hoeseok · 7 years
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for the one who’s never afraid to be himself— happy birthday to the one and only kim taehyung ☆
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gukmixtape · 7 years
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yoongiski · 7 years
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the love and support they have for each other ❤️
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idolmv-remade · 7 years
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boyscoutstyle · 7 years
namjoon • husband series
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his wedding would be pretty small and private
and nobody would know about it unless bigshit bighit decides to reveal it
it mIGHt be an outdoor wedding with a really nice aesthetic like maybe lanterns and it’ll be like a pastel colour palette because it’s aesthetic like him
like he’ll be fidgeting and he’s going to be really excited too
but mostly nervous
probably has a paper tucked in his pocket with his poetic vows written on them
he’s a wreck honestly, he’ll be so nervous around you
will hold you softly as if you COULD break
and oh gosh everything is planned perfectly
like the honeymoon probably is somewhere with an aesthetic vibe ?? that also has some cool historic places or places that have been featured in stories
like Istanbul, Turkey or Beijing, China or Munich, Germany or Budapest, Hungary
you guys spent a lot of time exploring the city 
and taking candid photos of each other to show it to your family
or just keep it because memories
he’d always stop you from walking with a “stop, the lighting and everything is great here.”
and he’d tell you to pose or he’d ask you to take a photo of him
buying you the national flower of the country you visited so let’s say you chose Budapest to visit
he’d give you a tulip for each day you guys spent there because it’s Hungary’s national flower
waking up next to each other and sometimes your noses are almost touching
you’re that close to each other when sleeping
his morning voice.
he just loves cuddling
like having you in his arms is a relief to him
as if he’d blink and you’d be gone 
loves giving you back hugs and sometimes kisses you softly on the neck
calls you babygirl wHY
you compliment him so much !! 
and each time his cheeks and ears turn a soft red
when he isn’t home and he’s away because of work, he tries to facetime or skype you whenever he can
playing his playlists when you’re bored
playing his playlists when you’re driving
monthly or whenever you guys can, you visit the library 
book recommendations
also !! you guys have lazy sundays or whenever he has a day-off and there’s nothing to do outside
lazy days are literally spent cuddling, watching films, documentaries and eating take-out
you both stay up late sometimes and you both talk about literally anything and everything
it’s cute
like your head snuggled into his neck while he brushes your hair with his fingers as you both talk about anything that comes to mind
and then slowly you being the first one to fall asleep and he kisses your forehead and whispers a i love you
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btsmutimagines · 7 years
Sweet Creature (M)
*I have no words*
Request: Can I get a Sub Jungkook smut where their on the couch and he cums in his pants while the reader is grinding on him on his lap and dirty talks to him in his ear??? Thanks☺️☺️☺️
Word Count: 6.9k words (heh heh)
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Let me ruin you goddammit
Let's get one thing straight. You never claimed to be a good person, never did charity work, never been the perfect daughter for your parents. And you sure as hell wasn’t someone’s little girlfriend.
You did what you want, who you wanted and slipped out of their sheets before they murmur good morning in your ear. You were a ‘no strings attached' girl, making sure that you would never become someone's puppet. Of course, you weren't immune to the disease called ‘love', your innocent high school days plagued with your naive mindset of finding the ‘one'. It still haunts you, one of the reasons your night doesn't end with a shot of whisky and half a pack of beer. The only person who was willing to put up with you was your best friend, Jungkook.
He wasn't a saint either, having his fair share of drinks over the weekend but nurses you back to health unlike your fake ass friends. They drag you along just to abandon you in your worst state.
“Your liver is going to rot and one day you won't be able to drink at all.”
“That's the day I die, Jungkook.” Your spoon clinked against the inner bowl, shooting up to your sensitive headache. He made you hungover soup, the recipe probably ingrained in his head with the amount of time he's made it for you.
“Whatever you think the bottom of that beer bottle can fix, it's not working.”
“I’m not broken, Jungkook.”
“Don't act like this. I know you're still hurt.”
“He didn't mean anything to me, just like how I meant nothing to him.” You were proud that you could say that without your voice cracking. Your mind took you back to the time where you were searching for love.
He was an older man, you were just a junior in high school and he was a second-year college student. The age gap was a concerning fact to people that knew you but he made you happy. Giving you gifts, kissing you until you couldn't breathe, taking you out to secret dates in the middle of the night. You were so in love, taking away most of your firsts and being the first man you ever slept with.
A lot changed after he crept into your bed, he became more distant and cold. The only time he’d touch you is when he was fucking you. He always had his excuses and you always had the heart to believe him.
It was only 6 months in when you decided to visit him at the dorms, you caught him with his dick up a girl's ass.
He didn't stop, letting his cum leak from her asshole before he looked at you. It only took a look that told you everything about what you were. You were in a sea of girls, another one to add to the list of girls he slept with.
