#banished from the bed for being a human furnace
kyngsnake · 1 year
yeah. one consequence of Avery’s mutation is a slightly higher average body temp. 101-103f sort of range. Sleeping next to him in the desert probably sucks actually.
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mawofthemagnetar · 3 years
If you're still doing prompts, could you do one for zedaph? I'd like to know what he's seeing in that one fic you wrote where everyone's basically seeing their worst nightmare. But if that's too spoilery anything with his death stuff would be awesome!! (like what does he see? What do regular people rank as if the more off hermits set off his death sense, how does his death sense work with players when they have respawn?) I think your concept for him is very cool.
Zedaph is alive.
Of course he is. He’s a human being. A human being who likes to dress up in costumes and wants to implant horns into his skull, but a human being nevertheless. And humans are always alive.
The undead aren’t human. Anymore, that is. Toast isn’t bread, even though it comes from the same bag; it’s the same with the undead. Chuck it in, watch them die, press the lever, and up they pop- defiled corpses with ill-gotten souls wrenched from the hands of the reapers who were snoozing on the job.
When Zedaph looks at Cleo, he sees her in all her glory, yes- a resplendent woman, violently railing against the natural order. But he also sees the shadow she casts; a long trailing stain on the ground she walks. Starlight sparkles in her wake; the spurned stars of the afterlife she crassly cast aside.
Zed wouldn’t dream of reaping her. The longer that black stain grows, the greater pride he takes- he wants to see how long it’ll get. For science.
Mumbo is different. Sickly and lost, it’s obvious that the decay is fresh. Or at least, fresh relative to Cleo. It burns to look at him, to see the ashen face and the gaunt cheeks, to see the obvious symptoms everyone else so blatantly misses. Even Mumbo himself, looking at his reflection in a gold-backed mirror, obliviously convincing himself that silver just doesn’t like him.
Zedaph wouldn’t dream of reaping Mumbo. Not now. Not ever.
But the black stain on the ground grows as he walks, indelible footprints worn into the soil that will never, ever wash out.
Zed’s made a game of counting them. Seeing where Mumbo and Cleo go. It’s fascinating, counting the paths. The thousands of footsteps clustered around their beds, crafting tables, furnaces.
And they’re not alone.
Keralis is on the brink. He dances with his stain, spits on it, laughs at it. Like a child let loose in a marble kitchen with a pack of permanent markers, it’s almost like Keralis knows his stain is there and revels in vandalizing the world around him with it.
He drags it around like a brush loaded with paint- sometimes Zed will find a smiley face sketched into the earth in black, dripping footprints, fading back and forth out of existence. Because Keralis is nothing if not an infuriating fence-rider- his ill-gotten shell trapped on the brink, but the person inside? He’s alive.
And he will never, ever die.
No matter what Zedaph tries to do.
So the sun sets, and he sleeps, and when it rises again, they’ll be there. The stain sinks deeper into the earth, like an oil slick on fertile farmland. The aura of death radiates from them, his mental Geiger counter screeching at the proximity. His fingers itch to summon his scythe from the broom closet it’s been banished to, reeking of Windex and mop water. To swing it, and finally send the three of them to the great beyond.
And he doesn’t.
Because Zedaph is alive.
And what is life if not one long struggle against the reaper?
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mattchase82 · 3 years
In 1952, a woman was about to die during delivery because of an erroneous blood transfusion. She received the Last Rites. When the priest left, she saw a monk: “I am Padre Pio and you will not die. Say an ‘Our Father’ and one day you will come to see me.” About a year later, she went to see Padre Pio. He told her: “You got the miracle because the Sacred Heart sent me to save you, since you are devoted to him and did the First Fridays of each month.”
This devotion consists in attending Holy Mass and receiving Holy Communion in reparation for those who do not receive Our Lord, who do not love Him and who wound Him by their sinful lives.
“I promise you, in the excessive mercy of My Heart, that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who communicate on the First Friday of nine consecutive months, the grace of final penitence; they shall not die in my disgrace, nor without receiving their Sacraments, My Divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.”
(Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary)
by Saint Margaret of Alacoque
This novena prayer was recited every day by Padre Pio for all those who asked his prayers and is Known to be Very Powerful
O my Jesus, Thou has said: "Truly I say to you, ask and it will be given you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you." Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of.... (ASK)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be;
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in T'hee.
O my Jesus, Thou has said: "Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My Name, He will give it to you:" Behold, in Thy Name, I ask the Father for the grace of…. (ASK)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be;
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in Thee.
O my Jesus, Thou has said: "Truly I say to you, Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away." Encouraged by Thy infallible words I now ask for the grace of ... (ASK)
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be;
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in Thee.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for Whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of Thee, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary Your tender Mother and ours.
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, Hail our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To T'hee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To Thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, Thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed Fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
by Rev. Irenaeus Schoenherr, O.F.M.
God has always dealt with men in a way consonant with their nature--by drawing them to His Holy Will by promises of reward. It was so with His dealings with the chosen people under the Old Dispensation. It was the way of Christ in the New, promising even a hundredfold return for compliance with His desires. And so it is in the history of the revelation and propagation of the devotion to the Sacred Heart.
"That men might more readily respond to that wonderful and overflowing desire of love," wrote Leo XIII in his Encyclical Annum Sacrum (1899) on the devotion, "Jesus, by the promise of rich rewards, called and drew all men to Him." St. Margaret Mary in her writings insists again and again on the ardent desire of Christ to pour out blessings with a royal generosity on those who would honor His Divine Heart and return Him love for love.
These Promises of the Sacred Heart, in the form in which they are now popularly known and approved by the Church, far surpass in variety, universality and importance those attached to any other exercises of devotion in the Church.
