#pottery? hell yeah brother give it a shot
mythology-void · 4 months
reaffirming the idea that yes, I can do anything. and everything. perhaps even all at the same time
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thestarkster1465 · 3 years
Ok no, listen to this
We all know about the whole 7% solution thing in the Holmes books, right? No one missed that. (BBC Sherlock fans, no this is not about Sherlock. This is Holmes.)
And he states that he only uses it as a stimulant when he is out of work. Ok. But you can’t just give up on addiction that fast, even if your name is Sherlock Holmes. So how did he do it?
I have a theory: the man was on crack half the time.
I love the Holmes books, I’ve read them all at least a dozen times. And you can’t tell me they don’t read like a tumblr post 75% of the time. Or like an interaction between Will and Jem from The Infernal Devices. I mean in modern language, they would go something like this:
A Scandal in Bohemia
Watson: How are you going to find the photograph?
Holmes: Idk, probably set the house on fire
The Red Headed-League
Holmes: Hey, Watson, got a gun?
Watson: Yeah, you asked me to.
Holmes: Good.
Watson: You don’t? What did you bring with you?
Holmes: A whip.
The Speckled Band
Watson: So... there’s a leopard
Holmes: Yes.
Watson: What do we do then?
Holmes: Pray to God and run.
The Cardboard Box
Susan Cushing: That box has severed ears in it!
Holmes: Yeah, but look at that salt though.
The Naval Treaty
Percy Phelps: This is a very important letter, I can’t lose it, there will be a war if it gets out, I got brain fever and almost died when it was stolen-
Holmes: Sorry, I couldn’t find it. 
Holmes: April Fools!!!
The Final Problem:
Moriarty: *threatens Holmes*
Moriarty: *follows him to Reichenbach to kill him*
Holmes: Cool, can I write a letter?
The Empty House
Holmes: I died... not really.
Holmes: Time to scare the shit out of Mrs. Hudson, I miss her.
Watson: I thought you were dead!
Holmes: It appears that the rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated... by you.
The Priory School
Holmes: I sold my principles for 6000 pounds.
Watson: Whhaaatt??
Holmes: He’s just a rich white man, how much can it hurt?
Black Peter
Holmes: *enters with a harpoon*
Watson: Where the hell have you been roaming with that thing?
Holmes: I was trying to stab a pig.
Holmes: It’s not as easy as it sounds.
Charles Augustus Milverton
Watson: Okay, we’re supposed to steal this letter.
Holmes: Yup.
Watson: Except there’s this woman in front of the man we’re supposed to be stealing from, and she’s rambling about how he ruined her life.
Holmes: Yup.
Watson: Holmes, what do we do? Should we leave?
Holmes: No, let’s wait, I’m kinda curious how this is going to turn out.
Lestrade: Holmes, I need your help with this murder-
Holmes: Sounds like Watson did it.
Watson: 😶😶
The Second Stain
Lestrade: Look! The stain on the carpet doesn’t match the stain on the floor! Can you explain that, huh?
Holmes: Bitch, someone rotated it.
The Bruce-Partington Plans
Holmes: Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. Call 911!
Watson: Holmes? Everything all right? Did something bad happen? 
Holmes: No, nothing bad happened.
Watson: Then what-
Holmes: My brother is coming here.
Watson: But what-
The Dying Detective
Holmes: I was dying.
Holmes: And now I’m not.
Watson: I feel like murdering you myself right now, not gonna lie.
The Devil’s Foot
Holmes: I think this is a deadly poison.
Holmes: Let’s both of us try it.
His Las Bow
Watson: I thought you retired.
Holmes: I did. But the level of jackassery here pulled me out of it.
Watson: Well, that’s true, there’s a war...
Holmes: I leave for 5 minutes and it all goes to shit.
Three Garridebs
Watson: Holmes, don’t hurt him!
Holmes: But he shot you!
Watson: Yeah, but-
Holmes: He shot you!
The Illustrious Client
Watson: Holmes, I heard you almost died! 
Holmes: Nah, I’m fine. What do you know about pottery?
Watson: What?
Holmes: Pottery, Watson. Specifically, Chinese Pottery. I want you to research on it.
The Blanched Soldier
Holmes: I want to write a story.
Holmes: And I don’t know how. 
Holmes: *writes the story*
Holmes: This is a pile of horseshit. I miss Watson.
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I’d write about the long stories too, but my fingers are hurting now.
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Words: 2,952 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: The prison (Season 3) Warnings: language, that's it! A/N: Kintsugi, aka "golden joinery" is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with precious materials like gold and it is strikingly beautiful. I think you'll understand why I titled the fic this at the end! Summary: After Daryl leaves with Merle, he return to the prison to find that Y/N is extremely angry with him...
Your name: submit What is this?
Your face went through a rapid series of emotions as soon as his familiar broad shoulders came into view. First was shock and surprise, and then relief to see him again and to see him in one piece, and then just... anger. Daryl shifted his weight anxiously from one foot to the next, watching over everyone crowded around him as you simply stood up and turned your back on the room and left. You walked straight out and into the row of cells, disappearing through the heavy metal door. Daryl caught Rick’s eyes and the sheriff simply tilted his head and gave Daryl a knowing look. Daryl’s attention was pulled away as Carol grabbed him into a tight hug.
He was surprised when you didn’t come back out to join in the discussion of what the hell to do next about Woodbury and the Governor. He worked up the courage to try to talk to you, knowing full well it may just be an exercise in futility.
You easily heard the familiar cadence of his steps approaching your cell and the doorway darkened as his frame stopped in the space. He gripped the edge of the cell door and anxiously chewed his bottom lip.
You were sitting on the edge of your bunk, determinedly not looking at him. “Go away, Daryl.” Your voice was quiet but there was an unfamiliar edge to it.
He shifted uncomfortably but didn’t leave. “Just—would ya just talk to me?” he ventured. He saw the muscle in your jaw tense as your teeth clenched. “What is there to talk about?” “I—’M back now. I came back,” he said. He felt sick. He wasn’t used to you being angry with him and it was completely twisting him into knots.  “Yep,” you said, standing and going to the doorway. You pulled the hanging sheet in the doorway, a makeshift door, closed right in his face. “Leave me alone,” your voice came out from the cell and then he heard the springs of your bunk creak as you sank back down on it.  He stepped back from the fabric and dropped his hand from its grip on the doorframe, heaving a heavy sigh. Carol stepped out of her cell, just a few doors down and looked at Daryl staring at the closed sheet in front of him. He turned at the sound of her soft footsteps.  Carol’s brow was furrowed low over her eyes and she tilted her head in the direction of the staircase that climbed to the second level. Daryl’s hand clenched and unclenched in a fist and he gave your cell one last parting look before turning away to follow Carol up the stairs. She peeked at Judith in her makeshift bed and smiled. Daryl stopped beside her and looked down at the little sleeping bundle. His heart warmed at the sight of her, but his expression was still dark. Carol glanced over at him. He chewed on his bottom lip anxiously again. “She won’t even talk to me,” he drawled. “Give her a little time,” Carol said gently. “She’ll come around.” Carol sounded very sure of her assertion, but all Daryl could think was that he’d ruined things for good. “I came back,” he said, leaning back against the railing. His heart was aching with regret. Going off with Merle was stupid in the first place. Almost as soon as he’d done it he knew it was a mistake.  “You being back doesn’t change the fact that you left in the first place,” Carol pointed out. “You really think she doesn’t have a right to be upset? Think about how she’s interpreting you leaving.” He gave her a questioning look. Carol straightened up and stared at him. “I understand why you did what you did. He’s your brother. He’s blood. But you leaving with him... to her it means she wasn’t worth staying for. You chose Merle, a racist asshole, over all of us, and right when we’re sitting on the edge of war against the psychopath Merle worked for. I know that isn’t really what happened. It’s not that simple, but that’s what it feels like. She thinks you leaving means that... whatever there is between the two of you wasn’t worth anything. It wasn’t enough to make you stay.”
He gulped and shifted uncomfortably. “But that ain’t true...” Carol shrugged. “That’s how it seems to her.” 
Daryl ran a hand over his face and sighed again. “I really fucked up,” he growled. The grit and gravel in his voice was heavier than usual. “You did what you thought you needed to do,” Carol said, giving his shoulder a light squeeze. “Just give her a little time. She’ll cool off.” But the rest of the day, you stayed in your cell with the doorway covered. Daryl hung around hoping you’d step out so he could try to talk to you again, try to apologize and explain. He was sick with regret and guilt and worry, but you never stepped out. “Who’s on watch tonight?” Daryl asked Rick. He was thinking about offering to stay up and take both shifts because there was no way he would be sleeping that night anyway. He was too anxious. “Y/N first and then Glenn is taking the second shift. He gave Daryl a knowing look. The archer looked miserable. Rick sighed. “I’m just glad you’re back,” Rick said.
Daryl nudged his nose up in nod. “Yeah... thanks...” You’d be on guard first. You wouldn’t be able to hide in your cell forever. You could, however, still tell him to fuck off, but he had to try. Just waiting around was agonizing and he kept thinking about how in this world even the next minute wasn’t a guarantee. He had to make things right as soon as he could.
Night fell and after scraping together his courage, Daryl got up, knowing you’d be in the guard tower by now. He went to the little stove and heated up some water, pouring it over a tea bag in a mug and staring down at it. Yeah, bring her tea, dumbass. That’ll fix it. But regardless of that derisive voice in his head, he grabbed the mug and headed out to climb the narrow stairs of the guard tower, curls of steam wafting off the surface of the amber liquid. You turned when you heard the metal door from the stairwell creak open, thinking maybe Glenn couldn’t sleep and was coming to keep you company early. Instead you saw the broad shoulders of the archer coming through and you turned away and fixed your eyes on the darkness blanketing the prison yard. “What?” you asked sharply. Daryl gulped. Obviously you hadn’t cooled off enough yet. “I just—uhh.” He rubbed his hand awkwardly over the back of his neck. “I brought ya some tea,” he drawled.  You kept your back to him and said nothing. He edged closer and set the tea in front of you on the table. It was then that he noticed the bandage on your upper arm. He hadn’t noticed it before, probably because you’d been wearing a jacket. Without thinking, he reached out and gently grabbed your arm. “What happened?” 
You glanced at his hand on your arm and then up to his blue eyes. You felt your resolve crumbling as soon as your eyes met his. It was like some involuntary reaction you had no control over, but you tugged your arm from his grasp and shifted away from him, averting your eyes back toward the outside again. “I got shot,” you said. “What?” he urged. “The hell ya mean ya got shot?”
His voice was tinged with deep concern. “By one of those Woodbury assholes. You know, when you were off running around with Merle,” you replied. Daryl’s stomach twisted. How could he have been so stupid? If he’d been at the prison where he was supposed to be he could have protected you. What if it hadn’t just been your arm? He hadn’t even said goodbye to you... he’d just left. The hell was he thinking? You must have sensed his sudden panic because you looked over at him again and studied his face. “It’s just a bullet graze, Daryl.” Your tone was flat this time, but it was an improvement over the previous anger. “I’d rather be alone,” you said quietly. You hesitated. “Thanks for the tea.”
He gulped again. This distant tone you had was eating him alive and he felt his blood pressure rising. “Would ya just look at me at least? Gimme a chance to explain!”
