#balkov ballet au
beybladegods · 3 years
Kai is a member of the Balkov Ballet Academy, a private branch of the Bolshoi Ballet. He's been dancing ballet since he was 5 years old, together with fellow dancers Yuriy and Bryan (Sergei and Ian were harshly expelled from the academy as they grew up, when it became clear their body types weren't going to suit the uniform perfection that Boris Balkov wants).
Kai is incredibly talented but has lost the spark due to the heavy expectations and pressure Boris puts on him, and feels that lately he's just going through the motions.
Then he meets Tyson, a free-spirited member of a street dance troupe who is travelling the world with his team to pick up new techniques. Tyson isn't as technically gifted as Kai but loves to dance and has an intense passion that Kai finds himself envious of.
Despite insulting each other on their first meeting, they eventually make a deal; Kai will teach Tyson the fundamentals of ballet if Tyson will teach him some moves from his travels.
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maxmiz · 7 years
I want to hear more about your Harry Potter/ beyblade headcannons tell me all 😘😍😍😍😍 (if you want to of course!!)
GLAD YOU ASKED *-*[Warning: Long Post Ahead. Ignore errors if any. I typed it out in a rush]
Of course, I would love to talk more about Harry Potter/Beyblade headcanons. Also, anon, since you do seem so interested in them, I suggest you check out @lucy-mac​‘s art and AU on her set of HP/Beyblade headcanons which you can find here. She really put some thought into it, so please do give it a read page. Anyway, coming to my own headcanons (I’ll use dub names)….
Beyblade/HP AU Headcanon #1
I want to first elaborate a little on the Blitzkrieg Boys. First of all, I want to talk about the Abbey. I have a headcanon that the Blitzkrieg Boys, in this alternate Potterverse, are all from pure blood families, with the exception of Kai. Kai’s father was a Muggle that his mother ensnared with a love potion (much like Merope Gaunt did to Tom Riddle Sr.). The other boys were offered by their parents to serve the Dark Lord, i.e. Voltaire, and Kai being his grandson, had no option but to serve him and do his bidding, especially since Kai’s father had abandoned him and Kai’s mother was killed off by a killing curse by Voltaire for being ‘weak’ (like Merope, her magical abilities were questionable) and for mingling with a Muggle.
So these children of Death Eaters (i.e., our boys and Kai) each were sent to this institution, where their memories were obliviated by the Death Eaters and they were conditioned to learn only one thing - they were trained to purge the world of Muggles and Muggle Born witches and wizards and the Dark Mark was seared into their skins. This institution, much like the abbey, was to raise an army for the Dark Lord. And it was led by the most loyal Death Eater, Boris Balkov. Notice the similarities between how the people in the abbey dress and the Death Eaters:
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(Source: Pottermore)
Coming back to our Blitz boys,
So I headcanon that Tala’s mother was a Muggle born witch who was also a ballerina. She often danced ballet (while her husband was away) in front of Tala, as she loved to remember her Muggle roots. However, after she discovered that her husband had joined the Death Eaters and after suffering abuse from him, she left Tala. Tala, of course, after escaping from the institution, only remembered his mother - that memory of her dancing was the only thing that helped him maintain his sanity in that institution and it manifested itself in the form of his wolf-woman patronus, Wolborg. This is similar to my Tala/Wolborg headcanon over here.
The other boys find it difficult to produce a Patronus because of their unfortunate memories, but being together when they subsequently fled to Durmstrang, helped them finally find some happiness. When Kai escaped, though, he went to Hogwarts.
Beyblade/HP AU Headcanon #2
This one is my invention. Let me introduce you to the concept of a Reverse Patronus. Now, as you know, a patronus is cast based on a powerful, happy memory. Kai’s only happy memory from his childhood would be that of his loving mother before she was killed off. So his patronus would ideally be a Phoenix, ie, Dranzer. However, the abbey strips Kai of all his pleasant memories.
Kai is trained in the abbey very strictly in the Dark Arts. He is taught many things, including and especially the art of casting a Reverse Patronus. Casting a reverse patronus is strictly forbidden by the Ministry of Magic, mainly because it feeds on the darkness and negativity inside a person. Naturally, once Kai starts casting it, his Reverse Patronus takes the form of a Black Phoenix, ie, Black Dranzer.
