#bap zelo scenario
bapdaydreams · 2 years
Can I ask for a B.A.P reaction when they see they s/o walking down the aisle on their wedding day?
Hi! I am so sorry, I never get notifications on the app on my phone and when I finally opened Tumblr on my laptop I saw your request. I am also not taking requests but I don't want to disappoint you after so long so I hope you enjoy this short scenario.
Bang Yongguk: This soft man would have his heart in his throat watching you walk down the aisle. He's teary-eyed but he has the biggest, gummiest smile on his face and nothing would ruin this day for him.
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Jung Daehyun: Oh this happy-go-lucky ball of energy would be so quiet and so emotional. He tries his best not to cry as he watches you walk down the aisle with a small smile on his face. He is so smitten and definitely the luckiest man in the world.
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Yoo Youngjae: He would be so happy and excited but all that stops when he sees you walk down the aisle. His heart is pounding against his chest and his jaw hangs open at how beautiful you look. The man is stunned!
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Moon Jongup: Send help. Jongup exe. has stopped working. He is stunned silent. He knew you were pretty but damn something about watching you walking down the aisle just made you 10 times prettier. He may or may not be crying silently.
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Zelo: He is just so happy to see you. He is practically vibrating with happiness and he can't wait to call you his. He thinks so are beautiful and every part of his just aches to hold you and kiss you. Just so much joy.
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daebakinc · 2 years
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Pairing: Zelo x Reader (G) Prompt: Cyborg/Android Word Count: 1.5K
~Admin V
             It had been over a week since you first woke up in the cyborg unit. Once you were stable, you learned that a truck ran a light while you were at the crosswalk. After running you over, your leg got stuck in an axel and you were dragged a bit before the truck stopped. The leg was obliterated. When they brought you to Dr. Choi, he was able to cleanly remove it and replace it with the robotic prosthetic.
             You sat in a wheelchair, looking out the window in the physical therapy room. Your therapist, Jongup, had moved two ballet bars for you to use as railings while you walked along them. You didn’t want to. You didn’t want to do it today, and you hadn’t wanted to do it the last three days. Despite Jongup’s encouragement and cheers, you ignored him and continued looking out the window.
             A sigh of relief escaped when he finally left you alone in the room. It was crazy to you that the doctors wouldn’t give you time to process and grieve your loss. They expected you to try and use your new “leg” right away.
             The reprieve was short lived as Dr. Choi came into the room. He walked toward your chair and knelt down in front of you. “Jongup tells me you won’t do the exercises again.”
             With a non-committal grunt, you continued to look out the window. He called your name but you refused to look at him. “You have to use your leg. You need to walk on it, and bend down with it. All the other things you would normally do before your accident.”
             “That’s just it, isn’t it?” Your glare was icy as you turned to him. “It’s not my leg. I could do all the things you want me to do before the accident. I don’t want to do them now. Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
             The fact that he smiled widely made you angrier. “I’m not gonna just let you wallow in self-pity. You’re absolutely right; what happened to you is unfair and you didn’t deserve to have it happen. But it did happen. I know that’s hard to accept, but it happened and you can’t change that.”
             Turning away from him, looking back out the window was easier than to admit he was right.
           “I know you want to be left alone in your pity party, but unfortunately, your new leg doesn’t have that kind of time.”
             “What makes you think I even want this stupid thing?”
             “So you would like to remain in a wheelchair the rest of your life instead of walking and being mobile on your own?”
             “I want to be fully human!” You gestured at your leg. “This makes me a freak! You don’t think people will just ignore a big robot leg, do you?”
             “It won’t always look like that. Once you complete therapy and it moves in sync with you, we’ll confirm there are no problems and cover it with a very realistic silicon. It will look just like your other leg. Soon you’ll forget it’s even metal.”
             “Like you’d know,” muttered from your lips.
             He stood up then and unbuttoned the collar of his shirt. Looking up at him, he revealed a scar on his neck. Then he removed his lab coat and lifted the back of his shirt. There was a long scar from what you could see going alongside his spinal column. Dr. Choi turned back to you. “You’re not the only one who’s not fully human.”
             Your mouth dropped. There were no words. All you could do was stare.
             His smile this time was sheepish. “Before my accident, I used to be a B-boy.”
             Still in shock, you spoke without thinking. “But you’re so tall.”
             That made him chuckle. “Yeah, it was part of the problem. I tried to do a backflip I wasn’t prepared for and landed wrong. Technically, my neck was broken and my spine was damaged. I would be paralyzed without the robotic parts that I have now.”
             You were still at a loss for words. He bent down to your level again. “You can do this. I know, because I did. Your new leg is attached to your nerve endings. When you move it, it’s going to move just like your other one did. It will build muscle memory and act just like a normal human leg. But right now, by not moving it, it’s building the memory of a statue, and that’s how it will act.”
             His words were understood. The stubborn part of you still didn’t want to give in, but it did seem like this was your shot at having your life as normal as it had always been.
             Seeing your deliberation, Dr. Choi beamed once more. “I’ll make you a deal; you try walking, and I will show you some of my B-boy moves.”
             Your mouth dropped. “You still do them?”
             He wiggled his eyebrows. “I rap, too.”
             “Is Dr. Choi your stage name?”
             Chuckling, he shook his head. “That would be Zelo.”
             “Zelo. Dr. Zelo. I think if I’m doing this, I should get the full show of rapping and B-boying.”
             He rubbed his chin, pretending to consider the bargain. “I don’t know. You haven’t been a very good patient so far. Jongup is the cheeriest person in this place, and you made him frown.”
             “How cheerful were you after your accident? Do you want me to use the leg or not?”
             His smile was back. “Okay then. You walk down the bars; I’ll rap and dance for you. Deal?” His hand stretched out to you.
             You accepted it and shook. “Deal.”
             He was ready to help you to stand, but you motioned for him to stop. “Will it hurt?”
             Zelo knelt down again. “It won’t hurt, but it won’t feel comfortable. The leg is trying to learn how it’s supposed to function, so it’s going to be a little stiff and hard to move at first. Once it receives signals from the nerve endings, and you move it, it will get easier and feel more comfortable.”
             You nodded and mumbled an “okay.”
             His hand rested on top of yours as he looked into your eyes. “You can do this. I’m gonna be here all the way.”
             Nodding again, you allowed Zelo to help you up from the wheelchair and hobble over to the ballet bars. Once you were situated, he moved to the opposite end. “Whenever you’re ready. Take your time.”
             He wasn’t joking when he said it would be uncomfortable. The leg wasn’t any heavier than your human leg was, but because it was new, it felt like dead weight. Your nerve endings tingled as you attempted to move it. You could only move it an inch, and you were sweating from just that much.
             “You’re doing good! Don’t worry about how far it moves. Take as small of a step as you need. You can build up to longer strides.”
             Squeezing the bars for support, you moved your good leg then tried your robotic leg again. A gasp sounded when the nerve endings tingled again. It felt like electricity. It continued like this until you were out of breath and at the end of the bars. Zelo had grabbed your wheel chair and had it ready for you. You were thankful as he helped you into it.
            “That was good! You did really well.”
            Still breathless, you lifted your shirt to wipe sweat of your forehead.
            “So which do you want first, rapping or dancing?”
            Your eyebrow lifted. “You can’t do both at once?”
            A smug smirk appeared. “Oh, I can. But you’re only getting one now. I’ll do the other when you make it back down the bars.”
            “What?” Your mouth dropped.