They are addressed to all sorts of persons: to the fervent, the tepid, and the sinful. They embrace every condition of life: priests, religious, and seculars. They promise relief to the afflicted, strength to the tempted, consolation to the sorrowful, peace to the family, blessings in the home, success in our enterprises, mercy to the sinner, high sanctity to fervent souls, courage to the cold of heart. They promise power to the priest to soften the hardest hearts. They promise strength and courage on our death-bed, and tell us of the priceless gift of final perseverance and of a refuge in the Heart of Christ at the last moment.
What greater or more valuable favors than these could even the omnipotent and boundless love and goodness of the Sacred Heart bestow on us? These Promises help us to an understanding of the truth of St. Margaret Mary's glowing words: "Jesus showed me how this devotion is, as it were, the final effort of His love, the last invention of His boundless Charity."
1st Promise-- "I will give to My faithful all the graces necessary in their state of life."
The duties of our daily life are numerous and often difficult. God grants us in response to prayer and frequent reception of the Sacraments all the necessary graces for our state of life. There are also extraordinary graces which lie outside the usual action of God's Providence, graces that He gives to His special friends. These are more efficacious graces, more plentifully given to the clients of the Sacred Heart.
2nd Promise -- "I will establish peace in their homes."
"'Peace is the tranquillity of order, the se- renity of mind, simplicity of heart, the bond of charity." (St. Augustine) It was the first thing the Angels wished to men at the birth of Jesus. Our Lord Himself bade His disciples to invoke it: "Whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace to this house!' " (Luke 10, 5) In the Heart of Jesus will be found the true peace, that makes the home the reflex and anticipation of our heavenly Home.
3rd Promise -- "I will comfort them in all their afflictions."
The desire to comfort the sorrowful is the mark of a noble and kind heart. The Sacred Heart is the most noble and generous of hearts, both human and divine. How does He console us? Not necessarily by freeing us from sorrow and affliction. He knows the priceless value of the cross--that we have sins to expiate. By His grace, He makes what is painful tolerable. "I am filled with comfort, I overflow with joy in all our troubles." (2 Cor. 7, 4)
4th Promise -- "I will be their secure refuge in life, and above all in death."
"One of the soldiers opened His side with a lance, and immediately there came out blood and water." (John 19, 34) Christ's side was opened to show that Divine Providence wished all men to find in His Divine Heart an assured refuge against the enemies of our salvation. In His Heart we can find protection, strength in our frailty, perseverance in our inconstancy, assured refuge in the dangers and toils of life, and at the hour of death.
5th Promise -- "I will bestow abundant blessings upon all their undertakings."
"God is love." He is ready to give His children abundant temporal blessings as long as they do not imperil our eternal interests. His "special" Providence protects and watches over those devoted to the Sacred Heart with peculiar love and tenderness. However, we should not be discouraged if our prayers for temporal favors are not always answered, for God always puts our eternal good before our temporal good.
6th Promise--"Sinners shall find in My Heart the source and the infinite ocean of mercy."
The Redemption is the immortal drama of God's mercy; and our Divine Redeemer is, as it were, God's Mercy Incarnate. "With the Lord is kindness and with Him plenteous Redemption." (Ps. 129, 7) On earth the Heart of Christ was full of mercy toward all. Now in His glorified humanity in heaven Jesus continues to show forth His boundless mercy, "always living to make intercession for us." (Heb. 7,25)
7th Promise -- "Tepid souls shall become fervent."
Lukewarmness is a languid dying state of the soul that has lost its interest in religion. The Holy Spirit expresses deep disgust for such a soul: "You are neither cold nor hot ... I am about to vomit you out of My mouth." (Apoc. 3, 15) The only remedy for it is devotion to the Sacred Heart, Who came "to cast fire on earth," i.e., to inspire the cold and tepid heart with new fear and love of God.
8th Promise -- "Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection."
High perfection is the reward that Christ bestows on the fervent clients of His Divine Heart; for this devotion has, as its special fruit, to transform us into a close resemblance to our Blessed Lord. This is done by kindling in our hearts the fire of divine love, which, as St. Paul says, "is the bond of perfection." (Col. 3, 14) Through devotion to the Sacred Heart self-love will give way to an ardent zeal for His interests.
9th Promise -- "I will bless every place in which an image of My Heart shall be exposed and honored."
Religious pictures are a powerful appeal and inspiration. The Sacred Heart is an open book wherein we may read the infinite love of Jesus for us in His Passion and Death. He shows us His Heart, cut open by the lance, all aglow like a fiery furnace of love, whose flames appear bursting forth from the top. It is encircled with thorns, the anguishing smarts of unheeded love. May it ever impel us to acts of love and generosity.
10th Promise -- "I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts."
The conversion of a sinner calls sometimes for extraordinary graces. God never forces the free will of a human being. But He can give actual graces with which He forsees the sinner will overcome the resisting attitude of the most obstinate sinful soul. This, then, is what occurs in the case of priests who are animated with great devotion to the Sacred Heart.
11th Promise -- "Those who promote this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart, never to be effaced."
This Promise holds out to promoters of devotion to the Sacred Heart a wonderful reward--they "shall have their names written in My Heart." These words imply a strong and faithful friendship of Christ Himself, and present to us "the Book of Life" of St. John: "I will not blot his name out of the book of life." (Apoc. 3, 5)
12th Promise -- "To those who shall communicate on the First Friday, for nine consecutive months, I will grant the grace of final penitence."
This Promise contains a great reward, which is nothing less than heaven. "Final perseverance is a gratuitous gift of God's goodness, and cannot be merited as an acquired right by any individual act of ours." (Council of Trent) It is given as the reward for a series of acts continued to the end: "He who has persevered to the end will be saved." (Matt. 10, 22)
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foxposters781 · 3 years
Colony Survival For Mac
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Cheat codes may be a dying breed in the video game world, but they are alive and well in Pipliz's blocky survival game, Colony Survival. With cheats activated, players are able to fly, teleport, and loot at will, making these codes perfect for players that are primarily interested in the building aspects of Colony Survival. If those sound fun to you, then read on for GameSkinny's list of Colony Survival console commands and cheat codes.