Why did you think that you were special? That to someone, you're more than just a body to satisfy sexual desires, rather a person they wanted to be with every day and every night. You weren't more than that and he told you all of that with a single glance.
“I don't have to spell it out for you, do I?”
“You’ve made yourself clear.”
“Shut the door as you leave.” You felt sick just thinking about it, remembering how giddy you were when he’d touch you, kiss you, hold you. Now you knew he was just looking for a way to slither his fingers into your pants, successfully getting what he wants and finding another girl who would replace you just like that.
“It's been years, Jungkook. I don't care about him anymore.”
“Okay, fine. You don't care about him but I care about you.”
“Let's stop drinking. I’ll spend every minute with you if I have to, I don't want to come over to find you black out drunk and unresponsive. Or you get alcohol poisoning again.”
“It's my fix.”
“Thought you said it wasn't.”
“Heals from the stresses of everyday life. It's not mending my heart.”
“I’ll be your fix. Whenever you feel like drinking, just call me instead.”
"Even if it's 2 am?"
“I’ll run over here in my pyjamas.”
“You're an idiot.”
“I just don't like seeing you like this.” You sighed, Jungkook was a good person. A least by your book, he's never made you feel less of a person because of your habits. Acknowledges he's not perfect either and helps you out whenever you call. He's the type of good guy that your teenage heart would have fallen for, its pure state believing he could never hurt you but you trade your heart for a bottle of liquor.
The bottle was much sweeter than a pair of lips, more satisfying than the touch of other and more beautiful than any man. You felt in love with the rush, the burn of liquor down your throat as a pleasurable pain and its buzz. Everything slowed down, your body feeling looser and you were happier.
The sweet burn was the same flame as young love, only it tasted so much sweeter.
You looked at Jungkook, seeing the seriousness in his eyes. You heart it yourself, he cares about you.
“We’re going cold turkey?”
"More like a replacement for alcohol. I'll do it with you if you want me to."
“Okay.” You finished the last of your soup, washing the bowl and he sat down on your old leather couch. You followed suit, taking a seat next to him and watching one of your and his favourite anime.
“It still hurts, why did she have to say that lie?”
“She was afraid to tell him the truth. What if he didn't love her back?”
“But they had such a connection, a bond that's unmistakable.”
"First of all, she was dying, Jungkook. The last thing a dying 14 years old should experience is heartbreak."
“This show is stupid.”
“Then why are you crying?”
“Am not.” He wiped his tears with the back of his hand, you handing him your tissue box and he blew his nose.
“My overgrown child.” You tried to hug him, getting a squirming Jungkook into your arms eventually.
“Shoot, I got to meet Jisoo, I’ll catch you later?”
“Yeah, sure. Don't keep her waiting, Jungkook.”
“Wait, do I look like I cried?”
“You could just lie and say you got high, you know?”
“Just one second.” You stood in front of him, fixing his hair to part a little and you adjusted his collar.
“Be yourself, Jungkook.”
“Yes, Mother.”
"Don't be an ass, I'm just trying to be your wing woman."
“Wish me luck?” You did as he asked, seeing him rush to the florist before meeting his crush. Jisoo was a nice girl when she wanted to be, a pure snake in your eyes but you didn't want to dampen the light in his eyes whenever he heard her name.
You dragged yourself off the couch, disregarding any more thought of Jungkook and his secretly poisonous crush. You grab any liquor you had around the house, looking for any secret stash you have hidden from Jungkook after he dumped your wine cellar one time.
Carrying them in bags, you make your way to the bar.
“We’re not open– Well, look what the draft brought in.”
“Nice to see you too, Sana.” Sana was your old friend, a bartender at night and enjoyed drinking a lot. You never drink anything that she hasn't mixed unless it's straight from a bottle or can.
“I didn't think you would start drinking at 11:30 in the morning now. Or did something else bring you here?”
“I came bearing gifts.” You rise up your bag of bottles, placing them on the counter. She cocked an eyebrow, looking into the bag and gasped.
“You brought all you have?”
"I'm trying to cut back. You know, re-invent me."
“Did Jungkook have something to do with that?” She bumped your elbow and you scoffed at her. You don't know where she got the misconception of you and Jungkook were together. Regardless of how many times you disprove her claims, she still believes you two are a thing.
“He does, doesn't he?”
“Doesn't matter. Can't a woman change without a man being the cause?”
“Not if the man is Jungkook. You know you're whipped for him.”
“We’re best friends, Sana. Besides, he likes Jisoo now.”
“Jisoo? Couldn't protect from the sleaziest girl I ever met?”
“He wants to fall in love, Sana.”
“Then why can't it be you?”
“I don't need love from someone else to live. I don't need someone to love me.”
“Quit acting tough, love isn't stripping you of anything but giving you something that you can't find in books, your family or the most expensive alcohol. It's something you don't want to lose once you have it.”
“I know, I know. I sound like an old lady but it's true.”
“Before you break down into tears, how much for my collection?”
“How generous.”