            “Like I said, time is of the essence, and you didn’t want to use it the first few days. We can’t stop now.” Zelo chuckled as you groaned. “It will be easier this time. Your leg has some input from the nerve endings sending messages to move. It has a better idea of how to function.”
            You did nothing but glare at him. It only made him beam brighter.
            “I’m still here to help you. Us cyborgs gotta stick together.”
            If looks could kill . . . “I’m gonna use my cyborg leg to kick your cyborg ass.”
            His smile never faltered. “That’s the spirit! Gotta walk the row again if that’s ever gonna happen.” When you ignored him, he started shaking his shoulders and shimmying. “What’s it gonna be?”
            It was hard not to smile at this ridiculously tall doctor dancing like a fool before you. Pride still in tow, you gave him a solemn look. “I will walk it again, but I want both the rapping and dancing together when I make it to the end.”
            “Alright!” He raised his hand for a high-five. When you refused to meet him, he lifted your hand and slapped it against his, making you grin again. “Let’s get this robo-show on the road!”
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coffee-for-himchan · 5 years
Junhong + Kittens!
a.k.a cute + cute! Here we go!~
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You walked out of the kitchen and into the hallway, wandering through the apartment and thinking about what other preparations had to be done before you could have the homemade dinner your old friend had invited you and Junhong over for. Have you by any chance forgotten something?
Delicious dinner cooking in the kitchen, check. Bottle of wine, check… You peaked into the living room just out of curiosity while thinking about it all.
Junhong draped in kittens.. Check?
You rolled your eyes, wandering further into the room and heading directly for the couch. The three fuzzy animals have made themselves comfortable on Junhong’s lap and have completely occupied his attention, just lounging around or playing with his fingers, comfortable in his presence and interest in their shenanigans. All of a sudden you found it extra hard to look away for longer than a brief moment. He’s so big and they’re so tiny.. And they got along so well despite all that. It was a hilariously adorable and precious view.
“I thought you were a dog person,” you teased him sheepishly, your hand subconsciously reaching out to pet one of the kittens that was closer to you. It shifted into a more comfortable position and started purring in content right away. Junhong let out a quiet chuckle and thought for a moment.
“I thought so too, but just look at them. How could anyone hate something so fluffy?”
You wanted to lounge around for longer, but upon a call from the kitchen you were forced to leave Junhong who was now completely smitten for his three new companions behind. With a tiny sigh, you threw him a last glance and rose to your feet to leave the room, which was harder than expected, since you couldn’t help but turn around to watch him for a little longer just when you’d reached the doorway.
His movements were light and careful, as if not to accidentally hurt the kittens, the way he smiled at them being sincere and from the heart, putting his dimples on full display. You wouldn’t be opposed to seeing him like this more often, or so you realized there and then.
“Hey, Jun~”
He looked up for a moment, finally paying some attention to you. You looked at him in full seriousness and spoke in a similar tone.
“I really want a kitten now.”
A small smile plastered across his face as he looked down at the kittens in his lap before looking back at you again. His smile grew into a little mischievous smirk, one of those smirks that you didn’t trust too much since they meant something sheepish.
“Re-think that decision. Do you really want somebody to steal all of my attention away from you every time I come to visit?”
Your lips curled into a little pout and you crossed your arms over your chest, making Junhong chuckle a little and re-think his own statement for a moment. Not that he really meant that.. Nothing could ever make him turn away from you for too long. All the sudden adoration he felt towards you flooding him from all sides, his mind made up it’s own rules, re-capping all the good times and feeling he’s had while being together with you. He loved so many things about you, like your smile, your care, your thoughtfulness, your sincerity… All your quirks, all your flaws and all that jazz.
“As if you’re able to tear your eyes off of me for longer than a minute.”
Oh, and the confidence. You smiled a knowing smile, and he returned it, watching as you started walking away and towards the kitchen. His quiet words of conclusion still caught you despite the fact you’d already walked down half the hallway, and you knew by his tone that he was still smiling ear-to-ear when saying them out loud.
“You know me too well.”
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254bpm · 3 years
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smitten--kitten · 4 years
B.A.P as Bunnies:
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scenarioslovers · 4 years
Clumsy and in love || Zelo
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Requested by anon. Sorry for disappearing and sorry for disappointing and so sorry if this wasn’t as good as you expected. I am trying so hard to be a writer again. 
Hiding behind the curtains, Junhong was observing the night street. It was calm and quiet to the point when a couple passed or someone who was talking on his phone, he could hear what they are saying.
It was getting late and as the clock clicked seconds away, Junhong grew more worried. You did not show up yet and you were supposed to arrive half an hour ago.
His back straightened when he spotted a taxi making a turn into his street. His heart was beating so fast, hoping that it was you. When the taxi stopped by his house’s door, he sighed in relief as he hurried outside to help you.
And as he expected when he opened the taxi’s passenger’s seat door, he found you passed out on the seat. You kept murmuring alien’s words.
“how much sir?” Junhong asked the taxi driver.
“A young lady already paid for the trip. Just get her out of my car before she vomits.”
Junhong could understand the annoyance in the driver’s voice, as he grabbed your arms and pulled you out of the car. He helped you on your feet as he let you lean on his shoulder. He thanked the taxi driver before closing the door.
“Whooooo?” You suddenly said as you tried to pull away from him.
“Your boyfriend.” He said as you pulled you in his arms again. “Are you awake? Could you walk?”
“My boyfriend?” You looked confused for a second before a grin stretched on your face. “Junhong-aaaah” exclaiming, you grabbed his face into your arms as you stumbled on your own feet. However, luckily his grip over you was so strong that you did not fall. “I am not drunk; I just drank a little bit. Just a little bit.”
“They made you drink again.” He sighed as he helped you to the door and into the house. When he had to let go of you, to help you remove your shoes for just a few seconds, you almost dropped onto the floor like a corn bag.
“Hey, Y/N.” he caught you on time, as started giggling and hug him tightly.
“I miss you, Junhong.” You murmured, eye closed, arms lose yet strong around his neck. “I always miss you when you aren’t around.”
“Yeah, I miss you too. Let me get you to bed.”
You pushed away from him as you shook your head vigorously. “I--- I am not sleeeeepy at all. I told you…. I am not drunk.”
As you stumbled toward the living room, you pumped into the coffee table and groaned in pain. Junhong hurried behind you to help, but you held out your hand and shook your head. “I am fine.” You declared as you reached for the remote and opened the tv.
Junhong always got worried when you go to a company dinner. Since you are the newbie, they always made you drink until you are wasted and start walking like a zombie. He asked you to pick you up today but you told him that you didn’t want to give the impression of someone dependent and that she could take care of herself.
Junhong scoffed as he watched you raising the tv volume to the maximum that young blood by 5seconds of summer could be heard from the street. He knew something like this would happen and the next moment would be dancing over the coffee table like there was no tomorrow.
He could not determine if he liked it when you were drunk or not, but today you were extra cute as you kept pointing at him, before throwing your hair in the air. At a moment like this, he would be clean up after you, today he decided to join as he jumped on the sofa beside the coffee table and started dancing too.
You laughed so much at his moves and he laughed at yours. A world with just the two of you. Being clumsy and in love.
Out of the blue, Junhong’s eyes widened as he saw you getting near the edge of the coffee table. And right before you slip down, he caught you in his arms as you fall over him. Luckily, when he fell backward, it was the sofa that found him instead of the floor being tarped between you and the sofa.
“Are you okay?” He grabbed your face, worriedly as he kept checking if you got hurt anywhere.
