#ban hardy fanfiction
cvntribbons · 3 months
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˚。⋆୨୧˚ introduction
hi! I figured I might as well create an introduction seeing as my last account got banned (x3 !!)
Name: you can refer to me as dee. D for short. Miss rose if you’re nasty.
Age: 18, please if you are a minor do not interact with me in any sexual or risqué manner.
Interests: film, tv, reality tv, literature, debate, music, traveling.
favourites: films; secretary (2002), eyes wide shut (1999), possession (1981). / Tv shows; rhony, rhobh, vanderpump rules, game of thrones, gossip girl, sex and the city. / artists: Lana Del Rey, Nancy Sinatra, Françoise hardy.
fun facts: I used to be a semi-prominent fanfiction writer here on tumblr. My favourite past-time is to mess with people on the internet. I enjoy Marlboro lights.
~ dms always open, asks always open.
(DO NOT ask me for personal information, photographs of myself, or any identifying details. This account is anonymous and that of a persona.)
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bensboynton · 5 years
be there b.h
anon asked: hey may I please have an imagine where you are away on a work trip for like a couple of months and Ben has to look after his teenage daughter and she gets her period and he freaks out before taking care of her and figuring life out? maybe he can ring Gwilym because you’re not picking up your phone? sorry if that’s weird
I got so inspired reading this prompt omfg… i think this turned out pretty good lemme know what you think! I also decided to write this in a different tense than i normally do.
y/n isn’t really involved in this, but she’s mentioned a bit :)
wc: 1.8k
warnings: swearing, unedited, mentions of periods and everything that goes along with it, fluffy ben w daughter
“Remember, soccer practice 5-6:30 on Tuesday and Thursday, and she’s having Madison over for a sleepover on Friday, so you need to get them pizza and ice cream if they ask. Check on them once every few hours but not too much-”
“Honey, I got it under control. I promise.” Ben chuckled at his wife’s excessive worrying. It really can’t be that hard taking care of a teenage girl alone for a week, can it? “You’ll be late for your flight.” Ben continued. She let her eyes graze over the expanse of her home before leaning in and kissing her husband on the lips.
“I’ll see you in a week. Good luck.” She said, wheeling her suitcase behind her. Ben laughed, but deep down was slightly nervous. He hasn’t been the sole caretaker of Allison for longer than five days, and that was when she was four.
She was a lot nicer when she was four.
Now she’s 13, and she spends a lot of time in her room and always asks to go to her friend's house. Not that Ben would complain, though. He was convinced he was the favorite parent (even though Allison never told him that).
Tonight, you were planning on taking her to the mom and pop diner, Delilah's Diner, that was around the block from their house, which happened to be Ally’s favorite place to eat.
“Al, we’re going to head over to Delilah’s in ten minutes is that good?” Ben bellowed through the house, hoping she could hear him. There wasn’t a response.
“Allison? Did you hear? We’re leaving in ten.” Ben tried again, but all that followed his words was silence. She must have her damn headphones in. Ben was starting to go up the stairs when Allison bounded down them, her blonde locks flying behind her.
“Do you think we could just go now?” She said breathlessly when she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Yeah, I guess so. Are you hungry?” Ally nodded feverishly before hooking her arm with her dad’s and walking them out to the car. Ben’s heart melted at her gesture.
Ben and Ally had an oddly amazing conversation at dinner. They had sat and talked for two hours about anything and everything that came to mind. They had milkshakes and ate way more food then they should have.
After they were finished, the pair walked home, laughing and reminiscing on when Ally was little, or when Ben and Y/N first started dating. She was especially intrigued when Ben told her how her mom had dumped Ben for a solid two weeks before they got back together.
Ally went into her room when they got home and changed into comfier clothes, and met Ben back in the living room. The two of them sat on the couch and watched an entire season of Riverdale. Ben hadn’t seen the first season and was incredibly out of the loop and asked Ally about a thousand questions.
“Wait, so are they dating?” He had asked as he took a sip from his glass of water.
“No! Dad, we’ve been over this. They broke up three episodes ago.” Ally had spoke between giggles.
“Ah, that’s right, my bad.” Ben had responded back.
Ben felt his eyes start to droop and a yawn squeeze it’s way through his lip before he looked at the clock and realized the time. “Holy shit, it’s 3 am!” Ben exclaimed, practically jumping up and scaring the shit out of Ally.
“Oh god… so much for me passing my math test tomororw.” Ally muttered, beginning to scurry off to her room. Ben bit his lip in thought.
“If you want… I could keep you home from school? Take you to your ‘doctor’s appointment?” Ben asked, raising his eyebrows playfully at his daughter in the dark.
“I don’t have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow,” she responded, not seeming to understand where Ben was going with this.
“Yes, darling I know that. But I could keep you home from school and tell a little white lie? If you want.”
“You just asked if I want to stay home from school for no reason? Is that even a question? Yes. Please,” Ally responded, letting out a slight laugh as she ran up to her dad, “thank you, Dad. I love you,” she murmured into his chest.
“I won’t tell Mom if you promise you won’t,” Ben stated, pulling away from Ally slightly.
“Wouldn’t dream of snitching on you.”