How to Activate Cheats in Colony Survival
I can’t tell us with an amazing idea the worst idea ever but it’s a spa and a house and let my colony house who has them Oh, Bert what and the hell was that who’s coming for me hey how’s it going homies this your word here come well you get colonies of Ivor this is a, game we have to build a base survive, recruiting new people it looks really freaking awesome when I saw the trailer. 7 Zip - Colony Survival - Link 2 - Follow m. Execute your strategy and improve your colony’s chances of survival while unlocking the mysteries of this alien world. Mars is waiting for you. Main Features: Building on a planet not fit for human life challenges you to build a smart, functional colony. Bad planning isn’t about traffic jams, it’s about survival of your. Colony Attack: Download Colony Attack /Mac/Windows 7,8,10 and have the fun experience of using the smartphone Apps on Desktop or personal computers. New and rising Simulation Game, Colony Attack developed by Geek Beach for Android is available for free in the Play Store.
Before using cheats in Colony Survival, you'll need to enable them. Simply press 'T' to open up the game's command line, type the following, and hit enter:
/cheats on
Once enabled, you can use any of the cheat codes listed below by simply opening up the command line with T, typing in the code, and pressing enter. If you want, you can also disable cheats by typing:
/cheats off
List of Colony Survival Cheat Codes
Enable flying (note that you must press F to toggle flying and hold SHIFT to fly faster):
/setflight true
Teleport to your banner:
/teleport banner
Teleport to specific coordinates (x, y, and z should be replaced by the desired coordinate numbers):
/teleport x y z
Change time (replace # with the desired number of hours to move forward)
/time add #
Obtain any item (replace ItemID with the item's ID and # with the quantity of the item):
/loot ItemID #
For this last code, note that an item's ID is not always the same as the name of the item itself. See below for the list of Item IDs.
List of Colony Survival Item IDs
Here is an alphabetical list of all items in Colony Survival that can be spawned with cheats, followed by their corresponding ID:
ItemItem IDAdobeadobeArrowarrowAxeaxeBannerbannerBedbedBerryberryBerry SeedberrybushBowbowBreadbreadBricksbricksClayclayCoal OrecoaloreCoated PlankscoatedplanksCommand ToolcommandtoolCratecrateDirtdirtFlaxflaxFlax Seedsflaxstage1FlourflourFurnacefurnaceGold CoingoldcoinGold IngotgoldingotGold OregoldoreGrassgrassGrass RainforestgrassrainforestGrass SavannagrasssavannaGrass TaigagrasstaigaGrass TemperategrasstemperateGrass TundragrasstundraGrindstonegrindstoneGypsumgypsumIron IngotironingotIron OreironoreLeavesleavesLeaves TaigaleavestaigaLeaves TemperateleavestemperateLinseed OillinseedoilLoglogLog TaigalogtaigaLog TempertelogtemperateMintmintOvenovenPickaxepickaxePlanksplanksPlaster BlockplasterblockQuiverquiverSandsandSaplingsapplingSnowsnowStone BlockstoneblockStone BricksstonebricksStrawstrawTorchtorchWaterwaterWheatwheatWheat Seedswheatstage1Workbenchworkbench
With Colony Survival's cheats at your fingertips, you should have no problem building the settlement of your dreams. If you found this guide helpful, be sure to check out some of our other Colony Survival guides on GameSkinny. Here are a few to get you started:
Do you like City Builder Games where you can design amazing cities, communities and settlements?
These type of games are the perfect way to express yourself and be creative, sometimes without restriction. City management games or general management games on the other hand let you manage everything, whether it’s a city, a business or any kind of system.
It is also very similar to strategy games, but the main difference is that in city builder games or management games your success is not physical survival, but more financial survival.
The main goal is to make money and reach your goals. Most city building simulators have a sandbox mode meaning you can build with an unlimited budget and don’t have to worry about balancing your finances.
These type of games also give you problems to solve, whether it is traffic related or managing your resources, it is always fun to come up with a solution. Build bigger, better and become virtually rich! Here is a list of the best City Builder Games and Management Games you can play!
What is your favorite city building game? Tell me in the comments. If you like this post, please share it with your friends.
The Best City Builder Games
1. Cities Skylines
Cities Skylines is the ultimate city builder game you can play right now.
It has so many possibilities and features for players to create their dream city.
Cities Skylines challenges the player’s management and creative skills, whether you play with money or in sandbox mode.
In the beginning of every city create you will experience the need to expand quickly and get more people to move there.
Until… traffic becomes a problem!
That is one of the main challenges in the game, to find innovative way to solve traffic and expansion problems.
Traffic management, policies, taxation, infrastructure planning, resources, city connections ect. are only a few things you’ll manage during the game.
It also has massive modding capabilities and a big community with a number of awesome DLC content, so customization is virtually unlimited.
What are you waiting for, the people want to move in.
Don’t miss the latest DLC, Industries, which is definitely one of the best!
Find it here – Industries DLC
Get building!
Buy Cities Skylines
2. ANNO 1800
ANNO 1800 is a real-time city building game and it’s the latest edition into the series.
The ANNO Series has the ultimate blend between being a city builder and a city management game while you play through some super interesting campaigns.
The setting is focused around the 1800’s of the Industrial Revolution highlighting colonial trade with a touch of Victorian Era style.
You will have to manage many different aspects to conquer ANNO 1800, like production, supply chains, trade routes, political management and keeping your people happy.
You will ultimately decide what kind of ruler you will be.
Will you be an innovator or an exploiter?
Are you a liberator or a conqueror that rules with an iron fist?
Whichever you choose, be ready for an epic journey. Enjoy this city builder in singleplayer, multiplayer and sandbox mode.