To his surprise, you smiled at him, leaning your chin on his chest. “I love your face.” You pocked his cheek as your eyes disappeared into a wide smile. Junhong relaxed as he threw his head backward in relief. You sounded okay. “You are too handsome. I want to hide you.”
“I would do the same to you too.”
Pushing a few strands of hair out of your face, he stared at you. Your cheeks were red from how drunk you were or from the adrenaline of dancing on the table and then the sudden fall. Your eyes were unfocused and kept closing on its own. You looked tired and he wished he could tell you not to do that, however, he would never stop you from following your dreams
“I would hide you from the world.” He said softly as he watched you falling slowly into a deep sleep over his chest.    
There was a plan that he would carry you back to the bed. However, he preferred not to wake you up and watch you sleep like this all night that he ended up falling asleep without even realizing it.
I always worry when I post after along time.
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BAP Reaction to you imitating Yongguk’s aegyo
Since It’s precious boy Yongguk’s Birthday (at least when I’m making this. I know I probably won’t get this out in time TTnTT ) I wanted to make a reaction or a scenario to go with him. And then in class this idea popped into my head. :) So this is when you’re the member’s girlfriend and you imitate Yongguk’s “Buiing, buiing, buiing” with the deep voice and all.
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Yongguk would immediately break into that signature gummy smile of his before he starts laughing. You’d done it to get him to cheer up while he was working on music. Gently, he’d pull you down to sit on his lap and bury his head in your neck. Yongguk would be smiling as he thought to himself about just how lucky he was to have you.
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Himchan would have fallen over from laughing in .2 seconds. He already finds it hilarious when his hyung does it, but seeing you do it would be even funnier to him. Encouraged from his deep filling the room, you’d continue to do it until Himchan was begging you to stop. When you did, he’d pull you close and ruffle your hair, making a comment on how cute you were.
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Daehyun, I feel, would die of laughter like Himchan would. Only, instead of falling, he’d drape himself around you so you couldn’t move. Calming down, he’d ask you where that had come from, secretly hoping you’d do it again.
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Out of all the boys, Youngjae would be the one to look completely and utterly done with you before he finally broke down into a bright smile. He’ll pull you close into a hug, kissing the top of your head, and teasingly tell you not to do it again.
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Jongup would bust out into a bright smile. A few chuckles may escape his lips before he went back to whatever he’d been working on before. Pouting because you hadn’t gotten his full attention, you moved closer to do it again. Before you could even start, Jongup quickly pulled you down to kiss him. “Let me finish this, then I promise I’m all yours.”
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Juhong would bust into all smiles and laughs at you imitating his eldest hyung. Taking out his phone, he’d ask you to do it again. And with no shame you did. That video would become one of the many that Juhong cherished and looks at when he’s missing you.
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jupiterswlrd · 4 years
Blood Is Thicker
tw:signs of an unhealthy relationship, sorta kinda big age gap (24 and 19).
You were innocent, well you made sure to pass off as innocent especially to your enemies and by all means your brother.
Your brother was especially overprotective when it came to dating. He wanted you to date the complete opposite of someone like him. You tried to, you tried to find somebody on your college campus who was like that but it just didn't work. Yongguk didn't like them either.
It didn't matter anyways.
You already have a boyfriend,your relationship was rocky sometimes but you loved him regardless. Jongup is one of your brothers most skilled workers, he got the job done and he got it done well. Maybe thats what you liked about him, how he gets what he wants easily.
Yongguk seemed to hate Jongup, if he saw you two together anywhere he'd always separate you two. He didn't trust jongup as if he wasn't working for him, which puzzled you.
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"I don't recall asking.." Yongguk basically growled.
"Why can't I go?" You asked.
Yongguk sighed "You're a child, and I'm not letting you go anywhere with a criminal"
"Like you aren't one?" Yongguk slammed his hand on the table making you flinch. "You're not going to some party, I won't be at, you don't know who will show up" You rolled your eyes "Whatever" you muttered leaving his office. "I have a final tomorrow anyway" You lied.
You were 19 now not 9, you no longer had to listen to him even though he'd be hurt. Since you've been seeing Jongup, you've had to lie a lot more. Claiming college was getting in the way of you seeing your beloved brother when in actuality it was Jongup. He hated Yongguk just as much Yongguk hated him.
You walked into your room to see Jongup chilling on your bed texting whoever. "He said I couldn't go.." You mumbled with a scowl on your face. "Why are you listening to him again? You're grown remember?" You shrugged. "Its like you put him over me, as if he love's you. When its clear he doesn't" You rolled your eyes and let out a heavy sigh.
"Didn't I say stop that?"
"It's true, I don't know why you don't listen to me when I tell you I'm the only one that loves you"
"Maybe..." You nodded in realization.
"Good, so maybe you should get dressed for tonight."
"Maybe I should.." You whispered going into your closet and finding something to wear.
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You held onto Jongup's hand as tightly as you could. You didn't recognize anyone at the party you were at. Jongup laughed as planted a kiss on your forehead "Chill baby, it's just a party. Just go sit down somewhere." He looked across the room at somebody and nodded. "I'll be back sit right here" He sat you down on a oddly damp couch. The stench of weed and liquor stung your nose.
You heard yelling, lots of it, and with yelling comes gunfire from where you're from so you automatically hit the deck. You watched as bullets painted the room and naked girls wrapped up in bed sheets run down the stairs trying to escape whatever was going on up there. You watched ass glass broke and more and more people fell down.
You frowned as you felt something wet run down your stomach. You looked at the white t-shirt you were wearing it was stained with red. Your body shook registering the pain. "JONGUP" You screamed paralyzed by the pain. You felt your vision blur and black dots clouded your sight. "Please" You yelled out weakly.
The last thing you saw was Jongup darting down the stairs with some girl. He took one look at you and cursed silently. He looked at you one last time before leaving the now shot up house.
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Yongguk stood in the hospital waiting furiously, 3000 things running through his mind. He blew up Jongups burner and his regular phone with no response. He felt stupid for leaving you alone. He regret every single time he left you or ignored you or let you down.
Jongup walked in fronting a sad face. He walked in the through the automatic doors looking concerned. "Where is she?" He asked Yongguk. Yongguk smirked "More importantly, where were you?" He grabbed Jongup by his collar and dragged him to one of the private grieving rooms. He shoved him down into a chair and sat across from him. "Like I was saying," Yongguk took a glock out his pocket and looked up at Jongup who seemed scared.
"Oh you must have left your gun elsewhere, no problem" Yongguk chuckled. "I-i was in the b-b-bathroom"The younger stammered. Yongguk pressed the cold metal againist Jongups head "Wrong answer, try again"
"I said i was in the bathroom" Jongup said with more confidence. "Please, I can smell the perfume all over you" Yongguk shook his head "It's a shame to see my best worker go...but blood is thicker than water" Yongguk pressed the trigger but when the door opened he quickly hid it in  his pocket.
"Are you two the family of Y/N Bang?" The nurse asked
The two boys nodded.
"I have some bad news...."
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bxngstxr · 4 years
BAP: "i want a baby" joke💬
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lunnanunna · 5 years
I'm literally crying!
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I miss B.A.P! I'm glad that they're all doing well now, but I still miss them! Watching Daehyun (my bias) perform... well I'm on the floor now bawling. The song gave me B.A.P vibes. And the matoki lightstick in the corner...! Babyz always supporting the boys! Okay, I'm gonna go cry again, bye!