You were a bit taken aback by his tone, which was now a little angry too, and you did turn to stare at him, your brow furrowed heavily now. “Explain?” You scoffed. “What the hell is there to explain? You made your choice. Your priorities are pretty damn clear. So, just—just leave me alone...”
“Nah,” he growled. “Not ‘til ya listen to me.”
You glared at him and he watched the muscle in your jaw tense as you clenched your teeth. “Actions speak louder than words, Daryl.”
“I fucked up, alright? I ain’t denyin’ that! I wanted to come back as soon as I left!” he roared. “‘M sorry!” “Sorry?” You stared at him, bewildered. “You’re sorry,” you repeated. “Yeah, well, so am I. Sorry I was stupid enough to think that maybe—” You broke off and shut your eyes, breathing in a tense breath. “That maybe what?” Daryl pressed you.
“That maybe I actually fucking meant something to you!” you yelled. There were angry tears in your eyes now and you fought to blink them away. “But if you could just leave then clearly I’ve deluded myself, because I could never do that to you. So, I guess I don’t know what this—” you gestured to yourself and then to him, “—is. Was. Whatever... apparently it’s nothing.” The archer stared at you feeling like his heart had split open. “That ain’t—that ain’t true. And it wasn’t that simple. S’not that simple.” He took a hesitant step toward you. 
Your jaw was still set. “Forget it. You don’t need to explain anything to me. It’s not like we were.... together. I was stupid to read into anything. I’m—I’m done. I’ll just send Glenn up later,” you murmured, trying to storm out of the guard tower, ready to race down the stairs and leave the whole mess behind you. But Daryl’s hand gently caught you as you tried to move past him, landing lightly but firmly on your arm.
“Nah. Don’t do that! Don’t just—just dismiss this!” he growled. 
You stared up at him, caught off-guard by his hand on you, by him physically stopping you from leaving. You were trying to think of something to say but your mind was suddenly blank. His hand finally dropped from your arm but instead of backing off he stepped closer to you. “This ain’t nothin’!” he argued. “And ya weren’t kiddin’ yerself. Now just stop bein’ so damn stubborn and talk to me!” You felt your resolve crumbling a little.  “I—I don’t have anything else to say!” you retorted angrily. “Now let me by!” You tried to brush past him again but he stepped right in your way. “Daryl,” you growled. “Get outta the way.” “Nah,” he said shaking his head. “Ya wanna be stubborn? Fine, but so will I.”
“Move!” you yelled at him again, feeling a flush of angry heat in your face. “No,” he said again, this time catching your eyes with his blue ones.
Your chest was heaving with angry and nervous breaths. “Let me go,” you said, and this time even you were surprised by how weak your own request sounded.
Daryl stared down at you, his posture defiant, obstinate. His heart was absolutely racing in his chest and he finally couldn’t suppress the urge any longer. He clasped your face in both hands and kissed you urgently, something he’d wanted to do for so long, but even more so since he’d tried to leave. It was all he could think about. A moment later he was sweeping you into him with a hand on your lower back.
You let out a noise of surprise and stumbled back, away from him, staring at him standing there with his chest heaving. “Wh—what the hell are you doing?”
Daryl gulped. Oh shit. Had he just fucked things up worse? He gestured vaguely with one hand. “This ain’t nothin’,” he drawled, breathless from his lips on yours. He stepped toward you cautiously again, half expecting you to move away or brush past him for the exit, but you didn’t move. He anxiously licked his lips, and you felt butterflies flit to life in your stomach. “‘M sorry,” he said again.
You stared at him, a quizzical expression on your face. You wanted his lips on yours again. “Say it again,” you said softly. You stepped closer to him. 
Daryl stared down into your eyes. The regret in his was plain. He slipped his fingers into your hair and clasped your face again. “‘M so sorry. I ain’t ever gonna leave again if I can help it.”
Your expression softened and you grabbed onto the front of his vest and pulled his lips down to meet yours, kissing him heatedly. Daryl’s hand landed on your lower back again and he pulled you against him, pressing forward so you were touching practically from knees to nose. His kiss was urgent, feverish. He pressed into you and you moved backwards blindly until you felt the table behind you. Daryl’s strong hands lifted you, setting you on the edge. You looped your arms around his neck and gently bit at his lower lip, eliciting a chesty growl from him. His hands wandered over your back and smoothed down your sides, feeling the curve of your waist and angles of your hips. They wandered down further and ran over your thighs, sending tingles of electricity up your back. You tugged him into you more tightly, feeling his hips pressing into the inside of your knees as you sat on the table. You slid a hand under his vest, around his back, and scratched your nails over the thin cotton of his shirt, feeling his strong, tense muscles beneath the material. He pulled back from you suddenly and your eyes opened, long eyelashes fluttering, disappointed and feeling the inches between your lips profoundly. “What is it?” you asked him, completely out of breath. He just stared down at you, not lifting his hands from your hips. “Nothin’. Just tryin’ to convince myself this is really happenin’,” he drawled, his eyes flitting between yours and your partially parted lips. 
You ran your fingers through his hair and he leaned into your touch. “It is.”
He looked suddenly nervous again. “Listen, I still wanna tell ya... I can’t entirely explain it. I know Merle’s an asshole. Of course I know that... But he’s my brother. And it was almost like I didn’t have a choice in the matter. I’d already left him once in Atlanta. I couldn’t do it again.” Daryl rushed on, still in vague disbelief that somehow you’d gone from yelling at him to kissing him in a span of a few minutes. “But as soon as we were alone out there... I realized he might be my brother but he ain’t really my family anymore. Maybe he never was.”
You gulped and nodded, pressing your hand flush to his chest and feeling his racing heart beneath your fingers. “I’m sorry I was so hard on you,” you said regretfully. “I was just—hurt.”
He nodded. “I can’t blame ya. ‘M sorry.”
You looped your arms around his neck again and he gave in to the gentle tug easily as you pulled his lips back to yours. The heat built between you again and you let out a small sigh as Daryl’s lips wandered from yours to kiss your neck and the delicate skin by your collarbone, his fingers tangling roughly into your hair. You found yourself arching into him more and more and Daryl was reeling as your fingernails lightly scratched his back, even over the fabric of his shirt. But the building heat was quickly quashed by the sound of the squeaky metal hinges on the door to the stairwell and both of you startled. Daryl spun around and you jumped up from your spot on the table, accidentally knocking the mug of tea to the floor, which of course shattered and sent liquid splashing everywhere. Your entire face flushed as you saw Glenn standing in the doorway with a surprised look on his face, one hand still on the doorknob. 
“Uhhhhh... sorry,” he mumbled. But his face quickly broke into a grin he tried to stifle. “I’ll just—I’m gonna go,” he said jutting a thumb back over his shoulder, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice. Daryl shifted uncomfortably next to you. Glenn turned on his heel and headed right back down the stairs and into the cellblock again. 
Rick, unable to sleep with the threat of the Governor still looming, caught sight of him returning and gave him a questioning look. “I thought you were on guard duty now?” he asked curiously. Glenn smiled and laughed a little awkwardly. “Uhh, yeah, but uhh—Y/N and Daryl have got it,” he said, his eyebrows lifting. “Y/N and Daryl? Isn’t she still pissed at him?” the sheriff asked, looping one thumb into his pocket. Glenn laughed again. “I’m pretty sure they made up... Night, Rick.”
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amerrierworld · 3 years
Oh, brother
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for the request: Galadriel and her brothers
Summary: Galadriel’s surprise birthday bash! Modern AU 
Characters: Galadriel x Celeborn, a whole lot of Silmarillion and LOTR elves :D
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: none really, family fluff, annoying older brothers. a whole lot of blondes. 
If there was one thing Galadriel couldn’t stand, it’s surprises. She likes to know when things happen and have everything planned out. If she had the choice to foresee the future, she totally would.
But Celeborn wasn’t like his wife. And he really couldn’t refuse three ruthless blondes from barging into his home to throw a surprise birthday party for Galadriel, their baby sister. They would’ve broken the door down anyways.
It was a weekday, so of course Galadriel was working. Celeborn had taken the day off to pick up the cake that Galadriel had chosen for herself, and pick Celebrian up earlier than usual from school to help get a few decorations. The decor included a handful of balloons, and some party hats, which were mostly for their daughter than for Galadriel herself.
The door practically shook in its hinges at the sudden knock later that afternoon, making Celeborn jump. If it had been Galadriel, he would have been worried, but she had said she was working late. So who on earth...
“Oh... great.” Celeborn sighed and cursed internally. He set his laptop aside next to where Celebrian was colouring and hurried to the door, bracing himself.
“Is that Uncle Angrod?”
“Sadly.. yes,” Celeborn grumbled. He opened up and nearly fell back at the sight of three grinning faces. They were carrying large plastic bags and a few gift bags, and he immediately regretted opening the door.
They pushed inside, with Celebrian jumping into one of her uncles’ arms without any preamble, and Celeborn had a looming sense of dread about why they had shown up randomly at their home.
Finrod was the eldest, and the more approachable of the three. He explained their plans to set up a surprise party. 
“You know she hates surprise parties! The actual birthday dinner is this weekend, you know that!”
“Yes, yes, we know, but we figured we’d do something different this time.”
“Galadriel works wayyy too much, Celeborn,” Aegnor huffed, flopping down on their couch. His blonde mullet was sleek and straight, and Celeborn caught a section of pure white that shot through one side of his hairdo. Another last-minute dye job, no doubt. “You both work way too much. If you’re not going to do anything about it, then we will.”
“She’ll kill us all.”
“Yeah, that’s fine. Come on, help me with the disco ball.”
“The disco ball?!”
Galadriel knew what was going to happen the minute she pulled up to her home. If the half a dozen extra cars in the street didn’t say anything, the flashing lights from the living room window gave enough away. She sat inside her car, genuinely debating if she should speed away and just come back in the morning, leaving Celeborn to deal with the aftermath of what looked like an attempt at some sort of party.
But then she remembered her chosen cake and pursed her lips in defiance. She had been very excited to eat it, and curl up with her own  family to just watch a silly movie the rest of the night. She’d find a way to enjoy her birthday, even with her nagging extended family.
But the first person who greeted her at the door wasn’t her husband or any of her relatives. It was Gandalf, with a butterfly painted on his cheek and a top hat on his head. He had a juice box in hand and pulled her into a hug when he saw her in the hallway.
“Happy birthday, dear friend!” 
“Oh, Gandalf. What have you done?”
“For once, this idea wasn’t mine. I was simply invited.”
“I’m sure you arrived on time.”
“I always do!”
He promised there’d be no fireworks this time; when he had set off his pyromaniacal schemes last, poor Radagast’s hedges and flowerbeds had burned to a crisp. 
In the kitchen, Celeborn was nursing a wine glass filled with apple juice. Galadriel didn’t see any alcohol opened anywhere, which did help relieve her stress. He saw her come in and his face scrunched up in an apologetic expression, and it made her laugh.
“My love.. I’m so sorry-”
“Don’t start, Celeborn. What’s done is done. I suppose I’ll be forced to enjoy my birthday now?”
He grimaced and sipped his drink a little more. “If it helps, Celebrian is enjoying herself immensely.”
“Oh, is that right?”
“Orodreth is here. I promise everything is family-friendly, even if it is a little... wild.”
“Was the disco ball Aegnor’s idea?”
“Of course.”