ANNO has visited a few different eras, both historical and future, each giving you a rich storyline which will give you hours of playtime.
My favourite so far was ANNO 1404, but the new ANNO 1800 will definitely be one of the best. What is your favourite?
Buy ANNO 1800
3. Tropico 6
When you are looking for a fun city builder game that is not too serious, the Tropico series might just be perfect for you.
Tropico 6 is one of the latest city building and management games for the genre, with a list of new features.
You are taking the role of “El Presidente” the mayor on your very own little island, build a community from the ground, manage resources, politics, trade and much more.
Playing the main campaigns takes you through 4 time periods all with unique ways to build your settlements:
The Colonial era
The World Wars era
The Cold War era
The Modern era
Tropico 6 is a super fun game and you can play it in a variety of ways with several outcomes by implementing different policies, making decisions based on various factors and growing your rule in across your islands.
A new feature allows you build on various small islands throughout the 4 time periods and later connect them together, which was not the case in previous titles.
Even enjoy some multiplayer city building games with up to four friends.
Will you manage to keep your people happy, balance your production and supply, grow your empire?
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You are the major and the choice of how to build, manage and rule is up to you.
So go and create an economy that your virtual people will be proud of!
Buy Tropico 6
4. Banished
Banished is a city building strategy game that lets you build and manage an isolated society. You literally start with nothing except a few people to control.
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The main goal of this village building game is to develop a sustaining settlement for your people to survive through the various conditions.
It sounds easy enough right, but the thing is people will die if they are not fed or warm enough in the Winter.
You should order them to build, gather, farm and mine to keep your people alive. Banished has all the seasons where you will face challenges during each. For example, in Spring and Summer you need to grow food and gather wood to build houses and have enough firewood.
During Autumn and Winter, people will die if they are not warmed from fire and starve if they run out of food. The game has a few complex systems to understand and overcome before you can really build a large town, but it’s worth every minute.
If you like a real challenge and want to build your own little settlement, Banished is a great game to play.
It’s time to gather some firewood for the Winter!
Buy Banished:
5. Surviving Mars
From the same publisher’s as Cities Skylines, Surviving Mars is another challenging builder.
It is more focused around colony building and survival the different conditions than your usual city builders. Your mission is to build a sustainable settlement on Mars and survive the challenges that is thrown at you.
Being on Mars, there are a lot of factors that can affect the way you build your city which is really fun when you start to understand what needs to happen.
Surviving Mars has a lot of exciting gameplay, challenging environments and many customization to enjoy.
If you like a good colony builder game, this will be perfect for you.
Buy Surviving Mars
6. Frostpunk
The end of our civilization as we know it came fast during the 19th Century, which was supposed to be the peak of human achievement.
Colony Survival For Kids
Frostpunk is a survival city building game that puts you in charge of managing the last city on earth. With a great story and many different ways to play it, you are fighting to survive while its your duty to manage both the people and the infrastructure.
There are many things that plays together, from workers, resources, building strategy, politics and much more.
What decisions will you make to ensure the survival of the human race?
You must do whatever it takes, just survive!
Buy Frostpunk
7. Aven Colony
Aven Colony is a city building game for PC, Xbox and Playstation. You find yourself on Aven Prime, an alien planet several light years from earth, where you need to build a new human colony and survive the conditions.
Like many city builder games, Aven Colony has a lot of challenges in store for you to overcome like the management of resources, environmental factors and the aliens themselves. It can be quite a hard game at first, but when you get into the phase where you know how to balance everything it can be great.
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In order to keep your people alive, you need to mine resources, set up defenses and do research in order to overcome some of the challenges you may face. One moment the sun can be shining and the next moment a giant sandstorm approaches to blow everything away.
There are also a variety of different aliens that can attack your colony, from plague spores, hovering guardians and cultist airships. You can defend against attacks by building defensive buildings and do research to improve them.
With all that going on, you will also have to deal with and balance the morale of the people in your colony, as they will hold elections and can vote you out if you don’t take care of their needs. These can be things like crime, food supplies, living conditions, social policies and more.
There are also the option to expand your colony into sub-colonies and grow your population. That is a whole other challenge on it’s own.
Aven Colony can be really challenging at times, but offers you the satisfaction when you keep going.
Go save your people and build your settlement on a totally unknown planet.
Buy Aven Colony
8. Life is Feudal: Forest Village
Life is Feudal: Forest Village is extremely similar to Banished I listed earlier, just with a few more advanced features like the management systems and graphical enhancements.
The key is to build your settlement from nothing with a few peasants, by gathering, harvesting, mining and a lot more.
The setting is in the medieval time with a realistic world, famine, disease and harsh winters. The game has a dynamic ecosystem with changing weather and the world you play on is randomly generated which gives you a unique experience for every town you build.
Life is Feudal is a great game to relax and not take everything too serious, so do you have what it takes to build your own medieval settlement?
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Buy Life is Feudal: Forest Village
9. Rise of Industry
Rise of Industry is a complex strategy game in which you are the CEO of your own blossoming company – building an industrial empire that produces and delivers essential products to a growing population
Gather resources by building farms, mines, oil and gas wells and many more.
Fishing planet: bottom power pack for macbook pro. From the most basic materials there will be a wide range of products you can manufacture and ship to towns.
Keep the economy moving and keep the masses’ needs fulfilled.
Facilitate the transportation of both raw and finished products at every stage of production with the help of roadways, trucks, trains, ships, and even zeppelins.
Each mode of travel has its own advantages and drawbacks, and it’s up to you to sort the logistic puzzle.
Rise of Industry is complex enough to keep you entertained for hours and the development team seem to be very active and trustworthy.
So if you love complex strategy game and building your own successful business sounds good then Rise of Industry is a game for you!