“Glad to hear that.”
Ally bounded away from Ben back to her room, and the father’s cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so hard. Maybe he is the favorite parent.
“Ally, you almost ready?”  Ben yelled impatiently as he waited for her in the kitchen. His leg was bouncing slightly from anxiety. He was worried Y/N would somehow find out about their shenanigans. There was no answer from his teenage daughter.
“Al?” Ben yelled again. And just like last time, no response. He yelled her name a few more times and there wasn’t an answer. Ben assumed yet again that Ally had her headphones in. He trudged up the stairs, walking into her room to find her bed made and completely empty. He was confused.
“Ally?” Ben said again, before walking out of her room and noticing the light on in the bathroom. He knocked on the door lightly, “you almost ready to go?” he asked. He heard a few sniffles and a soft “yeah.”
His heart dropped at the sound of her voice. She sounded like she had been crying. “Are you okay, love?” Ben spoke through the door, his voice soft and tender. There was a pause before he heard some shuffling from in the bathroom. She opened the door, revealing her slumped shoulders and puffy eyes.
Ben didn’t miss a beat before wrapping her in a tight hug, hoping to comfort her. He searched her eyes for a moment, waiting for her to say something.
“Dad… I-I think I…” she started to say before looking down at her feet in her embarrassment. Ben gently lifted her chin up to look at him again, silently urging her to keep talking.
“I think I just got my period.”
Oh fuck.
This week had been so simple and enjoyable for Ben. He was about to take his daughter out for breakfast and relax all day, probably have some more ice cream. And now he had to figure out how to deal with this.
“Oh. Well… okay. Give me a second, love. Just sit down for a second.”
Ally nodded and sat down on the closed toilet, staring ahead at the wall. Ben walked quickly into the living room, dialing Y/N’s phone number into his phone as fast as he could.
He put it to his ear, expecting to hear his wife’s sing-songy voice in a few moments. But it went to voicemail. Ben repeated the process multiple times, but there was no response. He mumbled a few curses under his breath before closing his eyes to think about what to do.
He had two daughters, and one of them was well into their teens. He would know. Ben dialed his number, crossing his fingers slightly to increase the chances of Gwil picking up. And he did.
Relief coursed through the body of the blonde at the sound of the lanky man’s voice. He explained what was going on to Gwil, which caused Gwil to let out a chuckle.
“I was the same way when that happened with Kelsie. Her mom was at the store, and I kinda had to figure it out. Leave the ‘talk’ to Y/N; just get her whatever she wants. And make sure she’s not in pain. Let her talk, but let her hide in her room if she wants. Just be there for her.”
Ben was eternally grateful for Gwil’s advice, and made a mental note to send him a thank-you text later on as he walked back to the bathroom.
“Ally? I think your mom has some stuff you could use in her bathroom.” Ben’s voice was quiet and calm, and he led Ally to the bathroom he shared with her mom.
He opened up the cabinet under their sink and grabbed a few pads and tampons, quickly explaining what they were to his daughter.
“This is a pad, which goes in your underwear and just catches all the blood. And this,” Ben paused, holding it in front of him, “is a tampo, and it-”
“Yeah, I know what a tampon is, dad.”
“O-Oh okay.”
The two of them sat in silence for a while, on the floor in Ben’s bathroom. “I’m scared, dad,” Ally whispered softly into the silence of the bathroom. Ben whipped his head up to look at her, tears welling up in her eyes. He immediately pulled her into a tight hug, comfortingly rubbing her back.
“Love, it’s really not a big deal! I promise-” Ben began to speak before Ally interrupted.
“It’s not this. I knew it was going to happen I just… it just hit me that I’m not a little kid anymore. And I'm eventually going to college and I’ll live alone and get married and have kids and I’m scared.”
Ben felt his heart shatter in his chest at the sound of his daughter so heartbroken. He pulled away slightly and grabbed her shoulders, looking her directly in the eyes.
“Al, baby. That stuff is in the future. You’ve got a long time to prepare for that. And you’re going to be ready, I know it. Just take things one day at a time. Get through 8th grade before you start worrying about getting married, okay?” he paused and flashed a comforting smile at Ally.
“And your mom and I are going to be there with you, every step of the way. We got your back. We will always be there for you. When you graduate from high school, we’ll be there. When you get married, we’ll be there, god forbid you have kids, we’ll be there! Always. I promise. You’re going to be okay. If I can get through adult life and somehow manage to find someone as amazing as your mom to marry, you’ll do just fine.”
Ally was crying again, trying to wipe the tears out of her eyes before they slid down her cheeks. She gave a half smile at Ben during his little speech.
“I’ll go pick up some breakfast and we’ll finish watching Riverdale, yeah?” Ben spoke, waiting for Ally to approve or deny his little plan. She nodded, and Ben helped her out to the couch. He kissed her lightly on the head before walking out, texting Y/N and filling her in on the situation.