Galadriel’s siblings were all successful, hard-working people. At least, when they were on their own. Once you put the three brothers together, all hell would break loose. Despite their sheer differences, they were able to put things together and become a team. Often to the dismay of their younger sister who had to endure the torture.
Finrod was the eldest, and therefore the most responsible. He was a successful CEO who took his time to travel and explore every corner of the world. He was stern-faced, and defiantly defensive of his family and his life choices. 
Angrod was the middle brother, and the most outlandish. His passion could lead to anger very quickly, but it made him the most emotionally expressive. His son was practically the sheer opposite of him. Orodreth was a little older than Celebrian, and very soft-spoken and quiet. He was incredibly gifted and intellectual, but you would never be able to read his face and discern that yourself.
And Aegnor was the unhinged youngest brother. As an artist and creative thinker, he explored one medium of art to the next. Galadriel believed he had a lot of potential, and being the two youngest they bonded and got along very well. But she had no idea where his life would lead him. One week it would be pottery, the other it would become architecture. But he was kind and encouraging, which made him the most favourable to babysit Celebrian out of the three uncles.
But once put together, all precedented rules of their characters went out the window.
Eldalote was in the bathroom giving people painted faces, and Galadriel assumed that was where Gandalf got his colourful butterfly. She knocked on the door and came in on Orodreth getting a big fish painted on his forehead. Her daughter was watching diligently next to her aunt as she painted. She had a large flower and heart on one cheek, and a party hat tied snugly on her head.
The minute she saw her mother she squealed and ran into her arms. Galadriel picked her up swiftly, and suddenly felt she  couldn’t be mad at her brothers anymore. Nor could she be mad about them getting ahead of themselves and starting the party before she got home. It made it easier to blend in rather than have all the focus on her as soon as she had opened the door.
“Hello, sweetheart,” she nuzzled her daughter’s unpainted cheek who began babbling about the party thus far. Orodreth said a shy hello and wished her a happy birthday. Galadriel wondered how her idiot, reckless brother had ended up with such a diligent and sweet son. Nonetheless, she gave him a hug before Celebrian tugged her back to the living room, where the main socializing seemed to be happening.
The three elder brothers were plotting in a huddled group near the disco ball, and as soon as they saw Galadriel, they swarmed her. Aegnor set Celebrian on his hip, and Celeborn rushed to Galadriel’s side, still looking a little forlorn and guilty for letting the party get so rowdy.
“Sister! Happy fucking-”
“Hey! There’s kids.”
“Sorry. Happy freaking birthday, sis. Do you like our party?”
“I hate it.” Galadriel crossed her arms, but her eyes were twinkling. “You know how I hate surprises.”
“Hey, that’s why we’re not giving you a speech, alright? You should thank me.” Aegnor bumped Finrod with his fist. “Fin was planning on drawling on for forever if we hadn’t stopped him.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Finrod rolled his eyes, but he gave Galadriel a quick side hug. “We know you never celebrate yourself, Galadriel. So this is for you. We practically had to tie down your husband to let us decorate.”
“I mean, clearly.” Galadriel looked at the overwhelming amount of  paper decorations and bright balloons. “He’d never allow it to look so hideous if he could help it.”
“You wound me, sister,” Angrod clutched his chest. 
“Your cake remains untouched though,” Celeborn pointed out. “That’s the one thing I was able to protect. The rest of the house.. not so much.”
“Oh, well I suppose that’s alright,” Galadriel sighed. She watched the small group of friends and other people in her life gather in the living room and other spots in the house. The music was cheery but not blaring. And from the looks of it.. people brought their own dinner items, like an impromptu potluck.
Elwing and Earendil came over to greet Galadriel with happy smiles and a congratulations. The couple were constantly glued to each others’ side, and Galadriel was glad to have another set of seemingly sane parents in their social circle.
Their twins, Elros and Elrond, were sprawled out on the carpet with Lego and toy cars. Elrond’s face had been smeared with cupcake icing that he had scarfed down, and Galadriel watched, amused, as her daughter went over to him, tutting like she often would. She had a napkin in hand and proceeded to wipe his face, effectively smearing the icing even further onto his cheeks. 
The sight made her chuckle, and the initial stress she had seemed to finally leave. She supposed she could enjoy as much of it as possible. 
“To be fair, this party is looking to be the best I’ve ever had.” She looked around, slipping her hand into Celeborn’s. “Food I don’t have to pay for. No idiot college friends or condescending relatives. Kids who are actually enjoying themselves? I’d rank this in the top five, boys.”
“Then our work here is done!” Aegnor declared, bouncing Celebrian who giggled happily in his arms. “Now let’s get that cake.”
“Nuh-uh,” Galadriel wagged a finger at him. “That’s for me and my family alone. There’s enough food for you behind you. Go on, you swine.”
Aegnor stuck out his tongue, and she swatted him. He went off to explore the dishes that were laid out on the dining table. So did the rest of the group; going to get their faces painted or wolf down whatever fatty snacks were in reach. Galadriel turned to her husband and gave him a firm kiss.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t defend our fortress, my lady,” he sighed. She rolled her eyes. 
“It’s quite alright. I’m not angry. Maybe because I was met with a very gleeful Gandalf at the door rather than my overbearing siblings. Besides, we didn’t even have to cook.”
He laughed. “I knew that would be the thing to win you over.”
A/N: I love these guys ;-; This is my character interpretation of Galadriel’s brothers/family in a modern AU. I posted this out of order for CB’s birthday- I finished it over a week ago but then I realized how close it was to the 14th so I just waited! I hope you enjoy my loves 
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Birthday Surprise
heeeeyyyyy @lenle-g
Happy Birthday!!!! - sorry that this is a bit late, but I didn’t intend it to be quite this long so had to finish it today.
(Prompt was John and Stabbed and boy did I have sooooo much fun with this. I might rewrite this one day into something much longer because I loved this idea so much. So thank you for the idea!)
Hope you enjoy.
“So, then I pulled her up off the floor - “ Gordon explained, getting into the swing of it now.
“Yeah, I know.”
“And I said ‘Hold on tight’.”
“I know.”
“And I fired a grapple hook off, getting the angle just right to wedge it into the top of the cliff face, not an easy shot I can assure you.” Gordon gestured upwards sharply, now with less than half his concentration on the selection of root vegetables in front of him. They would all need chopping to roughly equal sizes to roast evenly but they could wait a second while he recounted his latest feat of heroics.
“I know Gordon.” John said, reaching round behind him to get to the pots of fresh herbs for the basting of the turkey. “I was there.”
“No you weren’t.”
“Ok.” Gordon could hear that eyeroll. “Maybe not physically, but I was listening.”  
“Yeah, so let me tell it, because I say something really funny in a minute.”
John nipped back round him to the refrigerator for butter or something. “You’re not meant to be joking about on the job.”
“It’s not joking around, it’s lightening the atmosphere and putting the rescuee at ease in a tense situation.”  
“Fine.” John reached round for a mixing bowl. “Before you carry on and tell me everything I already know, have you preheated the oven yet?”  
“No.” Gordon turned back to his vegetables. It wasn’t often they got a house full but tomorrow was a special day at the end of a good week. They’d only had half a dozen dispatches, no fatalities, not even a broken bone. Virgil, Alan and Scott were on the way back and weren’t they going to be pleased to see that John had descended in their absence. Particularly Scott as it was his birthday tomorrow. If Gordon played it right he might even be able to play it off as Gordon’s present to the eldest: coaxing John out of the heavens and a full Thanksgiving-style roast even though it wasn’t the time of year for it.  
“I’m going to get so many brownie points for this. You here, Scott’s favourite food already in the oven: this was all my idea.” Gordon grinned, giving a particularly tough carrot a few enthusiastic chops. They went soft and sweet on a long slow roast – delicious.
“Do you need those brownie points for anything in particular?” John squeezed past him again, back to the refrigerator.  
“Well. There might have been a slight incident on Tuesday.” He paused. “No wait Monday.” Gordon counted back the days since the thing with the sock, conducting his thoughts. “Definitely Monday.” He whipped around, triumphant to have caught John out. “But I thought you knew anything anyway, so surely -”
The words died in his throat. John was close. Very close. Right behind him.  Eyes wide. Bowl in one hand, with the butter rub that would be pushed under the skin of the turkey to make it moist and flavorful. Too close. Gordon had frozen at the slight pull of resistance from the knife in his hand as he turned. The knife that he had sharpened to tackle the carrots and potatoes and parsnips and sweet potatoes. The one he had been gesturing with for the last fifteen minutes.  
Gordon’s gaze drifted downwards and for a moment thought he had imagined the soft gasp from his brother. He couldn’t quite understand what he was seeing. John. Too close. His knife. Where John was. Blood, creeping across the front of John’s shirt.  
John’s shirt was almost brand new. Not that new in fact, probably a few years at this point but it still had that soft new feeling of something that hadn’t been laundered too much. It was one of Johns favourites, but he wasn’t here enough to wear his civilian clothes a lot. Certainly not to wear them out, so they were always fresh and neat and clean. But now this one was covered in blood.
Pottery dropped to the floor, the aroma of parsley and basil and rosemary and more blooming into the air.
Gordon was still gripping the knife. He moved, just a fraction of an inch, and John’s hand darted out to grab his wrist.
“Don’t move it.” he breathed.  
Gordon knew that. One of the basic tenants of first aid. Don’t go pulling objects out of wounds if you’re not prepared to deal with the bleeding that will follow. He wasn’t going to just rip the knife out. He wasn’t. He knew that. But. It had been instinct, just for a moment there to get it out.  
But John, who saw everything, who knew everything, knew what to do. Had stepped up even with a knife in his gut.
Slowly, forcing each finger carefully back Gordon released his grip on the knife handle, with John’s grip still firm around his wrist and red filling Gordon’s vision.  
Gordon locked shocked eyes with John, noting his normally suntan-free skin had lightened by several shades.
“I -” John started, swallowing heavily and continuing shakily. “I need you to help me sit down.”
“You need to lay down.” Gordon corrected, first responder instincts kicking in from somewhere in his subconscious while his conscious was still largely frozen.
Gordon stepped around to John’s back, where he could take most of his weight in a controlled descent to the floor, then pulling him back until he was horizontal. There was a med kit in the book case. But there were dish cloths here. Gordon grabbed the nearest clean one as a compress: laid carefully around the knife so as not to dislodge it put then pushed firmly to stem the bleeding.  
John gave a reflexive flinch, squeezing his eyes shut and letting out a low groan.
“Thunderbirds One and Two on final approach.” Scott’s voice boomed across the room. He sounded happy, relaxed: back from another successful mission after a pretty damn good week. “We’ll be landing in five.” He didn’t know.
“This was all my idea.”
Scott took the steps up to the gantry two at a time, heart light. He was already in a good mood when he had landed: yet another day where he barely got his uniform dirty. In and out, quick and easy, that’s the way he liked his peril. Virgil was taxiing Two back in and wouldn’t even need to do a medkit restock today. He was loath to say anything out loud, but Scott offered silent prayers that this was yet another day they had come back home with barely a scratch.  
Walking across the hangers he paused mid stride at the space elevator resting on it’s own pad, tucked neatly into the corner. Scott usually had to wrestle John down for his scheduled rest days, of which today was not one.  John always, without fail, notified him if an unscheduled visit was needed  for health and safety reasons and there had been not so much as a whisper of anything wrong on Five for weeks. Which meant this was a social visit.  