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Making Up With Mom [Jongup and Junhong]
This follows the Child Makes Mom Cry. Junhong’s is super long... I apologize for that. I may edit later... I wrote this at 1 am and half asleep. 
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If it wasn’t one thing with Maddy, it was another. Between dealing with her daughters’ rebellious streak, she was under pressure with her small home craft shop and finances. Her work load had all but doubled and she regretted a little too late when she agreed to take on so many clients at once. Along with her shop, she was also struggling to send steady funds to her parent’s who had fallen on hard times with the farm. 
Of course, Maddy confided in her husband about the pressure she felt, but she didn’t voice how emotionally overwhelmed she felt. But, she didn’t need to say it, Jongup knew... Not only him, but their twins, Hana and Dana could tell something was wrong with their mom. Maddy was vocal and high spirited, so when they caught their mom zoning out and forcing a smile, the girls worried. Especially Dana who had always been closer to her mom when she was younger.
So, one day while their mom was out buying material for projects, the girls decided to ask their dad about their mom. They found him stretched out on the couch in their living room, his eyes shut as he relaxed. Dana swallowed hard as she took a step to her dad,  “Hey dad.” Jongup’s eyebrow rose for a second as he let out a hum in response, his eyes still shut. “We were wondering... what’s wrong with mom?”
Jongup let out a sigh as he opened his eyes and glanced at the twins, “Why do you want to know?” His voice was cold. The girls shrunk back slightly knowing he was still upset with them for the stunt they had pulled a couple days prior.
Hana bit her bottom lip as she sucked in a breath, “Because she’s our mom... I know what I--what we said was horrible... We don’t like seeing mom sad.”
Jongup sat up on the couch as he scratched the back of his neck, “You didn’t have that hard of a time seeing her sad when you were disrespectful to her a couple days ago, Hana.” Her head fell forward as she glanced down at her feet. Dana wrapped her arms around herself as she tried to make herself smaller than she already was. The two of them fell into an awkward silence as Jongup stared at them. Eyeing them long enough, Jongup cleared his throat, “Sit and I’ll tell you.” The girls sucked in a breath as they took a seat on either side of their dad.
After getting a short summary of their mom’s stress, the girls set out to make plans to cheer their mom up. Maddy did everything in her power to cheer up the twins and now it was their turn. The girls told their dad about their plans and after getting the okay, the girls got everything together.
Maddy had decided to spend a day at Mia’s bookstore to get her mind off her stress and didn’t return home until about 4. She unlocked the front door, but paused outside the door. She felt heaviness weighing on her once more and she heaved a sigh. Her tears swelled in her eyes and Maddy let out a silent curse as she looked up to keep them from falling. “Get it together” she gave her cheeks a couple of slaps before she opened the front door. “I’m home...” Her voice no higher than a mouse. 
There were heavy footsteps heading her way. She took off her shoes and shrugged off her jacket as the twins appeared before her slightly out of breath. “Welcome home!” They grinned.
Maddy cautiously placed the jacket in the hall closet as she eyed her two daughters who had ignored her existence since the grounding. “Thank you?” 
Dana stepped forward and held out her arms to her mom, “Can I have a hug?” Maddy shut the closet door before she approached her youngest and hugged her. Dana tightened her grip around her mom and pressed her head into Maddy’s upper chest. “Your hugs are always the best” Dana whispered before she pulled away from her mom. 
Hana stood there awkwardly for a moment before she cleared her throat, “Come on, we got the house to ourselves. Dad is staying at Uncle Daehyun’s place for the night.” She headed into the living room followed by Dana who pulled their mom with her. 
Maddy entered the living room to see pillows thrown out on the floor, lights strung up above with sheets hanging over the pillows like curtains in front of their tv. “TA-DA!” 
“What’s all this?” Maddy chuckled weakly.
Hana looked back at her mom and gave her a kind smile, “Mommy Daughter night? It’s been some time since we’ve done it. We ordered pizza and decided that we should watch the Notebook--and any other movie you want too.” 
“We wanted to apologize for our behavior too, but we didn’t know how.” Dana shuffled her feet, “We didn’t want to--Hey, wait why are you crying, mom?” 
Hana’s and Dana’s eyes widened as they saw tears fall down their mom’s face. Hana froze up seeing her mom’s tears. Maddy reached up quickly and wiped the tears away only to be replaced with more. She let out a pathetic chuckle, “I don’t know... I’m sorry, girls. I don’t mean to c--” Maddy was cut off by her oldest suddenly throwing her arms around her. 
“We didn’t mean to make you cry again. We just wanted to see you smile again” Hana’s words were rough as she spoke. “I’m really sorry for being such a terrible daughter.” 
“Hey now” Maddy tsked as she pulled away from Hana who had her own tears, “I don’t have terrible daughters. Bull headed and very stubborn, yes, but not terrible.” Maddy reached out and wiped the tears on her daughter’s face. “A terrible daughter wouldn’t build a pillow fort and kick their dad out the house for a night to be with their mom. I appreciate this, really.” Dana approached them and Maddy immediately reached out to pat her head. 
That night, while watching their movie marathon, Maddy found herself fast asleep with her daughters on either side of her cuddle up close to her.
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“Are you sure? I really don’t want the kids to try to take advantage of you again” Junhong repeated for the umpteenth time that hour. “I can at least take the twins. I’ll be with Christian and he really likes having them around.” His arms circled around his wife and closed around her abdomen. His head rested on her shoulder before he pressed a kiss against her neck. 
Kiara hummed as she pushed around the stir-fry in the pan before her. “I’m fine, babe. If I have a problem I can call Deja. If you want to release your album on time, you need to focus on it.” She leaned back against his chest and looked up at him. The unsure expression on his face was hard to miss and she couldn’t help the smile that graced her lips. She turned off the surface before she shimmied around in his arms to face him. She reached up a hand to him and her thumb brushed against his cheek, “Trust me, yea? They’re my kids too. I should know how to parent at this point.” It would be a lie if Kiara wasn’t a bit nervous being with their kids alone for a couple weeks again. She knew how her kids were on their worse behavior and she felt powerless as they had walked all over her. However, she also knew Junhong couldn’t be the only disciplinary...
Junhong gave her a warm smile before he pecked her lips, “Okay, but you know I’m a call away. I’ll drop my music if I need to for you, okay?” He pulled her closer and kissed her again and again.
Kiara let out a laugh, “Okay, just go before Christian blames me for you taking forever.” Junhong gave her one last kiss before he headed out the door. 
One Saturday, Kiara was preparing to leave for work when the babysitter called out due to an illness. She got off the phone with a stressed look on her face as her oldest entered the kitchen.
“Mornin’ momma” Grace pressed a kiss on her mom’s cheek before heading to the coffee.
“Yea, you too dear--”
Grace pulled out her mug and turned back to her mom, “What’s wrong, mom?” She frowned as she poured herself a cup of coffee. 
“Babysitter cancelled. I guess I could take the twins to work with me” she sighed knowing how much of a time crunch she would be under just trying to get them to wake up. “I’ll have to cancel my first appointment at least” she picked up her phone once more.
“Whoa whoa!” Grace placed her mug on the counter before she rushed to her mom’s side, “Don’t do that. Mattie and I can watch them.” Kiara shook her head almost immediately causing her daughter’s frown to deepen. “Look mom, I know Mattie and I have been shit kids--”
“My bad my bad” Grace held up her hands with a sheepish smile on her lips. “We can watch two seven year olds. Take them to the park or call Aunt Elfie and have play dates--Oh or call Aunt Kate or Auntie Sisi. We’ll be fine, mom. Trust us.”