“Considering I have most of these in stock, couldn't hurt to have extras plus I gave you the friend upgrade.”
“I’m honoured.” You pretended to be flattered, Sana counting out the money before you held a crisp 700 in your hands.
“And hey, good luck on getting reinvented.”
"Thanks." You left the bar, the money heavy in your pockets and you bit your lip. You didn't know why it didn't take Jungkook much to convince you to withdraw from alcohol, you usually get cut off before you couldn't drink anymore.
Maybe you wanted to spare Jungkook the embarrassment of always picking up his drunken friend from wherever you were that night. Maybe you were sick of making Jungkook take care of you because no one else will. Maybe you were tired of taking away from Jungkook's life, being a vicious cycle to his weekends. He deserves to relax on the weekends, has a bit of fun if he wants, not take care of a nobody like you.
Jungkook had a life outside of yours and your life was nothing without him. If he wasn't there, there was no one else. Sana was always working behind the counter, unable to take you away from people looking to take advantage of the drunk girl at the bar or drive to the party you're at.
Even now, he wants to be your replacement for alcohol. He's only doing this because he feels like he has to. You don't want to be another thing he has to take care of. You wanted to be someone that he could depend on, less of a responsibility and more of a friend.
You called him later, the boy rushing over to your apartment. You opened your door, his eyes showing that he just woke up and he gave you a sheepish smile.
“Makeshift alcohol at your service.”
“Where's your sock?”
“Oh, I uh forgot about it.” He scratched the back of his neck and you cracked a smile.
"Make yourself comfortable, Mr Wine."
“Remember the red hair–”
“That was a mistake, okay. I just wanted a lighter brown.”
"Jungkook, it was cute. Especially with your Halloween costume."
“Officer Jungkook, your secret fantasy, huh?”
“Shut up.” He sat down on the couch, you sat next to him with your body turned to him. He faced you as well with his legs crossed.
“You can't lie to a cop, ______.”
“You're not a cop, you're an overgrown child.”
“I’m older than you.”
“Mere days.”
“37 days.”
“Okay, grandma.” You muttered, getting your ear flicked and you blew a raspberry at him.
“Sana told me you stopped by.” Of course, she did.
“I sold my collection to her. At least my hard stuff, kept my wines.”
“I thought I was your wine.”
“You're not a taste for everyone, Jungkook. Can't share my wine with everyone.” You saw his ears turn pink and he coughed.
“Your wine?”
“Do you want to be Jisoo’s?”
“Where are you going with this?”
“I don't know. How was your date with Jisoo?”
“She came in a cute sundress with polka dots and her hair just brushing her shoulders...” He said more than this, your mind trailing off as you watched how animated he was when he spoke about her. You meant it when you call him an overgrown child, his thought process still innocent and naive as a child.
He's had his fair share of girls, some long term and some just a short fling. You never saw him sad about any of those relationships, easily slipping back into his normal life but you knew it weighed him down. Maybe he wasn't smiling as much or he stayed home more often but he'd never tell you if it hurt.
“Are you having withdrawals?”
“Just thinking.”
“Would you like to share?”
“Did you ask her out again?”
“Yeah, we’re meeting up next Saturday. You’ll be out of your favourite that night.”
“My Saint Aix is still in my cellar,” He rolled his eyes, you giggling when he pouted and he smiled.
“Where's your date? Please don't tell me it's going to be the–”
“Diner that sells milkshakes and burgers.” You both said simultaneously and you groaned at his cheeky grin.
“Jesus, Kookie. You don't take a girl like Jisoo to a place like that, she's high maintenance.”
“She's humble, ______.”
“And I hate alcohol.” You mockingly retorted, giving him a look of disapproval.
“Okay, where do you think I should take her?”
“What kind of food does she like?”
“I don't know… apples?”
“I didn't know you were dating a horse, Jungkook. I knew you were into furries but I didn't think you go as far as bestiality–”
“It was just a suggestion, God. She's talked about Greek food once.”
“Perfect. I know a guy that works at the new Greek restaurant on the skirts of town, I could get you a reservation.”
“No strings attached?”
“I’m just trying to let the love flow.” You made waves with your arms, Jungkook covering his face in embarrassment and you pulled his hands away.
“What am I going to do with you?”
“How do I look?” You were sitting on Jungkook's couch, watching a show about music videos when he came in, fidgeting and you got up. You held his hands for a moment to stop him from fidgeting and you gave him a stern look.
“Why are you looking at me like that…?”
“Stop being nervous. It's not the first date you’ve been on.”
“I just really like her… She's beautiful and all but she's deep too. She loves poetry, draws and has the cutest laugh.” You almost snorted, knowing that she can't draw to save her life, she could have google searched poetry and her laugh is the most obnoxious sound you ever heard. His hopeful look made you hold back your tongue, fixing his hair and giving him two thumbs up.
“Be a gentleman, not a dork, Kook.”
“I’m the coolest guy you know, ______.”