Scott broke out into a broad grin and lengthened his stride, making quick work of the several flights between the hanger and the house. With John down that would make a complete set for the first time in who-knows-how-long. Scott wasn’t big into birthdays, his own in particular. They were just a reminder of how long it had been since the holes had been ripped in his family, and there was usually some sort of incident to attend to anyway. But maybe, just maybe, he might get a couple of minutes of them all together for his birthday.
He tried not to storm into the kitchen – the first place to look for John was by the bagels – but he was keen, so at first he didn’t notice a ginger mop of hair on the floor as it was six foot below where he would usually be looking. Was this some sort of post-orbital stretching? Almost continual space duty was taxing on the body but surely they could come up with something other than being a human trip hazard asleep on the kitchen floor.
Gordon was leaning over John, back to Scott.  Typical for him to be involved in something inappropriate but he had picked up all sorts of weird things during his lengthy physiotherapeutic tour of the world after his accident.  Scott shook his head, but frowned as his noticed a bright red pool of paint, spreading across the plain while tiles. What the hell?
Gordon must have heard him come in, for he glanced over his shoulder. Scott had seen Gordon look that pale and shell shocked exactly twice before. Once for Mom and once for Dad, and it struck terror at Scotts core in an instant.  
Like an optical illusion his perspective changed and a brand new and much more terrifying scene resolved before his eyes. John wasn’t asleep, he was unconscious or close to it. That wasn’t paint. He was lying in a pool of blood.  
Scott didn’t remember covering the intervening distance but in a flash he was standing right next to his two brothers, where he could see the blood soaked cloth in Gordon’s hands. And the handle of the kitchen knife standing out from John’s side.
“Help me.” Gordon begged, looking up at him, face ashen.  
Gordon and Alan leapt up from where they had been waiting on the stairs just out the medbay. Scott straightened from leaning against the wall. Scott looked worried. Alan looked worried. Gordon looked damn near terrified.
“He’s going to be fine.” Virgil said, giving his final pronouncement now the bandaging was complete. “It nicked a blood vessel but we’ve got that sown up and it didn’t perforate any internals. Muscle damage mostly. He just needs a bit of rest now.”  
Alan immediately relaxed, shoulders lowering and a relieved grin spreading across his face. “See,” he nudged Gordon, “I told you he was going to be fine.”
“I.... I didn’t mean to.” Gordon stuttered, eyes on the floor.  
“Gordon.” Scott said sharply, bringing Gordon’s eyes up to his, and Virgil shot Scott a warning look to take it easy on him, even if he had spent the last hour holding John’s stomach together for Virgil to stich, then cleaning up his blood from the kitchen floor.
“Whatever you are about to say I don’t want to hear it.” Scott said a little more gently but with uncharacteristic lack of tact. “Whatever you need to say, you need to say to John.”
“I don’t think he’ll want to see me.”
“He does,” Virgil said “he’s been asking for you.” As soon as he had been stable enough to talk John had started to ask about Gordon, and it was only a promise that he would see him soon that kept John in the bed while Virgil was trying to god-damn stitch him up. Painkillers always made John stubborn.
Gordon made no move to go in and Virgil heaved a huge sigh at the difficulty of having younger brothers. “He’s awake right now, but he needs his rest so get a move on.”  Virgil grabbed Gordon by the shoulder and shoved him towards the door. “We’ll be having pizza when you’re done. Alan go and put the oven on would you, you can see John later, when he wakes up.”
Alan nodded and scampered along the corridor. He was a good kid. Virgil gave Gordon another push through the door, and closed it gently behind him.
Scott looked tired. He always looked tired, but more tired than usual.  
“Not what I expected to come home to.” Virgil said wryly.
“No.” Scott agreed. “I suppose it had all been going too well these last couple of weeks, we were due for a disaster. I thought someone had broken in or something at first.”
Virgil had heard Scott bellow for a medic from three floors away and as he had rushed in his first thought had been an attack from the Hood or the Chaos Crew as well. Amongst the application of a proper emergency compress and manouvering John down to the medical room Gordon had haltingly explained there was no intruder to pursue. Which stopped them putting the island into emergency lock down at least.
“Do we need to do anything?”
“With Gordon?” Scott raised a questioning eyebrow. “I doubt it. He’s had the fright of his life. So have I. I don’t know about one year, I think I’ve aged about ten years tonight!”
Virgil slung an arm around Scott’s shoulder as they followed in Alan’s wake to the kitchen. “At least he’ll definitely be down for your birthday.”
John was only half aware of the conversation going on outside the room, quite happy to let the wonderful drugs do their fine work, but the soft click of the door and tentative shuffling footsteps made him force his eyes fully open. Gordon stood by his bed, awkwardly swaying from side to side and not quite looking him in the eye.
“Hey.” John -  mustering himself to say something a little more intelligent -  sat a little more upright. Not much more upright though.
“Hey.” Gordon returned, eyes flicking to the almost empty blood bag. “Does it hurt?”
John was just going to reach round for a clove of garlic when Gordon turned, and at first it was like a punch. But after that initial impact the pain morphed from something blunt and bruising to sharp and breathtaking.
“No, I’m on the good stuff.”
Gordon nodded. Acknowledgement? Approval?
“Errrr..... Virgil said you wanted to see me, but, well I don’t know, if you want to rest, or whatever, I don’t mind - “
“I did.” John interrupted. “I wanted to make sure you were ok.”
Gordon met his eyes in surprise. “Me? I’m fine. I’m.... I’m not the one who got stabbed. I’m the one who....”
Deer in headlights. John knew what that meant now. John was aware of every second they were frozen in that awful tableau, the slow spread of warmth outside, the frozen spear stabbing inside. The look of shock and terror and disbelief written across Gordon’s face. The big brother in him wanted to do something about that. He wanted to make the fear go away and promise that it would all be ok. The little part of him that was always on Thunderbird Five snapped at him to prioritise so he’d left that comforting for later and focused on the bleeding.  
John reached out – being careful not to pull on the i.v. - to take one of Gordon’s hands in his. “I’m going to be ok Gordon. A bag of blood and a few stitches, a bit of bed rest and I’ll be right as rain.”
“I’m sorry.” Gordon whispered. “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know. I shouldn’t have been running around right behind you like that.”
“I should have not been waving a knife around like that. I almost killed you.”
The kitchen floor was cold against his back, apart from where his own blood warmed him. It probably wasn’t even that much, but he’d lost enough to make him a little light headed and to be glad he wasn’t still trying to stand. He tried not to show how much it hurt when Gordon pressed down, but every breath jostled the metal protrusion. It might not even be that deep but his imagination was conjuring unhelpful images of being run through. John thought he had felt feint vibrations from the depths of the island and was hoping that wasn’t his imagination. His concentration was slipping and Gordon needed backup.
“You didn’t. And I’m going to be fine.” John peered into Gordon’s face to see if he was taking it all in.  
Gordon nodded, slightly teary. He might have to be told it a couple more times, but he would get it in the end.
John let his head drop back against the pillow: exhausted, fuzzy and ready for sleep. “Look on the bright side though, neither of us is going to be given kitchen duty for a while.”
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mythicamagic · 4 years
Young Love - Oneshot crossover
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Zutara & Sesskag
Summary: Deciding he needs to do something about his long time crush on Katara, Zuko enlists the help of self-proclaimed relationship expert and matchmaker, Kagome. With the help of her bodyguard, the busybody will stop at nothing to ensure the couple's success. AU, highschool. Tropes! Why have one otp when you can have two?
AN: This is a writing commission for the lovely @prationality​ ^^ Highschool AU has demons integrated into it. Yes it makes no sense. Just suspend your disbelief, buds.
Young Love
For the better part of a year it had been a thorn in his side. The niggling, aching, irritating feeling of complete and utter warmth flooding his chest whenever a certain person entered the room.
Zuko trudged moodily through the hallway, gaze fixed ahead. He needed to do something about Katara. Having a crush on one of your best friends was not ideal, and worse still, he couldn't talk to anyone about it.
Sokka was out. He would either immediately tattle to his sister or get protective. Aang was possibly the worst one to ask, as he'd harboured puppy love for her since kindergarten, though Katara remained willfully ignorant. Suki would tell Sokka. Toph had been a serious candidate as a confidant but he'd decided against it when she'd blabbed last week about his secret tradition of watching Love Amongst the Dragons every year at the theatre.
He'd never be able to live that down.
I could tell Uncle, Zuko briefly thought, soon shaking that idea away. He'd rather not have a lengthy anecdote about turtle ducks swimming in the pond of unrequited love.
This left confiding in an outsider. However, he couldn't tell just anyone or it would become the gossip of the whole school.
Knocking on a classroom door, he waited.
"Come in!" Came a hearty chirp.
Wincing, Zuko pushed the door open and stepped inside, closing it behind him. The empty pottery classroom felt perfect for a secret meeting since the department had suffered cutbacks. Including the teacher. And the pottery classes themselves.
A young woman leaned against a desk, dark hair cascading around her shoulders. Glittering blue eyes danced with mild amusement, causing Zuko to become instantly wary. Maybe this had been a mistake.
"Glad you could make it!" Kagome Higurashi grinned, gesturing to a seat. "Come sit down, silly. I don't bite."
Stuffing his hands deep into his pockets, Zuko leaned against a desk as well. "I'll stand, thanks."
She let out a huff, shrugging and relenting. "So, let's cut to the chase; as you know, I'm the best matchmaker in this school."
Zuko was pretty sure she was the only matchmaker in the school.
"Anything you say will be kept totally confidential. I can't guarantee you'll get the partner you want but my track record speaks for itself," Kagome beamed.
"I'm going to stop you right there," Zuko sighed. "I don't...want to trick her into anything. I just-"
"It wouldn't be tricking," she looked affronted. "You seriously think Kouga and Ayame or Sokka and Suki would last if the foundation of their relationships had been built on lies? No, no. I'm just going to help you put your best foot forward."
Dragging a hand down the scarred side of his face, the teen grunted. "Maybe I just want to talk about it."
Kagome blinked, spreading her arms wide. "Well go ahead. No one's stopping you, Zuko."
Gritting his teeth and fighting the urge to sigh again, his lips pressed into a thin line, suddenly reluctant.
Tilting her head, the busybody took him by surprise. "This is about Katara, isn't it?"
He jolted violently. "H-how did you know?" He croaked. Shit. Did Katara know? Was it that obvious?
Kagome smiled while flipping dark hair dramatically over one shoulder, idly brushing down her green skirt. "Hey give me a little credit. I did say I was pretty good at this gig."
A quiet noise, like a snort, sounded out behind Zuko to his left. He turned sharply, startled to find another student leaning against the wall. If Zuko remembered right, the imposing young man was an upperclassman. "The hell- I thought we were alone."
"Don't mind Sesshoumaru. I hired him a long while ago to watch over these types of meetings," Kagome waved it off. "I've had clients get pissy before."
Sesshoumaru stared at him, unblinking. Pale white hair was tied back into a low pony tail, features fairly delicate and regal, clashing with the heavy energy rolling off him in waves.
Zuko felt a shiver run down his spine and faced forward. If she needed a demon bodyguard of such high calibre within a school with relatively low level onis, he wondered what kind of clients she'd dealt with in the past.
"So, Katara?" The matchmaker prompted.