Buy Rise of Industry
10. Simcity Complete Edition
Buy Simcity Complete Edition
11. Stonehearth
Buy Stonehearth
12. Kingdoms and Castles
Buy Kingdoms and Castles
13. Urban Empire
Buy Urban Empire
14. Cities in Motion 2
Buy Cities in Motion 2
What is your favorite city builder game?
Did I miss one?
Share it in the comments!
Now that you have a long list of great city builder games to choose from, you can be sure to have hours of fun! I listed the best city simulation games you can still play in 2019.
Please share my post with your friends if you found this post helpful or interesting.
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tomb-of-ash · 7 years
Kurtis Trent Spin-off Game. Level Synopsis
We’ve received a number of documents on the abandoned Kurtis Trent spin-off game, a prequel to Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness. These were sent to us anonymously. This particular anonymous contributor has sent a number of screenshots and documents to us in the past and they were eventually verified by members of the Core Design team. As such, we have no doubts about the authenticity of these documents.
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Synopsis v1
Kurtis is approached by a priest and asked to come to a house where there is a severe case of demonic possession.
 During the car journey the priest tells a tale of a normal happy child turned by degrees into a demonic creature gifted with destructive paranormal powers. The priest has been working with the child for over a month but now things have gone too far and he has come to Kurtis with a request – kill the child.
 Kurtis is shocked but before he can argue the car pulls up outside an ordinary looking suburban home – but something has happened while the priest was away.
A police car is parked in the drive, lights flashing, the doors open with the radio requesting the patrols location.
On entering the house they find the child’s parents burned and torn bodies littering the floor – the cops called to the disturbance murdered in much the same way.
 They cautiously enter the child’s bedroom and find a boy of twelve sitting on the bed playing a computer game.
 “Kill it!” urges the priest and Kurtis draws his pistol, unsure if he can shoot a child.
 Suddenly a woman appears behind him holding a pistol.
She is under the child’s influence and opens fire, killing the priest and wounding Kurtis before being shot down herself.
Kurtis staggers to his feet and turns to face the child but the bed is empty.
With no time to lose Kurtis begins a hunt for the boy – realizing that this is more than possession, but a demonic changeling – an exact copy that is cared for by its unsuspecting human parents until maturity when it will hatch into its true form.
They can only hope that the missing alter-ego of the demon child is still alive somewhere and that they get to him before time runs out.
 Meanwhile the changeling is recruiting a small army of thugs to protect itself from Kurtis.
The energy from these enslaved drones is food to the demon-child and the more weak minds it recruits the more it will grow in power.
But killing it isn’t an option when Kurtis realizes that to do so will also kill the abducted human child.
 Eventually Kurtis tracks down and defeats the changeling. Using the creature as a key he unlocks a doorway into another dimension and sets out to rescue the missing boy.
 This world is a demonic reality and one where our physical laws do not apply.
Kurtis’ guns will only slow down the creatures in this dark realm and he must use all of the paranormal powers learned in the hunt for the changeling to rescue the abducted child and return it to our world where the boys appearance will banish the evil changeling back to the dark dimensions.
Level 1 – Hospital
 The level starts with Kurtis in the hospital reception.
 He must locate the Professor who will give him information about the case.
 The hospital has been ransacked. Dead bodies are everywhere.
 Survivors are dangerous.
 Whole walls and floors have been blown away making exploration difficult.
 The Professor is in his laboratory, a bandage wraped around his forehead, arm in a sling.
He tells Kurtis that the patient he was studying is gifted with extremely dangerous paranormal powers. These powers have been unleashed, hence the wrecked hospital and dead bodies.
 Kurtis continues his search while the Professor (wounded), stays put.
 Using his paranormal sense he tracks the patient down in the morgue. The patient is an eleven year old boy.
 The boy says nothing but makes a sign with his hand. The storage lockers slide open and the dead rise to attack Kurtis. The boy smashes up through the ceiling leaves Kurtis to fight the dead.
 Kurtis escapes and following his senses he heads for the roof. The police are now searching the hospital, and Kurtis has to avoid them.
 On the roof he confronts the boy, who escapes.
 The police make it to the roof and Kurtis has to work his way down the fire-escapes on the outside of the building. Avoid the helicopter search lights and police search squads.
 On the ground and Kurtis gets into his truck. The Professor is waiting for him.
 Professor says – “You can’t kill the demon child. You must find and return the abducted human to our world. That will weaken the demon to a point where you can kill it.”
 Level 2 – Triad Fortess
 Kurtis tracks down the boy to Chinatown. He is being protected in a Triad fortress.
 Kurtis fights his way inside and searches the building.
 The Triad soldiers defend every inch of ground.
 Kurtis confronts the Triad boss. He aura scans the boss and realizes that the boy has shape changed into this fat criminal. Before Kurtis can move the Triad boss touches a Siamese cat that darts out of the window. (This is how the Anti-Christ transfers himself from host to host.)
 Kurtis fights and defeats the Triad boss, but he has let the demon child escape.
 Level 3 – Gothic Mansion
 Two months later …
 Kurtis breaks into the creepy mansion of billionaire software entrepreneur Dr Phil Yates.
The Dr is building a complex software system for the US military.
 Kurtis’ paranormal investigations have led him to this place, now he goes into action, fighting and exploring his way to the nerve center of the Dr’s empire.
 In the Dr’s study.
 (Washing itself by the fire is the cat from Level 2.)
 Meanwhile the Dr is delivering the final part of the software system. An air force Colonel takes the briefcase from the Dr and shakes his hand. The Anti-Christ transfers itself into the Colonel who leaves the mansion.
 Seconds later Kurtis bursts in and scans the Dr for a paranormal aura but nothing shows up. He beats him up for the hell of it and gets the key to the computer system hidden in the Dr’s study.
 From this he learns the location of the military base.
 Level 4 – Military Base
 Kurtis infiltrates the base.
 Fights the soldiers, uses his paranormal powers to evade the security defenses.
 Discovers the train carrying the nuclear missiles.