“Yoongi and Jin are pretty cool…”
“You're into dads now?”
“Maturity doesn't make you a dad, Jungkook. It makes you seem adult like and responsible.”
“No wonder you can't get a guy, they're all boring.”
“Shut up.” You hit him, he had no filter. He hugged you, leading to you hitting him more until he released you from his embrace. You stilled for a moment, inhaling the intoxicating scent of his cologne. He knew how much you loved the scent, sometimes he would give you his hoodie covered in the scent to cheer you up.
“Your hands are wrinkling my shirt, ______.”
"Oh, shit, sorry." He let you pull back, you let go of his shirt that your hand clutched onto and he coughed.
“I better get going, my lady awaits.”
“I’ll man the fort.” You saluted him, Jungkook returning the gesture before leaving you alone. He trusted you in his apartment, leaving you free will on raiding his food. You looked for his snack collection and seeing it on the highest shelf in his cupboard. Damn him.
You grabbed one of the barstools he had, pushing it up the counter and proceeding to step on it. The stool began to shake as you reached out to the snacks. Reaching the top shelf, you grabbed whatever was within your reach before getting off the wobbly stool.
Eying what you grabbed, you began with the Chips Ahoy and saw it was completely empty. You shook it off and checked the next pack, the container also empty.
Did he have a pigging out fest without you?
You settled on his leftovers, eating chicken parmesan and scrolling through Twitter. It was only Friday night but you could see your friends already drunk from their tweets.
Sighing, you turn off your phone and glanced at the ceiling instead.
Your mind drifted to strange places, fantasizing about meeting someone in a foggy forest. The trees, long and Obsidian, with their vibrant leaves have the seemingly dead forest some life.
A brown head of hair sat near one of the largest trees, a corner of a sketchbook visible to you. Your eyes traced the strong back of the faceless boy and you stepped closer. The boy seemed unfazed by the loud crunch of leaves under your feet as you approached him.
When you reached out to touch him, he began to turn to face you.
“I’ve been waiting for you, ______.” Why did it sound so real?
“Hey. Wake up.” Your eyes shot open, when did you doze off? You rubbed your eyes, looking at Jungkook’s lower half before looking up.
“Unless some handsome devil like myself has a pair of keys that fit my lock, I’m pretty sure I’m me.”
“How was it?”
“I’ll tell you in the morning. Seems like you had a pretty eventful night.”
“Oh, shut up.” You tiredly hit him, hitting what you believe was his thigh and he laughed.
“I like ‘just woke up from a nap’ you better than ‘awake’ you.”
“I like it better when you don't speak.”
“So grouchy. Someone needs more sleep, although it won't help with your beauty.”
“If I wasn't sleepy, I would sock you in your jaw.”
“I meant you're already beautiful.”
“Let's just say that's what you meant.”
"You must be really tired. Come on." He lifted you up, you wrap your arms around Jungkook's neck as he carried to his bed. He lied you down and you pulled his arm.
“You don't have to sleep on the couch, Kookie.”
“I–I think it's improper–”
“Our whole relationship is improper. Just sleep here, we can make a pillow divider.”
“Fine...” He slipped into bed, taking up the right side and placing pillows between the two of you.
“Goodnight, Kookie.”
“Night.” You turned to your side, easing back into sleep. The next morning you woke up with Jungkook pressed up against you.
He snores softly in your ear, probably sleeping peacefully and you thought of just staying like that for a bit. While he was asleep, you didn't have to hear about Jisoo, how “great” she is or how much he likes her. You were sick of hearing about the fake–
His phone rang, waking up Jungkook and he bumped his forehead against the back of your head.
“Answer the phone, Jungkook.” You handed his phone over, him answering it.
“Hello? Jisoo? Morning, Soo Soo.” You got up, going to the bathroom and blocking out Jungkook's conversation. You stupidly smile at the toothbrush Jungkook bought for when you stayed over since you're “a non-paying roommate”. You brushed your teeth and showered.
“I’ll be right there, wait for me.” You walked out the bathroom, seeing Jungkook struggling with his jeans and tossing his phone when he hung up.
“Improvised morning date, huh?”
“Gotta keep my girl happy.”
“Your girl?” They only had one and a half dates, how the hell are they an item already?
“I’ll explain it later– Good?”
“Jungkook.” You chewed your inner cheek, wanting to blurt out that he made a promise to you last night. Seeing how eager he is to run to her reminded you what you were in his life. Just his best friend, nothing more.
“Don't forget your phone.”
“Shit, thanks. I’ll see you later?”
“Sure…” He smiled at you before rushing out the door and you sighed as you sat on the edge of his bed.
“He used to rush to me like that.” You mumbled to yourself.
You sat down on your couch, Jungkook's head in your lap. He came over, still keeping his promise as your makeshift bottle of wine.
“Why did you chop your hair off in middle school?”
“Why, did you dream about me?”