"Yeah well...I like her," he said lamely. "I mean I...she's…"
The young woman peered at him curiously, causing Zuko to grit his teeth. "I don't know! Gn...maybe this was a mistake."
Kagome pushed off the desk to approach and gently touched his arm. Her expression no longer looked amused or playful, now very earnest. "Hey, it's okay. These kinds of feelings can be really complicated, especially when they're for a friend. It makes you worry that you'll cause a fissure in your friendship group."
Golden brown eyes widened a touch, throat becoming dry with mild fear. He could only nod mutely. Perhaps she did have somewhat of a talent for reading people.
She gave a smile, "look I completely understand if you want to keep your silence around her and just vent to me. That's fine, buddy. But I really, really think you should go for it and let me help you guys get together."
"Aang and Sokka-"
"Don't rule Katara's love life," Kagome cut in, voice firm. "Besides, if she does go out with you, Sokka will probably just give the protective brother speech and threaten to harvest your organs if you hurt his sister-"
"That's fair, I'd deserve it if I hurt her," Zuko mumbled soberly.
Kagome winced and patted his shoulder. "As for Aang, he'll come around. From what I've seen he might get upset but Toph will straighten him out. What do you say?"
The moody teenager stared down at his calloused hands. Exhaling hard through his nostrils, Zuko clenched his jaw. "Do you think I have a good shot?" He grumbled, glancing at her.
Kagome grinned, nodding enthusiastically. "With me by your side, you've got the best shot."
Overlooking the martial arts group as a type of mole for Kagome felt incredibly easy, considering Sesshoumaru was well versed in many of them.
At the moment, Katara stood a little ways away on a tatami mat, practising her Tai Chi form. He'd never had much cause to speak with the girl beyond small talk. Still, Kagome had nudged at him to try and glean more of her personality.
Walking over and stretching his arms, Sesshoumaru grunted. "Your right heel kick should be higher."
Her gaze flattened, becoming defensive. "Did that old goat Pakku tell you to say that?"
"No, this one is telling you."
Katara hummed, going back a form and trying again, kicking higher so that her leg pointed out straight. Sesshoumaru nodded, chancing more conversation. "You are a female."
"Astute observation. Where are you going with this?" She raised a brow, smoothly moving her body into another form.
"This one seeks advice. Be grateful you are the one I have chosen for council."
Katara released a long breath, straightening out of her form and minding her long braid aside. "Arrogance isn't a good method if you're wanting my help but go ahead. I'm used to the tough guy act from pre-Suki Sokka."
Sesshoumaru did not need her permission but spoke. "How does one secure the attentions of a human female?"
"Are you asking me dating advice?"
Katara eyed the demon, raising her arms and turning on one heel to move into another stance. "I can't speak for most girls because my family has its own traditions to follow, but a necklace wouldn't hurt."
"A necklace?"
She nodded, holding her posture. "Something personal, though. I'm sure you demons have traditions to follow too, don't you? Maybe include one."
Sesshoumaru mulled this over, inclining his head, expression wiped of emotion as per usual. Kagome didn't need to know what exactly he'd asked Katara, that was his business. "Hn, you were mildly useful."
Huffing, she kicked her left foot up near his enigmatic face. "You're welcome. Was that form good enough?"
"You wobbled on your right heel. Again."
Katara grumbled under her breath.
Sitting quite contentedly in a cafe a few days later, Sesshoumaru sipped some tea. The atmosphere around him lulled into contentment. Despite the hustle and bustle of the patrons, he didn't feel particularly uncomfortable or annoyed. This sense of peace was abruptly broken as the scent of citrus and summer brushed into his nose.
Kagome set her bags down in the opposite seat, sliding into the booth beside him and accidentally bumping his shoulder. The tea sloshed in his cup. "Okay, so their class had a project to complete and were separated into partners. Katara was originally paired with Haru, but!" She grinned, holding up a finger. "I pulled some strings and managed to switch him with Zuko. Isn't that perfect?"
Sesshoumaru blinked slowly. "How is it perfect?" He uttered, though she'd tell him anyway even if he didn't ask.
"Well this way, they get to spend quality time together totally alone!" Kagome gushed, opening a menu. "They'll be here any second. I reserved a booth for them just over there. You picked the perfect spot for spying."
"I did not know you would be here," he said flatly.
Tugging up her bag and rifling through it, Kagome produced a wig. Tying her hair back, she put a hairnet on, smoothing the blonde wig atop her head. Sesshoumaru felt used to her antics by now, watching while she took out a headset with a microphone and earpiece.
Kagome remained immensely serious about her unofficial job. Near everyone knew who she was in school, therefore a disguise became necessary when snooping. If Katara noticed her, she'd get suspicious about her presence.
"Is it still alright for me to babysit Rin later?" She asked casually.
He hummed, sipping the cooling tea. That was their exchange. Sesshoumaru remained a bodyguard of sorts while Kagome repaid him for his time by looking after his adopted sister when he needed to work after school.
They'd entered into their strange agreement six months ago. He could still hear the raised voices coming from the classroom. The abrupt slam of a desk hitting a wall and scent of salt in the air. How Kagome's wide, terrified eyes swung to him once he entered the room, her struggling form pinned beneath an incensed human student. An unhappy customer who hadn't taken too kindly to her failure.
In contrast to this grim memory, Kagome happily fussed with her equipment, stilling when a pale hand reached out to touch a dark strand of hair that escaped her wig. Lithe fingers tucked it back into hiding, sharp nails lightly skimming her cheek.
Kagome glanced up at him, blushing slightly. "Uh...thanks," she murmured.
Sesshoumaru stared, voice a soft rumble. "Hn."
Noticing something out of the corner of her eye, she gasped and shook his shoulder. "They're here!"
Sitting down across from Katara, Zuko took a breath, glancing around. It didn't take long to locate Sesshoumaru. Next to him sat a smaller blonde woman who gave a cheerful thumbs up. Zuko's gaze flattened. This was going to be a disaster, he could tell.
"Are you alright? You seem troubled about something."
Zuko jumped, looking at Katara as she set up her laptop and took out a binder. She was incredibly organised already despite the project just starting. It was just a little thing, but he liked it about her. She'd even arranged the papers by subject matter alphabetically.
"I'm fine," he said in a dusty voice.
Katara frowned slightly, the waitress interrupting them to ask what drinks they wanted to order.
Swallowing stifling nerves, Zuko did what he always did and ploughed on through uncertainty. Opening the envelope Kagome had given him, he slipped the earpiece in while Katara was mulling over the orders.
"Hey~ can you hear me?" Came Kagome's amiable voice. "Just nod if yes."
Zuko nodded. Katara ordered a Darjeeling tea, while he stiffly asked for a coffee.
"Okay, just talk about the project with her for now."
Katara was already a few steps ahead, talking while the waitress left. "I think we should start with the community centre."
She tilted her head, hair loopies brushing the sides of her face, brunette hair falling in waves down her back.
Zuko's throat became dry, clasping shaking hands and resting them on the table. "Right. The project. Yeah, the community centre could definitely use some improvements."
Blue eyes blinked, the light from the window beside them bathing her dark skin in a soft glow. "How do you know that?"
An automatic sneer graced his features, glaring hard at the napkins. "My father poured money into building it just to secure a business deal by looking like a humanitarian. However, the second he got what he wanted he pulled the funding for resources."
A gentle touch startled him out of that particular tangent.
Katara gave an encouraging smile, "that's fine. Because you know what?"
Her smile was infectious and he gave a reluctant one in return. "What?" He grumbled.
"We're going to get the funding for even better resources and more involved staff, all without his input. You're going to do that. And it'll be great, Zuko."
Zuko swallowed, skin pricking with the sensation of her hand on his. She knew. She knew everything about his history with his tyrant of a father. How he'd given up the position that would've allowed him to succeed his father. Now he lived in a humble apartment with his Uncle.
Ozai had been responsible for evicting a large portion of Katara's neighbourhood from their houses through some legal jargon many years ago. After some arguments and fights in school, the two old enemies now sat in amiable silence. She could look at him with such soft eyes. Her forgiveness had soothed so much hurt between them.
The waitress returned, breaking the spell between them. Letting out a heavy breath, Zuko stiffened when a young man stepped around the waitress to address his friend.
"You're miss Katara, correct?"
She straightened, raising a brow questioningly. "Yes. Can I help you?"
The young man produced a bouquet of radiant flowers from behind his back. Fire lilies. Katara's mouth promptly fell open, the orange flowers placed in her frozen hands.
"Looks as though you have an admirer," the stranger winked, turning away.
Katara rose from her seat slightly, blushing. "Wait! Who are these from?"
"No idea, miss," he said over his shoulder, glancing at Kagome and smiling slightly. She gave a quick wave, grinning as Miroku left.
Zuko remained frozen in place. Fire lilies were almost too obvious! They were a type of flower well known in the city as one his family had produced. Hell, they were part of the logo on their company. He winced a little, thinking they might cause offence-
"They're beautiful," Katara inhaled the scent, blushing slightly. "They smell kind of like cinnamon," she mused, glancing up. "Do you...know who they might be from?"
"No idea," he mumbled, hearing Kagome's groan through his earpiece.
"Damn it, Zuko. Wait for me to give you some guidance. You could've said something much smoother!"
He touched his ear and turned his head slightly into his collar. "I'm not smooth! She'd know I was being weird if I fed her a line!" He hissed.
"Are you talking to yourself?" Katara bit her lip, fighting a smile.
From across the room, Kagome hit her forehead. She could only afford so much tech and had given him an earpiece. She couldn't hear his ramblings personally, it was only because of Sesshoumaru's excellent hearing and relaying of information that she knew what was going on. Zuko was right, he wasn't smooth at all.
Flustered, Zuko turned back to Katara a little too quick- knocking over the coffee cup with his arm and making a noise when the contents spilt onto the table.
Katara gasped and scrambled to place the lilies down, lifting her laptop away. The spillage headed towards her pristine, organised notes that had been set out to discuss. Zuko yanked his red jacket off his shoulders and pressed it down onto the table. The material quickly soaked up the coffee greedily.
Katara stared.
Kagome gawked, grasping Sesshoumaru's arm and shaking it slightly. "Wow. I didn't think things would escalate so quickly! This is perfect."
Lifting his gaze awkwardly, Zuko met smiling blue eyes. "You didn't have to do that," Katara said quietly, minding the papers away. "Thanks, Zuko. Would take forever if I had to print those out all over again."
Ah, of course she'd have backup copies. Duh. "Y-yeah, no problem. What are friends for?"
The sound of a hand smacking a forehead graced his hearing once more through the earpiece. "Honey, you're trying to leave the friend zone, not dig deeper into it."
Zuko glared at nothing in particular.
"Try saying: I know how much your notes mean to you, and anything that's important to you is important to me too."
Sighing, he ran a hand through dark shaggy hair, parroting Kagome's words out loud.
The girl sitting across from him took hold of his jacket, looking thoughtful. "I can wash this for you," she mumbled, glancing up at him. "And about...us being friends. I uh…" she blushed slightly. "I was wondering if-"
"Are you Katara?"
They looked up with twin scowls on their faces. This time a group of young men stood around their table. Zuko's face coloured red the second they opened their mouths and started singing. Every head within the cafe turned to watch.
Belting out some romantic ballad that hurt their ears and made Zuko want to shrink in his seat, he watched as they serenaded Katara. She looked mortified.