Kiara’s lips pursed as she thought about the idea. Her brow creased in response, “I would have agreed to this before, but after last time--”
“Let us prove it to you then. If we screw up this time, then you can never trust us again.” Grace approached her mom, “You can’t take the twins to work. They won’t stay still for hours on end and your customers will want to relax...” 
"Wake up, idiot” Grace tossed a pillow at her brother’s sleeping face startling him awake. 
Matthew shot up in his bed as he fumbled for his glasses in a panic, “What the actual fuck is wrong with you?” He growled when he saw his sister leaning against his doorway. 
“We’re in charge of the twins today and I’m not going to be alone when they wake up” she shrugged. “I need help making them breakfast.”
His face twisted with displeasure, “Just feed them stupid cereal.” 
Grace’s arms crossed as she stomped over to Matthew’s bed, “Look here, Mattie” she grabbed his roughly by the collar. “We really hurt mom last time she was home alone with us. I think we at least owe it to her to make it up to her. Or did you enjoy having mom so upset with us that she was crying...”
A flicker of sadness flashed across Matthew’s face as his head fell forward. He was silent for a moment before he let out an irritated sigh, “Jesus, okay--I’ll help watch the stupid brats.” Grace’s lips pulled to the side as she released her brother and headed out his room victoriously. 
That night, Kiara dragged herself up the walkway to her front door. Her half day at work had turned out to be a grueling ten hour work day. Even Deja was upset that she didn’t just turn down last minute clients, but Kiara heard and saw the desperation for the women. How could she have said no? She paused when she saw her two youngest waiting at the door in their pajamas. 
Aaron was the first to notice her as his moth grew into a wide grin. “Mommy!! MOMMY!” He hollered as Andrew and he bolted to their mom. 
Kiara bent down and caught the two runners. She let out a chuckled as she felt some of her energy return as she held her boys tightly, “What on earth are you two doing out here?”
Andrew pulled away first and rubbed his nose, “Mattie and Gray have surprise for you!” Kiara released Aaron as she stood up once more feeling the aches in her back.
“BIG SURPRISE!” Aaron jumped as his arms shot out over his tiny body. The twins took her hands and lead her to the front door. Aaron opened the front door and poked his head inside, “Momma’s home!” He screamed.
Matt rolled his eyes from the kitchen, “Yea, we couldn’t tell by you screaming outside.” He tossed down the dish towel as he headed into the entrance. “You should go take a bath. Everything will be done soon.” He stated in a matter of fact manner. “And the bath is as hot as the fire gates of hell because I am rightfully convinced all women have risen from such a place.” 
Grace swatted him as she clicked her tongue to her teeth, “Whenever you talk, you always say unnecessary stuff.” She flashed her mom a smile as she nudged Matt back to the kitchen. “Welcome home! Go wash up please. We still need some time.”
Kiara eyed her daughter as she gave a slow nod, “Okay... I’ll be back in a bit.” She gave her daughter a quick hug as she headed to her bedroom. Upon entering her bedroom, she saw petals leading from the entrance of her room to the bathroom. Kiara let out a gasp as she followed the petals to a dimly lit bathroom. Her favorite lavender scented bath bomb had overtaken the smell of the room. Resting on the counter was a wine glass with her favorite wine and a note. She picked up the note and read it:
Enjoy your bath! No need to hurry--and no we didn’t drink our wine.
After the bath, Kiara made her way downstairs to see Matt waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs. Matt had his usual scowl on his lips, “Grace said to close your eyes and I’ll lead you to the dining room or whatever.” Matt watched his mom take her final step off the stairs and ushered her to close her eyes. He took her hand in his as he guided her into the dining room. Once he situated her where she needed to be, he stepped away, “You can open your eyes--you know if you want to or you know whatever...” 
Kiara’s eyes fluttered open as she looked in front of her. Her eyes widened as she saw an array of her favorite foods on the table with a pie in the middle. She let out a gasp as she took in the sight. “What’s all this for?” 
The kids took their seats as Grace reached over to touch her mom’s hand, “Our apology for being so rude last time dad was gone... We didn’t know how else to show you we were sorry, so we called Aunt Elfie and she sent us recipes of things Nana made you in the past. Mattie made the apple pie.”
Matt looked down at his empty plate to hide the reddening in his cheeks, “You don’t have to go and tell her all that...” His eyes glanced over at his mom’s and he squirmed in his seat. “But yea, sorry I acted rude... I shouldn’t have done that...” 
“Yea, we’re sorry too!” Aaron grinned.
“Idiot... I doubt you know what you are even apologizing for” Matt tsked earning a kick from Grace.
“At least he apologized, stop being a jerk” she hissed. The two glared at one another from across the table earning a laugh from their mom.
She pressed her hand to her mouth, “Let’s just say prayers and eat, yea?” Reluctantly, Grace and Matt agreed still glaring at one another before they bowed their heads to pray.
Part I ||  Part II
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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kpopmalereader · 5 years
finish ; choi junhong
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• summary: superhero au • pairing: superhero!choi junhong x male!reader • word count: 778 • to do
You halt quickly, clutching a USB in your hand. “Yes?”
The person- monster currently terrorizing your surrounding city and making your boyfriend’s and many others lives hell jumps down in front of you. “Mr. L/N. Long-time, no see… Whatcha got there?”
“Something from work.” You attempt to pocket it, playing it cool.
He grabs your wrist, pushing with so much power you feel like the bones in your wrist might crumble. “You’re not a very good liar Mr. L/N… and it’s not a good idea to lie to me.”
“You’re going to ruin the world… you don’t have to do that. There are other ways to get your revenge-”
He cuts you off, fuming at your attempt to pacify him. “No. If I’m not happy, nobody deserves to be happy. And do you know who the first to get his happiness taken away will be?”
“He’ll stop you, even if I’m not around anymore.”
“But while he’s grieving over you, I’ll finish what I need to get done.” He drops the USB on the ground and stomps on it, completely destroying it. “And he can’t save everyone else without that information… and let’s be honest, he’s not the brightest.”
You try not to show him any emotion but the thought of him bringing this world to the point of no return makes your stomach turn. He drags you along and you desperately want Junhong to work on saving the world and not care about you.
But, knowing Junhong as well as you do, you know he’ll want to save everyone starting with you.
You’re sat down on a chair in the middle of a large room and the villain across from you starts pacing, watching the many cameras and screens in front, waiting for your heroic boyfriend to show up. You lean back, coming to terms with the inevitable. Whether or not he shows up, you’re well aware you’re not going to leave the room this time.
“Bingo!” The man ahead of you gives a wicked smile and points a handgun at you. “I’ll let your last words be to him.”
Junhong hears two shots echo through the hallways and time slows. Desperately running through the building, his heart rate picks up and his thoughts become jumbled.
He bursts through a door, not seeing the one behind this, but does notice your hunched body and a pool of blood. You’re coughing and attempting to get up off the ground as he moves over to you.
“Love, love.” He repeats and rips his mask off, looking your body over.
“Junhong…” You try to put his mask back on him but he pushes your hands away. “Junhong, you need to go.”
He shakes his head and rips a part of his suit, pressing it on your wounds. “We have to get you help.”
“You have to go save the world.” You correct, smiling through the pain.
“This is all my fault.” Junhong chokes back a sob and can do nothing but stare at your body. “I promised I would protect you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
You reach into your pocket and pull out a spare USB drive. “I kind of had a hunch something might happen to the first one… and that you wouldn’t be able to figure out how to stop this.”