And, even though he hated Riverdale, Ben would watch it over and over again to make his little girl smile. He was scared shitless for Ally’s future and his own, but deep down he knew that as long as he had his two favorite girls in the world by his side, everything would turn out okay.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Caring for Zero; Four/Billy x reader
*Author’s note*
Wow so many updates for you guys (even though the last two have been done for years) but still. Now ever since watching 6 underground like all of you out there I have been DYING to make a Four/Billy fanfic and so this was born. Now I apologize for the laziness in the main mission idk how to write an action sequence Michael Bay style (even though it’s all action and explosions and that’s it). So I hope you all can forgive me for it.
Warnings: MAJOR swearing, like rated R swearing, ANGST, some fluff, paralysis (you’ll find out I won’t spoil it for you), explosions, cultural references.
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“But the entire perimeter is patrolled not only by guards but by air fleets.” Said Three as the entire 6 Underground was looking over the map of their next missions, well mission and a half, maybe a quarter.
“Wait an air fleet? Why the fuck would someone have an air fleet patrol?” Four snapped.
“Because the guy’s an arrogant, cheap asshole that has cause too much military abuse of power. But no worries guys we’ve got an Ace up our sleeve.” One stated proudly.
“And just who is that exactly?” asked Seven.
“To answer that question with a question of my own, how do some of you deal with the cold?”
“Wait you don’t mean….” Started Five.
“Oh I mean.” One grinned.
“You know she won’t do it.” Two stated coldly.
“I agree with Two on this One, she said she never wanted a part of this again.” Four said defensively.
“Coming from the guy that slept with her.” One snapped at him like the smartass billionaire he was.
“Okay wait, wait just who are you all talking about?” asked Seven.
“No more questions, we’re going to see her now. Pack the gas jugs and let’s go.”
With that the group were forced to packed up their stuff from their haunted house in California and headed up North to the Yukon Alaskan provenience.  When all they saw was nothing but forests, Seven just had to ask Four.
“So who exactly are we going to see? And did One really mean what he said about you slept with her?”
“Look you’ll find out soon but I guarantee she’s not gonna help us.” Four spoke with a hint of pain and heartbreak in his voice.  Eventually after another hour of driving through the endless forest, they soon came up to a cabin that stood all alone in the middle of the woods.
From the chimney smoke came up which indicated that someone was home.
“And here we are.” One stated as he got out of the jeep in front.  Suddenly jumping out from the woods was a pack of wolves.  All ranging from light tan color to pure black.
“Oh shit!” Three cried out.
“In the cars now!” screamed Two.  But before they could make a run for it, two charcoal wolves came in front of the team snarling and snapping their fangs almost telling them ‘Just try and get past us!’
Soon the pack of almost over 10 wolves surrounded the team and just circled them.  All the team members withdrew their guns but it did nothing to stir the wolves out of fear.  The pack continued to circle the group and that’s when Five said.
“Still think this is a good idea One?”
“Well I could be wrong.”
It was then one of the wolves, particularly the large white one came right up to Four.  To say that Billy wasn’t scared shitless right now, he’d be lying.  He’s done many dangerous things in his life being the ‘Skywalker’ of the group, but staring down a possibly rabid, giant wolf was something he NEVER in a million years thought he’d be doing.
The white wolf looked at Billy and sniffed him a couple of times before ceasing his snarling and walked closer to him and sniffed his leg even closer.  It was like—the wolf detected something familiar on him. It was a faint scent but it still lingered there on his pant leg.
Then something caught the wolves attention as every single one of them ceased snarling and their ears erected as they turned towards the house.  The white wolf looked back towards Billy and Billy looked down at the haunting golden eyes of the black wolf before it took off running. Followed by the rest of the pack who barked and howled away as they disappeared back into the forest.
“Okay what just……” started Seven and that’s when a voice came out from the speakers of the cabin.
“You’re lucky I let them spare you, otherwise I’d let them rip you all apart.” With that the team slowly approached the cabin and when One was the first to look inside, he saw just a few feet away a young woman with (h/l) (h/c) doing pullups on a set of monkey bars.
“Sarah Connor, from Terminator 2.” One proclaimed.  The woman then flipped herself around and just hung onto the bars and sneered.
“Fuck you’re old!” At that One just let out a fake gasped-out laugh as he mocked her.
“Fake laugh, hiding real pain.”
*My POV*
I can’t believe this guys would come back, and what’s with the new guy? Where was six? I swear if this is the new six I’ll call my children back and have him ripped to pieces.
“Whose this guy?” I asked gesturing to the gunman still holding the AK-47 in his hands.
“This is Seven.” One simply stated.
“It’s Blaine actually.” Seven or should I say Blaine answered.
“Okay I’m still not gonna get used to that. Yeah a lot’s happened since you left.” One told me.
“So what? You’re now all chummy with each other? Going to café’s together to sit on a couch like you’re a group of Friends?”
“Yep that’s our Queen of the North, heart like Ice. This past two years have not done you well socially.” Said Three.
“Like you’re one to talk Three. Our last mission in Budapest you nearly killed our target just because he wouldn’t cooperate with the kidnapping.”
“Oh and he did it again with our real mission.” Said Two.
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” I muttered.
“Look we came to ask for your help. Can you come with us?”
“Why would you need me One? I told you I can’t help you. Not in that way anymore.”