From across the room, Kagome gave another thumbs up. Something within him snapped.
"FORGET IT!" He burst, getting to his feet and shimmying out of the booth to storm out of the cafe. Katara called out somewhere behind him but the sound of his heart pumped deafeningly loud and fast in his ears. He couldn't continue, he realised. Embarrassing Katara wasn't something he'd set out to do. She didn't deserve that.
Cool outside air fanning over flushed skin felt like a welcome respite compared with the confusion and unease within the cafe. He marched through the parking lot, hands balled into fists.
"Zuko-" he yanked the earpiece out and stuffed it in his pocket. And yet, the calling of his name continued.
His heel dragged, Zuko stopping with mild surprise when he noticed Katara jogging after him. She'd left her things behind, laptop included. Taking a breath, she brushed one of her hair loopies away from her eyes.
"What's going on with you?"
Air rushed out of his lungs. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Zuko let the words quietly escape. "I...hired Kagome Higurashi."
"The matchmaker?" Katara's brow furrowed. "Why would you need to-" it clicked, and she glanced back into the windows of the cafe where the fire lilies had been abandoned. "Oh. Were...those from you?" She said slowly.
Zuko stared hard at the cement beneath his feet as though willing the ground to swallow him up. "Sort of."
She huffed, drawing closer and planting her hands on her hips. "There's no 'sort of,' Zuko. Are you interested in me or not?"
His eyes widened and slid up. Katara looked obstinate for information and oddly unoffended. He'd half expected anger or immediate dismissal. But maybe...maybe he hadn't been giving her enough credit.
Squeezing calloused hands into fists, he nodded. "Yeah, I am."
Katara's eyes widened slightly and the shock slid her hands free from her hips.
He ran a hand through his hair for the umpteenth time, minding the bangs from his eyes. "I like you," he muttered. "I've liked you for a long time. It's just that I didn't say anything because I didn't want to be greedy. You don't have to like me back or anything. Just don't break up the group because of me, Katara. This doesn't have to make things awkward. You all… mean a lot to me, ever since you accepted me into your group. So I don't think… I could take not seeing you," the words kept coming until Katara stepped forward, touching his hand.
"You never think things through, do you?" She murmured.
Zuko bristled. "Are you making fun of me? I'm pouring my heart out here-"
Katara giggled and suddenly grabbed him close, hugging him tightly. Zuko froze, stiffening within her arms. His breath fanned over her ear, hands settling at the perfect height on her waist, drawing her closer and revelling in the feel of her. The sensation of fingers brushing through the hair at the nape of his neck felt heavenly. "You wouldn't be kicked out of the group no matter what happened between us. You're not buying time or there by accident. Everyone wants you with us. So cut that out. As for the other thing…"
She surprised him by tilting her chin up, blue eyes connecting with golden brown. Zuko stilled, gaze flitting over her face, before giving in to the impulse to press his lips to hers.
They yielded easier than anticipated. He inhaled her scent, traitorous hands sliding up to touch the fall of soft hair. It was then that his mind caught up with his actions and Zuko broke away from her. "Ah- sorry, that was stupid. I didn't think-"
Katara made a frustrated noise before pulling him down again, cupping his face in both hands. He wondered what the scar felt like to her. Katara kissed him again, turning his brain into mush by parting her mouth and sliding a wet tongue against his lips. He granted her access, making a slight groan in the back of his throat. When her thumb brushed his ear Zuko near melted in her hands, fingers curling tight in her clothes, the material straining.
She then broke away with treacle immediacy, face flushed. She boldly took his hand, smiling. "Let's get our stuff and go for a walk together," she seemed to decide for them, a sparkle in her gaze. "There's a lot to talk about."
Zuko opened his mouth, croaking out a few nonsensical noises, before nodding astutely. "Okay."
If someone ever asked them how they'd gotten together, he honestly had no idea what to say.
Kagome hadn't moved an inch after watching Zuko run off. In fact, she'd seemed quite pleased with herself instead of concerned. Sesshoumaru hadn't understood why until Zuko and Katara reentered the cafe with a contented air about them, their gazes finding each other every few moments. They grabbed their bags, the flowers and the ruined jacket, leaving together without a backwards glance.
Kagome stood and removed the wig and headset, putting them away.
"You knew," he uttered.
"You planned for this to happen, did you not?"
Sliding her bag over one shoulder, she shrugged. "After reviewing their profiles, I understood that Zuko has a temper and could get overwhelmed. Katara has one too and is fiercely stubborn as an ox about looking after people. I just prodded him a little and knew she'd follow him if he lost his nerve. Then there'd likely be a culmination of feelings," she turned. "My work here is done. Thanks for sharing your booth with me, I'll leave you to it," Kagome smiled and waved, walking out of the cafe with a spring in her step.
Sesshoumaru set some money down and smoothly rose, following with a blur of colour.
"Kagome," he said quietly once the doors slid shut behind him.
She blinked and looked up at him as he joined her side in the parking lot.
"This one does not need a culmination of feelings to understand what emotion I experience around you."
"What's that, irritation?" She teased.
Sesshoumaru frowned and reached into his pocket, pulling out a necklace with fangs as the charms. "We should engage in courtship," he said gravely.
Kagome's eyes widened, gaze flitting from the grim necklace and then back to his face, searching as though trying to discern his sincerity. His lips thinned, until a small smile tugged at her mouth, morphing into a gentle one.
Taking the necklace, she blushed slightly. "Is it customary for dog demons to give a tooth necklace when you want to date someone?"
"Hn, those are mine."
"They will be most useful when it is time for us to have children."
"C-children!?" Kagome looked a little unsteady. "Sesshoumaru!"
"Hn," a hand slid around her waist. "Though I'd like to have you all to myself for many years first."
"I should hope so, buster! We're in high school and I didn't even say yes yet," she huffed.
He lifted a large hand, palm up. "Then I will take the necklace back-"
"No, it's mine, no take backsies!" Kagome held it away from his grasp, soon grinning and leaning up to kiss the underside of his jaw. Sesshoumaru stilled at the action, gaze flitting down to her. "I accept, silly," the young woman murmured, hand curling around his own. "Though you could've wooed me a little first. Have my clients taught you nothing?" She teased.
Sesshoumaru's lips curved, gaze becoming half-lidded. "We may go to a restaurant tomorrow evening if you wish."
"I do wish," she hummed, putting the necklace on and wincing a little at how weird it was. Still, they didn't exactly make a normal couple themselves. "Let's bring Rin, though. She hasn't been able to spend much time with you lately."
Sesshoumaru gathered her closer then, causing her heels to lift from the floor. A deep well of warmth and pride spread through his chest right down to his toes. The matchmaker was truly a perfect choice for a mate.
"Hn," Sesshoumaru rumbled, pressing smiling lips to hers.
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Saving Winchester (Part 1)
Description: While waiting for the vampires to come home, Sam and Dean waltz in on your case. They walked into something that they seemingly weren’t prepared for as you saved them from the vampires grasps, impressing both of the boys who don’t know who you are. (Possible Prologue to a Sam x Reader series?)
POV: Female Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Reader
Relationships: None (Unless y’all want more parts. I’ll explain below)
Warnings: Explicit Language, Violence
Word Count: 1626
A/N: So, I’m thinking that I’m going to make this into some sort of series that eventually will be a Sam x Reader series, what do you guys think?
My Masterlist
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Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Sitting in your 1968 Ford Mustang you watched the Connor’s house.
You were sure they were the couple you were looking for. The couple draining bodies and haphazardly throwing them throughout the town.  Vampires.
The Connor’s had moved in, based on your interviews with neighbors and others in town, 2 months ago. 2 months ago, bodies began piling up. You were kind of surprised that hunters hadn’t been in the area to take care of them sooner, but then again, hunters were in short supply these days.  
The house was dark. They had left hours before, gripping each other’s arms and laughing as they made it to their brand-new Range Rover SUV. You had grumbled as you watched them drive off, there was nothing like older cars.
You glanced at your phone to check the time, 10:48 PM. You sighed and shifted in your seat. You’ve been sitting in front of the house for so long, your ass was starting to go numb. You swiped through your phone when you heard the low rumbling of a car engine, too low for the Connor’s car. You glanced up to see a beautiful 1967 Chevy Impala, one you’ve heard many stories about, pull up in front of the house. While drooling over the car, you watched Sam and Dean get out and walk to the trunk of the impala. They fumbled around in the trunk for a while, closed it, and walked towards the house with machetes in hand. “Oh hell no.”
You watched them walk around the house and disappear. You were about to get out, go after them, and tell them this was your kill, but the Range Rover came into view. You sank down into your seat as the Connor’s pulled into their house. The female bounced out of the back seat of the car, with an unconscious female over her shoulder. “Well, its definitely them,” you mumbled to yourself.
You waited until the couple walked into their house before you quietly opened your door, grabbing your machete from the passenger seat, and stalked towards the house. You could hear grumbling, fighting, and an occasional ‘Sammy!’ and ‘Dean!’ as you crept up the walkway onto the porch. You listened outside for a while, the commotion had stopped. There were people just talking.
You tested windows along the front side of the house, one slid up easily for you. You smiled slightly at that small victory and climbed through the window, doing your best to keep quiet. You knew the door would bring attention to yourself if you walked through it.
You crept through the still dark house, the voices in the front room growing louder the more you walked. You peeked around the door way of what you were pretty sure was a study and peered into the hallway. Even though it was dark, the moonlight lit up the rooms enough for you to be able to see. On the other side of the hallway, there was a large opening that lead into the living room. You could see the couch over turned, some books flung around the room, and some, what you could only assume was pottery, smashed on the floor.
The vampires were faced away from you, thank god, but their attention was focused Sam and Dean, who they had pinned to the wall. You listened quietly on their conversation now that you could hear it clearly.
“Oh. You Winchesters will be a better meal that that thing,” the female pointed towards a slumped figure a crossed an untouched arm chair, “we brought home tonight.” She had Dean against the wall and brushed her fingers over his throat.
He just scowled up at the female vampire. “Bite me, Bitch,” he spat out.
Her laugh sent shivers down your spine, “Oh sweetie,” she cooed, “We’re just getting started. The biting will come later.” She looked over at her male partner, holding Sam, “Right honey?”
He turned towards her and you could only assume he smiled, you couldn’t really tell though, “I don’t know sweetpea, I was planning on just draining them, here and now.” He turned his attention back towards the hunter in his grasp, “They smell so good.”
You moved out the study, ran across the hall and stood against the opening in the wall as the female laughed again, “Yes, they do. You don’t want to savor that honey?”
The man groaned, trying to decide what to do as his senses were over loaded. You quietly but quickly crept up behind the vampires, “Doesn’t look like you will be feeding tonight sweet cheeks,” you said as you sliced the males head off. His grip loosened, and he fell over on top of Sam.
The female vampire screamed at the loss of her mate, letting go of Dean, her eyes burned into you, “You.”
You faked a confused expression on your face, pointing towards yourself, “Me?” She screamed again, lunging at you, so built up with rage, she missed the first time. You smiled, walking slowly towards her, “Looks like you missed me sweet heart.”