 (Realizes that the Anti-Christ plans to launch the missiles, start Armageddon blah, blah.)
 Confronts the Colonel. Kills him. The Anti-Christ appears in its original child like form.
 It opens a gateway and demon warriors teleport in to protect it. Kurtis fights and wins, then turns to finish off the Anti-Christ.
 The Anti-Christ shows Kurtis a vision of the imprisoned human child that was abducted when the demons swapped the boy for the Anti-Christ. “ If you kill me – he dies too!”
 Kurtis dives through the gateway into the demon realm – now he is on a rescue mission to get the human child back.
 Level 5 – Demon Realm – Desert and Dark Citadel – Level 1
 Kurtis is standing in a desert. In the distance towers the Dark Citadel, a huge city rising from the arid plain.
 Kurtis must make his way to the Dark Citadel, avoiding the creatures and vehicles that populate the desert.
 When he has crossed the desert he has to enter the lower level of the Dark Citadel.
 This level of the Citadel is the ‘engine room’, supplying power to the upper levels of the fortress.
 Grinding wheels, furnaces and gantries are everywhere.
 Kurtis must explore and fight his way through this industrial hell.
 Level 6 – Demon Realm – Dark Citadel Level 2
 This part of the Citadel is a stone fortress.
 Draw bridges, battlements, dungeons. Heavily fortified and defended.
 Kurtis must explore and fight his way upwards where the palace rises from the center of the fortress.
 Level 7 – Dark Citadel – Level 3
 The human child is held prisoner in the palace.
 The palace is a gothic marble clad nightmare. The proportions are huge. Vaulted ceilings and wide concourses make Kurtis look small and vulnerable.
 Kurtis must fight and explore his way to the throne room. Here the human child is held prisoner in a glass dome.
 Defeat the Devil Master and release the boy.
 Teleport out of the demon realm back to the military base in Level 4.
 Level 8 – Final Confrontation
 Kurtis returns with the human child. The presence of the boy will weaken the Anti-Christ and force it to return to its true form.
 A head to head battle with the Anti-Christ takes place. Kurtis must use his shield to keep the human child alive while he fights.
 Kurtis forces the Anti-Christ to reveal its true demonic form and the creature escapes death by leaping onto the moving missile train as it passes by.
 Kurtis leaves the human child and follows, jumping onto the last train wagon.
 Kurtis must now fight his way up the moving train to the control car and stop the Anti-Christ from launching the nuclear missiles.
 With seconds to spare Kurtis manages to stop the main missile launch, but the Anti-Christ hot wires a nuke and the missile hurtles skyward.
 Kurtis has to stop the nuke so he trans-mutates into an Arch Angel and launches himself into the sky.
 Over Washington DC - Kurtis and the Anti-Christ fight in an air-to-air duel.
 Alerted to the incoming missile strike, the army has soldiers firing Stinger missiles from the rooftops and helicopter gun ships patrolling the skies. The military has orders to shoot at both Kurtis and the demon.
 Kurtis defeats the Anti-Christ and absorbs the missiles nuclear blast.
 He tumbles from the sky, hitting the pavement with a thud.
 His spectacular paranormal powers are now burned out. He is mortal again.
 A car pulls up. The Professor offers him a ride. Kurtis gets in. The car pulls away.
 Game completed.
Synopsis v2
A dark night in the city.
Trash blows across the parking lot, the ground wet and flickering under the bright lights of the emergency vehicles parked behind a cordon of police cruisers.
Cautious cops approach the shattered building, double handed grip on their drawn firearms. A sign flaps in the wind – “City Hospital – Main Entrance”
 Kurtis stands in the accident and emergency department. The place is a mess.
“Looks like someone started a war in here.” Walking further into the hospital’s corridors confirms Kurtis’ assessment. Something bad has gone down tonight and mixed up in it is the Professor.
 Kurtis heads for the Professor’s office. The door is open, glass crunches under his feet as he enters. No one at home – but a sound from the bathroom attracts Kurtis’ attention.
The Professor is alive, sitting on the floor and nursing a damaged arm.
 “I got your message – looks like I’m too late.” says Kurtis.
 “No. It’s my fault – I thought I could contain it. But it’s growing all the time and …” The Professor looks at Kurtis with haunted eyes. “We have to find it – if it escapes into the city …”
 “I understand.” Kurtis draws his weapon and disappears into the devastation - the demon hunter is back in business.
 But what Kurtis believes is just another bug hunt quickly becomes a ride into the unknown – for this is no routine exorcism but a demonic plan to slide the world into a nuclear fueled Armageddon.
 “Demon Spawn”, utters the Professor under his breath.
It is later and the Professor and Kurtis drive the dark streets hoping to pick up a trace of their escaped quarry.
 Kurtis glances at the Professor.
 He continues,,“The Spawn is an exact copy of the human child – not even the parents would suspect. But somehow through transference they become linked, and to kill one is to destroy the other. This creature also has the ability to steal any animals shape, but will revert back to its original form when weakened.”
 Kurtis checks the mirrors. “So you’re telling me I got something that looks like a kid, got the power to chew up hospitals for kicks and can change its shape at any time – but I can’t zap it because the host kid will croak simultaneously?
 The Professor stares grimly into the night, “Return the lost child to our world Kurtis – it’s our only hope of stopping whatever it is planning to do!”
 The hunt will take Kurtis from the criminal underworld of the city streets to the top of corporate America before crossing the dimensions into the Dark Citadel to rescue the lost child.
 And all the while the countdown to annihilation is ticking …
Level 1 – Hospital
 The level starts with Kurtis in the city hospital.
 He must locate the Professor who will give him information about the case.
 The hospital has been ransacked. Dead bodies are everywhere.
 Survivors are dangerous.
 Whole walls and floors have been blown away making exploration difficult.
 The Professor is in his laboratory, a bandage wraped around his forehead, arm in a sling.