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Casting a reverse patronus can drive anyone crazy, since it feeds off the darkness inside people. I headcanon that during a particularly difficult Triwizard Tournament task, Kai faces multiple dementors which try to suck the soul out of him. Kai, however, doesn’t want his teammates to help him, because he is full of himself. He tells them to back off. He knows that he is more powerful with a Reverse Patronus than a regular patronus (since he has no happy memories) and casts it. However, it actually affects him more because he has tried to run away from it since childhood. It is then that his friends step in. While Kai feels himself drowning into darkness, his friends step up and draw their wands, determined to bring him back from the brink even if they get overwhelmed. Kai is moved and his dark patronus turns into a regular patronus. He finds that his teammates are there for him and the red phoenix, Dranzer, becomes his patronus :)
Beyblade/HP AU Headcanon #3
The Mirror of Erised headcanon. I think, despite his perpetual state of self-denial, Kai sees himself with his teammates Tyson, Max, Ray, Daichi, Kenny and Hilary in the Mirror of Erised. Judy sees herself reunited with her son. Tala sees himself with his mother. Brooklyn sees himself on a swing with friends around him, as a child.
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Beyblade/HP AU Headcanon #4
Max is also the heir of Slytherin. Yes, you heard that right. I headcanon that he is Kai’s cousin, but neither of them is aware of the same since Judy did not raise Max (but merely visited him sometimes while he lived with his Muggle Born dad).
As I mentioned before, Max’s bit beast Draciel, in the Japanese version is Genbu. And Genbu is represented by a tortoise/serpent.
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I headcanon that Max has always known that because of the necklace that his mother gave him as a symbol of his heritage - Slytherin’s locket which bears the mark of Draciel. (Matching this with canon a little).
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However, with Max wanting to distance himself as much as he can from his lineage, he prayed to the Sorting Hat to place him in Ravenclaw where he could be with the smart ones in his class, rather than in Slytherin where people might discover who he is.
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However, during the Triwizard Tournament he comes face to face once again with his mother, Judy, the Minister for Magic who conveniently keeps ignoring him until he emerges as a victor and proves to her that he is as good a wizard in Ravenclaw as he could have been in Slytherin.
Beyblade/HP AU Headcanon #5
Brooklyn is our fandom’s Credence as his loneliness and genius is taken advantage of and he is pushed over the edge, until he finally is calmed down. As I stated earlier, Mr. Dickenson is the fandom’s Dumbledore and Dr. Zaggart is Grindelwald in a way.
Hilary is Hermione for sure.
Jazzman is a bit of a Rita Skeeter.
Also, Wyatt is like Colin Creevey with his super fanboy-ism for Kai, the best seeker that Slytherin house has ever seen!
Beyblade/HP AU Headcanon #6
I should just write a fic called the Gift of the Animagi xD Bad literature pun? Never mind. So I headcanon that Ray and his tribe, ie, Mariah, Lee, Kevin and Gary are all animagi. Ray being the strongest sorcerer of the lot was allowed to turn into the prestigious white tiger - the symbol of their tribe. However, he chose not to train with them in their traditional, but instead went to Hogwarts to learn magic. As a result, they felt betrayed.
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Beyblade/HP AU Headcanon #7
This headcanon pertains to the tasks for that each Bladebreaker faces in the Triwizard Tournament.
Keep in mind that Judy designed these tasks, so they are ruthless af. Also, Hiro is like Ludo Bagman, here. He sucks up to Judy (Percy-style) and tests his brother and his friends.
Tyson does the ‘catching the egg from the dragon’ task, because dragons are his thing and because he is a brilliant seeker (because he commands the wind in canon, catch my drift?)
Max saves his friend underwater in the lake fighting merpeople, because he’s our water baby. He faces off against Mystel and Mariam in this task.
Hilary is given a time turner and is asked to go back in time and save Tyson’s life in a specific situation faster than the other competitors.
Ray is challenged to enter into the forbidden forest and fight off the magical creatures inside and emerge out the other end. BUT WITHOUT A WAND. So Ray exploits the loophole and transforms into an animagus. He faces off against Mariah here.
Kai’s task is given above.
Daichi faces a lot of insecurity and a bit of an inferiority complex in canon as we know. So in his task, he faces an army of boggarts that turn into his dad, his teammates, his house-mates and, HIM, and tell him that he is a failure and will never be as good. According to the rules, he can use any spell except for ‘Riddikulus’. Daichi eventually conquers his fear, believes in himself and wins.
Kenny doesn’t compete. But he provides them with a lot of help
In the final task they collectively enter the maze.
Well, this is all for now xD I have a lot of headcanons overall, but I hope that this’ll suffice. Because I’ll never stop writing.
P.S. Don’t use my headcanons in your fanfiction as they’d coincide with a fanfiction I wrote. Thanks!
[Tagging my peeps who usually read my headcanons, in case you guys want to read it and chime in @lucy-mac (you already know these), @zadien, @falbcrg, @midnightstarr8, @beybladedigimonanime, @indigojupiterstuff, @vattallini, @bey-hunter, @wr3h, @obsessivefictiontrash, @littleshechan, @martyoshka @fyrua]
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