She screamed again, lunging. You didn’t lose the smile on your face as she lunged, and then watched her head roll off her body. Your slice at her head was quick and calculated as she haphazardly attacked you. You turned back around to the hunters and the unconscious girl. Sam and Dean were upright, checking over each other quickly before they turned back towards you. You ignored them, going towards the girl. You rolled her in the chair, so you could see her face, you sighed with relief when you saw she hadn’t been bitten yet.
You could feel the boys watching you as you lightly shook the girl, seeing if she would wake up, “Miss?”
It took a couple shakes, but her eyes slowly fluttered open as she groaned. She sat up a little more in the chair, focusing in on her surroundings, “Where am I? What happened”
You laid your hands on her arms, “You’re in the Connor’s house, the couple that took you tonight?” You could see her eyes widen, “You’re okay though. You’re safe. We stopped them before they could harm you. What’s your name?”
Tears formed in her eyes as she hugged you, “Thank you.” She sighed and sat back in the chair, “They seemed so nice, until they knocked me out. My name is Allison though.”
You just smiled and rubbed her arms reassuringly, “Are you okay Allison? Do you need anything? Need a ride home?”
She shook her head, “A ride home would be great.”
You smiled and patted her shoulder, “I’ll bring you home. Let’s go.”
With one arm wrapped around her, the other clutching your machete, you pushed passed the two hunters and walked the girl out to your car. You threw your machete behind your seat before you helped her into the passenger side of the car. You watched the boys get into the impala as you slid into your driver’s seat. You pulled away from the curb, the impala following behind you closely. You listened to Allison’s directions, getting her home quickly.
You walked into her home with her, making sure she was settled, and giving her your number in case anything happened again. You were just glad you didn’t have to give her the speech that ‘everything you were afraid of as a kid are actually real.’ She hadn’t seen anything involving the vampires and she didn’t realize that you were carrying a machete when you helped her out to your car. Damn she was really out of it.
As you walked out of her house, the boys were leaning against the side of your mustang. You raised your brow and crossed your arms over your chest as you stood in front of them, “Yes?”
Dean cleared his throat, got off your car and stood in front of you, “Who are you?”
You almost gasped when you saw his eyes, those emerald green eyes burned into you. You had heard other female hunters talk about them, but you didn’t think they were telling the truth at how beautiful his eyes were. “Y/F/N.”
“Y/F/N? That’s all you’re going to give me?” He scoffed and rubbed his mouth, “How come we’ve never heard of you?”
You just shrugged, “I don’t know.”
Sam got off your car and walked over to join you, his eyes softer, light green with small flecks of blue throughout them. These boys were going to be the death of you with eyes, and looks, like those. “I’m Sam an-“
You shot your hand up, cutting him off, “I know who you two are. The Winchesters.”
They both looked at you confused, causing a smile to spread across your face. “Wait, you know us?”
You looked at both boys, “Yeah. Who hasn’t? You two started the apocalypse and ended it. If a hunter doesn’t know you, then they literally live under a rock.”
Dean scoffed, “I guess so.” He turned towards his brother and then you, “You have some serious training to cut off a vamps head that quickly while they’re attacking you. Where did you learn to hunt?”
You sighed, “Listen Sam, Dean,” You glanced at both of them, “I’m really tired, I don’t feel like small talk right now.” You walked towards the driver’s side and opened the door.
Sam spoke, “Well, is there at least a way that we can get a hold of you later?”
“Ask Bobby,” you winked and got into your car, starting it, leaving the boys fading in your rear-view mirror with their mouths slightly agape. A smiled crept across your lips and you laughed as you drove back to Bobby’s, assuming the Winchester’s wouldn’t be far behind.
Sam x Reader: 
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arcanelaurels · 6 years
I just read your "kravitz and taako meet at a (college?) party and taako's super drunk" fic and loved it. Did you ever/could you ever write a follow up to that scene?
✨Like My Work? Buy Me a Coffee!✨
Part 1
Taako absentmindedly ran his hand through his hair that hung below him as he dangled upside down halfway off of his bed.
He shook out his hair and sat up, imagining that he probably looked quite glamorous as his hair fell forward to frame his face. He ruffled it a couple times for good measure (despite the fact that no one could see him), then tapped his phone against his chin a couple times. He unlocked it to look at his contacts page. For a few moments, his thumb hovered over the screen in hesitation.
“Ughhh!” He groaned and fell back so he was hanging upside down again. 
It had been three days since he’d gotten sloppily drunk at a party and thrown himself at that (extremely sexy) classmate of his. Three days since Magnus had thoroughly embarrassed him even more than he’d embarrassed himself. Three days since Kravitz had given him his number.
I hope you’ll text me sometime. When you’re sober, that is.
Taako was most definitely sober now. And tomorrow he had his class with Kravitz. It would be a bit awkward to see him in person again without texting him. 
But he just couldn’t fucking do it.
What was he supposed to say? Hey, it’s me. Cha’boy. You know, the guy who basically assaulted you while drunk? Sooo…you wanna go out sometime?
As if.
He groaned again - loudly - and sat back up. He’d spent the past three hours trying to figure out how to text Kravitz. Three hours. That’s more time than he spent on anything other than cooking, primping, or studying (though he wouldn’t admit that last one to anyone but his sister). Three hours of fruitless brainstorming. He absentmindedly ruffled his hair and flipped it a couple times as he glanced around his room, searching for ideas.
His eyes landed on where Kravitz’s jacket was hanging off the back of his chair. Taako grinned as an idea formed in his head.
Kravitz was beginning to regret giving Taako his number.
Three days and zero texts. Either Taako wasn’t as into him as it seemed, or he was too embarrassed about his behavior that night to contact him. But he didn’t really seem like the kind of guy to let embarrassment get in his way. 
He nervously fidgeted with his pencil, rapidly tapping it against his textbook. He’d been trying to study the entire weekend but was too distracted. Why did he give Taako his number? Why didn’t he ask for Taako’s number instead?
No, that wouldn’t have worked. He never would’ve gotten up the nerve to text him. But at least then he would’ve known that the lack of communication was his own fault. This was just agony. 
His thoughts were interrupted by his phone vibrating with a notification. He grabbed it - a bit too eagerly - and saw that he’d gotten a text from an unknown number. Oh gods. Kravitz took a breath before opening the text.
He spluttered a bit when he saw what Taako had sent him. It was a photo - nothing racy, but quite the glamour shot - of Taako wearing the jacket that Kravitz had loaned him. He was biting his lip and had one hand running through his hair in a suggestive pose. Underneath the picture, two more messages appeared.
Unknown Number: i think ill be keeping this bad boy for myselfUnknown Number: looks pretty good on me dontcha think?
Kravitz needed a few moments to process. How the hell was he supposed to respond to that? As he tried to gather his thoughts, he took the time to add Taako’s number to his contacts. After a few more moments, he came up with what he hoped was a sufficient reply. Gods, he hated flirting over text.
     Me: I think you’d look better out of it
It only took a couple moments for Taako to reply, but it was quite possibly the longest few moments of Kravitz’s existence.
Taako: ooo spicy boyTaako: at least buy me dinner first     Me: Is that all it takes?
Kravitz grimaced with immediate regret as he waited for a response.
Taako: listenTaako: you already saw me at that partyTaako: i think any semblance of integrity is already out the window my dude
Kravitz chuckled - nervously - and tapped his fingers on the table as he tried to gather up the courage to send another message.
Taako sat in his bed as he waited for Kravitz’s next text. He pulled his knees up to his chest, hugging the jacket tighter around himself . It was just because it was a really comfy jacket. And he wanted to make sure it smelled like him when he gave it back to Kravitz. It definitely had nothing to do with the crush he had on that guy.
Krav Boy: So do you want to go to dinner, then?
Taako chewed on his lip. He supposed it was his fault for making that dinner joke, but he didn’t know how to tell Kravitz that he didn’t really like any of the restaurants nearby. 
           Me:  ehhh dinners too basicKrav Boy: Do you have better ideas for a second date?           Me: SECOND date????Krav Boy: Yeah, the party was our first date           Me: you got a pretty fuckin wild idea of what constitutes a date my dudeKrav Boy: How so?Krav Boy: We danced, we had a nice conversation, and I dropped you off at your place           Me: i think you mean           Me: i threw myself at you           Me: i overshared about my dumb problems           Me: my “”””friend”””” exposed me           Me: and then you nagged me to drink waterKrav Boy: Forgive me. I won’t refer to it as a date, then
Taako sighed. Who the fuck texted so formally? He was going to have to work with him on that if they ever got past a second date.
Well, depending on what classified as a date.
           Me: you hear about that new place that opened up on campus?Krav Boy: You’ll have to be a bit more specific than thatKrav Boy: I don’t really keep up with campus activities
Taako rolled his eyes. Hopeless.
           Me: its one of those wine and pottery placesKrav Boy: Oh, I’ve never been to one of those. What’s it called?           Me: the chug n squeeze
There were a few moments of silence where there wasn’t even any indication that Kravitz was typing out a response. Taako was starting to wonder what was going on when his phone rang. 
“Hullo?” He asked, sitting up straight.
“The Chug N Squeeze?!” Kravitz’s voice came out in an undignified wheeze of laughter.
Taako couldn’t help but chuckle at the sound of his laugh. “Yeah, my dude.”
“I thought you were pulling my leg but I looked it up and it’s real.”
“Duh, I wouldn’t lie to you.” Taako twirled his hair around one finger. “Why’d you call me?”
“I, uh, I’m not a big fan of texting,” Kravitz said. “And I’m not too good at it.”
Yeah, no kidding. “Ah.”
“So would you like to go to the Chug N Squeeze with me this Friday?”
Ugh. Friday was so far away. But dates on weekdays were never fun. And besides, he’d get to see Kravitz in class before then. “Hell yeah, homie.”
There was a pause where Taako could practically feel Kravitz grin. “It’s a date.”
“Sounds good. Oh,” Taako hesitated, taking a millisecond to have an inner debate about what he wanted to say next. “Make sure to save me a seat tomorrow, kay? You always get to class way before me.”
“O-Oh. Yeah- Yes!” Kravitz stuttered. “I will.”
Couldn’t text or talk, it seemed. Taako smiled to himself. “Alright, see ya then.”
“See you.”
Taako hung up just as Lup burst into his room.
“Hey if I took a skeleton an- What the fuck are you wearing?!” She stopped dead in her tracks with an outright offended look on her face.
Taako felt his face grow hot as he grasped for a response. Kravitz’s jacket was very nice, but it was nowhere near Taako’s style.
“Uhhhh stole it from a guy,” He responded, trying his best to sound nonchalant about it.
She crossed her arms, very clearly not believing it. “And what possessed you to steal that jacket?”
Taako smacked his lips and opened his mouth to answer. “Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…” He trailed off, blinking repeatedly as he failed his Deception roll. “Don’t know.”
Her ears perked up as if she’d just realized something. “Did someone give it to you?” She asked, a devious grin on her face.
“Liar!” She took a running leap for his bed, landing forcefully enough to make Taako grab the mattress in an attempt to avoid being flung off his own bed. She pulled her legs under herself to sit cross-legged and clasped her hands together, resting her chin on them to give Taako her undivided attention. “Tell me his name!”
Taako wished with every inch of his soul that he could stop his cheeks from burning. “No. fuck you.”
“Taakooooooooo,” Her ears drooped and she pouted. “Pleeeeeeeaaaaasssse!”
“Get out of my room.”
“I’m not leaving till you tell meeeeeeee.”