He tells Kurtis that the patient he was studying is gifted with extremely dangerous paranormal powers. These powers have been unleashed, hence the wrecked hospital and dead bodies.
 Kurtis continues his search while the Professor (wounded), stays put.
 Using his paranormal sense he tracks the patient down in the morgue. The patient is an eleven year old boy.
 The boy says nothing but makes a sign with his hand. The storage lockers slide open and the dead rise to attack Kurtis. The boy smashes up through the ceiling leaves Kurtis to fight the dead.
 Kurtis escapes and following his senses he heads for the roof. The police are now searching the hospital, and Kurtis has to avoid them.
 On the roof he confronts the boy, who escapes.
 The police make it to the roof and Kurtis has to work his way down the fire-escapes on the outside of the building. Avoid the helicopter search lights and police search squads.
 On the ground and Kurtis gets into his truck. The Professor is waiting for him.
 Professor says – “You can’t kill the demon child. You must find and return the abducted human to our world. That will weaken the demon to a point where you can kill it.”
 Level 2 – Triad Fortess
 Kurtis tracks down the boy to Chinatown. He is being protected in a Triad fortress.
 Kurtis fights his way inside and searches the building.
 The Triad soldiers defend every inch of ground.
 Kurtis confronts the Triad boss. He aura scans the boss and realizes that the boy has shape changed into this fat criminal. Before Kurtis can move the Triad boss touches a Siamese cat that darts out of the window. (This is how the Anti-Christ transfers himself from host to host.)
 Kurtis fights and defeats the Triad boss, but he has let the demon child escape.
 Level 3 – Gothic Mansion
 Two months later …
 Kurtis breaks into the creepy mansion of billionaire software entrepreneur Dr Phil Yates.
The Dr is building a complex software system for the US military.
 Kurtis’ paranormal investigations have led him to this place, now he goes into action, fighting and exploring his way to the nerve center of the Dr’s empire.
 In the Dr’s study.
 (Washing itself by the fire is the cat from Level 2.)
 Meanwhile the Dr is delivering the final part of the software system. An air force Colonel takes the briefcase from the Dr and shakes his hand. The Anti-Christ transfers itself into the Colonel who leaves the mansion.
 Seconds later Kurtis bursts in and scans the Dr for a paranormal aura but nothing shows up. He beats him up for the hell of it and gets the key to the computer system hidden in the Dr’s study.
 From this he learns the location of the military base.
 Level 4 – Military Base
 Kurtis infiltrates the base.
 Fights the soldiers, uses his paranormal powers to evade the security defenses.
 Discovers the train carrying the nuclear missiles.
 (Realizes that the Anti-Christ plans to launch the missiles, start Armageddon blah, blah.)
 Confronts the Colonel. Kills him. The Anti-Christ appears in its original child like form.
 It opens a gateway and demon warriors teleport in to protect it. Kurtis fights and wins, then turns to finish off the Anti-Christ.
 The Anti-Christ shows Kurtis a vision of the imprisoned human child that was abducted when the demons swapped the boy for the Anti-Christ. “ If you kill me – he dies too!”
 Kurtis dives through the gateway into the demon realm – now he is on a rescue mission to get the human child back.
 Level 5 – Demon Realm – Desert and Dark Citadel – Level 1
 Kurtis is standing in a desert. In the distance towers the Dark Citadel, a huge city rising from the arid plain.
 Kurtis must make his way to the Dark Citadel, avoiding the creatures and vehicles that populate the desert.
 When he has crossed the desert he has to enter the lower level of the Dark Citadel.
 This level of the Citadel is the ‘engine room’, supplying power to the upper levels of the fortress.
 Grinding wheels, furnaces and gantries are everywhere.
 Kurtis must explore and fight his way through this industrial hell.
 Level 6 – Demon Realm – Dark Citadel Level 2
 This part of the Citadel is a stone fortress.
 Draw bridges, battlements, dungeons. Heavily fortified and defended.
 Kurtis must explore and fight his way upwards where the palace rises from the center of the fortress.
 Level 7 – Dark Citadel – Level 3
 The human child is held prisoner in the palace.
 The palace is a gothic marble clad nightmare. The proportions are huge. Vaulted ceilings and wide concourses make Kurtis look small and vulnerable.
 Kurtis must fight and explore his way to the throne room. Here the human child is held prisoner in a glass dome.
 Defeat the Devil Master and release the boy.
 Teleport out of the demon realm back to the military base in Level 4.
 Level 8 – Final Confrontation
 Kurtis returns with the human child. The presence of the boy will weaken the Anti-Christ and force it to return to its true form.
 A head to head battle with the Anti-Christ takes place. Kurtis must use his shield to keep the human child alive while he fights.
 Kurtis forces the Anti-Christ to reveal its true demonic form and the creature escapes death by leaping onto the moving missile train as it passes by.
 Kurtis leaves the human child and follows, jumping onto the last train wagon.
 Kurtis must now fight his way up the moving train to the control car and stop the Anti-Christ from launching the nuclear missiles.
 With seconds to spare Kurtis manages to stop the main missile launch, but the Anti-Christ hot wires a nuke and the missile hurtles skyward.
 Kurtis has to stop the nuke so he trans-mutates into an Arch Angel and launches himself into the sky.
 Over Washington DC - Kurtis and the Anti-Christ fight in an air-to-air duel.
 Alerted to the incoming missile strike, the army has soldiers firing Stinger missiles from the rooftops and helicopter gun ships patrolling the skies. The military has orders to shoot at both Kurtis and the demon.
 Kurtis defeats the Anti-Christ and absorbs the missiles nuclear blast.
 He tumbles from the sky, hitting the pavement with a thud.
 His spectacular paranormal powers are now burned out. He is mortal again.
 A car pulls up. The Professor offers him a ride. Kurtis gets in. The car pulls away.
 Game completed.
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Who Wrote Revelation?