“I was just looking at our old photos and it's weird.”
“I thought it was nice.”
“A short perm.”
"Oh shut up. You didn't look away better, Mr Emo phrase."
“I put eyeliner on a few times and now it's some kind of sin that I’ve committed.”
“I meant your haircut, but you looked oddly cute.”
“That's a mild compliment but I’ll take it.”
“Hey, I danced with you at spring formal despite your hideous hairstyle.”
“Care to reenact that moment?” He held out his hand and you took it, the two of you dancing around your living room. He bumped into the coffee table, falling down and pulling you down with him.
“I don't think this was part of the dance.”
“Rewriting our memories, it can't always be a bad thing.” You didn't know what else to say, your mind registering how close you were to Jungkook's face. Your nerves went into overdrive, your body stiff against his and he didn't say for you to get off him.
“Hey, ______, I um–” His phone rang, both your heads turning to the coffee table and you got off him. You both sat on the floor, Jungkook answering his call with you listening.
“Hey, Jisoo... What? Where is she right now? … I’ll be right there.”
“Something wrong?”
“Sorry, Jisoo got really drunk and no one else can take her home. Do you want me to come back?”
“It's getting late anyways, make sure she's safe.”
“I’ll make it up to you, I swear.” You watched him rush out to her once again, this time it felt like a knife to the heart. He was used to this with you, dropping whatever he was doing just to carry you home and now he's doing the same for her.
In the back of your mind, you wished you could rewrite this memory.
Okay, you were a tad bit jealous when you watched Jungkook rush over to Jisoo because he's being a lovesick puppy and you should be as important to him by best friend code.
Now, you're just angry. For the past four days, you were calling, texting, messaging and even sent a damn letter to get Jungkook to answer you.
You unlocked the door, having the copy of his keys and bursting into his room.
“Morning, dick bag. Did you toss your phone into the ocean or something?”
“What a pleasant surprise, I had no idea you spoke to a person who has the flu like that.” Your eyes landed on Jisoo, the bitch sitting so close to Jungkook despite him being sick. If you hadn't walked in, you were sure they would cuddle or something.
“You have the flu?”
“I’ll get you some more soup, Kookie.” She brushed past you and looked at him.
“I didn't purposely miss all your calls, except the first one because I knew you would come over and nurse me back to health. Jisoo took my phone after she came over.”
“Pathetic. And you thought I would just be okay with that? I called everyone else and they haven't seen you either. Now I know why.”
“Are you mad?”
“That my best friend has let some girl he met two months ago become more important than me, someone he knew him since he was three. Of course not, I'm on fucking cloud 9, Jungkook.”
“Don't be like that.”
“Be like what?”
“Fucking clingy. I don't want you to try to take care of me, you can't even take care of yourself.”
“Excuse me for caring about you.”
“Why do you care? You're not my girl.”
“And I’m so fucking glad I’m not. Especially if this is how you would treat your friends. Enjoy your nurse fantasy, Jungkook.” You walked out the room, fuming and ready to punch everything.
“He's not dead, is he?” In your blinding anger, you forgot that Hoseok drove you over.
Hoseok was in your friend group with the current dead man Jungkook. He was close to the two of you, often putting him in the middle of your spats but those spats never lasted long usually.
“He's pretty much dead to me. He got the flu.”
“Type A Influenza?”
“It's not that serious, Hobi.” Sitting in the car, you strapped on your seat belt and tapped your fingers against the dashboard.
“Then why are you angry?”
“Because the snake was lying next to him like some kind of fake ass nurse.”
“Wow, she's already in his bed. Kookie is a rolling stone, next she’ll give him a bath.”
“Oh come on, ______. He likes her. Is there a problem with that?”
“That isn't an excuse for ignoring me for days. I had to go to the post office to get stamps. The lady laughed at me.”
“Well not everyone mails letters to someone who lives blocks away.”
“It's whatever. He can keep kissing her ass.”
“He might be doing that right now.”
“You're the worst.”
“Come on, let’s have a cup of coffee.” He drove to your favourite coffee shop, the cute bell on the door ringing as you two walked in. You ordered one of your usuals, the cold drink in your hand and Hoseok touched your hand.
“You're going to crush your cup with that grip of yours.”
“He just makes me so mad.”
“Are you sure you're mad at Jungkook or is it really jealousy?”
"Listen, Dr Phil, I think it's ridiculous that he's willing to go off the grid for half a week for some girl."
“If it was you, would you mind?”
“Yeah, I would. Because it's downright shitty to let your life revolve around someone else. So much to the point where you ignore everyone else that cares about you.”
“Love makes you do stupid shit.”
“Does it make you hurt the ones you care about?”
“What did he say?”
"Why would I want to take care of him when he's sick when I can't even take care of myself."
“He didn't mean it.”
"I don't think the flu robs you of your mind."
“It could.”
“Knowing that kid, he’ll feel horrible about it and try to make it up to you.”