“You can’t or you won’t?” asked Blaine.  At that point I knew I had to show him.  Might as well get it over with.  I released my right hand and touched my watch with my nose and soon my automatic wheel chair came rolling under me.  I released my grip and landed right on my wheelchair and just stared at Blain like I was expecting the sympathetic eyes.
And there they were. His eyes widened and his jaw unclenched and dropped even though his mouth remained closed.
“Yeah, you can take a picture it’ll fuckin last longer you know.” I then took the motor handle and moved my chair towards One.  “And as I told you before, I won’t help you. I know the only reason you would come up here in person, with the whole team for that matter, is because you physically need me.”
“C’mon Zero we need our Ace back. For the new mission. It’s right up your alley and you know military corruption like no one else.”
“True but that still won’t make me help you.”
“(Y/n),” I heard Billy’s voice say.  I looked up at him and he looked at me with those kicked puppy dog eyes of his. “We need you.”
“You don’t need me. None of you do. Now please leave my cabin. I’ll give you the weapons you’ll need by tomorrow.” I wheeled out of my cabin and headed out to the backyard.
I looked out into the lake that stood by my backyard and that’s when I heard his voice say.
“I already told you Billy nothing you say will make me change my mind!”
“I already knew that.” I turned and looked at him and said.
“You do?” he nodded. “Then why are you here?”
“I just—wanted to see you. It’s been…..awhile.”
“Yeah, a long time since we—we’ve seen each other.” God the awkwardness you could just cut the tension with a knife.  Why did I have to fall in love with the cute green eyed thief? Why?! WHY!?
“Can’t we talk about….what happened between us?”
“Billy we talked about this.”
“No you just decided that we should end it! Why couldn’t you give me a chance to speak about how I felt!?”
“BECAUSE I DIDN’T WANT YOUR FUCKING SYMPATHY BILLY!!! Every day all I kept seeing was the look of sympathy in your eyes after that day. I knew you’d try to make me stay out of sympathy, not just for what you wanted. One knew I was practically useless except for building weapons. He wants all of us on the field or none at all. Cause if you aren’t, then you’re nothing but collateral damage.”
“He’s actually started to loosen up on the rules.”
“Oh really? The day I see that is the day I can walk again, and without the help of machines.”
“(Y/n), please.” He then kneeled down beside me and gently cupped my face in his hand.  I tried to fight back his touch but I couldn’t help but swoon at finally feeling that calloused touch that I’ve missed so much. “I’m sorry okay. I never wanted you to think I was acting out of sympathy, I was—you don’t know how hard it was for me to see you in that pain. I’d give anything for it to have been me in that crash instead of you. I thought I lost you that day, but in the end I did end up losing you. I’d give anything to go back in time to that day and stop you from getting in that plane.”
As he spoke, he pressed his forehead to mine (a common form of affection the two of us did to each other) his nose gently brushing against mine.  I then felt the familiar, intoxicating taste of his lips on mine. It was a brief kiss but it still held so much love, passion and regret behind it.  He then kissed my cheek, then my jaw, but just before he could kiss my neck I stopped him and rolled away snapping out.
“NO BILLY! Don’t! You can’t just—kiss me and expect everything to be okay! I already told you…..it’s over. So please don’t make this harder than it has to be.” His eyes were full of pain as he looked at me in shock.
“As you wish.” Damnit why say that? He knew that was our secret code for ‘I love you’.  And with that he just walked away.  I sniffled and wiped the tears that were starting to form in my eyes away.  I then heard a soft grunt at my side and there I saw my white wolf mixed German shepherd “Ghost” standing beside me.
He whimpered and sniffed my hand and licked it comfortingly before placing his head down on my lap. All the while he let out another whimper as he looked up at me with those haunting yet beautiful golden eyes.
“Oh Ghost.” I stroked through his thick white fur and I told him. “I know you smelled me on him. But I can’t go back to him. He—deserves better than a handicapped.”
“So you do still care about him?” we both turned around, Ghost snarling defensively as we turned and saw Blain standing behind us just a few feet away.
“Ghost Platz!” He turned toward me and using his former commands that he once learned as a K9 officer, he obeyed immediately.
“You taught a wolf K9 commands?” asked Blaine.
“He’s a wolfdog actually. All those dogs you saw were in some degree a species of wolf dogs. From mixed huskies or German shepherds like Ghost here, to the traditional Czech wolfdogs.”
“So what you just—rescued them?”
“Some. Others I found as puppies at the puppy mill just half an hour away from here. I found them, busted them out and raised them. But of course I kept my distance because of the wolf blood within them. What people don’t seem to understand with wolfdogs is that they are just dogs that look like wolves. But they are also half wolf too, and sometimes that trumps the dog half within them. Two different species colliding together trying to overcome till one just takes over whether dog or wolf. And when the wolf takes over, people reject it. Fear it.”
“You say that like you’re talking from experience.” I grinned.
“You could say that. My team didn’t call me ‘Bad Wolf’ for nothing.”
“You mean the others?”
“No. My old team, my flying team. Before I got this job I—was an officer in the US Air Force. Officer (Y/n) “Bad Wolf” (L/n).”
“Wait. I think I heard about you from a former friend of mine. Carol Larson.”
“Ahh good old Carol. How was she last time you ever saw her?”