Bible / Bible Study / Topical Studies / Who Wrote Revelation?
Clarence L. Haynes Jr. | Contributing Writer
Thursday, May 28, 2020
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Revelation is the final chapter. It’s the book that closes out the Bible, the one book in the Bible that many people are afraid to read. I guess the many symbols and images can be overwhelming and somewhat scary. Ultimately when you understand the true meaning of the book – when you know whose side you are on – that fear will turn to joy and expectation.
The goal today is not to give you a deep dive into the entire book, even though I will give you a brief synopsis. Today we want to look a little bit closer and learn more about the person who wrote Revelation. You will find the identity of the writer in Revelation 1:4. That person was John.
Who Was John?
In the New Testament, you just can’t say John wrote the book because there were a few important people named John in that time. The author of Revelation is the apostle John, or as he called himself the disciple whom Jesus loved. John is the author of five books in the New Testament:
- The Gospel of John (this is where he identifies himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved)
- 1 John
- 2 John
- 3 John
- Revelation
John was one of the twelve disciples, but he was also part of the “inner circle” along with Peter and James. They had the privilege of experiencing things with Jesus that the other disciples didn’t. One of the greatest of these happened when they were with Jesus on the mountain and saw his transfiguration. You can read about it in Matthew 17, Mark 9, and Luke 9.
Interesting enough, even though John was an eyewitness to this event he chose not to write about it in his own gospel. Some scholars suggest that the influence of this event is not captured in one instance in John’s gospel account. They say it is a recurring theme that flows throughout his entire book. Nevertheless, this “inner circle” apostle is the same John who wrote Revelation.
Where Did John Write Revelation?
The book of Revelation was written around AD 95. Prior to him writing the book, there was a time of tremendous persecution in the church. At this time, the ruling Roman emperor was Domitian. John was persecuted because he was fulfilling his mission, preaching the gospel and making disciples. As part of his persecution, he was exiled to the island of Patmos. He refers to this in the first chapter of Revelation:
“I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus” (Revelation 1:9).
Patmos was a small penal colony to which John was banished. I guess this was the emperor’s method of trying to shut him down and silence him. What’s interesting to note is that in this place of exile and banishment, God gave him this great revelation. It is just a reminder that your circumstances don’t limit God from using you or revealing truth to you. God is greater than your circumstances.
How Did John See the Things Written in Revelation?
Early in chapter 1 of the book we discover the way John wrote the book. Surprisingly, it came by revelation (I guess naming the book wasn’t very difficult). Here is how it happened in John’s words:
“On the Lord’s Day I was in the Spirit, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet, which said: ‘Write on a scroll what you see and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea” (Revelation 1:10-11).
John was caught up in the Spirit and he was instructed to write all the things he saw. He was creating a written record of the things God was about to reveal to him. I often wonder with many of the things he saw, how much his mind must have been blown. Unbeknownst to him, he was writing about things that would happen thousands of years into the future. What an incredible challenge.
Imagine if you lived in the 1930’s and you had to describe at that time the internet, smartphones or even drones. What language would you use to describe that? What point of reference or imagery would you use to describe this flying spider looking thing. This was part of John’s challenge, describing things thousands of years into the future with language and references of the first century AD. Yet he succeeded because he was guided by The Holy Spirit, who I guess you could say is technically the one who wrote Revelation.
How Can We Trust That John's Visions Are Reliable?
What’s very interesting about this book is that John has an encounter with Jesus again in the first chapter. Remember John had a very unique perspective of Jesus. He saw him in his natural form as a human; he also saw him transfigured and in all his glory. Let’s look at this encounter:
“I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me. And when I turned I saw seven golden lampstands, and among the lampstands was someone like a son of man, dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest. The hair on his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: ‘Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades. ‘Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later” (Revelation 1:12-19).
I believe that when John saw this vision of Jesus, his mind went back to that mountaintop experience. I believe the combination of being caught up in the spirit and this encounter with Jesus gave John the confidence to write, and more importantly gives us the confidence to believe what he wrote.
What Is the Message of Revelation?
The message of Revelation is a simple one with a lot of challenging symbolism. The message is about what is to come. John is writing in two spaces: what was happening then and what would happen in the future. The book gives a picture of what will happen as we close the doors on human history as we know it and we look forward with anticipation to Jesus’ second coming.
John describes in detail a period of tribulation that will come upon the earth, that will be unmatched when compared to any other time in human history. He gives us insight into the events that will take place leading up to the very moment when Jesus again returns as he promised he would do. What John also describes is what happens after that, and then ultimately the judgement of Satan and all who choose not to follow Christ.
Finally, he ends with the beauty of heaven and the wonderful things God has in store for those who love him. If there is one message that Revelation emphasizes I believe it’s found in chapter 22:
“The angel said to me, ‘These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord, the God who inspires the prophets, sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place.’ ‘Look, I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy written in this scroll” (Revelation 22:6-7).
Jesus is coming soon. In light of this truth, the question that remains, that only you can answer, is how will you live your life?
Knowing who wrote Revelation, the apostle John, knowing the message of Revelation that Jesus is coming soon, ask yourself now: What’s next? I mentioned earlier that the book of Revelation can be scary, depending on whose side you are on. If you are on Jesus’ side, here is good news – you win. This is a story that truly ends well for those in Christ. You have nothing to fear. God has nothing but the best planned for those who love him. When he comes that will be a glorious day. I pray that we would all labor for the cause of Christ until he comes. It will be worth it all in the end.
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Design Pics 
Clarence L. Haynes Jr. is a rising speaker, teacher, author and co-founder of The Bible Study Club. He has spent more than 30 years serving the body of Christ in various capacities and has just released his first book, The Pursuit of Purpose. If you have ever struggled trying to find God’s will, this book will help you discover the different ways God leads you into his perfect will. To learn more about his ministry please visit clarencehaynes.com.
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