“You’re so smart…” He mumbles, a constant stream of tears running down both your faces. “I can’t do this without you.”
“And the world can’t go on without you.” You lean up and kiss him gently, groaning.
He sniffs and grips your shirt. “We have to get you out of here.”
“Junhong…” You smile.
“No! No!” He shakes his head, staring into your eyes. “You’re not allowed to say goodbye! Don’t die on me!”
You hand him the mask and kiss him one more time, breathing slowing steadily. “I love you. Go save the world, Mr. Superhero. You’ll do great.”
“I love you too.” His voice cracks and breaks. “Thank you, I love you.”
You close your eyes and squeeze his hand twice, going still in his arms. Junhong sobs openly, gripping your hand in one and the USB in his other.
“You’re smarter than I’ll ever be,” Junhong states, looking down at the blood everywhere.
Your blood. And he knows who did it.
He puts his mask back on, aware of the blood on his face and hands and the rips in his suit. He steadies himself against the door before pushing through it, radioing in for an ambulance.
“Someone’s in the base, near my signal.” He physically can’t look back at you, digging his fingernails into his palms. “I have to finish this.”
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coffee-for-himchan · 6 years
Hi(: could you do #99 and #14 for Zelo?
I was scanning over the drabble list again just recently and realized I still had a bunch of these unfinished drabble requests from ages ago lying around in my inbox. I’m sorry they never saw the daylight back then.
- Mel 💕
14. “You’re stuck with me now. Deal with it.”
99. “You gave me all I’ve ever wanted.”
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You crossed your arms over your chest, huffing a little and leaning back against the car seat as your eyes lazily trailed over the windshield once again, over the person pacing around the front of the car. Every now and then his head peaked out from behind the opened capot, and as his eyes met with yours, he mouthed a quiet “five minutes babe, don’t worry”, and dove right back into trying to find the sudden technical issue that made you pull over. Though at first his quiet reassurance gave you hope that you’d still make it in time for the long-awaited meeting with your friends from abroad, twenty five or so minutes had already passed since you were forced to stop on the side of this road to nowhere, and by now you were more than sure than you two wouldn’t be able to make it anywhere tonight. Apart from home. Hopefully.
He came back into proper view, and right as he was about to mouth the same to you again, you simply motioned for him to leave it be and come back inside. He was no car mechanic, and besides, it was freezing outside. There had to be a way of solving this issue other than freezing to death and not getting any smarter by just looking at random car parts and not knowing what to do with them.
Just a second later, the door opened, and Junhong’s defeated frame was once again back in the driver’s seat. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, his eyes displaying his disappointment with the situation, or rather disappointed with himself for not being able to deal with the issue.
“You’re stuck with me now, deal with it,” he looked over at you and forced a little smile onto his face, in the hopes to lift the mood a little, or to test the waters. You smiled back at him lightly, to kind of let him know that he wasn’t at fault. This could happen to anybody, just maybe at a more convenient time.
“And I’m sorry for that. I know you were really looking forwards to tonight.”
If there was one thing that you were trying to do recently, it was letting go of things that you couldn’t change anyways. You’d rather not feel sour about something you couldn’t change anyway, and would love to just try and make the best out of the situation, so instead of advancing the discussion you opted in for the opposite.
“Relax,” he heard you saying, feeling the sudden warmth of two of your fingers that made their way to his chin, and guided him into a brief, barely-there kiss that made his still mildly freezing frame feel just a little bit warmer all over, “It’s fine, Jun. Now we just gotta call up somebody who could drag the car back to town, and hopefully us too, if they don’t mind.”
He knew Youngjae was at home tonight, and though his hyung wasn’t keen on anyone disturbing his gaming nights, Junhong still decided to give it a shot and dialed up his number. In the corners of his eyes, he saw you finding you friend’s name in the contact list and doing the same. Youngjae’s slightly annoyed “Yah, what do you want?” snapped him back to reality, and he quietly mumbled his request for Youngjae to come and pick him and the car up. With surprisingly small amounts of convincing needing to be done, he hung up the phone after receiving a positive reply, and focused on the sounds that were coming from the radio until you were done with your call as well.
“They say it’s a shame we won’t be able to make it,” you said, making some sort of guilt course through him again, even though he knew it wasn’t really his fault anyways, “I asked if we could make it up somehow, but they just said “next time”, since they’re flying out tomorrow afternoon already…”
Your words trailed off and into the night as silence took over the two of you, and you took the opportunity to just sit there and enjoy the peacefulness of the moment. You thought it would be scarier than this - to be alone and out of town, on the side of some road, having to wait for someone to come and pick you up to “bring you back to civilization” - but it was actually rather nice. The heater was on, mild music was playing in the background, and you could see the stars through the windshield. It felt like out here, you were far away from any possible care in this world, and there was something magical to it for sure. You didn’t even notice how you’d started smiling.
Junhong’s sour expression was the only thing that bothered you.
“Yah, cheer up,” you nagged at him, scooting closer to him and pulling on his arm a little so that he’d to the same as you, “And scoot over. You’re too far away from me.”
He chuckled a little, though did not object. The position you were in was a little awkward, but your head eventually landed on his shoulder rather comfortably somehow, his own head nuzzling against yours. The same silence from before made a comeback, just now it felt much more homey. You let it consume the two of you for a moment and just enjoyed how pleasantly calm the moment was.
“You know it’s not your fault, right?”
“I mean, I guess it isn’t.”
“Then why do you act like it is?”
“Because,” he stretched out the word a little longer than it should be effortlessly and spontaneously, making you chuckle lightly. These little quirky things he did every now and then we’re one of the many reasons why you loved him like you did - just little, barely-there details that made everything so much better, things like little silly spontaneous dance moves or a funny mispronunciation of words. Your fingers that were toying around with the gear shift lever were enveloped by his, and you gladly slid your fingers in between his in response. Another cheesy couple moment. You knew there was no denying that both of you loved it equally much.
“Because this is what you had been looking towards to for weeks, and I had literally one job - to drive you there,” he said, taking a little pause to think about his further wording, “And I couldn’t even do that, not to mention the many other things I couldn’t do or give you over these last few years.”
So that’s what had been consuming his mind recently.
Not that it always bothered him, but every now and then, he’d openly scold himself that he had to do better. Better for you, for your relationship, and so on. You never understood that, because to you it seemed like he was trying as hard as ever, and there was no need for scolding. It looked like he couldn’t agree on that fully though.
“I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” you shrugged a little, as if to prove your point, “You gave me all I ever wanted, so how dare you put yourself down like this?”
It must’ve stirred something inside of him - at least that’s what you guessed from his body language, from the way his hold on your hand tightened for a moment before going back to normal and the way his whole body stilled as if to process the phrase. Well, you did want it to sound heartfelt. You just didn’t think he’d pick up on that much.
“I never knew that all you ever wanted was being let down constantly-”
“Jun, stop it,” you said still in a loving, yet now more scolding tone, silencing him this way, “You’re not letting me down in any form or way, believe it or not.”
You knew he was mainly referring not to this specific occasion, but to his busy lifestyle and work ethic as a whole. To the times when he forgot occasions, had to cancel things, wasn’t there on important moments and such. Yes, there were moments when it was hard enough to find time for a phone call or a text message, let alone an actual meeting, and though there were moments when you uncontrollably missed him, it never really felt like he was letting you down in some type of way by just not constantly being there. It’s not like he had to anyways. He took care of you from close up and afar. You didn’t even dare or want to ask for more from him.
