into a coma and died a few hours later.  Covered 98% of burns, she died a few hours later.   It has never been revealed what she told investigators in her last hours. 
Because of a huge gash on the top her head, investigators were able to surmise that she was struck and knocked unconscious in her car.  The perpetrator soaked her in lighter fluid, including down her throat and up her nose, lit a match and walked away leaving the small community baffled. 
After 14 months of mystery, an arrest was finally made.  Quinton Verdell Tellis, 27, a friend of hers.   Not many details have been released as it has not been to trial yet, but it was a personal crime, not related to drugs or gangs.  
Tellis is currently being tried for another murder he committed after he killed Jessica.  No conclusion yet. Angela Palmer
Auburn Maine
October 27, 1984
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Not quite a fire death, but definitely a nasty case of thermal decomposition. 
Charming little story about Cynthia Palmer's live in boyfriend, John Lane.   A raging alcoholic and drug addict, who cooked a 4-year-old child. 
Just before Halloween, Lane beat little Angela in their Main street apartment before stuffing her in the oven and clamping the door shut with a  chair.  He turned it on as high as it would go and sat there watching her scream for help. During this time, Angela's mother lay drugged and incoherent in the living room.
The deranged Lane claimed that child turned into the devil and he was just doing the world a favor by getting rid of it.  Cynthia Palmer was acquitted based on abused spouse syndrome and Lane was imprisoned for life. After over 30 years in prison, this man who baked a child, is asking for a new trial.  Perhaps if you were in England.... 
Deloris Gillespie
Brooklyn, NY
December 2011 
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The surveillance video captured Gillespie carrying groceries at her apartment building on a Saturday afternoon.   The 73-year-old rides the elevator up to her floor, as the video shows, standing there quietly.  Completely unaware she will never make it out alive.  As the doors open, the path is blocked by a man wearing gloves, a protective mask and container on his back.  
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48-year-old Jerome Issac, a homeless handyman, had been waiting specifically for her in a calculated act of revenge.  Convinced that Gillespie owed him money for previous work done around her apartment, he decided to avenge himself, dressed in his finest pest control uniform.
In the video, Issac can be seen stepping up to Gillespie and spraying gas in her face before methodically squirting his victim from head to toe.  She tried to protect herself, with the grocery bags still hanging off her wrists.
The video flashes white: the woman is on fire.
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While the elderly lady was pronounced dead at the scene, Issac went to an area hospital to receive treatment for his massive burns to his face (see above), and was arrested when doctors became suspicious.  He never showed remorse, claiming the devil made him do it.  
Issac was sentenced to 50 years in prison. The video was never made public.
Splendora, Texas 
June 1998
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On his 8th birthday, Robbie was tied to a tree, splashed with gasoline and purposefully set on fire.   Unable to move, Robbie was burnt over 99% of his body, leaving his scorched outline into the tree. The maniac was a 13-year-old neighborhood kid named Don Collins.  He raped Robbie two weeks prior; this was his attempt to silence his victim. 
Nobody expected him to survive due to the horrific nature of his injuries, but in a miraculous turnabout, he lived.  Sorta.  For the next 12 years, Robbie subsisted in a burn unit.  Enduring over 200 surgeries and suffering from night terrors about being burned over and over again.  He eventually died of skin cancer in 2011.
It’s unclear why Collins wasn’t apprehended soon after the attack, but only a decade later when his victim died.  Unsurprisingly, he was a registered sexual predator for other assaults when he was finally held responsible for the slow death of Robbie Middleton.
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