“She seemed fine. Last I knew she was gonna have a baby.”
“Ahh my older sista from another mista. That girl taught me everything I needed to know. I became the female Maverick thanks to her.”
“Now I hope you don’t mind me asking but from one Military officer to the other, was it a field mission that—”
“Oh no this? Nah this was from working with those sons of bitches you’ve got roped in with. Can’t say I blame them, hell none of us saw it coming.”
“What exactly happened?” I sighed heavily and turned towards him.  Sensing my distress and anxiety, Ghost came up to me and placed his head back on my lap and I explained.
“It was while we were still looking for information on the Turgistan dictator. One of our quarter missions. I was the eye in the sky for the team to take out any in coming police choppers or dick face’s military birds. I was having the time of my life, taking down one bird after the next. I was on point, before I knew it I had a bandit at my six. I tried to shake it off but it wouldn’t get off, nothing I did deterred it. Next thing I knew I was flying dead stick.”
I lowered my head remembering that horrible day like it was yesterday.  It’s true what they say about PTSD.  It never leaves you, even when you’re no longer part of the military.
“As you know One was gonna leave me out there, the entire plane was leaking of fluid and gas. It was gonna blow, but—for some miracle Billy managed to find me and he—pulled me out of the wreckage just as the plane blew up. Next thing I knew when I woke up, I couldn’t feel my legs anymore. At first I thought Five had to amputate my legs. Then again I wish she had.” I chuckled icily. “L3-L4 spinal injury, been paralyzed from the waist down for the past two years.”
“But you should be thankful that you’re alive.” Said Blaine.
“Is it really worth living when you have to look down at your feet and be reminded that they are useless. Like I said, I wish Five had amputated them. So that way I wouldn’t have to fucking look down at these useless mother fuckers and be reminded of my screw up! And Billy he—”
“Deserved better. Yeah I heard that, but did it ever occur to you that he would rather want you alive than to see you dead that day? On the way up here he just got this heartbroken look in his eyes. And I know he tries to hide it but I’ve seen the picture of you two together in his trailer.”
“Oh my god I thought I told him to burn that picture.”
“Billy loves you (y/n). And he still seems to.”
“I wish he didn’t.”
“Why is that?”
“Because after my accident I can’t give him what we once had. I’m just dead weight to him at this point. A Zero. And nobody cares about Zero.”
“He does. But then again I guess that is you. So if you wanna sit here in self-pity licking your wounds, that’s fine by me. But if you’re as good as One says you are, then prove that not even losing the ability to walk can’t stop you.”
“You know you speak as if this is from experience yourself. What branch were you from soldier?”
“Army. Delta Force.”
“Huh, and just what were you to them?”
“Ohh well look whose special. Got a Hawkeye on the team now.” Blaine grinned softly.
“Yeah. Survivor’s guilt is a bitch so I know about military corruption too. What it’s like for you to try and do your own thing but your superiors won’t do that. So if you can find it in your heart to save those soldiers under Hassan’s ruling from making the biggest mistake of their lives, then come with us. Or like I said just sit here and wallow like a wounded dog. Your choice Officer (l/n).” he saluted me before walking off.
*3rd Person POV*
After the failed attempt at getting their Ace back, Two asked as they arrived back at the cars.
“So now what? We knew she wouldn’t help us, so what do we do now?”
“We still stick with the plan and hopefully those weapons she gives us tomorrow won’t fuck us over.” One stated as he got back in the front car.  As Billy and Blaine got in the second car, Blaine couldn’t help but notice the heartbroken expression on his face.
“She’ll come around.”
“I doubt it. Two years and she still doesn’t want to see me.”
“Every soldier goes through grief differently. But when she snaps out of it, she’ll be back, and she’ll need you when she does.” He gave Billy a brotherly pat on the shoulder as Five drove them out of (y/n) home and they drove all the way back to their home base.
The next day the weapons arrived from (y/n) and so the team decided to go on and move forward with the mission so they were on their way to Iran through one of One’s personal jets.
After awhile they arrived just a few miles away from where their target, Iranian military General Hassan Yazin was currently residing in his home palace just behind the Iranian military station.
“I still can’t believe this guy would choose the build his palace behind a military station.” Said Three.
“Look the quicker we’re in the quicker we’re out.” Snapped Four.
“I don’t know something doesn’t feel right here, usually a military base wouldn’t allow anything not even a jet to land within 100 miles of their base perimeter. So how were we able to get close enough?” asked Seven.
“I don’t know, but I prefer not to question it. Four’s right the sooner we get him, the sooner this mission is done. And I don’t want any fuck ups like what happened on our first mission.” One said.
“Okay fine, fine.” And with that the team moved forward.  Quick as they could they raced towards the base towards the first hiding spot they could find which was a tank.
“Alright I think I can make it to the east side of the tower and get a clear viewing of Hassan’s palace but I’ll need backup.” Seven said.
“Three and I got you covered till you clear it.” Two told him.
“You know I’m beginning to agree with Seven. I mean we haven’t even seen a single guard on patrol. And usually we run into some by now.” Said Five.