“What I meant to say before you interrupted me with your this time around quite irrelevant opinion-” you chuckled at his offended “ouch” and the way he put his hand over his heart, as if feeling the stinging pain of your previous sarcastic words, “Is that I feel comfortable around you. I feel genuinely good. I have good laughs, I enjoy myself and feel important. I receive a lot and can give back just as much. And that is pretty close to all I’ve ever wanted, so you match all my criteria.”
“So you’re all about that comfort, yeah?”
“You out of all should know, by the way I always snatch all your blankets~” you chuckled again, noticing the headlights of an oncoming car in the distance. In mere seconds it zoomed right past you and into the direction you’d come from previously, leaving the two of you in the dark again.
“Youngjae should be on his way already,” Junhong let you know quietly, though you were pretty sure he knew you’d already eavesdropped on their conversation earlier and knew. You simply hummed to the statement, as if saying you’d heard him, and continued to stare right ahead at the stars through the windshield, thinking how many oncoming cars you’d see until the moment of leaving.
To be completely honest, Youngjae could take his sweet time here. Because sitting here, looking up to the skies and leading random conversation with Junhong was actually rather pleasant.
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sinsofstrays · 5 years
Howler - Dom!Junhong
Junhong | Reader - just...smut. 
Word Count: 603
This was requested by Dom!Junhong lover anon like...months ago and I’m so sorry that I am actually useless! Anyway..this is just pure smut so I hope you haven’t abandoned me and you enjoy <3 
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Junhong walks into the bedroom after a long day of work and you smile at him. His eyes pierce into yours as he slowly takes his belt off. He steps closer to you and caresses your cheek, kissing it lightly.
“Get on your knees.” He demands before pulling you in for a not so soft kiss this time. “It's been a very long day and I just want to relax.”
His other hand rests against his belt, his fingers tapping on the clasp eagerly. He raises his brow and tilts his head to the side when you don’t move. The hand on your cheek travels to the back of your head. He suddenly grabs a tuft of your hair and pulls you back. You let out a shaky moan and look into his eyes.
“Let me tell you again. Get on your knees, baby.” His voice is sweet but his face is serious.
He leans closer to your face, lightly kissing your cheek. You very slowly get off the bed, Junhong pushing you to your knees. He unclasps his belt, staring down to you as he pulls it off.
“You know what to do.” He smiles, placing his hand lightly on the back of your head.
You reach up to his jeans and he just smiles softly. His head rolls back as the cold air suddenly hits him. He bites his lip and inhales sharply. His hips buck forward as he grabs your wrist and places your hand just below his waist. He tells you to continue, not expecting such a rush of electricity from your motions. His legs tremble slightly as he grabs his belt.
“Give me your wrists.” He commands, grabbing the one hand that laid on his hip.
He binds your hands and pulls you back down, caressing your cheek lightly. A growl tells you to continue using your mouth on him. You do but Junhong soon can’t handle the intensity. He pulls you down so you are on all fours.
Junhong leans down on one knee, resting his hand on your back. “Do you want to continue?” He smirks as you nod. “Good.”
He stands, letting go of the belt to walk behind you. When there, he reaches into his dresser, pulling a silk tie from the top drawer. It flashes in front of your eyes before completely covering them. You feel his hands travel your body before he tugs roughly at your waistband. There is a sudden smack to the side of your thigh, making you gasp out in pleasure. Junhong cocks his head, digging his nails into your back.
“Do you like that, baby?” He whispers in your ear before biting down on your neck.
You nod once more and almost with no warning, Junhong lines himself up with you and thrusts forward. The two of you moan out and you fall forward slightly. Junhong reaches down and grabs your hair, pulling you back up. He continues on, keeping an arm wrapped around your waist to keep you up. Your body twitches wildly, barely able to keep yourself from yelling out from the overstimulation.
Junhong lets go of your hair and the two of you fall forward. He doesn’t stop, feeling himself get out of rhythm. “Fuck-” His breaths get shorter and he speeds up, electricity filling his body.
You yell out and twitch as he thrusts harder, practically ripping at your skin. He growls and pulls away, nearly collapsing to the side.
“You can take your blindfold and binds off.” He catches his breath. “Thank you. That’s exactly what I needed to make my day better.”  
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jae-bummer · 5 years
Stick Around (Harry Potter AU)
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Request: Would you be able to do a Zelo X Hufflepuff? I’m not even sure if you’re like really into Harry Potter and I’m not quite sure what house he’d be either (possibly Slytherin but also maybe a Hufflepuff???? I don’t even know). Thank you so much tho!!
Pairing: BAP Zelo x Reader
Genre: Fluff
You plopped into the grass near the whomping willow and heaved a large sigh. Perhaps if you moved just a hair closer, it would crush you to death.
Death had to be better than this feeling in your stomach.
Picking idly at a few strands of grass, you looked up wearily to the groups of students waddling off into the distance.
Hogsmeade weekend.
You turned your gaze to the lake, thinking maybe if you threw yourself into its depths, you’d be rid of the anxiousness clutching your chest.
It wasn’t fair.
You were muggle born, which was a difficult enough situation to handle at a wizarding school, but you were also a muggle born who could never convince your parents to sign any permission slip you brought home from “that school.”
They didn’t understand why you wanted to blend in with “those people” so badly, just like you didn’t understand why they had such an issue with your participation. Either way, it was a losing situation (mostly for you) so here you sat.
Chewing on your lip, you looked up again to various couples wandering off into the distance.
And then there was him.
Squinting your eyes to better focus, you recognized the face of the older boy, but only vaguely. He was much taller than you, sporting bright, honey-colored hair, and a forest green jumper. The small stud in his nose reflected the sunlight, making his already handsome face dazzle just a little bit more. What was his name again?
He remained unmoving as he narrowed his eyes at you, the one buoy in the ocean of students around him. Why wasn’t he heading in the direction of Hogsmeade, and more importantly, why was he looking at you?
After a stalemate between the two of you simply sizing each other up from afar, he made forward motion in your direction, causing your heart to stall. Your eyes darted back and forth to further confirm that you were the only person positioned this far toward the Forbidden Forest. Surely, he thought you to be someone else. Your mind worked tirelessly to find any interaction you may have had with him but kept coming up blank.
Just as you thought you were going to have to deal with some sort of confrontation (judging by the look of sheer determination on his features) he stopped again. Spinning on his heel, he was greeted by several of his friends patting him on the back and pointing him back toward the direction in which everyone was travelling. Glancing over his shoulder at you once last time, he nodded to them before matching them in step.
How strange.
You shook your head, trying to rid your thoughts of the odd interaction. Yes, he thought you were someone else, and by closer inspection realized that.
But then why didn’t he stop until his friends called him?
You picked at your breakfast sleepily and stifled a yawn. Only barely able to follow along with the conversation your friends were having, you glanced lazily to the ceiling as the owl post began to arrive. You tried to keep your eyes from rolling as you focused more closely on your food.
The other perk of being a muggle in the wizarding world with unsupportive parents was very little mail. You had come to terms with that situation years ago. It bothered you much more as a first year, but now it was a morning routine you chose to ignore. On occasion, your wizarding friends would send you things through the in-school mail system, or their parents would send you fresh baked treats from home. If only your parents understood how kind the families of your friends had been, maybe they’d understand a fraction of the warmth you experienced daily. Maybe they’d even send you some comforts from home as well.
If you kept your hopes low, you were always pleasantly surprised when something did drop short of your dining plate.
Just like today.