Except he didn't try. At all. You heard nothing from him, having to get status updates from Jimin because he hoped that would make you lively again.
You went back to Sana, the bar closed since it was daytime.
“Can I just say how much I want to disappear? Like, I'm sick of being in this city.”
“Take Jungkook with you.”
“You want him dead?”
“Don't blame him. That snake probably poisoned him with her soup.”
“I would believe that but he hasn't talked to me in weeks.”
“He could be busy too?”
“You mean being Jisoo’s newest accessory? Yeah, I’ve seen the photos.”
“You could confront him at the dinner tonight.” Hoseok got promoted a few days ago, wanting to celebrate today since it was one of the few nights where Sana was free.
“And ruin Hoseok’s night? I could never do that to him.”
“Better than not going at all.”
“Funny, you say that…”
“You're going even if I have to change you myself and drag you.”
“She’ll be there.”
“So what? It's about Hobi.”
“I might drink.”
“It's been two months since you’ve gotten drunk. I'm pretty sure you don't need the alcohol to let you enjoy the night. And you could ignore them without getting drunk. I’ll be there.”
“Flirting with Hoseok no less.”
“It was one time.” You rolled your eyes, knowing that was a lie. The only reason he didn't celebrate the night of his promotion was because Sana couldn't make it.
Every time those two are together, they are lost in each other. Most of the time you would find them immersed in the strangest conversation and it takes you and he who shall not be named to distract them both to pull one of them away.
“Okay, sure. So, I have an important date with my couch and some popcorn.”
“You're going.”
“Make me.”
You learned something new about Sana. She means what she says in threats. It was unpleasant to have her literally change you and then proceed to drag you into her car but you were here now.
You tried to not dampen the atmosphere, ignoring Jungkook and talking to everyone else. He didn't really seem to care about your presence either, consumed by the leech attached to his left arm.
“A toast to Hoseok.” Your other confidant, Jin held out a piece of toast which lead to the table groaning at his corny joke. The only one who laughed was the snake herself, saying Jin was really funny. Even Jin himself knows those lame jokes are anything but funny, still taking to the compliment in his right.
“Hyung, how did you get actual toast?” Namjoon, the weirdly nerdy, flirty and cute one of the group. He has a strange hot nerd vibe, yet can snatch any woman with his subtle flirting. At the same time, you’ve seen him fall over more than a newborn deer.
“Lame.” Another one of your mutual friends, Yoongi. He was on par with terrible puns like Jin but would rarely add to the flames. Acts cool but is really a loveable dork that works hard.
“It's not lame, it's comedy! Anyways, to answer your question, I'm pretty hot so any piece of bread that touches me will get toasted.”
“Why do we go out in public with you?”
“You can't disown your hyung.”
"I wish," Yoongi muttered under his breath and you turned to Sana. She was preoccupied as you expected but not in the matter you thought. Hoseok has his lips pressed against her neck, the two of them getting cozy in the left corner of the booth and you didn't dare to interrupt (it didn't stop you from taking a photo for evidence).
“Kookie~ Stop~”
“Getting shy, baby? Huh?” You needed to tune out the rest of their conversation, not wanting to throw up your dinner.
“Where are you going?”
“Getting a drink.”
“But I thought you stopped…”
“Not everyone can keep their promises.” You hoped he heard you, you really hoped he felt guilty. Instead, you got the back of his head and Jisoo’s giggling. The bartender looked at you, mixing your order and you downed the glass in one gulp.
"I think she needs some water instead." You froze, how the hell..? You turned to your left, seeing your living nightmare plopped himself into the seat right next to yours.
“It's been awhile.”
“What are you doing here?”
“A little bird told me. Said you haven’t been with anyone else for long since me.”
“Fuck off. Don't you have some slut to screw around with?”
“Not tonight. Maybe not eve again if you let us happen.”
“There wasn't an ‘us’, you fucking used me. Took my naivety and hopeless romantic views to make me believe that you weren't in it for my body.”
“I’ve changed.”
“So have I.”  You got up to return to the safety of your table when he grabbed your hair. He made you look at him, seeing nothing but anger filled lust ad you tried to make him let go.
“I’m not leaving her until you're on your knees, sucking my cock.” You saw a fist collide with his face, releasing the grip he had on your hair and you were being pulled out the restaurant.
“Why were you talking to him?”
“Why do you fucking care?”
“Because my best friend needs me.”
“I’m glad you still remember me, Jungkook. Maybe she didn't completely take over your mind.” He pulled you into a cab, telling the man his address and you pulled your wrist away from him.
“I know I’ve been horrible but I’ll make it up to you–”
“Quit feeding me your bullshit, Jungkook.”
“______.” The driver stopped, waiting for both of you to get out but you weren’t going to go anywhere with him,
“Come on.”
“Fuck off.”
“Don't be like this now.”
“Be like what? Rightfully angry with you? Get real.” He pulled your leg, taking off one of your shoes and walking off with your purse.