“Again not questioning it! Now get into your positions.” At that point the team started to move forward.  Seven raced towards the tower with Two and Three covering him in case of an ambush. Once they cleared the tower, Seven proceeded to scale up the tower thanks to the tools designed by Zero.
But just as he was about halfway up the tower, suddenly the sound of a jet flew right over head.  However it wasn’t just any jet or plane for that matter, it was a C-5 Super Galaxy.
“Ahh shit!” Seven swore.
“Motherfucker!” swore One.
‘Did you all really think I would make it easy for you?’ through the speaker’s Hassan’s voice rang out.
“Shit, he knew we were coming for him.” Two snapped.
‘Now I may not know who you six are exactly, but it seems you all are of unimportance. So your death wouldn’t even matter. Especially if it were from shall we say…..an accidental base explosion.’ The Galaxy C-% opened up and soon about 20 jets flew out of it and began to circle around the base.
Then faster than anyone could blink, all 20 jets rained fire down onto the base.
Seven scaled down the tower as fast as he could but was soon caught in the explosion and fell the rest of about 6 feet from the ground before he, Three and Two made a break for it before the tower could crush them.
Meanwhile One, Five and Four tried to find cover but every step they were blocked off by an exploding blaze of fire.  They knew they were majorly fucked.  With this constant rain fire, One knew there was no way he or his team was gonna get out of this alive.  As he managed to crawl
From his palace, General Hassan Yazin watched with pride as his military force rained fire on the supposed coup were now nothing but ants ready to be disintegrated one by one with each shots each of his jets dished out.
But suddenly the ships stopped firing down at the six members and changed their firing from the ground to further out into the sky.
“What the hell? Lieutenant what is going on?” he snapped into the commlinks.
‘Sorry General, our radars have detected something from the upper atmosphere.’ His Lieutenant spoke out.  Peeking out from their hiding spots, all the members just looked up confused.
“The hell are they shooting at?” muttered Two.  But it was then they saw it.  Something came right out of the clouds and it turned out to be a Grumman F-14 Tomcat was heading straight for the giant C-5 Super Galaxy.  The Tomcat soon then just rammed into the side of the C-5 like it was nothing as it exploded.
It was soon the team began to realize that this was a very familiar Tomcat that circled back around towards the underbelly of the C-5 and it was at that point Three laughed manically as he cheered out.
“OH YEAH KAMIKAZE!!” The tomcat once again went through the C-5 from bottom to top and the explosion boomed like a firework as the team were in awe.
“God I love that psychotic bitch.” One said in awe. While Billy couldn’t help but smile and laugh ecstatically.
“That’s my girl.” He muttered softly.
*My POV*
As I shot back up over the roof of the C5 Super Galaxy jet, I watched as it fell to the ground in a grand overture of explosions knowing that not only that giant ship was now gone, but the rest of the artillery inside was gone too.  I knew the team was dealing with more jets than they had out there, so I downsized the problem.
Because no one messes with my family.
“You guys take care of the General and his ground fleet. I’ve got your back on the aerial ambush.”
‘It is good to see you again Zero, cutting it kinda close aren’t yah though?’ One’s voice spoke through my radio.
“C’mon One you knew I was one for dramatics. Plus you gotta admit I looked like Captain Marvel back there.”
‘God you and Four with your millennial references.’ I grinned smugly.
‘Glad to see you’ve come to your senses Zero!’ I heard Blaine say.
“Thank me once you guys get that son of a bitch in his palace. You all finished one mission without me, I intend to see this one to the end.”
‘You got it. Care to be our eye in the sky?’
“It’d be my pleasure sniper.” I then pulled the accelerator and my Tomcat took off.  I flew after the jets that were still out that didn’t get caught in the C-5’s takedown and had them chase after me, leaving my friends alone down there.
So far I managed to take five of the 20 jets so far and nearly got shot out of the sky by a few others.  But it wasn’t until I saw Billy was in trouble from not only the ground assault but the incoming aerial attack he didn’t know was coming right at his front.
‘Billy 12 o’clock!’ I proclaimed as I chased after one of the jets and fired at ready.
*Billy’s POV*
I heard (Y/n)’s voice in my earpiece and I saw one of Hassan’s jets heading right for me.  Just before I knew I was a goner, the jet exploded right before my eyes and I watched as (Y/n)’s tomcat flew right past me.  Up and down I saw her fly with ease and grace taking down each plane in her sight.
Even when some of Hassan’s soldiers tried to take down her plane, she fired at them blowing the ground from beneath them.  Doing her famed loop-de-loops and even going in between a tag team of jets forcing them to lose control before firing at them before they could get the chance to recover.
As I fired at any soldier nearby I could help but cheer for my baby. As he place flew right over me once again I couldn’t help but cry out.
‘Damn straight he don’t!’ She cheered.  I widely grinned and shook my head at seeing her in her element.  She really was like a Falcon in the air, but a She wolf on the attack.
‘Hate to interrupt the little love fest going on here but can we please focus back on the mission? Four I want you, Three and Two to head into the mansion and get that slimy son of a bitch before he tries to deck out.’ One’s voice rang out.
“Got it.” I then raced on ahead with Two and Three coming right beside me and the two of us entered the mansion.