A package thudded softly before you, causing you to breath in sharply. Narrowing your eyes, you quickly noticed there was no return address. You gave a sidelong glance to your friends who were still caught in their own conversation, no parcels landing near them.
Picking up the light box, carefully wrapped in brown paper, you surveyed it for any signs of where it may have come from. Judging by the stamps and scrawl across the front, it looked to be sent in-house.
It wasn’t your birthday and the holidays were still months away. Why would any of your friends be sending you things through the owl post that they couldn’t just give you?
With trembling fingers, you began to pluck at the paper and reveal the box beneath. By this point, your friends had stopped talking and decided to focus on you instead.
“Who’s that from?” your closest friend asked, lifting her brows. You gave a small shrug as you lifted the lid of the parcel, revealing the contents.
“What is this?” you grumbled, sifting through packing paper. You pulled out one item after another. Small gifts quickly peppered the table. You recognized some items to be wizarding sweets, but you were at a complete loss for half of the others.
“A pygmy puff!” your friend squeaked, poking happily at a small cage you had pulled out. Tilting it to the side, you noticed the large, purple poof of hair rolling around the cage and squeaking frantically.
“A pygmy what?” you croaked.
“It’s a miniature puffskein!” your friend grinned. “They sell them at the joke shop!”
Your friend lifted a few more items closer to her face. “Matter of fact, it looks like a lot of these items are from the joke shop. And Honeydukes!”
“Can we backtrack?” you sighed. “So, you’re telling me I was just delivered a living creature I am now caring for?”
You wiggled your finger into the cage with the pygmy who gave a delighted squeak. You couldn’t help but smile as you patted it lightly on what you thought to be its head.
“They’re really adorable pets,” your friend nodded. “I have one in the common room. His name is Tobias.”
“Right,” you chuckled. “So, you were saying? Joke shop? Honey smokes?”
“Honeydukes,” she corrected. “They’re shops in Hogsmeade.”
“Hogsmeade?” you asked, lifting your brows. “I’ve never been. Why would someone send me things from Hogsmeade?”
Your friend gave you a sly smile. “Maybe because you’ve never been.”
You leaned back onto the grass and sighed, letting your pygmy puff roll around in the grass. He was a happy, little companion, and you couldn’t thank your secret gift giver enough.
Whoever it was must have known how lonely things could get when you were left alone.
And you were absolutely no closer to figuring out who that gift giver was. After ruthlessly harassing your friends, all of them insisted that they had no hand in the package that had been sent to you that day. And even under the suspicious circumstances, the parcels continued to come.
Against your better judgement, you continued to accept them.
You chuckled to yourself as you heard your pygmy enter a squeaking frenzy as he scurried up your arm and buried himself into your neck. Only until the sun shining down on you had been blocked, did you bother to open your eyes.
“Mind if I sit?” an unfamiliar voice questioned.
You opened one eye, squinting through the sun to only be able to make out a dark figure looming above you.
“You don’t have to ask my permission,” you sighed as you hoisted yourself up to lean on your elbows. Blinking a few times, your eyes finally settled on the face of the blonde boy you had all but forgotten from weeks before.
“I thought it may be polite since I’m sitting so closely,” he grinned, plopping beside you.
“It’s you,” you croaked, knowing you must have sounded ridiculous.
“And who am I exactly?” he asked, lifting his brows. You immediately felt hot with embarrassment.
“No idea,” you managed, inspecting every inch of his face. It was a Hogsmeade weekend, so you had assumed that’s where he should be instead of lounging beside you.
“Zelo,” he said shortly. “My name is Zelo. I’m a seventh year, Hufflepuff.”
So that’s why he smelled like baked goods.
You nodded in response, unsure of how you should continue. Introduce yourself? Your house?
“And you’re Y/N,” he said softly. He looked down to his hands, nervously fidgeting with his fingers as the words escaped his mouth.
“I am,” you hummed, furrowing your brows. “And how do you know that?”
“I’ve seen you around,” he continued quietly. “I guess you noticed me coming over to talk to you the other day?”
“I did,” you nodded. “You looked…concerned?”
“I was wondering why you were out on the lawn,” he admitted. “And not heading to Hogsmeade with everyone else. See, when I said I’ve seen you around…maybe I’ve…paid more attention to you when you are around?”
“And that means…?” you trailed.
“I don’t know really,” he chuckled, rubbing a hand across his neck. He was nervous, you could tell by his movements.
And it was so endearing.
“If I had to guess,” he continued. “I may have…accidentally taking an interest in you.”
“Accidentally?” you coughed. “That makes it sound like a bad thing.”
“Oh no!” he gasped. “No, no, I mean, I didn’t intend to really take an interest in anyone at school. It just seems easier that way, but when I saw you…well, I couldn’t help myself.”
“Is that so?” you chuckled, amused by his small confession.
“And then when I saw you not heading to Hogsmeade, I realized you must not have had your permission slip signed,” he sighed. “And I had heard from some friends that your parents were…nonwizarding folk…so I then also realized that you had never experienced some of the wonderful things that you could have been experiencing.”
“The packages,” you said slowly, your eyes growing wide with realization. You subconsciously reached up to pat your pygmy puff. “It was you.”
Zelo looked down with an embarrassed smile. “Guilty.”
“You didn’t have to send me gifts,” you whispered. You suddenly felt like a charity case. “If you were feeling sorry for me…”
“I’ve never felt sorry for you,” he said quickly, his head snapping up to look at you. “You send the person you like small gifts when you’re trying to date them, don’t you? So, I thought I’d wow you with things you’ve never seen before.”
“You’re…you’re trying to date me?” you croaked. Your face was growing hot again.
“I…well, uh,” he stammered, his cheeks red with blush. “I guess, yeah. That’s kind of what I’ve been building up to this whole time.”
After a moment of silence that seemed to go on for an eternity, you finally offered up a reprieve.
“Thank you for Aberforth,” you said quietly. “He’s good company.”
“Aberforth,” Zelo chuckled quietly. “Are you…are you may be looking for other types of company as well?”
“Meaning, non-purple-haired, human company?” you smiled softly as you glanced his way. He was smiling as well.
“Exactly what I mean.”
“Perhaps,” you nodded. “But I would love to get to know that company a little better first.”
“Sounds reasonable,” Zelo grinned. “You think Aberforth would allow us a stroll around the lake?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be leaving for Hogsmeade soon?” you questioned.
“Worried you won’t get another package?” Zelo laughed.
“No!” you gasped, pushing him lightly on the arm. “I don’t want to hold you up.”
“You never have,” he nodded. “I don’t know if you’ve heard about us Hufflepuffs, but we’re incredibly good finders…and once we’ve found what we want, we tend to stick around awhile.”
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smitten--kitten · 5 years
Slapping Their Ass in Public: B.A.P Edition
It really depends on how public we are talking
If it's one single time in a semi-public place he won't complain
Assuming you are drunk he may be mildly amused
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Let's be honest here
He slapped yours first
You guys might leave early if you guys are both in a mood
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If he's in a mood he'll try to see if you are too
Keeps an eye on you the rest of the time you are out
Might say suggestive things to know what your intentions are
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Doesn't really care as long as it doesn't continue
Might ask why you did it, it really just depends
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Not amused
Depending on the timing it may be annoying as well
If you tried to do so again he would grab your hand to prevent it
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Kind of into it
But still shy at the same time
Kind of takes it as a weird compliment so expect a smile
Also, he'd probs just look at your ass, not smack back so there is that
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90 notes · View notes