“HEY!” You pulled off the other shoe, running after him and he sprinted up to his apartment. He caught you by the couch, pulling you into his lap and you elbowed him in the chest.
“Give me back my shoe.”
“Not until you talk to me.”
“I have nothing to say to you.”
“What? Did you forget that you left her there? Better run back there before she gets mad.”
“Stop moving.”
“Why? Does it bother you?” You moved in the little space you had in his lap until you felt the reason behind his statement.
“Oh, you pervert.”
“It's not my fault, you wore the fucking dress I like so much.”
“I wasn't looking for your attention but I have an eager audience now.” You turned to face him, grinding your hips against his hip and he bit his lip. His hands slid to your ass, his fingertips pressing into the flesh gently and you worked your hips more.
“F-Fuck. D-Don't–” You didn't know what got into you but you liked the sound of his whines.
“You like that, Kookie? Like the way my hips grind against your dirty cock?” You didn't peg Jungkook as one that wanted to be dominated since he always boasted about being the one in control.
Now, watching his breath hitch as you ground your hips against his cock. Hearing a soft whine as your teeth graze the flesh of his neck.
“Don't tease, baby.” You pulled his hair, making him create eye contact between the two of you.
“Tsk tsk. You're going to be a good boy for me. Understood?” He nodded, earning him a hard yank from you.
“I want to hear you say it.”
“What a good boy.”
“Shit, baby.”
“You're so hard for me. Being my little bitch turns you on, huh? Always wanted to be dominated like one of those bitches you’ve fucked.”
“I’m gonna–” You ground against him harder until you noticed a dark patch on his pants.
“Can't even last long. You boast about how great you are but you couldn't even last 5 minutes with me.”
“I–I’m sorry.”
“Not good enough.” You got out of his lap, motioning from him to take off his pants and he did so speedily.
He was getting flaccid, his size still impressive in its normal state. You let one finger run across his cock continuously as he stood as still as possible.
“Did you expect me to want this in my mouth? Wanted me to get on my knees for you and suck your cock?”
“Spit in my hand.” He did so, you using said hand as you pumped his cock. You relished in the wet sound of his cock and his groans. He grew hard under your touch, cute whines left his pretty little lips and you pull his head down so you would kiss him.
He kissed you back with eagerness and ardour, you teasing him back with playful nibbles on his bottom lip. Your lips caught every moan until you could tell his breathing starting to grow heavier.
You halted your stroking, him looking at you.
“You're not coming again, selfish little boy.”
“Yes.” He said through gritted teeth and you smirked.
“Take off my clothes.” You said, Jungkook's hands immediately following your command. It wasn't a hard task, his fingers easily unzipping your dress to reveal your fiery red underwear. He couldn't glance at you for too long, seeing your expectant glare and leaving you bare quickly.
“Follow me.” You walked into his bedroom and stopped him in front of the bed. He stood in front of his bed as you crawled on top. You sat up on the edge with your legs spread and your fingers held your lower lips open.
“You know what I want from you, don't you?”
“Of course.” He walked in front of you and got his knees. Before he could let his tongue touch your cunt, you lifted up his chin to meet your eyes.
“I want you to look at me when you taste my dripping cunt.” He licked you slowly, teasing you first before you tugged on his hair to tell him to pick up the pace. You moaned as his tongue lapped against you, the tip making it way to your clit.
“Yes– Right there–Put your finger in me” You breathed out as his finger entered you slowly. He worked you open as he sucked on your clit with fervour, your eyes looking at his when you didn’t screw them shut.
“Like when I shove my cunt on your pretty face, huh? Using that filthy tongue to make me cum, god– Yes, fuck.” You threw your head back as he flicked your clit with tongue more.
“You’re gonna make me cum. Fuck, suck all the juices from my little cunt.” You said between heavy breaths and he happily licked all over your cunt with his eyes never leaving yours.
He pulled away, licking his lips and you noticed his hard cock making its presence known.
“How do you want it, baby?”
“I want you to ride me.”
“Lie down.” He did so, you crawling over to straddle him and angle his cock to your hole. He knew you took the pill, making skin to skin contact an option over the feeling of latex or silicone. You sat down on him slowly, listening to his groan as your hips met.
“So fucking big. Gonna stretch out my cunt with your cock.”
“Shit, shit–” His eyes were screwed shut as you bounced your hips in a brutish matter. Your hand nested in his hair, tugging on his scalp when you ground your hips a bit.
“Is my little fuck toy going to come again? You're going to come without my permission?”
“You’re going to last however long I want you to, Kookie.”
"O-Okay–" The sound of your wetness coating his cock made you moan, one of your hands twisting around your nipples as you continue to bounce. He watched at the display, releasing whiny moans and groans.
“Love the way your cock is stretching me out– Perfect little fuck toy.” You gasped, finally cumming from the overstimulation and let Jungkook’s cock slip out of you.
He sat up, watching you as you positioned yourself on all fours.