For some reason and I have no idea why but Hassan barely had any guards left to protect him inside which was suspicious to me.  After I had just taken down a guy along the upper hallway near where Hassan’s room was said to be, I looked out the window to see Hassan trying an escape attempt through a chopper.
‘What’s going on Four?’ Five asked.
“He’s making an escape in a chopper.”
‘Not for long he won’t.’ (y/n)’s voice said.  Soon enough I saw her flying in and with just a few dropped bombs I saw the fireworks blow up his chopper.
“Two, three he’s outside let’s go!” I slid down the railings before successfully landing on the ground and we raced out the backdoor.  There I saw the rest of the team surrounding him, my girl’s Tomcat having an addition to it as she now aimed a GAU-17A machine gun aimed right at Hassan.
He turned towards us and he must’ve known he couldn’t win.  Wow what a pussy.  He surrendered right then and there and we exposed him to the Iranian President with the recorded confession Two got out of him.  Soon the news blew up with News about the military corruption Hassan had played in the Iranian government.
And with that another mission concluded and we all once again went our separate ways, except (y/n) and I.
*My POV*
After the mission, Billy and I went back to my cabin because the two of us deserved to talk about what happens now since I’m officially back in the game.  Billy and I were lying on my bed and the two of us were staring at each other, our hands softly and occasionally brushing up against one another’s.
“You were right Billy.” He grinned and said.
“I know I’m right.”
“I’m trying to be sincere here, don’t push it.”
“You’re right, you’re right I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t give you a chance to explain because—well I thought you could do better than me. You know that I—can’t perform well anymore so I’m basically a rag doll from the waist down. How could you love someone like that?”
“For one thing that girl’s got a whole lot more to offer than just the incredible sex we used to have together.” He tipped my chin upwards so that I was caught once again in the spell of those enticing green eyes. “Love the sex was just a plus from you. What I really fell in love with was your wicked sense of humor, you’re a fucking badass pilot, you’re beautiful inside and out, and even when you fall down like shit on the ground, you pick yourself up and brush yourself off and keep moving forward. Like today for example, you didn’t let your paralysis stop you from flying that plane and taking down a C-5 Super Galaxy. A fuckin C-5, do you know how big those things are?”
“75.53m in length, 19.84m in height and wingspan of 67.91m.”
“See? Even your brain is beautiful love.” He praised as he cupped both sides of my face.  The two of us smiled as I felt his thumbs brush against my cheeks.  “You see love, there is so much I loved about you. That I still love about you. So can we—pick up where we left off?” I thought about it and I said.
“Will you still make me those warm pancakes in the morning?” he laughed and said.
“I will make you pancakes for every single meal if it means that we can be together again.”
“Okay I’ll take you back.” He cheered and leaned forward and began to frantically kiss me all over my face.  I giggled as he was now starting to act like Max, my youngest pup who was such a lovebug even after the hell his owners put him through.
“Oh you won’t regret it love, I promise! I’ll help take care of the dogs, I’ll help with the chores, I’ll be your workout buddy, I’ll even push your wheelchair around—no screw it I’ll carry you from place to place.”
“Billy, I’m paralyzed but not incompetent.”
“Oh c’mon love, please let me just spoil you. Just this once please?” he cooed out as he pouted his bottom lip out and looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes again.  I groaned and said.
“Fine. But you can carry me only once a month.”
“Seven times a week.”
“Twice a month.”
“Ten times a month.”
“Billy!” I laughed.
“Okay, okay fine. Three times a month, that’s as low as I’ll go.”
“Twice a month.” I confirmed again.
“Okay. Twice a month.” We then kissed each other to seal the agreement.  “Why must you be so cute in order to get your way?”
“Not my fault.”
“No I think it is.”
“No it’s not.”
“Yes it is.” It was then he gave my sides a quick tickle which made me jerk up and take his hands in mine.
“No don’t do that!” I laughed.
“Why can’t I?”
“Because you know what tickling does to me, and I’m at a disadvantage now that I can’t kick you away anymore.”
“Oh really? Well then I think I may be tempted even more.”
“Okay, okay I won’t tickle you. Yet.” I groaned and punched his arm which made him groan in pain. “Ow what the fuck that was hard!”
“Oh you big baby it didn’t hurt that bad.” He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me to pull me in closer to him.
“God I love you.”
“I love you too. And I really did miss you Billy, really.”
“Of course you did.”
“Don’t push it.” He smirked before capturing my lips with his again.  This time our kiss deepened as I felt him cup the side of my face. When air became a desperate thing, he separated from me and our breaths intertwined with each other’s.  “God I’ve missed kissing you.”
“How do you think I’ve felt?” he kissed my cheek and snuggled close to me.
“So you—you don’t mind if we don’t…..”
“(Y/n), it’s fine. The sex was just a plus with you. I don’t mind just cuddling close with my best girl.” He lay down and pulled me close so that my head was resting on his chest and I felt him stroke my back, specifically my lower back where my L3-L4 spinal points were located at.
“So you don’t mind having a paralyzed girlfriend?” I asked him.
“So long as that paralyzed girlfriend is you. I’m always gonna love you (y/n) no matter what. Never, ever doubt that.”