Taako scowled at his sister, who stared right back with an indignant look. With each passing second, he could feel his willpower being worn down. Fuck.
“Fine! Gods, you win!” He threw his hands in the air and refused to meet Lup’s triumphant gaze. “Asshole. His name’s Kravitz.”
Lup frowned in thought and Taako grimaced as he waited for her to figure out where she’d heard that name before.
Her eyes suddenly widened in realization. “Is that the guy you said you would give-”
She leaned forward and excitedly drummed on Taako’s knees. “You got a date with that guy?! How? I thought he was, like, way out of your league!”
“Okay, first of all, rude,” Taako’s embarrassment was pushed to the side as he sat up to argue with his sister. “Second of all, I won him over with my charms.”
“So you made out with him while drunk?”
“No!” He said indignantly, crossing his arms.
Lup laughed. “Then what’d you do?”
“I…” Taako trailed off, knowing full well that he did not want to recount the events of that night to his sister. “I mean I did. Sorta. He wouldn’t let me.”
“Ooo, a gentleman?” She sat up straight and put on a posh accent. “This fellow sounds like quite the catch. How does he plan to court you, my dear brother?”
“Gods, you’re so fucking annoying.”
“I love you too!”
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theoddcatlady · 7 years
Strength Potion
Tumblr media
Edward The Great: Hey man you awake?
Weird Cedric: dude it’s three am
Weird Cedric: of course I’m awake what’s up
Edward The Great: Tryouts for the wrestling team are in three weeks. I don’t think I’ll be able to take the heat. I know I won’t make it.
Weird Cedric: Hey hey hey don’t give up now you GOTTA make it
Edward The Great: I’m a stick. Let’s be honest. Even if I worked out every day there’s no way I could match up to those meatheads.
Weird Cedric: steroids?
Edward The Great: Are you… you’re absolutely serious. Dude. No. Illegal. Expensive. And it shrinks your dick.
Weird Cedric: oh yeah
Weird Cedric: I’ll keep my eyes peeled and tell you if I come up with something
Weird Cedric: don’t give up man you got this
Edward The Great: Thanks for the false confidence. It’s shockingly working.
_ _ _
Bunny: <3 <3 <3 hi Eddie!
Edward The Great: Oh! Hi Alyssa.
Bunny: So Cedric slipped to me that you wanna join the wrestling team?
Edward The Great: I’m going to murder your brother, I swear to god. But yeah. What do you think?
Bunny: The fact you’re trying at all I think is super cool! :D I wish you luck!
Edward The Great: Really? Thanks… but if I’m gonna be honest, I don’t think they’ll let me in. I’m trying really hard but I don’t think I’m strong enough.
Bunny: … Well…
Edward The Great: Yeah?
Bunny: So um. You know how I love to search the weird parts of the internet? There’s this guy. Name’s Gus.
Edward The Great: I already told Cedric there’s no way in hell I’m not taking steroids.
Bunny: Good for you! I hear they shrink your testicles… but this isn’t steroids. This guy’s a total genius. Natural cure. And if I’m looking correctly, he just put up a new thing about a ‘strength potion’ he’s concocted.
Edward The Great: No shit.
Edward The Great: How much is it? If it even helps me bulk up a little I’ll go for it.
Bunny: Thirty five dollars for a week’s dose. Gus recommends two weeks for the best effect. If you go for it, I’ll pitch in!
Edward The Great: I’m in, why not. If I turn up dead, you know who and what to blame.
Edward The Great: … Bunny?
Edward The Great: Bunny, are you still here?
Bunny: … My dad just got home. He’s mad. I can hear him shouting at Cedric.
Bunny: Oh god I think I forgot to take care of the dishes
Bunny: I have to go
Edward The Great: Stay safe.
_ _ _
Edward The Great: Cedric? Are you two okay?
Weird Cedric: I’m good
Edward The Great: Cedric…
Weird Cedric: … Can’t go to school tomorrow. I got a black eye and it hurts to breathe
Weird Cedric: nothing’s broken though
Weird Cedric: take notes for me
Edward The Great: Shit.
Edward The Great: … And Bunny?
Weird Cedric: she made me promise not to tell
Edward The Great: I’m going to kill him.
Weird Cedric: no man my dad’s a fucktard but he’s also huge and a COP with a GUN
Weird Cedric: you don’t stand a chance
Edward The Great: Your sister told me about this ‘Strength Potion’ thing. Wanna give it a shot?
Weird Cedric: after tonight hell yeah
Weird Cedric: maybe if I can overpower him just once he’ll finally leave us alone
_ _ _
Edward The Great: Okay I’m adding your sister to this chat.
Bunny: Hi bro :D :D <3 <3 <3
Weird Cedric: hey baby sis
Weird Cedric: what’s up man
Edward The Great: Did you get the stuff?
Weird Cedric: yup it comes in a powder you mix with milk
Weird Cedric: looks like nesquik smells like shit
Edward The Great: Smells all burnt to me. Turns the milk a weird color too. It’s turned like mossy green.
Bunny: Bottoms up, boys! :D I can’t wait to see the results!
Edward The Great: Oh fuck me.
Weird Cedric: dude my sister’s in here
Weird Cedric: same though my eyes are watering and I’m trying not to barf
Bunny: Oh no D: I’ll bring you some orange juice Cedric!
Edward The Great: Tastes like ashes. Or the time my mom made me drink charcoal infused water because I had a stomach bug. Coats my throat like it too. UGH.
Edward The Great: Orange juice does the trick though. If I don’t see results like ASAP I’m giving up.
Weird Cedric: agreed. This shit nasty
Bunny: Oh shit that’s dad’s car in the drive! Cedric, did you take out the garbage?
Weird Cedric: oh god I didn’t. I’ll do it fast maybe he won’t notice. Night Ed.
_ _ _
Edward The Great: My stomach hurts but these results are. LEGIT.
Weird Cedric: I know
Weird Cedric: it’s been five days and I’m already trimming down
Edward The Great: I know! Same workout schedule and my abs are on the way to rock. Hard.
Edward The Great: Look out, Coach Mayer. You’re gonna have a new star on the team.
Weird Cedric: you’re working out? Shit I should start doing that
Edward The Great: Oh hardy fucking har.
Edward The Great: So um. Alyssa.
Weird Cedric: what about her
Edward The Great: Has she… talked about me lately?
Weird Cedric: I get it you want to bone my sister
Weird Cedric: its cool though
Edward The Great: Oh thank god I thought you’d kill me.
Weird Cedric: she’s into you and you’re like the least shitty person I know.
Weird Cedric: you break her heart though and I’ll break your spine
Weird Cedric: with my new bod
Edward The Great: I get it I get it
Edward The Great: I love her man. I’d rather stab myself than hurt her.
_ _ _
Bunny: So? Don’t keep me waiting! :D Did you make it? Did you?
Edward The Great: Well…
Edward The Great: Yes. :D
Bunny: Oh my god! Oh my god! I’m gonna be dating a guy on the wrestling team!
Edward The Great: Where’d you get that idea?
Bunny: … Cedric.
Edward The Great: He’s dead to me.
Edward The Great: But you really want to date me?
Bunny: Duh! J You goof. You’re super sweet, and you’re my brother’s best friend! If my brother thinks you’re good people, you’re good people.
Bunny: BTW have you experienced any side effects? From the Strength Potion?
Edward The Great: Well, now that you mention it… other than the abs, I’ve gotten a bit of a cough. I feel like I’m choking on dust. It’s probably just a cold though. A few of the other dudes on the team have the same thing.
Bunny: It probably is then. I’m just a worry wart.
Bunny: Soooo, see you Wednesday for dinner and a movie?
Edward The Great: I can see who wears the pants in this relationship, and I like it. Absolutely.
_ _ _
Weird Cedric: ok mayday mayday Houston we got problems
Weird Cedric: I swear to god if you don’t wake up right now I’m telling my sister that the Strength Potion shrunk your penis too
Edward The Great: What the fuck?! Your penis is shrinking?
Weird Cedric: well not yet
Weird Cedric: but shit just got weird
Weird Cedric: I woke up because I was coughing and I’m not shitting you I started coughing up mud
Edward The Great: The fuck???
Weird Cedric: I turned on the light and everything
Weird Cedric: It’s not blood. It’s flat out dirt.
Weird Cedric: dirt that smells like the shitty strength potion dirt
Edward The Great: Okay okay okay. First off, try to convince your dad to let you go to the doctor tomorrow.
Weird Cedric: fat fucking chance
Edward The Great: I said TRY. And next, let’s both cut off the strength potion. If you’re coughing up dirt, odds are I will be too. It’s probably something that’s built up in our respiratory system because we’ve been taking so much.
Weird Cedric: dude I only did the trial period
Weird Cedric: the three days
Weird Cedric: I’ve been out for weeks
Edward The Great: … Fuck.
_ _ _
Edward The Great: How’s Cedric?
Bunny: Bedrest. The doctor says that it’s a kind of fungus that’s grown in his lungs, but my dad refuses to let him stay in hospital. Says it’s too pricey and we can’t afford it. Can’t afford it, my ass, we’d be able to if he didn’t drink away his fucking paycheck!
Bunny: I’m sorry Edward… how are you doing?
Edward The Great: Not great if I’m honest. Literally every time I cough a puff of dust comes out. My mom thinks I’ve taken up a pottery class because I reek of clay. Has Cedric’s skin gotten, well… for the lack of better term, is it like some sort of shell?
Bunny: … Holy shit. You too?
Edward The Great: Yeah. And I’m taller. I’m buying new clothes and praying Mom doesn’t notice. My skin’s like cracked mud. It’s getting tougher by the day and it’s getting harder to move my face. I’m basically perma bitch face right now.
Edward The Great: I think I’m… turning into something. I’m so scared.
Edward The Great: Will you still like me even if I’m a monster?
Bunny: Of course! I like you Edward! Not what you look like or your muscles!
Bunny: You’ve always been perfect, Edward. And I
Bunny: my dad’s home oh my god oh my god and he’s kicking up a fit oh my god
Bunny: I lov
_ _ _
Edward The Great: Where the FUCK are you Cedric?!
Edward The Great: I went to your house and your dad’s dead. I heard some of the cops say his body was completely crushed like he was ran over by a car. What happened? Is Alyssa okay? Are YOU okay?
Weird Cedric: This is Alyssa. His fingers are too thick to push the buttons now.
Weird Cedric: How are you hitting them?
Edward The Great: Voice commands. My fingers are weird too. More accurate they’re the size of sausages and the joints are stiff. What happened to us?
Weird Cedric: I’m so sorry. This is my fault. I keep trying to email Gus and he’s not responding. I think you’ve been set up.
Edward The Great: This is not your fault, okay? This is that little prick’s fault. Where are you guys going?
Weird Cedric: We stole dad’s car. Cedric told me of a place to go. He said it’s the one with all those weird stories about goat men? He said you’d understand.
Weird Cedric: I love you. So much.
Edward The Great: Tell him I understand. Thank you. I’ll catch up. One thing about having a body made of stone and mud is that you don’t get tired. I’m gonna find the other guys though… If this is a fungus, I’ve spent the last three weeks coughing it into their faces and they’ve breathed it in. I’m gonna go offline and I’ll see you again.
Edward The Great: I love you too Alyssa. Just as much. Take care of Cedric. And if Gus contacts you, tell me where to find that little piece of shit so he can turn me back.
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