“I want you to pound me. Can you do that for me?” Motioning him over, you felt the wet head of his cock tease your clit. He couldn't tease you any longer, sliding his cock inside of you and you both groaned.
“How are you still fucking tight?”
“Because you haven't pounded me yet.” He replied with a grunt, his hands now pressing into your skin roughly as he began his hard pace. You contained your moans as best you could, not wanting to feed into Jungkook's ego and your lack of noise only motivated him to fuck you even harder.
You hear the buttons of his dress shirt pop open, the sound only adding to your arousal.
“Yes, baby– Fuck me just like that–” You mewled, unable to hide how much pleasure you felt. Waves of euphoria crashed over you with every feral thrust, dripping heat pooled onto his sheets as he groaned your name.
You could feel his cock beginning to twitch, signalling his nearing climax.
“Cum.” It was a simple command, one that you hadn't expected to happen as soon as you spoke. The feeling of his hot cum inside of you excited you as he pulled out, a trail of some running down your thighs.
You turned around to face him, pulling him into a hungry kiss and his hands carefully trodden along your sides. Both of you cleaned yourself up, Jungkook's cum now pooling into the thin fabric of your panties.
He held you close, his hand rubbing your thigh and the other pressed on your waist. You stroked his arm, his veins bulging out against your touch.
“I didn't know you had that in you.”
“Stick around and you'll learn a lot about me.”
~Admin Blake
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jeonjiah · 7 years
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taepott-archive · 7 years
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at that place, if we can meet
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kseokjiin · 7 years
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the hardships of seokjin
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honeybcy-blog · 7 years
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taehyung + pastels as requested by @btsmutimagines
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notjhope · 7 years
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56-59|∞ hobi gifs
보고 싶다 
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hoeseok · 7 years
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the stars shine brighter when we’re together
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gukmixtape · 7 years
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made especially for @void-culture ↳ Jungkook: Dope Era
Send me a group and your bias and I’ll make you a gifset
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yoongiski · 7 years
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sunshine line ☀️  requested by nevermindbyjin
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bangtanhoesnet · 7 years
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Congratulations to the following thirsty hoes for joining our messy little network!
@taepott @yooonggi @springstae @springtoday @yoonelle @eatkookiie@notjhope @yoongiski @parkjiminbiased @thehouseofkpop@overthemoonjoon @jimineds @kongwencai @kseokjiin
Now that you’ve been accepted, please note the following:
reblog this post to confirm your spot!  (we will be checking)
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boyscoutstyle · 7 years
seokjin • boyfriend series
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let me just tell you that food is the reason why yall started dating
and that’s what you relationship consists of 99.99% of the time
bc you guys literally met in a buffet
you were seated on his table wHIch was a mistake by the host but not really bc there was no more place
and there were three other guys on the table with him and you: namjoon, hoseok and jimin
you didn’t talk much that night bc you were too busy eating
bUT jIN oh boy, he wouldn’t stop making lame jokes and when you got up to get another plate he got up too
it was like a small competition to see who eats fast
AND THEN he cracks this joke which you find funny and you actually snort out laughing
and you’re the only one laughing alongside jin and that’s the start of him starting a friendship w/ you
and honestly it’s so pure
you visited the dorms every week or daily if they were on vacation
and there would be movie nights or game nights or sometimes just sleepovers consisting everyone eating junk food 
when hoseok and jimin finally stepped in and played matchmakers
their first try was setting jin up with another woman so you could get jealous
their second try was locking you both in a room but you both ended up playing board games
the third time’s a charm ;))
they actually set jin up on a blind date again 
they also set you up on a blind date
surprise surprise they set you both on blind dates w/ each other
like jin returned with a smile, hugging the two boys and then squealing that he kissed you
g e n t l e m a n
he loves having you in his arms
back hugs are his fave
AND WHEN you run your fingers in his hair which lulling him to sleep
or when you spoon him bc he loves using your stomach as a pillow
he also wants all of your attention 
takes photos of himself on your phone
he lowkey loves it when you take care of the members bc mother qualities
but he pretends to not show it bc he’ll have an excuse to be pouty and demand your attention and kisses
speaking of kisses
his kisses are usually soft, warm and sweet
but sometimes his kisses turn desperate and passionate
that’s usually at the airport or when he can’t take you with him on tour or when he’ll be gone for long
but there are also those kisses that are rough and wet
those are when he needs you and you need him
he loves giving oral more than receiving
bc he genuinely worships you 
but !! you !! persist and who’s he to say no yknow
i can’t see him as a dom, he’s defs a sub
he lets you be in control and honestly i think he’s vanilla
he doesn’t prefer the idea of toys and lots of kinks
he believes sex should be to make love 
sometimes he just hells with it and shows you what he’s capable of
basically the real definition of two sides bc he loves slow and sensual
but he also loves when he has you shaking beneath him due to over stimulation
a mad man, i tell you
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