“I—I think I may need to be reminded again.”
“I’ll gladly tell it to you a million times a day if it’ll get you to understand.” I felt him kiss the crown of my forehead lovingly and I breathed in his intoxicating scent that I always found addictive.  His cologne mixed with a bit of sweat from his parkour scaling.  I closed my eyes and buried my face into his chest and embraced my love once again for the first time in two years.
“I love you Billy. My King of the skies.”
“And I love you (y/n), my Queen of the skies.” And with that the two of us fell asleep together holding each other close and exchanging kisses every now and then.
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keeptheotherone · 5 years
Books and Reading by shevinefeels
1: What was the last book you read?
The Apothecary’s Poison by CJ Archer
2: Was it a good one?
Yes! I haven’t enjoyed books this much in several years.
3: What made it good?
Character, plot, slow-burn romance ... need I say more?
4: Would you recommend it to other people?
Yep! Historical fantasy mystery series :)
5: How often do you read?
6: Do you like to read?
7: What was the last bad book you read?
Oh, dear ... I don’t finish books I don’t like, so no idea.
8: What made you dislike it?
9: Do you wish to be a writer?
Am a writer :)
10: Has any book ever influenced you greatly?
Sooo many! 
11: Do you read fanfiction?
12: Do you write fanfiction?
13: What's your favorite book?
Unfair! But maybe Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
14: What's your least favorite book?
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway (I had to finish that one for English class)
15: Do you prefer physical books or reading on a device (like a kindle)?
device--my hands are small and books are hard/tiring to hold for a long time. Also can change the font size :)
16: When did you learn to read?
3 years old
17: What is your favorite book you had to read in school?
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
18: What is your favorite book series?
it’s now a toss-up between Harry Potter and Glass and Steele (see #1)
19: Who is your favorite author?
Brodie Thoene
20: What is your favorite genre?
21: Who is your favorite character in a book series?
Ginny Weasley
22: Has a book ever transported you somewhere else?
Is water wet?
23: Which book do you wish had a sequel?
Ohhh ... I’m sure if I got up and perused my shelves I could answer this, but too lazy at the moment. Nothing comes immediately to mind.
24: Which book do you wish DIDN'T have a sequel?
Likewise, although I don’t remember reading a sequel and thinking the author ruined it (TV/movies, yes. Books, no.) Again, if I don’t like something, I just quit reading it. *shrug*
25: How long does it take you to read a book?
Depends. In middle school I went through two Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Case Files every day. I read the last three Harry Potter books in a weekend. I read about 400 wpm with 100% comprehension, so ... do the math ;)
26: Do you like when books become movies?
Eh ... sometimes it’s fun to see characters/settings/events on screen, but something’s always lost in the plot.
27: Which book was ruined by its movie adaptation?
28: Which movie has done a book justice?
29: Do you read newspapers?
30: Do you read magazines?
sometimes--usually when there’s nothing else, like on an airplane or waiting for my pedicure to dry
31: Do you prefer newspapers or magazines?
32: Do you read while in bed?
33: Do you read while on the toilet?
34: Do you read while in the car?
not as a passenger ... since I learned to drive it makes me carsick. But I do audiobooks!
35: Do you read while in the bath?
36: Are you a fast reader?
37: Are you a slow reader?
38: Where is your favorite place to read?
Anywhere! But the beach in a comfy chair is good ... so is a sofa or recliner.
39: Is it hard for you to concentrate while you read?
not at all
40: Do you need a room to be silent while you read?
nope. Used to read at daycare with 10-15 other kids in the same room running around, playing and talking. My parents usually had to come up and get in front of my face to get my attention--I wouldn’t hear them or the teacher calling my name.
41: Who gave you your love of reading?
Mostly my dad, but my mom too.
42: What book is next on your list to read?
The rest of Glass and Steele!
43: When did you start to read chapter books?”
I’m not sure ... I remember being at the school book fair in first grade and picking up a fat book and one of the older kids thought it was too long for me but I was just like, “so I’ll read one book for several days instead of two or three books. It’s the same amount of reading.”
44: Who is your favorite children's book author?
Ohh, that’s hard ... so much nostalgia! JKR of course, and LM Montgomery. I loved the Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew books as a kid
45: Which author would you like to interview the most?
Mary Shelley (finally, I remembered to say her when asked!)
46: Which author do you think you'd be friends with?
47: What book have you reread the most?
HP series, definitely
48: Which books do you consider "classics"?
most things written about 1930 and earlier; stuff that’s commonly known/familiar tropes (like all the various adaptations of Beauty and the Beast, or Pride and Prejudice), stuff that’s technically well-written and meaty enough to be analyzed for English/literature classes. Good books but not necessarily enjoyable books, if that makes sense. Classics should have a wide range of appeal and stand the test of time. 
49: Which books do you think should be taught in every school?
books that are similar to that school’s student population and books that are different. Books that will expand the experience and imagination of their readers. Books that allow their readers to identify with a character(s) and realize they are not alone.
50: Which books should be banned from all schools?
None. No books get banned. Personal choice yes, censorship no. Censorship is a slippery slope, and who decides who gets to be the censor? Nope. 
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